FASHIONABLE PIETY IN PARIS. The Paris correspondent of the New York Express, writing under date of March lith, mays : I remember having read, some time ago, In the Express, a lively paragraph descriptive of a new fashion, just then inaugurated in New York, under the designation of "religious ma tinees." If the name alone did not bear a Pa risian odor sufficiently strong to convince you that this mode is only of exotic growth in the Empire City of America, I could tell you that it originated here, and was invented as an aris tocratic and , x ,,lacive plan of observing Lent, combining piety with amusement. Forty days and nights abstention from wordly distractions, in the very heighth of the gay season, is a great deprivation to the pleasure-loving Parisians ; and, as dancing is rigorously tabooed in the drawing-rooms of the noblesse, some sort of di version must supply the place of Terpsichore, or our fashionables would perish of ennui. In this trying emergency, it was natural to have recourse to the consolations of religion; and the happy idea of morning prayer meet ings, organized in such a manner as to banish the vulgar herd from all participation in these select gatherings of the faithful, has now been definitely adopted by the Faubourg St. Germain, whose titled denizens may be compared in an humble way, with the princes of yoUr Fifth avenue. Instead of mingling with the greasy throng which flocks to Notre Dame, or the Madeleine, to listen to the exhortations of re nowned pulpit actors expressly engaged to en liven the public performances in those temples, the Duchess de This or the Marchioness de That arranges the programme of her little private representation, secures the services of such a sensation preacher as is most certain to draw, and proceeds to issue cards, precisely as for a hall or concert. It is proper to add, that, when the entertainment offered promises well, the acquaintances of the Duchess and the Marchi oness accept the invitation with pious alacrity. The Parisian religious matinee accordingly begins at two P. M. and ends at six, with in tervals for refreshments. Ladies come in walk ing costumes, or in elaborate evening dress, if they intend to dine out, after the sermon. It must not b%supposed that the attention of the company is exclusively devoted to spiritual matters and the absorption of ices and cordials. The first and last hours of the meeting are consecrated to politico-religious conversation, in which the sufferings of the church of course occupy the place of honor, sharing generously, however, with the ‘4 trials of our beloved sove reign"—who, I need scarcely remark, is not the present tenant of the Tnilleries. This year, the three principal objects of worship, during these colloquial episodes, are His Ma jesty, (without a throne,) Henry V., His Holi mess,.(likely soon to follow suit,) Pius IX., and that touching young martyr of the Italian Reign of Terror, Bombs 11. -The sermon fills the centre of the programme like the singing and dancingon a theatre bill. The preacher —invariably an Abbe of ferociously papist proclivties—carefully select such a texts as will enable him to denounce the Pondus Pilates of the nineteenth century, or, if likely to produce a.. more vivid sensation, afford occasion to launch forth into a philippic levelled at the blemishes and weaknesses of society. At a late reunion of this character held at ike.residence of a noble lady of the noble Fau bourg, one of the most celebrated preachers of tb dity, Father F., pronounced a discourse against the extravagance of female dress, and the undiminished proportions of crinoline.— Upon this inexhaustable theme the eloquent abbe thundered away in splendid style, repeat 7 Tug many things already said, over and over again, by the enemies of female prodigality, bat conferring upon somewhat stale arguments the stamp of his own brilliant imagery and studied gesticulation. As - a matter of course, such a sermon was well timed, delivered as it was before a congregation principally com posed of dames dressed in the extreme of lux -dry and fashion. Of the fifty or sixty persons present, fully three-fourths were ladies, and They alone—or rat her their crinolines—sufficed to fill one of those immense drawing rooms which no longer exist in Paris except in its ancient and aristocratic mansions. Father F. dealt his rhetorical blows without mercy amid the elegant throng, buried in costly laces, and sparkling diamonds. He drew a vivid picture of the disastrous consequences entailed by love of dress; fortunes compromised or entirely de stroyed; wives encumbering their husbands with enormous debts; loss of credit and social position; eleventh hour repentance, &c., &. "If I am correctly informed." said the ora tor, " there are ladies within the sound of my voice who purchase as many as fifty dresses in a single year. With the materials used in making these dresses of extravagant dimensions, a- hundred more of reasonable measure might he manufactured, and these, with proper care, ought to last a lifetime." This matter-of-fact calculation naturally excited a ueneral smile among the fair auditory ; observing which, the preacher exclaimed, in prophetic tones, "be ware, my hearers! The gates of Paradise are narrow, and you will never be able to pass them with your crinolines !" An outburst of this sort might produce a wholesome effect in your latitude, but the ob duracy of our sinful Parisiennes is such that I fear the good Abbe's terrible warning was quite thrown away upon his listeners, who belonged to a nation not famous for giving itself much concern about tomorrow, or the day after. I will not, however, go so far as to assert that Parisian ladies are utterly hardened in their wickedness, for, when Father F. turned his attention to the dreadful crime of private theatricals, (almost as prevalent, at this season, as religious matinees,) the Countess de B. si lently left the room, whispering to the mistress of-the house the following excellent apology for her precipitate departure: "I am going before the end of the sermon, for fear I shall ate converted if I remain, which would be rather unfortunate, to-day, as I have two parts to play at the Marquise de M.'s to-night, and could not think of causing a disappointment. You will be at the Marquis's of course, so I shall merely say nu revoir." AN INSTANCE OF MR.. BARRY'S PRACTICE.— The Boston Transcript mentions the following instance of Mr. Rarey's system in practice : A horse attached to an omnibus, while passing through Court street yesterday, became con trary and refused to proceed. The driver tried the whip without success, and all his efforts to start the animal proved unavailing. Another driver reproved the hero of the lash for his want of knowledge of horse-flesh, and under took to start the team. He patted the refrac tory horse on his head and neck, took up his - forefoot, and followed Mr. Rarey's advice in suc h cases . Three minutes of this treatment answered the purpose, and the horse storied along when solicited. The crowd, which had collected during these proceedings, cheered the man who had conquered the contrary horse by . the new and humane method, A GERMAN BARON IN TROUBLIL —G. 11. W ang . loefer, alias Baron Vielonghoff, a Prassian,w as arrested in New York on Thursday, on a charge of defrauding the firm of Stanton & Co.,brot ers, out of £250 sterling, by means of a forged draft on the Bank of Ber in. The drafts were discounted by Stanton & Co., and forwarded to Berlin, when they were shortly afterwards re turned, with the announcement that they were utterly worthless, and that the drawer was a fugitive from justice. Messrs. Stanton &'Co., accordingly had Wanghoefer arrested.— Courier. NOT SETTLED- —The great Burch divorce ease in Chicago, which has attracted so much attention a few weeks ago, is not settled yet, reports to the contrary notwithstanding. A motion for a new trial is now pending, Mr. Burch having realized the amount spent on the former one, at a high speculation. The rumor, therefore, that the parties had united, a la Sickles,. must have been without foundation. Busittezo litatte. DEN T I S TRY. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HOVEE. sep2s-d&wtf B. M GILDEA, D. D. S. WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offlce corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyeth , s,) second floor front. !Er Entrance on Market Square. n2l-Iyd&w DR. C. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A LONG AND VERY SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL EXPERIENCE justifies him in promisinsr full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. ralS-d&wly W W. It AYS, • . ATTORNEY-AM-LAW. OFFICE, WALICII STREET, BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD, apb] HARRIS/3178% PA. [ay N / M. PARKH.T.LL, atrOWISSOR To H. 8. LUTZ PLUMBER AND BRASS FOUNDER, 108 MARK] ST., HARRISBURG BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, madeto order. American manufaCtured Lead and Iron Niles of all sizes. Hydrants °revery description made and repaired. Bet and Cold Water Bath.s, Shower Baths, Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work o f every description done at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. Factoryand Engine work in general. All orders thank fully received and punctually attended to. The highest price in cash given fez old Copper, Braga, Lead and Speller. ntyl&-dtf T C. MOLTZ, tie ENGINEER, MACHINIST AND STEAM FITTEit, No. 6, North Sixth st., between Walnut and Marker, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every description made and repaired. Brass Cocks of all sizes, and a large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work done in this establishment will be ander his own supervision, and warranted to give satisfaction. oc 26. R ELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, E. S. GERMAN, 27 SOUTH BBOOND STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT, HARRISBURG, PA. Depot for the sale of Stereoseopes,Stereescopieiriews, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publications. no3o-dy FRANKLIN HOUSE, BALTIMORE, MD This pleasant and commodious hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doois west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guests. G. LBISENRING 7 Proprietor, . jel2-tf (Late of Selma Grove. Pa.) ,Stiming NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL I GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The public attention Is respectfully requested to the following cards of ELIA& HOWE ; .TR., and the GROPER & B.LEER S. M. Co.: A CARD FROM THE GROVER -BASER S. M. CO Our Patents being now established by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the OROVER & BAKER Machine, with important improvements, at greatly - REDUCED PIIICES! The moderate price at which Machines, making the GROVER & =Jesse stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the GROVER & BAKER stitch, bat also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of Ewes Rows, 7x. GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the GROVER & RAXER stitch, unless the same are purchased from the GROVER & BA- Iran Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stamped under my patent of September 10, 1846 Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, are legally authorized under their own patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOWE, JR NEW YORE. Er' SEND FOR A CIRCULAR .4::a JAMES R JUMBLE, Agent, Harrisburg. sep2S-d&wl.9 E W ARRANGEMENT. IN CHANGE OF LOCATION WALLOWER'S LINE. The old stock of cars being disposed of, the under signed has broke out in a new plane. and established a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New Yolk, Har risburg and all points on the Northern Central, Sunbury and Erie and Leckawanos, and Bloomsburg railroads, Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, he hopes, by prdaptness in delivery, to retain all his old customers and patrons. All goods intended for the line must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, Broad and Callowbill streets, Phil iladetphia All goods delivered at the depot up to 5 o'clock, P. M., will reach Harrisburg next morning. J. WALLOWER, JR.. General Agent, marchn Reading Depot, Harrisburg. EXTRACTS! EXTRACTS, WOODSWORTH & BIINNELIS SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRA OF BITTER ALMOND, NECTARINE, PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, BOSE, LEMON AND VANILLA, Aid received and for Bale by ie WM. DOCK. /11.. & 0 THE AMERICAN READER ! A popular and very interesting Reader, designed for the use of ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS generary throughout our country, and now in the nee of the Public Schools of the First School District of Penn sylvania, by order, and with the unanimous vote of the Board of School Controllers of said District. It may be ha on application to the Author and Publisher, South west corner f Lombard and 23.1 streets, Philadelphia, r $6.50 per dozen, or 75 cents per copy. Orders may be left at this office for any quantity or number of them, and they will be promptly delivered to address free of freight or porterage. febl9-d6m. A PPLie, W RISKY 1 .-PuRE JERSEY AP 1.1 Pis!--In store and for sale by feb7 FR.'BIIFR U IT !!! OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, in Vane and Jars. Each Package Warranted. WM. DOCK, JR., & LO. mars DRIED PARED PEACHES, Dried lINPARED PEACHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACKBERRIES, just received by 0026. WM. DOCK. 3E., & CO, FINE CONDIMENTS ! !—E xT R A FRENCH MUSTARD, a choice variety of SALAD OILS, SAUCES and KETCHUP OCS of everyK> descriptoo.ion mylo WM. D hi, dr, 495 Broadway, New York JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 Market atreet- cum • c e,oead Q ,,, A T 4 CURE ---c t NervolisHeadathe Ar s CURE kineis ° Ilealackleheo By the use of these Pills the perodic attacka or Ner -00241 or Sick Headache may be prevened ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Head ache to which females are so subject. They act gently upon the bowels,— removing Costive- MSS. For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and alI persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The OEPHALIO PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having' been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originatingin the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and rosy be taken at all times with perfect safety without ma king any change of diet, and the absence of any cfasa greeabie taste renders it easy to administer them to children. BEWARE OP COUNTERVEITS ! The genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each boa. Sold by Druggists and all other dealers in Medicines. A Boa will be gent by mail prepaid on receipt of the PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orders should be addressed to - HENRY C. SPALDING, 48 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK. THE FOLLOWING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDI NG'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILL CONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH, As these Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. SPALD ING, they afford unquestionable proof of the effi cacy of this truly scientific discovery. MASONVILLE, Ooxu., Feb. 5, 1861. Mn. SPALDING. SIR I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so tech that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got from pm. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige i Yonr ob't Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. HAVERFORD, PA., Feb. 6,1861. MR. SPALDING. 8.1. n I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic rills, /have received a great deal of benefit from them. Yours, respectfully, . _ . XIARY ANN STOIKIIOUSE SPRUCE CREEK ;HUNTINGDON CO., PA., January 18, 1861. H. C. SPALDING. Slit : You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours, JNO. B. SIMONS. P. have used one Lox of your Pnlls, and find them excellent. BELLE VERNON, OEIO, Jan 15, 1861. HENRY U. SPALDING, Esq.: Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best Pills I have ever tried. Direct A. STOVER, P. M., Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., 0. BEVERLY, Mass., Dec. 11, 1860 li. C. SPALDING, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo mers. If you have anything of the kind, please send to me. One of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) was cured of Tn attack in one hour by your Pills, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W B. WILKES. RRYNOLDSBURG, FRANKLIN CO., OHIO, t January 9, 1861. HENRY H. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar at., N. Y. DEAR SIR: Enclosed find twenty-five cents, (25.) for which sand box of "Cephalic Pills) , Send to address of Rev. Wm. C. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co., Ohio. Your Pills work like a charm—cure Headache almost instanter. Truly yours. WILLIAM C. FILLER YnILANTI, MICH., Tan. 14, 1861 MR. SPA.LDING. SIR: Not long since I sent to you for a box of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, and received the same, and they had so good an effect that I was induced to send for more. Please send by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, Ypsilanti, Mich. From tke Examiner, Norfolk, Va.. Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz : Cure of headache in all its forms. From the Examiner, IVorfolk, Va. They have been tested in more than a thousand cases, with entire success. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in case of an atack. From the Advertiser, Providence, R. 1. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which has ever been discovered. Frain the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago. 111. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Pills. From the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We are sure that persons suffering with the headache who try them, w.II stick to them. From the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try them! you that are afficted, and we are sure that your testimony can he added to the already numerous list that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. From the St. Louis Democrat. The immense demand for the article (Cephalic Pills) is rapidly increasing. 117" A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUEwill save ten times its cost annually. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLITE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SAVE THE PIECES! ECONOMY' DISPATOII! 117"‘A STITCH IN TIME &IVES Niss."„tl As accidents will happen, even in well regulated fami lies. it is very desirable to have I,ome ClleNp and conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, Scc. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford t o be without it. It is always ready, and up to the stick ing point. "USEFUL IN EVERY ROME." N. B.—A brush accompanies each Bottle. Price 25 cents. Addr. oss. HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York CAUTION As certian unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PRE PARED GLUE, would caution all persons to examine before ourchssing, and , -ee that the full name, Mr SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE, is on the outside wrapper ; all others are swindling coun terfeits. aol4-dtwy. insuranft. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND MATS ..;904,907.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1.219,475.19. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, decl-d&wly Harrisburg, Pa. .lic (loilet. ' HANDSOME WOMEN. TO THE LADIES. HUNT'S "BLOOM OF RoSES," a rich and delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH OR RUB OFF, and when once applied remains durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," imparts a dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike any thing else used for this purpose, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE," for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth. keeps it from fall ing off. and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT'S " PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, purifies the breath effectually, PRESERVES THE TEETH AND PREVENTS TOOTH-ACHE, mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT'S "'BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossoms and cologne, mailed free for $l.OO. This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND, on her marriage. MESSRS. HUNT & CO. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included,) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for $5.00. - Cash can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. HUNT & CO., Perfumers to the Queen, REGENT STREET , LONDON, AND 707 SANSOM STREET, The Trade supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sep4-dly tiverp Stables. CITY LIVERY STABLES, TA BLACKBERRY ALLEY, 94, IN THE REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. The undersigned hits re-conunen-ed the LIVERY BUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. octl3-dly F. K. SWARTZ NOT I C • The undersigned has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, Corner of Third Street and Blackberry Alley, near Herr's, Hotel. ALSO—Two Rooms, with folding doors, TO LET— suitable for a Lawyer's Office. Possession immediately. ALSO—A number one FIRE ENGINE for sale. W. F. MURRAY. V t k , ALSO—HORSES AND CARRIAGEStohire at the same Office. febS-dtf. FRANK A. MURRAY. CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE, LUCHNOW CHUTNY,I CONTINENTAL, BOYER'S SULTANA, ATHENtEUM, LONDON CLUB, SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For asle by WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. m 31.0 kr OTI C E. The undersigned having I opened an English and Classical School for Boys in the Lecture Room of what was formerly called the "United Brethren Church," on Front, between Walnut and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and instruct them in the branches usually taught in schools of that character. The number of pupils is limited to twenty-fl ve. For information with regard to terms, &c., apply to Rev. Mr. ROBINSON and Rev. M. CATTBLL, Or personally to [oc26-dti] JAMBS B. KING. Coo Pp. R'S GELATINE.—The best article in the market, just received and for We b. marl4-tf WM. DW]K js YELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place 4% to buy Patent Medic fries - HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, for sale at KELLBD I S Drug Store, n 027 , 91 Market Street INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. F.W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re membered late P. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessens at bis residence, corner of Locust street and River alley or at the homes of pupils. an2s-d6m - rj L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL TUNER AND REPAIRER OF PIANOS. bIELODEONB, &e,. Orders in future must be left at Whl. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, 92 Market street, or at BUEHLER'S HOTEL. All orders left at the above-named places.will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS for sale. • seplB-dly 17 ELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place to `ind anything in tl. way ^f Porfninciro, QTORA.G.EI STORAGEI! Storage receiviid at warehouse of nori JAMES M. vIEDLER. NEW BOOKS! The "'CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOK OF BIRDS," Illustrated by W. 'HARVEY. Price 76c. cloth. The "CHILDREN'S PICTURE FABLE BOOK," Il lustrated by HARRISON WEIR Price 75c. cloth. The "CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOK OF QUADRU PEDS, Illustrated by W UAttYar. Pric 76c. cloth. For sale at SCIIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, feb9 No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. - VELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place to sad the Last assortment of Forte Monwiles. Altbital. SANFORD-S IMMO BLOOD PURIFYING PILLS. COMPOIINDED SROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep en any climate. The Family Cathar- tic PILL is a gentle but active Cathartic, which ti 3 the proprietor has used in his practice more than , twenty years. The constantly increasing demand from those who have long used the•—", PILLS, and the satisfac tion which all express in; regard to their use,_ has induced me to place them within the reach of all The Profession well know that different Cathartics act on different portions 1. 1 4 of the bowels. The FAMILY CA- ITHARTIC PILL has, with due reference to this well established fact, been compounded from a variety of the purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike 1.4 on every part of the all mentaty canal, and are good and safe in all cases where a Cathartic is H need ed, such as De r ang ement aof the oil Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in the Back r" and LIAM, Costive ness, Pain and Sore- e el ness over the whole body, from sudden cold, -1 which frequently, if ne glected,. end in a long l o g course of Fever, Loss of Appetite, a Creeping sat Sensation og Cold Over the body, Rest-, lessuess, MADAME, or WEIGHT Is THE READ, all ri INFLAMMATORY DIS EASES, Worms in Chil• dren or Adults, Rheuma tism, a great PURIFIER I of the BLOOD and many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this advertise- merit. Dose, Ito 3. Price Three Dimes. SANFORD'S LIVER INV NEVER DEBI TT is compounded entire I become an established fact, a and approved by all that I* sorted to with confidence it is recommended It has cured thousands) who had given up all hopes 1 unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and to actgently on thebowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IN willl cure Liver Corn- I , tacks,D yspepsiall Summer Coin-. ry,Dro peg, Sour C o sti v eness, Chol ra Morbus, Cholera fence, Jaundice, es, and may be used sue ry, Family Medi- H llt D HE, twenty minutes, if spoonfuls are taken tack. All who use it are " in its favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH TAN II JIG ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGE'inflA. Price One Dollar per Bottle. .The Liver Invigorator and gamily Cathartic MO are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Tzado in all the large towns. S. T.' 'N •SANFORD, DI. D., Manufacturer and Pronrietor. 208 Broadway. N. Sold in Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS, JOHN WYXTH CH a.RL FS BA NN VAST, and all other Druggists. jy7-d&wly .14 - 6 444. : 4-4 .0 66 4 1 rtt MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon-it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and' "RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other medi tine—NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter "WHAT WE DO KNOW," after ten years' experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. This valuable preparation is the preeription of one o the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAIL ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only is...Heves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or frotu any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that wi 11 be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. PRINCIPAL COPPICE, 12 CRIft.RSTREET,New YORIC. PRICE ONLY 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE sep29-d&wly NANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED. Just Published, in a Sealed Envelope , ON TWE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOBA, or Seminal Weakness, Peattal Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, indu cing Impotency, and Mental and Physical Debility. BY 808. J. CIJLWERWELL, M. D. Antho- of the Glean Book," The world renowned author. in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experirnce that the awful con sequenv.s of Self-abuse may be effectually removed with out medicine and without diingerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings or cord als, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every euf lerer, no matter whet his condit on may be, may cureleim self dual ly, prpralely and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. sent under seal to any address, peat paid, on the receipt of two onstage stamps, by addressing Dr. 011 AS. J. C. KLINE, 127 Bowery New York, Post Box 4,580. apl9-d&wly JUST RECEIVED! A. LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILL lON & CO., BISQUET, TRICOCHE & CO., JAS. HENNESSY t CO., OTARD, DUPUY & CO., J. & F. MARTELL, JULES ROBIN S CO., MARETT & CO. FOR SALE BY JOHN 11. ZIEGLER, declB 73 MARKET STREET. 2 500 POUNDS • cIIRRANTS, CITRONS, &c., &c., together with ORANGES, LEMONS, DRIED FRUITS, CRANBERRIES, and a variety of Articles suitable for the Holidays. Just received by [de2o.] WEt. DOCK, Ja., ec CO. LAYE R BA ESINS—WnoLE, HALF and QUARTER BOXES, just received by nolB W. DOCK, Jle., do CO. IF you are in'want of a Dentifrice go to IRMILLIRR , S. AL Market BUCKWHEAT MEALI-ExTRA QUALITY, in 1236' and 25 lb bags, just received and for sate by [jatd] W6l. DOCK, Ts., & CO QCHEFFER'S Bookstore is the place to kj buy Gold Pens—warranted T i I XTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS 12 . 4 Just received by nol6 Vie. DOCK. & CO. TOY -BOOKS of an endless variety, for the matisement and instruction of our little ones, s DORMER'S Bookstore. GORATOR, =I y from Gums, and ba Standard Medicine, known have need it,and is now re 'in all the diseases forwhich within the last two years of relief, as the numerous my Possession show. Ito the temperament of th e Used in such quantities as judgment guide you in the VIGORATOR, and it plaints, Billi ns At. !Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Dyscnte. Stomach, II bitual ic, Cholera, Chole. !Int' antum. F atu- Female W ea kne s. leesefully as an Ordina. tine.thousandsl t willecurean testify,)S two or three Tea. at commencement of at t 4 PI giving their tintlos:-.ny illebital. • owe Wo o , ::11-Rrie • C ttd#Wrara 6S A SUPERLATIVE 14 lONIC,DIURETIC; 4 4 rtf VT ° DYSP InCORATINCL CORDIAL TO THE CITIZENS OF NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA. APOTHECARIES, DRUGGISTS GROCERS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. WOLFE'S 'MBE COGNAC BRANDY. WOLFE'S PURE MADEIRA, SHERRY AND PORT WINE. WOLFE'S PURE JAMAICA AND ST. CROIX RUM WOLFE'S PURE SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKY. ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wises and Lloooag,im ported by ErnOUTO WOLFE, of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated SCHIEDAM SCHAPPS. Mr. WOLFE in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his Wives and LIQUORS, says: 46 I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' resi dence in the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and WINES which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser.» Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a tac simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale at RETAIL by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia, GEORGE H. ASHTON, No. 832 Market street, Philadelphia, Sole Agent for Philadelphia . Read the following from the New York Courier: ENORMOUS BUSINESS FOR ONE NEW YORK Di ERCHANT We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go.and purchase pure Wines and Liquors. as pure as imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit UDOLPHO WOLFR's extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street, and Nos 17, 19 and 21, Markettield street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856; and tea thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port 'Winn, Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country._ Ile also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, &c. in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling: Mr. WOLFE'S sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hops in less than two years he may be equally gamma with his Brandies and Wines. , ills business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr WOLFE, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with WoLvie , s mire WINES and LIQUORS. We understand Mr. WOLFE, for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imi tations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by C. K. ILELL - E.R, Druggist, sole agent for Harrisburg. seps-ddr,w6m PURIFY THE BLOOD! MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AN D PII(ENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pre-emil nent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable effi cacy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of puffing not only unneces sary, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASES Of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rhemuatism, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once use these Medicines, will never after wards be without them. BILIOUS CHOLIC, SEROUS LOOSENESS,PILES, COS TIVENESS, COLDS aND COLORS, CHOLIC, CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIF.S. DYSPEPSIA.—No person with this distressing disease, should delay using these Medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelas, Flatulency, FEVER AND A GCE .—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will he found a safe, epeedyand certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the disease; a cure by these medi cines is permanent. Try them. Be satisfied, and be cured. FOULNESS OF COMPLEXION— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, GRAVEL, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. MERCURIAL DISEASES.—Never fails to eradicate en tirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS OF ALL KINDS, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PILES .--The original proprietor of these Medicines was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years' standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs. Ensumartsst.—Those affected with this terrible dis ease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. SCROFULA, or KlNG'SEVlL,initsworstforms. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinds are effectually expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. TILE LIFE PILLS AND PIBENIX BITTERS PURIFY TUB BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. PREPARED AND BOLD BY DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 335 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New York. 11,For sale by all Druggists, jyl7-d,twly 'L ntg. ALL WORK PROMISED IN ONE WEEK! „......A. DIE 111 1 0 . PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, HARRISBURG, PA. Where every description of Ladies' and ' Gentlemen's Garment; Piece Goods, &c., are Dyed, Cleansed, and finished in the best manner and at the shortest notice. no6.d&wly DODGE & CO., Proprietors. WASHING MADE QUICK AND E AS Y. HARRISON'S HOUSEHOLD SOAP. It is DETERSIVE. It removes all dirt, and washes with or without rubbing. It is ERASIVE. It removes all stains by Oil, Pabst Printers' Ink, Wagon or Machine Grease. It is a BLEACHER. It bleachebbrotert clothes white, and white clothes legatee. It is EMOLLIENT. It gives a rich permanent lather, and makes the hands' soft, white and elastic. It is a PERFECT WASHER, in any water. hat or cold, hard or soft, salt or fresh, of finest lawns, and allgrades, to the coarsest clothes It is LASTING. It does much washing with little cost. It is ECONOMICAL. It saves wear and tear, time labor and money. . . It combines all the good, and none of the bad proper ties of every other Soap i therefore it is a PERRWIT SOAP. It is a Perfect Soap for all the uses of a Household.— In the Laundry for clothes of every description—for the Wash-stand—for cleaning Paint, 4 lass-ware, Porcelain, Crockery, Table, Kitchen and Dairy Untensils. Directions accompany each cake. Samples can be had free of charge upon application at our store. WAI DOCK. JR., ot Agents fOr Harrisburg_ mars RITUMINOUS BRUADTOP COAL J./ for Blacksmiths' use. A superior article for sale at 4r3 00 per ton or 120¢ cents per h2mhpl. All Coal delivered by Patent Weigh Carts. no] 7 JAME 6 M. WHEELER. IItiCED APPLES AND DRIED Jur PEACHES for Bale by octl9 WM. DOCK, & CO. NNhAilAftlivES I I!—A nnall invoice 0 this delicate Fruit—in packages of two lbs. each— juat received. The quality ii very serior. .fsnl2 Wbl. DO up CK, Ja., CO h‘Oli RENT—The _Buehler House RES ...L TAIMANT, with sale of Fixtures. febl