MI THE LATEST PARISIAN NOVELTY-A New _Application or the Language of Signe. —The Paris correspondent of the New York Ezpress relates the following in his last letter : A German philosopher has arrived in Paris for the purpose of introducing a new applica tion of the art of conversing by signs. The learned doctor, who is designated under the euphonious cognomen of Krantz, has passed many years of his life in charge of an asylum for the deaf and dumb, and it was in this in stitution that the happy idea occurred to him of fifunding a new system, which should trans mit to posterity the name of Krautz, with those of other immortal inventors. As his ex periment is closeiy connected with gallantry— it being neither more nor less than the art of love making by signs—the doctor has exhibited his practical good sense by first introducing it to the Parisian public, more appreciative, in such matters, than the citizens of any other great European capital. By the Krantzian system a long and interesting colloquy may be sustained between two individuals, of opposite sexes, without either appearing to know the other, and without the possibility of detection by third parties, however lynx-eyed. You will admit that, in view of the exactious ob stacles to intimacy which exist in ceremonious European society, these are great desiderata. In America it is not considered a hanging of fence for gentlemen and ladies to converse apart, in a low tone, and Doctor Krautz can therefore hardly ohiect if I give some illustra tions of his system for the enlightenment of a community which does not need to patronize it, but is still ready to admire ingenuity in all its multifarious forms. For example, then, we will suppose a young lady, yoked to a superannuated husband, to be present at a grand ball in Paris, of course. Throughout the evening she is under the in cessant and vigilant espionage of her bald tyrant, as well as that of a dowager aunt, who is secretly bribed by the husband to enact the duenna. She is permitted to dance with no partners except those selected by her two over seers, and it is with dif f iculty that gentlemen who knew her before marriage can obtain an opportunity of exchanging the ordinary formal and unmeaning phrases of every-day civility. It is consequently eAdent that a certain tall young man with the black moustache, whoni she does not appear to know, who has never - visited her house, who does not salute her in the street, can not entertain any idea of even expressing the hope that she is enjoying good health. Yet the tall young man with the black moustache, though negligently leaning against aa ornamental column on the other side of the drawing-zoom, and apparently gazing listlessly around him, is at this moment holding a tender conversation with the lady in question, both having profited by the lessons of the worthy German Doctor and Philosopher. "How dearly I love you!" says the young man. (He adjusts the tie of his cravat.) • "I return your affection with interest," re plies the lady, (she touches one of her ringlets,) "and will ever' be faithful." (She rubs her• left eye.) "When shall I see you ?" lie demands. (Pulls ills right ear.) "My husband is obliged to go to the country to-morrow," replies she. (Twirls her fan.) MYhat time does he leave town 2" (Closes Itis. eyes.) "At two o'clock." (Sneezes.) "Will you come?" (Buttons his coat.) "Yes." (Carries her handkerchief to her nose.) "Where shall we meet?" (Bites his finger nails.) "At the usual rendezvous." (Coughs.) This imaginary dialogue will suffice to give an idea of the system, though, as I am not one of the initiated, I wilt not certify the signs to be exact. For that matter, as it is easy to perceive, they may be entirely conventional, and understood only by the interested parties, like a letter written in cipher. From this it might be supposed that the services of a teacher were quite unnecessary. But here is developed one of the most cunning features of the inven tion. People in love are apt to forget all but themselves, and, if not restricted to some care fully prepared mode of communication, are certain to betray themselves by a piece of in discretion. Unlike the theatrical pantomime, the Krautzian system is the opposite of demon strative. Every phrase of the "alphabet" is expressed by a natural movement, which could not arouse the suspicion of the most careful observer. The ordinary course is twenty-five lessons, but ardent lovers make such rapid progress as to graduate after fifteen A BOULEVARD ROMANCE.—Recent Parisian papers tell a very nice little store about two lovers who were so foolish as to suppose that the grand passion could be proportioned to the almighty dollar, and got up a sort of Gaiete tragedy when they found that a purse was altogether too small to hold half their affection. The hero of the romance was a gallant young corporal of the sixth regiment, named Ronard, who never thought of having a chere ande until he was recently endowed with the bounty due to him at the expiration of his term of service. No sooner did the glittering Napoleons jingle t his purse than he suddenly made up his mind Na see the Parisian elephant in a manner becoming a soldier and a gentleman ; and, in order to enjoy the animal to its full extent, of course he must have a feminine associate.— Casting about him for a suitable dulcinea, he Soon found a pretty little ouvriere, named Denise Berbin, whom he proposed to marry. Before consummating his bargain, however, he stipu lated that be should be at perfect liberty again as soon as his money was gone. Not caring to retain a husband without cash, Denise agreed to this most enthusiastically, and the accommo dating pair were married forthwith. They had soon installed themselves in comfortable quar ters. Denise furnished herself with all the fashionable follies of the day, and the corporal's money commenced to flow in earnest. After 'breakfast, each morning, they would sally forth gaily to see the shops, visit the picture galleries, take cozy drives to the suburbs, and enjoy rare dinners and suppers at the cafes. In fact they had a jolly time of it; but presently the hus band's purse began to show bottom, and finally it we's quite empty. This brought Rouard to his senses, and he became conscious that his engagement of Denise was at an end; but, in spite of his determination, he had actually fallen in love with her, and how to give her up he knew not. Denise, too, had conceived a prodigious attachment for her chevalier, and would sooner die than leave him. Rouard, however, was a man of honor, according to the French standard, and summoned up enough determination to tell his wife that they must part; that her beauty and amiability would won ga i n another husband for her, and that he would remove all obstacles in the way of a second marriage by slaying himself. Denise listened to his argument patiently, and then deliberately declared that she would die with him. Entreaties were in vain ; they must. die together, and the sooner the better. Accord ingly, one evening last month, they took pos session of a cabinet at a celebrated restaurant, ordered a fine supper, ate it with an intense relish, and then left the world together. With his sword Ronard first stabbed Denise to the heart, and then performed a similar operation on himself. The servants found them dead, locked in each other's arms, and weltering in blood. Joseph G. Hernandez, tried in Boston for s hooting Miss May, with intent to kill, was on Friday convicted and sentenced to the State's prison for five years. . On Saturday 4,000 shad were brought to itlexandria, Va., and sold at $l5 per hundred Herring sold at 10012 per thousand. Rev. James Moore; pastor of the Methodist ehnroh at St. Clairsville, Ohio, died suddenly at that place a few days ago. NY. D E N T I S TRY. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRADY HO USE. sep2s-d&wtf B. 21 GILDEA, D. D. 8. WM. H. MILLE4 ) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office corner of MARKET STREET and the &WARE (Wyeth's,) second floor front. 117* Entrance on Market Square. n2l-Iyd/kw DR. C. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He Is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of prafession in all its branches. A LONG AND VERY SUCCESSFUL MEDICAL EXPERIENCE justifies him in promising full andample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. • mlB-d&wly W W. HAYS, ATTORNEY-Ay -LAW. FFICE, WALNII STREET, BETWEEN SECOND do THIRD, 11 P 5 ] HARRISBURG, PA. [dly WM. PARKHILL, $17001830/1. TO H. LIITZ, PLITMEBB _AND ... BRASS FOUNDER, 108 MARKET ST., HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, madeto order. American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all aim. Hydrants of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Coffins and Lead work o f every description done at the shortest notice ! on the most reasonable terms. Factory and Engine work in general. All ordere thank fully received and punctually attended to. The highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass, Lead and Spatter. • myIS-dtf I- J O. MOLTZ, • a IiiNGINDIR, MAINEINIST AND STEAM FITTER, No. 6, NortA 'Sixth A l between Wainst and Moira, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery of every deacription made anti repaired.. Braes Cocks of all sizes and a large aaeortment of Gas Ratings eoludantiy on h and. All work done in this establishment will be under hie own supervision, and warranted to give eatiereatoß. 00 46. RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY, -- • E. S. GERMAN, 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT, assersecao, PA. • Depot for the sale of Stersoseopes,Stereoseopiclriews, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publications. noSO-dy FRANKLIN HOUSE, • BALTIMORE, MD . This pleasant and conunodions Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and re-furnished. It is pleasantly situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west of the Northern Central Rail way Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guests. G. LEISENRING, Proprietor, jel2-tf . . (Late of Selina Grove. Pa.) NOVir WITHIN REACH OF ALL ! GROPER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACIIINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The public attention Is respectfully requested to the following cards of Blasi Howe, .7n., and the GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO.: A CARD FROM THE GROV.ER.4 - BAKER S. M CO Our Patents being now established by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the GROVER & Baas Machine, with important improvements, at greatly REDUCED PRICES! The moderate price at which Machines, making the Gamma & BAKER stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the nee of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the GnovEß & BARRE stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under oar patents and those of L' ull flows, Ja. All persona are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Majhines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Gnovalt & BAKER stitch, unless the game are purchased from the GROVER & BA. Mtn Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stamped under my patent of September 10, 1848. Said Company, and their Licensee, alone, are legally authorised under their own patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found_ ELIAS HOWE, JR Naar YORE. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR ,cri JAMES R JUMBLE, Agent, Harrisburg. sep2B4l&wlY NEW. ARRANGEMENT. CHANGE OF LOCATION The old stock of cars being disposed of, the under signed has broke out in a new place, and established a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New York, Har risburg and all points on the Northern Central, Sunbury and Erie and Licktiwanna and Bloomsburg railroads, Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended, he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to. retain all his old customers and patrons. All goods intended for the line must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad, Broad and tiallowbill streets, Phil iladelphia All goods delivered at the depot up to 5 o'clock, P_ M., will reach Harrisburg next morning. J. WALLOWER, Ja.. General Agent, marchl2 Reading Depot, Harrisburg. EXTRACTS! EXTRACTS, WOODSWORTH & BIINNEL , B SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRA BITTER ALMOND, NECTARINE, • PINE OTRAWDERRY, .ROSE, LEMON AND VANILLA, Just received and for sale by WM. DOCK. Ja., & THE AMERICAN READER ! A popular and very interesting Reader, designed for the use of _ ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS generally throughout our country, and now in the naeof the Public Schools of the First School District of Penn sylvania, by order, and with the unanimous vote of the Board of School Controllers of said District. rt may be hal on application to the Author and Publisher, South west corner f Lombard and 23d streets, Philadelphia, kr $6.50 per dozen, - or 75 cents per copy. Orders may be left at this office for any quantity or number of them, and they will be promptly delivered to address free of freight or porterage. febl9-d6m. APPLE WHISKY !-PURE ERSEY AP PLR !—ln store and for sale by JOHN EL ZIEGLER, feb7 73 Market street. F " FRUIT!!!. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, in tans and Jars.— Each. Package Warranted. WM. DOCK, JR., & 4.0. mars I)ttl ED PARED PEACHES, Dried UNPARED PEACHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACKBERRIES, just received by oct26. WM. DOCK, SR., & CO, FINE CONDIMENTS I 1.-E XTRA FRENCH MUSTARD, s choice variety of SALAD OILS. SLUM and KETCHUPS of every description mylo WM. DOCK, Ja i 00. Business Curbs. Sewing -Machines. GROPER it BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR WALLOWER' S LINE \N Z -10 CURE cZ ~ ) .oteeidQe i tt CURE c• Nervoustleaddehe cuRE )c ' ‘4l ° d ea By the nee of these Pills the perodie attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headache may be prevened ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Head ache to which females are so subject. They aet gently upon the bowels,—removing Costive- C'EL! For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and vigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system.' The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect s.fety without ma king any change of diet, and the absence of any disa greeable taste renders it easy to administer them so cati/dren. BEWABB OF COUNTER VICITS ! The genuine have five signatures of Henry 0. Spalding on each box. Sabi by Druggists and all other dealers in Medicines. A Box will be Bent by mail prepaid on receipt of the • PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. AU orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDINE., 4S CEDAR STREET. NEW YORK. THE FOLLOWING- ENDORSEMENTS O. SPALDI NG'S CEPHALIC PILLS, WILLVONVINCE ALL WHO SUFFER FROM HEADACHE, THAT A SPEEDY AND SURE CURE IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. As these Testimonials were unsolicited by Mr. SPALD ING, they afford unquestionable proof of the effi cacy of this truly scientific discovery. AIAsoNviLLE, CoN.T., Feb. 5, 1861 MR. SPALDING SIR I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so welt' That I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few out of the first box I got frilm y. U. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't Servant, JAMES KENNEDY. HAVERFORD, PA., Feb. - 6 3 1801 Ma. SPALDING SIR I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic Pills, /have received a great deal of benefit from them. Yours, respectfully, MARY ANN STOIIIIIOIISE. • SPIOME CREBR ,lIIINTINGDON Co , PA., January 18, 1861. U. C. SPALDING. SIR : You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours JN O. 13. SIMONS. P. 5.--/have used one box of your Pills ; and find them excellent. BELL& VERNON, Onto, Jan 15, 1861. HENRY (3. SPALDING, Esq.: Please find enclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are truly the best Pills I have ever tried Direct A. STOVER, P. M.. Belle Vernon, Wyandet Co., .0 BEVERLY, MASS, Dec. 11 2 1860 H. C. SPALDING, EMI I wish for some circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pil's more particularly before my custo mers If yen have anything of the kind, please send to One of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) was cured of In attack in one hour by your Pills, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W. B. WILKES, REYNOLDSBURG, FRANKLIN 00.,01110, January 9, 1861. HENRY 0. SPALDING, No. 48 Cedar st., N. Y. Dawn SIR: Enclosed find twenty-five cents, (25,) for which send box of t‘Cephalic Pills) , Send to address of Rev. Wm. O. Filler, Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co., Ohio. Your Pills work like a charm—cure Headache almost instanter. Truly yours, WILLIAM C. FILLER YPSILANTI, ]{SIGH. aTan..l4, 1861 NE. SPALDING. bra Not long since I sent to you for a bmc of Cephalic Pills for the cure of the Nervous Headache and Costiveness, and received the same, and they had so good as effect that I was induced to send for more. Please send by return mail. Direct to A. R. WHEELER, Ypsilanti, Mich. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they were made, viz: Cure of headache in all its forms. From the Examiner, Norfolk, Va. They have been tested in more than a thousand eases, with entire success. From the Democrat, St. Cloud, Minn. If you are, or have been troubled with the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have them in case of an at.ack. From the Advertiser, Providence, R. 1. The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec tive remedy for the headache, and one of the very best for that very frequent complaint which bas ever been discovered. From the Western R. R. Gazette, Chicago. 111. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Cephalic Fills. Pecan the Kanawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va. We are sure that persons suffering with the headache, who try them, w.li stick to them. From the Southern Path Finder, New Orleans, La. Try them! you that are :allele& and we are sure that your testimony can be added to the already numerous list that has received benefits that no other medicine can produce. From the St. Louis Democrat. The immense demand for the article (Cephalic Pills) is rapidly increasing. --- irrAsingle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually. 4m. SPALDING'S PREPARED. GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! SATE TILE PIECES! ECONOMY! DISPATCR ! ILU - ‘ 6 A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE." As accidents will happen, even in well regulated fami lies, it is very desirable to have some cheap and conve nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &e. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is alwaya ready, and up to the stick ing point. EISMITL IN EVERY ROUSE." N. 8.--A brash accompanies each Bottle. Price 25 cents. Address, HENRY C. SPALDING, No. 48 CEDAR Street, New York. CAUTION As tertian unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PRE PARED GLUE, I would caution all persons to examine before purchasing, and see that the full name, I7SPALDING , B PREPARED GLD:E, is on the outside wrapper; all others sireswandling coun terfeits. nekl-d&wy. • t h e insurance. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL • SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $904,907.51. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1.219,475.19. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known Companies, will make Insurance against loss or damage by fire, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAM BUEHLER, decl-d&wly Ilarrieburg, Pa. aoilet. HANDSOME WOMEN. TO THE LADIES HUNT'S "BLOOM OF RoSNS," a rich and delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH OR RUB OFT, and when once applied remains durable for years. mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDER," imparts a dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike any thing else used for this purpose, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT'S "IMPERIAL .1 3 OM ABE," for the hair, strengthens and improves its growth. keeps it from fall ing off, and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR. CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT'S " PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth, hardens the gums, purifies the breath effectually, PRESERVES THE TEETH AND PREVENTS TOOTH-ACHE, mailed free for $l.OO. HUNT'S "BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossoms and cologne, mailed free for $l.OO. This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL, OF ENGLAND, on her marriage. MESSRS. RUN T do CO. presented the PRINCESS with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included,) in handsome cutglass with gold stoppers, valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by ex press for $5.00. Cash can either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. _ HUNT & CO., Perfumers to the Queen, REGENT STREET, LONDON, AND 707 SANS= STREET, The Trade supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sop4.diy tivery Ztables. 'CITY LIVERY STABLES, BLACKBERRY ALLEY, 1411'.4 IN THE BEAR OP HERR'S HOTEL The undersigned has re-commenced the L IVER Y BUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. octl3.dly F. K. 6WARTZ N OTI C E I I The undersigned has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, Corner of Third Street and Blackberry Alley, near Herr's Hotel. ALSO—Two Rooms, with folding doors, TO LET— suitable for a Lawyer's Office. Possession immediately. • ALSO—A number one FIRE ENGINE for sale. W. F. MURRAY. • - Oki ore • % ALSO—HORSES AND CARRIAGES totare at the same Office. febS-dtf. FRANK A. MURRAY. CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE, LUCKNOW CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, SOYER'S SULTANA, ATHENEUM, LONDON CLUB, SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. Por mile by WM. DOCK, 75. , & CO. raylo 0 TICE E. The undersigned having I I opened an English and Classical School for Boys in the Lectare Room of what was formerly called the "United Brethren Church," on Front, between Walnut and Locust streets, is prepared to receive pupils and instruct them in the branches usually taught in schools of that character. The number of pupils is limited to twenty-five. For information with regard to terms, ke., apply to Rev. Mr. ROBINSON and RSV- Mr. CATTNI.I., or personally to (43025-dtf] JAMES B. KING. 000 P E R'S GELATINE.—The best article in the market, just received and for sale In maril-tf WAI. DOt T Js VELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place Iv to buy Patent Medic inee • HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES, for sale at KELLER% Drug Store, 009.7 91 Market Street INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. P. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re membered late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. He will give lessons at his residence, corner of Locust street and River alley or at the homes of pupils. au2s-d6m HL. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL TUNER . AND RNPAIRNR or PIANOS, MELODEONS, Arc., &c. Orders in future must be left at WM. KNOCHE'S MUSIC STORE, 92 Market street, or at BUEHLER'S HOTEL. AU orders left at the above -named places will meet with prompt attention. First class PIANOS for sale. seplB-dly KELLER'S DRUG STORE is the place to 'itoi anythino in O. way of Porfutrierv. QTORAGE! STORAGE!! Storage received at warehouse of noli JAMES M. WHEELER. NEW BOOKS! The "CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOK OF BIRDS," Illustrated by W. HARVEY. Price 75c. cloth. The "CHILDREN'S PICTURE FABLE BOOK," Il lustrated by HARRISON WEIR. Price 75c. cloth. The "CHILDREN'S PICTURE BOOK OF QUADRU PEDS, Illustrated by W. HARVEY. Pric- 75c. cloth. For sale at SCTIEFFER'S BOOKSTORE, feb9 No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. YELLER'S DRUG- STORE is the place ix, to nod the beet astortment of Porte Monzudee. .helical. SANFORD•S !ADULT BLOOD PURIFYING PILLS. COMPOUND= FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep m any climate. The Family Cathar- • tic PILL is a gentle bat active Cathartic, which V 4 the proprietor has need in his practice more than a twenty yeas]. The constantly increasing demand from those who have long need the PILLS, and the satisfac tion which all express in regard to their use, has induced me to place them g... 1 w ithin the reach of The Profession well know'" that different Cathartics act on different portions id 4 of the bowels. The FAMILY CA. THARTIC PILL has, with due reference to this rl well established fact, been compounded from a variety of the purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike Iw4 on every part of the all meutaiy canal, and are good and safe in all cases where a Cathartic is w - needed, such as Be r ang en' out sof the f yi Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in the Back "" and Loins, Costive ness, Pain and Sore- ness over the whole body, from sudden cold, "v which frequently, if ne glected, end in a. long t,w course of lever, Loss of Appetite, a Creeping Fat Sensation •1 Cold over the body, Hest- leasness, HSADAOHX, of woo , IN THN all C. INFLAMMATORY DI& EASES, Worms in Chi'. dean or Adults, Rheuma tism, a great PURIFIER All of the BLOOD and many diseases to which flesh is heir, too numerous to mention in this advertise- C,) ment. Dose, Ito 3. Price Three Dimes. —ALSO— SANFORD'S LIVER INVI NEVER DEBI IT is compounded entire] become an established fact, and approved by all that sorted to with confidence it is recommended. It has cared thousands who had given np all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and to actgently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IN. will cure Liver Com., 'tacks,D sp epsi a, Summer C o ry,Dr o pay, Sour' C o stiv eness, Choi ra. itiorbus, Cholera lence, Jaunidice, es, and maybe used sue_ ry, Family Medi- H EiIiDACHE, (as twenty minutes, if spoonfuls are taken tack. All who use it are, In its favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH Ti /IG ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOWL TOONZICSA. • Price One Dollar per Bottle. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Tiede in all the large towns. S. T. W SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor. 208 Broadway. N. V Sold in Harrisburg by D. W. GROSS, JOH v WYE 711 CHARD ES BA NN VAST, and all other Druggists. jy'l-d&wly ‘t ry &o pt.' MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, d epend upon AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other tnedi tine—NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, when timely used Never did we know an instande of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted wit a its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter WHAT WE DO KNOW,' , after ten years , experience, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. This valuable preparation ie the prescription of one o the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER RAIL ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only rsilieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the REST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHOIA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother vho has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. PRINCIPAL OFFIOE, 13 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK, PRICE ONLY 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-d&wly M ANHOOD, HOW LOST, ROW RESTORED. :test Published, in a Sealed Envelope , ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary . Emissions, indu cing Impotency, and Mental and Physical Debility. BY ROB. d. CULVERWELL, M. D. Aotho.• of the "Green Book," The world renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful con sequences of Self-abuse may be effectually removed with out medicine acd without dangerous surgical operations, boogies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out anode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every suf ferer, no matter what his conditon may be, may cureiiim self chat? /y, prera'sly and radically. This Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. C. KLINE. 127 Bowery New York, Post Bo: 4086. ap7.9-dacwly JUST RECEIVED! ♦ LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILLION A CO., BISQTJET, TRICOCHE A CO., JAS. HENNESSY& CO., OTARD, DIIPUY A CO., J. & F. MARTELL, JULES ROBIN & co., MARP..TT & CO. FOR SALE BY JOHN 11. ZIEGLER, declB 73 MARKET STREET. 2.1500 POUNDS en,AISIKS, CURRANTS, CITRONS, &e., &c., together with ORANGES, LEMONS, DRIED FRUITS, CRANBERRIES, and a variety of Articles suitable for the Holidays. Just received by [de2o.] WM. DOCK, 'JR., & CO. LAYER RA LNS--WnoLE, HALF and N QUARTER BOXER, just received by nol6 W. DOCK, TR., do CO. I F you are in want of a Dentifrice go to KELLER'S. Al. Market at. BUCKWHEAT , DIEAL!-EXTRA QUALITY, in 1236 and 25 lb bags, just received and for sale by [jan9] WM. DOOR, 7A., & CO SCHEFFER'S Bookstore is the place to buy Gold Pena—warranted VIXTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS_ AA Just received by nol6 .W. DOCK, JR., & 00. TOY BOOKSof an endless variety, for the amusement and instruction of our little ones, s 801LEFIBB13 Bookstore. GORATOR, IMES=I y from Gums, and ba Standard Medieme,known have need it,and is new re in all thediseasea forwbitb within the last two years of relief, as the numerous my possession show. to the tecapatamentof the used in such quantities as I judgment guide you in the VIGORATOK, and it I plaints, Billi as At. Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Dysente- Stomach, II bitual ic, Cholera, Chola- Inf antum, Flat n. Female W eakn es. carefully as an Ordina• vine. It will cure SIC S thousands can testify.) in two or three Tea. at commencement of at x PA giving their tertittillY ,ititbiral. • A SUPERLATIVE lONIC, DIURETIC, Evilt D YSP IIVICQRATI CORDIAL TO THE CITIZENS OF NEW %BESET AND PENNSYLVANIA, APOTHECARIES, DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND PRIVATE FAMILIES. WOLFE'S PURE COGNAC BRANDY. WOLFE'S PURE MADEIRA, SHERRY AND PORT WINE. WOLFE'S PURE JAMAICA AND ST. CROIX RUM. WOLFE'S PURE SCOTCH AND IRISR WHISN.Y, ALL IN BOTTLES. I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the United States to the above Wilms and Lietmas, in. ported by lIDOLPHO WOLFE, of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated SCHIEDAM SCRAPES. Mr. WoLes, in his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his WIERS and Lievons, says: I will stake my reputation as 4 NOM, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' red. deuce in the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and WINES which I bottle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, and can be relied upon by every purchaser." Every bottle has the proprietor's name on the wax, and a lac simile of his signature on the certificate. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. For sale at RETAIL by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia. GEORGE H. ASHTON No. 832 Market street, Philadelphia, Sole Agent for Philadelphia. Read the following front the New York Courier: BS:Onion BUSINESS FOR ONE NEW YORK MsnonzsT—, We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as purees imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant's extensive business, although it will well re. pay any stranger or citizen to visit Ilootrno WoKFE's extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street, and Nos 17, 19 and 21, Marketfield street. his stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand eases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1838 to 1858 ; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, Scotch and Irigh Whisky, Jamaica and St. Croix Runt, some very old and equal to any in this country. lie also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, Sce. in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. Mr. WOLFE'S sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hops in less than two years ne may be equally successf with his Brandies and Wines. His business merits the patronage of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pare Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to llir. WoLsE, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and repl i ace it with Wopra's mire WINES and LIQUORS. We understand Mr. WOLF; for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but imi tations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by C. B. HELLER, Druggist, Lola agent for Harrisburg. sepro-d&w6m pURIFY THE BLOOVI MOFFAT'S VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS - - A N D PH(ENIX BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pre-eini: nent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable effi cacy in all Iho Diseases which they profess to cure. hail rendered the usual practice of plating not only unneces sary, but unworthy of them. IN ALL CASES Of Asthma, Acute and Chronic Rhemuatism, Affections of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS FEVERS AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where these diseases prevail, they will be found invaluable. Planters, farmers and others, who once use these Medicines, will never after wards be without them. • BILIOUS CHOLIC , SEROUS LOOSENESS, PILES, COS TIVENESS, COLDS AND COUGHS, CHOLIC, CORRUPT HUMORS, DROPSIES. - DYSPEPSIA.—No person with this distressing disease, should delay using these Medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Shin, Erysipelas, Flatulency. FEVER AND AGUE.—For this scourge or the Western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub ject to a return of the disease; a cure by these medi cines is permanent. - . Try theni. Be satisfied, and be cured. Foul-suss or COMPLEXION— GENERAL DEBILITY, GOUT, GIDDINESS, , Headaches of every kind, GRAVELInward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. MERCURIAL DISEARES.—Never fails to eradicate en tirely all the effects of Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of Sarsaparilla. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS COMPLAINTS OF ALL KINDS, ORGANIC AFFECTIONS. PlLEs.—The original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years' standing, by tbe the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the Head, Side, Back, Limbs, Joints and Organs. EIIEUMATISM.—Those affected with this terrible die ease, will be sure of relief by the Life Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, scurvy, Salt Rhein* Swellings. SonoruLA, Or MAO'S EVIL, in its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinds are effectually expelled by theme Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them whenever their existence is suspected. Relief will be certain. THE LIFE PILLS AND PE NIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. PREPARED AND SOLD BY DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT, 835 Broadway, corner of Anthony street, New Tort. 117-For sale by all Druggists. jyl7-dk sly Outing. ALL WORK PROMISED IN ONE WEEK! 104. PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, 104 MARKET STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, HA.ICRIS.I3IIRG, PA., Where every description of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments, Piece Goods, &c., are Dyed, Cleansed, and finished in the best manner and at the shortest notice. no6-d&wly DODGE & CO, Proprietors. WASHING MADE QUICK AND EASY. HABRISON 7 s HOUSEHOLD SOAP. It is ABTEItSIVt. It removes all dirt, and washo with or without rubbing. It is ERASIVE. It removes all stains by Oil, Paint Printers' Ink, Wag on or Machine Grease. It is a BLEACIR. it bleaches brown aotheswhne, and white clothes whiter. It is EMOLLIENT. It gives a rich permanent lather, and makes the hands soft, white and elastic. It is a PERFECT WASHER, in any water. hot orcahi, hard or soft, salt or fresh, of finest lawns, and allg r ettes, to the coarsest clothes It is LASTING. It does much washing with little cost. It is ECONOMICAL. It saves wear and tear, time, labor and money. It combines all the good, and none of the bad proper• ties of every other Soap; therefore it is a MOTU EWA e. It is a Perfect Soap for all the uses of a Household.— . In the Laundry for clothesof every description—for the Wash-stand—for cleaning Paint, 6 lass-ware, Porcelain, Crockery, Table, Kitchen and Dairy Untensils. Directions accompany each cake. Samples can be bad free of charge upon application at our store. Will. DOCK, Pa., & CO., ma r 5 Agents for Harrisburg. IIITUMINOUS BROADTOP COAL /./ for Blacksmiths' use. A superior article for sale at $3 00 per ton or 123 cents perbushel. All Coal delivered by Patent Weigh Carta. nol7 JAMBS M. WHEELER. I 111, IED APPLES AAD .01t1E I_, PEACHES for sale by °eta WU. DOCK, .7a., & CO NECTABANEB ! ! !—A small invoice o this delicate Fruit—in packages of two Dm each— just received. The quality ii WM. very suerior. janl2 D O CK, IL, &CO VOR RENT—The Buehler House RFS TAIaitANT, with sale of Pistures. fob/