LOCAL NEWS. Tun DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION may be had at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market assts. PATRIOT AND UNION.—The DAILY PATRIOT AND 15Mow can be bad by Dauphin s ubscribers, every morning, at the periodical Eltora of J. S. FRAIN. THZ l!datta.—Under the c hange of schedule on the different railroads, the lime of closing the mails at the Harrisburg Post Office, December Ist, 360, s as follows: priorsYLVANIA P. E. A05. ,..4 a , in.—way mail, 12.15 p. m, 5. p. m, gl- W ee t.-6.30 a. m.—way mall, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. m. NORTHERN CENTRAL R. R. Sou:A.-1 2 . 15 p. m.—way mail, 9. p. m. North.-1 p. m. LEBANON VALLEY B. B. 7.30 a. m.. DAUPHIN AND SIISQ. B. B. 1.30 p. m. CIifiIIERTJAND YALIMY B. B. 1 1.30 a. m.,1 p. m.—way mail. BY STAGE. 7 a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7a. m.,to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lewisberry, on Saturday. Lloyd's Minstrels arelerforming in Pittsburg. Fresh rolls every morning—rolling to the other side of the bed for a fresh snooze. . Look well to your daughters ; sparks falling upon your house are often less dangerous than those corning into it. COIIIRT. —The next court of quarter sessions will be held on Monday, the twenty-second of April. All ye who are interested should make a note of it. Loans Soracrrb-n.—The County Commissioners of Dattpbin county are in want of funds. See the advertisement. THE COIFS OF Poucs.—Mr. Henry Radabangh, Chief of Police, is confined to his bed with a severe attack of the inflammatory rheumatism. Tnn CevaL.—We hear it stated that the water will be let into the Pennsylvania Canal on Thurs day next, and in a short time we may expect to hear the musk of the boat horn. OUT OF Bit4etentrur.—A great many men are out of employment in town. That is plain enough to any one who has eyes. Bat never mind, hard times won't last forever. STREET RAILWAYS.—The Philadelphia Ledger, in an article on the value of street railways to cities, says : " The value of real estate in the su burbs has been raised nearly fifty per cent. by our city railroad improvements." BEAR rr IN Minn.—Persons elected Justices of the Peace at the last election must signify their acceptance to the Prothonotary in writing within thirty days after the election, or commissions will not be issued. Ne.vroarrow.—Tae Pittsburg Dispatel of Satur day says, the river is still rising, having swollen eleven inches in the twenty-four hours ending at dusk last evening, there being ten feet four inches by the marks. Tun Zottavirs.—What has become of the grand army of Zonaves who were to appear and make a magnificent show in town? We bear nothing of the piercing Me or the soul stirring dram, and con sequently think they are played out. BORIHO Bea Orr..—We understand that Corney Shell will commence boring for oil en Indepen dence Island next week. If he fails to get oil, he is bound to get water, and that will suit him as well. Our exchanges, in different sections of the coun try, speak of the appearance of mad dogs. TIM usual precautions against the spread of hydropho_ bia should be taken to prevent its appearance in our midst. Tux Moron's OFFICE.—On Sunday night the "retreat" was entirely deserted. Nary a "vag," nary an inebriate, and nix lodger. There appears to be a reformation among the strangers who visit town, or else the night was too cold to go in. BAD Boys.—Some of the hardest cases to be Mud this side of NOV fiter-ve can be seen nightly Perambulating our streets, with courage to dare, and ambition to insult every respectable female they may meet on the streets. We hope the Chief, as soon as he is able to be about, will attend to them. A GOOD InEL.—Horticulturists and pomologists will be pleased to learn that by the new postal reg ulations seeds or cuttings are classed as mailable matter, and are to be charged with postage at the rate of one cent an ounce when sent under 1,500 miles, and two cents an ounce when sent over that distance. To Coauzsrounzuvs.—Communications of any kind, for publication, must be accompanied with the name of the author—not that it will appear, but as an evidence of its genuineness, and as an assumption of respontibility; No notice will be taken of any paper without it—no matter what merit it may have. DEMARD ron PAPER.—The demand for materials to be eonverted into paper has increased enor mously within a few years. Junk dealers and tin men penetrate every part of New England in search of rags, and latterly they have commenced purchasing books and pamphlets for this purpose. Ninety-eight tons of books and pamphlets were ground up in only one of the paper mills in Massa chusetts in one year. Coxosra.—Many of the mechanics heretofore em ployed on the Pennsylvania railroad have arrived here from Parksburg and other places, seeking houses preparatory to locating themselves in our midst. There appears to he much difficulty at present in obtaining suitable structures, and we learn that some of our capitalists contemplate erect ing a large lot of small tenements in the course of the ensuing summer. THE GOOD WILL Fero.—The closing scenes of the fair took place last. evening. The affair has been a success, and the ladies deserve great praise for their efforts and energy in getting it up. We have not yet learned the amount realized, but from the crowds who have nightly been in attendance, it ought to be considerable. The object of the company is to raise fonds to purchase a new en gine, and we hope they may be successful in the undertaking. Oar city is fast inoreadng in the neighborhood of the Good Will house, and we would be pleased to hear of them making a pur chase of a steamer, for snob they ought to have. Hz GoT WHAT HE CAME FOIL—A large sized individual,ivho hails from Lebanon, made his ttro pentanes in town; on Saturday night last, and fel t disposed to. try his band as a champion. As many of our boys had been out, and "bottle holders" were not scarce, the gentleman from Lebanon was soon engaged in business. We were not present at the time the fracas occurred, but learn that the combatants same to time, in & style that would have delighted the "fancy" who took sub an in terest in the great mill of Heenan and Sayers. The constables were not about, and no arrests were made. THE Great Pan-tee-us-thee:a at Bran t's Hall last night. Never before since - our residence in Har risburg has there been such an eilibition in our midst. Commencing with the City of Washington it shows the Capitol, the Senate Chamber, the Hall of Representatives, all the public buildings of Washington, the President's house, and the famous Bast room. Then comes five splendid views of Niagara Falls, which, for their startling truthful ness and reality, actually seduce one into the be lief that they stand before the great cataract. The view of Niagara Falls in winter is the most splen did thing we ever saw. The incomparable sce nery of the White Mountains of New Hampshire, is presented to view in a style and manner which we imagine cannot be surpassed. The views in Mammoth Cave are more gorgeous and beautiful than aeything we have over believed could exist in the bowels of the earth. The glori ous beauty of these scenes beggars description.— The great Voyage from New York to Liverpool presents to view all the incidents of three thousand mites' crave/ on the water. The great phenomenon of the moon rising from the sea is perfectly splendid, while the sunrise off Cape Race, for artistic beauty is beyond our power to describe. It would fill a whole column of our paper to fully describe the merits of this exhibition. For accu racy, splendor, acid artistic display, it surpasses all we have ever witnessed. We will only add, go and see it by all means. It is a rare treat, and well worth visiting. A FRAIL Run ONE-A Woman on a Spree.—On Friday evening a lady, apparently just arrived by the Baltimore train, took lodgings at the Buehler House. In the morning she ordered several drinks of brandy, and her breakfast, for all of which she paid, when she ordered a carries., and left for parts unknown. Later hi the day she took lodg ings at the Pennsylvania House, where it was found that her principal baggage consisted of a bottle of brandy, at which she took frequent pulls. Late in the evening she was found in Walnut street, with a procession of loafers after her, scarcely able to navigate; when •deer Fleek ar rested her, and Justice Beader committed her to jail. She told a pitiful story about being seduced, and robbed in the cars. Yesterday we went into the jail in company with the officer, when the woman gave her name as Jane Stewart, of Washington City, and said she started to go to New York, but got to drinking in Baltimore, and took the wrong route. She is not very prepossessing in appearance, but has evidently been well raised, has probably a tolerable educa tion, and is about 28 years of age. She is seem ingly not a public street walker, but she is evi dently such a slave to intoxication as to be placed beyond the hope of redemption. A MISTAKE.—Henry Gilbert, hardware merchant, wishes it to be distinctly understood that lie is not the man to which the Evening Journal dispatch has reference. He is no candidate for the Post office, or any other office, so that it mast have had reference to some other Gilbert. Since the above was in type, we learn that the person teeing IS a German tailor named GniMart, who is running a muck against Bergner and Fres ner. Postscript I—A dispatch has just been received from Washington that the contest is now between Freaner and Col. Wells Coverly—the latter being there in person, paying his respects to Old Abe. OFFICE ABOLISHED.—The office heretofore held by Captain John W. Hall, that of agent for the Northern Central railroad in this city, has been abolished, and the business of the office transferred to the officers of the Pennsylvania railroad com pany. Captain Hall was an obliging, attentive and extremely popular officer, and the employees of the road will no doubt regret his loss. The Cap_ tain proposes going into business in this city at an early day, the nature of which will be duly an nounced. SAVANNAH A FOREIGN PORT.—Passengers for Savannah by the steamship lines were notified that their baggage would be subject to the scrutiny of the Savannah Custom House officers. The officers, it is said, make a very rigid examination, and allow nothing but the strictly personal effects -of the passengers to pass. Travelers will make a memorandum of this fact, and also of the necessity of having their trunks well filled with such splen did garments as are made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockhill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. SATURDAY NIGRT.—It is generally supposed that Saturday night is a free night for everybody, and a stranger passing through town, or located here for the time being, would have been nailer the same impression. The whole town appeared to have been out celebrating St. Patrick's Day, slightly previous. Several black eyes were manufactured, a number of noses were tapped, and the claret brought forth. Sundry individuals re tired to their homes with dilapidated clothing, and sundry bruises about the body. HIS PRDIGRBE.—David Wilmot, the successor of Simon Cameron in the United States Senate, was born at Bethany, Wayne county, Pennsylvania, on the 20th of January, 1814. He was educated at Bethany Academy, and at Aurora, Cayuga county, New York ; read law and was admitted to the bar in 1834. He was a member of Congress from 1845 to 1851, and has since been President Judge of the Thirteenth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, and resides at Towanda, Bradford county, Pennsylva- nut. A SAD SIGHT.—While peregrinating through town yesterday we met a couple specimens of humanity promenading through Raspberry alley. Both of them appeared to have been fortunate, and had obtained their share of corn juice S sufficient, at all events, to put them on their winding way. They no doubt reached "melodiously drunk" and met their wives most seriously indignant. But as one of them exclaimed, as they were passing down the street, "what's the odds so long as you aro happy." MINISTER TO Actrenon.—Dr. Fuller, of the Sen ate, returned from Washington yesterday, with the positive assurance that Hon. Robert M. Palmer, Speaker of the Senate, has been appointed Minis ter to Ecuador, in place of Mr. Buckalew, who will be recalled at an early day. Mr. Palmer is among the ablest of the representative men of the Repub lican party, with hosts of warm personal .friends, who will be highly elated at his success. • • THE PEACH CROP IN NEW JERSEY.-It is feared that the peach crop in some quarters in this State is again nearly destroyed. The pleasant weather had ,caused the peach buds to swell and almost burst; .but the_ cold has since blackened the buds, and in some orchards'net a tree has been spared. The trees which bud a little later than the earlier blossomers will stand a better chance. HORSES.—Within the last few days we have no ticed quite a number of horses on their way east, many by way of the Pennsylvania railroad, and others on foot. Those in droves passing through here generally pay better than the others, as the drovers are compelled to hold up, add feed at this point. ~ Chronio,invalids should read Elf; Stewart's' ad vertisement in another column. LOOK OUT FOR HIM.-A young man, giving the name of Henry Charles Turner, who represents himself as a native of England, now in search of his father and mother in this country, is endeavoe ing to live by his wits, by adopting a new method. He first made his appearance at Mount Holly, where he caused a pathetic advertisement to be put in the Herald at that place. By this method he excited Some sympathy, and got into the good graces of the family of a Mr. Oliver, residing at that coun try town. He departed suddenly tatting with him a coat and shawl. The fellow may turn his steps in this direction, and it may be well to look out for him. A LIDENAL MAN AND A SIMMS'S AT BRANT'S HALL LAST Nuir.—The people who visited the splendid Pan-tee-na-thee-a Exhibition at Brant's Hall last evening were completely taken by sur prise at the close of the Exhibition. The propri etor requested the people to remain a little after the Exhibition was over, and they did so. He then came out upon the stage, and as we looked at him, gave away, in the most reckless manner, about one hundred dollars worth of splendid presents to the audience. These presents consisted of a splendid gold-clasp large Family Bible, valued at $2O; a silver cake basket, valued at $l5; a heavy gold bracelet, valued at $lO ; a silver goblet, valued at $10; about 20 elegant books, with numerous sets of ladies' jewelry, (to., .to. He told the audience that he gave them these presents to advertise his exhibition. To-night he will give to the audience who are present after the exhibition is over another gold-clasp Family Bible, another silver cake has ket, another silver goblet, another gold bracelet, with about fifty other presents, consisting of nice books, jewelry, &c. We would advise all who intend visiting the ex hibition to go to-night, as we are not informed that presents will be given away after this evening.— But one thing we will assure our readars—that the exhibition is the finest we have ever seen, and every man, woman and child in Harrisburg should visit it. '* Mumma, Warms, MuSums !-1,000 yards the very best Unbleached Muslin, 10 cents; 2,000 yds. beautiful Bleached Muslims, 10 cents; 2,000 yards of the best long Cloth Muslin; 12} cents; which I will sell by the piece at 11i cents. A large lot of remnants of Calicoes, to be sold cheap; remnants of Colored Silk ; remnants of Delaine; all will be sold cheap. Dolaines, Drools() Shawls, other Shawls, Cassinetts, Cassimere for pants, Black Cloth, at cost price. A splendid assortment of Cambrics, Jaconets, Cambric Bands, Hem-stitched Handker chiefs, from New York auction; white and colored Flannels, at cost price. For cheap goods call at SPECIAL NOTICES. Cristaaero's Hair Dye THE ONLY DYE r Ever analyzed THE ONLY DYE .Sworn to be pc4sonless THE ONLY DYE For a living brown THE ONLY DYE .For a perfect black THE ONLY DYE That defies detection THE ONLY DYE .That is instantaneous and the ONLY PYE • For all who desire to have the color of their hair changed with safety, certainty and rapidity, to any shade they may desire. Manufactured by J. ORISTADORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. marl9-dawlm I}' WARRANTED IN ALL CASES ag DR. HARVEY'S OHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Cure of all those difficulties to which the female system is peculiarly liable. arising from STOPPAGE . OF NATURE OR OBS ['RUCTION. These Pills have never been known to fail when the directions have been strictly followed, and they are perfectly safe to take by the most delicate. TO MARRIED LADLES they are particularly recom mended, as they prevent difficulties, and restore nature, no matter from what cause the obstruction may arise. .A few days in most cases will produce the desired effect; and although so powerful, yet no injury will ever result from their use. lint those who are pregnant should not use them, as they have an effect contrary to nature. Pamphlets detailing their virtues, with numerous certificates from well known physicians and apothecaries, can be had on applica tion to the agent, who will 'send the Pills, if desired, by mail, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of the money. Sold in boxes containing sixty pills,—price One Dollar,— by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT it CO., wholesale agents, North Second street, Philadel phia. nov2-eodd&wly NATURAL MAGIC! Suppose a cage. Suplose you have sandy, red, white, grizzly, or flaming yelkhr hair. Suppose you prefer a light brown, a rich dark brown, or a raven black. Well, you apply (if you are wise) CRIS T ADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE! and in ten minutes your mirror shows you a WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION! Every hair that a few moments before was an unsightly blemish, is now an element of beauty. 1, A magnificent head of hair , ' is the exclamation whenever you uncover. The difference between BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was not more striking then that between a gray or red head in a state of nature, and one to which this famous dye has been applied. Manufactured by J. CRISTA DORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. jan9-d&wlm Mothers, read this. The following le an extract from a letter written by • pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journai and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mas. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING: " We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. New we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no humbug —WE RAVE TRIED IT, AND KNOW IT TO BE ALL IT CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, becauselt is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay in a supply. sep29.d&wly THE GREAT ENGLISH .LtAMEDT.—Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female Nib., prepared from prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Dztraordi naryto the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the care of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. .It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a apeedy cure may be relied on. TO hiLLBRIED LADIES, it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Bach bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. Tulsa PILLS SHOULD NOT BR TAR= BY FEMALES DURING TRH FIRST THREE MONTHS OF PRZUNANOT, AS THEY ARS SUBS TO BRING ON MIBOARRIAGB, BUT AT ANY OTBE TIME THEY ARE SAFE. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight etertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will a fleet a cure when all other *means have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtfil to the constitution. Full directions in the .pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N.11.,-.151,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mall. For sale by 0. A. BANNVART, Harrisburg. jy7.-dawly Dr. Brunon's Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER, speedily aradieates all the evil effects of BELP-ABUSE, as - boss of Memory, Shortness of ßreath, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either ad. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days, any case of GONGBILTHEA; is without taste or smell, and requires no restiletion of action or diet. For 'either sex. Price One Dollar. No. B. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible intei any case of (MEET, even after all other Remedie nave failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell. Price One Dollar. No. 4. TNN PiINITER is the only Remedy that will really care Btricturee of the Urethra, No matter of how long standing or neglected the cane may be. Price One ' No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any cage of GRAVEL, permanently and 'Speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. • No. 8. FOR PARTICULARS SEE OIROULAR. - No. 7. THE AMARIN will mire the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be' removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the onlyremedy that will really °threat this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. No. 8. TUN ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose poetage stamp and gets Circular. General Depot North-Aid corner' of York Avenue and Cailowhill Street. Private Office 4011tork Avenue ; Phila delphia, Pa. ' loreide in Harrisburg only by 0 . A. BA.NITV' ART, where Circulars containing valuable inforinatien, With, fall de scription' s of each case, will , be, delivered gratis, on appli. Cation. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, myl-dly P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. S. LEWY, at .Rhoads' Old Corner. IprELKEOLD'S GENUINE PEEPA.RATION Cures Gra vel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections. nigratsoLDls Genuine Preparation for Nervous Aug Debilitated Mutterers. H ELM •UL D' Genuine Preparation for Lose of Power, Lois of Memory. HELIKBOLD , B Genuine Preparation for Difficulty of Breathing, General Weakneas. HNDBIBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerves, Horror of Death, Trembling. ITELINDOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Night Sweet), " Cold Feet, Dimness of Vision. HELL9iaoLD , I3 tienoine Preparation for Languor, Uni versal Lassitude of the PluseulartBjatem. AIII,IIIBOLD , B Genuine 'Preparation for Pallid Counto '4- naace and Eruttiolui. HLMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Paine in toe Back, Headache, Sick Stomach. ]See advertisement headed HELMSOLDIS EXTRACT BOHM in another column. nol4-dhwBrn • PURIFY YOUR BLOOD.--BRANDRETH ' S PILLS WARRANTED TO CURS PETER AND AGOE.--Tho effect of purging with BRANDEETH'S PILLS is to re store the health, no matter from what cause it may be suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; and they have the same power of expulsion over miasm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalations breathed by man arhstever. In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im pure blood results in disease. BRANDEETH'S PILLS, though innocent as bread, yet they are capable of puri fying the blood and curing disease. So, they cure all kinds of fevers, all asthmas, catarrhs, costiveness and- painful affections of every kind. Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal eet, New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC H BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harristerg, and by all respectable dealers in medicines de9-d&wlm MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physician, has a Booth. ing Syrup for children teething,. which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing as inflaronation—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will g.ive rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per.. e ctly safe in all cases. Bee advertisemer.s in another col - mu. g1),1859-slBEwly PUBLIC NOTICE.—The Undersigned, Commissioners of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, hereby inform the public in general that, in consequence of the approaching completion of the new Court House of the county, in the city of Harrisburg, a number of County Loans are solicited, for which coupon bonds pay able at from three to thirty years, will be executed to the lender clear of all taxes, and semi-annual interest will be paid punctually at the Dauphin County Treasury. Therefore, persons wishing to make safe investments, will, it Is expected, avail themselves of this opportunity. JOHN 8. 'MUSSER, JACOB BERM, feb27-d&wlm GEORGE GARVERICH. PUBLIC-SALEO I LI y !EASONAL PRO- The supecribers will offer at Public Sale, on Thursday, the 28th 'day of March, at 10 a. m. i at the Ware-house in Harrisburg, (late Wallower & Son,) on the Canal, a large amount of - PERSONAL PROPERTY, con&stingof Horses and Harness, Wagons, Carts, Drays, Truck Wagon, the works of a Stationary Engine of about six horse power, Rectifying Apparatus, Coal, &c. Th , y will at the same-time offer a FARM of 180 acres of land, situate in Susquehanna township, adjoining lands of John H. Fox,John Zinn, Jacob Grow and others. Terms of sale will made known on day of sale by A. 0. RIMER, O. F. MUENCH, marlB.3tdaltw Assignees of Wallower & Son THE BEST! WORCESTER'S ROYAL QUARTO PICTORIAL DICTIONARY! This Dictionary is the recognized standard of the English language throughout the world. It is the stan dard authority for the Official Records and Documents, and the Public Printing of the - United States, and is the only standard recognized by our eminent authora. It is the BEST DBFININU and PRONOENOINU tionary of the English language, and contains over one third.more useful matter than any other similar work— more than NINETEEN THOUSAND important WORDS and MEANINGS not found in Webster's Unabridged. It is illustrated by more than 1,000 SUPERB WOOD CUTS ; 5,000 words are accurately SYNONYMIZED ; together with full Tables of Proper Names Pronounced. No stu dent can afford to be without it. That it is the best Dictionary in every department of Lexicography, is the opinion of our most competent scholars. From George P. Marsh, L. L. D., Author of Lectures on the English Language. I have examined the new edition of Dr. Worcester's English Dictionary with care, and have formed a very favorable opinion of its merits. The principal points to, be aimed at in a hand-diction ary are— Accuracy in orthography and ortbcepy—the yritten and spoken forms of words ; Precision and distinctness in definition ; Fullness in vocabulary, and truth in historical etymo lo The work of Dr. Worcester is unquestionably MUCH SUPERIOR to any other general Dictionary of the lan guage in EVERY ONE of these particulars, and it is therefore entitled to rank first among the existing helps to a complete knowledge of English philology. From William Cullen Bryant and Washington Irving. The new and authentic etymologies, the conciseness and completeness of the definitions, the nicety with which the different shades of meaning in synonymes are distinguished, and the conscientious accuracy of the work in all its departments, give it, in my judgment, the highest claims to public favor. I concur with the opinion of Mr. Bryant —Washing ton Irving. Front Prof. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Boston. It is, indeed, a monumental work, and one of which our city and country may be proud as long as we haves city, a country and a language. From Charles Dickens, England. It is a most remarkable work, of which America will be justly proud, and for which all who study the English language will long have reason to respect your name, and to be grateful to you. -from Herbert Co'eridge, S e cretary of the London Philo, logical Society, England Tour magnificent present reached me here at length safely yesterday, and I lose no time in returning you my cordial thanks for your kindness. The London agents of your publishers, in their letter to me, (which I got before the book itself,) described it as a new edition of Webster, and I hardly felt inclined to be very grateful, as my opinion of Dr. Webster is but small; and my sur- prise and pleasure were consequently all the greater when I found out what I had reallybecome possessed of, As a work of practical utility, your book appears to me to be NEARLY PERYROT, and I expect to derive Immense assistance from it. From the Rev. W. Whewell, D. D.. Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, England, Author of "History of the Inductive Sciences." I have repeatedly consulted the Dictionary since it has been in my possession, and have seen reason to think it MORE COMPLETE AND EXACT than any of its predecessors. • Sold at all respectable book-stores marl3-Iwd ALL PERSONS who have any Affection of the Lunge or Throat, or Chronic Diseases, and wish to be cured, should consult Dn. STEWARD, who has had many years; experience in different sections of the United States and Canada, And hail cured cases which had been treated without benefit by what are esteemed the BEST PHYSICIANS in the Union. lie has been in Harrisburg for many months, and has restored to health, invalids who had expended hundreds of dollars with Physicians and Patent Medicines/ He can refer to some of the biest families in Harrisburg, and can give the names of persons in the city and nearly all parts of the State, whom he has cured of almost every Chronic Disease. Ile does not profess to cure all diseases after the man ner of some advertising quacks, but will give a candid opinion in regard to curability after examination. The medicines of Dr. S. are vegetable, and derived from More than a hundred sources whilehtraveling i . In Lung and Throat Diseases he has had great success by means of his CARBON CURE, which may be taken by the Stomach or Inhaled. • . • ' Beware of Caustic and the Throat Burners of the old school. In COMPLAINTS OF FEMALES his success has been remarkable, and he has cured affections of the Eye and Ear said to be incurable. DR. STEWART solicits cases-of the following, given up by others : NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, ULCERS, LIVER COMPLAINT SWELLED NECK, SEXUAL DEBILITY, DROPSY. PALLING PITS, PRIVATE DISEASES, DrarliPSlA , GRAVEL. Canters removed by a new remedy procured in Canada. When so requested, Dn. STEWART :will visit patients at their residence. • Terms Moderate. In regard to qualifications, Dr. S. refers to Professors Pancoast, Dunglison and Meigs, of Philadelphia. He also begs leave to refer to Senators Chase and Pugh, and Hon. Thorium Corwin, of Ohio. , , Patients or their friends should call at the BUEHLER HOUSE from 9 a m. to 6 p. xn. Letters promptly attended to.. mar6-daw2w UPHOLSTEIII,ING.. C. F. VOLLMER Is prepared to do all kinds of work in the UPHOLSTERING BUSINESS. Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING DOWN CARPETS MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASSES, REPAIRING FURNITURE, &c., acc. He can be found at all times at his residence, in the rear of the William Tell Mouse, corner of Raspberry and Black berry alleys. 5ep29.411y A PPLE WHISKY I-PuRE JERSEY AP PLI !—ln store and for sale ' by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, fekT ' 73 Market street. XTRA SUGAR CURED HAMS_ Just received by nole W. DOCK, U., & CO. SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE SILVER OR GOLD, BSOAUSS IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK! REINSTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS ORIGINAL PURITY AND VIGOR. IT Is PROF. O. J. WOOD S REST ORATIVE CORDIAL. AND BLOOD RENOVATOR, Di precisely what its name indicates, for while plea. mint to the taste, it is revivifying, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It also revivifies, reinstates and renews the blood in all its original I purity, and thus restores and renders the aysteminvul nerable to attacks of disease. It is the only prepara tion ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted so as to act in perf.et accordance with the laws of nature j and hence soothe the weakest stomach and tone up the dins tire organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilarating in its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining povrerful tonic and soothing pro perties, and consequently can never injure. As a sure prevtntive and cure of CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA , LOSS OF AP PETI TE , FAINTNESS, NER VOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PALPI TATION OF THE HEART, MELANCHOLY, HYPOCHONDRIA. NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CLASS OF CASES SO FEARFULLY FATAL CALL ED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND IRREGULARITIES.— THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements or Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Ki limps, or any general de rangements of the Urinary Organs. It w.ll not only cure the debility following CHILLS and FEVER, but prevent all attacks arising from mias matic influences and care the diseases at once, if already attacked. TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences fol lowing upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive organs, it should be in the bands of all personsof seden tary habits. LADIES not accustomed to much out-door exercise should always use it. MOTHERS should use it, for it is a perfect relief ; talo en a month or two before the final trial, she will pass the dreadful period with perfect ease and safety ! There is no mistake about it ! ! THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT ! ! MOTHERS TRY IT ! ! And to you we appeal to detect the illness or decline not only of your daughters before it be too late, but also your eons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business, that if it were not for you „they, too, would travel inthe same downward path until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall. But the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal; . for, we are sure your never-failing affection wilLunerrrogli point you to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORAT EVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should be always on hand in time of need. - O. J. WOOD, proprietor, No. 444 Broadway, New York, and No. 114 Market st., St Louis, Mo., and sold by all good druggists_ . Price one'dollar per bottle. Read what the Press says, after thoroughly testing the matter, and no one can have a doubt. Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Cordial ard Blood Renova tor is a genuine'Medicine of real merit, pleasant to the taste and invigorating to the system. While it purifies the blood and soothes the nervous irritation, it aids the organs of digestion to parlor& their functions, and re sist the assault of disease. It is a chemical compound so skillfully comtined that while it exhilarates it does not provoke the lassitude which usually follows excite ment. A tonic, composed exclusively of *getable mat ter, it is absolutely neneficial, and no ill effects can pos sibly accompany its use It is an infallible and speedy remedy fo- Loss of Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Debil ity, Neuralgia. Palpitation of the Heart, Falling of the Womb, and other delicate diseases to which woman is subject. For Sickness of the Stomach, Bilious Attacks, Liver Complairkte; Costiveneg., Dyspepsia, Consumption, and a host of evils flesh is heir to, it is acertain cure.— St. Louis Horning Herald. • PROP. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL .—lt is recorded in the Classics that Psyche was once sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies, to procure a sample of the beauty cf Prosperine in a box. After some delay the me, senger returned, and as soon es the lid of the box was removed, out flew all the ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortunately, hope was found in the bottom of the box. Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Cordial revives the recollec tion of the story, for it invigorates the blood, aids the organs of digestion, imparts Strength to the nervous sys tem, and fortifies the citadel of health, so as to bid de fiance to the assaults of disease. It is a healthy tonic, composed entirely of vegetable productions, and while it is exhilarating as pure wine, no injurious results can possibly follow its use. It is a desideratum in the medi cal world, and those who are afflicted with loss of appe tite, Dyspepsia, Oonstiinption, Faintness, Giddiness, Neauralgia, Palpitation of the Heart, &c., will find here an infallible panacea.—St. Louis Daily Express. PROF. WOOD'BII,ESTORATIVB CORDIAL AND BLOOD.REN OVATOR is, without doubt, the best tonic Cordial in the world. To those who are suffering from General Debili ty, we would recommend its use, for it is pleasant to the taste ; is strengthening to the system, and will at once tend to remove all impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can be taken by the weakest stomach, while those in good healthwili at once feel its exhilarating power. We are confident that after using one bolts of this Cordial none will be fora day without it.—New York Leader. A Puna, HEALTHY Tonto, and one free from the del?, terions and injurious effects sure to follow those in ordi nary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the medical world. Such a tonic, and one soekillfully com bined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest sten:AA, and at the same time allay nervous and other irritations, and tone up all the organs of which the human body is composed, is offered in Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Hence, it is perfectly adapted to old and young. Reader, try it.— Thousands have already done so, and the testimony is universal in its favor.—New York Atlas. PROF. WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD REN OVATOR, for the cure of General Debility, or Weakness arising from any cause; also, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Night Mats , 'neje ent Consumption, Li ver Cemplaints, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, 'Female Weakness in all stages ; also to prevent the contraction of disease, is cer tainly the beet and most agreeable Cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to the afflicted, and so chemically combined as to be the mostpowerful toni c ever known to medical science. Reader, try it. It will do you good. We have no hesitation in recommending it, since we know it to be a; safe, pleasant and sure remedy for the diseases enumerated.—New York Dispatch. U7'llefore noticing a patent medicine, we have to be certain that it will prove itself to be all that it is re commended. And we would say that the Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood will stand the test Tully, and in fact it is without any doubt the firstrarticle in the market for Purifying the Blood and strengthening the system. We have no hesitation in recommending its use to all.—New Yorker. , . _ LOOK TO YOUSSELIF zit TIME.--Iloiv many, in .conse quenee of a false delicacy, suffer from supressedi pais fiat or obstructed inanitruation, and thi bename they . are young that bye-and-bye-nature will work 'teed clear from obstructions, and all come right in the erelilittle dreaming that the seeds of death are alreadygerunnating in the system because the vital energies are inipaired, and the entire animal economy deranged, debilitated; and yet, careless of themselves as they are, if aremedy wee set before them which.would restore all the.func Lions of the system, and re-invigorate the body, they would take it, and thus be in time to savd their lives.— Parents think of this, and at once give them a bottle of Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. —New York Courier. 0.,7. WOOD, Proprietor, No. 444 Broadway, and No. 114 Market Street .St. Louis, Mo. _ 41.7 - At.No: 494 Broadway, all the Validly, and Patent Medicines constantly on hand. Always fresh and genu ine, feb22-d&w2m. teal. COAL REDUCED!!! CONSUMERS OP COAL, TAKE NOTICE! Coal delivered to any part of the city limits by the Patent Weigh Carts, at the following low rates, for cash, vla : Lykena Valley Nut Coal at $2.00 per ton. It Small Egg 2.90 is Large do. 2.90 " IC Broken 2.90 " Balt. Coal Co.'s Wilkesbarre Steamboat, 3.00 per ton cc 41 Broken, 3.00 4 , cc Egg, 3.00 6, cc cc Nut, 2.25 " Broad Top Coal, (for Smiths' used 123 cts. per bushel, 2,600 Bushels OATS for sale, at lowest cash price. A large lot of superior HICKORY AND OAK WOOD for , sale, at the lowest rates. Agent for .D U PONT'S GUN AND BLASTING POWDER—for sale at manufacturer's prices. Coal delivered from both yards at above rates, by Patent Weigh Carts, which are certified to by the Sealers of Weights and Measures. fa - Every consumer will please weigh their Coal on delivery, and if it falls short 10 pounds I mill /Wen the Coal. A large, full and complete stock of the best kinds of Coal will always be found on hand. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, January 29,1881. jan3o dlm COAL! COAL!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS ,COAL WY THE P A TENT WEIGH CARTS! NOW IS THE TIME For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the winter—weighed at their door by the Patent Weigh Carts. The accuracy of these Carts no one disputes, and they never get out of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer has the satisfaction of proving the weight of his Coal at his own home I have a large supply of Coal on hand, em.5.31,•4 4 0g of 1 13. M. CO.'S LYKENS VALLEY COAL all sizes. LYK.E.NE VALLEY 'WT:LHEBBAREB 'BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do fAll Coal of the best quality mined, and delivered free from all impurities, at the lowest rates, by the boat or' ear load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. LAMES M. WHEELER. 'Harrisburg, September 24, 1860.—5ep25 UP TOWN! PATENT WEIGH CARTS !For the convenience of my numerous uptown custom ere, I have established, in connection with my old yard. a Branch. Coal Yard opposite North street, in aline with Ole Pennsylvania canal, having the office formerly occu pied by Mr. R. Harris, where consumers of Coal in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their Coal by the PATENT WEIGH CARTS WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HAULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be purchased anywhere. : FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON HAND, Of LYILENS VALLEY and WILKESBARBE, all sizes. B - Willing to maintain fair prices, but unwilling to be undersold by any parties, }'All Coal forked up and delivered clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at either Yard will be promptly filled, nd all Coal delivered by the Patent Weigh Carts. Coal sold by Boat, Car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel JAMES M. WHEELER Harrisburg, October 13, 1860.—0ct15 T n YKENS VALLEY NUT COAL— For Sale AT TWO DOLLARS PER TON. IL7' All Coal delivered by PATENT WEIGH CARTS JAMES M. WHEELER Coaldelivered from both yards. uol7 Ittebital. HEL MBOL ELMBOLDIS H ELMBOL D:S H icoLmBoLD , s ELMBOLIPS HELMBOLD:S H ELMBOLD:S HELMBOLDIS H ELM BOLD'S HELM BOLD'S HELMBOLD'S HELMBOLD:S HELMBOLD:S HELMBOL D: 8 Extract Buchu, Extract Eaclitt, Extract Dacha, Extract Encba, Extract Buchu, Extract kinchr, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Raclin, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Ductal, Extract Bactia, FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AAD DELICATE DISORDERS. FOE SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS, • A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A rositiT4 end Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, G-RAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY , BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS., ORGANIC WEAKNESS; ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS; ORGANIC WEAKNESS. And all Diseases of Seanal Organ•, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, ARISING FROM Races:see, Exposures, and Imprudenc:es in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposure?, and Impendencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Iruprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudenpies in Life. From whatever cause originating, and whether existing in MALE OR FEMALE Females, take no more Pills ! They are of no avail for COmplainto incident to the sex. Use EXTRACT BUORTf. Extract Buchn is a Medicine which is per fectly pleasantin its TASTE AND ODOR, But immediate in its action, giving Health and Vigor to the Frame,. Bloom to the Pallid Oheek, and restoring the patient to a perfect state of HEALTH AND PURITY. Helmbold's Extract Dacha is prapared according to Pharmacy and Chemigtry , ,.and is prescribed and by THE MOST EM-fla"ii-PR_YS.TOIANS. Delay no longer. Procure the remedy at once Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5. Depot 1O South Tenth street, Philadelphia. BEWARE or UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS Trying to palm off their own or other article)] of - BUCHt on the reputation attained by ' HI L~fBOLD'B EXTRAPT BUCRU, The Miginal and only Genuine. We desire to run on the MERIT OF OUR ARTICLE ! Their's is worthless --is sold at much lees rates and corn missions, consequently paying a much better profit. WE'DEFY COMPETITION"! Ask for HXLMBOLD , Iii 'EXTRACT BITCHU. Take no other, Bold by JOHN WYETH, Druggist, corner of Market and Second streets, Harrisburg, AkirD AL L . DRUGGISTS EVERYWHEBE. nol4 dk.w3in. EXTRACTS! EXTRACTS, WOODSWORTH & BIINNEIL 7 8 SUPERIOR FLAVORING FSTlid - or BITTER ALMOND, NECTARIN E, PINE APPLE, STRAWBERRY, BOSE, LEMON ANI, ' VANILLA. lust received and for sale by , 2 • le3o • WM. 8008, JR., lc: a VALENTINES ! VALENTINES!! A large assortment of COMIC, and SENTIMENTAL VALENTINES of different styles and prices.. For sale at REIMER'S BOOKSTORE, feb9 18 Market Street, Harrisburg,-Pa. MADERIA WINE I—WELSH BRo, TH.ERSI OLD DESERVE WINE--full. bodied sa fruity. In store and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 Market.street. feblB APPLES 1 I APPLES !I !—Five Hun dred Barrel; of Auperior APPLF,4 joet reeeived from New York State. For sale at loweet ca stujioe by febi2 • • JAMBS M. WHBMIAR. F"'AENT--The Buehler House RES isetruANT, with mile of Fixtures. fobl do iC Li do. . '''