Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 19, 1861, Image 2

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    tke Vatriot a anion.
Ushers and Proprietors.
Oommnnicationaarill not be pnbliahedin the PATRIOT
WM UNION unless accompanied with the name of the
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street New York, and
10 State street, Boston, are the Agents for .the PATRIOT
AID Mum, and the most influential and largest circu
lating newspipers in the United States and Lanadas
They are authorized -to contract for= atouriosesstrates
A seeond-hand ADAMS Passs t platen 30% by 26indhes,
in good order; ran be worked either by hand or steam
power. Terms moderate Inquire at this office.
To Members of the Legislature.
THE DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION will be furnished to
Members of the Legislature daring the session at the
low price of ON DOLLAR
Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT
AND Usrou, son procure them by leaving their orders
at the publication office, Third street, or with our re-
porters in either House, the evening previous
The Re-action.
The Republicans point to the result of the
election in New Hampshire and the town elec
tions in New York as evidence that there has
been no re-action against their party. We are
not apt to look northward and eastward for the
first symptoms of a change in public opinion;
but Pennsylvania furnishes us with the proof.
The city of Lancaster led off by electing a
Democratic Mayor by some 700 majority ; and
on Friday last Reading, which has recently
given heavy majorities the other way, also
chose a Democratic Mayor by more than 600
majority over his Republican competitor.—
Without specifying other localities, these may
be taken as fair indications of the political re
action which has taken place in Pennsylvania,
commencing with. the close of the Presidential
campaign, when the people began to see the
fearful mistake they committed in electing a
sectional President. When the offices are all
distributed, the Republican party will be re
duced to but little more than those who are
Onafortably provided for.
The dread the Republicans have of elections
about these times, is clearly exhibited by the
attempt now making in the Legislature—and
likely to succeed—to postpone the May elec
tion in Philadelphia until October, and to con
tinue those men in office for a longer term than
that for which they were originally elected.—
This high-handed proceeding evinces the reck
lessness of despair, and shows the deepest
anxiety to postpone the inevitable day of doom.
Ent it cannot be averted. The fate of the Re
publican party is sealed. Utter and deserved
defeat awaits it.
Great Expectations.
The sanguine friends of the present Federal
Administration,.who expected that so soon as
Mr. Lincoln assumed the control of the govern
ment everything would come right, as if by
magic, are already compelled to endure the
pangs of early disappointment. During the
last months of Mr. Buchanan's Administration,
nothing was more common than to hear from
confiding Republicans such expressions as—
'°Wait cat Old Abe becomes President-A-then
"we will have a government. He will teach
4ihezebeblit lesson they will bejllce_lir_tn—
, member. Re:wra-sennreufforcementa to the
,laAcroon. He will cheek the arro-
" gance of the secessionists and strike a deter.
"mined blow for the Union." This sort of
language was repeated until credulous i Repub
licans came to entertain the belief that secession
would die with the " corrupt and imbecile Bu
" chauan dynasty," and the stars and stripes
wave in triumph over the Confederate States
as soon as the breeze began to blow stiffly from
the North.
It is always those who expect too much that
are doomed to cruel disappointment. Already
there is a striking contrast between what the
Administration was expected to do and what it
has done; and between these expectations and
what it is likely to do the chasm is still wider.
Let us eee :
It was expected by the Republican party that
Mr. Lincoln would adopt immediate measures
to reinforce all the forts belonging to and held
for the Government in the seceding States.
It was expected, by very many, that the pro
perty and places taken from the Government in
these States would be recaptured at any cost;
and to aid in the accomplishment of this pur
pose, some of the Northern States pledged men
and money, and that very valiant man DAVIS,
Speaker of the House of Representatives of the
conservative State of Pennsylvania, told Mr.
LINCOLN to his face that the Keystone would
be ready to contribute her quota for the accom
plishment of this patriotic design.
It was expected that the laws would be rigidly
enforced in the seceding States, and the revenue
collected either on land or on water. This
point was not definitely determined, but at all
events the revenue was to be collected; no
question about that. Had any man insinuated
doubts as to the possibility of Mr. Lincoln col
lecting the revenue, he would have been hooted
down as a malignant secessionist. Old Abe
Would do it—that was a fixed fact.
It was expected that every man who yelled
for Lincoln and Freedom, and made a patriotic
ass of himself by wearing a fireman's cape and
carrying a goal oil lamp about the:streets on
dark nights, would be comfortably provided for
—have a fair chance at the pickings.
These were some of the great expectations
entertained by the Republicans since the be
ginning of the year 1861. In this imperfect
enumeration we of course leave out of view
the expectations cherished before the November
election, which were summarily dispelled within
a month after—that there would be no secession;
that the Southern States were only talking
disunion to frighten the North; that Lincoln's
election would strengthen the Union ; that the
triumph of the party of Freedom - would give
every working man a chance and a home, and
theta...ceaseless tide of prosperity and fat things
would flow in upon the country.
Now let us see what is likely to become of all
these fondly cherished expectations :
The confident expectation that Fort Sumpter.
would be reinforced and held is already de
stroyed. Orders have, been, or soon will be,
issued by Mr. Lincoln, the veritable "Old Abe,"
for the evacuation of this stronghold. General
Scott advises it, and it will be done.
The expectation that the new Administration
would attempt to retake the property and places
seized by the secessionists is not to be realized.
The Government has not the force and means
at its disposal adequate to this undertaking;
min if it had, the policy of commencing hostili
ties is not entertained.
The expectation that the revenue would be
collected is likely to share the same fate. How
to do it is the question. There are so many
Southern ports of entry, and the obstacles in
the way of enforcing the revenue laws from
shipboard are so numerous, that the Adminis
tration cannot see through the difficulty ; and
it may determine to be guided by circumstances,
and not to attempt to do what cannot be done.
The expectation that every active, coal-oil
Republican would get a chance at the pickings
is only partially dispelled as yet. Some have
got their reward. Others are watching and
working and waiting in breathless anxiety.—
Others are already convinced that Republicans,
as well as republics, are ungrateful. When
this business is finally settled, and ninety-nine
out of every hundred hungry expectants dis
cover that they are not to have a seat at the
government table, then the bubble of great ex
pectations must collapse, and "Old Abe" be
voted a traitor to freedoln and human rights.
Mr. Lincoln's Administration seems destined
to teach the folly of great expectations, and
the striking contrast between profession and
Mr. Douglas' Resolution.
On Friday last there occurred an exciting
debate in the United States Senate on the fol
lowing resolution of inquiry, offered by Mr.
Resolved, That the Secretary of War be re
quested to inform the Senate what forts, arse
nals, navy yards and other public works within
the limits of the States of South Carolina, Geor
gia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana,
and Texas, are now within the actual possession
and occupation of the United States, and by
what number of men each is garrisoned and
held, and whether reinforcements are necessary
to retain the same, and if so, whether the Gov
ernment has the power and means under exist
ing laws to supply such reinforcements within
such time as the exigencies and necessities of
the case may demand, and whether the defence
and protection of the United States and their
interests iike it necessary and wise to retain
military possession of such forts, places and
other property, except at Key West and Tortu
gas, and to recapture and re-occupy such others
as the United States have been deprived of by
seizure or surrender for any other purpose and
with a view to any other end than the subjuga
tion and occupation of those States which have
assumed the right to secede from the Union,
and within whose limits such forts and other
public property are situated ; and if such be
the motives for recapturing and holding the
forts and other public property, what military
force, including regulars and volunteers, would
be necessary to enable the United States to re
duce the States aforesaid and- such others as
are supposed to sympathise with them to sub
jection and obedience to the laws of the Union,
and to protect the Federal capital.
The information required by this resolution
is precisely what the country is most anxious
to obtain. The inquiry comprises several ob
jects: First, What fortifications are now held
by the Federal Government it the seceding
States, and how they are held. Second, Are
reinforcements necessary to retain the same;
can the Government supply such reinforce
ments, and if it can, would it be wise to do so ?
Third, Does the Administration intend to re
capture the forts already taken, and hold those
now in their possession, !aka
seceding tates. _Fourth, If
subjugation is to be the policy of the Admin
istration, what would it cost in men and
money ?
These are inquiries now agitating the public
mind, North and South, peace rneu and war
men, secessionists and friends of the Union.
They are questions upon the solution of which
depends the future of the country. 'they go
directly to the heart of the controversy. They
are designed to ascertain what policy the Ad
ministation of Mr. Lincoln means to pursue—
whether an attempt is to be made to fulfil the
declarations of the inaugural, that the property
belonging to the Federal Government shall be
held, and the revenue collected, or whether the
order for the evacuation of Fort Sumpter is
indicative of the conclusion, on the part of the
Administration, that the carrying out of this
policy is impracticable.
These questions the Administration is not
prepared to answer, judging from the deter
mined and bitter opposition made to their pas
sage by the Republican Senators. But they
are only deferring the evil day. They must be
answered practically, sooner or later—if not
in words, in acts. It would be more satisfac
tory to the country to know at once what they
have to expect, than to encounter the delay and
suspense of awaiting the development of events.
But there is no possible way of dodging these
questions. They must be solved by the Ad
ministration and by the people. It is impos
sible to act upon the theory that the Union is
unbroken, without we are prepared to go to
war and attempt to conquer the seceding States.
They must eventually agree that the Union is
unbroken, or it is broken. If we cannot per
suade them, and do not intend to make the
attempt to compel them to recognize the au
thority of the Federal Government, it would
be more rational at once to recognize their in
deliendence, than to pursue this half and half
policy, which cannot continue much longer.
The Administration must decide whether their
policy is to be for war or for peace, and must
solve the very questions which Mr. Douglas
wishes to be answered now.
TRIA--The Emperor of Austria has granted
what seems to be a liberal Constitution to his
ill-governed and dissatisfied people. It has
been forcill from him by popular discontent,
which threatened the partition of his over
grown Empire. Its heads are given in the
following summary, which was published in
the London papers of the 27th of last month :
The representation of the Empire will retain
the name of Reichsrath. The Reichsrath will
Consist of two Chambers.
The Upper Rouse will be composed of he
reditary members, and of other persons nomi
nated for life.
The Lower House will consist of 343 mem
bers, who will be elected by Provincial Diets.
The Reichsrath will have the right of legis
lation and of initiative.
Its sittings will be public.
A bill becomes a law when it has passed
both Houses and has been sanctioned by the
The Reicbsrath is to fix the amount of the
budget, to legislate in all matters of taxation,
to manage public loans and the national debt;
to audit-the State balance sheet., and superin
tend the affairs of the Bank.
The restoration of the former Constitution of
Hungary, Croatia, Slavonia, and Transylvania
within the limits of the diploma of the 20th of
October, 1860, is decreed.
For the other provinces liberal statutes, with
representation of the interests of the people,
will be given.
To towns the representation will be at the
rate of five per cent. of the population. In
rural districts it will be below five per cent.
The Provincial Diets are to legislate for
their respective provinces, to have autonomy,
the right of initiative, and publicity.
The Provincial Diets are to meet on the 6th,
and the Reichsrath on the 29th of April.
This is an approach to Parliamentary repre
sentation, and the Times, commenting upon it,
frankly says : "The fortunes of the Austrian
Empire and the many European interests which
are involved in it mainly depend on the atti
tude of Hungary between this and the 6th of
March, when the Provincial Diets are to meet.
We can hardly doubt that the other States con
cerned will follow the lead of Hungary, and we
may almost predict that if Hungary does not
revolt, the peace of Europe will not be dis
turbed during the present year. Garibaldi will
not attack Venetia unless Hungary is prepared
to take Austria on the flank, and in the same
event Prussia is virtually pledged to remain
MONDAY, March 18, 1861.
The Senate was called to order at 3 o'clock,
p. m., by Mr. PENNEY, Speaker pro tem.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Cattel.
Mr. ROBINSON, an act to incorporate the
New Castle and Darlington railroad company.
Mr. BOUGHTER, an act to establish a law
library in the city of Harrisburg.
Mr. BENSON, an act to legalize the election
of certain school directors in Potter county.
Mr. CONNELL, an act to reduce the enroll
ment tax on acts of incorporation of engine,
hose, and hook and ladder companies. (The
bill proposes reducing the tax to ten dollars,
instead of fifty.)
Also, a supplement to the act providing for
the registry of births, deaths and marriages.
Mr. WHARTON, an act to incorporate the
Glenmorgan iron company.
Mr. HALL, on behalf of the Sergeant-at-
Arms, presented to the Senate a beautiful gavel,
in a few very appropriate remarks, at the con
clusion of which Mr. HALL offered a resolu
tion of thanks to Mr. Yerkes; which was passed
unanimously. Speaker PALMER received the
gavel with a suitable reply, in which he paid a
high compliment to Mr. Yerkes, as a man and
an officer.
Mr. SCHINDEL, on leave, read in place an
act to vacate Oak alley, in the borough of Eas
An act relating to deer in the county of Cen
tre. Passed_
An act relating to the distribution of the pro
ceeds of sheriffs' sales of real estate; which,
after some debate, was, on motion, postponed
for the present.
An act in relation to the accounts of the
Delaware and Hudson canal company. The
bill was postponed from time to time, from the
early part of the session, and was passed, after
a prolonged debate, finally, by a vote of 16 to
8. The object of the bill is to exonerate the
company from the payment of certain taxes,
said to amount in the aggregate to $30,000.
MONDAY, March 18, 1861.
The SPEAKER called the House to order at
3 o'clock.
Mr. SHEPPARD made a statement, in which
he emphatically denied the report published in
a Philadelphia paper, that he had moved to re
consider the vote on the !It'll to suppress fortune
telling. He voted in favor of the bill through
out. ,
This being petition day, a large number were
received and referred. Among them the fol
lowing :
and others presented petitions for and remon
strances against the erection of public buildings
in Philadelphia.
Mr. BRODHEAD presented a petition from
citizens of Pike county, praying for a repeal of
the tax on the New York and Erie railroad for
a right of way through the 4tfttc.
Mr. BHEPPARD, in favor of remunerating
the owners of fugitive slaves who may be res
cued from the officers by mobs.
Mr. HILL presented a petition from citizens
of Montgomery county, praying for an appro
priation of money to send free negroes to Li
Mr. WILDEY, remonstrances against depri
ving the Supreme Court from making certain
Mr. GORDON presented a petition from citi
zens of Jefferson county, praying for an appro
priation of $500,000 for an underground rail
road from the county seat of Cameron to the
county seat of Forest, if those places can be
Also, a further appropriation for the purchase
of a set of teeth for the mouth of oil creek.
Mr. H.UHN. petition of citizens of Ashland
borough for a charter of incorporation of a
cemetery company.
Also, one from citizens of Schuylkill county,
asking for an appropriation to the Pennsylva
nia Colonization society.
Mr. PRESTON, one for making an appro
priation to the American Colonization society.
Mr. PIERCE, one of like import from Dela
ware county.
The Governor, in accordance with a resolu
tion of the House, returned the bill making an
appropriation of $30,000 to the suffering poor
of Kansas. A resolution from the Senate, re
questing that this bill be returned to that body,
was concurred in.
The bill relative to the police force of Phila
delphia, was re-committed to the Cominittee on
the Judiciary Local. Mr. THOMAS, by con
sent, read in place a substitute for the bill.
Mr. SHEPPARD offered a resolution request
ing the Auditor General and State Treasure;
to inform the House what amount of guaran
teed interest is due by the State, on account
of the Bald Eagle and Spring Creek navigation
company. • Passed.
Several bills were read in place, among which
were the following : -
Mr. BARTHOLEMEW, an act appropriating
portions of fines and forfeitures in Schuylkill
county to the creation of a free law library in
said county.
Also, a supplement to the act incorporating
the Donaldson improvement company.
Mr. PRESTON, an act to prohibit the Phil
adelphia, Baltimore and Wilmington railroad
company from running locomotives through the
city of Philadelphia.
Mr. LEISENRING, an act to incorporate the
Educational Advancement Society of the Alum
ni Association of the Central High school of
Philadelphia; also, an act to divorce Edwin
George Wells from his wife Ellen.
Mr. SHEPPARD, a joint resolution fo pur
chase the manuscripts of the State book of
The bill for the payment of seventy-five dol
lars each to the committees on the contested
election case in the First legislative district was
taken up and passed. Adjourned.
extra session of Congress is called, special
elections will have to be held in Maryland,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Kentucky, Rhode
Island and California. Virginia holds her
regular election in the latter end of May, in
season, probably, to do away with a special
Already Thurlow Weed sees the impractica
bility of the new tariff, the impossibility of
collecting the revenue, and the dead lock to
which the government is reduced. " The exe
cutive arm," he says, "is paralyzed. There are
no laws at all adequate to existing exigencies.
* In the present condition of the coun
try its embarrasse.ents have been aggravated
by a complicated tariff. Congress adjourned
without passing the laws necessary to enable
the President even to collect the national reve
nues. Greatly as extra sessions of Congress
are to be deprecated, there seems now to be an
overruling necessity for one."
Such is the humiliating confession of the im
becility of the Republican Government made
by the organ of the chief member of the Cabi
net. The duties on foreign goods, he says,
will be all collected at the South, and the
whole trade of the cities of the Northern sea
board will be " diverted" there. The duties on
foreign goods reaching Savannah, Charleston,
New Orleans, &a., amount to more than $20,000
per day, " and to this extent the general gov
ernment is practically paying tribute to those
in gpen rebellion against its authority." Yet
we were assured by all the Republican journals
that in Mr. Lincoln the country would find " a
man at the head of affairs, and he would soon
prove to the world that we have a government."
But now his utter impotence is admitted, and
an extra session of Congress is called for to
give him " backbone" and to stiffen his " weak
By the time fixed for the new tariff to go
into operation, nearly two millions of dollars,
says the Journal, will have passed into the
hands of those who have thrown off their alle
giance to the Union. Nor is this all. "After
the Ist of May the rates of duty will be much
lower at the Gulf State ports than elsewhere.
The difference will be so great that the entire
Northwest would find it to their advantage to
purchase their imported goods at New Orleans
rather than at New York." What is proposed
to be done ? A blockade ? Not at all. "There
will be no blockade," says the Journal ; for "as
the law of blockade is now construed, blockade
is nearly a practical impossibility on a coast line
of thousands of miles." What then ? Has
the government no authority on the land ?
Just before Mr. Lincoln's inauguration his
friend and representative in the Senate, Mr.
Trumbull, declared that under any other go
vernment than that of . Mr. Buchanan the
Commissioners from South Carolina would have
been arrested and hanged. Why does not Mr.
Lincoln arrest and bang the Commissioners
from Montgomery ? Weed has now discovered
that "in holding Sumpter, an isolated fort, the .
authority of the government could only be
vindicated at a fearful expenditure of treasure
and blood." No Republican journal made
this discovery while Mr. Buchanan was in
office. On the contrary, it was unanimously
agreed that he was nothing less than a traitor
in not vindicating the government at that very
point. It is only now they have found out that
"the executive arm is paralyzed."
Rut Weed consoles the party with the idea
that the authority of the government can be
as well maintained " by collecting the revenue
on the quarter decks of armed frigates, to be
stationed at the entrances of the harbors."
"This," adds the Jorunal, "will be a legiti
mate exercise of authority. If bloodshed shall
result from it, the government will not be the
aggressor. There will be no invasion. It will
involve us in no controversy with foreign Pow
ers." Thus the cowardly government, know
ing that the Confederate States have no navy,
will invade their waters, but not their territory.
It may rest assured, however, that if it pursue
that course, it will soon have to defend itself
on land, or make a precipitate retreat from
Washington. And are the Cabinet so silly as
to imagine that this plan will not involve the
country in a controversy with foreign powers,
and that the British and_French governments,
ifirrpertae - ifffnea - frigates Or
a government de jure to levy tribute on the
high seas, from their merchant vessels, on
goods which will nave to pay a second tri
bute to a government de facto, when they enter
port—to pay, first, the Morrill high tariff du
ties, and then the low duties of the Confederate
States ? The supposition is absurd, and any
such attempt will lead to a war with England
and France, who 'will not recognize the au
thority of any government , over territory which
it is not able to assert by land as well as by
"If this much of coercion' is not practica
ble," says Weed, " then the government is at
an end." There is no one knows better than
the editor of the Evening Journal that it is not
practicable, and that the government is really
at an end in the Confederate States. Such is
the pass to which we are brought by the elec
tion to the office of Chief Magistrate of an
ignorant, incompetent man. There is no states
man in the Cabinet—there was none in the
last Congress—nor is it likely that any will
turn up in the next Congress capable of grap
pling with the difficulties of the situation in
which the country is placed. --H. Y. Herald.
LEABNING BUT Too LATE.—The Republican
press at the North is just beginning to com
prehend and discuss the results in connection
with the accession of their party to power on
anti-national principles and ideas. They are
rather late in the day ; but had there been a
due capacity for practical statesmanship among
their leaders, they would have deemed the re
sults in question as inevitable even before the
revolution which they have provoked, had at all
begun. These results are such only as could
legitimately flow from the premises Repubican
ism assumed. But the wiseacres who thus set
themselves up to become rulers of the nation,
had not foresight enough tosdiscern the natu
ral consequences of political injustice. Hence,
now, we find that common'sense which taught
others than fanatics and narrow partisans be
forehand, as it were, has come to the relief of
Republicans•only after causes have prOduced
effects most disastrously.
The Albany Evening Journal awakens to the
impossibility of collecting the revenues at the
South, and confesses now that paper blockades
will not be recognized by European States.—
And in view of the difficulties and embarrass
ments that are to arise in connection with the
revenue by reason of the lower tariff of the
Southern Confederacy, a significant article ap
pears in a New York Evening Post, a Republican
paper, calling for the repeal of the Morrill high
tariff bill passed at the close of the last Con
gress. The foreshadowings of the future are
evidently unpleasant; and the New York Tri
bnne, in a long article on " The Future," thus
owns up its ignorance of the past :
Confession No. I.—" Before last November
threats of disunion were common enough, but
no one supposed they were anything more than
electioneering tricks."
Confession No. 2—" Indeed; so frequently
had those threats been made before, that no
one had any reason to regard them as of any
practical importance."
Confession No. 3.—" They were accordingly
received *either with indifference or with mirth
ful remarks • and the general opinion seemed
to be that the South could not be forced out of
the Union."
Confession No. 4.—“lt was argued by those
who oared to argue at all about it, that the
very existence of slavery depended upon the
Union ; that no slave State would dare to have
Canada carried down to its borders ; that slave
insurrections would occur as soon as the heavy
hand of the federal government was withdrawn
from the institution; and that the • dread of
John Brown raids would alone prove sufficient
to keep the slave States in the Union."
Confession No. s.—"lt would seem now that
great ignorance prevailed at the North as to
the real situation of the slave States. At all
events, we reckoned too rapidly, and accepted
possible ultimate results as immediate effects."
Such confessions of past ignorance as these,
whioh are virtually made also by the new ad
ministration itself, while satisfactory in a de
gree, are not calculated to beget unlimited
confidence for a wise ruling of the country for
the next four years at the hands of those who
have so egregriously blundered in the past.—
Baltimore gun.
day afternoon it was settled in Cabinet council
to appoint Mr. Halloway, of Ind., late a mem
ber of the Holm of Representatives, to be Com
missioner of Patents. Mr. Halloway is a man
of clear head, excellent judgment, much energy
of character, and unapproachable integrity.—
He is a mechanic rather than a lawyer, by pio
fession, though through connecton with the
general business and public trusts at home and
here, he is sufficiently familiar With the prin
ciples of law (as shown in the manner in which
he discharged the duties of his late position in
Congress) to enable him to make a very suc
cessful administration of the important trust
about to be confided to him.— Washington Star,
March 16.
DEAD.—Mr. Charles L. Rademacher died at
his residence in Philadelphia on Wednesday
last, in the 46th year of his age. Mr. Rade
macher figured prominently in the terible
tragedy which occurred about fifteen years
ago, and for which Langfeldt suffered on the
gallows. The Rademachers lived at the time
in Fourth street, above Arch. One night their
bed chamber was entered from the outside by
means of a shed, and Mrs. Rademacher was
cruelly butchered by the assassin. Mr. R. was
also wounded. The excitement which grew
out of the crime and the arrest, trial and exe
cution of Langfeldt will be remembered by most
of our readers.—Philadelphia Bulletin.
A GIANT IN EMBRY6.—The Springfield (Ill.)
Journal says that Mr. George Howard and lady,
of that place, are in possession of a prize in
nature of a mammoth baby. The age is six
months, and it weighs sixty-one pounds. Mr-
Howard is a saddle and harness maker, of
Springfield, and lives on Adams street. Nei
ther he nor his - wife are above the medium in
stature. The child is, without doubt, the
largest, taking its age into consideration, that
has been on record. It is said that its strength
is fully in proportion to its stature ; it lifts and
throws the chairs around as easily as a boy of
five years.
mo tires, to be driven by American anthracite
coal, are now constructing by the Paris and
Orleans Railway Company, at their workshops
at Ivry, under the direction of a Philadelphian,
named Mil'holland. The coal can be laid down
on the line for $6.75 per ton, and the experi
ment annoys the English coal dealers very
much. It is said to be owing to the enterprise
of a French nobleman, recently in this conn
try, whose attention was drawn to the subject
while traveling with Lord Lyons, the British
Minister, over the Reading railway.
of an attempted murder, on Thursday night
last, by a negro woman belonging to the lady
of a Mr. Brittingbam, residing at Pitts' Creek
in the lower part of Worcester county, Md.
It is thought that both this negro woman and
her husband, a slave, belonging to a neighbor,
were concerned. The attempt was made by
throwing an axe through a window, near
which Mrs. B. was sleeping, she being sick
and propped up in bed. Both negroes are in
the Snow Hill jail. Mrs. B. made a narrow
eseape.—Snow Hill Shield.
On Monday last the Indiana Legislature passed
the railroad bill known as the Pittsburg, Fort
Wayne and Chicago railroad bill, providing
that railroads may let their roads go to sale,
and organize new corporations, and giving the
new corporations the right to reinstate the old
bondholders, auditors and stockholders in the
same order as before, as first, second, third
preferred stock without any preferment. It
puss-ea botn-zrouacti.
The Troy Times states that 150 men are now,
and have been for some time, at work at the
Watervliet Arsenal, manufacturing munitions
of war, which are destined principally for the
Southern ports.
From Washington,
The Confederate Commissioners have to-day
been politely informed that they will soon re
ceive a reply of some kind from the Adminis
Several of the highest class of officers in the
Departments have to-day sent in their resigna
A Cabinet meeting was convened to-day to
consider the question of an extra session of
The head of the Post Office Department will
to-day begin the appointment of the Postmas
ters in small cities, and will continue the job
throughout the week.
Pollock stock, in the matter of the Philadel
phia Collectorship, appears to be up to-day.
Dispatches from Pensacola represent every
thing quiet, there so far.
In answer to a Senator, the President has
stated that he would be through with the Sen
ate business on Wednesday, and the Senate
will probably adjourn on that day.
It is settled that Carl Shurz will not be sent
as Minister to-Sardinia.
The acceptance of the Mexican mission by
Hon. Thomas Corwin is finally settled.
iov. Roman, the third Confederate Commis
sioner, has arrived to-day.
Quarters have been provided in this city for
Major Anderson's command.
Official dispatches from the East India
squadron say that one of the vessels has been
dispatched to Ningpo, for the purpose of finding
out if possible the pirates who recently captured
two American vessels on that coast.
The Pacific mail by the North Star brought
no information relative to the missing sloop of
war Levant.
The last remittances from any of the seceded
States on account of the customs were received
from Galveston toward the close of February,
being about nine hundred dollars. Drafts on
balance due previous to .the secession and on
receipts other than from customs, are, it is said,
honored in those States, with the exception of
Mr. Archibald, Engineer in Chief of the
Navy, has resigned.
Missouri state Convention.
ST. LOUIS, March . 18.
The following amendment to the fifth resolu
tion of the majority report of the committee
on Federal Relations, N which has been under
discussion during the past week, was voted
down on Saturday in the Convention by a vote
of sixty-one to thirty : To amend the fifth
resolution by adding the following : And
further believing the fate of. Missouri depends
upon a peaceable adjustment of our present
difficulties, she will never countenance or aid
the seceding States in making war upon the
general Government nor will she provide men
and money for the purpose of aiding the gen
eral Government in any attempt to coerce a
seceding State.
From the Southern Confederacy.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., hlarch 18.
The tariff. bill reported last week was not
passed into a law ; it will be up fer action when
the Congress again meets. The Commission
ers to Europe, Messrs. Yancy, of Alabama, A.
Dudley Mann, and R. A. Rust, of Louisiana,
will leave for New Orleans, to take an English
steamer at Havana on the 27th for Southamp
Resumption of Specie Payments.
Tne banks of this city resumed specie pay
ments this morning.
-- - _
goverment of the seceded States has appointed li o ll u.
William L. Yancey, of Alabama ; Judge P A.
Rust, of Louisiana; Col. A. Dudley :Hann and
T. Butler King, of Georgia ; special commie,
sioners to proceed to England and Franc e t o
obtain the recognition of the independ ence of
the Confederate States, and make such cola,
inertial arrangements as their joint interests
may require.
ARMY RESIGNATION.—Lient. Caleb Huse, of
the United States army, son of Ralph C , M use ,
Esq., of Newburyport, Mass., has resigned.
He is a graduate of West Point. His company
was for a time at Key West, where he married
and it is now at Fort Sumpter. He has beet
absent on a furlough for some time, and was
employed as teacher of a State military ae a d e.
my at Tuscaloosa, Alabama.
209 towns show a majority for Berry, rep. , f or
of 3,896. Four of the five council
lors have been elected by the Republicans, and
all but two of the senators. The representa
tives number 183 Republicans, 105 Demo
crats-32 to be heard from. Last fall Lincoln
carried the State by 9,100.
John Eubank died at Charlottsville, Va., an
the 11th instant, aged 68 years. lie was for
captiveßritish army
a.l when
was ldierin sent the
a s
was one of the troops detailed by the -English
y a soldier
government to guard the Emperor in his lonely
prison. He remained there during Napoleon's
life and for several years afterwards.
Columbus, Ohio, announce twenty-nine ballots
in the Republican caucus for Senator to fill
Chase's vacancy. John Sherman and Gov.
Dennison are the principal candidates. sh e ,.
man was withdrawn, but will prol,amy b e
brought forward again, stronger than bef ore ,
THE WHEAT.—In Missouri the young wheat
in the country north of the Missouri river is
looking unusually thrifty and flourishing f or
this season of the year. In other parts of th e
State it presents a good appearance, and far.
mars are encouraged to look for an unusually
good harvest of this grain.
The proposition for a National Convention, in.
troduced in the Legislature of Indiana on the
first day of the session, passed just before the
adjournment by a decided majority in both
NOVEL USE or GOAT SKINS.—The mode of
churning in Fayal, one of the Azores, is to tie
the cream up in a goat skin, and kick it about
till the butter comes.
The official vote shows that North Carolina
has voted against calling a State Convention
by only 194 majority.
The shad fisheries of North Carolina are said
to be unusually productive this season.
New Ithertionnents.
At this season of year, when so much sickness prevnilp.
every one should provide himself with DR. DM
disease in its beginning.
A fresh enpply always on band at
We would call attention to a new article of paper,
called BUSINESS LETTER, which has been gotten up
to meet the wants of business men and others who ab
ject to Commercial Note as being to narrow, and do not
wish to use part of usual letter sheet.
This overcomes both the above objections; is a per.
feet sheet; pure wove; plate finish ; ruled on one side;
made from best material, free from adulteration, and put
up in neat boxes convenient for use.
We also have a paper called BANK LETTER, similar
to the above, except it has but half the number of lines
on, so as to allow a printed blank or heading above.
For sale by THEO. F. SCHEFFER,
mar 19 No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg.
A good COOK can find constant employmentand
good wages. Apply to DANIEL WAGNER, at the Seven
Stars Hotel, corner of Second and Chesnut streets.
marl 2
Fruit and Ornamental Tree's, Grapes, Small Fruits, Rhu
barb, Asparagus, Shrubs, Roses, Bedding Plants, &o.,in
great variety. Orders left with G. H. SMALL, at the
State Capital Bank, will receive prompt attention. Cat
alogues gratis on application. marlB-Imda4tvr
lowing words are from Mark a. v. 9, 12:
"What, therefore, God has joined together let not man
put asunder."
"Whosoever shall put away hiswife and marry another
eommitteth adultery. And if a woman shall put away
her husband and marry again she committeth adultery."
Legislators and others, the above is the edict of the
Supreme Lawgiver, from which there is do app
"What, therefore, God has joined together let no mart
put asunder." anl2 dtf
at Manufacturer's prices. A. ROBINSON It CO.