RATES OF ADVERTISING• POW lime or Less constitute half a square. Ten lines sr mots than four, constitute a Ronan. Halfsq.,oneday 50.25 One eq., one dal----- 060.80 ‘‘ one weer....--- 1.00 g one week..--. 1.28 oi OM month— . 2.00 " one month. Loo " three menthe. a.OO It three months. 5.00 " months . 4.00 c' six months.— 8.06 S 4 o ne y ear __ . 5 . 00 it one year..". 10.00 117- Business notices inserted in the LOCAL ooLnlti, or before marriages and deaths, Firs Cfilin PER LINE for each insertion. To meratianteand others advertisingbytheyeat ilteraltei Is will be odered. "Er Tine sumberof insertione must bedesignatedon the ivertiaement. marr i, i gs s ad Deaths will be inserted at the same ease. gniar Advertisements. Books, Stationery, &c. SCHOOL BOOKS.—School Directors, Teaahars, Parente, Scholars, and others, in want of School Booka 7 School Stationery, dr.o., will finds complete a ssortment at X. M. POLLOOK & SON'S BOOK STORK, liarket Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the follow- is RBADERS.—MeGnffey" 8, Parker's, Cobb's, Angell's SPELLING BOOBS.—McGliffey's, Cobb's, Webster's, Town's, Byerly's. Combryli. ENGLISH GRAMlS.Alla.—Builion's, Smith's, Wood bridge's, Monteith,s, Tuthill's, Hart's, Wells , . HlSTOBLES.—Grimshaw's, Davenport's, Frost's, Wil son's, Willard's, Pizmock's, Goldsmith's and Olarleg. AlGTHMETlC'S.—Oreenleaf's, Stoddard's, Emerson's ' PikelkDoee% Uolburn's, Smith and Duke's, Davie'e. ALGEBRA3.—tireenlears, Davie's, Day's, say% Bridge's. DIOTIONABYS.—WaIker's School, Cobb's, Walker, Worcester's Coioprehensive, Worcester's Primary, Web liter's Primary, Webster's High School, Webster's quarto, Academic. NATURAL PHILOSOPHIES.—Comstock's, Parker's, Swift's. The above with a great variety of others can at any time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort ment of School Stationery, embracing in the whc le a com plete outfit for ached purposes. Any book not in the store. procured ‘t one days notice. g Country Merchants supplied at wholesale rates. ALMANACS.--John Baer and Son's Almanac tor sale Id B. M. POLLOCK & SON'S BOON STORE, Harriebnyg. dry' 'Wholesaleland Retail. aIYI JUST RECEIVED AT SCHEFFER'S BOOESTORE, DAMAI72 . I.NE SLATES oir VARIOUS SIZES AND MOBS, Which, for beauty and vase, cannot be excelled. SNMEMDEB. THE PLACE, • HEFFERIS 2001C5T011.6, NO. 18 MARKET STREET. mare N E W BOOK SI 3119 T RECEIVED "BEAL AND SAY," by the Bather of "Wide, Wide World," “DoUltra and Cents," &A. "HISTORY OF METHODISM,"by A.Stevens, LL.D. For Bale at SCIIIFFEB.9 I BOOKSTOTtE, ap9 No.lB Marko at. JUST. RECEIVED, AIAINFE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF RICHLY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, Of various Design and Colors, for 8 'snag, TISSUE PAPER AND CDT FLY PAPER, At pny24l SCHREYER'S BOOKSTORE. WALL PAPER I WALL PAPER I I Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, EIRE SCREENS, &c. It is the largest end best selected assortment inthe city, ranging in price from six (6) cents up to one dollar and a quarter ($1.25.) As we purchase Tory low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates; if not lower, than can be had else. where. if purchasers will call and examine we feel eonfideat that we can please them in respect price and quality. E. &I POLLOCK & SON, apS Below Jonea' House, Market Square. T . ETTE R, CAP, NOTE PAPERS, 11 Pens, UOldere, Peneils i Ewrelopes, Sealing Wax, of the best quality, at low prices, direct from the manu factories, at mar3o SOREFFER , S 4311EAP BOOKSTORE TAW BOOKS LAW BOOKS 1---A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Reports and Standard Blementary Works, with many of the old SsglL3l. Reports, mares and rare, together with a large assortment of second-hand Law "Wan, at eery low prices, at the one price Bookstore of Z. K. POLLOCK & SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. myB AtiottUantous. AN ARRIVAL QF NEW GOODS APPROPRIATE TO THE - SEASON! DILI( LINEN Pd.P.EB FANS! FANS!! PANS!!! ANIMIZA , AND arzsmotTo LOT OT SPLICED FISHING RODS! Trout Flies, Gut and Hair 'Snoods, Grass Linea, Silk and Hair Plaited Lines, and general assortment Of FISHING TACHLS! A MCAT 'VARIETY OF W A. L gI N O. CANES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest! Silver Heed Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy Canes! Ganes ! Canes! Canes ! Canes! KFLLNIt'S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, NO. 91 1113111 T SUM, South side. one door oast of Fourth street je9. NUT COALIII ONLY $1.75 PER TON!!!XII TREVERTON NUT COAL for sale at $1.75 per ton, delivered by Patent Weigh - Carta. PINEGROVE COAL, justreceired by cars, for sale by felat JAMES K. WHEELER. a ARDEN SEEDS! ! I-A FRESH AND CO PUTS aaeortment, just received and for sale by feb2l W.M. DOCK, Ja., & CO. TUST RECEIVED—A large Stock of SCOTOU ALES / DROWN STOUT and LONDON POSTER. For sate at the lowest fetes by JOHN H_ ZERGLEB, 73 Market street. kuM F I III! F B 11:11 MACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (Tory superior.) SHAD, (Mesa and very fine.) HERRING, (extra large.) COD NISH. SMOKED HERRING - , (extra Dighy.) SCOTCH HERRING.. SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. Of the Om we have Mackerel in whole, half, quarter and eighth Idda. herring in whole and half MAL The entire lot new—Diasor ?Rost ?MI 11 , 1511XIMIS, and will sell them at the lowest market rate's_ sepl4 WM. DOCEr7a., & CO. CHAMPAGNE WINEBI DIM DE MONTEBBLLO, lINIDSIECK & CO. CHARLES HEIDSIECK, GISSIAR it co. Aricaor.—Stumtor motrasztrx, I VA/AIMING MUSCATEL, MUMM & CO.'S, TERZENAT, CABINET, In store and for Bale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 7: Market street_ de2o CKORY WOOD! !-A SUPERIOR LOT Mad received, and for Ws in quantitivi ,ft I sn_ i t pur chasers, by .7AIIES M. WRBBLER. Also, OAR AND PINR constantly On hand at the boirOst prices. dcc6 Fey BIBLES, from 1$ to $lO, strong and handsomely boned, primed oo g ood ga p er , with elegant altar AM type, mom B it tikahBl BOREFFEIVB Oheap Book.t4re. GRANBERRIES I I I-A SPLZNDID LOT just received by eetlo VOR a superior and cheap TABLE or SALAD OIL go to KELLER'S DRUG STORE. TrlP` Fruit Growers' Handbook—by WARlNG—wholesale and retail at 81111111M811 , 13 Bookstore. RPER I SI CA.NDLES.—A large aupply M just reteired by WK. DOCK. Zs.. & CO. ' DRUG STORE is the plats - to Clad the bard amortmont of Porte Momudos. WM. DOM. Js., & CO - 1 t • t j . „ gara ' All • • I .r. • '.fz itton. VOL. 3. COMMISSIONERS' STATEMENT OF J TUE RECFIPTS of John Care, Esq., Treasurer of Daupbin county, Pa., from January Ist. 1860, to February 12th, 1861, both days inclusive, being the receipts for the year 1860, to wit : To balance due the county of Dau phin, as per report of County Au. ditors, at settlement by them made, January 23, 1860, to wit : To amount of outstanding taxes for 1857 . $485 96 To amount of nutatandiug taxes for 185911,924 88 -------- 12 7 410 84 Amount due said county for the use of persons entitled to redemption monies, as per report of County „, 'AUditOrB, made January 23, 1860. 95 54 Amount of charges against school and road districts due the said county, collected in 1859, as per report of said County Auditors, January 23, 1861. 6 41 101 95 To amount of county tax, levied and assessed according to law, in the following named boroughs, wards and townships, in the county of Dauphin. Pa., taxable by low, for county purpsses, to wit: To C. 0. Zimmerman, Ist ward, Harrisburg 1,233 20 To N. Zollinger, 2d ward, Harris burg. 3,246 24 To Joseph Hoffman, 33 ward, Har risburg.. 3,495 31 To D. Strominger, 4th ward, Har risburgl,724 80 - To J. 0. Young, sth ward, Harris burg 642 09 To J. B. Thompson, 6th ward, Har risburg -..... 881 41 To 0. Caslow, Susquehanna W 1)... 3,056 63 To M. A. Frantz, Swatara ".... 2,641 57 To John B. Ebersole, Lower Swa taro township 1,673 83 To D. J. Shaeffer, Esq., South ward, Middletown 437 43 To eteorgeWestheffer, Middle ward, Middletown. 471 16 To Joseph Brestle, Jr , North ward, Middletown , ...... 692 87 To at R. Allman, Londonderry t'p 2,128 62 To Smug Kauffman ' Conewago " 1,200 15 To John T. Grove, Derry gc 4,565 79 To Jacob Hutch, South Hanover 6 6 1,322 09 Jo John Lengel, East 'I " 1,759 33 To H. Bachenstose, West c , g , 1,154 81. To S. M'llhenny, Lower Paxton ~ 2,644 92 To John P. Meader, Middle ic 024 14 To Peter Hippie, Dauphin borough 335 96 To John Maus, Rush township..... 117 07 To Henry Hooch, Reed " 430 09 To John Hoffman, Jefferson iS 507 62 To Wm. Enders, Jackson " 704 62 To Philip Umberger, Halifax tw'p. 1,408 07 To Benjamin Musser, Millersburg borough 399 66 To John H. Seal, Upper Paxton t'p 1,377 35 To jno. N. Hoffman, Washington . 4 850 68 To David Bomberger, Mifflin " 1.254 68 To Em'l Hoffman, Wiconisco ,' 1,607 28 To Abraham Hess, Lykens " 1,152 53 To Leopold Loeb, Gratz borough... 268 40 46 310 31 To cash received from the county of Dauphin, loans obtained by the Oonntyoommissi oners from banks and individuals, for the purpose of redeeming former loans, and for the building and completion of the new Court House, since settle ' meat made by the County Audi tors, January 23, 1860. To Harrisburg Bank..." ... 4,000 00 To State Capital Bank. - 3,000 00 To Peter Stucker— ........... . 900 00 To Eliza M. Frazier 5,000 00 To Isaac 5h00p.....-. 1,000 00 To John Geiger 1,300 00 T.. Joseph Wallace. 1,000 00 To Nancy Baum - 800 00 To Samuel Gray 200 00 To Luther D. Felty 200 00 To John S. Felty. 750 00 To Samuel Miller 3,450 00 To bleb-Ina Ingram.. 300 00 To (Merge Fotterhoff........____ i t em 00 To Anna Moyer .-. 856 00 To Andrew Miller. ................. 250 91 To Valentine Hummel 4,000 00 To Samuel Gray 2,100 00 To Rebecca Geiger 400 00 To Samuel Gray 900 09 To Mary Berglume..... 1,000 00 To Simon Oyster 2,000 00 To Valentine Hummel 3,000 00 To John G. Janes.. 1,000 00 To George Fisler . ... ... 1,000 00 To Catharine Maclean. 600 00 To Margaret Maclean SCO 00 To Catharine A. Spangler 500 00 .. Lc.. SOO 00 5, 500 00 cc Lc 500 00 To Susan B. Spangler ...... 500 00 55 55 500 00 To Elizabeth Zollinger 500 00 To M Kirk.. .. 1,000 00 To Jane W. Moody • 600 00 To George Fisler --. 1,000 00 To Samuel Gray 1,000 00 To M. Kirk 500 00 To Jacob Behm ..-.. 1,000 00 To Samuel Gray 800 00 “ " ...... .......... ..• • 1,000 00 _,....... _ To Jacob Behm.. 1,000 00 To M. Birk SOO 00 To Harrisburg Car Company 1,000 00 To Mary Miller 500 00 To State Capital Bank. 500 00 To Simon Oyster 1,000 00 To Holman & Wilt 500 00 if " 500 00 To A. W. Watson 600 00 To Fager & Maeyer.. 500 00 500 00 To Margaret & C. Maclean 500 00 To Mary Dempsy -. .. 500 00 To Harrisburg Bank 2,000 00 To cash received on forfeited new,- nizances - 196 30 To cash received on redemption of property 265 75 To cash for taxes paid in Commis. sionerss office before June 15t.... 127 67 To cash for taxes on Sale book, after June let, 1860 1,860 06 To cash bonus in part Manadaville bridge 4.01) 00 To cash from Prothonotary, court fines and Jury 160 ta To cash from Sheriff Byster, fines and Jury fees.. 90 GO To cash interests on outstanding tau g 0 ga To cash on sundry receipts 4 95 To cash received from State Trea surer, being five per cent. abate ment allowed on the payment of $ [1,603 12-/ILO county funds prior to August is 1860 610 69 To cash received county tax levied in pursuance of General Election Laws, viz: To 'Jeremiah Fraim, Dauphin bo rough, 1859 a; To Henry Beim, East Hanover township, 1859 50 To C. 0. Zimmerman, let ward, Harrisburg, 1860 2 80 To N. Zolliuger, 2d ward, Barrio burg, 1860 21 97 To Joseph Hoffman, 31 ward, Hare rtsburg,lB6o 22 05 To B. Strominger, 4th ward, Her risburg, 1860 28 00 To J. O. Young, sth ward, Harris burg, 1860 ....- 4 55 To J. B. Thompson, 6th ward, Har riaburg, 1860 .• •-• • . • 11 55 To O. Oaslow, Susquehanna tp., 1860 3 00 To M. A. Frantz, Swatara ~ 6 45 To J. B. Ebersole, Lower Swatara township, 1860 4 55 To Dr. Sbaeffer, South ward, IPA dletown, 1860.. 6 80 To George Weetheffer, Middle ward, Middletown 4 20 To Joseph Brestle, Jr., North ward, Middletown -- 2 10 To M.R.ABeman s Loadonarry t'p 4 20 To Sam'l Kauffman, Conewago " 70 To John T. G. ore, Drrry " 14 45 ToJaeob Bunch, South Hanover " 3 15 To John Lino, fl a ,,t ~ " 4 55 86 To Id, Bactee.teas, West " if 2 12 To esuel til'llhenoy, Lower Paxton township 25 85 To John 1 , /deader, Middle Paxton 'a...was/lip 8 89 To Peter Kippel, Dauphin borough. 3 50 To John Hoffman, Jefferson t' wp. „ , 1 05 To Philip Umberger, Halifax , .... 4 72 To B. Musser, alillershura borough. 3 50 To John 11. Seal, rppPr Paxton Vp 79 t 9 To D. Bomberger. Dlifilin township 7 35 To E. Hoffman, Womnioco " 8 40 To L. Loeb, Grata " 70 To Honey /Loath, Reed i i 1 40 343 53 To redemption money refunded 18 91 To louse psid in, not elsewhere ac counted for I/ 1 ilk To sand y o.her receipts 6 03 2838 Outstanding orders not paid at &Atte /nen*, in 1866, and amount thereof included in the dinburse meats of the County Treasurer for 1860 456 50 Total receipts on to the 12th dey of February, 1861 HARRISBURG, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1861. CO3.IMISSIONERS' STATEMENT hi V./detail of the County Treasurer's disbu.sements of the county of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, up to February llih, 1861, upon orders drawn on him by the County Commis sioners, to wit : STAT.EittENY FOR THE YEAR 1860—MISCELLANE OUS DTSBUBSEMENTS, 1860. TAXES REFUNDED. To 0. 0. Zinamermdn. liarrisburg.. US 68 To A. L. Sutton for Short Monn - ain Coal cqmpany 60 57 To (Inoue Singer, Derry 14 10 To John Care, Treasurer...—. 30 01 To Frederick Harmer, Gratz - .. 5 27 To Alexander W. Watson 2 lE:q., Har risburg 4 83 To John J. Wallace, Wiconi.co..... 4 77 To John A. Fisher, Harrisburg 4 43 To sundry other persons 11 47 184 13 REDEMPTION MONEY PAID IN 1860 To 8.7. Unger $ll 32 To George Bergner 23 10 To Peter Pox, Jr— 5 25 To Charles A. Snyder 41 17 To Earnest and Rohrer 41 17 To A. W. Watson, Erg 20 94 To George N. Reutser..— ........ 13 93 To B. F. Etter 6 77 'ro Males C. Sawa .... 25 78 To J. R. Eby.... , ..... 5 60 To Abraham Preens? 5 72 To Murray and Fleming 31 37 To Tames Freeland 7 70 To Ott and Balm - 9'24 To C. B. Care 4 09 To Murray and Fleming 18 91 - 287 06 FOX SCALPS. Paid bounty on Bald scalps 111 60 FIRE DE ?ARTIdICNT. Deflation to air companies 150 00 LicOAL PROFESSION. To cash paid R. A. Lumberton on COliedions 23 70 To cash paid T. J. Jordan, in case of Writers 50 00 To cash paid John C. Detwiler, P. M. examloation 15 00 To oash pail R. A. Lumberton en collections 5 00 - 93 70 To cash paid A. J. Herr, sarrices.. 5 00 To cash paid A. J. Herr, fees Dis trict Attoney 561 50 To each paid A. J. Herr, in case of M. ....... 34 66 SUNDRIES. To sash paid Wm. Mitchell, Pro thonotary 'a fees. NO 47 To cash paid J. M. Icyater, Sheriff:. 454 63 To cub paid J. M. Eyater'convey ing convicts to House of Refuge.. 75 00 To cash paid J. O. Bomberger, regal• sition to Agricultural Society.... 100 00 To cash paid Samuel Mal quart for indexing 200 00 To cash paid for new Seal Presser for office..... 66 00 To cash paid Bwarts and Murray for livery him.— 25 75 To cash paid John U. Erant for fit- Vag up his hall for use of county. 500 00 To cash paid tor brooms, scrubbing, 21 ss To cash paid for Certified Laws 2 75 To cash paid Henry Parer, auditing Public Accounts .... 19 f.O To cash paid Express charges 1 66 To oath paid John Mans, collector of Bush township. Extra commis- • sion 12 00 To crush paid for wood chopping and removing stone tech....- 5 75 To cash p+ id County Treasurer, costa on Bale Book 65 21 To cash paid for various other ex puma, for which see vouchers... 91 43 2,137 90 EASTERN PENITENTIARY. To cash paid for support of coorioto, COURTS, 1860. To cash paid Grand jump, Jan. form, la6o r 128 lb To cash paid Grand Jurors, April . . term, 1860......-. 156 38 To cash paid Grand Jurors, August term, 1860 151 63 To cash paid Gratid Jurors, Novem ber term, 1860 132 25 To eash paid Grand Jururo, January term, 1861....... 136 88 To Petit Jurors, January term, 1860, 312 63 if. " 4 April " 330 25 4: 4C August o. SC .28 " " November " 376 38 " " January term, 1861, 343 37 1,710 01 To Common Pleatt Jury, January 'Eerie, 1860 189 63 To Adj. Common Pleas Jury, Feb ruary tot ro, 1560 214 88 To Adj. Common Pleas Jury, March term, 1860 287 13 To Adj. Common Pleas Jury, April term, 1860 ' 252 89 To Common Pleas Jury, April term, 1860 211 37 To Common Pleas Jury, September term, 1860 192 38 To Common Pleas Jury, November term, 1860 833 75 To Common Pleas Jury, January term, 1861 325 00 2,012 03 Paid Rudolph Y. Relker, June /808 , —9. ..... " . ..... 7 50 COURT ORM AND TIP•STATES. To cash paid same at January term, um -..- 66 25 To cash paid same at February, March and April terms, 1860. 75 25 To cash pact same at April term, 1860 182 50 To cash paid same at August term, 1860 -....-. 82 50 To cash paid same at November term, 1860 108 75 To cash paid same at January term, 1801 ...... : ..... , • , • 96 26 6130091 To cash paid for lodging and board to Jurors.— TO cash paid for livery hire for Grand Jurors to Poor /10u5e..." CONSTABLE% RETURNS. To cash paid said return to January sessions 4508 To cash paid said return to April 44 68 To cash paid said return to August sessions 45 48 To cash paid said Mara to &IVA ber sessions 44 55 To cash paid said return to January sessions 43 48 8,750 48 222 98 TO CASH PAID SUNDRY CONSTABLES FOR SER VICES, COMMONWEALTH CASES, VIZ; To James Preeburn ..... _ $4 23 To John Wionegel 2 43 To John Thomas Pot 12 87 To H. H. Parsons ' - ...... 32 12 ToPeter Gipp1e......... 1 35 To John 7. Wallace... 0 85 To D. Parthemore.....— .......... 1 10 To Geo Westheffer 32 18 To JOll6B Deibler 19 35 To Francis Forny 2 00 To Daniel Battelcher 8 05 To David Trumpeter 2 86 To Jesse Auchmuty..--..- 3 15 To Silas P. Straw.. .. 1 44 To Peter Smith 2 85 To S. E. Taylor 2 81 To D. J. Shaeffer for a constable... 94 To Jefferson Clark. 25 MS To John Murphy . . - 2 42 To Jacob Grove 25 86 To J. D. Hoffman, police services.. 28 00 To Thomas Hinkel 1 50 -- 214 37 CONSTABLES IN THE CITY OF HARRISBURG. To Michael Neuman....... ........ $l7 78 To James Lewis 93 58 To Henry Radabangh • • ... 440 89 To Daniel Rhoads /4 54 To Henry Becker 220 30 To Becker and Lewis-- 81 50 To George Garriolll 25 99 To George H. Morgan 31 51 To Daniel Calendar. 33 54 To Moles Fleck... , . • 98 48 To John Essig. 47 55 To Fleck and Lewis 5 93 To Lewis and Essig 35 59 To Thicker and Wickert.. 53 19 To Jackson Wickert. 19 37 To John Fleck 3 91 To Isaac S. Waterbury 2 29 To Edward Fry 2 25 To George Forbes 2 82 To F. H Ceety 2 30 To George grieghbaam 6 00 To David and A. Krause .... 1 02 To Henry 11. Lutz. 75 ---- 1,177 08 lIVOTICES' COSTS PAID IN COMMONWEALTH oests, VIZ t To Jame B. Rommel 5 95 To O. W. Churchman 7 28 Te D, J. Shaeffer X 7 81 To Thomas Strohm 1 75 To Gleira and Shunts, Leb. c 0..... 7 28 To A. S. Bly, Leba. on county...... 4 41 To lames W. Griffith 1 08 To Samuel Landis.-- 85 To Aaron P. Lark 11 1 25 $124,703 10 To J. J. McCormick...... 58 67 JUSTICES AND ALDERMEN IN HARRISBURG., P AID . IN SAID CASES To Henry Deader -... 606 12 Jo William . 202 21 To John Maglauchlin 71 86 To William H. Kepner ; Mayor..... 135 11 To Charles A. Snyder 144 09 To Thomas C. Reed 13 62 To David Harris 4 10 To William Mitchell, Prothonatory, fees in same 13 80 COMMONWEALTH WITNEEBEB, Aggregate amount paid said wit. neasea in the past year, viz : 1,139 95 ROAD DAMAGES, To John Osier, dee'd 450 00 To George Seiters.-- - 200 00 To Conrad Wagner - 250 00 To David Cassel.... ............ ... SO 00 To Samuel Wallaver 40 00 To Henry Welat 91 00 To Ilenje.teirt 2ft-icor 80 00 To Joseph Landis . 10 00 To Jacob Rocker 60 00 To Washington Bowers 110 00 1.321 00 BRIDGE, ROAD AND ROAD DAMAGE VIEWERS. Amount paid said viewers in 1680.. 230 75 BRIDGES AND BRIDGE REPAIRS. To Edward Bickel, in full, onMana darille bridge across swatara.... 616 66 To Adam Lenker & Co., in full for bridge across Wiconisco creek at Lykenstown 731 00 Paid Richard T. Hummel, Treasu rer of the Riinimelstoam Bride Company in full for the toll bridge at that place • 500 00 To Holman and Wilt in full for the bridge errors Paxton creek below the city 375 00 Tolrisher, Hummel & Co., in lull for aqueduct bridge In Middle town, across Bwatara creek . 1,481 50 To Holman do Wilt for re pairs at canal bridge on Hospital road.... 180 04 To M. Welper, pointing walls and abutments on same 50 50 To Pinker, Hummel & Co., repairs at Middletown. bridge 135 75 To Fisher & Smith, lumber fer same ••••• 219 60 661 16 To henry Ilsehenburg, re airs on same 00 To p Fisher & Smith, lumber 17 at same 0 08 To J. 0. Behm, lumber account for Sinters bridge - 144 90 To Jeremiah noerner and Xmcob Bohm, expenses on removing a span of old aqueduct bridge in Middletown 10 40 To Fox & Orth, nails. spikes, &c., for the retain of Hummeletown (county- brilgo) 24 36 To Benevine Illopp, lumber for same 499 76 To Y. B. Hummel, repairnson same 7 25 To Alfred Huiume1,...d0....d0.... 102 34 To John A. Rutherford, re pairs at Paxton bridge... 3 10 To Samuel Holman, repairs at Paxton bridge 6 54 To Elias Kehler, shingles for WiCOlliBCO bridge at Robert L. Elder's -.. 82 25 To Henry C. Koffman, re pairing same.... 35 47 67 72 To in G c e ß or e g a e ve lt r u cr ily e ra ek o, b r r e i pai dge r .: 1 00 To Henry Shoop, repairs at earns bridge 14 SO 96 13 3,661 68 To Jacob. Badman, repairs at Union town bridge .... 26 88 To Jelin Landis, repairs at Union Deposit bridge 20 2T To Jacob Keener, repairs at Clark's creek bridge 102 02 To Jacob Albert, repairs at Lanier !Mabel's bridge.— 8 68 To Daniel Todcrs, sundry services in bridge matters 4 10 To Edward Bickel, for estimate of Lyirenstown bridge 3 00 TO5 89 6,068 70 WATER RENT, GAS AND POSTAGE. Water rent paid City Treasurer.— $2OO 00 Gae paid to Treasurer of Gas QOM- lumpBs 00 Postage paid during the year 20 28 COUNTY DEBT AND INTERESTS 'PAID. Interests paid at Harrisburg Bank 41 66 State Capital " 87 38 (4 " Elizabeth Zollinger on loan 55 45 Interests paid David Cassel on loan 60 00 " " Eliza M. Frazier " 80 00 " 44 Luther D. Felty 't 24 00 " " Christiantrich's es- We on loan ........ 90 50 " " David Ricker on loan. 144 00 " " John Nissley " 240 00 " " Samuel Reel . 6 94 50 66 44 John Gieger " 5100 " " & A. Bombaugh 61 150 00 .. 46 Mart Nicely, Jr., " 186 00 " " R. W . M'Clure " 91 00 61 66 Wifi.Breitellger," 80 00 " 14 Jacob Reel " 42 00 16 " John Logan, Clark's estate, on loan.. . 80 00 Sam'l Singer onloan 18 25 '‘ ‘' Samuel Miller " 78 00 44 44 Melvina Ingram 't 45 00 46 " J,G cigar Ingrani" 14 70 " 44 Peter Pancake 4 4 132 33 " 4, Mary H. Umberger on loan 60 00 44 cc M. B. Cowan on loan 120 00 " . 6 Mrs. Mary Clark 4 : 60 00 " " George StAufrer 44 116 00 0 44 Adam Shope " 180 00 " 46 Samuel Gray " i 2 25 44 44 Jane W. Moody " 60 00 44 44 John,Hantz 't 96 00 No. 1 coupons paid on the following bonds, viz: On bonds Noe. 63, 57, 88, 29, 30, 31, 62, 8. 50, 51 52, 53, 59, 60, 74, 76. 14, 17, 18, 10, /1, 12, 18, 64,85,21,22,23, 24, 25, 26, 71, 75, 77, 2, 8,4, 7,8, 6,1, 68, 67, 66, 56 and No. 65, T0ta1.... 986 90 - $,436 90 SU SO 107 00 8 00 511 93 PAID PRINCIPAL ON SAID DEBT A.W .Watson, Esq.,late Treasurer, balance due him at settlement... $7,088 59 Paid Ilaerlsbutg Dank ~ 4,000 00 , " Christian Crich'a estate..... 1,800 00 " Aron Bombaugh 1,250 00 " William Breitenger 1,000 00 " Samuel Singer 244 00 " State Capital Bank 3,000 00 --- 12,82! 59 16.264 49 COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE AND COURT HOUSE. To J. Jones plumber's work, Brant's Hall /31 80 To Stewart & Bollinger, repairs, gas pipe 1 50 To Boas & Forater, pine wood 7 50 To Daniel Yoder, shoveling Snow.. 1 59 ~ " for scrubbing of. flees 4 95 CC " for moving of of fices 10 00 CC " for fitting carpets 11 79 cc g 4 for repairs, Court room 3 00 To Henry Kunkel, repairs, hose... 1 00 To Michael Walter, work about Court House lot 50 To Qeorge F. Wagner, repairs of tables 7 00 To Oeorge A. Oglesby, make door keys 50 To Baker & Poonaan, repairs of blinds 1 00 To B. J. Harris, stove and pipes... 28 17 To D. E. wilt, removing old privy 6 00 To John Gastrock, ice for Court House 19 03 To John Care, express charges paid 65 To georgo W Al'Calla, repairs of clocks 4 SO To John Care, paid expenses moving offices .d.O 29 75 To Christian Snavely, carpets 0 00 To 8. T. Jones, matting for Court room 56 62 To John H Brant, rent, 0 months.. 500 00 To Frederick Heckert, service in militia accounts 50 00 To Frederick Heckert, making the Commissioners' statement in de tail for 1859, for publication.... 20 00 To John S Musser, service in mili tia accounts 25 00 To Jacob Buffington, service in mt. litia accounts 25 00 To R. A. Lamberton, service as At torney to Co mmimoners one year 50 00 To Daniel 'Yoder, part on night watch 95 00 995 84 To Joseph Miller, Clerk 600 00 To Joseph Miller, additional al lowance by Commissioners and County Auditors 400 CO To Daniel Yoder, Messenger 00 00 To Jacob Buffington, Commissioner 2 852 miles, at B.l‘ 178 25 11315 days at $1 50 170 00 Sundry incidental expenses paid.. 3 17 To superintending new Court /louse 150 00 To John S. Musser, Commissioner, 3,350 miles at 6,1 i 209 37 144 days at $1 50 246 00 To Livery hire and incidental ex penses 12 00 To superintending at new Court HOUR 225 00 1,191 81 To Jacob liehm, Commissioner, 1,437 miles at eiX SO 81 ISS days at $1.50.... 207 00 To livery hire and inc dental ex pense* 13 00 To superintending at New Court Howe 225 00 2,641 93 To George Garverich,Commiesioner, per diem pay and mileage."..— 100 32 To auperintend;ns at new Court loose 75 00 ---- 175 32 To sundry miscellaneous expenses 67 88 NEW COURT HOUSE. Disbursements not in the contract with Holman & Wilt, for the building, &c., of the same, viz : Paid premium for the , plan or design $lOO 00 Paid list of county and other officers for the corner-stone, to be deposi ted in same.. 200 Paid Thomas Aldred, cutting and lettering a stone. 25 82 A , Paid for cast iron brackets for offices 204. 00 4 w Paid for gravel and hauling gravel. JOT 04 Paid for expenses by Commissioners to Lancaster........ 11 00 To John Adams, labor on lot .. 4 50 To John Medlar°, curb 5t0ne._....... 255 75 To Bell & Stewart, sewer 421 99 To Jacob Hooker, brick for pave ments. - 90 00 To George A. Oglesby, gas fitting.. 150 00 To J. B. Harris ' cap% on flues 84 26 Part Holman & Wilt, pars Imeh-up 1,000 00 2,486 88 Payments made on Court House contract to Messrs. Holman & Wilt, for the building and completion of the new Court House, aggregate amount up to February 11, 1801... 33,534 28 EM 39,998 OS REQUISITIONS. Requisition granted to Directors of the Poor and House of Employ ment for 13g0.. /12,000 00 Requisition granted Inspectors of County Prison 7,500 00 19,500 00 BOOKS, STATIONERY AND PRINTING. George A. Brooks, binding blank books for Recorder's and Prothonotary's offices. 30 75 To F. L Rutter, binding for Recordmoa office 15 00 To F. L. flutter, binding for Judgment docket 24 25 To E. L. Hotter, binding for County officers 64 ST To I'. L. Dotter, binding for Assessment and Tax books. 30 50 To F. L. Flutter, binding for Prothono*arradoeket... . 10 00 To P. L. Rutter, binding f or Assessments for 1860 37 50 To M. WEioney, Election Laws 14 40 179 39 9 64 - 228 77 To C . D. Hineline, publishing Court Proclamation 2 oe To 0. 10.11ineline, publishing Special Election Proclama tion 43 00 •"" To O. D. Hineline, publishing Treasury Report, 1859 74 00 To O. D. Hineline, publishing October Election Proclam ation 75 00 To O. D. Hineline, publishing November Election Procla mation.. 75 00 To 0. D. 4ineline, printing Election Proclamation.... 28 25 _ _ 15 80 - 205 25 To F. W. Haas, publishing Special Eloctien, 1860 25 00 To P. W. Thum publishing October Election, 1860.... 30 00 To P. W. Haas, publishing Court Proclamation 1860.. 600 To E. W. Haas Tbu_las_ng November Elections. 17 00 - 78 00 To 0. Barrett & Co., publish ing Court Proelamatione.. 12 00 To 0. Barrett Jc CO, publish ing Special Election 57 75 To 0. Barrett & Co., publish ingTreaeureerateport,lBs9 74 00 To O. Barrett & Co., printing. 29 25 To 0. Barrett & Co , printing New Court House 13 00 To 0. Barrett & C 0.., printing and publishing .... 90 50 To O. Barrett & Co., publish. ing Election Proclamation. 78 50 EE333 $lO6 69 To Weaver & R7al, printing for City Election 2 00 To Weaver & Royal, printing for City Assessors 53 00 To W. D. Ernst, publishing notices 19 50 To W. D. Ernst, publishing Court Proclamation 2 00 To E. 111. Pollock, Stationery Supreme Court...— ...... 45 35 To Theo. L. Seheffer, print. County bonds 130 00 To A. W.Watson, Stationery, . . 1858-9 To S. W. Storer, publishing Court Proclamation 3 50 To S. W. Stofer, publishing Special Elections. 25 90 To S. W. Stofer, publishing Oat. and Nov. Elections... 62 25 no 74 To George B toter, publish ing Treasurer's Report '59 74 00 To George Bergner, publish ing Sp-cial El e'ion 57 75 To George Bergner, printing and Stationery 106 38 To George Bergner, Assessors" ani Cole"ttOrs' bookie 140 00 To George Bergner, Slat onery &e., for County 0fftee5.....109 56 Ts George Bergner, Election Praelamationa and priuting.2ls 50 708 19 To John Care, raid red ink and pens 205 To Henry Uhler, publishing Elpecial. Election 57 75 To Heavy Uhler, publishing Treasurer's Report 74 00 To Henry Uhler, printing.... 20 75 - 152 50 To Geo. W. Buehler, publishing Spe cial Elections 24 00 To B, G. 3threr, pubrahing Novem ber Election 10 00 2,260 36 CORONERS' AND JUSTICES , 124QITISITIONS. Amount paid In 1880 for said inqueeto 407 /8 To Henry Peffar, superintend ing re t a;re 20 00 To Anthony King, glass for Prison 20 SO To Liam ilr, kleeyer, repairs in Prison 78 40 To Samuel Colestock, repair , in Prison 80 80 To B. B. Bell, repairs in Prison 16 12 —.— 188 12 PENNSYLVANIA LUNATIC HOSPITAL. Paid Rapport of inmates. 77 33 EU PEEK N COURT. To Geo. Forbes, rep ok airs room 6 25 tt bo case.... 26 00 Te Philip Weaver, Monomer 18 00 To Andres Kruse, tip stave 72 00 To Josiah S. Royal, e ter 96 o.t t• printing.. 16 00 To Geo. W. Porter, po.itsge . 43 43 To John Gaatrock, ..... 180 -- 276 48 822 18 .081/880118. Amount paid Assessors for making the Annual Yearly Assessments and alterations in the same._..... 11. Amount paid for writing and past ing up lists of voters, and making extra assessments by certificates 355 75 Amount paid City Assessors in pur suance of city charter law ELECTIONS. Amount paid Judgy of the. January Special Election 535 79 Amount paid Judges of March Pace thin, Including constables' pep for serving notices on persons elected, and advertising said elections.... 870 48 Amount paid Judges for Oct. Elec. 821 68 i ti Nov. " 821 67 --,---- 3,09 09 $103,569 82 The undersigned commissioners have, in the above statement, riven a statement in detail of the Receipts ad Expenditures of the County of Dauphin, Pennsyl snits, up to Februsry 11th, DM. For reasons not here Wed, no Auditors Reportis not concluded at the pre, .......... 1 ) 000 00 NO. 164. 861 00 55 00 21 50 DAUPHIN COUNTY PRISON PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING-, SUNDAYS XXOZPVID, BY 0. BARRETT & 00 rim DAILY PATRIOT AIM UNION will be served to en b Scribers residing in the Borough for BLI CENTS PEN WERE payable to the Carrier. Mail subacribers, roux DO LARS PER ANNUM. Tun WBEKLY will be published as heretofore, semi- Weekly during the eeesion of the Legislature, and once • week the remainder of the year ; for two sonars in ad ranee, or three dollars at the expiration of the year. Connected with this establishment is an entered,. /0B OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy type, unequalled by any establishment inthe interior of the State, for which the patronage of the public is so licited. sent time; therefore the balance for or against the County Treasurer is not determined in the above exhibit, Macon hail, 1861 JOHN S MUSSER, JACOB BERM, GEO. GARVERICH, Commissionoto of Dauphin Co., Fa Attest—JosErir HELLER, Clerk. 501 42 STATEMENT of the debt of the county of Dauphin, Pennsylvania, on the 12th day of February, 1861. List of temporary loans, for which coupon bonds were executed to the holders, agreeably to the Act of MOW& Ed. 1660. Martin Nissley. John Nissley.. James Clark estate Adam Shope... Samuel Reel... Jacob Reel... David Ricker David Cassel. 602 3T 534 BO Peter Stricker Eliza M. Frazier, in trust Do do do 2,000 00 Isaac Shoop —..... 1,000 00 Joseph Wallace. ........... ......... 1,000 00 John Geiger 3,000 00 Luther D. Velty- 600 00 Nancyßaum 800 00 Simon Oyster 1,000 00 John S. Felty . -..... 750 00 Mrs. Melvina Ingram 3,000 00 John Geiger, in trust. ......... 300 00 George Fetterhoff 1 IVO 00 Andrew Miller - --..... 3,000 00 Samuel Miller 2,000 00 Anna Moyer -.. 850 00 Peter Pancake - 3,000 00 M. B. Cavden . 2,000 GO Rebecca Geiger - .. 400 08 Elizabeth Zollinger 640 00 Valentine Urieb, in trust 800 00 Jane W . Moody 1,000 00 1.1 Robert W. , Clure 1,500 03 George Stauffer 2,000 00 John Rantz . - 1,600 00 Jacob Rehm .. -,.1,600 00 Mary N. timberger 1,000 00 Jacob Behm-.-- 1,000 00 Harrisburg Bank 2,000 00 State Capital Bank. - - 099 00 From the above deduct the follow ing outstanding taxes due the county 13,616 96 Balance due the county on a bond from citizens of South Hanover bridge berme.- Old county debt id— ....... The County Commissioners will here call the attention of the public to the fact that the foregoing amount embraces one and a half months over and above the usual year of 12 months, up to the first Monday of January of each and every year, the account herein above stated is carried out the 11th of February. 1861, during which time the disbursements that would properly belong to the year 1861 amount to the sum of In addition to the above there was paid out of the ordinary receipta over and above the amount of Court House loans to Holman is Wilt, the sum Making the old county debt on Jan. nary 1, 1661........... Therefore, the debt of the county, exclusive of the loans made for the express purpose of building a new Court Rouse, would have been, on the first Monday of Jan uary, 1861, the sum of $32.242 66. ENUMERATION OF COURT HOUSE BONDS Valentine Hummel, at thirty years $7,000 00 Samuel Gray, at thirty years.— 5,000 00 Mary W. Berghans, at thirty years. 1,000 00 Mary Oyster, at thirty years,— .. 1,040 CO Simon Oyster, at thirty years 2,000 00 John G. .Tauss, at thirty years.— 1,000 00 Mary Dempsey, at thirty years.... 500 00 Catharine Maclean, at thirty years. 500 00 Margaret Maclean, at thirty years. 503 00 Catharine and M. Maclean, at thirty years 500 00 George Fisher, at thirty years.... 2,000 00 Cath. A. Spangler, at thirty years.. 2,000 00 Elisabeth Zollinger, at thirty years. 500 00 Jane W. Moody, at thirty years.... 500 00 Susan E. Spangler, at thirty years.. 1,000 CO Holman & Wilt, at thirty years.... 1,000 00 Alexander W. Watson, at thirty years,.. 500 00 M. Kirk, at thirty) ears..... 2,000 00 Fager & Maeyer, at thirty years... 1,000 00 C Harrisburg Car ompany 1,000 00 Mary Miller - 500 00 _ 31,000 00 Total debt, including both the old • 0. County debt and the loans so far as made for the purpose of the building and the erection of a new Court House, is as follows, up to February 11, 1861: Old debt and temporary leans..... 44,663 06 Court House loans -... 81,000 00 75,688 05 JOHN 8. MUSSER, JACOB BERM, , GEORGE GARTBRIOR, Commissioners of Dauphin Co" Pa, Attest: Josern Efit.T..o.a, Clerk. marl4-Itda4tar ALT. PERSONS who have any' Affection of the Lungs or Throat, or Chronic. Diseased ; and wish to be cured, Ehould consult Ds. BTEWAR !, who has had many years' experience in different sections of the United States and Canada, and has cured cases which had been treated without benefit by what are esteemed the nesT Pursioisus in the Union. He has been in Harrisburg for many months, and Ilse restored to health, invalids who bad expended hundrede of dollars with Physicians and Patent 'Medicines. He can refer to some of the best families in Harrisburg, and cm give the names of persona in the city, and nearly all parts of the State, whom he has cured of almost every Chronic Disease. 5 00 He does not profess to cure all diseases after the man ner of Some advertising quacks, but will give a candid opinion in regard to curability after examination, The medicines of Dr. B are vegetable, and derived from more tbggi a hundred sources while traveling. In Lung and Throat Diseases he has bad &eat enema by means of his CARBON CURB, which may - be taken by the Stelntteh or Inhaled. Beware of Caustic and the Throat Burners of the old school. In COMPLAINTS OF FEMALES he eneeeee low been remarkable, and he has cured affections of the Eye and Bar maid to be incurable. DR. STEWART solicits cases of the following, given up by others : NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, SCROFULA, ULCERS, LIVER COMPLAINT, SWELLED NEOI, SEXUAL Dunn; Pawl; PALLING FITS, PRIVATE DISEASES, DTSFSAI/A, SitAVNL. Cancers removed by a new remedy procured in Canada. When so requested ; Da. STEWART will visit patients at their residence. Terms Moderate. In regard to qualifications, Dr. B. refers to Profesegra Pancoast, Dunglison and Wigs, of Philadelphia. He also bags leave to refer to Sonatina Chase and Pugh and Ron. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio. Patients or their friends should call at the BUBHLB3 11017151; from 9 a M. to 6 p. m. Letters promptly attended to. NEW ARRANGEMENT. CHANGE OF LOCATION. WALLOWER'S LINE'. The old stock of cars being disposed of, the under signed has broke out in a new place, and established a daily freight line between Philadelphia, New York, Har risburg and all points on the Northern Central, linnbary and Brie and Lackawanna and Bloomsburg railroads, Thankful for the liberal patronar heretofore extended ; he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to retain all his old customers and patrons. All goods intended for the line must be delivered at the-depot of the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, Broad and Callowhill streets, Phil ilsdelphis. All goods delivered at the depot up to 5 o'clock, P. M., will reach Harrisburg next morning. J. WALLOWER, JR. - . General Agent, marchl2 Reading Depot, Harrisburg. REMOVAL. JOHN W. OLOVER, MERCHANT TAILOR, Hae removed to 60 MARKET STREET, Where he will be pleased to oea all Ma friend . ootB4tf 748 86 NOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, PHILAZIBLro“, XARldrAerVall CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINBSAL WATER., PICKLE AND .P.RESER YE BOTTLES or wrapv DxsoRIPTION. BENNERB. 0c194117 27 South Front stern, Philadelpbia. 119 87 TT411.11,180/VS HOUSEHOLD, SOAP. so BOXES OF TIM tRRPROT SOAP. Pas sale at Manufacturer's prices. A. ROBINSON do 00. suar6 ;3,100 00 4,000 00 . 1,600 00 . 2,000 00 1.576 00 .. 700 00 . 1,600 00 .. 1,000 00 ~.... 900 00 4.000 00 ;05,03 00 400 00 18,047588 N 44 Q 5 9,592 11 2,531 28 12,420 80 32,242 63 tikrl4-daida