Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 12, 1861, Image 2

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    be for this view of the case, nor do we desire
to charge the President with motives which
would, if they %existed, do more credit to his
political sagacity than to his patriotism. Fur
thermore, we are not inclined to canvass, very
closely, the motives which may govern the new
Administration in marking out its policy. In
the present et ate of the country, it concerns us
far more to know what are to be the acts °fate
President than what motives prompt them.—
Hence we accept, with greater pleasure, the
assurances which reach us from time to time,
of a peaceful policy towards the seceded States,
than we could possibly feel upon the announce
ment of any line of action looking only to
political ends. As the one is "vital," involving
the peace and happiness of millions of people,
while the other is evanescent, temporary and
unessential, in comparison with higher purpo
ses and aims, so should be the public estimate
placed upon their relative importance at this
If the President properly appreciates the
solemn responsibilities of his position—if he
realizes the value to the thirty million people
of the thirty-four states, of peace and order
and good morals, and prosperity, and happi
ness—of the maintenance and diffusion of
Christian influences, sobriety, obedience to law
—if, in short., he seeks the greatest good of his
own country, and would give proper direction
to its influence upon free governments through
out the world, he ought to consider well the
import of his Inaugural Address, and hesitate
long before unlertaking the policy which it
seems to indicate. As we have before remarked,
a literal pursuit of the policy there shadowed
forth, must lead to disastrous results. It would
devastate many portions of the country, both
North and South. It would call for the lives
of thousands ripen thousands of out most val
uable citizens, and bring ruin—political, social
and commercial—upon the country.
It is possible that the language of the Mes
sage is not to be taken in a literal sense ; and
it is perhaps unfortunate that no one of the
President's friends, either in the Senate of the
United States, where the subject has been under
discussion, or elsewhere, has been prepared to
give to the public any authoritative exposition
of its meaning. Whatever may have been the
intention of the President--whether to under
take a war of subjugation, through the effort
to "occupy and possess" the public property,
or to assume an attitude satisfactory to the
uncompromising Republicans, and then wait
for events to render their policy impracticable
—there is good reason to anticipate that neces
sity will compel the final adoption of a peace
policy as the only_ one compatible, not only
with justice and right, but with the existing
resources and means at the command of the
Under existing laws, the President has not
the authority requisite to the collection of regy
ensie in the "Confederate States." Under ex
isting laws he has not the force at command to
re-capture the Forts already in possession of
the seceders, if in fact it prove practicable to
hold those still in our possession. Since, there
fore, we do not anticipate that the President
will imitate the example of our masters here
—the Metropolitan Polite Commissioners and
Superintendent—and disregarding all law, set
about making war on his own responsibility, it
is difficult to see how any immediate collision
can ensue, unless through the folly of the Ad
ministration in provoking aggression, or by
the impatience of the "Confederate States" to
free their Territory from the presence of an
armed occupation by the United States Govern
ment. It cannot be that the .President will
deliberately undertake to use force, without an
extension of authority and a material augmen
tation of troops and supplies. Until, therefore,
we hear of the call of an extra session of Con
gress, and the purpose to make provision for
an aggressive war upon the South, we shall
cherish the hope that moderate counsels will
prevail, and that thveparation, which we fear
is destined to be permanent, may also be peace
Such a policy as we have indicated may be
considered weakness on the part of the Presi
dent, but we think time will demonstrate its
true wisdom. It may require greater courage
to adopt it than it would to undertake a - war,
but by as much peace and prosperity are better
than bloodshed and anarchy, would the preva
lence of a moderate and just policy, in the new
Administration, prove superior to that urged
upon the President by the radical branch of his
supporters. If he has that true courage—that
genuine stamp of statesmanship—the courage
to do right, in spite of partizan appeals and
Abolition fanaticism, he will yet lead the coun
try ont of the slough of despond, into which it
has fallen, and earn the approval of just men
in all parts of the country. When he has dis
tinctly announced his course, either by word
or deed, the friends of peace will be prepared
also to determine their position towards his
Administration, on this question.
From the N. Y. Journal of Commerce
The World (newspaper) asks us "to blush,"
when contaasting Senator Douglas' course en
the President's Inaugural, with our own. We
will think about this ; and if we conclude to
gratify our Worldly neighbor, will give due
notice, so that it may witness the performance.
But why should we be called upon to blush
more than others? Senator Douglas, it is true,
has put a different construction upon the Mes
sage from ours, and it may be that he is COIL
red, and we in error. He tells us that he has
carefully finalized the document, examined its
secret as well as visible components, and he
rather thinks—let it be remembered that even
he is not quite certain—that it means peace.
Mr. Douglas has a manifest advantage over us
in one particular. He knows the President
better than we do. He is more familiar with
his style of thought, language and expression,
end can better judge whether it is to be taken
literally, or whether it is to interpreted, like
dreams, by the rule of contraries.
We are, however, at a loss to understand,
admitting that Mr. Douglas or the Journal of
Commerce is in error, why either shall be called
upon to blush, any more than the Republican
journals. We have proof in the very number
of the World which demands humiliation from
ns, that the Inaugural and the policy of the
Republican party are misunderstood or differ
ently translated, by those who ought to be well
informed respecting both. We quote a few
Promthe World
Row will the Republican party PRACTICALLY
use its victory, This is really the question of
the day. Solve that decisively, and we shall
know at once whether we are to have union or
disunion, war or peace. There are two possi
ble answers ; and it is this fact, more than
anything else, that prolongs the painful sus
pense of the public mind. The Republican
party may SO use its new power as to conform
the charge of its enemies that it means a total
subversion of Southern rights; or it may so
act as- to prove, beyond a doubt, that it regards
the all-protecting Constitution as its supreme
law. It may make its aversion to slavery its
ruling incentive, the absolute regulator of its
policy; or it may subordinate that feeling to
its love of union, and its desire to be trusted
by all portions of the country.
* - 4 t
the South be made a province ?
There is an advanced wing of the Republi
can party that mean this and nothing else.—
They are for carrying on the war against-sla
very, to the bitter end—turning what was
originally mere defense into aggressive war
fare, systematic and ceaseless. These men
are a minority of the party, but, like all
ultraists, strive to make up for the want of
numbers by the greater audacity.
It is the broad and loyal spirit of the ad
ministration infinitely more than any particu
lar act, that is going to reassure the wavering
allegiance of the border States, and open the
Way to the final reconciliation of all. This
Spirit will give offense to a certain truculent
portion of the Republican party—perhaps
incite them into open opposition. If that come,
let it come.
These brief extracts-seem to prove that it is
not the journal of Commerce and Mr. Douglas
alone, that differ respecting the policy and the
meaning of the President. There is an "irre
pressible conflict" in the dominant party
itself; and until the`new champion of Repub
licanism—the journal which calls upon us to
blush on account of our understanding of
Mr. Liucolu'a Inaugural—can reconcile the
conflicting interests and opinions in its own
party, our advice to it is, to allow its cotempo
raries to form their own judgments, and to
entertain their own opinions in their own way.
At all events, we are not prepared to NIA at
the order of so young a recruit to Republi
canism, as the one above alluded to.
fitrt Vairlot
lisherm and Proprietors.
Clommunicationswill not be published in the PATRIOT
MD Insion union accompanied with the name of the
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
LO State street, Boston, are the Agents for the PATRIOT
/MD UNION, and the most influential and largest - circu
lating newspapers in the United States and Canadas
They are authorized to contract fortis at onriotoestrates
A second-hand ADAMS PRESS, platen 39% by Winches,
In good order; can be worked either by hand or steam
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To Members of the Legislature.
Tat Dims PATRIOT tun limos Will ha fathiblied ta
Members of the Legislature during the session at the
low price of ONE DOLLAR
Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT
AND UNION, can procure them by leaving their orders
at the publication office, Third street, or with our re
porters in either House, the evening previous.
The N. Y. Express thus pays its respects to a
certain official who has figured extensively in
the "dirty department" of the Republican
camp :
"Mr. Police Superintendent Kennedy turns
up, not favorably, before the Police Commis
sioners to-day. We begin to see that Mr. Ken.
nedy is more and more mixed up with the
"Banker and Statesman assassination," and
""air gun" affair ; and it would seem a stimulus
to his interest in discovering the awful plot
surrounding Mr. Lincoln was his desire to be
U. S. Marshall."
Judge Douglas mid Mr. Lincoln.
The New York Tribune abuses Judge Douglas
for his kindly translation of the Inaugural, and
thinks all he is eAcr is to get Lincoln in his
grasp, and then crush Douglas' right
hand of fellowship is thus responded to by this
Abolition organ :
"He thinks it will take ten thousand men to
enforce Sumpter, and 200,000 to enforce the
laws. His endeavor is to assume the part of a
candid observer, and commit the Administration
to the passive policy of Buchanan, deluding it
all the while with the fiction of Democratic
support, while he himself goes on his knees to
Crittenden, and comes out at last the champion
of southern rights, and the preserver of the
Union. If the pleasure be as great in , being
cheated as to cheat, the Administration will
suffer itself to be led along by its candid friend,
Mr. Douglas, until he gets it on the brink of
that political precipice over which he can dash
it into ruins. The old Douglas legend, we be
lieve, is "Beware the bear."
henry Clay—A Reminiscence.
Mr. Clay was only a private citizen in the
autumn of 1842, Oen he accepted an invita
tion to visit Indianapolis. It was not a year of
political excitement ; he had no patronage to
wield, or private ends to subserve ; and he hail
reason to hope that the object of his journey
would be neither misconceived nor perverted.
Well, what happened? At the town of Rich
mond, where some old-fashioned Whigs had
assembled to greet him, one Mr. Mendenhall
made his appearance, bearing a petition to
Mr. Clay to liberate his slaves ! History make
no farther mention of this man than the fact
that he claimed to belong to the Society of
Friends ; the veil of charity has been drawn
over his subsequent fate. But our present
concern is with Mr. Clay's reply. In this ad
mirable speech (vide Colton's edition, vol. vi.)
Mr. Clay exhorted the assemblage to treat Mr.
Mendenhall with forbearance and respect. He
disclaimed any feeling of pain at the occur
rence ; and deprecated any act or word of dis
respect to the petitioner. This point conceded,
Mr. Clay proceeded to address Mr. Mendenhall
in person, in full hearing of the audience,
First of all, he showed the impropriety of one
American citizen's presenting a petition to
another, when both were on terms of equality
in respect to power and station. He next al
luded to the occasion and the circumstances
under which the petition was presented, as
rendering Mr. Mendenhall's conduct inhospita
ble and diseurteous ; afterwards proceeding to
use some language which is as fresh and as
good reading to-day as when it was first ut
tered :
"I know well, Mr. Mendenhall, that you and
those who think with you, controvert the le
gitimacy of slavery and the right of property in
slaves. But the laws of my State and other
States have otherwise ordained. The law may
be wrong in your opinion, and you may think
it ought to be repealed; but then you and
your associates are not the law-makers for us,
and unless you can show some authority to
nullify our laws, we must continue to respect
them. Until the law is repealed, we must be
excused for asserting the rights—aye, the pro
perty in slaves—which it sanctions, authorizes
and vindicates. * * What is the foundation
of this appeal to me, in Indiana, to liberate the
slaves under my care in 'Kentucky? It is a
general declaration in the act announcing to
the world the independence of the thirteen
American colonies, 'that all men are created
equal.' Now, as an abstract principle, there
is no doubt of the truth of that declaration;
and it is desirable, in the original construction
of society, and in organized societies to keep
it in view as S great fundamental principle.—
But, then, I apprehend that in no society
that ever did exist, or ever shall be formed,
was or can the equality asserted among the
members of the human race, be practically en
forced and carried out. There are portions of
it, large portions—women, minors, insane, cul
prits, transient sojourners, that will always
probably remain subject to the government of
another portion of the community. That De
claration, whatever may be the extent of its
import, was made by the delegations of the
thirteen States. In most of them slavery ex
isted, and had long existed, and was established
by law. It was introduced and forced upon the
colonies by paramount law of England. Do
you believe that, in making that Declaration,
the States that concurred in it intended that it
should be tortured into a vital emancipetion
of all the slaves within their respective limits?
Would Virginia and the other Southern States
have ever united in a Declaration which was
to be interpreted into an abolition of slavery
among them ? Did any one of the thirteen
States entertain such a design or expectation ?
To impute such a secret and unavowed pur
pose would be to charge a political fraud upon
* Must
The Stimulus.
the noblest band of patriots that ever assembled
in council; a fraud upon the confederacy of
the Revolution; a fraud upon the union of
those States whose Constitution not only re
cognized the lawfulness of slavery, but per
mitted the importation of slates from Africa,
until the year 1808. And lam bold to say that
if the doctrines of ultra political abolitionists
had been seriously promulgated at the epoch of
our Revolution, our glorious independence
would never have been achieved I—never !
never !"
Mr. Clay concluded this memorable speech
45 follows
" I shall, Mr. Mendenhall, take your petition
into respectful and deliberate consideration,
but before I come to a final decision, I should
like to know what you and your associates are
willing to do for the slaves in my possession if
I should think proper to liberate them. I own
about fifty, who are probably worth about fif
teen thousand dollars. To turn them loose
upon society, without any means of subsistence
or support, would be an act of cruelty. Are
you willing to rake and secure the payment of
fifteen thousand dollars for their benefit, if I
should be induced to free them ? The security
of the payment of that sum would materially
lessen the obstacle in the way of their eman
cipation. * * * And now, Mr. Menhenhall, I
must take respectful leave of you. We sepa
rate, as we have met, with no unkind feelings,
no excited auger or dissatisfaction on my pa r t,
whatever have been your motives, and these I
refer to our common Judge above, to whom
we are both responsible. Go home, and mind
your own business, and leave other people to
take care of theirs. Limit your benevolent
exertions to your own neighborhood. Within
that circle you will find ample scope for the
exercise of all your charities. Dry up the
tears of the afflicted widows around you; con
sole and comert the helpless orphans ; clothe
the naked ; and feed and help the poor—black
and whith—who need succor; and you will be
a better and wiser man than you have shown
yourself this day."
Eighteen years have passed since these
words were uttered; and the changes they
have wrought are painful to contemplate. But
we cannot pause to dwell on them. It is quite
evident, however, that if those who claim to
innetate the principles and memory of Henry
Clay, had followed his advice, and attended to
their own business, "leaving other people to
take care of themselves," the present unhappy
condition of the :country might have been
averted, and the Union perpetuated forever as
the homestead and altar of American brethren.
Not long ago a Turk was caught in the act of
robbing a house. He confessed that he had
followed this trade for six years, and had plun
dered more than one hundred Turkish houses.
The man confessed that he went about the
streets and found when houses were left vacant,
and then returned and robbed them. He "sat
isfied himself that the occupants WOta gone by
finding the knocker down, (the Turks always
turn the door knocker down when at home,)
by seeing the window curtains down and in the
evening the room dark ; then I knocked at the
door, and some neighbor usually tells if the
family are gone away and how soon they will
return." In view of this confession, the police
of Constantinople have issued an order : first,
forbidding any person to turn down his door
knocker on leaving home ; second, forbidding
the closing of the window curtains; third, re
quiring that all persons should keep a light
burning in their rooms when absent in the eve
ning; and fourth, forbidding all persons telling
any one whether their neighbors are at home
or not. On the strength of these stringent
regulations the police will probably sleep at
their posts even more soundly than 114114 i,
three weeks ago, a little child of Mr.. Thomas
Tapper, who resides at the Factory Village,
Mass., seized a dish of hot water which its mo
ther had placed upon the table to dissolve some
saleratus, and upset the contents upon its neck
and bosom, scalding it so that it died, and the
funeral took place on Sunday. On the next
day the mother being engaged in washing,
another child of six years, in attempting to
cross the room came in contact with some one
and upset a dipper of scalding water upon it,
causing death. Its funeral took place the next
Sabbath, and strange to relate, the next Sunday
these bereaved parentd bore a third child to
the tomb, making three successive funerals in
that. family on three successive Sabbaths. In
three weeks this afflicted family were called
upon to part with all three of their children,
aged respectively six, four and two years.—
The last is supposed to have died from dip
therm& It was at play on Friday as usual.
Philadelphians have some remarkable men
among their city employees. Colonel Gabriel
de Korponay, a Polander, recently appointed
on the park police, received a handsome educa
tion in his native country, and gained the mas
tery of twelve languages. On the breaking
out of the revolution he joined the Polish army
and served with distinction. He came to this
country after his countrymen were crushed by
Russia, and on the breaking out of the Mexican
war joined the American army and fought in
several battles. Since then he served in the
Crimea, and more recently he has pursued the
peaceful vocation of an interpreter in the Uni
ted States Courts in Philadelphia. The
"Colonel" has also had his victories as a votary
of Terpsichore, and enjoys the high honer and
distinction of bringing out the polka from
Europe, and of being the first to introduce it
in Philadelphia.
No ESCAPE FROM PumsamgllT.—A correspon
of the Portland Argus writing from Wisconsin,
at the residence of Gen. Jones who acted as
second in the Cilley duel, says, "learning I was
from Blaine, the General alluded to the affair,
expressed admiration for Mr. Cilley, and deep
regret for the unhappy termination of the issue.
Graves died the victim to regrets and the most
horrible of horrors. Two years he passed in
sleepless nighis, with rooms lighted and with
watching friends, whom he was unwilling to
have for a moment leave his presence. He
consumed the hours of night in walking to and
fro, in frightful starts, in moans and groans
and tears, and in wild exclamations. At length,
worn out with mental anguish, grief unmiti
gated, and wasting watchfulness, the untappy
man expired. Thus I had it from the lips of a
clergyman, his neighbor, and thus was avenged
the manes of the murdered Cilley."
day a young man called at the house of Mr.
Kromberry, at Brooklyn, representing to the
family that Mr. K. had met with a dreadful ac
cident, and urged them to go with him to his
place of business in New York. Mrs. K.
speedily changed her dress, and, taking her
children, got into a carriage which was waiting
at the door. They drove to Fulton Ferry,
where the young man left them, and they pro
ceeded to Mr. K.'s store, and were gratified and
surprised to see him alive and well. Mean
while, the young man ran back to the house
and requested the servant to go up-stairs and
get some towels to be used as bandages. She
did so ; and the fellow, taking advantage of her
absence, proceeded to the closets and stole all
the silverware he could find. He also carried
off a watch and other articles of value, and
made his escape without being detected.
first observatory erected in America was in
Philadelphia, in November, 1763, by a carpen
ter, who was employed by Mason & Dixon, when
these mathematicians were employed to define
the line which still bears their name. This
observatory was erected for the purpose of as
certaining the southernmost point of the city
of Philadelphia.
Tees VIRGINIA " OIL FEVER. " —The excite
ment growing out of the discovery of oil in
Virginia, continues unabated. The Wheeling
lnielligenthr tar : Kanawha river is literally
covered with flat boats and the boatmen aro
now on a strike. They ask two dollars a barrel
for taking the grease to Parkersburg. The
producers are only willing to give a dollar and
fifty cents. Lands are leased on both sides of
the Kanawha at enormous rates, the leases ex
tending from four to five miles into the interior.
The number engaged in the production of oil
from Parkersburg to Burning Springs Run is
less than 4,000. The oil is found at from 125
to 225 feet, for which distance the cost of bor
ing is about $2 per foot. Large supplies of
barrels are received from Baltimore, the staves
for which are shipped from the country where
the barrels are now being filled with " the
greasy." Sub-leases cannot be had in the vi
cinity of the large producing wells at less than
from one to three thousand dollars an acre.
KENTUCKY LOOMING Ur.—Kentucky seems to
be prominently on the carpet,iust now, as it has
given birth to many of the characters figuring
in the drama of the second American Revolu
tion. President Davis was born in Todd county,
Kentucky, in 1808. President Lincoln was
born in Hardin county, in the year 1809. Vice
President Breckinridge was born in Fayette
county, in 1821. Senator Crittenden was born
in Woodford county, in 1786. James Guthrie,
the chairman on compromise resolutions in the
Peace Conference, was born in Nelson county,
in 1795. Joseph Holt, the late Secretaryof
War, is a native of Breckinridge county. Major
Anderson was born in Kentucky, in 1805.
General Harney is also a Kentuckian, and Cu.
sins Clay, both of whom are somewhat con
nected with the current crisis.
On Monday afternoon a man named Ferdinand
Hofbauer, a German, 29 years of age, was found
dead in his room in New York, having commit
ted suicide. The deceased was a man of supe
rior education, having taken the degree of Doc
tor of Jurisprudence in Germany, and published
several scientific works, which are highly com
mended. Since his residence in New York he
has been a contributor to the German Democrat
and several other periodicals, and within the
past week had accepted the editorship of a new
German paper about starting, to be called the
New York Pioneer. Owing to the difficulty in
raising the funds necessary for the project, the
publication has been delayed, and Hofbauer,
becoming disheartened and dependant, com
mitted suicide by inhaling chloroform.
phlet has been published containing papers
purporting to discuss the relative merits of Pres
cott's and Willson's histories of the Conquest
of Mexico. Wilson, it may be well to inform our
readers, is a person who claims to have "turned
into air castles" the works of the great Ameri
can historian, and who states that "in the area
covered by Prescott's fifteen volumes we have
picked up less than a single one of fact, leaving
behind all of his beautiful volumes! !" Pres
cott and St. Hilaire, the celebrated French
historian, according to this modest gentleman,
"built upon forged and factitious records; "
"another had to write the actual history of the
country." "This we have attempted to do."
hton Quitose, too, attempted to batter down a
cal elections in Saratoga county, N. Y last
week, the vote stood—Democrats, 728; Repub
licans, 671. A letter says: "The 1,346 Re
publican majority of last fall is wiped out.—
Lincoln's inaugural is endorsed, "over the left."
The result of the town meetings in this county
is a glorious and satisfactory indication of a
return of the "sober second thought" of the
people. The majority of the Republicans are
"wiped out." The Democrats carried but six
of the twenty towns last fall; they now carry
nine, and show gains that give a clear majority
in favor of the Union as it was and the cenet.i
tutiuu as it la.
that there are 45,000 fugitive slaves in Canada
from the Unites States. The negroes are a
gregarious race, and they are disposed to settle
in villages and towns, and to cling together.—
The 1,000 fugitive slaves in Toronto wash linen,
make shirts, are blacksmiths, bricklayers, car
penters, shoemakers, painters, &c. There are
six colored grocers in the town, and there is one
colored physician. One fugitive slave is worth
$lOO,OOO. But the headquarters of the negro
race in Canada is Chatham on the Thames. Of
its population of 6,000, 1,000 are colored.
The Sicilians have organized a society for the
purchase of Venetia, and elected Garibaldi as
its president. In a very eloquently written ad
dress, the founders of this society made a warm
appeal to the patriotic feelings of the Italians,
and announce that societies of a similar char
acter will be established in all parts of Italy.
When the amount subscribed is equivalent to
the estimated value of Venetia, it will be of
fered to Austria ; if she refuses to accept it, it
will be applied to the raising and equipping of
an army for the conquest of that province.
ding to a correspondent of the New York Post
etiquette does not allow a President to dine out.
This rule, he alleges, was established by Wash
ington, and observed under other Presidents
until the accession of Messrs. Van Buren, Ty
ler, Pierce and Buchanan, who occasionally
"dined out." Mr. Lincoln, however, we are
told, intends to restore the policy of Washington
and Jefferson, and therefore "dined out" for
the last time, previous to entering upon his
duties as President.
Geneva gives, upon the statistics of journalism
in Swiizerland, information calculated to show
that the degree of education and of moral and
intellectual development of that little republic
is superior to that of nearly all the monarchies
of Europe. This is a new proof of the influence
of republican institutions upon the progress
of the human mind, of which the press is the
most active and useful agent.
Greenleaf, well known in this city as a repor
ter, died a day or two since in Portsmouth,
Mass., his native place. Mr. Greenleaf was
formerly one of the proprietors and junior edi
tor of the New Hampshire Gazette and subse
quently a reporter of the Boston Times, Boston
Herald, Washington Union and Baltimore Re-
publican, and latterly one of the publishers and
editors of the Fulton City (Ill.) Advertiser.
Two hundred thousand cords of pine wood
are annually brought to the New York paarket,
of which fifty thousand cords are used by kind
ling wood companies. In the transportation of
this material, about a hundred schooners are
employed. The number has fallen off somewhat
lately through a contraction of the business.
Of this immense supply of pine wood, New
Jersey furnishes one-eighth, and Virginia the
Eighty-three persons committed suicide in
Massachusetts during the year 1859, of whom
sixty-eight were males, and only fifteen females.
The whole number is one less than in 1858,
and it is a singular fact that the number in this
State does not vary much from ninety each
session of the Philadelphia Conference will be
held this year at the Union M. E. Church,
Philadelphia, commencing on the 20th of
The wine raised in Portugal the last season
has fallen off in quantity eight per cent., and
the loss of money consequent is stated to be
A pictorial pocket-bible, finely illustrated,
has been published in London at 87i cents, our
Nail mills in Fall River have stopped for
want of business—completely knocked in the
head by the times.
Only two of the seceded States—South Carolina
and Georgia—were original members of the
confederacy. The others came in in the fol
lowing order : Louisiana, April 8, 1812 ; Mis
sissippi, December 10, 1817 ; Alabama, De
cember 14, 1819 ; Florida, March, 8, 1845, and
Texas, December, 29, 1845.
La Mountain, the balloonist, is arranging
for his summer wrial campaign, which he in
tends shall be upon a more extensive scale than
in any previous season. He is negotiating
with various parties for the construction of a
retort suitable for transportation, by which he
will be able to manufacture his own gas.
An ingenious thief got clear at Albany, on
Thursday, by pretending that he had the itch.
Justice, officers, and jailors would have nothing
to do with him, although he wanted to be sent
to jail.
G. W. King has been arrested in lowa, and
has acknowledged that, with two accomplices,
he murdered Dr. Rowe in the winter of '5B
- and that they divided $2,000 plunder
between them.
ber of persons exiled in Siberia yearly is about
9,500, exclusive of the women and children that
accompany them.
Mr. CRITTENDEN.—The city council of Wheel
ing, Va., have voted to extend the hospitalities
of that city to Senator Crittenden on his arrival
there en route for home.
Hon. John A. Kasson, of lowa, it is slated,
has received and accepted the appointment of
First Assistant Postmaster General, under the
Lincoln. regime.
A vessel lately arrived at Boston from
Smyrna ; was detained fifty days at Gibralter
by head-winds, and came out on the 11th Jan
uary with a fleet of 2,300 wind-bound vessels.
A Southern paper says a novel and intoxica
ting liquor has been made from the cotton
plant. It may be 44 intoxicating," but there is
no novelty in the " cotton gin."
At Norristown, Pa., Bernard M'Namee, con
victed of murdering his wife, has been sent to
the penitentiary for twelve years.
Punch says the Chancellor of the Exchequer
has determined to put a tax on crinoline. It's
lax enough already.
Lock Haven, Pa., which last fall gave Lincoln
183 majority, has just been carried by the Demo
crats for local officers.
J. L. Houston took an overdose of chloroform
to cure his toothache, at Tallahasse, Fla., on
Thursday, and was found dead.
In Washington on Monday a bare-headed
lunatic paraded the streets denouncing, woe,
woe, upon the country.
The Democrats of the first dictrict of Con
necticut have nominated Hon. A. P. Hyde for
The Dayton (Ohio) Empire says the wheat
fields in the southwestern portion of that county
look well for this season of the year.
Hon. John Bell passed through Lynchburg,
Va., on Saturday, en route for his home in
Small pot has made its appearance in South
Zanesville, Ohio.
From Washington
An official dispatch was received from Mont
gomery, this morning, instructing Commission
ers Crawford and Forsyth to enter at once upon
the business of negotiation without waiting for
their colleague, Mr. Roman.
The Cumberland and Pocahontas have, ac
cording to official advices, left Vera Cruz for
Norfolk. The Pocahontas is on the way to
New York. The Macedonian is the only yes
ssl left at Vera Cruz.
The Criminal Court to-day discharged Wm.
FL Russell, who was indicted in connection with
“Am , --caacn or bue intnan Truet ponds, and
decided that his judicial course was in accor
dance with the law of 1857, which exempts
witnesses before investigating committees from
trial, Russell having appeared as such before
that of the House recently, on the subject of
those bonds. En-Secretary Floyd to-day gave
$lO,OOO security for his appearance at court.
An official letter from Major Anderson, re
ceived on Saturday, says he had only fifteen
days subsistence and wood on hand. The ques
tion has therefore arisen with the administra
trion whether reinforcements shall be attempt
ed, or the fort abandoned. The latter course,
it is thought, will be adopted, from inevitable
necessity,by the advice of Lieut. General Scott.
There is, however, a conflict of opinion among
the Republicans on this question and no con
clusions have been arrived at in the Cabinet
New Spurious Ten Dollar Bill.
Peterson's Detector gives the following des
cription of a new spurious ten dollar note on the
Warren Bank of South Danvers, Mass. Large
X across centre of note, girl with sheaf of grain;
10 above on right; man, heated anvil, hammer
&c., ten below on left. This city is full of them
and a large number of arrests have been made.
Maine Personal Liberty Bill.
The Maine Senate has passed the bill to re
peal the Personal Liberty Act, by a vote of
yeas 17 nays 10.
steamer City of 'Manchester.
NEW York, March 11
The steamehip City of Manchester has ar
rived from Liverpool. Her dates have been
New atwertisentents.
HENRYBECKER offers himself as an
IA Independent Candidate for re-election to the office
he now holds—Constable of Third Ward—and will be
obliged for the import of the voters of said Ward.
A good COOK can find constant employment and
good wages. Apply to DANIEL WAGNER, at the Seven
Stars Hotel, corner of Second and Chesnut streets.
marl 2
The old stock of cars being disposed of, the under
signed has broke out in a new place, and established a
daily freight line between Philadelphia, New York, Har
risburg and all points on the Northern Qentral, Sunbury
and Erie and Lackawanna and Bloomsburg rai:roads,
Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended,
he hopes, by promptness in delivery, to retain all his
old customers and patrons. All goods intended for the
line must be delivered at the depot of the Philadelphia
and Reading railroad, Broad and Callowhill streets, Phil
iladelphia All gobds delivered at the depot tip to 5
o'clock, P. M., will reach Harrisburg next morning.
J. WALLOWER, Js., General Agent,
Reading Depot, Harrisburg.
It is DETERSIVE. It removes all dirt, and washes
with or without rubbing.
It it ERASIVE. It removes all stains by Oil, Paint,
Printers' Ink, Wagon or Machine Grease.
It is a BLEACHER. It bleachesbrown clothes whtte,
and white clothes whiter.
It is EMOLLIENT. It gives a rich permanent lather,
and makes the hands soft, white and elastic.
It is a PERFECT WASHER, in any water, hot or cold,
hard or soft, salt or fresh, of finest lawns, and allgrades,
to the coarsest clothes,
It is LASTING. It does much washing with little
It is ECONOMICAL. It saves wear and tear, time,
labor and money.
It combines all the good, and none of the bad proper
ties of every other Soap; therefore it is a PERFECT SOAP.
It is a Perfect Soap for all the uses of a Household.—
In the Laundry for clothes of every description—for U.°
Wash-stand—for cleaning Paint, ti lass-ware, Porcelain,
Crockery, Table, Kitchen and Dairy Untensile.
Directions accompany each cake. Samples can be had
free of charge upon application at cur afore.
mar& WM. DOCK, JS. , & CO,
Agents for Harrisburg.
BOSTON, March 11.
MARCH 13th, 14th, and 15th.
' '
STA c il o tnB o L I h lrijj:ri:. ".
. ..
This Troupe is composed of the first class Artists =,•l
te d from
E m n o
v s
E t l popular us
.4 l s troupesT
J. ANDREWS, K. WILICS, J. Ensrms A r,. . '
A. LEHMAN, DT. 0.111., C. BLASS,
LLOYD'S BRASS BAND, led by AUGUST 11,5c1,, , w „,
give a free Balcony Serenade previous to th o mi„, t, " ,
Performance. „ I
Tickets 25 cents. Doors open at 7. Commern,A
o'clock. [mar9.d6t] P. A. CLARK Ac' '
THE PROGRAMME will comprise a Cant a t a b y
"THE MORNING," "OLD FOLKS, lucs10,1) a „ dso 7,
lions from celebrated nuthors—to moo trio, lliziocj;
chef d'oeuvre, "THE HALLELUJAH CliOliu8), '
The Piano-forte to be used is one of Chicknrinnbed,
furnished by their Agent, Prof. WILLIAM KNOQUE ' ,
Tickets 25 cents—may be had at Prof. lixoCTIE'
sic Store, Geoss & Co. , s Drug Store, and from ony
the members of the Society. inar9.(lst
PUBLIC SALE be cold, at
Brant's European Hotel, on Wednesday
March 13th, 1861, a certain TWO STORY FR Am ii
VACANT LOT, situate on North street, near second
—being 50 feet on North street, and extending back 51
feet. The House is well finished, with :•cren rooms and
Basement Kitchen. Sale to commence nt.
Terms will be made known by HENRY hithf.llls'
niar6-ltd* W. DARR, Auctioneer, •
lowing words are from Mark x. v. 9, 12:
"What, therefore, God has joined together let net nutn
put asunder."
"Whosoever shall put away bis wife and marry anothe r
committetb adultery. And if s.,.woman shall put allay
her husband and marry again she committeth adultery,ii
Legislators and others, - the above is the edict of tb e
Supreme Lawgiver, from which there is do appeal.—
What, therefore, God has joined together let no map
put asunder." janl2 dtf
In Tin Foi",.uined with Paper,) and full Weight,—
In this age of adulterated and tasteless Spices, it is
with confidence that we introduce to the attention of
Housekeepers tbese superior and genuine articles. Ire
guarantee them not only ABSOLUTELY AND PERrreTLIt
PURE, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned
by us expressly for the purpose, without reference to
cost. They are beautifully packed in tin foil, (lined with
paper.) to prevent injury by keeping, acid las FULL
WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are almost
invariably short. We warrant them, in pours of strength
and richness of flavor, beyond all comparison, as a sin
gle trial will abundantly prove.
Every package bears our TRADE MARE.
Manufactured only by E. R. DURKEE & CO., New
For sale by [feb27,] WM, DOCK, la., &CO
ALL PERSONS who have any Affection
of the Lungs or Throat, or Chronic Diseases. and
wish to be cured, should consult Da. STEWAR P. who
has had many years' experience in different sections of
the United States and Canada, and has cured cases which
had been treated without benefit by what are esteemed
the nasT PHYSIOIAVS in the Union.
lie has been in Harrisburg for many months, and has
restored to health, invalids who had expended hundreds
of dollars with Physicians and Patent Medicines. He
can refer to some of the best families is Harrisburg, and
can give the names of persons in the city, and nearlyall
parts of the State, whom he has cured of ahuost every
Chronic Disease.
lie does not profess to cure all diseases after the Man
ner of some advertising quacks, but will give a candid
opinion in regard to curability after examination. The
medicines of Dr. S. are vegetable : and derived from more
than a hundred sources while traveling. In Lung and
Throat Diseases he has had great success by means of
his CARBON CURE, which may be taken by the Stomach
or Inhaled.
beware of and the nroat .turners of the old
In COMPLAINTS OF FEMALES his success has been
remarkable, and he has cured affections of the Eye and
Ear said to be incurable.
Da. BTEWAItT solicits cases of the following, given
up by others :
Cancers removed by a new remedy procured in Canada.
When so requested, Da. STEW ART will visit patients
at their realjence,
Terms Moderate
In regard to qualifications, Dr. S. refers to Professors
Pancoast, Dunglison and Helga, of Philadelphia, Ho
also begs leave to refer to Senators Chase and Pugh, and
Hon. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio.
Patients or their friends should allot the BUEHLER
HOUSE from 9 a m. to 6 Is. 2n.
Letters promptly attended to,
A Poem in the style of DON JUAN, and equal in
spirit, matter and manner to that brilliant production
of the "BRITISH BARD." By a well known citizen of
Philadelphia, who served with distinction in the late
War with Mexico.
EMS No. Mi Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa,
SEALED PROPOSALS to furnish the Dauphin County
Poor House with such meat as may be wanted, from
time to time, will be received by the Directors up to the
27th DAY OF MARCH, and opened and contract awarded
on TUESDAY, the 2d of April, /861, to the lowest bidder.
The meat must be of good quality, and delivered at the
All proposals to be handed to the Steward of the poor
Directors of Poor.
del24 HARRISBUR G, PA. [d3ua
Direct from NEW YORK, and warranted Superior.
feb27 WM. DOCK, JR., & CO
RAVING JEST RETURNED from the Eastern cities, where
we have selected with the greatest care a large and corn
plate assortment of superior GOODS, which embrace
everything kept in the beet City Grqceries, we respect
fully and cordially invite the public to examine our
stock and hear our prices.
febls WM. DOCK, & CO.
A popular and very interesting Reader, designed for
the use of
generally throughout our country, and now in the useof
the Public Schools of the First School District of Penn
sylvania, by order, and with the unanimous vote of the
Board Of School Controllers of said District. It may be
had on application to the Author and Publisher, South
west corner • f Lombard and 28d atreeta, Philadelphia;
for $6.50 per dozen, or 75 cents per copy.
Orders may be left at this office for any quantity or
number of them, and they be promptly delivered to
address free of freight or porterage. febl9-denti.
Id prepared to do all kinds of work in the
Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING'
NW be found at all times at hie residence, in the rear of
the William Tell House, corner of Raspberry and Black
berry alleys. sep29-dly
Just received by
nol6 W. DOCK, Ts. ,& CO.
C RANBERRIES ---A very Superior
at oct26.] WM. DOCK, Ja. 4 COl3l