LOCAL NEWS. TEN DAILY PAY/LION AND UNION way be had at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market streets. PATRIOT AND IJNION.—The DAILY PATRIOT AND V. 2014 can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. Faint. Tgg Matt.s.—Under the change of schedu e on the different railroads, the time of closing the mails at the Harrisburg Post Office, December Ist, HO, a as follows: PetnierlNANlA R. R. „,,,—wey mail, 12.15 p. m., 5. p. m., F. in. w e e.--6.30 a. m.—way mail, 3.50 p. m., 9p. to. NORTHERN CENTRAL R. R. p, M.—way mail, 9. p. m. Nor p. M. LEBANON VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. in. DAUPHIN AND SUSQ. R. R. 1.30 p. m. CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. in., 1 p. m.—way ' RY STAGE, 7 a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. '7 a. m-, to Sonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., Go LewisberrY, on Saturday. PLANT TREES.—This is the season to put in the juvenile trees. While you are sleeping, the trees will be growing. Do IT Now.—lf you have a house to rent, or want to rent one, this is the time to advertise in the PATRIeT AND FORGET IT NOT.—The Democratic citizens meet this evening for the purpose of making their nom inations for ward offtcers. CoLincrion.—The carriers of the PATRIOT AND Maori bog loovo to say that they WWI usual, collect their dues this morning. Tan Union Prayer Meeting will be held in the Presbyterian Church, on Market Square, tbis after aeon, at 4 o'clock, as usual. Tag POST Ormoz.—We hear it stated that Capt. 3. B. Rutherford has been tendered and will accept the position of Postmaster at Harrisburg. Nomen.—The regular monthly meeting of the Harrisburg Typographical Union, No. 14, Till be held this evening, at 7 o'clock, at the Citizen en- Tine hod*o. B. F. WORK, BOOPY. luoguois, ATTENTION.—The warriors attached to the Iroquois tribe No. 1, will assemble at the great council wigwam at T o'clock p. m. By order of the Sachem. THE New MARKET Housw.—What has become of the new market house that was to be erected in town? Have the enterprising individuals who en tered into the arrangement seceded or vamosed ? LARGE FUNERAL.—The funeral of Mr. Wm. Col der, Sr., was largely attended on Thursday after noon, by a large concourse of friends. and rela- EMI THANKS.—We are again under obligations to Mr. C. M. Shell for a pair of ducks. Corney will oblige us next time by bringing " canvass backs" instead of "divers." SEND IN YOUR NAMES.—Persons in want of one of the most independent Democratic papers pub lished in the State are requested to forward their names to this office at the earliest possible moment. SPOKEN oP.—We learn that a company of ml. nute men are about organizing in town, and the first meeting will be held sometime next week at the house of Mr. Gross, corner of Third and Wal nut streets. A Itzxznx Wezrzn.—Many of the iron fixin's, or stop-eceks, on the pavement of our town are pro truding, and are not only ugly to the feet, disa greeable to pedestrians, but decidedly annoying to citizens in general. Mr. J. S. Royal, who was recommended as a can didate for Councilman in the Third ward, by a cor respondent in our paper of yesterday, desires us to say that while be fully appreciates the friendly motive of the writer, he respectfully declines a nomination. Fame VP,—The proprietors of Independence Island are fixing up and preparing for the advent of the slimmer solstice. Gentlemen, with small change to spare, who wish to enjoy a pleasant trip, the cool shade, and a good time generally, will please take notice. MESSRS. EDITORS:—Permit us to suggest the name of Daniel Harker as Councilman for the First ward. Mr. Harker is an old resident of the ward, and is known to be an honest, industrious and an enterprising citizen, and will snake a good Coun cilman. MANY CITIZENS, BE on' Youa GusED.—To-day being market day, our rodeo ahnld be on their guard and see that none of the sharpers are about circulating their bogus coins. A considerable quantity of the ma terial was shoved on Wednesday last, and no doubt another effort of the same kind will be made to-day. EXTREMELY Dur.r..--Alderaien, eenstables and other gentlemen, all complain of the dull times.— Individually, we are disposed to trust to luck, and stare fate in the face i but, unless -flaw get better. Ire will be compelled to sesesh, locate on shad island or some other seaport. ENERGETIC.—Our Chief of Police has been very energetic within the last few weeks in his endeavors to arrest the swarms of vagrants passing through the town. Many of these revolvers were located, and enjoyed the hospitality of the gay Daniel, and left the next morning rejoicing, returning innu merable thanks to Dan and ferry for their kind ness. Zia Rannoans.—Forty-eight of the railroad companies of Pennsylvania, during the year 1860, have made full reports to the Auditor General of 'their ecedition. - Twenty-six companies refused to report. Of the passenger corporations, nine made returns, in compliance with the law, and fourteen neglected or refused. Tag RE Busrsgss.—The ice merchants have en tered into the business with a gusto this season, and with ono exception, we believe all the houses are filled. The prices will be greatly ruduced during the season, and our citizens will soon have an op portunity of enjoying themselves amazingly, pro-. villa they have the funds to pay for the smash or julep. Dula. Truza.—Go where you will; ask who you may; and solieit whom you please rot an adver tisement; the only answer you get is, the times are too bard, and we can't spare money for adver tising -in -the paper. Whether this has been brought about by "Old Abe" taking possession of the White House, or not, we are unable to say. bat one thing we do know, times are not what they were once. txmournn MESSINA.—The city of Messina, in SitilY. with a population of one hundred thousand, duce not contain a single newspaper. If the peo ple of that benighted region were in want of ele gant and serviceable garments, they would have no newspaper to inform them that Rockhill Wil- SOD, at the Brown Stein defiling Hall, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. get up the most splendid snits in the world for the Rear of gentlemen and pub& LOOK TO ITIN TIVE....ATe we to be flooded with all sorts of promisory notes and shinplasters, and have all kinds of spurious 'slitter in circulation amongst our population ? The Philadelphia Ledger, of a re cent date, states that "it is understood that an ef fort will be made by parties interested in the coun try banks, on the re-assembling of the Legislature of this State, to procure the passage of a bill legal izing the issue of small notes. A proposition to allow the banks to charge 7 per cent. interest will also he urged. The latter is probably the thing most desired, but both parties will be asked, in order to have a margin for compromise. Hone is refused the other may be granted. The 7 per cent. proposition we pass for the present, but thus early, and at once, denounce as IlpnecesSaty and wholly uncalled for, the issue of small notes. Whose in terest or convenience is to be served by this retro grade movement in our currency ? Not the pub lic's, surely, for they are more profitably and more conveniently served by the use of specie, of which the supply was never more abundant than now.— Then why increase the use of paper, which was never more distrusted, and seldom more depreci ated than it has been for the past three or four months ? There being then no scarcity o f coin, and altogether too much paner, as is proved by its de preciation, why do an act that will .lessen the amount of the one in circulation, and increase and still more debase the other ? For every paper dol lar put in circulation a dollar in specie is with drawn. It is a mistake sometimes made by super ficial reason ers, that the lower the denomination of bank bills, the greater will be the volume of cur rency, falsely assuming that the small notes arc additional to the specie already in circulation.— The issue of bank notes under the denomination of 465, simply enables the banks, at the expense of the community, to increase their coin by exchan ging the one for the other. The banks do not give out their notes for nothing—they always take the nominal value, dollar for dollor, in coin—and when the law forbids the use of the smaller denomina tions of paper, they have no alternative but to pay out epeeie. This neeessity on their part, keeps in free circulation a sound and reliable currency, one that never depreeiates, and one that is known by all, passing as freely and as fully in one part of the Union as another. As no intelligent man con siders a small hank note as desirable as a gold or silver dollar, no intelligent, honest man should favor the contemplated change of law authorizing the supplanting of the superior by the inferior. LLOYD'S lidzsarnses.—As will be seen by an ad vertisement in another column, this troupe will give three of their unique entertainments, at Brant's city Hall, next week. The Philadelphia Press has the following in regard to this troupe : Lloyd's Ninstrels—Aruarical Fund Hall.—This popular and fashionable resort is nightly filled with admiring crowds to witness the performance of this great constellation of stars. We but repeat what every one says "That this is the best and most perfect minstrel organization that has evar ap peared in this city." Wambold, Bidaux, Schwi cardi and Eastmead, form the vocal quartette, and should be heard by all lovers of good singing and harmony. The comic department is most ably re presented by Charley Fox, Billy Birch, J. An drews and Cool White, Master Albertini is a most excellent dancer and personator of female charac ters. The instrumental, under the direction of Au gust Asche, is excellent, and the entire perform ance is of that relined and artistic school that cad not fail to please. They appear every evening this week. Go and see them. ARE THE CAUSES OF DIPTHERIA AND CATTLE Din neen IDENTICAL.—At the regular monthly meeting of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society, a mem ber called attention to the fact that Dr. Grenough. in his recent work upon diptheria, notices the fact that this disease arises from the same .source, or from the same primitive agency, as the complaint known as the cattle disease. The gentleman men tioned the fact, hoping that the views and experi ences of the members of this Society would be called forth. Another member remarked that a case, or rather thread of facts, had recently come to his knowledge, occurring upon a neighbor's farm, where a number of laboring families lived closely together, as in a village. They were trou bled seriously with the new disease, and eleven persons died. At the same.tirne his neighbor no tified him of the fact that he had lost a number of fine cows from the effects of the "cattle disease," and ether maim* were affected. Tom MAYOR'S Posmew.—Many persons are un der the impression that the Mayor of the city does not possess all the power delegated to an Alderman. This is an erroneous impression, and °Mimes makes people think that our Mayor is only a pa rient empowered to convict drunk and disorderly characters. Such is not the feet. His Honor has all the rights and privileges of an Alderman—to examine cases of every description, commit or dis charge, at his option, all culprits, and otherwise set as other magistrates do. Many persons, not being aware of this fact, have been in the habit of bringing their criminal charges before an Alder man, supposing that it was necessary to do so i but such is not the fact. The Mayor has not only the authority, but the ability, to adjudicate all cases brought before him fairly, honestly and impar tially. BEFORE THE MAYOR.—On Thursday evening a young man named Hugh Caslow, who hailed from the city of Lancaster, was arrested by the Chief of Police and taken before the Mayor. The young candidate bad in his possession a large lot of cop per, evidently belonging to some railroad company. He had also a sack containing a lot of bed-clothes. When arrested, Hugh was in the company of John Carwell, of Conewago, and both were made to ap pear before his Honor the Mayor yesterday morn ing. There being no evidence against Carwell, be was discharged. Caslow was sent to jail for ten days, as a vagrant, apd in the meantime the offi cers will endeavor to find out whether the articles in his possession were stolen or not. THE STUDY OF THE SITY.-A large part of the public are not aware of the extensive discoveries in astronomical science made during the past year —including no less than four new asteroids and four new comets. The asteroids were all detected within a single week in September—two at Part., a third at Berlin, and the other at Washington.— The entire number of known asteroids is now 62, of which four were discovered by American as tronomers. Of the comets, the first was discov ered in Brasil, the second in Hamburg, the third at Cambridge, and the fourth at Marseilles. Not a year has passed elan 1847, without the discovery of some new planetary body. MODEST APPLICANT•—CarI Schurz, the peripa tale orator, is an applicant for the mission to Sar dinia. His modest appreciation of his own fitness is best illustrated in a dispatch he seat to, the G-ov eroor of Wisconsin to appoint Commissioners to the Peace Convention, which 18 in the following language : "Send Commieeionem me one of them, to strengthen our side." Is it not very nearly time that American citizens were appointed to represent American citizens abroad? THE WHEAT PROSPECT.—The present season is said, by those whose interest it is to keep booked up in such matters, to be an exceedingly favorable one for the growth of the wheat crop. Oa far as we have heard, the wheat fields throughout the county, and indeed throughout the State, present a very flourishing appearance. Providence still smiles upon our land, notwithstanding the political troubles with which we are afflicted. Chronic invalids should read Dr. Stewart's ad vertisement in another column. 'no Democratic citizens of the different wards of the city of Harrisburg are requested to Meet In their respective wards, on Saturday, the 9th inst., at 7 p. m., as follows, for the purpose of making nominations for ward and city officers First ward at the house of C. Janes. Second ward at the Seven Stare Tavern. Third ward at Military Hall. Fourth ward at the house of James W. Morgan. Fifth ward at the Fifth Ward House. Sixth ward at the Park House. By order of the Democratic Ward Executive Committees. WASHINGTON'S ma-Dam—The Hollidaysburg Standard, of last week, says ! Our musical frienes "Sivinson," has experienced much joyous feeling Binge big return from Harrisburg on the 22d, and thinking that the only way to purge himself of this exuberance was to become:ethereal and trans late himself to the unsubstantial regions of the Nine, he has furnished us with the following de lightful reminiscense of his late excursion. Ile is evidently looking down at us through a—horn: "Shot's" merry voice cries out, "my boys, The birds are singing—hush your noise !" With "Bate oedate, and "Gaffer" loud, There's lots of fun in such a crowd; And not forgetting, all the while, "Delaney's" wit and pleasant smile. Then here's a pledge, in bumpers bright, To "Washy Boys" and Friday night! MUSLIN'S, MUSLIMS, MVSLINS !-1,000 yards the very best Unbleached Muslin, 10 cents; 2,000 yds. beautiful Bleached Muslins, 10 cents ; 2,000 yards of the best long Cloth Muslin, 121 cents; which I will sell by the piece at 111 cents. A large lot of remnants of Calicoes, to be sold cheap; remnants of Colored Silk; remnants of Delaine ; all will be sold cheap. Delaines, Broehe Shawls, other Shawls, Cassinetta, Cassimore for pants, Black Cloth, at coat price. A splendid assortment of Cambrics, Jaeoncts, Cambric Bands, Hem-stitched Handker chiefs, from New York auction; white and colored Flannels, at cost price. For cheap goods call at S. Limy, at Rhoads' Old Corner. SPECIAL NOTICES. NATURAL MAGIC! Suppose a case. Suppose you have sandy, red, white, grizzly, or flaming yellow hair. Suppose you prefer a light brown, a rich dark brown, or a raven black. Well, you. apply (if you are wise) ORISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE! and in ten minnteityourmirror abowe yen e WONDERFUL TRANSFORMA'TIONI Every hair that a few moments before was an unsightly blemish, is now an element of beauty. ( 4 A magnificent head of hair" is the exclamation whenever you uncover. The difference between -BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was not more striking then that between a gray or red head in a state of nature, and one to which this famous dye has been applied. Manufactured by J. ORISTA DORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Bold everywhere, and pplied by all Hair Dressers. jan9-d&wlm PURIFY YOUR BLOOD.—BRANDRETII'S PILLS WARRANTED TO OUaS FEYER AND Avon—The effect of purging with lIRANDRETWS PILLS is to re. store the health, no matter from what cause it may be suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem g and they have the same power of expulsion over miasm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever. In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im pure blood results in disease. BRANDRETIVS PILLS, though innocent as bread, yet they are capatle of puri fying the blood and curing disease. So, they cure all kinds of fevers, all asthma; catarrhs, costiveness and painful affections of every kind. • Sold, price 25 cents, at N 0.294 Canal eet, New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC IT BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrirtarg, and by all respectable dealers in medicines deg-d&.wlin Mothers, read this. The following Is an extract from a late* *Afton by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the ,Tournai and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of Vaat W9rld-renowned medicine—Nina. Wine LOW'S SOOTSHIG SYRUP FOR CErLDICEN - THETHura: We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. New we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel oompelled to say to your Mader; that this is no humbug —WE HAVE TRIED - IT, AND KNOW IT TO SE ALL IT CLAIM. It is, probably, one of the most successful reedicings of the day, because it is one of the beat. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay in a supply. sep29-d&wly u EVIIROLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION Oureo env vel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affactions. ELM .OLDie Genuine Preparation for Nervous and 11 Debilitated Sufferers. ITELMBUL CPS Genuine Preparation for Loee of Power, J- 11 - Loss of Memory. pIrELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Difficulty of 11 ireath ing, General Weakness_ HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerves, Horror of Death, Trembling. IicrELALIBOLIPS Genuine Preparation for Night Sweats, . 4 --L Cold Feet, Dimness of Vision. Ti LM.OL 1 PS Gennin. Preparation for Languor, -. 4 - versa! Lassitude of the Muscular System. HELMBOLD.B Cl.Jnnine Preparation for Pallid tiounte mace and Eruptions. HElmeoLD - s Genuine Preparation for Pains in tae Back, Headache, Sick Stomach. ID" See adearttaatrsairt heeded TIELMBOLD 3 B EXTRACT BUDGE in another alum% nol4-diclam MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physician, has a Sooth lug Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing as inflamnation—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. bepend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves ? and relief and health to your infanta. Per ectiy sate in all cases. See advertieernm-: in anothst UMa • at g 41859 -d&wly TEE GREAT ENGLISH ItiakiEDY.Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female tilt., prepared from prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Phyisician Extraordt nary to the Queen. Thie invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cute of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates ail. excess and re • moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO MARRIED LADIES it hi !mannerly gaited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit& THESE PILLS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN BY FEMALES DURING THE FIRST THREE MONTHS of PREGNANCY, AS THEY ARE BUBB TO BRING ON MISCARRIAGE, BUT AT ANY °THAR TIME THEY ARESAFE In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Hack and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other mamas have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully prefiefitad. N.8.-5,/,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by 0. A. BANNTABT§liarrisburg. jyt-derly Dr. Brunon's Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER, speedily eradieates all the evil effects of SELF-AM:ISE, as Loss of. Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the Utireatrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight daYs, any case of GONORREUR et, is without taste or smell, and requires no reetrietion of, action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 3. TON TEREB will care in the shortest possible time, any ease of GLEST, even after all other Nemediel have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell; Pries. One Dollar. - . No. 4. THE PUNITER la the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter of bow long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollar. No. 5. TILN SOLUTOR grill core any cage of GRAVEL, permanently and Ppeedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidnaps. Price One Bollix. No. B. FOR PARTICULARS BEE 17/NOTTLAR. No. 7. THE /MARIN will cure the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, la the only remedy that will realty correct this disorder. Plasma to take. Pries One Dollar. No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and speedy in praincing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Bairn, No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SRN CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Rpolose postage stamp and get a Circular. (*emirs' Depot North-Esst corner of fork Avenue and CallowhiltStreet. Private °dice 401 Pork Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa Novelle in ffarrtabureonlyby . O. A. BAMITART, where Circulars containing valuable inforrnat en, with fall de. ticripticaus of .eablicase, will be delivered gratis. on and. cation': Address ' DR. FRLIX - BRUNON, P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pe. Staling Jticichints. N OW WITHIN ILEA.CH OF ALL 1 GROPER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The public attention Is respectfully requested to the following cards of ELIAS HOWE, :R., and the Gamlen & Banea S. IC Co.: A CARD FROM THE GROPER t BARER S. M. CO. Our Pointe being now eetabliebe4 by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Gm:mull & Balza Machine, With important improvements, at greatly REDUCED PRICES! The moderate price at which Machines, making the GROVRR & BAKER stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use thorn, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the GROVER & BAKER stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those f ELIAS flows, Ja. OttOVkli, & RARER B. 14. CO., A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR All persons are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Bowing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the GROVER & RAKER stitch, unless the same are purchased from the GnovEn & BA KEa Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stamped under my patent of September 20, 184.6. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, are legally authorized under their own patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon 4 my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. ELIAS HOPE, 711. NM YORK. Er BEND FOR A CIRCULAR jza WADIES R. KEMBLE, Agent, Harrisburg. eep2B-d&wly fiverp ,Stables. CITY LIVERY STABLES, 0 144 BLACKBERRY ALLEY, a l IN THE REAR OF HERR'S HOTEL. The undersigned has re-commenced the LIVERY pUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIBUSES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. octlB.dly ,F, K. SWARTZ. NOTICE!! The undersigned has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, Corner of Third Street and Blackberry Alley, near Herr's Hotel. ALSO—Two Rooms, with folding doors, TO LET— suitable for a Lawyer's Office. Possession immediately. ALSO--A number one FIRE ENGINE for sale. W. F. MURRAY. Itirrarri _II4;N VOININOW ALSO—HORSES AND CARRIAGEStohire at the same Office. febS-dtf. FRANK A. MURRAY. for Zak Sz (to Unit. .......... _ _ . . L - • 0 R BENT.—A Frame Dwelling House, L Pituate on Second street, below Mulberry, contain ing six rooms, recently papered and painted. }lnquire of f nitirl-dtt] M. POLLOCK- FOR RENT.—A Fine THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING—modern style, with water, gas, &c.,—in a central part of the City. Inqure at feb2B-3td* THIS OFFICE. FOR S AL E—A Light Spring One. Horse WAGON. Apply at Patterson's Store, Broad street, West Harrisburg. oc3l-dtf NOTICE TO SPECULATORS VALUABLE BUILDING- LOTS FOR SALE! A number of large sire BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Round House and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to au29-d6m JOHN W. HALL. FOR SALE.--The BUILDING on the corner of Walnut and Short streets, used as a COOPER SHOP. This building was originally built so that it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con sists of three separate frames placed together, each frame being 25 by 2,) feet, making the entire building, as itnow stands, 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an EIGHT HoRsE rplyEß ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one or Dratsbacit's Patent Stave Cutters, and a Set of Saws for Jointing Staves. The above property will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to clear the ground on which the building stands. Enquire at the Broker's Office of S. L. IVOULLOOII, feb9-dtf 126 Market Street. HOUSES TO RENT.—Two or three 11 dwellings, in the brick row, on Third street, near Walnut, are offered for rent, from the Ist of April next. For terms, enquire of MICHAEL BURKE, febill-att Aottls. UNITED STATES HOTEL, SOVT/I NAST MINER OF 11TH AND MARKET STREETS. ADJOINING- THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD DEPOT, 3LX3X.7..2.e13:11.MX.EVWEX.A.. The undersigned would respectfully inform the Public that be has taken the above Hotel, formerly known as " TIIE MANSION ROUSE,” which he has refitted and newly furnished throughout. - The Rooms are spacious and commodious, and furnished with every convenience to be found in the best Hotels in the city. The "UNITED STATES" is admirably located for the convenience of travelers, being under the same roof with the Pennsylvania Railroad Depot, and thus saving both hack hire and porterage of baggage. No pains will be spared to render the " UNITED STATES" a pleasant and agreeable residence to all who may favor it with their patronage. Charges moderate. 0c22-d3niwly H. W. RANAUA, Proprietor. BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. GBO. J. BOLTON, PRornizTou. This old established House having changed hands during the present season, has undergone extensive im• provements and been thoroughly RENOVATED AND REFITTED. We feel confident that it is now not seeond to any in the State for the comforts and ;we iences which pertain to a First Class Rotel janl2-t. THE AMERICAN READER ! A popular and very interesting Reader, designed for the use of 4'lo D EMIES AND 'SCHOOLS general'y throughout our country, and now in the used the Public Schools of the First School District of Penn sylvania, by order, and with the unanimous vote of the Board of School Contrdlers of said District. It may be has on application to the Author and Publisher, South west corner f Lombard and 23d street; Philadelphia, fi r $0.50 per dozen, or 75 cents per copy. Orders may be left at tots office for any quantity or number of them, and they will be promptly aell.vorod to address free of freight or porterage. febl9-dBm. UPHOLSTERING• 0. F. VOLLMER Is prepared to do all kinds of work in the lIPTIOLSTERING a US TNVSS. Pays particular attention to MAKING AND PUTTING DOWN CARPETS, MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASSES, REPAIRING FURNITURE, 4.9., 410, Ile can be found at all times at his residence, in the rearol the William Tell Roue, corner of Raspberry and Black berry alleys. sep29-dly 495 Broadway, Now York THE STRONGEST BOND OF UNION YET DISCOVERED BETWEEN THE NORTH AND SOUTH, Is PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE READ WHAT A DISTINGUISHED PHYSICIAN OF ST. LOUIS SAYS OF IT. lit. Louis, July 10th, 1860. 0. J. WooD, Esq.: Dear Sir—Allow me the pleasure and satisfaction to transmit to you the beneficial effects of your Hair Restorative after a trial of five years I commenced using your Restorative in January,lBss, since which time I have not been without a bottle on hand. When I commenred the use, my hair was quite thin, and at leso one-third gray. A few applications stopped its Wang, and in three weeks time there was not a gray hair to be found, of ither has there been up to this time. After my hair was completely restored, I Continued its use by applying two or three times per month. My hair has ever continued healthy, soft and glossy, and my scalp perfectly free from dandruff. I do not imagine the facts above mentioned will be of any particular advantage to you, or even flatter your vanity at this lute day, as I am well aware they are all well known already, and even more wonderful ones throughout the Union. I have oc cupied my time in traveling the greater part of the time the past three years, and have taken pride and pleasure in recommending your Restorative and exhibiting its effects In my own case. In several instances I have met with people that have pronounced it a humbug ; 'saying they had used it, and without effect. In every instance, however, it proved by probing the matter, that they had not used the article at all, but had used some new arti cle, said to be as good as yours, and selling at about half the price. I have noticed two or three articles myself advertised as above, which I have no doubt are hu luting& It is astonishing that people will patronize an article of no reputation, when there is one at hand that has been proved beyond a doubt. Apparently. some of those charlatans have not brains enough to write an advertisement, as I notice they have copied yours, word for word in several instances, merely inserting s.une other name in place of yours. I have, within the past five years, seen and talked with more than two thousand persons that have used your preparation with perfect success—some for baldness ; gray hair, scald head, dandruff, and every disease the scalp and head are subject to. I called to see you, personally, at your original place of business herefbut learned youwere now living in New York. You are at liberty to publish this or to refer parties to me, Any communication addressed to me, care boa 1920, will be promptly answered. Yours, truly, JAMNg WHITE, H. D. Warren Springs, Perry Co., PA., Tune 7th, 1850. PROF. WOOD : Dear Sir—l. was induced more than year ago to try your valuable Hair Restorative, for the purpose of cleansing my head of dandruff I had suf fered with it upon my head for years, and had never been able to get anything to do me any good in removing it, although I had tried many preparations, until I saw your advertisement in a Harrisburg paper. Being there at the time, I called at Gross & Rose's Drug More and bought a bottle, and now am prepared to recommend it to universal use, for it has completely removed all dand ruff from my head, and an application once in two weeks keeps it free from any itching or other Unpleasantness.— I must also state that my hoar had become quite white in places, and, by the use of your preparation, has been restored to its original color. lam now 50 years of age, and although I have used two bottles of the Restore• tire, no one has any knowledge of it, as I allow a few gray hairs to remain in order to have my appearance comport with my age. My head is now of leas trouble to me, in keeping it clean, &e., than at any time since I have been a child. I consider your preparationorgreat value, and although I do not like to expose myself, I consider it my duty to say so. You can use this, or any part of it, in any shape you think proper, if it is worth anything to you. Yours, &c., H. U. ETTER. Bloomington, Ind. ; July 30t Dear Sir here send you a statement that I think you are entitled to the benefit of. I am a resident of Bloomington and have been for over thirty years. lain now over 50 years of age. For aboot twenty years past my hair has been turning considerably gray, and was almost entirely white, and very stiff and unpliant. I had seen a number of certificates of the very wonderful effect of your Thar Restorative, but supposed there was more fiction than truth in them ; but entertaining a strong desire to have my hair, if possible, restored to its original color - and fineness, as it was in my younger days a beautiful black, I concluded I would make the experi• ment, commencing in a small way. I purchased one of your small bottles, at one dollar, and commenced using, following directions as nearly a; I could. I soon discov ered the dandruff removed, and my hair ; that was fall ing off in large quantities, was considerably tightened, and a radical change taking place in the color. I have continued to use it till I have used three of your am:VI bottles, and just begun on the fourth. I have now as pretty a head of dark brown, or light black hair, as any man ; or as t had in ins youthful days when a boy in the hills of Western Virginia. My head is entirely clear of dandruff, and the hair ceased entirely falling off, and it as soft and fine, and feels as oily, at though it was just from under the hands of a French shampooer. 'limy of my acquaintances frequently say to ine, "hurler, where did you get that fine wig?" I tell them it was the ef fects of your Restorative. It is almost impossible to convince them that it is the original hair of the same old gray head. Fours, truly, FILUDF4IIOI T. BUTLER, Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana. PROF. WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE.—In another col umn will be found an advertisement of this well-known aid excellent preparation for restoring gray hair to its original color, The Hair Restorative tile. cures cuta neous eruptions, and prevents the hair falling off. We have seen many authentic testimonials in proof of these assertions, some of which are from gentlemen whom we have known for many years as persons of the most re• liable character. Don't dye till you have tried this lie storative.—Boston Olive Branch. Woon's lieu RESTOIITICR.—We are not in the habit of puffing every new discovery, for nine cases of ten they are quack nostrums, but we take great pleasure in recommending Professor Wood's ertiele to all whose hair is falling off, or turning gray. Our Wen-known contri butor, Finley Johnson, Esq., has experienced the bene fits of its application, andjoins with us in speakingof its virtues. Let all try it, and bald heads will be as rare as snow in Summer.--Baltim ore Patriot. WOOD'S HAIR RE'STORATIVS — . Unlike most speciacs 7 this is proved, by unimpeachable evidence, to possess great efficacy as a restorer of the hair to its pristine vigor. Where the head had become almost bald because of sickness, the use of this article has produced a beau tiful growth of thick, glossy hair_ It is therefore a val. liable preparation for all classes. Its ingredients are such as to effectually eradicate dandruff and other im purities, which operate so injuriously to the hair. It also has euratiVe properties i f Another descripti n In many cases pimples and other disfigurements of the shin disappear wherever it is used. There is no hazard at taching to the trial of this remedy, and its effects can only be beneficial, as the compound. if it does not cause a manifest improvement, is incapable of doing harm, as its component elements are perfectly il3lloXiolll3.—Bos ton Transcript, 4pret2; M 9. A CHYME Boow.—ln our capacity as conductor of a public journal We are called upon to advertise the cure ails of the day, each of which claims to be unadultera ted in its composition and infallible in its curative ef fects—with what justice we leave our readers to deter mine. In one instance, liewersr—prof, Wood's Hair Restorative—we are so well assured of the notable qualities of the article that we give it our endorsement as all that its inventor and vender claims it to be. Its effect upon a falling head of hair is universally known to be magical, like lime or guano on exhausred land, it brings its crop wherever applied. Our own thatch is fortunately healthy, but st. 3 advise our friends with secretly growing hair to try the litiSlOrallYo.—ColunOia Spy. Quemt Rewrites( —The majority of hair washes, hair dyes, hair tonics, hair oils, and the numberlessprepara tions which are now before the public under such ex travagant, hyperbolical and fantastic titles as we see paraded in show windows and new,paper headings, as hair preparation's, are all humbugs of the first water their real merit, when they possess any, is, 'hat they:do no h a rm. Bog's lard, whale oil, lard oil, sweet scented and colored, make up, when in beautiful wrap— pers, and white flint glass bottles, the - costliest . charaitter of tonics. and when thus costly, are baptisedwith some._ tri-syllable term, and caught at by verdant young and old of both sexes. Such is net the: character of Wood's Hair Restorative. This gentleman comes Wore: the world without any "highfalutin" Xamphigroripm any other astoundinv and startling cateb-penny terni ; he' simply advertises a Hair Restoratioe—what it expro!iises; precisely—and as a Restorative it acts. Buy Professor Wood's flair Benterative i and as you value you& scalp, aye, your very brains, arply nothing else./' for It may be that you will get some worse substance than perfumed lard oil on your cranium. Remember. Wood's Restora tive for the hair is the best article extant.--New Y,wk Day Book. °• J• OP 4G. Yroprietore, 444.1troaderny_ Wes York, and 114 Market Street, Bt. LQ11719, Mo., and enid by all good Druggists. dont. COAL REDUCEDIII CONSUMERS OP coArd, rAza.marrort Coal delivered to any part of the city limits by the Patent Weigh Carts, at the following low rates, for cash, viz Lykens Valley Nut Coal at $2.00 per ton. small Egg 2,90 Large do. 2.90 Broken 2.90 a Batt, Coal OMo Wilkeebarre Steamboat, 3,00 per top, LI Broken, 3.00 a g. g Egg, 300 it ct Nut, 216 " Broad Top Coal, (for Smiths' use,)l2,i cts. per bushel. 2,600 Bushels OATS for sale, at lowest cash price. A large lot of superior HICKORY AND OAK WOOD for sale, at the lowest rates. Agent for DU PONT'S GUN AND BLASTING POWDER—far sale at manufacturer's prices_ Coal delivered from both yards at above rates, by Patent Weigh Carts, which are certified to by the Sealers of Weights and Measures. 117 - Every consumer will please weigh their Coal ort delivery, and if it falls short 10 pounds I will forfeit the Coal. A large, full and complete stook of the best kinds of Coal will always be found on band. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg January 20,1261. jan2o dim COALI COAL!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS COAL BY THE P A TENT WEIGH CART S! NOW IS TEE TIME For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the winter—weighed at their door by the Patent Weigh Carts. The accuracy of these Carts no one disputes, and they never get out of order, as is fregnently tht Wolt of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer has the satisfaction of proving the weight of his Coal at hid own house. I have a large supply of Coal on hand, er+^"...LlVrig of $. M. CO.'S LYBENS VALLEY COAL all sizes, MIENS VALLEY WriiILESBARBaI BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do All Coal of the best quality rained, and delivered fres from all impuritiee; at the lowest rates, by the boat or car /oat, oiag/o, half or Shlril of tom, and by Tho IMAM , JAMES M. WHEELIR. Harrisburg, September 24. I.B6o.—sepii• U T 0 W N! PATENT WEIGH CARTS. For the convenience of my numerous uptown custom. ere, I have established, in connection with my old yatd, a Branch Coal Yard opposite North street. in a line with the Pennsylvania canal, having the office formerly occu pied by Mr. It. Harris, where consumers of Coal in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their Coal by the PATENT WEIGH CARTS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HAULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be purchased anywhere. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON HAND, Of LYICENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE, all sisee. 117 Willing to maintain fair prices, but unwilling le be andersed by any mates_ //7"A1l Coal forked up and delivered clean and frae from all impurities, and the best article mined. Qrders received at either Yard will be promptlyillled, ad all Coal delivered by the Patent Weigh carts. Coal sold by Boat, Car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, Oetober 13. 1116U.—oetlfi. T YK ENS VALLEY NUT COAL- For Sale AT TWO DOLLARS PER TON. irr An Coal dotivered by PATENT WE ICH CARTA 1 , JAMES M. WHEELER 117' Coaldelivered from both yards. nol7 fci kal. HELMBOLDPS HELMBOLD 9 S HELMBOLDIS H ca.,mrsomps .11.1E.11-MBOLD)S HELMBOLEPS HELMHOLIPS HELmHtHLIPS HELMHOLIVS HELMBOLD , S iHELMBOIM'S LIELMHOLD 7 S HELMBOLDIffi Extract Ruchn, Extract Rocha, Extralt Raclin, Extract Duch% Extract Buchn, Extract nnelm, Extract Bucba, Xxtroct Dacha, Extract Dacha, Extract Bucher, .Extract Bac'iu, Extract Buctin, Extract linehrt, Extract Bxchtz, FOR SECRET AND DELICATE PISORDERS. FOR S.ECItOr AND b !CAPE 1)15'04x./ E. Re, FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECA er AN!) DELICATE DISORDERS, FOR SECRET AND D AL/VAPE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. A PoPitive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Stteeiße Remedy. A Positive and Spec fie Itrixsedy• A Pcsitive and Specific Remedy. A Foaitive and Specific Remedy. A Font ive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOR DISSASES OF THE BLADDER, GRAVEL, KID NEYS, DROPS; BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROP.SY, BLADDER, GRA VEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, X/O.N.EIT, DROPSY , BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WE kIINgsS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC. WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS. And all Diseases of Sexual organ*, And all Diseases of Sexual il rga , 67 And all Diseases of Sexual Organs., And all Diseases of Sexual Orewas, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, Axel all Diseases of s'..ltual thwatLs, ARISING FROM Excesses, Exposures, an 1 Impnriencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Insperidenctes in Life. Racemes, Exposure , , and Inspend.ineine in Life_ Excesses, Rare-ores, and Lnprndeneles in Life. Excesses, Expoeuree, and Imprwiencien in Life. Malan, klispentrtP, awl prqlencies in From whatever cause originatine,..nd wiseilaer vxisting la MALE OR FEMALE Females, take no more P,lls ! They are of no avail for Complaints incident to the sex. Use IXTRA.CT 111101113. IfelreboliiPs Extract buchn is a Medicine whieh is per fectly pleasant in its TASTE AND ODOR, But immediate in its action. giving Health and Tiger t 9 the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring no patient to a perfect state of lIRALTR AND PURITY Helmbold'e Extract Buct.n is przpared according Pharmacy and Chemistry, and is preerribed and need by THE MOST EMIAENT Delay iw longer. Procure the remedy at once Price $1 per Bottle, or eix for $4. D,pot 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS Trying to palm off their own or other articles ot ntronv on the reputation attained by RELMBOLD'S EXTRACT DUCHII, The Oliginal and only Genuine. We desire to run on CA. • MERIT OF OUR ARTICLE.! Their's is wtrthless —ls sold at inset lens rates and con miaidOng, cOnfleanently paying a moll better WE DEFY 0031 PETITION ! Ask for RELMBOLDT EXTRACT IiTICITC. Take no other. 1,300 by 70Hr4 witkatt, Druggist ; corner of market ant Second streets, Harrisburg AND' ALL 2)IIIIGGISTS EVERYWHERE. no 14 d&m:81:Fi. • EXTRACTS! EXTRACTS! WOODBWORTII & BUNidBL`•S SITPERIOIi FLAVORING sxratAcrs BITTER, ALMOND, NECTARINE, PINE' APPLE', STRAWBERRY, BOOR, LEMON AND VANILLA, 7ngt received and for ode by i 029 WIC DOCK. Tx.. Ik e VAL.ENTINES ! VALENTINESII- A large assortment of COMIC and grNTIbIENidTt vALENTINES of different etyles and price& . Foi 111 at SOREFFER'S BOOKSTORE'; feb9 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa- trAIYERIA WINE!-WELSEI BRQ THDRS' OLD , ILP.SERVD WlND—full bodied and fruity. In store arid for sale by LER • "" . feblB A PPLES ! APPLES 1 ! 1--Five .. area 'Thwitie 4 Anperiar APPLES jut zeotilri4 froinNew York State. For sale at lowest cub; Nicely TeblT JAMES M.l9Entkarit. FOR RENT—The Buehler House R TAURANT. with sale of Mixtures. fobs do " “ do. % g GT=DZI