Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, March 01, 1861, Image 2

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    Vatriot Ruin.
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Communications will not be published in. the PATRIOT
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in good order; can be worked either by hand or steam
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To Members of the Legislature.
Tag DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION will be furnished to
Members of the Legislature during the session at the
low price of o DOLLAR
Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT
AND liniou, can procure them by leaving their orders
at the publication office, Third street, or with our re-
porters in either House, the evening previous
The Peace Convention finally adjourned on
Wednesday night, after agreeing upon a plan
of settlement which we publish in another col
umn. The first and most important article is
substantially the extenston of the Missouri
Compromise line across the Territories to the
eastern boundary of California, prohibiting
slavery north of said line, while south thereof
Do change shall be made in the condition of per
sons held to service or labor. It also provides that
there shall be no interference on the part of
Congress or the Territorial Legislature with
the right to take slaves into such Territory.
The next great question is, will Congress
submit this plan to the States for ratification
in the way prescribed by the Constitution for
its own amendment? This would require a
two-thirds vote of both Houses, which proba
bly cannot be obtained at this session. But
failing in this, the next best plan is to submit
the proposed amendments in the way proposed
by Senator BIGVER. Let this be done, and the
popular majority in favor of a settlement upon
the basis proposed, will be so overwhelming as
to assure the border States and compel the
next Congress to submit the amendments in
Constitutional form.
During the discussion in the Senate on the
bill for the commutation of tonnage duties,
Mr. Bound, of Northumberland, in the course
of a spread-eagle speech in opposition to the
passage of the bill, took the liberty of saying
that the influence of the Pennsylvania rail
road company was so overshadowing as even to
control the proceedings of the late Democratic
Convention, and prevent the passage of reso
lutions against the repeal of the tonnage tax.
Mr. Welsh very properly contradicted this un
warrantable assertion, by stating that the Con
vention was called for the specific and only
purpose of deliberating upon National affairs,
and that while he, as an individual, was op
posed to every section and line of the bill under
discussion, he would have opposed any action
upon the subject in the Convention as entirely
foreign to the purpose for which it was assem
bled. After this statement, Mr. Bound grace
fully promised to retract his allegation in
reference to the power exercised by the com
pany over the Convention.
We allude to this incident for the purpose of
showing the line of argument pursued by some
of the opponents of the removal of unwise
restrictions imposed upon our internal com
merce, as well as to show that the silence of
the Democratic Convention upon this particular
bill was the result of the wise discretion of
its members, and not attributable to those undue
influences which exist only in the minds of the
Suspicions and the credulous.
Passage of the Railroad Bills.
It is with pleasure that we are enabled to
announce the final passage, by the Senate, of
the bill for the commutation of tonnage duties
upon the Pennsylvania railroad, and also the
bill to promote the completion of the Sunbury
and Erie railroad, and thereby secure the im
mediate interest which the State has in that
great improvement. Having advocated the
passage of both of these bills, as calculated to
subserve the true interests of this State, in the
face of prejudices existing against them in the
ranks of the political party to which we are
devoted, we cannot but feel gratified at their
endorsement by decided majorities in both
branches of the Legislature, after the closest
scrutiny and the most ample discussion. Time
will vindicate the wisdom of the policy which
dictated their passage, and old prejudices wear
out and disappear forever.
Although the bill for the commutation of
tonnage duties was opposed, earnestly and ably,
by gentlemen for whom we entertain the great
est respect, we heard nothing to shake our set
tled conviction of the impolicy and injustice
of the tax upon tonnage upon the Pennsylvania
railroad, or any other avenue transporting the
products of industry to market. We regard
that policy as suicidal—as inflicting a, delibe
rate injury upon the interests of our own State
—as calculated to build up other States, having
rival roads to the great West, at the expense of
Pennsylvania—and as materially retarding the
growth and prosperity of our own people.—
Aside from these paramount considerations of
public policy, the tonnage tax is unjust because
it is unequal. It lacks the essential requisite
of a rightful imposition, because its product
is drawn from one class of the community—
the class of producers who are compelled to
seek this avenue to market. These two objec
tions are fatal to the continuance of this tax,
and unanswerable in favor of its repeal. All
arguments drawn from the amount of money
which may be apparently lost to the Treasury
by the removal of this tax, fall to the ground,
without first establishing its policy and justice,
aside from its productiveness; for a tax does
not become right because it pays an ample
revenue. On the contrary, the wrong becomes
the-more flagrant in exact proportion to its ex
The following shows the vote in the Senate
On the final passage of WO bill
Yeas.—Messrs. Benson, Blood, Connell, Fin
ney, Gregg, Hall, Imbrie, Landon, M'Clure,
Meredith, Nichols, Parker, Schindel, Serrill,
Smith, Thompson, Wharton, and Palmer,
NAYS.—Messrs. Boughter, Bound, Clymer,
Crawford, Fuller, Hamilton, 'Wend, Irish,
Ketcham, Lawrence, Mott, Penney, Robinson,
Welsh, and Yardley.-15.
The vote on the final passage of the bill for
the relief of the Sunbury and Erie railroad was
more decided than could have been anticipated,
and showed how strong was the conviction of
the necessity of this measure for the completion
of the road and the development of that hith
erto neglected portion of the State through
which it passes, as Well as for the better secu
rity of the payment of the mortgage held by
the State upon the property belonging to the
company. The following shows the vote on
final passage :
YEAS—Messrs. Benson,Blood, Bound, Connell,
Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hall, Hamilton, Heis
tand,lmbrie, Landon,Lawrence, M'Clure, Mere
dith, Nichols. Parker, Robinson, Schindel, Ser
rill, Smith, Thompson, Wharton, Yardley, and
Palmer, Speaker.-25.
NAYS.—Messrs. Boughter, Clymer,Crnwford,
Irish, Ketcham, Mott, Penney, and Welsh.-8,
“Hauling in their Horns.”
Some of the most belligerent of the Republi
can journals are beginning to manifest a more
peaceful spirit, and becoming decidedly less
offensive and rampant., than before Mr. Lin
coln's arrival at Washington. Precisely what
influence that fact has exerted upon their po
sition, it would be difficult, and perhaps rather
indelicate to undertake to determine. Of some
of them—the N. Y. Post for example—we could
hardly suspect a disposition to surrender at
discretion to the Lincoln policy, while the
Courier and Enquirer makes a sufficient show of
independence to give prospect of holding to its
doctrines, at least up to the inauguration of the
new Administration. With the Times the case
is different ; and Mr. Lincoln must be a smarter
man than we take him to be, if he can get far
ahead of that journal in the indication or an
nouncement of his policy.
Be this as it may, saga the Journal of Com
merce, there is a perceptible and favorable
change in the tone of several of the leading
Republican papers. The improvement consists
in the avowal of a willingness to admit New
Mexico as a State, with permission to establish
or prohibit slavery, as her citizens may deter
mine ; thus practically disposing of the question
of territory south of 36° 30/, and taking out of
Congress the discussion of the slavery question,
so far as present territory is concerned.. This
does not essentially differ from the proposition
advocated by some of the leading Democratic
and conservative papers several weeks ago,
and which might have been carried through
Congress, had the Republican press then ac
corded to it a vigorous support.
We are glad to see this sudden effect of the
influence of the President elect, upon the press
and the politicians of his party. - Of course
our Editorial brethren, being averse to: of f icial
preferment, will not be in the slightest degree
influenced by mercenary considerations, but
should the horde of Woe Seekers throughout
the country be toned down in their ultra, uncom
promising notions, by the hope of thus getting
on the right side of the President, we can see
no great cause for regret at the circumstance.
If good motives will not prompt them to go for
peace and Union, their influence may be secured
by mercenary ones. In either case, the change
cannot be otherwise than beneficial ? should Mr.
Lincoln lead on to a proper point. Of their
readiness to follow his lead, 'we see no reason
tQ entertain a doubt.
THE MINORITY PRESIDENT.-11l point of fact,
the two Democratic candidates, Douglas and
Breckinridge, received together a much larger
number of votes than Lincoln did. The Tribune
Almanac gives the full returns as follows:
Douglas . . ... ...1,365,976
Breckinridge 847,953
Democratic vote _2,213,929
Lincoln -.1,867,610
Democratic majority
If it be said that the Democratic vote as thus
given, includes some Bell men in those States
where there were Fusion tickets, we admit it;
but on the other hand, the vote of South Caro
lina, whose Electors are chosen by the Legis
lature, is not included at all. Being unani
mous for Breckinridge its popular vote, if cast,
would have added 40,000 or 50,000 to the
Democratic side. It is plain, therefore, that
the Democratic vote, notwithstanding the split
in its ranks, was some 300,000 to 350,000
larger than that given for Lincoln. If we add
the 590,631 votes given to Bell, we have an
aggregate majority against Lincoln of 946,950
votes, or, including south Carolina, 1,000,000
in round numbers.
Feb. L—The inundations referred to in my last
letter are spreading with fearful rapidity. As
the ice breaks up, notwithstanding that the
thaw is gradual and unaccompanied with heavy
gales, the waters collect in the upper localities
of the country, and overflow the dykes, lay
Pillages and towns under water, causing great
loss of property and human life. The small
German frontier town of Emmerick is six feet
under water; Arnheim is impassable from the
flood which permeates its streets. More than
fifty villages are totally submerged, and thou
sands of families have been obliged to leave
their homes to seek a liouseless shelter in the
higher districts. It is feared that this city may
yet become the prey of the invading element.
The consternation is great, while the prospect
of danger increases with the arrival of every
telegrattond train. For some days a consid
erable portion of the Dutch Rhenish Railway
has been under water, and the rails displaced,
so that communication with Germany has be
come almost impossible. It would really seem
as if old
had turned annexationist,
and had commissioned his tributary streams to
flow over the domain wrested from him by the
industry of man, and re -connect it with the
ocean from which it was stolen.—Cor. London
LATER FROM SYRIA.—The following state
ments are from letters from Beirut: The repre
sentatives of the Christians at Mokhtara have
returned. Fuad Pasha asked them if they
would be satisfied if he ordered two hundred
Druses beheaded. They told him that they
had nothing to do with the matter ; it belonged
to him to do them justice; the hundreds killed
at the Tarim place() could not speak, and had
they not fled they would have been killed also;
and their people were murdered under the float
ing flag of Turkey, and it was their business
to find out, through their own troops, who were
the murderers. The Druses of the Houran and
the Arabs are plundering all they meet, and
they have said, no doubt secretly instructed by
the government, that if any of the Proses are
executed here, they will murder all the Chris
tians they come across. The American Vice
Consul at Damascus found a large number of
Christians assembled at the Bishop's, consult
ing about leaving the city. The Susquehanna
arrived on the 25th January with the things
brought to the Mediterranean by the Release.
A correspondent of the Independence says ;
The relations between the French Government
and the Holy See are very cool, and not likely
to improve, if, as is reported, a brochure is
about to appear in Paris under very high
patronage, contending for the establishment of
the Papacy at Jerusalem.
The following is the plan adopted, (in a
form to constitute the thirteenth article to the
Constitution) with the vote on each section :
Section 1. In all the present territory of the
United States, north of the parallel of thirty
six degrees thirty minutes of north latitude,
involuntary servitude, except in punishment. of
crime, is prohibited. In all the present terri
tory south of that lino the status of persons
held to involuntary service or labor, as it now
exists, shall not be changed. Nor shall any
law be passed by Congress or the Territorial
Legislature to hinder or prevent the taking of
such persons from any of the States of this
Union to said territory, nor to impair the rights
arising from said relation. But the same shall
be subject to judicial cognizance in the federal
courts, according to the course of the common
law. When any territory north or south of
said line, with such boundary as Congress may
prescribe, shall contain a population equal to
that required for a member of Congress, it
shall, if its form of government be republican,
be admitted into the Union on an equal footing
with the original States, with or without invol
untary servitude, as the constitution of the
State may provide. [This was adopted by a
vote of 9 to B.]
Section 2. No territory shall be acquired by
the United States except by discovery and for
naval and commercial stations, depots, and
transit routes, without the concurrence of a
majority of all the Senators from States which
allow involuntary servitude, and a majority
of all the Senators from States which prohibit
that relation ; nor shall territory be acquired
by treaty, unless the votes of a majority of the
Senators from each class of States hereinbe
fore mentioned be cast as a part of the two
thirds majority necessary to the ratification of
such treaty. [Adopted by a vote of 11 to B.]
Section 3. Neither the Constitution, nor any
amendment thereof, shall be construed to give
Congress power to regulate, abolish, or control,
within any State, the relation established or
recognized by the laws thereof touching per
sons held to labor or involuntary:service therein,
nor to interfere with or abolish involuntary
service in the District of Columbia without the
consent of Maryland and without the consent
of the owners, or making the owners who do
not consent, just compensation ; nor the power
to interfere with or prohibit representatives
and others from bringing with them to the Dis
trict of Columbia, retaining and taking away
persons so held to labor 'or service ; nor the
power to interfere with or abolish involuntary
service in places under the exclusive jurisdic
tion of the United States within those States
and Territories where the same is established
or recognized ; nor the power to prohibit the
removal or transportation of persons held to
labor or involuntary service in any State or
Territory of the United States to any other
State or Territory therof where it is established
er recognized by law or usage ; and the right
during transportation, by sea or river, of
touching at shores, ports, or landings, and of
landing in case of distress, shall exist ; but not
the right of transit in or through any State or
Territory, or of sale or traffic, against the
laws thereof. Nor shall Congress have power
to authorize any higher rate of taxation on per
sons held to labor or service than on land. The
bringing into the District of Columbia of per
sons held to labor or service for sale, or placing
them in depots to be afterwards transferred to
other places for sale as merchandise, is pro
hibited. [Adopted by a vote of 12 to 7.]
Section 4. The third paragraph of the second
section of the fourth article of the Constitution
shall not be construed to prevent any of the
States, by appropriate legislation, and through
the action of their judicial and ministerial offi
cers, from enforcing the delivery of fugitives
from labor to the person to whom such labor
or service is due. [Adopted by a vote of 15 to
Section 5. The foreign slave trade is hereby
forever prohibited ; and it shall be the duty of
Congress to pass laws to prevent the importa
tion of slaves, coolies, or persons held to service
or labor, into the United States and the
Territories from places beyond the limits there
of. [Adopted by a vote of 16 to 5.]
Section 6. The first, third and fifth sections,
together with this section of these amendments,
and the third paragraph of the second section
of the first article of the Constitution, and
the third paragraph of the second section of
the fourth article thereof, shall not be amended
or abolished without the consent of all the
States. [Adopted by a vote of 11 to 9.]
Section 7. Congress shall provide by law that
the United States shall pay to the owner the
full value of his fugitive from labor, in all cases
where the marshal, or other officer, whose
duty it was to arrest such fugitive, was preven
ted from so doing by violence or intimidation
from Mobs or riotous assemblages, or when,
after arrest, such fugitive was rescued by like
violence or intimidation, and the owner thereby
deprived of the same ; and the acceptance of
such payment shall preclude the owner from
funther claim to such fugitive. Congress shall
provide by law for securing to the citizens of
each State the privileges and immunities of
citizens in the several States. [Adopted by a
vote of 12 to 7.]
Now that Mr. Lincoln is in Washington,
after escaping the dangers of "infernal ma
chines," "horrible plots," and the blowing up
of whole railroad trains by conspirators, his
friends are themselves getting up all sorts of
plots for their own individual benefit. A
Washington writer of the New York Commer
cial (rep.) tells us:
"Mr. Lincoln is 'firm in the faith,' bet doubt
less appreciates the distracted condition of the
republic, and will not directly oppose any ac
tion of the Republicans in the Peace Congress
who may be disposed to conciliate the Union
men in the border States. Personally he may
make no concessions."
The Post (also rep.) has from Washington
the following curious paragraphs:
"The friends of Chase and Cameron were
very urgent all day yesterday in urging them
respectively upon Mr. Lincoln for places in
the cabinet. He is, as yet, utterly non-eom
mittal, saying that the chief opponents of nei
ther come from their own State. A strong
pressure is also made on the President eleet,
by the parties who are opposed to any adjust
ment of the present national difficulties. They
have not succeeded as pet in getting any distinct
avowal of his policy. Last night, being warned
of the fate of Tyler, Fillmore, Webster, and
other compromisers, he said that the warning
was needless, as he understood his position.--
He is anxious to adhere to his friends, and re
deem the pledges of his election; but he is
greatly bored by conflicting suggestions of his sup
Another republican journal (The World) has
the following from Washington;
"Mr. Greeley has arrived at the National
Capital on a self-imposed mission. He is there
to use all his influence to procure the formation
of the incoming cabinet from the extreme and
proscriptive wing of the Republican party.—
The main object which he has in view is said
to be the ousting of Senator Seward from the
Secretaryship of State—e - purpose which is
entirely consistent with the course of the Tri
bune for some time past. There can be no
doubt that Mr. Greeley is terribly in earnest,
and will go at his work with all the pertinacity
of a most persevering and relentless nature.—
Neither should his influence be underrated—
much inferior though it be at Washington to
what it is at Chicago. He is a man who can
only be overcome by being met with a deter
mination and a vigilance equal to his own; but
then he can be baffied with certainty and ease;
for he is now felt to be dangerous even by the
more thoughtful members of his own party.—
His purpose is to make the incoming adminis
tration uncompromising and aggressive, and
he hopes to effect this chiefly by the exclusion
of Mr. Seward."
A correspondent of the Express writes:
"The theory of the 'irrepressible conflict,'
acted upon by Lincoln in selecting Seward,
Cameron and others, is that it is better to take
conservatives than radicals, because the for
mer are in the majority in the free States, and
because they have a power at. the South, while
the radicals have no power South, and are
feeble in the North."
"Mr. Henry 'Winter Davis, having destroyed
himself at home, is said to be desirous of a for
eign mission, SLc., and may therefore be sent to
Berlin or St. Petersburg, or Madrid or Turin."
The Albany (N. Y.) Journal (rep.) thus talks
out to its radical political friends
"The opposition of the New York Tribune,
and those who sympathize with that incendiary
journal, is inflamed by political hostility to Gov.
Seward. They have labored, in Congress and
in the Peace Convention, to prevent a union of
all who love the Union, in the hope of excluding
him from the Cabinet. This, in the language
of the Post, 'is the key to the extraordinary
course pursued by those who lead in the oppo
sition to every plan for the peaceful adjustment
of our national difficulties.' In other words,
men in Congress and in the Peace Convention,
(from our own State,) aided by the vaulting
ambition and personal malignity of the New
York Tribune, are ready to dissolve the Union,
destroy the Government, and bankrupt and
ruin the people, to keep Gov, Seward out of the
Cabinet, and secure for themselves and their
adherents the 'spoils of office.'"
meeting of citizens, without distinction of par
ty, was held at Lancaster, Pa., a few days ago,
for the purpose of making arrangements for a
proper reception of President Buchanan upon
his return to his home on the 6th or 6th of
March. Ex-Mayor Zimmerman was called to
the chair, and Dr. S. Welchens was appointed
secretary. The object of the meeting was
briefly stated, and after some discussion rela
tive to the arrangements, a committee of twen
ty-five citizens was appointed for the purpose
of completing arrangements. Subsequently a
resolution was passed to the effect that the
committee have power to increase their num
ber to thirty-six.
A MAN FOUND DEAD.—Mr. Thomas NM, of
Lower Chanoeford township, was found dead
in the tail race at Grove's mill on Sunday mor
ning, the 17th inst. Mr. Neel was seen on his
way home with a horse and buggy after dark
on Saturday night, and in crossing the bridge
over the race, it is supposed the animal became
frightened and Was unfortunately thrown from
the side of it into the water, at a distance of
some ten or twelve feet, where he was found
on the following morning, and the horse seri
ously injured. The deceased was a man of
family. His age is about 40 years.—York (Pa.)
DEATH OF AN ACTOR.—Durviage, the once
popular actor and dramatist, Oliver Everett
Durviage, brother to the well-known poet of
the same name, and son of a sister of the Hon.
Edward Everett, died at Memphis, Tenn. on
the 22d inst. He entered the histrionic profes
sion at once as an author and actor, persona
ting a Character in a play written 133 , himself
at the early age of sixteen. As an actor he
was known over the States, and as an author,
leaves a number of plays behind, the three
most prominent of which have been The Stage
Struck Yankee, Cut and Come Again, and The
Lady of the Lions.
Mits. LINCOLN'S COACH...The coach presented
to Mrs. Lincoln, by a few friends in New York,
was forwarded to Washington on Monday. It
is what is technically called a full dress coach,
with a richly trimmed hammer-cloth depending
from the driver's seat, and elaborately carved
standard for the footman. The steps are con
cealed, and descend only with the opening of
the doors. The lining is of crimson brocatelle,
and the cushions and back are furnished with
the latest improvement in seat-springs. Alto
gether, it is a luxuriously fitted.up establish.
ment. The cost was $1,500.
KIT CARSON AMYL—Kit Carson, the famous
hunter, guide and mountaineer, is living at
Taos, New Mexico, as Indian agent to the Ute
tribe of Indians ; his salary amounts to $1,500
per annum. Kit is not a wealthy man ; his
properly is estimated at about $6,000. He
keeps fifty or sixty cows, five hundred head of
sheep, and several horses and ponnies. He
married a Mexican lady, with whom he lives
ABSCONDING MINORS.—Mayor Lamb has re
ceived sundry telegrams from Baltimore lately,
in which bereft parents have complained that
their eons have left home for the purpose of
joining the Southern army. Ia oaoh case the
telegram came too late to make arrests, as the
youths described had gone off in the southern
cars before the messages came to hand.—Nor
folk Day Book.
The Duke de Valency has published a pam
phlet, in which he has the naivete to recommend
as the best means of settling the Roman ques
tion, that the Pope should assemble a eeancil,
whose object should be "to reconcile the Church
with modern civilization, and put an end to the
fatal misunderstanding which now exists be
tween the ministers of religion and the parti
zans of the principles proclaimed in 1789."
Mrs. Edwards, sister of Mrs. Lincoln, Mr.
E. D. Baker, editor of the Springfield Journal,
and lady, and Mrs. Grimsby, all near relations
of Mr. Lincoln's, are at the Metropolitan Hotel,
New York. They will leave for Washington in
the course of the present week. Mrs. Edwards,
Mrs. Baker, and Mrs. Grimsby will assist Mrs.
Lincoln in doing the honors of the White
It is stated that a heavy advance has taken
place at New York in the price of brandies,
wines, gins and other liquors, in consequence
of the anticipated passage of the new tariff,
which enhances the duty. The stock on hand
is unusually light. New vintage Cognac cannot
be purchased lower than $2.90®8.25 per gal
The European a Powers are urged to establish
forts along the coast of Africa, and to the
withdrawal of their squadrons. The purpose
is to entirely prevent the deportation of slaves
from Africa. It is contended that this will be
a cheaper method of putting an end to the
slave trade, than the means now employed,
while the new plan will be completely effectual.
an American, who bad been captured and sen
tenced to death for conspiracy and revolution
in Chili, in 1859, and whose sentence was af
terwards commuted to imprisonment for ten
years in the penetentiary in the capital, has
lately received a full pardon.
Legislature has passed resolutions endorsing
the Crittenden compromise, and the views
against coercion 'expressed by Breckinridge
and Douglas. It is said that an attempt is
making to reunite the two wings of the Demo
cratic party in that State.
The Emperor Napoleon has decided that a
moveable photographic establishment shall be
attached to each regiment in the French army,
under the directions of an officer to be perfectly
versed in all the technical details of the art.
Great advantages, topographic and historio
graphic, are expected from this measure.
The Royal Academicians are about to abro
gate the silly Salle law which has banished
female students from their schools. It has
lately been discovered that the very best of the
competition drawings sent into the Academy
were the work of female hands.
There is said to be a snow drift in Berkshire
county, Mass., a third of a mile long and thirty
feet deep.
The court martial of Lieutenant Barbot, tried
for shooting a gunner belonging to the steamer
Mohawk, named Bennett, was concluded at
the Brooklyn Navy Yard on Monday, but the
verdict of the court has been sent to Washing
ton, and revised-or confirmed by the Depart
ment there before it is allowed to be published.
The main points of Lieut. Barbot's written de
fence were that .fiennett's conduct was so vio
lent and mutinous as to have a prejudicial
influence on the surrounding cre* ; that he
(Lieut. B.) drew the pistol to intimidate Ben
nett, and that the wounding was entirely acci
dental. Lieut. Barbot is a French Lonisianian
by birth.
We learn from authority indisputable, sa3
the Norfolk Herald, that a gentleman, highly
distinauished, and a prominent member of the
Virginia Convention, emphatically asserted to
a friend with whom he was in conversation
about the crisis—"Go home and tell your peo
ple all is well, and that the Fourth of July will
be celebrated under the Stars and Stripes."
The Queen of Naples has written to her
parents to pray them not to feel any anxiety
on her account, as her health is as good as
could possibly be under the circumstances in
which she is placed. The Queen adds " that
by the bursting of a shell in the palace in
which she resides, she had been struck in the
face by some pieces of glass."
A worthy old couple, living at Beaugency,
Frsuee, have just celebrated the seventy-second
anniversary of their wedding. The husband
is ninety- seven years of age ; his wife is ninety
one ; both are in full possession of their facul
ties, and are in good health and spirits
In consequence of the accumulation of funds
at Beirut, the New York Relief Committee have
suspended the cellection of funds for the relief
of the sufferers by the Syrian massacre, deem
ing the collection of more funds here unneces
edifice is now very nearly finished in London,
at a cost of £30,000, of which £20,000 have
been raised by subscription. It is to be opened
for worship about the last of Mardi.
In the Pacific Mills, Lawrence, one of the
machines for printing delaines, stamps the
piece with sixteen different colors and shades
of colors in passing through once. There is
only one ether like it in the world.
A man named Godfrey Welsehey . has been
arrested at Pittsburg, charged with being con
cerned in the late attack to assinate Mr. Hoolen
and family by means of an infernal machine.
The English papers state that the Emperor
of France has resolved to construct with all
dispatch, ten iron-cased frigates of La Gloire
Eastern newspapers speak of samples of
the new maple-sugar crop just received. The
sugar season is backward, but a large yield is
Col. H. S. Webb, distinguished for his ser
vices in the Mexican war, and brother to J.
Watson Webb, is now in New Orleans, to offer
the services of himself and four sons to the
Southern army.
The next House of Representatives in Con
gress will be reduced in number 88 members
by the States which have seceded.
The City Councils of Washington city have
adopted resolutions complimentary of Senator
The steamship Canadian has arrived, with
Liverpool dates of the 15th by telegraph to
The lateaiter North Britain arrived out on the
14th and the Teutonia on the 15th.
The Neapolitan troops at Gaeta have capitu
lated. The Royal family are to be permitted
to leave in a French steamer, the garrison to
remain prisoners of war until Messina and
other places held by the royalists are surren
dered. The stock of cotton is rapidly accumu
lating and the consumption largely declining.
It is rumored that the mills at Manchester and
about to adopt the short time principle.
The Manchester advice are unfavorable,
with a decline for all qualities of goods.—
Breadstuffs quiet, but steady. Provisions dull.
LONDON, February 14.—Consols quoted at
91-7A92 for money, and 924- for account. The
bank had advanced the rate of discount to 8
per cent., and breadstuffs dull and declining.
Provisions quiet.
LONDON, February l&—Sales of Illinois Cen
tral railroad 28 ®271 discount ; Erie railroad
Stock 30; New York Central railroad 72@74.
The Bank of France has increased the amount
of specie in its vaults 43,000,000 francs.
ENGLAND.—A furious gale occurred on the
English coast on the 9th inst. The bark Tar
quin, of Bath, Maine, from the Clyde for Bra
zil, foundered on the 9th, off Wicklow, Ireland.
Eleven men and one woman perished. There
has been an immense number of wrecks and
great loss of life. The disasters to American
shipping are not so numerous. In the House
of Commons, Lord John Russell alluded to the
difficulty of protecting British interests in
America owing to the civil war. He also said
that the San Juan difficulty with the United
States was unsettled, but that England had
made propositions in a fair spirit, and, he hoped
that they would be acceded to. Referring to
the fugitive slave Anderson he, said the only
correspondence embraced a demand from the
United States for his extradition, and a simple
acknowledgment of the demand.
It is reported that the steamer Great East.
ern will sail for New York in March.
It is said that a number of English merchants
are about to present an address to the Queen
praying that negotiations may be entered into
with France for a mutual reduction of their
existing armaments.
A breakout of Weavers in Blackburn and its
vicinity is considered as imminent. A large
meeting of cotton spinners and manufacturers
in the district resolved to resist the dictatorial
demands of the operatives, who in turn main
tain their position with firmness.
FRANCE.—The Bonaparte Patterson case is
still undecided. The Imperial Attorney had
closed his argument and the Court adjourned
its judgment for eight days.
Stomr.—A telegram from Turin says that on
the capitulation of Gaeta, Cialdini will occupy
Mont Orlando and all the fortifications, and
after the departure of the royalists will occupy
the city, the garrison remaining prisoners of
war until Messina and Civitella surrender.—
Previous to the capitulation, a Capuchin Monk,
on the way to raise an insurrection in Calabria,
was arrested near Conzenza, and important
dispatches were found on him.
AIISTRIA.—The subscriptions to the new loan
exceed thirty millions of florins. The Comitat
of Perth have voted an address to the Emperor
as King of Hungary, declaring that the recent
rescript had destroyed the confidence created
by the Imperial diploma of October, and that
an unreserved return to a constitutional policy
can alone restore the King and his country.
LONDON, Feb. 15,—The public are greatly
astonished at the advance in the Bank rates.
Scarcely a single fact justifying such a course
is known to the commercial people, and in fact
as regards the stock of bullion and reserve of
notes, is wholly unsupported. The bank re
turns of to• morrow may afford some explana
The discount and stock market are easier and
funds opened better this morning, but declined
on the bank announcement. There was also a'
general decline in railways.
A telegram from Paris says the Bank of
France would have reduced its rate yesterday,
but for the announcement of the course of the
Bank of England.
Mr. Cameron, Grand Master of the Orange
Lodges of British America, has made the diffi
culties at Toronto at the Prince's reception ai
subjeot of an address to the Queen.
of Indiana, the vote
-- •
Front Washington.
After splended speeches from Messrs, t o
b t o y n ,
to th e
Constitution failed to receive a two-thirds vote
was Moonoidered. The amendment was pa s . ,
sed by yeas 133, nays 65. The vote w as
announced by the Speaker amid applause from
the Democratic and Republican members.
In this city, on the morning of the 28th inst 7 4 0.1
L. WlLsom, in the sixty-first year of hid age. w
Nero 'Abuertisentents,
"fi - OR RENT.-A Frame Dwelling I-fo use
LL situate on Second street, below Mulberry, co mma ? ing six room, recl-dtently papered and painted, E noito
of r marf ] E. m. roLLoeff.
leave Harrisburg as folloer Trains of the Northern Central hallway w il l
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 3.60
MAIL TRAIN will leave at ...... 104 p.m.
EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at 7.40 a, In.
MAIL TRAIN will leave at.. 140 p,
EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at .......---- •
The only Trainsleaving Harrisburg on Sunday will I e
the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 3.00 a, in . ,
end the EXPRESS TRAIN North, at 8.10 p, In ,
For further information apply at the oince, in Pent.
Sylvania Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent.
Harrisburg, March lst-dtf.
IN compliance with the City Charter, notice is hereby
given to the qualified voters of the several wards of the
said city, that an election for persons to fill the varlets
offices of the said city will be held at their usual places,
on the THIRD FRIDAY OF MARCH, being the 15th day
of said month, 1861, between the hours of nine o'clock
in the morning, and seven o'clock in the evening of said
In the FIRST WARD the qualified voters will meet at
the School House, corner of Front street and Marrs al.
ley, in said city, and vote for one person for Member of
Common Council, one person for Constable, one person
for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for
Inspectors of Election of said ward, and School Directors,
and one person for Alderman.
In the SECOND WARD the qualified voters will meet
on said day at the West Window of lleres Hotel, o n
Market street, and elect one person for Common Coun
cil, one person for Constable, one person ior Assessor,
one person for Judge, and two persons for Inspectors of
Election of said ward, and School Directors.
In the THIRD WARD the qualified voters will meet on
said day at the School House, corner of Walnut street
and River alley, in said city, and vote for one person for
Common Council, one person for Constable, one person
for Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for
Inspectors of Elections of said ward, and School Direc
In the FOURTH WARD the qualified voters Will meet
on said day at the School Rouse in West State street, and.
vote for one person for Common Council, one person for
Constable, one person for Assessor, one person for Sedge,
and two persons for Inspector Of SlOOtions of 8144 'ward,
and School Directors.
In the FIFTH WARD the qualified voters will meet on
said day, at the Dairy of John Forster, corner of Ridge
road and North avenue, and vote for one person for 0011-
stable, one person for Assessor, one person for Judge, and
two persons for Inspectors of Election of said ward, and
School Directors.
In the SIXTH WARD the qualified voters will meet at
the School House, on Broad street, west of Ridge avenue,
and vote for one person for Common Council, one person
for Alderman, one person for Constable, one person for
Assessor, one person for Judge, and two persons for In
spectors of Elections of said ward.
WWII under nay band at the Mayor's Office,
WM. H. KEPNER, Mayor.
HARRISBURG, Feb, 28, 1861 .—ml-eow3t.
Court of bauphin county has appointed the subscri
ber Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the
hands of WILLIAM MURRAY, Administrator, &c., of Wil
liam Murray, late of Harrisburg, Merchant, deceased, to
and among the heirs of said deceased; and the Auditor
has appointed Monday, the 18th day of March next, at
his office in Chesnut street, in Harrisburg, at ten o'clock,
A. M., of said day, to make said distribution, when and
where all parties interested are notified to attend
February 13, 1861,
AUDITOR'S N OTI C E.—The under-
Al signed, appointed Auditor to distribute among ore&
itors the balance of moneys in hands of Jecoa Gaoss,
Administrator of the estate of John Cain, deceased, will
attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, No.
100 Market street, THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1661, at tee
o'clock, A. AL, where all parties interested may attend_
febls-dt3oaw ROll'T L. MUIiNCII, Auditor.
hereby given that letters testamentary upon the
estate of Mrs. DIARY HOWER, deceased, late of the
city of Harrisburg, have been granted to the under.
signed by the Register of Dauphin county; therefore, all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to make
immediate payment, and those having any just claims
are requested to present them, legally authentiested,for
settlement. R. H. ADAMS,
Executor of said dee , d.
lIARRISBURG, Jan. 29, 1861. jaa3o-altoaw.
CAUTlON.—Whereas my Wife SARAH
ARNOLD has left my bed and board without any
cause or provocation, this is to give notice that I wilt
pay no debts of her contracting from andafter this date.
Dauph , n, Pa .
Feb. 19, 1861.-3thaw*
BRICK DWELLING modernstyle ; with water,
gas, Sze.,—in a central part of the City. Inqure at
fela2B-3td* THIS OFFICE.
V v - ANTED—By a YOUTH 15 years of
age, a situation ins Dry Greeds, Grocary er Hard
ware Store, or other business where he can make himself
useful. He is well educated, and speaks German and
English. Apply at this Office. feb27-dlm4.
Direct from NEW YORK, and warranted Superior.
feb27 WM. DOCK, JR., aC CO
.. . .
In Tin Foi' ~ined with Paper,) and full Weight.—
In this age of adulterated and tasteless Spices, it is
with confidence that we introduce to the attention of
Housekeepers these superior and genuine articles. We
guarantee them not Only ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY
rUitt, but ground from fresh Spices, selected and cleaned
by us expret.sly for the purpose, without reference to
cost. They are beautifully packed in tin foil, (lined with
paper,) to prevent injury by keeping, and are FULL
WEIGHT, while the ordinary ground Spices are Almost
invariably short. We warrant them, in point of strength
and richness of flavor, beyond all comparison, as a sin
gle trial will abundantly prove.
Every package bears our TRADE MARE.
Manufactured only by E. R. DURKEE & C 0 ,3 NOW
For sale by [feb27.] WM. DOCK, dn., & CO.
PUBLIC .NOTICE.—The undersigned,
Commissioners of Dauphin county, Pennsylvania,
hereby inform the public in general that, in consequence
of the approaching completion of the new Court House
of the county, in the city of Harrisburg, a number of
County Loans are solicited, for which coupon bonds pay
able at from three to thirty years, will be executed to
the lender clear of all taxes, and semi-annual interest
will be paid punctually at th i p Dauphin County Treasury.
Therefore, persons wishing to make safe investments,
Will, it is expected, avail themselves of this opportunity.
BALTIMORE, Feb. 11, 1861.
A general Riveting of the Stockholders of this COM
pany will be held at CALTERT STATION, on THURS
DAY, THE 28TH OF FEBRUARY between the hours
of 12 and 2 o'clock, P . M., for the e lecton of Twelve
Directors for the ensuing year.
The Transfer Books will be closed on the Nth ef Feb
ruary until after the election. By order.
febl2-dte ROBT. S. ROLLINS, Secretary.,..
lowing words are from Mark r. v. 9, 12: •
"What, therefore, God has joined together let not matt
put asunder."
"Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another
committeth adultery. And if a woman shall ptit awaY
her husband and marry again she committeth adultery."
Legislators and others, the above is the edict of the
Supreme Lawgiver, from which there is do appeal.—
"What, therefore, Clod has joined together let 119
put asunder." jand2
No. 18 Market Street, Harrisburg.
JNO. ROlll2 FITS ; Auditor