LOCAL NEWS• Tira DATLY PATRIOT AND UMW( may be ,a• a Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market PATRIOT AND UNION.—The DAILYATRIT AND lintost catt be had by Dauphin subs P ATRI O T very morning, at the periodical store of J. S. Faans. Tun lidana.—llader t s e change of schedule on the different railroads, time of closing the moils at the Harrisburg Post Office, December Ist, 86Q, sas follows : r.B:SI§YLV IIII) L Its B. Ea „,,-7 a . m.—Way mail, 12;15 p. m., 5. p. n B 4-6.30 a. m.—way man, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. m. RORTIIIMN CENTRAL R. R. BOuth.-12.15 p. m.—way mail, 9. p. m. North.-1 p - . m. LEBANON PALLET R. B. 7.30 a. m. DAUPHIN AND BIISQ. B. R. 1.30 p. m. oumngni,awn TALLEY B. B. 7.30 a. m.,1 p. m.—way mail. BY STAGE. 'I a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday g old Saturday. 7 m, to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. in., to bowisberry, en Saturday. CommrrrED Stourrur.—Early on Tuesday morning a soldier at the Carlisle Garrison committed sui cide, by cutting his throat with a razor, from ear to ear. No one can learn the owed' the rash act. The officers of the Workingmen's mass meeting, and 11189 the different ward committees, are re quested to meet in the Sheriff's office this evening at 7 o'clock. By order. R. R. BARE, Sec'y. Taa Harmonic Society will meet this (Thurs. day) evening, at 'a o'clock, in the Baptist Lecture Room, for special r ehearsal, preparatory for their forthcoming concert. Punctual attendance is very necessary on the part of active members, as the concert must take place within the neat two weeks at farthest. THI ifisrevan Bawn.—lt is very unfortunate that this exsellent band *hose such an inattspi pious time to pay us a visit. With the Mafia of thirty-one brass bands—good, bad and indifferent —ringing is our oars sinee Friday last, our appe tite for the beet must naturally be aided. There is but one opinion in regard to the merits of the band, and that is that there are few superior, if an in the State. A Comrarr or Durrairrs.—The Memphis people are organising a military company calling them selves Defiants. Their outfit is of a peculiarly cheer ful description. The uniform is to be black home spun, with red plumes. Their banner is black— en one side wilt be represented a right hand grasp ing an unsheathed sword, with the name of the company- ,, the Defiants----Nritteit ill red letters above. The whole outfit will be emblematical of death and defiance, and will cost forty dollars.— We think they might spend their money to bettor advantage by buying themselves decent snits at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Reckhill Wil son, Nos. 603 and 600 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. A PEDESTRIAN WAGEn.—A silly young man named Edward Weston having wagered during the Presidential campaign that if Lincoln was elected he would walk to Washington within ten days to see him inaugurated, was on the point of starting from the State House, Boston, at noon, on the 22d, in fulfillment of his obligation, when he was taken into custody on a writ issued by one of his credi tors, who, learning that be was about to leave the State, and fearful that the fatigues of the tramp, or the attractions of the Federal Capital might operate to preventhis return to Massachusetts, had procured his arrest for a debt of $3l. It was pro posed to raise the amount of the debt by collec tions from the crowd, but the latter not responding as liberally as was expected by the proposer of that method of "raising the wind," it was abandoned. Eventually Mr. Weston succeeded in effecting a "compromise" with his creditors by the settlement of his "little bill," and at fifteen minutes of one o'clock, three quartets of an hour behind the ap peinted time of starting, the luckless better started upon his long tramp, accompanied by two friends in a buggy carrying his baggage. ZOIIATZS —The people of Harrisburg are a peo ple of the most enlarged views, and they never at tempt to go into any of your half-way measures.— They practice upon the axiom that, whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing right. Hence, they never talk of getting up a single military company, to start with. They are never satisfied with a single building; nothing short of an entire block will suffice. A single company a. National Guards won't do—it must be a regiment. To be cure—this vaulting ambition sometimes o'erleaps itself, after avast amount of gas hae been expended, and we feel ridiculous for a time at the failure, but we soon forget it, and when a new sensation strikes us, we are again ready to "Go the whole hog or none." The parade of two Zouave companies here•on the 22d started the Zouave fever. Welt, there is nothing much in that, save the insignificant fact, that Harrisburg la alightually behind the age when it copies novelties after a town located away up on the Allegheny mountains. This Zouave fever has become epidemic, rages fearfully, and to-day we hear that no less than three companies of noon in red breeches are on the point of forming ! It is to be deeply regretted that before one company is formed, the wind-work of the three will be com pleted, and we shall hear of them again no more forever ! That is our experience of the past. Out BAND AT Hittrusrusa.—The editor of the Hollidaysburg Standard, who is a member of the Van Tries Band, thus speaks of their visit to this city on the 22d t The Van Tries Cornet Band, of this place, were present at the celebration of the a nniversary of Washington's birthday arliarrieburg. They were the guests Of the Washington Hose CoMpany'of that city, and accompanied them in the procession on that occasion. The fire department of Harris burg is well organized, being provided with fine apparatus and sang houses. But there are none who are as comfortably provided for as the Wash ington Hose Company. They have recently erected a new building, with ornamental front and stained glass windows. The first story is colon nade, of Corinthian order. It is fitted up with all the modern conveniences, is handsomely furnished, and luxurious in all its appointments. Col. Zieg ler, a gentlemaa of high standing and reputation, is the President, and the members are of the most respected of the citizens of Harrisburg. A splen did supper was served up by the company on the evening of the 22d, in the upper hall of their building, of which many partook. Infinite good humor prevailed, and all were delighted with the hospitalities of the "Washy Boys." The band were treated with the utmost attention during their stay, and returned' home cherishing lasting recollections of the kindness of the gentlemanly members of the 'Washington Hose Company. Speaking of t he Pennsylvania Railroad Company, the same paper says: :,Top much credit cannot be given to this company for the generous manner in which they provided for carrying visitors to Harrisburg last week, to participate in the ceremonies of the 22d. Whilst civilians were carried there and back at excursion rates, ail mi litary companies and bands were car ried free of charge. And, notwithstanding the im mense numbers Carried, not a passenger met with a n accident- Such liberal conduct, and complete and cement management, cannot fail to make the company i mmensely popular, and add to the itl- I . ity h igh reputation s of Mr. Scott, the worthy P Ri 4 on , and Mr. Lewis, the ci roaci ANNUAL REPORT OF THE HARRISBURG BIBLE Se c:Err —The Board of Managers of the. Harrisburg Bible Society, in presenting their annual report, regret that they are not able to furnish a statement that would indicate an increasing interest in the excellent cause of Bible dietribution. From the statement of the Treasurer it appears that only $125.57 were contributed during the past year by our entire community, for the Bible cause, inclu ding home and foreign distribution. The Mana gers of the Society are convinced, however, that the mengrenese of this contribution is not to be taken as a fair exponent of the feelings of our church members t4p4 citizens generally, in regard to this cause, but rather as a proof of the ineffi ciency of the plan hitherto adopted for eliciting their contributions. The method heretofore pur sued has failed to afford our citizens generally an annual opportunity of contributing to this cause.— And the plan suggested for several years by the Society at its annual meetings, viz : that the pas tors of our churches should each, in his own way, have special collections taken up annually among his own people for this cause, does not seem to have commended itself to their favor—to be feasi ble. So the Board has determined, for the present year, to adopt the suggestion of the Dauphin County Bible Society, at its late Convention in Millersburg, to request each of the pastors of the city to furnish the Secretary of our Society with the names of two ladies of his church as col lectors; that the city be divided into as many die- Wets as there are committees appointed; that these committees meet together on the day after the delivery of the Mud discourse before the So ciety, distribute among themselves the districts of the city as thus divided, and proceed at once to. call at every house, and *solicit contributions in he. half of the Bible Society. Most of the ministers have already consented to this arrangement, and have furnished the Secretary with the names of ladies belonging to their churches who are willing to engage in this good work. The rest of the ministerial brethren are herewith reoreetfully requested to co-operate in like manner by handing in such names at the close of the public czereing this evening, The Managers herewith bespeak for these ladies a kind and cordial reception, and confidently trust that this methail will WRIT@ a large increase in the revenues of our Society, reaching, as it will, many who would not otherwise have an opportunity per sonally presented to them of contributing to their cause. Those persons who desire to become regular members of the Society by the annual contribution of $l.OO, can mention this fact to the committee that calls upon them, and all who are now members of the Socieiy are requested to make their annual payment to these committees, taking credit for the same at once upon the collectors' books, which will be deposited in the keeping of the treasurer of the Society. AMERICAN ANTIQIIITIES.—From unanswerable facts and statistics, it is evident that the great val leys of the Ohio and Mississippi were once the abode of a mighty nation—civilized and refined, warlike and brave—descendants of those mighty nations to whom we have alluded, and who settled in this country long before the appearance of the Saviour upon the earth. Near Lexington, Kentucky, are the remains of an ancient catacomb, formed in the solid rock of limestone. This curiosity was discovered in the year 1776, by the early settlers of that country.— The mouth of the cavern was carefully concealed with stones, which, on being removed, opened into a cave of immense magnitude. The sides of this spacious apartment were found, upon examination,. to be out into niches or OM partments, occupied by figures representing men. By further investigation these figureswere discov ered to be mummies—persons preserved by the art of embalming, and exhibited a state of perfection equal to that known at any time among - the Egyp tians; and you will bear in mind that this art was practiced by that people three thousand four hun dred and seventy-five years previous to this dis covery in Kentucky. The catacomb was capable of holding two thousand subjects. Again, there is found on the Ohio, near twenty miles below Wabash river, another remarkable work of antiquity. It is a very large cave with smooth perpendicular walls, and a level floor. The walls are covered with hieroglyphic figures, cut in solid stone, and are well executed. Among them are representations of animals unknown to the present generation. This cave is one of the great est curiosities on the Ohio, and is connected with a dark, dismal cavern, nearly the same size which is located direetly above it, and which is accessible through a chimney-like aperture. When we view the ancient mounds and Tumuli of the West, we are lost in wonder, in view of the number, magnitude and obscurity of their origin. There are several hundred of these works in the valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and some of them are found to be filled with thousands of human skeletons, indicating that they were places of deposit of the dead. They also bear the appearance of having been contiguous to some large and populous city. Many strange and curious antiquities have been, from time to time, exhumed from these mounds, and it is most significant that, in a great majority of instances, there exists a remarkable resemblance between these relics found in the nineteenth cen tury, and articles which were known to have been used among the Romans, Grecians and Egyptians before the days of Christ. RAILWAY INVENTIONS.-A traversing frame to remove oars from one line of rail to another has come into use on some of the English railroads.— According to this plan, a strong frame supported on wheels, which are covered by its sides, travels on a railway at right angles to the lines, from one to the other of which the cars are to be transfer red. The level of the upper surface of the transverse rail is a little above that of the principal lines, so that the latter are cleared by the flanges of the wheels of the frame which therefore freely traverse them. The transverse line is broken where it crosses the principal lines, space being left for the trains to pass. To receive the car, a rail is placed like a shell or ledge at the bottom of the skive of the frame, so as just to clear the surface of the permanent rails; and to.raise the ear upon this shelf, a switch is provided, which, turning upon a hinge, may be brought, when the frame is pro perly placed, into the direction of the principal line. The upper surface of this switch forms an in alined plane, up which the ear may b e ra i se d un til its wheels rest upon the shelf.- The frame with its burden is then pushed sideways along the trans verse rail, to which the Cat is to be transferred, and the switch supplies an inclined plane by which the car descends. This traversing frame, supply ing, for many purposes, the use •of the turn-table is regarded as a useful invention. A PIONEER GOAL—joseph Trailer, of Cambria, died at his residence in Clearfield township, on the 9th inst., at the patriarchal age of 94 years.— He settled in Cambria in the year 1802, when it was little else than a dreary wilderness, and . was among the forsmost of those hardy pioneers who planted civilization amidst the rugged peaks of the Alleghenies. CURRENCY TINKERING.—The following is a copy of the bill introduced in the Senate on Thursday last! An Act for the better regulation of the currency Be it enacted, &c., Teat it shall be obligatory on the several banks of this Commonwealth not situ ated within the corporate limits of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, in addition to the redemption of their notes at the banking house or place of busi ness, as now required by law, to provide for the re demption of their notes in the cities of Philadel phia and Pittsburg in manner as follows, to wit : Those banks east of the Allegheny mountains and not situated within the city of Philadelphia, shall redeem their notes in the city of Philadelphia in specie or notes of the active solvent banks of PhiC adelphist; and those banks located west of the Al legheny mountains and not situated within the city of Pittsburg, shall redeem their notes in the city of Pittsburg, in specie or notes of the active solvent banks in the city of Pittsburg. Any bank to whieh this act is applicable, failing to comply with its provisions, shall, for such length of time as its notes may not be redeemed, as aforesaid, forfeit and pay to the State Treasurer, for the use of the Cotatoonitealtb of Pefaiitylrania, at the rate of two per cent. (2 pr. at.) per annum on every dol lar of the average circulation of such bank for the preceding year, or for any portion of a year, such forfeiture to be paid on or before the third Monday in November in each year. It shall be the duty of the cashiers of the several banks to state in their annual exhibits made to the Auditor General, the length of time their notes have not been redeemed as aforesaid. And it shall be the duty of the Au ditor General to ascertain what banks of this Com monwealth have failed to comply with the pearl : sions of this act, and, if any have failed, and have not paid the forfeit specified, he shall demand the same, and, if necessary, bring suit therefor in the name of the Commonwealth. and no objection or form shall defeat or prejudice such action, but the same shall be tried and determined on its merits. Losr—On Wednesday evening, between Frisch's brewery and the Brady House, a Fitch Fun TIP PET- The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the Brady House . fe26-3t LARGE ARRIVAL OF Naar GOODS—The Cheopee Goode O f fered Y 61.-2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast color. 1,500 yards of un bleached muslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. 1,000 undershirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents. Socks and ladies stockings a large variety. Our whole stock of winter _geode, such as Shawls, De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth and all kinds of Flannels I will'sell off at cost. Now is the time to get bargains. S. LIMY, at Rhoad's old corner. jan22f. SPECLIL NOTICES. PURIFY YOUR BLOOD.".—BRANDRETR'S PILLS WARRANTED TO CURE FICVDR AND A492.--The effect of 'purging with BRANDRETIIIS PILLS is to re store the health, no matter from what cause it may be suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem and they have the same power of expulsion over rniasm, ppisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever. In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, tad in 4, pure blood results in disease. BBANDRETH'S PILLS, though innocent as bread, yet they are cayskle of puri fying the blood and curing disease. So, they Cure all kinds of fevers, all asthmas, catarrhs, ceativeness and painful affections of every kind. Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal eet, New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC II *ELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrirkerg, and by all respectable dealers in medicines deg-d&wim NATURAL MAGIC! Suppose a ease. Suppose you have sandy, red, white, grizzly, or flaming yellow hair. Suppose you prefer a light brown, a rich dark brown, or a raven Mack, Well, you apply (if you are wise) CRIST AD ORO'S. EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE! and in ten minutes your mirror shows you a _ . _ WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION! Every hair that a few moments before was an unsightly blemish, is now an element of beauty. 6, A. magnificent head of hair) is the exclamation whenever yon uncover. The difference between BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was not more striking then that between a gray or red head in a state of nature, and one to which this famous dye has been applied. Manufactured by T. °NISTA DOM, 0 Astor Rouse, New York. Gold everywhere, and gilled by all Hair Dressers. LTELBIBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION Owes Gra vel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections. HELMeOLD 7 S Genuine Preparation for Nervous and Debilitated Sufferers. HELMBULD 7 S Genuine Preparation for Lou of Power, Loss of Memory. DLIIIBOLD'B Genuine Preparation for Difficulty or H Artkath +lag, General Weakneen. HELMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerves, Horror of .Deatb, Trembling. IICIEL6IBOLD'S Gel:Mill. Preparation for Night Sweats, 11 Cold Fast, Dimnene of ViPioll. H.ISLLMBOLDI3 tiennin, Preparatisn for Languor, versa! Lassitude of the Muscular System f ELMBOLD'B Genuine Preparation for Pallid Counts mace and Eruptions. - HELMBOLD'S &amine Preparation for Pains in tae Back, Headache, Sick Stomach. Erbee advertisement headed HBLHBOLDIS EXTRACT BUCHH in another column. nol4-d&w3m Mothers, read this. The following is an extract from a letter written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Yawner: and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mns. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING: " We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. New we never said a word is favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers ' that this is no humbug —WE HATE TRIED IT, AND KNOW IT TO BE ALL IT mines. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay in a Supply. sep29-d&wly THE GREAT ENGLISH ILEHEDY.—Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female PiIL, prepared from a prescriprion of Sir J. Clarke, Al. D., Physicima Extraordi nary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the arm of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO HARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. Pusan PILL./ grrouLn Nom BE TAKEN nv PRMILRE trauma THE FIRST THREE MONTHS OF PREGNANCY, AS TENT ARE BURS TO BRING ON MiSCARHIAGE, BUT AT ANY OTHER TIME THEY ARE BAPS. In all eases of Nervone and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, teatigne on alight exertion, P.lpitation of the neart, nysterics and Whites; these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not contain Iron, calomel, antimony, or onythiog hurtful to the cooetitutitot, Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.—51,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by 0. A. BANSVART, Harrisburg. jy7-dawly Dr. Branon's Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER, speedily eradicates all the it'll effects of SELF-ABUSIC, as Loss of. Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. , No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight darn, any case of .GONORRHOt A., is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or dies. For either sea. Price One Dollar. No. 3. TUE TERM will care in the shortest possible time, any case of 4LBlt'r, even after all other Remedi e . have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PIINITEU is the only Remedy that will really mire Strictures of the. LTrethre. No matter of how long standing or neglected the came may be. Price One Dollar. No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure arty case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictione of the Bladder and Kidneys. Prhee One Dollar. No. 6. FOR .P A RTIPULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7 TRW AMARIN will care the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In feet, la the onlyremedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar.: ' • No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safeand speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irregularitiee of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular. . General Depot North-East corner of Tort Avenue and Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phil& - delPhia t Pa For sale in Harrisburg only by 0. A. BANNYART. where Circn i cvs containing valuable informat•en, with fall de voriptiene Qr each epee, Will be delivered gratis. on appli cation. MIMI* DR. FELIX DRUNON, P. 0. Box 99, Philadolphia, Pa. prom the Independent, Wow York, July 28,1859. Grua.—Our advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as 4,Bpald ing's Prepared Glue," useful to housekeepers for mewling furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is kept in the proper condition for Immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this article has the excellent phrenological quality of "large adhesiveness.,2 For 6131 e by 0. A. BANNYART, No. 2 Jones , Row au7-d&wlin MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced none and female physician, has a Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums ; reducing as indamtlatiOn...llll allay all pain, and iv NM to regulate the bowels . Depend upon it mothers, it Will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per ectly safe in all camel. See advertisemov: in another col— vita, a; g l )4869-460r1y WARRANTED IN ALL CASES DR. HARVEY'S CHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Cure of all those ditSeulties to which the female system is peculiarly liable arising from STOPPAGE OF NATURE OR OBSTRUCTION. These Pills have never been known to fail when the direetions have been strictly followed, and they are perfectly saf- to take by the most delicate. TO MARDIED LADIES they are particularly recom mended, as they prevent difficulties. and restore nature, no matter from what cause the obstruction may arise. A few days in moat cases will produce the desired efr'eti and although so powerful, yet no injury will ever result from their use. But those who are pregnant should not use them, as they have an effect contrary to nature. Pamphlets detailing their virtues, with numerous certificates from well known physicians and apothecaries, maim had on applica tion to the agent, who will send the Pills, if desired, by mail, poet-paid, to any address, on receipt of the money. Bola in boxes containing sixty ,pills,—price One Dollar,— by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT & CO., wholesale agents, North Second etrk et, Philadel phia. nov2-eodd&wly A NEW REMEDY. Superseding 017191183, Corers',, CAMILMS, or any compound that has ever been before the people. It has been used by ONE HUNDRE D PHYSICIANS, In their private pract - ce, with entire success in all cases. E ELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, For disease a of a private nature ; a rune is frequently per formed in a weak ; and entire confidence may be placed in them. This remedy is a newly discovered sppcifie, more active and speedy in its effects than Onbelsi or•OOPlttlat alone. The pills are half the size of Capsules, and never nauseate the stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dozen pills in a box—price one dollar, and will be sent by mail, post-paid, by the agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by all the prineipaldruggists and dealers, and by DYOTT & 00., wholesale agents, North Second street, Philadelphia. nerS-eodd&wly Storing Otacbinto. NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL GR-OVPR & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW TORE. The public attention le respectfully requested to the following eards of ELIAS HOWB, and the GROYSI6 do BAKER S. M. Co.: A CARD FROM THE GROVER f RAKER S. M. CO. Our Patents being now established by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Gnovan & Baran Machine, with important Improvements, at greatly REDUCED PRICES! The moderate price at Wbidi Mac►inep, making the Gitoven & BAKER stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Greriesn & Bsxsa fait* but also that such MacbineS are made and stamped under our patents and those ELIAS 110WS, GROVER & BAKER S_ M. CO., A. CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, IR. All persona arc cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Qac'raa & Essex stitch, unless the same are purchased from the GROVER & BA KER Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stamped under my patent of September 10, 1846. Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, are legally authorized under their own patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. NEW YORK. 'Er SEND FOR A CIRCULAR a n't JAMES R REMBLE, Agent, Harrisburg. sep2.B-d&wlY fivenj stables. CITY LIVERY STABLES, PA BLACKBERRY ALLEY, 7111 . IN THE REAR OF.HE.RR'S HOTEL. The undersigned has re-commenced the LIVERY BUSINESS in his NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above, with a large and varied stock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND 'OMNIBUSES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. oetl3-cllp P. K. SWARTZ. NOTIO E!! The undersigned has opened his LUMBER OFFICE, corner of Third Street and _Blackberry Alley, near Herr)* Hotel. ALSO—Tw9 R99ms, with folding dooro i TO LET— suitable for a Lawyer's Office. Possession immediately. ALSO—A number one FIRE ENGINE for sale. W. F. UORBAY. V); 11111111114 p. ALSO—HORSES AND CARRIAGES tohire at the same Office. febB-dtf. FRANK A. MURRAY. for ,Sale Sr, Zo itent. FOR SAL E—A Light Spring J: One- Horse WAGON. Apply at Patterson 's Store, Broad street, West Harrisburg. oe3l-dtf NOTICE TO SPECULATORS ! VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! A number of large size BUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Round House and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to aulb-adni JOHN W. HALL. FOR SALE.—The BUILDING on th e corner of Walnut and Short streets, used as a COOPER SHOP. This building was originally built so that it could be turned into Dwelling Houses. It con sists of three separate frames placed together, each frame being 25 by 20 feet, making the entire building, as itnow stands, 75 feet long and 20 feet wide. Will sell also an EIGHT HORSE POWER ENGINE AND BOILER, nearly new, and one or Drawback's Patent Stare Cutters, and a Set of Saws for Jointing Staves. The above property will be sold at a bargain, as we wish to clear the ground on which the building stands. Empire at the:Broker's Mee of 5. L. hvouLLoo4t, feb9-dtf - 126 Market Street. HOUSES' TO RENT.—Two or three dwellings, in the brick row, on Third otreef, near Walnut, are offered for rent, from the let of April next. For terms, enquire of MICHAEL BURKE, feblff-dtf THE AMERICAN READER ! . - A popular and very interesting Reader, designed for , the use of ACADEMIES AND SCMOOLS general y throughout our country, and now in the editor the Public Schools of the First School District of Penn sylvania, by order, and with the unanimous vote of the Board of School Controllers of said District. It may be hal on application to the Author and Publisher, South west corner f Lombard and 23d streets, Philadelphia, frr $6.50 per dozen, or 75 cents per copy. Orders may be left at this office for any quantity or number of them, and they will be promptly delivered to address free of freight or porterage. febl9-dtim. 495 Broadway, New York ELIAS HOWE, Jll SOMETHING MORE VALUABLE THAN SILVER OR GOLD, }MASSE IT WILL RESTORE THE WEAK! REINSTATE THE BLOOD IN ALL ITS , ORIGINAL PURITY AND VIGOR. IT IS PROF. 0. J . WOOD'S REST ()NATIVE CORDIAL. AND BLOOD RENOVATOR, Is.preeisely what its name indicates, for while plea sant to the taste, it it retileifs ing, exhilarating and strengthening to the vital powers. It a'so revivifies, reinstates and renews the blood in all its original purity, and thus restores and renders the systeminvul nerahle to &duke of disease. It is the only prepare- Hon ever offered to the world in a popular form so as to be within the reach of all. So chemically and skillfully combined as to be the most powerful tonic, and yet so perfectly adapted 10,06 to act in pee; et accordance mitts the laws of nature t and hence soothe the weakest stomach and tone up the diges tive organs, and allay all nervous and other irritation. It is also perfectly exhilarating in its effects, and yet it is never followed by lassitude or depression of spirits. It is composed entirely of vegetables, and those thoroughly combining powerful tonic and soothing pro perties, and consequently can never injure. ,As a sure preventive and Mc of CONSUMPT I ON, BRONCHITIS, INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSIA, LOSS OF AP PETITE,F AIN I'NESS, NER VOUS IRRITABILITY, NEURALGIA, PALPI TATION OF THE HEART, MELANCHOLY, HYPOCHONDRIA.. NIGHT SWEATS, LANGUOR, GIDDINESS, AND ALL THAT CL ASS OF CASES SO FEARFULLYFATAL CALL ED FEMALE WEAKNESS, AND IRREGULARITIES THERE IS NOTHING ITS EQUAL. Also, Liver Derangements ur Torpidity, and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Xi ineys, or any general de rangements of the Urinary Organs. It wal not only cure the debility following CHILLS and. FEVER, but prevent all attacks arising from mias matic influences and cure the diseases at once, if already attacked. TRAVELERS should have a bottle with them, as it will infallibly prevent any deleterious consequences fol lowing upon change of climate and water. As it prevents costiveness, strengthens the digestive organs, it should be in the hands of all persons of seden tary habits. LADIES not accustomed to much out-door exercise ehou!d always use it. MOTHERS should melt, for it is a perfOCtrelief ; tali en a month or two before the final trial, elle will pass the dreadful period wan perfect ease and safety! There is no mistake shout it! ! THE CORDIAL IS ALL WE CLAIM FOR IT 1! MOTHERS TRY IT ! ! And to you we appeal to detect the Illness or decline nototlY of your daughters before it be too late, but also your eons and husbands, for while the former from false delicacy, often go down to a premature grave, rather than let their condition be known in time, the latter are often so mixed up with the excitement of business, that if it were not for you, they, too, would travel inthe same downward path until it is too late to arrest their fatal fall, DO the mother is always vigilant, and to you we confidently appeal;. for , we are sure yetis , never-failing affection will unerringly point you to PROF. WOOD'S RESTORAT EVE CORDIAL AND BLOOD RENOVATOR as the remedy which should be always on hand in time Of need. 0. J. WOOD, proprietor, No. 444 Broadway, New York, and No. 114 Market at., St Louis, Mo., and sold by all good drnggiata. Price one dollar per bottle. Read when the Press says, after thoroughly testing the matter, and no one can have a doubt, Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Cordial ac d Blood Renova tor is a genuine medicine of real merit, pleasant to the taste and invigorating to the system. While it purifies the blood acid soothes the nervous initation, it aids the organs of digestion to perform their functions, and re sist the assault of disease. It is a checcical compound BO skillful'y comtined that while it exhilarates it does not provoke the lassitude which usually follows excite ment. A tonic, composed exclusively of vegetable mat ter, it is absolutely ‘eueficial, and 111) ill offsets can pos. sibiy accompany its use It is an infallible and speedy remedy Roo Loss of Appetite, Faintness, Nervous Debil ity, Neuralgia. Pa'pitation of the Heart, Falling of the Womb, and other delicate diseases to which woman is Subject. For Sickness of the Stomach, Unions A..taeks, Liver Complaints, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Consumption, and a host of evils flesh is heir to, it is a certain cure.— Se. Lewis Mornigg Herald. PROF. WOOD'S RE STORATIVE CORDIAL.—It is recorded in the Classics that Psyche was once sent to a climate warmer than the West Indies, to procure a sample of the beauty i,f Prosperine in a box. After some delay the mer senger returned, and as soon as the lid of the box was removed, out flew all the ills that flesh is heir to.— Fortunate ly, hope was found hi the bottom of the box. Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Cordial revives the recollec tion of the story, for it invigorates the blood, aids the organs of digestion, imparts strength to the nervous sys tem, anJ fortifies the citadel of health, so as to bid de fiance to the asssults of disease. It is a healthy tonic, composed entirely of, vegetable productions, and while it is exhilarating as pure wine, no injurious results can possibly follow its use. It is a desideratum in the medi • cal world, and those who are afflicted with loss of appe tite, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Faintness, giddiness, NeauralAia, Palpitation of the heart, &e., will find here an infallible panacea.—St. Louis Daily Express. PROF. WOOD'S RFSTORATIvE CORDIAL AND BLOOD Rini- OVATOR is, without doubt, the best tonic Cordial in the world. To those who are suffering from General Debili ty, we would recommend its use, for it is pleasant to the taste, is strengthening to the system, and will at once tend to remove impurities of the blood, and eradicate all traces of disease. It can be taken by the weakest stomach, while those in good health wilt at once feel its exhilarating power. Wo are confident that after using One bolte of this Cordial none will be fora day without it.—New York Ltader. A Pea; lIIRALTFIT Tot= , and one free from the dele terious and injurious effects sure to follow those in ordi nary use, has long been felt to be a desideratum in the Medical world. Such a tonic, and one so skillfully com bined from the vegetable kingdom as to act in perfect accordance with the laws of nature, and thus soothe the weakest stomach, and at the same time allay nervous and other irritations, and tone up all the organs of which the human body is composed, is offered in Prof. WOOD'S Restorative Cordial and Blood Renovator. Bence, it is perfectly adapted to old and young. Reader, try it.— Thousands have already done so, and the testimony is univerSal in its favor.—New York Atlas. PROF .WOOD'S RESTORATIVE CORDIAL AND DLOOD REN OVATOR, for 41. e Mrs of General Debility, or Weakness arising from any cause; also, Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Night Sweats, Inciir ent ConsuMption, Li ver Cemplaints, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Female Weakness in all stages ; also to prevent the contraction of disease, is cer tainly the beat and moat agreeable Cordial tonic and Renovator ever offered to theafflicted, and so chemically combined as to be the mostpowerful tonic ever kuown to medical science. Reader, try it. It will do you good. We have no hositotioo in recommending it, since we know it to be a safe, pleasant and sure remedy for the diseases enumerated.--New York Dispatch. (j .Before noticing a patent medicines we have to be certain that it will prove itself to be all that it is re commended. And we would say that the Restorative oOrdial and Blood Renovator of Prof. Wood will stand the teat hilly, and in fact it is without any doubt tho first article in the market for Purifying the :Blood and strengthening the system. We have no hesitation in recommending its use to all.—New Yorker. Loow TO YonneELF IN Tims.—Row many, in conse quence of a false delicacy, suffer from suppressed, pain. fsd or obstructed menstruation., and think because they are young that bye-and-bye nature will work need Blear from obstetictions, and all come right in. the end, little dreaming that the Seeds of death are already germinating in the system bereaose the vital energies are impaired, and the entire animal economy derangedplebilitated and yet, careless of theniselves as they are, if &remedy were set before them which would restore all the func tions of the system, and reinvigorate 'the body, they would take it, and thus be in'time to save their lives.— parents think of this, and at enae: gi,6 them a bottle of Prof. Wood's Restorative Cordial andlilood Renovator. —New York Courier.. 0. Y. WOOD, Proprietor, No. 444 Broadway, and No, 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. {J At No. 444 Broadway, all the Family and Patent Medicines constantly on hand, Always fresh and genu ine. feb224l,kw2m. Coal. COAL ItIIDUCED!!! CONSUMERS OF COAL, TAKE NOTICE! Coal delivered to any part of the city limits by the Patent Weigh Carts, at the following low rates, fur cash, viz : Lykene Valley Nut Coal at $2.00 per ton. " Small Egg 2.90 " CI Large do. 2.90 " if Broken 2.90 " Balt. Coal Co.'s Wilkesbarre Steamboat, 3.00 per ton. et Broken, 8.00 it Ca Egg, 8.00 " CC NU; 2.25 " broad Top Coat, (tor Smiths; use,s 12X etc per WAAL 2,500 Bushels OATS for sale, at lowest cash price. A large lot of superior HICKORY AND OAK WOOD for sale, at the lowest rates. Agent for DU PONT'S GUN AND BLASTINGF POWDER—for sale at manufacturer's prices. Coal delivered from both yards at above rates, by Patens Weigh Carts, whieh are certified to by the Sealer!! of Weights and Measures. 117 - Every consumer will please weigh their Coal on delivery, and if it falls short 10 pounds I will Arlen the Coal. A large, full and complete stock of the best kindirof Coal will always be found on band. JAMES M. wunriEn. Harrisburg, January 29, 1861. jan3o dim COAL! COAL!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS COAL BY THE PATENT WEIGH CARTSI NOW • IS THE TIME For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the winter—weighed at their door by the Patent Weigh. Carts. The ceeettraey of these Carts no one disputes, and they never get one of order, as hi frequently the ease of the Platform Scales; besidee, the consumer has the satisfaction of proving the weight of his Coal at him own berme. I have a large supply of Coal on hand, consictrug of I S. M. 00. 2 13 LYKENS VALLEY COAL all sizes. LTHIINS VALLEY d o IL LI WiIiKEIIBAKRB do. • Li BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do. An Coal of the beet quality mined, and dellitted from all impurities, at the lowest rates, by the boat or car load, single, half or third of tone, and by the bushel. FAMES M. WIIRMLIII. Harrisburg, September 24, 1850.--sep2s IT PATENT WEIGH CART'S. For the convenience of my numerous up town custom ers, I have established, in connection with my old yard, a Branch Coal Yard opposite North street, in a line with. the Pennsylvania canal, having the office formerly °cod pied by Mr. R. Harris, where consumers of Coal in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their Coal by the PATENT WEIGH CARTS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HAULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be purchased anywhere. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON RAND, Of LIMNS VALLEY and WILEEBSANSE, ull NIPOI, ITT' Willing to maintain fair prices, but unwitting to be undersold by any perms. 7 All Coal forked up and delivered clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at either Yard will be promptly filled, nd all Coal delivered by the Patent Weigh Carts. Coal sold by Boat, Car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel TOW N ! JAMES M. WHEELER, Harrisburg, October 13. 1860.—0ct15 T YIK.ENS VALLEY NUT COAL- For Zsle AT TWO DOLLARS PER TOE. Tr 11l Coal dolivered by PATENT WEIG IMAM'S I NAMES M. WHEELER Coaldelivered from both yards. nol7 .111ebital. HELMBOLD 9 3 HELMBOLIPS lIELMBOLUPS ELMBOLD'S ELMBOLIPS ELmnoLD , s HELMBOLD'S HELM BO LIPS HELM BOLD'S II EL MBOLLPS HELMBOI /IPS MELMBOLIPS HELMBOLD 9 S HELMBOLD 9 8 Extract Buchu, Extract Bachu, Extralt Buchu, Extract Bachu, Extract Bach% Extract aurhu, • Extract Raclin, Extract Buchn, Extract Machu, Extract Buchu, Extract Baciu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Bachu, FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. POE SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SEC HET AND D E LIC ATE DISORDERS. FOR SECR ET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AnD DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE. DISORDERS. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Speelfic Remedy A Positive and Specific .fiemedy. A:Positive and Specific Remedy. A Post ive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOR DISEASES OP THE BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLAU DE R, GRAVEL, RIDIVEYR, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, E IDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL,KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL , KIDNEYS, DROPSY' BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS; ORGAN C WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS. And all Diseases of Res uta. Organ', And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, ARISING FROM Excesses, Exposures, ani Imprudenctes in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposure+, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Ext °sures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudencies in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Impruaencies in Life. From whatever car seoriginating, nd whether existing in MALE bit F.CEALE Pen3aka, take no more Pale 3 They are Of no avail for Complaints incident to the sea. Use kXfItACT Helmbold's Extract Buda is a Medicine which is per fectly pleasant in its TASTE AND ODOR, But immediate in its action, giving Health and Vigor to the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring the patient to a perfect state of HEALTH AND PURITY. lbtlitact Eachit is prepared according to Pharmacy and Chemistry, and is pr.« scribed and used by THE MOST .EMIYENT PHYSICIANS. Delay no longer. Procure the remedy at once. Frio) $1 per bottle, or six for $5. p„ pot 104 south 'Tenth etreet, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS • Trying to palm off their own or other aitielea of BIM= on the reputalion attained by lELMEOLD , B EXTRACT 14701117, The Original and only Genuine. We desire 10 run on.the MERIT OP OUR ARTICLE! Thikhogie worthless at mud) Ism rates and WM' MiEBiODS, consequently paying a much bettat profit. • WE DEVI' 00a1PATITION! Ask for HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHIT. Take rte. other. Bold by JOHN WYETH, Druggist, corner of Market and Second streets, Harrisburg, AND ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. nol4 ditwatn. • EXTRACTS! EXTRACTS! WOODSWORTH & BIINNBL 7 8 SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS BITTER ALMOND, NECTARINE PINE APPLE, -STRAW RO BERRY, SE, LEMON AEb VANILLA, Ind puseived aind for Ml 9 bJ, 1'029 wa it . DOCW."; alt.; VALENTINES! VALENTINES I! A large assortment of. COMM and SitiotTIMENTAL VALENTINES of different eiyles and prices. For Bate at BOHEB.P.BIt'S BOOKSTORE;. feb9 . . . . 18 Market - Btreet, Harrisburg; Ps. .WINE!WELBII lIRQ. mi. -- THEM' OLD 'II.EBERVE WlNE—fun bodied and fruity. ' In dote and for sale by JOHN H. ZIEOLEH, , Market feblB PPLES 1 ! APPLES 1 1 I—Five Run .l X Bred Barrels of superior APPLES - jest-ieceAml from New York State. BOr eakt at lowest cash price by febl2 awara 117.112111.81 R. FOR RENT—The Buehler House REB- A: TAURANT, T ins We Of riZtUrei.