Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, February 16, 1861, Image 2

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    iq't ',Patriot 4' Union.
lishers and Proprietors.
Communications will not be published in the PATRIOT
VID UNION unless accompanied with the name of the
Advertising Agenta,ll9 Nassau street, New York, and
10 State street, Boston, are the Agents for the PATRIOT
AND Union, and the most influential and largest circa.
w s w oope . re In the United Retail sad
They are anthonzed to contract for us at our lowest rates
Alisecond-hand ADAY3 NUMB, platen 89% by 2011101 ms,
is good order; can be worked either byland or steam
power. Terms moderate Inquire at this once.
To Members of the Legislature.
TUE DAILY PATRIOT AND 'UNION Will be furnished to
Blemb ere of the Legislature during the session at the
row . prim of ONE DOLLAR_
Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT
-UM UNION, can procure them by leaving their orders
at the publication office, Third ot - root, or with our re
tters in either House, the evening previous.
Democratic County Convention,
At a meeting of the Democratic County Com
mittee, held at the Morgan House, February 6,
2664, in pursuance of a call of the Chairman,
k, was
Resolved, That the Chairman of the County
Committee be authorized to call a County Con
vention, to assemble at Harrisburg on the 18th
inst., for the purpose of selecting six additional
delegates to act in conjunction with those
elected by the late Democratic County Conven
tion, to represent Dauphin /Jaunty in the Demo
cratic State Convention called to meet at liar
zisburg on the 21st inst.
In pursuance of the above resolution, I here
try notify the Democratic citizens of Dauphin
county to meet in their respective wards and
townships on the 16th inst., at the usual time
and place, and select delegates to the County
Convention, to be held at Harrisburg on the
lath inst. Wm. D. BOAS, Chairman.
War. D. EARN - EST, Sec'y.
i) Cei kit 011.1i)/V 03:111
The committee, (appointed at the laatmeeting of the
Bemocraric State Committee,) to whom was entrusted
the duty of perfecting arrangements for the meeting of
the Democratic State Convention, to be held in this city
have adopted the following programme :
The Convention will be held, agreeably to the call of
the Hon. W. H. Wansu, on the 21st inst., at 3 o'clock,
p. m., in BRANT'S HALL. •
Necessary arrangements have been made to enforce
proper order in the Hall during the session of the Con
vention, and to secure the comfort of the delegates at
To avoid confusion and secure order, the Committee
of Arrangements have determined that no member or
person shall be admitted within the bar of the Conven
tion without a ticket of admission. Delegacy, upon
their arrival, will please call at Room No 3, BUEHLER
HOUSE, where they will be supplied with tickets. Re
porters of the Press must apply as above to secure seats.
Suitable accommodations have also been provided for
the public outside of the bar of the Convention.
Excursion tickets to Harrisburg and return, good from
the 21st to the 23d inst., can be obtained at the regular
stations of the Pennsylvania Central, Philadelphia and
Beading, and Cumberland Valley railroads.
Chairman Committee of Arrangements.
Relations of the New Confederacy to Other
We have already referred to the influence
which the establishment of a Government for
the "Confederate States of America" is likely
to have upon the question of peace or war be
tween the seceding States and the Government
of the United States; but we had not then the
opportunity to consider the relations of the new
Confederacy to this and other Governments
respectively. The adoption of a Constitution
and the election of officers under it, is an easy
matter, and quickly accomplished, as - we have
seen by the proceedings at Montgomery. The
establishment of a stable Government, which
shall be admitted to the family of nations as
an equal, possessing the right to separate and
independent existence, and the power to com
mand respect from other Governments, is the
work of time, requiring a large measure of
wisdom and experienced statesmanship.
Such is the understanding in which the peo
ple of the cotton States have enlisted, and
which it is their evhlent purpose to carry to a
successful issue. That it is an earnest move
ment, the support event:led to it by the entire
population of the Confederate States, affords
the strongest evidence. That it has the ele
ments of success, the great ability of its leading
actors, and especially of its chosen Executive
officers, furnishes the strongest assurance. But
that it has to encounter difficulties and obstacles
of immense magnitude, is evident to every
reflecting observer, and especially to every at
tentive student of history.
"The Confederate of States of America"
enter upon their national existence at a period
of general peace
. throughout the world, but
nevertheless under circumstances of great pub
lic interest and concern. Upon their success
or failure, depends the great question whether
the establishment of another power, similar in
the theory and form of its government to the
United States, shall be permitted upon territory
hitherto subject to the latter ; and possibly,
also, whether the experiment of free govern
ment shall be a success - or a failure. It is a
bold step which they have taken, but we are
obliged to conclude that it has beeh taken with
i. deliberate understanding of its responsibili
ties, and a purpose on the part of its promoters,
to devote " their lives, their fortunes, and their
sacred honor" to its maintenance.
The question of first importance to the new
Confederacy is, how will its representatives be
received by other nations? Will its indepen
dence be acknowledged by the "United States,
of which the States .comprising the new Gov
ernment_ were lately a part ? Will it be recog
nised as an independent power by the other
nations of the world ? These are vital ques
tions, to be solved at no distant day—upon
*at principle, time alone can disclose. The
nation of governments other than the United
Mates, will doubtless be influenced, in no small
degree, by the policy which the latter shall
determine upon, towards the seceded States.
If this Government shall decide to allow the
States now composing the Southern Confeder
acy, and such others as shall hereafter join
Chem, to go in peace—to sever their political
relations and establish new ones, W ith ou t a
resort - to force to detain them—no serious ob
stacle would exist to a prompt recognition on
the part of Ehgland, France, and other great
towers. Thrst would follow of course, and
without.hesitation or question, as carrying out
the universal law of nations; and our Southern
neighbors, late our fellow-citizens, would find
themselves speedily launched on the voyage of
nationality, with flattering prospects of suc-
Should the policy of the United States be
belligerent instead of peaceful—should Con
gress and the Executive decide upon coercion,
or what amounts to the same thing, an attempt
to retake the
fortifications in the Southern
States, deny
the right of the " Confederate
States" to separate nationality, the question
presented for the consideration of foreign
powers would assume a different character, and
possibly become one of protracted diplomacy.
The principle which usually governs the action
of nations, is, to recognize de facto govern
ment as entitled, for the time being, to diplo
matic relationi. Questions may however arise
in this case, as they have with regard to other
countries, as to which is the de facto govern
ment,—“the United States of America," or
"the Confederate States of America." If the
former shall decide to attempt a blockade of
all the Southern ports, and to collect revenue
from all vessels entering or seeking to enter
them, although it may not exercise other juris
diction, even to the maintenance of law over a
single mile of territory, the effect, so far as
foreign commerce is concerned, will be much
the same as if it held exclusive jurisdiction
over the whole country. To suppose that the
new Confederacy will submit to such a policy
without a resort to arms, is to suppose them
prepared to abandon the entire plan which
they have laid out fpr establishing a govern
ment; a conclusion by no means warranted by
the history and character of their movements
up to the present moment. But however this
may be, we can hardly suppose that the leading
powers of Europe would consent, for any con
siderable time, to be practically cut off from
all intereenrse with two-thirds of the Atlantic
seaboard, and from all advantages* of traffic
with the Cotton States of America. They
might submit to some inconveniences of this
sort for a limited period, out of respect to the
Government of the United States, but such
submission must have a reasonable limit, and
sooner or later, we apprehend, thelatter would
be compelled either to withdraw its pretensions,
or encounter the hostility of the strongest
powers on tbe globe; unless indeed the entire
subjugation of the seceding States should in
the mean time be accomplished, and this free
government converted into a despotism.
While it is impossible for any one at this time
to say what may be the policy of the Govern.
meat of the United States, after the fourth of
March next, towards the Southern Confederacy,
we can conceive of no state of facts which can
long keep the business of that section isolated
from the commerce of the world. The laws of
trade, no less than the law of nations, forbid
it ; and while, in this article, we have not space
to enter upon a discussion of the principles
which should govern the action of the United
States on this new and important question, we
have no hesitation in declaring our conviction
that it ought not to be, and must not be, such
as to cripple the commerce or inflict injury upon
the business of the nations—including the new
Confederacy—which wonld be effected by any
permanent blockade of Southern ports. In be
half of the great commercial interests, we shall
deem it our duty to protest against such a line
of action, from whatever quarter it may ema
nate. In this enlightened age, when the evils
and inconveniences of war are everywhere, by
general consent, ameliorated, it will not do for
the Government of the 'United States to inau
gurate a policy which must derange the business
of the world, and bring commercial ruin upon
the people of this and other eountries.—Jouroal
of Commerce.
There really seems to be a slight difference
growing up between the Republican magnates.
The New York Courier flatly says that—
" Greeley and Garrison—The Tribune and
Liberator—looks upon disunion as a blessing,
if in its train it brings servile insurrection and
the abolition of slavery; but not so Mr. Lincoln,
or Mr. Seward, or Mr. Weed, or ourselves, or
the hundreds of thousands of Union-loving and
law-abiding Republicans, who, though opposed
to slavery extension and determined never to
become propagandists of the institution, still
recognize the fact, that it has rights under the
But how is this ? Hon. Masz-a Greeley claims
Lincoln as /cis great Pan Jandrum, and says he
will stand firm against Weed & Co. !
The way in which thz. New York Courier and
Enquirer pitches into the New York Tribune,
both Republicans of the first water, is just this.
The Courier says to the Tribune—
" Expediency, the sacrifice of principles, and
compromise, were all legitimate according to
the Tribune, ashen necessary for obtaining
power and dispensing patronage; but not to be
thought of, tolerated, or resorted to, for the
nobler purposes of conciliating the moderate
men of the border States, and thereby preser
ving the Constitution and the Union without
The Democracy of the North are for the
Union. They are for the Union as established
by the Costitution. They are for the Union on
grounds of equity and justice to all its various
sections. They have been fighting for the Union
on these grounds for the last twenty-five years.
They have been fighting the Black Republican
party, and they have warned the leaders of that
party, that just so surely as they persisted in
the crusade they were carrying on against the
South, just so surely would disunion come.—
Thus have the Democracy of the North shown
their devotion . to the Union.
singular and most unfortunate accident, occur
red at the residence of Mrs. N. K. Benton, in
Warehouse Point, Connecticut, on Friday
morning. The pipes connecting the tank and
range, Usually filled with water, became fro
zen the previous night, and the ice preventing
the steam from escaping, when a fire was built,
an explosion naturally followed. The range
was rendered a complete wreak, the room
filled with burning coals and bricks, stove
covers, tea kettles and hot water were thrown
in all directions. Mrs. Benton and a couple of
children were in the room at the time, and all
of them were more or less injured, and herself
and a young son, about three years old, quite
seriously. Both were knocked nearly sense
less, and badly burned by the burning coals.
EXPEDITION.—The Galveston News says:
The great "Buffalo hunt" expedition was to
start from Lost Valley on the 17th. Col. John
R. Baylor is in command, and he will, we trust,
be able to give a good account of the maura
ding redskins, and what has become of them.
We have great hopes of this expedition, not
withstanding the commander has much to con
tend with in the inexperience of his troops, as
well as in scarcity of grass, and the want of
arms in the expedition. He will make the
expedition tell however, our word for it.
The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock by
the SPEAKER. Prayer by Rev. Father Maher.
Mr. SMITH presented a 'petition from tax
payerti of Philadtlphia, praying for the passage
of the bill for the erection of the public build
Mr. PARKER, petitions oflike import,
Also, from citizens of the First, Second and
Third precincts of the Fifth ward, Philadelphia,
remonstrances against being annexed to the
Fourth ward.
Mr. SMITH, remonstrances of like import.
Also, a petition from the Philadelphia. Ger
mantown and Norristown railroad company,
praying for the paseage cf en act authorizing
the Auditor General to re-open and settle an
account for taxes paid on dividends.
Mr. CONNELL, a memorial from 200 citizens
of the Nineteenth ward, Philadelphia, praying
for the erection of the Twenty-fifth ward.
Mr. THOMPSON, a petition from citizens of
Perkiomen township, Montgomery county,
praying for a law changing their place of
holding the elections.
Mr. KETCHAM, thirty remonstrances from
citizens of Luzern° county, against changing
the mode of advertising sheriff sales.
Mr. CRAWFORD, a petition from citizens of
Juniata county, praying for the repeal of the
96th and 96th sections of the Penal Code.
Mr. WELSH, a petition from citizens of York
county, praying for the repeal of their fishing
Mr. SALL, a remonstrance from citizens of
Blair county, against any act incorporating
companies to sink wells in search of oil; also,
from citizens of Cambria county, of like im
Mr. KETCHAM, from citizens of Blakely
township, Luzerne county, praying for an act
authorizing the erection of a poor house in said
Mr. FULLER, remonstrances from West
moreland and Fayette counties, against the re
peal of the tonnage tax.
Mr. ROBINSON, a petition from citizens of
Allegheny township, Venango county, praying
for the passage of a law to change the plane of
holding their elections.
Mr. CONNELL, an act to incorporate the
Walker Hall association, of Germantown; also,
cm act relative to a certain alley or street in
Philadelphia ; also, a bill relating to St. Mary's
Church, in the city of Philadelphia.
Mr. IMBRIE offered the following ; which
was twice read, and passed :
Resolved, That when the Senate adjourns, it
adjourns to meet on Monday next, at 8 o'clock,
p. in.
Mr. EVILER, called up House bill, entitled
' 4 An act to authorize the sale of certain real
estate in Fayette county ;" which was passed
finally ; also, an act to repeal an act increasing
the pay of
. commissioners, jurors and witnesses,
so far as regards Fayette county; which passe
Mr. WELSH called up a supplement to an
act in relation to elections and - election dis
tricts ; which was passed.
Mr. FULLER called up the act authorizing
the election of additional supervisors in certain
townships in Westmoreland and Monroe coun
ties ; which was passed.
Mr. MEREDITH called up House bill, enti
tled "An act to authorize the appointment of
an auctioneer in Armstrong county ;" which
was negatived.
Mr. PARKER called up HouSe bill, entitled
"An act to incorporate the Philadelphia 'Turn
gemeimi " which passed finally.
Mr. PENNEY called up an act authorizing
the election of additional supervisors in Alle
gheny and Monroe counties; which was passed.
Mr. - IT - 11 tiff tab — aCt'eicetranag'tSe
provisions of the general manufacturing law
to the manufacturers of brushes ; which was
Mr. ROBINSON called up the bill authori
zing the laying out of a State road in Clarion
and Venango counties ; which was passed.
Mr. SEERILL called up the act to change the
place of holding the election in Sadsbury town
ship, Chi ster county ; which was passed.
Mr. FINNEY laid before the Senate a letter
from the President elect., accepting an invita
tion to visit Harrisburg. The letter is dated at
Springfield, on the Bth inst., and leaves the
time of his visit to be governed by future
Mr. SMITH called up the act incorporating
the Fishing Creek improvement company ;
which was passed.
Mr. CONNELL called up House bill changing
the name of Ben Welsh, which passed finally.
Mr. PARKER called uphill incorporating the
Lombard and South Street passenger railway
company. Laid over on second reading.
Mr. BOUGHTER asked for and obtained
leave to read in place an act authorizing Daniel
Zook and Daniel Royer to sell certain real es
tate in Lebanon county.
On motion, adjourned.
FRIDAY, Feb. 15, 1861
The House was called to order at 10 o'clock
a. m., !ty the SPEAKER.
The Clerk read the Journal of Thursday,
although several motions to the contrary were
offered and failed.
A supplement to an act for the preservation
of game was considered in committee of the
whole, amended and finally postponed.
An act to provide for the settlement of claims
against the Commonwealth was considered in
committee of the whole, and being decided to
b e a private bill, was postponed.
The next bill in order was one changing the
name of the Sunbury and Erie railroad com
pany, and to facilitate the completion of the
The bill having been read, Mr. BALL offered
a substitute, similar to the first bill, with ihe
addition of a supplement.
The question being on the adoption of the
Substitute, Mr. FRAZIER moved to postpone
for the present ; which was lost, yeas 22, nays
Mr. BURNS offered an amendment, obliging
the Sunbury and Erie company - to give bonds of
the par value of one half million dollars, to
aid a railroad from Brookville to Ridgway.—
Mr. HILL moved to amend so as only to
allow the issue of bonds to the amount of
$2,000,000, instead of $5,000,000.
Mr, HILL defended hip amendment, but it
was lost by a vote of 20 yeas to 69 nays.
Mr. ELLIOTT moved to amend so as to make
the new bonds liable to taxation. Lost—ayes
26, noes 58.
Mr. HILL moved to amend so as to require
the bonds to be delivered pari passu with the
progress of the work. Lost—ayes 25, noes 59.
Mr. WILLIAMS inquired as to the authority
upon which the scrip had been issued in 1860.
The terms of the act of 1860 recognized no
such power in the company. There was j
consideration contained therein by which the
Commonwealth was bound.
Mr. BALL held that the Supreme Court had
decided that the power to create a debt implied
a power to give evidences of it.
Mr. WILLIAMS said that while this was
true of an individual, it was not true of a cor
poration, which existed only by specified pow
ers" expressly given by the Legislature. The
law of Pennsylvania was that nothing should
be "implied." The decision of the Supreme
Court did , not apply. He again demanded to
know by what authority the scrip had been
issued ?
Mr. TELLER, called the previous question,
but the call was not sustained.
Mr. FRAZIER moved to adjourn; whioh was
FRIDAY, Feb. 15, 1861.
The question was then talon upon the
amendment of' Mr. WILLIAMS, and it was lost
by a vote of 21 ayes to 62 noes. Adjourned.
Mr. BALL offered an additional section pro
viding for the deposit of the issue of bonds of
$5,000,000 with the State Treasurer, and their
delivery to the company par/ paeau as the work
Mr. BALL defended this.
Mr. WILLIAMS moved that the amendment
be printed, and that until printed the matter be
On this the ayes and noes were required, and
were—yeas 25, nays 65.
The substitute, as amended ; was agreed to ;
and was ordered to be transcribed for a third
An act for the commutation of tonnage duties
was then considered in committee of the whole,
Mr. SHEPPARD in the Chair. The committee
having reported the bill without amendment, it
was considered by the House.
Mr. BLISS ineitd to amend the first section
as follows :
"And the said company shall pay annually
on the 31st day of July into the Treasury of
Pennsylvania the sum of $75,000 for twenty
years, which said sum shall be appropriated as
a fund to the common schools of the State."
On the amendment the ayes and noes were
required and were—ayes 29, noes 65.
Mr. BARNSLEY offered an amendment;
which was lost by a vote of 24 ayes to 68 noes.
Mr. BOYER moved to adjourned; which was
not agreed to.
The bill was then read section by section.
Mr. ARMSTRONG offered an amendment
prodding that the PensylTsnia railroad com
pany instead of expending $850,000 to pur
chase bonds of branch roads, should appro
priate the amount to pay the State debt.
Mr. ARMSTRONG held that the amount
named was already due within a fraction from
the company to the State. The money thus
being held by the company only as a debtor or
trustee, could not be appropriated under the
Constitution, except to the payment of the
State debt. The passage of the act would
bring the matter before the Supreme Court.
Mr. ABBOTT defended the terms of the act,
and the object which was to be attained by its
Mr. BLISS moved that the House adjourn ;
which was not agreed to.
Mr. WILLIAMS delivered a speech denoun
cing the Pennsylvania railroad company.
Mr. HILL moved to adjourn. On this the
ayes and noes were called, and it was lost by
39 ayes to 50 noes.
Mr. WILLIAMS continued further.
On the amendment of Mr. ARMSTRONG,
the ayes were 37, the nays 47.
Mr. WILSON moved to adjourn ; which was
agreed to.
instant, Mr. John L. Gough, of Centreville,
Md., was severely injured and narrowly
escaped with his life, while gunning with a
party of his friends on Corsica creek. He
was in the act of pushing the boat from the
shore, when the sleeve of his coat became
hooked in the "sight" of a large duck-gun,
and dragging the gun, it fell and exploded,
the whole load passing immediately between
his arm and body. A few of the shot entered
his right arm, and remained buried there, just
above the elbow. Had the load passed an inch
to the left it would have caused immediate
death ; as it was, it tore away the entire clothiug
in front of his breast.—Times.
TRADE WITH JAPAN.—The ship Phantom,
Captain Sargent, which arrived at New York
last week from Shanghae, brought one of the
most valuable cargoes ever imported into this
country from China, its value reaching between
eight and nine hundred thousand dollars—con
sisting of teas, cassia, and raw silk. Of the
hater tnet - e — WAre 15041- ASIA of these - 144
contained the Japanese raw silk, brought from
Japan to China for shipment to New York.
As each bale of the Japanese silk is worth about
$BOO, and as this is but the commencement of
the shipments, some idea may be formed of the
trade likely to grow up between the two coun
tries, indirect at present, but which will doubt
less soon be direct.
SHOCKING ACCIDENT.—On Saturday evening
last, Mr. Michael Casey, who has been for a
considerable time in the employ of the Hanover
Railroad Company; met with death in a sudden
and shocking manner. He left Hanover on the
evening train which was going to the Junction,
and got off three or four miles below Hanover.
This was the last seen of him alive. He was
killed by the returning train. He must have
been lying on the track, and was not observed
by the engineer, who was not even aware of
having passed over any obstruction. His dead
body was discovered in the course of the eve
ningovith the head entirely severed from the
body, and his legs cut into three pieces, and
otherwise mutilated.— Gettysburg (Pa.) Sentinel.
NavAL.—The United States revenue cutter
Harriet Lane is to be temporarily converted
into a man-ofwar, She is now at the Brooklyn
navy-yard, to receive a new and formidable
armament. Four 84 cwt. guns, one 12 pound
howitzer, and a quantity of shot and shell,
will be put on hoard. It is said that a marine
guard is to be detailed for her immediately.—
The storeship Supply is ordered to the Florida
coast, with stores and provisions for the Home
Squadron. The Mississippi, at Boston, is ready
for sea. Letters for the Brooklyn, Macc donian,
Wyandotte, St. Louis and Sabine, will be for
warded by the Supply, if left at the Brooklyn
- aval Lyceum, without expense.
retest invention is a sleeping-car cap. It con
iists of a small velvet or cloth skull cap, orna
'nented according to the taste of the wearer,
kith a couple of long. straps attached to each
sde of the cap. When the traveler becomes
"Marled or sleepy, he or she puts on the cap
aid attaches the straps, by means of brass
kooks, to the back of the seat next forward of
to traveler, and then leans hack composedly,
tie bead supported by the cap and braces and
weeps as comfortably as if reposing in bed.
Iring the destruction of Yeun-ming-Yeun,
to soldiers came upon two presents that had
'len sent to the Emperor of China by Lord
Apcar,tney from George lll.—a state coach and
to twelve pound howitzers—complete in every
v4y, and in very good condition and repair;
troy have never made any endeavor to improve
tcnir own field artillery carriages. Shot and
still were even piled close to the guns in the
each house in which they were found.
Pimerston, in a recent speech, said:—"lf any
m 6, twenty years ago, had told me that you
weild have English and French troops in Pe
kil he would have been laughed at as a vis
io ry. That, however, has.been accomplished,
auk trust that the accomplishment of that
evc4t will lead to the establishment of those
pe anent relations of peace and commerce
wi China, which will be equally advantage
oust() Europe and to the remoter part of Asia."
ECTS OF THE galSlS.—Friday and Satur
day st were two of the most calamitous days
eve ; flown in the commercial history of New
Yo r It is said that not less than ninety firms
wet forced to succumb to the pressure, and
am them many heretofore deemed opulent
houses as Freeland, Squires i¢ Co.,
whe has been in existenc a for a quarter of a
eel ry.
on Wednesday Hugh Ward attempted to
himself with a pistol. Prior to this he
tabbed his wife three times. She is not
ted to recover. On Tuesday she drew
rom the Savings Bank, and would not,
said, give him the amount he desired.
supposod to have prompted these deeds.
ierine Hayes is making a musical tour
:h Ireland.
it I
BILE.—The common council of Mobile have
recently passed an ordinance changing the
names of various streets in that eity. The
changes are as follows ; That the name and title
of Main street be changed to Palmetto street;
Massachusetts be changed to Charleston street ;
New Hampshire be changed to Augusta street;
Rhode Island be changed to Savannah street;
Connecticut be changed to Elmira street ; Ver
mont be changed to Texas street; Pennsylva
nia be changed to Montgomery street.
PENSACOLA.—On January 16 and 17, and
after the State forces had reaceed Pensacola,
Lieut. Slemmer sent a boat to Fort Mcßae and
destroyed 40,000 pounds of powder in store
there. He also carried over to Fort Pickens
all the shell and shot which he could remove.
The ardor of the State troops had been greatly
dampened by the discovery that the one hun
dred and ten men in the fort were numerous
enough to manage the guns, and that the how
itzers on the angle could be fired at the rate of
ten shots per minute.
Legislature of New Mexico has passed an act
for the election of delegates to form a State
Constitution, which is to be held in May next.
The delegates are to meet in June to discharge
the duties which will thus be imposed upon them,
and the Constitution they form is afterward to
be submitted to the people, for ratification or
rejection, at a general election to be held in
a recent terrific snow storm in England, forty
of the laborers on the Rosedale railway, driven
from the works by the severity of the 'weather,
sought shelter in the Esklitt huts, on a bleak
Yorkshire moor, where they were snowed in,
and over forty-eight hours elapsed before they
were dug out, almost exhausted with cold and
At the close of the old year, and the begin
ning of the new, the inhabitants of Siena, in
Central Daly . , were startled by the fall of rain,
on three several occasions, of a deep red color.
The phenomena are more remarkable from the
fact that at each occurrence they were limited
to a certain district, outside of which the rain
was of the usual colorless hue.
SUICIDE.-A youth named Charles Roberts,
aged about 16 years, a son of John Roberts,
committed suicide on Tuesday, by hanging
himself in the barn upon his father's premises
at Smithfield, in'the Twenty-third Ward, Phila
Marvin died at Rochester, N. Y., a few days
since, from eating opium. She had been in
the habit of using opium for the last 12 years,
taking about ten grains per day. On the day
of her death she took thirty grains.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kean will soon revisit
this country. Mrs. Kean is in her fifty-sixth
Prices of beef in the New York cattle market
continue to fall. The highest price is now
about 9 cents per lb. and 7/ the average.
SENATE.- Mr. Wade (Ohio) presented peti
tions numerously signed by citizens of Phila
delphia, in favor of the Union, and the Con
stitution and the laws.
HOUSE.-Mr. John Cochrane (N. Y.) pre
sented the memorial of the New York Chamber
of Commerce protesting against the passage of
the tarriff bill, specifying its objectionable
feature as the repeal of the warehouse system.
The private calender was taken up.
Workingmen's National Convention.
At a meeting of the Workingmen's Commit-
Lae of_ 83 hell' on the 14th inst., a ,Committee
was appointed to make suitable arrangements
for the meeting of the Convention on the 22d
of the present month. Delegates from any and
all of the United States, who purpose attending
said Convention, are requested to inform J. W.
Van Houton by telegraph.
The President Elect—lnvitation to Visit
The Committee appointed by a public meet
ing of citizens,' irrespective of party, have
tendered an invitation to the President elect, to
visit Lancaster on his way to Washington. The
invitation will reach him at Albany. The Com
mittee will meet Mr. Lincoln. at Philadelphia
From Boston.
The Colored Convention last night adapted
an appeal to the citizens against the extinction
of their rights of suffrage.
The city Government has passed a resolution
inviting Senator Crittenden to visit Boston,
after the adjournment of Congress.
The Markets.
Flour dull; -mixed and superfine at $5a5.12 per MA ,
and extra family at $5.37 . 34a5 75; fancy lots $6a6.50. Rye
flour $3.50. Corn meal 287 3a2.99. Wheat light ; Pen
na. and Western red at $1.28a1 28% ; white $1.13a1.45.
Ilya 66a680. Corn 57tt580. for new—old Oc.
Penns. 173 o.; Drudge 1.7 e,
NEW YORK, Feb. 15.
Flour quiet; 6,003 bbls. sold. Wheat steady; 4,000
bushels sold. Milwaukie Club Whent.sl.22. Corn firm ;
10,000 bushels sold at 66c. Pork dull ; Mess $l7 ; Prime
813. Whisky firm at 1734 c. Receipts of flour, 053 bbls ;
Wheat, 2,620 bushels; Corn, 6 ; 356 bushels. Stocks are
Flour is more active i City Mills, $5 q Howard s treet,
$5.12%. Wheat steady, at $1.28a1.29 for lied, and $1.40
al 60 for White. Corn dull, at 1:3:156e. for Yellow.—
Provisions steady at $17.75 for Mess, and $13.50 for
Primo. Lard sells at 10e. Coffee steady at 123.4'a13e.
Whisky dull at 18e.
Methere, read thin.
The following is au extract from a letter written by
a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and
Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in
favor of that world-renowned medicine—MaS. Wins
'; We see an advertisement in your columns of llfrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a word
is favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no
oLsims. It is, probably, one of the most successful
medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And
those of your readers who have babies can't do better
than to lay in a supply. sep29-114burly
From the Independent, New York, July 28,1859.
GLUE .—Our advertising columns contain some testi
monies to the value of a new article known as " Sp/ad- -
lag's Prepared Glue, ,, useful to housekeepers for mending
furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is
kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the
chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving
the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this
article has the excellent phrenological quality of "large
For sale by C. A. BANITYABT, NO. 2 Jones' Row
effect of purging with BRANDRETIPS PILLS is to re
store the health, no matter from what cause it may be
suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys
tem; and they have the same power of expulsion over
miasm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed
any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever.
In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and inn.
pure blood results in disease.
though innocent as bread, yet they are caps le of puri
fying the blood and curing disease. So, they cure all
kinds of fevers, all asthmas, catarrhs, costiveness and
painful affections of every kind.
Bold, price 26 cents, et No, 294 Canal eft, New York,
and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC if BELL, corner
of Second and Chestnut streets, HarrishErg, and by all
respectable dealers in medicines de9-d&wlm
An experienced nurse and female physician, has a Sooth
ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate
the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing as
inSamnation—will allay all pain, and is sure to regulate
the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to
yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per
ectly safe in all cease. See advertisement in another col •
num. aug19,1859-d&wly
BOSTON, Feb. 15
al Rig
7 1 1 k °
H ; dae a
By the nee or these Pills the periodic attads et Net.
yobs or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken
at the commencement or an attack immediate mi ff trot ,
pain and sickness will be obtained.
They seldom fsil in removing the Hanna and Head
ache to which females are so subject.
They act gently upon the boweltio, removing 0 4 .i.h. c .
For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, sad
all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a
Laxative s improving the appetite, giving ;gni a n d do ,
to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity
and strength of the whole system.
The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi
gation and =Wally conducted experimente, having be e ,
in use many years, during which time they have pretested
and relieved a vast amount of pain and offering from
Headache, whether originating in the AMMO= eyeWm or
from a deranged state of the stemaelt.
They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and
may be taken at all times with perfect safety without ma.
king any change of diet, and the absence of any data.
grecabis goats renders it easy to administer them to
The genuine have Ave signatures of Henry O. Spalding en
each box.
Bold by Druggists and all other dealers in Medicines.
A Box will be sent by mall prepaid on receipt of the
All orders should be addressed to
At Ow Testitttonleas were unsolicited by Mr. SPALI)
• ING, they afford unquestionable proof of the effi
cacy of this truly scientific discovery.
CoNN., Feb. EON].
I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and I like them so well
that I want you to send me two dollars worth more.
Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom' . gavot
few out of the drat box I got from you.
Bend the Pills by mail, and oblige
Your ob't Servant,
HATBAFORD, PA., Feb. 0,1881
I wish you to send me one more box of your Cephalic
Pillo l Ihave received a great deal of benefit from them.
Yours, respectfully,
January 18, 1861.
You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic
Pills. Bend them immediately.
Respectfully yours
Jig°. D. SIMONS.
P. 9.—1 have used onebox of your Pills, andfind them
BELLE VERNON, OHIO, lan 15,1861.
Please find enclosed twenty-five cents for which send
me another box or your Cephalic Pills, They arc cm's ,
the best Pills •I have ever tried ,
Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co., o
I wish for some circulars or largo show bills, to bring
your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my custo
mers. If you have anything of the kind, please send to
One of my customers, who is subject to seven B , ick
Headache, (usually lasting two days,) was cured Or am
attack in one hour by your Pills, which I sent her.
Respectfully yours,
• W. B. W ILKEE^.
January 9, 1861.
No. 48 Cedar et., N. Y.
Enclosed find twenty-live cents, (25 ) for which Seta
box of 'Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev. 'Wm.
C. Filler, Ituyuoldsbu•g, Franklin Co., Ohio.
Your Pills tomk like a charm—cure Headache aline :
Truly yours,
Iif3ILAISTI, MICH., tan. 14 ; 1861
Not long since I sent to you fora box of Cephalic Pills
for the cure of the Neryinta Readache grid votivene=4,
and received the seine, and they had so good an e,lßet
that I was induced to send for more.
Please send by return mail. Direct to
Ypsilanti, Alicia,
From the Examiner, Nal:folk, Va,
Cephalic Pills accomplish the object for which they
were made, viz : Cure of headache in all its forms.
From the Examiner : Norfolk, Va.
They have been tested in more than a thousand case;
with entire success.
From the Democrat, St. Cloud. Minn.
If you aro, or have been troubled - with the headache,
send for a box, (Cephalic Pills,) so that you may have
them in case of an attack.
From the Advertiser. Providence, R. I.
The Cephalic Pills are said to be a remarkably effec
tive remedy for the headache. and one of the very best
for that very frequent complaint which has ever been
From the Western R. R. tin-tette ; Chicago, 171.
We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled
Cephalic Pills.
From (/e Xeniawha Valley Star, Kanawha, Va,
We are sure that persons suffering with the headache,
who try them, wal stick to them.
From the Southern Path. Finder, Nem Orleans, La.
Try them you that are afficted, and we are sure that
your testimony can be added to the already numerou4
list that has received benefits that no other medicine can
From the St. Louis Democrat.
The ittittlerise demand for the Ar (Nklibli Pills) is
rapidly increasing.
U A eii gle bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE
will gave ten times its mat annually..fil
As accidents will happen, even in well regulated fami
lies, it is very desirable to have some cheap and conve
nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, &c.
meets all such emerencies, and no house
up hol to thed can a
to be without it. It is always ready, and
ing point
N. B.—A brush accompanies each Bottle. Price 2,5
cents. Address,
No. 48 CEDAR,Etreet, New York
As tertian unprincipled persons are attempting to palm
off on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PRE
PARED GLUE, I would caution all persons to examine
before purchasing, and Eee that the full name,
is on the outside wrapper ; all others are swindling coun
aol4•d&wy. •