Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, February 14, 1861, Image 2

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lishen and -Propitotoni
.Ckkuunaugestlonswill not be published in the PATRIOT
•in.llsnoa Unless accompanied with the name of the
Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau strort„.- 1 '
10 State street, Boston, are the Ai -
AND UNION, and the moat influ_r
bating leeydkpapend In the
They are authorized to
„....s.deitear l
0 6 er i York, and
A R or the PATRIOT
_.do 'al and largest dram.
led States and 011itadaS
-0 tractfornsatourietesstrates
A e ud-Insud Apse Passa,platen 30,14 by 26 inches,
in order; can be worked either by hand or steam
War. Terms moderate Inquire at this alias.
To Members of the Legislature.
Tmi DULY PATRIOT AND UNION will be funna' hed to
Members of the Legielature during the session at the
low price of Oils DOLLAR.
Members wishing extra caples of the DAILY PATRIOT
Alm Urnon, can procure them by leaving their orders
at the publication office r Third street, or with our re
porters in either House, the evening previous.
Democratic County Convention.
At a' meeting of the Democratic County Com•
mittee, held at the Morgan House, February 6,
1861, in pursuance of a call of the Chairman,
it was
Resolved, That the Chairman of the County
Committee be authorized to call a County Con
vention, to assemble at Harrisburg on the 18th
inst., for the purpose of selecting six additional
delegates to act in conjunction with those
elected by the late Democratic County Conven
tion, to represent Dauphin county in the Demo
cratic State Convention called to meet at Har
risburg on the 21st inst.
In pursuance of the above resolution, I here
by notify the Democratic citizens of Dauphin
county to meet in their respective wards and
townships •on the 16th inst., at the usual time
and' place, and select delegates to the County
tionvention, to be held at Harrisburg on the
18th inst. Wit. D. Boes, Chairman.
Wm. D. EARNEST, Sec'y.
Party Before the Union.
The. New York Tribune is in ecstasies with
Mr.' 'Lthoor.n. His Indianapolis speech, and
particularly a recent article in the Springfield
Journal, satisfied GREELEY that the President
has determined upon the line of policy that he
will pursue—that he is against compromise or
concession of any sort—that he will not recede
a step from the principles of the Chicago plat
form—that he Will use the army and navy of
the United States to recapture the forts taken
possession of by the authorities of the seceding
Stat Si—that; in short, he will do nothing to
repair the calamity which his election to the
Presidency has inflicted upon the country, but
will direct all his energies towards punishing
the South for its rebellion. This is to be the
policy of the Lincoln administration. All ideas
of a peaceful settlement are to be discouraged.
Lincoln will stand by the platform of his party
if the Union crumble to fragments, and even at
the cost of a bloody war. The Tribune is de
lighted at the prospect. The Union is not to
be patched up by compromise, and Lincoln has
detesmined to side with the ultra-Republicins.
If my man. doubts that the leaders of the
'Wyattlican party are bent upon carrying out
their extreme doctrines even at the cost= of the
Union, let him read the following exposition of
tlio . Republican creed from the TrOune of Tues
day last
What, however, we are not ready to abandon,
is our prinelplo6; and so long as the Republi
can party remains faithful to the ideas with
which it won the Presidential election, eo tong
we are devoted to it heart and soul. The chief
of these ideas is that sbivery shall'not De ex
tended:by the power and influence of the Fed
eral :Government; and the preservation of that
idea, and of that policy, we regard as of vastly
Ouster - moment to America and to the world, than
the preier'vation of the Union.
_ Here we. are told that the preservation of the
ideas of the Republican party are of vastly
greater moment than the preservation of the
Union. The Trihune would rather see the Union
dissolved than slavery extended, or a single
slave' Stale added to the Confederacy. And
M. Mecum is - going to use the government
for.the execution of this malign policy,
- The State and the Sunbury and Erie Rail
road—A Practical View.
The project of making a railroad from Phil
adelphia to the Lakes, to compete with New
York for the vast trade of those inland seas,
has, been the dream of our statesmen for more
than a quarter of a century. Pennsylvania,
'with characteristic caution, witnessed the en
terprise of New York in completing two rail
ways and a canal of great capacity to conduct
the trade of the Lakes to her metropolis, before
she awoke from her slumber, and commeeeed
the work - of constructing the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad. That enterprise languished, passed
from one management to another, and nearly
'died from lack of necessary sympathy and aid,
- until the Commonwealth:listened to its appeals,
- and sold the' canels in the - possession of the
State to the company, upon such terms as were
intended to promote its comPletion:
The available means thus obtained have been
exhausted, the road is nearly finished, and the
question is now presented to thiState whether
She continue to regard this enterprise with
AMA OP abandon it, and undo all r that she has
:already done to accomplish:its cempletion.
4..ef tin" look at this question in a practical
ligficdivested of all prejudices arising from
; peat..; transactions. The State has a double
• Interest in:-the Sunbury and Erie' railroad:
'First, That it shall be immediately comple.
d ted, fotihe develOpment of the country through
and to secure to this State
commercial advantages, flowing from direct
Communication with the Lakes.
Second, That the claim which the State has
upon - the road - for - the price of the State ca
nals shall be ultimately paid.
Row can both these interests be 'subserved ?
is obvious that they go hand in hand. They
:Oarinot be severed without working a double
Wavy; Whatever policy benefits the company
: ,I,qtiony benefits the State—iedireetly, in pro -
Inoting the 'welfare of her citizens, and directly,
is increasing the security for the amount due
to the TreaSury.
p'ow: let. us go back a moment and see the"
;pooitioit of . both parties. When the Sunbury
Bpd Erie =oempani purchased the State canals;
it: xecuted a mortgage upon the whole line of
raid finished and in process of completion,
of geveit - mill' ions of dollars to secure the pay
ment 'of bonds of an equal amount, one -half of
which ($3,500,000) were retained by the State
as an equivalent for the canals, and the other
half held for the use of the company. These
bonds, being all based upon the same mort
gage, have equal securi -: Those belonging
to the State haven riority of lien over those
belonging to he company. At the last sefaU
of the .IJegrilature the company was authorized
to sue scrip lq'the amount .of $860,000 for
the payment of pressing demands, which was
made a first lien upon the road, taking prece
dence of the seven million mortgage.
- iii.voneequence of depression in monetary
affairs and the extent of this mortgage, the
Company was unable to dispose of its bonds
without ruinous sacrifice, r and hence the work
had to be stopped upon the road after being
energetically conducted to a point near com
pletion. For the purpose of removing this
difficulty and furnishing them with marketable
bonds to finish and equip their road,, the com
pany ask that the Legislature authorize it .to
issue $5,000,000 bonds and secure the same by
a first mortgage, and that the State consent to
take a second mortgage for $4,000,000, cover
ing principal and accrued interest on account
of the State canals.
What is the duty and interest of the State
under these circumstances ? She may proceed
to sell the road under the mortgage, but what
would she realize and who would purchase ?
First, the $600,000 of scrip issued would be
deducted from the proceeds . of a forced sale,
and then the remainder divided equally be
tween the State and the holders of the compa
ny's bonds. The State would get only a small
portion of her claim. The road would go into
the possession of New. York capitalists, the
stock and bondholders ruined, and the Com
monwealth reap no' substantial advantage in
foregoing a greater good by grasping hastily at
a lesser. This is clearly not the means by
which the State can subserve the double inte
rest she has in this road ; for she would not
realize her claim, or be sure of the completion
of a highway to the Lakes, or have any aeon
rity that, if completed, it would be used to ad
vance Pennsylvania interests. If the State
wishes to defeat her own claim, and, at the
same time, destroy the company and the capi
tal already invested in the road upon the faith
of its ultimate completien and productiveness,
she could not adopt a better method of accom
plishing this ruinous object than by proceeding
to the extremity Of a forced-sale.
But the State may accomplish both purposes
at the same time. .The "completionof the road
is as necessary to the State as to the company.
We have shown that their interests are insep
erable. We have denionstrated that it is not
the interest of the Commonwealth to have the
toad sold. Then let its , completion be encour
aged. It will not abstract. a dollar from the
public coffers; but add incalculably to the
general wealth and prosperity. If the State
accedes to the request of the company it will
have a second mortgage on a completed and
prosperous road in exchange for one half of a
first mortgage upon an unfinished road, now con
stantly sinking instead of earning money. We
49 not see that there is room for doubt or hes
itation under these circumstances.
Correspondence of the Patriot and Union
WASIUNGTON, Feb. 12, 1861.
DEAR PATRIOT:—The troops and weapons of
human destruction stillkeep pouringinto the city.
Yesterday a large body' of United States troops,
with a number of pieces of artillery; arrived, and
took their line of march towards' the Judiciary
square, where that branch of the acoumulating
army is - quartered.. It reminded me of the ap
proaching coronation of some despotic monarch,
instead of-the anticipated inauguration of a Presi
dent of a Republic, elected by the free suffrages of
a free people.
Mr. Crittenden this morning presented a petition
of twenty-two thousand voters of Massachusetts,.
praying for the adoption of his (Crittenden's) pro
position. for adjusting-the difficulties of the coun
try. The people in 'that , State' not being willing
to trust their own Senators, it was forwarded to
Mr. Crittenden, himself, to present. Mr. Sumner
took occasion to say that many of those who signed.
it did not understand the extent of Mr. Critten
den's propositions. I rather think that he will find
that his constituents have as much brains, and a
good deal more patriotism, than their Senatorial
representative. I think General Wilson, Sumner's
colleague, is more disposed to respect the voice of
his constituents in the appeal they-have made than
Sumner. •Ijadge so from seeing him in social
conversation with Mr. Crittenden iminediately after
its presentation, with some eoneiliatory and pail
one remarks. -
The committee of the' Peace Convention" will :
report to-morrow ; and te-niefrOw is the day on
which both Houses of Congress meet in joint con
vention to count the votes for President and Vice .
President. The tally papere r certificates of elec
tion, 4fcc., have all been prepared in- the Senate of
fice. The jeint convention will meet in the Hall
of the House, and the President of the Senate,'
(Mr. Breekinridge) will be the presiding officer,
and who, after the votes are counted, will declare
who is elected. Yours truly, SOLON.
LOUIS.—Ann. Maria Durmea, the wealthy
young German woman said to have been found
murdered in the street at St. Louis a few nights
ago, has been found to be alive and well. The
body supposed to have been that of Mrs. . D r
turns out to be that of Mrs. Young the mother
of John M. Young, a respectable citizen and
magistrate. .Mr. Y, it appears proceeded to
the hospital,' in company with a physician", to
witness the post-mortem examination of the
body of the suppose° Mrs. Durmea; As• the
cloth was removed from the face of the corpse.
Espuire Young tarried pale and started back
speechless The Corpse was that.of his: own
mother. She resided with another ebn, and
as she frequently spent .a couple , of days with
one or the other of her relatives, her absence
from home created no alarm. .It is supposed
she was•returni u g from a visit after dark when
she was waylaid and murdered, though it is
not altogether certain but that she may have
died suddenly of apoplexy, The Only evidence
that she met with violence is the fact that
much of her clothing WAS torn from her body.
This, however, she might have done herself in
her death struggles.
of Mr. Harris, the American' minister, all the
Amerkarke in Japan observed•the 29th of No
vember last as thanksgiving day. • The officers
of the U. S. steamer Niagara, who took home
the Japanese embasVl were treated with great
• LL,Wise and ten officers of the'ship,
With Col. Ripley, of the U. S. army, were
handsomely entertained by the Regent of Ja
pan. The Japanese officials also sent on board
the Niagara (expected to arrive at Boston in
May) presents for the President, the mayors
of New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash-:
ington and San Francisco, and niftier and lees
bulky ones for the officers of the ship:
WHDRINDAY, Feb. 18, 18.01.
The - Senate was called to order at 11 'clock
by the SPEAKER.
A large number of bills were reported, 17 a
differeet OokninitieeS.
Mr. SCHINDEL, an act to revive and con
tinue in force the law relative to graduating
lands on which taxes have not been paid.
Mr. NICHOLS, a supplement to the act rela
tive to certain courts.-
My: PARKER, an , act relating to writs of
error_ -
Mr. LAWRENCE, a joint resolution relative
to the pay of the commissioners of Washing.
Mr. IitTSIT, an act to incorporate the Petro
leum oil company of Pittsburg.
Mr. MEREDITH, an act to incorporate the
Freeport gas and water company.
Mr. HAMILTON, an act for the payment of
the claim of J. R. Bitner & Co., for damages
by fire on the Columbia railroad, in 1864.
Mr. LAWRENCE, an act authorizing the
commissioners of Washington county to com
promise with the bondholders of the Hempfteld
railroad, and to facilitate the collection of taxes
in said
Mr. SMITH, an act relative to certain parts
of real estate belonging to the estate of Jane
Willing, deceased ; also, a supplement to the
act relative to the mode of drawing jurors in
the several courts of Philadelphia.
Mr. SMITH offered a resolution that three
members from each House be added to the com-
Mittee to invito Prosidont Lincoln i 6 visit Har
risburg—that said committee be authorized to
visit Pittsburg and make the invitation in per
son—make the necessary arrangements, B:c.
which woo passed.
An act relative to certain military companies
in the Washington County brigade, came up on
the orders, and passed finally.
On motion of Mr. HIESTAND, the vete by
which the supplement to the Gap mining com
pany was , postponed indefinitely was re-con
sidered, and postponed for the present.
Mr. SCHINDEL moved are-consideration of
the vote defeating the' act twareate a new cita
tion distriet in the Twenty-fifth ward of Phil
adelphia ; which was not agreed to.
Mr. MOTT called up House bill, entitled "An
Act in relation to the sheriff of Moiroe county;"
which was passed finally.
Mr. PARKER. called up House bill, entitled
Act to incorporate the Philadelphia skating
club and humane. society ;" which passed
Mr. BENSON call up the act to incorporate
the Tideout and Pittsfield turnpike and plank
road company; which was passed.
Mr. CONNELL called up the act to amend
the charter of the First Presbyterian church,
of Frankford ; which was passed.
Mr. IRISH called.up the supplement to the
act to incorporate the St. Mary's cemetery, of
Allegheny county; which was passed.
Mr. HIESTAND celled up an act relative to
the administration of justice in Lancaster
county ; which was passed.
Mr. SCHINDEL called up Senate bill No.
174, entitled "A supplement to an act to en
courage the manufacture of iron with coke or
mineral coal, and for other purposes ;" which
was passed—yeas 18,. nays 12.
Mr. SERRILL called up House bill, etkiltled
"An Act to erect a new ward in Pottsville ;"
which was passed.
Mr. CONNELL called up House bill, entitled
"An Act to incorporate the Chesnut Hill acad
emy ;" which was passed finally.
Mr. GREGG called up the supplement to the
act authorizing the Governor to,incorporate the
Larry's Creek plank road company ; which
passed finally. Adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, February 13, 18,61,
The House was called to order at 10 o'clock
a. m. by the SPEAKER, and prayer was de
livered hy , Rev. Mr. Shoemaker.
Mr. -SHAPER offered a joint resolution
authorizing the clerks to purchase a certain
number of copies of Worcester's Dictionary for
the use of the departmenta.• Laid over for one
day, under the rules.
Reports of standing committees were re
The committee in the Philadelphia contested
election case reported that the sitting member
Mr. CALDWELL was entitled to his seat.
Mr. BRESSLER on leave given presented
five petitions in favor of the relief to the Sun
bury any Erie railroad company. Thep were
from Clinton and Lycoming counties.
An act to create a new ward in Pottsville was
An act authorizing the committee which was
appointed to invite
. i'resident Lincoln to visit
Harrisburg, to proceed to Pittsburg, was passed.
Mr. RHOADS, an act relative to vagrants in
the city of Reading.
Mr. ROBINSON, an act relative to the But
ler and Freeport turnpike road.
Mr, MULLIN, au act relative to the redemp
tion of unseated lands which may have been
sold for taxes.
Mr. BRESSLER, an act relative to the county
seat of Cameron county.
Mr. ELLENBERGER, a supplement to the
act incorporating the Borough of Easton.
Mr. RANDALL, in act relative to foreign
attachment; also,'an act relative to judgmente,
etc., in Philadelphia.
Mr. MOORE, an act relative to the importa
tion of fish into Philadelphia.
Mr. TUOAtt,S, an act relative to certaim real
estate in Philadelphia.
Mr. RIDGWAY, an act relative to the ac
counts of John. M. Coleman, late county treas
urer of Philadelphia.
• Mr. LEISENRING, an act to extend the
charter of the Greenwich improvement and
railroad company; also, upon leave given, a
memorial of the Philadelphia Board of Trade
relative to promissory notes.
Mr. DUFFIELD, an act to encorporate the
Excelsior steam forcing hose company.
Mr. ABBOT, an act to compensate George
Gordon for enjuries sustained in the public
On motion of Mr. ABBOTT, the Committee
on Claims were instructed to report upon the
same during the present session.
Mr. BYRNE On leave given presented a me
morial from A. Wellington Hart, asking that
the printing of the sheriff's sales of Luzerne
county be given to Scranton papers.
Mr. , TRACY, an act. to incorporate the To
wanda coal and iron company.
Also, an ad to extend the enrolement tax of
the Susquehanna Valley railroad company;'
which on leave given was considered and
Mr. BARNSLEY on leave given offered a
resolution giving each member a copy of a
pocket map of Pennsylvania ;. which was agreed .
Mr. ELLIOTT. an-act relative to Pine Creek
Mr. SAPPER offered a resolution paying the
commissioners who were sent to the peace oen
ferenee at Washington $6 per diem and mileage.
On suspending the rules to consider this, the
ayes and noes were required, and were ayes
72, noes 12.
The resolution being before the House, a
motion was made to fix the amount r vo per
diem. This was lost by 64 noes /glhnua s..t.
Eight dollars:per diem was finall*
11iVe.N.... `it)
and mileage, the same as members Y. Weed. 4 0,
Mr. HUHN moved as an amend of Congress.
J. H. Puliston, the clerk of the defient that Dr.
allowed the same pay tte tilt tommigioners.ation, be
The question being raised whethe
had been legally and properly appo - said clerk
RANDALL moved to amend "that t
tilted, Mr.
ners •be authorized to appoint Ile oomm lB-
that his pay commence from the 4f ` l,
clerk, and
. 1 % day of las t
February, and to be the same as that of the
Mr. TRACY moved to postpone the whole
matter for the present; which was agreed to.
Mr. WAIRER ennif .0 serf l of resolutions
deunclatory of the bemocrac, - :Rey were
' ead from a paper of Wayne county, and lad.
been passed at &town meeting_ They treated
of Locofobos, and were generally insulting to
the Democrats. The SPEAKER declared ,the
resolutions not to be couched in fit language
for thonouse.
...hIf..SELTZER moved that the resolutions be
printed in the Legislative Record.
Mr. LRISEp7RANG moved to . amend by print
lug fifty thousand copies for general circula
tion. '
Mr. •HILL deolared that they were insulting
to members upon the floor of the Rouse. Epi
thets were used which were offensive.
Mr. BYRNE delivered a powerful speech,
declaring that the masses of the land were
Democratic in principle.. He proceeded further
to argue against the impropriety of passing
such inflamatory and undignified resolutions.
Mr. -PATTERSON favored the printing of the
resolutions. ,
THOLOMEW debated. the question.
Then adjourned_
Railroad Election.
The following shows the vote given for Di
rectors of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad at
the election held in Philadelphia on Monday
Wm. Ct. Moorhead 1;573.54 12,627
Bliia Lewid. ••••••••-...i..13,073.64 13,627
A. Boyd Cummings. 12,573.54 12,827
D. IC. Jackman 12,573.54 12,627
S. V. Merrick 12,578 64 12,627
Z. D. Whetham 12,573.00 12,573
H. Duhring, 12,627
0. B. Wright.. -- • 12,573.54 12,627
Jas. M. Sterrett '12,573.54 12,627
F. M. Drexel ... . ... 12,673 .
B. Rush Petriken-- • , 54 54 .
NATIONAL Dm/IL—The national debt of the
United States 'amounts to about a dollar and a
half for each inhabitant, while the . sum of one
hundred and thirty-five dollara each would ha
required from the British population 'if they
should pay theirs.
ROBBERY.—The shoe store of Mr. James A.
Shaw, at Chestertown,. Md., was brawn into
on Tuesday morning, sth inst,, and robbed of.
boots and shoes to the value of abaot.s26.
late secretary of tha lighthouse boardikarbeen
made a full member of• the board, in :plebe of;
Com. Tilton, deceased, and Com. Jenkins has!
been appointed in. place of Cora. Semmes.
A. J. Hinckley has contracted to clean the ;
streets of New York city for five years` at:
$279,000 a year. -
Washington's birthday will be celebrated in .
New York with more than ordinaty honor this ,
year.: ,
A bill hits been introduced in the Delaware:
Legislatueo ptrmit tea per cent. to be taken
as interest, in cases of special contract.
Two persons, a woman and a man; were fro'-`
zen to death by the intense cold of Thursday'
night, last in . New York. • . .
Hon. J. Ridgeway, ex-member of Congress,:
and Judge' Wm. V. Gill, two old citizens of,
Ohio, are dead. . .
Mons. Berger, the great French billiard
player, has arrived in New _Orleans.
Flousx.—T-lie- proceedings were opened with
prayer by the Rev: Mr.' Stockton; the Chaplain,
in which he said God bless the outgoiig
istration, may it, close its labors in peace ; with
out further violence and • without any stain of
blood, and we pray for the incoming- adminia
tration that Thy bleelaing • am rest on the
President elect inn. MS journey hitherward ;
may Thy good providence be around and about
him by day and by nightj'guarding and guiding
hini at-every step, - and we pray that he may
be peacefully and'happily inaugurated, and af
ter Wards be pure, wise and prudent counsels
he may administer the government in such a
manner as Thy-name may be glorified 'and the
welfare of the people in all their relations shall
be advanced, and that our example of civil and
religious liberty may be followed- in all the
' Mr: Sherman (0.) sent up a letter addressed
.to him from the Secretary of the Treasury
again urging speedy measures in view of the
pressing demands upon the Treasury. • Mr,
Sherman accordingly reported• a bill authori
zing the -President, in place of any part of the
loan, to issue coupon bonds of a denomination
not exceeding $5O, and bearing-nob exceeding
6 per cent. interest, and running twenty years,
and to apply such 'bonds at par to the creditors
who may re...vive them, the entire amount not
to exceed that 'authorized by the recent loan
act. Mr. Sherman made an explanation, show
ing the importance of the measure.
Mr. Garnett, (Va:) opposed the reporting of
the bill, saying that the President elect had re.
csntly made a declaration of war and therefore
he (Mr. Garnett,) would throw every obstacle
in the way of the tyranical and military des
potism about to be inaugurated. (Suppressed
hisses.) .
Mr. Sherman said that this government will
pay its debts at the earliest moment. He
moved a Suspension of the rules.
The Speaker said that this was not now in
Qn motion of Mr. WashbUrn (Ill.) a message
was ordered to be sent to the Senate, informing
that body that the House was now waiting to
receive them, so that in joint body the electoral
votes for President and Vice - President may be
opened and the result announced. •
The Senators, preceded by their officers, :were
annclunced: The members of the House 'im
'inediaiely arose and remained standing till the
Senators took their seats in front of the Clerk's
Vice President Breekinridge was conducted
to 049 Opt of the Speaker, and the tellers-
Senator' Trumbull' and Representative Wash=
borne, .of Illinois, and Phelps- r toOk their setae
at the Clerk's teak. ' ' .
When order *as restored, "Vice President
Breckinrifte rose and' said :
4, We have assembled , pursuant- to. the seen
stitUtion; in order that the, eleetorat- - vciteit tnai ,
'be counted , and-the result 'EleelaTed for, roes
dent and VienPreSident for - the terra cenunen.
eing the 4th Of 4larch,•lB6l; and , it is made
my dutY,'u:nder the Constitution, 'to open the
certificates of election in the prom/keel of the two
Muses,. and I ilpw proceed to the performance
of that duty.
Vice President Breekintidge then opened the
package pontaining the - eleetoral vote of Maine
and' handed it to the tellers, when the certifi
cate Wasread and the Secretary of the Senate
'wade 'a note thereof.
The'electeral votes of New Hampshire, Mas
sachusetts, ithode Island, Connecticut, Ver
mont and New York were similarly disposed of.
Mr. Douglaa Suggested, and no objections
made, that the formal part of the certificate
and the names of the electors be omitted from
the reading_ •
The returns from the' various States were
proceeded with, the reading of the vote of
South 'Carolina being productive of a goad .
humored excitement. The rin lie . e ee ..
oral votes was compl" ty'the Tellers, who
i ‘-• Whereupon the Vice Pre
sident, rising, said :
Abraham Lineoln, of Illinois, having recei
ved a majority of the whole number of electo
ral votes,' is duly elected
. President of the
United States for the four years commencing
on the 4th of March, 1861.
He made a similar announcement as to Han
. nibal Hamlin, of Maine, for Vice President.
Movements of the President Elect.
INDIANAPOLIS, Feb. 12.—Governor Morton
called on Mr. Lincoln this morning at the Bates
House, and escorted him and a part of the
Presidential cortege to the Gubernatorial Man
sion, where the party breakfasted.
Mrs t Lincoln and her two sons arrived this
tt ing and joined her husband.
An ittinenne crowd commenced gathering in
the vicinity of the Bateii *title at daylight,
and. at, nine ri'clock every available space near
the hall was OCouttied. The crowd 'in the par. -
tors, reception rooms and halls of the hotel
was equally as great as last night.
Previous to Mr. Lincoln's departure from the
Bates House, he was again introduced from the
balcony by Hanebt Meredith. •
Mr. Lincoln said he had no speech to make.
If he made speeches wherever his friende de
sired, 116 would not- be-able -to reach the Na
tional Capital at the appointed time. He
thanked the assemblage for their reception,
trusting that they all might meet again under
one flag of one Union, and bade them an affec
tionate farewell.
At 10i o'clock, Mr. Lincoln ' : and his suite
were escorted by the Governor and a Commit
tee of the Legislature, to the depot, amid the
shouts of the multitude. Capt. G. W. Hazzard,
U. S. A., at the request of Mr. Lincoln, joined
the party here.
MORRIS, Ind., Feb. 12, 1.10 P. M.—The
train bearing the President and family and in
vited guests, arrived here without detention.
Large and entnuslastie crowd.) were assembled
at all the stations. The train stopped only at
Shelbyville and 'Greensburg, Where Mr. Lin
coln appeared at the rear end of the train, and
spoke a few words. Every precaution is taken
by the railroad company to insure the_ safety
of the train. Flagmen are stationed at every
road and crossing and half way between them.
They display the American flag as the dignal
for "all right," -
LAwnenonnuno, la., Feb. 12.—An immense
crowd was gathered at the depot, here, on the
arrival of the train, and 'limPs and banners
were suspended across the track, Mr.lincoln
,appeared and made a brief speech. He hoped
that we were all Union men here, and friendly
with our neighbors across the river. He was
frequently interrupted'with cheers. The train
moved off amid the tringof salutes and tu
multuous cheering. The. National airs were
played. •
CINCINNATI' Feb. 'l2.—=The' train with Mr.
Lincoln and party arrived, here at theappointedi
time. The foot, of Fifth street was literally:
'Mocked with 'pebple, end the locomotive was
compelled to stopl"the crowd was so great that
it.,was impossible to get out of the way at the.
depot; and it was found necessary to bring the
military, and police forces into requisition io
clear the track.
This reception is an era in the history of Ciu-'
cinnati. The weather was mild and beautiful,;
and, the streets were crowded with citizens and;
people from this and the neighboring ,States,—:
The streets through which the procession passed.
had been crowded from an early' hour _ in'the,
day, and the siindowe -Wert filled with ladies.;
The Burnettiwhere the Presidential party "t3top,!
was handsomely decorated, and every arrange
men& had been made for. the comfort , of the dis-.
tinguish.ecl &este. , The stars and stripes were,
flying from all ihe public buildings, as well as
from a number ofprivate stores and dwellings. ,
At half past ten o'clock, the military, which'
made a fine display, and the Committee of
ArrangeMents, were 'at the Indianapolis mil,
Cincinnati Depot. • - . • • , •
On the,arrivalof the train Mayor Bishop was,
introduced, ..and , he welcomed • the. President!
elect. to the' eity in a few appropriite remarks.
Mr. Lincoln was escorted : to, the White house.
His appearance was hailed with'deafening ap
plause from the Vast concourse. of people.
Tho procession, which was , under 'the mar
shalship of Miles. Greenwood,,then look up its,
march; and passed through the principal streets,,:
amid the cheers of men and the, waving,ar flags,
and handkerchiefs- by the , ladies. to the Hulk!
nett Muse, where it arrived aka quarter past
five. o'clock:: Mr. Lincoln:entered the Hotel,
the bands playing Hail Columbia and the Stall
Splang*i banner:
After a few =entente' rest, Mr. Lincoln made'
his appearance on the,balcony, accompanied. by:
Mayor Bishop, who made a short introductory
-'Mr. Lineoln tnen spoke as follows :
I have spoken but oncebefore this in Cincin
nati. That was a year previous to the late
Presidential election, Oa that occasion, in a
_play.fulmanner, but with sincere words,l ad
dressed much of what rsaid to the Kentucians. ,
gave.my opinion that we, as .Republicans,:
would ultimately beat them as Democrats, but,
-that'they ceuldipostpone that result longer by
noinitating' Senator Douglas for the'Pri3sidency
than• they could in. any other way. They did,
'llot, in Any true sense or the word, nominate
Mr. Douglas, and the result has come certainly
as soon as ever I expected. I also told them
how I expected they: wottld be treated after
they should have been beaten ' and I now wish
to call their attention, to whatll then said :
4, When we 'do, as we say we will, beat you,
you,,perhaps,.want to know what we will do
with yam. , I will tell you, as far as I am au.-
thorized to speak for the Opposition, what we
mean do with you. We mean to treat you as
near as we possibly can as Washington, Jefi
ferson and Madison treated you. We mean to
leave you alone, and in no way to interfere
with your institutions—to abide by all and
every compromise of the Constitntion. In a
word—ooining back to the original proposition
—to treat.you, so far as degenerate men—if we
have degenerated—may, according; to the ea-
ample of those noble fathett-Washingtonijef
fernon Nand Madison. We .mean to remember
that you are as good as we; that there is no
difference of circumstances. We mean to re
cognize and bear in mind always that you have
as good hearts in your bosoms as other people
or, as we claim to have, and to treat you ac
Fellow•citizens of Kentucky—friends, breth
ren—mar I call' you such--;in my new position
I see no occasion and feel no inclination to re
trace a wail of this.. If it shall not be made
good, be' assured that the' fault shall not be
These remarks were received with great en
, .
CIkicARNATI, .Feb. 13. Mr. ,
Lincoln and suite
left the Burnet House at 8.30 'this- morning,
accompluded by , a large number of citizens and
the Committee of the Ohio, Legislature,.. for
Little Miami depot.; A special train of two
cars left the depot'af nine, le' be due in Colum
bus it two. Mi:Linoehi stood :on the platform
of the rear cars's]; the train went out of the
depot, bowing , a farewell to the orawtl, who
cheeeed mitt tfinitstitally. Mr. A. Stager, On
eral superintendent - of. the. Western Union
Telegraph cciapany; goes witlithe"Presidential
Party Oa l'ar,as-l3liffalo, with, an , appanktus
making cenneotion with the wires between sta
tions in case of 'accident to the train.
Terrible IFTe Flood at Albany.
AtBAN 4 I; Jan. 13.
The ice, in the river broke up thiemorning,
causing immense damage in the city. Steam..
ere, barges, and canal boats have bgen driven '
up on the docks and into the streets. The
State street bridge
.is a coMplete 'Wreck, and
the bridges at Hamilton,and l Columbia streets
are partially , destroyed. Several stores along
the docks have been demolished,, Canal boats
with large quantities of lumber, staves, etc.,
and the offices locates` - along the river, hayi
been carried off by the ice. A timber of
buildig g s and boats are jammed together in the
bilk in an extraordinary manner. The losS
will be very great, and the water is still rapidly
rising; indicating .that the ice is jammed below.
Much additional damage is apprehended.
The telegraph wires to Troy have been pros- ,
Flood In the Delaware River.
EASTON, Pa., Feb. 13.
Ttera is.a flood in the Delaware river, but
the t ater is falling at noon, and the canals are
all sife.
Destructive Fire in Portland.
PORTLAND, Me,, Feb.l2.
The block of buildings Nos. 33 and 37 en
Commercial street, occupied by Shermgan and
Hall, and others, and containing a lar
of tobacco, etc., was destroyed bye stock
morning. fire this
New '2Zwertiseinents
- FOR RENT—The Buehler Roan 1.1.F.8.
TAIMANT, with sale of Nixtures.
A . TOR'S NOTICE.—Th e Orph ans ,
Court of Dauphin county has appointed the sui.,,ori
bar Auditor to make distribution of the balance in the
hands of WILLIAM MURRAY, Administrator, &e., of v t.
Lim Murray . , late of Harrisburg, Merchant, deceased t o
and among the heirs of said deceased ; and the Auditor
has-appointed Monday. the 18th day f d m arch
his.olBen in Ohetirtat street, in Harrisburg, at ten coelo'cic,
A. M., of said day, to make said distribution, when atof
where all parties interested are notified to attend.
JNO. ROBERTg, A u di tor.
February 13, 1861
MISCHIEF FROM DOGS.—Szorrox 1. Be it or.
dained by the Common Council of the City ofiranisbur
That any dog or slut which may have been, or shall here:
after, be bitten by any mad dog or other mad a n i mal,
such dog or slut so bitten shall forthwith be killed and
buried sufficiently deep to prevent any nuisance there.
from; and if any owner of any dog or slut so bitten
shall refuse to kill the same, and shall permit the said
dog or slut to go at largo thereafter, he, she or theyso
offending shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and eay
for every such offence the sum of eight dollars, tn"
recovered as other fines are by law recoverable; and it
shall be the duty of the Chief Police Constable, or such
person as he may authorize, to'kill and bury every bud,
dog or slut found running at large.
BEO. 2. And be it further ordatned, That if any owner
of a slut shall hereafter permit her to run at large at
any time (when in heat,) within the limits of the said
city, he, she or they so offending shall forfeit and pay
the Sum of one dollar for each offence, far the use of the
city, to be recovered as aforesaid; and it shall be the
duty of the Chief Police Constable, or such person as he
may authorize, to kill and bury any slut so found at
Stre 3. And be it further ordained, That the ChierPt
lice Constixble shall be paid out of the City Tresaury the
sum of one dollar for each and every dog or slut which
may be by him killed, or caused to be killed and buried,
in pursuance of the directions of this Ordinance.
Sac. 4. And be it further ordained by the authority
aforesaid, That every dog going aflame within the limita
of said city, from the 20th day of May until the 20th day
of September, in each and every year, shall have se.
curely put on a good, strong, substantial and safe wire
basket muzzle, enclosing the whole mouth of said dog,
So as effectually to prevent him from biting and map.
OEO. 6. And be it further ordained by the authority
aforesaid, That any and every person owning a dog, and
permitting him to run at large without complying with
the requisitions Of tho fourth Section of this Ordinaries,
shall be liable to a fine of not lees than one dollar, nor
more than two dollars, with costs, at the discretion of
the Mayor; and it is hereby made the duty of the Chief
Police Constable to report all - violations of said fourth
section to the Mayor, and in the event of the said Con
stable not being able to find the owner of a dog so twi
ning at large, he, or some person employed byhim, shall
take up, kill and bury said dog, for which service he or
the person performing the service, shall receive the sum
of one dollar, to be paid out of the City Treasury.
$&0.0. Be it further ordaitiar/ by the Oktkority afore.
.said, That every dog going at large within the limits of
said city shall have around his neck, at all times, a col.
his of metal, or a collar of leather , with a metal plate, on
which metal collar or plate shall be inscribed the name
of the owner of such. dog; and any and• every person or
persons owning a dog, and'permitting it to run at large
without complying with the reqUisi tioniof this Section,
shall be - liable to &Ina of one dollar for every offence;
And further, 'lt is hereby niade the duty of the chief pe.
lice Constable, or a person emp loyed by him, to take tip
every deg so running at large, in violation of this sec•
tion; and unless the'said fine is paid by the owner there
of, on demand, or if no owner can be found, the said of
ficer hereby authorised and required to kill the dog,
or cause It to be killed and buried, for which service he
shall be faiiKre4 ene'tionpir out Of the City Treiuutry.
ihte. 7.; Be it further ordained by the authority afore.
said, That any person who shall hinder.or obstruct the
said officer, or any one byhim appointed, from carrying
into fill effect and execution any of the provisions of
this ordinance, shall be liable to Forfeit and-pay a fine of
tvrentytd - ollarik which fine, and all other fines and for
feitures, made payable by this Ordinance, shall be sued
. for and recovered before the Mayor or any Alderman in
the manner provided bylaw.
Preaident of Common Council pro tem
Footled February 6,_1861.
Attest :-7-PAVID HARRIS, Clerk.
Approved February 12, 1861.
feb/4-d.rt WM.,II. KEPNER, Mayor
- I:X . /ANTED—A WHITE MAN for Wai
1, v ter,'at the European Motel.
Apply to [lebl3-2td*J E. C. WILLIAMS.
iOIISEK TO RENT.=Two. or three
dwellings, in the brick Tow, on Third street, met
Walnut, are offered for rent, from the Ist of April next,
For terms, enquire of MICHAEL EI7RK.
dred,Barrela of superior APPLES just received
from New York State. For sale at lowest cash price by
febl2. . • JAMES M. WagElffig,
-L E 0'1 • 1 0 N.
BAI;TIMORE, Bob. 11, li6l.
A general' meeting of the Stockholders of this Com
pany will be held at OALVERTETATION, on THURS
DAY, THE 28TH OF FEBRUARY imam, between the hours
of 12 and 2 o'clock, P . M., for the election of Twelve
Pireeters An the ensuing year.
The Transfer Books will be closed on the 16th of Feb.
until after the election. By order.
• roblvdte THOS. S. HOLLINS, Secretary.
VAIM FOR BALK --The subscribers
L. offer for sale ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY
SIX ACRES OF LAND, situate in Susquehanna town
ship, Dauphin county, adjoining lands of A. 0. Hiester,
John H. Pea and others; thereon erected a large TWO.
STORY STONE 'Hank, BANE BARN, with all the
necessary Out-Buildings. There is one of the finest
Apple Orchards in the county upon the property, together
with a good vein of. Limestone; and it will be sold in a
body, or in portions to snit Purchasers:
If not sold before SATVRDAY, THE /6771 or MARCH,
it will then be offered at Public Sale, at the Court House
in Harrisburg. For further particulars enquire of
Assignees of John Wallower & On
FOR SALE.—A very fine five-year-old
BAY MORGAN HORSE, medium size, p erfectly
sound and gentle. Is a fast, free traveler, at ill ;a Om
romped tt desirable horse.
The owner having no further use for him, will sell at
a bargain. e l an be seen at WlLLrem COLDER'S Livery
Stable For term; &c., inquire of
feb9-lwd* J. S. HAMMER, Brady House,
Which for elasticity and fine points cannot be surpassed
Patti 130 TO Mi. wag =Ma Call and try them at
feb9 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
A large assortment of COMIC and SENTIMENTAL
VALENTINES of different styles and prices. For sale
feb9 18 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa.
N EW B .0 . 0 K S
t lllustrated by W. Thum:. Price,lbc. cloth. •
'Phe - r 4 CI3LDREN'SPICTURE-FABLE 1100.74 ,
;ustaVed by galtajpoii.Worzt. Pill:m.7se. cloth.
PEDS; Illustrated - by W. llsovirr. Price 750: sloth.
fet,§ - 18 Marks ! akreeVllarfieherg,-Pa.
VOR 'SALE:.-.:--The BUILDING' 'On - the
J,! corner' of Walnut abd; Bheirt• streets, ueed; as a
COOPER am , . This building was originally built so
that it could be turned - bite:Dwelling Houses. It eon
slats of three separate &entailp,bteed tngether, each:frame
being 25 by 20 feet, making the entire building, as it now
stands, TS feet long and 20'.:teet wide. Will sell also as
- .Ezekrzwo.46.6 POIV R .ENG.TIV.t AND BOILER,
nearly pew, aiul '6O Of Drautbaclecs Patent Stave Cutters,
and ck. &t o} Saws for Jointing Staves. The above
prope,ity urril be sold at a bargain, as we wish to clear
t i lte;tgrountl on which the building stands. Enquire at
tlio Broker's Office of B. L. id'OULLOCH,
fele94tf ' 126 Market Street.
i_ T AVANA CIGARS.—A Fine Assort
-Liwent; comprising Figaro - ,Zaiagozona, La Soisa,
Bid, Fire-Fly, Etelvinft, ieriuto, Capitolio I;Pf all
Silos and quabtles,..in !. quarter, one-filth and one-ten th
boxes, justACceii:ed, and for sale low by '
73 Market Street.
- -
Fix !—ln store 'and for male by
7 3
7 11 3 Market stet.
-lowhig'words are from Mark X. v. 9, 12:
"What, therefore, God has joined together let not man
put asunder,"
"Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry anOther
ecimmittetbadultery: And if a woman shall put away
her husband and marry again she committeth adultery."
Legislators and others, the above is the ediot of the
Supreme LaWgiVer, from which there is do appeal.—
" What, therefore, God has joined together let 120 man
put asunder." janl2-dtf
, _
7 filOß the genuine ENGLISH MUSTARD
VRANBERRIESA very Superior lot
it oct26.] WM. DOCK, Js. & 003