LOCAL NEWS. To MOLT Perac®r AND UNION may be had at Jaws Book Store, con= of Third and Market FATILIOT AND tratem—The DAILY PATRIOT AND Tsios can be had by Dauphin subliOribers, every . at the periodical store of J. 8. PRAM Tog m uts .—trader the change of schedule on diffeiont railroads. the tile' of eloaing the mails at the llarrisourg Post Office, December let, Is6o, is as follows : PSNNSYLVANIA R. R. gast.--7 i2;•:J p- m., 5_ pm. b elt . -6.30 x. m. --Way mail. 3:so'p. m., 9p. m. NORTEIBRN CENTRAL It R. Smah.-1215 p_ J11...WE.T mail; 8. p. m. North.- 1 P. LEBANON VALLEY 11.: It. 7.30 a. Di. DAIIPAIN AND BIISQ. R. B. 1.80 p. In. CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. R. 7:30 a. tn., 1 p. to.--wav Ble STAGE. 7 a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday an d warnyday. a; to Toneatown, on MwildwY, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lewiaberry, o n Saturday. Fssresmirecomitamatoe.o.—The anno;,:i meeting of the Stockholders of this COMprAl- y— wilt be held on the 4th of February n e ..xt, in Sancom Street Nall, Phi ladelp hia. the annual election of Direc tors will be hel .o . at the age of the - company ) , in Phi la4el : t . loiti, on the 4th of March next. itt.l.lstittscre9 13Ertsavartgrrn—John Frederick Stine, of Susquehanna township, in this county, living about three miles north of Harrisburg, lost his entire family of children, consisting of four, by diptheria, within the spans of nine days iniast month• On January 20th, George Washington, aged 4 year*, 8 - months 23d, Susanna, aged 9 years, 3 months; 26th, Simon Peter; aged 13 years, 4 months; 28th, John Oliver; aged 1 year, 9 mos. BEPORIL THE lieven.—lietleib Phillips, a revol.. ring loafer who had been accommodated with lodg ings, was let off. William Cramer, a boy who has turned up every morning for nearly a week, got an award of thirty days in prison—in all probability just the thing he wanted Thomas Devine wee brought up on a doable charge—that of being disorderly, as well as auspi cious. We did not learn what was done with him on the Brat charge, and we do not know that the law makes provision to meat the second. MORE DEPENDATIONB. — It was only a day or two: ago that we chronicled the larceny of a..book pre sented as by Mr. French, together with an um brella taken on a previous occasion. Yesterday a member of the Third House, from Philadelphia, coolly took our walking stick, and made a present of it to 'Philip Irwin, the Chairman of the Republi can County Committee. What new indgnity is there in store for us? It seems we are bound" to be, to do, and to suffer," therefore won't somebody. steal our shawl, boots or shirt? Times are getting. lively about these diggings—they are, we don't; think, when better subjects than editors] cannot be . fused to 'plunder. GEN. Tox Tatties.--Everybody, h is fair to .pre same, who has not seen Tom Thumb, has at least beard of bim. This; afternoon hprill exhibit his fair proportions at Brant's Hall; and there istea son to believe that X large nnmbei of persons 'will call and see him- Gen. Thumb, or to call him by his proper name, Charles Stratton, is a Man in miniature, and differs essentially from all other dwarfs we have ever seen—most of whom, at the age of twenty years, were sour, crabbed, petulant old men, while Stratton is really a Sprightly, in telligent and entertaining young man. He is now twenty-two years of age, (about which there is no humbug,) only thirty-one inches high, and weighs , just thirty-one pounds—retaining all else vivacity of his juvenile days, and really worth all that is asked to see him. lionLwrown AnwArns.:—We clip the following items of news from the Dauphin Journal of yes- terday : BeeivaL—There is in progress a very interesting revival in the M. E. Church, at Halifax, Dauphin county. Quite a number bare connected them selves with the church ; others will Boon do like wise. There is alio quite an encouraging . revival at Millersburg. The altar is crowded with peni tents anxiously enquiring the " way to Zion." Both of the above churches are under the pastoral care of Rev. S. Hurts, formerly pastor of the M. B. Chervil in this place. Raw. (1. L. Shaeffer is his colleague. He is an efficient young minister. Protracted ifeeting.—Rev. - W. B. aregg, pastor of the M. B. Chitral', Of this place, will commence a series of meetings next Sabbath, which will be continued for a week, and perhaps longer. Dedication.—The new if. B. Church, at Fisher. ville, in this county, will be dedicated on the 17th of February. Rev. Dr. Bishop, of Harrisburg, will preach the dedicatory sermon, and otheir distin guished ministers will be present and participate in the solemn services. Middletown Igesuss.—This association is still in progress,-and-meets weekly, in the North ward school bouw. = Atits reciting, on Tuesday evening, the following question was discussed in a very spirited manner Resolved, That a-limited Monarchy is preferable to • Republican form of Government. The decision was given in faver of the negative, after which, Mr. D. -C. Millard, teacher of the High School, read a most. interesting and well Written essay. An election for officers was then held; which resulted in the choibe , of Mr. G. R. Lauman for President. The following question was reported for next Tuesday•everring Resolved, That slavery is a greater evil than intemperance. A Work for Every Family. Mitchell'a new General Atlas for 1861, con taining the maps of various countries in the world, plans of 'cities, &c., embraced forty seven Quarto Maps, forming 'a series of lmyenty six Maps and Plans, together with iabiable Statistical Tables, and sold only by agenta. This-is Mitchell's latest and best attempt -to tarnish the American people with oorreot and reliable geographical knowledge, and will bear comparison with any similar work of the kind heretofore projected; while ite price places it within the reach of persons of moderate means. It is simply an Atlas with necessary Statis tical Tables appended. Itis gotten up in the best style of map-working. The lettering is clear, the boundaries of each division of countries distinctly marked, and the whole beautifully colored.' There are two features in this Atlas which are not met with in other works of the kind,' to large: plans of the .principal cities in, and a full lisfof the names and localities of post offices thrOughoid, the United States. It' is needless to state the' titiventego to be derired from the study, of geographY and the necessity of correct dtita, to `aid us in acquiring such k nowledge. They are /kit:wit:in every'.sphool boy. This work, with `the aid of Mitchell's Unrivalled Geography, Were, all the n9q9Ball facilities for such study; al'i4 althou g l 41° large for the satchel of youth, it , is ) thmifirr thinit,o have at home to refer to, , at ItUYAwi l dt and in time to came.l; ii The plates upon which these maps ar t 'e 'en graved are, entirely new, having been •itrifalh expresslyfor this work. CHANGE OF SCHEDIIIAB..4IIO of the trains on the Northern Central :Railway has been discontinued. For particulars, see advertisement in another 04111M11, Tag PHILADELPHIA WORKINGMEN.—A committee of thirty-three workingmen of Philadelphia, repre eenting ail the different mechanioal branches of industry in the city, appointed at a general mass meeting held in Independence Square, arrived in this city, from Washington, yesterday afternoon, and mopped at the Buehler House. Between four and five o'clock the committee waited on the Gov ernor in the Executive chamber. Mr. Abbott in troduced the governor to Mr. Van Houghton, the Chairman. Hui Excellency welcomed the commit tee in a few remarks, to which Mr J. B Nicholson, n behalf of the committee, made a reply, in which be forcibly impressed the idea upon the Governor that they represented 50,000 workingmen of Phil adelphia who were in favor of the Crittenden com promise„ and also congratulated him on the pas sage of the joint resolutions appointing commis sioners to the Fourth of February Convention. They leave fur Philadelphia to-day. Tau Mairates MICS4AGE.—The annual message of Mayor Henry was sent into City Councils yes terday afternoon. His Honor gives an encouraging statement of the financial oondition of the city, find or its improvemente during the year. He also recommends (by example, if not in terms) the wisdom and propriety of wearing garments fiom the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of RooUM do Wil son, Nos. 603 and 805 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia, where the most elegant apparel for gentlemen and youths is constantly on hand. THE UNION, ALE AND OYSTERS.—The lovers of fine Philadelphia bivalves, Lauer's steam-brewed ale, and other refreshments, should call at Burk hart's, Union Restaurant, in Market near Third street. At Itsbnosmear —Our friend, John Paulis, will have in market, on 'Saturday morning, a dressed bear. Those of our epicene Who are epicures, cart gratify their appetites by ealling . at his stall. The bear will weigh three hundred pounds dressed. • tts MITCHELL'S ATLAS *OR 1861.—We direct the at. ; tention of our readers to a notice in another (mi lli:FM of to-day's Usios, of Mitchell's New Atlas, which is now before the public. This work ie both the cheapest and best now before the country, and from Mitchell's acknowledged capacity for produ cing accurate Maps, in which he has been engaged for the last forty yvare, it is destined to take pre . cedense over all other maps now before the coon-. try. We are requested to say that Mr. J. F. Jaggus, 'Who has taben rooms at Mr. Jaekson Fleming's, 'opposite the State Capital Hotel, is now canvassing for the work in this city, and' is prepared to fur.; nish the citizens of Harrisburg with the numbers, they wish to procure, 1w LARGE ARRIVAL OF New GOODS—The Mef/per Goods Offered Yet...--2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards - bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worth 12 cents-. 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 50 Po print at 7 and 8 onto, worth 12 cents, warranted fist color. 1,000 yards - of un. bleachedmuslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. 1,000 undershirts and drawers at 50, 62 cud 1 75 cents. Steckel and ladies Ma:Aging large variety. Our whole !took of winter goods, such as Shawls, De Woes, Pant Stuff, Cloth and all kinds of flannels I will sell off at eost, Now is the time to get bargains. S. LEWY, at Rhoad's old corner. _ . jan22t. SPECIAL NOTICE'S. EY' WARRANTED IR ALL CASES[ D El ARV r,Y'S CHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS' For thoprovonti on and Cam of all thoee difficelti ea to which the fenial. - Eryatem ;a iieciliarly liable arising from . STOe.PA.Ga; OF NATURA OR 013SPRUOT1ON. . . These. P Ill< how , never been known to. fail to k, n the diver/mite have been stree.tly follow,d, and they are perfeetty leaf to take by the most delicate. TO MARRIED LADIES they axe particularly recom mended,. as they prevent difficulties and restore nature; no Matter. from yrhat cause the obstrnetien may;arise. A few days in most rases wil! produce the desired elf eti. and. although no powerful, yet ,no injury, will ever result from their, we. tint those who are pregnant should not. use them_ as they have an effect contrary to nature. Pamphlets: detailioneir virttins;withatiuvrous certificated from well known physicians and apothecaries can be had on applies,' Lien to the agent, who will send the Pills, if desired, by mail, post-paid, to any address, on, receipt of the.money. 8010 in boxes containing Sixty pills,—price One. Dollar,- - by all the lirlheiNt druggists Pit de/atm/ r end by DTOTT & 00., wholesale agents, North Second street, Philidel phia. noid-eodd&wly A NEW E lI_E D. Y. _ SaperiMing CUBEBB, 00PAIELA, CAPS UL ES, or any compound that has ever biien before the people. It has been used by 60/4 n.VS.Dital) PHYSII.)IANB, In thilir private prat ce, with entire SUMOSS, in all caws. B B'LL's SP BC.IFIC PILLS, For diseases of a private nature ; a_eu , e as frequently per formed m a woe, and entire confidence may be placed in them. Thia remedy is a newly discovered specific, more aitlye and speedy in - Its effects than Oubebs or Copmbe alone., The pills are ha! the. size of Capsules, and never nausete the , stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dozen pi is lo a bnic—price one dollar t .and will be sent by - mall, pow -paid„ by the agent, on receipt of the money_ Sold by all the principal druggiete and dealers, and by DYOTT k CO., wholesale agents, North. Second street, Philadelphia. nevff-eodd&wly WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely net discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi- Cine 9 of the day. It is FOOD FOE THE BLOOD, already prepared for absorption ; pleasant to the taste and until ral in action, and what one gains he retsina. Let all those, then., who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and conseinently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this Moon .FOOD, and be re. attired to health. We , notice that our druggists have received aanpidy of this article, and also of the world renowned Dr. BeTON'd INF !NITS CORDIAL. Which every mother should have. It contains no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluable for all infantile comp laints. . It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, aid at the same time regula.te the lairds. Lit all mothers and nurses, who have endured anziotlg . ,dayi and sleepless nights, procure:a supply and be st once relieved. irr Bea advertisement. anl7-d&w3m pi ELM BOLD'S GENITINB PRBPARATION Owes Gra IlladdeE, Dropiy, Kidney,Affections. H &LH .01.1P 8 Genuine Preparation for Nervous am Debilitated Sufferers. ITELMBOLIPS Genuine Preparation for Lore of Power A-L Loss of Memory. HBLMBOLDI3 °ermine Preparation for Difficulty of Ireathing General Weakrteaa. ttinalsoLO. , s Genuine Preparation for Weak Berm, : 0 -i f Horror of Death, Trembling. HELBIBOLDIEII;tennine Preparation for Night Sweats COld Peet, Dinineiti of 'Pillion. fNLLMBOL Genuine Preparation for. Languor, Gni vernal Lassitude of the Muscular Switetn_ a-L ELM - 1301M% Ciennine,.Preparation for Pallid Conte. aortae and lfruptiona. riltalßOLD'S Genuine 'Preparation for Pains in the Baek,"Hesideche, Sick Stomach. LLTFiee advertisement headedl HEIIIIIBOLD'6IiXTRACT BUCKLE in another cclumn. n014.d& warn Mothers, read this. The following is an extract from a letter written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and Messenger, Clneiminti, Ohio, and sppaks volumes in favor of that, iyorld r renowned medicine-111ns. WINS tow% SOOTHING STRIMP TOR•CHILDIOIN•TEETHINO:= " We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow , s Soothing Syrup._ Nine we .never :word in'favor or a patent medicine befnre in oui,life, but we foci compelled' to say to ymir readers, that this is, tin humbug—wit kilo* IT TO BB 11.' induct. Witt, probably; one of the most succesital medicines of the day, because it iikono of the best. And those ef yen* Teadeis babies 'cruilf at,l b t ,tu r than to lay in s aupply. • sep294lArwly from the Indepencrent, New York, July 28,1869. ;.• GLUE .—Our advertising columns contain some ;teat( monies to the value of a-new article known as " Speld ing's Prepared Glue," useful to hounokoopern for mending f arn ic a nq. _ i1...t is prepared with cliemiciiis4.ary;thi th c a h tv Al ifeticti9rthe p r i t orr condition for' immediate plikt ilk illtislirsaYa *tog 0 soon as ; it is' iiiplied,,le. I the ( Ittii Ulla _ tilt' Ito Can assure owl T we r i ' • sidle e thsexcelleutpbrenoiggicsa 0 410. of , tl? alhatigiiii 4 el fn.. 1 , 1,. •- : ?- For ea% by O. A. Denivis7 M0..1 Jones* aulttv d .4 su7.4lBr.wlm PURIFY YOUR . BLOOD.-m-BRANDRETII 7 6[ OR It 14' NT— k. good. roirELLI N G PILLS' WARRANTED TO CURB FEVER AND ROMA—The - HOUSE, with ,: onsiderable gro.:nd and ST ABLE given immr at- effect of pUrging with BRANDRETH'S PILLS is tore- tached—near the Water Basin. PO , Beeflioll d i ar A y. CHAS. C HAWN. store the health, no matter from what cause it may be Harrisburg, Tanuar,y. 30, 1861. jan3l dlw suffering. They lake out all impurities from the aye- ---. sr, --- tem ~ and they have the same power of expulsion over A 7 4 1GN10 4 . ? 8 , 4 •Ai,t , .___Aria be s, Id at Public Sale or Out-cry at the c rner of Fourth and miasm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetable; or indeed Chesnut streets; in the city of Harrisburg , on TRIMS any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever. DAY. FEBRUARY Trn.lB6l, et *2 o'clock, P_ M . the In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im . b fo a l r l r o o w w i a n , g on a e rtinles t— FOUR . HORSES, one Twoalorse pure blood results in disease. Wagon, three One-II rse Wagons, one Cart, two Wheel- Harness. lot oPfatLeiamteS. Straw Cutter, ititANDREIH , S PILLS, . though innocent as bread, yet they are capable of purl- Posts, Board-fence Posts, acc. E. BYERS fin Single Ra i ls . Assignee of Thmiel b hoods. lying the blood and curing disease. So, they cure all it . . arriabutt, San. 24, 101. itui2i-dta* and Chesnut Double kinds of fevers, all asthina.s, catarrhs, captivates§ and - painful affections of every kind. Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal set, New York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC H BELL, corner Of Second and Ohetttnnt streets, Untriebtrg, and by all respectable dealers in medicine de9;d&wlm MRS. WIN SI. OW . An exi °Lanced never an d fornale physician, has a Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which. greatly facilitate the procese of teething . by softening the gums, reducing as infiamnation—will allay all pin, and is sure to regulate thebewele. Depend tipenreoldiere, it will give rest to youiselves, and relief !old 'health to your infants_ Per ectly gate in all MPS!. See advertisement in. another col 11111121, 5ug10,1859-dSorly NATURAL MAGIC! Suppose a CO.a Suppose you have sandy, red, white, grizzly, er Hausing yeliow hale. Suppose you prefer a light brown. a rich dark brown, or a raven black. Well, you apply (if you are wise) CitISPADORO'S I.CELSI,(III HAIR DYE! and in ton minutes your mirror shows you a WONDERFUL TRANSFORMATION! • Every hair that a few moments berore was an nnsishtly blemish, is now an element o beauty. a A magnificent head of hair' , is the exclamation whenever you uncover. the difference between BEAUTY AND TIE. BEAST was not more striking i then that between a gray or red head in a state of nature. and one to which this fanious dye has beep applied. Manufactured by J. CRUM DORQ, 6 Astor Rouse, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all avoir Dressers. jan9•dkwim 11100.101:ANT_ T(!'III"EMALES OR. 0P10763 - EAA kW' L LS . . . The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and eutensive p ractice . They are mild in their operattens and certain . in correcting all inept laritieer pairtial menstruration, removing all . obstruc tions, Whether from cold or otherwise, , headalohe, pain in As 40, palpitation of the heart, whites,•all ner vous Met:Aim:Ls, hysterics, fatigue,. pain in the back and limbs, Are., disturbed sleep, which arise from interrup tion of naturar • J... • DR. CHERSEMAN'S PILLS was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructionsirhich have con signed so many-thonsands.of the young; the beautiful, and the beloved to a PREMATURS GRAVE. NO feniale can enjoy good health unless she is togniar, and *hymnal' an obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. . - • DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS are the roost effectual reuielly 'ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all. daises they!are valuable - , inducmg,Mieh certainty, periodical:regularity. They are known tq thousands', who hare ,used them at 'different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians iK America,. • Explicit' directions, stating what, and tam they should not be used, accompany each box—the Prite One Dollar each box, containing forty Pills. . A valuable Pamphlet,. to be had free of the Agents. Pills „sent by mail,. promptly' by enclo si ng- price to the eneral Agent. Sold by druggists •ganarally, fiIITOHING4,tHeueraI . Agent, 14.'Broadwisy; Nen•Yoik. Bold in Harrisburg by H. A. BAHNVART. deal , 59-d&wly . • • - • THE GREAT . ENOLISII James Clarke's Celebrated Female Pillsoirepared from a ,•preseririon'of Sir t. Clarke, M. D., Physician Ditraordi nary to the Queen.. . , - • .Thia invaluable medteine is 'Unfailing in the cute of all those painful and dangm ono, diseases to which the :female constitution hieubject.; moderetei excess and. re maws all obstructions and a speedy cure may be relied on. LADIES . . • . • ;I 'it in peculiarly edited: It Will' in a shor t time bring on the monthly period with regularity.. . Beth bottle, pri et. One Dollar, baste the `Governtent Stamp of Great Britain: tti'liravent counterfeits. Trim PILLS SHOULD NOT BB TAXBN, BY ANNAI,BB puma; 'TlilallyiST TIME M. )1 4 1T1 - 1$ 9r PRICGNANOY, AS Tiler Ars SORB TO BRING ON MINOARRIAGEi BUT AT . ANY OTHRIL TINS . In all ' cuece of NervoMe Bikiial'AffhptiOnil, tilts 'Baek and Limbs,,Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Beart,.. Whites, 11satesies and thew Pills will t- fleet. a cure whim all other means have flleid,sind although a pow errul reUUkiy,:do not contain son, calomel, 'antimony, or anything hurtful - to the' constitution. Full'lbiections in the pamphlet around each package, which should be. caretedly preserved. N. 8.-.4tt,On and 8 postage stamps encloSed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by C. A. BEBRITART, Raffia . burg 3.71-dalr/Y Dr. Brunoui 9 s Concentrated. Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER, speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-AIMS ii as Loss of Memory, Shortneis of Breath , Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days, any case of GONORRHCEA, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar, No. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the shortest possible time, ant ease of GLE kT, even after all other Remedie. have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PUMPER is the only Remedy that will really eurill StriChttes of the Urethra. No spatter of how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollar. No. 6. THE SOLUTOB will cure any ease of aRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder andKidneyw. Piles tine Doilnr • • No. 6 FUR PARTICULARS tat cutommt: No. T. THE,.AMARIN• will isnre' the- Whites:. radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any ogler treatment. In fact, is the tuityienleilYthat will really correct this disorder. Pleaaant to take 'Price One No. S.. TUN ORIENTAL PASTILS are eartain, safe and epeedj in prodswing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irreguliritio* of the monthly perials. Pries Ilwo Dollars. No 8. POE PARTIOII,LADA RTE: CIRCULAR.. Either Remedy gent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose poatage ; damn end get a.Oirculsz. General Depot North-East corner of. York ;Avenue :and . Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue; Phila. delphia,ya _ , . • ~ • t . , For sale in itarrialinrgonlyby 0. A. BARRY:ART. where Circulars containing minable informat - ea r with fall de detiptletise Of each case, will be delivered gratieveuv cation. Address DR. FRLIX BRUNON P. 0. Box 99. Philadelphia, Pa. COAL 11,11,1)U CEDIII CONSUMERS OF COAL, TAKE NOTICE! Coal delivered to any part of the city limits by the Patent Weigh Carta, at the following low rates, ftr task, viz : Lyiens Valley Nut Coal at $2.00 per ton. " Small Egg 2,90 " Larke do. 2.90 " " Broken 2.90 " . Balt. Coal Co.'s Wilkesbarre Steamboat, 3.00 per ton. ic t‘ Broken, 3.00 " et ea Egg, 3.00 " ee " Nut, 2.25 " Broad Top Coal, (for Smiths° use,)l2% ets. per bushel 2,600 Bushels OATS 'or stile, at lowest cash price. A large lot of superior HICKORY AND OAK WOOD for sale, at the lowest rates, Agent for DUPONT'S GUN AND BLASTING• POWDER—for sale at manufacturer's prices. Coal delivered from both yirds at above rates, by Patent Weigh Oartf I which are certified to by the Sealers of Weights and Measures. uze. Every consumer will please weigh their Coal on delivery, and if it fall's short 10 pounds I will forfeit the Coal. A large, full and complete stock of the boot kin& of Coal will always be found on band. JAMENSI. WHEELER Harrisburg, January 29, 1881. jan3o4lm THE ORIGINAL AND CELEBRATED GENERAL TOM THUMB , SMALLEST MAN ALIVE! AT BRANT'S HALL, HARRISBURG, FOR TREE DAYS ONLY! FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1,2, 4. Two Brilliant Entertainmenta each day-Afternoon at 3, Evening at 7.V. Doors opnre.half an' hour pre4iduif The General appears in. all his newt:inn/re At/need ini• tatioas Grecian Statuea,, &c., aardst* by, Mr.rW 3'0114 LIN, t*e.creat.iEnglish ,Baritone aid,.l3assiedronk , tho Ncbi4ttes, Cl:inserts, London YIHIA the American;Tenor • andldr. 0 TITCOMB. A°144881°1444 -EnteFtatnmetlP,2s--ciMits under ten, 12 center Evening Entertainment, 14 meta; Children ender, ten, 10 cents; Reserved Seats . cents. Scitools admitted on liberal terms., . • TheldttielGenerstridelin miniaturefirriage . from% the Jones Hotel to the Hall. The Grand Jana weed is one 9f QUICKERING'S DES ke from MA . E 1Ni. : 5 ° 4 1 .. 149 5 Mrie, iftere, - 92 liTafkiestreet." ' . rAtPREDVATNLYI'BtivItieIir /Went; ; jan 4 4L4l44S2tilirw 2t..rt • _ . .p Just received by O , I9IIIFnkiOIfFIV, &Met k oc/ UST HMI E. V r.lk—A large Stuck o • SCOTCH ALES, BROWN STOUT and LONDON PORTER. For sale at the lowest r.tPs by JIMIN El_ EIF.GLER, janl.l 73 Market street. VOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, P Hi/. A DHLP II I A MANUFACTURR CARBOY., DIIMIJOIINS, • WINE, PORTgR, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND. Pitts E BOTTLE'S OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. H. B. & G. W. BENNBRS, 2.7 South Front atom; Philadelphia 0 cl9-dly 1(1 ALL FOR. s '4114 to close the business of John Wallower & Son, the subscri bers will deliver in any part of the city of Harrisburg, first quality of LYIONS VALLEY CuAls• at Two Dol lars and Seventy-Five cents p..r ton; or they will sell Seven Hundred Tons at a reduced wholesale price. A. 0. MESTER, • C. F. NUFSCri, jan3o-3tda3tw. • Assignees. A T C 0. 8 T! ! ' ‘ I_OTTLED WINES, BRANDIES, ' • AND LIQUORS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION' Together with a complete assortment, (Wholesale and rataild embracing everything in the line, will be sold at coat, without reserve. jani WM. DOCK. Jr.„ & CO. M ANHOOD, HoW LOST, HOW. RISTOREID. /tat Published, in a, Setized Envelope , ON TAE NriTIIRk USE VPMNNT AND RADICAL DUNN OP SPERMATDERROP.A, br dentinal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and tistrolantary Smisstons, indu- cing impotency, and blental and Physical DV ROB. J. CULVER:WELL, K. D. • Authb of a- - "iiret . Book," to The world rem' shed author '.n the mimi.ahle-Lecture, clearly proven from h a own oxpttrit ncr that the awful eon sequenets to St:if-abuse may he rff mtual y removed Ont med eine a d without d.tnget owl surgical operations bongias, instruments. r ugs or cord ale, p infinu •m au odo of care at once certain and effeetn 1, by wttich evert' tto. tt, matter wlet his condit on may be, may enroll'''. self eh a.'ly,p , trate , * ad y. This Lecture will prove a *non to thousands and Shoat...ads rent Rider sral to any address, pus; 1•441, on the receipt of two ttos vg.• stamps, by onidressing Dr. CHAS. J. O. KLINE, 127 Bowery New York, Post nos 4,586. apl6-d.'r wly • • N OW WITHIN tilla.OH. OF ALL ! GROVER & _BAKER'S CEI,EBRAT . E . D NOIBEI4EBB SEWING MACHINES! 405 BROADWAY, NEW TORE. The public attention is respectfully requestod to the . tenoning earls of Emu' HOWE, JR., and the EiROYBIt & BAKER S. M. Co.: , A CARD PROM THR ROVER r AKER, 5.,111. CO. Our Patents being now eetablisiked by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the GROVE.R. & BAKER MILEMELE, Ith important improvements, at r greatly RED UCED R 7 CRS! The moderate priee at which Machines, making the GROVER & BARER stitch, no now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines makirig inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only bp sure tobny Machines making the 43-RON'ilt & Bessie stitch; but also that such Machines are made and atamped under our patents and those of ELIAS ROWE, JR. (}ROVER. di BARER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, New York A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR All persons are cautionednot to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Machines which sew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Gaomm do MIXER Stitch, unless the same are purchased from the [}nov=a & BA. EBB Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stamped' . under my patent of September 10, 1846. Said Company, and their Licensee', alone, are legally authorized under their own , patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof; to make and sell this ii kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. Nur Your. Er SR ND FOR A CIRCULAR .0 5e0.841&w17 IT WILL PAY YOU', READ TIIIS. IT WILL >PAY YOU: OBSERVE WHAT I SAY ! ! IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT TO lIARRISBURG!!! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES: FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOOK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERV, VESTINGS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN AROADE,NO. 8 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES •WHIOH• READY CAgI,PRESENTS, I OFFER. ALL GOODRAT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER TRAY ANT OTHERZOUSEEL CHAS. S: B.—TIAMG kIEettIVED A FIRST RATE CUTTBR AND TAILOR, I AM NOW'RRADT 4 I4S 'MAO OLOTHING , TO , ORDEWIN MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. , ' , rW4ERANT X L 'ift,oa . TO SALE. oeti-d4m T pc - F . ! • - moll 1 - SAMNA 41f;'. 1 1iifilitiELER. EW 4 o4sool4o7iligijillit il ee Wedielthe ' 8 toliift Z 27, I. IIANBERRIES—A very Superibitiet k) at octos.] WM. DOCK, Tx. dr, 00'8 xx,iss BOWS, TO To; AlcOunt. SANFO LIVER INY NEVER REBI f T is compounded entire become au eetablished fact, a md approved Dy all that tweed to with confidence FM it is recommended It has cured thousands Mao bad given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose meet he adapted individual taking it, and to act gently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER 'M oth mare Liver Com. tacks,Dyspepsia, Summer C• m ry,Dr•psy. Soar Costly auras, Choi r:* Morbus, Chol+t* fence, Jaundice, es, and may be used ma ry, Family Medi. H it C H E, Is twenty minutes, if spoonfuls are taken tack. .. AU who use it are in its fairor. . • NIX: WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIE ORATOR, AND BWALLOW BOTH TOGHTLIER, Price One Dollar per Bottle. AM° SANFORD•B FAX/LY CATHARTIC. PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Ocoee, Air Tight, and mill keep en any climate. The Family Cathar.i tic PILL is a gentle but active Cathartic , which , tfti the proprietor has used is hie practice more than .A 1 twenty years The constantly inmate- , lig demand from those Who have long need the, j PILLS, and the mitigate Con which all express in regard to their use,. ha, induced me to place them' 1.1 within thermal' of ill The Profession well know',„ that different Cathartic) , act on different portions Pai of the bewele. The FAMILY CA- IMARTIC PILL has, with, due reference to this 0 well established fact, beer compounded from a variety of the purest Vegetable ii tracts, which act alike MI on every part of the all ments., canal, .and are good , and safe in all Whet wh •re e Cathartia in needed. each ae D e rangementsof the r i k stoieach, Sleepiness Pains in the BaCk and ii.gins, costive. Hess, Pain and. Sore- al mess over the whole body, from sudden cold, which frequently if ne glected, end in a long hi course of Fever,L oss of Appetite..a Creeping 11 ,6 41 Sensation of Col d over the body, Rest- 10151111eSS, RlIki)A011., 01 wsraav is ins HeAn, all ri INFLAMMATORY DM BABBB,. Worms in,Ohil• dreu or Adults, Rheuma tism. a great PUREPIER 04 of the BLOOD and many diseases to valid...flesh is. heir, too numerous tr mention in this - adVertiseA 0 - meat. Dose, Ito 8. PHOC'TRFOO Dirties. • The Liver Trion/116i and , Family Oathartie Pills an retailed by Draggle.. -to generally,, and eold yrholemie by th e Trade in all th e large town's. .. • ' -S. T. W SANFORD, M. D., Manulbcturer and P . roprietor, Bm4 ;Broadway, N. V. 11,7-ditwly = VW 1_ . An experienced Nurse and Penisle -Phy. clan, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR:DITILDREN _TEETHING, which greatly -facilitates: the process of teething, by softening the gnms, reducing all inflammation—will many 4,,Lb . re4 efidepasmedic.aetiory and is SURE TO REGULATE THE dowsia.• Depend' upon it mothers; it will give •rest to yourselves, an - . • RELIEF* AND - HEALTH TO YCIIITR INFANTS. • We have Tait up aunt sold this article for ova ,; ten years, acid CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, What we belie never been able to say of any Oilier Medi chiNEYEß HAWIT FAILED, IN-A" SINGLs: IN STANCE, TO EFFECT CURE, • when thoely used. Never did-ire know an instance Of dissatisfaction by any one who need it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendatio“ of its magical effects and medical virtue... We speak in this matter " Vi'ffAT WE DO KNOW," after ten y ars' experience AND PLEDGE OUR IiEPUTATION tR FULFILLMENTTiIir •OF W HAT. WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is sulf4ring from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in-fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis- This valuable preparationis the prescription of one of the mostrERPF.RIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New`England. and has been used with NEVER FAIL ING SUCCESS In T HOUS'ANDK OF . OASES. It not only relieves the !child from paini lmtinvigo rates the stomach" and borrels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and•energyte the whole system. It will al met inetently . rglieve" - ' ' GRIPING IN Irma BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme died; en - dindeath Webelieve it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN -THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARRHOIA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any ether cause. We would say to every mother rho has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES,.NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yea, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine if_ timalYnsed. ' diieetions for using will accompany-each bottle. None genuine unless the fac4imiles of 'CURTIS dr.' PERICINS;NewI York, is on the outside wrapper. • Sold by Druggists throughout - the world. PaisOIPAL OFPIOn j 13 CZ V4III37PRIIIIV, New Yoax. ON.a.2S.OENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-d4w * ly • JUST RECEI.VED! A LABCE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OP PINET, CASTILLCON & CO., BIKTJET, TRICOCHE .1. CO., JAS. HENNESSY it CO., OTARD, DIIPUY & CO., J. & F. MARTELL, FOR BALE BY JOHN. H. ZIEGLER, declB `CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I . PRILDIig9I, , S; tAiiipt inLiatrirra , Citqiits, and a great Variety of CAIIDIETEGRNITUES Snifable'for HOLT.DAY.GIFTS at reduced prices.. Also, a nevi lot of COTTAGE FURNITtrEE in sets. or ythe idligle piece, at TAMES B. BOYD ac' SON, dc2o.2lrd: 29 douth Seasnd Street. 2-5'(X) POUNDS AAIUN'S, CIINICARTS„CITAONS; 6:. `together with OHANGN.S, VENOMS, DRIED FRUITS,VAANHEABIES, and otoiristy of Artiblos suitable for th's Holidays.' Just received by 01620.1 " WM. DOCK, Tit., it CO. MESSRS: CHICK.RING & . ••• HAVE AGAIN wiritnirs.44lo_ D M E. WA 14: MECHANICS' FATR7-150-STON, 1111LD Tidt • : F DYER SIXTY COAfP.ETITORi; Wareroom for the ORIORERO.fiTT4EOkat Harrial burg, at 92 Market street, • -. 0c23-tf w.,K,Nocg :s MUSIC STORE. " TEW4:IC.T . ,k M'AREE, RECD. aNG. : IDISTLLERS, ,wit inams Alas DEALERS IN BRANDIES, GINS, WINE'S.' SCOTCH, r itYR 4.1411) BOURBON W H I 8 - K Y S 9 _ NO. • 1!IC MA P., .$l:Xr: .Tp de34.1 7 *.A..41.1V B , crAt q. r 4rA 61, Fit ec t iT uw. 4 1 1 T 4 tz 12 I !-'1'4 , 1 r t . e.Y t , fin .141 4,1 Pie in wvilOp . . ••• 01 40 _ - _ illongtht genuine ENG 1.141 MUBTASH r to SELLER'S DRUG STORE. RD'S GORATOR, LITAT ES. I 7 from Gums, and ha standard Medicine, known hare iusegit,aud is now re in all the disown rorwhicb Within the last two years of relief. as the numerous my IMMOM1 0 1 3 to the teinprament or eta used in such quantities as jiidgment guide you in the V IGORATOR, and it plaints, eiIII as rit, Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Weenies Stomach, H bitual in, .Cholera, 4; hol lad antum, Flatus Female W ea k n e as aesefully as an Ordinal• cine. It will cure SIC IL thousands can testify.) I t I) three Tent at commencement or at RI giving their teatimony JULES ROBIN & CO., MARETT & CO. 73 'MARKET STREET. lartte oferauei. VE.NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE . diangainii RPM FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO 4 FROM PIIILADELPSII, ON AND AFTER M ONDAY, AOV EM BEN 26TH, 1860, The Passenger Trains of the PennsylvahleßsilroadZoink piny will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg aki Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at Z4O e. m And Anivps at Weat Philadelphia at o.oo* Rh FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.65 p. m. , and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 6.15 p. m., sad al► rives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p, m, These Trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMIdODATION TRAIN, No.l, leaver Harrisburg at 7,39 a, 111., run via Mount Joy, and arrives at Weed Philadelphia at 1240 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harr burg at 1.15 p. na. , and arrives at West Philadelphia at 8 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, N 0.2., leaves Rarriebane at 5.25 p. m., rune via Mount Joy, connecting at Dille. vine with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. W ESTW ARD THROUGH WORM TRAIN lama Philadelphia 10.50 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.10 a. is. .MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. in., as arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. m. •FABT LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and N. riven at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. , • HARRISBUJIN ACCOMMODATION TRAIN *MO Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrigan MS 7.3 b p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 4 00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. in. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4 p, m, cennect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and army* Igt. Harrisburg at 9.4 b p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Puts'a Raiiroad, n023-dtf NEW . AIR LINE ROUTE to • NEW, Y lit - IL Shorted in Distance and Aniekest ix nits BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OP NEW YORK . AND tuatatilintuct, VIA • . READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON MORNINEI EXPRESS, Wool, loom Now York at e a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m., only BE how* between the two eitiea. - HAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar— rives at Harrisburg et 8.15 p. m, :HORNING MAIL LINE, But, leaves Harrisburg 113 8,00 a. in , arriving at New York at 6.20 p. m. -AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East; leaves Harris burg at 1.10 p. m., arriving at New,York at 0A6p..50. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. wit& the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Besmaylvax ni a, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Itailreadia All. Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Pettis. villa and. Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Hans! Chunk, Easton, &o. No change of Passenger Oars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 0.00 a. in. Line from New York or the 1.10 p. in. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and asses mod st ion, thie Route presents superior inducements On the traveling public. Pare between New York and Harrisburg, Flu Dciaaansi Per Tickets and other Information apply to J J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. 405 I ILAyEL xr P kLLA READING RAILROP.O WINTER AR 2..4N G ERIE VT_ ON AD=D AEU. R DEC. 12, 1888, TWO P.OBERGEE MAINS LEAVE HA ERISEUEG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 6.00 A. M., al d 1.16 P. M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1.26 P.M., and 6.16 P M. • RETURNING, LBAVB PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 AM . awl 8.80 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P M. ano 83) P. M. WARES:—To Philadelphia, No. I Oars, $8.25 ; No. e. (in same train) 82.76. PARES :—To Becalm , $l.BO and 31.80. At Reading, connect with trilling for Potted"_ , Mlerarx , villa, Tamaqua, Catawba's, ire. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOR PRILASIIII.- PIIIA DAILY, at 8 A. H.,10.46 A. U., 12.80 heehaw 848 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOB HEADING at 8 A. M.,1.00 P. AI., 8.80 P. M., amid 6.00 P. reltion:—Beading to. Philadelphia, $1.15 and $1 40 , . THB MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG GOB • NBOTti AT READING with up train for Wilkealiart- Pitteton and ileranton. For through tickets and other information apply to J. J. OLYDB. General AgeWr. dels dtt pHILADELPHIA AND RAILROA RZADINO REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES, ON AND AFIER ;MONDAY COMMUTATION ITIWETS, With 20 Coupons, will be Issued between any "nsk.:ir desired,. good for the holder and any member. of .11a family, in any Passenger train, and at any time...it per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently ..n business or pleasure, will and the abolre arrapigemi convenient and economical; as Four Passenger trams run daily each war between Reading and Philadelphia , and Two Train, Or" v between Reeding, Pottsville auj Harrisburg. So delays only one morning train Down and one after,re r train Wp , runs betweenP ottsville anti' thiladelph": irno no Passenger train on the Lebinnna Valley thirds Railroad. For the. above Tickets, or any information relating . thereir apply to S. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer, Philage c the respective Ticket Agents on the line, ea to 4. A, Nivn i bp, general Mart. Mal 27, 1860.—mar28-dif JACKSON & SHOE STORE, NO. 90% MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., Where they intend to devote their entire time te.ths manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES Of all kinds and varieties, in the neatest and most fash ionable styles, and at satisfactory price*. Their sleek will eonsist, in part,' of Gentkirein 9 3 Mao Calf and Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, latest ideas; Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, and other Shoes in greA variety; and in fact everything connected with the Slide Inieineaa. CUSTOMER WORKwill be particularly attended to, and in all cases will satisfaction be warranted. Lasts fitted up by one of the beet makers in the country. The long piectleal, experience of the UUdereigned i miff their thorougl3, knowledge of the business will, they trupt, be .sufficient guarantee to the public that they . Will do them jintice, and furnish 'them an articis that will rvounnend itself for utility, cheapness and darer tjancl JACKSON Sr RA TCH & CO., SHIP AGENTS . COMMISSION' MERCIIANTEI 138 WALNUt BTREET, PHILADELPHIA, , . Dasiiaas nr FLOUR, GRAIN, FR'COUICIE, COTTON', WINES AND, LIQUORS, TCBACC.O AND CIGARS. nov 6 - 46 Da 174 4i ; 1;:: GODBOLD, PAACTICAL • iiteliseiriiial of `PIANOS MELOD*Oittlee t , fliderearvfniurd mewl be left at WW KNO01:111P1 mulatt l STipimir Market !street, pr . stammilaway IL* _ &ply*. at the 44610 " ,0 ,4P4 0 0,11 'VA Meet' 'Mk iiikeb ittentlen. • • ' • , e itrintiqbattr 1 NOB gor '' . 1 1 . 11 . eepll3.dip $ q#Ea,lotqf 1;1 a r i 1J BUT Juticriiatrid by Two WM. DOCK, JR., & 00. ] APkiIL 2 124.0.1)