LOCAL N.ETWS. Tog DAILY D .. ATRIOi AND UNION may be had at Jackie Book Store, corner of Third and Market PATRIOT AND 131410 N. —The DAILT PATRIOT AND IMION can be bad by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. FRAIN. Tus Herts.—Under the change of schedule on the dilfeient railroads, the time of closing the wails at the Harrisburg Post °Moe, December let s WO, is as follows: PENNSYLVANIA R. R. - N ej a.-7 a. m.--way mail, 12.:5 p. m., 5. p. m., p. Trot —6O a. in.—Way mail, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. m. NORTHgAriI CIINTRAI. R. B. SOUth.-12.15 p. m.—Way mail, 9. p. m. Norrk-1 p. m. • - LIJIMION 'VALLEY B. B. 7.30 a. m. DAUPHIN AND SIISQ. R. B. L3O p. Mt - BERLAND VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. m, 1 p. m.--way mail. BY STAGE. 7 a . i n., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7 r. ut,to Jonestown, on Monday. Wednesday. and Fiaay. Ip. to Lewisberry, on Saturday. LOCAL BILL liessao.—The bill authorizing the Commissioners of Dauphin county to borrow money was taken up in the Senate on Monday afternoon, said passed finally. ltsruntanow.—The commissioners of the county yesterday ;efused to pay the Mayor's, justices' and osostables' fees for the arrest and ,00mmitment of vagrants. They are either acting , in bad faith ;rind a plain law, or under bad advice, let it !am° from where it will. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTER. — A meeting of the Democratic State Central Committee will be held in the Supreme Court Room this afternoon, at 3 )'clock. A large, if not a full turn out, of the mem bers is expected. A large number have already arrived, and many are expected by the trains at noon to-day. A3l EEPENSIVIC SUIT FOR TWENTY CENTS.---MY. David Phillips bas just recovered a verdict of six !eats from Mr. Michael Martio,a conductor on the Eidson River Railroad, for ejecting Mtn from the arc io consequence of a refusal to pay his fare. he original Cum in controversy was but twenty eats, and already the costs of the suit have ached $l,OOO. The ease is to be appealed. Simms Pt - rm.—The following is the formula f the most effioaeious of pills in the sleeplessness f bypochrondiaes and hysteric persons, and indeed fall persons Buffering from nervous affections : As skald% one drain sulphate of morphia, three rains; into thirty pills, one or two at bed-time. 'rout , two to four of these pills daily are of great se in relieving the dry cough_ to which nervous roman with irregular menstruation are liable. RUN ON THS SAVUMS BANKS.--BUMOTO from Philadelphia yesterday, stated that , there was a moral ran on the savings institutions of that eity. much for attempting to get, an act smuggled through the Legislature compelling depositors to give three Months notice before they can draw out amounts over 8100. Before the bill becomes a law, lOW, Tiny, of them will have any deposits left. Con. .Aannswr HoPmss.—We had the pleasure of taking by the hand yesterday our old. friend Col. A. Hopkins, the founder of the Harrisburg hum, and at present editor of the Brie Observer. During his brief stay he Called npon many of his old acquaintances, who were" right glad to get a glimpse of his jovial countenance again. He tells us that he is pleased with his new location, and espeots to live for some time to come in Brie. ARREST or A DESERTER.—Yesterday evening Chief of Police Radabangh arrested a deserter . from 'Uncle Sam's rendezvous, the Carlisle Barracks, named Bigler Jerome Montgoftery, and put him in the lock-up. The order for his arrest was issued by Major Graham, and brought over by private Van Horn. Mr. Montgomery will be very likely to go back to the place from whence he came by the first Cumberland Valley train that leaves this morning. LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMSBURG R. R.—At an election held by the stockholders of this company, on Monday, the 14th, the following officers were elected : President—Cot C. P. Wells, of Athens. Directors Wm. Swetland, Wzn. C. Reynolds, D. G.Driesbaeh, E. M'Neil, John Brinbin, Moses Tay lor, Win. E. Dodge, John I. 'Blair, Thos. F. Ather ton, Joseph H. Sorantea, N. Clapp and R. Gay lord. Dr. Clarence H. Frick, of Danville, died at hie residence, in that borough, on Monday morning "s. The Amerieun tays t Dr. Frick had labored under disease contracted in Mexico ever since hie return from that country, at thiVelose of the-war. lie went with the Colum bia 9aards from"this place, as Lieutenant, and on', the dea*o- 1 / a pt...Wiliioh succeeded to the nom. mand ~l isniiveura brara effieer, and was thhole he, loved by - hia brethren in arms. He leaiera wife, revere' iblldren sid alitrge circle or re/ativel and friends, to mourn his departure. • Barons wag MAYOlL—Leonard Wilt, William Smith, Ohed Miller, John Beaker, Michael Smith, and Phillip Otto, were turned out of the leek-up, where they had sought refuge, yesterday morning. They were all working their way by easy stages to the east,- and all of them mewitaniott--one a brewer, another a cabinet maker, a third an up bolsterer, and pne of them a shoemaker; on his . way to Lyn:: : All of them complained of having been out of work for a long time, and expressed a willingness to do almost anything to keepaiml and body together. : •3 • • AN Emma 11,44LirA7 'avant-tort Fon-fizoi , grzret RAILWAY Cams.—Mr. James Higgin, of )(snakes ter, England, has brought before the public-an in rends! for controlling railway trains that be as. lames will do away with the use of the COMIDOn brake now-used. • The wheels of the cars are made nithoutilanges, and of a great diameter 3-the bodiee of the cars are only about four inches above the rails; the parts of the ears immediately gkinye the rails are provided with plates of iron, with project ing flanges at one or more parts fitting within the rails, such projecting flanges serving the purpose of the flanges now used on the wheels. When it is desired to stop the train, the ears are lowered bodily, by means of shafts, wheels and screws, or other equivalent devices, to bring the places above referred to an the rails. The locomotive, tender and cars are - connected • by shafts to snit ,hie couplings, and the gearing for low er i ng t h e eaptiuges_on to the rails is brought within convenient renoh-of ithl3 engine -driver anti °f the conductor or other , appointedporson on the train. The ears are . lowered. and iaised clear of the PAM by an' auxiliary 'steam-engine or other Max AND ANIMA LS .—Row japorior are .me n in convenient machinery. In cm! !"?` _axle should intellectual and moral , qualities, to. the animal cre-; break, or other accident occur, to bring one of 'tbc 'ation S For example,. let a bird discover a store of 4 / 1 suddenly to the raiiS, the apparatus. for lower . . 'seeds or fruits, and the foolish thing goes and topg lug the other cars is instantly and- antomatioilly of his good fortune, and all the birds in the neigh brought into operation by means of a spring or borhood flock to enjoy it. Even a little ant will istesa9li p.pparatus, Whi c h je poro4yupon",l4 . tbe! la; foringlis whole tribe to feast upon if; neiviyidii. e . reaped _Motion produced. The said :r 'ph( I 'UP hovered daintyi i• But let a man ilineeveyli'iujise a". fnotion a pparatus may t h e be in e t enieeflo t i „ gotd,_or any kind - of valottblercasure a j id the stalling iever.of the locomoti7e, tn , 1 43, 1 1 . 1/ s t—r r" , _ ig "-k r i te )l s7p 6 ez h e im o se A lf oodita lte 1 7 atg affroPni°ll°B6lll:'Land ta" th:cf:< Kum at the same thus. OIL ITEMS.—Sometall .tqlnies, are told of oil in the vicinity of Paritertibtarg) Va. It is stated that on one tractof laud,,nearstitat,placeitme and - alialf miles long, there are three oil wells in operation, one of which, the "Ratitbtute," yields three hun dred barrels per diem. It takes one hundred and thirty coopers to keep it in barrels. One other yields forty-nine barrels daily, and another twenty; two others are ready for their engines, and are assured of a generous yield of oil. The last well finished is owned by hle. Lewellen. At the depth of one hundred feet two inches he struck a vein of oil, which forced his boring tools out of the. well. Then followed a stream of oil the fall aim) of the orifice, three and a half inches, and it was forced into the air full fifteen feet. Two workingmen seized a plank, and endeavored to cover it, but the oil forced it out of their hands. They finally took the sinker, and wrapping it with rags, forced it in the orifice, arid weighed it down. This well, with out pumping, will y ield a barrel of oil a minute. The last number of the Franklin Citizen contains the following: "A fountain well was opened on the Buchanan farm, on Saturday week, which has thrown Oilville and the mouth of Oil Creek gener ally into a feverish state of excitement. It yielded during the first week, without the aid of a pump, about 550 barrels of oil, about 25 or 30 of which were wasted before the well beeline manageable.— Curtis do Co., the fortunate proprietors, have cer tainly made a grand strike. The Snapp well, near it, again overflowed, on Friday last, and threw out some 50 barrels before it stopped. The Wadsworth well, also, started another overfi 4W on Friday night, and on Saturday was still yielding at the rate of about forty or fifty barrels in twenty-four hours. It flowed in waves, or regular pulsations, at intervals of about Ave se lends. The blowing of this well was as strong, and loud as blowing off of steam on a steamboat, and could be distinctly heard half a mile. 'lndeed, this entire section seems to have been recently vis ited by an oil-quake of great severity, An eye witness vouches for the truthfulness of these ac counts." The Spectator says the steamboats Venango, Echo and Leclaire had on freight for Pittsburg, when they left Franklin, about fifteen hundred bar rels of oil. FAMILY ESTIMATES_.WhiIe there are families in which there exists a preposterous over-estimate of the talents and acquirements of their several mem bers, there are other families in which the rifle bullet has glanced off in the opposite direction, and in which there exists a depressing and unrea sonable under-estimate of the talents and acquire ments of their several members. I have kaown such a thing as a family in which certain boys, during their early education, had it ceaselessly drilled into them that they were the idlest, stu pidest and most ignorant boys in the world. The poor little fellows grew up under that gloomy be lief that they are very bad. At length, happily, they went to a great public saheb' ; and, like roc kets they went up forthwith to the top: f their classes, and never. lost their plaies there. From school they went to the University, and there won honors more eminent than had ever been , won be fore. It will not surprise people , who know much 'of human nature tole told that-through this-bril liant career of school and college work the home belief in their id/eness and igaorance continued unchangedr and.hardly at its end was the toil-wiirn senior wrangler regarded as other than an idle and useless blockhead. • Now, the affection which prompts the under-estimate may be quite as real and deep as that which prompts the over-estimate, but its-manifestation is certainly the less amiable and pleasing. I have known a successful author whose ielatives never believed, till the reviews as sured them of it, that his writings were anything but contemptible and discreditable trash. . MASONS ON THE Calais.=The Masonio fraternity of New Albany, Ind, held a meeting on the 15th, and addressed a long letter .to their brethren throughout the Union. The whole letter breathes but one Sentiment —that of love for the Union.— l'irom it we'make the following patriotic extract! • The influent:le of love is potent, and a Mason's love, snowing no East, no West, no North and no pouch, can it not—ought it not—be used, and used eneeessfolly, in removing the difficulties by which we are environed, and bringing together, as breth ren, those who now are at variance with each other? The glorious structure of our Government was raised by men, many of whom we, as Masons, have delighted to pall brothers. lie who was first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen, we hail by the endearing appellation, Brother George Washington; and shall we not use soma exertion, make some sacrifices, grant some concessions, and • use every means of conciliation in preserving and perpetuating t%at•te the formation of which our illustrious' brethren pledged, their lives, their fortunei and their sacred honor? As Masons, we bave' been eitarge4 "to be true to cur government and just to our country," and shall we not use•all: our influence to see every just caw for discontent:removed, that united, free and happy, Pturibus Miura" may steadily'advinee in oivil icatiOn, and all the blessings whieh flow front am ity and concord. Let our motto, then, brethren, as Masons, he "concession and conciliation," in a spirit of bro therly love, asking nothing but what is isonstitu tionally rl i iiti,SUbmitting to nothing pat is wrong; but wishing to surrender everything but honor and constitutional rights for the safety and preservation of our beloved Union. ANGRY Larrans.—An angry letter is much fiercer than an angry speech. There the words remain scorching, not to be explained away, not to be atoned for,by a kiss—not to be softened down by the word of love that may follow so quickly upon spoken anger. This, at least, should be a rule through the letter-writing world„that no an gry letter be posted till four-aid-tweaty hours shall have elapsed since it was written. -We all know how absurd is that other rule •of -saying the alpha bet when you are angry. Trash ! Sit down and write. your letter; write it with all the venom in your power; spit oat your spleen at the fullest; it will do you good. You think you have been in jured; say all that you can Bay with all your poi soned eloquence, and gratify yourself by reading it while your temper is still hot. Then put it in your desk; and, as a matter of course, burn it before breakfast the following morning. Believe as, that you will then have a double gratification. An UNFAVORABLE SEED Tuns IN ENGLAND.—The i•Ondoa correspondent of.the National Intelligencer under date of Deo. 13, writes ' To the short comings and losses occasioned by a bad harvest has succeeded a very unfavorable seed time. The long continuance of wet weather has caused wheat-sowing operations to be almost en tirely suspended, until the best season for that im portant business is fast passing by. This makes -the prospect of the next harvest almost as bad as that of the present year. This would be a grie view affair for both growers and consumers. It is almost generally admitted that the product of the last harvest fell one-third below an average. The general climate of England has been, during the year 1860, very much like that which the . High Peak of Derbyshire is said to be- favored. with— "nine months' rain, and three months' damp wea ther." EDITORIAL Cosivesmore.The annual meeting of the PennegtvaniaEqitoriq Uniota will behold in Fulton hall, in the city of Lancaster,,on WOEI3II - the 26th of February next, at 24 , o'clock p.m. Important businesi will be transacted, and it is hoped. that there*will be a full attendance of the members, and editors generally thr(Mghout the State. An election will he held foe offieors for the ensuing year. MORTON M'MICIIAEL, J. H. PULESTON, Secretaries. L. 11. DAVIS, Tun ULTIMATUM Or. SOUTH CAROLINA.—South Carolina has laid down an ultimatum that will hardly be complied with, or that if complied with, will scarcely afford satisfaction to her sister States. The fact is, every day seems to complicate political matters, and many people have determined to cease racking their brains for a remedy for a disease which seems incurable. The great ultimatum of good taste, elegance and economy is, that all men and youths who would dress well, should procure their garments at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockbill it Wilson, Not. 003 and 005 Chestnut, above sixth, Philadelphia. UNION RESTAURANT.—EIegant salt oysters, pigs feet, tripe, Laaer'e RealAing ale, lager beer, and other refreshments, at all times, at Burkhart% uhder the Union House, Market street. AN INDUCENEMT. —Oar fr ieud, John Paulis, wit have in market, on Saturday morning, a dressed boar. Those of our citizens who are epicures, - can gratify their appetites by calling at his stall. The bear will weigh three hundred pounds dressed. fte MITOBELL'S ATLAS FOR 1861.—We direot the at tention of our readers to a notice in another col uum of to-daP's UNION, of Mitchell's New Atlas, which is now before.the public. This work is both the cheapest and best now before the country, and from Mitchell's acknowledged capacity for produ cing accurate maps, in which he has been engaged for the last forty ysars, it is destined to take pre , cedenee over all other maps now before the coun try. We are requested to say that Mr. J. F. Jaggus who has taken rooms at Mr. Jackson - Fleming's, opposite the State Capital Hotel, is now canvassing for the work in this city, and is prepared .to 'fur nish the citizens of Harrisburg with the numbers they wish to procure. lw LARGE ARRIVAL OP NEW Goons—The Metope, Goods Offered Yet.-2,000 yards Canton flantiel at 10 cents, . worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worth. 12 cents . 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast 'color. 1,500 yards of un bleached muslin at 10 cents, the- beet ever made for the priest. 1,000 undershirts and draworto at 50, 62 and 75: cents. Socks and ladies stocking's a large .variety.: Our whole 'stock ;of *Wei. goads, such as Shawls, De Mines, Pant Staff; Cloth and all kinds of Flannels.l- will sell off at cost. Now is the time to get bargains, S. LE* . s . ,,at Rhoadie old'eCtricr. - . Jan22t. SP .E' Cat NO TICE'S. 117- WARRANTED IN ALL CASES xff D it A: lt V o. s onnoko THERMAL VDMILLE PILLS For the prevention and Cure of all those•difliculties to which the fe male ustem peeitiigt ly liable arising from sTorPAplc pi? NAT B.N. DR;VDS PlO.loT4Off, • • These: Pitt flew ai.o v been *low?i to fail 'oh, tp the dere foots - hare been strictly follow d, .curd they. are saf tO'tAks by thcmost•d#icaee. TO MARRIED . IiAjDIES thrjare.,pertionlarlY. ream mended; Ali.thy, prevent :difficulties And restore , nature, no'matier from what.cause.tbe.obstruption may Ati9o; A few dsiis in moat esies Wil."Produee the 'desired eft 04 and althou,h'fo poWeifal,'yet no injury ail; ever result from their use. our theme who . are pregnant.stioult. not _use them do they'haie an react contrary w 1411 1 11170. Pawplikii detailing toe r vi rtnet. with num °room certitiCates from. Well known physicians aid apothecaries, can be had on applica tion to ihe" agent, who will send the Pills, if desired, by inail„post-paid, to any address, on receipt of the money. Soh in boxes oontlitling sixty pills.--price One Dollar,— by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT & CO., wholesale agents, North Sedond sir et, l'hitodel phia. nov2-eudditwly WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, milled BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is FOOD roe. THB etoon t aiready pi-epared for absorptions pleasant to the taste and natu ral in tuition, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then, who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and - OD re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the.world. renowned Dr. EATON'S tar ANTIFIE 00111D181, which every • mother should have. It contains no paregoric or opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluable .for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the virile in propel's of teething, and at the , same time tegnlate the bowels: , Let, aU moths and mmeg, who have endured anxiety days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved..- ;11J' See advertisement'. snitr-d&tr3m . . . brim the Indepoterreist, IVeto York, July 28,11159.. latms,—Qui advertising .cOlunuts oontalo acme leAtik monies to the value of a new article knoWn inglsPreParedeline,?!isefultii houSekeepieii kir Mending.' furniture. It is prepared irith'eheinicals, by VI-bleb:ola kept in the proper condition for immediate .use, the, chemicals evaporating as soon amt it is applied, leaving, the glue to harden. We can assure our reader , thitihfe, article has the excellent phrenological quality of fgarge: ailhesivenees.” • • • • For logo tb.,7 Q, A. BANIVAIIT, No. 2 Jones , IROir 007-44wlin • NATURAL MAGIC! Suppose a case. Suppose you have sandy, red ;white, grizzly, or naming yellow hair. Suppose you prefer a light brown. a rich dark•brown, or a raven black. Well; you apply.(if you are wise): 0 11,18 T ADORO'S EXCELSIOR •HA:IR DYE! and in ten minutes yourmirrOi shciwe you WONDERFUL Tit A NSFORMA-T,1.0N! Every hair that's fewinonienta ben ore was an iinaiirhtly blemishi is' now'an eleirmit o , braiativ. l ; A Mitgiziflotint he.d of hair" is the exclamation whenever you uncover. The differenCe betweerk - - - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST' was not more striking then that beteeen a gra,ror red bead in a state of nature, and one to which' this fainene dye 111111 been applied._Mannfactured by Gti:isTAL' DORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Bold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. jan9-d&wlns Dr. Bruuon's Concentrated Remedies. No. I, THE GREAT REVIVER, speedily ersidleates aq the evil effects of SELF-RillMS, as Loss of Memory, Shortness of &math, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any.coostitntional derangements of the system, hronght op by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. setifalike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No_ 2_ Till BALM wilt cure in from two to sight doss, any ease of GONOIO3IIOIA, is without, teat.) or smell, and requires no rustrictiono action or diet. for either sex. Price One Dollar. ' ' * No. 3. THIS TREES willeure in the shortest possible time, any ease of elEva, even after all - other Itemedie• have lailed to prolvice tlie/doitiroii effect. No taste or Smell Price One Dollar. - ' No. 4 THE Pi:MITER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures ef• the • Urethra. No matter of how long ..tending or neglected the ewe may be. Prioe One Dollar. No. 5. TIIB SOLUTOR will cure any ease of GRAM, Permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 6 FOR PARTICULARS BEN CIRCULAR. No. 7 THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the oulyremedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. . . No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollan. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue and Callowhill Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia. Pa For sale in Harrisburg only by C. A. BANNVART. where circulars eoptaining . valuable informat ea r with full Ile scrptiotedet eat dust., will lid doggers& gratig. On lapel eatluer• --.Bo ll Alegr - Dit , ..BBLIX.BRUDIONw" , ." • ' • P. O. Sex 09. • • .Mothera 4 read '• • The following I. en , iixtroet• from or letter..written by : e pastor a -the: Baiiktiett'Clbuith-to-the *.lOsiriutt Jahr/ - Messenger. Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks irolufithilii i ;favor :of twbrithrenoWnid medielffirj-Maiii • r o t ' , LOW'S 800T11311110SVII0ProA.ViiiiMaiNVIreffilitit, • 1 ' - • " We. adei ain Shvottiieiment in youti &dialing of Sire._ ,Wim"w's SontSinriktruw - N.w we nevor_sotd,ao Word, ,sra foyor,gif ajakient . ii*li 0)0400 In butiwW Psi „to,:to your rendfriras A4ui .nnntiterw:Wetr nay, atiff It', AND KNOW IT To Ili A l lot pm basins. one_ of the. most SIN , • t h ediclneo_of . the iina.ltagansa lirl# oll €l 9 t 2i t i te - tad hOst-ipt wia hives -batifini IS t an to lay ins supply. A la • 3' Validll4loll,3 THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—Sir 4111tesCI*141'6.0910brated )tamale Pile, prepared -f m prescrip'ion of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physicianitstraordl nary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the tole of all those painful and dange.ous diseases to which the female constitution hanbiaat, It ma d ara taa all saws and re moves all obstructions and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO idADRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly perind.with regularity. Each bottle, psi cu One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. THIESS PILLS SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN BY NUKALBS DURING TEN FIRST THREE, P 44 /NT tid.or PREGNANCY, AS THEY ARE SURE TO BRING ON MISCIARRIAOB, BUT AT ANY OTHER TINS THEY AEI SAYS. President. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Mick and Limbs, eatigue on slight exertion, F.lpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will e ffect a cure when allother means have ftiled, and sithOugh a P°l" erful remedy, do not contain ron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 13.-1,1,0 u and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. • For sale by H. A. BANNVART, Harrisburg. jy7-dawly Superseding CIIBEBB, OOPATBA, °Amu. 88, or any compound that has ever barn before the pm ple. It has been used by ONE lIT.INDEN is PHYSICIANS, In their private practce, with entire success, in all cases. SELLS SPECIFIC PILLS, - - - - . For diseases of a pr or ate nature ; a ru-e is y per formed in a week, and entire confidence may be placed in there. This remedy is a newly discovered specific, mord .active and speedy in its effects than Diboll's pr Copaiba ' Mona. The pitta ere ha. f the 'Mee of Capsules; and 'icier nauseate the stomach, or impregnateethe breath. Six doSen pi is ,n a bnx , price one dollar, and will be sent by mail, pole-pew, by t e agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by all' the principal druggists and dealers, and by DY.OTT & 00., wholesale agents, North Second street, Philadelphia. netekeeddftwif N OW WITHIN REACH • OF ALL DROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK . The public attentiou is respectfully requested to the following cards of Maas Howie, .Ta., and the Ciirovaa do BAYER S. M. CO.: A CARD FROM THE GROVER f BAKER S. M CO. Our Patents being now established by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the Guoven & BAKER Machine, with important iinprovements, at greatly " RED UCED PRICES! The moderate price at which Machines, making the GROVER & BALER stitch, can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making inferior stitches as unnecessary as it is unwise. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the aIIOYSR & Began stitch, but also that ouch Machiapi are made and . r:ttimied under.oar, patents and d thoie of Emig Hours, YR. . . (}ROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadway, Mao York. A CARD FROM ALIAS HOWE', JR All persons are 'oanifoned not to mike , deal' in; or use any Sewing Machine . . which sew from tiv;,epo oho and make the stitch kibirn ai the tiao;rsn'to Ra sa _ stitch, unless the same are purchased from the ;GROVER & KKR Sewing ,iiachine CoMpeUy s 'or their Agents, or Li comma, and stamped, under my patent of September 10, 1846. Said Company, and their Lieenees, alone, are legally authorized under their own patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and alt others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. . NSW YORK. la' SEND FOR A CIRCULAR, esp2B4l/kwl7 • , • IT WILL PAY . YOU READ. THIS. IT WILL PAY YOIJ: OBSERVE WHAT I SAY ! I IT WILL S PAY YOU HARRISBURGI !.! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES: FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING CLOTH E 6A.SSIMEICES, VESTINGS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS KNOWN ARCADE, NO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH. PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT . IO PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.-HAVING SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM' NOW READY TO MARE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE oct6-d4ta JACKSON & CO.'S SHOE STORE, NO. 90X MARIEWT STEN.NT, HARRISBURG, PA., Where they intend to devote their entire time to the manufacture of 130 . 0 TS AND SHO.ES . Of all kinds and varieties, in the neatest and most fash ioas.ble styles, and at satisfactory prices. Their stock will consist, in part, of Geottlemfes Calf apd Patent Leather Bootownd Skase,lahteatAdem; lafdfes l and plisses' . Gaiters, and ether Shoes in groat variety; and in fact every*ng.colitnected with ; the . Shoe businesi- 617.5T011 , 1E4i WAX will be putionberly ittended,to, . . and in all Gates will satisfaction .be.yr,err4o44. fitted up by one of the kett,tnakers ceunqu., lie I°4M:ogee:l ex.perionce of* undersigned, and. their therougli. knouled e busineea will they trasi i silicleut k guarantee. to the.. paNic :that Om will do th.im justice, and furnish them an article the!: :will recommend itself for utility, eheapnew, and JACKSON; ; dc CO-. ftU C Ic W.ff E,4 T. M 4 A.L !—g4p;t4k ` 'ILI QueLtlx,fn - . 12k an 4 25 lb Ili!iiiiijggt recei*ed - E.Fi4 Toil salesby • • .••- f fit tag"' .. WBE.'DOCIC, .I?e4 it' CO " .. ~ , .. _ prf.l42lrEti. 8 Bookstore ;iir the 'place tot b° 713 " 0 P • Etolullifit'Srbit DtilVirtinE to buy Domestic Medicines A NEW itEISIBEY ELIAS HOWE, JR TO TO POE A VISIT TO NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT OR NO SALE. Atchiral. SANFO LIVER INV NEVER DEBI IT is compounded entire Inmate an establishedfact, a and approved by all that m , - eorted to with rounded/es SI it is recommended. It has cured thousands who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and to actgentlyon thebowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IN will cure Liver Com itacks,Dyspep•ina Summer fl o au rya Drop . sy,Sour C • ell • eness, Choi ra Niorbus, Cholera '1 te'u e .ra'uudi cc, ena'and may be used sue r y, Family Ntedi- i HE & D . A V 11 . 13 1 al twenty animates, . li spoonfuls are taken All who use it are in its favor. AIPL.WATER IN TUN MOUTH WITH. TEN INVIO °FLUOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH' TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. -ALSO - SANFORD •S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glace Cases, Air Tight, and will keep en any climate. The Family Cathay active Cathartic,which hie praatice more than The constantly increes who have long need the tion which all expresi in induced me to , place them The 'Profession well know act on different portions The FAMILY CA with due reference to this compounded from a varie- Zxtracts, which act alike mentaty eanal, and are cases whktre a Cathartic is r an g e m e n II of the Pains in the Back . nese, Pain and.Aore 'NWT, from sudden_ cold, gloated, end in a long Appetite, 'a CreePtag ever the body, Rest mama, 1a vas. HsAn, all mass, "Worms in Min. then,. agree!. PURIFIER diseases to "which heal' I Mention in this advertise- . . • p rice . Three Dimes. The Liver -Invigorator •idul Family Cathartic Pine are retailed by Drug generally , Oil c01d 301001314,i by the Di Trade all the . - Ammo: • . S. T... sANFOND , M.. D.,. Manufacturer and Proprietor, 808 Eiroadway, N. T. irT-d&wly MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and, Yemale-Phy.iedan, presents to the attention of mother., her SOOTHING SY RUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates - the process of teething, by softening the gums, , reducing allay ALI: PAIN and spasmodic action raid is "IR". ir T T ~B OWD L S Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, ,HEALTH TO TOUR INFANTS. Wilucie put up and sold this article for error ten years, and CAN SA t Ir,,IN CONFIDENCE AND TRCTII,Af c it, what we have never heen stile to soy of onyor her Medi cinn—TlNVEß , HAS - IT IfAILED, IN A. SINGLE IN STANCY!,Tg..RIAREQT A CORN, when , limply , used. Never dlifwe know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one whAused It: On the contrary, all are dialielited with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of Its magical effects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter'! WiIAT dr.F. DO KNOW S , ' after ten .v em' experience,_AND PLEDGE O UR REPUTATION V' R THE FULFILLMENT OP -WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is Sufferin'g from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup bi adminis tered'. This valuable preparatioile the preseription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, aud. has been need with NEVER FAIL SUCCESS is THOUSANDS OF OASES. It not only relieves the:child from.psini bet invigo. rates the stomach ,and bowels, corrects. acidity, and gives tone and energy.te the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve - GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, will co,: if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BEAT mid SUBMIT REMEDY IN THE WORLD, 'in all cases of DYBEN• TERY and DIARRHOEA IN CHILDREN, whether .it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother Rho has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES, NOR THE-PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Pull directions for using will accompany each , bottle- None genuine unless the facsimile of MATO gt. PERKINS, New Rork, is on the OutfiddeWieppor. - • - Sold Druggists thr;mghout the world. PRINCIPAL OFFICR, 1801/DAR STREET, NEW YORK, PRl:alai? - OENTS Pll.l BOTTLE, sep29-48cwiy JUST RECEIVED! A. LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF. BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILLION & CO., BISQUET, TRICOCHE & CO., JAS. HENNESSY & CO., OTARD, DUPUY & CO., J. A P. MARTELL, JULES ROBIN & CO., MARETT & CO. FOR SALE BY JOHN H. ZIEGLER, declB 73 MARKET STREET. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! LADIES' and GENTS' CHAIRS,. and a great variety of CABINET FURNITUREa u itable for HOLIDAY GIFTS at reduacd prifel: • Also A tifi**4 ol ! COTTAGE FURNITURE infieta, or by the.aingiapiece, JAMES H. BOYD & SON; • de2D2wd. 29 south SecOitd Street. 2 500 POUNDS . . LISINS, CURRANTS, CITRONS, &e., & e.. together with ORANGES, LEMONS, DRIED FRUITS CRANBERRIES, and a variety of Articles suitable for thullolidays. Just • received by , [deVii.] WM. DOOK Ja., dr, CO. MESBIIB. CHICKERING a co. 1 4 arr AGAIN OBTAINED, THE ' Of ,L D':" ! AT THEr BOA i i l ol4, • sum Dm mosptite Wssl, OVER.SIXTY CaXPETlrolist Wareroom for the CHICKEBiNH'PO42OS, at ilisalrie burg, at 92 Market street, • be23-tf W. KNOCHE'S Mt SIC STORE. STEWART 41tVA'REE, RECTIFY: MG 'DISTILLERS, WHOLESALE 'DEALERS, IN BRANDIEE; 'GINS, WINES. • SCOTCH, IRISH, .OLD RYE AND BOURBON • - WAIFS KT 6 - , NO. 103 , 31.4111111,1 1 :31 , A , FAIT. del2J HA R .11 I ISt•E UR O. 1 P A ~ • -•<• . • t Atilt 2 Oti . gc-p -. • , .r :3' < .: 10 .1)&04 06.&.•12r4r , • ...Li. .GitthesennineENONlS iMUEITAVII NELLEs% DRUG Weate. RD'S CORATOR, LITATES. y Irons Gums, and ha standard Medicine; known have used it,and is ROW re in all thadiseameeforwhich within the last two years of relief, as the numerous my possession chow. to the temperament or me need in each quantities ee judgment guide you in the VICIORATOR, and it plaints, Billi us At. Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Dysente- Stomach, H hints' lc, Cholera, Choice , nf antnm, Flat n. Female W ea kne s. cisnully as an Ordinal.. eine. It will cure SICK thOmands can testify.) in two or t b r e.e.Tett. at commencement of at Pq givlngtheir testimony tic PILL is a gentle but the proprietor has used is twenty years. ing demand from thane PILLS, and the satisfse• regard to their We, has within the reach of all that different Cathartics of.the bowels. THU/IVDC PILL has, well established fact, been ty of the purest Vegetable on every part ei the all good and mete _in all needed; such as De. Stoniach,. Sleepiness, and Lob's, Costlie. ness over the wh o le frennently, _ if ne. COlllllO of Hever, Loss of Sinstition o I C• 1 d lessness, ItrADAOIIO, 01 INFLAMMATORY DI& dren or Adults, Ithenms• of the .111459.D..and , many heir, too numerous 'to went. Dose, Ito 8. tints of eravel. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE MBIEMPRIVAIMIN AIME FIVE TRIMS DAILY TO & FROM PRILIDELTIBIg ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH, 1860, The Passenger Trains of the. Pennsylvania Railroad Cang pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg ae Philadelphia u follows ! EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg am 2.40 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 610 n. PAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.55 F. arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. in., and rives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These Trains make close connection at Philadelphill with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., runs via Mount Joy, and anises at Waal' Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. • HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Barri/ burg at 1.16 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia gilt 0.40 p. in. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No.; leaves HarrMimi" at 5.25 p. in., runs via, Mount Joy, connecting at Dinner ville with MAIL TRAIN Raid for Philadelphia, WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves PhiladelpLis 10.50 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m. men TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at B.ooa, so., an arrival at Hariesburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittstrcurig at 7.00 a. m. PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, 'ad at. , rives at Ilarrieburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaved Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrives at Harristown 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philthelphi& 4.90 p.m, and arriyea at Harrisburg st 9 •; 1 0 5 19- nh Attention is called to the fact, tbat paapiumeraludviDli - Philadelphia at 4 p. m, connect at Lancaster .vlOl l MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAlN;arularriver4l Harrisburg at 9A5 P. tn. • . SAMITEL D. YOUNG., Supt. East. Div. Penn'a Railroad. no2B-dtf • NORTHERN . CENTRAL RAILWAY. oinalmogimo CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER A.RRA.NGEDIEN•T: ON AND AFTER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 261m,11111% the Paelenee,T,r,itieS of the, WQrtherafjostud'asibiar will le ave Harrisbuig as: . < ; GOING. SOUTH. ACOOMMODA.TION .TRAIN will leave at.. 3.00 xi' EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at 7 40a. Mi. MAIL TRAIN willleaveat 1.00 p.m. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave at -- ... 1.40 p.. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at 8 lip. m. The only Train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday ;Mb, the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Beath, q,4 34100._=. For farther information apply at the nada, in Pim. Sylvania Railroad Depot. JOHN W. WAIL, Age e& Harrisburg, November 23, 1860.—u024 NEW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. ~... ii Shortest in Dietansi and (Iniekest in Ti n. BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND I.IARRISBUES, VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York' at. 18 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at Ip. in., only 8 hourie between the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and a: - rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 p. in. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. m , arriving at New York at 6.20 p. ro. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Bletrio. burg at 115 p. in., arriving at New York at 0.46 p. an Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. in. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Perussylva. nia, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroads All Trains connect at Beading with Trains for Potts. ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Meath Chunk, Easton, 40. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 8.00 a. m. Line from. Nita York or the 1.15 p. in. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and Mega modation, this Route presents superior induceineata - es the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg,Tive Douai*, For Tickets and other information apply to J .1. CLYDE, General Agent. de/6 HarrUbuig.. p HILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD WINTER AR.YAN G ENENT. ON AND A?TrR DEC. 12, 1860, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE WARRISBIII.O DAILY, (Sundays .nruspind,) at 9.00 A. N., and 1.19 Y F. for Philadelphia, arriting there at 113 P. ht.,Mut6.ls P M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at SAM and 3.80 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P. N. and S.la P. M. PARES :—To Philadelphia, No 1 Can, /6.46; Es. A, (In same train) 112.18, • PARES :—To Readier g 1.60 and PAO. At Reading, connect. with tubas for PottaidEJ, villa, Tamaqua, Oatawis' ea, dm. FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING lON PHILAI9I4.:- PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. 51.,10.45 A. M., 12.80 WWI SM 8.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR BEADING at SA . N.,1.00 P. N., 3.80 P. M., sad COOT. 5.. F ARES :—Readino to. Philadelphia, $1.73 and $1.43. THE MORNING ?NOW PROM GARIUSDITRG CON NECTS AT READING with up train for Wilkaimmo Pittston and Reroutes. For through tickets and other Information amity In J. J. CLYDE,. General Agent. delb•dtf pIII.LADELPIII. A • IS D RE ADIN 0 RAILROAD. • RRDIICTION OF PASSRNGIIR PARIS, UN AND AFTER MONDAY, :APRIL ii, kW* COMMUTATION trwirErs, With 26 Coupons, will be issued between any poloist. desired, good' - for the holder. and any member of hie family, in any passenger traia,and at any timiattillf per cent. below the regular fares. . Parties having °erasion toms the Road frequently os b us i n ess or ,plesanro, find :the above arrangement convenient and- erpoomiesar as Your - Passenger Unita run deny each we,- between Reading ,and Philadollph4 and Two Train, etc • between Reading, Pottevill• Harrisburg. 0, itsplaya,pfili.ore morning train Down s and one afters f 1" r train 'Up; runs between Tottsville and Philadelphir and , no Paeminger train on the Labium. Valley Brrneb Railroad. • • . • For the above Tichets or any information relating thereto apply to B. Bradford, Isl., Treasurer, Th 11666 - plkia,t • the respective 'hetet Agents the • 0: A..NICOLLB, Oglikersl Marea 27, 1660.••••untrAtt•dtf A'''T' C H & C 0 . SHIP AGENTS. AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, kIBByAINUT STREET, PHILADELPHW ' DRALNRB FLOUR, GRAIN, PR ODII.CE,-COMTON, WINES . AND LIQUORS, T 0 B 4.6'p 0 A NI) GA It •S« n0v6.416ki TT. Traugp.'• • exp 144e*L4 . warms, BIELODICONB d 1440 , &IL OrdekTllo.ll:lltur te net be left at WM. .111f0 • HMN, It MUSIO *STOItZ, ket street, or at Busmaios--' goTET..._, ordwralft etthelbove-aed p l O4 Ol *kW; meet with priompr First class PIANOS OW Ole, seple-asy TIMED REAV&-An extra lot fdDIUND if—FEwp-o-Tek..41.7 no 9 - DOOL, a., & 00. I, 41 41,, Gf I I , iT *Pr u wazzula. sort -`