health and enjoyment of the people, and to preserve the purity of the Schuylkill water at Fairmount." 44 An Aa to authorise the !Moisten, trustees, elders and deacons of the German Reformed congregation in the city of l'hiladelphia, to sell cort.iin ground rents." " An Act re-establishing the read laws in the county of "An Act authorizing the commissioners of Cameron county to borrow money." " A supplement town act to incorporate the Scranton gal and water company,approvad 16th day of March, A. D. Mt' "An Act to repeal an act to increase the pay of commissioners, jurors and witnesses in cer tain counties of this Commonwealth, so far as the same relates to the county of Fayette." " An Act for the better security of the wages of laborers." "Au Act, to extend the provisions of an act relating to the selling of the repairing of tho public roads in certain townships in Schuylkill county to the township of Washington, in said county '2 " An Act authorizing the Methodist Episco pal church of Warren to convey certain real estate." "An Act to repeal an act appointing com missioners to layout and open a State road in the counties of M'Kean and Elk, passed the 16th day of May, A. D. 1857." " An Act, for the incorporation of the Tidioute and Pittsfield turnpike and plank road com pany:" "An Act to repeal certain road laws in Wayne county." " Ao Act authorizing the Governor to incor. porate a company to erect a bridge over Clear field creek, in Clearfield county, at Mad , ira." " An Act to lay out a State road in Somerset and Bedford counties." Adjourned. CO ',patriot tt . Rion. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 30, 1861 O. 8.1.8.R.5TT b. THOMAS 0- MinoDOWELL. Pub lishers and Propziotori. Clommunioatiods will not be published inthe PATRIOT AID 171101 unless accompanied with the name of the . . S. ill. PETTENISILL Sr CO:, Advertising Agents,ll9 Nassau street, New York, and 10 State street, Boston, are the Agents for the PATRIOT Ain;Ustou and the most influential and largest circu lating new spapers in the United States and Canadas therars authorised to amitraatiorna at earleseestvettes FOR SALE. A second-band ADAXB •Passs,platea 39% by Winches, la good order; cam be worked either by hand or steam power. Terms - moderate Inquire at this ease. To Members of the Legislature. THE DAILY PATHIGT AND UNION will be furnished to Members of the Legislature during the fiegli9u At the low price of Oxen iknoLeu. MeILO:An wishing-extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION . , cast procure them by leaving their orders at the publication office, Third street, or with our re. porters in either House, the evening previous A:9 • 3:1 UN 11 DID11)11 611511 A meetingef the Democratic state 'Executive Com mittee will be -told at the BURBLER .110 USS, Barris. burg, on Wednesday, January 30,1861, at 3 o'clock. p. m. Democratic ;papers en the State wi I please copy . . WILLIAM H. WELSH,ChairMan. The Convention of Louisiana did not dare to submit their ordinance 'o the people, &proposition tothat effect being voted down. 84 members shouting nay, while ..nly 45 gave their voices in the affirmative—N.-Y. Tribune The Reputdicaus iu Congre s s do not dare to submit the Crittenden compromise resolutions to the people in accordance with the proposi tion of Mr. Sigler—aud the Tribune encourages and sustains them in this course. If, as the Tribune would have us infer., Ctu% t 2.3w.0n3.1,in 41••••••••4 tau- people in refusing t 9 Perinitibem to 'vote upon the se. cession ordinance, do not the Republicans show the same Adistrust by preventing an expression of popular opinionupon -the Crittenden compro mise 9 IN the :Senate _yesterday resolutions were passed enabling the Governor to appoint seven Commissioners to represent Pennsylvania in the Convention to be held at Washington, on the 41,h of ;February, at the suggestion of Vir ginia. These resolutions. which were reported from the troops • on board were to .be sent to the Works at Tortugas,. which were still in the pont- Sessioia of the Federal authorities,, but witheut adequate, force' to hold them. Capt. Barron Was sent by land a week since on a Similar, er rand, and has probably arrived there by this time. His dispatches to. Fort Pickens and the naval 001**We : re in the. Gulf were of the most pacific character. . . • Union' Meeting in Detroit. - Demon., Mich., Jan. 29. A large meeting Of Oitizens favorable. to the plan of the Border-State Committee asseinbled, in the •City.HalL last .evening. Pursuant to a call of the. Mii.yor,- thehbll was densely .paoked, While, hundreds were unable to obtain admit ? . Lance. The meeting was 'adilresse4 'promi nent Democratic and, Republican speakers, and resolutions were adopted °favoring, the admis ?loft of Territories - south. of - 80 9 439' Swami with : or shivery, alkali - noriirtif that lice free; the amendtnent .of the, fiigitive. slave law • so .as to . treveat kidnapping ; ilie repeal of all personal libcrty.laws ; prevention or is terferenee by Congrasit with slavors is anicarairn States, dock pita% and,inier-State slave trade;_ eniugresw wittrstalterl the District of Columbia. except with the con sent of the people of Virginia, itilatyland and the District;,perpetual prohibition of - the Af rican slave trade. Delegates were appointed to proceed to Lansing and urge, the Legislature. to repeal the personal liberty laws. Excitentetit Richmond. RWIIMOND, January 29. The recent proceedings at Fortress Monroe have embittered the public feeling. The fol lowing rea..lution was adopted at a large meet. ing of citizens held here last night WHEnnia, the Legislature of, Vitginia has declared that any act of coercion aointit a Southern etitte *ill be regarded by be an :.act of. witi and be resisted with : all , the . means in out ,power; liesolved, ..That the attention of the Legisla ture is hereby called to' the overt act of coer cion now actually perpetrated at Fortress Mon roe. • - •• The North Carolina Legislature. RALEIGH, N: C., Jan.. 29. The senate was yesterday engaged on private The House considered the Senate. Convention bill. Several Esnseadruents, were adopted,- but no vote was taken on its passage. It till cothe up to=day at lc o'clock. ' A ease of small:pox was reported in the city yesterday, and it-is proposed by some mem hers 'to remove to another city, while others favor an adjournment till' March, to avoid further developmenti. The New Orleans Marine Hosptal. . WASHINGTON, Jan_ 29, QWIIIA tit the urgentremonstrance of Some , tart' Dix; the affair in :relation CO the Marine Hospital at New Orleans has hien satisfactorily arranged. Capt. Faunee 'commanding the Revenue Cutter Harriet Lane is AOW in this city. The Steamer Columbia at Charleston. • CHARLgSTM J - 411 , 20. The steamer Columbia has been hauled off the bar where she has been aground for several days. She has come up to the city and is now reloading the cargo that had to be taken OUt to get , her afloat. The vessel is strained some what, but the damage is supposed to be slight. The Markets. itinansunris. Tan 29. Flour quiet; common and superfine $5.2555.37% per bbl., $5.7601 for extra family, and .26.123C,6,62X for fancy lots. Rye Boor $4. Corn xneats2. Penna. wheat $1.25a1.30 per bushel for red ; Ohio white $1 46. Whi® ky—Penna. 17X C i Drudge 1 l al7e . IiALTIMOB; Tan. 22. Flour dull ; Howard street and Ohio are held at $5.37,ti, a decline or 12jie ; City Mills $5.26 WheAt active and Ann at $1.&a..86 for itt.d, $1.45 and $1.63 for White.— .Corn steady, at 61a68c. for Yellow. and 643470 c. for Whits. Provisions ftrm_ MestrPork $18.25. Lard 18c. 10,g e. Coffee steady, at 11101230. Whisky Arm, at New YORK Tan. 29.--rlour dull; 9,600 bbl sold, at $5.1546.25 for State. Weeat dull; 22.000 bushel sole at $l.lB for Chicago Spring, SionciLab forged Welders and $1.4%e11.80 for white. Cern dull; 20,000 bastions Old at 69e. Lard dull at 9010 X e. Whiskey. firm at 18 Na. Receipts of Flour 7,147 Wis. Wheat 7,160 bar. SPS'CfAL NOTIOEB; jorELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATION Cures Ora - AL Tel 7.lllatider,•Dropsy,iridnoj Affections. H , EL4OLD , d Gaa Pr.pauttion for Nervous and A.O Debilitated tinmmfferere, II . . . ELMBuLu'ts tiontfiee Preparation for Lose of Power, 1,0514 of ttleniory. - • TJELmBpLiPts Genuine P ceparation for Difficulty of ireath•ilia, Genera! Weakness. H.I I LBISQLD% , Ctonuine. Preparation for Weak-Nerveo, Horror of Death. Trembling, . - ELMNOttotildfintiinie'Piewittition fOr Night iiweahi, Dhnnepsot likLlAMßOWPS'enviii ' Prepatating fortiananem,trai vtrani La:mil - lade of the Kneenkr System. HIRLBIBOLD'e Genuine Preprationlo4l4lllA.Coaute; mince and Nruptione. - j auLD'B GPIs, rai Prepaeition for Pains in the -1--• Rack, Headache . , SioiLlftemach, 071 Sec advelidiiimelit beaded J.ILE/AWHOLDIS EXTRACT Byo/417 in another column. vit PILLS PURIFY ARRANT E YO D TUR BLOOD.—BRANDREffirg Wo CM Pevait AND Auss..—The effect of purging with BRANIMETH'S PILLS is to rp., store the health, no matter from what cause it le er t, - , 1 suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; and they have the same power of expulsion e re , whom, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever. In fact, if the blood Is poisoned, it is impure, and int. pure blood results in disease. BRANDRETH'S PILLS, though innocent as bread, yet they are, efLyable of pea. Eying the blood and curing disease. 80, they cure all kinds of fevers, all asthmas, catarrhs, ccstireness and painful affections of every kind. Sold, pries 25 eeoto, at No.:104 Canal ret.Newl'ork, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC D BELL, corner of Seiond and Chestnut streets, Harerterg, and by au rosrentable dealers in medicines deg-d&wirn 1.M.1 0 OR-I A.-NIP T.O FEMALES DR. QHEESEMAN'S PIL LS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mils In their operation, and Certain hi correcting all h- regu ; laritha, painful - menstimnation, removing all obstree... tions, whether from cold or othelivise, headache pai n in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites t au tier. vous arecthins, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the backend Lion of n e disturbed sleep ; whic h arise from Intsritip„ DR. OHEESEMAN'S PILLS was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructions which have con signed ao many thouganda of the young, the beautiful" and the beloved to a FREMATIME OLIVE- N 6 female m a enjoy good health todess she is regular, and Whenever hn.obstruction takeio place the general health beers] to. decline. DR. CIIEESEMAIPS. PILLS are the meet effectual remedy ever known for all Lima. plaints peculiar to Alma leg. To all classes they are in , valuable, inducing, with certainty,periodicalregularity. 'They are known to thousands, who have need them at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of seine of , the most eminent Phyaiciane ix America. • Espliyit diteetiotss, stating tykes, and when they should not be used, accompany eachbox—the Prise Ow Dollar each box, containing forty Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents. Pills seise by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to the amoral Agent. Bold by druggists generally; A. D. EVTIMIIIN 4 A, (itinisral Agent, 14 Broadway, Now York. Bold in Harrisburg by O. A. BAIitiVABT. decl 159-ditwly ARM. WINSLOW, An experienced nurse and female physician, ham s Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gume, reducing an illliltrallittioll—Wsll allay all pain, and is Beur to regulate the bowe/P..Depend upon it mothers, it will giTO relit to yoursolvep, and relief and heal th to your pe r _ putty safe In all owes, bee advertisement in another col flmn. aar19,1859-111ewly New #2tbvertistinento. (CAL FOIL SALE.—In order to close bNJ the business of john Wallower & Son, the subscri ers will deliver in any part of the city of Harrisburg, first quality of .I,YHENS VALLEY COAL, at Two Dol lars and Seventy-Five cents per tin; or they will sell Seven Hundred Tons at a reduced wholesale price. A. 0. IIIkBTEII , , C. Y. M.l7ENO,fir Assignees., jan3o-3tia3tvr 1 4. ) XEC UT.OIV N 0 TIC 'lL—Notice is heieby given that letters - testamentaii : nrert the estate of Mrs. MARY BOATER., deceased,. late Of: the n,* io Marrisbeig,` have - heeri: greeted to' the inctei signed hi . the *Oster of DaAphioveo linty ; therefcire, all persebs said estate are requested to wake intmedinte payment s Mid those bevies shy, just eiplms are requested , to pieseht them; legalbrauthentiested,for settlement. it. H. ADAMS, • ' Executor "of *404100911w. HARRISBURG, 411. 29,.1881, 0 AL 'BEDUpEDIII :CONSUMERS OF COAL, TARE NOTICE! Coal ,daliyarbd' toed y part • of the city' limits by' the Patent Carts, at the following rates, for cash, viz : - • • . . . Lykens Valley Nut Coal at $2.00. per ton. " . Small Ogg 2,90 Ci .Liirge do. 3.90 " " • :Broken • 0.90• Balt. Coal Co.'s Wilkeibarre atuataboat, 3.00 per ton. a —Broken, 3.00 " • Si tgg, 300 14 rr . 41 But, 2.25 Broad Top Coal, (for Smiths' lama tvg mumm. gmo oos-res nor - sale, at loireet cash priee A large lot of superior Await YAND 6.A/C.WOCD for sale, at the lowest rates. Agent far .DU roxrs tßroi AND BLASTING POWDER—for sale at manufacturer's prices.. Coal delivered from both yards at above - rates, by Patent .W eigh . Carts, which are certified to by the Sealers of *eights and Mamas. , ,• aIJP Every consumer will please weigh their Coal on delivery, and if it falls short 10 pounds I will Arline the Coal. : • A. large, full and complete stock of the best kkela Coal will always be found on hand. JAMES M. WHEELER Harrisburg, January 29,1801. jan3o dim IiROPOSALS will be received until January 31,:1881, at 8 P, EL, for furnishing the Pennsylvania Btate' Lunatic . Heopital with Fresh and Corned Beef during the yearlBBl... The fresh beef must be delivered -im.the. side, cut up and weighed on the scales at the any further information 'Can be obtained from the Superintendent; to - 'whom sir Proposals meet be OA dreeogi NOUN OUBWEIf . 111.. D., jan2B-d3tat• • Superintendent. •• THE ORIGINAL • AND CELEBRATED. GENERAL.TOM THUMB, ALLRST mtd N. L TrEL AT BRANT'S HALL a _ ilASAtbstralit FOR THREE DAYS' ONLY! • FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY, yintavarcir . 1;3, 4. Two Brilliant Entertainments each day—Afternoon at 3, Evening at 73g. Doors , open half an hour previous. The General appears in all his new Songs, Dances, Imi tations, Grecian Statues, &c.. assisted by Mr. W. TOM LIN, the great English Baritone and Buse, from the Nobilities Concerts, London - Mr. W. DE MERE , t b American Tenor, and Mr. O. TITOOMB. Pianist. Admission—Day Entertainment, 25 cents;' Children under ten, 13 cents; Evening Entertainment, 18 cerrhi;, Children under ten, 10 cents; Reserved Meats 2.6. bents: Schools admitted on liberal terms. . , The Little General rides in his miniature carriage flint' the Jones lintel tO the flail. The Grand P.LAZIO need 141 one of OIIIGRERIN G.'S BEST, from W. 8.N00143111 Music Store; 92 Market street. ALFRED CATELY, Business Agent_ Jan24-dlwik2tw ENNINGB' FOUNDRY, . CORNER OF SHORT AND SOUTH STREETS, HARRISBURG; B-E'N-N°4- Having pnrchtteed all the . patterns of J. R. &nee, of the , g Novelty Iron Worke," I am prepared: to execute ill 'Orders for casting: IRON FRONTS, GRATES SPOUTS, PLOUGHS, RAILING-, STOVER( Mlll every description of CASTINGS, upon the ehofttytt4o, tine ant moot mama bit teraib. • • • , All ''orders left ac the 'FOuedry or No. 106 Make street, will receive immediate attention. . : . wiraitAm W . TENNIN4:I9:. Harrisburg, January 26,1861.—jan28-63t ASSIGNEMSt SALF.,--Will be sold at Pnbno Bale or Oat-cry, at the enrner of Fourth and Chesnut streebi, id thd cityorßairisburg, on THITRa r DAY. FEBRUARY 7TH , 11364 at 2 o'clock, P. , the following articles :—FOUR HORSES, one Two-Hanna wagon, three One-Horse Wagons ' , ona Cart, tare Wheal bath:Ms, one Patent straw Citt4l4; Single' and Double Harness, lot of Lime. DriCka, -boards, Rails, Chesnut Posts, Board-forma Posts, d ie.- -- E. BYERS, • '• • • Assignee of Daniel Rhoads. Harrisburg,..l'an. 23, 1881. fanZi•ilts* " • -• UST ; CE IVED—A large stock of 0 SCOTCH ALES, DROWN STOUT and LONDON PORTER. For sale at the lowest rates by . • JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 Harkat street. Pun/1 • rl 'HE BIBLE. ON DIVOROB.--The foi big vrords'frOrn — 14 ark x. v. 9, 12: "'What, therefore , God has joined together let not man put tounkter. ll "Whosoever shall . pnt aert4yhis wife and MarITOSQU I " eommittetb adultery. And If a woman shall put airy her husband and',l marry ....,—.o4"tt she committeth adultery. su te r g e i m sl e a . t a rs wgi an ir d er o . th fr e e r za a, t w h hi e c a h bo t v h e e ls e t : l e e o tti a c p t p lt . h4 46 whag, then-fere God has joine d together It a t il a d air put asunder,"` • _ COST ! ! ! BOTTLED WINES, BRANDIEEc `• AND LlQUblt.s-oF.ErEity DRSCRLATrom , Together with's complete assortment, (wholesale pad; retail,) embracing everything in the line, will be pig a r Cog.t) without reserve - Sato !!, i . _ Witt, DOCX; ; 4qTAR.II9: O S iiii3l4a tirg dielleite4riiit--11 packages of two lbs. esob. 7 Dfit rece i Mi rifitileitScrliteffiltstief4k) janl2') WWI ja,. 00