Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, January 29, 1861, Image 3
LOCAL NEWS. TSB DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION may ho had at jac k's Book Store, corner of Third and Market PATRIOT AND UNION---The DAILY PATRIOT AND Vries can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every ru ing, at the periodical store of J. S. FRAM los n u m....truder the change of schedule on the diffe.ent rAilroade, the time of closing the mails at the StrrisourgPost Klee, December let, ISM is to fellows : PRNiSiLYANIA R. R. i.„ 1 ,7 a. m.—way mail, 12.15 p. m., 5. p. P- m. nr o f.-6.30 a. m.--way mail 3.50 p. m.,9 p. NORTUEEN CENTRAL It N. Soats.-12.15 p. tn.—way mail, 9. p. m. North. -1 p. m. LEBANON VALLEY R. R. DAUPHIN AND wawa. R. R. 1.30 p• m. CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. E. 7.30 S. M., 1 p. m.—wav mail. BY STAON. 7 a. m., to deityeburg, on Tdovin.y, Thursday an d Raturday. 7A. m.,to Tonestown, on Monthly, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lowisberry, on Saturday. A lady who bad read of the esteuelVe manufac ture of odometers, to tell bow far a carriage bad been run, said she wished some Connecticut genius wou ld levees an instrument IV/ tell liQtY tk!' hus bands had been in the evening, when they "just stepped dawn to the post office, or went out to at tong a caucus." SLZIOHING.—The sleighingyesterday was prima, and every body who could command the tools went in. There was a sound of jingling bells from 0 , 07 dawn un til the night bad far advanced. If any body wants to take a ride they better take ad vantage of the snow now, or they will probably have to " wait for the wagon." Daiwa/me STATN, CarruaL Comutrrse.—The Democratic State Central Committee will meet at the Buehler House to-morrow. An address on the Wrong of the times will no doubt be issued- The meeting will be one of great importance, as the first held since the election, and at whioh such ac tion will probably be taken as will most thoroughly asite and harmonize the Demucrado party in Pennsylvania. A full attendance is anticipated. Sass/mom Swumas.—The Rev. Mr. Robinson has beau pra.thing a series of sensation sermons in the Locust Street M. H. Church, of this city. Some time ago he took for a subject the "Devil's Rock ing Chair," and afterwards the "Devil's Funeral & n eon." The death of His Highness Mephistos phlea will be glorious news to some people in this city, who thought he still lived, and feared him accordingly. Fawn Buenas.—What are our eitizens doing in the matter of a free bridge over the Susquehanna? If our business men wish to add several hundred tboUsiod dollars annually to the trade of our city, now is the time to move in the matter of a free bridge. It can never be attended to at a mure op portune time. and it is scarcely necessary fur us to hint that talking will net effect an object of each general interest. We want prompt action in the premises. New Music —We are under renewed obligations to Mr. 0 C. B. Carter, for favors. He sent ua yes terday a number of Lee it Walker's latest music published. "Madeleine Polka," by W. P. Can- Ilegitent; "Land of My Dearest, Happiest Feel- Roglisb and German wordy, by C. Kel ler; "Dripping hook Waltz," by Thomai O'Neil'; and a gem from the opera of "La Fills du Regi ment," arrauged for Tiolln and Fiala.. Mr- Carter keeps a general assortment of maga and musical merchandise, at his rooms in Market street, near Fourth, east aide. ACOlDont.—An employee at Murray's 'ivory stable, named Geistweit, while riding a fractious horse up Market street yesterday noon at a rapid rate, turned into Third street at King's corner. and Mae ems little apple peddler named Dingier. The escape was a moat miraculous one under the cir cumstance. The knee of the horse struck the boy's back, and the bind feet of the anima I just grazed his head. Geistweit was taken before Alderman Puffer, where some citizens who w itnessed the transaction made information, and a hearing will be had in the matter as soon as practicable. AN IMPUDENT TREPT.—We know that there are a great many fellows about this city who have no maples about picking up anything laying &bunt loose, from a four-horse wagon down to a second hand chew of tobacco), but we thought that an edi torial sanctum would be the last place upon which they weuld dpeedate. No piece, it seems, is sn ored from their intrusion, and nothing portable, except a red-hot stove, is exempt from the liabil ity of being removed by them. Nut long ago we had an umbrella removed. As it waa nut very valuable, we let it pass as a common-place and un avoidable occurrence. Last week Benj F. French, the bookseller, made us a present of a Dictionary of Quotations from Shakepeare, alphabetieally ar ranged. We laid it upon our table, after writing our name across the title page, but lo l when we looked fur it, it was not to be found. Now this is decidedly an aggravat_d ease, and we wish it di4- tinetly understood that from and after this date, to person enters our office except on business, and under no consideration in our absence. If this hint is act fully cederstacd, We Shall take Q45e4V-ifift to make ourself understood in an unmistakable manner. Tux Yam—Them must bo a great deal of suf fering in the city which nobody knows of except those who patiently endure it, and hope on for the better time coming. But aside from this, which is Yelled from us, there le mot u day teat we do uot lee stalwart men parade our streets with want stamped upon their features—men who would most willingly work at any thing fur a mere subsistence, but failing t 4 get work hover between starvation and the degradation of begging. There is some thing exceedingly revolting to an American citi zen to beg, and tew can bring themselves down to it wail stern neocesity—thas necessity which is supposed to know no law—drives them to it. Few men who have the necessaries as well as the luxu ries of life at command, can real me in its full force that abls..oomed men have traversed the stream of Harrisburg for forty-eight hours without a morsel of food., and yet such cases have come under our actual observation. Look at the look-up, filled as it is almost every night with men who have not the mean. to procure a night's lodging. Among them we notice men Who are evidently sober, honest and industrious mechanics. Surely they must have reached the extreme of wretchedness, when they huddle among filthy vdgrants. For them something should be d one: if nothing more than Muting them oat for *a day with a fall meal, that they may at least sot feel the pangs of hunger. This can easily be done. n o Mayor furnishes bread and coffee, if Wi ml "lnke not, out of the meagre fees of his office. If people would send one half the eold meats that go to the swill tub, or are thrown away, to the kak-up, many a heart would be made glad, and many a poor wanderer could start the day with re newed life and energy to fight the battle of life Will those who have plenty and to spare take this suggestion into e ousideretion ? WORKING/IEN% UNION MASS MIMING —The workingmen of this city, irrespective of party, as sembled in mass meeting at the Court House, on Thursday evening last, to give public expression to their sentiments, relative to the existing state of national affairs, and the dangers which now threat en the perpatuity of this glorious Union, The room was crowded to its utmost capacity, and a commendable degree of good feeling and unanim ity characterized the deliberations of the "bone attd site w " The Speeches irate brief and to the point, and the resolutions and address, which are ably written,breathe the spirit of genuine patriot isml And devotion to the Union and the Constitu tion, which have always marked the sons of toil in this land of the free. The meeting was organized by the appointment of the following officers: President.—A. Vice Presidents—John Till, Jobn B. Simon, Jos. Stroulii.ger, •john Ballinger, Edwin Curzon, Jere miah K. Greenawalt, Michael Forney, Chas. Gor dou, John G,irvericb. R. J Fleming, James B. Thompson, Harry C. Snuffer, Aaron Barringer. Secretaries—Amos W. Young, C F. MeHoy, A. J. Eager, Robert It. Barr, 0. W. WMPiier. The officers having taken their seats, and the meeting being duly organised, the chairman of the committee appointed to prepare resolutions for the considsration of the meeting, reported the fol lowing, which were read and unanimously adop ted, amid stoat applause t Wagnais, A crisis now exists in the affairs of our country, unparalleled in all its past history, threatening to overthrow all our cherished hopes of future ileaeo, hoppirissa and prosperity, as a na.. tiou ; tearing asunder those ties which have here tufw e bound together the people of these confede rated States in one common brotherhood, and welch is even now trampling in the dust that glorious charter of our rights, the Constitution of the United States: And whereas, It is the duty of every lover of his country, every true and patriotic citizen, to use all laudable means for the settlement of exist ing difficulties; and, without regard to party pre judices and party predilections, to stand out boldly and firmly for the UNION As IT WAS, for the Con stitution As it is, and for the perpetuity of the eneral Government of our glorious Republic : And *dame, The sentiments and wishes of the mechan ical, the agricultural, and 'aborting class of the community, are nut always fairly understood, and, consequently, not untrequently (however uninten tionally) misrepresented by those whom we have delegated to represent us in the management of the affairs of our country ; therefore R,sulved, That we freely accord to our brethren of the Southern States every right guaranteed to them by the Constitution and laws of the United States, for the recovery of fugitive slaves; and that we heartily approve the recommendation of our late Governor Palmier, in his last annual &nes sego to the Legislature; and also of the sentiments egpreeeed by Governor Curtin in his inaugural address; in order that no pretence may be furnisbed to those who are seeking redress for alleged grie vances, by violating the Constitution and laws of our common country. We are, moreover, unalter ably pledged to the enforcement of all the provi sions of the Constitution and laws of the United dtatee, in al , parts of the country, whether North or South, East or West; but, at the same time, we will cheerfully accept of any fair and peaceable adjustment of real grievances, rather than resort to any forcible means- Resolved, That, as a national prerogative, we deem it to be our imperative duty to discounte nance any and all legislative acts, whether passed by State Legislatures of the North or of the South, which are not in strict consonance with the true spirit and letter of our National Constitution, as expounded by the Supreme Court; and that the only proper and effectual mode of redress for al leged grievances, in any part dI this Union, is pro vided for in the Constitution. Resolved, That to ensure the perpetuity of the Union, the North and the South must enjoy equal rights under the Constitution—full and ample pro tection of life and property—and that, as the best mode of settling the present national difficulties, we recommend the adoption of the Crittenden reso /Ltd us. Resolved ; That we discountenance any and all attempts, made by partisan papers, to make politi cal cupauf out of the prawn:lt national dialouitoss. Reollsed, That the President of this meeting for ward copies of the above resolutions to our Sena tors and Representatives in Congress, and that a copy be alto seat to the Governors of all the Sates; and that copies of the proceedings of this meeting be furnished to the city papers for publication. Revolved, That we cheerfully endorse the senti ment§ ut we working men of LOttieVille,Ottlelch as expre,sed in the proceedings Of their ConVention, held in that city on the 27th day of December, WO, and that we will willingly co-operate with thew, and with working men everywhere, in any favourable aad eatielitotory Mode of adjusting our present difficulties. Toe chairman of the committee appointed to prepare an Address to the Workingmen of the Union, submitted the following, the reading of which was listened to with interest and responded to with enthusiasm : FRIENDS AND FELLOW-CITIZENS We, as citizens and working men of this great Republic, are determined to lay aside our indivi dual party prejudices and old political preferences, anti unite, as national men, who know that under our goveruinent alt power emanates from the peo ple. Km.wing this, and experiencing every day toe tut'! hieglumly of want of earnest effort on the part of our Representatives at Washington, to re pair the jering and groaning machinery of govern ment that has been brought to the verge of ruin by the secibmal dogmas of political demagogues north and huuth—demagogues who, in too many instances, have been foisted upon us to be our re preseutatives, by the machinations of organized clique:, composed of base political tricksters ? wan are we worse enemies of 'the elective franchise. Knowing this, we do now feel the stern necessity that is compelling us to take that power back, and to our onaracier as working men, of both sections, whose interests are and IOWII7 I I meet be identical, to take our stand, firm as the rook of ages, on the soil of our common country, remembering that it has been wet with and hallowed by the life's blood of the purest patriots this world ever produced. With three Meld and reeelleetione to inspire us, let us determine to stretch forth the strong arm of our will, and, in tho language of the llreat Jehovah, say to them : '• Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther." Event§ that Mar duy by day, apeak to us in voiced too terriule in their distinctness to be misun deretuud, that unless we do this—unless we throw off the chains of lethargy and indifference that fet ter us—unless we in our 'night withdraw that al mighty power that we possess, right speedily from the course in which it has been plunged by fault ties of ouch sectious—we will have to feel the ter note and mournful fact that not only are we being made an unwitting sacrifice to the relentless and bluudy god of civil war, but that such a war must end in the blighting and blasting of the world's brightest hopes of universal freedom—the Consti tution of the American Union. We ask you, then, in the language of your fellow-workmen of another city, "to know nothing, care nothing, fur the names by which the several divisions of our peo pie were lately known ; to be wedded to the for tunes of no wan; to know ne special dogma of government to Urge upon popular ceneidergtiou ; to owe nu allegiatice to any party but our country; to swear fidelity to no principle but the Union and the Constitution ; to commune and co-operate with all men and bodies of men, in all parts of the Union, whu hold the same views with us on this one subject, however, they may differ with us on other political topics." We appeal to you now, as fellow-citizens of this Union, 1.0 join with us in accomplishing this great work. Wo appeal to you to aid us in driving back ibis almost overwhelming wave of frenzied excite ment. We appeal to you as men woo feel-that upon you the brunt of this conflict must fall; that from you and your loved ones the wail of agony will ante; and yet again we appsm to y„ to never relax your efforts until the last glimmering ray of hope is dead, and when that last spark has fl d, and nut till then, march forth and fight for the saute undying principles contained is the Cue stitu tiou that We are now appealing for to our country's patriotism, to th... bitter end; and then when right nue triumphed—as it surely will—we will agaiii torus around that altar of our country's , liberty— the flonsiitutionand clasping hand over it 6 , 104 r, as the lutinOnfil JACKSON did : "By the Eternal, t must and stud! be preserved." After the reading and adoption of the address, and the transautien et some unimportant business, the meeting adjourned with cheers for the . lErnion and the Cunstitutioe s The demonstration was a patriotic one and every way ereditable.to the work: rug then ul this city. AN EVIL TO BE REMEDIED.—The crowded condi tion of the jail in this city nullifies the ,•eparate and solitary confinement system most ef f ectually, and as it is not advisable to build an addition to it at present, in consequence of the heavy outlay on the new Court House, the subject of some tem porory arrangement has been discussed_ The only feasible one that offers, is td convert the cells of new lock-up, isuder the Court House, late places of confinement for vagrants and petty offenders.— There will be nine of these 4611 a, finished and fit ted up similar to those of the prison, an there would be no extra expense en tailed upon the county to keep eighteen petty offenders or vagrants Imprisoned there, instead of in the jail. To do so, however, will require a special act of the Legisla ture, and we hear that such act will either be drawn up by the prison inopeetoes, or some person else interested. We would state in this connection that it is not the increase of crime that has made the prison too small, for that has only boon in proportion to the increaso of population, but the sole cause of it is the increase of vagrancy, which will continue to increase until the establishment of a chain-gang puts a check to it. As Irtnyczissav —Our friend, John Penns, will have in market, on Saturday morning, a dressed beer. Those of our Mavens who ere epicures, can gratify their appetites by calling at his stall. The bear will weigh three hundred pounds dressed. tte CRITTENDEN !"—There is now no name 80 Com mon in men's mouths as"Crittenden." The ; "Crit tenden o:more/Mee ,"the "Crittenden Resolutions; "Senator Crittenden," " Mr. Crittenden," "John T. Crittenden ," "Crittenden ,""Crittenden ," all the Union over. Crittenden stands first in the affec tions of some we know of. Crittenden is believed by many to be the sheet anchor of the Republic. Crittenden is believed in and sworn by, and Crit tenden has become an immensely great name since the °earring of the emergency which brought the distinguished Kentuckian so prominently forward. But while all the world is talking of Crittenden politically, they are socially discussing the merits Of tae elegant gonna to for gentlemen and youths, made at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rock hill & Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Fox's PATENT PARAGON UMBRELLi.—WO yester day examined something entirely new in the um brella line, at the store of Mr. Lee, in Market street, near the Post Office, called Fox's Paragon. It is a light steel frame, flexible, and at the same time more durable than the old style. These frames are imported, and a thirty-four-inch umbrella made with one of them is lighter than a thirty two-inch made after the old style. Mr. Lee alone has this style of umbrella, either of silk, alpacca or gingham, for talc in this city. It may be as well to state that Mr. Lee has on hand a very general assortment of gold and silver mounted canes, sword canes, and, in short, canes of every sty le and kind made, which he will 101 at manufacturer's prices. "1" MITCHELL'S ATLAS FOR 1881.—We direct the at tention of our readers to a notice in another col. num of to-day's UNION, of Mitchell's New Atlas, which is now before the public. This work is both the cheapest and best now before the country, and from Mitchell's acknowledged capacity for produ. cing accurate maps, in which he has been engaged for the last forty years, it is destined to take pre cedense over all other maps now before the coun. try. We are requested to say that Mr. J. F. Jaggue, who has taken rooms at Mr. Jackson Fleming's, opposite the State Capital Hotel, is now eitnvassink for the work in this city, and is prepared to fur nish the citizens of Harrisburg with the numbers they wish to procure. 1w LARGE ARRIVAL OF NSW GOODS—The Chef/ pee Goods Offered Yet.-2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 cents, worth 12 cents, 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 sante, worth 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast color. 1,500 yards of un bleached muslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. 1,000 undershirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents. Socks and ladies stockings a large variety. Our whole stook of winter goods, such as Shawls, De Lathes, Pant Stuff, Cloth and all kinds of Flannels I will sell off at cost. Now is the time to get bargains. S. Lawr, at Ithoad's old corner. jen22t, SPECIAL NOTICES. WE MI the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not ba confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is FOOD roe THB BLOOD, already prepared for absorption ; pleasant to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then, who are sneering from poverty, Impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and De re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world renowned Dr. EATON'S //iF Mira CORDIAL, which miry mother should have. It contains no paragoricor opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluable for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels Let all mothers and nurses, WbQ bwre cadured (mimic dare and aimless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. (Cr See advertisement. anl7-d3or3in NATURAL MAGIC! Suppose a case. Suppose you have sandy, red, white, grizzly ; or flaming yellow hair. Suppone you prefer a light brown. a rich dark brown, or a raven black. Well, you apply (if you are wise) CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE! anti in ten minutos your Firm shows you a _ _ WONDERFUL TRAN S FORMATION! Every hair that a few moments before was an unsightly blemish, is now an element 01 beauty. 4 . A magnificent head of hair" is the exclamation whenever you uncover. The difference between BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was not more striking then that between a gray or red head in a state of nature, and one to which this farnoue dye has been applied. Manufactured by J. ORISTA DORO, 6 Astor House, New York. Sold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. jan9-d&wlm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. — Sfr James Clarke's Celebrated Female Pills, prepared from a preseripion of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraordi oaryto the Queen. Thiti inYaluable medicine is unfailing in the Ciiter of Moe painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions and a speedy cure may be relied on. TOMARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly anited. It will in a Short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government stamp of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. THIIBII PILLS SHOULD NOT HZ WHIN BY FEMALES DURING THE RUNT THREE hiONTEIS OF PREGNANCY, AS TRAY ARE Still TO RHINO ON 11180/21/1/12N, RUT AC /NT OTHNR TINE THEY ARE SAFE. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, P.lpitation of the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a pow errul remedy, do not contain ron, calomel, antimony, Or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.--61,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by C. A. BANNYART, Harrisburg. • jy7-dawly Mothers, read this. The following lo au extract from a letter written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Tearnot and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—mas. Wins LOWS SOOTHING STROP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING: " We see an advertisement in yo ,r columns of lira. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup. Now we BM!' Paid I TN in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is nu humbug—wi HAVE TRIED IT, AND [NOW IT. TO In ALL IT CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the moat successful medicines of the day, 'because it is one of the beat. And ;bone of your readentwho have babies 'can't do better than to lay in a anpplr, acy29-41kwly Dr. Drumm's Concentrated Remedies No I. TEE 1:11-REAT REVIVER., speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SIM.P A RUSK., es LAS of Memory, Shortness or s PAirl , tftrioll of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or anv constitutional ..erangenienta of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the Passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price ine Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days, any case of tiONOlt RIME a, is wi thont taste .ir smell. and requires no restriction of action or diet. Nor either sex, Price One Dollar. No. 3. THE TEHER will care in the shortest possible time. any case of GLE eT, even after alt other ilemadie have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar. N 0.4 THE PIINITER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. N.. matter of hole Dollar.iong -tending or neglected the case may be. Price One No. 6. THE 8014IITOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and P peed iI y remove all afflictions of the Bladder' aod Kidnap. Oriel, 4 one Dollar. No. 6 Fuji PIRTICHLARS NEE WHOM. AR. No. 7 THE AMA KIN will cure the Wh , tes radically, and 11 a much shorter time than they can br r-moved by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that wilt really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take Price One Dollar. No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PAST ILS are certain, safe and speedy in producing MENdTRUATION, or correetuig any Irregularities of the monthly periods. Price Tao Dollars. No 9. FOR PARTICULAtts :4E.8 Clio-MLA It. Either llemedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue and Callowhill Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Phila delphia, Pa Por sale in Harrisbur g only by 0 A.BANNVART. where Circulate containing valuable infOrmat on, with full tic scr pitons of each case will be delivered gratis. on appli cation. Address DR. le N.LIX BRUNON, myl-dly P. 0. Box 99. Philadelphia, Pa. /wow the Intreperutent, New York, July 28,1869. Give.—bur advertising columns contain some teati monies to the value of a new article known as " Spald ing's Prepared Glue," neeful to housekeepers for mending furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is kept in the proper condition for imm.nliate use, the el}srat6als simpoi-o4afg as seen as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this article has the excellent phrenological quality of "large adhesiveness." For sale by C. A. BANNYART, No. 2 Jones , Bow an7.d&wlm NOW WITHIN REACH OF .ALL I GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The public attention is respectfully requested to the following cards of BLUE Howe, In., wad the GAbile. 4lt• BAKER B. M. Co.: A CARD FROM THE GROVER it BAKER S. &I CO Our Patents being now established by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the GROVER . BAKER Machine, with important improvements, at greatly REDUCED PRICES: The moderate price at which Machines, making the GROVER & BAKER stitch, can ROW be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the use of Machines making Ulterior etitches a 8 unnoccaaary as it Id iiniate. Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines making the Cream & BAKaa stitch, but also that such Machines are made and btamped under our patents and those of Mass Rows, JR. Ii GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., 495 Broadloom, iffio York. A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR All persona are cautioned not to make, deal in, or use any Sewing Madame which 6OW Win two mpeol§ and make the stitch known as the GROVER & RAKER stitch, unless the same are purchased from the GROVER & BA RER Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li censes, and stamped under my patent of September 10, 1846 Said Company, and their Licenses, alone, are legally authorized under their own patents, and my said patent, -.-L.“ataadsti term -tUareoLte make and sell this kind of Sewing Machine, and all others are piracies upon my said patent, and will be dealt with accordingly, wherever found. NEAT Yong. 117 - $R ND FOR 4 CIRCULAR za 9ep2B-d&wlY IT WILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT WILL PAY Y 013: OBSERVE WHAT I SAY ! ! IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT TO HARRISBURG ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES:. FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOOK OF READY MADE CLOTRINV, Cinfr, CASSIMERES, VESTINOS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE, WO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.-HAVING SECURED A FIRST RATE OUTTSR AND TAILOR, I AM NOW ItBADY It MAKE CLOTEtNG TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT OR NO SALE. octB-d4m JACKSON & CO.'S SHOE STORE, NO. 90X MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG., PA., Where they intend to devote their entire time to the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES Of all kinds and Tarietiee, in the neatest and meet fash ionable styles, and at satisfactory prices. Their stock will consist, in part, of Gentlemen's Pine Calf and Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, latest styles; Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, and other Shoes in great variety; and in fact everything connected with 40 Shoe business. CUSTOMER WORK will be particularly attended to, and in all cases will satisfaction be warranted. Lasts fined up by one of the best makers in the country. The long practical experience of the undersigned, and their thorough knowledge of the business will, they trust, be sufficient guarantee to the public that they will da them justiee, and furnish them an &Maio that will recommend itself for utility, cheapness and dura bility.. Demi)]JACKSON & CO. : , - QCREFFEWS Bookstore is the place to L) buy Gold Peno...worranted • • ELIAS HOWE, JR TO TO illeoiral. SAN `o LIVER INV NEVER DEBI T is eempounded entire) I become an established fact, a and approved by all that sorted to with confidence ~.„ It is recommended. It has cured thousands who had given np all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and to act gently on the bowels. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IN -1 will cure Liver Com. tacks,Dyspepsia, Summer Co m ry,Dropsy,Sour C o ail • envie, Choi ra Morbus, Cholera levee, Jaundice, es, and may be used sue ry, Family Medi. HEADACHE, (8 i twenty minutes, f spoonfuls are taken tack. All who use it are in its favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INITIG oweron, AIID !SWALLOW BOTH TOGETUIIIt. Price One Dollar per Bottle. —Lbw— SANFORD •'S I= CATHARTIC PILLS, OOMPOUNRED FROM here Vegetable Eztracte, and put up in Glace Casa, Air Tight, and will keep In any climate. The Family Cathay-1 tic PILL is a gentle but 41/1 active Cathartic, which the proprietor has used it his praetiee more than _5 twenty years The constantly increas- 11 in demand from threw who have long need •—• the PILLS, and the satiafac tion which all express in . regard to their use, hat induced me to place them 1.1 within the reach of all The Profession well know that different Ca th artic, act on different _portions P 4 of the bowel!. The FAMILY CA- THARTIC PILL has, with due reference to this r-1 well established fact, beet compounded from a variety of the purest Vegetable Extracts, which act alike M on every part of the ali menta,v canal and are good and safe in all cases wh 're a Cathartic is needed 4P. ch as De rangement. of the m Stomach. Sleepiness Pains in the Rack ^' and Loins, Costive ness, Pain and Sore. dig ness over the whet. body, from sudden cold, which frequently, if es, glected, end in a long pig yours.- of Never, Less of Appetite, A Creeping les Sanitation of Cold over the body, Rest. L leeriness, licensees, or Wallin' IN TES READ, all E' IN FLAMM ATORY DIS EASES, Worms in Children or Adults, Rheuma tism, a great PURIFIER 4 of the BLOOD and mans diseases to which flesh is heir, too 4Effier99e mention in this advertise- V ment. Dose, Ito 8. Price Three Dimes. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and sold wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. N. Ti NV SANFORD, M. If., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway, N. Y. ir7-d&wly .. -~ CH, LpR~ ~_ _~ MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nurse and Female Phr , otan, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SY RUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing ell infifiMmativn — will allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, ands RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for oves ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any n 7 her medi cine—NEVEß HAS IT FAILED. IN A SINGI.6 IN STANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE. when timely used. Never did we know an instance of dimatinfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of - commend:dim. of its magical airmoca and medical virtue.. We speak in this matter "WHAT a E DO KNOW," after ten y experience. AND PLEDGE OUR. itEPUTATION Fit It THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERR DE• CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant ik suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes alter the syrup is adminis tered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED eud NuEsES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAIL. ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo. rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS. AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD. in all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIARtUItEA IN CHILDREN, whether It arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother v ho has a child suffering . from any of the foregoing complaints—DO Ni DT LET YOUR P RE JUDICES,NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child. and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on tne outside wrapper. Ettga by pruggists thronghout the world. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 18 CEDAR 811INNT. New TORE. PRICE ONLY 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-d&wly JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILL lON & CO, BISQUET, TRICOCHE k CO., JAS. HENNESSY & CO., OTARD, DUPUY & CO., J. A F. MARTELL, JULES ROBIN & CO., MARETT A CO. FOR SALE BY JOHN H. ZIEGLER, declB 73 MARKET STREET. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS I CHILDREN'S, LADIEta' and GENTS' OUAIRS, and a great variety of CABINET FURNITURE suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS at reduced prires Also a new LAO' COTTAGE FURNITURE in sets.. r by the single piece, at JAMES R. BOYD & SON. de2.o-2wd. 29 South Second Street. 2.2500 POUNDS ALISINS. CURRANTS. CITRONS, &c., & c.. Writ&er with ORANGNS, LEMONS, DRIED FRUITES, ORAN HMI IIS, and a variety of Articles suitable for the Holidays. Just received by [deg. ] WM. DOCK, Ja., & CO. MESSRS. °BICKERING & CO. HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD MEDAL! AT THE MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON, WILD TIEZ PRZCZDING WEZZ., OVER SIXTY COMPETITORS! Wareroom for the CHICHERING PIANOS, at Harris bum at 02 Market street, 0028-tf W. KNOCHE'S WOW ittOBB. STEWART & M'AREE, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BRANDIES, GINS, WINES. SCOTCH, IRISH, OLD RYE AND BOURBON . WHISKY 8, N 0 . 103 MARKET STREET, del2l HARRISBURG. PA. Ida'n 1 4 - ,!XTRA SUGAR CURED ILAN 8- Lk Just reeeivedly .no 16„ , , , W. DOCK, Js., & 00. poll. the genuine EN( ; L1:41 NI UST A RD. iv to IBIAJLEV/3 DRUG MORS. RD'S -GORATOR, LITATES. ly tram Gums, and ha standard hiedic,ne, known have used Maud is now re in all the diseases forwhieb within the lan two yeare of FOWL as the enmareaa my POBFWBBIOI3 show. to the temparamentor tt e used in such quantities as judgment guide you intim VICARATOR, and ii plaints, Billi as At. Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Dynamite. Stomach, H bitaal it, Cholera, In: autism, F l atm , Female W ea k u esa. wailfully at an Ordinal. clue. It will ems SHY thousandh can testify.) t w • OP three T re at commencement of at a rA > giving their tastimtny Cinto of erauel. pEIiNISYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE N• Mf iWit 9. P • FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO & FROM PIIILIDELPHIL ON AND AFTER MONDAY, 1011EMEIE1t 26m, 1860, The PaSeenge r T rwi PA 9 r the Pennsylvania Railroad 0915 p,,11 will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg a . 4 Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD THEQHOII EXPREBS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg el 2 40 a. w , and arrives at West Philadelphia at OM a al. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.65 p. m., and arrives at 'West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.15 p. m. l and &T. riven at 'WM Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These Trains make chase connection at Philadelphia with the New York Linos. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. No. 1. leaver Harrisburg St 7.30 is. m., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.80 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Hard/ burg at 1.15 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6 40 p ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, Na. 9., loaves BarrMUM at 5.25 p. m., rune via Mount Joy, connecting at Di ller. vine with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTW ARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.50 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 8.70 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. en., as arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL RAIL TRAIN learn llarriaburir for Pittance at 7.00 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaved Philadelphia at 2.00 p. tn., and arrives at Harrisburg m 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 4 00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg et 9.46 p m. Attention is called to the fact, that pais:mist:Al Peeing Philadelphia at 4 p. in. connect at Lancaster With MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. In. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Swpt, Rout. Div. Perin'ti n024-dtt N ORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT: ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26ms, ISSN the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows : 0/./Y0 SO UTE. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 8.00 a. aa. li2LrktlGtiii TRAIN will leave at 1.40 a. ut. MAIL TRAIN will leave at .. 1.00 p.ws. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave at 1.417 p. m. EXPREM TRAIN wib lee-re at tor. The only Train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will h• the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 8.00 a. m. For further information apply at the office, in Pens. sylvania Railroad Depot. JOHN W HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, Noveo.ber 14, 1860.-8624 NEW AIR LINE ROUTE T 0 NEW YORK. Rai Shortest in Distance and quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OP NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG, VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m., ozey 6X hours between the two cities. HAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 8.18 p. m. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 8.00 a. in , arriving at New York at 8.20 p. in. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris. burg at I_lB p_ in., arriving at New York at OAS p. ea_ Connections are made at Harrisburg at I.oop. m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva nia, Cumberland Valley and N orthern Central Railroads All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts- Title and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Blench Chunk, Easton, dm No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. in. Line from New York or the 1,15 p, m, from liarrfsborg, For beauty of scenery end speed, comfort and seam medation, this Route present. superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Herr DOLLARS For Tickets and other information apply to J J. CLYDE. General Agrent, del6 Harrisburg. ti IiILADELPHIA ANT* READING RAILROAD WINTER AR.VAN G BRENT. ON AND AFTER DEC. 12,1880, TWO PABBENGER TRAINO LkAPII MAORI/IMM DAILY, (Sundays exatritedo at COO A. N., ar d 1.16 Y . M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1.25 P. M., and ILLS P M. RETURTTIRO, LICSVP PRILADELPHIA at 8.00 A U. tad 8.30 P.M., ariving at Harrieburg at 1 P M. and ILle P. M. PARD 4 !—To Philadelphia, No 1 Cars, $8.25 ; No. 2, Oa alma train) 3216. VASES Beelike , $l.OO and $1 .80. At Reading. comma with Maim for Pottsvild . , Ifunift ville, Tamaqua, Oatawista, 1101 JR Timms ILICAVIS BEADING POE runaviur:.- PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. K., 10.46 A. U., 12.80 noon asi 8 48 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA POE READING at 8 A. M.,1_00 P_ it., 8.80 P. M., and 6.00 P.ll. PARER!—Roudine to Philadelphia_ Sl_76 and 111.46 THS MJRNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG 003 NEOTEI AT READING with up train for Wilkesbant Pittston and Scranton. For through tickets and other 1111fOrnillai0P apply to 4. J. OMB, General Ageat. dels dtt U HILADELPIIIA •nn - READING RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER PARES, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APNIL 2, 1860 COMMUTATION TICKETS, With 20 Commun. will be 'Med between any point' desired, good for the bolder and any member of Ida family, in any Passenger train, and at any time--at 211 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently on badness or pleasure, will find the above arrangement convenient and erroomi cal I, as Four Passenger train' ru n daily each wer between Reading and Philadelphia, and Two Train" Or' between Reading, Pottering and Harrisburg. Co , Br •-lays, only one morning train Down, and one &Herr.; r train Up, rune between Pottsyilleand Philadelpbir an! co Passenger train on the Lebanon Talley Bisrfl , Railroad. For tbr above Tickets, or any information relating themes apply to S. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer, Philadei. phis,t r the respective Ticket Agents on the line, or to G. A. NICOLLS, General Bain. liar= 2441.860..—mar2bdtf HATCH & CO., Bair AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; ..138 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DMALEHO FLOUR, GRAIN, rxOllOlOE. COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. nov64lom HL. GODBOLb, PRACTICAL TUN= AND Rotation or PIANOS. M)LODEONS. kg. &o Orders in future mast be left at WM. Kmecirag lIITBIO STORE, 92 Markot otrmt, or at BIIEHLICRIS HOTEL. AU order, loft at the aberomaanal places will meet with prompt attention. First clam PIANOS for sale DR1141) Bls IF— A n extra lot of DRIED BEEP putt reedesd by 009 WM. DOOR. & 00. TO-H.AGig! Si 0 KAGEII Storage teoeived &t wareboome of / J41,111i8 .. t: sepl&illy