I, OVAL NEWS. DOS DAILY PATRIOT AND 'UNION may be had at jacre Book Store, corner of Third and Market "•• PATRIOT AND II lON.—The DAILT PATRIOT AND VMS can be bad by Dauphin subscribers, every at the periodical store of J. S. FnAnt. porsiag, Tus Idau.s.—Under the change of schedule on go different r ailroads, the time of closing the malls at the Hartle/in Post Moe, December Ist, 1860, is as follows rmussyLvaxxa R. R. E as t.-7 a. m .— W ay mail, 12.15 p. m., 5. p. m., P* In * weit.--8.30 a. m.--way In Ll j 3.50 p. m, 9 p.m NORTHERN CENTRAL R. R. South. -12.15 p. m.—way mail, 9. p. in. ,'Vora. -1 p. m. LEBANON VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. in. DAUPHIN AND SUSQ. B. B. 1.30 p. M. OII3ISERLARD PALLRY R. R. 1,2,0 a. m.,1 p. m. Way Wall. SY serAdg. t a. In, to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and gaturday. 7a. in., to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I P. tO Lesyisberry, on Saturday. CROWDED.—The crowded state of our columns makes localizing almost out of the question to-day. WITHIN a day or two, two of our oldest residents have passed from amongst us—Peter Pancake, aged 82 years, and Mrs. Mary Horteroridow of the late John Horter, aged 80 years. Both these per sons have resided at Harrisburg for about 70 years, and as the town was surveyed for the sale of lots in November, 1786, it follows that the deceased "gave witnessed nearly its whole growth, from its inception as Harris' Ferry, then Harrisburg, then Louisburg, (a name it took from the King of France, the county being called Dauphin, the title o f his heir presumptive,) then Harrisburg again, to its present importance as the city of Harrill burg, with a population exceeding 15,000. Where now are massive buildings, at this early day were roiling fields and wooded knolls; where now are imposing chute/hes, then was wild swamps; turn pikes, canals and railroads now pass the rugged hill or the lowly meadow of that day. Both the deemed have large fatally connections residing with us, and collateral offshoots throughout this and most of the States west of us. How few of these primitive settlers survive, and alas'. how few iihd, by their eounsel and Mune% who by their enterprise or judgment, have aided to bring this town to its present wealth and standing! The de ceased, in the sobriety of their lives, the parity of their conduct, simplicity and honesty of their do mestic affairs, were examples of the best Pennsyl vania citizens of the olden time. COURT PROOZEDINOS hum/Av.—Own. vs. Samuel Freeburn, selling liquor on Sunday, on oath of Daniel Carbansh. True bill, and case continued until next Court. Com. vs. Josiah Hicks, larceny, on oath of Jacob Stroh. After a due trial the defendant was ac quitted. Com. vs. Samuel Miller, nanautt and battery, Oil oath of Oliver Conrad. The jury acquitted the de fendant, and ordered the prosecutor to pay the WS. Com. vs. William Griffee, maliefinut mischief.— Acquitted, and Ann liffireal, the prosecntriz, or dered to pay the costs. • Com. vs. Joseph Scott and Robert Parker as= malt and battery, on oath of Thomas Henry. The jury acquitted Scott, but convicted Parker. Same vs. same, assault and battery, on oath of Jan A. BrOlte, Verdict guilty. Com. vs. John A ;Heins, assault and battery, on oath of Harriet Halos. Plead guilty. Com. vs. John Brooks, selling liquor to a minor, on oath of Malcom M'Collum, Com. vs. William Small, assault and battery, on oath of Christian Snyder. Verdict guilty. Com. vs. Joseph Scott, assault and battery, on Oath of Caroline Boon. Verdict guilty, Com. vs. Joseph C. Seltzer, assault and battery on oath of Walter S. Graham. The jury found a verdict of guilty as to assault, but not guilty as to batth TGrand Jury ignored a large number of bills of a petty character. In the following oases the Grand Jury found tine Lille, but oiring to the absence of witnesses, and other causes, they were continued until the next term. Com. vs. George Weaver, fornication Mid bastardy. Com. yil.'Eatitilei Knox and Levi G. Huber, keeping a gambling house. Com. vs. William Can, fornication and bastardy. Coin. vs. Daniel Miller, fornication and bastardy. Com vs. George B. Cole, falai pretence. Com. vs. Isaiah Baptist, fornication and bastardy. Com. vs. Ben jamin F. Umberger, fornication and bastardy. Com. vs. Fanny Gish, Eliza Foster, Elizabeth Jones, Catharine Allen and Mary Main, for keeping bawdy houses. Coin. vs. William Cooper, Philo C. Sedg wick and ethers, keeping a gambling house. Corn. vs. John Preston, assault and battery. A GRAND LEVER AY TEE MAYOR'S OPPlOlL—Hap peeing in at the Mayor's office yesterday morning about ten o'clock, we had the felicity of seeing a parade Of the forces accommodated at the look-up during the night previous. Installment No. 1 was brought in. Pat Pertains was the first one called. The man with the misnomer had been working in Pottsville , wandered away, and was going back. Permitted to depart. GOO. MAUI a stage-driTor, whose occupation is evidently gone,was in aeareh of work. Ordered to ramose. Obed Peters, a hard looking boy from Maria lkorgee, Blair aounty, was found lying about the furnace loose. Arrangements made by the Mayor to send him home. Bill Smith was bard up, and from no place in particular, Told to go. Frans Hetsel, sin lager bier brauer, , has been in the country four months, and notwithstanding the great amount of teutonic beverage annually con mod in this country, has boon unable to secure a job. Be was permitted to resume his search. John Jetlinley, a red-headed furnace loafer, was let off with the assurance that be would receive thirty tote if he eame up for a second hearing. John Comb, from Pottsville, on his way home, was permitted to pursue his journey. Thomas Jefferson was also on his way to Potts- Till% while we thought he was quietly sleeping in Lis grave at Monticello. Pottsville must be a great place for loafers, as nearly all loafers seem to somefiom that Place. The namesake of the great statesman au ordered to travel, The second installment was now brought in. It consisted of Charles R. 'Stewart and Robert Naylor, t wo - 11 0,1 s lads who had enlisted' to Bair* their adopted country, bet were rejected by the surgeon, at Car lisle, and were on their way back to New York. Let of. • • ' • Loreaso Rh Union; on his waY ttio Invited to leave by first train: ' Chat •lrmthr, a _Boston loafer with it t it gki ll * l nd - : ant mmitaehe, Cu lila way to Pittsburg, in ware of work. Permitted to pursue his jsarptiTr MID Handel, of Adassaehtitatte; l ti ',CiOir trade, in search of eutploymetil. Ordered to state. John Brown, another Pottsville loafer, was or dered to make tradts. Chas. Brittain, another furnace loafer—said be was a boatman from Wilkesbarre. Let off on .pro mise of leaving the city. Christian Myer, an old revolver, claiming to be. long to Lebanon, was found asleep in the yard of a house in North streetolightly obfusticated. He explained to the Mayor that he was bunting Woe- Ter, but could "not ter house fin t," which explana tion the Mayor .deemed satiefactory, and let him off. The third inetamont consisted of - • • • - William Pike, a vagrant boy about 19 years of age, who has neither parents nor home. Sent to the Alma House. Charles 011ryou, a young and moodingly im. pudent nigger, was the last customer. The charges against him were not stated. He was remanded to the lock-up, and as he appeared to be a fair sub ject for the Rowse of Refuge, it is likely that he will be sent there. To THE PRESIDENT AND MEMBERS OF THE CITI 2EN FIRE COMPANY I—Gentlemen :—Deeming it fit ting and right that we should, in . the spirit of wis dom, endeavor to improve the sad dispensation of Providence by which, in the death of John W. Boyer, your company has lost a worthy associate, and our Church an upright member, I respectfully invite you to attend services at the Fourth Street B_ _ - Jethel on next Sabbath evening, at which time a discourse appropriate to the occasion will be de livered. Yours truly, SAXES COLDER. By the kindness of the Rev. Mr. Colder, and at his request, the members of the Citizen Fire Com pany will meet at the Hall on Sunday evening, the 27th day of January, at 61 o'clock, to proceed in a body to the Fourth Street Bethel Church. We most cordially invite the members of the different are companies of this oily to meet with us on the above occasion. HARRISBURG, January 24, 1860. A SNOW STOBN.—An "old fashioned" snow storm set in this morning. The flakes descended right merrily, and the boys were as happy as boys gen erally are under such circumstances. Their se niors moved more sedately through the falling crystals, and they entrenched themselves within erect coat collars and warm mufflers. Speaking of coats—the most comfortable people we saw abroad in the storm, wore the elsgant and seasonable over-garments suede at the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rockbill it Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Ches nut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. LARGE ARRIVAL OF New GOODS—Tke Cheapee Goods Ofered Yet.-2,000 yards Canton flannel at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 2,000 yards bleached 4-4 muslin at 10 sante, worth 12 dolts . 100 Pe beautiful new style print at 10 cents, worth 12 cents. 50 Pe print at 7 and 8 cents, worth 12 cents, warranted fast color. 1,500 yards of un bleached muslin at 10 cents, the best ever made for the price. ' 1,000 undershirts and drawers at 50, 62 and 75 cents. Socks and ladies stockings a large variety. Our whole stock of winter goods, such as Shawls, De Laines, Pant Stuff, Cloth and all kinds of Flannels I will sell off at cost. Now is the time to get bargains. S. Lein., at Rhoad's old corner. jan22f. New abertistments. WANTED, ON THE FIRST OF AERIE— A HOLM of six or seven Rooms, witbin ten minutes , walk to the Lebanon Valley Depot.. Rent not to exceed $12)), and paid, monthly.. Apply . to D. FRY, Lebanon Valley Depot, Harrisburg. , Jan25.4131* A SS IGNEWS SAIY.—WiII be sidd at r 1 Public Sale or Out-cry. at the e-rrier of Fourth and Chesnut streets. in the city of Harrisburg, on THURS DAY. FEBRUARY Trix, 1861 at 2 o ' clock, P. M., the following articles :—FOUR HORSES, one Two-Horse Wagon, three One-Horse Wagons, one Cart, two Wheel. b.rrows, one Patent Straw Cutter, Single and Double Harness, lot of Lime. Bricks, Boards, Rails,Chesnut Posts, Board-fence Posts, & c. E. WRRS, Assignee of Daniel Rhoads. Harrisburg, Wan. 23,1861 jan2l-dts* `THE ORIGINAL" BEN F. FRENCH, WILL COMMENCE HIS ELEVENTH ANNUAL SALE OF 410 0 KS, STATIONERY, GOLD PENS, &C., ON WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23,1881, , AT SEVEN O'CLOCK, (AND CONTINUE TWO WEEKS,) AT HIS FORMER STORE, NO. 12 MARKET STREET, NEAR THE HARRISBURG BRIDGE, AND NEXT DOOR TO HUMMEL 4 KILLINGER 9 S STORE. I now inform my old Mends, that I have a much larger and better stock than ever. All of which will be sold at PANIC PRICES, .FOR A SHORT TIME.— Among the stock may be found IRVING'S WORKS, 15 volumes. IRVING'S LIFE OF WASHINGTON, 5 volumes. PARTON'S LIFE OF JACKSON. 8 volumes. RANDALL'S LIFE OF JEFFERSON. COOPER'S WORKS 34 volumes. 13COTT'0 WAVERLit NOVELS, 27 and 12 volumes. DICKENS'S LOMPLEYE WOEKS,I4 and I volumes PACIFIC RAILROAD, 10 volumes. JAPAN EXPEDITION, 3 volumes. EMORY'S MEXICAN BOUNDARY SURVEY, (illus ted, 3 volumes. ADAMS'S WORKS. 10 volumes_ FINE FAMILY AND .POCKET BIBLES, FINE COMMON AND CATHOLIC PRAYER BOORS, CAP, LETTER AND NOTE PAPER. Mt the 110017. 1 3 AND ARTICLES 424frrantej &Vote, AND NO GIFT HUMBUG. ur Also, several thousand volumes of NEW WORKS. Please call during the day and get the prices. Also, on hand a 1 rge assortment of .TUTBNILK BOOKS. FaENCIE & ILICHSTEIN. trarrisburg, January, 1861. ORPHANS COURT SALE.—In pursu ance of an alias order issued Fy the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin county, will be sold at public sale on Wednesday evening, January 23, 1861 , at seven o'clock, at Braut'e European house,a ROUSE AND LOT OP GROUND, situate in Mulberry, between Second and t hird streets in the city of Harrisburg. The house is a two story one, with a large back building. The lot fronts Se feet on Mulberry street, and runs back 200 feet to Meadow lane; adjoining property of Dr. Patterson and A_ Ibterner_ Late the estate of Levi Houston, daeld. Ter s will be made known at the time of s le by jan 21-dts ANDREW PATTERSON Guardian of the minor children of said dec'd. I UST RECEIVED—A large Stock of' SOOTOH ALES, BROWN STOUT and LONDON PORTER. For sale at the lowest rates by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 Market street. janll THE BIBLE ON DIVORCE.—The fol lowing words are from Mark a. T. 11, 12 "What, therefore, God has joined together let not man put asunder." "Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another emimittetb adultery. And if a woman shall put away her husband and marry again she committeth adultery'. ' Legislature and other., the above is the edict of the Supreme Lawgiver. from which there is do appeal.— "What, ther-fore, God has joined together let no man put asunder." janl2-dtf AT COST!!! BOTTLED WINES, BRANDIES, AND LIQUORS OF.RYERY DESCRIPTION! Together with a complete assortment, (wholesale and retail,) embracing everything in the line, will be sold at coat, without reserve . Jaat - INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. P. W. wasza, nephew end taught by PO= llrell re. membered late . W. Weber, of Irarrieburg, iee prepared to live lessons in music upon the PIANO,IfIOLIN. CELLO. VIOLIN and PLUTIL .He will;give lessnriVat hieresidence, corner of Locust street opt! . River allfr 4 4 . •t t e 4 1 P, 1t01 " 8 4 Af : f! 4010 . f_ MEOTARMEB.! !!—A . go' thislelieeite IPiait—in packages of two lbs. each— just received. The quality ii very auperior, jata2 WM. DOOR, la., et CO. A NEW REMEDY. Superseding CUSSES, °ursine, CAPSULES, or any compound that has ever been before the people. It has been used by ONE HURD - RBI) PHYSICIANS, In their priva , e practice, with entire success, in all Cana. 'BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, For diseases of a pr.vate nature ; a • u•e is /request's , per forated in a wets., and entire c infidence may be placed in them. This remedy is a newly discovered specific, more active and speedy in its effects thin Cutrebe or Copattm aloe,. The pills ore ha f the size of Capsules. and never nauseate the stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dozen pits in a box—price one dollar, and will be sent by mail, post-paid, by ti:e agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT t CO., wholesale agents, North Second street, Fhiladelohio. uev2-eodd&wly OHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Ours of all those ditlieultiea to Whia the female system is peculiarly liable arising front STOPPAG al OF NATURE OR OBS ritUCTION. These PtU hal' , never been known to fail roh n the direrttoms have been strtetlii fallow d, and they are erfectly saf to take by the most delicate. TO bIABDIED LADIES they are particularly recom mended, as they prevent difficulties and restore nature, no matter from what cause the obstruction may arise. A few days in most eases will produce the desired eff ct; and although co powerful, yet no injury will ever result from their use. But those who are pregnant shout t not um, them, an they have an effect contrary w etVittO. Pamphlet s . detailing th eir virtues . with numerous certificates from well known physicians and apothecaries, can be had on applica tion to the agent, who will send the Pine, if desired, by mail, post-paid, to any address, on receipt of the money . Sold in boxes containing sixty pills price One Dollar,— by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOTT & 00., wholesale agents, North Second sof , et, PhitAdel; phia. nov2-ecdd&wly WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an &Mealy Bete discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is FOOD FOR THE BLOOD, already prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, then., who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and consequently with Semia , &reale disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and be re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world renowned Dr. EATON'S INF eiNTIFB CORM/ a., which every Mother Should hale. It contains no paragortoor opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluable for all infantile complaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. ijj - Bee advertisement. aulT-dikWam C. SEILER, G. BAILEY, J. A STAHL, X, T. CASH, C. T. HIPPLB PURIFY YOUR BLOOD.—BRANDRETU ' S PILLS liVARRAgren To CORN FEWER AND Acimr—The effect of purging with BR&NDRETII'S PILLS is to re store the health, no matter from what cause it may be suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; and they have the same power of expulsion over miaow, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetableti, or ladaad any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever. In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im pure blood results in disease. BRANDBBTLIV though innocent as bread, yet they are capable of puri fying the blood and curing disease. So, they cure all kinds of fevers, all asthmas, catarrhs, costiveness and painful affections of every kind. Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal eet, New . York, and by all Druggists. Also, by GEC M BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrirborg, and by all reareotable dealers in MedieineP THE GREAT. ENGLISH REMEDY. —Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female Pilie, prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke., M.. D., Physician Extraordi nary to the Queen. This Invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cuss of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. M TO ARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly stiltexi. It WUI In 0 , short time bring en the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of .Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. THEM PILLS SHOULD NOT SS TASKS BY inerALss DUHISO TOR FIRST THAI& MONTHS OF PBSGSIANOY, es=SY AR; nuns ro name on fdisoswitrAnit, let At All? Mtn SIMS THEY AM SAM. In all case! of NOITOTIS and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Heart," Hysterics and-Whitest these Pills will e Hebb a cure when all other Means have failed, and although a pow erfarearidy, cAatala saloraal, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 60 1.1114, by raters mail. For Bale by Q. A. BammariHarrtaburg, jyf-dawly pi ELNBOLD'S GENIIINR PREPARATION Owes Qra sel, Bladder, Dropsy, Kidney Affections. WELM4OLDISI Genuine Preparation for Nervous and -L-L Debilitated Sufferers. TIELMBOL WS Genuine Preparation for Loss of Power Lose of Memory. u EILMBOLIPS Genuine Preparation for Difficulty of 11 sThath ng , Goneral Weaknesa. 14PILMBOLD , 13 Genuine Preparation for Night . Sweats ++ Cold Feet, Dimness of Vision, IefItLLMBOLD7B Genuine Preparation for Languor, trni vernal Lassitude of the Muscular System. n ELMBOLD'S Genuine Preplration for Pallid Comte -1-n nonce and ifraptiono. jan24.dBt WM. DOCK, ZR., ac .00 SPECIAL NOTICE& 117° WARRANTED IN ALL CASES za DR. RAH,VrcY'S H&LMBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerves Horror of Death, Trembling. . I "GMBOLD'B dinnine Preparation for Paine in U.() Back, Headache, Biok Stomach. 117" Bee ailvertieement fielded RELEBOLD'S EXTRACT WOW in iiiiethitt *Utah. nol4-d&w3m IMPORT ANT TO FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS. The combination of ingredient in thus Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their: operation, and certain in . correcting all irregu larities, painful menstrnration, removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, pal na tion of. the heart , whites, Al ner vous abalone, sterici, fatigue, pain in the backend limbs; &c., dietnr ed sleep, which striae from interrup tion of nature. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS was the commencement of a new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructions whichkaveton signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the beloved to a PRIMATORII GRAPE. No female 611.12 enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline. DR, OfIZEBEMANT FILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all ram plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in valuable,indneing, with, certainty, periodicalregularity. They are known to thousands, who have need them at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of eeme of the moat eminent Pierian* , in America. Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should not be used, accompany each box—the Price OM Dollar each box, containing forty Pills. A minable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents. Pills sent by mail, promptly., b 7 enelosing price to the fieneralAgent. Bold by druggurta generally. B. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway New York. Sold In Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNVART. deal 159-dikwly Dr: Bruumes Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THB GREAT REVIVER, speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-ABUSE, as Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness , Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained habilgonoo of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight daze, any ease of GONORRIMEA, is without taste of smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. Na. 2. TIIE SERER will ears In the shortest possible time, any case of CHART, even after all other Remedie' have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar. No. 4 THE PIINITER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No matter o f how long dandles , or neglected the ease may be. Price One Dollar. No. 6. TEE SOLI:MOB will sure any ease of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys Price One Dollar. No. O. FOR PART ICULARS IMO CIRCULAR. No. 9 THE AMARIN will ears the Whites radically, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact le the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Pries One Dollar. 199, 6. THE ORIENTAL I. : 4BTILS are certain, eafe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION, or correcting any irregularities of the monthly periods. ' Trice TwoDollprp. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS 13RS CIRCULAR. - Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage totem abd get s Oircglsr. General Depot North-East eorner of York Avenue and Callowhill Street. Priiate Offfee 401 - York AviiKh delphia, Pd . Annie in Harrisburg only by O. A. BANNVART, where Circulars containing valuable informatien, with full de scriptions of each case, will be delivered gratis. on-appli cation. Addrees* DR. PBLIa. BRUNON, ggyvair P. 0. Do* 09, Philadelphia, Pa_ • iVi* SLOW, 4se3Perienced4aurise arid female physician, bass Soot:b in 11 . .irrgio fcr:Obildrea Whin wblen groat] facilitate the. plume of teething-by suftatAferi° l 44, 4 ll 04114 : 4 X ffillatilloatioh-t-oglisillat, Si 4 und is mini loriggu the bowels. Depend upon It It / 4 : la I e 81 1 t - fp yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Per cotly sae in 631 041111V4. 600 advertisement in another col twee. angl9llB694lBorly NATURAL MADIU! Suppose a case. Suppose you have sandy, red, white, grizzly, or limning yap* hair. Suppose you prefer 4 light brown. a rich dark brown, or a raven black. Well, you. apply (if you are wise) C it.lB T A DORO'S EXCELSIOR HAIR DYE! and in ten minutee your mirror ehql),You a WONDERFUL Tit ANS FO M A - T I 0 N! Every hair that a few moments before was an unsightly blemish, is now an element o 1 beauty. " A magnificent head of hair is the exclamation whenever you uncover. The difference between BEAUTY AND TILE_ B ALS T was not more striking then that between a gray or red head in a state of nature: and one to which this famous dye has been applied. Manufactured by J. CRISTA DOM, 6 Astor Rouse, New York. Bold everywhere, and applied by all Hair Dressers. janci-d&wlm The following is an extract from a letter written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in Wier of that world-renownedKle__ di e_llB—tirm. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING: " We see au advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. N.w we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no humbug—wg HAVE TRIED IT, AND KNOW IT TO HE ALL IT CLAIMS. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay in a supply. sep29-d&wly From the indepenaent, New York, July 28,11159. GLOS.—Our advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as " Spald ing's Prepared Glue," useful to housekeepers for mending furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this article has the excellent phrenological quality of "large adhesiveness." For sale by 0. A. lieNlevsav, No. 2 Jones' Row am7-d&wbn NOW WITHIN REACH OF ALL 1 GROPER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. The public attention is respectfully requested to the following cards of ELIA 9 HOWE, JR., and the etß9vax & BAKER S. M. CO A CARD FROM THE GROVER 4- BAKER S. M. CO. Oar Patents being now established by the Courts, we are enabled to furnish the GROVER & BAKE ' R Machine, with important improvements, at greatly REDUCED PRIDES' The moderate price at which Machines, making the GaOVER & BAKER stitch,. can now be had, brings them within the reach of all, and renders the nse of Machines making inferior stitches as unneeeasary as it is unwise Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to use them, must not only be sure to buy Machines malting the GROVER & BAUR stitch, but also that such Machines are made and stamped under our patents and those of ELI &S BOWIE, SR. G-ROTEB BAXER a. co., 496 Broadway, Now York A CARD FROM ELIAS HOWE, JR All persons are cautioned not to unlike, deal In, or use any Sewing Machines which flew from two spools and make the stitch known as the Geovsa & RAKER stitch, Unless the same are purelnuted from the CIAOV3II & BA, KIM Sewing Machine Company, or their Agents, or Li- unties, and stamped under my patea4 of September 10, Erfn Said Company, and their Licensee, alone, aro legally authorized under their own , patents, and my said patent, during the extended term thereof, to make and melt this kind of Bevan Machine, and, all others are piraciesnpon my said patent, and will be dealt watt accordingly, Wherever found Nzw YORK 117 - 3E ND FOR A tine VL dji sep2B-d&wlY IT WILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT:WILL PAY YOU: OBSERVE WHAT I SAY ! IT WILL PAY . YOU HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES; FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENTS' FIINNISILINO 0001'S KNOWN ARCADE, NO. 3 JONES ROW AVAILING ALYOBTX OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.-HAVELQG SECURED A FIRST RATE CIITTSR AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING}. TO ORDER IN THE oath-d4ak JACKSON & CO.'S SHOE STORE NO. 90X MARKET 13TRENT, .11,AR RISS 111i0, FA., Where they intend to devote their entire time to the manufacture of 'BOOTS AND SHOES Of all /Linda and varieties, in the neatest and most &A- towable Styles, and at satisfactory prices. Their stock will consist, in part, of Gentlemen's Fitss Calf and Patent Leather. Boots and Wipes, latest . stylea; Ludes' and Misses' Gaiters, and ; other Shoes in great variety; and in fact everything connected with the Shoe business. , - , , CUSTOMER WORK will be particularly attended to,' and in all eases will eatiaraction be warranted. " 6 " fitted up by nue of the !ocst, makers in the country. The long practical experience of the undersigned, sad their thorough knowledge of the business will, they trust, be sufficient. guarantee to the public that.they will do than! instil% and furnish them an: liftiele that will recommend itself for, utility,. cheapnews ;aria duni , bility. .4,Jarq/C-ON:411.t: 09. Ela EFFERltlroolietiiiiCialife place to ki,motataixPem-,wansanmeiv A (.! I 5 - BUCKWHEAT MEAL'r-EXTRA direLivr, in 123 and 26 lb bags, just received and for NO bY Lisa] WAI. DOM Ja i & CO Mothers, read this. ELIAS HOWE, JS TO TO FOB A TMAT TO NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL THAN ANY OTHER HOUBEI3. MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A PIT OR NO SALE SANFORD'S LIVER INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEBILITATES IT Ia compounded ensirel become an established fact, a and approved by all that „„,„7 sorted to with confidence I+4 it is recommended. It has cured thousands who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and to astgently on thebowek Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IN. will cure Liver Com. tacks, D y sp e psi a, Summer Co in ey,Drep ay, Sens Costiveness, Choi rs Morbus, Cholera lence, Jaundice, es, and may be used suc- 1 ry, Family Medi- IR HEADACHE, (as m twenty minutes, If 1-1 spoonfuls are taken tack. All who use it are 1"1 in its favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INTIO ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO SANFORD •S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM pure yegefabie Extracts, and put up in Glass Cases Air Tight, and will keep In any climate. ThiFamily Cathay- tic PILL is a gentle but active Cathartic, which WI the proprietor has used in his practice • more than twenty years_ Tin constantly income-r' ing_ demand from those who have long need the L 3 PILLS, and the satlefac tion which all express in regard to their nee, has induced me to place them N wi hin the reach of all The Profession wellknow, that different cathartic: act on different portions PS • of the bowels. The FAMILY CA- TUARTIO PILL with due reference to this r% well established fact, been compounded from a wale- ty of the purest Vegetable whi-• lt alike hJ. on every part of the all- Bxtiacts, which act mentsuy canal, and are meg ightre a Cathartic is rangementsof the Pains in the Back nese, Pain and Sore body from sadden cold, glected, end in a long Appetite,* Creeping Over the body, Rest- WRIGHT IN TES MUD, all BABES, Wornis in CM liem, a great PUBLFIBB diseases to which flesh is mention in this advertise Price Three Dimes. The Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Drngests generally, and sold Wholesale by the Trade in all the large towns. S. T. W SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broitainy, N. Y. 177-diewly WM% MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nuree and /male Pbys ian, presents to the attention of soothers her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR. CHILDREN TEETHING, wbioti greatly facilitates the . process of teething, by softening the gams; reducing all Inflammation—WM allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Depend ripen it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, and' RELIEF MTD HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this article for Irms - ten pars, and CAN SAY, IN . CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it; what we have never been able to say of any other inedi cina—NEVEß 4.AS IT F AILED, :IN A SIN t+Lit IN-, STANCit, 'TO EFFECT CURE, when ` tiinrly said Never did we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all 644 delighted with its_operations. and speak in terms of comraeudatton of its magical effects and medical, virtue'. We speak in , this matter tt,WHAT EDO KNOW," after ten y are' experience, AND PLEDGE. OUR hEPUTATION FfR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis tered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES In New England, and has been used with NEVER ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF OASXS. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS. AND WIND COLIC, and overcome convulsions which, if not speedily reme died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY and DIAREEKRA. IN - CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any ether Mtge. We would say to every mother Rho has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES, NOR THE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE,—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE,-to follow the use of this menicine, 'timely need.' Pull diesel:lens for using will accompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac-simile of CURTIS 1 PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world. • • Piniotran pima, 13 Cayes Stony, New Took. PRICE ONLY 26 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-d&wly JUST RBCEIVEDI A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILLION & CO., BISQUET, TRICOCHE a CO., JAS. HENNESSY £ CO., OTARD, DIIPUY de CO., J..& F. MARTELL, FOR FALB BY dealt) CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! CHILDREN'S, LADIES' and GENTS' MAIMS, and a great variety of CABINET FURNITURE suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS at reduced prises. Also a new lot of COTTAGE FURNITURE in sets, er by the single piece, at J AMES R. BOYD & SON, de.2o-2wd. 29 douth Second Street. 2 . 500 POUNDS • RAISINS CURRANTS, CITRONS, &c., Ike., together with °KANGAS, LEMONS, DRIED FRUITS, CRANDERRIES_, and a variety of Articles meltable for the Holidays, :est received by Vie2o.] WM. DOCK, Ta g it CO. MESSRS. CHICKERING & CO. HATE AOAIN OBTAINED THE GOLD 11iED-A.1.4! AT THS I , MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON,- MILD rim MOOING WIRE, OVER SIXTY COMPRTITORSI Wareroom for the CHICICEB.ING PIANOS, at Harris. burg, st 92 Market street, 00 234 f W. IELNOOTIE'S MUSIC STORE. THWART & M'AREE, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, WROLZSALE DEALMJIB IN BRANDIES;'*INES, SCOTCH, IRISH, OLD. RYE AND BOURBON W . HISKYS, NO - f_o, it A'm 1' Elf 4 - 4 4 ; 1 14: 4 V, 4 P;,- PA ki* rtitA `BAtfliti :kit] tit]) itli • . laititileil4llllo I' •,1 ' 1- 11 `' W. DOCK, JR.ilk I FO it the genuine ENGLISH MIISTAR gc to KELLBRI DRUG BTOBB. y from Gums, and ha itandard Medicine, known bare used it,and is now re lin all the diseases forwideb I within the last two years Of relief, as the numerous my possession show. to the temparamentof th e need in such cautntities as judgment gnidefion in the VIGORATOR, and it plaint., Billi as At- Chronic Diarrhoea, plaints, Dysente- Stainnak• II bitual ic, Cholera, Chole nf antum, Fl stn. Female W ea kn es. cessfully as an . Ordina. eine. It will cure SIVE thousands can testify ' ) in two or three Tea. at commencement of at giving their testimony good r and sale in all needed, much 11111 e• Stomach, traecitinosul and Loins, Costive. news over the whole which frequently, if ne -00111118 of Fever, Loss of Sensation of C old Massless, lIIADAOIIIIi INFLAMMATORY DIR. dren or Adults,Bbenma of the BLOOD and many heir, too numerous to went. Dose, Ito a, JULES ROBIN it CO., MARETT t CO. JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 MARKET STREET. lin PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE NOMPAPNR NNW FIVE TRAINS DAILY TO & FROM PHILADELPHIA; ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVDMI3git 26TH ' 1800, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvaniaßailroad Cosa pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia as follows : - EASTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg ai 2.40 a. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 8.50 a. m, FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.56 p., in., sad arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. In. MAIL TRAIN !salsa Harrisburg at 5_16 m., laid ars rives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These Trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, NO. /,16aves Harridan at 7.30 a. in., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. In. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves Harris burg at 1.15 p. in., and arrives at West Philadelphia st B_4o p_ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, N 0.2, leaves Harrisburg at 6.26 p. m., runs via Mount Joy, connecting at Diller- Tulle with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia 10.60 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. in. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., an arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. zu. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and st rives at Harrisburg at 4.10. p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lowan Philadelphia at 2.00 p. and arrives at Hartiabarg at, 7.35 P. In. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave! Philadelphia . 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p m. Attention is called to the fact, that peasengere 1061i0g Philadelphia at 4 p. in. connect at Lancaster . with. MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and area* at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. in. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. DUO. Pm*la Rat Wad. p422-dtf NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. IaIItAIMMEIMME N CieT I C . E. CHANGE OF SCHEPULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT: ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28±u, 1810, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Cential Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows t GOING ,SO UTH. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will:leave at.. 3.00 a. in. EIFREAIB TRAIN will leave at 7.40 A. m. MAIL TRAIN willleave at .. 1.00 p.m). GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN - anneal', at 1,40 p.m, 2XPRESS TRAIN will Uwe 8 18 p_ The only Train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will he the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 8.00 a. m. . . . For further information apply at the ones, in Pens. sylvanta Railroad Depot. JOHN , W . HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, November sa, noo,--n024 N EW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. moot in Distance and quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OP NEW YORK AND HARRISBURG. VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. in., on7y 63i hours between the tire cities. HAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and ar rives. at Harrisburg at 8.18 D. m_ MOREINO MAIL LINE, Bast, leaven Harrisburg at ,11.00 a. in arriving at New York at 6.20 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Hanle burg at 1.16 p. m., arriving at New York at 2.46 p. m. Connections are made at Harrliburg at I.oop. in. wisp the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylvo • Ws, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroads All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts. gills and Philadelphia ) and at Allentown fr Maul& Chunk, Beaton, &c. No change of Passenger Cara or Baggage between• New York and Harrisburg, .by the 6.00 a. in. Line from New York or the 1,18 p, in. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfor t and !Worm medation, modation, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, Fives Domass For Tickets and other information apply to J J. CLYDE, Central Agent, Harrisburg. delb HILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD WINTER ARYAN 0 EMENT. ON AND AMEN DEO. 12 1 180, TWO rAnakittisa"TLitito LkAtic DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) At 1.00 A. IN., aLd 1.16 P . M., for Philadelphia, arriving there at 1.26 P. 61., and 6 .15 , P IL BITIMNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at SAO A W. and 15.80 P. M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P M. and 6.1.1 P.M. PAR f—To Philadelphia, No 1 Care, 113.25 ; Oa Nowt. 'rota) $2.7.6. PARES :—To Iteadinr 61.60 and 11.30. At Beading, connect with trains for Potteritd, lLlosra ville, Tamaqua, Ostawises, As. /01118 TRAINS 'MAVIS READING POE PHIMAYIII) - PHIA DAILY, as OA. at" 16.48 A. M.,12.80 noon am! 8.42 P. N. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR BEADING at II A. M.,1.60 P. W., B.BO=P. M. , and 6.00 P. h. WARE'S:—Heisline to Philadelphia, in .75 Mid NIA THE MORNING TRAIN PROM HARRISBURG CON NECTS AT BEADING with up train fer Wilkesbarse Pittston and Scranton. for through Echols and other inform:4llo6 Appl7 is J.J. CLYDE, General Agent, dels dtt p HILADELPIIIA •SD READING RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FIRES, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 2, USW WIPINUTATZON TICKETS, With 26 Houpons, win be issued between , any point" desired, good far the holder and any member of hill family, in any Passenger train, and at any time—at 25 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the ROad frequently on business or pleasure, will And the above arrangement ...tent and tri.4.)-thieta; th POWsAneuiget taw run daily each wee lytween Reading and Philadelphia, and Two Train, between Reading, Pottsville and Harrisburg. Or fir Mays, only one morning train Down, and one after,. If train Up, runs between Pottsville an d Philadelphil and no Passenger train on the Lebanon Talley Berndt Railroad_ Por the above 'Tickets, or any information relating there* apply toil Bradford, Esq., Treasurer,Philadel. phisk,l e the respective Ticket Agents on the line, or to G. A. NICOLLB, General Saga. Marsh 27,1260.—rnai28-atf H ATCH & 00., SHIP AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; .1311 . ,WALNUT BMW, PHILADELPHIA. DEALZRB IN FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS, TOBACIVOIA'ND 010.1 1 1?`3'.': n0v64113m I.le La GODBOLD, PRACTIOAri TUNES • Ann Ttnranms , or,PIANOth MELODZON% *0 . Ordera !hint - are malt be left' at WO. INACHipg 811181.0 !MOM, 92 Illaiket street, or at BIINKCILWiI HOTEL.: hWeirdeis What the above-named platter Ight meet with prompteptMotice,• ,•. P , • • L I ;i:li_i Pint ehuirPlllloB , for sale. ' lap BEEF—An extra lot of DRIED my BEEN iirt recei7o l ..„„f 1 li c i4it ti s t.f n i • • • .s.imM=WW.OrTAMMEMIRIMMAS- 11:19:CA-V ! STvit.&o-Elt L) Storage received at warehouse of son JAMES M. WHEELIaio