tkt atriot ttfr 'anion THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 24, 1861. 0. BARRITT & THOMAS C. MAaDOWELL. Pub lishers and Proprietors, communications will not be published in the PATRIOT Ain Ustims unless accompanied with the name of the author. S. M. PETTENGILL Sr. CO., ' Advertising Agonts,ll9Nassan street, New York, and lb State street, Newton, are the Agents for the Tiertior AID trirroir, sea the most influential and ''''''''' liting newkwers in the United States sn Conubui They are anmrised to eontractfor lust ourlowestrates FOR SALE. IleCOR64lll2ld ADAMS Poxes, platen MN by gdinehee, in good order; can be worked either by head er stem power. terms moderate Inquire at this ornee. To Members of the Legislature. TRIG DAILY PATRIOT AVID UNION Wi.ll be furnished to Makubers of the Legislature during the session at the low price of ORR DOLLAR. Members wishing extra copies of tyke DAILY PATRIOT ATTI Union, sae procure them by leaving their orders at 'the publication office, Third street, or with our re- potters in either Rouse, the evening previous ~];~ t~IHi~;V~[H~ ` 4J,V~liy~ : t~[HlYYl ' lvi►~~~f6',lkWY~!!~ A:meeting of the Democratic State Executive Com mitts* will be held at the BUEHLER HOUSE. Harris burg, on Wednesday, January 30, 1861, at 3 o'clock. p. m Democratic papers In the State wi'l please copy: WILLIAM H. WELSH, CAairman. It will be seen by the above notice, that the Hon. W. H. WELSH, Chairman of the Demo cratic State Executive Committee, has sailed a meeting of said Committee to take into consid- eration the existing state of things in the coun try. This determination on part of Mv. is in accordanCe with the wishes not only of many members of the Committee of which he is Chairmsn, but also with those of the Demo. era - tie-masses allover the Commonwealth. The Democracy of this State hare waited, patiently waited, the action of the dominant party in the Legislature, now in session in this city, on the questions involved in the unhappy controversy between the North and the South—a controver- sy brought about by the action of that same party—in the hope that at a time like the pre sent, when the very existence of the govern- went is threatened, when the foundations of the Republic are giving way, and naught but ruin stares us in the face, that the so-called Republican party would tithe aueh wise, eon_ eillitory and conservative action as would at least place proud old Pennsylvania in an ati tude worthy her former history, andgeograph: ical, and moral position. But this hope has failed. The passage of the Senate resolutions by the Hausa .of Representatives on the 22d inst., has effectually dissiptsted the last vestige of Lope , which a patriot might cherish, that the Bepubliean party in the Legislature has either the will or the patriotism to rise above the level of the blinded partisan and enunciate a thought or give utterance to a sentiment that could in any way contribute to healing the E ffie time has come, therefore, when the Democracy, who have ever stood as the consti tutional advocates and the defenders of the rights of all the States, and who on many a memorable occasion have withsto44 the shock of fanatical and frenzied folly and madness who have on many a battle-field, rendered glo- TiOlta -by their valor and constancy, beat back the insidious or open invaders of the rights of the people—to come up to the rescue of their eountry in this moot trying hour, and speak, in tones of thunder, their will and purpose.— Let the word be passed from lip to . •lip, from house to house, throughout the entire Common wealth, that Pennsylvania, through her Demo- eracy, will be heard at this alarming and peril ous moment. Let her take her stand alongside of her powerful and patriotic sister, Virginia, and assume the proud position of mediators between the wild fanaticism of the extremists, both North and South. To falter now is criminal on the part of the Democracy. But of that we have no fear. In In our judgment, the committee should promptly recommend the assembling of a State Conven- lion at this place, at the earliest possible day. Let the Democracy send to that Convention _their best and truest men, and our word for it, the result of the proceedings of such an assem blage will be both opportune and salutary. Can we say more than this ? Is it necessary to rally with burning words the men of a party who have always responded with promptitude and alacrity to the call of their country? We answer—no. Remember that he who places himself between his country and destruction, when her interests, her honor or her glory requires the sacrifice, renders himself immortal ia the affections of his countrymen. The Virginia Movement. We are glad to see, says the Journal of Com merce, the noble old State of Virginia movingin behalf of a peaceful adjustment of the disunion question. Nor are we surprised at her action, which, indeed, was predicted in our columns, at an early stage of the difficulty. The pod; Lion of Virginia gives her great influence 'with both sections of the Union, and : in taking mea cures, before proceeding to separate herself from her sister States, to procure a considera tion of the grievances which form the cause of complaint, she is but carrying into practical effect, that moderation and forbearance, and patriotism, which the crisis dementia. The appointment cif Commissioners to meet representatives from other States at Watling ton, and also to visit the South Carolina and United States authorities, and to ask for a ces sation of hoetilitiesuntilpetteeful measures can be first tried, is a ?Ville and discreet exercise of Legislative power, and we 'trust will exert a healthful influence in all tquarters. Let the other middle or border Stites - concur in ihis plan, and ,ep-operate with Virgitha in ket noble Warta_ to. save.the Union. It is by BM ! eiliation end consultation—not bylienuicialion and rashness, that the disuditlii spirit on the one hand and the detithnd We coercion on the other is to be stayed. Shothd this pia* tints inaugurated by Vir ginia, have thli 'effect to hold the disunion movement %%heck for a season, we shall ap- Irealtritl ehepi nOnficlanoe to the people of 'the whole Union , to. review their action, anti to render justice and constitutional rights to every portion of the confederacy. It cannot, it must not be that the madness of sectionalism is to prevail, at the cost of free government. Let us.first pause, and then let us, at whatever . 0 94 or; sacrifice, fulfill every constitutional obligation. Extending the Area of Freedom. Some of the Republican papers suggest. a new plan far extending the "area of freedom." It is nothing less than to buy all the slaves in Maryland, Missouri, Delaware, Arkansas and Texas, and thus make them free States. This can be accomplished, it is estimated, at a cost of a hundred millions. We see several trifling objections to the consummation of this project. ft takes two to make a bargain. The slave owners in these States are not willing to sell, and the government has no power to compel them. In the 12..eXt place, if they were willing to sell, where would we get the money to buy ? The treasury is not hardened with a surplus, to be expended upon sentimental philanthropy. It racks all the ingenuity of our statesmen to provide sufficient means for the ordinary pur poses of government; and it is almost useless to inquire whether the abolitionists would be Willing to subscribe UAL little sum of a hundred millions, knowing that.they are not, in the habit of contributing even small sums to purchase the freedom of individual slaves. If the, intention is to snake the government pay this money, then some extraordinary sys tem of taxation must be resorted to, and the States aforementioned be compelled to furnish their quota of the fund necessary to purchase their own slaves—to which arrangement they would very naturally and properly object. tut setting aside these obstacles, and suppo sing this project practicable, the most serious question would be what to do with the emanci pated slaves. The States where they are now held in servitude would not endure them as freemen, and the free States are not anxious for an accession of this sort of population.— They would be thrown upenTus as vagrants.— We have more thaw tyre Want already* of ne grow who enjoy the inestimable ,blessings of freedom; and we are anxious to spare others the degradation which freedom brings to the great majority of this race. We am inclined to ; think that the North will demand-three conditions precedent to the con summation of this plan for extending the area of freedom. First, that the States holding the slaves consent to sell; second,, that the money to buy be raised by voluntary subscription ; third ; that the purchasers provide homes and occupation for the emancipated slaves outside of the limits of the United States. When their philanthropy rises to. this practical standard, it may be worth while to consider this propo sition. , • Mr. Leisenring. We call the attention of ourreaders to the cogentand elonetargh thif_ w wrleman d our columns this morning. Mr L.'s remarks do him infinite credit, and prove him to be not only an apt but an able representative. He has reflected credit upon his constituents and himself by his able de fence of the amendment he adirocited and by the forcible manner in which he discussed the whole subject. His scathing animadv . ersions on the position of Mr. Williams, of Allegheny, on this question, are:fine specimens of a style that is but seldom attained by our public, speakers now-a-days, and ofineta ail amount of ability in so young a man as Mr. L. that is both cheering and re freshing in these dull, prosaic times, when but few men possess either the brains, education or courage to grasp a subject and to do it jilts tice. We congratulate Mr. L. on his maiden effort, and trust that he will not weary:in well doing. LETTER FROII WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the PatiiOt and Union Wasamovon, Jan. 22,1861. DaAa PATRIOT !...The.most solemn arid affecting scene was witnessed in the Senate to-day that was ever witnessed in , that body. It was the final with drawing of the Senators from the States of Ala bama, Florida and Mississippi .from the Senate.— Mr. Clay, of Alabama, recounted to the Senate a long list of grievous and aggravated wrongs per petrated by the people of the North upon the peo ple of the South, and Of the patient endurance of them from their attachment to the Union, and, the hope of a returning sense of justice in the North. Gov. Fitzpatrick expressed hie full concurrence in the remarks of Mr. Clay. Mr, Ynlee, of Florida, also commanded the undivided and riveted atten tion of the Senate and galleries in his parting speech. Col. Davis—the gallant David who fought so valiantly our battles in Mexico, and was made a cripple for life by the wounds received in them— made a few remarks which touched the hearts of all who heard him. lie said be would carry no hostile feeling towards any Senator with him to his state, and if he had said or done anything to * wound the feelings of any Senator, he offered him an apology, and if any one of them, in the acer bity of debate, bad said anything to wound his feelingly, he freely'forgave them. lam incapable of giving anything like the scene as it was; but I saw the tears trickling down the faces of the Sen ators, of all parties, until my vision became dimmed with unbidden tears in my own eyes. I felt as ifl was witnessing the funeral obsequies of this great Nation. As Col. Davis was about retiring from the ' Senate chamber—alas I I am grieved to say„for. ever, the Senators rushed towards him to give him a parting shake of the hand. Even general Wil son, of Massachusetts, who had served on the com mittee with him, extended the band of affection to him, and the same scene was enacted in regard to all of the retiring Senators. My God, where is our beloved country drifting to ? I feel so depressed that I can scarcely write at all. I must, however, not omit to say a word in relation to the noble and gallant bearing of General Cameron, of Peensyl unlit. At the close of the affecting - scene he made a speech of a most conciliatory character that will redound to his honor through all time. lie rose far above petty oopeiderations which chain politi cians to the juggernaut car of relentless partizan ship, and boldly proclaimed. his determination to sustain measures that weak' arrest the further die eolkttion of thdUkiou. He CSiroesZd lila Willing.: mess to support any riMcnnibitnieisures, or to vote for the ProPositioAs of L laegileague,(Gov.Bigler,) td submit-the question tail 3gote oiit6e. peoples thus pluming itimself-Wbcranttame friend of the people when their dearest interests are in jeopardy. His remarks elicited a very handsome eulogy from Mr. Saulsbury, of Delaware, in some eloquent re narks made by him on the occasion. Gov. Bigler made one of his ablest speeches to day, abounding in patriotic sentiments and potent arguments, apd which every I Who loves his country should road. Gov..Corwin,. of Ohio, and Gen. Millson, of Vir ginis, made patriotic and conciliatory speeches in the flange on the report of the committee of thir ty-three. Yours 41411 yr SOLON. PENN'A LEGISLATURE WEDNESDAY, January 23, 1861 The Senate wits called to order at 11 o'clock by the SPEAKER: . Player by the Rev. Mr. Colder. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. REPORT OF 'IC 03INTTFER Mr. THOMPSON, from the Committee on Roads and Bridges, reported the supplement to lho act incorporating the Delaware County turnpike company, as committed. BILLS IN PLACE Mr. PENNEY, a supplement to the act incor porating the Citizens passenger railway com pany of. Pitt-burg. Mr. SERRILL, an net authorizing the direc tors .of the poor and house of employment of Delaware county to sell certain real estate. Mr. HIEST,ND, a supplement to the act incorporating the Lancaster and Ephrata turn pike or plank rood company. Mr. IRISH, a supplement to an act in relation to the rights of property of husband and wife. ORIGINAL RESOLUTION Mr. FINNEY offered the following Resolved, That the Secretary of the Common wealth be directed to inform the Senate how many, if any, of Rogers' Geological Survey remain in his office for distribution, and if there remains a surplus number of o+•pies over the number to be distributed to those now entitled to twelve them—which was Wee read and passed. BILLS CONSIDERED. The bill to incorporate the Penn gas coal company came up en second; reading, and ite passage was advocated by Mr. SMITH. Mr. PENNEY opposed the bill, as it pro posed making a corporation, the object of which was, to buibl a Fa)/r44 fifteen miles in length, under the general railroad law, in stead of the lateral railway law. Mr. FULLER offered an amendment subject ing the railroad to the.restrictions of the act in relation to lateral railroad% except f/(;) far AS the length of the road is-concerned, which was adopted.' Mr. FULLER moved to amend the 3d section s 4 as to make the road not to exceed seven miles in length, which was agreed to. The section as amended was .passed—yeas 19, nays 8. Mr. FINNEY moved to amend the 7th section, so as to give the company corporate_privileges for twenty years, inetead of twenty-five, which was agreed to. Mr. FULLER offered an amendment to the Bth section, making the stockholders indi vidually liable for all the debts contracted. . Mr.. SMITH offered an amendment to the amendment making.the company liable only to a certain extent,. which was. lost—yeas 13, nays 16. The question recurring on the amendment of Mr, FULLER; it was lost—yeas 14, nays 15.. Mr. WELSH offered as a substitute for the Bth section, the . general liability clause known as the La ckawanna provision, making the comps ny individually liable for all debts contracted, and defining the process of law by which such debts are to be collected. Mr. M'CLURE offered an amendment modi fying the amendment which makes the stook. holders resnmOgr v all. _debts, wttink_was. The aniendmeatasamended was carried, The question recurring on the section as amended, Mr. FINNEY moved to still further amend by making the stockholders liable in their in dividual capacity for all debts due to the amoun of their capital stock. Pending which, on motion of Mr. HALL, the bill was postponed for the present. Mr. HALL read in place a supplement to the act incorporating the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad company. Mr. M'CLIIKE offered a resolution that 1,000 copies :each of the Surveyor General and Adju tant Generals report, be printed for the use of the Senate, which was Rand to. .Mr. SMITH offered a resolution that the posters and folders be appointed Assistant Door Keepers, pending which, the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, EVENING SESSION TUESDAY, Jan.. 22, 1861. .The. House met at 7 o'clock and resumed the consideration of the senate resolutions relative to the maintenance of the Union. The question was taken on the amendment proposed by Mr.. DUFFIELD, substituting the resolutions offered by Mr. WELSH in the Sen ate, and it was rejected by a strict party vote— yeas 26, nays 51. Mr. SMITH. (Philadelphia) then proceeded to speak against the Senate resolutions. He deplored the precipitate action of our Southern brethren, and said that our whole history as a nation had been one of concession and com promise. Let us now exhaust all honorable measures to bring about a reconciliation. Our dklty 014114tleig moderation. Mr. BLISS (Bradford) argued at some length in favor of the resolutions. The question was then taken on the resolu tions as they came from the Senate. The fast passed unanimously. The second was agreed to—yeas 88, nays 1, (Mr. BUTLER, of Carbon.) The third was agreed to—yeas 87, nays 1, (Mr. RANDALL,. of Philadelphia.) The fourth was agreed to—yeae 54, nays 20. The vote on the fifth resolution was—yeas 67, nays 19; on the. sixth—yeas 63, nays 23. The question on the final passage of the res lutions was decided in the affirmative by a strict party vote. The House then, at 9i o'clock, adjourned. MORNING SESSION. IVEDNISDAY, JAIL 23. The House met at 11 o'clock, and was called o order by the SPEAKER. SPECIAL ORDER The special order of the day being the con sideration of resolutions of Mr. . ARMSTRONG on the state of the Union, they were, on his motion, postponed until to-morrow morning.— On ntotion of Mr. BARNSLEY, the resolutions were ordered to be-printed. Mr. LICHTENWALLNER said that the Le gislative Record contained an incorrect report of his speech. By an understanding with the printer, new and correct copies were to be fur. nished. 1 4 , ORIGINAL RESOLUTIONS. Mr. PRESTON offered a resolution giving one copy of Ziegler's and Sutherland's Manual to the Door-keepers, Clerks, etc. Agreed to: Mr. SELTZER offered a resolution declaring petitions out of order except by unanimous CORtien,t of the MAIM except on two dayS of the IrstelF, viz Monday and Thursday. The ayes and noes were' required, and the resolu tion passed by a vofe of 68 ayes to 22 noes: Mr. sliErriutp 'offered a resolution calling uon all the Heads'of Departments for esti mites fer the enduing yenr. Agreed to. . BIILLS 114 PLACE, Mr. Smith, (Berke ' ) , aa act redueikkg the State tax. : ' , Mr. MULLIN, an act:extending the, limits of Li"' borough, of trOkuotown,aud for other purposes. EMI Mr. BUMF*, (Caricai set relative ,te the SENATE. Susquehanna Philadelphia and Wilkeabarre telegraph company Mr. DUNCAN, an act relative to the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad. Mr. ACKER, an act relative to dogs in the county of Chester. Mr. GORDON, an act incorporating a com pany to build a bridge over Clearfield creek_ An act to authorize certain trustees to sell certain real; estate in Lock Haven, Mr. LAWRENCE, an act appointing commis sioners to lay out a State road in Elk county. Mr. GORDON, an act relative to the county of Cattecton ; also, an act relative to pleading in certain courts. Mr. PATTERSON, an act to incorporate the Dank of Juniata ytilley, Mr BYRNE, an act incorporating the Lack awanna. savings bank. Mr. PUGH, an act relative to the Lackawan na and Susquehanna railrOad company ; also, an act ineorporai ing the Pittston boa, company. Mr. LAWRENCE, an act re establishing the road laws in the county of McKean. Mr. HOFIUS, an act relative to holding elec tions in Mercer county ; also, an act authori zing the Auditor General to 9otl/6 661`taili ac counts with the Lewisttfwn water company. Mr. BRODHEAD, an ad relating to sheriffs giving deputy sheriffs power to acknowledge deeds in court in MC of the eleknees of the sheriff. BILLS PASSED An Act relative to the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad company, allowing the issue of a 2d mortgage, and the borrowing of $50,000. An Act incorporating the Eagle library company of Philadelphia. An Act relaiive to the Summerton M. E. Church in Philadelphia. An Act incorporating ,the Lathrop & Wilson sewing machine company. Adjourned. LATEST BY: TELEGRAPH XXXVIth CONGRENB---SEqOIID SESSION. SENATE.-Mr. Bigler. (Pa.) presented ft me morial, asking for the passage of the Critten den resolutions. Mr. Coßamer (Va,) intrQduced,,, o.bill Co regu late the collection of imposts. Ms. Green '(Mo.) introduced ajoint resolution appointing A. J. Greenwood, Reverdy Johnson and Montgomery Blair, Commissioners to make a full and equitable eettleineztt of an claimabc-. tween the United States and Wm. IL Ruttiel.— Laid over. Mr, Doolittle (Wis.) presented the creden tials of Senator Trumbull, re-elected to the United States from Illinois, Mr. Chandler (Mich.) presented the memorial of citizens of Michigan remonstrating against any change in the Constitution. - Mr. Trumbull presented memorials from the citizens of'lllinois expressing the opinion that a division of the Territories by the line 33 de gress 30 will be a 'satisfactory settlement - of the present national difficulties. Mr. Kin; (N. Y.) presented a petition for the preservation , of the Union; also,, against any change in the pilot laws. Mr. Slidell (La.) asked to take up the resolu tion he had offered in regcid Co the . President's message respecting the appointment of Wm_ Holt, as acting ,SecretarY of Virar. He moved that the resolution, together with, the message, be referred to the CoMmittee on the Judiciary. House.—Mr. Colfax. (Ind.)' called Up the Post Route bill, which passed' the House' at the' last session and was returned from the Senate with amendments, which were now conddered and nearly all agreed to, including the preiris ions for procuring' and furnishing. one cent stamped wrappers and envelopes, requiring kV tars which have been advertised to be returned to the dead letter office within two months:let ters for the seaboard to he retained fora longer period under te Poets Office re : ula . tipue uI T applied t o promote t he efficiency of that bureau. Mr. Writ: (Ind.) said that the Committee on Post Offices and Post Roads, recommeeded a non•eoncurrenee in the Senate amendment, pro posing to limit the compensation to railroad companies carrying the mail, to $2OO per mile per annum for first class service, and $BO 'for the second class, and $4O for the third claf.s, the speed not to be greater than twenty, eetien teen and twelve miles per hour, for each class. This would be a saving to the Treasury of $355,000, but the committee think that audits pollution would hen the effect of deranging the present system. Mr. Sherman (Ohio) gave his reason why he hoped that the amendenent would be adopted, having a view to economy_ Mr. Branch (N. C.) opposed it. He said the compensation was now inadequate, and a re duction would induee the contractors to refuse the contract. There Was 110 wirer here to Cen tro] the speed of the cars. After further debate the amendment was re ect ed. From Washington. WAIIIIINGTON Jan. 28.. The Railroad ConventiOn of the five east and west trunk lines, hal adjourned to meet at New York on the 20th of February. ' A ache dule of rates for freights,' b'etireen . all east and west Points,. was= adopted:._ . This restores the figures of the St. Nicholas - and Saratoga meet , tinge, with a slight'variation regarding K• era The trot and second - sections of the er- rangement is reaffirmed, making the favors uniform, and dispensing with runners. The fact was developed, in the course of the deliberations, that -the freight from the south and south - west, with the exception of cotton, has greatly decreased, while the movements of produce from the north west and central west,' north of the Ohio rover, is unusually large. All the roads report increased receipts over January, 1860. - The inconie on 'BOHM of them was very heavy, and, as an instance it was mentioned that the Baltimore and Ohio' Rail road, the most Southern of the five 'great lines, and the increase of which is less than that of others, shows an enlargement in revenue on eastward freight of $25,000 for the first twenty two days of the present month over a similar period of last year. A general falling off is re ported in the passenger receipts. and westward bound freights. Much of the produce move ment is for Europe. All the five lines are de riving increased business from the diversion of the cotton of the South-western States from the Southern Atlantic and Gulf. ports. The Convention included the leading railroad minds from Massachusetts, New York, 'Pennsyl vania, New Jersey, Ohio, , Indiana and. Ken tucky. An exeeßent feeling prevailed, and the prospects of the eastward business is regarded as encouraging. All the parties seemed earnestly anxious for a settlement of the national dithoullieh, and Senator Crittenden's plan, or its equivalent, met with general approval. The members of the Convention have ex erted their tiest efforts with their respective members of Congress and others to secure con ciliation and peace. LATER FROM EUROPE. The steamship Arago, from Havre and South ampton, with dates to the 9th inst., has ar rived. Capt. Ingram, of the U. B. Navy, and James Leslie, bearer of diapatehes, are; among' the passengers. The ship Brandywine, from Mobile e had gone ashore at Carnsore Point, Ireland, and, was fill of water. Crew saved. • The Amigo ppesed the City of Washington on the 19th inst. The latter sailed, from Liver-, pool on the 9th, with nearly half it.million ln specie. • • Fn#Ncn.—The general affairs of the :11{4 of France are,iliscouraging,ancl i a ef,tnto , millions ,in.e*peoted,at the nexl,,Tek Thei pith • WABHINOTON. .Tan. 23. Nnw tonic, Jan. 23. SICILY.—GAETA, Jan s.—The shells thrown by the Sardinians have penetrated to the room over that occupied by the King. His ministers insist that he shall change his quarters. The shell also reach the central hospital. TURREY.—CONSTANTINOPLE, Jan. 2.—Hun garian and Polish Garibaldian volunteers are arriving at Pera on the way to the Danubian principalities. AIIsTRIA.—VIENNA, Jan.. 9.—The Emperor has proclaimed a very comprehensive amnesty for Hungary, Transylvania, Crotia and Sala- Toni 800 ROME.—Roue, January s.—Placards have been posted exhorting the Romans to await the arrival of the Sardinians. The Neapoli tan troops have been ordere4 home, • A-de pot of arms has been discovered in the Foro Appio. The commercial advices are no later than received yesterday by the steamer Mara thon. Position of Louisiana. BATON ROUGE, Jan. 22 The Governor's message to the Legislature has been sent in. lie says that our enemies will find throughout Louisiana that there is but one people in one heart and one mind, not to be cajoled into an abandonment of just rights, and not to be subdued. All hopes are at an end that the dissension between the north and the south can be healed, as all the propositions made by the moderate men have been contemptuously rejected. The cry of the north is for: coercion, and there is no longer any doubt of the wisdom of that. policy which demands that the conflict shall come and be settled poly. The- whole tone of the message is uncompromising_ From Mexico. NEW torar, Jan. 23. The schooner Fannie, with Vera Cruz dates to the: 10th ; has arrived at-Galveston. It -was ,reportad that Miramon,, with his , principal aft- cers, including the Minister of Foreign Eels 'lions, had been captured by the Indians.— Miramon subsequently escaped, after killing three of the Indians. - President Juarez' loft Vera Cruz on the sth for the, Capitol, to etsablish the Liberal Gov ernment. The Sepeegipe Florida. PeigsAcoLA, Jan. 23 A saltzterof thirteen guns his been fired from Fort Baranoas, in, honor of the lone star flag of ;Florida Two Columbiads. have been mounted • ai this fort. Fort Piekins and Fort Mcßae are being in vested, and , the guns directed against them are manned- by the allied forces of Florida; Alabama, and Mississippi. Seizure of Anns, Ball: and Powder on a Southern Steamer at New York. NEW Yoza, Jan. 23. Thirty-eight cases of muskets, containing two dozen eneb, together with 'a quentiiy'of bail and gunpowder, were seized to-daY by the police on the steamer Monticello. which:was about to sail for Savannah. Fifty troops ar rived at Fort llemilton from Went Point to day. Conciliation in, Rhode-Island. PROVIDENCE, Jan. 22. The Senate to-dny ,iepettied the &Tempel Liberty .bill of this State, by a vote of 21 yeas to 9 nays. The subject•was warmly discusspd in the House, when the further consideration of the bill was postponed till Thwisdny. • ' Arrest Af per4n4ting rennayisasibk,,Ro4l, • • road Ticket AgaWEL • r BOSTON, Jan 28. Charles R and. F i vans beeebeeq arreate here on 'tits charge• of defrauding that Piaantyl.- yards railroad, by not accounting' for , tickets sold by them.. GENERAL N WS_ A. RUSSIAN NO . /ANNAN REWARDED POE : NIB EMANCIPATION LABOBB.-A Russian function ary of high rank, ot.St. Petersburg, who has taken a very, active part in bringing 'about the emancipation of serfs, and is well known for the liberality of his opinion, received, a few weeks since, a large packet. carefully sealed,l Containing shares in the Russian gods to the value of pfty thousand"rotibles, and an anony mous letter praying him to accept the gift from one - who respected and admired him for the ser 'vice he had rendered to the country, and espe cially to the cause of emancipation. 66 lam rich,' - said the writer, "whereati'your private interests' have suffered from your devotion to the'public weal. Do not scruple to accept; for the sake of your children, the giftl orkt yen:" You Will learn my name when I am dead, AO you will probably learn it soon; for am al ready old!' The 'Emperor decided that there was no reason why a gift so delicately offered should be refused. • A remarkable meteor was seen on the mor ning of the 11th knit:, at a quarter 'before 8 o'clock, at variety; places in Illinois; It was very large and brilliant, and exploded with 'a repertlike cannon•. It reinnined 'in sight froli three to Aire 'seconds, and disappeared•in the northea -course having been eastward-with, great velocity; in a right line a little inclined downward. At Geneva three 'or tour large meteors were seen, but accounts from other places mention' that there was One body like a ball of molten iron, and some smaller ones, apparently, merely detached portions of it. In some places die explosion' is spoken of as ha ving been trerheudous, like - the bursting of a loud, deep, rumbling sound, that gradually died 'away.' At Barrington and Lake Zuriek --010 lenses - shook,' and Windows rattled, 6,4 a . the people awoke from sleep very much alarmed. Thuows Ovenneaun.—The rumor that the Marquis of Devonshire had thrown his daugh ter's lover overboarit from hie yacht, in Naples, 'and drowned him, is explained by the London Times as a misapprehension • of the common idiomated phrase,'"thrown overboard." It is said that a letter was written by one of the party on, board the Bylphide to a friend at Tu rin, in which he described a very trivial disap pointment sustained by another of the party 'by the words we have qtoted. The phrase, however vague, is in such common use, and so perfectly understood in its restricted , sense as •loiled, or "disappointed," that no English man would probably have misapprehended its meaning. TEE AMERICANS AT SXBASTOrOL.—CoI. Gowan, the American contractor for raising the vessels sunk in Sebastopol harbor during the Crimean war, employs daily about 200 men, who, with clerks,. &0., occupy the naval arsenal, which was converted into a rendezvous specially for them. The operations connected with the rai sing of the sunken ships, &c., are on a large scale, and it is supposed will occupy two years more before the harbor is totally' cleared, al though it is now navigable. CoL Goe!art, who is held high in the estimation of both the Rus sian and American Governments, along with Capt. Mr: France, are the parties who have "the charge of the graveyards. ADVANCE WAGES TO BE PAID TO' THE SAILOR IN PERSON.—It being found impossible to , over come the combined influence of the sailor boarding-house keeperd, in_ abolishing the per nicious custom: 'of. paying , advance wages to seamen, Judge Hoar, of the Supreme Court, has decided -that the Wages mast be paid .4i- Tectly-to the Marian, and not at his thDB establishing in him at leaet a-nonainal control over his own money. The liewr-York•correspondent of the Charles ton Cowie" says.: John Brougham, the well known i'ctor, Who is now in' London, has de termined-not to- return i to, this oPinktme Ile his Sent'l over dbrhis family to join litit tin lingtand; His success abroad was greater than he himself -.) •' anticipated." The Boston Courier saps 'that on Thursday Governor A ndreiiktstiii4d from some unknown person telti4ple, a package containing one hundred) Wide rifle bullets. THE MrBBHISIPPI RIVER BLOCKADED.—The dispatch anLouncing that guns had been plantel at Vicksburg 1,10 order of the Governor of Mis sissippi, to intercept all passing steamboats, seems to be confirmed. The Memphis A v , x; lanche, of the 7th inst says: " Just above Vicksburg, by direction of Go v . Pettus, a battery has been erected, and every boat hailing from north of Mason and Dixon's line is compelled to round to, and give n u ae. count of themselves. The Imparsal, from 63 8 port, passed there during the night, and was forced to land at the behest of a twelve- pound s h o t fired across her bows. Of course she was all right and went on." Tha,Memphis Appeal has also been informed by one of the clerks of the steamer Simonds that four guns are placed at the foot of the bluff, a .quarter.of a mile above the wharf-boat ; th n t ; while the kihnonds lay there on her trip up th e river, blank cartridges were fired to bring t o and cause to land the Gladiator, the Imperial and the A. 0. Taylor, and that it was under stood that if the summons was not, attended to, the next gun would be abetted. The object of the surveillance has not been made known. LIFE INSTJBAEPH SUIT RESISTED ON Tux eROVND OF INTERPEnsPICE.---Last wank ti at Circuit Court at Rochester, New York, was en- gaged in the trial of a case entitled Fleury Rawles vs. American Life Insurance Company. The plaintiff had a policy of insurance on thg life of John L. Fisb, taken in 1858 to secure a, debt. The compaty declined to pay the amount of the policy, on the ground that Fish was in. temperate when it was issued. The case was tried and decided for the plaintiff for the A l a amount claimed. An appeal was taken and the General Term set aside the verdict on account of an error in ruling. The, case was again tried and resulted in a verdict for $ 1 , 0 81.57, the full amount claimed and interest. In the progress of the suit, the question arose as to now much a man might drink and not be a drunkard. Witnesses varied their answers as. cording to their peculiar notions. Some thought two or three glasses a day were eutteicat, rL others contended for more. TEE. EXILES or SIBERIA.—The average num• ber of persons gziicit tv Siberia yearly is about .9,600, exclusive of the women and children that accompany them. To get to the station of Tobolsk they have to travel from 927 to 4,500 .verstee, according to the district they start from. From Tobolsk to Tumen is a journey of 85 days, to Brasnojerk 116 days, and to Irkute 177 days. Most of the exiles go through Irkuts to Merehinsk. This long journey, made by the criminals promiscuously with the 'women and children has lamentable effect upon their morals. MARRIED. Or. the 224 ieet, by ittraamos Colder Mr, Wau/5( WEAVER, of Chester county; and Miss. ELtzemit O. Ovskaftr, of Perry county, Pa;:' ' 2t6irtiffintentis. A SSIGNEITS SALF.--Will be sold at Public Sale or Out-cry. at the clrner of Fourth and Chessiut, streak. Lithe city of 'Harrisburg; ow THURS DAY. FEDRUAD,Y 7m. D 361, at 2• cOeliseh,, P. H., the following artieTht.;—/Q17B: gonna one Tw o .g ores taliewonsaforse Wagene, dde CAR, -bad Wheel barrows, one Patent straw , Cutters. Single and Double Harness, lot of Viine, Brinks, Boagds, 041 s, Chesnut Posts Board-fence Nista act: . " " r'BYZEs, " • Assignee of Daniel Rhoads , Harrisburg, Jan, 28,1861. ' • janli-ataw C' T HE ORIGINAL" BEN F. FRENCH, WILL 00301EngIITS . ELEVENTH . ANNUAL SALE OF BOOS, §TATIOIVERY, GOLD PENS, &C., _ _ 6 44-Ww. - tiFrASDAY STAN INa. JANUARY U, 1861, AT SEVEN O'CLOCK, (AND CONTINUE TWO WEEKS) - AT HIS FORMER STORE, NO. 12 MAR KE T STREET, NEAR THE HARRISBURG BRIDGE, AND NEXT DOOR TO .11PIXEL fr KILLINGER'S STORE. I now inform my old Blends, that I have a much larger and better: stock then ever. All of which will be sold. at PANIC PRIORS; FOR A SHORT TIME.— Among the stock may be found IRVING'S WORKS, 15 volumes, IWVINO 7 IS LIFE OF WASHINGTON, b volumes. PARTON'S LIFE OF JACKSON. 8 volumes. RANDALL'S LIFE OF JEFFERSON. COOPER'S WORKS, 34 volumes. SCOTT'S WAVERLY NOVELS, 27 and 12' volumes. DICKENS'S COMPLETE WORK*, 14 and 7 Toiallao. PACIFIC RAILROAD,l4liolumim. JAPAN .EXPEDITION, 3 volumes. EMORY'S' MEXICAN BOUNDARY SURVEY, (illus. rated, 3 volumes: ADAMS , S , WORKS, 10 volumes. FINE FAMILY AND POCKET BIBLES, FINE COMMON AND CATHOLIC PRAYER BOOKS, CAP, LETTER AND NOTE: PAPER • All the DOORS: AND ARTICLES warranted perfect, AND NO GIRT HUMBUG. : • Also, Be vera thoYgPuld vtilinfhtl of NEW WORE& Please call during the day and get the prises. Also, on hand a Urge asiortinent of 'JUVENILE BOO'S. • . . FIiEDICH 4r. RI.CH.§.7SIN. Harrisburg, January, 1841., janz443t pRIV4TE SALE, The subscribers offer at Private Sale BI Bight Wheeled Box .Freight Cars, in good runningorder ; 7 Horses, 2 Mules, 5 One Horse Wagons mid Harness,l - Large Spring Wagon, 1 Complete Stone_Vruek Wagon, 1 Two Hone carriage, 2 Frame Stables, 'Alicia 400 Ter I Bushel Ham TOO Tons of Lykens Valley Coal, 58 Backs of Salt, 2 Small Fire Proof Safes, a large amount of Office Furniture and property connected with the forwarding business, to gether with an extensive Rectifying Apparatus, in com plete order. Also, the undivided half part 9r /59 acres of Coal Londe. atm& In the abort Mountain, in Lykens Valley, Dau phin county, near Cfratztown, the veins of Coal well de veloped. Application to be made to the undersigned before the first day of March, 1801. A. 0. HIESTER; O. P. MITENCW, Aseigneen Of John WallowOr tc Bon. jan2.2-3tdBtmtmarl ORPHANS COURT SALE.--In pursu ance of an alias order issued ty the Court of Common, Plea of Dauphin county, will be sold at public sole.on Wednesday evening, January 23, 1861, at seven o'clock at Brant , a Euro#ean Meuse, a HOUSE AND LOT Olt GROUND, situate in Mulberry, between Second and Third streets in the city of Harrisburg. The house is a two story one, with a large "Nick building. The lot fronts 30 feet on Mulberry' street, and runs back 200 feet to Meadow lane; adjoining;property of Dr_ Pettiness and A, g 0.... Late the estate of Levi Houston, Terms will be made known at the time of ale by jan 21.:•dts • • - ANDREW - PATTERSON ..Guardian of the minor chlidren of said deed: JUST RECEIVED—A -large Stook of 9J SCOTCH ALES, DROWN STOUT and 'LONDON PORTER. For sale at the lowest - rates by' aoittit. ZIEGLER, 78 Market street.- jann T • • HE %BIBLE ON -DIVORCE.--The fol lowing words are fronflgark a. y. 9,12: "What, therefore, God harjoitiedtogether let not man put asunder." W hosoever shall put away Mauna awl: marry another committeth.adultery. . And If a woman'thall put away her'hnsimnd and marry again she cotainitteth adultery." Legislittbrivand °there, the above is the edict of the Supreme Lawaireir,' frem which there is do appeal.— "What, therefore,'God has joined together let no man put'aitutdiir. o ) janlZ-dtf AT COST!!! BOTTLED WINES, BRANDIES, LIQUORS OFR V.X.14 Y DESCRIPTION [ Together;witti s complete Wssortment, (wboleoaleand retail,) embracing everything in the line, will be mold at enatooithout reserve. Xopl. ilPbi. OOCK 7s. & CO. NSTAUOTIQ.N . -I.N MUSIC. F. 311'. WlRlllA L nephottejla taught by the well se. eneibletedliital: W.Webei,htHarriebterg, prepa r ed to eye , lesions. in,misslo upon the - PIANO, VIOLIN 0111i1,0, VIOLDIUM YLIITH He will give leeiseits et hip replihnappi i covuer of, Leoust street , and River alley dr atihe tomes of pupils. an2s-dem Di CTARINEB•I 1 !--A Fmall invoice of N the delicate Trait—in packages of two lbs. each-- juitTeceived. The irtatity veiy supsrlor: janl2 • WM DOOK, /Ipoo. pI,L I Nft),S DRUG FOll - - lispeylfge plan sainilir Ivinit of a Dentifiice , g O o to , • • KIXLItBIII, 91, MOet.