LOCAL NEWS. Toe DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION May be had at Jackie Book Stare, corner of Third and Market PATENT AND lINION.—The DAILY PATRIOT AND INION can be bad by Dauphin eubscribere, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. FRAM. THR ?amts.—tinder the change of schedule on the different railroads. the time of olosing the mays a t the Harrisburg Post Office, December let, 860,1 s as follows : PENNSYLVANIA R. R. East.-7 a. In.—way mail, 12.:5 p. nl. , 5. p. p. w aL -6.30 a. m.—way mail. 3.50 p. m.,9 NORTHERN CENTRAL R. R. g olf /L-12 15 p. m.—war mail, 9. p. m. ..Yofal.--1. P. a'• LICSA.NON VALLEY R. R. 7.39 a. m. DAUPHIN AND BUBO. R. R. 1.30 p. m. CUMBERLAND VALLEY R. U. 7.30 a. ary 1 p. m.--wav man. BY BULGE., 7 a. m., to Gettysburg. on Tuesday, Thursday and S a turday. 7a. .m.,to Tottestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 -p. tn., to Lewisberry, on Saturday. ArrannON, GUARDS !—The members of the Cameron Guards are requested to meet at their ar mory this (Monday) evening, at 7 o'clock, for drill. , Lot there be a full turn out. By order of the Captain. J. J. BALL, 0. 5. Faze Luscu.—Mr Davis, who has ehtirge of th bar attached to the Doebler House, sets out an ea_ sellout free tun* every day from 11 to 12 o'clook. It has already become a popular institution, and will no doubt be still more liberally patronized when everybody knows it. FLuin LAMP ExeLostolt.--ot girl in the employ of Mr. Thompson, in East State street, was shock ingly burned on Siturday evening by the explo sion of a fluid lump. She was iP in the act of ascend ing the stairs with's bnoltet of call when the lamp exploded and scattered the fluid over her arm, burning it in a terrible manner. irsinaow.—Some man insde a fine display of yen isou'in the market on Saturday morning. It eon misted of five carcasses, and looked as though it was palatable. Venison will keep a long time without salt, but a suceession of eueh Lays as we had on Saturday would render its speedy cooking necessary to save it. The deer were shot in the of Look Haven. vioinit A CANING Arnim—Considerable excitement was caused at the corner of Third and Walnut streets, on Saturday, growing out of a caning af fair. It appears . that Joseph Seltzer, of this place, - and Walter G. Graham, of butler, met at the gate ,f the Capitol Bark, and a - conversation ensued relative to the settlement of an 'estate in Butler county, in - which Mr. Seltzer was interested. High viciidispasied between the parties, when Selt zer struck Mr. Graham several times over the head with a - heavy eine, one of them - Snaking - a fright ful gab. Belize? , was takOn beibrei the Mayorand held in - $l,OOO hail to answer. Fq.wartom of Orricans.—The following is a list of Witten& of the Hope Fire Company, elected for khs ,e,RamOg year ?resident, Wm. It. Sepnor ; Vice Pres!dent, A. .1E; BbLek ; _Secretary V. B. Hummel; ?Assistant . Secretary, J. IdoGranigan; Treasurer, IL M Keller; Librarian, T.. Sample ; Chief Enitineer, _IL IL_ Darr ; Assistantc,ol. M. Groff and H. Hummel; Chief of Hook and Udder Truck, W. D. Carson; Assistants, D. Barr and H. Carberry; Hoist, Direetors of Engine and Hose Carriage, - A. Brown, J. Likens, C. Hammel, T. Sarni% J. IC Garverieh, H. 'Lerner, J. M. Harr and: Wm. D. Earnest; Directors of Hook and Lad der Truck, B. Putt, J. Felty, Wm: Fackler, A. H. Frantem. P. B—LATSR.—Linglestown has also given notice that noless this doctrine of secession is crushed she will be determined to withdrawfroM the °aunty. Can't our f. lends of the PXTRIOT Ann' Calm stop this rebellious spirit —Telyi-aph. Certainly. We shall send for Brisbin and Walt man, with their "cheese knives," and shall order Oat the gaud army of thirty Wide Awakes that serenaded Gov. Curtin last Tuesday, and arm the Local - of the Telegraph with the came kind of weapon he was armed with several nights last week—id 014 a quart of fighting whisky—and if they can't whip all the world and the rest of man kind, and keep Lingelstown in the traces, why she'll have to secede—that's alt that's of it. Vawr Sionricsur.—On one of the iron doors of the prison yard there is an old campaign handbill headed "Wide Awakes Rally—Good Times - Co ming." Well, a great many are waiting for these promised good times which were immediately to follow the flashes of the telegraph announcing the election of Old Abe. Many who are cut off from the enjoyment of liberty, but a few feet from this verj_3con door, have found the promised good They are incarcerated as vagrants Weans. thiCitainfet _enchants labor for bread, and. the alisidastum as well . as the jail is full. On every side - irir ice ibeautiful realisation of these promised gook ages. A hundred workmen are thrown ont of employment, and every .night the cells of the lock upare tilled with able bodied men whom pov erty and want of employment chives there to seek shelter. Troops of beggars besiege the doors of our citizens daily, and some of these are the chil dren of respectable mechanics, driven to it by the moat absolute Want_ From midi good times may Heaven give us a safe deliverance. AfOrminamsn's libliTING.—A meeting of the 110rkiigaleg__yf tfarrisburg was held in the hall of the Friendship Fire Company, on Saturday eve ning, which was remarkably well attended, consid ming the short noiice. Joseph Strataliger presi ded. William Sees read the address - orthii. ai.work• Inman of Louisville, and a series of resolutions passedby them. While they were under discussion the intolerable heat of the room compelled us to leave, and we aro unable to say whit else was done. In this movement:we see the germ of an organ- - Iraklion throughout this Union that will . Tnield a powerful influence open its doctrines, providing the leadership doest not las Lao alwaYS unfortu nately been the case) fall into the hands of old po litical backs who have been shoved into, the Mael strom by both parties, and who always"wait for a political revolution to bring them upo.n tho surface again. We say to the workingmen, beware of demagogues, for they will fasten themselves upon you with more guile than the serpent did upon Fve, even when it is to cut loose front their thral. dom and the misfortune they have brought upon 'our country, your efforts are mainly directed. We understand that a general meeting will toe heldin a few days. Tbe. following is the political , creed adopted at , one:.of _these meetings recently held : " We know nothing, we care nothing for the names by wbieb.the seisral political divisions of