LOCAL NEWS. Tao DAILT PATRIOT ANB UNION may be had at jot's Book Store, corner of Third and Market PATRIOT AND Ustosr.—The DAILY PATRIOT AND Plea an be bad by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. B. FRAM. Tag MAll,3.—Under the stooge of schedule the OD different railroads, the time of closing the malls at the Harrisburg Post Oboe, December Ist, 880, is as follows : TIONSYLVANIA IL R. a. m .—way mail,lE.ls p. m., b. p. m., Pi ni „l_6.3o A. m.—Way mail, 3.50 p. m., p. m. lITORTUBRN CSPTRAL ft. ft. R ou g.- - 12.1 5 p. in.—way =fag, 9. p. 116,0.-1 p. in. LnAltint Tr ALLEY E. 2. 1.30 a. in, DAUPHIN AND DIISQ. E. B. 1.30 pb CILMBERLAND VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. m. 2 1 p. m.—wav BY STAGS. 7 a . To., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday-7 a- m-, to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. in., to Lowieberry, on Saturday. APPOINTMUNT ST TES Govan:gen.—J. N. Jones I le s been appointed Notary Publics for Lyooraing co unty. to •residein Williamsport—in the place of Benjamin . Strawbridge, resigned. CONFSSUD.—CharIes Loguc, convicted of the murder of -Tared Lewis, at the recent term of.the Clarion County Court, has confessed that he is the man who done the shooting. .11e is *laid to be en tirely uneoncerned as to his fate. IT vna LOCIC-11P.—John Mahone and John Wil son mere on the register of the look-up yesterday morning as voluntary lodgers. Treated ton break- fast by Dan Callender, keeper of the city hotel, and ermined to depart. Ins numerous friends of Went. John Carson, in this neighborhood, will be pleased to learn that be has been promoted to a Captaincy, and will very shortly be ordered to take charge of. the Cutter Jackson, off Portland, Maine, to mimed Captain Prouty, deceased. Tea Cawioic GIILEiD.—It is not too late, we hope, to pay a just and merited compliment to the Cameron Guard. On the occasion of their parade on Tuesday they looked and marched equal to any of the visiting eompaniesorith one single -map don, and that is not saying a little, when we take into consideration the fact that a number of them made their first appearance in the street after but two nights drilling. Captain Eyster is certainly entitled to great credit for his efforts to keep up a military spirit in our city. ICY PANEMENTS.—There is an ordinance which requires people to remove ice and snow from their pavements, but it is either hard to enforce, or no efforts are made to enforce it. During the entire Week many Of the pavement/ have been in such a condition that pedestrians have deemed it prudent at times to take the middle of the street. We should have supposed that.our Chief of Police, who harm excellent reputation for . promptnees, would have made it his especial business to attend to this matter at an early day. Pstssarrranow.—Col. Die!, • the distinguished Marshal of the Rotunda, was yesterday presented with a staff of offnie, - ordered and paid for by a private committee. The staff is about, six feet long, surmounted by a hall on which the etars of the - Union are painted. The presentation took place in one of the Senate Comm Whit ikooms;and the presentation speech was made -in -German, by Senator Schindel- The reply of 'the Colonel was grave and dignified, couched in the Meet bearitiful • langnage, abounding in eloquence, and : replete with patriotism—after the delivery of which, the Colonel invited his friends to the Brady House to sample the Monongahela of the establiahm"iint.* Aw individual out of work and out of Money OW ited oar town on Sundsy last in search of the "good times, " and failing to find them here, a col lection was lifted in one of the bar-rooms, and be was forwarded to frarrishurg to see if he could and them there !—Juniara Register. This was the place to send him to. Immediately on his arrival a committee of Wide Awakes, headed by the - mea who need to oarry the banner on which was inscribed, "berme bir the bow:lase and "lands for the landless," waited upon him, gave him a supper of spring chickens, coffee and pound cake, and a cheek on the treasurer of the association for forty-five doffors. Any travelers similarly situated, will do well to call at the Wide Awake Wigwam, and make their wants - known, for did not the good times come as soon as the telegraph announced the election of Old Abe? LOCAL Lesmartost.—At the last session of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, the following act was passed-, which the public should take notice of: "That from and after the passage of this aet, it shall be required that every application to the Leg islature for any act of incorporation. shall be pre ceded by a public notice or advertisement of the tam 4n two newspapers in the city or county for whydszthelegislation is demanded, if two newspa. pars iive,pubtished therein, which said publie no tice or advertisement shall set forth the names "of the commissioners and incorporators of the bill for prepoied legislation, and its title; and the same Mall be published or advertised in said papers be fore the bill or proposed law shall be presented to tither branch of the Legislature." Notwithstanding Mere are men in the Senate cud House both who voted fur this law, it is evi dent that it will prove a dead letter. Such men as toted for it, who now vote for corporation applica tions not made in accordance with the above sat, shamefully stultify themselves_ If the makers o£ the laws themselves violate them, we certainly shouldnist' hold those accountable who violate a law without knowing it. Tan Fans Or Oemer.. 7 —Under acts of Agsembly, Prothonotaries or , Clerki.or the Supreme Court,. of Courts of. Nisi Prins, Courts of Common .Pleas, Oyer and Terminer and quarter fletsions, Orphans' Courts, District Courts, Registers of Wills, Rector-, dere of Deeds and Notaries Public, of this Coot- Montrialtb, are required to "keep or cause to be kept a fair and accurate account of allfoes received by them Air services performed, and annually :fur. slab s copy of - such account, - upon oath or. affirms.' lion, to the Auditor General, who shall proceed to'. examine the account so furnished by the officers aforentid and whenever the amount of any -of the said - aimbunts shall exceed the sum of fifteen hun dred dollars, the Auditor General shall charge-the said-offieers respectively 50 per cent.on the amount of sunk - , excess; which sum, so charged, 11111411 paid into the, Treasury for the use of the Common wealth." By the act of Assembly of April 22, 1857, the taxes above provided for, with others, are approPrinted tp the Commissioners of the Binh. ig Fund, "for thirpurpose of paying the present indebtedneesiand-the -interest thereon, and such farther indebtedness as hereafter may be con- tracted on the part of the Commonwealth." By the report of the Auditor General on the hiltless " the Commonwealth, for the year ending November 50, 1860, just submitted :to the Legis lature, it appears that from all the officers throughout the commonwealth, taxed as aforesaid, the whole amoun t of tax paid into the State Tiea aurnas the excess of fees over fifteen hundred dot huoi.reeeived by the above-named office's fur,tall yietw,isite , the- g um of fourteen ....ossits two,Lyn- skid and ttvs dollars and sinety-four cents. Lrxaas Intma.—We copy the following items from the Lykenetowa Jourraegl-of yesterday - New Sunday Be/tool.—The Episcopalians of this place and vicinity are endeavoring to establish a Sunday school, the first - meeting of whi..h will be helot at Mr: Dalps'inichnolliouse - on Sunday next. The Lykens Valley Coal Cettipany's mines have, we learn, been leased for a term of years to Mr. Henry Thomas, who, for several years past, has been operating the Short Mountain Company's property. Mr. Thome. has also secured a renewal of his lease from the Short Mountain flomPooY , s° that he controls the present supply of Lykens Val ley coal. As we presume the quantity of coal sent to market will be considerably increased, there will he probably work enough far all the old mi ners t.f both companies and more; the principal changes will be in the employment of a few less bosses and superintendents. Owing to repairs being made on the Plane, there was no coal shipped from this region last week, Waehiogtoule Company.—Tbis volunteer company, whose re-organization and rapid pro gress we have chronicled within the past „Tear, seems destined to endure many ups and &writs.— Instead of presenting a creditable appe..rattee on parade at the Governor's Inauguration on Tues day, as we hoped it would, the company has in formally disbanded itself. The reasons fey this action certainly present our citizen soldiery in an unenviable light, and , the epithet "fair weather soldiers" has been, if the reasons assigned are cor rect, fairly and dishonorably earns d. It appears, from the best information we can obtain on the subject, that, several weeks since, Captain Malden received orders to have his eompany ready for service at any time their services might be re quired. These orders were read to the company, when mach excitement arose and several expressed a desire to resign. Subsequently, an impression became general that the real object of attending the Inauguration of Gov. Curtin was to go from Harrisburg into service against the secessionists at the South. This created a panic, and the pri vates, with three or four honorable exceptions, withdrew from the company. As by the Militia law, a heavy fine .is placed upon a Captain for failing to report his company in obedience to orders, Captain Deaden found him self in an uncomfortable *postion, and rather than suffer for the fault of others, he and the other com missioned I ifteers sent in their resignation, to the Brigade Inspector. These resignations were aecep. ted by that officer, (Maj. taunenschlager, - ) but it is thought would not be accepted by Brigadier Gen eral Williams. We have no desire to comment on these facts. They speak for themselves. In justice,'howerer, to Captain Douden, we must say that no blame at taches to him, and that we do not see how, in the circumstances in which he was placed, he could have acted otherwise. Captain Pouden IN we are glad to learn, actively engaged in efforts to raise a company that shall be able and willing to stand by its colors in foul weather as well as in lair. Whatever may be thought of the policy of " placing the State on a war footing . ," there is no question as to the ability of our young men to raise and maintain a volunteer company that shall as voluntarily face service es the late company has shirked the prospect of it. Iv is curious, says the Hartford Times, to see the bitter old enemies of Gen. Jackson, with one accord, suddenly vieing with each other in the noisy parade of their alleged love and honor for the old Hero. This love, if real, has been carefully hidden till now. The hills of New England echo with the reverberations of eannoolired "in honor of Jackson," and the Black Republicans take pains to inform the public that they are having a band •in it. Of Massachusetts' aetionoontinues the Tinzeiti "This Massachusetts Governor, like the great bulk of his party, comes from the old anti. Jackson stock, and thousands of those who now act with him were engaged in propagating the "coffin handbill" slab der and other lies fabricated to iojure the General in the daye of hie politioal aetivity. Were the old man living now on earth be would talk in thunder tones to the Northern Nullifiers who pass laws to obstruct the 'execution of the fugitive slave act, and who are acting in concert at Washington with the extreme fire-eating Dlsunionists. Such politi cians presume, for party effect, to 'hurrah for Jack son !' The idea is enough, one would think, to make the old Hero's bones move in their coca," This equally applies to our own State. It is quite refreshing to hear Senator Smith, who was one of the Anti-Masonic members of the Legisla ture in 1838 now praising Oen. Jackson. The leading members of the Republican party pursued him with the bitterness of fiends to the brink of the grave, and some of them even maligned and Oa. duced his memory after death. Especially will Our readers remember this to be the ease of an at. !ache of the Harrisburg Telegraph at the time Gen. Jackson, who so vilely libelled the dead hero that the butchers in the market refused to sell the li beller meat ! This sudden love for the dead hero, by these who tradaced him-while alive, is ebarae teristio of the Opposition. lizeurv.—That 'beauty is the normal state, is shown by the perpetual effort of, nature to obtain it. Mirabeau bad an ugly face on a handsome ground ; and we see faces every day which have a proof that we are all - entitled to beauty, should have been beautiful, if our ancestors had kept the laws, as every lily and every rose it is well. But our bodies do not fit us, but caricature and satirize us. Thus, short legs, which constrain us to short, mineing steps, are a• kind of personal insult and evutumely to the °frail; and lung Stilts, again, put him at the perpetual disadvantage, and force him to stoop to the general level of mankind. Martial ridicule§ a gentleman of his day whose counte nance resembled the face of a swimmer seen under the water. Saadi describes a schoolmaster "so ugly and crabbed that a sight of him would de range the ecstasies of the orthodox." Faces are rarely true to any ideal type, but are a record in sculpture of a thousand anecdotes of whim and fully. Portrait painters say that most faces and forme aro irregular and unsymmetrical; have one eye blue and one gray; the nose not straight; and one shoulder higher than another; the hair un equally distributed, de. The man is , physically as well as metaphysically, a thing of abrade and patches, borrowed unequally from good and .bad ancestors, and a misfit from the start. A beauti ful person, among the Greeks, was thought to be. tray by this sign some seoret favor of the immortal gods ; and we can pardon pride when a woman possesses such a figure that wherever she stand§ or moves or leaves a shadow on the wall, or sits for a portrait to the Altai, she confers a favor on the world. AT a meeting of the Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company, held in their hall on Wednesday evening, January 16, the following preamble .and resolutions were unanimously adopted: WHEREAS ' The members of the Mount Vernon Hook and Ladder Company have heard with emo tions of profound sorrow of the death of a young son of Mr. Jacob Walters, residing at the Corner of Third and North streets, in this city, by the run ning over of his body, with a sleigh, driven 'by one of our members, who, in company With others of our company,anil several gentlemen of the Em pire nook and Ladder Cotop,,ny, of Philadelphia, who were our guests at the time of the occurrence referred to, while driving on North street to the country; and as we should give fitting expressions to the sentiments of grief which affect all our hearts alike in this groat calamity F therefore Resntved, That we, as a company and individ uals, with the members of the Empire Hook and ladder Company, who were present at the time of "the unavoidable occurrence, deplore° the event which has filled the hearts of the bereaved family with a sorrow inconsolable, and robbed an affee. donate father and mother soddenly of an endearing child Retraced, That we trtidei tbe family of the de ceased our heartfelt sympathies in this their boar of great efilietion, and, as an earnest of ttqe. yse am attend the funeral in a body. ,Resolved, That our Secretary be instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to ;be family of the demised and hare thent publiebedln thridaily _paPer.s_of thil city_ - - patraet front thyminuten • • - .-"' •• J. A-. CARMAN' Seeln THE AMOUNT OF TOBACCO ON THZ GLeBIL:=T1110 present, annual production of tobacco has keen es timated ,by as English writer, at 4,000,000,000 pounds! This is smoked, chewed and snuffed. Suppose it all made into cigars, 100. to the pound, it would produce 400,000,000,000. Four hundred billions of oigars ! Allowiag this tobacoo,uumanu factured, to cost on the average 10 cents a pound, and we have $400,000,000 expended every year iB producing a noxious, deleterious weed. At least one and a half times as much more is required to manufacture it into a marketable form and to dis pose of it to the customer. . MIDDLSTOWN AFFAIRS —We clip the following items of news from the'Dauphin Journal of yes terday : • Rnbbed.—We understand that Mr. George of this place, was robbed of some eighty dollars, on last Tuesday evening, while returning from the Inauguration. Revival —A most interesting revival of religion is now in progress at Highspire, about three miles from this place. A large number of persons have been converted. The meeting is under the charge of Rev. A. Snyder, of Middletown. • Fronts Ooer.—The Susquehanna and Swatara rivers were both frozen over so that they could be crossed on foot, on last Monday. This is the first time they have been perfectly ice-bound this win ter. lee.- - There was splendid ice on the Swatara on Monday, but the late thaw has almost rained it.— Our ice dealers should have secured their supplies in time. • THE INAUGURATION OP MR. LINCOLN: while the talk about secession and civil war is kept up, and half the world seems to have lost their wits, the preparations for the Inauguration of Mr. Lincoln are going quietly forward. The President elect will take the oath of office at the Federal Capitol, as usual, and be will be greeted by the sheers ef hundreds of thousands of people.' He will wear, on the important oceasioni an elegant suit of plain black, from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Rook bill & Wilson; Noe. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. A LLnoa Lot , OF GCODS received to-day, suitable for presents, which will be sold off much below their real value. - 60 dozen of Hem-stitebeff and Grass Linen Ilandkerci;iefei,M 20, /5, 37 and 60 cents a piece ; 100 Sets of Collars atid - Sleifiss, di 7 reel. from New York auction . , at very low priest ; Gents' Plain- and Bordered Linen Handkeroliletei beautiful lot of Lace Curtains ; Chenille Soarfil,at 121- and 25 cents, 10 pieces of Cassimere 'for pants, 10 pieces of Cloth, for Cloaks; 25 pieces of all kinds of Flannel; 2,000 yards oflest bieWit -Mus lin, for 10 cents; Woollen Socks,.l6„ 20 Cents; Undershirts, Drawers, 50, 62, 75, and ii:gmatinitay other bargains. S. Lawr„ . . Rhoads' Corner. SPECIAL, NOTICES. NA T U , R A L M.A.G•TV I • Suppose a ems. Suppose YOU Sitio iitaidYi red, white, grizzly, or flyunieg yellow Jude: . Suprsiefmou. prefer a light brown. a rich dark brown,er a,raybnblaalt: you apply (if you are *iiej . • . C .. • • :E .0 El 4 I - 0. Rs D y , and in ten minutes your mirror shows you WaND 8,R1 7 VI. , TR ANSFORMATION! Every hair that &few - moosente.bal woman an unsightly Mel:night 041nellket w _beliatek;; A.saagnificent head of air" la tho exclamation whenOvist yoisaniover. The difference between 'L. _ .) 11:ZY„.4.N.D. THE .EE AE7 - ' • Was not more attiktag.then that . between .a 'gray or. red head * state. of aptati..aud one 'which this fititicitit dye has been applied. Manufactured 'by J. OBI13141:- DOR% S 6.60 r liquo,AierrorX; • f' , 1101 4 1 imirrwhitiri and Hair Dreams: ..• . p,ionthatwtm ' - /broil t Ishlepencreak Nne York, .illy 28,'1859 • • Giani..- . 4lnr advertising Column! contain' some teati ' monies to the . velure of a new article known an ~,i4eild... leg% Proparedalna,iiiieelitlte honookoaparii forniendlitg Ti tt furniture: It is prepared with eliensicale biethinliit in kept' in, the proper ecriditleiFfpk , twin ate nee , chemiciihi evsporatiniaseedtriloWle. pliiidaanSing the gine to harden . ' We can Minh* eiti eadere W;tinia. article haa.the encelientiohrentilogieal cinsiliWof 4 goilite idhesiveriescil , ,-- Nor Kale by Li. A. lIANNYA IT, No. 3 Jones' Bow aul-d&who THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEHILL-Sir James Mertes Celebrated Female Fills, prepared from a preserip`ion of Sir J. Marie, M. D., Physician Extraordi nary to the queen: • This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the Wilt of all those painful and dangei ous diseases to which the female Constitution is subject. It moderates all excess and re moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. TO HAMM LADIES it in peculiany suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly paritul with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Stamp of (treat Britain, to prevent counterfeits. MOB' PILLS SHOULD NOT BS TABBN BY FEMALE; DOSING ranFlßll TWINE ht•iNTild or PBBGNANOY, AB MST ARC MOM TO BRING ON MIBOASIRIAOM, BUT AT ANY Olgikli TUBB THEY ASN adv. . . . In all oases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, P el the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills Will r ffect a cure when all other means have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not c.ntaia rcal,,calothel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 8.-161.,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorised Agent, will insure a' bottle, containing ever 50 pills, by return mail. • For sale by O. A. ItAinivairr, Harrisburg. jy'T-dawly II ELMBOLD'S GENUINE. PREPARATION Cures Gra il vei Biadder; Dropsy, B.idu Affddions. LI ELM .4OLD , d °MUMS Preparation for Notions ant Dubilitatel Sufferers. LI ELM Wolf ulo claiming Preparation for LOP PoWer, Cl Lon 01 Memory. HDIALBOLD'S Genuine Preparation for Difficulty of lilt tniathins, Goners]. Weakness. ELMBILD'S Genuine Preparation for Weak Nerves ? Horror of Death Trembling. • EfETAlDlLV3ilennine Preparation for Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Dimness of "Vision. HILLMBOLIPS th nuin Prewation for Lanynor, i Di versa( Las, ilnde of the-Musonlor ocoooro. i KLMItOLDno 121-nnioo Prep kration foe rafiu iJounto ',..• nonce s od Eruptions: • • fELMROLD . B Ci.innine Preparation for Pains in tie Mirk, liKulache, Sick IStoinach. ErSee adrartisement headed • • BELAWADI ViTURT Wen'. • in another minium . PURIFY YOUR BLOOD:—BRANISREYE'S PILLS WasaANTIID TO CURS Paves AND: AQUI —The effect of purging with IiIiANDRETH'3 FILLS is tore- store the health, no matter from what cause it piny suffering. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; and they have the same power of expulsion over mimeo, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalation, breathed by man whatever, In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im pure blood result. in disease. BRANDRETE'S PILLS, though innocent as bread, yet they are capable of puri fying the blood and curing dieettee. 80, they cure all 'kinds of fevers, all astlnas,' catarrhs, restiveness and painful affections of every kind. Sold, price 25 cents, at N 0.291 Canal bet, New York, and by all Druggists: ' Also, U DELL, owner of Second and Chestnut streets, Ilarrlitirg, and by all respectable dealers in medicines de9-ddswlm WE call the attention of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is FOOD FOR TDB BLOOD, already prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste and natn ral in action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, thee, who are suffering from poverty, impurity or deficiency of blood, and eonaerently with some chronic diseaae or ailment, take of this Bioon FOOD and be re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world renowned Dr. Ii,TON'Et INF,BTIFB CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It contains no paragoricor opiate of any kind whatever, and of course must be invaluable for all infantile eemplitiuts, It will allay all iwin, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the same time regulate the bowels Let all mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. ' 112 - Bee. advertiseinen!.. - ' antfiddcW3adi • , lead, this's • • he fo llowing is an, extrapt (rpm I letter written- ' II Pad& of the Baptist Church-- tnthe .Tuurnai and "Messenger, 'Cincinnati; Ohio, rind" 1 /Peekil 'Ir °1 "" i n • favor of that world-renowned .MOdikeimeTTURIL.WIIIV:. .0!• 7 11 800Villiti SYRUP . FOR CUILDREN TRICTRINOC. " We 5ee..611 advertisement in your oolania.;ot; Mrs. Winslow's Sontliingfiyrup.- Nan we • never said N ward - in favor of.a.A. i enh Nionlicineliefore in our life, but we feel compelled `to say to your readers, that this is no hninbug—wa MAIM 1111160.1 T, AIM KNOW IT•wohrs4l4: sr. ( ..111,11iiii. It' In. "Orialtiiiblf, one` Of ' flip . rin(Ot. . medicines of the'ditY, beearibe it is one of 'the best: - Mid thipse of *our readiiii4eho have babies can't do better Win to lay in a irapply. t; ilep29Aityly ; --; !", MRS. ,WINSLOAt An experienced our.. and female physimaii, - haisi Booth -114 Syrup for children teething which greatly fading, the proms, of teething by *Owning the gums, reducing ar allay ail pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend' ern- it-mothers, it will give rent to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Par - hotly age in all caiws. gee advertisement in another 'mil '- ‘lO3O. kagl9,lBsll4d&w/7 Dr. Broom'Pa coocentrated Remedies. No I. THE GREAT REVIVER, speedily eradicates all the evil effects of 8111 L- AOM as Low of Memory, Shortness of Breath,iiiddineas, Pairetatioo of the Heart, Dimness of IN:o4,'cii Rae constitutional otizeocorcenta of this system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Ams alike on either sex. Price one Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight dadlii any case of tiONOKREICS t, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 8. THE TEREn will care in the shortest possible time, ant (1:1180 of GLE & T, even after all other Pemedie , have tailed to prattles the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar'. . No. 4i T 1 E PIINI TER 18 the only Remedy that Will madly cure Strictures of the Urethra. Nu matter or how lung mending or neglected the case may be. Price One Dollsr. N. 6. THE SOLUTOR will mire any case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price one Dolllr. No. 6 YOB p IiTIOULARI KKK UIfICULAB. No. 7 THE AMA BIN wilt cute the Wh•tes radically, and in if much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the Only remedy that will really correct this (Reorder. Pleasant to take. Price One Dollar. . No. 8. THE - ORIENTAL PASTELS are certain, Safe and speedy in producing MENSTRUATION; or correcting any Irregularities of the monthly-periods. Price Tao Dollars. • No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SER CIRCULAR. Zither Remedy sent free by mail en receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage sterns arid get a Circular. Da G I ro u 4 -41 1 1 1 D st e rtre t e 9 P rt ri b T - Ate s tifile ra 4O ur l o y f o v rk or A k ve A na ve e n , u f e lki e l n a d . delphia, Pa For sale in Harriaturg only by 0 A. BANNVART: where Circulars containing valuable ivformst en, with full de. set , ptioxia of each camiwill be delivered gratis. on anal dation. Addreas DR. FISLIX BRUNOII i P. O. Boit 99. PidlidelPlita, Pa. IMPORT ANT .T.O FEMALES DR.. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice... They are mild in their operation, and •Sertain in Correcting all irregu larities, painful menstruration, removing all °Witte, tions, whether from cold . or otherwise,. headache, pain in the side,palpitation of Ike heart, whites, ail ner vous affections, bLysterics, fetrviv pain thb back and limbs, &c., disturbed sleep, which arliie from Inteirup: Lion of nature. . - - ' DR. CHEESENAN'S was the commencement of a new ars .in the treatment of those- irreguldrities and obstructions which have con signed so Many thenamide of the' young, till beautiful, and the beloved to li.EltalltATORII Nofemale can eeloy good health Oleos she to,regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins; to decline. DR. CHEESEMAN'S PILLS are the moat effectual remedy ever known for all own. plaints peculiar to FlifflAitl. To all awes they are in. valuable, inchscsagocita.certainty,..periodicalregelarity. Tliey, ereto, thoualumill,. who have used . them at different periddictliroma k ouktlie country,-having the 4411AD:sit ofielEie or the moot erniaent Physiciaas ie Aw and . . _ actiona u ss4lang. to , a tah4m ,the y shmad ItOt bil . ,llso,;(4aesqlww each box—the Pries Ons Dollar eat/tbox, conuliesingforty Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents. Pills seat by mail - promp, the by enclosing price to the General Agent. 80411,y,druegusts generally. 14:11.`NUTO/UNGRI, Osikeral Agent, , 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Narelaborg by CI: BANNY/1112. duel , 1 59.414tw1y. . . 1 T . :::: : WI',14:x17 x , ... Aix - ::Y . 0 u. 1t...--E.4r:D. 7. : 1 .:T-11 I S .. OW IT WILL PAY Y0I1: OBSERVE WHAT I SAY !! IT WILL PAY YOU TOR A VISIT TO HARRISBURG ! ! ! TO SEE AND MALE YOUR ktERCE(ASES FROBiTHE LARGE, HANDSOME ' AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERDS, VESTINGS AND GENTS' FURNISHING. GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE, WO. 3 JONES ROW AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.-HAVING SECURED A FIRST RATE CIITTOR AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN TIM MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT OR NO SALE OLIO-d4m CHAMPAGNE WINESI DUO DE MONTEBELLO, HEIDSINCE & CO., orAnuri HEIDNEOK, GIESLER &130 , • ANCHOR-EMERY MOTTSSEUX, • BPARKLINGMITSCATEL, AIUMM & CO IS, TERZENAT,. CABINET, in store said fin- salt by JOHN H. 377IGLIti, de2o 73 Market street BUEHLER HOUSE, MARKET EQUARE-,. HARRISBURG, PA. GEO. I'. BOLTON, isorincron This old established Howse haying chsage4 Rai* during the present semen, has undergone extensivedis prorientents and been thoroughlY RENOVATED AND BEFITTED. We feel confident that it is now not owl to any in the State lon the teoreferfs and 'COMM f iienees which pertain to a First Class HoIeL janl2-tf A. T COS Tl.ll DOTTVED WINES, BRANDIES, AND LIQUORS OF EVERY .DRSCRIPTION! Together with a complete assortment, (Wholesale and retail,) embracing everything in the lino, will be sold at cost, *MOW r454r1 , 4-' Jan/ • - • Wli DOOKi St. i AG CO. • . . fIICKORY WOOD ! !---A.surmuoit Low jut repeived, and for sale In quantities to soft par chagers, by , ',JAMES M. WHEELER Also, OAK - AND PINE' constantly' Ori Reid - at 'the lair - est prison. • • • ..• • - BOARDING—Nts . tariCuAt street, below Third; is prepared to aecommiedate - number of BOARDERS 'in' the tiest sruhtlier, and st suitable prices.. _ , • 'de,2o•aod.lts • 17RIANGTON 11EliR►N( - '!, r iaceived'b,* LiOCK, Ja., k CO. ~ . . 4,IICHKFF,ER'S Bookstore .is the. Place t k . buy Hold Pena—warrarnowl Tip U C.K: WFtE A T MFIA L' Faris Quatrry,ii iindpite bne!.just receited 'Rad fOr sate by Dau9l ; WM. DOCK. ei Co. f 1411,1,E1V$ pat& S'IAIN i p,ace to boy mtouoiim 1 - 15 `5.;41 ":.; TO T:0 11!Oita'. SANFO LIVER INV NEVER DEBI TT is compounded entire 1 become an established fact, a and approved by all that"' sorted to with confidence K,4 t is recommended It has cured thousands who bad given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and to actgently on the bowels, Let the dictates of roar use of the LIVER IN will cure Liver Com.. tacks,Dyspepsia, Summar co m r Y•Dr•psy,Sonr Costly eness, Chai m Morbus, Cholera lence, Jaundice, es, and may be , used sue rTr Family Medi- HEADACHE, 05 twenty minutes, If spoonfuls are taken tack. All who use it are MI inns favor. MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIG ORATOR, AND SWALLOW BOTH TOG - ETHER. Price One Dollar per Bottle. ALSO -- SANFORD•S FAMILY CATHARTIC PILLS, OOMPOUNDRD FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts,' and put up in Glass Cases, Air Tight, and will keep M any climate, The Family Cathar-i „: tic PILL is a gentle but active Cathartic, which ' WI the proprietor has used it bis practice more than ,n twenty years The constantly inertia- ."5 lug demand from thou who have lone need the ,A PILLS, and the anew, UM which all o:preim in 1 " regard to their me, has induced me to place them p.ie within the reach of a ll. . The Profession well know„ that different Cathartic, act on different portions ble of the bowels. The FAMILY CA- THARTIC PILL has, with due reference to this ri well established fact, been 4:impounded from a earls- '”" ty of the purred Vegetable litraista, which act alike .11 en every part of the ell mentiur canal and are L., good and safe in all Men whre t a cathartic is needed, such ap Der rang em cuts of the m Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in the Bitch ' 1 and Leine, Cagier,. siess, Pain and sere- al ness over the whale body, from madden cold, -4 whichfreqsently, if. ne glectedt end in a long ow course of Fever, Lees el Appetite, a Creeping Pe Sensation Of C•ld over the body, Rest. lessness, HEADAOBII, 1)1 W2lOlllll TEM HEAD, all . E!I INFLAMMATORY DIS EASES, Worms in Obi] dreg; or Adults, Rhenium tine a great PURIFIER eq of the ISLOOD and many m diities to which flesh ie heir, tho numerous to mention in this advertise- 0 meat. Dem, Ito 8. Price Three Dimes. The Liver Intel:ma:tor. and; Family Cathartic Pills are retailed by Druggists generally, and gold- wholesale by the Trade in all the 4.me, supra. , „ , S. T. W SANFORS, M. ID., Manufacturer. and Proprietor, SOS Broadway, N. Y. i77-Mtwie - , • • • • %)! MRS. WINSLOW 9 - An experienced Nurse and Female Physician, preemie to the attention of 'mothers, her SOOTHING .- S - YRUP FOR eiIItDREN TEETITING, which greatly facilitates the proem of teething, by softening the puns; redueing all inflimmatiOn—will allay. ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, :and is . • SURE TO REOULATE TEE BOWELS. Depend upon it moPiers, it 101 4 1 give rest to yourselves, ♦nd, itEureit AND HEALTH. TO YOUR INFA.N73, , We hoveput up and sold this artile for over ten years, and (JAN EAor,IN CONFIDENCE , AND IBUTIL of it, what we have never'been able to say of any other medi cine,NßYEß, HAS IT ,Yeittri,, IN A BINGY.B. IN STANCE! TO EFFECT. A CUR L when timely used :. Newer ad 'we know an infitinee ditopiiisOioilou'biimly one who used it, „Onti,e,contrary,.ellaredelighted,With' its, operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its miglital erects and Medical virtuei. IVe epeiiie in this matter' ; !WHAT krE KHOW, , t after ten y ate' experience, AND PLEDGE 013 ft ..hE PUTAII9E :FOR THE :FIILFILTAENT 71Y AT WE :HERE CLARE. In almost every Distance Where the infant it suffering .from pain IMO exhaustion, relief will lie found in fifteen - or twenty minutes alter the syrup is adminis tered. This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES io New England, and has been used with NEVEM, NAIL. ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects. acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will al most instantly relieve • GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, and overcome couvalsiMia l whicn, if not speedily resna died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all camels of DYSEN TERY and DrArtEaccii IN Curti:4lEN, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother vho has a child suffering from any of the foregoing eomplainta—DO NOT LET YOUR TRE JUDIcirkNort TUE PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the nee of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accompany each bottle. NoneVerinine unless the tae-simile of cuRT r E k PERKINS, New York, AS on time outside wrapper. Sold by Druggists throughout the world.. . PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 13 CEDAR STRICT . Nirir Yoi L. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sep29-diwly . JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILLION & CO., BISQUET, TRICOCHE & CO., JAS. HENNESSY & CO., OTARD, VOMIT & CO., J. £ F. MARTELL, JOLTS ROHM & CO., MARETT & CO. FOR SALE BY JOHN H. ZIEGLER, decl3 73 MARKET STREET. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS.I ortragtisNl, LADTEP wad GENTS° CHAIR% and a great variety of CABINET FIIKNITURE suitable for HOLIDAY. GIFTS at reduced prires Also a new lotOf COTTAGE EIIBNITTIEE sets. E-r ` JAMES R. BOTD SCiNc • Z 9 601ttl4:01*PIO dop2wd, 2500. • i. 1r OUNDS''''. AISINS, CURRANTS, CITRONS, &c., &e., topther with OKANCiL , S, LEMONS, DRIED FRUITS,. CRANBERRIES, and a Variety of 11 Articles suitable for the o : 9 . g loat received by Ldeo.l WA. lioCit, JS., .& CO. MESSRS. CHICE.ERING &CO. HAVE - AEVAIN OBTAINED THE GoLD:It E D A L! " AT THE ' MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON', PANWIDirre wssr., OVER SIXTY COMPETITORS! Wareroom for the CHI.OKERING PIANOS, at Harris burg, at 92 Market street, 0e22-tf . , W. NNECANO MUSIO,STOitk,' T E'W A 'ET - , 4, , „g . ' RECTIFYTNG DISTILLERS , WiIOLESALE DEALERS IN BILANDIF•St• WiI.N;ES, ; SCOTCH, IRISH, OLD :Hu AND BOURBON NO. 103 MARKILVeII,II44O, del2) /4 - 4,11.!0T , 5.E1 Ur j GriiPA. (dam TpxTßkinstiosit-ietg ED ...HAivi . • Ais.,re.eoritrttnr eels • 11;4 . ert6--7 /;]l5 - LEW,B JpigIa:ATOCII.;; ; L - I , Jf!Ei- - . , • , •4. if RD'S SORATOR, 1203311 I y hem Gums, and ba itandard Itledieme, known have tuied it,and is new re in all titediseasesforwhia within the ieet two yes , ' of relief, as the numerolli my regeession show, to the temperament of tt e used in such quantities as judgment guide you in the VIGOItATOR, and it plaints, Sill us At. Chronic Diarrhoea, plata ts, Dysente. Stomach, H . bitual le, Cholera, Choir. int F *tit. Female W ea k a ese 1 cessfaliy as an Ordina. It will cure SICK thousands can testify ! ) in two or threeTett. at commencement of •at El giving their teatimeny . ~; W. jg„ & 00. Lints of C.rauel. pEiVNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE ailgtiliMANNO3 AMR .‘. FITE TRIM DAILY TO & FROM PHILADELPHIL ON AND AFTER MONDAY; /%OVEMIt.EIt 211TH ; 1860, The Passenger Trains of the Pennsyliania Railroad ONG pany will depart from and arrive at Ilarrhobarg Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUGH RXPREHEI TRAIN leaves Harrisburg alk 2.40 a. m , and arrives at West Philadelphia at 6.60 a. as„ PAST LINZ leaves Harrisburg 'at 12.56 p. m., an! arrives at West Philadelphia al 5.00 p. m. NAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at LIB p. m., and 614 riven at West Philadelphia at 1020 p. m. These Train' make close connection at Philada/Phill with the New York Lines. • AOCOMMODATION TRAIN, No.l, loam' Harrisburg at 7 . .80 a. m., rum; via Mount Joy, and 'raves at Walt Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leaves' Mania burg at 146 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphian 6 40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No, 2, leaves Ilarripbum at 6.25 p. ni., rung via Mount Joy, connecting st villa with MAIL TRAIN Rant for Philadelphia. WESTWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philo,l4lplkis. 10.50 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. In. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 8.00 •. m., as arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. in. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a: m. PAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and at* rives at Harrisburg at 4.10 p. m. HARRISBURG 'ACCOMMODATION' TRAIN lam/ Philadelphia At 2:00.p.-m., , andarrives at Harrisburg at 7.84 p. zu. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia sdi 4.00 and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p m. Attention is tailed to the fact,:thatpaesengersiondia Philadelphia at 4 p: in. connect. at Limonite'. *nth I -, MOUNT JOT ACCOMMODATION T141%41111 ilitirrritiog 'id 4.45 . p. 3u. • ••-;•• • • ••• -• . BARTJEL D. TOIFSEI4: Supt. Ran. Din. Penn'a lientealt • nP23-4tf NORTHERN CENTRAL RA/LWAY.- - , ANII44MAPPINAPIR . • ''. fl - 0 - ' ' • : 011 - A Edit kiiitt't. . ' A . . • . WI-N'P•ERItRANGEMIINT: ON AND AFTER MONDAY; NOVRMBER 262.1,1914, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central mon" • will leave Harrieburg as &Rowe ; . ,r , • GOING SOUI4I. ACOOMMODATIMI leave at.. 3. RXPRESB TRAIN will leayelit 7.40 a. se. , MA/L.TPA/N wi. ll .l l !lrve . .. .••••• • • • • • Locciiiin. .. • GP/ 14 70 - . : MAIL ThAIN will lex,. at.......••••• ---r •• . 1 .400 F•44..t BXPREI3B TILUN•wili kayo it 816 p•Jiirk. • The only Train reeminigai letirirg Sindiy wllt e ACCOMMODATION TRAIN Soutb„. at 8.00 lb. m. For further Information epplynt theoillege, in Penn. IraniajinilrgAS Depot. --JOHN W.lll.l.lr . Agenh. November 25, 1860.—n024 •,. N EW AIR LINE ROUTE "NEW YORK. fia. Shortest in Distance and !Widest . 4„ Tjoie BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES Or '. 7 . NEW YORK' A.N D'AtAREASBURG, • VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 9 a. in., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m. , orey between the two cities. MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and at. rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 p. m. MORNING MAIL. LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at 2.00 a. arriving at New York at 6.20 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, Easti leaves Ilarri burg at /.1b p. in., arriving at New York at 9.40 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p.m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylva Ida, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroad& All Trains connect at Reading with Trains fOr Putt& villa and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for lliueh Chunk, _Easton, &e. No change-or Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. in. Line fro= New York. or the 1.16 p. in. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and ILCCOIS . this Route presents superior inducementa the traveling public. Fare between Now York and Harrisburg, Furs Doaassis For Tickets and other information apply to J J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. - QM AND READING RAILROAD WINTER ARRAN GEMENT. ON AND AFTER DEC. 12, 1860, TWO PABBINGRB TRAINS LRAVR HARRISBURG. DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 1.00 A. M., aid 1.16 P. M., for Phibideplida, arriving there at 1.26 P.M. ) Eng CID P M RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 A IC pad 3.80 P.M., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P 11. ano 8.13 P. M. . 'ARM:—To Philndelpllia, info / IN Aro i NO, Si (in samelrain) *32.16. PARES:—To Readlur 81.80 and 11.80. • At Reading, connect with trains for Pattern:S i MUSS rifle, Taman*, gatawissal 10178 TRAM LEAVE REARING POE PHILADEL. PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. N., /0.45 A. M., 12.80 noon and 3.43 P. M. L8A172 PHILADELPHIA VON READING at 8 A. 0.,1.00 P. Id., 3.30 P. M, and /.00 P. 1... PARES:—Reading to Philadelphia. 81.76 and 81.45. THE Id3RNIHG TRAIN FROM HAERISETIEG CON NECTS AT READING with up train for Wilkeiderir htilltPD and Senunton for through tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent. den dtt pHIL.A.DELPHIA AHDREADINGRAILROAD. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER PARIS, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APtt IL 2, 1864 COMMUTATION TI CKETS,,. With 2 coupons, talued betireins any Plante .desired, good. for' the holder and any member of his family, in any Passenger train, and .at any time--at 11/ per cent. below the regular fares. • , Parties having occasion to mad Unalaska friquenilyoa business or pleasureorill .fied the above arrangement convenient and er'reorniial as poor Passenger truing run daily each wry between Reeding and Philadelphia. and Two Tager. er*.7,betirepri leading, Pottsville Bet Ilarrisburg, 9' licAlaye, only one morning train Dowim. and one arberr ti gin between Pottsville mad phibigelphlii Sae' no Passenger train on the Lebecuig... Valley Ilavrit. Railroad. ' For thr above Tickets, or an) Information reistit thereir apply to 8. liradford, Na Treasurer, iad , Wa r t e the respective Ticket Agents on the line, or tit G. A. NICOLL/I, General enp't. lfarea 27, 18(10.—ricutt.dtf - H & 0 0 11 SIIIP AGENTS • • Aim COMMISSION MgROHANTS; 188 WALNUT STREET, PHILADICLPRIA, 1 'Maims IN FLOUR, GRAIN,.PII:ODVOICk.OO7TOi4 WINES AND Liquona, .T 0 B ACC•D' AND i Oa:ARR. n0:646m . . . . 'LI L. GODBOLD, ' PRAMIO4I4, TUN= VIANOS - %1111c1:0D.ZONO. Acl*. \ Fl ears RNTAltri - Or ,it • orderiiin ruidry Old ilt loft A mit', itratc,BEs - 'MUSIC STORE, ft EfarleeVigttleot.' or. at HllHniaika.,.,mi ' HOTEL Al) orders Ideit titiiibOliesmmedlitstr es ‘ ru s . m eerwitp - preldiritgkEtTed n - I" "", , , , ..i.h.,,ALkrp Fir,. alma PI.ANOS for sab.: : '. : soPo74,r' - • i Vir 'WO er f' extra lot of Ditlkaor j ., i i n i i • , .., Ati t/ BEM' Nitteebivid by 21.1.11 14 'SOCK. .„, i ? i'''' 6 it, 'ii`iti- kl• .:s .1 . .0t ti.A:ki..ist. kJ at'ariii igaiiia 40:faeroolomot of v 9f; - -. Ikolr— qAMB B .4. Irai/Rallitir i .i.4 : :: - .. . •••,. —•- •, “ • .... ••• • n MO t