Vatriot tt . anion. FRIDAY MORNING, JAN. 18. 1861. O. BABBITT & THOMAS O. MioDOWISLL. Pub- listen and proprietors. liesemuniestionswill not be published in the Ppratur ATIO VIIIIO3I =lees accompaniqd with the name of the aukpr. S. PETTENGILL a CO., Advertising Agents,l39 Nassau etreetNew York, find ILO Eta t street t Beaton, are the Agents for the PATRIOT LID UNION; and the moat influential and largest circu lates, neirspapers in the United States and Canadae They are authorised to contract for neat our imesst rates FOR SALE. sesoud-Land keens Pates, platen 39) by 'Minch's, In geed order; can be worked either by hand or steam power. Terms moderate Inquire at this office. To Members of the Legislature. THE DAILY PATRIOT AND lINIOIII Will be furriished to Members of the Legislature daring the 1186BIOR at the low price of Claz IIkoLLAS Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT AND Union, can procure them by leaving their orders at the publication once, Third street, or with our re porters in either House, the evening previous. Catch'.fo9g . at Straws. The eagerness of the public mind to seize on anything giving promise of relief from the present political imbroglio, is evinced by the importance attached to a single expression at close 9f (11-ov. Pickens' message to the South Carolina Legislature, which reads as follows : 'Ll'he- set passed to provide an armed militarifOree may involve en expenditure o' $50,000, and provie.don has been made for raisings4oo,ooo more for the 'imbue of .rins and munitions. T. 1.80 sever.l sums amount to $1,400,000. It as hoped.that circumstances tnay arise which will give a pacific settlement, to our dijfieutties, and if so, every reasonable endeavor shall be made to pre vent the expenditure of the whole ernoirit; but the more certain way to predates 'es- parifiedurarto events is , to be thoroughly prepared to mese any emergency." What the "pacific 'turn' may be; is a ques tion the public is anxious to have answered as soon as possible. If it is based on the result of certain propositions supposed to have been made to the President, by the South - Carolina Commissioners, we shall soon know more about it. Greeley as a Prophet. Some people think Greeley a wondrously wise man, a sagacious politician, &c. Here le an evidence of it. The following is an extract from the Tribune in October last: 'lt will be pleasant and instructive to see what a quieting effect, like that of oil poured upon the waters, Sue election of Lincoln will have upon the agitation just now of the political elernents, They (the Southern people) have not the slightest intention of giving any practical effect to !how) torests of secession, or forcible resistance to the in ugniation and .dministration of Lincoln, out of which none of our - ally papers are eta eiug -te create a panic. • The election stet, they -will beaten to ahake off a suspicion-fatal 40 all their. future projects. The avowed disunionist* will shrink into • iituilliction about as numerous and infinelithil oar earibmio - Abolitionists, while the -great btlk of the southern politicians will be .too.busylwkookingtogward embinetions, and in schemes for rtestablishing their IDA influences at the torth; to have time' or thonghte to spare for disunion projettii = After the Moral ws shall have a Wm."- . • : . . . , , • This' is the sort of stuff with which the peo ple wereindustriously plied bcfore'the eleCtioni not only by Gametarir but by the'whole Repub lican press. They were cheated with the de lusion• that the South was not in earnest, and that the election of ahem'. would' calm the disunion agitation. False tidbit fhb' the Republicans are equally false since their purpose has been .aecomplisked. Having led thiltountry into a fatal snare, they seem- de termined to afford no opportunity of extrication, and to admit of no settlement of the difficulties they have brought upon the country except by the sword: . Will the people tiribmil to be Wilt died- first and butchered afterwards for the gratification of the Republican party ? What they are Asked to Yield There is some virtue ina man or party yield ing something to which he or they possess an undoubted right, for the sake of preserving the public peace. But we can't see that a party is making very enormous concessions when it yields a mere claim to something which it does not; and cannot, legally call' its own. When the Republicans are asked to consent to the extension of the Missouri Compromise line to the Paeifie, with an understanding , that slavery shall not exist - north of the line and shall be protected south, they exclaim against it as a humiliatirig concessionan—abandunment of the principles of the Chicago platform;—a giving up of the fruits of their victory. Now, this is decidedly cool, considering that the Supreme Court has - decided that the Southerner has a constitutional right to take his slaves into any Territory, and COngrees has no right to prohibit him. - . : The South is willing to give up that right in all Terrilory north of 86° 30/—to yield a sub stantial right which they possess under the Constitution as expounded by the Supreme Court—and the Republican party of the North is not willing to abandon a naked, arrogant; usiustained claim to prohibit - slavery whero the Supreme Court has determined they have no right to do so. Talk about surrendering the right to prohibit slavery in the Territories—why the -Repribliean party had better establish that right before they Make a merit of abandoning it. They are asked •to do nothing more than yield an unfounded claim. . If any man sup poses that` he has a good' title to a piece of property, and resorts to legal prooeedingi to establish his claim, and - the courts decide against him in favor of some other obiimant, he ought, as a good citizen, to give up and Sub mit quietly. But suppose he lea turbulent and dangerous neighbor whom the successful man feaiakand for the sake of compromising .all difficitities and avoiding disturbances, the man geiietiorisis offers to divide' the', disputed pos seafgou with him, upon condition that he shall allow him to retain peaceful control of the other half, we should think the defeated party very unreasonable to insist upon having the whole. This is precisely the position of the Republican parti With reference to the Territories, and the propinition to divide them by the Missouri line. Thu agnate Court has decided that South erners haves, constitutional right to carry their slave . property into any or all the Territories, sod that Congreks - canned; prohibit the exercise of 14114 right; but for the sake of .peaCe they . are willing to abandon all-the Territory lying 1101114 - of a - certain degree of latitude. To this viki tilt. - and reasonable proposition ' the Re publicans; likttbe Pirbulent man Who lost Lis i ftw ouil,josist that:they mast have everything, s aa-thicsle pirty who has vindicated his legal Have nothing. • This is firt'.l:4?l4, When 'the its publ i aannitaik so i n dignapaiatmut the humil ia1:1011 of 'anandauing their' rights for the sake ortis''uiting thee f aoritri,''tiiict ha r d ',better show thartlietiiilights bare'sonaelistiniin4 . ' We have already shown that what they object to yielding is merely an unfounded claim, judicially dis allowed. Refeat of the Critteuden Resolutions—Mr. corwio's Report. The defeat of the Crittenden resolutions in the United'States Senate by the solid vote of the Republican Senators, indicates a determi nation on the lOW of he ; Republican party--to make no conceagoniffer ti;Weakeeofpreeervi4 the Union, and r 4lecilii conviotient that it would not be safe to en‘oiit the piestion to a direct vote of the people. If the Republicans were as confident as they pretend to be of the firm ness of the North against any proposition to set tiethe secession difficult lea by compromise, they could lose nothing by taking the sense of the peo ple. On the contrary, they would gain renewed courage to persevere in the work of pushing their sectional doctrines to extremities, by demonstrating that the Republican • ranks re mained firm in the face of the terrible conse quences of the election of a sectional President. But as they decline to put the issue of Union by compromise, or disunion with civil War, to the test of a popular election, and prefer to assume that the people sustain their course, when the truth could be easily ascertained by an election, we must conclude that they appre heed the verdict would be against them. The House Committee, of which Mr. Conwtn is chairman, has submitted a report together with the following propositions for settling existing difficulties :• - The repeal of all laws in the States tending to oppose or embarrass the execution of the acts of Congress for the recovery of fugitives from labor, for the purpose of affecting the restoration of mutual respect and confidence between the states of the. Union, They revise the laws now in force for the recovery of fugitives from labor, so as to ren der them less objectionable to northern senti ment, and thus remove any excuse for the enactment of -,4 Personal• Liberty" Laws: The amendment of the Constitution of the United States, whereby any power to interfere with SlaVel7 in the States is forever denied to Congress, till every State in the Union, by its individual State action, shall consent to its ex- ercise. The settlement of the-Territorial question and its withdrawal 'front party patties by ad mitting New Mexico into the I"fnion as a slave State forthwith, and subjecting the northern portion of the remaining territory to such law as the Constitution and Congress: mayfurnish for - its 'government. These are • the -main recommendations con tained in the report submitted - by Mr. CORWIN, as Chairman of the Committee of Thirty-three. They propose to accomplish nearly the Same-ob ject as the Ciittendenraiaolutions, while they pea seas the advantage of proposing but one amend .meut to the Constitution, and that af a character to which there can be no Objection. Instead of _running the Missouri rine to thallteiha,ns Mr. Crittenden proposedi this report offers ti ditt pose of the disputed Territory at once by ad mitting New Mexico,iying south of that-line, as a slave State,-and .subjecting the northern portion to the control of Congress. No doubt this plan of settlement will encounter the same vehement opposition from the extreme Repub licans as the Crittenden resol utions. LETTER FROM WARRINGTON. WASHINGTON, January 15, 1861. Yesterday Mr. Mk, of Tennessee, made a plumb in the Senate on the crisis, and to day Mr. Green, of Missouri, made one on the same subject. Both these gentlemen•aro anxious that the Union shall be preserved, if that can be done in each manner as to save to the South her rights under the Consti tution; but if this cannot be accoMplished, then they are in favor of peaceful secession, with the hope that, at some future period, when the fever ish excitement of the present shall have subsided, a reunion may be effected upon a new and, per chance, a more enduring basis. • • Both of the gentlemen named are in favor of the Crittenden propositions, if: they can be (tarried. I fear that the Crittenden pro Positions cannot lie carried, because - the Ultra Republicans are not dis posed to favor 'them. The next . prorositions that seem to meet with any kind of favor are those contained in the bill offered by Senator Bigler yesterday. It is under it toed , that Misers. Cameron,-of Pennsylvania, Ten Eyck, of New Jersey, Viet, of Ceeneetient, An , of Rhode Island, and Grimes, of lowa, on the. Republican side of the Senate, will support Mr. Bigler's bill, because it provides for a reference to the people directly and speedily. In the House quite a number of Republican members will sup .port it also; so that its success is considered almost certain. It will not do to put'the evil day Off much longer; the brines involvedin this struggle must be met promptly, or all is lost. Surely every good man in the nation would be rejoiced to see the dark clouds of secession and ultimate dissolution give place to the bright sun of hope for the future wel fare of our country, and for that reason I feel war ranted in presuming that the people of Pennsyl vania, and of the North generally, will bail with delight the propositions of Senator Bigler at each a trying hour as the present. The stories that have feud their way into the public prints about the arming of the different de-' partments of the government in this city, With k view to preserve them from threatened sudden as sault, have been greatly exaggerated. It is never thiamin true that precautions have been taken to guard the publii buildings from any attempt that might-ho made, from any:quarter, to -seise , them in the wient of Surprise from those who' oontem plate such - surprise, if, indeed, any such thing is atailitatok About one hundred and fifty itand of muskets have been placed in . the Patent Office building for its-defence. What piecautione have been tiken to preserve the other publio buildings I am not informed of. That the Government have some Well-groandid suspicions on thie Subject does not admit of a doubt, else orals would not be sup plied far the use of those who are charged with the-safe-keeping of the Department Of the Interior. The government is very 'active just now, in all the Departmente, - in arranging matters, in view of the imminent danger of a collision between the North and the South. or rathei the Federal au thorities and the Republic of South, Carolina. All the operations of the Government are being den ducted with the utmost secrecy, in 'order that'what is done may be iffectiim whin the time tomes.— New overtures have been made by South Carolina - to our government, but of what nature it is Wl possible to Snd out just now.. A few dais: must doyekm the plans of the Administration with ro gard' to what shall be done at the South: - -The 'task w i t iaiihly. Buchanan his 'to perform is one of 'ex.' tren4ielicaci , Desirous -of avoiding' the shed a ng. o f blood; while!, imPerious necessity and stern date , require that the property of tba govern ment must bit Aefewded and - preserved,,it requires no Ordinary sagacity trrarriee :at a etirrect condi_ Mon iv th Polloributtld be adoPted . • in such an emergency Ltd surrounds him at pr:seot. That be will do his whole duty I never had a doubt, but what that duty LI I am at a lona to di vine. The Pacific Railroad bill is up. in Senate to-day,. with a pretty fair show for its paesage.- - While I. write, Uen. Lane, of Oregon, is making a : speech: on the bill. Reis in favor of extending the Toad or roads: to . Oregon, as far as tha,Colutobia:river,- Idr. , Bragg,;.of North Carolina, is:ialaitti:'-.44fer-- firing tho'bill to *select committielt liereSenattar' to examine it with care, before :Ails titrestiedli•ton: , vote, but the friends of the meas4e, wiasAppoer - to have a majority in the Senatecrareelider the referenee, bemuse they fear if it shimld be re ferred it will be strangled in,committee. Quite.a. another : of abtrges are.abont to be made in the Departments. The heads of Bureaus and clerks who sympathize with the secession move ment will have to give place to those who are sat isfied} with the :Union as it was before the seces sion movement began. The Administration find• ,this Course necessary in consequence of the feet that all the secret objects of the government, tooth blgthe state of things in the South, are telegraphed South as they transpire, and thus the government is thwarted. when it should be free. A number of resignations have already taken place in the De partment of the Interior, in anticipation of the de termination on part of the authorities to make the changes indicated above. The resignations of Southerners who hold posi tions in the army and navy continue to come in daily. Some of these hot-headed gentlemen may be very sorry for their precipitancy before six months roll round. PENN'A LEGISLATURE. EENATE THURSDAY, Jan. 17, 1861. Senate called to order by the Clerk. Mr. SMITH called to the chair. Prayer by Rev. Mr, Ray. The SPEAKER laid before the Senate a com munication from the Governor announcing the appointment of Eli Slifer ae Secretary of the Commonwealth. _ . Also, a communication from Eli Slifer, an nouncing the air imintruent of amuel D. Thomas as Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. The standing committees reported a number of bills as committed.. . , . /ULU IN. PLACE Mr. YARDLEY, a supplement to the ad in corporating the Spinneraville and Goshenhop pen turnpike company. Mr. FINNEY, an act authorizing the settle ment of the, account of K C. Wilson:, Mr. HIESTAND, a supplement to an act, en titled "An-act to encourage the manufacture of iron. by coal, coke 'and other • mineral sub mance& ! Mr. NIGEMLS, a supplement to an act in norporating the Gap mining company. Mr. PENNEY, - an aot to incorporate The An drew° oil company. ,• ORIGINAL REOOLIII7ONO. Mr. BLOOD offered a resolution that three thousand copies of the reports of' the banks made to the Anditor General be printed for the' use'of the Senate ; which was agreed to. • Mr. CLYMER offered a resolution , calling upon the Auditor Generally' . information as to .the amount of tiles; if any,-akiessed upon the Delan'are" Division, North 'Branch and West Branch canal. companies, and if no taxes have been assessed,' the' Auditcir -General ikreqnired to communicate to the Stale 'whether; An- his opinion, said timporations ate liable to taxation.' Agreed td. - • • ' Mr: HALL Moved that when the' Senate 'ad journsto-day, it adjournd to Meet 6n Monday next. at 11 e'elock, which was itgreed•to. Mr. 'FINNEY moved: that 'the - `Senate now proceed to nominate a candidate for State ' Treastirer, which was agee. d ' ' Mr. CONNELL nominated Henry D. Moore. Dr. CRAW FORD nominated ' 3. 'O. James. • Mr. PENNEY nominated Negley. Mr. GREGG nominated Robert! aldwin: aCisn'ox: Mr. BLOOD nailed up the supplenient to the act far the relief of Nancy Lord, Nancy Wilkin son and others, which passed - finally. Mr. YARDLEY called Op the supplement to Spinnersville and Goshenhoppen ttropike com pany, which passed finally. ' Mr. CONNELL called up the bill in relation to saving fund and trust . corapcnies, which was slightly 'amended, and passed finally. There being no , furthei• business' before the Senate, on motion of Mr. IRISH, adjourned till Monday morning at 'll &Clock: — . , HOUSE . OF REPRESENTATIVES. EVENiNEF finsittiC • Pursuant to adjournment, the House met. at o'clock, and was 'balled- to order :by the SPEAKER. - • The unfinished business was taken up. This was the considers ion of a resolutionto auth o r ize the -printing• of the Inaugural Message of Vov. Curtin in pamphlet form; Mr; BARNSLEY argued that this was the best way to give pub licity to the document. ;' and the question being taken, it was agreed' that 7,000 should . be printed in English, and 2,00 G in German. The special Order of the evening tieing the further consideration of the Senate resolutions on the State of tbe Union, was taken up. • Mr. GORDON having the floor, continued his argu ment in defence of the present laws of Penn— sylvania, alleging that neither the 95th nor 96th sections of the kidnapping law contained any. thing contrary to the Constitutfon of the United States. The 96th section did not conflict in the least with the slaves laws, but only prevented the State froth being turned into a slave mart for the South. The sole object of repealing these sections was to show unn cesiiary humiliation. Mr. GORDON spoke for nearly an hour, miming the most ultti ground on the question of slavery. Mr. BARTHOLOMEW, Of Schuylkill county, endorsed the views of Mr. GORDON, declaring his unwillingness to yield air outti, • Mr. ABBOTT followed,' opposing the repeat of any of the statutes of Pennsylvania. Mr. BYRNE advocated the repeal of the act of 1847, and also the obnoxious sections of the Penal Co ie. lie was in favor of the Union, and the whole Union ; tiut it Must be a Union` f peace and good will. • The House then adjourned. : , MORNING SESSION. TionsnaY Jan. 17, . . 1861. • The House met at 11 o'clock, and was called to order by the SPEAKER. -Leave . of absence was granted to certai n members. PETITIONS Mr. COLLINS moved to postpone the special oider of the day ; which'was agreed to. Sundry petitions were presented. Among 'them was one from citizens of Bedford' cbunty, praying for an extension of the Miesofiri Compromise:; also, one in favor of the erection of a boom at Jersey Shore ; also, one praying thattbe inter marriage of black and .witite 'citizens may be made,a criminal offence . ; also, oue fi cm c i t i zen§ of Bucks county, praying that colored elating may not be allowed to.enter, the Ctintnuinwealth with the inten'uo:of *Settling ,t h , • oaibinkultt4Ontitittas., Mr.' 'ARMSTRONG' 'offered a resoliatiatt granttng the ime the Hall to Revi Faris'," for the purpose 'of delivering a lecture , on the Union, on this (Thursday) eitnint....o. This. Was agreed to. , : . •Mr. HECK offered a resolution tenderina the , sympathies of the Houi3e to the bereaved &tidy of. the =late Wllllll'l - 31 C! A. - .Luw.ipt ic ,: 'late. Bpeakor 'of 'the "'dose , , reareiting , hie death eulogising his life, mid requiring -he Members, and officers of the House to wear thabidgeoV nibuitiiiikl for the usual time: -••- • - totri ilEM*liked Oro. in#ulgence 'of "the ir r odeeded to deliver a eulogy. one WannatmaYi , Jan. 16. the de •eased—referring to his ptivate lite, his processional career, and his political services. The resolution passed unanimously—the ayes and ones being called by Messrs. ACKER and RIDGWAY. ,Xti. BUTLER (Crawford) voted “no," giving reasons. had be.-12 brought up as a member _itf.t)le Society or Friends. and would not con form to the usage of wearing crape—a practice which .he could not conschontiously, approve, and would ; not , endorse, eiist in the.event °fgt. des* of „a member of his Ono ft#oly. re4PAtit AS any onerforiitite Aeoesitieid Speakerotnillan a member. Finally,,*ver, at the'reiluest . of certain he withdrew his vote. Mr. SELTZER offered a resolution, as fol lows : Resolved, That we fully appAllive the hold and patriotic act of Major Anderson in withdrawing from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumpter, and the determination of the President to maintain that officer in his. position; and that we will support the President in all constitutional measures to enforce the laws and .preserve the glosous Union. On the final passage of the resolution', the yeas and nays were required by Mr. ACKER and Mr. COWAN,and were as follow, viz :—Messrs. Abbott, ..teker,4lezander, Aehcem, Austin, Barnsley, llartholo ew:Blzler, Blanchard, Boyer, Breeder, Brewster-, Dania, Duller, (Carbon.) But ler, (Crawtord,) Byrne Caldwell, Clark: Collins,. Cepa, Cowan, Dismant, Diving, Donley, Douglass,. Duffield, Duncan, Dunlap, Ellenberger. Freaier, Gapki 1, 6ibbo noy, Goehriniz, Ib Gordon, Graham, Harvey, , Heck; Hilanae, Hood, lfins, Hahn. ' ruin, Kline. Koch Mir reneo.Leis nring,'Liehtenwallner. Lowther, M'ikinoughi. Markhall, Menre,,Merrisou, Mul r len, Myers, Ober. Osterhout. Patterson, Peirce, Reiff, • Rhoads, Ridgway Robinson. Rimer, Selirock, Seltzer, fer. Sheppard, Smith ((Berke.) Smith, i la deipbla.) Slob= stoneback. /Wiwi Taylor. Walker,, White, , 'Tracy. aiker,. l6it;iltro s ),WPAßek sing, Davis; Speaket-80. • So the question was determined la the affirm- Mr_ DUNCAN offered a resolution approving of the high and patriotic ground of Gov. Hicks, of Maryland; mil pledging to iltiaryland the sympathy and brotherhood' of Pennsylvania in her efforts to sustain -the Union. On the final paeaage of this the yeas and nays were required by Mr. SELTZER and:Mr:. WILSON, and were as follow, 'vii: °• s - • Ywas..--Mesars. Abbott; Aeker, 'Alaxander,' Asticoni, Austin,Barosley, Bartholomewi Bizleri Blanchard, Bliss, Boyer, Bressler, Brewster, Barns, Butter, ( Crawford,) Byrne, Daldwell; Clark; Cowan; Dealer, Douglass, Dufftelkililenberger;Priciler,Geskile; bboney, Goehring, Gorden; :Olaharow Hill. Hillman, Hood,,bogus; Elahu, Xlinet_liftebt Lawie Leisenring; bichtenwitilper;biasither.'s.+Bon. ougb; .I(arshalti Moors; MoriDpirkii Mollie, *Yee; linteri• OexernoetiiP*tereoni floro4 3 ,,Renti dell, Reiff, Itboadis,.llldgwsy r ilobiaSetl, APiler,DchrudAt Seltzer; Shafer, Sheppard; Smith.. (Dories )'Smith; R; (PA aclelphis,} Stehinimy Stratig,' Taylor,' Teller s ' Thrhillia,t, Tracy, W alker,'• White , Wallow Speaker-82.. . • , i .:;, rs, So : the question Wig de Orilline a in tie sr '-• • • • • Mr. SELTZER offered a resolutiOtt requiring a copy of the above to be transmitted' to Gov. Hicks, signed by the Speaker and clerks of both Houses. Agri.ed tio.• • • • • - Mr. LEISENE4I4G offered' the folloiring re solutions • • ; Resolved; That 'we approve the action or the Legislature; or the State Of _Delaware in the unqualified disaPproval of the remedy - 6r the existing - difficulties suggested to that body the resoltuititt•ni the Legialature.-Of sippi, and "congratulate the_ isitizeint of thitt State upon their • determinhtioni 'as elprettied l througli their 'representativeS ? to stand by"the Raoiced, That the;noble'efforts Of Govertiee Leta*, or Virginia; to_'seem the title 'Of dill , union and. preserve the' great , Cdrifederacy on a just . and' honerable •tiaals, 'kneels with- onr hearty- concurrence,' and that wit premise' the coatiervitive citizens- of that and all ' the other , States 4hti. right -hand Of in emery' attempt to brintabaut a more perfect union... M.:solved; I hat -in Govertior Mirth' Carolina', werecognize ',the; fearless' friend 'of the of States,' an.' in'hiti - detettnidatidi. as expre i his letter to', the" President,. to ' promptly 'restore to the custody of the General Governinent the forts which were seized-With out authority, we' have reason to feel that 'the citizens of that State are'conservative'and.wil- . Lintz to sta_l4.b.:_v_Alteqoustittttion' and laws Of - . the cout.try. - - On susp tiding the rules to proceed to the second reading of the resolutions, the ayes and noes were reqoired, and were as ' Ynin—Meesre. Abi•ott; Asheom,' Anitin; Barthelo mew„. Bliee, Boyer, Invasion, Huller, (Carton). Butler. (Crawford,) Syn.?, Caldwell, Clark, Cot ins, Dope, Cow an, D meat. Divine . . Donley, Duffield, Duncan. Dunlap,: Biteuberser:" Ga-kill, Gibkoney; Reek UM, • Hkilra n, Huhn; reln,M.line, Koch, Lawronoe' Lewonring, Link tenwalloer? Lowther,. 3VD,z °ugh. Manifold, illarslialli- Mo re, ?dor ison Mollin, Myere,..Cber, Catena - oat, .ffat lemon, Randall. Reiff Rhoads, Riegwee, (teller ; init rook, Seltzer,. Shafer , Sheppard; Smith, (11e , ks,) Smith,. (Phil anelptu-,) Stunebse.k i Tclter.TAptu!a, Wal k er and. 1141- ' Nira—Measii Acker, Alex , tideir - Barnalet: Blanchard, Brewster, Burns, Bandage, Brazier, Gook.: ring, Graham, Germ. Boost, Waoulgal Delree.,Robin, son i't.-hman , Taylor Traey White. Willtitaufana Di-- via, Speaker-24. " Su the question waslieteiniutil • . Mr. LEISERRINO advocatedrthe passaged • the r e solut ions, but finally, agreed to pestpOne fur the'present. . . Mr. WILSON offered a resolution fixing a joint convention on 21st inst._, at 12 m ., for the election of State' Treasurer end 'that 'notnina lions be now made. Agreed_io.. . NOMINATIONS FOR STATE TREASURER. Mr. SHEPPARD nominated Henry D. Moore, of Philadelphia: . Mr. DUNLAP nominated J. 0. James, of Philadelphia.. ; • Mr. BYRNE nominated George Sanderson, of Luzerne. Mr. HUIIN nominated Col. R. Ratcliffe, of Schuylkill. Mr. DONLEY nominated George W. Miller, of Washington. Mr. DUFFIELD nominated Lewis Schnell, of• Philadelphia. Mr. BUTLER (Carbon) nominated J. Monroe Kieiter, of.Da'uehin. Mr. PIERCE nominated Benjamin J. Paaa more. of Cheater. lir. SMITH nominated George Williams, of - • , • Mr. 'ROOD nominated Robert Baldwin, of Lancaster. . • Mr. 'SHAFER moved that when the Meuse adjourn, it do so to meet on • Monday next at. 11 o'clook.a.• m. , ; Mr. 'COWAN moved to amend, by requiring .tke House to meet at 3 p. this afterumus.. The resolution as amended was agreed to. Reports of standing committees were , re- Wild, and sundry bills in place were read.' Mr. ABBOTT &eked . that. the :committee on the Philadelphia contested election brae, have leave to sit in that city to take evidence. Thia was agreed to. ' DILL PASSED'. 'An act changing the place of holding elec tions in Auburn, Schuylkill county. Adjourn ed. AFTERNOON SESSION. The special order of the afternoon being the consideradon of Senate - resolutions lie. lon the state of the Union. i• • tlr." H 11.1., of Montgomery, being entitled to the floor, proceeded to deliver a speech against the 'resolutions. He was l'ollowtd by Mr. COWAN and' Mr. HUHN. Mr SHALit Lc moved that when the NO1191) adjourn, it do so to meet- on Monday morning' nezi :it 11. o'clock. . This was, opposed" by Mr: BUTLER (Crawford) — The ayes and noes" were ealled,•and the motion was egreedito by, a vote of 44 ayes to 88noes. Mr. T 11044.5. then'assumed the fiber, en, , dorsiug the Betide ,resoltiticus, and ,dec!nring that it was ineipedient to 'Rase. the Prop , ite4; tintendninta tp s4ll ~ isso ions. He Was f9l lowed by Mr. - - , . St. Patirrek's Ny..o 9 .turo on Sulo:10y ibis year.. filo. civic oeleoxstiolle w,41104p,p1 400 , ,:u 0 g %nab, per of conriie f nnth,e- ittonflaufaloWing, 1, , :•1 LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Millk COMMAS-SEMI SESSION. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. SENATB.-Mr. Fessenden (Me.) presented the credentials of Lot M. Morrell, United States Senator from Maine, in place of Mr. Hamlin, which were read and Mr. Morrell was sworn in. The chair presented a communication from •he Vosirno* Of Ohio who had directed to him the creidenciaikvofJ:. D. P. Chase, as -Unit ed States Setisior from Ohio. The credentials were read. • Mr. H u i tee (Va. • ) called up the Deficiency Bill. Mr. Cameron desired to postpone in order to take up another bill of the greatest irapors once. Mr. Hunter said that he could not give way. a'he amendment to the bill is to substitute $450,000, instead of $900,000. Mr. Fesseuden (Me.) said that $450,000 will be nesessary to pay the expenses of ttm two slavers already captured, Mr. Hunter said that, $450,000 is the amount necessary to prt.tect the Treasury. The amendment was - adopted. Mr. Hunter moved an amendment at the end of the bill appropriating $300,000 to pay a contract made with A. W. Thompson, in May. 1859, for a coaling ligation on the .Isthmns of Panama. The amendment - allowing $300,000 for the Chiriqtti -Improvement -contract; was-passed by a yea and nay vote called film by Mr. Clark, (N_ EL)Yeas 38, nays -. Mr. Si 8.• ckles (N. Y.)- • said that it was not too 'ranch to remark •that there now exists more asperity between different' sections of the con federaey as .well as alienatian of-feeling than existed-between England and the Col-nits in 1774. In the revolutionary period,there was in Great Britain a force party and a party for conciliation. ' Force controlled the - parliament, and what were the results? History records it: • It-is forms ftt decide whether we will reject the counsels which experience presents or. whether: we will imitate the policy, of George the Third and Lord :North, which proved so fatal to the ambitien of England. • - Harm—Mr. PottlelN. Y.) trod - Committee On Naval Affairs, reported the Senate• joint resolution in favor of. Commodore Pending, • Mr. Madinat' (Ark.) objected 'to its consid eration. He undeverood-thatdtsave permission to Commodore Paulding to accept, a sword and grant of land ter having ,aoied in the capacity of Constable fer Great Britain and - Nicaritgita• Mr. Pottle -replied that the gentleman was entirely mistaken; .it was not.for gen-- stable but for the distinguished services ren dered-dile reuittry-entiNitarigna: IMr.'. Hindman •• could not , , ibquire lido the mattet.of distingpishectservices; he condemned: Cmolgodore ,Pmdding's-etpdect .t.hen as..4e did, how. ' • ! ` Mr.' Clemens rire;:y presented 'a mentorial signed by 28,000 persons in his Congrettedonal - District; Comprising the. connties.of Ohio, t HAM . - kook. Brooke, Weisel ! and %Taylor; in femur: of kadjustment of the slavery difficulties * ate nion. . Mr. Webster (Md.) presented a memorial prom some of his constituents •in - friver , of the C rittend en plan. .He-helievedthey represented he wishes of thapeople of,. all parties is his, ~ ballot. . ' Laid on. .the table'ao ordered to' be printed: - . h . 4' th - ' -. at ' ; Thc - ous en we into committee of the whole on the 'Mete - Of 'the Union'on'the Army Appropriation bill(`3 -,, i • : - Mr. Thomas (Tenn.). referred to the compro-= mising.tpirit of. those:who framed thcOonsti tutiottii itcerontrast to:the *Aid sensitiveness be ,the sl avery . iliiCiticiit ;.*llliCli ' pervades .fflii North an d , its,in.hostilitptuiStatthern. institu-i tilma. IleNtttited the-sentiteitte4f '34llr:Sew-' aid and M . I. Xipiaipi#, AlphlOgy that gii:hinal nation of I tlur. latter: was )made: im ~the., . sole ground -- of-his lictitility--la.-sleveryi . and , Was therefore ,elected * not to geyer,n;tligi s lipribi hut" tthe:South;.w.ho, more to•Ido with ,his election •• the* they had With that of the Einz . Over pf France. He vrek:to:theßeetli;a:2for;• eign ruler. He-refuted thecharges thatSeuth...- enters are slaverY'yropagendiets ;. that only take, .the pOsitioothei : they.neaequala to : the 'anion, and that When territory . isAtequired, , they - nwve - liffe 7 riVllit - to Igo mere under, the Con - 4 stitution, and no power but that tif - the people of the. Territories theniselves'ean'at ally Mille exclude them from their. rights... .He believed • the North would net. 'obstruct their • eonstite:. tional rights, if the people of that section were not grossly misrepresented. He .further ditt. cussed the Territorial question in connection With slavery. . „ ... ' -The Southern States, he said, have not failed in; a particle .of their duty as to the acquisition ` of territory; whether in cash or blood: -Then why' deny !ES th9ir rights and by, hotneeit4a,df :bills give , the land to strangers and iirsatini! eases:those whd cannot speak our own, language The z4t; take the time to Miter: into, a legal "argum e nt as O. : their right of secession," they go back• to the iirst and great principle e'nunoiated in 1&e Declaiation of Iridapendence, namely: That When; ihe purposes govern . [pent are perverted to tyranny and usurpation, the people hap:l-the right to-provide new guards for their safety:. ...If . coercion is attempted, - every State will and.hught. to make a common caitee,'asit hand of brothers, and regard. eiery , blow ad aimed at tbeis own bosonis.: •The Southern people .cannot!be conquered; and co.. eicion would only add fuel to the flame. If the government had manifested 'a more peaceful Policy, he questioned whether more than one State, if even thati:would be now-out of the Union. There would have been, More time given for the settlement of difficulties. ffiiesonrtL'egislatnre. ST.Lotus, Jan. 17. In the Senate yesterday; Mr. Johnston', Chairman of the Commictee.op ;Federal Rel Mims, introduced •a bill, providing that the Governor shall tippoint one Commissioner from each Congressional ' pistrict, to a. Consulting Convention of the alive -States, to ;be held at Nashville on the .4th of .Fehruary, to agree upon the amendments to the Constitution re quired foi the security of .the slave States, the results to be laid-before • the National Conven tion. • The Gravernor further instructed to ap point. three commissioners from this State to meet three commissioners from each of-the thirty-tfirie Stites in* oonventiqn to be beta at Wheelingi' on the I.lthrof February; to adjust the present difficulties preserve the Union, and avert civil war. :The:flovernor is also re quired to appoint one commissioner to proceed to Illinois to request. the Legislature of that State to second the: movemenCand use their influence with the other free States to have:con servative men appointed to the Wheeling Con- . . , The introduction of this bill • gave general satisfaction. , ' .The bill was amended yesterday by adopting a provision similar to that contained in the Virginia bill.' submitting the action .of the convention, to the people, after which the whole subject was tabled, and& substitute embracing an entirely , new proposition was intrciduced by air. Stevenson. asking Congress to call a Convention for redress of grievances as Fold& d in the fifth article of the Convention. • A petition, praying , for,tba adoption of the Crittenden propositions by Congress, . and bearing niftily 6,000 names, has been;forwarded to our Repreimntatiires at Waeliington. From Washington. Waisuiwaroi. Jan. 17. Although the Republican, Senators, yester day voted against the Crittenden Compromise, Lb - cif - Chief Objection - was to that part which pireimsed to dove' the territery which ; . may hereafter be acquired, but a measure of that atifOraofei 4003184 fa the present toreitc•ry , ofeeta wiih Berne degree of favor with the publicans in both brandies or Cungmea., . It is known in the mos , .tailliditacptililiMin circles that so fix,r., Meifil*,teiiiitid and Bates :and probably hiOgetes, Conneetient, eon- BMW° the new Cabinet . . The others win 11, -- t he absolutely determined until the arrival here of the President elect. demand of the independent State of South ,Carolina that Fort Sumpter should he forthwith evacuated, has been stoutly refused by the President. and Lieut. Hall left yester. day for Charleston, with instruction to N or Anderson that should the fort be attacked he will defend it to the last. This being the ease, it now remains to be seen whether the authorities of South Car o li n 4 Will put their threat in execution and sssapit the citadel. The Commissioners from thence assert that she will ; and further, that the f ort will he captured, let the consequences be wh a t they may. They count on a ten ifie and blood struggle, and are fully prepared to meet, it y Authentic advices report that Major Ander, son' haiii7full supply of stores for three months at least: Government Drafts Dishonored. The collector of the port has refused 17 to hos the Federal drafts, until ordera.have been re e ceived from the (lovernor of Alabama. Express Robbers Convicted. BRIDORPORT, Jan. 17. Roberts, Stebbins and Kellogg have be f i t ennvicted of the robbery of the safe of Adams' Evpress. NEB 2butdisemtnts. WANTED—Two WHITE WOMEN at the European Hotel. Apply to E. C. WILLIAMS, On the premises. WANTED—A WHITE WOMAN to • •I! V Cook, Wash and Iron To one that underatanda her business, and can, come will', god rreomm lodation, liberal wages will be paid Apply at the D. iHood Store of CATHCART & Bi• janlB43t* . Market Igeere. ianlB-d3t* rOUNM--Yesterday morning:a el OLD fiIaBEVE BUTTON. The owner can have the sante by calling at this office and paying for this advertise. tient. janll343t kTOPlCE.—Whereas Letters iestamen. tary on the estate of WILLI/at SITAISIVORA, late of the city of Harrisburg, deceased, have been granted by the Register of Dauphin county to the undersigned: Tbe!efore, notice - is hereby given to all persons in. debted to the estate of said decedent to make pa. meat ha early as practicable; and these hawing claims or de ininda against the same will them without delay, Only itiathentlbiled; for settlement. CHARLES BUEHLER, Adminiatestor at said. deceased. I Harrisburg, January 1, 1861. .jain2-6tdlaw To RENT—The well itioivti BUSINESS STAND at the corner of Front awl blarket street/. Enquire of [janl64l3t*) Er. I. BUCHER. ,EN DOLLARS, REWARD —,LOST, a I MINH SABLE r MB, between Halbach's and the garket Square, on Monday evening. 14th. The finder will receive the above. roward;by,liaavbig ltat this office or - at:the store of [janlq-datit] • fil. H. N ICTARINESI I invoice of f us Bd3o4triit . iirei:g s ertwo,!.e ah jt,iy. a gua ig v z erioy:,,,(s. jaul2 __WW.DOCLAL•i-k.OO- !VELE BIBLE ON DIV 0.11(144 - 1" Idwhiewtoids.stelrom Mark's v.; 9,12 n "Whl therefore, God has joined together letilotlnan put W hoseever dial' put away his wife and`MisiryMiother ,committetb adultawr• rAnd if a "Woman ?shall , put 'away her husbanianormartysigninelieasmmitteth4idditery:) , etberw, the above ia this edict or the iinpreme Lawgiver, from which there is do appea-a: f`ifhilifV,Cher4docein'..l!haii Joined tegethar 101w/onto put asuadiiia% - .;.jtittstVdtt • '; JUST RECEIVED—A large Est.WOr IP) SCOTCh ANEY,DROWN STOUT aM LONDON TORTEN. For sale at the Jeweat`vae• by 40X1191: "AIEGLEB, TOW apket street. , ssill ;1A - C K BON , ./4 'O. 0 . u . SHOE STORE, = NO. 90% DIARKET . STREET, HARRISBURG, PA., Where they'hativid to &Tete - their entlie , thae to the leantifteturer of Y:• - -B 00 TS . . AND 841 , 0 E 8 , flf all kinds and Va r iet i es; the 'neatest and moat fash ionable atyien,andat satiafactery prices: Their - a - WI irili - conatzt,'da•gift, of G***LitiPs Ping Wand Patent, Leather Boots and Shoes, iate'crt styles; Ladies' and - Misses' Gaiters, add - other Shoes id great yariety ; and in fact everything , connected .with the Shoe business, E • - • • - • ; ; VSTOMER , WORIC will be piirtionlarly ottooded to, and in nIF Oni!eif will 'aetilifeetiini tie if errioitkl; pus t *tied - op by itself the best makers in the country: The long - praettest expertaa mot the undersigned, end ilieiretiihAuowle4git of tho beelueis tirust v be.sufficient. gtuirautee to. the public that they do them juutice r atui furnish them au article that grill recommend itself 'for utility . , cheapneei . sid dun ITAC BB9O 4 W. DYOTTVILLE-GLASS WORKS, ! i'.lEll..‘,A DR akaanipicrkins: . . I: C&R.UP . Yi,D11111113011161411; WINS, PORTNit i MiNBRAL:WATSII,II4:Gfeti AND PRESSRYR'BOTTLES --•••• . • . . .Elrmay Disoitirrims. • _ & G. W. BBNNERS t 0c19.4117 ZT South Front store; Philadelphta.. INSTRUCTION - IN MUSIC. F. W . WEBER nephew and taught by the wall rit• membered late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared to give lemony ; Ili-Ample ti , poA the PIANO, yIOLIN. CELLO, VIOLIN and FLUTE. Ile - will give lessens at his reside:KS,: corner of Locust street and River alley or at the homes of pupils. itt2s 7 .l6ht - • XT ITHIN REACH 911 1 . • ALL ! GROVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS SEWING MACHINES! 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORE The public attention ie respectfully requested to the following cards of limes Rows, 1n..; and the Gnome & BAKIR S. M. Co A CARP FROM THE GROVER 4 B *KER. PA ff. CO. Our Patents being now established by the Courts, ma are enabled to furnish the Gaovra & Bemis Machine, 'with important improvements, at greatly REDUCED PRICER! The moderate price at which Machines, mains th e • Gsovsa Sc &MIR stitch, can now be had.,brings them 'within the reach or all, cud rendersihnetat Noidatide 'making inferior stitches- as unnecessary as Lt (a iisayiia '• Persons desiring the best Machines, and the right to nee them, must 'not -Only be Bore to buy Machines making ,the StMearieu stitch, but Blau that. atteleMa . ohinel 'are made ant - stamped' under our 'pateritt aid !hew of Muss Bows, la (MOTS& & BAKER O. 11, CO„ • 495 sroddierigv, Yew York A LARD PROM RI4AS MOWN, - YR AB persons are cantioned . notitO make, deal in, or am any Hewing islifch 'lime from two spools and make the stitch kliownliathellnoenn &. Ramis /Wok. unless the IMMO *re -plaits based from the GROINS& Bi- Stitt -Salvias 'Siontpany, - Or their Assotai oak . canoes, and' stamped lender my patent of Septembei to; 1840. Said Compatiy, Mid their LiCetitlen, alone, are MO* authorized under their own patents, andsaid _ . eatioidial term thereof, to make and kind of Sewing Machine, and all others ars piraciesispok my ligia -pan i cand - will bo dealt with accordingin Wherever found; Nzwiromr. I.F7aS4IF.N4D OR A CfReFLAR , . _ he`fol ELIAS HOW', ;