stortge. The muskets comprise a large num ber of rifled piee-s. There are also 150.000 musket bolls, mm 32,000 ,000 pounds of nit re fur the manufacture of powder; also, 460,000 pounds of sulphur fur the same purpost.. MEk.TING OF THE ALABAMA CONVENTION. Atiouora, Jan. 7.—The State Con..ention met here to day at noon. Mr. Philips, a secession ist, was chosen temporary chairman, and Mr. Bern temporary secretary. A call of the coun ties showed that all the delegates were present. William M. Brooks was then elected permanent president by majority of eight over Jame son. Mr. Fowler, a secessionist, was chosen secretary. The proceedings were very quietly °owl net ed. The Convention organized at noon. W. S. Ba ry, of Loundes county, was elected Presi deo t, and addressed the Convention in favor of separate State secession. A resolution was then adopted appointing a commute of Wive-, who were instrueted to prepare and speedily report an -ordinance of secession. providing for the immediate with drawal of Mississippi from the Union. with the view or the establishment of a new Con federacy, composed of the eeeeding StAtes. The Convention then adjourned till to-mor row. THE GEORGIA STATE CONTENTION ELECTION. AUGUSTA. Ga., Jan 7.—Returns from one hundred and four counties have been received, in which seventy delegates are elected Dam. ble to imm diate secession, twenty-nine are for eo-operation, and five are devided. Vaitiot it . anon. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JAN. 9, 1861. O. BARRETT & THOMAS o_ MAaDOWELL. Pub- lishera and Proprietors clononnolostions will not be published in the Panne: LIM tams unless accompanied with the name of the anther. S. 31. PETTENOH-1. k CIL4 Advertising Agenta,ll9 Nassau street, New 'OA, and 10 State street, Boston, are the Agents for the PATRIOT 150 Thelon, and the most influential and largest circu lating newspapers in the United States and Canadas 'hey are authorised to contract forms at ourdowest rates FOR SALE. • second-hand ADAMS PRESS, platen MN by 26 inches, is good order; can be worked either by and or steam p o wer. Terme moderate Inquire at this office. TO Members of the Legislature. TES DAILY PATRIOT AND IJNION wilt be furnished to Members of the Legislature during the session at the low price of 0115 DOLLAIS Members wishing &at& CiSpien of the DAILY PURI' AND Vision, can procure them by leaving their orders at the publication office, Third street, or with our re- Dorian in either Ulnae, the etrealeg Precious. Ws publish a sketch of the recent able speech delivered in the Senate by Judge Deca l/LB, taking ground against the adoption of a coercive policy to stay the progress of seces sion, and in favor of preserving the Union by concession and compromise. IN the Senate yesterday Mr. Swim ofPhila.- delphia, presented a petition signed by 11,000 citizens of Philadelphia in favor of the modifi Mien of 80 much of the act of 1847 as tends to obstruct the execution of the Fugitive Slave law. Mr. M'Cutaz proposed to refer the sub ject to the Judiciary Committee with instruc tions to inquire what laws upon the statute tool's, 11 any, euhnt- 4 - —lth the later of the Federal Government. Mr, the s ubject should be referred to a select com mittee, as there was not a single Democrat upon the Judiciary Committee. This proposition Was defeated by a tie vote, and the motion to refer to the Judiciary Committee prevailed. During the discussion the Republican Sena tors generally expressed the opinion that the act of 1847 was not unconstitutional, or calcu lated to interfere with the return of fugitive slaves, and no disposition was manifested to respond to the public demand that this act Shall be modified. As there is not a single Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, oppor tunity is not even afforded for a minority re port, setting forth the reasons why portions of this net aught to be repealed_ • Henry H. Foster. The Democrats in the Legislature nominated andvoted for Hans: D. roarna for United States Senator in the joint Convention yesterday.— Although this expression of preference could only be of a complimentary character, it was a compliment richly merited and conferred with feelings of the deepest gratification. The no ble canvass made by Gen. FOSTER during the last campaign, when he boldly bore the Demo cratic banner aloft under the most discouraging eirsumstances, has endeared him to the Democ racy of the State; and if the opportunity of exhibiting their high appreciation of his char slater and, services in a more substantial and enduring manner should ever be afforded, they will not be slow to embrace it. Election of United States Senator. The Legislature of Pennsylvania met in joint Convention yesterday, at twelve o'clock, and elected EDGAR A. COWAN, of Westmoreland county, United States Senator for the term of six years from the 4th of March next. Mr. COWAN is a lawyer by profession, and has ac quired some reputation in the western part of the state. lie did not take a very prominent part in polities until the last Presidential cam paign, into which he entered heartily and zeal ously en the Republican side, as a prelude to his canvass for United States Senator. His success in thrusting aside the old politicians, who have labored so long to build up the Re public= party, is one of those strokes of good fortune which follow but few men. Without being an eminent man, he has a respectable degree of ability. As compared with Mr. WIL MOT, his principal competitor, he may be re garded as belonging to the conservative class of R e p u blicans, having never rendered himself obnoxious to the moderate men of the State by excessive and intemperate denunciations of the South. It is at least some gratification to know that Davrn WILMOT has been thrown overboard, and that he will not have the pleasure of speaking for Pennsylvania in the Senate of the United Staten. The persistent agitator has been re buked by his own party. The Wilmot proviso hasbeen condemned in the person of its author. The Abolition counties have been taught a les- MOM in favor o f moderation by the very party they contributed to create and hoped to con trol. It may have been ungrateful on the part of the Republicans to thrust Mr. Wit.7 4oT out into the cold, after all his exertions in their behalf. Such conduct may justly incense his Mends. We understand that he and they are f eisessively angry, and, trust that this display I nt emotion tn•.y have the ellect of ail viating their 'lacerated feelings. But the people of Pennsylvania will rejoice—Demoersts will re joice—the majority of Republicans will re joice—Union men in all penis of the country will rejoice that DAVID WILMOT is denied a seat in the United States Senate, and that earn the Republicans of Pennsylvania are not ready to be represented by o. e so ultra and intemperate in his hostility to the South_ In case of the resignation of Gcn. Cameron, Mr. WILMOT may be offered the remnant of the term to compensate him for this cruel disap pointment. and he may conclude to take the fragment of a loaf rather than to go entirely without bread ; but even if this opportunity should be afforded hint, it would be a small eettiprti4fidion for the lege of the full term, and but a slight palliation of the rebuke adminis tered in refusing to recognize his claim to a full share of honor. The Openly twuperintendeticy. We have for some time been of the opinion that. mo-t of the opposition which has existed a g ainst this office, but which we are glad to perceive is feat, deorcaeing, hoe originated from the want of proper qualifications in many of the incumbents. This was, perhaps, to be ex pected in a new and untried t trice ; but. it is time that the proper remedy should be applied. We are, therefore, glad to perceive, by the following instructions on the subject in the official department of the last October number of she Pennaytuania, School Journal, that the manifest spirit and intention of the revised school law of 1854 are hereafter to be enforced by the present Slate Stlperintendent of common Schools. We augur much benefit to the com mon school system from the tigid enforcement of these rules, which the reader trill peiteiVe are applicable us well to cases of selection by county conventions of directors as of appoint ment to fill vacancies by the State Superin tendent: VATAFTOATIONO OF COUNTY SUPERIXTRNDENTS. 06. Up to this time. inn epeci fie °fade' construction has been given to th at part of the school law, which states, in general terms, the qualifications that shalt enable a person to hold the office of county Superintendent. In dispo• ing of the cases of contested claims to the office, which followed the recent triennial selection—the last of which hattjud been terminated.—and or applications to fill vacancies that subsequently occurred, the present State Superinten nt was con , iderably embarrassed by the want of certain and publicly prescribed rules on the s bject. But as neither th.• selecting conventions nor the applicants for the vacancies. had had full and distinct notice or the qualific it one for the otter, that would he requited, it was thought inexpedient, if not unfair, then to frame and adopt rules and to apply them to previously existing cases. There le ing now, however, no existing claims to he pn-judiced by cx po-t facto rulers, it is proposed to state t h e que lia...- e ti oe e that Will mireilitef b. Imitated as, aa.d which will alone entitle any one to hold the office of County Superintendent—whetherselected by a convention of directors, or originally selectee and appointed by the State Superintendent. 1 Moral Character.—The 7th paragraph of the 46th section of the general school laws, of M a y 8,1804, an thorizes the State Superintend nt to remove any County Superintendent for "immorality ;" and, a fiatiori, the duty of requiring sound moral character as *quali fication for appointment to the office originally, must be conceded. Hence, habitual immorality will be an obstacle in all eases ; and if allevd by persons of responsibility, will be decisive, unless the charge be satiewtorily disprof It is impossible here to specify every kind of disqualify ing immorality; but it may he instanced, that habitual intemperance profanity, lewdness, scoffing at religion, falsehood or dishonesty. wilt be regarded as of this class ; and they will be regarded as habitu d and continuing, if occurring° near the time of application forappointment, as to preclude the idea of intervening reformation. 2. Li'erary Aeme rem sit.--The 39th section of the law of 1854. enj. his that per-ot s selected for the office of County Supelintentient shall be •Mf literary and scien tific acquiretnents " This somewhat vague language is, however, explained and particu' arized by other expres gamma in the same act. The 23d section authorizes di rectors ' , to establish schools of difftrent stades," cud to each school;" the 35th section eujoins upon the County Superintendent "to see that in every district shall be taught melt- graphs", reading, writ ing, English grammar, geography and arithmetic_ as well as such other branches Aa tae directors shall require ;" and the 41st section makes it "the duty of the County Superintendent to examine all the candidates for the profession of teacher, in his county, and to give to each person found qualified a certificate, setting forth the branches of learning he or she is capable of teaching; and such examination and certificate shall be renewed as often as any such teacher shalt be emplus to% in teaching any branch of learning, other than those enumerated in his or her certificate ; Mid no teacher shall be employed in any school to teach t ther branches than those set forth in such certificate of such teacher." Hence, as it is plain that any branch of general learning (short of a professionall education) may be taught in a common school, it must be equally plain that the County Superintendent is to be Capable Of eX &mining teaches in all the branches taught in the Com mon schools of his county And he must be qualified to visit the schools also. But, as the branenes in the dif fereut counties, beyond what are called the six common school studies, are very various, it would be impossible here to presc , ibe any list that would suit all. The only expedient, therefore, left, isto adopt theistic professional rertificate, or a State ormal school certificate or diploma, as the standard, and as evidence of proficiency in the branches which either enumerates; leaving particular cases to depend, each, on its own circumstances. Hereafter, therefore, no one will be recognized as an applicant for 'he office of County Superintendent, who does not either bold the full county certificate, of proli eleusy iii oellisgestplar, .ending. welting, Engin& gram mar, geography and arithmetic, issued at a regular ex amination by sonie County Superintendent in good stand ing, and not issued at a, private examination, or for the express purpose of qualifying the applicant to be a can didate ; or. the certificate or diploma of a State Normal School. there is nothing hard or unfair hi *his rule, but simply the reverse. He whosepirea to the authority of examining others and their schools, ahoult himself have, by an examination, shown his ability to do what he undertakes to jud.te of and decimi upon in their cases.— And it is worse than a farce—it is an injury to the cause of education—to see teachers puzzled by questions which, perh,ps, the propounder could not answer without the book, or to hear him decide on the grades of certficates, the highest of which he himself m'ght, if places were changed, fail to obtain. Scholarship, then, to the extent of a lull professional certificate, will hereafter be an indispena ble qualification. 3 professional Skill —The 39th section of the law requires "skill and experience in the art of teaching," in the County 'Superintendent. But as the possession of a profession& certificate cannot be obtained without satisfactory pr of of this "skill," to the officer issuing it nothing more need be said, except to add, that the "experience" will be required to be reasonably recent. The County Superintendency and the system for the public examination of teachers, have now been hi ope ration six years. During that time they must, at least, have produced candidates enough. qualified according to thei. own s andards, to fill the office in all the counties. Experience in teaching a common school within six years preceding the appointment, will, therefore, in all cases, by requi red as n gnoliticatiou. This limit is, per haps, too wide; for the . improvements in the art of teaching are so numerous, and many of them so recent, that, a teacher out of school forsix years, my be "behind the times" in these respects. But it is not well to draw the limits too close i and in case of rival applications, the more meant experienee, all other things being equal, can always be preferred. 4. Residence in the County.—There is no office amongst us, whose efficient and proper discharge more largely requires a full knowledee of the theatre of action, and of the people • o be ministered to, than that of County Superintendent It was the 'opinion of a former State Superintendecd, that a B t.'ahg''t to the county mei the people, lost had his first term before he learned the lo calities of the school house, the names and standing of the teachers, or the disposition and plans of the different boards of directors. The constitutional qualification of residence, at least one year belbre appointment, will ae aceordingly be enforced. 5. Deportment.—Se ranch depends on the appearance, tact, and power of expression of a County Superint-nd ent, that an opportunity to form an opinion on these points, from actual observation, is more than merely de sirable—it is almost essential. Besides, when the officer is appointed, a personal interview affords the best oppor tunity for advice aa4 *oltaultation_ More can be effected, by this mean., in one hour, than by a quire of written correspondence. To conclude, by reducing the foregoing to a form of rules, which my be more easily remembered and acted on, it is now announced that, to qualify any one to be commissioned as County Superintendent: 1. The moral character must be shown to be above just reproach. 2. A full professional county or State certificate must be produced. 3. Practical experience in teaching a school during a reasonable time, within the next preceding six years. moat be shown 4. One yearla legal residence, in the county, next be. , fore the appointment. mu-t be established. 5. No one will hereafter be appointed to fill &vacancy, with. ut a personal interview with the State Superin tendent. A PROFITABLE CORPORATION.--The Coneord railroad has paid to its stockholsers thirty-nix dividends, amounting to $1,917,065, averaging annually $106.536 74, or a fraction over eight per cent_ on the capital, which has varied i n its amottn t—5 4 ,297,818 83 being its „ Tm . age. It has paid in dividends above $400,000 more than the present capital of one and one-half millions. It is' 85 miles in length, and was opened ici 1842—Concord (N. IL) Statesman. For the Patriot and Union A SUGGESTION TO THE LEGISLATURE. The dangers which overshadow the country have shaken confidence, deranged business and driven money from the usual channels of circulation. In order to relieve the community as far as in their power, the banks have autpended specie payiniente, trusting to public forbearance for deliverance from legal penalties. In framing the laws governing the banks, revolutionary agitations were not con templated. Would it not be proper, therefore, for the Legislature to take action upon the subject, and legalize the suspension for a given period? And whilst thus protecting these institutions would it not be eminently proper, also, to pass a stay-law for the protection of individuals ? Our existing laws for the collection of debts were in tended for peaceful times, and not for times like the present, when money is being fast gathered into the coffers of the rich, who will soon monpo lize a large share of the property of the debtor portion of community, unless timely relief is given by the Legislature. Let equal justice be done. If the banks take extensions on their liabilities, why should not citi zens be allowed to do the same ? Let us have such legiNlation as will mitigate, as far as possible, the evits lowering upon the country, the extent of which no one can now foresee. Let the laws Le adjusted to the times, as it is impossible to adjust the times to the lawit D. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the Patriot and Union. WASHINGTON, January 5, 1861 DEAR PATRIOT: -At the meeting of the commit tee of the Sena tote and memiscre representing the Northern and Southern border States, on the lith instant, there was personally a pretty good feeling among them, and they informally agreed, at a late hour, upon the following propositions, viz To recommend a repeal of all personal liberty bills. An efficient amendini; of the Netive slave law, pre• tenting kidnapping, equalizing coimnissioneral fees. &c. That the Constitution be so amended as to prohibit any interference with slavery in any of the States. That Congress shall not abolish slavery hi the Ossk yards, &e.. nor in the District of columbia, without con sent of Maryland, and the consent of the inhabitants of the District, nor without compensation. That Congress shall not interfere with inter-State slave trade. That there shall be a perpetual prohibition of the Af. riean slave trade. That the line of 36 deg. 30 min. shall be run through all the existing terri'ory of the United States, and in all north of th:•t line slavery shall be prohibited; south of that line neither Congress nor Territorial Legisla ture rbnll horogrior pm' any law Witching, prohibit ing, or in any manner interfering with African slavery; and when any Territory containing sufficient population for one member of Congress in any area of 60,000 square miles, shall apply fur admission as a State, it shall be admitted with •r without slavery, as its Constitution tni! , y sitterwine, The committee represented at its meeting Mary land, Viriibia, Missouri, North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio, lowa, Indiana, Illinois, Delaware, Arkansas, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. These propositions were submitted respectively by those of the committee of each party to meet ings of their respective parties, and opposed with some violence by the extremists of each; so that the question now is whether enough of each party can be induced to vote for them to amount to a two-thirds vote. I have my fears of the result.— The venerable and patrotie Mr. Crittenden is chair man of the committee. In the meantime, the committee of the House, of which Ms. Corwin is chairman, is endeavoring to arrive at some made of adjustment. The pro gramme before it which seems to meet with most favor is to admit the territory south of 36 deg. 30 min. as a State, and when it has a population equal to the ratio of representation, within a given area, (I believe of 60,000 square milee,) to admit the portion within that area as a separate State, 'wun or - slavery, as Constitution may require ; and in the territory north of that slavery is to be forever prohibited. The other matters, relpeeting Personal Liberty Bills, Fugitive Slave Law, to., are pretty much as the_ border States have agreed to recommend. The Southern extre miste complain that, inasmuch as the propositions contain an unqualified prohibition north of 36 deg. 30 min., they do not contain a reciprocal guaran tee for the perpetuation of slavery south of it.— They seem to want a quid pro quo in the arrange ment. lam in hopes that there may be enough votes to carry one or the other of the arrangements, and thus relieve the country of the gloom and despondency that now overcasts it. Several States are going out next week if the matter is not ad justed. I think the North ought, by all means, to make the Southern malcontents a fair and liberal offer, and then, if they don't accept it, let them go out at their peril. I feel pretty sure that the con servative Southern States are disposed to adopt any fair proposition that may be offered them. I have learned from a reliable source that there is a secret military organization going on in some of the neighboring Southern States, for defensive pur poses, is case the worst Mtge 49 the worst. The Mayor of this city has, I am informed, given assu rances that, so far as his authority extends, protec tion shall be given to Mr. Lincoln against assaults; but if all the Southern States should withdraw, his policemen would be nowhere. There were religious meetings held at the Capi tol and in all the churches in this city on the 4th, and I am informed that the exhortations and prayer ful invocations at each of them elicited a copious shedding of tears. I witnessed the fact myself at Doctor Sunderland's church, where there was soarcely a dry cheek to be seen. Dr. S. himself utterly despaired of any reconciliation between the two sections of the country, and advised his people to prepare to meet the awful crisis so near at hand with Christian resignation. Rev. Mr. Stockton, the venerable chaplain of the House, delivered a most impressive, eloquent and touching address; and under its influence his vast assemblage of hearers were suffused in tears. It was remarked, however, that but few of the members of the House were present. Mr. Stockton very emphatically de nied that true Christians in the North and South bated each other, and contended that they loved each other. True Christians cannot hate anybody —but I fear they are a scarce article among the politicians of either section. If we had a fair proportion of true Christians in Congrees the coun try would not be in Ha present state of distress and alarm. The few that are here are generally on the side of peace. What has become of those "three thousand New England clergymen" who sent their remonstrance to Congress against the repeal of the Missouri Compromise line? I hope they will wake up now, and help to re-establish it on an irrevocable basis. It is generally understood here that Gov. Sew ard will be Lincoln's Secretary of State, General Cameron his Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. ojdooa Welles, of Conneetient, hie Poetmeeter General, Mr. Groben, of North Carolina, his Sec retary of the Navy, Mr. Bates, of Missouri, his Attorney General, and General Scott his Secretary of War. Yours truly, SOLOHe TIM PASSPORT STSTRIC—LOUis Napoleon to still further conciliate England, has given every Englishman the right to travel in France with out a passport. This is more liberal towards England than it is to Frenchmen, who have stilt to provide themselves with passports when they wish to travel. It is likely, however, that the Emperor intends to get rid entirely of the passport system, and in this wise intention propitiates the good will of England by making Englishmen the first recipients of the favor. The progress - of •the great countries of Europe is steadily towards enlightened' freedom. 1-)ENN'A I Et: I,ILATURE. SEA ATE. 1 4- IJESDAY: January 8, 1861. The Senate was called to order at 11 o'clock by the SPEAKEB Prayer by the Rev. Mr. Martz. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. Messrs. SELTZFR and SMITH, of Berke, a committee from the House, invited the Senate to the Hall of the House. to bear the proela motion in regard to nullification, issued by President Jaelt-on, in 1832, read; which invi tation was accepted, on motion of Mr. HIES TAND. On the return of the Senators, Mr. FINNEY asked and obtained leave to offer the following recultilien Resolved, That so much of the Governor's messa,ge as refers to the repairs of the Exe• cutivTMansion be referred to a select commit tee of three. Agreed to. Mr. M'CLURE called up House hill in rela tion to extending the act of 1851 to the borough of Greencastle; which was passed finally. A committee of the House announced that the House was ready to proceed to the eleetion of a United States Senator whereupon the Senate proceeded to the Hall of the House for that purpose. On the return of the Senators, Mr. KETCH AM, Teller, made report. Mr. SMITH presented a petition signed 17 11,000 citizens of Philadelphia, pr yiug for a modification of the 95th and 96th sections of the Penal Code. Messrs. PARKER and CLYMER presented petitions praying for the re emu-talent Of thaw permitting Southern citizens to bring their ser vants into the State. Mr. BLOOD called up House bill No. 2, in relation to a writ of error in C arion county, which, after some debate, was laid over., Mr. M'CLURE offered a resolution that the Judiciary Committee be instructed to inquire what laws upon the statute b.,oks of the Com monwealth, if any, conflict with the laws of the Federal Govetnment and report, W.RLSII opposed the referring of this matter to the Judiciary Committee, as there was not a Democrat on it—that he w.s in favor of the resolution, but he wished it referred to a special committee. Mr. M'CLURE supported his resolution in a few brief remarks. Mr. IRISH did not see the necessity for the passage of the resolution, and should vote against it. The hour of adjournment was extended, and a running debate between IRISH, M'CLURE, SMITH and others followed Mr. M'CLUttE 6naltymoai6ed his resolution so as to refer that part of the Governor's m.s sage on this subject to the Judiciary Commit tee. Mr. WELSH moved that it be referred to a select committee, which was not agreed to— yeas 15, nays 15, as follows: YEAS—Messrs. Blood. Bound. Clymer, Con nell,Crawford, Hall, Trish, Ketcham, Lawrence, Meredith, Mott, Schindel, Sonia, Smith and Welsh-15. NAYS—Messrs. Benson, Finney, Fuller, Gregg, Hiestand, Imbrie, Landon, M'Clure, Nichols, Parker, Penney, Robinson, Wharton, Yardley and Pamer, Spoeavr-115. The modified resolution then passed—yeas 28, nays 2. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was celled to order at 11 o'clock, a. at., by the SPEAKER, and after the reading of the Journal, the members of the Senate were introduced by 6 committee of the House, con sisting of Messrs. SELTZER and SMITH, of Berks. The Clerk of the House of Representatives then read the Address of President Jackson to the pcoptv _ don of the millification of south Carolina. The reading having been concluded, Mr. LICHTENWALLNER offered the following re solution : Resolved, That 151013erfO,Tackson 7 s doctrine is the only true one by whieh the Government can be sustained. The resolution was declared to be out of order. The members of the Senate then retired. Mr. IRVIN offered a resolution appointing a committee of three, to act in conjunction with a similar committee of the Senate, and make the necessary arrangements for the Governor's inauguration—the inauguration to take place at 12, m., at the portico of the capitol, and the committee to conduct the Governor elect from his residence to the place designated. The resolution was agreed to. On leave given, Mr. THOMAS presented an act to incorporate the Seventh and Ninth Streets passenger railway of Philadelphia, and Idt. SELTZER an act to incorporate the Lom bard and Shippen Streets passenger railway. Mr. PEIRCE offered a rrsolution appointing a committee of three, to act in conjunction with one from the Senate, and fix a time and place ttt open and publish the returns of the late Governor's election. Agreed to. ELECTION OF U. S. SENATOR At twelve o'clock the Speaker and members of the Senate were introduced, at►d the Wt. Houses went into convention for the election of a 11. S. Senator. The SPEAKER of the Senate presided, and the roll being called—the. Senators by the Clerk of the Senate, and the members of the House by the Clerk of the House—the first ballot resulted in the election of Edgar A. Cowan, of Westmoreland. The vote stood as follows: Edgar A. Cowan. 98 Henry to. roster. 35 The SPEAKER and members of the Senate then retired, and the Teller appointed on the part of the House announced the result. Mr. PATTERSON called up the joint reso lution appointing a committee to consider that part of the Governor's Message relative to fur nishing the Executive Mansion. The resolu tion was passed. lE4IILEEMUI3II! Mr. GORDON presented an act allowing bank cashiers to hold certain offices in the walks of theology, literature, science, medi oM and law. Mr. HILL, an act incorporating the llalbo rough monument association. Mr. -, an act imposing a tonnage tax on the Cumberland Valley railroad. Mr. MOORE, an act suppressing fortune telling; also, an act incorporating the Penn coal gas company, and a supplement to the city of Philadelphia. All of the above were appropriately referred. SENATE DILLS. An Act relative to property held by aliens was called up and passed. An Act making an appropriation to pay the electoral college was passed. TIM LATE BLNATOR NUNNEMACHERa Senate resolutions in reference to the death of the late Senator Nunnemacher were re ceived. Mr. SMITH, of Berke, offered a reso lution expressing the sorrow of the House at the loss of the deceased, Mr. SMITH then delivered an eloquent and affecting address, alluding to the merits of the late Senator Nunnemacher. He was followed by Mr. RHOADS, of Berks. The resolution of M. SMITH was then agreed to. Adjourned. The French governmental organs begiu seri ously to occupy themselves with the project of the gale of Venetia by Austria, and Grasdguil lot supports it in the Constitutionnel. The of ficial journalist's article significantly concludes with what may be construed into a threat, in asmuch as he expresses the hope that Austria, who knows how provinces are gained, " will ale° remember how they are lost." The. Pattie asserts that the Pepe, "guided bia conciliatory spirit, consents to a - revision of theAbstrian, Concordat." • • TUESDAY, Jan. 8, 1861 LATEST BY TELEGRAPH From. 1 111 ashiligtott_ WARHINGToN, Jan. 8 It is understood that prominent members of the Diplomatic Corps have addressed the gov erdment, in reference to the commercial inter ests of their respective countries, in view of the present political troubles, and what degree of protection may be expected, or something to this effect. The government, however, has not replied. Returns are daily received at the proper office from the South Carolina Postmasters, showing that the business is progressing as heretofore, including the honoring of con tractor's orders and the purchase of postage stamps, Sa, utes were fired here to-day in honor of the anniversary of the battle of New Orleans: A. Salute of Three Hundred and Thirty three gulls lu Old Berks. READING, Jan. 8. Old Berke is true to the flag or the Union. A salute or two hundred guns was fired here to day, one hundred by Capt. M'Kn ght's com piny of Ringo,old Artillery, and one hundred by t he citizens of Reading, in honor of General Jackson, Major Anderson and the flag of our Union. _ A salute of thirty-three guns was fired here last night, by the Junior Fire Company, in honor of Major Anderson. HAMBURG, Jan. B.—A salute of one hundred guns was fired here to• day by citizens, in honor of the turtle of New Orleans, General Jackson rind Atijor Anderson. Nonm MOWN, Jan. B.—The Wayne Artiller ists, of this city, fired a salute of thirty-three guns, at noon, in honor of Major Anderson, mid anntlwr waive of fifteen guns in honor of thy etand for the Union taken by Gov. Hicks, of Maryland. Message of the Governor of Tennessee. LoirsvlLLE, Jan. 8. A dispatch from Nashville, dated the 7th, soya that the Legislature had assembled. The Governor's message recommends that the ques tion of ceiling I eitii*enlieh be left to the people. stays the remedy for present evils exists only in constitutional amendments, on refusal where of Tennessee should maintain her eqnality in or independence out of the Union. He recom mends the organization of the militia and the purchase of arms. Leaves bank suspension penalties to the discretion of the Legislature. It was reported that Hon. S. S. Staunton and John H. Savage had left for Kentucky to fight a duel. Later News from Mexico. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 7 The British steamship Gladiator, from Vera Cruz, bound to Pensecola, touched at the South West pass, and reports that Miramon wats OM pletely routed on the 22d. ult., and on Christ mas day the Liberals occupied the capital.— Puebla has also capitulated to the Liberals. Prepideut Jugrez had been sent for and was to leave on the 3.1. inst., to take posaaasion of the seat of government. The city of Mexico, under the new order of National affairs, was tran quil. Movement of Government Troops. The troops from Fort Leavenworth left this morning for Baltimore via St. Joseph, Chicago and Pittsburg. The force consists of two panies of Light Artillery, comprising 210 men, with 130 horses. A force of 20 Dragoons re mains at Fort Leavenworth. Resignation of Naval Officers. NORFOLK, Jan. 8 Lieut. Chapman and Master Mills, of the United States sloop-of-war Brooklyn, have re signed. '*CCOSSI9II 'victory in -,ovvir /..zwuer, NEW ORLEANS, JELL 7. The election in this city has resulted in the success of the immediate secessionists. The Illarkete, PHILADBLPHIA, an 8 Flour firm, with small sales ; common and extra at $5.26a6 62% per 1.111.; $5 754.75 for extra family and fanny lots. Grain ; sales 1,1 0 bushelq Western and Penns. Red at $1.30a1.33; 500 bn good white at 11 1 45. Penna. Apo at 75e. 150 booby's corn 6914, at T4O. for old and 62 for new. Oats 3445 c. Penna. Cloverseed at 85a5.25 per 64 lbs Whisky ; 1 thin bbls. 19c.; Penna. do. 183ic.; hhds. 18c.; Drudge 1730. BALTIMORII, lan. 8. Flour dull; Howard and Ohio $5 t - 0; City Mills $5. Wheat firm ; red $1 30a$1 86 ; white $1 4041 60. Corn firm; old white 6841 cents; nr w 6240 cents. Previa. for s firmer; Mess Pork Mt Lard 10X cents. ib offce active at 12%a13 cents fur Rio. Whisky dull at 18a10 cents. Flour heavy; sales 7/00 Mlle. Wheat dedliuing • wHte Kentucky $1.50. Corn dull; 20,000 bushels sold at 69a70 cents ; yellow Southern 6534 cents. Provisions TAO, GENERAL NEWS. A Naw FRENCH VESSEL OF WAR.—A gunboat, on a new model, paned through TooJouve re cently, coming from Bordeaux, and proceeded to Toulon, where she is to be prepared for sea. This boat is constructed on an entirely new model, of which the plan is said to have been given by the Emperor. It is composed of steel plates, and will be propelled by two screws, set in motion by a machine of fourteen horse power. It will carry but one piece of cannon. The boat is shaped like a tortoise. The mouth of the eattoon will pass just ever the back of the fish, which will present an inclined plane to the enemy, over which the balls will slide. The crew will be completely sheltered under this roof, of which the force of resistance is so well calculated that the heaviest shot or shell can. not injure it,. MOVEMENT OF A STEAMER. —The Philadelphia Inquirer, of Monday, says : The steamer Water witch, ying at the Philadelphia Navy Yard, has been ordered to fit out for sea immediately, and will probably proceed to Charleston. Ac cording to a dispatch from Washington, late yesterday afternoon, the officers have been or dered to her, and will report during the week. LAME FIRE AT ;ALTON, ILL.—A fire broke out last Friday night in the liquor store of Kent & Carr, at Alton, 111., destroying that and nine other buildings adjoining, embracing the entire block bounded by Short, State and Levee streets. Loss $50,000 ;" insured $25,000. A German, name unknown, was burned to death. A RUSSIAN FUGITIVE SMOTHERED.-- , A Rus sian secreted himself on board of an English steamer while she was taking in flax. He got between two bales, and the crew, ignorant of his presence, piled a large cargo on top of him. Arrived at Hull, the steamer unloaded, and his dead body was discovered. A project has bean started in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to organize a party of fifty men to purchase one hundred and sixty acres of land in some desirable part of the Western country to form a Plymouth colony. The friends of W. IL Russell, in Lafayette county, Mo., are reported to have signed the bonds amounting to $1,000,000, which will be tendered to the Federal authorities for his re lease from prison. It is proposod to build a ciroular railroad around London, forming a complete cordon, at an average of fifteen miles from its centre. In ancient times a wall would have been proposed. The prices of wheat, flour, beef, pork, and most Oregon products, are now the lowest of any we have ever known in the country, says the Oregon Times of December 1. Mr. Belmont has purchased fourteen acres of land in Newport for $47,000. It is said that the rich banker intends the erection of a splendid villa, to cost not less than $200,000. A volunteer police force of one hundred men has,been organized in New Orleans. Col. J. B. F. Russell, formerly of the United States army, died in Chicago last week. . There are thirty thOuttan4 more men than women in lowa. • - LEAVBNWORTH, Jan. 8 NEW YORE. Jan. 8 HORRIBLE MURDER.—On Monday last r m . 3 planter, liviog about fi r : c i us T. m.I miles from Weldon, N. C., was izrd t,y of hie 6 ` 14 v 04, I 4L vn !Pio "llftd.l"illivg Vice: and his head chortled off with an nu. /I t o body was discovered on Friday, aid flu; „ Q. grot , s were arrested. According to tht•ir cot , fession, the murder woe perpt•trated tircitatti t h e i r ei „,,A rr "wa r d tN 41_11,W. Itep.,ou from other plantations to v'ett his farm 'hair, Christmas. He was seized at ins dirt 'hog. notwithstanding his entreatit.s, was taken t o the woods and inhumanly butchered_ G reat excitement prevai ed at Weldon on gi t t erdat , and it was thought the murderers wooed be summarily executed. RAREY'S the tamer, gave his first public egltintiipn of hi, "art and science" of training uon ctodt : equines, since his return from Barone. at. NI. lo's Saloon, New Ytick, on Saturday, in th e pres.nee of as m:my people, masculine and teiniaine, as could fi d :-Ifting or manual:l vame, The eelehratol "Cruiser," and several oth er untamed horses. were put through a e n urB „ 01 training—coming in as furious as lions, an.) going out as gattle as lambs, The DPW itp•urance sta , tito of Tenneg ßoo rt . quires a deposit wit h the Comptroller of twenty thousand dollars of rzia per cent. State h both by domestic corpor.tiong and "cents of foreign companies. The rec,nt legial.,t,t oo o f the State is causing a stampede ate thr agents. At the meeting of the Boston Common Coca• oil Thursday evening, Mr John C. Tucker in. troduoed some resolutions ex pret•sint , national sentiments, which were unanimously adopted. The Representatives in the Legislature were requs•sted to use their influence for the repeal of the Personal Liberty Bill. Hon. D. S. Dickinson, of New York, has written a letter to Senat• re Mason and Bonier, of Virginia, beseeching them to use their fluence to have Virginia to act as a mediator between the North and South, in the present Oriel& Mrs. Anderson. the wife of Major Anderson, who has been sojourning in Washington for the past few days, left that city for Charleston Or k Saturday evening. The expense of maintaining the army an 4 navy of F. anon, for the currentyear, is estima ted at $107.400,000. New liburvtieenitut.9. AN ORMNANTeI4I IN kILATION TO A TIONS AND OTHER LEGAL FRO'IIEOIEB6 FOETID: VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE ORDINAN. CES OF THE I ITY OF HARIBIBIIthG •-ni'C'TION I. Be it onmined by the Common aroma: the mid City, That [loth ng in any of the ordinana a or by-lawn o' the said city shall be so construed as to deprive the party or parties injured o* aggrieved in any way, nor the city itself. from resorting to v or maintaining any other remedy or legal proceedings for 'Miami, sustained or violation: of law, which bo-a 691.4 and ere provided either by the statutes of this commonwealth or the con*mon law, if, in the opinion of the geld party or parties, or of the executive officers of said curporation, a mor • efficient and substantial v•eruedy is afforded for I be iv jury or wrong complained of by statute or th- common law than that whioh is provided in the several ordLanees of the nail city; nor shall anything ther. in confab ed be so con. mimed as to prevent the party or tarties. or the said city itself, from eeserting, maintaining and prosecuting both reme les or leg vl proceedings at lb- same lime, and in each and every case where it may become necessary 1) W GROBB, President of Common Council, Passed December 8, 1860. Attest—Davin Hs Ms, Clerk A INAUGURATION BALL , TO BE GIVEN AT BRANT'S HALL ON THE EVE OF THE INAUGURATION, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 14, 1881, ENDER TEN MANAGEMENT 0/P TM/ HOPE FIRE CIIMPA NY, NO. '2. TICKETS $1 00. All Tickets meet be pre-paid. far esh ac the principal Ellitocla and by any Agembrr of ba juie.did JACKSON & CO.sB SHOE STORE. NO. oog MA.11.1CP.7 HARRISBURG, PA., Where they intend to devote their entire time to the manufacture of BOOTS AND SHOES Of all kinds and varieties. in the neatret and most rash. ionable styles, and at satisfactory; runs. Their stock will consist, In part, of Gentlemen's Firo, Calf and Patent Leather Boots and Shoes, latest rtylesi Ladies' and Misses' Gaiters, and other shoes in great variety; and In feet everything eonnected with the Shoe business. CUSTOMER WORK will be particularly attended to, and in all cases will satisfaction be warranted. Lasts fitted up by one of the bete makers in the country. The long practical Pxperieuce of the und..reigned, Ana their thorough knowledge of the busbies§ will, they trust, be sufficient guarantee to the public that they will do them justice, and furnish them an article that will recommend itself for utility, cheapness and darn• bility. pang] JACKSON & 06. 11U CKWPRAT Mlt A 1, * --VXTRA QUALITY, in 12g and 25 lb bags. just received and for sale by [jttn9] WIC DOCK, Ja. , & CO. GRAND INAUGURATION MILITARY AND CITIZENS' DRESS BALL! AT BRANT'S HALL, ON TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 15, 1861. TICKETS $2.00. To be had at the prineipal Hotels janB-dtd W HITE BALL RISTAUEANT! GEORGE SRULTHEIE Respectfully informs the public that be has taken the well known RESTA URAN T und rtheWit b. Hall. where he is prepared at all times to serve up 01 STK liS in ever, style, and Reading and Philadel, his A I.E. Baying long been in the employ of Mr. W. ureitioger, he guarantees to serve up Oyeterr , in the same manor 11113 I , bile em ployed at that establishment. jan44llw C 0 8 TIII A . T DOTTLBP 13R4D1P12, AND LIQUORS OFEVERY DESCRIPTION! Together with a complete assortment, (whylesale end retail,) embracing everything in the line, sill be meld at mat, without reserve. jam. WIC P99s I. CO rl r BOARDING.--M-s. ECKERT. in Locust street, below Third, is prepared to accommodate number of BOARDERS in the beat manner, end at rea sonable prices. de2o-eodlm CANDLES!!! PARAFFIN CANDLES, SPERM CANDLES, STRARINE CANDLES. ADAMANTINE CANDLES. CHEMICAL SPERM CANDLES, STAR (eueicatoa) CANDLES, TALLOW CAA DL .S A large invoice of the above in More, and for sale V unusually low rates, by WM. DOCK. Ja.. & CO., josit Oppotaito 41 4 ,. co.ri Musa CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE, LUCKNOW CHUTNY, CONTINENTAL, BOYER'S SULTANA, ATHENArn LONDON CLUE. SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCY, ZNGLISII NOM SAUCE• For sale by WM. MOCK, is., k CO mylo DIOTTVILLE GLASS WORKS, Plf IL ADRI,PHIA, MfirIITAQTUR/I CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES Or SPIRT MORI"?IN. H. B. /t. G. W. BENNER% 0e194111 2T South Front dare% Philadelphia. V ELLER'S DRUG STORE'is the place IX. to buy Patent Media Ines. ' jan94llt