LOCAL IVE .5' TOE DAILY PATRIOT AND IPSION may he had RI 141 , 0 ilv.o Store, earner of Third and Markel FATRInT AND MIDIS. —The DAILY PATRIT AND ", be bad by Dauphin Futwerihers, every sturfi i n z, , r it the periodical store of J. S. FDA ID. Tog ;‘l,lll.B.—tinder the change of schedule on th e diffe.ent railroads. the time of closing the woo et t h e 11.....h.barg Post Office, December Ist, /880, is as follows; PRNNSYLVANIA R. R. ~ 12.:5 p. m., 5. p. trt.. p .n. 4fro —0 :0 1 s m--wav mnil 3.50 p. m.,9p. m CIIIIITHAL It IL 6,Nth —l3 15 p. m.-I—way wail, 9. p. m. —1 r. m. LEBAIcOII VALLEY R. R. 1 1.30 A. us DAUPHIN AND SUHQ. It. I. 1.30 p in CT?tBRRLA I T VALLEY E. 2.30 a. at., I p, w.—Witt' Mali. BY /MAGIC I 9. to o , •ttyaburg, nn Tnemday, Thnralny and al•nrJ»v. 7 • in.,to Toaeetnwn• nn M i.y. Weeimt.i ;lir and PriJay. 1 p. m, to Lowioborry. on Saturday. Tao inet-np on Friday night gave secetnmoda *lon to three revolving vagrants, traveling 113. *hero, in smirch of nobody, and whose wants are itatitted with a loaf of bread, and lodgment on soft white pine bench. 61111111FP . 8 Seta.—Witt be sold, on this mor ning, »a is ..'slant, at the "Novelty Iran Works," in this oily, a large and splendid lot of founders' and eirmbilliste tools, patteres, he. Those en gaged in that business will find it to be to their ad- Vantage to Ito present. Osns in" rug "BLBSSINGS."—The Montour Iron Works, she largest in the State, with one single /seep:ion. have stepped, and at least a thousand men have heed thrown ant of employment in the dead of winter. Another of the blessings that were to follow the election of Lincoln. ernsoo, Airegarrzon !—A stated meeting of the Citizen Fire Engine and nose Compaey will he held at their hall, this (Monday) evening at 7 o'clock. The semi-annual elation of officers for the ensuing term will take place, and important busi• mesa he brought before the meeting. Every mem ber is requeitted to be in attentlince. G. L. WALTaIt, Secretary. Taw Lsvass —ln order to give our readers the latest pools 4 borne this morning, we are compelk d to go abroad. Telegraphic dispatches sent from here on Friday declare that Col. M'Clnre, who hes *Anti:trued from SpringfiAd, asserts that General Cameron bes riot been offered a position in Lin. soles Cabinet . We do not know where the re porter gets his information—whether from Col. kl'Clare, or from street rumor, but we heard an enthualeptiO Melia 9f cameron's offer to bet on his favorite, and he is a man who always gambles to wim A lifiseravEnuer.—We were led into an error in regard to the mitter which appeared in our MRS under the bead of "A Hard Caen," on Fri day, and we regret to say that it was through the man's own misstatements. The Steward or the Poor House rive him a room, necessarily removed from the manna, building, and immediate steps Weald We been taken fur hie relief; but be did not like the accommodations, and left. He was anxi o us to get on to Pittsburg, and, on the appli cation of the M4yor, the Superintendent of the Pennsylvania Railroad forwarded him. To u REW&Rtilat.—Wien Forney, at present a clerk under John W. Forney, in Washington city, it in currently rumored, is to he appointed Super intendent of Public Printing by Governor Curtin. When Me. F .rney was appointed to the position he now hold.; at present, be was announced is an anti-Les••mpron Democrat. His Democracy, with Out any prefix, was of the Forney and Hickman order---a sliding *ettle--a mark to deceive_ Ile glided into the Opposition as natural as a duck takes to water, and, like all renegades, he heeame more allusive than the old guard itself, swallowing all his previous eentiments, and d Oaring that be formetl_v was a itnave,.a hypocrite, or labored in error and darkness. Ocorresran SRAM—There is a contested seat from - Luzern° in the House. The right of Lewie Pughe is resisted by D. L. Chapin. Democrat, and a member of last session. It is assorted that the election inspectors and judges in ova precinct threw out thirty-two votes for D. L. Chapin, COO 4lecerd Pugh, by twenty-sim majority The Supreme Court bas already decided that the middle name of a man was of no moment when it was known there was no man of that name in the *lmmunity.. Toe committee was drawn on Thurs. day last, and is exclusively Republican, so that notwithstanding the decision of the Supreme Court, we shall be much surprised if Mr. Chapin gets his rights. Stewart, Republican, Goatees the seat of Caldwell, Democrat, from the First Rep resentative District in Philadelphm. The com mittee is to be drawn on Monday next. Anawrartr Outinflat.—This little offiee, although it is "rural but $6OO a year in this State, while it brings the ineumbrent $1,500 in New York, is still not lil.ely to begging. There ate no less than tenapplicante in for it—thus in Ph i/adelph la alone, Iris: Peter Frits. Gen. W. R. Small and General Birney. The most prominent man for the position. from the western part of the State, is Gen. T. S. Negley. The General hag lately been engaged in the lendable enterprise or tensing Wide Awake organisations in and about Pittsburg into soldier itompanies, but a well-grounded fear that other as. pirante would be here to leg among those who are supposed to have influence with the Cloveruur, took possession of him, and be appeared in this city, in propriopersotta on Friday. The General has agreat Many friends in western Penney lvania, and he is an ardent admirer of Republiean principles—but, as Charley says, "with the coupons nt h/abed." If appointed, he would no doubt make an effort to have the salary raised, in which he would in all probability be more successful than his predeeetsor. Unman &Avows SENA - rem—This is "a day big with the fate el Caesar and of it•rme." Before to morrow morning the hopes and aspirations of a liege 'number of aspirants will be blasted as the 7onag and promising bud before the breath of the nipping nor'wester. The agony will be over by 10 o'clock this evening, and, although we may not be able to announce to-morrow who the fortunate man Is whom fastnne bas favored, we venture again to Pay that Mr. Cowan will be the lucky man. At least PO it is supposed by those - upon whos e j u d g _ meat we sea rely. A number of the prominent Republicans, we are informed, met and discussed the matter on Friday night, and finished np the "slate" for Cowan by taking the friends of Pollock and W.hoot both in the Westmoreland boat. The Prrviso man had mush to oontend against—cape- Melly did his old free trade principles cling to him hie the poisoned shirt of Nessus, until his friends Were furred to produce a letter of recantation lalinelt 117 hint when he was a candidate fur Gov. 'mar is 1A61!. 'With - all this. it is said, however, that the slate wan so arranged as to give him the mteapired tens of Cien.Cameron. Abouttbat•Me Mall sea A FEW FACTS GLRANED Frtou GoviißNAteiliT RE pours.—The perinaneni public debt of the United Stares, on the 30• h ..f June, 1360, was $45,079, 203, exclusive of ourrtartaials I rvosury amounting to $196911.0110. The U. S. Mints wdtted, define th.. last fiscal year, $23.44q.253 35 in gold; $3 250 636 26 in silver ; and $342 000 in cents. The total Is. d surf tee f the United States and Territories is 3 010,3711 sqn tilt, miles, or 1.92 G. 6:16. SOO acme. If to this are added water surface, lakes, rivers. dce., we will have a total surface of three and a quarter millions of square miles. Min *lewdly, with 83,531 stove miles. is the fourth slat e , i n point of size, in the Union. Texas is first, California next, and Oregon third. leistyear there was 3.896 patents issued, and 28 extended f.r a period et seven yeers. The whole number Ihruatrnts applied for was 5 638. The whole n nen her of EN.-t 4.thees in the United States is 23 918— a decrease from 1859 of 91. The number of post masters sniper. to appointment by the President (whose salary ex° -eds' $1 000 per annum) is but 433 M nnesota has but 4 ; New York has 62 D ,ring the last Basal year, a d the quarter ending September 30. 1863, 16.385 361 glares • f public lands have been proclaim d f.r sate. During the sane period, 9.648,471 acres have bean surveyed 'and prepared fur mar , iet, Rad 12.050 053 72 acres hove been disposed of is the following manner :- 3,17/,619.80 acres have been sold f.r cash, yield ing the su.tr of $2,021,425.97; 3_379,090 notes have been absorbed by the location of b allay land war rants; 2,037,770 92 acres approved to States under the swamp grants; and 2,655 623 acres under the railroad grants. The number of tnilit try bounty laid warrants outstanding on the 30th of Septem ber last was 74.463, and they will require 8,196,- 580 acres of the public domain to satisfy them.— The whole number of pensioners, of all classes, now remaining on the rolls, is 11,284, and the surd required to pay their pensions is $1,001,018.95. During the past year the amount thus expended was $1,103,562 03 Dating the year ending June 311, 1863, it oust to "run" the Federal Ouvernment the snug sum of $77,462,102 72. The receipts from pribliir lands, customs, and miscellaneous sources. tiering the same time, amounted to but SA, 470 109.43 Din $21,015,200 was reesived from loans and Treasu•y notes. RIM ARK %BLS FEAT-A Man Shoots We Fingers Of, and then Drinks Thirty Mimes of Beer.—Mr. Frank Lan mon is a man of reputation. It matters bu , little, in this degenerate tti.e what a man does, so that he becomes a hero. Dr. Hine went to the Arctic regions and came back a hero. Garibaldi freed Italy, and he became a hero. Sam Patch lowed over the Passaic Falls, and was distin &fished. Blondin is imtnortalisJd on the tight ripe, and Heenan takes his place among "the int atlas! f ;w," through tho tote of his muscles. The suhkct of this article is a hero. His first great performance was at a bar-room in St. Louis, about eight months ago. For a wager of $lOO he drank one 'tundra land fifty largo glance of lager beer in less than eight hours. He won both the wager and a reputation. On Saturday last Mr. Lantnan again distinguished himself, as we notice by the St. Louis papers.— S one entered his saloon on Broadway, and, through malice, or some other bad propensity, cut Lanman's billiard table. Mr. L. was enraged.— He set a good deal by his table. To have it cut, out him to the quick. He resolved to have re venge. New, revenge le evedet, if not too dearly purchased. Mr. Leeman paid too much for his.-- Searching up a revolver, he cooked it, and swore by all the gods and goddesses, that he would shoot the fellow that cut his table. While brandishing his shooting-iron around, he hit it against a chair. It went off, (not the chair, but the pistol,) and the charge entered his left hand, tearing away the fin gers, and otherwise shattering the member. • Th e accident did not have tile eff'ot of cooling Mr. Lan man's ire. Ha swore louder than ever, and declared the hand should not be dressed until be had drank thirty glasses of lager beer. His f lends tried to diem idle him from his purpose, but could not. In less than two hours Mr. Lotman bad added another unfailing laurel to his brow He drank the stipulated amount of lager, and said he goal.] stand a little more. A surgeon was then called io, and the Shattered hand was attended to. REsnirta Cumnacri —The following rules for rearing children are deserving the attention of every man and woman. 1.--01311dt03 ibould tot go to gehool until mix years old. IL—Should not learn at home during that time more than the Alphabet, religious teaching, ex 0CP44.. 111 —Should be fed with plain substantial food, at regular intervals of not less than four hours. W.—Should not be allowed to eat anything within two hours of bed-time. V.—Should have nothing for supper but a single cup of warm drink, such as very weak tea of some kind, or cambric tea, or warm milk and water, with one slice of cold bread and butter—nothing else. Vf.--Should sleep in separate beds, on hair mat. tresses, without caps, feet first well warmed by the fire or rubbed with the bands until perfectly dry ; extra covering on the lower liinb3, bat little on the body. VlE.—Should be compelled to be out of doors for the greater phrt of daylight, from after breakfast until half an hour before sundown, unless in damp, raw weather, when they should not be allowed to gooutNide the dour. Val.—Never limit a healthy child as to sleep ing or eating, except at supper; but compel regu larity as to both it in of great importance. IX.—Never eompel a eh iid to sit still, nor inter fere with its enjoyment, as long as it not actu ally injurious to persons or property or against good morals. X.—Never threaten a child; it is cruel, unjust and dangerous. What you have to do, do it, and be done with it. XL—Never speak harshly or angrily, but mildly kindly and, when really needed. firmly—no more, XEL —By all means arrange it so that the last words retween you and your children at bed-time, especially the younger ones, shall be words of un mixed luvinguese and offvetien- EXPERIMENTS WITII Wing ROM—Some experi ments, important to all persons engaged in the manufacture of wire ropes, or who may be accus tomed to use them, have just been made by Mr. J. Dogfish, who has communicated the results to the North of England Institute of Mining Engineers. The conclusions arrived at were, that half. the strength of the rope was lost by heating the wire; thou the ordinary joint is much weaker than any other portion of the rope; that if a lilt rope was well spliced it was not weakened thereby, but, if the workmanship was bad, it lost from 25 to 33 per emit_ of its atrength_ In either event a round wire rope spliced became 13 per cent. weaker than be fore. Round steel wire rope will bear more than double the weight required to break iron wire rope of god* illatudter. THE FRIENDSHIP FTEAMEIR.-FOIDO weeks ago the Friendship Fire Company resolved to give the Dame of their new - steam fire engine to the person who would give the largest amount of money to. ward its purchase. The time far opening the pro posals expires on Thursday next, when they will be, opened. and the result made known. The col- Intim are still going en. and there is no quea. tint] about the purchase of the "mersheen" now.— MI that is necessary is prompt payment by those who have subscribed. GOV. Cirievia's AppolyrimuNTs.—Tho editor of the Telegraph is informed that Guy. Curtin haN made the following appointments. He does not state who his informant is, but there is a semi,,ffi cial smelt about the announcement that justifies the belief that he speaks from the record Secretary of State—Eli Slifer, of Union county. Deputy Secretary—George W. Ramersly, of Philadelphia. Attorney General—Samq A. Porvianeo, of But ler county. Whisky Inspector—William Butler, of Mifflin ct wiry. Max sisinn of the Port of Philadelphia—Doctor Clark, of Philadelphia. Messenger to the Governor—Samuel Miles, of Centre county. Adjutant General—James S. Negley, of Pitts burg. Western flour Inspector—Thomas Collins, of Pittsburg. Sealer of Weights and Measures—J. D. Owens, of Pittsburg. ECLIPSES THIS YEAR.—Thera will be four eclipses this year, as follows : 1. An annular eclipse of the Sun, January 10; invisible in America. 2. An an nular eclipse of the Sun, July 7; invisible in America. 3. A partial eclipse of the 31.i0n, Decem ber 17, (16th in California,) early in the morning; visible. Size only 222 digits, or about 1.! of the Moon's disc. Beginning at Boston at 21i 43w.; New Turk, lb. 31w.; Philadelphia, 2h. 27w,; Washington, 2h. 15m. ; Charleston, 3h 7m.; De troit, I h. 55tn. ; Cincinnati, Itt. 50m.; Chicago, lb. 37w ; St. Louis, lb. 26w.; San FranCisco, 1113. 37w., evening of 16th. The eclipse becomes largest 51 minutes after the beginning, and ends Ih. 42m. from the same. 4. A total eclipse of the Sun, but only partial in the United States, Dec. 31. The San will rise visibly eclipsed more or less, and it may be seen in all the States east of and adjacent to the Mississippi river, except lowa. Eclipse ends at Washington at Bh. 36m. in the morning. Size in the_Atiantio States about 6 digits, in Texas, Admit satt, Missouri, It lino is and 17 isconsin, the eclipse ends just at sunrise. On, WELLS IN KENTOCKT.-Oil wells are among the new features of Bourbon county, Kentucky. The Paris Mina, of December 21st says : A gentleman, living near the Levy, beyond Fiat Rook, informs us that, having, some time since, seen indications of the existence of oil in the earth near his residence he determined to ascertain in what quantities it might be found. Ile sank two wells, one of th..m seventy feet and the other about one hundred and slimy feet deep, with the most satisfactory results. From these wells be has gathered several gallons of oil which has been analyzed and proved to be of the best quality. All that is now lacking is to test the abundance of the supply, which will be done as soon as a suitable pump has been obtained to draw the oil to the sur face. The gentleman alluded to has visited the oil regions in Pennsylvania and Virginia, and as sures us that he finds, where be has been experi menting, all the indioations of the presence of oil that are found there. Among these indications are, the character of the rock passed through, and the prose ace, in very large quantities, of inflam mable gas. Lithography is an art of such universal dissem ination, and performs so important an office in the great business of publishing that few persons pro ipohly think how very recently it was discovered. Mr. George &bad, a well-known engraver, who died near London last month, at the advanced age of 72, wee the first artist who practiced lithography in England. lie was born at Munich in the year 1788, and learned the art from Sonnefolder, who invented it. Be bad resided England 44 years. Among the articles on exhibition at the Wiscon sin State Pair was a new invention by Wm. H. Paine, of Sheboygan, to supersede the usual chain used in surveying. It consists of a steel measure, which coils up like a tape measure, but is so tem pered as to be perfectly straight when uncoiled.— The whole weight Ofethe itultrittuent does not ex ceed three pounds. HONORS TO MAJOR ANDSRSON.-11l all parts of the country, movements have been inaugurated with a view to doing honor to Major Anderson, for the course be has pursued in Charleston Labor. Salutes have been fired, meetings have been held, and swords have been presented. We also learn that it is in contemplation to present the gallant Major with a. full eiviliants snit from the Brown Stone Clothing Hall of Itookbill and Wilson, Nos. 603 and 605 Chesnut street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. A LARGE LOT OF GOODS received to-day, suitable for presents, which will be sold off much below their real value. 60 dozen of Hem-stitched and Grass Linen Handkerchiefs, at 20, 25, 31 and 50 cents a piece ; 100 Sets of Collars and Sleeves, di rect from New Tork auction, at vary low prim; Gents' Plain and Bordered Linen Handkerchiefs; beautiful lot of Lace Curtains ; Chenille Scarfs, at 121 and 25 cents; 10 pieces of Cassimere for pants; 10 pieces of Cloth, fur Cloaks; 25 pieces of all kinds of Flannel ; 2,000 yards of best brown Mus lin, for 10 cents; Woollen Socks, 15, 20 cents; Undershirts, Drawers, 50, 62,15, and a groat many other WON. 5. LIMY, Rhoads' Corner. SPECIAL NOTICES. lrrom the Indopeturont i Note York, July 28.1859. GLUM.—Our advertising columns contain some testi monies to the value of a new article known as 4, Bpald. Infra Prepared Glue," useful to housekeepers for mending furniture. It is prepared with chemicals, by which it is kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this arti sic his the excellent phrumloisical quality of "serge adhesiveness." For nale by 0. A. BANNYART, No. 2 Jones , Bow auT.d&wlm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—Sir James Clarke's Celebrated Female pilia, prepared from a preocrip' ion of Sir 3. Clarke ; M. D., Phoician Extraordl nary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cute of all those painful cud dangei one diseases to which the female constitution i 4 subject, ft moderates all excess and re. moves all obstructions and a speely cure may be relied en. TOMARRIED LADIES it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government stoop of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeits. TENSE PILLS !MOULD NOT UN TANNN BY ITEM/LIS DURING THR r I MT THREE Al MTtlig OF PHHONANOTi AS THAT ASS BURR Tu BRING us biISOABRIAGE, HOT AT MY 01H1B TIXS VINT ASS SAPS. In all e.ses or Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pain in the Back Rod Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Palpitation of the Beart, hysterics and Whites, these Pills will r ffect a cure whrn all other means have failed, and although a pow teal rcinedy, de not c••uteio - re n, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the constitution. Pulldirectioom in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. It —Bl,oa and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, w.li insure a bottle, containing over AO pine, by return mail. For sale by U. A. natOrTART, Harrisburg, jy7-dawly PURIFY YOUR BLOOD.—BRANDRETH'S PILLS WARRANTED TO Cut FEVER AND AGUE —The effect of purging with BEANDRETH'S PILLS is to re store the health, no matter from what 062119 it may be suffering. They take out all impurities front the sys tem ; and they have the same power of expulsion over miasm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or Indeed any poisonous exhalations breathed by man whatever. In fact, if the blood is poisoned, it is IMPlitel'and Im pure blood results in disease. DUANDILET/11 PILLS, • though innocent as bread, yet they are capable of puri fying the blood and curing disease. So, they cure all kinds of fevers, all asthmaa t catarrhs, costiveness and painful affections of every kind. Bold, prise 25 cents, st No. 292 Canal street, New Yot*, and by all Druggists. Also, bj ONO. H. BBLL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all respectable dealers In medicines. de9-114W1111 SETTLED FOREVER: The important question of POISON IN 11/11111/YES! GRIST a 1)01tO'S II A I It DY Ilan been anslyz. d and E C L 4RED /t. nl L P. S S ! By PROP RSSIIII 'WHEAT ell I LTiati, or N kw Tom The first two ytic i -Ameri• a. Eft 0•t or th. Dye xl mod Instantaneous. Imparts a jet Muck or any -ha.le of brown. Color rich, natural, and uniformM mufac Lured No. 6 Astor Ilium. New York. Aold everywhere, and applied-by all Hair Dressers. dMi•d&wl m LI HAROLD'S ORM:TINS P RASA RA PION Cares Ora B a •der. Drooy, Aff-etiouß H ELM OTAPD (I.nuine Pr. pulation fur I` , l‘ rv.u. and D•h•lita.t. , SutTitiers. Li EL $1 tit L 0 2 6 l r •"li ) l,D'SWnnine rrrp-vration for N.i . ht f•sc.111B. 004 Post, Dirooo-o o' Vidoo HrLLslisOL , Ort Prep:4...111.0 f r I, u a i Uill Yen " 1418'41111de of the Musuoirr -• a .-111 IPLMBOIAD • ts PrepArat ou iha A nAece sod Eruptions. H Bi.l l l'lol,D - 8 C—noiros Prepnr.oiou for P.OO. Ra.qt, fl. - sancho, Skis ifitowooli. [Cr see ad vortisempot howled HELMBOLIPS EXTRACT DUO (ITT in another et lawn. no 4 it t w 313 WE call the attention of our readers all article adVertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery. sod must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is FOOD FUR THE stoop. already prepared fur absorption ; pleasant to the taste and nstu. ral in action, and what one gains he retsina Let all those, then, who are suffering from poverty. impurity or deficiency of blond, and coneeqUently with some ehrome disease or ailment, take of this BLOOD FOOD and it re stored to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world renowned Dr. BATON'S INF , INTINS CORDIAL, which every mother should have. It contains nn paragorieur npi its of any kind whatever, and of course must he invaluable for all infantile, e.ctplaints. It will allay all pain, and soften the gums in process of teething. and at the same time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and DUMPS. who have endured anxious days and- sleepless nights, procure a supply and be at once relieved. 117- See advertisement. aul74&w3m WINKLOW, An experienced nurse and female physician, llama Sooth ing Syrup for children teething, which greatly facilitate the process of teething by softening the gums, reducing se inflamnation—will allay ail pain, and is sure to regulate the bowels. Depend open it mothers, ft will give rest to yourselves, and relief and health to your infants. Dec— ently cafe in all caeca, See advertisement in another 00l - mon. eug19,1859-d&wly Mothers, read this. The following iR an extract from a letter written by a &Aier of the Baptist Church to the lawn& and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mee. W !Ns LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING " We see an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winalow's Soothing Syrup. New we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to nay to your renders, that this is no humbug—WE HAVE TRIED IT, AND KNOW tT TO DE ALL 11 CLAIMS. it is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it is one of the best. kod those of your readers who have babies can't do better than to lay in a supply. sep29-d&wly IMPORI AN't TO r EMALEs DR. CHEESEMAN'S PI:. L.S. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in tlpir operation, and certain in correcting all Irregu larities, painfnl menstruation, removing all Otilitrue tions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpitation of the heart, whites, all ner vous aeections, hysterics, fatigue, pain In the back and limbs, loc., disturbed sleep, which arise from interrup tion of nature. DR_ CHEESEMAN'S PILLS wee the commencement of a new era in the treatment of those irregularities and obstructions which have con signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the beloved to a PRRAIATURS GRAYS. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an obstruction takes place the general health begins to decline, DR. CTIEESEMAN'S PILLS are the most effectual remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they &rein valuable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having the sanction of some of the most eminent .Physiciona ix America. Explicit directions, stating token, and when they should not be steed, accompany each box—the Price One Dollar each box, containing forty Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents . Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enclosing price to the Cloneral Agent. Sold by druggrets generally. R. B. HIITOII.IbIGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York . Sold In Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNVART. deck '59-d&wly , Dr. Branon's Concentrated Remedies. THB OBBAT BBITIVER, speedily eradicates all the evil effects of SELF-A8:173E4 a* Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddiness, Palpitation of the Heart, Dimness of Vision, or any constitutional derangement , * of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price tine Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days, arty case of GONORRIME4, is without taste or smelt. and miairea no restriction of action or dies. For either Nei Price One Dollar. No. 3. THE TERM will cure in the shortest possible time, anv case or (MEET, even after all other Demo** - have failed to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell Price One Dollar. No. 4. THE PIINITER is the only Remedy that will really cure Strictures of the Urethra. No mattor or how long standing or neglected the case may be. Price Line Dollar. No. 6. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and speedily remove all afflictions of the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. No. 0. FOR PARTICULARS ORR CIRCULAR - . No. 7 TWO AMARIN will ma tha Whites mullieally, and in a much shorter time than they can be removed by any other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will really correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price Vne Dollar. No. 8. THE MENTAL PABTTLB are certain, cafe and speedy in producing MENt3TRUATION, or correcting say Irreguierition of the monthly perivid. Priee Tee velum No 9. FOR PARTIOUL ABB BEN OIBOIHAtt. Either Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get a Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue' and Callowhill Street. Private Office 401 York Avenue, Pa For sale in Harrisburg only by C. A. BANNVART. where Circulars containing valuable informat en, with full de sceptions of each case, will be delivered gratis. en appli cation. Address DR. PkLIX DRUMM, inyl-dly P. 0. Box 99, Philadelphia, Pa. IT WILL PAY YOU/ TO READ THIS. IT WILL PAY YOU: OBSERVE WHAT I SAY ! ! IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT TO HARRISBURG! ! ! To SHE AND MANE TOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHINGI, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN AROADE,NO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, i OFFER ALL' ; GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAIIM. P. 8.--SAVING SECURED A FIRST KATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW' READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST PASETWApIaB I WARRANT A PIT OR NO SAM Dot644m TO iile)it ai. SANPORIPS LIVER. INVIGORATOR, NEVER DEBILITATE% T is compounded reti re become an entannnuem met, Ind tipproitril oy Ali thav ourti-ii to w ith it IN roimumuudmii. It lino cum. thousauda who had given up all bows unaolicitad cnrtilcatra iu The dose itiuoit i.e ad ,ptHi ond vidual takqug •t. awl tit SO icrlitiXiiti Ihr howoli. Let the (Dilates ui yuur use id the LI V Eti 11. will cure Liver Com. tuck*. 11 y * pr 11. NI .11 in to e r I o in y. Pro pry soar I'o,ll v 1 bpi rt. Mart's'', Cholera Iroer, Juundi c., es, ..ad stay be used sue ry, Family Medi. 11E 11 Al'llE. t s twenty minutes, t I .pusufuls are tukvit tack. All who nse it arr in ito favor. 1.4 MIX WATER IN TUN MO ORATOR, AND BWAI.Low H Price One liens ALS SANFORD•S FAMILY CATHART COMPUIINDB Pure Vegetable Extracts, Cases, Air Tight, and wi The Family Cuthar• active Cathartir, which in his practice more tium Thr constantly increasl who have long used the . ." tion which all express in induced me to place them $.4 Thr Profession well know; ant on different portions tai The FAMILY 1%11.-1 with due reference to this n conancuoted Irani a trade- "'" Eztt.cts. which act alike menta. v canal, and are amieß wh re . a Cathartic in c" rangementarf the! Pains In the Back' near, rain and Sore.: body, From madden cold,l gleeted, end in • long Appetite. a Crier pi nu over the Andy, Beat. 11210 ET tB THU Ha•n, oil P,A.401, Worms in Chill Ham. a great PURI PI NR Manama to which thigh is mention in thia advertiaa-, Price Three Dimes. The Giver Invieinntor aml Family Osthartio pilie ate retailed by Dr/pieta gewrally, and Bold wholesale by the Tiede in all the lama tome; N. V. W SANFORD, M. D., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway, N. Sy7-41kwri, CHILDREN MRS. WINSLOW, An experienced Nome and F.male Physician, presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitatee the proem of teething, by softening the OOHS, reducing all inflammation-I , i ;) allay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULA TN TILE BOWEL,- Depend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselv.l and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this article fur over ten year.. a n d call spa, IN QONPIDENCE AND TRUTH of it what we have never been able to say of any nther medi: cIue—NEVER HAS IT FAILED. IN A SINGLE IN STANCE.„ TO EFFECT A CURE. when timely used. Never did we know an in-tance of dissatisfaction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operation., and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effeete and medical virtues. We speak in this matter ‘l WHAT EDO KNOW," After ten y are experience AND PI.EDGE REPUTATION THE FUI:FILLIIIhNT OF WHAT WE MIRE DE CLARE. In slinost every instance where the infant is Buffering front r.in and exhaustion. relief will be found In fifteen or twenty minuted atter the syrup is adminis tered. This valunhte preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCi• D and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVES, FALL ING SUCCESS in THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only r.ii-vea the child from pain, bet invigo rates the et mach and bowels, corrects acidity, and gives tone and enemy to the whole system. It will al must instantly relieve GRIPING IN Till?. DOWELS. AND WIND COLIC, and overcome couvulsione, which, If not speedily reme died, end in death We believe it the BEST and till REST NEMEDY IN TOE WORLD. in all c0...a of DirSEN- TaRY awl DIARRIBEA IN cilthintEN, whether it arises fr teething, or from any of came. We would nay to every mother ho has a child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NIT LET YOUR PRE JUDICES, NOR VIE PREJUDIO ES OF OTHERS. stand between you and your suffering child, and the relief that will be BURR—yea, A. itso LUT ELY SURE—to follow the use of thlA medicine, if timely used. Pull d I rectiene for doing will accompany each bottle. None genuine union the roc-simile of CURTIS & PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. Bold by Druggists throughout the world. PRINCIPAL OF I" Me ' 13 °SOAK STREET. New YORK. PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. nep2l-dBcwly JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OP PI ET, CASTILLION & CO., BIEQUET, TRICOCHE & CO., JAS, lIENNESIY & CO., OTARD, DUPUY A CO., J. & P. MARTELL, ROB SALE BY JOHN H. ZIEGLER, decla CHRISTMAS PRESE NTS CIIILDREN - 8. LAME , ' and CITNTP eIY AUM and a gre.t variety of CABINET FIJI NI CURE suitable fur 110LIDAY GIFTS at r , doeed prices also a new lut of COTTAGE FURNITURE in sets. . r by th- single piece, at JAMES R. 130 YD & 'SON. de2o-M, 29 South &cowl Street. 2,500 POUNDS RAISINS, CURRANTS. CITRONS, Sr c., /Fe.. together with oit ANOES, 1.4.1A10N5, DRIED FAGir CR AN BERRI F.S. wed a Wll. Jet,' of Articles suitable fur the Holidaya. Just received by ide2o WAL. DOCK, Jx., & CO. MESSRS. C BICKERING & HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE MEDAL! GOLD AT THE MECHANICS' FAIR, BOSTON, HELD THE PRECEDING HERE, OVER SI.XTY COMPETITORS! KERING PIANOS, et Rani& ROCHE'S MUSIC STORE. buoW72l3.7l792"3Blfalurktebeil,..eraCt STEWART & M'AREE, RECTIFYING DISTILLERS, WIIOLNSALEDEALNRS IN BRANDIES, GINS. WINES. SCOTCH, IRISH, OLD RYE AND BOURBON WHISKYS, N'O. 103 MARKET STREET, del2J HARRISBURG, PA. [dam XTRA. STVAR CUBED lIAMS-- Juatreeelvettl by 'Rol& , W. DOCK. JR., ItsCl3,. - Oil the genuine EN4 H IJ L{D A; ic to KELLSWO DEI7O STORE. T. (rune tinmn, find NA .tand.rtl Niedvlann. know'. Inive Wordit.and in rll tnxiiienansla forunicb Within the last two yes•r of relief. as the numerous my possossion show. to the temi.sramentof U e used in such quantities as rydgm•-nt wet& you al ttir V MOIR A lOR and ,1 plaints. Ki l l M. At. 1 Itrouie Diarrhoea", p I at i ta I it, Uisrutr• ~tou,ar h • 11 hituai ie. Cholera. Choi.• 111 IF I In• Feaaaule W en k u ea. co.Krully tot An Ordialat• tine. It will cure SIC), thoumin& eau Wittily.) it two or 1 la r e r Tea. itt cOUltoonettlllelll of al a w > giving their testim rll Willi THE INVI6 11'11 'rimy:l'llEn. I' per Bottle. •_.... C PILLS, D FROM and put up in Glass 11 keep to any climate. tic PILL le a gentle Inn the proprietor has need twonty yearn in g demand from Mon PILLS, and the salient repird to their use, he, within the reach of all that different Cathartic, of the bowels. TVIARTIE PILL has, well matabliaberl fact, tom lonof the purest Vegetable on every part of the ali good and safe in all needed such a e De- Sionlaih, Sleepiness and Loins, Costive. nes, ever the whole which frequrntly, if ar rears.- of Sever, Loss of Sensation • Cold IMIDA°° I I 0 ' I INFIAM rintlf DI& Idren or Adults, Rheims of the BLOOD and man) heir, too numerous t( smut. Dome, /to 3. JULES ROBIN & CO., MARETT & CO. 73 MARKET STREET. Ciiics of u:rauci. I . ,&NNoI:I,VAMA UAILRO \D WINTER TIME TABLE -B I S Mtrit' FITE TRAINS DAILY 111 & ON AND AFTER MONDAY, r 0% 11;Aliitts Mu, IF6O. The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Rail troad Coin thl k will depart from and arrive at Ilarriebtarg arm Philadelphia as follows: EASTWARD THROUCID EXPRESY TRAIN leaven Harriaburg d 2.404 in , and arrives at W.-or Philadeiptits isr 6.6 4 / a . m. FAST LINE leaven lia.risburg at 7256 p. m., Mai arrives ill Went Philoaelphis ae 5.00 p m. MA 11. TRAIN le.ve. IlArrisburreAT 626 6- and rieop, at wont Phil....irlplehrof 10 20 N. 10. These Trains make c usn eutaneetlun at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMNODAI'IOI% TRAIN. No. 1. leave. Eardaborg al 7.30 a. m. , rune viw &I!Mint Joy, and arAves at. West Philadelphia at 32 3o p.. IN A 14111:411U itl4 ACCOAIBIODATION leave. Litireilh burg at 1.15 p, w. , and arrives at West Philadelphia. at 84Op m. AC. OMMODATION TRAIN. N 0.2, leaver Ilarrinhurg at 5.15 p. ni.. rung via Mount Joy. cousrpetingiit. vine with MAIL TRA IN Ran for Philadelphia. W E2lll` W AND THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphia al 1010 p. in., and arrives at Harrisburg al it 10a. to. MAIL TRAIN leave* Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m., sad arrive' at Harrisburg at I,YO p, m, LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves llarrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.W a. tu. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and W. river. at Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. HARRISIifitd AtiCOMIYODATION TRAIN IWO Philadelphia at 2.00 p. and arrivea at itarriaburg at 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., and arrives at 'Barrisbnrs at 9.46 p m. Attention is mien to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4 p. m. connect at Lancaster with MOUN T JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arr.ve at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Bape Baas, Biro. Penn', Railroad. no2B.dtt NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. MIIMM. 2 ARENMEIN. NOTICE. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOV EMDER Ma. 1860, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central MUM will leave Harrisburg 40 Rdloofa! WM; MiIITIL ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at.. 3.00 a. m. Nal. Khoo TRAiik. will leave at 7 4Ua. mi. MAIL TRAIN will leaveat I.ou p. m. GOING! NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave at ... 1.40 p. m. RX.PRES3 TRAIN wilt leave at 8 16 p. in The only Train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the ACCOMMODA TION TRAIN South. at 3.00 a. m. For further in Inromtion apply at the facia, iw POM sylvan's Railroad Depot. JOHN W HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, Nom, ber 23, 1800.—n024 N EW AIR LINE ROUTE TO NEW YORK. 9 Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK AND. HARRISBURG, VIA READING, ALLENTOWN AND EASTON MORNING EXPRESS, Wes; leaves New York at a. m., arri :lug in thirriohurg at 1 p. la., 0.11 IWO* 4 . , :tween tho two cities. HAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and sr r , , , aa at Harrisburg at 815 p, m. 4011.NING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg at a. in , arriving at New York at 5 20 p. m. l:TE.11NOON EXPRESS LINE, East, haves Harris. bu .t 1.16 p. m. , arriving at New York at 14.46 p. m. t ...necti.ina are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. with tho .senger Trains i u each direction on the Pommy!» ula, Co mberland Valley and Northern Central ltailroadi All r clue connect at Reading with train, for Potts. ville sod Philadelphia, and at Allentown for llama Chunk. Easton, &c. No change of Passenger Care or Baggage between Na. York and liarrieburg, by the 6.00 a. in. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. in. from Harrisburg. F,or beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and aeons modation, thin Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, FiVaDoLLaait For Tickets and other Information apply to .1 J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. pitILADELPIIIA dab /MP READING RAILROAD*. WINTER AR AN G ENENT. ON AIID AFTER DEC. 12, 1860, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HAIthIBDURO (Bandays axerpted.) at 6.00 A. N., and 1.16 P. M g ter Philadelphia, arriving there st la P.M., and CS P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 800 A.N. and. 8.80 P. M., ereivitir at klartiabarg at 1 P 11..n+ F.M. 'ARV Pylsdelplifa, No i Cara, 88.2 A ; No. ). (ia same train) Ad-I6 PARRS :—To Read° , gl AO and 81.80. At Beadles, gpaypeet with train for Potteri - * Miner,- villa, Tamaqua, Catairielia, FOUR TRAIIIB &Bann RNA DING FOR PHILADII PEI IA DAILY, at 0 A 53.,10.45 A. li., 12.80 noon and 848 P. M. vi PHILADELPHIA FOR READING at BA. M ; 1.011 P. FA., 8.00 P. M., and 8.00 P. M. ARES:-..-Readoet! M Phil.. 4.0114 A, A 51.71; nn4 or' 45. THB MORNING TRAIN PROM ;RAI aRt - go 0014. NINITP AT READING with op train for MillErsbnrr , Pittston and derantan. for Rpongb tickets and other information apply to. J.J. CLYDE,. General Agent. del6 ttf p HILADELPIIIA N D READINCi RAILROAD. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER FARES, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 4, MO romitIITATION TICKETS, With 28 Coupons_ will he issued between any point. desired, good for the holder and any member of MS family, in any Passenger train, aid at any time—at per cent. below the regular tam. Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently on business or pleasure, will find the above arrangement Convenient and eeounminui; as Four Pautnenger train run daily each way between Reading and Philadelphigy and Two Trains daily between Reading. Pottsville and Harrisburg. On Sundays. only oue mond ug train DOWD/ and one afternoon train Up, runs between Pottsville and Philadelphia, and no Passenger train on the Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad. For the fIASOV% Tickets, or any information Math* thereto. apply to 8. itradford, Esq., Treasurer, Philadet. phis, to the respective Ticket Agents on the line. or to 0. A. MOLLS, General Sup% March 27. 1880.—Inar2S-dtf HAW & 00. 1 SHIP AGENTS COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 138 WALNUT STREET, PIULADELPRIA. toItALIIIIS Ix FLOUR, GRAIN, ritODUCE. COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORS, 7011,4000 AND.CIGARB. H L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL TUNES • Arm RErsiiteds Or PIANOS. 111KLODKORR. as!, oc As. Orders in future moat be left at WM. KNumv nirsic STONE, W 2 Market atreet, or at ItEEIILERI IittIPIIL All ordure left at the abovionamed Plaim meet with prompt attention. Find ohms Pi ANOS for wile, II “ 1 P.O. F— n extra lot of DRIED BM just received by p. _ WM. DOCK, .12., & CO. 1 / 4 0'01tA.G1111 , STORA.GEIt rage roothrod at warehoupp of *O Sto H JAMES M. WHEELER. =1