Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, January 07, 1861, Image 2

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    tEile liiitriot 't 'anion.
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Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street, New York, and
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To Members of the Legislature.
THE DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION will be furnished to
Members of the Legislature during the session at the
Dow price of mur. DOLLAR
Members wishing extra copies of the DAILY PATRIOT
AND UNION, Can procure them bylesving their orders
at the publication office, Third street, or with our re
porter§ in either Bowe, the evening preview. ,
r euator Bigler.
We are authorized to state that Senator Big
ler is not, and has not been, a candidate for
the Democratic caucas nomination for United
katee Senator; and that so soon as he learned
at his name had been used in connection
with the nomination, he positively and peremp
torily declined. He was put in nomination
on Thursday last by Col. H. S. Mott, of the
Senate, without any consultation with that
gentleman, who nominated him as an act of
partiality unsolicited by Senator Bigler. The
aspirants for this empty honor may therefore feel
at ease, inasmuch as Senator B. is not in theiu
way. Senator Bigler can well afford to stand
aside either now, or at any other time, having
earned a national reputation for talents of a
high order, the strictest probity and unsullied
honor, that any man in this nation might be
proud to possess.
Counting the Cost.
This Republican Legislature is about to pass
an act appropriating a large sum of money— say a million of dollars to begin with—to raise
and equip an army to subdue the South. If
this fatal step is taken, it will only be the com
mencement of vast expenditures of the public
money. After an army is equipped it must be
supported at the expense of some millions of
dollars a year. And how is this money to be
raised ? By taxation. Taxes will be heaped
upon the people until they groan under the
heavy load. As soon as the Legislature ap
propriates a million of dollars, they must pro
vide extraordinary means of procuring that
sum. The taxes will have to be increased
forthwith ; and in case the Legislature succeeds
in embroiling the State in a civil war, it will
not be many years before the taxes levied upon
persons and property will reach a rate never
before known in the history of the State. The
public debt will be swelled to an enormous
amount—and the results of this rash proceed
ing will be recorded in the general prostration
of business, a fearful State debt., grinding
taxation, the slaughter of our young men, and
universal suffering, from which the State may
not recover during many years.
If the people are not prepared to surrender
their sons as food for gunpowder and be taxed
-to death for the benefit of the Republican party,
they must speak out at once in earnest protest
against the appropriation of any money for
:warlike purposes. Let remonstrances ba cir
culated without delay and sent to the Legisla
•ture, protesting against this reckless project
to subject the State to the terrors of military
Shall We have Union with Peace, or Dis-
union with Civil War?
The indisposition of Congress to propose some
_practical means of settling our Natonal difficul
ties -renders it the next thing to certain that
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and
probably Louisiana, Texas and Arkansas
follow-South Carolina out of the Union. Then,
if an attempt is made to keep these States in
the Union by force of arms, the States of Vir
ginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Tennessee, North
Carolina and all the anti-secession Southern
States will take no part against them. They
will stand as against the North, in a defensive
attitude, sympathizing, and probably co-opera
ting with the South. The conflict will thus
assume a sectional character. The pressure
from the North will consolidate all the Southern
States, and obliterate all differences of opinion.
The 'sentiment of the border States in favor of
.the Union must be submerged in the common
necessity of self-defence—and - thus the South
Will becomes unit in opinion and purpose,
while the North is divided as to the propriety
.of waging a war upon States which have deter
mined not to remain in the Union.
It requires no extraordinary forecast to see
that.this must be the inevitable consequence of
the. adoption of the coercive policy into which
our - Legislature is madly rushing. The injury
it will inflict upon the North must be incalcu
lably greater than upon the Southern States.
Neither will it accomplish the desired purpose
of preserving and perpetuating the Union.—
The very idea of Union implies mutual interests
,and common affection. We cannot whip the
.Bouth into loving the Union. We cannot force
'them to regard us with affection. War would
:only make the gulf of separation broader end
.deeper, and implant profound feelings of hatred
-and resentment 'which would require many
- -generations to efface.
Therefore, because we regard a coercive
Pak, as equivalent to a disunion policy, are
We apposed to the employment of force against
States that determine to secede from the Union ?
At the same time we must not be misunderstood.
The Issues of peace or war—of a pacific or a
coercive policy—axe not committed to the ad
misistration of the general government. It
has certain specific clutter; to perform. It must
guard the public property from assault. It
cannot recognize any State as outside of the
Union. Its duty in -the harbor of Charleston,
Of protecting the Federal property is the same
as in the harbor of Nev York. If the people
of South Carolina attempt to take forcible pos
session of Government fortifications, the Ad
ministration is as much obliged to repel such
an attack, notwithstanding it is made under the
assumed direction of a Sovereign State, as it
would be to resist the atteelte or Fob against
AnY of the Government defenses at New York.
The discretion of the Administ rat itia Is limit. it
to the performance of certain presci Pied awl s.
It. should act with forbearance, and du every
thing within it@ sphere to avert the terrible
calamity of civil conflict; but when et State
takes the initiative by levying war against the
Government it cannot choose but resist. This
we do not regard as the act of making 'War upon
a State, or endeavoring to coerce it into sub
mission to the general government, but simpl)
defending property belonging to the Union
against the treasonable assaults a its enemies.
It is a purely defensive and not a cieteive
The questions of peace'or war. of union or
disunion, are not committed to the executive
branch of the Government for determination.
The representatives of the people in Congress
and the legislatures of the several St Ars mu t
settle the fate of this Union. They are called
upon to say whether it shall continue in peace
or cad in blood. This is the fearful issue
pressing for a settlement—an issue which can
not be avoided. The Union can never be say. d
by coercion. The application of force will
destroy it as surely as to permit secession. The
conquest of the South would work the destt ue.
Lion of the Union as inevitably as if the S,,uth
triumphed over the North. If the Union is to
be saved at all, it must be saved by peaceful
means. Saved as it was formed, by comprocn se,
forbearance and concession. If the men of this
day have not the magnanimity to apply these
remedies to allay the spirit of discord, and if
they prefer the calamities of sectional contlit t
to surrendering any of their opinions, then the
Union will fall to pieces, because the spirit of
their ancestors hstikleparted from our people.
and they are no longer worthy to enjoy the
blessings of a good government.
ONE of the great questions in the present
controversy is, whether the Constitution re
cognizes a slave as property. Now, although
we contend that this has been decided in the
affirmative by every branch of the Government
again and again, there are those who stoutly
dispute it, yet say they are willing to abide by
the decisions of the Supreme Court, to their
full extent. If this be so, it appears that the
debate may soon be closed, for recently, in the
Supreme Court of .the United States at Wash
ington, in the matter of the Commonwealth of
Kentucky, by Beriah Magoffin, Governor, vs.
William Dennison, Governor of Ohio, Mr.
Monroe for the petitioner, having read in open
Court the petition of Kentucky, moved the
Court for a writ of mandamus, or for a rule to
show cause, pursuant' o the terms of the peti
tion. The motion was set down by the Court
for argument on Friday, January 11, 1861.
The clerk was ordered to send forthwith to the
Governor of Ohio a copy of the petition and
exhibits accompanying it, as also a copy of the
order of the Court. We understand that Sen
ator Crittenden, Hon. Humphrey Marshall and
Hon. Jno. W. Stevenson will argue the motion
on behalf of Kentucky. This is a novel end
interesting proceeding and attracts very gen
eral interest. It originated in a demand by the
Governor of Kentucky on the. Governor of
Ohio for the delivery of a fugitive from justice.
who had been indicted in Kentucky for stealing
slaves. The Governor of Ohio refused his
warrant on the ground that the laws of Ohio
recognized no such offence as that of stealing
slaves. To surrender the fugitive would be an
admission that there is property in man, which
can be the subject of theft. Hence the denial
of the Governor of Ohio of the Censtitution.l
demand of the Governor of Kentucky.
If Kentucky be sustained by the decision of
the Court, it will be a conclusive affirmation of
the right of a slave owner to hold his servant
as property, and of the duty of Government to
recognize him as such. We hope there will be
no unnecessary -delay in the delivery of the
judgment of the Court, as it may aid, materi
ally in the solution of our present complica
Ana:flans against the right of secession,
however conclusive •they may be, and fearful
denunciations of the precipitate course of the
seeession leaders, however deserved they may
appear, do not bring us any nearer a settlement
of our difficulties-or tend to avert disunion.—
In this crisis of our Nation's history it is bet •
ter to endeavor to apply a remedy for disunion
than to waste our strength in useless crimina
tion. Secession is revolution. Well admit that
it is—what then? It is-only another name for
a certain effect produced by certain causes—
and if we wish to avert revolution or secession
or disunion or rebellion -or any other name by
which the disaffection of•the South to the gov
ernment may be called; we must go to the row
of the evil at once 'and remove it. Then we
will have peace. and not until then.
Correepondeace of the Patriot and Union
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, 1861.
The state of things in this city is unchanged since
my last letter—exeept, perhaps, in the single fact
that the chances of any adjustment of our National
difficulties, by the intervention of Congressional
caucuses or committees, is more remote than when
I wrote last. This is much to he :regretted, espe•
cially when we take into account the labor and
anxiety of many of the beet men in Congress to
bring about a peaceful arrangement of the present
elate of things. Senator Crittenden, of Kentucky,
has labored hard in the cause of hie country in this
trying hour, and from the numerous letters and
dispatches be has received within a few days, from
all quarters of the Union, one would be led to con
clude that some good must come out .of the exer
tions of the wise and good men in Congress, by
which our country might be ultimately saved.
The propositions submitted by the venerable Sen
ator from Kentucky, a few days ago, nre heartily
endorsed by Senator Bigler, of Pennsylvania, be
lieving, as the latter does, that the plan of Mr.
Crittenden is the best yet submitted. As a proof
of this, I will cite the following remarks of Senator
Bigler on the occasion of the presentation of some
petitions from Pennsylvania, relative to the Na
tional difficulties. He used the following languagf
UI will remarkin this connection, lifr.President, with
the indulgence of the Senate_ that meetioge of a similar
character have been held in different parts of that great
State, and I believe in every instaice their proceedings
have breathed a spirit of loyal devotion to the whole
country. and fidelity to the institutions of the country,
to t h e constitution and the Union as they now stand.
They farther manifest the utmost disposiii oo on the
part of the people of that State to avoid evenan appear.
ance of evil, for the purpose of producing harmony and
peace in this great Confederacy. Furthermore. they in
dicate very distinctly a desire to adopt promptly the
measures of adjustment suggested by the Senator from
Kentucky; ands will venture to repeat what I have
said before, that if the Congress of the Unit Rtates
will give the people an opportunity to act, they will em .
brace any reasonable measure of adjustmeot. Our
friends in the South will discover that the people are
prepared and willing to meet their complaints in the
spirit of kindness and generosity, and respond Invor , t, y
to any demand welch the States eomplalaing may make."
In the above language Senator Bigler has set
r... 11 a rent to •r, ar a eXina, w ht. 4,wa
That ia, that the. great Slate of Pennsylvania, if the
privilege is permitted her , will endotee ell
that her able Senator has said in regard to the wil
lingness of the people to acquiesce in any demand
th it may he made by the South to have her rights
untla the CODSlitatioli recognized to the fullest
possible extent. Ye-, Penw-ylvania wool,l r a •ifj
the propositions of Senator Crittenden by such a
popular majorloy as she has never before given on
any occasion. Let the experiment he tried, and
he Republicans will find that the people have al
ready repented " in s IA cloth arid ashes" of the
folly, yea, criminal filly, they c tawitted through
the le reu.leions 11 , .seit rt•-pantie.ok, f,nutieal or
goments ablressed to them during the late cam
pai=n for President in this State, That party
would fled that those sirgements which were aid
areeited, not to 'he reason, but to the passions of
the people of Peetp , ylv 1114, whilst they have pro
duced the desired aid for the reckless demagogues
i , l the Republic tie piny, h til also left a sting of
remorse as severe as that of a seorpims ; new that
the fruits of Republic taism were being tasted by
the te a & of the K.9611/110 Stile in common With
hose of sill other States of this Utihn.
At the risk of rept:4l'l°n, I trin-r be allowed to
advert again to your Democratic Scum r, who oc
eut•iea a very high rank amottsst his fellow-Sena
rots of all parties, fir his talents, his virtues, end
especially his deep devotion to the union of these
States. No man in Congress has labored more in
cessantly than he his to heal the difficulties ex
isting halve: it the two sections of the Conftderacy
—ihd I may aild'uhat no man has contributed in
a greater proportion to effect that result.
He will leave the Senate on the 3.1 of March
next, with the esteem of the wise and the good
who have known him while here, whilst the im
pressions left by his wisdom, moderat ion, and calm
-tatesinen like course on all greet questions, will
last in tilt', memoriev of those who have shared his
friendehip, or witnessed his course in the Senate
Timr, which is the true arbiter between truth and
falsehood, will do him that justice which his mer
ins as a man, a Christian and au able legislator,
wi I prove him wurth3—anti his position in his.
tory will be among those who have been their
country's benefectors.
Thing's Isere are both dark and gloomy. It
would be folly to say that there remains the slight
est hope of a peaceful settlement of our national
difficulties. The state of affeirs is truly appalling.
Subjoined is a list of fortifications, taken
from Col. Totten's report maxis to Congress a
few years ago. giving the cost of each, and the
want er of guns they sev..rally mount :
TAMA; of A'avy Yards and Prineiral Forts south of
Mason and bixonls Line, showing the Position, Cost
and :trength eadi
„Fort McHenry, Baltimore
*Fort Carr• b • Baltimore
Ft .Delaware, Delaware river, Del.
Fort Madison Annapolis, did
For' sev.•ro, )114
rot t Washington. Potomac r ver .
Ft:1110mo , , lad Point Couifort,Va
Ft. Calhoun, Hatop'n It's, Norfolk.
Fort Macon. Beaufort. N C
Ft Johnson, Cane F..W m 'n. N.C.
Fort Caswell, Oak Island N. C ...
tirt Sinutor. Charleston_ S. a ...
e•aatle Piuckn• y. Charleston. S. C.
Fort Moo I ri a, Chariest ott S C
Fort Pal L.ki, Says nnah, Ga........
Fort Jackson, Savannah, Ga
Ft. Marion, St. A ttenst , no, Florida.
Fort T ,ylur. Key We t....... „
p..et Jeff rson, Tortugas
Fa t Bar. ncas. Pensacola.
Pensac. la
F rt. Pickens, Pensacola
F..rt McKee, Prnsae„le..
Fort M..rgMn, Mobile ....
Vt. St Phil p. Moat' Miss river
Ft. Jackson, Mouth Miss. river....
For Pike. Big°let., La
Fort Macomb. Chet Blekteu . L
Ft. Lvingstune, llorMaria 8., La.
In addition to thole are incomplete works at.
Ship Mississippi river; G-oreeiown,
S. C. ; Pori Boyd 11,..ad,, S. C. ; Typer , Islands,
Savannah; GAveston, Brazos. bunt iago and
Matagorda Bay, T..xa.. The gnus which were
huel.> sioppo • at Pitt Anrg w. re desiguetl for
tboo at o,lv,stots and Ship Mind.
Hampton Roads is the areal naval depot sta
tion and rendezvous of ihe Southern coasts.
Pensacola is very strong, and the only good
htirbtfr for vessels of war. and the only IMMO,'
depot on the gulf. The fortreeses at Key West
and Tortugas, on the southern point of Florida
are among the most powerful in the world and
everri , essel that crosses the gulf passes within
sight of huth.
Goveruor Burton, in his message to the Log
islature of that State, reviews at some length
the aggressive spirit exhibited by the Nord'
towards the South, and maintains with forcible
arguments the necessity for each State to en
force the laws and comply fully wii h the letter
and spirit of the constitut ion, as the only means
whereby the Union can he preserved.
The following ad Tress to the people of the
United States, a movement of Senator Bigler
and John Cochrane, of New York, has been
signed by Mr. Crittenden and many other mem
bers of Congress. The propositions are those
introduced into the Senate by Mr. Crittenden.
The object is to get the approval of the people
in order that the proposed amendments may he
passed, by a vote of two-thirds, as amendments
to the Constitution :
"Your country is in imminent peril. The
Federal Union is in process of disruption.—
Without your aid Congress can do little to
avert the impending calamity. The Senate
committee of thirteen have reported their ina
bility to agree upon any basis of adjustment
between the Nord' and South. Tile House
committee of thirty-three have arrived at no
satisfactory conclusion Meanwhile, the work
of dissolution is moving forward with frightful
strides, and mutual exasperation and discord
is inflaming the whole land. The remedy is
iu your hands. You have the power to arrest
the movements which are certain to involve the
whole nation in a deadly internecine strife, and
to restore peace to our distracted country.—
The undersigned, representing all sections of
our common country, in view of these unhappy
surroundings, have deemed it our duty to ap
peal directly to you. We have reason to believe
that the following proposed amendments to the
Constitution, if passed by a two-I birds vote of
Congress and ratified by three-fourths of the
States, would have the effect to allay promptly
and permanently the sectional strife about
slavery, and re-establish relations of peace and
good will between the Soites and the people.—
We therefore earnestly and urgently recommend
that, with as little delay as possible, you ex
press your judgmetir on the proposed amend•
me w s . You call b. et tell how this can be
done, whether by public tneetings, conventions
of delecat. a, or through •he Imliot !lox. If ac
tion he bad at all, to be affective it must come
promptly, and in such form its to iudicate un
mistakably your will on the subject, so that
your represeniativ-s in Congress may govern
their actions ac••ordingly. Meanwhile we shall
endeavor to maintain the goverument and pre
sers e the public peace."
Hon. Warren Winsti.w, u 1 North Carolinq, one
et the committee of thirty-three, hue published
an address to his constituents, in which he
I feel con:44'4;oa to soy that I think tf‘ore
is no hope in cougressional action. If ii, should
I.e thought 'hit ii r. sor. to a ronvi ntion of the
States Is proper, that• i. for North Carolina, by
her Legislature, or in solemn convention of r
people, 1.0 14 t.t.rmine. Thl. CollStitllVOn hits
not a .nferred upon the Congress the power to
call one.
IN& r this state of thing., and especially in
consideration or the alarming and excited con
dition of the country, the trin..ruptry of ti e
treasury, the utter prostration cif the credit of
the government, as evinced in the proposals to
tulle not quite hair of a loan of live millions
lately nut horizeo, :it It l'alV or interest varyin g
from twelve to thirty six per emit., I have felt
it. to be my ditty le =announce to you the f inure
of all efforts here, and to declare that, in my
judgmept, the only tema dy i 4 in your own
prompt, hottest and independent tietioli.
A drip itch trout Geor g i t, giving an account
of the well ion of deleg des to the Georgia State
Convent on, says:
The secessionists have carried Richmond
county by 600 majority. In this county. at.
the Novetul.er election, Breckinridge rest ivy
a little over 400 vote., while Bell and Douglas
reeeived nearly 2.000
The sec , s-ioniSta have carried Moscogee
counts three to one. In N .veither the 1.1,11
IL-het had a mall un..jority in this county.
Tae have carti d Bibb county
by 314 majority In November the Bell ticket
had a small plurality in this county.
From these indications it would seem that
those who favor immediate secession have swept
the State.
MostLE. Jan. 4.—The United States Arse
nal and Forts at this place were taken this
morning at d ylight by the Alabama troops.
The forts contained 78.000 stand of arms,
1,500 boxes of powder. 300,000 rounds of mus
ket cartridges., and other munitions of war.
No resistance was made by those in charge
of the fore and arsenal.
It is rumored that Fort Morgan was taken
last nislit.
LsavEswon.ra. Jan. 4.—A1l the available
forces at Fort Leavenworih have been ordered
by Gen. Scott to hold themselves in readiness
to proceed to Fort M'Henry, Baltimore, at a
moment's nolie".
is an extract et a letter dated Wilna, Nov.,
1860," and published in the Wiadomosci Polskie :
"We live in e ri ign of terror. The days of
Nicholas have revived in all their horror, and
no one can say what will happen on the morrow.
The Commission of Inquiry has again been
established, under the prvehleney of Colonel
Haller, the chief of the Governor's office.—
Searchi ain private houses are frequent. The
local Chief' of Police, Wasilew. generally enters
a house unexpectedly at midnight, with all his
suite, tumbling about papers mud books, and
looking into the pockets and beds of the inhab
itants. Men are sent to prison for having in
their possession for' idden books, which have
been for the last. few years in uninterrupted
circulation about the country, and have found
readers among all classes. limn the students of
the universities to the employees of the police.
All kinds of books and pamphlets are being
looked for. A few days ago, Ash, the book
seller, in whose shop a buncl.e of foreign pub
lications was found, was arrested. In a former
letter I informed you of the imprisonment of
Ladislas Jankowski The fate of that gentle
man greatly interests all here, for every one is
convinced of his innocence, and of his worthy,
immaculate character. He had a boys' school,
and by dint of immense labor, supported res
pectably, not only himself, but also his old
father and his two younger brothers, who are
being educated at the University. The reason
of' ibis imprisonment was, that last, year a man
lived at his house named Wisniewski, a tutor,
in whose possession were found sundry patri
otic verses. Many hope that eventually Jan
kowski will be resto,ed to liberty; hut in any
ease his career h.te been stopped and his means
of life taken from him, and that they mill a
favor. As 1 have already said that the days
of Nicholas have returned, I need not add that
the days of Herod have come too, and that. the
persecution of children enters into the pro
gramme of these Saturnia regna. Several
students have been imprisoned. Romer (grand
son of the late Mari.hal Romer,) a pupil at. the
Dworzanski Institute, who was accused of
baying put out some lamps in the windows on
the day of the arrival of the Czar, was by order
of the principal of the school so pitilessly
beaten with roils that next day the poor boy
became insane. All these persecutions are the
consequence of an order of the Emperor to
inquire into conspiracies which never did or
could have existed."
$146.000 350
135 000 800
539.1.00 , : 750
15 000 i 150
6.000' 60
575 MO 400
1,400,000 2.450
1.664.000 1.170
960 010 300
5 4100; 60
671 000 4 o
677.1 00: 650
43 9001 100
75 000, 300
923.000 810
80.0 0 70
51 000 1001
1.0 0
'1 500
315.000: 250
759 000 1,260
35..000 650
1.212.000 700
143,100 600
877 000 600
472.000 200
447,000 300
34'2,000 300
A ROMANCIC OF LIFE.—An exceedingly re
mantic episode in every-day existence is rela
ted by the St. Louis Republican. " Three or
four years ago Mrs. Odium came to this city
from Canada, in search of an uncle whom she
believed to be here. She was accompanied by
a daughter of about sixteen, and two sons,
younger. She remained sit Baruum's Hotel at
first., but when the search for her uncle proved
unavailing. she removed so humbler lodgings,
took in sewing, and placed her two boys in the
care of a clergyman. Her daughter obtained
a situation to do housework. At length she
re urned to Canada, but finally resolved once
more to endeavor to secure an honest living in
St. Louis. She re-established herself here with
a small millinery, the proceeds of which ena
bled her to support. her children. All this time
she had not relinquished her endeavors to find
ber missing relative. As a last resort, she
c.suseit an advertisement to be inserted in the
Republican, requesting information. Strange
to say. this advertisement chanced to meet the
eyes of an agent• who was eagerly seeking her.
Her uncle, who hail been living for some years
in Cuba, had recently died, leaving her a large
fortune and five hundred negroes. He had
given his agent instructions so seek Mrs. Od
lam out. The advertisement was instantly
answered. and Mrs. Odlam has left this coun
try to take possession of her Cuban wealth !"
We should like to see the novel writers con
struct a prettier romance titan this.
ANACHRONISMS Ix Aar. The ~gossipping
Paris correspondent of the New York Express
gives the following:
A Parisian artist of considirrrible talent, but
whose early education would appear to have
been somewhat neglected—at least in chronol
ogy—has excited the satirical riducule of the
erities by a soi disant historical painting he has
recently terminated. The new work purports
to represent Christopher Columbus cn his voy
age of discovery to America. The illustrious
navigator is seen, standing on the deck of his
vesel, in an attitude of deep meditation, smo
king a fragrant Havana. This is a laughable
anaehrouism; certainly; but the Paris painter
may find consolation in the reflection that the
ItiAtory of art furnishes famous precedents for
the commission el chronological blunders. In
one Ad• Van Dyck's pictures, entitled the Sac
rifice of Abraham. the venerable patriarch is
taking aim with a musket at his son Isaac ; pndl
even the immortal Rappel has left a work rep
resenting St. John the Baptist, as a child, ga
zing at I he infant Jesus, and clasping a groan in
his bands.
VIRGINIA TOBACCO.-111 Rioli mond, from the
first of October, 1860. to the first of J a nuary.
1861, there was an increase in the inspection:4
of tobacco of 3,644 hogsheads over the same
period of the year previous.
The Charleston Mercury. in its shipping news,
describers New Orleans, Mobile. Savannah. New
York and other portewf the United States as
foreign ports.
Murdered in Cold JJiood.—Early yesterday
morning the citizens of Ji ffersou county were
thrown int° a state of excitement by the news
that, titres brothers had been brutally murd. red
I•y a band of ruffians. It app• ars that three
brothers named Wm. Hill, Jvsi , e Hill and Rus
sell Hill, who reside five tulles out. on the Na-h
-ville were atta,ked at their residences
this morning about 4 o'clock by a gang to
rowdies. headed by Jim Walker and Jeff Rod
gers. William Hill was asleep in bed with his
wife when the fatal wound was inflicted, and s
clo-e wtis the gun placed to the bed that the
powder burned the hand of his wife. Jesse
Hill, who resided in the same house, was ako
shot in the neck and back, causing immediate
death, The party then went to the hou, , e of
Russell hill, some two and a half miles from
the place where the other two were murdered,
and while their bonds were still wet with the
blood or their other victims. and there, without
close or provocation, shot Russell dead in his
own 'house. It, will be remembered that these
s ime parties, not long since, had ti difficulty t
Sulphur Well, in which the Walkers were con
cerned. Late last night Chief Ray arrested a
man charged with being connected with the
strair, but we were unable to learn his name.
The police are on the alert for the balance or
the party connected with this bloody affair. and
will probably capture them to•day.—Louisvil e
Courier, Jan. 2.
number of passengers carried 1 etween Europe
and the United States last year, in the trans•
Aibintic steamers, was about 74,000, of whom
50,000 were hound westward. This is an in
erease of n.ore than 13,000 in the aggregate,
compared with the previous year.
dore Shnbrick's visit to Charleston is believed
to be to reclaim, in the name of the govern-
Men!, the revenue cutter recently surrendered
by Caste. her commander, and delivered over
to the South Carolinians. '
SHIPMENTS OF GUANO.—In the month of
November 39,086 tons of guano were shipped
from the Mocha Islands-21.753 tons of which
went to England, and 8,225 tons to the United
The receipts of hogs at Cincinnati thus far
this 00800 are 268,863, a decrease of MAO
as compared with last year to this time.
Mi. Lorenzo J. Lathem, an asssciate editor
of the New Orleans Picayune, died last week.
SENATE.—Mr Thomson (N. J. ) presented
the resolutions passed at a public meeting in
New Jersey, in favor of sustaining the Union.
Laid on the table.
Mr. Mason (Va.) offered a resolution of in
quiry, requesting the Secretary of War to give
the Senate a copy of any orders issued from the
Department to the officet a commanding the for
tifications of South Carolina, since the Ist of
November; also, a copy of any plans or recom
mendations relative to increasing the forces or
otherwise in the forts and arsenals in Virginia,
or any States of the South, by the Commander
in -Chief, and if any action or orders have been
issued in pursuance taereto. Laid over.
Mr. Sumner (Mass.) offered a petition from
Moses Gale, of Massachusetts, asking that an
amendment to the Constitution be made that it
may recognise the existence of a God.
Mr. Slidell's resolution to expel the reporters
of the Associated Press from the reporter's
gallery was taken up. '
After a brief discussion Mr. Slidell withdrew
Mr. Seward (N. Y.) presented the petition of
many citizens of New York. asking for the pas
sage of the Pacific Railroad bill.
On motion of Mr. Gwin the Pacific Railroad
bill (House bill) was taken up.
110118 E—Not in session.
From Washington.
The rumor which prevailed that the steamer
Brooklyn had been ordered with recruits to
Charleston, is pronounced false by official au
Mr. Hager, the postmaster at Charleston, has
writ ten to the Postmaster-General that he holds
himself responsible to the Federal Government
for the revenues accruing in his office. For
the present, therefore, the postal arrangements
will remain unchanged.
Tise Government is taking important steps
for the protection of the federal property in
the Southern States.
Orders have been issued for the immediate
transportation of shot, shell and other munitions
to the scene of rebellion.
The U. S. steamer Brooklyn, at Norfolk, is
ready for service at any moment.
Inaugural Address of Governor Wash
burne to the Maine Legislature—Repeal
of Me Liberty MR if Unconstitutional.
PORTLAND, Maine, Jan. 5.
Go rernor Wash burne's Inaugural Address to
the Maine Legislature, recommends concilia
tion and fabearance ; to stand by the Consti
tution ; at although urging the Legislature to
make no compromises involving moral treason,
he recommends the repeal of the Personal Lib
erty bill if found to be unconstitutional.
Union Meeting in Cincinnati.
A workingmen's meeting was held last night,
which was largely attended. Resolutions were
adopted declaring that the Union must be pre
served in its integrity, by the enforcement of
the laws by whatever means may be necessary,
and that a remedy for all grievences can be
had under the Constitution, and the only way
to safety and peace is by maintaining it.
Fire at Boston.
The granite building, No. 72 Long wharf,
was damaged by fire this morning. It was oc
cupied by Van Pray & Co., Alpheus Hardy,
Elijah Williams & Co. Loss $16,000; insured.
The State Sovereignty Convention adjourned
nt 11 o'clock this morning, subject to the call
of the Chairman.
Capture of Fort Morgan Confirmed.
MOBILE, Jan. 6
Fort Morgan was taken possession of this
morning by the troops of this city, and is now
garrisoned by 200 men.
Respeetfutty informs the public tlhathe has taken the
well known RESTAURANT und-r the White Hall, where
he is prepared at all times to serve up 0 S STE ES in every
style, and Reading and Philadelphia ALE. Having long
beet. in the employ of Mr. W. Breit' oger, he guarantees
to serve up Oysters in the same manner as while em
ployed at that establishment. jau4-dlw
A T C O S T!!!
Together with a complete assortment, (wholesale and
retail,) embracing everything in the line, will be sold at
cost, without reserve.
Jan i WI& DOCK, Ta., & CO.
CA in o N.—The property to be sold on
the 7th January as the M'Laughlin property: This
is to let the public know that I hold Sheriff's deeds for
the same, Walnut and Fifth stre co e t, toin ,thik. e ia lu . s lip i i v iun e e . RsßtArey.t.ii2_
... .I .... a . " . 4 .L dStEorner of
iIoARDING.—Mrs- ECKERT, in Locust
street, below Third, is prepared to accommodate a
number of BOARDERS in the neat manner, and at I. L.
'enable prices de2o-ecodlm
PRANBERRIES—A very Superior lot
i 00211 1./ WM. DOCK, At. k CO'S
BOSTON, Jan. 5.
New a6vcrtisenunts.
A BuOK Foic TIII4I trim Est
_Author of the Life and Times of Aaron Burr, +}r B e o p o ; St it e e!
half-cellilo r ter per VOL
0 ts. Prise, t 2.60
cloth; Tn3
VV: S 34:Is. L. h., D BY SUBSCRIPTION oxt. r .
The publishers have pleasure in announcingn.
- grem
success of this work, onwhich ell Mr, Parton has be en y o ;
sever al years engaged. The volumes already published
have heel, received with great enthusiasm by the idila
and the pre-e, and the interest increases to the owl of
the Biography. The third volume is now ready, c
pletine the werk.
In the present crisis, when the terrible evil ' , whiett
j r ,,,, k ,,,„,, „,a en nroinptiv. fine ly. yet teinperstuly. spill
thr,•aten to deStroy us as a nation 'this most iniribti a4
thorough and exciting Biography of this wonderful mat
most pos,ess eat i Rol dinary interest to every lover of
his country. He who w..tild understand the politics of
to day most make himself familiar with the career at
Andrew Jo ekson, and especially know the hist , ry of big
Administration. How well Mr. Patton has related this,
a.l well as the rest of Jackson's career. the press Mauna:
antly testifies. J. F. STRASRAUGH,
jaab.d3t) ilarrishurg Pa.,
Agent for Dauphin and adjoining conntles.
k l
A large invoice of the above in note, and/or Sale e
unusually low rates, by
Notice is hereby given that the partnership latfir
existing between Josiah Espy and John Gotshall. of the
city of Harrisburg, Pa., under the firm of J. ESPY ,
CO., has been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts
owing 'r, the said partnership are to be received by the
said Josiah Espy, and all demands on the said partner,
ship are to be presented to him for payment.
Harrisburg, December 28,1860.
Notice is hereby given that ESN/. L. Poitswe is WI,
authorized hy me to receive all moneys due said Arty,
and settle all claims against it.
Harrisburg, D •cember 28, 1880.--de29-dlw
MUMM & CO 9 8
In store and for sole by
TO RENT—From the 18t of April next,
FICE in Second street, opposite the Governor's resi
dence. Apply next door to Mr. A. BURNETT. illEa-dilE
ju't received, and for sale in quantities to suit put.
chasers. by TAMES M. WHEELER.
Also, OAK AND PINE constants' on hand at the
lowest prices. dccd
EM PTY BOTTLES ! ! !—Of all sizes
and descriptions, for sale /ow by
deed WM. DOCK, At., & 00.
IT you are in want of a Dentifrice go to
WELLHR 9 R. All, 141prIcAt itt.
Just received by WM. DOCK, JR., & 00
Bank applications.
RANK NO T.l. 0 E.—Notice is hereby
V given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso
ciation. and prepared and executed a Certificate, for the
purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and
Degosite, under the provisions of the act entitled "An
act to establish a system of Free Ranking in Pennsyl
vania, and to secure the public againit loss from Insol
vent Banks," approved the 31st day of March, A. D. IMO,
said Bank to be called THE DOWNINHTuWN BANK,
to be located in Downingtown, to consist of a Capital
Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dol
lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to
any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thoua
sand Dollars.
Charl...s Downing,
John Webster,
William Edge,
Richard D. Wells,
I. P. Baugh,
September 3, 1860 .—sepl
- RANK 1V OTlCE.—Notice is hereby
.I_,/ given that an Association has been formed and a
certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a
Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposita under the provi
alone of the act entitled "An act to establish a system
of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to Became the ptib.
lie against loss from Insolvent Banks, ,, appruved the3lst
day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called " The
Bethlehem Bank," and to be loe,ted in the borough of
Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with a Capi
tal Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty
Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the said
Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. au2s-dfim
BANK NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby
given, that an association has been Limed epd e
certificate prepared, for the purpose of establishing
Bank of issue, discount and deposit, under the provisions
of the act, entitled "An Act to establish a system of free
banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the publi e against
loss by insolvent banks,'> approved the thirty-first day of
March, 1860. The Bald Dank to be called the "PILED
BANK," and to be located in the city of Philadelphia,
and to. consist of a capital stock of ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollars each,
with the privilege of increasing the same to any amount
not exceeding in all one million of dollars. jy2-dlim
Notice is hereby given that a The. Farmers' and
Mechanics' Bank of Easton," a Bank of Discount and
Deposite, located in the borough of Beaton, Northamp
ton county, Pennsylvania, having a capital of Four Hun
dred Thousand Dollars, will apply to the next Leglisi stare
of Pennsylvania for a renewal of its charter for fifteen
years, from the expiration of its present charter, with
its present capital stock, powers and privileges, and
without any alteration in or increase of the same.
P. S. MICHLBE, President.
WE. FORMAN, Cashier. jeBo-d6m
BANK NOTIC E.— Notice is hereby
given that an Association has been formed and it
Certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing &
Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits, under the provi
sions of the act entitled "An act to establish a system
of free laankingin Pennsylvania, and to socure the public(
against loss from insolvent banks," approved the 8151
day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the
~ State Bank," and to be located in the city of Philadel
phia, and to consist of a Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand
Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi-
lege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding
in all One Million of Dollars. jedo-.l6m*
for Sale & ea Rent.
Li_ O (ISE FOR BENT.—lnquire at the
BROKER'S OFFICE, No. 126 Market at., when
there is money loaned on all kinds of property ; a ka,
watches, jewelry, musical instruments, &c., so'd for lit.
tie or nothing. S. L. hI'CULLOUOII,
de27-dlw* Exchange Broker,l26 Market st.
Are IL NAXT—A Cmumndions Two-Story DWELLING
HOUSE, (in Second street, below Pine,) with wide Hall,
large Back Build ng, Marble Mantels in Parlors, Gas In
nix rooms, all the rooms just papered and painted. The
second Story divided into seven rooms. one of which it
a Bath. This, in connection with the fact that the house
has just been placed in the most thorough repair, makes
it one of the most desirable houses in Ihe city. Enquire
• Market Square, Harrisburg.
Also, several SMALL HOUSES fur rent. do ,a,dtf
FOR RENT—From the first of April
next, the STORE ROOM now occupied by Samuel 11.
Zollmger, No. 66 Market street. For terms apply to
dell dlm 301 IN B. THOMPSON.
F 0 It S A L E—A Light Spring One.
Horse WAGON. Apply at Patterson s Store, Broud
street, West Harrisburg.
A number of large size BUILDING LOTS, adjoining
the Round HOURS and Work Shope of the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable
terms. Apply to - au29416m JOHN W. HALL.
Kan removed to
Where be will be pleased tones all hie Mood
WM. DOOR, Ju. , & CO.,
Opposite the Court Rouse
73 Market street,
David Shelmire,
William Rogers,
J. B. Eshelman,
Samuel Ringwalt;
Stephen Dlatehford