RATES OF ADVERTISING. your Lines or lesscOastiti a m ere than four, Onstitut gaitsd . I modAY -----4112 b Vat' sq., one dity-.....51).te 4i one wenn. LOU,. " one week.— LW 611t1 m o nth -. 2.0 U " one NICE/ 41..-. 3.0 6 ~ ..t turee months. LOU, " three menthe. 6.e0 ~ diX months -.. COO 44 Six months.- ' B.o l * 4 , ang year, ," , LOU .= one your.-- 10. Le 113- tinsiuese notices inserted in Sim 4,4. u. OuLttlin. or be f o re 111 allagglS and Seethe, FITS C NSTS PER. LISS for each Assertion En usaranantsend others advertising by the Seat ttbdrb i will be offered . LE: r. ^ e l la onmberot insertions must be designatedon the s v ertisement. Mara ages sad IXeiths will be inserted st the same des as regalia elsertisernenre. Doolo, 1-3tationcro, L 4:. L. - 1(1110UL BOOKS.—Sehool Directors, 'rescuers Parents, Scholars ' and others • in want o 1 drnool gooks, Sc h ool Stationery, &c., will finds complete Assortment at E. 11. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK STORE, Market Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part tke follow imitu gits_-31.ctinirey's7 Porker's, Cobb's Angell's SP SLUM* oUtaB..—‘leGallky's, Cobb'e, Webster's, Town's, Byeriy's. Combry's, ENGIASU GRAYINLARS.—EuItion's, Smith's, Wood b l id g e% 3lonteith,s, Tothill's, Hart's, Wells'. 'Bergin —Grimshaw's, Davenport's, Frost's. Wit son 's_ - Willard's, Goodrich's, Pinnock's, tioldsmith's and pl • ltlTLlMETlCTS.—Orcoulcars7 Stoddard'e, Amerson's, rike'S, Rose's, Colburn's, Smith and DultelS, Davis's. ALOSBRAS.--Greentears, Davie's, Day's, Bridge's. DICTIONARTS.—WaIker's School, Cobb's, Walker, Worcester's Co.aprelaewasian, Worcoster i s Primary, Web. irter t„ po ol , k ry, w e bstor's High School, Webatees Quarto, academic , NATURAL PHILOSOPRIRS.—Comstockis, Parker's, Swift's The above with a great variety otothers can at any time be found at nay store. Also, a complete assort. meat of School Stationery, embracing in the whf le a com plete outfit for school purposes. Any book not in the store. presar4..l tt One loge notice. Er Country alerts ants sapplied at wholesale rate,. ALAuoi &CS —John Beer and Son's Almanac for eels at E. M. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg. CT' Wholesale and Retail. myl JUST 11,110EIVED AT sCIIBFFER'S BOOKSTORE, ADAMANTINE SLJITES OF VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Wldelt, for beauty and rma, cannot be MOM. REMEMBER THE PLACE, 80.11.EFFER,S BOOKSTORE, NO. 18 MARKET STREET. mart B OOK AUCTION. BEN FRENCH Will supply his old friends and customers with the following Books at Ruction prices : Pacific Railroad, 10 v01.,s complete, 4 illustrations $24. Japut Itirdition, 8 vols., complete, illustrated and illuminated, $ l9 -- Btnerrs Espedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated Illnininated, $lO. Congressional Globe, $1 60 per volume. -4 Waverly Novels, complete, 12 vols., cloth, $lO. fa 4S " 27 vols., hen calf, $34; .ke., Re., &c. All of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of elocge. FaRNGH, 278 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. O. febti-dtf NEW BOOKS! JUST REORIVED "SNAL ANA B<tV,T , by this author Of "Wide, Wide World," • Dor are <Lad Coats." &c. "HISTORY 02 111.142110111881," bj A. Stevens. LL.D. for eats at SCUMMY ERS' BOONATORE, sp9 No. 18 Marko et. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF RICHLY-GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, Of n►riout Designs and Colore r for 8 cents, TISSUE PAPER AND CUT FLY PAPER, At fuip2,4l SOK IMF ER'S BOOKSTORE. ?1J ALL Par Eli! w Am, PAPER!! 4ast received, our Spring Stuck of WALL PAPER. BOR,IMRS FILM; SUR, c., &c. it is the largest And best ssieeied assorts.eut in the eity,saugii4in price from six (ti) Gouts up to nun dollar and aquarter ($1.2.5.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to gull at as low rates, if not lower. than can be had elan where. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel couttlent that we can please them in respect to price and atality, E. H POLLOCK & SON, aga Below Jones , !louse, Market Square. ETT Et, CAP, MUTE PaPERS, Peus, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the best quality, at low prices, direct from the manu factories, at niarSo ECHEPPER'S CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS I LAW BOOKS !!-A general +assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State 'Reports and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the obi English &Torts, scarce and rare, together with large vritkortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low prices, at ihs ens price. Bookstore of E M. POLLOCK k SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. liscellaneoug. IN ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS APPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON! SILL LINEN PAPER FANS! P A 91 8!! BANS!!! ANOTHER AND SPLENDID LOT OF SPLICED FISHING NODS! Trout Plies, Rat and Hair Buoode, Grass Linea, Silk Ind Hair Plaited Lines, SRO a guaecal assortment of /1811ING TACSLE! A GREAT VARIETY OE WALKING CANES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest! Silver Read Loaded Sword . Hickory Fancy Canes! Canes! CALMS! CALM! Canes! HELLER'S DRUG AND FANCY STOEN, NO. In MARKET STEER?, Routh aide, one door east of Fourth street je9. J. RAItIUS, WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, Second Strout, Wow Chestnut, HARRISBURG, PA. 18 prepamd to fill orders for any article in his branch of business; and if not on hand, he will make to order on short notice. ETALL IC ROOFING, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, tiOnatatitly on hand. Also, fin and Sheet-hen Ware, Spontilig, Re hopes, by strict attention to the +►ants of his custo mers, to merit and receive a generous share of public pat. tonsge. irr Every promise strictly fulfilled. B. J. HARMS, _i&117-411y1 Second Street, below Cheetttt. FISIIII FISHIII MACKEREL, (N 05.1., 2 and S.) EAMON, (very superior.) RIAD. Olen and very fine-) HERRING, (extra large.) COD VISIt SMOKED HEBRINO. (extra Digby.) SCOTCH HERRING SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. Of the above are ha'-e Mackerel in ulae. half. quarter and eighth Mile Herring in win. e and hair bills. The entire lot CIOW-DIRICCT FROM TUE rtainia/sa, and will all them at the loweet market rates. sepl4 WM. DOCK, JR., & CO. VAMLIAY 1311iLti18, from 1.0 to 810, str e w, and handsomely bound, printed on good paper, with elegant akar new type, add at 8011104 , RR'S Cheap Roo t-gre. fiRANBERRIO! I I-A SPLENDID LOT just received by ectlO R. a superior and oheap TABlik, or SALAD OIL go to EBLLRR'S DREG STORE. ?pm Fruit Growers' Handbook—by WkklNG—wholesale and retail at m^hat FIRPRBR 2 B Bookstore. . , PERM CANDLESI—A large supply 14./ Just received by sego WM. DOCK. Js.. & CO. V ELLER'S DRUG STORE is the pleee juh., t• And tho bort oasortoaont of Porte MoonaiOt. to half a square• Tea lines a square WM. DOCK. JR-. & CO 4 P . , . ..:',•;:... ‘.':,r: • ~•,-.;,..7 ;-,k.,'-,:,.....•::ft'4,...;,,. ~..,,..r0ki„..1,...„.,_._............. Union; . .., ,::.,.. ~•., ._____...._....,..,„&„:1_,._:..._._..,7....71,17..........4.,„....„,r...........L. •,,.. 1 ,,......:„..•,. ?..- ---: ':;- -7- • - ::,,,Ii.,,::-_.- , - , . , ..:,-:,, ".••••:- • • -- ---.= L- • , . • , VOL. 3. &al. _ . TO THE PUBLIC! . JOHN TILL'S COAL YARD, SOUTH SECOND STREET, SEL•OW PRATT'S ROLLING MILL, HARRIBMG, PA., Where he has constantly on hand LIKENS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STOVE AND NUT COAL AL go, WILKESBARRE STEAMBOAT, BROKEN, STOVE AND NIIT COAL, ALL OF THE BEST QUALITY ft will 1 delivered to consumers 4i9an 7 and full weight warranted. icr CONSUMERS GIVE ME A CALL FOR YOUR WINTER SUPPLY. Ur Orders left at my house, in Walnut street, near Fifth; or at Brubaker 9 B, North street; J. L. 3peoVes Market Square; Wm. Bostick's, corner of Second and South streets, and John Lingle's, Second and Mulberry atreete, mill rocopre prompt attention. jyl3-416m COAL! CO , ,AL!! ONLY YARD IN TOWN THAT DELIVERS COAL BY T P A TENT W EIGH CARTSt NOW IS THE TIME For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the ninter...woighod at their door by the Patens Weigh Carts. The accuracy of these Carts no one disputes, and they never get out of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides,' the consumer has the aatilifaCtlea of proving the weight• of his Coal at him own house. I have a large supply of Coal on hand, 00 — ..:4:.t'eg of S. M. CO.'S LYItENS VALLEY COAL all sizes, • LYBENB VALLEY do It it WILRESBARRE do. BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do. All Coal of the best quality rained, and delivered free from all impurities * at tho lowest rates, by the boat or carload, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24, 1860.—5ep25 UP TOW N! PATENT WEIG.Ff CART s. Far the convenience of my numerous uptown custom erst I have established, in connection w.th my old yard. a Branch Coal Yard opposite North street, in a line with the Pennsylvania canal, having the office formerly occu pied by Mx_ 8.. Harris, where consumers of Coal in that tleinity and Verbeketown Can receive their Coal by the PATENT WEIOR CANS, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HAULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can be purchased anywhere. FIVE THOUSAND TONS COAL ON HAND, Of LYKENS VALLEY and WILKE3BARRE, all sizes. 17'Willing Co rTiß6ntain fair prices, but unwilling to be undersold by any parties. II:7'AB Coal forked up and deliverel clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at either y a rd will he promprlir nd all Coal dclimed by the Patent Weirh Carts. Coal sold by Boat, Car load, single, half or third of tone, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, October 13. 186'3.—0ct1.5 EYKENS VALLEY NUT (NMI.- Li For Sale AT TWO DOLLARS PIM TON. may' All Coal dotivaradby PATENT iirEIG ff CA RTS JAMES SL W LISEL , R, 1 . 13 Coatialivared from both yards, nnl7 ,IticOirat. lIELMHOLIPS H KLMBO LIP'S ELMIIIII, D'S RELMBO LI) MELMBOLIPS H ELMIOLLt S ULELMBOLD 9 S HELM Ho S LIELM BOLD'S HELMHOLIO $ HELMBOLD'S HELM HOLD'S HELMHOLD 9 S MELMBOLD's Extract Sacha, Extract Barba, Extralt Swim, Extract Battu, Extract Sturm, Extract i‘ncita, Extract Buchu, Extract Sawn, Eat act Dacha, Extract Buchu, Extract Scow, Extract Buc.,n; Extract Socials_ Earrtet 133utt FOR SECRET AND DELICATE IdORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DIsORL PERS. EC tt SECR ET AND' DELICATE &MORD,. ES. FOR SECRET ANO DELICATE DiSoRt.ERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS FOR SECRET AAD DELICATE 15-i nr• FOIL SECRET AND DELICATE. DISORDERS. A Positive and Specific Iterneuy. A Positive and Specific Ermiedy. A Positive and Specific It•mety• A Positive and Specific Neatly. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and. Spec+fic Hem dy. A Positive and Speatio Remedy, FOR DISEASES uP THE BLADDER, GRAVEL, KID vEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, _BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPsv, BLADDER, GRAVEL, Efu. , NY's', DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, AWN). VS, Dnrip-sy, BLADDER, GRAVEL, K. ItPNEY:4, DIM PSI. BLADDER, GRAVEL, KID KEYS, DROPSY, °ROAM') WilAit NESS, ORGANIC WE *RN .4 4 8 - , ORGANIC WEAKN kSs, ORGANIO WEAK NEM, ORGANte WEAKNE'S, ORGANIO WkAI+NESS, And all Diseases of .SO:guat Organ?, And all Dis,:ases of Sexual ..rgandS, And all Diseases of Sexual 0,4 , 003, -And all Diseases of Sexual 0 Baas, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of S..eoal organs, ARISING FROM Excesses, Exposures, and 'marts leneies in Lire. Excesses. Exposures, and Innnudencws in Life. Excesses, Exposure=, and Impru&nc•ss in Idre. Xxedsgea, Exposures, and Immtndeneii-s in Life,. 3:Seeesea, Exposures, and Itnianclonews in Lire, Excesses, Exposures, and Inapru.oneiee in Life. From whatever carve originating ..nd whether .xiating in MALE OR lAL E. L Females, take no more Pills! They are of no avail for Complaints ineid.mt to the sex. Use EXCEACT lielraboldia Extract Buda is a Medicine which is psi featly pleasant in its TASTE AND ODOR, Bat immediate in its action, giving Health and Vigor to th., Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring the patient to a perfect state of BPALTIT AND PURITY. Ileimbnid i s Extract BunLa is prep tred according to Pharmacy end Chemistry, and is pe , ll. Muss and used by THE MOST EMINENT PHY,ICIALYS. Delay no longer. Piocure the remedy at once . Price p 1 per hottle, or ids for a. D..pot 101 Sonth Tenth street, Philadelphia. BEWARE OF plirtatiGlPLED DEALERS Trying to pkilm off thnir own or other aaielen of BUM on the reputation nankin(' by BELMnoLD 7 A EXTRACT BUOBU, The Oaginal nod only (*.nuke.. We nonre io ran on tho MERIT OF OUR ARTIMR ThPir'ata wurttoa4 —is I efs rases and corn u t iegionly, antiamnontly caving a much hrtta prout. WL DEPY 00 4P.MITION Ask for lIELMBOLD*I3 EXTRACT BOORU. Take ao whet.. &id by JOHN WYETM, Druggist, corner of Market and Second strt-rte, narrighltrg. AND ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. nog dealt 3m. E XTRACTS! EXTRACTS!! WOODOWORTH & RUNNJL'B ' SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS -BITTER ALMOND, IeBOTARINE DINE APPLE L ETILAWBNERT, PAD LE S, MON Arm • Jut received and for s VANILLA,aIe be le2S DOOK, he., a co. CITY LIVERY 6TAIiLE6, ."I'A BLACKBERRY ALLEY, ink IN THE REAR OF HERR'S HtiTF.L. The undersigned 11.. s rr-cowmen ed the I. IVERY BU.-INE. , :s in hi. NEW AND SEACIOES:orABLES, located a+ above. with a large and vari• d stork of NURSES, (U RR IAo Es AND 0111 MB USES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. Oct aday F. IC. SWARTZ. Li J A N K A. It A Successor to WM. Peren gjyymy & ANGIE; STALIfix THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. • . s ' 1 111K.K 0 0) b 2aIIIWAY HAVING purchased the interest of .7. Q. Adams n the establishment. and made large additions to the stock. the undersigned is prepared to 4cconimodeta the public with .ttJPliltlun U lhrihS for Budd IP OP Carina tilarnOtiell. Ana with every variety of V Eli IC IJES of the latest and most approved styles, on reasonable terms. "'LIMBO KZ PARTY Bdi will be accommodated with Om oitnisses at abort notice. Carriages .tod Omnibuses, for funeral occasions, will be ?arhishad. accompanied by careful and Obliging drivers. He invites an inspection of his stock, tattiAtied that it is fully equal to that of any other eatahlishment oi the kind in town. PRANH A. bIIIIIIIAY BRANCH STABLE The tindersigned like opened a branch of his “Livery and Exchange Stable" in the buildings lately occupied by W. Barr, in Fourth street, opposite the Bethel, where he is prepared to accommodate the public with Horses and Vehicles, at all times, on reasonable terms. His stook is large and varied, and will recommend itself. auld-dtf FRANK A. MURRAY. woliN TILL TAKE NOTICE! That we hare recently added to our already full stook OF F. A it 8 LA NORMATIS, HARI KARI, EL MONO, LA BANANA, OF PERFUMERY FOR Tim HANDKRVIIMIP: TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR OF MUSK, LUBIN'S ESSENCE BOUQUET, FOR rag HAIR: EAU LUST RAUL CRYSTALIZED POM AVM MYRTLE AND VIOLET POMATUM. FOR 'PRI COMPLEXIO2I: TALC OF VENICE, ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, BLANC DE PERLES. OF .80AP8 DARIN'S FINES? MOSS ROSE, • BENZOIN, UPPER TEN, VIOLET, NEW MOWN HAY, J (KM EY CLUB. Having the largest stock and beet assortment or Toilet Articles. we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to get up a complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call amid see. Always WI hen', a FRESH Stock of DRUGS, MED CIN ES, CH F 2 conseytiont of our re ceiving almost daily wid Vella thert'w- K ELI, ERIS DltUlli AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors heat of Fourth Street, sera South side. pHOENIX FOUNDit.ti. P. J. MSS. W. F. OBLBA. JOHN J. OSLER & BROTHER, (BLICOBSSORS TO JAMBS M. B OZ.) FOUND mitS ALAD ffiltCllll NISTS, Corner &nosy/rank Railroad and State Street, HARRISBURG. PA. CIL GEARING, IRON FR `NrRS, RAILROAD AND CANAL Woßir, AND ALL DBBOILIPTIONii OP IRON 'CASTINGS ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. MACHINE WORK AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTBN BED TO. PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. We halm a large and complete ariCortMent of Platonic to select from. au22 JUST REUEIV.hDI A FULL ASSORTMENT OP HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICSi TO WH/OH TIE MITI TNT ATTENTION OF THE AFFLICTED! For sale at SOTLEFFER , S BOOKSTORE, ap9 No. 18 Market at WE OFFER TO CUSTOMERS A New Lot of LADIES' PURSES, Of Beautiful Styles, substantially made • A Splendid Assortment of OENTLEMBN'S WALLETS. A New and Elegant Perfume, KNIGhTS TEISIPLARS , BOQUET, Put up in Cut Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, Of the best Manufacture. A very Dandeome Variety of POWDBR POYV BOXES. KELLER'S DRUG STORE, 91 Market street, B OOTS AN SHOES. JACKSON do CO. luxe opened a Boot and Shoe Store at No Dog MAR KET STREET, corner of Fourth, where they keep con stantly on hand a full and varied'assortment of the BEST CITY MADE~HOES. Having been engaged in the SHOE UPPEII BUSI NESS in this city for more than a year, they are pre pared to make ALL KINDS OF FANCY SHOES to order, at short notice of the beat materials, and war ranted to give datisfaction every way. Please call and examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere. ID — Remember the place-90X Market street, sign o the [nol7-d3mj GOLDEN BOOT. CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE, LUCKNOW CH UTNY, CONTINENTAL, BOYER'S SULTANA, ATHENAEUM, LONDON CLUB, Silt ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, )EA DINO SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. For /rale by WM. DOCK, Jb., 4. CO. mylo DIOTTVILLE GLAt•S WORKS, • • PHILADELPHIA, Rallorscrrusx -10ARDOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PICKLE AND pfiEssEVE BOTTLES OP MIRY umlciiirTioN. R. 0. & N. W. BENNER% 0c19411y 27 South Front atom% Phibutelptifs. QtAISNLOBIOS Bookstore is the place to I - 1 buy , inid Pf4no-,Ar4MihtBd v raabsit's DRUG STORE is the place 11 to ba Potosi 11•410 S itltiiL PA., MONDAY, JAN U:k RY 7, U 461. fluern t'itables. slliscellanco'us. swing Inaci)ints. u_RoVER & BAKER'S CELEBRATED NOISELESS FAM.LY AND MANUFACTURING SEWING MACHINES! $4O AND UPWARDS. PRICES ES VABLISHED FOR SEVEN YEARS THE GROVER & BAKER 3 EWING MACHINF. sudten the anly nem (armed by a Sewing Wahine, in which each glitch is independently locked and without derinlem e 1111011 the uther stitches for strength, and the only I hat will admit of the thread being cut at every fuurth stitch without injury to the seam in wear. THE GROVER Sr, BAKER SEWING MACHINE fa adapted to all varieties of fabrics, sewing equally well the &teat Swiss muslin or the heaviest cloth or leather, awl requiring no adjustment for any kind of sewing other than the adaptation of needles and thread. THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE Sews from ordinary sproic without rewinding, and fastens its own seams, thereby saving lime and thread. It will sew common spool cotton, silk and linen thread:with equal facility. THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE Is so simple that an intelligent child of ten years can readily learn to operate it. It is more easily kept in order than mks , other machine, and need not be taken apart to be oiled. THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE Mabee the only Alt& that cannot be injuredby washing and ironing, and the only stitch that forma an elastic and durable seam. Fabrics put together by this stitch, may wear out and drop to pieces from original weakness or hard usage, but come apart or give away at the seams they cannot; they will bold together when the cloth or calico around them hangs in rags or batons. CHATONEE & WALTER, General Agents, 18 Fifth street, Pittsimrg. Mt. JAMES R...KEMBLA Fourth and Market streets, Agent for Harriaburg,, where the Machinea may at all thues be seen in operation. MEND FOR A CIRCULAR .ca sep•2B-d&wly: ijotels. UNITED STATES HOTEL, /NEIN BAS? DONNER OF 11TH AND NEAREST STREETS. AI/JOINING THE I'EPHI6YLVAMA HAIL- - ROAD DEPOT, 1=1"X-IXT-a The undeisigned would respectfully inform the Publie tbnt he h tear,. the ~}eve MAW., formerly known aq Tilt; pietlON UOUSKA, ,, which he hue refitted end ..wi r iurei.hed through••ut. The Ro<rine Are sleaciouv end en mined ieltS, and furnished with every convenience to be found iu the beat Ulotele ie the city. The —UNITED ST AT ES" la admirably located for the convenience or travol..rm, being under the swum roof with the Pennsylvanni Railroad Repe l itrid time saving bin hack hire and porterage of b.ggago. No palm will be Allured to render the •' UNITED ST AT ES" a Vensant and Jgreemble residence to all who may favor it with their Patronage Charges moderate. 0c2.2-d3nwly H. W. HANAGA, Proprietor. B U 1. t 1 L ki U U 6 E MARKET SQUARE, HARRISBURG, PA. •ORO. J. BOLTON, Paoratwrolt. CAB D. The above well known and long established Hotel is now undergoing a thorough renovation, and being iu a great degree newly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. Gaoaoe J. BOLTON, who has been an inmate of the house for the last three years, and is well known to its guests. Thankful for the liberal patronage which it has en. joyed, I cheerfully commend Mr. Bolton to the public favor. je7•dhwy WILLIAM BUEHLER. 3neu tante. INSURANCE AGENCY. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCOttPoRATRD 1835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS. $904,907.51. THE IMURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794. CAPITAL AND ASSETS $1.219,475:19. The undersigned, as Agent for the above well known Companies. will make Insurance against lons or damage by Ore, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. Marine and Inland Transportation Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to WILLIAit BUEHLER, decl-awly Harrisburg, Pa. I) ROOL AMATlON.—Where:ts, the i Honorable JOHN J. PEARSON, President of the Court of coovuoa Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, con sisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin .and the Ron. A. 0. IIIESTER and Hon. Fulda NISELET ate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre eept,. bearing date the 10th day of December,lB6o, to the directed, fur holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace at Harrisburg. for the county of Dauphin, and to com mence on the 3d Monday of January, being the 21.51 day of January, 1861, and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jus tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables of the said county 01 Dauphin, that they be then and there in their propel persons, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, examinations, and their owe remembrances, to do those things which to their oilier appertains to he done, and those who are bound in recognisances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg the 15th day cd December, in the year of our Lord, 1860, and in the eighty-third year of the independence of the United States. J. D. BOAS, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Harrisburg. December 15.1860. I delB-d&wt4 UrktO.LbTEHANt+. C. P. VOLLMER Ia prepared to do all kinds of work in the UPHOLSTERING: BUSINESS. Pays particular attention to MAKING AND r'UTTING DOWN CARPETS. MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASSES. REPATRINO FURNITUaR. atc- &e. He can be found at all times at his residence, Is ihe rear of the Williun Tell lloase, corner of Raspberry and Black berry alleys sep29-dly GUN AND BLASTING POWDER. JAMES M. W HEELER, HARRISBURG, PA•2 AGENT FOE ALL POWDER AND FUSE 111/114YFABTOILYD BY I. E DUPONT IIE 141010ITTIS & CO.; TLIWINUTON, DELAWARE. ID" A large nupply alwa.ve on hand For able anti= adorer's prices litagoside two miles below town. grOrders received at Warehouse. non Ely Vane `Oinion. MONDAY MORNING, JAN. 7, 1861. TILL ROBBE'RS OINIrAYLES. The Naples correspondent of the Morning Post, in naticing the prevalence of robberies in thau city, gives an account of the singular or gaeizatiou by which the Neapolitan thievee are beaded together : • " The regular Neapolitan thieves are, far the most part, well known to the police cifteers, and even to the population generally; but few per- Loos have sufficient Courage to denounce them, iu c• nse quence of their forming a widely-vs-- tended socifly, one with vast ramifica.ions, and exercising a surprising amount of power over all classes of society, so that the individual who vt ntures to prosecute one of its members, or to appear as a vvitttesg against hict,is tole rably sure of getting into trouble. This immense gang is known by the name of "The Company of the Cemorristi." It includes countless grades in its vast. body. There is the common pickpock et,the daring burglar, awl the polished, affable, accomplishedswindler. They go to work in the following way: Every mornings certain number of the Catnorrisli at e told ollevhose business is to collect contributions for the day. They spread themselves over the whole city, but chiefly take their stand about the vegetable and fish markets, or in fact, wherever provisions for daily consumption are being sold. Each vendor, as he enters the market, is compelled to pay to the agents of the Clunorristi Whatever sum they may demand. A countryman, for example, brings his basket of fresh eggs, which he might hope to dispose of for ten carlini. The Camor rista presents himself to the countryman, and says, My worthy friend, you must pay me three earlini.' The Neapolitan [lodge is well aware thst he must submit to the inexorable logic of facts,' and therefore pays. Of course the countryman claps other three carlini on the contents of the basket,- to compensate bim for the extorted tribute, and every man in Naples who buys an egg from him pays his ndireet contribution to the impost of the Ca- morristi. Now what is here practiced in the case of the petty venlor of ergs, and with him only to the amounrof three carlini, is practiced in every branch of trade throughout Naples, in proportion to the importance which such industry or commerce may possess. To the demand of tribute thus made by the Camorristi no resistance is offered—no attempt to procure an abatement of the sum ; still less does the person arbitrarily taxed dare to denounce the extortioner to the police; for he knows right well that before sunset he would, in all proba bility, be soundly cudgelled, and perhaps be- tnre neat sunrise would have his Liu oat cut.— Such at least was the state of matters under rue old Bourbon police. No one dared to de nounce to its officers the extortions of the Gamorristi; for it was no orious that Many of the police themselves were ' the most active menit.ers of the gang; so that the tradesman who gave information to the police became known at once to the whole .body, and was Jpectlily made away with. From the wealthier merchantsthe tax is not levied in money, but. toe Camorristi coolly enters the shop, choosing whatever suits his fancy, tells the shopkeeper to send in his account as soon as he likes, walks off with his booty, nod the plundered iraiestnan, if he knows, or as soon ne he knows, that his cusionier is a Comorristi, can only shrug his should.-rs and thank his stars tont on worse thing has befall , it him. In the Nes oolitsn • hells' the Camoriisii regularly plants detreb by the side or the ,roupier, ,+u.l levies his per cetdage on every stake. Ae often as a eabman gets a fare of a catlini or 10 grani, about the lowest tare be can have, he is obiged to pay one grani, or 10 per cent., to the Cam orrista, who is pret y certain to be loitering not tar off. Throughout the whole gang there exist the most perfect discipline and subordi nation to the chiefs, and these extend so far that when, occasionally, a great robbery has been committed, and in consequence of the publicity it becomes neees-ary for the decorum and character of the police that some individual shall be arrested, the Camorristi, by whom the robbery was planned and executed designate one of their own members as the scapegoat,. the apparent thief, thuugh perhaps he has not had the slightest shore in that particular crime. And it is a well-known fact that the Camorristi who is thus sacrificed for the common interests of the gang commonly plays his part to the last with unshrinking nerve—undergoes the formalities of his trial—is sentenced to the galleys—suffers the sentence without uttering a syllable—indeed, suffers everything because the Camorristi have thus decreed and willed.— But even when sent to the galleys he knows that the Camorristi will not desert him. By some mysterious process he finds within the prison walls comforts unknown to his fellow prisoners. The Camorristi never lose sight of him whose fidelity has been proved. They think and act for him, and he in return stilt thinks and acts for them. In this new position he becomes a member of the Societe Chiusa, or close gang, consisting of those members of the Camorristi who are in prisons or in the galleys. These Chiusa still keep up a corres pondence with the heads of the gang in the capital. They levy their tribute on the pris oners unconnected with their body who are enclosed within the same walls, one seld. in bears indeed of a case in which the Camorristi, appointed to collect for the whole body, are found guilty of malvertittion. The sums ob tained by them are punctually paid into the caisse of the gang, and the same punctuality is observed, with the remittances regularly made by the members in the public prisons. When, as sometimes happens, a Carnorristi has been condemned to death,d an_, from the scandal of the case, his accomplices are unable to rescue him, the lictim generally dies content , d. In deed till the very last moment he cherishes the hope that, by some ingenious stratagem, some secret influence, or even some daring violence displayed in nis behalf, the sentence will be prevented from taking place. The victims thus selected are always the novices of their order. The qualifications for admittance into the gang are the proofs which the candidate has given of his skill in theft, or of dexterity in wielding the assassin's knife. The ramifications of the Camorri extend even to the army." The new police force, which is recruited in great part from Tuscans, Lombards, and Pied montese, neither sympathizes with nor dreads this terrible gang. , t Within the last few days about 30 of the members haie been arrested, and amongst them even two or three of the leaders," SINGULAR Suguma.—The 13011 of the colonel of the Italian legion at .Montevideo ' who was an old friend and fellow soldier of Garibaldi, recently passed a few days at the general's re -Deane on the Wand of Caprera, and, on his father's account, was treated with much kind ness and attention by the patriot general.— When the moment for departure arrived, the young man, on entering the boat that was to take him away, drew his pistol and shot him if in the breast. for grief, as was supposed, tit leaving his illustrious host. He only lived a few houis. BY 0. BARRETT & CO. e,t DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION will he Served to eta Jeri bere residing i n the Borough for six asses PER REIM psribi6 to the Carrier. Mail rabseribera, soar DOL LABS PIER ANNUM. Tee wg,,,,T will b 9 published as heretofore, geml• irtekly during the session of the Legislature, and once & week the remainder of the year, ;or two dollars in adi• ranee, or three dollars at the expirationof the year. Connected with this establishment Is an extensive SOb OFFICE, containing a variety of plain and fancy type. nnonnalled by any establishment in the interior of the State, for which the patronage or the putlie is es. cited NO. 1.08 So peculiar, so striking were the CataCOMbS of Paris, that although upwards of a quarter of a century has passed away since I visited theta, I still find them vividly reflected on the mirror of toy memory; and as they have now been shut up for the IMO twenty .)cars, and will probably never again be thrown open, a short sketch of my visit to them may, per haps, be not wholly uninteresting. As'l have already said, it was some thirty years since, one fi e morning, we drove. forth to see the catacombs. Slimly after passing the harrier, our car riage came to a halt, and we all alighted.-. Within a few yards of the road we found the entrance to the catacombs. Here we were met by g guide, who distributed two or three unlit taperi amongst the gentleman of the party. This was a mere precautionary measure; but more than one rose faded from a fair cheek, as this hint of a possibility of danger was com municated to the party. We now made a tedious descent down a cork screw flight of steps, about one hundred an twenty or onelundred and thirty in numbe our only light being the lighted torch carrie by our cicerone. The tail of the party (for wo could only go down two abreast) were left wholly in the dark. On ordinary occasions such a circumstance would have elicited fun and frolic; but at the present moment not a titter was heard, not a joke was uttered. The rear kepi, as close as they could to the leading persona, apparently deeply awed at the idea of thus approaching the most extensive place of Jinni= sepulchre existing in the known world. In five minutes we had all descended, and as we gathered into a circle at the foot of the stairs, the guide held his torch on high, and waved it to and fro, the better to display the scene around us. We were in a chamber (or rather cellar) hewed out of the gelid rock, which was some what elaborately archdd over our heads. The height in the centre might have been about ten feet; the walls, from which the rock sprung not more than six. The whole of this , portion was covered in by human bones ; white skulls formed a sort of border or cornice, and every here and there were so arranged as to produce an ornamental pattern. At the first glance even some of the gentlemen shuddered, not from a feeling of fear, but from an instinctive horror they could not repress. Indeed, that man must have been wholly divested of feel ing, who could thus find himself in an undis guised charnel house, some eighty. feet beneath the surface of the earth, without a sensation of disgust and awe—t'wo closely, yet strangely mingling throbs. "Look up," cried the guide: "look at the black line in the centre of the roof; should any accident befall you, and you have the misfortune to get separated, follow it till you arrive at this spot., and then ring yonder bell; it will bring you succor. There is a much thinner bar in another branch, which three British officers followed by mistake, when the British army were here, cud got so entangled that their bodies were not found for three weeks. They expired under one of the wells which led to the surface; they probably per ceived deylight, and died shouting for aesiet T nue; het no one heard them." This was not a pleasing prologue to our day's eniertainment, and the ladies did not hesitate to express their fears, at which the guides laughed heartily; but there was no re ;pensive echo on our part. We followed our leader through Several branches extending nearly a quarter of a mile, and at length came to a circular opening, where there was erected an altar entirely formed of deformed spinal bones ; and then went on between two rows of grinning skulls, till we arrived at a chamber, in the centre of which was a basin of live fish that seemed to live in health and happiness in this strange spot; above us was one of'the wells spoken of by our guide. “What are the supposed origin of these eats combs ?” asked Miss M "Oh." replied our cicerone, without hesita- tion, "they are the great quarries from which the stone was taken by King Clovis to build Paris ; they extend, in three different branches, nine miles, and one passage leads under the river almost to Montmatre." t‘But how value they to be so well finished ?" demanded B ILOh, they were arched and ornamented by the monks who first lived in them, and only left them when the brigands and secret societies cleared them away, and took up their quarters in them!' Little Mary Smith, who is always asking (W -ish questions, naively demanded : "Did they bring all these bones?" "Not all, bladamoiselle, not at all; they were turned out, or rather bunted out, about three or four centuries ago, and the king who then reigned had all these bones collected - and brought here. It took fifteen years to arrange them." "And whose bones are they ?" ' , Th a t' s the question; no one can tell ; _PM" say the bones of the Innocents_ brought over here; some say they are those of the Prostest ants, who were killed in the St. Bartholomew affairs; others declare that they were taken out of every churchyard; while others belieVe them to be the skeletons of those who perished in the Great Plague." This was the most unpleasant suggestion of all. We now began to fancy that the close smell, which annoyed our olfactory nerves might be infectious; we might catch the plague; Ire might fall victims to some abominable conta gion; already we wished ourselves out of those ghastly cellars. We now proceeded On through a continuation of galleries, so similar in appearance that there way little to remark. Our curiosity had been satisfied, and we now felt satiety and disgust. All of a sudden, our guide, with hie torch, disappeared. The ladeis set up a general shriek, and the gentleman for a moment or two, vainly endeavored to dispel their fears ; but, alas! they bad but. little cheering information to give them. In less than a minute the man re appeared, with his torch, laughing heartily at the fright he bad given us. Ile had dodged behind a screen of bones, and thus alarmed us; he now rejoined us, much amused at the fun; but his hilarity was of short duration, for an. Irish young cousin of mine instantly knocked him down, and, as be lay sprawling, the light rolled from his hands, and had 1 not fortu nately snatched it up, we might all have been lost in the dark and puzzling mazes of these fearful subterranean labyrinths. The guide was raised and soothed; a Ere franc piece restored his good humor, and hi few minutes we reached the ascent which led to the free air of heaven. I was glad I bad seen those strange excavations. They are now shut up, probably for ever and aye; but were they again open, it would require a rich brit)e to tempt me to revisit them. The failure of Edward Lambert & Co.' the great New York silk jobbers, is said to be a very bad one. To one French importing firm they are indebted $125,000. The personal expenses of the head of the Aril; who hae beim living in a quiet way in Brooklyn, are Idatest to have been $167,000 in ten year,.' _ PUBLIsIiED EvEltY AioRNING, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED, I=lll=l=2l TILE CATACOMBS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers