BATES OF ADVERTISING• roar lines or less constitute half a square. Ten HMO Dr more than four, constitute a square. Ilallaq,orteday- 00.25 One eq., one day.----- 80 . 1 a , one /AP " one wcek.—. 1.24 one month— 2.00 " sun month. 8.00 " three months. a.oe " three menthe. b,09 " ixmonths- . 4.00 " six months.- 8.12 , " one year...-. 5.00 g= one year.—. 10.00 fEr Business notices inserted in the LOCAL COLUIW, Or )fetal! nesulages And deaths. Ft is Cliffid PER 3.114 R for each insertion To merobauttaind others adyectiainebythayeas liberalte. to will be offered. 117" vae numberof insertions must be elesignatedon Ulat dvertisement. Diarniagee and Deaths will be inserted at the same ems as regnlar advertisements. Books, etationerp, &r. QCHOOL BOOKS.—School Directors, Li Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and others, in want of School lituolte, fleheal Stationery, &u., Will a complete assortment at B. M. POLLOCK & 801113 BOOK STOWS, tdarket Square, Hstrriaburg, comprising in part the follow in— P.BADBBEL—McGuffey's, Parker's, Cobb's. AngelPs SPILLING BOOKS.—Mdluffers, Cobb's, Webster's, Town's, Dienes. Combry , a. ~NOUfiltAfitlMAßß.—Ballion's, Smith's, Wood bridge's, Monteith,a, Tuthill:ls, Hart's, walla'. WSTOBIES.--iirimshaw's, Davenport's, frost% Wil son's, Eloodrich's, Pinnock's, Goldsmith's and Clark's. AIfiITHMSTIC'S.--Greenleaf' Stoddard's, EnieTIOIVRI Pike's Rose's, Colburn's, Smith and Doke s, Davie's. AlsOßßßAl3.—Greenleaf' Davie's, Dars, Bars, Bd DMBNARTS.—Walker's School, Cobb% Walker, Worsester's Comprehensive, Worcester's Primary . , Web star% Primary, Webster's High School, Webster's quarto, Academic. NATURAL PHILOSOPHISS.--Comstock's, Parker's, evert's_ The above with a great variety of others can at any time be found at my store. Also, a complete assort meet Of School Stationery, embracing in the CB le a com plete outfit for school purposes. Any bottle not in the store. procured 4 one days notioe. gr . Country Merchants supplied at wholesale rates. ALMANAC .—John Baer and Son's Almanac for sale al ILM. POLLOCK & SON'S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg. Mr Wholesale and Retail. myl JUST RECEIVED A T SCHBFFER'S BOOKSTORE, ADAMANTINE SLJTES OF VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, Whig*, for boo* and oro, cannot be 0x501164. REMEMBER THE PLACE, SCHEFFER , S BOOKSTORE, NO. 111 MARKET STREET. marl BO OS. AUCTION. BEN F. FRENCH Will supply his old Mends and customers with the following Books at Auction prices Pacific Ballrowl, 10 vols., complete, 4 illustrations 113 1 - Japan .11xpedition, S voht., complete, illustrated and illuminated, QS. NmerriSipedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated illuminated, $lO. Congressional Globe, $1.50 per volume. Waverly Novels, complete, 12 vols., cloth, $lO. tiOt. to ting. The only two from the slave States who . voted aye, were Messrs. Bristow, of Kentacky, and Davis, of Maryland. These facts are abreviated from the offielal proceedings, the injunction of atom,-having been removed. The citizens of. Richmond, Va., held.a very large meeting on the evening of the 28th inst. Resolutions were adopted (after considerable discussion) approving of a call for a State Con. vention to adopt measures to secure the rights of the State in the confederacy or out of it, and in the event of dissolution to provide for her assuming her just share of the debts and obli• gations, and for securing to her a justihare of the property, privileges and munitions of the United States ; reprobating any attempt at co ercion, and declaring that such attempt would lead to war, and deprecating the seizure forts by any seceding States before, the forma tion of a new confederacy, unless such seizure, in the opinion of the seceding State, be essen tial to her safety. A call for Botta from a few in the' assembly brought down a perfect avalanche :W . groans and hisses, and which could only be restrained by the announcement that Mr. Botta,was not present A letter from Washington says The obstructions to Mr. Lincoln'ir 'advent into Washington may be avoided by hislaking the oath of office in New York or Philadelphia, or even in Springfield but here a (1004 1 has arisen in the minds of some astute gentian:lam Suppose the electoral votes are never counted according to constitutional requirement—that is in joint convention of both houses: This is no chimera, for it is expected that fifteen Southern States will be out of the confederacy by theist of February. The votes are ,to be coin:did on the first Monday in that ` 'month. Fifteen StateS out., thirty'Senatorial votes are gonei and if the Northern DemoeratterSenators go with them, such as .General Lane, of:Ore gon, Messrs. Gwin and Latham, of California, Douglas, of Illinois, Bright and Filch, of In diana, Pugh, of Ohio, Rice, of Minnesota, and Thompson, of New Jersey, there . will be •bat twenty-seven Senators left, or seven Abort of a quorum, and you may be assured the Vice Pres ident will never give his consent to have the votes counted if a quorum of the Senate be not present. CONSELVATIVE MEETING IN CINCINNATI. A large and enthusiastic Union meeting waa held in Cincinnati last Wednesday evening, which was presided over by Mayor Bishop and thirty Vice Presidents. Addresses were made by the chairman, Hon. Wm. S. Groesbeck, Iron. Henry Stanberry, Judge Spencer, Nathaniel W. Finnell and others. Resolutions were adopted expressing reverence and ataohment to the Constitution and the Union; denouncing all legislation which tended to nullity any guarantee 9f the Constitution, or to interfere with the execution of any law passed in purew- once of it; censuring the denunciations which have been heaped upon the Southern section of the - Union and upon its institutions' by the people of the North; expressing abhorrence and detestation of any effort to foment insur rection or insubordination among the slaves of the South; calling upon all patriots to awake to the demands of the crisis, throw off the shackles of party, and work like men in the Game of the (Talon; and appointing a commit tee of thirteen to prepare and publish an ad dress setting forth the sentiments expressed in the resolutions, and to take such other steps as they may find advisable to advance the objects of the meeting. The Charleston Mercury says : • The citizens of Beaufort, S. C., through Col. John Barnwell, as authorized by Major-Gene ral Schnierle, have erected a redoubt upon the outskirts of their town, intended to• protect them from attack by any foreign powers The work is well executed, and at this time nearly completed. It consists in a half-sunken bat tery, with moat ten feet wide, pierced . for three eighteen-pounders now in possession of the town authorities. The ramparts are compactly sqdded with turf cut from the edge of the neighboring marsh.. The redoubt is situated to the west of the town upon the hishest spot in that neighborhood, at an elevation of shout thirty-five feet above high-Witter fritter: It commands the Port Royal river towards the southeast, the front, and also the rear of the town. We hear that on Christmas day Major An derson dined formally with the secession an therities—chiefs—ia Charleston, and was duly carried back to Fort Moultrie by early moon light, apparently very much overcome by the good things drinkable set before him. Those in charge of the steamer posted in the channel to watch his movements in the fort, therefore, thought it would be safe for them to relax their vigilance, and themselves take a Christmas night frolic, and in the midst of which Ander son atid his force spiked MoUltris'e guns, anti landed safely in Fort Sumpter. The apparent intoxication of Anderson was but a feint to have the very effect it did have.—Star; THE SOUTH CAROLINA POSTAL smeren According to the correspondent of the New York Times, Postmaster Geleral bolt has sent orders to the Sub-Treasure at Charleston to remit all the balance-05,000, on the Postoffics account—in his possession, immediately, to the credit of that department. If this order is not complied with at once, he will demand of the Federal Government to enforce his orders. He is also determined, as before suggested, to sap• press mail matter to and from South Carolina if the mails are interfered with in 'that State. Wasurnefon, Dee. 80..=-Rome: of the New tors and Representatives from As &Wier States have been in consultation and approve MEETING AT RICHMOND LINCOLN'S INAUGURATION. COAST FORTIFICATIONS lINGIIN MOW IT WAS MANAGED A DISUNION SODEMS.