Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, December 31, 1860, Image 4

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A Blunt to: In: Pot-Atobgugam—Mr.
3. Miles writes as follows to the editor of , the
Bristol Times: , 3‘
“ In all atfccted potatoes, even before the
disease is visible to the naked eye, therein to
be found a degree of moisture very far in ex
cess of that met with in sound potatoes; and
thiswateiy principle gradually increases until ‘
the disease itself makes _its appearance, when
the character'ol' the notato is changed, and the
nausition from comparative soundnegis to com—
plete rottenness is sometimes the work of a
day, but ufu-ner the doings of an hour. Cuitiva—
tors are indebted to Protessor Bollman, of St.
Peter-burg, fo'r the accidentaldiscoverwa a.
remedy which has been found to answer , so,
well in Russia, that on men estates liming
houses have been builtvfog the pnrposeof can
Fling out the experiment; and,: as itihasaheen
in operation in that country since 1868,:1‘4133‘
consequeully undergone a. seveuzyeara’ trial.
In the autumn of 1853 Professor'.rßon-ma-n;re.
eeived train a, friend! a Qolonet in the: Russian
army, stationedfin Slbu4&.',a--sample of‘; new
potato, Willi which he 1:306in tho recommen
,dations. namely, 800511.11 quality and a perfect
hundred fuld in produce“ .Thesepomtoesmere
accidentally placed on the back of a. stove used
for heating the Professors study, where, by
some mischance, they-.wereforgotteu till the
planting season. arrived; when discovez‘edthey
were shrivelled so much that fears were enter
tained: they would notgtow at all; - -
“However, the potatoes were planted; and
fiouriahedto such a degree that the’trto refinin
mendatious before mentioned were pronounced
to he verified; and what was more remarkable
still, although the potatoes in the neighborhood
and throughout the country was more ’or lake
afieeled by the disease, every potato ofthe pew
kind .wameutirely free-from the dimmer. Thig
induced the Professor to adopt. the ex'pedi‘ent o 1;
drying, and in consequence the entire proalt'ce
was submitted immediately (etterhbiugdh’flto
a high: temperature, "whieh hold the efieet"',of
It’ was surmised”. the J'tini'e .'.th‘at' til;e‘“ charred,
foam-were ikille'd; ‘th‘e‘y‘ ' were ,‘f‘uevertlieleée
planted at the proper season, and ‘the‘ charred
potetoes‘ grey and did quite as well as those
potatoes ‘ 'which were ' merely shrivelled. The
year 185 mg» proved. that, although theifiipi
eee'e‘ieé generally dietributed throughout the
country, notione of the Professor’s new; flota
toeeirere meted by it in the least. ' The ex
periment was again re'péateditl 1856, and the
crop exhibited the same freedom from. disease.
The kindemostly in onltivationtwere thm ope,-
riteii on horte 'which were" yearly more or less
Weevil-Wises”. still with ithe “mere
afilt‘. The ‘digging time 0t.1'857 produced :a
splendid crop of potatoes ;' upwards of three
agree—were planted. with kiln-driedjjiotetoes,
and'alnhough the produce ‘exeeededllf,699 Bug):-
e 18; not a diseased potato, who disc‘évered.
“In 1858 Protessor Bellman erected a_drying
home" with heated floors flux-his} ie’stfite, apd
within the past “voyeur:‘aiili‘itai-‘ereetidus have
taken place in the .difi'erent estates 11f the prim
cipsl landed-proprietors: E‘lt'is' flitifyifi‘gtb’finfi
they _the action vhf the shiiiéfiing prodigy :91:
potitoe‘s already d'ugeasefl‘azreste the progress
of the infection ant} kills eye disease ;_; thus
leaving a fidrtion i)!" the ‘pot’a‘td éouud eilouéb
to be eligible for sprin‘glplan‘yiygu _;lt “has b’eem
stated than .by the cunsfimt rfii‘sin‘ggbf flew vari—
etiga from seed; for planting, the diseasmnaytbe
asksiderahly diminished. ‘sind thiséprqv‘a'dTQO' he
the. case with the fluke kidhgy, for the” fiffib
year‘s aimi- -it was introducediland 'ev‘eifliftéi
its cultivation‘vhad become pretty general, this
tmqua kidney had not bean attackel by? dis.
énse ; hm. last. yea-r the fluke has been in some
instanpes- as bndiy :‘disgggeglfi _h‘s the Sfortiy'ifold
regglifltgfifiigq so that. the process of kiln 111-yin g
ptnmjse'sv far greater advantages and more cer;
min results an an all the expedienta pntgtqgemer
w‘fn'iqh have from._t.ime_-§.o time heen_ofiered f 0!“
the consideration of the public.” . ~
A‘L'gne Farham Cottaggrs’ Annual Exhib‘itinn ‘
of Vfigcta‘bles, 8.20., recently held. the Bishop
of Winchester, teferning In Lhe golatn Idisgase,
Enid : “He had learnt, axeceipt whiehahe ad~
yi's'éd 311 the cottaggrs go. try. In Norfolkrnnd
gorge parts‘nf Devonphire :the potatoe§,,were
flint-edit: tows thirty inches apart, theywere
hq‘efi up inlhg ordinary manner, and the first
pigment the diaease appeared they were cayered
fith‘ lhe'soilsjust like celery. In places where
,thigplan had been tried the potatoés prayed
£9ch and nnmgrona. ; In some. cases flue pota
toes had been planted: one side the ~h.edge,.:ac.—
cquling‘ to the new system, and (the, other
nécotding to the old, and film consequence was
thfit,’ in the former they were goodnnd plenti~
fa], and in the Intterra- fil‘ilnre. “The contagers
wiinld d 9 We]! to try the new plan nextryear,
andhis lordship would.thank them to tell him
the result.” . 1
New Mons of GnatrmG:—‘The Frénéh are
prafltising a. new method‘ot‘ getting, a knowl
edge (if which'may prove valuable 10 American
hngeuxtufisns, imam-eke; it. can be p‘ertbrmed
it any season 9f the year ghee spund'matured
111111,: .euu‘be he'd, whethelf the up is in is flowing
aftegépr not; f It is performing by removipgp
gbill'piehe, of b’ax‘k'end wood. leaving 5311190ng
"aud flat surface; to which a. similar piece con:
migingegthe bud, ghich is tot form ghe future
tfee,"i’s‘fil.!ed, which is Sealed eve;- immediately
’ifiihaébnodio‘fi. This forms a. strong, impervi-
Qnszputicle, which emerge a. [tee circulation of
s‘a‘pi'vbn'the approach of warm weather, and a
perfect. union of fihe perks. . . . _ . V.l
Hmrs ox Shmaan.—~Mr. Elfierson, of Ho]-
lis;.Ma'.ss., days that ahiihgl'es 'soaked{in a 'thin
whitewash made milih-ibri'he' wile}; 'will-71218!
much longer than when nothing is uséd. ‘ ‘No
matter how‘wi'd'e the shin'glii‘ieirhé iroiila _no;
place the two‘nails more .than" m 6 iziéh‘e's‘hpart.
Ifanailedanear the edge. and-- the sning’l'e‘is
greemi'shriukibg causes it 'to split. ‘ If the
M 615 dry and'becomes We! and wells; the
nail if on the edge is crowded out of its plahe‘.
He dated")! drive the nail quite in,’-buz'lea‘ves
snfioi'e‘ntitol- Keep the shingle that cqyers it,
sumfiéfitly‘élémmd to allow of the circulation
of “it until ’P’Pl‘? “Wigs-<1 . ' I . ;
Wash“ 12:5an Hhursnlfih.’—Fr'oh‘the' Jour-
M-l 0f .Ayziculmrt we publish; :Eharat'olming
Fwy-3P“? in -r.“3§i9sl§9§;¥§°fi£fiw‘9 2%!!th
m'the vi‘é‘mit-y ofiihld‘,Diw,s‘nhnigth:—,“Gol. Cul
«gm-of Lyme, ha‘s groinfiqq-aix-aprés 9511'qu
36y}! ivheat’, 18W bfish'els, 30¢ng ‘;h‘réé‘ isprig};
min, 120 bush‘en's. The Toin-Farmfinflan:
out; :on a field of 85X. acres, ploduce‘d 226
huffinjlh,“ John I). Bridgeman raim’d’x'o’ii'ja lit..-
ilia yeast-111m my acres, 96 bushels; afiq'Efijah
5301113611; East Hanover, from three bhg‘hels
mégpiifi’gprgs of aoil_, grew 125 bushels 6f
M'spripg wheat.” , . . ~, ‘
figsjggniimfinmv Bnronn Sousa—A wri.
“tailgating? Homegteqd recommends that. seed
bii-léy'shohld'be' steépe‘d before sowing in a.
”Indian o£.ooppem-or~hlue vvilriol. the same
as is oftenfione, for when, and than rolled in
plastef e'ndngh to dry it. He says itlhns the
efi’ect of giyipgjt g 1 rapid 8111,11,de makes it
come up strong and dank colored. He thinks
@341!“ {”9959 equal?!) ten, gxtra, load; of ma.
nut?! ’pgfiupf-e.’ I”! _'f I”; _
(3111 AM BANE grwfl 1w s 1
DUO nnuou'mnnnoga t: -
mmsmcxacu." ‘ V ,2 , J
‘ (Janus Hurnuncm- V
“in mmfim
”Mina amen“. .
KUIMfimI ml ‘ 3
~ unzw- t, .-
.‘v‘u‘: 7”! .3.
r'd" 3}"; !fi
(fair-1‘15?! if:
8..-g; 32% :2: “A ." -
Id 1 I t h"
efiKflBERRWA-firi ‘Supexjgr $9ll
43;. we» . mmz’r ms
D E N T, I. LS.“ LII ‘R MY .
Ir gna- U‘Nngi'g's fiqxfnp’ .
DOOl 0 E. OF S9EfiNflAL§ BURGER} .'
Bfiawctm‘lfihndfl’fl‘iié pibfouionnl services *to “the
gitizens of Harrisburg 53nd Vi‘efifity.
0 F M on???“ 3I" '11" '3 T 351;! _E 13:,
899.2545 in ' "’ j“ 1;. ML Gum-m, D. n; s.
DB“, 0.,7‘W El OHE L, :
.119 15 now fully prepared to attend promptly to the
ant!” of profession in all its branches. V ‘ , ~ .
Juntifles him in promising full and ample .nutlufaction to
all who‘inny favor. him with a call, be the disease Chronic
Q; gngvothepygture. 7- ‘ , . mJB-dkwly
ii ’ a . .
‘A_T T 0,3313 Y "AiTl'f L,A_Wu
‘ ' ' ' - N'Q‘FFIOE, , .. _
£13.51 . ‘ nmlsnunc, u. _ {‘ll,
11111120. F. SCHEFFER, "V e‘. .
‘ BOOK, 0412 b 41775 JOB PRINTER,
janS .. _ No. 18 Marketsgreet. Harrisburg. ‘ '
W M- ~PiA R '1: 11:1. Lin,
snoazason my. 5.1.1712, ‘ ‘ ’
108 MARKET sr.,flun,msnvne.
BRASS GASTINGS, watery descrlptionflnadeto order.
American manufactured Legs! and Iron Pipe: of sll silos.
Hydrant ofevery description made and repaired. Hot and
OOHMAter Bathmhowarfnntha, :Wgfisr 019 nm, exam-n
Puppy Img 00 a a up? 149m1: work of every «scripting:
aonafi-iheah‘ortm nohcf on‘the’mos‘t reiionabla terms.
notary Ind Enginorork. in' genera. ‘.All orders thunk
“lll‘ received andpynctnally “tended to; .’ ,u ‘ ‘
3 highest price in gash ginn fox; old Copper 13ml,
Lead Ind'Spolter.“ - ‘- > v ‘ myis-‘atf 7
”*’- ,- .-e' ‘ . ,
Jc. , ~_M O_L- T-~'Z, ,_ -.
.‘.-nemnt-mmm , rm mm mm
No, 6,2Naith say. fist; bim;§a_i§.,]¥algut hm.Mar§ct,
m .—. * ,v-Hmwwm
00" '3 9n 0 n J; In!
anchor ffl'flmur'zyn a 13% autumnal“ Gunning:
commonhandeggi u : Tunis. 'l, ‘.
All work done mm: OmbulhlflQlV-VHIM'IIIMOI hi:
on gnu-M6ll, and mm kid togiva Imitation. $
00 .., .. ..‘ww! V. H . ,
”WW atmmfiwms
:m'kinfiinmhgtmgfio’. " ”1.1,“;
R EL .1 GIQI’U'S .B 0.0 KIST‘GEE',
Tiller 4MB. simply SCHOOL opium”;
1 Es GERMfilfist- '
21 scum sworn: smut; my! «onnsnur,
U ,_ . 17lllllfllvlfl,u. ads-. 2 :-.-.- ..
~ Depot turtle Ida'oféstarqolmanfiVlmepthlowl,
Ernie and Musical Instmmu . Mfinblodpflpnl
than to; religion mbllufim,z' 5.5 11': .rnoao-dr
FR ANKL'I N ' no US" E ,
nALm__;nogn, _MD . _ a
This plenant Ind’oommoidlqjljfiétgl':lpg @lllO
roughly L's-fitted mid Mamet: .If 'mlognntly
situated on Northamqnggombn‘btgnomdj “ :l‘n‘nklin
Itroeta, . few doomwz'at‘or'tysmmafinnfin mn
way Dopfi.:£lvu'y;§tlgntion-piid to the comfort of bin
guoihigfga 7 :; ’, -” G. ”HENRING, Proprietor,
101$“; ’_ ‘ ; ‘ (81-to 'of 8311215 Grove, Pa.)
B A N K ’N OTI G E;—Noho‘eis hereby
* , givengthnt‘ jhei unmet-signed havieFfofineQ ‘3me
Giuliani, 'and jprepaped' and executed a G'ertiflcqte‘, for the
purpose otestfllishlngLaxlhnk of Issue, Discount sud
Deposits, under-the. provisions of the act; entitled “:Au
act to estebliéh n ~a_va_fl:m‘zzl,-o,t’.lofz-oe' Bankingjn ream]!-
venia, and. to secure the public 351 mm .loaa {nominal
vem Banks,” apprpyqd the 312%. (My of Merck. A 13.1860,
saidexmkto‘be «1191121111 .DOWRINGTUWN BANK
to be located in Downingtowu, to consist of a Capital
Stock‘ofi Fifin'fihsmnnd mum; in Shh-lien Girl“! ~901-
lam each, with the : privilege of; hanging. - themama‘ to
surmount, not exuding in all Three antiwar-Thom.
mil-”Wm.‘ -. _, .: ’. ~...;: ‘ .s
:fihgluspoymi -7 _g_DayidVShglmire’ 4 1
:J‘panWebpterffi, :g ' Millimkogem:
William Edge, : z .1. K.:Eihehna.n,s
Richard D. erls, " , Samuel Bingwnlt,’
J. 9,. Bough, V ,‘ ~ 3 Stephen Blatchiord
»Beptembelz3,lB6o.—.sepl 416 m: -.1 = . _
_.B AN: K '.‘N .0 TI-GiEg—Nonce» is hereby
= - given that in ‘Ass‘ocistion has ibee‘n'forined mid. i.
certificate prepared for the punpose of. establishing a.
Bank of'ls'sne, Discount- and" Deposits under 'the provi
sions of .tHe-gctzentitledfl‘m act to establtsh a- sysfiem
of Free Banking in Pennsyivania, and to secure theiipubo
lie against [os3' from Insolvent Banks,”agproved thealst
day'of .lla‘néh;lB6o. @ll9 said Bankrto? e called “The
Bethlehem Bank,” and to'-be 1116qu in the boxm‘; 11 9f
Bethlehem in the county of Northampfion, with “it?
ta] Stock 0% Fiftyfll‘hn‘usend‘ Dollars,- in ahayes of Finty
Dollars each,with“the prifilege‘of increasing the hem
Stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars; »' auzsidfim‘
BAN K. N.- 0.'13 10 E reliance Is. hereby
. givagkthat. u; assmiation has been formed Indra
certificate pg‘epared, fox-Etna purpose of :olmbllahing '0
Bank! ofgissue, discountgnd .dgposit, under thepmviaionn
of Hug-Mt, .entltlml ffAn 463110 eaubhshfizlystem ofzfree
bankingin P'enpsylvauia, audio genus the public against
loss hyjnsolventv banks,” firmed thethitty—flut day 0!
Mpxehi-lsfio. Theyfid :3 to he» called the ‘3 FREE
BANK,”.I'I-udlto. halomtpd in, the, city of.-]?hili!.(lelllh1I.I
and- to [consist 01 gr. carpi-Mr stock of ONE ,HUNDRED
TEOUSAN D DQLLABS,gin‘IhIIBI .of fifty rlollm Mich:
with _ the ppigilegq of~in creasing the same ‘to any manna
notgxceedingjn all one million of dollars; , dye-dam .
Notice is hereby given that “ The Fishnet? and
Mechani'ia" Bud: of emuagu' Bank Yo! unaware-m
Depositerlocited innhezborongh ofi'n'anton, Nerthnmp
ton county, Pennsylvania, having; capital ‘of lbni’flnn
dred-Thonundfiollarwwiuapply te‘thenmhegillntm‘o
of Penny-hank {or n renown] of its; charter Sm- fifte 1:
years, from We expiration of its present chatteri‘wizh
xts present capital stock, powers and privileges, ma
without any alteration in or increase of _the same.
' AIMS. MOBILE-E, Pr’esident.
M’E. FORMAN, Cashier. jam-dam
B. AN K NUTI 0 E.-——Notlc‘e 18 hereby
given that an Association has been formed and a.
Certificate preparedlor the pix-pose of establishing a
Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provi
sion of the not entitled, ‘9 An not ,to egtnhlieh B'lfltfim
of free benkingin Pennsylvania, and to secure the public
against loss from insolvent banks,” aggroved‘the 3m
day of March, 1880. 13119.:le Bmk ‘be' called the
“ State Bank," and to he locatedln the city of Philadel
phia, and. to consist of a Oepitalfitock of lift”: Thousand
Dollars, in ehnres‘of Fifty Dollars en'ch‘, irit the priviv
lege of increasing the same to nnynmonnt not exceeding
in all One Million of Dollars. ‘ -. 50294161113"
[IO-"SE. FOR BENT—lnquire at the
» BROK—ER’B"OFFIOE, No. 126 Market at, where
there in moneyJonned on all kinds of, property '. Ilgo,
watches, jeyvolry, musical inshrumentn apt-..; mind {or fit
the or othin ~
v :'-"“':Wlhfle~
Bu‘fiimss mag:
E A Y-S,
for Edi": 8? its lßent.
, . «8.1.. M’GULLUUGH,
Exchange BKL Man-keg
F OR. RENT-a—FROM THE 1:11:31} DAY or
Ann nun—A prmodions Two-Stun DWELLING
HOUSE, fin Sgcond'street, belbw Pine,) ”with ‘wiilu Hull;
hits? .399, Build 93, Maerme 39. my!!!» 9.4! In
nlx'il‘g-onga; 11l the rooms jupt papered an’d painted: ' The
gecoud ‘siory- divided into 'seven- rooms; ofpe bf’ ivhich'i};
fl 33th.. , -’l."hiw, in qonnecfiou with‘flfi: {got this th‘p’ péijnq
lull-just beep placed in m mm thqirougkrepflr, man».
it one of the most deairable‘ hous’es in the city. Enquire
of " ‘ E. M POLLOCK',""
Market Square, Hurnsburg.
Also, several SMALL HOUSES for rent. ; dew-lit! V
FOR' REM—From the fins: 6?. ‘A'fir‘i‘l
my“, théSTOBE ROOM _now ocqupied by Simuel 'E.
Zollénge'r; NO3 65 Marketastreot. For {arms-glyph to
- dell .dlqg ,A. ;’ lOUITHPSON.
F‘uu“s_‘A'LE'—'A Light. Spring one.
Horse WAGOR; Apply at Pitteragn’qstoré, ,Bi-osjd
ntreet,West Hari'isblii‘g’. ~ . o 1411!
unm‘js'gia nfiimih‘Q: Lois ton sun:
A number of Jugs size BUILDING LOTS. adjoining
the Round [101135. at! Work '81:!) I of the Pennsylvania
Baum“ comp“; will be sold gov find on reasonable
terml- Apply-to ‘\ saw-den: ; . 101 m W.‘.HALL.-
R E M'O‘V‘ A‘L’.‘ . ’
fiulrainovedAtp ' - " '3’ r i:k
6.0 mum mum; ..
~ ~. Mymhum beams-en to “minim. M
Ocm‘f (f »j 5: :- "n‘
Instwlvgu‘c $1011?” .I- 1." MB B‘l 0-
tg'vwnuf ‘.. ‘he‘v—Kuéuéin nit-min,-
03,903!“wa !W" . mung-"’m-‘g-a‘. §
mmmufln‘ . mu or mom mm. and mm. m.,
. .-.‘ 2:2:0‘71131 :e‘;x=s" 11H? ' ‘4 ‘
Tan Anuummox 'm Luammsml'here in trotting
tendency in_thia age to ' appr'oyriste' the moat expressive
‘wordu of other languageu,va§d diet t‘ while to inept-route
them into V omi- own; 'thhpz‘thoiwqiil ‘Oaphlio, fihiél; is
_froin the" Grist, signifying “for the held,” in now becom—
ing popularizud in oingectiop 'with My ppaming’e3 great
Hamish: remedy, but it will “9°“ be “ted in' ‘n 89:6 gen
eral my, and the word Cephalic will become I: mm mm
as Electrotype and many others whose distinction as for
eign words has been worn may by comlhon usage imtil
they seem “native a. to the manor born.” ' -
’a'rdly Realized
In ’ad ’ll ’orrible ’eadacho this hlt‘ternoon, hand I stepped
into ‘the himthégafies band plays ,hi $03116 mun, "flail you‘
hease me'qf'lenfieadqche ‘.’.” “Does it hehe muffs,"
:o_ “fiaxoredinglyfhnyfl hi, hfnd'npén that ’9‘ gave me
a (39ch my, mail ’poh mg 'bnoxy'it cured me as 'quick
that I ’n’rdly realized 1 7nd M! an ’endache.
i]? Humans is the favorite sign by {which nature
makes known any deviation -thatever‘ from the natural
state of the brain; and view‘ed'ia this 11311 t it myh’e looked
on as a ssieguard intended to give notice of dilesse which
might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be seme
died; and its indications should never be neglected. Head .
aches may be claSsifled _under two names, viz : Symptoma
tic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly
common and IS the precursor of a. great variety of discs-BBS,
among which are Apoplexyi 9°“: Rheumatism ‘Md ”.1
febrile diseases. In its nervous form “is ginp‘athet'ic of
disease of the stomach constituting sick headache, othe
patio disease constituting Minibus headeehé, oi ‘ worms,
constipation uni other disorders of the bowels, as well as
renal and uterine reflections. V pisesges of theéheant are very
frequentlf amended "irithfiesdachés; Anaemia uni plethora.
are also emotions which frequently . oeeasion meld-aha.—
Idiopathic Headwhe‘is also ne.-y common, being usually
distinguished bythe, name o_fmmmus headache, sometimes
coming on suddenly in a State ot'sppnienflj‘soumi‘fihflth
and pros :ntmg st ones the montsl‘nndfphysiesl' “ewe,
and in other instanas it coined 6a sloilflfi uemq‘es’b‘y. de
pression of spirits orzaeenhity of tempos-. 1 In mos-tinnitus .
can the pain “in the front of the head, ovoi- ono-o'r hbtli
eyes, and sometimes prgyektiig yonlfiing; under this class
may lIFO b 9 nynbgl‘Nafifilfgt’a‘. : 3“ I; _ ,
”nor' the nesting; qr dither aim or Eqnihchefiihe oe
phalio 11in- huo been found a. ante and we fomedy‘, r'elie;
win; up 1110317;ch pan-jig- i; fq‘ui’ nfiligfil, End b} in; _shbtle
poibr‘oridiouting thd diogallea‘ot' whieh Rachelle in the
unending index. . . ‘ > > - 1
Ramona—Ming”; {35913, Jpn $913,111! Igor a box of Dep-
Wll9. Elna, my"; hat al‘o‘of’figfiurg ELEM!” Hm think
ing "that! lam-19m wimpy; Pi}, mum .yn’ll. be; ,gtyhex
igflfifig‘fihfijfi'ih : Wm. Hhfifl’fiiflfl‘z‘i mid: simviFh
iyesaaxltwqbgs'wa'ma ms! Woof mama;-
regfiwfieg‘rvfgri .5 A.“ . 0.8!- 2133.; ; legumil- #l3-
,V 11:39. '-'; 9 {iii 13.11.!!! ”Hi? I! ,9». ,°.- ' -
Brunt-540611.: mm 41151 $91.33! Mit.he.r9”-th°
gag-flint (nil éi'tmejhe 23113 g‘qd don"lidfilldly about it
II it. .7
.5, « -£ons.tinufl9n or: Castings“. K. . ‘
"Emma "aim macaw-“mm".iiiowmena
a!!! awn-ms ‘ . hind, and so much nhg'lectggg’gzgfiibbfibg.
_WP "fixinfinfi imwcieqsneqq{m . .; it”; ‘. ,-
1- may! as . 'ht'diwmuaot‘ttnp; L my . no to
oiiité- afixigggfiflé' hfohhtzitjhthi yum" rib}? and
amplifier:- 6971 mm??? saggy («:le .iflgiéua m.,
cfifi,"ipd.nflepsigil!-‘M9§t§d _itwillbghfiu ‘ _e‘égflqror
w'th‘untiyi‘ely-‘igjve, ‘mwmgglw,h ro. yhich
mvéflli'fi; '9'lfl‘3ém f.§!§‘ifl.m,§ “We? golibi
Manama. put Humming: aqnmetévfiietaw
while. t"l,ans.tr.n,in‘om'i Mtg! misalimlfifilfllfimm
ravine;iammsgmységtegfimggryfiggygpami; App-l
play; ‘lplleps’j“-Pinlyfil, :Hyst'arii‘,“ yf'gohogqfiagig,
Molnacholy,and innit”? indium .3119 r,pre'lence in
the ”mm-hymn dam-i . :syfifitafin‘.~ 'NbV-unlrequgnfl;
the dimsxnimd origin-Mini mntlpsmybnt fa‘kq on
u'indepohflaht oximneo‘nnlubmmqqfifiofldieued in
111-cu]: stage”: :z-nom, m thus. hound-tummy? ifi'quon
that the disorder shouldreoalvg imfiuimfitte‘nfion yrh'en?
over-it ownisf'and no perionzahoqldlieglfiéfitp' got; i' in‘!
of Gefihilie'Pml'on iba first appuvm‘éfl'tho‘ ‘o'omplfln’t
u their timely use will expel my jggidiqul ‘gpprogicherhi'
disease md'd‘eah‘fl! thildin‘gemu foo-to hum“ life.
A Rei:lll*sing.
- 'PhysiciigfiéWQXl-{MfigJ'dfifi‘lifijhtfiatvhpadgqhe 1 ’
" Mil": ’J 65143;: Go'fia' !“Docif’r "ili'gone !thhé fiij’y’gngpapt
aired‘im' injuhcmnty mmifuesrmt um ‘yq; was:
send. more 9°31!“ I can‘have. 1119 p hqprly- ~ ~ . :.‘.. " -. ‘
' ‘.fhy'fijaian33loufcii; .ge‘tvtli‘g'm at in; pryggiqtd. , 9,911
{6l" Oe‘pfiilic Pills, ‘I fllrdithey fiéver nil, auditedglilpiqnd
them}! “KW! 9? financing". - 7r. ' V > 94:” ~
‘ Mrs: Jngqa +1 yuan am: for q wraimfly, 'p'p‘d 455“;
tell in my sum-mg grien'ds, {annoy are a. gal. blésgg'gg.
Twmi .mnmexs.er; DOLLARS swam—Mr. Bpalding
has sold twq miliona qfrbpttles of,_hiu‘aelebmthfl Prepared
Glue and it is estimated that each bottlejaul all-lent ten
dollars worth of broken furniture, thus makmg an aggre
satavofi: met: nilngew'; gonna mutated ‘.'.rqlfi um loan
by. ,thig, “mama. integtipn, ;; Havingzque his Glue‘ a
116999110111 5399:9116: 99.1 :xilreposea to do‘ the world still
‘grefitgr sefllqemyicufipg >2 ,the,gching he» a with his
Cephalic..l?ills, and if they; new: good as his films, flout
ache: vngl soon vaquh away like. new in July. , _ ‘ .-:
1130'“! Emma“. 321 the; them: 3319?!“ inkirty
incidegi't .tja the close“gtt‘entidd td‘qhgixiofis 0" study; 3139'
among the n‘umero‘na‘cansea or Nerv'oua' Begging: z.._ , Tm)
dismemmtesof mind and body @9149“: tin. yfiin‘dmrgw
ing complaint‘ is Lfatfil‘hlgit to all angry gun mugging :,
shimmy-spy this disorder can aura-ya jghlgzin gnaw. .re! at
from th'e'se' distressing attacks by using Ougql. {hag gépxulig
Pills Jr'naneve; the aymp'gqmu 3.13 pm.. 7,11; ganja-vir th‘g' (_S'vlv'r
tagke'd brain am; so’othen $3O: attained an'd‘ j 11':in _ ne'ryfeg,
margins {Eggtafngmn‘pt the‘stbm'gch whichjljrhjsfifi:
ganglia-nick and ag’gnvatan’the‘disordeted'cbmtiti‘on of pie;
1‘3“" .‘. _ -.:'- ~>
I'm! won: nowmoeSmldiug’a'Oeohaliav Pill: arr: A
certain cm fox-Sick Bandung, Bilioul Hundache‘, Nervous
Hamlin, Continues: and General nobility. ' : _
ram-r D!sbqvmi¥.;—_‘Amqgg ms mag importagt‘ on“
th‘e ’g‘re'lt medieil disooveriu-offlzld‘ngq may by mfiiidep‘éd
the “stamp! vaccinatigl to; pmgectjon tram Small" Pox,
the‘ cephuierm {0.1" nll9fl.9r.fiaid;acfie;'hnd ‘ifine’m ,of
Gaining: formic praianfipp 91: rush; oithar qg. ilij‘nhjii
a nte'spicgfld; gimme bemflzg‘yillibh‘exppfleneed‘ by: ant;
fairing hqfinify‘loqg’fitor thgi‘rflipodtarors airb' forgottén.
:23?va you ever buy! tpb‘Qiek Eeidunhe‘!’ Do you
remember thy-throbbing temples; the fev‘eretl br‘i, thy
lonthinggml (lingual: fit the night of food! _Hai.'idhlly
uhfitnuvw‘ere- or pleasui-‘e, obnenafioh" or' ntudj- 'ng»
of the 0611113111: iPillshquLl hwexr'elievod-you fiofi’fll‘ths‘
anfiriniylfiéfi‘ 16:15pm experisnhed. For thifi :‘n‘d' 9 th'ég
pumiéawou 9119qu always have ‘1 box oftheih ‘q’n but”
we‘ll: occasionrequim. < ' ' . - ‘
‘ z ....(3 . 3
‘~."7_.¢,.aws?i m
£ll I. .CURE. i
By the mic (if these Pins um perioflie attacks oi N".
on: or Sitk Héadaéhé inn-y He'pre'vantm; mg {g egg“
at the commencemqnt' 91' u; :ttnclg immedigto relief from
pain um! sickn’e‘sn'will be ofitaiified. ' - Y
They spldomjgill ingumovjnglha Hanna. and Head
ache to which females are no subject. V
They-tiét gentlynpon the' may. “mm"! Cost-ice
mm] , __ ‘
For "Ifi‘t‘e‘r‘arg'flc'fii Students; Delicate Females, ind
all‘ pal-lona. of 32469:“!!! M 5138; “19! are valuable as I
Luann, Improving the appetite, glving tom and “'5"
who dige’ativo 'orgm; And maturing the autumn emticm
and nttength of the whole lysfiem. V , _
The autumn: 15mm aria the result of long investi
pilot: and awfully 0|)!!de experiments, 5““! 35“,,
in use many yem,dnrlngwhlcl;fimg they 1“" prevented
and relieved 'I not manual: of pin {and lulu-In; mm
Hempptv‘hoflhrer o:63;?an #1 the 367 mm: ”stem or
now I ioniziéd Itah of the "mob.
mm, In "and! Vfisot'lblé‘in t .
A : hm: co .
gnsflsafiy“Momma-tee:..r.‘£',’:';:;°"' “d
“8 310”” of diet, Milk: than“: of . out 1:...
y“ 10 mm nMan a a.” u “may - any dun.
children. ' . . 18m them to
, “WM“ o', PQUKIERFIITB! ,A , ’
The genius Inn in limtu'nl of'fle’nryc, Spawn; on
mhhfim' :w = : - ‘i- .‘.
a.“ 5" ”3% nml fll‘ other’deul‘au in “dismal.
A 39; '11! 136 funtlnnfil'mm bu Fo‘a'ifit 6! in.
WCE-WMHWE clams.
m " Euusommu -
.‘i .1 “El-.‘.!“ ”ALBI-NG,
agfl‘zugfiflflfllfllfilfllw you.
ELI): Quint.
R E S 'l‘ 0 R I N G >
Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, ha“
attempted not only to. imitate his restorative but pro
fess to have discovered something that would produce
results identical ;.but they hnv'e all come and gone,‘be-‘
ing carried away by the wonderful results of Professor
Wood’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the
field to its resistless sway. Bend the renewing:
Bun, Maine, April 18, 1859.
P3Ol. 0,-J. Woon & Co. : Gents—The letter I wrote
you in 1556 concerning your valuable Hui: Restorative,
and which you have published in‘this vicinity and also
where,2hs§ given rise to numerous enquiries touching
the facts in the case. The enquiries are, firstilis it a
fact of n]! habitation and name, as stated in t 9 com
municatlon; second, is it"tru'e of all therein contained
third (1065 .my hair still continue to be in good order and
of natural color '5 To all I can and do answer invariably
yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of In? life
‘ for 49 years post, _more soft, thrifty, andbetter colored;
the some is true of my whiskers, and the only onuse why
it is not generally true, is that the substance is'weshed
ofi' by frequent nblntion of the face, when if care were.
used by wiping the face in close connection with the
whiskers, the same .result will follow-as the hair. I:
have been in the receipt of agree-t number of letters from
all parts ‘of New England, osking ins if my hnir still
continues to be good ;. as there is so much fraud in the
manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as
this, it has, no doubt. been bssoly imitated, and been
used, not only without any good elfecr, but to absolute
injury. 1‘! hu've‘ not used any of your Restorative of any
account for some months, and yet my hair is as good 11l
ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, as]
am now 61 years old and not 3 'gray hair in my hood or on
my face; and to prove this fiscal send you a. lock of my
hair token off the 'past week. I received your favor of
two quart bottles last summer, for 'which I am very
grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced
them to try it ; many were skeptical until after trial,
end-then purchased and used it with universal success.
I will ask as a favor, that you send me a. test by which I
can discover fraud in the Restorative; sold by many, I
fear, without authority from you. A .pure article will
insure success, and I believe where _good efl'ects do not
follow, the foilurei's caused-by the impure article, which
curses the inventor of the 'good. I deem it my duty. as
heretofore, to Hoep you. nppris‘ed‘of the continued efl'ect
on my hair, as I n‘ssuro all-vv’ho enquire of me of my on
shsken opinion of its valuable results. ,
"' ‘ I remain, deer six-s, yours, ‘ A. O. RAYMOND.
’ i ' .Asn‘on’s Ros, Ky.; Nov. 30, 1858.
prior, 9. J., Woon :‘ Dear Sir ;,-—I would certuinly be
doing-you a; great ingestice not to make known to the
world, the _wonderfil as Well ss-tue unexpected result I
have experienced from using one bottle ofyour Hair
Restorative. After” using every kind of Restoratives
extont,;hut without success, and finding‘my hesdanesrly
destitute of hair, 1 nos flnsllyindncegl to try a. bottle of
your Hair Restorative.“ Hog, condol- and” justice ’c‘ompel
me to announce to whoever muylreed this, first I'now
' possess a new Ind‘ beautiful growth-of hair; Which I
fronounce richerond _houdsomerfihnn the original was.
will therefore take occsSion' 'to recommend this in
valuable remedy to m. who-nay kelgthe necessity of it.
Respectfully yours, REV: S...ALLEN BROOK.
P. B -—Cl'his" testimonial of 'my 'lpprohutioxi'for' your
valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is unsolicited;
but if you think it worthy of a. place among the rest,
insert it you wish; it not destroy and sny‘nbthin‘g.’j_
Yours, Jno.; ' . Run-fist. B'.
Depot 444 Bro-away, and, sold by all dealers through
out the world. _ ~.
_ 9. 1.33001). ,& Ooakroprietorsrm Broadway, How
York and tithes-hot Street, St: man, No. , _
. And una- by 111 good Maggie“ and rum Good!
Deolers. ~ . __ _ 4 . . nol‘i-dglrwam
H AnNoDa-s '0 ME W onMeEM
\ T 0 TEE TIA-”. 113- . ’ ~
nmvsflmoou or mans ’V‘a‘ rith‘ 'and mum
eglor Iqu guns; chug): .mq tumiwhyninorr WzAfiflv .01.!
3,173, on, ,Mfifl when 'opce apfpfied remains [durable fog
yuan.- m‘il‘ed'xfree-inlbottles‘ o'f‘Sl'iOO'.‘ ‘- ‘i" 1""? "
HUNTES: ‘WQQB’KflOILET tummy? in?!” ;I.
d-azflixigwhit'enens' t 6 the c‘o'mple‘aiofi,“§ifl as unii o my
thing!” 11994 _fpr ghiqpurfae ganged _fi-ae {013505011};
4 a raw unman- m m.,?! ‘remoir'es‘ t'aln' fr‘eélfl'es,
SEEN-OM Pleflpfibnfl-DfithQ akin, mum free form
can .A ~ .. ' . i_.
RE‘EUNT’S"""IMPERIAL "P'O’MBDE,” 1'01" the liuh‘,‘
Meaghan. any! Wye": its smut} nap: inflow-tall
ing’o‘ .and warmed TO MAKE in}: mun CURL,
Wimiorflfloxfi :1",1-!n: “2 '.s-z g 'ru L‘:I:I-x
. awn,“ swan BEAUIIEmi’Ior the tea-2mm
guuig‘clemdep‘und‘whitens the teeih- harden: the gums,
giddebfth Ibre'sth- efl'e'ch‘xhny,‘ Pvß'h smnvmann‘nx
f nggo'AND PREVENTB TOOTH-A 0313, mailed fzjee
or“ . . ‘_ 1 ' "
.mm'r’s “BRIDAL waATE- pnnmmnnxaqwma
gfiaet’b‘f’ or‘n’hge blo’sloms iiid oohgne; hailed free’for
. Azti -: -;‘l‘--'J"=" r., " "4:4 UV"
’ This exquisite perfume wen first used_ by the ERINGESS
notm‘w or- ENGLAND, an ‘h‘er jinx-Huge. ”311153118.
HUM $.OO. mega-Inga thearmnvnas mthmaesm.
ease bf‘Pe'rfult'nel-y ,(in which 3119! the above amides;
Vereinoluddd'fi mfiandadme mglaawim g'ola stop‘isér'ag
9.13.991 91:31.6“); mmculm 9*. (111.191! .appemd in 16.1“?
phblic printb'.‘ Alrthe afibye a'ftioles' pent FREE by ex-_
W633} fortfijmm- 20%}: can 'either‘flo‘fibmpanyrthe' p'rd'er
our? Wdzwfihefiprfiw as?!“ 0! delivery of‘ seeds
z' _e _y’ ' 34.; "nnunmjtnofi, 'l. : ,
Chg; 3:1. ,; - z : ‘tParfumus to tire queen, ‘'-
Byaum Sm“. I:oan3. W 70.7 84389! swam,
' The'Tg-sde’ ihpplied: " ‘ " Pmunumni' ‘
3142861144“! af' ' '.:."=l=' ::
fin 7" fiaitgektépem;
_ /Prep
/ 6. "ql'.:'
12;: gncoNom/Cw . a7_
éa‘fiimfipawfl “(3%:
:23; save the-" Pieces! 94..
As aéeidem m'n liappzn am- in {ball-76310111321! fumi~
lies, it,“ vary desirable to inve some cheap‘ndtconve
nient wayvfpr rewiring Furniture, Toys, Crockery, ace.
meeti all sixth einérgen'c!en,and I'zo‘ houuhbld can afford
tn be without it; It. {a dvfiya:rglgyima‘upto.thb ”stick
ing 1”?!“- ..Thm il. 'l9.- longer. lingual}? .f.01.'- limping
chum-'splinterod’ «max-g: 6511165 an ', and lii-okay!
grpdlel; . _Lt:is‘justitho u’tigle. (or none, .Ihelh ain't! other.
oraaéz'qginm wprktlo popular with India of refinement
m.u°" ,|.';'."‘.. .l.,v* V'V
I'm-many ble 'qpmfiognmeo; . being choral?
call 110 ch 3330qu ‘on, nptl gunning 3% the~ “lymph
quilfifiu' of'the' t ci‘bine m‘nkei'l" Glu'é: -It maybe
and in: $119.. 91.: of. ordinanmnfll-se. being will
more ndh‘enivg. _' ’ '
' ' . ' “USE UL'IN EVERY‘HOWSE ” '
‘ 113.—A Bl.“ ueompujpg nah beetle. Price,”
cents. " ' . . ..- . 7 .
Wygéllpgni 1) row, fi9.;§§ 9394:, 3:391, Raglan.
.. Address HENRI 0. SPALDING‘I: 00.,
.‘ , '.‘.. 1,1§9;N9.8,600,Ne0nz-kl.
rut upafo‘r gnlgrg in pass; containing Four, night
and Twelvg D enra'be'autifnl thhugnphio Show-Gama
:ccom u use": ~30“. :5-- . 7‘
1133:5113“ bogflofo'f BPALDING’S PREPARED
GLUE will a: ’4 ten time-git- oost annually to every
hflflflfiholqu, ' , 7‘ ”r ‘. , . 1 ~ 5
' Build by Jnont Stntlo'nenmmggluu‘ Hal-dune
and I'm-nix mlera;.Grooer‘s. uni mac’s ore‘s. "
[film] Llsfisl‘ww'w 923 m
_ .. , wan n e _n .
“fighting; "‘oumm; -' ‘ " 'P '
- “i: O 1‘
Gamma.“ .GELAVTLNEévThé-éaiesl
_mieu Imm ~ Rummy“ willow-blight
“"1” g 2;? ”’ ‘f ‘. " :"""'"‘-‘P°? F‘iwa';
Kmm’wsmvwsmm km,”
”(W’MWA;:;:I ,t. :3 , '
Ax spenent and Stomachic preparation of IRON pus-i»
lied of Oxygen and: Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen
Sanctioned by the highest Medina) Authorities, both in
Europe lend the United States, and prescribed in their
pumice. _
The_experienon of thousands. duly proves that on pre
paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities ol
theobiood, depression of vital 'energy, pale and otherwise
sickly complexion, indicate its necessity in almost every
conceivable case. '
‘ Innoxions in all maladies in which it has been tried, it
has proved absolutely curative-in each of the following
complaints, viz: ‘
In Barium, Neurons Arrserrose, mummies, Dr‘s
nrsxs, Consrrn'rxon, Dunstan-m, Dvsnsnnv, Inomllfl'
Oosswrrios‘, Sonornnons Tusncuosrs, SALT Reruns,
Misusxsrnouion, erss,o3nosoers. LlVBBCom’umrs,
CEiIONIO Vussnsonss, RnEVIA'I'ISI, Iti'l‘llluflfl'mi'r Fauna,
Purses on Iran hos, an. » -
In cases of GENERAL Dreams-r, whether the result of
acute disease, 'or of the continued diminution of nervous
and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trinlp.‘
this restorative has proved succeszul to an extent which
no description or written attestation would rend er credible .
Inulids so long bed—ridden as to have become forgotten in
‘ their Own neighborhoods, have suddenly rte-appeared in the.
busy world as if just returned: from , protracted travel in:
‘ distant land. Some very signal instancesof this kind are
attested of female Snfl‘erers, emaciated'victilns of apparent
maintain!!! mgnineous exhaustion,cfitieal changes, and
tint complication of nervoris and dyspepticisverslon to Air:
and exercise for which the physician has no name.
In Nesvous-Arrlcrmss .of all kinds and for reasons
familiar to medicsl'nien,‘thé’operation oi;r this reparation
of iron must necessarily be salutary, for," e the'old
oxides, it is 'yigoronsly tonic, without belngfeleiting'end‘
overheating ; 'snd gently, regularly Ipofient, email in, the.
most obstinate cases of costiyeness, without eves-being a
gastric gurgatlre, or inflicting _s disagreeable sensation.
It is his latter property. among” others; which makes it
so remarkably efl'ectnai and permanent: remedy for Piles,
upon which it also sponrsto exert a. distinct end specific.
nation. by dispersing the local‘rendency which forms theme.
In Msflnssdsmumershle as are itscsnses, s. single but
of these Chaiyheste gills has often snfliced for the most
habitual cases, including the attendant (.'os’tiosmss. '
-' In nn'eheche'd Dianna}, evenwhsn sdvhnced to'D'rm I
rim, confirmed, emuidgingg= and apparently malignant
theeil’eegs have beenennslly decisive and astonishing. , ,
In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitsting
comm-m _rexnittenthectie, which generally indicgte j!!!
omen-r Consumes, thls're‘nedy as ‘s'ilsysd‘ths‘slmn
of friends and physicians, in sevenl very gratifying and:
interesting instances. ‘~ . 5 . ' . ' 5
:In Bonornsonsgunsnonsosis, this medicated iron hu
had is! more than thrgoon ,en‘e'ct urine was; cuntiorjsly
ulsneed mtionl ’on iodine, without any or their well
knownllnbilrtios: ‘. . e -- ' ' ' -, '=
:The attention of females cannot be tooeonfldently invited
tothis (smelly ull restorative, in ,the csses peculiarly sf »,
Mifigtheu. _ ; ..
,In flunk-flax, both gin-{mic and luflmrnatory—‘dufiho
latnr, how'dvor, notedecidedly—itlni b'u’ah lhvix-nbly you
uporwdggboth-u afieviaiihg .pdn Ind reducing .thnu'iul.
Ins-lanlntl-ififlhw .0! the, Joints and nan-91w = . » - 4
, ..n Mum-mu! Fauna it RWJIBWKHI ks 5.3 m:
x‘emfi'giy‘ifid'gpéig‘otic'r'es'thlfivb; nn‘d'fig prom In the,
gar-ammonium therWe‘at; will prohbly no one of Inga
flnfi'flsflmfflnen.‘ % ~f '-'~‘--=: _ '
(If; median», which new: finch gummy kffi’hm ml:-
momma emu- 69w #159911“; pump 9% dmeafiion,
r‘gfifd‘icquiaifion'qf str‘éngph, in]: m hpusual'di‘apogilfion
fof “five-and bhpérfuliegeifise, imniéiiin‘hélflollowmusé.
‘ Putin}: in nest: flat new méodtuning' comm; 1511“
go, can Ber Igoxg. forms, by; anguish madam; Will
tip can! [recite my midway 911.5053ij 111 the pile... . All
lgttw-Jvfiw.9!o‘-,~ahbnldbea}ddrmeq to .. ,' _ ,
g 115-3. BOOK-H. . ’OO.;Ge-enl‘Aggu'ts‘. - '
' mama: ' -‘»i-‘ «woman- Sth‘fl, New Yoj-k;
m“??? We»-
”i S9M
A: . .. 'l‘ a:
Tofflm ClTlgE_lY_.§"_'o__l'_‘ ,NE‘F; :JFRSE‘Y “END"
Apomnomms, Dnuoolsra‘enooans AND
wrung; ‘ 4 " ' ' -~, » ~2 ,
'WODFE’S'PUBE scorcn am) mtsn wnxsmr: _
. ALI. IN ‘3 O TTLE'S.‘ -.'.: - '
I beg leave to call the attention-9f the eitizens of the
United states to _the ‘ shove Wines and‘ LjQuonS', im
' rted? hyiUnoapso Won". of Neva-York, wh‘o‘se' name
gfmiliardn-eyeryvpart oi ~this:eountry'fot the purity
aimswglebmted Semi-Ins! -S§!lI-APPS; ,Mr. Wows, in
his letter to me, speaking oi: ‘the purity of his Wines
and motions, says: ”twill stake 'my reputatibn as a
man; my standing” mmerehnnt of thirty‘yesrs’ resi
dence in the City of New York, that'all the Bnmnrand
Wmnsnyhich 1- bottle are-pare is imported, and of the
best quality, and can be relied upon ,by‘every purchaser, ”
Every bott e has the 'prdprietor’s name on t e tax, and
e. gee ail-ale of his signature on the' certificatb".~ a'l‘he
public ‘ *rsaglactmuy invited to cell'snd examine for
themselves . or; sale still-nu; by all Apotheoaries’and
Grocers in Philadelphia. ; V _.- v - V
r l , » . . GEORGE E. ASHTON,
. V N 6. 832 Market streeg=lfhiladelphiag
- . " , i p Sole Agent?” Philadelphia.
need the following from ‘the'New- ork;o9urier : -
Exoauoys Business son one-111w Your Mmmnasm—
We are happy to inform our fellowpeitilnns that there is
onedpla'e‘e‘ in'our city-where the: physician, apotheeary,
and 006.1 th merchant, can‘go and'pu'rch‘aee pure Wines '
and Liquors, ss‘pure asimportem'an'd of thwbest' quality:
We. daznot intend to. give an elabofste description of this
meyehant’s extensivehusiness, althoughtit wilhvell re:
pay snyjstgauger org-citizen to visit Unoarno Mann’s
extensive Warehouse Nos. 18,20 and 22, Beaver street
and‘N’os' 11, 19 and 21, M'arketfleld street. Hlsstoc‘k of
Fohhapps- on hand ready for shipment could not have
been lessthan thirty thousand oases ; » the Brandyr some
ten thousand cases—Yinrsges of 1836 to 1866; and ten
thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica and st; Croix Rum.
some very oldiand equal to any-in this country. He hlso
had three large cellars, filled witthrandy, Wines, £50.,
in costs, under Custom-noose key, ready for, bottling.
Mr. Woma’s, sales of Schnapps last year amounted to
one'hundred'aud eightygthousand dozen, and we hope in
less than two years army be equally successr ‘ nth
his Brandies and Winesk ; ’ , '
His business merits the patronage of every lover of
his species. ‘ Private families who wish pure Wines and
Liquors-for medical useshouldsend their orders direct
to Mr Wears, until every Apothecary in .the land make
uptheir‘miuds to discard“ the poisonous sum from their
ihelves, andlreplaoe it with-,Woarals pure Wine and
xuons: ~ . ‘
3VO understandxur. Wen", fox-the xeebimnodltion-of
small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of
Wines and’quuors. ' Such a man, and such a‘ merehant,
should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op;
ponents' in‘ the United States, who sell’in’dthing but in!
tatigns, ruinouaalike to human health and happiness.
lon-sale by 0. K. Hmn, nugget, sole smut for
Harrisburg. ~ ' _' . j _ sepS-dkwflm
ANHO 0 D ,
n-Oiw li-o‘s m,- smo w n n e '1! on: b.
: , Jim Published, inn Sealcdi‘Elmldm ‘
A woman ,ONJI'HE- .NA'EUFG; rununnfir. um
um“;- cum; 0: Brenna. 98111101“, or seminal
weakens; 89:1!!! 99m”; limwsnm qnq 1919 mm”,
Biniehionayprnaucing impotene'y, Consumptioh mammal
udl‘h‘ysieailnéuflity‘. ' ‘ 2' ' ' *
w: B! ROB.‘J. .QULV‘EEWELD. 'M; D.
Thei‘gno‘nan; fnqgjpet we laflulzvhnleqwncu of'lefl
ebuse may he‘elfecmally removed wippunnnternalmediclnee
or the dangemne epplipntinnq of genetics, _ imfirnmente,
medicated" being)”, and otfien’fimnirical decides, _ia here
clearly «mount-axed, "and the entirely new and high"
auoqnmful treatment, an ndopted by the celebrated not or,
fully explained; by means of whit-meter, one is enabled to
cure himself patiently and at the [emit poeainle cost, there-
By “hiding all the univerfi‘erd nostrnnu‘of-the day The
Lecture win prove a boat} to Ihon'smda‘undrthomnds ‘ '
Sentnnder seal to‘ Enyliddrese, post amid, on the receipt
of two onstage eminpsfbyr damning: Dr; CHAS J. 0.
KLINE; 489 First 43191119;er York, 120:: Box 4,686. . ,
""19.'d"“'1-V ' A_____
for lilo l‘. ‘ " ‘ ' ‘ " “USER’S Drug Store,
1102'! “ 91 Msrlget Street.
5 ' .‘A-pxiine'lofiijuat roeé'ived by 5 ~ ; ‘ ' ‘
09mm.“ 1‘ V. - ..;, ”-.WM-JROQKJB-ra‘c"
DRIED , PARED; :J’E'erGchS', Dried
momfifia mm?“ 3’?” "W" m"
0 .V
«m. . . ’v"‘3t‘°s°'iwu.’ocx.:nwco,
Tow-309$ wan ehdl’éaa‘vfii-‘iety; 'th
-, mam-mm“: “Minion 6! but“! littlo‘oiu, i
mnnzßWr-ws -: w s a , x
SMOKE IgrSMOKEJ ,1, :~.SMOKE:I I: link
“3‘: I!!! awwmmwggw 1.4, gig; *
_ 451.2,1
1‘» I'l.
_ F
.70 D.. ,F
The attention of Inwalids. Physicians. Glergymen,
scientific men, and the public seneg‘ally, is respectfully
solicited to the merits of this chemical prepsratio m.,.
mining mon, SULPHUR, AN!) ynospnonoulg, m
which is identical in its composition With the Hemmer,
Glabule, or red blood. In all diseases .sccompanied with
‘ D E B I L 1 'l' Y , n
pale countenance and nervous derangement, “um, ”I
the blood show I. deficiency or the “'1“ globules. Ruddy
complexion and a. rosy tint of the skin, is always mum.
tive of health; while a. pale, wax-like skin and mute.
nnnce,-whi_ch evinoes a deficiency of the red globule __
accompanies ti diseased organism . Preparations of 12:6“
have been given for the purpose of supplying the red glo.
bules but we contend that men alone, SULPHUR alone
or PIiOSPI-lOROUS alone, will not meet the deficient}
in even-[y case, but that a judicious combination of an
l these e ements is necessary to restore the blood to its
normal standard. This point, never before attained, has
been reached in the BLOOD F 001), and its discovery
ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the
age. Its effects in
are to soften the cough, brace the nerves. strengthen the
system; alloy the prostreting night sweats, increase the
physical and mental energy! enrich the blood by restorinn
the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, raster:
the color, and clothe theskeletnn frame with flesh. rElie
BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in all CHRONIC
DISEASES of the THROAT 0" LPNGB, such as Asthma.
Branchifis, Coughs, {ne. 'Pubhe ‘speakers and singers
will‘find it of great utility in clearing and strengthening
the vocal organs. In Dyspepszu, Lit-er Complaints,
Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paratysu, Scr'qfula. _Graml, St. vi.
tus’ Dance, Fever and-Ages £20., its efficiency ismarked
and instantaneous . In no class of diseases, however, are
the beneficial efiects of this remedy so conspicuous es in
those harassing ‘
to which the gentler sex are liable, and which fiend to.
wards Consumption, such as suppressed or dimoult Men.
urination. Green Sickness, Whites, Jno., especial) when
hese comsyleints are accompanied with pslcness, Idiugy
hne or‘pnl (Ir-of the skin; depression of spirits; debility,
palpitation want of appetite, and nervous prostntinm
‘We have the utmost confidence in recommending the
BLOOD FOOD to all who may be conscious of 1 loss of
-vitnlity or energy;:ond to those whose mental or bodily
powers are mounted through over-use, either of _thg
mind or body and we deem it our duty to soy thst in ell
men'of Washes: and- E‘maciutzoa, and ‘in all disuse:
_ of the Kidneys or Bladder this preparation has I claim
. upon the intention of sull‘erers which cannot be over
Eastimuted. A foilhful‘trisl will. be found the most con.
- viucing {roof‘in regard to its efllcscy that could he asked
for. ' W th the IbOVI remsrks,‘ and with the numerous
testimonials ,we have in iis fever, weoh‘er the “BLOOD
FOOD" to the considerntion of the sfilicted, knowin'
thst it will be acknowledged as pro-eminent over all other
.preperetions, patent or umeinsl, in point of usefulness.
Gil-onion giving the Theory upon which this remedy is
i founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, will I»
.sent free when desired. vWe forward the BLOOD FOOD
to any part of the United States or Condos upon receipt
of price—sl per bottle $5 for six bottles. Be carefulin
all cases to take none hut that having our feeslmne sis.
‘ nature upon the wrapper; .Nene other“! genuine.
, Prepared only by ' CHURCH & UPUNT,
l . . - No. 409- Broadway New York,
1 . And sold by them, and by .n respectable bmgfi'm.
’: Por‘sele by c. A. BANNVABT, 0. K. HELL]; and D‘
(W. GROSS-“k 00., Harrisburg. febfi-eowdkwly
-.-- MOFFAT’S -
The'hl'gh ind envied 'cele‘brity which-these pro-em:
nent Medicines hove enquired for their inulhnhle em.
eecy in all the Diseases which the! profane to em, his
renderrd the usual practioe of puflng not only mam.
any, but unworthy of them .'
-- - - :v .. .'.-INLAI‘L CABIN
: 9f Aethme. Agnte aim!E chronic Bhemnetism, Afi'eetions
of the-Blame: ind'Kidne'ye. » i ‘ ' e
' In the South end West, where these _dieegeee prevail
- they will be found 'innlnnble. Planters" lemon and
others, who once nee these Medicines? willnerer liter
' words be without them. " ,
DYSPIPSIL—NO; person with this (flattening disuse,
should delay neing these Medicines immedieteiy.
‘Emptioneof the Skin, Erysipelu, Fistuleney.
levee. AND ;AGUl.g—Forvthis scourgamf the Western
country these Medicines will be found a. safe, speedymd
certiin remedy. Other medicines lee've-theieystemtuh
ject to e. return of_ the diseue; .e enre'hyjhese med:-
cinee-is perniitnent. _ .
, Try—them: v Be satisfied. and be cured.
Fonnxess or COMPLEXION—
‘ ' _ Gflf-VEL. *
Headaches of'eve'ry :kind, inward Fever, Inflammatory
Rheumatism, Impure mood. nominate” of Appetite.
Mimovnut. Dlsu‘e:s.—Never fails to eradicate en
tirely‘ell' the-eflents'oFMel-cnry infinitely sooner than
the most powerful preparation of! Sarsarfillb. :
PlhlS.—The‘ oi-igiiie'l-fiupfietor of theee Medicine
was cnred “files, of thirty—five yeere' standing, bytlm
the use of these Life Medicines alone. _ V
-» PAIRS ln“the fß'eed, Side, Beck, Limh‘ef Jointltnd
orgens.: , ,
: humanism—Those nfi'ected with this terrible dis
one; will he ’n‘n're bf relief'b'y‘ the? Lite “Medicinal
8 height of ,lllood to :the Head. Sunny, BI“ Rhea;-
- we lugs.
‘ - Sanctum, (vi-Kane’s Enndn its worn forms. Ulcer
of every description. e. .. . , , ‘ .
I'Woint's‘of 'ei kinds are efl‘ectnuily expelled by time
Medicine’s. Barents will do well to‘edminieter them
vixen:- their. existence is suspected. Belief will be
co m. , , ' ‘ '
_ _ And thus xemove all (lineage from the system.
~ f ‘rnn‘nnn AND sonnet '
D'R'.‘ WvILIi [A M B." M OIFFA'I',
-,Bs6;,fir;ondwny corner of Anthony street, “gm York.
Flor-81.65! an Damian—i . .iyl'l-dkwly
ALI) WQLRK' mommy”
‘ O‘N‘E WEEK"! "‘7 I’
> , _ Wm\m ...‘
] \sr 2212:“ (fig; 3*
' - .a ‘ H
. MEES BY 1': HM
. I {A .’.” 7‘ V ‘
y ” ' ,104 .2 1 ‘
". rn'NNsnvuu
‘ [llo4‘ flux-3mm spans-15,3
Whereggveyy den‘eflpflou of leiel’ Ind Genflomon'r
GnrmaptaLPigoelGooflp, &c., are Died, (119595941. ml
filiiahed in the best manner and n 0 t e shortcét‘ I‘aofloo.
Inna-dandy -, . DODGE&oo£.Pi‘oprietm-l.
_ I} \Bl‘l/ \- l
. ;w“ gin-lfi , , «‘3‘
rotmmun 1m . GHABTBHD 1854-
LOCATE’D ’ " "'
The largest, Moe't Elegantly Fnrhlalxed,’ and Pop‘llll‘
.lommerqinl College in _the Unitedi antaggpggigned
ispreasly for Young Meufieslfing to obtain .- 1530:0061
Pullman. Dummies Enema-lon in the uhortdltpuulblo
time [ind at therleepl expense. . . ~ ‘.
A Large andlßeufitimll'y Ornamented Circular, €01"
miningupmdit of SIX SQUARE FEET, With firm!!!“
or humming“ _a Large Engraving glue anestof “1'
kind ever made in‘tlaiacountry) represen ingthe Int/01""
View of-thd College, with Catalogue nfitln'gteml, “'1
will be sent to Every Young Mun on :ppliostion, 1"“
n! CHARGI. ' ’ f '
Writelmmedlnely and you will‘recelve. the 11““?
by return mail. Address,
jammy] E. K. mama. uni-mon, Mn:
A very ingqniu}: Itmchmunt to In] nlehllle PM“ I
which one i]; o ink in, fiufllcient to write 3 tools“?
pigs. For n“t sonnnnma nooxs'ronn,
up!) ‘.,‘ , . > W No, 18 Ink“ 3'
. z for .Blwksmiths’ inc. A Inporior. mm. for n”
609:: 39 lief lonfior '12”??? failings“ _., .
mm °. mu ”d b’ ‘ ”hung manhunt“;
~. rpnxcnnaromlo by - ' ' ~ 5" ‘3'"
not” ~ . ' 'Wu~ ”WK; high-00-
K ELLEB’B DhUG swam ism-pm.
‘ a mbnv Bn'm «- mhnnund fills-hi: .- - .
, , Imam. A ‘ ,E‘h'e o uhufofy-ifll‘flib.
”E'L‘IJERE'SjD weir! . “
Khhn E 3’2: ”31‘,”me