L OOALJ‘NEWS- Tar. DAILY P Armor “up Union may be ha a key, Book Store,cornor of Third and Market meets. A Puma-r mm Union—The Dun PATENT Ann .1101! can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every Inning, at the periodica} store of J. S. FBAm. In: Mum—Under the chmge of schedule on' the Meme railroads, the time of closing the nails at the Harrisburg Post. Olfice,'December Ist, 1860, is as follows: ‘ nmdstLVANIA n. n. . _ Emir—r 7 a. m—wny mail, 12.15 p. m., 5. p. m., 9 p. m. Wan—6.3o a. {ll.—Way mai1,‘3.50 p. m.,g p.m‘. non'mnnn cannula. n. South—l2.ls p. m.—-way mail, 9. p. m. North—l P- 111. ~ " LIBAflON 71mm}? 3. n. 7.30 a. m. DAUPEIN AND 81150. I. B. 1.30 p. m. cannula VALLEY n. n. 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m.—wa.y mail. It STAGE. . ’l' n. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7a. m.,to Jamestown, op Monday, Wadnesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lewisberry, on Saturday. If" Inms' Annuss.a—our carriers wilhbe about to-morrow morniég with an annual in the shlpe of a New Year’s Address. We bespeak for them a kind greeting from all. 0m enemas !on Kuns.=—'l‘he St. Joseph Journal lenns that a day or two since, as the hand: on the railroad were unloeding a. ear, 3 barrel, marked old clothes, tumbled to pieces, and instead of route, pants, #6., out rolled cartridges, very. meek to the astonishment of all. The barrel wee lent out by the Emigrant Aid Society. Snot-AI; an eai‘ly hom- yesm- day morning the may commeuced failing, “d continued coming aown during the entire day. Owners of fast wage will probably be able to realize the good time which has been so' long coming, by ushering in the New You with the musical tintinnabnlatione of > the merry lleigh bells; 0‘: course, we have no cutter of our own, but if any one wishes to have judg— ment hused‘npon his team, let. him send it around any nfienoon. - V Norton—The Ordinance in relation" to the firing of guns,auckers, Em, within the City limits, will be strictly enforced thrdughout this ev’ening and night. All city police ofllcei-s are heredy directed,- and the, constables requested, to arrest, or report, every person found ' violating the éaid Ordinance; within the city limits, in order that they may be dosh ii“: in strict o_bnfomity villi tlié piov'isions of the said Ordinance. y . _ , . ,_ Wu. 1!. Finnish, Mayor._ Dec. 31. 1660. Guoxous Gnonoexcn. FAG'L—Jn a field, flee pro perty of Mr. Benton, eitunte a short distance from the point where the Leeds and Live'i'pool cone! is moved by the Midlnnd GompnnJ’e Rolling,“ Idle, nut Bradford, is a. cone idersble hill, onpioce of rising ground, which has been noticed lo‘be‘ gredunlly 'sth‘ining greater elevstion outing a. period extending over the lust. thirty year's. There are even young men who remember the field being quite level, whosens now there is a high mound nee: the middle of it. The cause of this singular elevation has given rise to much' speculation. Some persons suppose thet it. is owing to the up— wnrd pressure of water in the bowels of the earth. Tn Faxnnsm BALL.-:ThO hall of the Friend ship Fire Company takes plaee at Brent's Hall this evening, and nothing has been left undone to make i it a new man. The number of tickets is \ limited, and those who wntmphu participating ‘ Ihenld secure one early in the day. This ball will ‘ afiord strangers who are sojourning here an excel lent oypnrtunity to cultivate the acquaintance of the Harrisburg fair sex, which they should not fail to take advantage of. The object of this ball,“ may state for the information of strangers, is to increase the fund for the parcheee of esteem fire engine, and as they may he more or less interested in the preservation of property from the devouring element ; they will observe that every ticket pur chased, is a. dollar donated to the project. Fun—Between two and three o’clock yesterday morning it wee discovered by some person that Pratt’s rolling mill, at the lower end of the olty, was onfire. An alarm was raised, and the fire companies were soon on the ground, end extim guished the flames. The mill hes not been in op eration for several years, the proprietor not even residing in this city or sun. The fire was evi dently the work of an. incendiary, as might. be judged from the feet of the buildings being en closed end unoccupied; but. there is still stronger evidenee in the masonry nude in those who were on the ground early, thet the main building had been set on fire in several places. If the incendi nriee hue resumed business; if will be well for the pawn-hm thQOk-Wfin time?" 1 ;: i mm: m Hiram-41h übiquitous individual John Smith was turned out of a. cell of the lock-up Sntnrdsy morning. where he'hid‘ been confined on a charge of ham; drunk and disorderly. John was so badly nfilioted with the “ dry rot” that he no hnowledxe the cot-n, and would have soaked up the fine a readily as an ofice-huntei would enll up the crowd, but, unfortunately, _he had no spon dulix. He we: let of, in oonsiderhtion of the feet thlt the stone jug is filled. James Manly, of Philadelphia, working his why home from the west, spent the night in the look-up. He was injured while at work in a saw mill in Missouri. and 1m in destitute Bitten stances. The Mayonwith hie proverbhlkindneu of heart, gave him eome oasiathnee, end sent him on hie way. rejoieing in the feet thnt there are still men‘leftin the world who can feel anothg’e woes. BLACK ‘Lommo (heroism—lntent” Exem mt Among “De Called Paypetlaohun.”—On Set nrda) lost 3. songs looking ofioer got off a Wooten: hainwhieh mind here at noon, heving I buck nigger nnd a. touch linked together by a piece of iewelq coiled “dnrhies’flby the cracksmen—better known is handcuffs. The oflioer took his prisoner: into tho Susquehannl. House, previona to transfer ring them ‘0 the Gumberla'nd Valley can. The filthy porters who most dooongregate about the elm" ‘0 the Depot, a" the linked couple, and in I fol moments the moat intense excitement was stirred up among them. Professor Dickenson (pro tenor 0‘ carrying trunks) and the Professor of Phronoleg‘i immediately decided thnt it won a slew ease: I!“ gunners ""0 dispatched forthwith. Dhr- ‘ hie: of 111 lines, Iliad“: 0°10", sexes and oondi- {‘ tion: of life congregated about the hotel, with u ‘ Beaming abomination to have the fugitives or um: I ma- basin to look nanny. whee m. Officer we: compelled” 53.320!“ “101,11 that the ne -8m: in his custody were not__fugitive slaves, but . Wieardnrkey. belonging :to .thmbfinbm's. who ”Sun of with another .dank’l wife.‘ Even this a“ ‘m nfiafy the crowd, until one of their mm:- b" "“9511“ the guy Loth‘lrin; I.J=2 . ;: {lggf‘sli‘ win he understood that the strait of: mm. a :3 mm b. lttequedflifll puffing; coma xi"; n mm“ 1!“:qu if”??? Em? A- P3P"; Amp“!!! any-moie" he‘fo,’t6'aom‘gi mall . -. ' nd yet, whammy jtgehbeigdeig Mthatthe North in “ii“: 30! AHW i- ‘ toward the South. - 3.1-! $15.52;” 85'” A Psee mon RestprrsJé-A man of wealth from the interior, owning a. [lumber of forms. is likely to be summoned to an’swe’r'n's‘erious charge. Upon the farm adjoining that on which hercsides, and which is owned by him, lives s. hard-working hushandman named Scott. Mr. Scott has a family of children, one of whom, a girl of sixteen year-8. is more then usually pretty: ' Some three weeks ago, this man, it is now de: posed, engaged hoard at the house of Dr. Bucha nan, No. 1833 Gallowhill street, for s. lady-and gen tlemen during the confinmen’t of the former. The names of the couple, he said, were Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, and thht he would vouch for the i'TBSPW“ ability. The termé were to be $7 per “991‘: ex clusive of nursing and medical attendance. At the alnT'lmint'et‘l day the parties arrived and entered "“0 the occubanoy of their room, sharing it together. In the meantime. Mr. Sean’s @‘ugbm lee.” hume’ telling her parents that she had made an ethgE— ment to teach school at J ohnstown. Th“? Bulf poeed this to he the case, until they heard ‘0 “Ni" 3,in that she had been deceivmg them. and was somewhere in Philadelphia. Her uncle, a hit. Scott, Shmg Wilson, of Huntingdon, and a citi zen of Tyrone, forthwith started in search of the "u“; girl, and arrived in this city last Monday. They at first endeavored to work up the mystery without the aid of the police, but spent three days ‘ in vain pursuit. They then applied to the Mayor, who referred them to the kind-hearted detective Bartholomew, to discover the‘objeot of their search. Bartholomew and detective Lennon soon brought the matter to a close. . They traced the erring girl to the house of Dr. Buchanan, ”No. 1833 Gallowhill street. Having satisfied themselves that. the girl was there, they rang the hell, a summons responded to by Mr. Buchanan in person. Mrs. Buchanan denied that any such person was in the house. Mr. Bartholo mew threw her on“ her guard by saying he had as letter which he could only deliver in person, and then the woman admitted that she was in the house. The detectives then ascended to her room. on the third floor, and, although Mrs. Buchanan said that the girl was not in the room, the ofiicers hnrst open the door. There they found the miss ing girl. and with her. his boots and 'coat of, was .a man whom the oflicers had not previously known. Both were arrested, placed in ’a carriage, and taken to the central. station, where the girl.wne confronted with her friends. The man’s name is 'J. T. Hunter. He resides at Shade's Gap, and is anytmda a printer—more shame for him, Justice Beitler then put him on his oath, when he deposed that he had been engaged by the first-nemedlparly . to bring. the girl to Philadelphia, and place her in i Dr. Buchanan's house, and to pass himself as the Y husband of the girl during their stay there. Dr. I Buchanan arrived at the station shortly afterwards, i and deposed that a gentleman giving the, name of Hunter (not the Hunter above referred to) had-en gaged board for a‘lndy.and gentleman, assuring him at the same time of the entire‘ respectability of the parties ; that on last Wednesday this Hun ter visited the nity, paid the board ofthe reel Huh ter and the ‘girl up to'that date, and left the, city, as hebelieved, the next day. , ,‘ . ,; The Alderman then issued his writ to the Sherifl' of Huntingdon, rendering-up to him the girl and the man Hunter. The family accuse the first named putty Withthd rhinofdthe girl, and expresg a determination to’,’,ohtnin redress fit the :éipendi ture of their last dollar. The unfortunatelvgirl was taken back to Huntiugdon county last night, 1 and theiman‘ Hunter with her. ‘ She is a mere child . in anneal-once; her age is but sixteen,'and {€ll6 appears, even younger. She: is. enciente, and“: object to make one's heurt ache. Her family tare loving toward her, and? in their relief_ at having reborere‘d" her s’eemed for a. moment to here forage. ten the game, inflicted upon “them through“ or _ error. sw saddesparties, we fancy, entered the ears last night than the parties engaged in this :afi‘air, which makes the eighth‘one of the same character workednp by Deteetlro Bartholomew sincelastsummer. . V. » ‘ o, i _ f We find-the above-remarkable page free: real life in the North American of Friday. - There was no persdn named Hunter engaged in the afl'air at all, and the principal in 111° matter is said to be in Hui: city new. The faetsjn the case will beTully developed in a few days, when we shall give them to the'pnblio, iegeidlees of the position .held by those who may be hit. . ~ “ Worms or Tn: 011. Exduexem.”—-A week or ten day: ago an uticle with. this title found its way into the local department of our-piper. We clipped it from some city paper, and omitted at— tubing the credit. Some of the papera published in the oleeginoue 'region are taking Vusto task for publishing What they prove by facts and figures to he untrue—a circumstance which renders it peace lery for us to say that we only told the talexes it was told to 'uefby some other . paper. The, lost Vennngo Spectator replies toites follow; : " Under this caption, the Herrisburg anor up Union laments over the victim of the oil fever. It nye,the average daily product of 29 wells bored, in this regionfis 15 barrels daily. Let us insure our contemporary that there are 75 pro ducing wells and their total product is an average of. 16 barrels each. ' “To show our oil operators how grossly Lth‘e Purim)! Arm Unmnflsns been mieinform ed‘we'qnoee from the article :, _ z . " ‘ At. least 86 per cent. of .the operativfi in the region referred to have suffered a deadloss. When. the discovery was first made it was not unusual for the producer to receive fifty cents per gallon. That time has gone by, and as the supply increases, without. any udeqnute increase in the (legaudrthe prices must rule at ten cents, or even lower: “We thiok'the above will be news! Now, for the fuels: The price of oil is 30 cents per gallon in Pieubnrg, and purchasers are always on hand for it, ill the wells, and offering that price on the ground; less the freight to _Pmshurg and charger. whi'éh are about 6 cents per gallon. The supply is not greater than the demand, but just the reverse is the foot. Estimating the State debt. at $40,000,000 in round numbers, the yield of oil in this region, done, will pay the intense And We are just be ginning to get it. _ , . ' How long it. may continue is uncertain. Drake's well his been worked over one year and is us good as ever, and the wells in India have been produ cing 400 years and there is no use in telling ’them to “dry up-" It is likely that our liltle " excite ment” will last until the year, 2,500, or theree bouts.” - 7 v Exam-Hum .u- human—The Alleged Murderer qf Mill ,A‘daline Bauer Dilcwered—A correspond ent of the Bulletin, wfltihg from Reading under date. of the 28th, gives the following: ' “It will be remembered that two year: ago—or somewhere about October, 1858—8 most brutal murder wal committed in the vicinity. of Mohra— ville. Berke county. PM The victim was a young, handsome woman, of about eighteen years old— snd Ilthough the authorities of Berks county insti tuted the moat sell-chins scrutiny into the affair, they failed to fix the crime on any one—nev‘l persons were arrested at the time, but,sueh was the mystery hanging over the murder thnt no clue eould he obtained to point out the perpetrator of therdeed. Among other persons arrested ll: the time wen a. man named Heilner, residing in Schuyl kill county, and though suspicion: eirenmlteneel pointed to him an the guilty person, yet the nu thorities did not deem them of such importance as to hold him for trial. "But it is now ascertained by the dying confusion of an neeomplioe, that Heilner was the murderer. of Miss Bavor. He was neeordingly arrested yea terdey, and confined in the Pottsville prisonl to unit the authorities of Berks county. We did not learn the name of the person who conferred the crime. but we learn that he died in Schuylkill county yesterday, and shortly before his death re vealed the fact that he and Heilner were the per petrators of the horrid murder of Miss anor. “‘The old adage that ‘murder will out’ is again verified. This murder we: shrouded in mystery and the discovery ot‘ the criminnl will be e relief to persons who were looked upon with suspicion.” A Srnona‘ Impeach—At a. recent term of the su preme court ofßangor, :he case of preomb vs. the inhabitants of Newburg. for damages for alleged defect in the highway,'eame up far trial, when the defendant‘s put in the .follewing'fipecifi'cktionl of defence: 1. No lunch Qewh ’nsiNewlligrg; 2. No each man as Newoonba' 3- N 0 may; '4- NO 11016 in the read; 5. N 9 .I.!Ol'BQFVWiPi'l'Pd3 6. ,{Hon'e injured did not. heloeg to pleinrifl'; 75‘ Phintifi": finger not hurt; 8. Plaintif'inhig‘e‘i' inifired two yam before,- 9- Pumas, hjdidéhib Aim fitter 57 W‘FJRS' it with P the]: twainqytofl§fléeg the museum“ of’-‘.‘ctién agaiibb‘teir‘ififi efiiiéii fiutios. s‘o‘f; rand ‘pr‘oph‘ratiéulfof’; a"; gig} flak uni-39: yncoeggsrjgtégida th‘i‘t tfié’iéi'iifi‘ér’ifiim defendants- ~ ' Don’r be aft-aide! n. little'i'un at. home, good people! Don’t shut up-yeur houses lest the sun should fade your carpets ; and your heorts, last 9 hearty laugh should shake down some of the musty old eouWebs there! If you want to ruin your sons, let- them think thutall mirth and social enjoyment must he left on the :threshold when they 60“” home at night. When once a. home is regarded as only a place to eat, drink and sleep in, the work is begnu that ends in gambling houses and reck less degradation. young people must have fun and relaatation somewhere. If they do not find it at their own heartbstunes, it will he sought in other,‘ and, perhaps, less profitable places. There fore, let the fire burn brightly at night, and make the home nest delightful with all those arts that parents so perfectly understand. Don‘t repress the buoyant spirits of your children ; half an hour of merrimeut round the lamp and firelight of homo blots out the remembrance of many a euro and an; noyenoe during the ‘day, and the best safeguard they can take with them into the world is the un seen influence of a. bright little domestic sanctum. Mnssns. Eniruns:—ln is well known to your readers that at the session of the Legislature of our. State for 1860 a. free banking law was passed. Under the provisions of that not 4 bank has been eetabliehed in this place, melted the "Clearfield County Bank," has gone into operiitlan and heel! issuing its notes for some time. lam not a stock holder in this bank, and unfortunately for me not even a. note-holder, yet I think as it. is a. new one its merits should be made known to the public.- Any one examining the not of 1360 willfind that the State is bound for every dollar of the issue ot‘ any bank ehnttered’under it ; and in addition to that, the names of the men who conduct this ligating; tion—such as Jamese'l'. Lennard, Richard Show, J n B. Graham, William A. Wnllaee, Jim—in' gleufiEienl guarantee of its soundness. I lay nnhesitetingly that the “Clem-field County BMW-is the infest bank in Penney lvenie. ‘ Mich. 7 'Cnn‘ensmm, Pm, Dec. 26, 1860._ '5 - ' - ‘. .‘. Gnu)!“ Bum—A Gel-min. ball will take glance at the house of Adam Erb, in _Second sire t, on Tuesday evening, January m, 1861. Tickets $l.OO, admitting a gefitleman anfl'lady. L H. gurtis, ‘. n. wéiaxmg', . Z. Meyer, » F. Snyder, . .7 ‘ dun ‘ George Meyer; "3 ’f-' HarpuAi'vf's Bun UnAxr.-—.Stmngei"s ,dojgnr'ning in the city will find vJos. Hofiman’a restaurant at thevnortlxeas‘t corner of Dewberry alley and] Mar ket; street, azfew. door: from the Pal-kc 'Hon'segnd mirably fitted up, _bolh up mgr: and down suit-é, and at all times supplipd'nlth'théilbeit oysters the Baltimore a'nd Nbi-folk‘pllirkets alfdrd,ihiqh' will he ae'fif'ed up ii: any atylb deaiied." Allin asks is a trigl, an he'g’hh'r‘ifiteéqqukiyef aiiigfgéfioél‘ 1' Ndflan.-§-,-There yillfi'lie fa l‘pix‘hlig preiiminary meeting of ‘young‘ men‘ov'erthe age of 14 Ind any! 21. at the Sons off Tampa-gnu Hall,- oon'ler oeroi'th Secoqd and Saul: m., on Wadpgaday dvenihg, .1511qu 2d, for flu pi'u‘rpoae‘ of {aiding I auction of'cgnus hr Tnxnniudfi. "Al'lt‘aro‘igjviitfidgéé it in Igpublio meeting. Lot thgro'he nufull 13:11» huh. evening. V ‘ "' ' "V “‘ ' f' Tn LATEST News mon FORT Menu-nl3 .-Wo learn from a private source, at Cherleeton, that the eieicement concerning the, evacuation» of ; Fort Monltrie is on the increase. Troopeaare gathering in the neighboring States in rendioese to march to south Carolina, ondyholf the people 1n ; the cotton States are in soldier olothee. In this part of the country the people continue to keep ooofhgnd in stand ’of flooring nfilitii-‘y uniforuu’, they keep themselves comfortable, and look ,elégnnt in the garments procured at the Brown Stone Clot-hing Ea“ of Book): 11l 1 Wilson, Nos. 603 ond’6os Ghee nut sheen-hove Sixth, Philadelphin. ‘ A LARGE L 0“! OF'GOODS received 00-day, suitable for presents, which will be sold off mueh below their real value. -.00 dozen of Hem-stitched and Grass Linen Handkerchiefs, at 20, 25, 37 and 50 cents a piece ; 100 Sets of Collars and,Sleevee,di root from New \ork auction, at. very loiv‘Prices; Genu’ Plain and Bordered Linen Handkerchiefs; beautiful 10!; of Lime Gui-hing; Chenille Saint‘s,“ mind 25 cents ; 10 pieces of Gassimere for hints; 10 pieces of Cloth, fin- Oloaks; g 5 pileees‘efi all kinds of Flannel; 2,000 yards of best bréwn Mus lin, for' 10 cents; weollen'secks,'ls, 20 acute; Undershirte. Drawers, 50, 02, 75, and a. great many oiher bargains. ._ w ‘ S. anv, Eon TIE HOLIDA¥§.-—.Pei§ons in search of goods suitable for holiday present; will do wellmo give Bnowxom) dc SAiiWyefih’lbnildinsi' opposite the J ones House; a call, They have the qubgio satfs, Clo'aks aim Cloth’ ro'r cio‘aks, shawls;Pear‘lrur§aa, Collars, Sleeves, Gloves, finial-y“ Silkyfiilll 15nd wamen Goods, and Ladiés’ Dress Goods of all da scriptions. During-”the Holiday I¥l§on they are determined not to be underaold, mickey only ask the public to call, exdinin'e, and ‘m‘pare priues with any other establishment in the city or noun tfy. On many articles a‘ reduction h been made, in order to carry out our datenninanpn to reduce our stock as much aé josaible during this week. , gaelHlw. PURIFY YOUR BLOODf-BRANDRETH’S Plus Wennmnm 10 Gun Fern sin. Aow.-—'l'h‘e eflect or purging with ansmnnm’s ‘p'nim ind re store the health, no mm: from that use Runny; be sufl'ering. They take out all impuitieXfrom‘the' sye‘ tom; and they have the some power-of expulslon over miasrn, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any Poisonous exhaustion: .bmthed by man whatever. In fact, if the blood 1! poisoned, it is impure, sud im pure blood results in disease. A g _ . ' snmnnmms mus, 1 though innocent as broadly“ they are capable fying the blood and curing dueue', So, they? kinds .of fevers, ell asthma, cetsrrhs, cestlve painful afiections of er'ery klnii; . “1 Sold,price 25 cents, Et- -N0.29§ Carp! street. and by all Druggiste. "Also, by 31:0. H. mm of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, respectable dealers in medicines. defl Tm: GREAT Examsn Rmmm James Olarke’s Celebrated Fem-1e Pills, premg prescription of Sir J. Clarke, M. D., Physical: mryto the Queen. This invaluable medicine in unfailing in the those pninful and qmgerqus distance to which constitution is‘subjoop. It modems» all oxeq move! all obstruction! and e speedy cure my ‘ mo Kummn mamas it is peculiarly united. It will in I Ihort til the monthly period with nlarlly. Each bottle, price Onewsollu, been the 4 Stamp of Great Britain. to prevent ”“130er Tags! 1'11,“ ignouw nou- I: rm n? In m FIRST THREE MONTHS or Palmnzioi am To nmuo- on stomxmn, nu u an ABI sun. _ In Illness- or Nervous and Spinll Aflectlo : 1"“ ‘.n “1° Back and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertionig’flllmatwn 0‘ the Heart, Hysteric! and Whites, the» Pi] will efi'ect a cure when all other means havefailed, end arming“ upon qrfnl remedy, do not contain inn, «mum antimony; ‘or anything hurtlnl to the eonntituthn. _- . 1 Full emotions in the pamphlet mum’s-ch luck-so. which‘ehonld be carefully pree‘érved. ~1 ‘ , ' - : - n. 13.—5,1,00 nme pomp mmp- enclqsefl .qu In! an! thorixad Agent, will insure ;_ mug; mm”: 0191' 50. gills, by nturnmail. ' , ,V , u ' ' ran-1e by c. A. 31ml”, Hullmhurm ”Hull: - . - ' 281859. In I(I warn”! I‘d-3’- '- —- dam—'o3: 3:553:32 comm-s 9311 mm Tflesteafii moh'i’es‘ to the 'vnlue bf a. new “tic" knownlormelfiiin in 3‘» Prepared Glue, ”useful mung??? “In“; it 1% furniture. 'lt is préfigred' .m v!“ “ .5132. ...... m kip-tin the prop" .condifion'foninxm lid! 1‘ ‘."in chemlclllevnpofltlng as soonlu it_ in am a; thi‘; t'" 8‘“ to Wm. M m “9“" I'3 'w‘fimn m Mini: qguwmhmvmi ...1. . .XL 1? "im- " "‘ " macaw-raw J 7 I'ol- ule by O. A. BAMAI‘I', - n7-dkwlm - [Communicated .] COMMITTEE. SPECIAL N 0 TI OE3. SET“T"IJED FO'B‘EVFBi _ ’ ‘ - The important question a POISON -IN HAIR DYES! CBJSTA Doao’s H A IR DY E ‘ - Has been analyzed and - DECLA.RE.D HARMLESS! 13! Pnornsson ROBERT CHILTON, on New Young, The first analytic. i. America. Effect of the Dye almost 'nfit'mhneons.‘ ‘lmpurts a. Jet black or my shade of “AWL Color‘ rich, natural, and uniform. Munufnc tured No. 6 “tot House, New York. 801 d everywhere, and applied ’by all Hair Dressers. f deD-dkwlm W_E call the attentlon of our readers to an article advertised in another column: celled BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, Ind must not be uonfounded with any of the numerous patent medi cines of the day. It is robn roe. ms noon, already pregfll'ed for absorption; pleasant bathe tents and natu ral m action, and what one gains he retains. Let ell “1°39! then. who are snfl‘ering from poverty, impurity or @5319“! of blood, and consequently with some chronic 415.9859 or ailment, take of this BLOOD F 001) and be re stored to health. We notice that on: hamlets hue received a. supply of this article, and also of the world renowned Dr. Enron’s Imuxnrn Canning which every Wither Should have. It contains'no persgoric or opiate 01' any kind whatever and of course must be invaluable for all infantile complaints. It will alley all pain, and soften the gum; in process of teething; and fit the 861116 time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and neraes, who have endured anxious days and sleepless mghts, procure “apply and be at once relieved. 15’ 88s advertisement. 5u17-dkw3m HELMBOLD‘S GENUINE PREPARATION Cum Qu vel, Bladder. Dropay, Kidney Affection. «' ~ fi—Etfii 'OLD’n fiennmv 11.-quaint! Dahilitateu Sufferers. ELMBULU’fi Genuine Preparation for Loan of H Long or Mammy, , HELMBOst Genuine Preparation for mmcuny o‘ Brunt]: ing, Ganenl Wukneal. HELMBDLD‘S Genuine Prepunion for Wank Nervefl, _l'Horror of Death. Trembhg. , fiEYalißOLfi’S_Gennino Prepnration for Night sweats, Ooldfnet, Dimnesl of Vision. ' _ HELL‘MBOL ”’8 Genuinr Preparatien far Ling”; 7| ni . Vera-l Lassitude of the Muscular svnexn‘. , , {Tinflnomfilmino Fleur-tion rnr‘i'alhd count» ' ‘3,“ “"1 :lirnptiong. 3 _ ,_______ HELMBOLD'B-flennin Preparation ’for Pun: 'in ta. Back, Huadachqfiick Stomnch. ' ; : . 33PM ndrartis'ement headed . ‘ l ‘ " BELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUOflU ‘ ' in another calumn. ' . -' - udll—dlevmnl _ MRS. WINSLOW, All azmnanced nurse and female phydiclan, has : Sooth ing Syrup for children teething,‘which‘ greatly facilitate the prongs 'of teething by. softening ths‘gnmn, reduci‘lglu InflßWMtlOPr—Will allay nllrplain,rand «item's to to; V to the DQWBII. Depend upon it anthem,“ will $9 mat to yourselves. Ind'relief um beam: to ‘your ih’ u. Per; 901:1? safe in :11 cases. See “vertiaement in another ooh umn. M mngJßbQ-dlzwly * : Mgtl-ers, readfithis, V - V Thu following in _an extra“ from I 191?“! "mm b! 3. ppm 6f the Baptm Chunky) the Jam? ,wnd Mq'ssqqger, Gingijmntl, Ohio, and,_ppeaku vqlulm'elrln favor’ of that‘vfdrld-rehowned medicineLst. Wilts Law’s 8001;3qu Snip: {on 0311.133311'33131116: . " “We see a‘n‘ “yep-gimme“ ln_ you: gamma: of Mrs. Wlnslow’s making-Syrup. .‘Ngwyro new":E mid a. word in favor of xpatent‘m‘edl‘fine‘ before in our life, but we feel compelled to any to your readers, that this in 'no humbug—w: luvs uranium!) now u- 10 u ALI. u cunts. It is, prqbably, ‘ong 01193119 most successful medicines ‘of flie‘ds'y; because I“: {a and of the best. And thpse or, yqur‘xe'ggienivhqflhayogbgbiea and: do better thantp lulu ggilppl'x, .; ”a . _.-.,aap2,D-d&wly 1 M P 0 B‘TLAETL‘QI 93!}!!! Al‘- ,E S on. . wgassmws FILES: * The wfibmtiun .01? inwflfinta Sufi“! O’l’flll n"? th reaultgofs‘loi: 'ifipdgéxteggfi‘gpmctilgo.‘ The] are mild in théipopopgxpnpnd. «thigh: eotgeeflng‘lll inane luitfpa, piggy 'ua‘pggr’mfiqp rammingfill. obstruc tiouvurvzheh‘a'gjgom 439.1“ ojiiofinnrigtq, headscho pain in magma "pdfifigflon qf, $119..th “whitey Aali net: w‘m‘h samba, gums, rang; ’plginjnfihe 3”»:qu limbl,&c;,“¢_l‘i‘am pd'l'leepf,‘ .pfi.xujso_,frominump-: fionofngtpxfif,’ .‘ ’..,1. .‘ .~ ~ , . .V . :15. .g"GHEESEMAN’S . . was the oommencoment‘of- “some". inflm- batman: of thou magma-mien Ind ohtmotiomwhich have our nignod‘ao, mamma- Manna young, thy beautiful,- Mdztha moved to llflllfllli many No lemme“ enjoiflgood hum] unless Ihe is regal“, Ind whenever angihtmofionhku .plnoe the genus! health begin; fo 0 0. . - ~ » 2 .a - _ , DR. CHEESBMAN‘S PILLS ere the most eflectuel remedy ever known for :11 com plaints peculiar to Females, To‘ell c}aee_ee they stein. nimble, Mum's, with‘ certainty, periodical regularity. They ere known to thoueende, who hue used them It difierent periods, throughout the country, keying the “notion of some of the most amines: Physicians in America. _> . Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should not be used, accompany one): box—ldle fries One Dollar ‘each box, containing forty Pills... - A ‘vuueblo. Pamphlet, to be bud free, of the Agate. Pills not by mail pron‘zpflg, b eucleeinE‘fx-iee the _Genml Agent. ' 139mb noggin: gener y. ' _ ' n. B. £11130}! 1368, General Agent, . ‘ - 14 Broadway, New York. Bold'infisrrieburg by 0. A. BANNVABT; . deal ’BD-dkarly ' ' ' ’ Dr. muaom'. Concentrate]! Remedies. No. I. ran GREAT RIVNIR. aMlly eradicate: all the evil emet- of SELF-ABUSE u Loser of Memory, sum-tum of Breath, Giddl'neee, Pelpltltion of the noun, Dimneen of Vision; or my eouetitutionel derangemente of the system, brought on by the un'mtnined indulgence of the Immune. Acts alike on either uel. Fri“ One DOD-I'- No. 2. TH! BALM will cure in from two up eight elm any use or Gouonnnme, in wimout'mu or einell, ind requiree no restrictidn of action or dies. For either sex. Price One Dollu. .» . No. 3. Tu'fl'EßEß will cure lnfthleehorteet punible time. In; case of GLEET even nt‘t‘er all other Remedial have lelléd toprodnee the nieeired afoot. No hate or smell. Price One Donn. _ V No. 4 THE'EUNITEE is the only Remedy that will really cure Strietnxee ofthe Urethra... No mutter of how £315 etandingpr neglepted the cam; my)». Pri‘ne One 11‘. ‘ No. 5. THE BOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and epeedlly‘rémove all Inflation: of the Bladder sud manage. , Price Una holler. ‘ No. 6. FOR PA TIGUDABB 631 i CIRCULAR. . No. 7 THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically, and in I much shorter time than they on be removed bl, my uther treatment. Inhcfi, is the only remedy that vi 1 gall}!!- correct thin dinordgr. Pleasant to take. Prim 0m 0 . ,- ‘. . ‘ , Rhoada’ Corner. s: m“: onmgfilgrgfifirgnm comm, [are and l yI; p uci _ . or same ' my Irregulumas or til-EB mqnthly periods. . ’Pr‘iee Mum. No 9. FOR. PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. , . Either Remedy sent this by mil on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose pontage‘etamu and get 3 Circular. General Depot Honk—Beet! corner of York Avenue and Gallowhill Street. ‘ Pfivute once LOLYork Avenue, Phih, uelihfly Pt = ‘ . . . n = . . For eule in Hurrinburg only byC. A. BANNVART, What! Circulexe oontuiniug vfluble informt‘en, with mu de ecriptiom of each one, win he delivered gratis. on appli. cation, Addrele > v DB. FELIX BRUNON myl.aly_ P. 0. Box on. Phihdelphiu, 1%.. IT WlyLl‘l‘SfA‘Y ¥OU| , V T 0 ::V: ‘e REA D" 'TH I S . OBSERVE WHAT :_| SAY!‘ of puri -Icure all HARRISBURG 1!! ess and 1r York, , corner (I by all ‘ wlm TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR'PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME —Sir . Rom 8 tnordi- 'lO of 111 . e fem“. gad re rolled on bring on vemment AVAILING MYSELF OF mm f. '5 nunum _ amtm out: Till ADVANTAGES WHICH READY p. s.—n+vmasjEpUߧ9. ». i ~ A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR; ITé..WILL,.. PAY You. TO IT :WILL FA 'l' Yo U FOR A VISIT‘TO AND FASHIONABLE STOCK OE READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES,‘VESTINGS AND QENTS’ FURNISHIEG _GOODS now mxrosnnm um WELL KNOWN ARCADE-Np. 3 JONES BOW; CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL \'. . . x GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER. CHAS. s. .SEGELBAUM. lAM NOW BRAIN TO MAKE . -' -* ‘ , .: mime! :fimdfiim firm. ”d M: '1 wfw‘fn‘w EM "Ki‘fibhifififim octo-d4m LIVER INVIGORATOR, IT is compound'ed entirely nun Gumu, and ha become mi entablxshed fun, 3 “Audi“! Medicare] known and approved by all thst m’ !Pfle usedit,andis new re sorted to with confidence In Illthadimsesrorwhich t is recommended It Ina cured thousands who had given up all hopes unsolicited certificates in The do» must be adapted individual taking it, and to mtgantly on thabowelu. Let the dictates of your use of the LIVER IN will cure Liver Com tncksfl! yupepsiu,‘ siiiiit e i- 0 a In. It, Dro 11 my, Soul“ 0 o 3 ti v eneu, Chol ru. Mot-bus, Cholera lence, Jaundicc, es, In‘d may be aged suc rYa Family Medl- m HE AD'ACHE, S“. H Iwemz' minutes, i 3:01! all are taken p c . All who use it are H in its favor. a MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIG Damon, AND swunow BOTH TOGETHER. for 14@rvons and Price One Dollar per Bottle. —ALBO- ‘ ‘ Power, GATHARIG PILLS, Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Gases, Air fight, and wall Imp m any climate. Thu Familyflathqr- ‘ tic PILL in I gentle but active autumn, wmun W the proprivhr hi» use“: his practice more than II: twenty yum. ’ Thenopehnfly W Indegmnnd from those who had long used the A P_ 1.8, and the satisfac tion’ which :11 upgeu in wto their use, he induced me to pines ”then- H hid the reach of sll Tho‘hofoulanunmw Hunt 'difl'erent Oathllfiu not on film-ant portion! a. - of‘-thé'bowell. The FAMILY CA- THARTIO PHIL hay, with the reference ”this D- -' well betabliahed fact, been gomwnnded Rom I. mie- ‘ ty-of the parent Vetie’table ‘ ' ‘ "Vhigh ant_llike H on every Part 9f _0 sli- Extracts, '1 mentuy anal up! Ire easel when a Gamma in rangome'llllof 11l Pains sin the .lh'ck ne..) ruin find Sore h’ody, trdm Indian c 0191: glacfld ,end in I ‘long Afyetite, a. Creel-in': over; fine lady, But vmem n m Hun; All EABEB, Woman in Chil tiu'n‘, “li-grout =PURII‘IIB dine-sash which flesh is mention in thil gunning: '- -'.: 1 ‘Bflcex'l‘hraernimesw ' v The Liver Invigontm' Ind hmilr Gotham Pill: are nailed-by Dmgfi: generally,- and-sold wholenie by the Tudninalnhe em.~ ‘ .- W 33' " , S. T- W SANFORD,'MQ DI, A mnflmmenynd hepfle’mr, 208 Broadway, N. , Y; . jy‘l-dkwly » 'r - > ' " -: ‘* I GH-LDREN ‘ ‘ 1n experienced Nur‘ae m’d Female Physiclim, presents - 7 :' . _tq ,tha aflentiofn of mathers, her: " so—OIT'H'ING SYRUP’, , FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitate! the process of teething. by softening the gums reducing all inflammation—will :llay Am. PAIN 3114 i spasmodic action, and in ' IVER I‘o BEGULATE THE BOWELB. Dernd upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, m . A A . BELIEF AND HEALTH I'o YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this uticle for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH o! if, what we have never been Able to any of any other’medi cine—NEVEß HAS I'l‘ FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANOE I‘o EFFECT A CUBE, when timely used. Naver ditl we know en instance of dissatisfaction by nny one who need it. On the unitary, 111 are delighted with its operations and speak in terms of commendation of its magical ekeets nud~medical virtues. We speak in this matter “ WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten yem’ egg-knee, AND PLEDGE OUR EEPUTATION EOE T FULFILLMENT 01‘ WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In slmost every instance where the infant is suturing from pnin and exhaustion, relief will be found :2 glean oi- twenty minutes After the syrup in admittin r . This valuable propel-etionls the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLPUL NURSES in New England, end has been used with NEVER FAIL ING 8U QEBE g ' It not only relieves the child from pain; but invigo rate: the Jtomnch end bowels, corrects noidity,‘ end give: tone and energy to the whole system. It will I] most instantly relieve‘ GBIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND GOLIO, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme died, endin death. We believe it the BEST and SURES'I‘ BEMEDY‘IN THE ’WORLD, in $ll ease: of DYSEN TERY Ind DIARRHI‘EA IN CHILDREN, whether lt’ arises from teethingpr from any other cause. We would lay to every mother who he: a child antral-in]: from any of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDIOES, NOR. TEE PREJUDIOES 0F OTHERS, etand between you and your Bufl'ering‘child nnd the relic! that will he SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY shim—lm follow the use of this medicine, if timely used'. - Full directions for usin will accountpsny each bottle. None genuine unless the fine-81mm o cUBTISda PERKINS, New York, in on the outside wrapper; 5' ' ‘ V Sold by Dmggists throughout the world; ; Pusan“ Oman 13 Cum: Bran-r, New Yong. Pinon onu’ 2,5 onmsrnn BOTTLE. eepflO—dagwly J-U E 0 El v E 1): fi A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED I S-T-OCK OF BRANDIES, "calvszsrn’ve or 3mm, msnnmdn a; 00., , ' BISQUET, TRIGOOHE as 00., ‘JAs. mmmssy t 004 ' omnb, DUPUY a: 00., I ‘ ~, > J. ,1; F. MARTELL, ‘ A 11. '- > - JULES ROBIN a: co.,' -" . ' . MARETT In co. FOR SALE BY - - . JOHN H. ZIEGLER, deals _73 MARKET STREET. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! . ‘ ' QHILDBEN’S, LADIES’ and GENTS’ CHAIRSPDG a. grant variety of CABINETVFURNIIUBE units!) a for I! LIDAY GIFTS at reduced prices. Also 3 new lotof COTTAGE FURNITURE in sets; 9r ‘1 the single pieoe, a . ‘ JAMES 11.3029 3; am. . dezo-de. . . 29 South Second street. 2 500 POU N D s - l‘zAlsms. omnums; cannons, m., &c.. ‘ together With ORLNfl-Jss LEMONS, DRIED mums, onmnnnfims, and a variety 0, Articles suitable for the Holidays. Just 3 received by [dB2o.] WM. DOCK, 13., @l2O ' ,!___._ MESSRS. C HICKERING fit“ 00. my]: AGAIN OBTAINED WE GoLl) MEDAL! AT THE ‘" ' ’ MEGHANICS’ FAIR,:‘BOSTON, 11an THE pnflflnmgfirnlx, 0 V3]: SIXTY 0.01:1'1’129110125: CHIC . ~:rgrmgzxzzmskimmer!mos.mm» oczs—tf w. moon’s mam sromi. ; STEWART "& M’ABEE, RECTI’FYING DISTILLER‘S, wnqnpunn DEgLE'BSjH BRANDIES, GINS, 'WI'NEs, SCONH,‘3IRISH, OLD 'RYE A'ND BOURBON WHIS K Y S , ' N 91410.! ILA, Bill”; 8 r 11.-1:14. +1 «121 ‘HAVRRI.S.B.UR G, r 4.“ “mam-i 711341; "UG‘: “€ll '2’GURED - HAMS- Egfifiwxgmr‘f v.l;- WW ’ " .-‘ . ..‘u‘i .‘. 1» win War-m! "’ ' FOR-Hie genuine ENG fiIsH M'UST’AB ‘ 3‘ W KELLER-’5 DRUG STORE. illacal. SANFORD’S NEVER DEBILITATES } within the but two year! of relief, as the numerous ‘ my possession show. to the temp arament of the need in such quantities a; [judgment guide you in the VIGORATOR, and it Iplaintl, Billi In At iChronic Dian-haze, p I uh” I. Dyleme {Stomach I! hitlull lie, Cholera, Chole lln! nntum, F l at]!- ‘Female W en In: en cesal‘ully an an Ordina cinc. It will cure 8103 thousanda m MW”) in two or three Tea at commencement of n giving their testimony SA'NFORD'S FAMILY COMPOUNDED FROM. .417, 7 ,- .7, [pod Ind sat; in, Alp needed, I'll'ch n Dj- Stomach. sleepinéi‘a, mid Indus, Canke nfepl over the ‘wholl which frequently if no conrpe _ol.’ lent, iaOII o! Isan'lntion‘ at Cb'ld cuneurfilm A 01“ 0! INELAMMATOM’ 1915, dun _or Adults, Rheum:- of‘th’o BLOOD‘Ind may hair, too numerou to igent. Doqe,l’mB. MRS. WINSLOW, fib‘fiSANDa 7911: cAang PENNSYLVANIA RAILRO AD WINTER TIME TABLE Ea“ FIVE TRAINS DAILY T 0 82 F 1101“ PHILADELPHIA. ' ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2673, 1860, The Passenger Train: of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com, pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia an follows : » EASTWABD. . THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 2.40 a. m., and arrive: at West Philadelphiaat 0.60:. m. FAST LINE leave! Harrisburg at 12.56 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia In 5-00 P- m- MAIL TRAIN leave: Harrisburg at 5.25 p. m., and Il rivee at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. in. These Trains make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Linea. ‘ ‘ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. I,lenver Harrisburg " at 7.30 a. 111., runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION leave: Herrin ‘burg at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at. West Philadelphia at 0.40 p. m. ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leave! Harrisburg at 5.35 p. m., was via Mount Joy, connecting at Dillar ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WEETWARD. ‘ THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leave! Philadelphia It 10.50 p. m., and arrive: at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. In. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 9‘oo a. m., “I. vex-river at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 n. m. , FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and ar rive. at Hurishug at 4.15 p. m. , nAluusnune‘ ACCOMMODATION ‘l'nAiN 1'9"“ Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and arrive: at Harrisburg at 1.35 p. m. . . ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Philadelphia .9 4.00 p. m., and arrive: at Harrisburg at 9.16 p m. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving- Philadelphia at. 4 p. m. connect at Lance-tar with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN ,and strive It Harri-burg at 9.45 p. m. . . . zko24-41tf NQMHERN GENQTBAL RAILWAY; gum V NOTJG'E. C'HANGE OF‘ SCHEDULE.- " WIN T‘E R'; ARR AN G EM‘E Nl}, on Mm Armani MONDAY NOVEMBER 2m, 1m the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Bail!” will lean Harrisburg u fouowa : ' * ' ' .' GOING SOUTH. i ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave “"3430 t. n. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at.........-.J.49&. 11:. MIL TRAIN willle'laveht'...n...'.. .. 1.09pJ11. HAIL TRAIN will 10870 “.... ..uu u . . . 1.40 p. In. EXPEESS TRAIN will 16576 It. I I I l I I I I I “6.15 f: “I The only Train ludng Harrisburg on Sundly will-b. the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 3.00.». In, for furthe itnformnion apply at tho oflice,.in Peu aylvnnia Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Harrisburg, November 23, 1880._n02.1 ' NEW AIR 14(1):”: ROUTE NEW tonic. MW.~., (LL/AYE . ___, ,1 a .._—.s“. « (2»! hp 3 It??? "=.,,——z:i'zi‘~4\ :;=T:§== '1: 4. 1" _.T ‘ WEI-. 3 Shortest in Bistanco and Quieknst in Tim . BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES 01' NEW YORK ANVDI HARI‘IISBURG, ~ A READING, ALLENTBWN AND EASTD'N' V MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York st 0 o. m., uriving o 1: Harrisburg at 1 p. m., out] 6x hours between the two cities. MAIL LIN]! leoves New York at 12.00 noon, nnd u] rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 p. m. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg M 8.00 s. m., arriving at New York It 5.20 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leoves Ennis bnrg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at Nev York at 9.45 p. In. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.001). In. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylft nis, Cumberland Volley and Northern Central Railroad- All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts ville and Philadelphia, Ind at Allentown for Munch Chunk, Huston, are. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 n. In. Line from-Nev York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and moon modstion, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. ‘ Fore between New York and Harrisburg, l'rvx Donna: . For Tickets and other information apply to J. J’. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. den EHILADEBqEHIA READING‘RAILROAD, WINTE R A-E'R‘AW G EMENT. . ON AND AFTER DEC. 12, 1860, , rwo PASSENGIH; TRAINS LEAVE amalgam DAILY, (Sunday: excepted» 518,00 A. H., Ind 115 I'. m., for Philidelphia,'arflvinsthere st 1.25 P . m., mum PJI. - _ RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA It 8.00 Al and 3.80 P.M., arriving :3 Hamburg at 1 P. M. and 8.15 D. 11. junk—To Philadelphia, No. 1 Gm, 83.26 ; No. 2, (in lune train) $2.16. ‘ rma :—l‘o Reading $1.60. And $l.BO. At Banding, connect with thin: for Pomfifln, mnub ville. Ismail, o‘“m: ‘o' ' FOUR TBAI'NS LEAVE READING 1'01! PHILADE PHIAADAILY, at 6 A. m., 10.45 A. H., 12.30 mound 3.43 I'. 11. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA I‘OB READING n 8 A. H., 1.00 I'. H., 3.69 P. m., m 6.00 P. M. ‘ um:—Ruding to Philldalpml, 31.15 aid 51.». TH! MORNING TRAIN PROM HARRISBURG OOH NIOTB AT READING with up tub! (or Wilkubu'n Pithton Ind Ber-mon. : l'ox through mum and other Momma apply to V Ll. 01.11)], - General Anni. # dolb-dt‘l PHILADELPHIA READINGHIfAILBOAD. PIER MONDAY, APRIL 9 1580 a" “D SOMMUTATION TICKETS, ’ - With 26 Con us will 'be issued between my point! “and, good 1%:- the home}- and any membex 01 hi. family, in any Puuenger tram, end at my time—gt as per cent. below the “8‘11“ “Yel- Pgrflgp having cumin-la ‘nee the Boedfrequenfly on humans or pleasure, mu ad the the" “tenement convenient and economics}; u Four Pueenfer treiu run daily each way between Reading and Phi mum and Two Trains deny between Reading, roman. Harrisburg. 0n Snndeye onlyone mornin treinDo and one afternoon train U’p,rnne between gottevlllem Philadelphia, and no Passenger ttein on the Lehman Valley Branch Milieu, For the ebove Ticket: or my Information renting thereto, apply to s. Bruit‘ord, 111.41., rmmrer Phfledel. phie, to the respective Ticket A nt- on the iine, or to _ G. A. Imagine, Genetel Sflp’t- Merch 27, 1880.~—mu28—dtf H A T G H & G O. , s H I P A G E N T s ‘ Axn ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ‘l3B wmm mum, mmnmm . DEALERS m ‘. FLOUR, enumrnonucm, coma-IG, WINES AND ILIQUOBSV‘ roßAaao 41(1) 01504125, novuam . 2 '1 "I 7 L. GODBOLD;J.PRAOI)IOAL Tum: 0 Al"! Brannon» PIANOS MELODEONB aw a. margin future mult be leré It WM. xnoo’nmfi uUSIO- STORE, 92 Market street, or :1: BUEHLEB’B HOTEL. All pram Left a»: the flow-mod PM" 7"“ meet with prompt nunflon. lint elm HANDS for Illa DRIEHBEEFé-An extra. IofiofDRIED v men” mm’fim‘b’ wu, nook. 13., £80.; 95.15,; £1065}: S Tomanswme m: Storage réceivéd It warehouse of "3 ‘ n 01? JAMES M. WHEELER. fines. of Emmi. SAMUEL 1). YOUNG, Supt.‘ East. Din. Fauna flailrmd. GOING NORTH. REDUOTIQN ornssmann rms, aeplß—lu