BATES 0F ADVERTISING- Four fines-or Xena constitute half . nquné. '.l'on flu or more than (can, constitute I square. denmnad‘ayg. .... 50.25 one «1., ”cash—~Bo.“ ‘‘ 7 ; °¥°F¢9qu 1.00 “ nnewaak..- 1.25 “ one‘month” . 2.00 “ one month. .. 8.00 “ three manthu. 3.00 n three months. 5.90 “ . uixmonthx, . 4.00 “ nixmontha.,. $1.0» “ ”cyan-.... . 6.00 “ one year.“ 10.00 {D’ Busines- notices inserted in the Loan. Donna, 6r burg" marriages and deaths, m: cams Pin lel'for an]; insertion. To merchsntaand other: dunking by m.,." . 13%“ '“fi’m'm‘x ns tbedenigm ‘ V omm rotinsar R) was in ‘ifir «mm a Death 'll be M (1011 tho . uni an I'l inn - It“ {I nguhflvertisemenhl. ..t “I. m. $00155, mummy, 85:. GHOOL BOOKS.——School Duectors, maul-I, Parent, Scholars, and others, in wont a School Books, School Stationery, kc. will and a .oom lets monument at n. m. ronnocx as sdmsn‘oox “3mg, gun: Square, Harrisburg, oompfiling in pit-t Minnow; mE— _ ‘ sAnm-Mcemy'a, Parker’s Gobh’l An 11’: same BOOKS.—Mcflmy’n: omfi, wxfmm, tm’a,Byerly'l. Comm-y". mans]! GBAMMABS.—BnIIIon’ Smith's, Wood "$3., Monteith u, magma, m’nfiom’. Tom3.—érimhur’a, Davenport’s host’s, Wil lan’s, mum's, mum, 2mm, donnith’und Olu'k’l. V - Amrm'nuas...amn|.wg, Shoddmd’s Inez-son’s, Pilo’l, lion’s. Oolbm’n, Smith ma Duke’s bum. Bfiugifnm._emnlum, Dnvie’fi, 15am 3‘3"» =DdfallONAßYß.—Wnlker’l School, (mom, W-lhra WWI Comprehensive, Wotoemr’l PM”: Web— :pg'. Primary, museum mgh School, Wohlter’l W, Home. - NATURAL pmnosormmPOom-twv-{l ruin"? Quinn. The above wifl: a great ”riot! otfot on can a. my time be found at my store. Also, 3 complete unsort ment or School Stationery, ombroctng in the vm lo I oom plou outfit for school pupa-u. Any. book not in the non. Witonedmmfiee. _, '_ V ‘ 11:? Country Max-chant! supplied It Include rat's. “KLNAOSr-John Bur ml 801?! um tors-Jo a! I. If. POI-LOOK d: SON’B 3005 STORIj Hmilburx, a? Wholesale and Retail. ' ~ m 1 JUST,REGEIYED . , AT ' sonsnnivs fichxsmonn,» ADAJIANTINE' s_L.a mm 0! VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, which, for {saucy and use, cannot be excénod. 2‘ mu m rmoi, ..scHxi-‘FE‘B‘VS Bo‘oxsrons, Ho. 18 MARKET STREET. ’ film BOOK AUCTION; 1 BEN F. FRENCH .3 Will mpplyihil old (dam and mtomeu with “10’ follgvlng Bush )1: Auefionpgicgaz. 7 _ _ . “limit W, 10 volumebmplgto, {mutations 'l.. Mann, 8 vols" 00111919139, mutated uid moq’anxyedition, 2 1013., complete, mufnhd mnmimm, no. ‘ ‘ - - '. . .oon'gresaionstalobe, $1.50 per roluno'. . . Inez-1y Novels, complete, 12 ”urchin, 510. at, ,1: u u 21voh,hdfqalf,$34; Jno., ' t e- , ~ :11: .1 the mm Bonn I will deliver in Humbug In. of charge. BEN LIBENOH, ‘ , 278 Pennsylnnin. Avenue, Wuhlngton, I). 0. ' few-4t! ' ~ - - 4 , NIEW. BOOKS! lUS}! RECEIVED .‘ “SEAL AND BAY,“ by the author of “Wide, Wide Vol-Id,” “ Dollars and Gents," ace. 5 S 5‘ HISTORY 01' “THODISM,”by A,Btevenu LLB. ’9: sale u - SOHEFIEBS’ BOOKSTOfiE, ‘ t 1)! NoJSMmrko st. JUST BEC,EIYED,S‘S . A'nmen‘ m 52mm!) agom'unm or ~ ' many GILT AND QRN4M‘E-NTAL , WIN-D 0 W CILR T;A”IN S,’ P APEB B LLN DB, .‘ _ 01' various Designs and colors, for 8 pants, . TISSUE PAPER AND our FLY PAPER, . Ag [mm] scunum’s nooxs'ronn. WALL PER! WALL PAPER. :1 int received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER BORDERS, 21M: SCREEN , ke.,&c. ma thelusesi Ind best selected assortment in the city, nngiugin price from six (6) cent: up to one dollar and squat-tel- ($1.25.) A: we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to non 8.1; as low rates, if not lower, than can be, had else !herG. 1f purchaser! will can end exemiee, we feel confident that we can please than: in reagent to price end quefity,‘ E. M POLLOOK &. EON, :13 Below Jonel’ Home. Market Square. LE TTE R, CAP, NOTE PA FEES, Penn, Holders, Penmanz Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of tube.“ quality, :1: low paces, direct tram t a mu. names, it ,- > ~ ~. muse , sonnrrzn’a CHEAP BOOKSTORE . LAW BOOKS ! LAW BOOKS ! l—A , general mortmont of mwxooxsg-al the Etna 301 nm and standard Elomontary‘Worh, with miny‘of the old much Reports, scam and ran, :ogethar with I Inge mortmontpf lacuna-hind LBW Books, a very low prices, at tlu nu pn‘cs Bookston qf . _ V E.M.POLLOGK a: SON, ‘ link“ Square, Harrisburg. CM mwuamm AN ARRIVAL 0F NEW GOODS APPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER FANS! FANS” FANS!!! nto-rm up aéuxmb no: 6!» ~BPLIG.ED FISHING RODS! trout Flies Gut and Hair thods Gm: Lina, Silk Ill‘ “1' PMiedLinea, and I gage“! assortment of ' rlsnlnerxcxns: A. mu um" or ‘ WALKING-CANEISII Which we will sell I: chew on the cnezpeat! sum gem mod Sword Hickory 3...” omm! Canes! Oneal. Owes! Gnu: anLnn’a mum AND FANCY STORE, no. 91 mm mt", South lids, one door out of Fourth street 199 B. J. HARRIS, WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND . . METALLIC ROOFING, Md Strut, bola» Ghumm, a. mum 11! r “ H‘nffigxts-Bflfii" 0 ”I or 111 013 ‘ 7 ho! Jigs-s; all!!! not an M 5 I|:in nah ‘0 “do! on Ihdfluotioe. . z . - . METALLIC ROOFING, of Tito: _thuniud Iron, comma] on m. . ; ' - - Aha, Tin Ind Sheet-Inn Wan, Sponfing, to. fig hopes, by amok-tunnel: ta flu vat: of his custo man, up mfif m} min £30110!qu shun of public m ‘ ifi'lnry remiss skint] ‘fulmkl. ' p y B. 1. mm, inf-db] Saying amt. below Ohm“. FIS H I l HACKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) . SALMON, (very superior.) SE“), (Mean and very fine.) ‘ . V we, (extr- lugs.) COD FISH ' SMOKED HEREIN“. (extra. Digby.) SCOTCH REMING- A , , , , fl smnmns AND monovms. 0f the show we have Mackerel in whole. half. quarter “#:3233113 “getting in 111019 and half bbla. w—m will sell them at the low alto; (5.1%: as; TISEIBIIB, Ind up“ wax; noon, m, lo 00. . " AMILY BIBLEs,U, F mug and Wm!!! hours, grin” on good mm “2331 t : 'n9y£Eé?P airs Ghnp Bonk -hro. GMBEBBIES 1 z !—A Smum .25? ””3"” " FOR ‘a' mipérior and reheap TABLE. or mm on ‘o to .:. slumps 'mmo swan- T?) Fruit 7 Growers‘: Handbook—by Mme-wmmnuu . .Sdlll'll‘lvl Boom. PERMglnrge I'“PPJ’ office go are woo of a to avemadislit• ULLA* FISH”! WM. DOCK; 13.. J: 00 l .‘t -F‘V¢§‘?‘::'“i‘ r > gfi‘szFiM ‘ ~ {5.6 iL . i2l- '~ ""'.~; 'r 3 =ij“ T VOL, 3. 133 nm) fitahlcs; CITY LIVEBY STABLES, fl BLACKBERRY ALLE'f, fl IN THE REAR OF HERR’S HOTEL. _ The undersigned has re-commenr-ed the L“! FF 8 Y BUSINESS in M 9 NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above, min: I lugs sud Yll'ied sfiock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIB USES, Which he will hire at moderate rates. . octl3-dly _ F. K. SWARTZ. FRANK A. MD RRAY Sumner :0 Wm. Parkhill, ' LIVER." 8:. EXCHANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. '. rams: = I , . nvmammathaiuunnotJ.d.Am ’l. fine embankment, md made large addition; to .the stock, the undersigned is prepared to accommodatg the .’pnon with SUPERIOR HORSES for Saddle or Cari-11: pnrpom, and with ever: “not: of VEHICLES of who hit and nose up vod style: on reasonable toms. ," ’ _ gum“ hams will be mmodam with On amutuhortinotiu. ~ . V - . jag-rigs- momma». for funeral com-ions, will pp milk ,pgcompuiedbycgrem grid ohfigilng drivers. Raindug'minlficfibfi of‘hil’ltodh II 10“ um Wil fully aqua :6 giant okay other aluminum“: or . the kind In ton. . . . IW;A.IIURBAI BR'AN OH"ST:ABLE_ ' Hug “as_ 3; «him ned'lbrinéh orhiuumn’ m .mmio am "In thepgmildingl may mum?” IW. Bap, In Fourth meet, pppwih the Baikal, gym; ya in prefixed to woo-Jump the» pub“; yith norm und Vehic , still filial; on ro‘a'ndiy'lflo term. ‘ Bil M 11: lugs and “tied, um will m‘eommend‘itaelf. ,v _ . “16-413.. .- z -. .V-JMNKA-MAY» mimllanébtts. TAKE NOTICE! g gflut we hue recently eddedto en: shed] full stock: :~ 1013‘- SEGARS LAHOBMA'QISH ;_. . ' JEABI KARI, " .- ' - ‘ ' ‘ ' 'EL'MONO, ' . . - s " ¢._ ,‘ .LAnANANA.‘ VOF JPEBFUMEBY £01.! lEIHAXDIIBOKIIE:G_ _ , TURKISHESSENOE, ’ - ‘ ==-ODOB‘OPMUBK‘, - ...- ‘ = ; , ,V . LUBIN’SJESENGE BOUQUET. rosin-Hun: , . ’ ’ . EAULUSTBAIfi .' -- ~. -. 4 .-, 0318! IZED‘POMATUM,‘ .’ . - .nnmmnymmr-romrw. resusconust: ’ ' ‘ s K ' I'M-cor wanton; :, ‘ - ‘ - VBOSBJiIIAI BOWDEB, .- : .‘ ,- ‘ . NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, . BLANO m: mumps. ~ 0 :1? S-OvA P-s: Bun’sllxnsr " , .I' a r - ' '; :MOSSBOSEb.. .:= . V ~. ‘ '.nnwzm,‘,fl '. ' 1 UPPER um -’ , ‘ -, -YI_OI.E’I', , - . . * ' . 5 : HEW MOWN; HAY . . s _ JOGKEY bum; Having the largest stock and best assortment of Toilet Articles. we fang: that we ere better able/sham our com yetitors to fetup a complete Toilet Set It any price de sired. Gel andsee.‘ " -~ " Alwuyl on hand, bFBESB-Stock of DR 068 MEDI -C_INES,_VGHEMIG4LS,_&O coneequeut of? our re ceiving slmqst daily ,additione hereto. ’ KELLEE’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors East “fourth-Street, 4 .lepfl Southfiidnyn . M. .. ~,_.. A PH' E N I’X'f'rc‘J‘lJ NDB Y J. J. 051.33. " - ' v. 5 Louis. JOHN J. OSLER 18: BROTHER, (snoolssoks 'I'O Img I; an.) ' ,- FOUNDERS' A 5!) MACHINISTS, Corner Pmnsylmnia Railroad and Sam smer, . HARRISBURG, PA. MILL GEARING, IRON FENCES, RAILROAD - - 41 m CANAL WORK, “D ALIA DESCRIPTIONS OF IRON GASTINGS 0K HAND OB MADE I'o ORDER. mclmm wont: AND mumme mommar , -‘ ATTENDED To. PATTERNS MADE TO :ORDEB. We hate 3 large and complete assortment of Putnam to selectfrom. . ”122 J” US 1‘ REC ,E I V ED' A rum. “son-rum or ' ‘_" _ HUMPHBEY'S HuMEopMmcsPE-mrlcs'l to motifs" in'vxu 13' ' ATTENTION OF THE AFFLICTED! Int-”mic it 'a' = " ' ' - scunrrnn’s BOOKSTORE, apo ' ' No.lB Hunt at. ‘ZCUSTOMERS A New Lot of L ADIRS’ ..PU-BSE 8, 0! Beautiful Styles, substantially made ' A Splendid Assortment of ‘6ENTLEMEN’S WALLE’IS. 5 . - A New sud Elegant Perfume, KNIGHTS TEMPLARS’ BOVQUET, Put up‘in 0M Gm: Engnved Bottles. ’ ' A Complete Assortment of ' - , - EAKDKEBGHIEF PEBFUMES, . . 0f the but Mmutaetura. ‘ A. very Handsome Vtriety of POWDER PUFF BOXES. . KELLER’B DRUG STORE, 3’31 91 Mukat street Booms” AND SHOES." JAC K S 0 N b C 0 .- Have opened a. Boot and Shoo more at No. 90); ”AR— KET STREET, corner of Fourth, where they nap eon sta'utly on hand I. full and varied assortment of the 'BEST_CITYJIADE SHOES. 3mg; been engagad‘ in the mom: UPPER Bus:- NESS in this city for‘ more than I. year, they on pre pared to make ALL KINDS OF FANCY-"SHOES to order, It ‘lhort motioe. of the beat 'materiuls,.and wu rmted to give satisfaction every way. . 117 mm can Ind examina my assortment before pun-chafing elsewhera. : - ifi’nemember the plum—9ox Market street, sign 0 the . [non—dam} GOLDEN BOOT. CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRI. . LUOXNOW 011 mm, , . CONTINENTAL, , . - mums BULTANA, ATHEN‘EUM, LONDON omm. ' SIB ROBERT PEEL, . , INDIA 30! “mom’s, amen. . ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. tor 'fif by. wn. max, .13., a; co. my DY OTIVILLE GLASS WORKS, ' PHILADELPHIA}, . mouth-uni - annoys, DEMIJonxs, my, mums. manna. wuapn, mom urn PRESER “use runs 0! I'll, IlwllHIOI. 11.3.; a. w. Imm: ' “1941: 21 End): Front .mnphilmfifii. S‘ilhfinm’m’fi “WW“ Murphy: to - -’§',‘,“l'cu—nmnm " WWW” HARRISBURG, PA., MON coal. TT‘O THE PUBLIC!, 7 JOHN TILL'S C 0 A L Y A R 1),. > SQUTH snoonh srnnmr, ‘ BELOW PRATT’S ROLLING MILL, HARRISBURG, PA., Where he has constantly on hand LYKENS VALLEY BROKEN. EGG, STOVE AND NUT COAL ALSO, WILKESBARBE sTEAuBOAr, BROKEN, 310 m AND NUT COAL, _ ’ . -* ILI. oprfimmar-mnwwéwin» It will be delivered fo cox'finiiners clean,'mq full weight warranted. . ' 7 >’- ' a]? CONSUMERS GIVE ME ‘A (mm. to]: xoun WINTER SUPPLY. . x _ , 33' Orders left It my house, in Walnut‘ street, no" Fifth; or at Brobnker’u, Northlstrqet; J. I". sbégal’s, flax-ht mm; wfm. Boutick’s,‘ col-kid: of Second 3mg South streets, and iohn Liligla’s, Second snd Molten-y meets, will receive prompt Ittenfion. ‘ .jylsamm ,‘ = ‘ JOHN TILL. ’C' 0 AL! 0101'sz - j ONLY Yum IN 15?; THATDELIVERS] ' chinnfir'ian’ .. c r A, a: E N 'l2 w-Eafan . CARE 3; 170 w 15 if!” JIM!!! I'o}- evgry family to get in the'ippanpp'li of 0051 {9l" the minim—washed ._t their door .by‘jghé Palm Weigh 0672:. 17.. accuracy 9f than Cans no one dispum. ml they‘iaevor get. o'ut of- order, a is (ingenuity the can 02' tl}. Plntfonh Scales; halides; the cbiiulu'wr be the Initiation of pairing theanifiht of his Goal ut his own'houe. - ‘ - I hue 3 large supply‘of 0031.01: yam}, oo*:::t‘ng ofx . 3,3. cows mums mum do“: {.ll men. , muss 1731.11! “310 'i‘ H ‘_ yrwmxnsmm ‘ do. - , " - . Bx'ruflmous 33.011110)? .db; , - . 111' Cpfl birthe- hm qaguty named; and demand rm .Irbnhjl impnii¥geg it the [wig-E 54;”, 1%, ‘the‘ bower ;_en‘ lint-Single, In“ or {bird of {gulf-"mid fir the hughel. -.‘ . ‘ A 7 . . . ,JmnsM. Hannah, ' Harrisburg. 8mm»: 24;.18WHME.‘ ( - UP P 05mm ,_ RA'TENd'f‘WE'lL'éjH‘cA-‘xrs ‘ . For the 'eonvenien'ca 0'! my a‘uinarouvup town'custom us, I have established, in ponneetlop rub my 0161.111. a _Byanch (3031 Yard op osfle‘qurth street, in gliine wilt): the Péfifisylvsnid'énnn'E h‘uiidg thib’nfid {chair y'dc'cue pied by Mn IL Harris. where consumers of Cull-11!] that _vioinity and Varbeketogn can “inanan god byche . PATENTPWJ‘JIQK 04318.; , WITHOUT EXTRA 01mm]: FOB‘TH. ziLING, And in anyvqunnflty‘thay may-deairo,“n‘s"low u can he purchased any-whom. . .. i _ , FIVEIHO USAND TONS .OOAL ON:HA-ND, = 01' LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARRE'HLH man. F‘Wi‘m'ng ob maintain fair pviu's, but uflwilfin’g to be undufiold byway panns._ ;v: . , . ; WM! Co‘s] fopkgd up andfielivered elem and trap from all impurities, find the beslAarfi-cle mined. " " omm received utfeither Yard will be promptly filled, 'fifififi’fi”? “min-BWF-‘litfixwfifig . 3 on k 31‘ 0 . tons, and by the bushes}. " -“d’ s 19531—3 -‘ ‘ > ‘ - ‘ I‘3 JAMES M. WHEELER. . Harrisburg.sootober;l3. 186 '..-nous LYK ENS’VALLEY N‘U'l‘ (3va For Sale‘ 11 rw'o nouns mm row. ’ V ' if? All Coal doliuezedby PATENT WEIGHGAR TS - - - ~ ‘ . JAMES M..WEEEBER. flj’~ Ooaldelivered fromfioth yngrda. , 11017 filehiml; HELMBDLD’S ' ‘ BELMBOLD’S HELMBULD’S ‘ HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLI)’S HEEMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBULD’S HELMBULD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOIJD’S HELMEQLDfs; , nummomrs Extract Buchu, Erma: Bnclm, Exuazt: Buchu, Extract Bauhu, ’ , Extrmt Bum-u, Extract hut-hm, Enact Buchu, Ettract Bucbn. Ext mt Bnehu, Ext-met Buchn, Extract Bum, Exit-lot Bncun, ‘ Extra}: Bnehn, Ens-mt Bachu, FOR SECRET ANU DELIUJTE lIISORD ERS. 'FDR SECRET AND DELICJ'I'E DISORDERS. ,130 n SECRET-4010 D RLICJTE 41180!!!) It RS. F9ll SECRET AN" DELIGATE DISORUI-IRS. FOR SECRET AND DALIUA'I'E DISORDERS. ‘.FOR SECRET A’ \D DELICATE’ D‘ISUKUEKS. MR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. A Poaitivs and Specificnlumeay. A Positive and specific 39299511. A Paaitive‘ynd Specific waved]- ;A Palm's and Specific Remedy. A Positive Ind Spvciflg Remedy) A Post ive Ind Speoifli; Remtdy. A Positive and s acme Remedy. , lon DISEASES v 2 um BLADDER, GRAVEL: KID vars, DRIJAPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDkEYS, DROPSY, BLADD ER, QRAVEL, Kip Evs, DRDPsv, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIUA'EYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNFYS, Die/HWY. BLADDER, 6R4 VEL, K 111112115, ynorsr, BLADDER. GRAVEL, KID NE rs, D'ROPSY, ‘i - ORGAN“ WSAKNE3S,‘ v ORGANIC WE ‘KNfi'IS, onumw wuummss; ORGANIC WEAK HESS, omm 0 Wanna, 039M319 WEAKNWv‘ . _ And all D-rugma uf a‘qzuat‘Orgam, And all Dim‘aus of Satan! “mam, ' Agni all Disease: of Seminal Organs, . _Anfl all Diseases of Sexy“ Organs, ' And all Discuss: 1;} Serra”! Organ, And all Diseases ofSaz at Organs, _ ‘ ‘ ARISING Fflulfi . Enema, Exponurea, and Imprudeneieu in Life. Execs-ea, Exposures, and Imnrudpnmu in Life. Exams, Expognra-, Vnnd Imprudunhaa in Life. Enema, figment-gs, and Immufignaiea in Life. . Excuses, Exposures, um lmprndendien in Life. . » Enema, EXpMlfl‘rl, and Imp’muem on in Life. From white": can so ofiginntin ,wd 'li her existing“ , H _ mun on ”gum. . Pennies, ilk. no more Pill-S They an complaint: incidvnv to‘ 'ho‘ sex. Use v ._ EXI‘RAGT-~BUGHU. Helmhold’s Extract Buchu is-a Medium hotly pluunt m It: ~ mm; 4ND ODOR mnmmodim in m agtinn. giving fled the Frame, Bloom to me Pallid Cheek, p‘atient to ,8 pol-Mt slate of ' » HFAL'I'R AND PURITY Helmhold’l Extractjucun in pupa. Pharmacy and Chemistry, Midi! pr- avn‘ THE MOST EMHENT PHY Delay no lung". Procure the renal!” Price $1 pvt uottlu, or nix for 85. Depot 104 South Tenth arr-eat. Phil; BEWARE OF UNPRINUIPLID Trying to palm of their own or other on the ropuufion attained hy ..- annuuow’s Emma! The O‘iginnl and only Genuine. We desire to run on Ihn MERIT 01” EUR .437 OLE ! then-M is Wyl‘fllll’l‘ —-=a Cold ..t mm: 1953 an: Ind com minions, eonuqueutly myingu much tic! profit. WI DEFY 00 APETIT}ON ! Ask for ' . HILMBOLD’S EXTRAO BUOEU. fi'n’Gßg'fi" mpm 6: Muk e d . ' no: a all 8060114! litre]: Ragnar, . ’1” AND 4LI. mmmhsrs EVERYWHERE. .no Mdthm. ‘ I C EXT'RAQTI! 'EXTBAGTS“ wo > , 7—— ”332 mm,: sunflé’g‘fiflrgnm “”340” _ ‘ .. 0' ‘ ' BIflnALHOND unowggggl‘lhu ' Btflwggggyt - . "“LiiloNAn “mm, : am, a £l9lO, 1023“" m" ' M.m.n..¢00. , DECEMBER 31, 1860. Sewing filathifleg. BR 0 v E 11 & ' CELEBRATEDNO‘ISELE'SS gFAMILY AND MANUFACTURING SEWING M AC‘HINES! $4O AND UPWABDS. Pnlons ESTABLISHED roa SEVEN YEARS THE GROVER s: BAKER. s§3.EWING MACHINE Makes the only seem formed by 5 Sewing Machine; in 'fiyhich each stuck is independently locked and without ‘ Wm thumping:- ‘s'utchen. {anti-9113111, and he only seam that will admit of the thread being cut at (very-fourth stitch without injury to the beam in wear. THE GROV‘ER 8L BAKER S E W ‘I-‘NIG. M A C EIN E 3|la Adapted to all varieties of fabrics, sewing equally well the finest Swiss, muslin or the heaviest cloth or Heather, and requiring no adjustment for any kind of leaving other than the ulsptatlon of needles and thread. THE GROVER & BAKER ‘SE‘WIN‘G'MAC HINE row: fennel-Ginny spunk iifihont rewindl'ug, Ind fasten: _to aim seams. thereb'y eating timezmd thread. .It will flew common upool‘eintun, silk and linen thread, with 'éqnal facility. .3 . , 1 a ,7 THE GROVEB 8B BAKER ’ . SEW I'N-G ' M'A UH I.N.E in m 51mph that. an intelligent child of ten years dun field“; lum to open-ah it. .It' is .I'lznre:ni.sily kept in order thu’ any other muckina, and need‘not be Men upritohaolled.u ' ‘ .. . . - - THE GBO‘V‘E‘R a; BAKER S'EAWIN G MA 0 HINE mm we only stitch unannot-pemma by washing and im’fiingfs‘s‘d tho‘only stitch thmjtom an elutie and durable um. rj-‘br'icu “smacks: by thin Iti'ccli, my in“ on bad (Mp to pieces (tom- ofifim} w‘eakneh o_r hm: us‘ig'eflmf home‘sp'u't dr‘lgm shy “the isms they made; maxim fioldiog'ct’fiér’ifianvfhé'clotKo'r calico around them h‘sn'ga' in rs'gs‘isr utters. ‘ ' CHATONEY 5 W‘AL'IIB; :Ge'fle‘ral? Agents, 18 Fifth aueegspitmmg. ‘ :' -' -» » ‘, '1 Mn. JAMES 3'. REM“, lg'ourthvuld Murket streets, Agent for Harrisburg, where the Machines may. it 111 time's be IBM! in ojiarltidh.. -': :' , i 2aiF'S:E‘NVD:rv-£O.R A an: a UL’A-R .5: IBpMleZv 3;: - , f I f . - H: N-ISE'EP? 51‘ ATE S HOT E L), ' ‘ sbfleiis'i' ‘dé‘fiimlirbr'lfik Aid) kmkhr'erfing-s, _ ADJOINING THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL-3 -= 2 ~ ‘_=ROAD'DEPOT, ; - e , PEI;- ADEnPgIA. " . like pridei'eizlied would. reapeétfuliy Inre'im the Pumice that‘he hes'tek‘en the above Hotel, fo‘rniefly kpoyrn_ gs “‘.'IHE‘MA‘NSIONHOUSE,” which he has refined and newlyfiirnished through-mt. ‘ , = . _ ' > : .. ‘The Rooms a're spacious and conimodioug, end furnished .g%ggy pop'venfience toys (91:90! inthe “53.119591? in “9 ‘.‘IeTED STATES” is admmbxylocmed for the conveplence of traveleta‘, being 99.1941“: mmlnnfljth the Pennsylvania. Railroad De'pu't, afid'thus‘e‘avipg be ;h Jack hire and porterug'e'of baggage. XNo‘ paln's will-he spared fro render the *‘ UNI'BED ST ATES”,& pleasant and agreeable residence. to all, who may favor it with their patronage ‘ Charged moderate. V ' ' Wbdfimjvy H. W. KANAGA, Proprietor. BUE HLERQH‘OUSE, MARKET SQUARE, , HARRISBURG, PA. ~ " GEO. J.BOLTON,Pxorn'xn-ron. The shove _we'u known and long, established Hotel 1'! nov undergoing d thorough ronovstion, outlining ip a great degrqo newly furnished, under the proprietorahip of Mr'. Gzoxiun J; Bonn-on, Who has been an inmste oi the new for the last three years, and is well known to its guagts.» * f Thankful for the liberal pgtrpndge which it ha: en joyodtl cheerfully comment} Mr. Bolton to the public mm. A’ , jeT-Ilkwy i wipum gunman. INSURANCE AGENCY. _ THE DELAWARE MUTUAL V SAFETY IN SUB. AN CE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. INCORPO RATED 71835. CAPITAL AND ASSETS.. .. . . .. . . . . . . $904,907.51. , THE INSURANCE k COMPANY 0F NORTH AMERICA, 0]!“ PHILADELPHIA. INC ORP'O R ATEDI794. CAPT! AL AND ASSETS. -. . . . - . .. . . -$1:219,475.19. The undersigned, as Amen—Hot the above well known Companies. will make Insurance against loss or damage by'flre, either perpetually or annually, on property in either town or country. , ‘ . Marine and Inland TranSpm-mtion Risks also taken. Apply personally or by letter to _ . » WILLIAM BUEHLER, ' doci—dkwiy Hll'l'ilibllrg, Pl. P. RO 0 L AMATION.—-Whereas, the Honorable Jone J. Pmssox, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, eon- Ilsting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin. and the Hon. A. 0. Hxssrsn and Hon. Femx Nissan hssoei~ ste Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre cept, hearing date the 10th day of December, 1860, to me dlre'eted, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Pesos st Harrisburg, for the c‘ounty'of Dauphin, and to com menee on the .34 ‘ Monday of January. being the 215: day of January. 1861 and to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given to» the coroner, Jus— tices of the Pence, Aldermen, and Constables of the said county 01 Dauphm. that they be then and there in‘ their propel persons, at 10 o’clock in the foreman of said day, with their records, inquisition's, examinations, and their own remembrance: to do those things which to their omcmermns to he done, and those who are bound'in reco _ knees to prosecute against the prisoners thatnre or shall be in’the Jail of Dauphin county, be then and there to prosecute against them as shall be just. Given under my hand at Harrisburg the 15th day 0! December, in” the year of our Lord. 1860, and in the eighty-third year of the independence of the United Stutes. J . D. BOAS, Sherlfl. SHERIFF’S Ornon. % Harrisburg. December 15. 1860. de‘lS-dkwtl otno avail for which is per bud Vim to restoring the 7- according to ,a [and m by IGIANSI tonne. ' mamas male: of BUOHU M2l UPHULb‘TERING. C . F . VOLL M E R Ii planned to do :1] Hindu of work in the UPIiOI.ST_ER ING, B USINESS. Pl!“ Particular "Mention to MAKING AND PUTTING DOWN CARPETS. MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASRES. REPAIRING FURNITURE, Jno., ace. He can br found an all timon at his residence, in the rem- of the Willium 'l‘ell House; corner of “phony ind BM]! berry NIB]! v “pm-oily H lOKOHY WOOD! !——A SUPERIOR; LOT Jll‘t raceived, Ind for sale in quantities to unit DIM" chalets, by JAMES m. WHEELER. Also,- 0M: AND PINE coy-kn“, on_ land it the lowest prices. - - ’ dc“ EMPTY BOTTLES ! ! l—Of all sues 0. d ‘ ‘ h . . _ deco“ description. {or file‘s): 500 K. h" a 00. ' ‘ 1153 mm! . . Billiaflifigm ! Mx-poox,xf..foa ' ..9° ' . . . .. tee. CARD. ‘Enfiu mutt.- my: fiatrint & 3am. MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 31, 1860 THE GRIM SERGEANT. . The Malakofl‘ was taken 2 After weary months of strife and bloodshed, the great. keystone to Sebastopol was in the hands of the French. Bravely had the sons of. Gaul won their prize; and heaps .of slain lying within that mammoth earthwork attested how dearly it had been bought. Few were the survivors of the volunteers, who had carried the place by a coup-de—maz'n, and these were lying that night wrapped in the deep sleep of exhaustion, undisturbedmat firs‘t,.hy ,ihe loud explosions which were heard proceeding from the town. But even these tired men-awoke shortly after wards, when 'the startling news spread like wild-fire through the camp that the Russians were retreating to the north shore, leaving the part they had so long and so ably defended in flamesand ruin. Forgetful of their fatigue, even the remnants of the storming parties \ united in'bands, and glided into the town to plunder what they could, undeterred by the frequent explosions and fast spreading fires.— First and foremost among the maranders were twelve men of the 4_— regiment, headed by one known to his comrades by‘the name of “the Grim Sergeant”: Phillips Charsnts was one of the bravest men in the army. Gifted with prodigious strength and dauntless courage, nature had given him a physiognomy which had procured for him the above-mentioned : aoubn’quet! - and, being taciturn, rumor had 1 further invested him with a character for great a ferocity. Now, the. truth was, that a more t gentle-hearted creature than Qharente did not exist. But men often seem topriduhemselves upon, possessing qualities. which are really foreign to theirnatures. So the sergeant was pleased when he was joked about his malevo lent disposition, and smiled grimly. One good turn his dark reputation - certainly did him for he was held in such awe by his comrades that he led a very peaceful life, no one caring to, stir 'up the supposed man-tiger. Phillipps had done. good ,work in the Crimes, and as caped the sickness which cut on“ so many brave ’fe'll'ows'.' He had led one of the storming par-V ties into the Malakofi‘, and came out of that dread struggle» without a. wound,‘ though his companions fell around liim, mown down by the fire of the enemy, likeggrass _hy the scythe “of the mower. _ . - He wasone of the first to awake at the news, of;the retreat, and,'p‘ossessin'g the confidence of his comrades, he soon‘collected afew daring. "spirits, whom he'led into Sebastopol. '» ' . Onward . went that little hand through streets tofiburrling houses, over‘heaps of the slain, ,hroktn gun-carriages” ,carcasses of _ horses, , wrecks. of every hind” .- Their numbers gradu~ gully. lessened; some crushed ,by falling ruins, ”others perishing by thi‘onsets of straggling Russians. Still-undauhted, still animated by the hope of plunder, the survivors advanced through flame and blood to reap‘ a harvest from the departed foe. At last they. reached the side of the harbor, and entered a magnificent house, which was nlot‘yet in flarhés,':and"seemed in a hess dismantled condition than the generality ‘ of the riddled buildings around." ’1 Nor were the hopes excited _bypits' externalvappcarance dis appointed upon entering, ror'tne senders found within “a rich collection- of pictures, costly furniture, books. and articles of bip‘outerie, which .lay scattered on every side. An open piano, a. table covered with fancy work, a desk with paper‘upon' it, attested the recent occupation of thefdrawing-room, in which they soon are ated confusion worse confounded. 'The large 'bow windows of this noble room opened upon a terrace, Which overhung the water, and com manded a line view ofthe harbor and north shore. Charente, attracted by the sound of an explosion, stepped out upon the terrace for .an instant, and gazed upon' the scene before him, where, to the right, the Russians were fast destroying the floating bridge, over which they had made their masterly retreat; and the whole water swarmed with vessels of every degree, from the hastily-constructed raft to the fairy-like steamers, which'were all busily simployed in conveying goods to the north s ore. ’ > ' His attention was suddenly recalled to the interior-ofthe room by is loud shout from his comrades, and the ogouized scream of a fe male -voice, when, turning round, he saw that the soldiers, in breaking down a. large mirror, had brought to view a closet which it had eon~ cooled, and from which they were, now drag ging forth a. young girl about fourteen, who, with uplifted hands and heal-trending accents, craved for mercy from her- rude captors. But. the encounters which they had had With the Russians that morning, and the losses they had sustained, had exasperated the French, and one ruflian pointed a. pistol at the poor child’s head, whilst another raised his sword to out her down. In an instant “the Grim Sergeant” was in the midst of the group; he struck the pistol up, so that it exploded harmlessly in the air, he dashed away the‘menscing weapon, and seizing the shrieking victim in his arms, he glared around upon his astonished comrades, and shouted: -' i “ She shall not have the death of a soldier, wit-h sword and gun; she shall be drowned like a cat, in a bath of Russian water.” ’ Then throwing 01f his sword, he leaped upon the terrace and plunged info the water beneath. For a moment the soldiers stood transfixed, then 'they rushed to the window to watch the sergeant’s proceedings; but another marauding party entering the house at this time, they were fearful of losing the spoil, and returned to the work of plunder, loading themselves with every article that they could carry 011‘. In the meantime, the resolute sergeant, sup porting the young girl’s head, was striking "out braVely for thovnorth shore- TI": "9"" was intensely cold, for the Weather hurl changed Ihe‘day before, and a. bitter north wmd hlew right in the face of the swimmer. The Peril-5 of his passage were great, for, eye? “Dd anon, the shot and shell from the English: Who were trying to destroy the Russian fleet-{struck the water around him: and heavnly dressed and encumbered as he was, the distance o_f some eight. hundred yards seemed weary mused.— Still he wont manfully on»: and Just as his breath was becoming labored, and each stroke more feeble, he reached Ill? goal. Emerging from the water at an insignificant pier,‘ the rough soldier placed his young charge gently on the ground‘ then’shaklng the water from his hair, he made her a low bow and said: “ Mademowelle, ”am a“: smwee. . - - n n n {The 81"1 gelled 1118 hand, covenng It wl‘h it Tell me your name and 'add ‘ v teas m - rver ’ - ‘ K ,- y pre fie“ _faéef-SKed 5118, wnh tears streaming dom: “ Pbifippe Chat-cute, ’of the 4——— regi ment.” answered h‘e; " my-ho‘me is in the Rue des Pipots, Boulogne. But Imustnot stay,” added he. [idinting {bi ‘gmup of Russians who '9" “Mimicking“: 'BO with a'nother low how he sprang imp the water, and struck boldly buck, for the northern ‘sid'e of the harbor. | , Th“ day. It'noon: "gt-ha Grim 188139.391." disliked into' ‘ the , Yam, muting taller! darkgr, moi-f0 grindid'tioimn th’u‘: ever. In: olgntpea PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, - ‘ s’uxmus Exam-rm), ‘ ' BY 0. BARRETT do CO. Tu Dun! Puma-r Ann Umox will be sex-vane nub ~ scriberarosiding In the Borough lot sxx dsna run“ payable to the Carrier. Mail :übscribera, you not.- uns n: Anal. ‘ I‘nn Winn! will be published an heretbfore semi wekly during 3.1 m session of the Legislature and’onoo !- week the remmnder of the year, for two doilan in Id. mace, or three dollars at the expiration of the year. ' Connected with mg establishment is an extent!" JOB OFFICE contaimng I vaglety of plain and fancy type, unequalled by my establishment in the interior of the salts, for which the patronage of the publle in Its licfle . NO 102. and hair still bore marks of his watery adven ture; but when his comrades joked, and wan ted to hear what he had done with the young captive, he looked so awfully fierce, and smiled so diabolically, that ere nightfall it was given out and currently believed in the regiment, that Charente had outdone even himself by some process of slow drowning, whereby his reputation for ferocity was much enhanced, and never a word said he. 3 Four years passed, and the ' graves which marked that scene of struggle andrbloodshed were veiled by the knidly grass; theinvaders had 19f‘ the Crimea, the Russians againoecu pied Sebastopol, andthe storm of war dispersed on the shore of the Euxin'e, to gather again,” first upon the burning plains of India, and then upon the sunny land of Italy. Again the French army went forth to battle and to vio tory. Again did our friend, “the Grim 80r geant,” display his prowess in-"the foremost ranks, and earned, on the day of Magenta the V much-prized decoration of the cross of the ‘ Legion of Honor. 'A’But the good fortune which I bore Charante scathe‘less through the storming 1 of the Malakofl‘ and the field of Magenta, for .sook him in the bloody battle of Solferino. He had rushed into the midst of the enemy and seized some Austrian colors, when the foe closed around him, and wounded, and bleeding, he was taken prisoner. This would have been a slight misfortune, for his captivity was of short duration, and his wounds ,sood healed: but his right hand had lost the thunib‘an'd two fingers, which quite incapacitated hi- for military service, so that when he returned to his native country he was at oncedischarged, and retired, with a small pension, to Boulogne, He soon after married, and did not preset-re. in private life, the character for ferocity which he so much prized, for his home was one or the happiest in the world. One evening, about three months after his return, he was startled by the appearance of a gender-me, who, came to summon him before the mayor. On entering his presence, that oflicer inquired abruptly: “Are you Philippe Char-ante, late of the 4——regiment ‘2" . “I am that person. monsieur.” “Your presence is required in Paris; you must start, to-uight; a Russian family of dim tinotion desires to see you—you will findtthem at thelHot‘el ——_-—, Rue de Bivoli.”. ~ ; ' “Alia! 'monsieur, I am pobr; I have'né clothes fit to appear in before people of rank, nor meantto take me to Paris.” . “Allwill be provided for you. I have re ceived twohundred francs to enable you to obey. the summons at once," and‘the mayor handed him ten gold pieces. 5' ' ’ The worthy sergeant bowed, and left the houseima state of dire perplexity. , He went to a clothier’s :and fitted himself with a. holiday suit, then,_retur’xiiug home, he bewildered his wife _with th‘e‘ news, packed ‘his knapsugck‘, ind left that night for Paris. : - ~"r' - |He puzzled himself, during his long journey. in, tryinggto make o‘ut what eould be tlmuinoon~ ing of thev'strange summons to the metropolis, and what a. Russian family of distinction could want 'with'a poor Soldier like himself; The many acts of kindness of his life always done in on underhand sort .of woy—soaroely con fessed to himself; and his adventure at Schoe topol had long faded from his'momory. "It Was in vain that he twin-led his moustache; and stared diligently at the lamp in the carriage; no light dawned upon his mind, and be reached Paris still enveloped in the mists of unsolved mystery. _ .. Lee'ving the Station, he shouldered his knap sack, and carrying in his hand the card whereon the Mayor of Bonlogne had written the address of the Russian nobleman, he plodded steadily on to the Rue de Rivo'li. He walked into‘ the grand entrance of the hotel wiih a much more faltering step than he would have shown on mhrc‘hmg up to the enemy, and present-edghis card to the smart garcon who met. him. He was evidently an expected guest; for, on glancing at the card, the man said: ‘ * “Philippe Chm-ante?” “The“ same, monsieur,” answered the ser- geant. ‘ V . _ “Follow me, my brave fellow.” said the kindly waiter. “His excel‘ienuy is at; break fast; but he told me to usher you into his presence directly you arrived.” , Charente, more and more perplexed, followed the man up the great staircase, and entered a large suite of rooms. They passed through a magnificent saloon, in which were several ser vants in rich liveries; then, opening a door to the right, the garcon said, in a. loud voice; “Philippe Charente .ia arrived, your high— ness.” Before Phillippe had time to observe anything in the room which he entered, an exclamation. of delight mug in his ears, his hands‘ were clasped by some small, white, jeweled fingers, a. face of great. beauty was looking up to him, and_a deeply—moved voice said: “My brave presenter !" - A tall, military-looking man, whose breast was covered with orders, now advanceti to the bewildered soldier, and shook him warmly by the hand. ' “ God bless you, my fine, fellow,” said he; “but for your generous kindness I should have been childless.” The good sergeant, perplexed be‘yonddegree. lookedvfrom one to the other with such a mys tified expression of countenance. that the 19““ lady fairly laughed, and said: . “ Why, Philippe, have you forgotten the Russian girl at Sebastopol, whom you rescued from your savage comrades?” And now, at last, light broke in upon. the poor man’s darkened brain. The whole scene of that long-forgotten day flashed before him. But was it possible that the graceful and been tiful lady who was Slillrholding' his hand, had been the pale child whom he had saved 2 H Is mudemoiselle indeed the person whom we found {in the recess of that large house in Sebnstopol ?” ‘ . u The very some,” said she, smiling, “I have never forgotten you, and you would have heard from me before; but my father was unable ‘0 leave Russia until about a. month ago, and I setvmy heart upon finding you out, that he might thank you himself for the care you took of his only child, and that you might learn that \ Russians are not ungrateful.” l “ But how was it,” asked the still unsatisfied sergeant, ‘5 that mudemoiselle was left alone to the horrors of a deserted city Y” “Ah! that was horrible indeed,” said she, a. cloud passing over her usually joyous facep— Then. turning to her father, she left him to tell Philippe how, being himself engaged in order-o ing the retreat, he had entrusted his daughter to the care of his servants. with direction." to take her across the hnrbor at oncein his own barge; but that. a loud explosion (flaking place near the house, they had lost all presence of mind, and rushed tumultuously to the host, leaving her behind. “I-eould scarcely believe it at first,” resumed the young lad , with a slight shudder at the recollection; “hut when. the loneliness and danger of my position 'be came too apparent, I determined to try and find my way across alone. At this instant your party entered the house, and I had only. just time to hide myself in that recess when you all poured into the draw“! ”Om Th! "‘1“.“ you know‘as well as I do, but notthé ‘inten'se gratitude Libel, and which can never cease to he, at port pt my lifefi’ - ’ 76h3fii‘tIfi—axlt fitted and f'eztza‘d; fqraomc d9lO,