Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, December 29, 1860, Image 4

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How To J once or Fauna—lt is quite nmu- i
sing to observe the different estimates formed 1
of newly introduced varieties of fruit. Amen 1
raises a seedling pear, which, in his own partial ‘
judgmenz, seems very good. He shows it con- ‘
fidentially to a friend or two, who, in the ‘
kindness of their hearts, pronounce it first
rate, delicious! The men‘s eyes open wide;
he imagines he has produced a new Seekel or
Virgalieu; afortune may be made out of its
sale: he names it “Excelsior," “Young Ameri
ca,” or something else more sounding and
taking- Then he propagates it largely and
introduces it to the market. What is his ears
prise to find that his hantling produces no
sensation; the public call it second rate, .infe
rior to many others now in cultivation, and not
worthy of general notice. The men feels hurt
—hurt. in his feelings and in that tenderer
place, the pocket. He insists upon it that Ihe
fruit committees are prejudiced, are hostile,
and determined to ruin him. It takes a long
time for him to find out that he has been de—
luded by his own feelings and self-interest.—
Such cases are quite common;
Mistakes arise also from the time and circum
stances in which an opinion is formed. A per
son may be called upon to test the quality of a
new fruit, when his appetite has just been
sated and cloyed by eating many other fine
sorts; of course, he would not be likely to
form 9. very favorable estimate, nor one to be
relied on.
. Or the trial may be made when he is exceed—
mg frnlt hungry; he has been traveling all
day, has had little to eat or drink, and is fever
ish with heat and ravenous for food. Now
bring on your new candidate for pomolegical
honors—be it apple, pear, grape, or anything
in the fruit line—and forthwith it is pronounced
“fine.” “super—excellent,” “food fit for the
gods !” What dolyou think of that judgment ?
Not much we hope.
We have heard of a wild grape being found
many years ago, by a party of explorers in the
Rocky Mountains, which they esteemed so won
drous good—better than the Hamburgs or Mus
cadines—that they afterward procured a root,
carried it many weary miles by hand, and
brought it to an eastern city for cultivation.
Oh, how disappointed were they to find on its
coming into bearing again, that it was no better
than the commonest wild grapes of New En—
gland woods! Ah, if they had brought home
also their sharp appetites from the Rocky
Mountains, the grape would also have main
tained its original excellence.
We need not enumerate other circumstances
that come in to mar one’s judgment of new
fruits. It is plain, however, that the owner of
a seedling is apt to be a poor judge of it, and
that time and circumstances must also be taken
into the account. One trial is not enough, nor
is one year’s trial. Some standard fruit should
always be at hand with which to compare the
new-comer. And with the best of pains, it will
take time and necessitate some blunders, per
haps, ‘before the new fruit has its true and
final place assigned it.—American Agriculturist.
Wan-’5 m Us]; or Snow 2—--So inquires the
Broadway eanisite, as, one of these Mastering
morning, he picks his way along the street. -in
patent leathers. What in the World is it good
for? And such inquiries are made, now end
then, by almost everybody. There are many
pleasant things connected with the revolution
ofthe seasons; and yet, when nude Winter’s
tom comes, we can -hardly meet. it without
feelings of regret- The invalid and the aged,
how the cold pinches them ! The tourist finds
little pleasure amid fine scenery, if meanwhile
he is frost-bitten. The landscape painter must
fold up his sketches with beuum‘oed fingers,
and hurry to his warm studio in town; the
botanist—where are the flowers he loved 80
well ?-—the geologist, entomologist, and indeefi
the student in almost every. department of
natural science finds his sphere of observation
reduced to narrow bounds; the gardener must
stop his pleasant labors, and the farmer can
no longer sow and reap, and gather into barns,
but must witness fox: many months an exhausting
drain upon his stores without. any replenishing
streams. _ .
New for the bright side of the picture, if we
can find it. The old proverb that. " snow is the
poor man’s manure,” has, perhaps, a grain of
truth in it. Some chemists tell us that analysis
reveals a larger per centage of ammonia. in
gnaw than in rain. One says that “ water
acquires nitrous salts in freezing” However
that may be, this at least is true, that snow is
a powerful absorbent, purifying the air and
returning those impurities to the soil. \
Melt in a clean vessel :1. mass of snow which
has laina short time on the ground, and the
taste will detect foreign substances in the
water. This will be most manifest in the
neighborhood of large towns. The harshness
and dryness produced in the month by drinking
snow-water, and the unpleasant eiieets on the
skin by washing in it; are ascribed to the im
purities it contains. The disease called goitre,
~causing monstrous swelling of the neck, which
prevails in Alpine regions, ‘is also attributed
by some to the _use of snow water. The absor
bent power of snow has been illustrated thus:
‘“ Take a lump of snow (crust answers well,)
of three or four inches in length, and hold it
in the flame of a lamp: not a drop of water
will fall from the snow. but the water as fast
115' formed will be drawn up into the snow by
capillary attraction. It is by virtue of this
power that it purifies the atmosphere by absor~
hing and retainting its noxious and noisome
gases and odors.”
Furthermore, it prevents exhalations from
theearth, and having absorbed them, returns
their fertilizing properties to the soil. Hence,
marshes and stagnant pools become inodorous
in Winter, and the unwholesome efliuvia of
vegetable matter everywhere decaying ’while
unfrozen, is retained, and with the melting of
the Snow in Spring, is taken up by the soil.—
Now, iLno more than this can be made out for
“ the poor man’s manure,” it is yet better than
some of the patent fertilizers of our day.
Snow helps the springs and mill-streams in
Winter..." Were the ground naked from Fall to
Spring, and frozen meanwhile several feet deep,
the springs would give out, and water-Wheels
of all sorts would have to stand still. As it is,
however, the snow prevents the frost from
penetrating to a great depth—especially in
the wooded hills, which are the fountain-heads
of springs and streams—and by gradual melt
ing liflep! up a supply of water for man and
cos .
Snow is an excellent protector of tender vege
tation. Even in northern latitudes, there is a
'.multitude of half-tender indigenous plants ‘
which require more or less covering in Winter. ‘
'N‘uture provides for them most. wisely. She
hangs over them the branches of neighboring
trees and. bushes, gathers about their roots 3
manyJ‘olded blanket of dry leaves, and, last of
Fall, spreads over them a fleeoy mantle of snow.
:With this covering, they pass through the se
verest Winter safely; while. if they were
transplanted to exposed situations, they would
die at once. But besides, our gardens and
fields are stocked with plantssnd grams which
are the nativa of warmer climates, and need
protection still more. Sweep off the snow from
our wheat fields and meadows: end at‘least a
portion of the crop would be wmtfir'lfllki—
Some of the choicest herbaceous plants in our
gardens, brought from milder regions. W{ll P”“33
mum-t through our severest WWW“: 11' only
covered with snow. ; _
So also of many tender shrubs. With their
branches fastened to the ground so as to be
covered by snow, they hybernate in Canada
.30“; 53 well'ss at the tropies. We have seen
the English Yew, several feet. high, come _out
inspfingnelljbrowned above the snow-line,
'whilé‘i'nihelow- was as green as emerald. The
J n Quince. by no means atender ehrub, the
913‘ . ~ man of the Spitmas, Forsythis Viri—
Don'tfl‘sf‘he B:qume Currants! ate"
diflm - A a 31:30,.“ .bnds, if hot-their
frequently lose 8" ' hil nuundemeath
bnfichesiébo‘ie-iths snow. 7 ° h-t
i‘. “pumps. . £llO.. Pad! 9‘1”” m" “F“
often killed in severe Winters, but if a few
branches happen to get bent under the snow.
they produce _n. sglendid show of fruit. Scien
i lfic tnevelens m Siberia. have record ed instances
in which, With the {empereture of the air over
the SHOW at 12° below 'zero, that underneath
W 35 29° above zero, showing a, difference of
100°». Dl3 Kane, in his “Artie Expedition,”
glentlous finding under the snow, at latitude
(3°. “ the andromedn in full flower, and sexi
fmges and corices green under the dried tufts
of last year.” * * “Here, too, were the cilene
and cerathrium, as well as the characteristic
flower-growths of later Summer; ‘ The poppy
and sorrel, were already recognizable,” '7‘? *
" Few of us at home,” he continues, “can real
ize the protecting value of this warm coverlet
of snow. No eider-down in the cradle of an
infant is tucked in more kindly than the sleep
ing dress of Winter about this feeble flower
life.” -
When the snow falls early in Winter and re
mains until Spring, the ground is seldom fro
zen at all. And if it becomes frozen a few
inches deep before the snow falls, the heat of
the subsoil thaws out the frost above it, and
the super-incumbent snow prevents another
freezing, so that in Spring the ground is soft
and ready for the plow and spade many days
sooner than if it had remained exposedjo the
full force of Winter.
The aid which the snow renders the farmer
in clearing up swamps, and getting out muck in
Winter, and in hauling lumber and wood to
market; the peculiar 'brillinncy of the snowy
landscape lighted up by the sun; the sport of
sliding down hill for the boys. and of sleigh—
riding for children of larger growth, are new
Bidet-etio'ns not. to be omitted in numbering up
the uses of snow. But of these and other things
we‘have not time or space now to speak.—
American Agriqulturiat. '
Business (Earns.
Respectfully tenders his professional services to the
citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. '
“we“ ~ ”GIM- n- S-
110 in’ now fully prepared to attend yromptly to the
duties of profession in all its branches. .
A Lona m 7331 succussrm. lIDXOLL lxnnuxo:
jufiggg him in promisigz full and mine mfinfaction to
:11 who mayfawr him wifh I. all, be t a dined» Chronic
or my other nature. mlB—dtwly
W W . 'H AY' s ,
0 PF I C‘ E , '
“5] HARRISBURG, u. .[111:
31:! No.lB ma Stunt, Hudphmu‘; .
, . , ‘ swarms ma. a. mu,
BRASS CASTINGS, of ovary doecripfion, mndeto olgior.
Amorim mohoturod Lead and Iron Pipe: of .11 lIZBB.
Hydrate ofevery description made and repaired. not and
Cold Water Baths, Shower Baths, Water Ola-eta, Cistern
Pumps, Lead Oofljns and Lead york of- every description
done at the shortest notice, on the most romuilble terms.
factory and Engine work in 8338181., All orders thunk
[any received out] punomanxnttended to. _
The highest print! in can]: given for old Goppcr, 3m»,
Lead and Spenser. ' ‘ mylS—dtf
No. 0, Non); Sixth 51:.) game» Imam and Market,
Hamsburg; Pa;
Muhinery ofevery deacription made and repaired. Brass
What all sites, and": large assortment of Gas Fittings
constantly on hand . ' ‘ ' '
All work‘ done in this ombliahment will-be unde'r his
own agapcrvinion, And wmnmed to give satisfaction. ' ’
on . ,
‘N M. H. MIJLLE‘R, ~
Onica corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE
(Wyeth’a,) second floor from. ‘
_ifi‘ Enhance on Mark“ Square. ‘nfll—lyd&v .
E. s. GERMAN, ,
nAnmsnnno, u. "
Depot for the sale of Stereoscopes,StereoscopicViews,
Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions
taken for religious publications. , , 11030-67
This pleasant qnd' commodions Hotel has been the
roughly re—fltted and tea-furnished. It is pleasantly
situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin
streets, a. few doors west of the Northern Central Bail
wsy Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his
guests. G. LEISENRIN G, Proprietor,
jelZ—tf (Lute of Selina Grove, Po.)
ißunk fipplimtimw.
B A NK NOT lIG E.—Notxce ls hereby
given, that the underaignecl. have formed an Assn—
cietlon, and prepared and executed a. Certificate. {or the
purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and
Deposite, under the provisions of the not. entitled “ An
act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl
vania, and to secure the public against loss from Insol
vent Banks.” approved the 311 st day of March, A . D. 1860,
said Bank to be called THE DOWNINGTDWN BANK,
to be located in Downingtown, to consist of a. Capital
Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dol
lars each, with the privilege of increasing the same to
any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred Thou.
sand Dollars.
Charles Downing, David Shelmire,
John Webster, William Rogers,
William Edge, J . K. Enhelmun,‘
Richard D. Walls, Samuel Ringwalt,‘
J. P . Baugh, Stephen Blatchford
September 3, 1860.—sop] -d6m
BAN K N 0 TI 0 E.—Notlee is hereby
given that an Association has been formed and a
certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a.
Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits under the provi
sions of the not entitled “An act to establtsh a. system
of Free Banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pub
lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,”appruved the 3m
day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called “ The
Bethiehem Bank," and to be located in the borough of
Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with n OaFi.
tal stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Bi ty
Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the said
stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. auZS-dfixn
BA NK NOT I O E .—-—-N_otlce 1s hereby
given, that an association has been formed and a
certificate prepared. for the purpose of estsblishing :4
Bank of issue, discount and depom, under the provisions
of the act, entitled “AnAct to establish a system of free
banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure thepublic against
loss by insolvent banks," approved the thirty-first day 0!
March, 1860. The said Bank to he called the “ FREE
BANK,” and to be located in the city of Philxdelphin,
and to consist of a. capital stock of ONE HUNDRED
THOUSAND DOLLARS, in shares of fifty dollars each
with the privilege of increasing the same to any amouni
not exceeding in all one million of dollars. jy2-dam
Notice in hemby given that “ The Parmere’ and
Mechanics, Bank of Baton,” a. Bank of Discount and
Deposits; lovated in the borough of Easton, Northamp
ton county, kennsylvanig having a. capital of Four Hun—
dred Thousanauouaxs, will apply to the next Legislature
0f Pennsylvania for a renewal of its charter for fifteen
years, from the expiration of its present chatter, wlth
its present mpitar atock, powers :and privileges, And
without any alteration in or increase of the same.
' I’. B. MIGHLEB, President.
M’E. FORMAN, Ouahier. jeao-dfim
BA NK NOT 1 0 E.—Notlce 13 hereby
given that an Association has been formed and A
Certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a
13ml: of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the profi
non: of the act entitled n An m to establish: system
of free bankingin Pennsylvanig and to secure the publlo
aggiqst loss from insolvent banks," approved the 8131:
day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the
“ State Bank," and to be located in the city of Phflndel.
plain, and. to consist of :3. Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand
Donut“i :n shayes 2g Fifty 1:011:11 anch, with the privi
la a 0 Increasing Blame 0 any amount); can:
ins-ll Oné Million of Dollars. £23331... ‘
. . W 181!!! no how and mht -
mental! nto I. ‘6. £Oll6l, ,0! ELL-gab}? ,t 1h: 2“ “‘
to 31,. le‘uonjtm mule upon the nufio; 31m
OELLO, VIOLIN Ind FLUTE. He will give 10ng...“
111-nuance, «on!»' 01 Loon-t “not and Bin: .11.“,
or It flu home! of pulp. ‘ Won
Tm: Amman-non or basement—Then in ngmving
tendency in this age to appropriate the moat expreuivo
words of other Iznguagefl, and utter a while to incorporate
them into our own ; thus the word Cephalic, which is
from the Greek, signifying “for the head,” is now beoomv
ing popularized in cfnnection with Mr. Spalding’s great
Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a more gen
and way, and the word Cephalia will become as‘common
as Electrotypo and many others whose distinction as for
eign words has been worn away by common usage until
they seem “natifi a to the manor born.”
lardly Realized.
Hi ’3l! 'n ’crriblo ’eadache this hafternoon, hand I stepped
into the hapothecaries hand says hi to the mu,_HCan you
house me of an ’eadncbe'!” “Does it huche ism, 1: says
'O. “Hexccediugly,” says hi, hand upon that ’0 gave me
a Cephalic Pill, hand man me 10110! it cured me as quick
that I ’erdly realized 1 ’ad ’ad an ’eadmhe.
Wartime“ is the favorite sign by {which nature ‘
makes known any deviation whatever from the natural ‘
state of the brain, and viewed in this light it they be looked 1
on as a. safeguard intended to give notice of disease which
might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be game.
died; and its indications should never be neglected. Head
aches may be classified under two names, viz : Symptoma
tic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly
eemgson and is the preclusion of s. greet variety of diseaseS,
among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism end all
febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of
disease of the stomsch constituting sick lie-ulnar“, of he
patic disease constituting bilious headache, of worms;
constipation and other disorders of the bowels, as well as
renal and uterine directions. Disesses of the hair: are very
frequently attended with Headaches; Anmmis' and plethore
are also infections which frequentlyjoocesim headache—é
Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usuallyi
distinguished by the name of nervous Madmen, sometimes
coming on suddenly in': State of apparently sound health
and pmstnting at ones the mental end physiesl cool-SM,
and in other instance it comes on slowly, heralded by de
pression of spirits or aesthity of temper. In most instan .
use the pain is .in the front of the head, over one or both
eyes, out! sometimes revoking vomiting 5] under this class
meyslso he named Nostalgia. .'
For the treatment of either class of Headache the 06-
phslie Pills have been found In. sore and safe "may, relier
sing the most saute pains in I few minutes, end by its subtle
>power eradicating the diseases of which Headache is the
unerring index. ' ' ’ ‘
Duncan—mum wants you» send her a box of Oep-x.
.halic Glue, no, a bottle or Prepared Pills—but I'm thinlt- .
ing that’s not jut in mm)”; but perhaps ywl be either 5
knowing what it is. In see 3119’: nigh dead and gone: with 3
the Sick Headmhe, and wants mm more of that sums as“
telnivod her before. - ‘
Drgggia: —Yon must mun‘Spaldlng’a Oeplnlie Pills. I
Budget—Och ! me now and you’re and it, hem’sthe
q'ntirther and giv ma flw Pills ind dvnt In all day- about it
u or.
(imagination of Costivoness.
No one of the “many ills flesh is heir to” isse prevalent,
so little understood, and so much neglected as-Coativeness.
Often originating ill—wolellfifill or sedentary habits ,' it is
regarded as_; slight disorder of too little consequence to
excite. anxiety, while in reelity itis the precmor and
companion of inany of the most fetal and dangerous dis-;
esees, end unless only ersdieeted it wlli bring the snifererg
to an untimely greys. Among the lighter evils of whichl
costiveness is the usunl uteendant ere Redefine, (!olie,é
Rhemselsss, lon] Brenth, Files and other: oil to astute.
while eslong train ofir’ghtful diseases such as Malignant
levers, sinuses, Dysentery, Dian-hm, Dyspepsia, Apo
plexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Hysteria, Hypoehnndriesis,
Melnncholy and Insanity, first indiente their presence in
the system by this alarming symptom. . Non nnireqnently ‘
the diseases-named originate in Constipstion,‘ but take on 1
an innepsnnent existenee unless the cause is eradicated in ‘
an early stage. Fromm these considerations it fellows
that the disorder should receive immediate attention when
ever it oeenrs, and no person shonld’neglect to get a box
of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint,
as their timely use will expel the insidious approaches of
disease and destroy this sinuses-ous foe to human life.
A Réal Blessing;
Physician—Well, Mrs. Jones, 110sz tint h’eadachg’l
' Mrs Jones- Gone ! Doetor,,'all goals! the pill you 3611':
cured main just twenty minutes. and I wish yo; would
send mon-9' no that I c‘an have them handy. '
Rhys-icEqm—Jon can get them stranyprnggiflta. Call
for Ce'phsdic Pills, I find they nejvar fail, and I recommend
them in all cases of Headache
Mrs. J'qnes —-I and“ semi for a box' directly, and shall
ten all my aufl’eriqg friends, to: thy are a. raw! Messing.
'l'wmmr» Mmuoxs or DOLLARS. Sugm—Mr. Spalding
has sold two millions of bottles nt' his celebrated Prepared
'Glfie and u {a Autumnal! .that each bottle mus Lat lent-ten
dollars worth of broken furniture, thus makmg an‘agg‘re
gate of twenty millions of uollara reclaimed from tof 2.1 loan
byv.thln_;,valuable zinvontion. Having made his Glue A
household word, he now proposes to do the world still
greater'servxce by curihg all the aching heads with his
Oophglle Pills, and if they no as good In! his Glue, Halli!
aches‘will soon vanish away like snow in July. I‘.
{LT- Dvsn Exams-us“, uni the mental cams sud a’nxilt’y
inoident_to.the close attention to business or study, he
among the‘ numerous causes of Nefvous Headache. “9
disordered stats ot'mind and body incident to thlsdlm'ufl
mg complaint is a. fatal blow to all energy and ambxtloni—
Snfier‘srs‘ by this disorder and always obtain speed we ief
from these distressing attacks by using one of the (£3lm ic
Pills whenevor the symptoms appear. It quiet: the o r,-
tasked limits, and soothes the strained and jgrring nor es;
aud‘relaxes the tension at the stomach which always o_-
:ougpauies andsggravates the disordered condition of he
run. '
_FAOI‘ won-m xuowmo.-Spalding’a Cephalic Pills ar'a a.
certain cure for Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous
Headache, Oostiv‘eness and Ge natal Dability. ‘
Gnu Discount—Among the most important of all
the great medical drscoreties ofthis age may be conbidered
the autism of vaccination for nrotection from Small Pbx,
the chhzlic Pill for relief of Headache, Mid film and of
Quinine for the prevention of Fever; either of which is
a. sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by suf
fering humanity long after their diacoverers are forgotten .
{FDID you ever lmve the Sick Headache? Do you
remember the throbbing temples, than favored brow,» the
loathing ma disgust at the sight or fund? How totally
unfit you were for pleasure, conversation or ntudy. ’One
ofthe Cephalic Pills would hwe relieved you-from all ths
suffering which you than exparianced. lot this and other
purposes you should always have a box ofthem on bond to
use as occasion requires. '
61111:?” o '
A . 1169
By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks 6! Nef
uous or Sick Headache may be prevented; and if taken
If. the commencement of ab attack immediate relief from
pain and sickness will be obtained.
They seldom fail in removing the Nausea and Head.
achc to wliich female: are no subject.
They act gently upon the bowels,— removing com-1,3-
For Literary Mm, Students, Delicate hunks, and
a!) persons or sedentary habits, they are valuable as a
Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone ma vigor
to the digestive. orglna, and restoring the natural elasticity
and strength of the whole lystem.
The OEPHALIO PILLS are the result or long imam.
gation and awfully conducted experiments, having been
in use many years, during which time they have prevented
uni refined a nut amount of pain Ind “flaring {mun
Headache, whether originating in the nervous system 01'
from s deranged mm of the stomach,
The: are qntirely vegetable in their 1: - .
may be taken. at all mu“ "ml Patient 31:32:33; 1:?
kills may change or am, and the am,“ of a” am:
gnaabh luau ’nndan it any to “Minis; y I
charlie». . er them so
no ganllinl have five ligllfltml of Helix] a. fighting on
each box. ‘ -
an“ by .muimnd all other denier: in Medicinal.
A Box vi“ bug“ by mil lamps-id on receipt or the
All “flu-pghonlflbolddnludh. . '.j -
‘ ‘43" cumin unis-r; nn‘w' yonx.
* Elbe filoilet.
Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have
attempted not only to imitate his restorative but pro
fess to have discovered something that would produce
results identical; but they have all~ come and gone, b -
ing carried away by the wonderful results of Professor
Wood's preparation, and have been forced to leave the
field to its resistless sway. Read the following:
Bun, Maine. April 18, 1859-
Psor. 0. J. Woon dc 00.: Gents :—-The letter I wrote
you in 1856 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative)
and which you have published in this vicinity and also
where, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching
the facts in the case. The enquiries are, first is it a
fact of my habitation and name, as stated in the com
municatiou; second, is it true of all therein Contalnflié
third, does my hair still continue to be in good order an
of- natural color? To all I can and do answer invariably
yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life
for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored;
the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why
it is not ganerally true, is that the substance is washed
off by frequent ablation of the face, when if care were
used by Wlplng the face in close connection with the
whiskers, the same result will follow as the hair, I
have been in the receipt of agreat number of letters from ‘
all parts of New England, asking me if my hair still
continues to be good ; as there is so much fraud ‘in the
‘ manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as
this, it has, no doubt, been basely imitated, and been
i used, not only without any good effect, but to absolute
‘ injury. _ I have not used any of your Restorative of any
1 account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as
ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, as!
am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my. head or on
my face; and to prove this fact, I send you a lock of my
hair taken off the past week. I received your favor of
two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very
grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced
them to try it ;. many were skeptical until after trial,
andfihen purchased. and used it with universal success-
I will ask as a favor, that you send me a test by which I
can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I
fear, without authority from you. A pure article will
insure success, and-I believe where good effects do-not
follow, the failure is caused_by the impure article, which
curses the inventor of the good. I deem it my duty, as
heretofore, to keep yom apprised of the continued eiect
on my hair, as I assure all who enquire of me of my un‘
shaken opinion or its valuable results.
I remain, dear sirs, yours, A. 0. RAYMOND.
3 AA-aon’s‘ Run, Ky., Nov. 30, 1858.
, Prior. 0. J. Woon: Deur'Si7:-—I would certainly be
i doing you a great injustice not to make known to the
-5 world, the wonderful as well as the unexpected result I‘
-' have experienced from-using on bottle of your Hair'
l Restorative. After using every kind of Itestontives
‘ extant, but without success and finding my head nearly
3 destitute of hair, I was finally induced to try a. bottle of
3. your Hair Restorative. Nomoandor and justice compel
‘ me to announce to whoever may read this, that I now‘
l-pessess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I
f pronounce richer and handsome! than the original was. ‘
”I will therefore take occasion to recommend this in
; yahgbloremedy to 41.1, who maytenl- the necessity of it.
E Respectfully yours, MW. 8. ALLERBROGK.
, P. ‘8 —’.l'llis testimonial of my approbation for your
} valuable medicine (as you are aware cilia unsolicited;
' ,but if you think it worthy of a place among the rest,
insert if you wish; it not destroy and! say nothing.
.Yonrs, k 6,, ' R 37. S. A. B.
Depot 444 Broadway, and sold by at! denier: through
out the soils. v
0-1. WOOD & 00., Proprietors, MBrouhr-y, New
York, and 114 Market Street; St. Louis, Mo. ‘ v v
m sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods
Dealers. , , . aol‘i-ddcwam
HURTS €‘BLOOM 0F ROSES ” a. rich and! delicate
color for the cheeks and lips, W‘l-Ln now WASH on
(EU)! ”I, and .when one: appledxremaiq‘n durable for
yam-nylmiled free in bottles for $1.09. .
dazzlinglwhmness ’99 thubmpluionpad is unlike my
thing‘ 2 so used for this purpose, manna free far 50 cents.
v ~HUN'I’S “BRITISH BALM,” rem'OVes tam freckles,
sungurn any! all eruptions of the skin, mailed {no for 50
can a. , ‘
HUNT-’8 “IMPERIAL‘ POM-ADE,” {or the hair,
mang’ghm qnd improves‘its growthrkeepsit fiom fall—
enema Ind Inn-Muted TO MAKE TEE HAIR CURL.
mailedxtmee for $l.OO. - -
_ HUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIERJ’ for the teeth and
gums, cleanae'a and whiten: the te'eth, Inn-dens the gums,
purifies~the breath efi'ectunlly,‘ FILE 331 w ES THE
2331:51ng AND PREVENTS TOOTH-Ao3l}, mailed [1:09
or . ; . ‘ - ‘ ’
:-{ HUNWS “BRIDAL WEI-A 121! PERFUME,” adouble
gitorget or orange blonloma and unlagne, mailed free £9:
This eaniqite perfume was first need'hy thePBINCESS
ROYAL 0F ENG-LAN D, on her marriage. MESSBSV
HUN 12:5: Go.preaenl:ed the Immense with ah elegant
case pf. Perfumery, (in‘ which all ofhthe above. articles
were‘ineliadedn in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers,
valuedvat; 31500, particulars of which appeared in the
publicprints. All the above articleazsent FREE by. ex
press foreman. Cash‘can either accompany the order
,or hepatic! tojhevexprese agent on delivery of goods.
HUNT as 00.,
Peifiamers to the Queen,
.. Bream Sun“, Loxnox, AND 7% Sansone Brant,
, The T 5839 SuppligL. _,, ~ ,- », _. , “REJEAPELHQL .
' “ 391544111" ' ,
Gm fljou‘sflmpets;
/”H \
' //"‘5 EEEPQA
‘ /. Q9O 4slmek¢9¢
'9' 3“ . «25. Q"
’3; Jiynconomm ‘3» ..e
' ”-15 Dfigpmfmhfl 73.1%
”V, ' $0 M
‘ 3 Save the Pieces! rs
A: accfients will happen emu-in wzll-ugulatedfamL
lies, it in very desirable to {rave some cheap and conve
nient way for repairing Furniture, Taye, Crockery, 6w.
meets all such emergencies, nndno household can atom!
to be without it. It is always ready and up to the flick
ing point. There Is no longer a necessity for limping
chairs, splintered veneers, headless dolls, and broken
endleu. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other
magnesia] work, so popular with ladies of refinement.
on as e. - ‘ .
This admirable preparation is used cold, being chemig
DI“ held. in solution, and posseasing 3n the- valuable
qgifiuéi of the heat amulet-111219137 Glue. It my 118
used in the place of ordinary mnc‘ihge, beiilg vastly
more udheaivg.’ . ‘
' N. 13.—A Brush “companies “ch bootle. Price,26
cents. ‘ . -
WnoL‘nsun DlPo'l', No. 48 omm: auxin, Nut You
' Box No. 8,600. New York
Put up for Dealers in Case: containing Four, Eight
“a brake Dozen—4:. beautiful Lithographic snow—cud
eeeompnnying each pemge. .
113’ A lingle bottle 0 SPALDING’S PREPARED
GLUE will save ten time: its cost unnullly to every
household _F'g ‘
Sold by el prominent Stgtloneru, Dmggiete, Hardware
and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fine: Stores.
Country merchants should make a no e of SPALD
*IN'G’S PREPAREDGLUE, when mining up their list.
It will stand any climate. ; ‘
febn-dkwly .
V OTIC E .- The undemlgned hmnng
L opened an English and Clueicel School-for Boy: in
the Lecture Room of what was formerly called the
“ United Brethren Church," on Front, between Walnut
Ind Locust etreete, in prepared to receive pupils and
instruct them in the branches usually taught in schools
of that chencter. The number of pupil: “limited to
For inform-tion with regard to tame, km. amply to
Rev. Mr. Ronmeax and Rev. Mr. (Jen-nu. or panonully
to [onfl-dtf] nurse 3. KING.
. uncle in the mkotljulfi 3090?qu and for 3:19 1:1
mum-tr ; - Wu. new; ‘l.;
. . -“hl,nmmmtx ‘;.:- Iw.» .‘ -
cH M‘JPESW‘Lfigfi 1,:
As sprint and Stomachic preparation of IRON purl
fled oi Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen.
Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, box in
{fungus and the United states, and prescribed in their
ran on.
The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre
paration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities-of
the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwme
sickly oomplexions, indicate its necessity in almost every
conceivable case. '
Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried it
has proved absolutely curative in each of the following
complaints, viz:
Is DEBILI", Nsnvous Armorloxs, MOIA'EION, Dors
rsrsu, Cossrirmos, Drsnnnou, Dress-rem, Inorrmu'r
Concussion, Sonoronous 'l'nnnnmosrs, SAM Rum,
Gnome Hsmsonse, Rnumnserurnsmn-rssr Revise,
Pmrus on rs: Fsos, am.
In cases of Gsxsnsn Dnemn, whether the result of
acute disease, or of the continued diminution of DONOR!
and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of
this restorative has proved successful to an extent which
no description or written attestation would render credible.
Invelids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in
their own neighborhoods, have suddenly remppeared in the
busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a
distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are
attestedof'femele Bnfi'ersrs,’emnnis.ted victims of apparent
mmasmns sanguineous exhaustionmritisal changes, and
that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air
and exercise lbr which the physician has no name.
. In Nmoos‘rmrxous of all kinds, and for reasons
familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation
or _iron must: necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old
‘ oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and ‘
‘ overheating; and gently, regularly apex-lent, even in the \
most obstinate cases of‘ costivoness, without ever being a
gostrle purgstive, or inflicting a. disagreeable sensation.
It is his letter property, among others, which makes it
1 so remurksblyemsctual and permsnents remedyfor Piles,
.. upon which it also appears to exert a distinct Ind specific
: notion. by dispersing thelocal tondency which forms them.
2 In msrmn,innnmsrablessare its causes, a single box
,ol' these Chnlyheste Pills has often spaced for the moat
habitual cases, including the attendant Costivemss.
1n unchecked Bananas, evonwhen sdvsneedtonrsls
rs", confirmed, emulating, and apparently moiignsnt
the elects have been equally decisive and astonishing.
In the local peinsrloss cl flesh and strength, debilitsting
cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indiute IN
oiflsnr Consumrox, this remedy hos sllsyed _the alarm
ofrfrlendsvlnd physicians, in seven! very “calm and
interesting instances. '
In Sonornnous Tosssomsrs, this medicated iron has
had for more than the good eflect of the most cons-lonely
balanced preparations of iodine, .withont any of their .well
known liabilities. .
'.lihe sttention of females cannot betoo confidently invited
to this rmmly and "smut-ins, in the cases peculiarly at
In- nunsn, botlmhronie end inflammtory—inthe
latte-r, however, moredacidedly—ithas been inveriably well
reported, both ”alleviating pain Ind reducing the swel
lsngsand stiffness of the joints and muscles. '
In Imam-rum limes it must necessarily he s great
remedy; and energetic restorative and its progress in the
new settlements of the West, will problbly be one ofhigh
reserve and usefulness. ‘ e
No remedyhss ever beendlseovond inth‘e whole history
of medicine,which exerts such prompt, herpy, nnd‘fullly
restorative effects. Good spperito, comp ete" digestion,
rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusnsl disposition
for sctive and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use.
Put up in nest flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price
.50 cents per box; [orsnle by dnggieta and sworn: Will
be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All
letters, orders, etc., should he addressed to
B. B. LOUIE d; 00., General Agents.
myZB-dkwly 20_0edsr Street, New York.
M“ 24;
M . - :1
WINE. ‘ ‘ ' - - -
I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the
Unite States to the above WINES end LIQUOBS, im
ported by UDoLrHo WOLFE, of New York,’ whose DIED
is familiar. in every pert 01’ thin country for- the. purity
of his celebrated Sc‘n‘mnm Splines. Mr. Wane, in
his letter to me, speaking of the purity of his WINES
and Demons, says: “ I will stake my reputation as a.
man, my standing as a. merchant of thirty yemjs’ resi
dence in the City ofNew York, that all the Benn)! and
Wmes which I bottle are pure as impel-ted, and of the
best queli ty, and we be relied'upqn by every purchaser. ”
Every bottle has the proprietor’e name on the wax, and
a fee simile' of his signature on the certificate. The
”public are respectfullyinvited to cell and examine for
themselves. For sale at Benn. by all Apothecarlee and
Grocers in Philadelphia.
No. 832 Market street, Philadelphia
Sole Agent {or Philadelphia
gem! the fguowing from the lfiew ~ork qurier :
Esommus BUSINESS FOR one New You: Duncan”.—
We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is
one place in our city whene the shysieian, apothecary,
and country merchant, can go an purchase pure Wines
and Liquors, as pure ‘as imported, and of the best quality.
We do not intend to give anelaborate description of this
merchant’s extensive business, although it willwell re
pay any stranger or citizen to visit Unou-no Won-E’s
extensive warehouse, Nos; 18, 20 and 22, Beaver. street
and N 65 17, 19 and 21, Marketfleld street. His stock of
Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have
been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some
ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856; and ten
thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines,
Scotch and Irish Whiaky, Jamaica and st. Uroix Bum,
some very old and equal to any in this country. He also
had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, em,
in casks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling.
Mr. Woun’s sales of Schnapps last year amounted to
one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in
less than two years he may lie-equally success! with
his Brandies and Wines. .
ms business merits the patronage of every '10“! of
his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and
Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct
to Mr. Wous, until every Apothecary in the land make
u’p their minds to discard the poisonous stufl’ from their
shelves, and replace it with Wous’s pure Wxsns and
moons. 5 '
We “del-sienna Mr. Woun, for the accommodation of
small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of
Wines and Liquors. Such a. man, and such a merchant,
should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op.
ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but im
tations, ruinous alike to human health and happlness.
For sale by 0. K. KELLER, Druggist, sols agent for
Harrisburg. aepfi-dkwfim
‘.Tuu Published, in 1: Sealed Envelope
Weaknese, Sexual nobility, Nervousnnss and Involuntary
Emissions, producing Impoteney, Consumption and Mental
Ind Physioal Dehility. : -
The important fact that the awful 'eonsequenees of self
ebnse maybe efiecmally removed without internalmedicines
or the dangerous application: of caustics, instruments,
medicated bougies, and other empirical devices, is here
clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly
successful treatment, as. adopted by the celebrated author,
fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to
cure himself perfectly, and at the least possinle cost, there
by evoiding all the advertised nostrmne of the day The
Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands.
Bent under seal to any address, gins: paid, on the receipt
of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. 0.
KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,586.
nplQ-dkwly '
[or sale n ‘ KELLER’B Drug Store,
11021 91 Msrket Six-eat
A prime lot just received by
01:30. 7 "WM. DOCK, 13., a: On.
' UNP'ARED pmonms, med APPLES mm
BLADKBEBRIES,ju-t received by' ‘ ’
m. ___;oo, -
x 'y-BOOKS of an endless . _
9h: “_fionof pun-11:32:33:
" not objectionable I'th from; CIGAR pun-phased at
unnnn’sznnue noun, or main: iti-‘e’ot: “ 11:19
LAYE R‘RKI§MS;Wha£r;.H and
’ 1’ Qu'iuin 30X"; u’lt ifiiivadfiivi‘ ‘ ' '_
301‘ ni. 1;; v. ', {‘.. 43:57-43: W.DOOK, :11 k 00. .
The attention of Invaliqs, Physicians, Clergymen,
scientific men, and the public semi-ally, in respectfully
solicited to the merits of thlfl chemical preparatio con.
which is identical in its composition With the Hanan“;
Globule, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied with
I)EBIL I T Y , n
pale countenance and nervous derangement. analyses of
the blood show a deficiency of the red globules. nude],
complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, is always indies.
tivo of health; while a pale, wax-like skin and counts.
nence,-which evinces a defieiency of the red globuleg.
aocomyauies ndisessed orgamsm. Preparations of IRON
have been given for the pnrpose of supplying the red glo.
bales, but we contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR alone,
; or PHOSI’BORO‘US alone, will not meet the defleieuc,
‘ in every case, but that a judicious combination of a,“
\ these elements is necessary to restore the blood to it.
normal standard. This point, never before attained, has
been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery
ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the
age. Its eflects in .
are to soften the cough, lat-see the nerves, strengthen the
system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the
physical and mental energy, enn ch the blood by restoring
the lacking red globules, Increase the appetite, restore
the color, and clothe the skeleton finale with flesh. The
BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in all GHEON-ID
DISEASES of the THROAT 01‘ LUNGS, such on Asthma,
ymmm, Coughs, m. Public ,apeakers and singer:
will find it of great utility in clearing upo strengthening
the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, szr‘ Complaints,
Drapsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, chqfula, pram-l, St. V2l
i tus’ Dance, Fever and Agnes &.c., its efiielency II marked
‘3 and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however, are
i the beneficial effects of this remedy so conspicuous asi.
; those harassing
to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to.
wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difficult Men.
~ttw'uotion, Green 8161011655, Whites, 850., especially when
hese complaints are accompanied wflh pslenessasqingy
hue or pollor of the skin, depression of spirits, elnlity,
palpitation want of appetite, and' nervous prosfrsthm
We have tire utmost confidence in reepmmendmg tn.
BLOOD‘FOOD to all who may be conscious or 5 loss at
vithlity or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily
powers are prostrated through our-use, either of ,th.
mind or body and we deem it our duty foray the? in all
cases of Weakness and Emacianon, and _to all disease.
of the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has a claim
upon- the attention of sufferers which cannot be over
estimated. A faithful trial will he found the most con.
vinoing proof in regal-Mo its eflioecythni could he take:
for. With fhe above remnrks,snu with- the ammo.
testimonials we have in its favor, we olier the “BLOOD
F 001)” to the consideration of the sfiiicteé, knowing
that it will be acknowledged as pro-eminent overlllother
preparations, patent or oflicinsl, in point. of usefulness.
Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy is
‘ founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, will be
‘ sent free when desired. We fomrd thfl BLOOD FWD
\ to any part of the United states or Cannons upon raoeipi
‘ of price—sl per bottle $6 for six bottles. Be careful in
all cases to take none hut that luring out Ismim'rle sig
nature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine.
Prepared only by CHURCH st DUPONT,
No. 409 Broadway, New York,
And sold by ghem, and by all respectable Dmfifim'
For sale by 0. A, BANNVAR'I, G. K. KELL 'und 1).
W. GROSS 8c 00., Harrisburg. fobfi-eowdkwly
AN D *
The high end onyied celebrity which-these pee-em!
nent Medicines here acquired for their invaluable em.
may in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has
rendered the usuel practice of puding not only nnneess.
sari, But unworthy of them.
Of Asthma Acute snd‘Ohronic Rheumatism, Afieetione
of the Bladder and'Xidneye'. ' ‘
In the South and West, whererthese diseases prevail
they will be found invaluable. Planters formers and
othersbwho one use these Medicines, mil never sits:—
wenls e without them.
Dnemrsu.—No person withthis distressing disease,
should delay using these Medicines immediately. '
Ewytions of the Skin, Erysipelns, Fly-talent)". \
annn Ann Aunt—For this scourge of the Western
country these Medicines Will be found a safe, speedysmi
certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system sub
ject to a. return of the disease; a. core by thesemedi
cines is permanent. -
Try them. Be satisfied, and be cured.
FOULHEss or Oommexxox— , .
Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory
Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite.
Mancunian Disease—Never fails to eradicate en
tirely all the efi'ects of Mercury infinitely sooner than
the most powerful preparation of fiat-superfine
coukxgsm'rsor ALL KINDS. ORGANIC
PlLEß.—'l‘he original proprietor of these Medicine
was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years? standing, by the
the use of these Life Medicines alone.
PAIRS in the Head, Side, Beck,‘ Limbs, Joints and
O ne.. »
finnxATlstl.—Those sfi'ected with this terrible dis
ease, will beams of relief by the Life Medicines.
Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Belt Rheum
Sonorou, or. KING’S Run, in its worst forms. mm
of every descriftion. ,
Worms-or ul kinds are wettest“! 61961191 by thus
Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them
whenever their existence is suspected. Belief will he
cor-tum. .
And thus remove all disease tram the system.
- rnsunnn asn sonn or
Bro way corner 0 nthon' street New oth.
agenci- sale iay. all Druggists. y ’jle-diwly
O'N'E W E E K!
.- -. 3“ 32.2: >
' mm ”$-
wfl ”rim ‘
' \‘sv . U 3“ ”85;. 9, “f
__m! T " "”Afim—fl
:’ \\‘__/ ~
“’ 7 .' 104 .-
Where «My descriptlan of Ladies? deantlamen'i
Garments, Piece Goods, &c., are Dyed, Cleaned, .and
finish'ed in the best manner and at the shortest notwe.
11064181.wa DODGE &. 00.. Propriflora.
‘ ; I\\
5.1» e ,
L 0 CA TE 1)
The Lnrgest, Most Elegantly Furnished, and POPE!”
Jommercinl College in the United States. Design“
expressly for Young Men desiring to obtain a THOR-099‘
Plum-lon. Busmxss Envouxou in the shorteatpowh"
time and at the least expense.
_A _Large and Beautifully Ornamental Circular, 9°”
tuning upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET, with SHONE:
or Plnumsmr, and a Large Engraving £l3llO aneato“ I
kind ever made in this country) reprea an ingthe Inflefio
View of the College, with Catalogue ntotingtermsik":
will be sent to Every Young Man on application, ‘5
or CHARGE. . s
Write immediately And you will receive the PMN
by return mail. Address
ian2s-dly] 11. K’. LOSIEB, DAL-mic“: M”-
A_ very inggnioua attachment to anymatlniu P“! by
which one dip of ink is ‘aufllcient invite a fools“?
page. For sale ut SOHEI‘FEB’S BOOKSTORE:
81,9 . V No. 18 Market at
for Blacksmiths’ use, A superior uticlo for 531‘
at 33 00 per ton or 12}; cents per bushel.
All God delivered by Pit“? 779“” Carts.
no" nuns M. WHEELER.
PEACHES for sale by . .
octl9 A WM. noon, 'll., a; co.
KELLER’S DRUG STORE is the place
to buy Balm of Thainndrrlqwgn
mgwamrfigeasmmz, “5%:
Knmws pnwsqzonm is theiplm
. "--=»whl’n‘:tNhi-lli‘¢h 21':th rem-11- _