lOU-AL NEWS. Tu ~llmmhymn-g- m Union-may be had at 33*" 360 k Swimmer of Third and Market. Ila-tits. PAmor AND {lmam—Tho Dun! PAmo-r nu) Unto! can be had by Dauphin subscribe“, every 'drnin‘g, at the periodical store of J. s. Em, ma: MAM—Under the change of schedule'on the difeunl: railroads. the time Of cloning the 9511! It the Harrisburg Post 01300, Decemhar *lst, 1850,55 as follows : ‘ pms'YL‘vA'qu ' .31. 1:. ‘ Em.._7 a. m—way mm1,12.15.p.m., 5. p. m., 9' . In. . qut.—~6.30 a. iq.—way‘mail,-‘3.50'p.-m.,'9 p. ‘m. nominal, cmun'n, n.‘ M1L—12.15 p.‘ nib—way maiL-S). p. 113. North—l p. 111. 1.3353091? VALLEY I. L 7.30 a. in. nmpnm mn'sus‘o. n.» n‘. 1.30 p. m. cannula) VALLEY}. n. 7.39 a. m., 1 pan-4w“ mail. Ble'l'Aq'n.‘ 7'3. 111., to Getty's’hfl'tg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7a. m., to Jonestown, on Mpnday, Wedlflesdilx and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lewmbeny, on sunny. _ GOHlOflON.—The'caniers of the PAmmrjnn gm! Mg loan to say that they will, avusual «Heet‘thair dues this morning. Tu Union‘Pmyer Meeting will behéldinrflle Presbyterian Church, on Market Squire, this sflen noon, It 4‘ o’clock, as usual. A Ewan—There is n vel-j refreshing revival in p’rfi‘g‘réu at the Vine Strata; Methodist Church, whim 1m been ‘cmwded evqry night for thealast two weeks. Quite a. nufiber profess _to have-tfofiii ”peg, and than are still a Inn-go mimber of ae'ek orlri-ftet light. 'lem€.—Th° smooth. glassy Jug-racy .of the ponds slid buain 'u'o just'ngiw' the plifies. _forjuvg— nil! excitement and in «live. When ,we' think husk on- the days of yore, on: bowel: ofgompistion yeah: _to: the boy that does not own I pair of skates. - ' Isuzu.» planets have lately been added to the sitar-bids! groups, making the 'hble number of as. teroidl sixty-two. The tiny-ninth was-‘diaoovered by OtheQmao,‘ in' France, the sixtieth by Gold achmidt, of Ghlutillon, an aixty-firstflbngexl-gu son,,of‘the National Observatory, at'Wa'shingt'ou, and 3“” algtrueond by Farrier-and Leilbr, of the Berlin Obserntory, The aix'tietb had been named by Goldsohmidt Dam: ; the others are yet unde nignpted. fingnvml’usi'nsfins'Ai‘roxfiub.—Amés Rocky , poatmuteihtmnomonumanmter uuuuty, vieg'myen' 's; umnin; mined. Emmi:- 5. Buddy postmaster it? E-liiabothtown, Lnncaster «misty, ‘vi‘oe John ‘A. ‘Grb'ss‘i-e'iigntéd, 'A‘dam linguist postmgatgr at Mafia Em, Dauphin county; Vice Jacob Wighet,‘ resigned John Rough, poihqga’fer ‘ at 'Moint Giana], i Nbflbu'mb‘erknd e6ilplyj.viee Jamea'ni-W¢leh,-ra§ignéd. 1.195;. B. Poflnr, poitmuter- u St‘e‘ambnig, Crawford Mung, VM'A. B'. Potter; resigned. Rev. Gammon! "Klllll9lll, knows-1 as the Boy ms”; will byes-eh in‘ the‘psptiu mum; 'on Sugdgtgngipig'g sud angling-nut. ,7 It will lye-re fiefihgged thit'lb.’ Katmai, .gp'aiit 786619, firm in our hitflut'pr-i‘ng, it"wjfich that he «ranted Miaideribla'seu'ation ti 3 pi: lfiiton‘tor—ahhough only seventeen years aid 3 half ‘of 'ago.f He en tered Radium Universitj but fail to complete his cduentipp, and according to {previous engagement will spend 5 day or two of his holidly vacation in on! ‘eity. . . ' How reflux: ALI: Yamaha-uh, Stunnodnrn's - ~11” '6 el 6» one eye within; the dam opposite the centre of a. photogrhph, nfid calm-ably neu- ‘ to it, the picture usually efirts' ant with almost-stere oscopic distinctness. The effect in finest iniuéohi leetml photographs. A similar, result, in} fee bier degree, is piodaéed by looking. at» drawings and painting: in the same way. 71‘“ explnnntx‘on is too obvious to need statement; but the fact, 9.)- though interesting and n!uabl'e,,unqally escapee notice. V Kmart"; 17m: _Hmsoxas'r Guam—A dinin guibhed 'e-anightg for an ofiao of high trust in a certain State, who is "up to I thing or two,” and has a keen appreoiition of life bounty ; when about to not. of on an alwtivneefifig‘ “a! ”Gambian! to his qife, who wags to accompa’njhim fox-pruden tial reasons : “My dear, inasmuch u this-election is compli. Gatedmnd the canvas will be close, I am anxious to leave nothing. undone- thatiwonlfl ”Prom“, my popularity, and so I have thought it would be a. good plan for me to kiss- : numberxof the hand somest girls in every place where I may be honored with a. public reception.” Don't you think it would be a good idea. 2" . . “ Capital !” exelgilniegl the devbted wife, “and to mgkvgyonr eleofiggr figure 'thiég, while you‘ve kigiingkghot'hmdiemhat girls, I will kin‘an 'e'qu'al minke: of!» fianéaqmahmhzmn !f' .. THEE}!!! fitfiiflé'edé: guidigiléi‘f 319 gll'eliéw." has llxqfiigqfifr‘gfifiief; fi?filis‘phafii_l§ {Means Sf‘p’opu; “it, I £13361 rgxi‘ll'onqagr. 11m Lifidfin‘.4Sevénl flail-«ago wé‘ ga'io‘fthfol pgflioularlra'ttending the pu's‘age of; check for 31:3;50‘ purporting to be signed by Gen. amnion, (m Mt. Eppley, a dry goods dealer in Secanfi street. The parties, stimulated n 6 doubt by the success of their first efi’ort, _snfiaeqfiently pass'ed a. check upmi Uriah & Cowfierlh'wnit, 3}? the corner of Mar ket 9nd Front streeté, for $15.75, purporting to. ba ‘signefiby thn B. Simon. The Interim: drink oi fife ,Hdrriphurg Bankg‘and the former on- the Stairespinl Bulk-4hr firs: in favor of Mirgaret Campbell, and tha lagt in favor of Thmgbjfiogera. The cheek Iv‘iitllg,Simon'2'mime.‘ga‘jztt‘uzl’iul~ was passed-hymn. 'elerk’nel'negi ‘Er. J.Joiee}énd‘:fiee thrown ont'by the Bonk’be soon as. ofl'ei‘od‘r Mr. Jones immediately set to wot-k to trace the forgery. To do thin: wee no zen, mutter,'es ho was not positive? that lie oould‘ r'eéégniz'e‘ the Women 'who penned the check. 'At'thie juncture, fortunately, Dr. ‘Pettersonu'w'ae milledi into onunoil,‘ and he thought he traced e-reaombhnoe between the filling up of the cheek, and e Bill‘réndeied mm for dig -8338 ‘ “9““: by on Patrick ABrettylnd a. com iifirfion fl Once gave aolue to the forgery. A Fm“? was “mad. and-Patrick 'Brett'and his Vi“: “:"fdmefle'l: and taken before Aldermen Petrol; Their house. loaned near Trullin'ger’a PllflillS- Mill,“ “1310'!“ end of tlie city, was .mhed,_ond a portion of the good; purchased '3l! “1911"“ 3" Uriah '37 Cow'perthwait’e wan found, unidentified by one of the clerks. , Officer Fleck glen. {@9ll ,eoneeeled in a chef bed thirty. four yards offiehiue, stolen from the above store— “ thatlfifßi-et'fl were {lOl only fol'gere, bat shop lifters. ‘ M 11": Bieft {we'd fully identified by clam ”- hMll stores ”11101106111 fih0p333011 the cheeks. Mr. Brett misnomer; bench-very gouache:— max- . f Manure or in] Hermann“, i’onrsnonm, Mon“Jornnnhnxc;mk’klrinfioAnCour-luv. ‘ A meeting-of- the stockholders of this company was held at Benson: Street He'll,“ Thursday evening, to take actionon the acceptance or rejection of a contract for a. more permanent lease of their road 1 to the Pennsylrnnio Railroad Company. The“ ‘ W" 3 “'B9 attenaence of share holders. Mr. ‘ Semnel’G. Morton 'wu called to the chair, and Mr. ‘ George Taber was chosen Secretari- Mesere. Samuel-Guthrie and John‘Tncke were selected or tellers to conduct the election- Th. “nim- zhe meeting was read by the Secre— t-nry. Bf, inmofion of the Chairman, the roll was . fined in ”do, to ascertain .if e. majority.“ the ‘ stock was, represented. This operation entailed-s great expenditure of time. It. weefinally ascer mined that there were- 15,490 shareserepreeented out of 21,741, the whole 116319er of shares. mm being more than a quorum of the stock, the meeting proceeded to businees. . Mr. Biker, thefPresident of the oompany. tend the controetmade with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the renewal of the lease. of thellaru risbnrg and Lancaster Railroad to the Pennsyl vania Railroad. Theeubetanoe of the contract-is that the organisation of the'Hei-riaburg Company shall be indiuteine‘d, and the lease he made for 999‘ your: ; the Pennsylmnin'finilrond Company main: mining the roadend paying the interest on-t-he‘ funded debt, and seven per cent. per annnin .on the stock. As: the cost of. the Harrisburgß-eilrond, is some 'B9s,ooo_greeter than .the amount repre-; sented by the exilting‘ number of sharessthe' Heb: rishnrg'nnilrenfi Company is to beauowetl t 0 iwifi' 1.900 ehereeoS-new stock, thug meltin‘gthenuinher ofushererhequel the one: of- the work, and on; this. inoreeeed‘enpitel, the‘Pennsylven in'-Reilroed Gom pfilly will [my 7-. per. cent, which irequal-io‘eboutj leven'an‘d sin-tenth: per cent. pet} ennnm. on the; present number of shares. The new stock to=he2 isen'edie'a fraction less than one toolerén. The: profits sum the int dividend .inomhu-m ztoi be divided eman’g stockholders, and the .dii‘idend: periods, hereafter, arevto be riniJanuary-ludflzuly,‘ inrteed of April end-October. . ~ Attachedzto‘ the conga-act was a reaglutiox: au thorizing fibgßou-d» of Directors to "consummate _lho tantrum-Ind the lease to the Fefifiay'lvafi-‘lé Rain-odd Company. J A motion wasmiid'elfliat- the resolution beydo‘pted'. - ‘ ' 7 . '11:. Baker spoké iii adéoency of the-cannot. Th 9: advantageg of the mangement'wns m'utu'gfl. If the fonnaylvania Railro-dwfiié to «about» to get a éhazyter ‘and "construct a road from Layouts:- to Hal-fishing; our line‘ would not: beWwpzth-sstho bonds. 'l‘th h‘nve us ‘in their pone: in‘ nigrjiit mom", maths lease is, under thank-cumulus”, £119,139}! mph" squid. ha mdailfor’t'ho‘ manual-”dd ' Hmfibnrjsfisflrudzcofiapnnyv- _ The Sto'okholdars ‘ m sugag'teéig-‘m fiaym’énf. orgy." 6:10. ”math; terest mi flioifitp'eknudsthii-ia thrust-pica :th'o‘ anns‘yl'nnij "Bums“ .Gohfiifl'y‘fiill ply. It may 9 futureztime'; , Seven) ‘Stiio'kholdaul‘ inked for In' explbhfition of various points in'tho'contnat. The explanntions were given bjzllr. Baker. i ' , Mi. 1'16““: 96; ’thougkg that many of‘ Hid. Shah. . holders were nbt propgrly‘ gnlightqnafi'»u_ to the old “in" contacts. 119 mink! confetti-inane]! rathorjn‘the-aa’tk. - =Ha movéd ihgtfihg'fii‘tter be referredfioxubfimittao of five to investigate the~ whole matter, and to report at «future time 51'!!! publication of the reanltlof their labors-in thr newspapers ofthe city. ‘ Bin-Baker nid thlt full opportunity had basal “fouled to avery‘Stonkholder to become familiar withthe-oontraocyuid 1:. an no neeeuity for delay.. lit-{Algernon .E,Reberta, reviewed at lengthéthe history~ 'of the eonfieéfion,.reiened to the dined“):- tagea and annoy-Ice. incident to the old _leue, ma nrged'lthe adoption“ the new nontraut is ad vantageous to the'Hntriahu‘rg nungefio-utu’fldm puny. ‘ Every: po’shible‘ one had':been Lilian.“ make the lease a: secure 3: poseiblef-jagnd- as free from‘legal' abjeetiun-_l' .In oonalnsian,Mt. Rbberl‘a urged the immediatc' intimation of the coutraét. Gen. John Davis upoke-ofr'the distracted condi tion et‘ nation's] nfi‘eir‘s mid, itsj'poeaible 'efi'e‘ct upon nilmad-iecnritiee. -H‘e urged the immediate ratie union bf‘the contract 'as the beat ipoa'nible‘th'nt could be'made for-“the compeny_.le [-'Ap'plluséJ . There were newllo’gd or'ieiof .“ques'tion' !” "ques tion !‘fi-nnd‘the vote havingfb‘e‘eh'itaken‘ viva‘voce,‘ on athe'ratifimion of the mines; in was-um» unanimouély fafirmativ'e. . Seven] gentlemen-*3 objected 'to taking the vote in this wayfmi Mr; 13km“ s; smith called for a. stock vote. -The"'Seot’eta‘l-y skated' hie belief-that. under the charter ‘ofiih‘e‘ compihy. ,5 Week vote in: not necessary- there more“; £~ clear majority'of stock represehied hi, the meeting. - Thevchfiirmaiz annonneetl-tbet the" "question-’ swas fdeeidedv= in‘ the afirmhgive. . new baingmlmh objacfipn'tp n. uivm'vocc voteii settlement: of- therqueshion; 6- “66!: vote was «He; and» ordei‘ed. ' . ' The taking of the vote. occupied the-time ‘unjtil near tm‘i o'clock. The majbrity misfit of miff— ing the-contract. is about 10,000 shares; = D 3; Doch—W‘e' regfet toasoyrthatpur krona Dr. Dock tokee-exoeptionlxtos a. few :editoriojl'lfeioarkfi nppengied to a notice we olipfieii' ftoh. a Newfllle paper, but we regret-still more to Hey that 'he‘iheg reason to do no.- Ingthe...firat place-fit is-troe-ithot he was a’l’rofeaaor of Singer-y; in (meet the Medif. 631 Schools 6: Phi‘ladelphio,hnt he ahhore the'term "Professor,” be'oauie “his be’ouoshnfie‘q by chit htane, mountebankma'nd humhngs', until ittha‘nibe‘; come 'a 'etenoh in the n'oss'rila: of men [of made“ meiit. In the seeondwlaoérhe any! that he‘doea not profepe' to remove 'catax‘eol‘. w'ithéti‘t point-end the announcementsonnds exceedingly like a quaeh advertisement, which he olaoobhora and‘deteup g: a means of bringing the-medical profession info disrepute. Of course we ni-e at; {ohm-and should have laid that he perfornl- these oporitionl ’with to male Imin or can bemuher‘ the ‘uiraunislanuei‘. We am fully justified in ssyin'g this, not only from his reputifiou st'hmne‘ ind abroad In in oceulint, m from mine] observation. ' Gm Ponmn.‘——Wb hope our Lebanon fxiénde will pardon us, and not bo‘plrh; out about it, when we ‘eay‘ that one John Kronef, who elniins to=hail from that place, lodged in the look-tip on Thug-ii day nightafor' no erima, however, except.- poverty. Jack Regine was brought in by the Mayor" in propria'p‘efeona. Hi‘o Honor found Jock laying out worm fence: along Second street, and he no cotdingly took him in tow, and landed him in the “ happy land of Gannon." Jack made nnight' of it singing songs and telling stories, and yaltel‘day morning the'Moyoxf had an idea. that J ml: was on tirely too jolly to- be lotiloosa, so» hokapc him cpoped until evehing, by which-time ho had become very m‘nohfoaimed. ' Winn; Gunpahaxi—LA 'létigi'fi'ofi _Lélidon‘saya‘: “ I h‘ave' liea‘rd in that oitjfofis-curibu invention, which concerns al-ike’a'b’orzsman, tiflemen, and Quai B°i°nfific- It is the manufacturé 6f.?ll9vhite?gng powder. It it made urmymmf¢gfhgmgg9gg pend of yellow; pqhaan, “maria; of‘pot‘ga‘iglsui loifwulgsrj rdtyglfallizea Id3ii~éfi§ Jbfii‘lfi‘y‘figkfi g 5 sag-33:56?moms;mumpqmsgggm5mm mimizvarflm2922s9l.in 39:99:11}? " smm Ihhhsr3hn99hm mama. torymnymhm'ylfl added that it in withofl-nh pleasant am all. It hn just been pliented.” Game-mes Fnsrrvnnt—Nothing inure “1'91! marks thepi'osporiryiof our beautiful wityzgha’n the picturesque mission ‘ohnrchee, whioh here and there dot its envirom; Into‘ one of- them, now re cognized as the Second Evangelical Lutheran Churéh, we oheneed‘to saunter lust elitist-gums inor ninggled by a winning-strain of music, which!“ closed» doors and windows only midfield into more expressive sweetneser Withimthe little oh’uteh all 'was‘ holiney nnmilee,frashness and gladness. Green. fmgmntoodar lgroncbee flatbed the WW“: hung in lfeetoone around the white walls, veiled the bumps, and freaooed every bore spot near which a finynpmy. hung. The children, nearlyzt-wo him dred in number, andfregulnr-memhere of that flab-l _hnph Sohooi, wax-emingingtheichornfl. “ We come With Joy to Great You” with an .eerneutnees which left no one in donbtznhot theirs was the len: .gnageof sincerity and gleanese. As Vtheleeb note ceased, their young mm. Rev. Mr. Johnson; Bd' dressed tothem a. 'few words'ot' most afl'ectionfi.to counsel, born of: thepit-hy proverb, “ Burtruth and sell it not." .' Hie earnest exordium to first getzand then yin-fight. from this precious lamp was fol-_ lowed by another song from the children, “A 'Heppy'christmas‘ to All,” whose heartinezs. as it burst from their innocent lips,»eeemed- to be a' wel come‘to-ail creation. _ Their Superintenden t,:Mr. Davithntery in pm:- wages of an. established custom in'_ the, school, baked how many scholars mount could ‘ repeat a verse_fro‘m Vtha’Biblo in which. themords “gospel" qrfi‘glm'i tidings? occurred. The qug’ry‘ was Hem-dob made .thanfiheimnndjhere, from almbabevezy class, Qamegaome-or! another santsx'l'ao from fihiah': “Jaip p‘ointéd wordlspokox as .either a-cémmafid'm' I 510' rims—promise. "Thefprompmeu of: flip Lpupilagafld: their- olelrneas: of uttemnce; heightenedz the uttnc-f tiou-ofthisdistin'otivé. exercise. 7 . 3 . A-th‘irdvxcare}, called “ Hark !‘ the Angel! gShm‘; .ingf'wgs hhslprelhde‘tn .e seedegwhiqhfibvond, «eotud with sea, ww-ithont- feeling his heart: :2:-ow; iwarmeren‘d youigggr. Fiompeufi huge basketsltti ‘ the filling of: which : hotly Luther-331‘ .cpygflflitiofl > hfid=§enei9ufily ééfifiibutedywese- hmughtmomni voopinj-laden withfoandies, befis Of: sejk‘es, sni’psrqi illustrating. themed Commandments, by. beautiful)?“ colored engfa'vihgs. V ' _Wh ile these fore heih'fi' dis-i ,tributed- equally-10 each child,;Be_v.'-Mr; Hafiz—E 1151 mm gems... originbf tha‘ at Chflskinthléin" or “little ehild Christ,” from whom #ll, these gifts came; but whom we have perverted itidlhbhei-ny, and substantiel -old' ”Kriss 'Kriggje;" fhgélte: o’clock, and ' the edit: of Vdismissioh Resmeéalinos: goo= soon—fur to us, the purest hours of that'flfly' wedge} were pessegginhthe foetal cole‘hre‘tien o! the mission school ohilderen. ‘ c. 3 ‘VMzn-nts. 01f r 3; Luiéxsugfiny-j‘rsomborough-6‘ graduallyx fining- n'péwith men !QWMIM zllithég‘vjby‘ ..the nnnualamséz‘m nfz‘tfiéviaéiiiihifir’oiw-',=-‘Aiins:fis Ithcmiré recast:ss9}hhpyzsfqyilifir'ficdjfgpgi there, 9:qul“ not..bfl§ai"th§t‘sggmggfipgpg thing”,- 11% Jazmin" xof. 111045303", ~‘v‘Senitofl innit *béiorgiéi Newly. 9.11.9}: no: formal! wiILJw nnghund: mpdfly, £7111]; -". 15:01:11,»ny gliflyfimifi‘s will: piqbgh'lylfiflipk ‘the'bahn'cé of tfie'llaitxter. 'l‘th jig thera‘trgqgvest prhbibilipy; _hhpod ixpn‘n),pxbhedeffit;’thqt.feé;':if.ill3: ohm: imam.hgd'evinemlgubordi-ptororgpqtfiys afie’efi-;-‘n&iyst,' tirnh’ge' ‘to s‘a'y ; the 'lim'n‘lia‘r )of _applionnta: ilor- averrp‘l'uel andf‘lpdaifioxi- mum; ui gre‘nt'ii'ifrth‘e'party hid ju’s‘i'cnme 'i'nti) power. It'fil I; gun-stretch ofimagigfitipn 19:10:10an to mammary: the ma thine-Gm mm mm: gait)“ this. plquo—‘egppeigllydf'thigfi 'ofip‘g't Mg: hqntbfareidonexhildiitb and g-i'vénn-latijfanzion -;: jnuhoiro: ug plenty_:§uo)i,'gfi§‘éa gggfifliént o‘hné convinéeazbemaavo that-whichzi- mule larch: can-g cue. ' Ilia; now-19mm, re believes. heyond‘thp‘ehg'dow of aflonlicathlt-Robart 11. Pnlm‘r;Eq_‘,a£g&ifi,l - county, mlLbe-Speeker ofthe Sonnet. - .=:Mra‘P. is due of the nhleat men in the Sentiment] there in no question but 'v'rbet ho fill Qll :59 Chi! with dignity and credit. Mnllrret will be re-eleeted Clerk. In the House, Elisha W. Davis, Esq., will be eluted Speaker. Al; least that appeared to be the prevailing opinion yesterday. E. H. Ranch, 111811., will be re-oleoted Clerk. The election of a State Tregsurer will 'qbgron’ considonble attention ucxt week in the-viny of oloélloaeex‘lug. upuiplly ifHom-y D2Maqfénhu' any forniidnblo opposition, which does not ippear probable at this time: _ _ It is no}; likely ihitithero will his any discfission of national» ufigirssuntil ,aftufzftho inauguration, When we? shun prbbn‘bi'y‘lie _ea'ified .by‘im‘g‘gxtré» orflifiary épecimenl of_ Bunoombe, ‘ I -- A: Donna-rev Eunnu‘.‘—A' "little E .oii-énnis'tnnce enihe ‘to' light yesterday- nhieh fiill‘afl'ordr'food Efor scandal—mongs‘ns fdi‘éa‘: for: day'sielflensl; ‘ *‘A'fgfieii tlemen' some years ago tooke'bosrding-in‘n :printe house. During the time he made itfhis honié,¥ths hnshnn'd sud-father of -ths~fonrily~disd.'* In‘ due um the‘ widow: mmns'chs'boatder,gndLauihingi moved of harmoniously. Tera ohildien‘s‘iéi‘n the result of this union. ' Atkinson-sign the wife heard with astonishment that her husband Lhn'd “other wife and six- children: living in ,Philndel; phio. A women in alveys slow to believe guy thing- of. th‘e.kihd;vbnt [nit doubt. and mistrust into her. mind, and she will stop at nothing to he ‘sntis ‘fisd. . Actuated-by these feelinglxshe went to 'Phil radelphis in the early part-‘92 “this was; unsure enough she fonndnmoman who-oleimedt‘n hem}? wife of her hnsband. . 0n Thursdnylslisretuined, 'and called. thm delinquent-‘toiacconnh whén‘ he find unchanged that he had moieties iii-in‘. sm— man in question, but. that he‘wns‘ i'éparhfa‘dfmm her by divorce. Wife No. 2 demanded {sight of the papers. Theso the husband declared were in the possession of his brother. To get these papers the husband left yes’teidiy, but whether he will re turn withsth‘ezpropssly authenticated documents, is n questionrsin’ne he evidp'ntly imposed upon his wifo in the first pipes, by not informing her. of his previous namiigund divore’e, if the'lntter had oc curred. ' ' h - The gen thine—i is 3* mini!” 6;? newne—jomn “6! property and alarm. ..Tlie Huriehnr'g wife he re spectable grown up children by her first husband. The discovery has embed" a great amount of do mestic misery, and, for the sake of all concerned, it is to be hoped that the husband will return with a. clear record at an only day. A Nursmcn to n ABATEDr—Thfi firing ofzguns and pistol: to welcomethe ndvent of a. N aw, RE! is "e. custom more honored in the breach than the observance.” Surely year's 11: feet enough to ren der value: of nrtillery nnneeeuary to express our joy. It is a. barbarous old fogy 611le which should long lil'lllO have been abolished, but as the good sense of people will not put an end to it: the Mayor has determined to interpose the strong arm of the low in behalf of the pence and quiet of the people.jg Know yartherefore, nllfzrgneisy'fifii’difd juvenilees-ohu fihel Hiya: will: ample]; ans-e 26“! poliée; gone ' onj'Mogdgayi {figfih‘i'jflig .i‘rlll;.-i'§uir‘n everfponoufuund violiciignhg Japan olgvhfifgtigg fire-'gginiléfgoykina; 4':igrjgii't'fiillffollomalnd 9!] Via indulge" in the short will he molt .“kfly '6 pay for 19.3; « - . same; wait} m n.eu;a's.éA-iho¢mk9r.iy mam; muma.a.éa:¥ch-'H’r'-'tofi£h,s¥,“in; gay-aggxing;qfigfimfixfifihim“ We; 136?: fihéfo ‘.pniliahonhK-ind.loldrrher fianctionfortvfiuty: neigufiai we wammamfigm-Héfl A bill of sale was givi'fiiil’iftfli‘fifirdfiéfiaiée satisfied with 1m- chanze of mute". V TOWNHUMiNér—AHpa‘r‘tyrof .yofing men “and outpn n coon hunt last light. The” briglitlmoon light nights are just. th-a'~th‘ms ‘o’ “king the " varminté.” 4 A'LARGE'LOT 0r Goons receivéd today,‘ suitable for Dfflflentn, which will he spld of much below their 1'61!) Willie. 60 dozen of Hém-qtitched and Grass Linen Handkerchiefs.“ 20,25,371:mi 50 cents a pjeoe ; 100-Sm of Command Sleeves, di rect from New York auction, at vlry 10W Brie“; Geuta’ main and Bel-dated Linen Handkerahiefé; beautiful In: of Lace Gaming ; chenille Soarfs,at 12% “1d 25 cent: 5 10 pieces of Cassimqrqfor pants; 10 pieces of Cloth, fqr Cloaka; 25 pieqes of all kinda of Flannel 5 2,000 yards of beat‘brown Mus lin,;for 10 cents; Woollen Socks, 15, 20A eenta; Undershirtermwers, 50, 62, 75, and a. gront'many other butgaing, S. Llwx, a ' Rhoads’ Corner. FOR manounum—Persons in search of goods suitable for holiday presents will do well to give BROWNOLD 4r. Slur, Wyeth’s building, opposite the Jones House, it call. They ha've floe'Cambric settg, (nooks and Cloth for cloaks, Shawls,l?enr! Puma, 00‘1““, Shelves, Gloves, Hoaiégy, Silks, Sill: ‘and Woolenfioodp, and Ladies’ Dyes: Goods of all de scriptions, During-the-Holiday season they are determinedmot to bounderso‘ld,’ and they only 'oek the Publivto Gall, exafi‘finé, 'and' compote lattices With any other esmblis‘hn'mp‘u in the inlay? 972199“? My} o|!.'many,_atticlea_a_r9du9tjon 1199- been made, in 0"»er to flirty-hut our 1 determination to .~reduoe our-stack“ much as possible during this week. . _.. . , A ' ‘de'lT-flw; SPECIAL N 0 HOES THE Gnmm ENGLISH ' Emma—Sn Jamufllgrke’a Celebrated Female. Pins, prepared h'om ' a prucnphqn of Sn- J.‘ Clarke, M. D., Rhyliqiaq Extraordi mryto_tha Queen. . 7, . ..' . This mulunhle mediums in‘nfimmn‘g m'the‘ 'cuie 9; ”all mumgpliyful and‘nmgaronnv :dim'nn—‘fo which the féflfld eonstlyntlon injubjogt. _ It, mpdegam 311.9390” ,and.x9- moves all bhatméfiéna and 5' 's pedicure may he {died on. _'’ » » mfiummfl Lamas ‘- , " m: peculiarly suited; It will in a 'ahort time bring on the monthly period with ulurity. , Baas 13MB, [wig Onenfiflgu, he“: the Government Stamp of Great Britain. to bfevent oounterfeits. run-PILLS mom no! Item I! rim“ *l)nt us FIRST, THREE MONTHB=or.-Pnoumarg Axum: m strum name ommsomual,’ In. A! at grain mm "It mun. 7 ‘ - - In all meant Net-yous andfipinal -Moofiono-, Pain in the Blck and Limbs, Bufigue on slight exertioniznmitnfion of thofloort, lily-591i!» animus; thou-11mg efio‘ot a cure when all other means havofafied, and 'nlthough _a 11m!- orl‘nl remedy; do not .containr iiron, ‘oalomol’, antimony,‘ or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full direction! in the mmphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N._B.—_.sl,o&n_nd apomgutmpl enclosed to any nu themed Agent, Will W?“ I bottle, cbntainipg ave: 50 pflllwynnuinmfilr“ . - ‘1 u ' . ‘ C‘_ . Forms tum-A: Bnmunm Hog-fishy; . jflgtllgriy 1 M? P on 1%; air: 4'l: 9*;-:F:E;M?A3.Ls-E,s DR- 9HEESEMI§WS¢=PILBESF I‘l3:fighflfihiflbgdtifingflmmvi‘nigtmgimnfi: rem .0. - P "1 “fill! “103 .m ’l9-, “9:; M- .. in their o%l‘ghgoui ind Dubbing; wrmfihs Amun l-rities, mum! man-mam naming All ,2 9.12 m? flonug‘xhdtligr' (rpm. 591 d, onqtfiqxfiu, 1194199119 rain intmsqmmw it‘itibh‘gf3ll9;.)aeqfimhflfl $21.12»:- vdna. mentions—3‘ .Itifirinufitiggmmlnén web-mm 11mm, {vii-.1 dimr’ioa-leepv rohym-efnomwmv tionbfmtuflai; , _.‘j 1 ._ .. ,_ ~ a'fifil-C'HEESEMANS I’I'IJJSM: ..wu the ”manhunt; of; l as! an an the :trgpunont .of M 9 immunities 9nd animation: which has con: listed m. mny thqwdgof the; youngftkw mum, And .1511; peloved, WAIBIIAIUII-GBAYIJ Retention]: gpjggiw:heglth mags; gho. in “guilt-51nd ; whenever alanii nfionhku DIM-0 tlw seam! hum: “Ki" W one. . A M DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS no the moat eflgggnslmmgd: not known for :1! oom pluiutu peculiar to'fi‘mahs. “To all class“ they Ire in nlmle, induMgL-wfih gaming? periodigafireg'uluity“ Tho! m knqwn to thermal-a 1' 0,11!“ Mad Ethan: st diflarent normal, WORM!“ the . mum; Imin: in «nation of some of fig )nc’int Initlifll‘q Phyn'vifim 3 3'» America. , ; , ~ K. _ E ticit‘digeczions Mining aim! :4 Jam; my 311915;, mi: biased; nc’commnj 399;}; h’qxfihe, Price Out Dollar each baz, pontqinipgfqrty Fins. _ _ A valuable Pgmphyat, tq‘hoghad. frog, ‘of 3119 145:1!“ . P 811! sent by mail“ pzmptly, b enclosingnpri'co film GenerilAgontwaoid‘b *dfigfifsta'gvfieuj. . B. 23-. H 0303! %,quoi‘nl- Agent, -. _V _ -,. ; -14-Bi~oadwn§No!Yoxk. . ',«;W¢zilsmrflibiirgby‘°‘ A“; 3mm T. ' adQOl:’s9—d&wly" " ' - Du Bru'nqn’rcancenmted "Rbmcdieq. »' S. No. 1: Tan ennfl‘nlvrvw,,spéodilnrmiqlm an the. «n mamas alumnus; u Infilpf. Momqrx, nouns-a «mm; Giddinau; raipimion of thqfleqrt, Dlmnesn of Vision; or fly donntititiénal 'denngem‘e'ntg of the system, brought on byv-thmumentninod indulgence of the punions._ _ Act: glike on qitheuex. . 2mg 9m noun. Nof. 2. (In: BALM will gm pfm‘mtwo magnum, my me omoxommn, ll mthout‘mm unwell, and mahufiomnfieflon of ucfionm- £1136. Jar mum-. 593. Price} Ono’ Doll». ‘ , , V , . " No. 3. THE Tllmnwill cureinjh‘o sliortesq pqssible nine, my disc of GLEET, 'ovpn, sitar, “all other. 391119;?” hdyg lsilsdto firodnceth‘e desired sfl'eet. Nohlte or smell VP ice One'Dolhir’. , . ’ V in». was 2mm». is :the. 9m: nomgtemt. will rainy euro migrates or, the Umthra. No m rb: hm? 31:5 standing ‘or 11931 e the' use ms, be". Price One at. . _No. 5. THE SOLUTOR will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently land speedily remove ,‘sll dilation: of the Bladder md‘mdmgl. Prinne Dollar. _ j No. 6. {QB PA TIGULABSIBII CIRCULAR; ' NO. 7. T 153 MARIN Wiuwm flab Wklus rulieslly, min 3 muohshortor time than theym be; remoyed by my othertreatment. Inflet, is the only romedyfihsfi will reel! 11ayr correct this disorder. Pleasant to No. :Prieo Ono “a WmfiwgawosNMMah-w a ‘ ..m prqucmg - A . ~or eon-co any I alarm»: “womanly eri . .I’JM'TWODO . 9.1011 Humming 513%. (amount. Either Ramsay sent free Syn-. 11 on receipt of the price mnexed. é Enclose wagalfiftamp sunset a circular. 1 General Depot North— 6 «not: of Yet-Luann and cutowhill street. ~ Private Ohio: 401 York Avenue, Phil:- dplphia,:l’g.. -. ‘ . ‘ 1 . .. J ~ , ’ {argyle in Hufinhurgpplyhyc. A. BANNVAET, whore (Hunk-1.! spawning: mlunhlednformatien; with; full ’l9- mipfiona. of .eaph we, will beadeliveudigmtis, on nppli. cigtion. Address DR. EllLi ‘ zBRUNON.~ ; nyl-dly P. 0. Box 99. Philadelphia, Pl. IT Wlu'L yaw-1,10 Ul TO REA D TEH IS . lITWILLPAY YOU OBSERVE WHAT! 31w" IT " WILL «PA 1? YOU FOR A VISIT I'o HARRISBURG :- 1: TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM‘THE LARGE,THANDSOfiE AND FASHIONABBE‘ STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING; CLOTH, CASSIMERES", vfizsrmas Aim 'GENTS’ FURNISHING? GOODS How EXBOSEPAT-THEI'WEL‘L KNOWN 11165133, No. :3 'JOJSTES'ROW. AWAILIN’G MYSELF onsrmmr. ‘ _ XnvAMAGEsTWHmH' READY cxsn PRESENTS, TOFFEE Aim ‘ GOODS AT 10 PERCENT; CHEAP-Elf ’ ~ Tmmqrm fiovsm ems. 'S.‘="SEGEI:BKUM.‘ : P. S.4MVING‘BEO'UBED A F 1355! RATE cummß-rmnguzom lAMNOWanmm CLOTHlNGamonnEmmmmn-W , fifiifiifififififfiw .. I WARRANT A FIT onmohmm oats-Mm TO fittintai. SANFORD-'s‘ ‘l. WEB . .liN’V l EORATUR, NEVER DEBILITATES II in compoundpd entirely from Gums, and ha beqome an.pltabl;snag mt. I #mdard Medimnv, known gnd appi-oved by 111 that ~' (pave uledi'tfindis new to fiortcd to witn‘eonfldence .91 m :11 themmsforwhicb it is reedmr'ndfidad. Ithu canted thousands who had given up up hope: mlivitfi «mum: in The dose must be adapt!!! 1 individual. taking it, and to mtgogfly on the honey. ; Let _th‘ofiictates of vou'r : use of the LIVER in. .will. cure. .Liver Com-1‘ tucksJ} yipeppin, S umme: Ga me I 7,l)er p Iy, Son :-1 0 ll I t i v, one”, Club In Morbug, Cholera lence,‘lfiundicc, es, and‘msy'be 'un'erl Inc- I n Ea ml 17 Medl- H_E All A c 3.1;. (3,1: twain: 911 nm”. I t s‘poo ‘ all are taken tack. ; All who fine it _arm‘ {it its fav‘or.‘ - ’ MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH 1!!!! INVIG onuon, mo swunow 130 m magma. rgicé One Emit; __pe‘r Bottle. S‘A'NFiO-‘R‘D 'S m OATH A Bx. Till: BBP*I'I=..L»18:. 0010t1IMAD://71011 Purl Wyeta'ble’Eztmcu, and put up in may flack, ‘Aa'r Tight, and will Inga .zpany curable. The Family Catlin]:- V '.. etc PILL la a gentle but wait" (Mamie, 'irhich m the propriotorhflued in his practice more. than H _twontyyonrl. The Wamfly menu- . - , infidoniinll - from _thou .whn ham lawman. the‘rfl, 9 LB, .Mtho Imam. tion which :1] ..exppelsin regal-d to;their‘nse bu induced mto place than: ... '1 bin the reach of sh ' _l‘he meeuionwellknow - that difi'erept Otthurtiel act on disarm ,portionlfnll orth'e Bhiéll'. .mpo ,FAMII-Y 104-: , Im’rgcsPH-Lllng, «tithing gotcndgnlnfin? 'o‘: fall antabhlhodf 7 been winpounflad from a "1408 »': ’if or film pagan V ' fill]: lxtneta, which utgfikml-t onjvor'yrpu't‘ofi.‘ ‘will mentu papal Wattage; E 4219!!! gsfldllfllfiih all mygere‘i’datfinficj“ _‘ngéd “11-nexus; ne‘- rah g dime n :4; d: the ‘Pf sumachl slg‘e‘pine-i, Ruin] :in‘lhofalilck' and Laiflfi"sdflfie neu, Pain andjoggi q giljvctjhc .’y‘ihéll body, fi'om andaeuzeq'la, ? .. ' . icli frequently-,mj up. KISMHBEI an a‘ :10“ émi mfiflfl’Oul‘j In”!!! A‘pimmona final!!- 2.. . swung-t: $1265. I d “all? th€,?i.9‘§fill_.e!3-. «A Aumem‘mganur mgr “w 5“ gwfinm '. *-' ml .111; l ‘ 2a“; “‘l.-'9'; 1 i ell-Pl um; a’a‘rfééi7‘l’mmnn .fi ‘.- of; mo. smon mam», .diégm.bo:=m}:iqlfa.figshau = WWW-hummu- 2w mgfiqg infill: unnine- o ment.nDoln,l'to 8:. .. ‘ Ptlc‘e' ,Thi-é'é Dimes»? ». ‘.. Tho Liver xnvigoutor and Emily Oath‘ntie Pillajm totalled by D 'stn generally, and sold wholeaaic by? ills Tanoyingllttl-lggfimegowmé _-- 3r 33;. ,_- ;. SIT. W_§ANEO§D, M. 1)., ~ umnwmum Premium,- 203 Wuhan: ‘ '. 177 Zikwly (, . 'An “petulant-Nixie and Donald-Physicigin, present! ~ to' the‘ tttentloil of in‘rothops,’ hpr _ s 0.0 T2H’ I-N-Gi s-‘Y’R UP, FOR'CHILDEEN TEETEING. which greatly {gallium the process 0‘ flanking, by softening the giuns, manning I“ inflammation—will “lay ALL PAIN and spasmodic action and is sunn mo REGULATE‘ ruin B‘O-WELS. Defend upon it. mothers, it will give test to yourselves, “ . BELIEF AND HEALTH To YOUR INIANTS We have put up and gold this Lump to; over ten yell-i, end CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of if, what we here never been Ible to uy'of any other medi cine—NEVEß HAS 1'! FAILED IN A SINGLE IN— 3121mmé 'ro EFFECT A cumi, when timely used. Never di we know u: instance of dissatisfaction by my one who need it. 0:: fine contrary, :11 ”3319115th with its operation» end epeel: in I'm-mu of commendation of its magical enacts and medical virtues. We speak In this matter “ WHATIWII D 0 KNOW]? after ten year? experience, AND PLEDGE OUR BEPUTA‘I‘ION FOR THE EULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE - HERE. DE. ‘GLABE. l In llmoat every instance where the infant is luflbring'from pain and exhaustion relief will be found in fifteen or twenty minutes after tin syrup in adminis tered. . v ' ’ This "In-. 1110 {reputation is the prescription of one of the .mofl EXPE lENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER [AIL ING SUCCESS m . , THOUSANDS 01' GASES. It not. 011:; relieves the thlfi‘frone pnin, ,but invigo. rates the" much ~nnd~ “well, entrants enmity end gives fonemmd energy to the whole ”system. It It‘ll a! most instantly relieve >- e GRIPIKG IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND OOLIO, uni overcome convulsions, whleh, if not speedily reme died. end in death. We believejtthe BEST and SUREST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases, of DYSEN. TEE? and DIARRHIEA IN CHILDREN; Whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would any to every mopher who: has a. ehildgaufiering from any of the mugging complainilk—DQ NOT, LET YOUR rBE JUDIGEB, 91mm; gnnmmons or OTHERS, stand between yon-and your snfl'erlnilchild, and the relief that will)» SURE—yes, Aespwg LY SURE—to follow the mug of thin manipinag if fimlfiuaed. , “unmet-u for mung will accomrnnyefich nettle. None genuine imieen the ,ee-ejrnile ‘o_ CURTII & ‘PERKINS, New Yerkfin on the ontside wrapper. Sold 'by Dragging throughout the world? Pnzncnun 93:10:: ’l3 Guru}: 813 nm, an You. £111,015 01m? _-25 outrun BOTTLE. nepzv-dacwly ' jfirnfimnp— I ‘ A LARGE AND WE'LL SELECTED s‘ TOO-K" 02F? BR A N DIES, VG'ONISIS-TI'NiG o F rmET,'cAerLl._loN as (50;, ~ . BISQUET, 11:100an .2 00., ‘ JAS. HENNESSY Eco” ‘ - OTARb,DUPUY an 00;, J; J: 14'; MAME“, I k ' JULESZROBIN a; 00;, .. :MARETTE Cb. , . xnon SABER!!! ; . . , ' JOHN H. ZIEGLER, , . decls . A . .‘ _.7_3 MABKETSTREET. . Cngmms 'PRESENTS x . QHILDRENfs LADIES’ and_ GENTS} CHAIRS [and a great, variety 0? (243 mm! FURNITURE. shita‘bie‘for KOLIDAI'GIFTS git winged prigxea,‘ Also. a. new Jot of 001‘1‘AGEFDBNIIUBE‘inthsu-or bytheaingle piece, at. . J 4!!!“ B. 30x1) 4r. son,“ . dam-271d. . ‘ . 295991;}. figund St!9§£._ 2500 P.o' UN D S : IiAISINS. cunntmswmnons, &c.,-&c.. , - together with OMHGEB,'LEMONS;PRIED ‘ FRUITS; CRANBERRIES, and a “lief: M Articles, suitable fax-the noudays‘ {lls‘ » received-lay- . [Beam] WM. DOCK, Ina, a CO. -TLAIX-P AZY'E Rgs ' ‘ . or 131 m, . ‘ > 1 EIR'ST. AND>SEGOHDJIIVARDSI ’T A“ $33 $5333; ' . . Kath ‘OI’L'Y‘ S f- '_ " - R‘ TAX in ”$ll3 on o::b'eforo’the 29:11 inch. that mmm be anxddifion’ of- £7B Per cent- added, and t 1!!! water shut 011’ without delay. By order of‘ the Committee. - 0 . 0., ZIMMMIMU, Collector. omce‘No. 23 Eouth Swami annals; A,, (Tampa; Nz~OrTIGE‘- " ’ . 105 or “g Humsmpgd rpm-Egon! Hr. Jbr' 0‘" m» LAanqu§.'R'lsllex°ln 005 a" "'I ‘4 j : . . '..,¥FWAMWFUEDPPRE 156051 " iéfifi'fi‘fi‘éfié’fié‘fi?’W駥9§3“9‘7§‘§“ p“; g y... _ " . ,YA' Tin-5 - eAsn-nnnfgnom WANgmnlfiefiqmon'rhqx-p day {the #7! V. mat» .at}.l:§3§l6’eka..t 111-.1“ MM we“ nqlhsglggqm shgntybotwe‘ep sixth ghdflé'i‘élith‘étréeun) in‘the city‘ot‘ thdelphiag'for t‘h‘e fih't'péae‘ of i'ébepfifig ctr-ejecting wont-mew“? snmme‘wmsfiefit-iéiia ‘ b then- :ugto mg- ngmylyfmig S3IIM Cayman]. -. Br tier of the Bou‘vd o ~Di-rwe ~“ U J- 3 . ,_ 9:33:43: “BEE: .azdflfllufißßZTh“ -v_L-,. ,u !-.:.=: ':=-’i.'“-‘l!fn .-Hi"l‘s‘s": SQQYBWY‘ !‘X. msm'wnmm r- .‘ 'Efiflm4gpfibsfi ’1” PW L2l”- ’.'l‘. ‘a ‘l' 1“ . _ Skill-J ,2: W t” ...; ':-.'1269¥.:;1n3;.X;g9’:1‘ FRflie genuine ENG L" MUSTARD at to KELLEB’B DRUG STORE. within the lust two years ofvrelief, at} the numerous my possession aha?- to the wmpammem or the used in inch quantifies an judgment guide you in the VIGO RATOR,‘ end _lt plain", Billi nun,- Ghronic Diurihoea, p lgi nll, I'ygente. stomnch, ll hints! ic, Cholera; chole [n! autum, F I am. Female W _e a kn e :- cessfnllyu an Ordina cino.‘ It ‘will cure SIC 5 ,thomde will teatify, ) h; two," three Tea at commencement of It ra i>. giving their testimony fluxes of Emmi. PENNSYLVANIA RAILOAD WINTER TIME TABLE Em m FIVE TRAINS DAILY To 8; FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER. 2611!, 1863, .. The Passage: Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from and arrive at Harrisburg-m Philadelphia as follows: - EASTWARD fI'HROUGE EXPRESS TRAIN leavesfiurisbmj: It 2.40‘a. m., and “rim at West Philadelpsi. It 6.60;. :9. EAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.55 p. m., find arrives at West Philndslphis at 6.00 p. m. . 7 .MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 p. 1.11., and no rives at West Philadelphia at 19.20 p. m. _ '_These Trains make close canine-6121.011 1t Bhihdelplih with the New York Linea. ‘ ' ‘ " ACCOMMODATIONIBAIN, No. 1118!!” Hurjshnu at 7.36! a. m., was via Mount 10mm! arrived It Walt Philadelphia ”12.30 p. m. . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION lem- mm} burg at 1.15 p. m., and strive: at West Philade'iphil If 8.40 p. m. ‘ . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, was Haniabm It 5.36 p. m., mna‘via.’ Mount Joy, connecting at Dlll9}- ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphgn. WEBTWABD THROUGH EXPRFSS IRAIN lepvea Philqdelphh g: 10.50 _p. in, mdzfirll'ves tt'fimhbjug at 3.10)., .In.. ‘ MAIL TRAIN 'loav'es Plfihfiqlgins. 1t 8.06 Lm7ui arrives at Hém'isbui-g at 1.20 p. hi. -' 1 ' V >. '. LOOAL'MAH;'r‘nxumedires'namburgtorlgimfing; at-1.00...m. " ' . . ' ' usr LINE loam Pulimpmé. at 12300 upon, 914.3,:- rivea st Harrisburg} “44.15. p; in. ' » . ,'J , numsmme acconiniw'mnqn jump”;- Philadelphia at 2.00 3:. pl,, sud uflyg'u at Hirflibuijit 738511.111. = ‘ “ " ‘ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leam'rhnmelgh'i. 9: 4:00 p. m., and sum: at Harrisburg it 9.46 p. m.' " ~ ~ Attention is dulled‘to the net, that pusg‘ngei': [Gavin's ‘ghilndelfihiu at 4 11./in'. connect at ‘Lannaafif fl 11f]: MOUNT JOY Loconuonmmn mnmgindgmv'e‘fi nurisbfir'gat94sliihi. _ ~ A'r' ‘ 3 " . -. .. .swnmm.:youm,. Supt. Eas;.:Did.:Pm‘u’a fiqflioad. no2B-dtf NORTHERN ‘CENTRAL‘ ‘BAILWAI. ~. NEE ;.;;;- {.5 s E'su; n: ’r n} .-.-.v;-,- Ll. . . ,_ NOT'CE' .‘ " :0 HARE? '9.“ 15'? 32E? ILL-E- .- w IN TE E: TAsR RA NE E M ENE. ! uommn nun uoNnu- NOWMBEE'ME,’I% no Rassenge't; Train: of: the Norman Oontnl nan will lone Hurflsbmu foul)!!! '. » ' v .;:£ : W _; GQING SOUTH. -- "A‘CCOMMODA‘L‘IoN (mun: will 15m n. .3.00'-..xi. .a‘ggggggglmnmvmj 11min ukL;.iE..;-.;-.;7l4o‘ili§¢ : .mem (in leave 1.5....- .-.. ~. ; . .. . . .-.- 1.0013. j _ V germ NUM'EI.’ I. ,J, 3“ '3 MAIL TRAIN win lam .e..';‘...':.'.-..,.'.'1,¢0 p}. , EXPRESS TRAIN will lanol‘t’. . '- . .‘.;.’.. 48:15 pig: when 1 m univln 3' vab ”5 ds will the Acipfinfomfiougm‘ixfi gfifim‘lim’v‘pz i. b. ' faring-ther information 1.391151; the ofiee, infgalllgf ”innit Railroad napot'. ' ' OE‘N W. HALL, Agglt. Harrisburg, November.‘ v ~ . >-‘ ‘7 NEW AIB LEN!) ROUTE NE W 35013.1(; ‘ _._mNH 72.15; e... fa. ,____,h 2. ‘ “gym: #733,793: ;: ”is-:55; .. .- .“.—."'.“ uc‘v'l-ZE ‘ ~ ;:r . “.4 sham: Zia Distance ._dfiil “Quickest iii- Tim BETWEEN IKE TWO CITIES 0’ NEW YORK ANVI} HARRISBURG, V ~ A . ~'. READING, ALLENTHWN AND EAST”! ' = “(53:1xe gnnESS,Weet, leaves New York It «I n. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m., on?! Bx hour! between the two cities. ' MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, and. In rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 p. m. ' ' ' MORNING MAIL LINE, East, lesvee Rental)“: 91 8.00 n. m., arriving at New York at 5.20 p. m. ‘ AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harrie. burg at 1.16 p. m., arriving at New York sit 9.45 p. in; Connections are made It Harrisburg at 1.001). In. in: the Passenger Trnine in each direction on the Pennsyln» nil, Cumberland Valley and Northern Centre] Balm All Thins connect at Reading with Trains for Path. vine and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for flinch Chunk, lesion, 850. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between Net York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 e. In. Line from He! York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and Speed, comfort and accou modetion, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, Flu Donner... For Tickets and other informnfien apply to J. J . CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. den, BHILADEkffiIA READINGV'RAILROA‘D', IVINTEE AJRBANG EJLENT. ' ON AND AFTER. DEC. 12, 1860,. V TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 3.00 A. H.,.uld 1.15 P. m., {9: Pkggdglphin, uriv'ingthete u 1.25 1" BL, "MiG-1‘ P. M; ' 3310 mm, mun rmwnngnn ut 3.00 us. and 3.30 P. m., arriving a Humbug at 1 15.: M. m 3.15 r. m. , ‘ I'ABES ;—'l'o Philadelphia, No. 1 om, $3.25; No. I. (In ulna mm) 352.15. ‘ runs :—To Banding $1.60 and $1.39. At Beading, connect with trains for Pottavflb, Hindu vflle, Tgmugln, Catarina, kc; . ' noun mums yum READING I'o3 13mm.- rnn DAILYInt aA. m., 10.45 A. 11., 12.30 with: 73.43 I'. M. ' ~ . LEAVE; PHILADELPHIA ran READING u s A. m., 1.00 p. m., 3.30 p. m., an 5.90 P. gm. ' lM:-_—Rmding torhiladelphh, 81.75 and slssk . gm: uqmme um mom HARRISBURG con mlc'rs AT name with up min‘ for W Pitmtou'qnd Egg-anion . ‘ loz- through giants sud other information apply_ to J. .7. omm], 13‘9me- del6.dtf PHILA‘D.EL;PIHIA ,BEADINGuIgAILROAID, REDUCTION OF PASSENGER TAKES. 0 AND AFTER MONDAY, APRIL 9 1.880 ” ‘ * -‘ “Mfg?“ WE. “ ’ it): 26 0011 as_ w: 9 all! , a fin Inn «gm; goon 33 the holder Ind any 2:l2;ng 3:11- fnmily, in any Passenger train, and It any time—n 3 per cent, below the rogularjureu. » -: Pattie; having ocpasion t'o pas the Rofifroqnngflyql I,“;pega‘ar planning, will find tha nbovra mnngomont conv'enienf and economical; ‘ad Four Puaenfer mm flu: daily each way between Reading and Phi «101 th and Two ruins daily htheen Beadingrbttnvfllo .. Harrisburg. On Sundays o‘nlyonamorningtnlnbon and oiia‘ifterpoon'tniu ‘U’p, rm‘betwea’n Potflv‘llflflu’ Phil-dolphin, Ind no Passenger train on tho mm,” Yalley Brush Railroad. ‘For'the above Tickets, or any mien-mutton rel-tins thereto, apply to 8. Bradford, Elq., Treasurer Philadel phia, to the respective Ticket Agentl on the line, 'or to . G. A. NlO . LLB, Gogol-ll Bnp’t. ‘Mnrch 27, 1860.—'mar28—dtt' HATO H & G 0,. f-_ ‘ s H I P A G E rm 3 AND V ‘ _: COMMISSION MERCHANTBJ 133' _WALNU 1' STREET. PHILADELPBIb. . ‘DIALERSII: _ ~ mom, GRAIN. monncn-comom - WINES AND LVI‘QIUVOB‘S,“ 4'01“ 000 AND-010435. ino'l'fi'dflm' __»-.‘T- y- ’.z :‘N. "r _: . L., GODBQLD,+-PRAOTIOAL=TUNB , 5. Ann Bunny; QI’I-lANOS MBLODEONH. ‘0" c. , omm hiatus" m mud at WM, Kflwfllgi mggm‘ "STORE. 9,2 night’strb'et; 'Ol-";3'1311131-33 a 31mm onion mug we .boveLn-mod p‘lm’fl‘l “EFF“!!P . 5!"? ”0.13 m i- : ' ‘ ‘-‘ 5‘1“" mm. , . oaks»; .‘ . ...-e 8411;, BREEQgflflfil‘fififiiexfia-hfigfifDßE-ED . Blmjiiltfiulvfléwfl 'i' m} 5‘ =; 11.55:: ’.v' 3'2 dgpfigqum ;; , .1,- “mm-”9053.5.~1m.;¢.09m; Snrgéotnm Glll} Eli-”S Tit!) R-‘AG'EIa :fi eiv t h f n.§;°“‘"°° e“ "“J'Tfiifi M. wanna.