MISUELLANY. The correspondent of a New Orleans papcr states that among the lucky stock speculators in New York “is Hurlbut, late an editorial writer in the Daily Times. He is in with Harry Stebbins. who, they say, has put Hurlbut up i to good things; so he has made over $lO,OOO in three weeks. Hurlbut is a. curious cove.— He was born in Massachusetts and educated in South Carolina, which may account for his having been an Abolitionist in 1850. a sup porter of Fremont in 1856, a Douglas man in 1860, and now a. red-hot Secessiomst. All the bears go in for secession. Hurlbut was educa ted for the church and was ordained, but out the gospel and took up with the world, the flesh, and the devil. He is a pleasant writer, says nothing at all in very good language, has traveled a. good deal, is a bald-headed bachelor of five-and—thirty or thereabouts, a favorite in society, and if he has been lucky in W3ll street, will make the money fly up town. He left the Times, it is said, because he didn’t approve of its ‘principlcs.’ ” “ Tm: Some or A Snm'r.”—-Mrs. Jane Sparks, a widow lady living in New York, hevmg be come poesesscd of two bills on the Chemical Bank—one for $l,OOO and the other for ssoo— to put them where thieves could not break through and steal, attached them to one of her undergarments. When washing day came Mrs. Sparks changed her linen, but for got to relieve the soiled garment of the $1,500, and did not think of it again until she saw that article of wearing apparel fluttering on the clothes line in the back yard. She then has tened down and searched it, but the money was missing. Mary Moran, the servant who had done her washing, was quickly summoned, and accused of having stolen the money. Mary deified the charge, but, on being arrested, was committed for examination. PAYMENT or A HEAVY Bussun CLAIM.— During the Crimean war the Russian govern ment, through its agentsfmade acontract with Captain Perkins, of Worcester, Mass., for a supply of powder, revolvers and. breech-load ing rifles, to be smuggled into Russia by way or the German ports. concealed in cotton bales and cask: of rice. Theacheme was discovered, and peace having been declared, the Russian government broke the contract. Capt. Perkins laid his claim before the State Department,' and a diplomatic correspondence ensued, during which Attorney-Genera] Black sustained the claimant. Hi’s agent, Mr, Stewart, it is said, went to St. Petersbnrg last summer, and that with the aid of Mr. Appleton, our minister at St. Petersborg, he has obtained $385,000. . Women are sharp observers, and their criti cisms are quite happily expressed—sonictinies. A hundred years ago Garrick and Barry were competing with eaohother for the favor ofLon deli indiefices. Both performed “Romeo,” and a lady being asked her opinion of their acting. replied that “in the garden. scene Gerriek looked greatly animated, andyr‘as so spirited in his‘ ”gestures that, if she were ‘J uliet,’ she should think he was going to jimp up to her, but that Barry was so tender, limiting and persuasive that, if she were ‘Juliet,’ she should jump down to him.” . When the eminent lawyer, Mason, was en gaged in the defence of the minister Avery on a. charge of murder, he was visited by a min ister, a spiritnalist, whohad attended the trial. With'great agitation and earnestness, the visi tor said: “Mr. Mason, Hr. Mason! I have the most. important matter to communicate.— The angel Gabriel came to my bedside this morning, and told me that Brother every was innocent 1” Without lifting his eye or pen from the paper, Mason replied: "Let him be sub pwned immediately !” and continued his work. IT WILL PAY YOU; READ THIS. {IT WILL PAY you DESERVE WHAT I SAY! IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT T 0 HARRISBURG! I TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE cmmme, CLOTH, GASSIMEBES, VESTINGS AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOW ARGADE,NO. 3 JONES 13.0 w AVAILDTG MYSELF or THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER. ALL GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.—-IIAVING SECURED A Fmsr BATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM flow READY TO MAKE eLor’mNe TO ORDER m THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A. FIT OR NO SALE WIS-34m BOOTS AND SHOES JACKSON d; 00. Hm o‘pgged 3. Boot and Shoe Store at No. 90}; MAR m-gmm, corner of Fourth, where they keep eon min, 'on hand a. full and varied assortment of the BKEBTLGITY MADE SHOES thnengaged in the smm UPPER mist. HESS in this city for more than ayear, they are pre- I to ga‘k'e ALL. KINDS OF FANCY SHOES to o 1119,15"? shbrt notice; of the best materials, and wu mtedttl? give utinfacfion every '33 - igPlemmll and_examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere. finemamber the place—9ox Market street, sign 0 the ‘ [ll°l7‘63“] GOLDEN BOOT. GUN AND BLASTING POWDER JAfiEsM.‘WI{EELER, HARRISBURG, PA., AGENT FOR- ALL POWDER AND FUSE umrnrmb If I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS «I: 00-, . WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. “fit 1W “H“? ‘1‘")!!! 91; hand . For Ml 9 9% W“- 3. Paul. Eng-man two miles below town. If My” received :3 Wan-shame. V n 01? Rg’E'M 0 V A, L . - ' 31m WFLOVVERY’ MERCHANT mgr-. 03, WM“, , 'oo‘mtn‘xnr _snnnsn, mhumuflmiflomguwmm, «mu- , . TO T 0 Bugiuwfi (llama. DENTisTRy. THE UNDnnsmnnn, DOCTOR OF, DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his Profelxioml services to the citizens of Harrisburg mid vicinity. OFFICE IN'ST'A!‘ STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRAD Y HOUSE. S°P2s43wtf B. M. GILDEA, 13.1). s. DR. 0. WEIGHEL, SURGEON AND OCUL I St, RESIDENCE rump NEAR. NORTH STREET. 31! now fully prepnred to attend promptly to the an aof profession in all its branches. . A Lost! um um- snooassrm. unnwu. Ixnmnno: Justine: him In promising full and mple mtisthction to all who may favor him with a call, be the disease Chronic or any other astute. mls-dltwly W W . H' A’ Ys , ‘ Ai‘TonjEY-Am-LA'W. o FF .1 c E , WALNU. STREET, BETWEEN SECOND Jr, THIRD aps] . mnmssuna, PA. _I [dly THEO. F. SCHEFFEB, , BOOK, 041 w A 1717 JOB PRINTER, 53118 No. 18 Market Street. Harrisburg. “I M. PARKHILL, SUGGISSOR I'o X. I. In“! PLUMBER AND BRASS F’OUNDER, 108 MARKET 35L, HARRISBUBGt BRASS GASTINGS, of every description, made to order. American manufactured Lead end Iron Pipe: of all sizes Hydrate ofevery deecriytien made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths, Shower Bathe, Water clonetu, Distal-n Pumps, Leadflpflpe and Lou! work of every description done et the Ihorteltrnotiee, on the most reasonable terms. leetory and Engine ‘work’ in gainers]. All orders thank fully received and pmtnally ettended to. . > The highest price in each given for old Copper, Bren, Lead and Spelter. mle-dtf , J G. M‘OLTZ,- o ' . .INGINIEB, MACHINE]! AND. STEAM Imm, ND. 0, North Sixth it? barium Walnut and Mark“, V Hamsbnrg, Pa. W 3 03.0er delvripfionmado and repaired. Bran Cockaof-t lilpa, and I lugs assortment of Guiitfingl constantly on land“ All with dons inju- establishment will be under hi! on gpufifiongand vaunted to give ufiafufion. on . WM. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW .7 one. corner of mm! STREET Ind the SQUABI, (W'y’eth’a,) I’eeond floor front. 113' lntrmgaion We: Squm. m-lydty RELIGIOUS B 00K STORE, TRACT AND SUNDAY SCHOOL DEPOSITORY; ~4‘ E “S. GERMAN, A 2': 30m sncom) arnnni,_AfioVi GEESNUI, xnnsmma, n. Depot forties-. 10 of Stemoleopeafiteroosooploflon, lulu ma Musical Instrument-v Aldo, mbaeriptionl than for religious publications. . ~ , 77030411 FRANKLIN, HOUSE, b BALTIMORE, MD. . This ,pleunt and commodieu Hotel has been tho_ roughly re-fitted and to-fnrnished. It in lmmtly situated on North-West corner of Howard ugh-snail: streets. a. few doors wast-o! the Northern Qantral nail wny Depot. ‘Every attention 'aid to the comfort of his guests. . .G.LEIS§N]IING, Proprietor, = jun—tr ' (Into '0! Selina Grove, Pa.) Bank ‘ fipfilitatiolts. B A NK. N 01‘ I C-E.—Notlee ls hereby given, that the undersigned have formed an Asso ciation, and prepared and executed 1 Certificate, for the purpose of estnblishing‘ a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provisions of the let entitled “An act to establish a. system of Free Banking in Pennsyl vania, And to secure the public against loss item In‘eol ventlhmks," spproved the 3131: 0113’ of March A. D. 1860, said Bank to he called THE no NINGTOWN BANK; to be located in DoWningtownLtb consist‘of ‘3' Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dolled-e, in shares of Fifty Dol lars each, with the privilege of increesing _the same to any amount not exceeding in all Three Hundred. Thou: sand Dollars. . . ' Charles Downing, . David Shelmire,' John Webster, William Rogers, William Edge, 5' . K. Eah‘elinanfi Richard 1). Wells: ‘ ' Samuel Ringwalt, J . P. Baugh, Stephen Blatchford September 35 1860 _‘sepl 416 m BAN K N OTI C E.———Notlce 1s hereby given that an Association has been formed and a certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing a. Bnnkof Issue, Discount and Deposits under the p'rovi sions of the act entitled “An act to establtsh a. system of Free Banln'ng in Pennsylvania, and to secure the pill)- lic against loss from Insolvent Banks,”appruved the 3lst day of Mei-ch= 1860. The said Bank to be called “ The Bethlehem Bank,”and to be located in the borongh of Bethlehem, in the connty of Northampton, with a. Capi— tal stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privilege of increasing the said stock to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars. 8.1125461]: BA NK N 0 TI 0 E .+No£lce 1s hereby given, that an association has been formed and a certificate prepared, for the purpose of. establishing in Bank of issue, discount and deposxt, underthe provisions of the act, entitled “An Actto eatsblish a. system of free banking in Pennsylvania, nnd-toaecure the public against loss by insolvent banks,” approved the thirty-first day 9! March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the 5‘ FREE BANK,” and to be located in. the city of Philadelphia, and to consist of a. capigal stock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS, in slums of fifty dollars $39!; with the privilege of increasing the same to any amoun not exceeding in all one million of dollars. , ij-dmn EXTENSION OF BANK CHARTER Notice is hereby given that “ The Farmers’ and Mechlmics’ Bank of Baton,” a. Bank of Diecipnnt Bnd Deposite, located in the borough of Eaton, Northamp ton county, Pennaylvanilhhavinga eapitnl of Four Hun dred Thousmd Dollars, wi apply to the next Leglelatnro of Pennsylvania. for a renewal of its charter for fifteen years, from the expiration of its preaent charter, with its present capital Itock, powers and privileges, end without any alteration in or increase of the same. 1?. S. MICHLEB, President. Jim. FORMANS Cashier. jeBO-dfim BAN K NUT I C E.—Nof.lce lS hereby given that an Association has been formed and a. Gertiflcete prepared for the purpose of establishing a Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposite, under the provi sions of the not entitled “ An act to establish 3. system of free banking in Pennsylvania, and to secure the public against loss from insolvent banks,” approved the 31st day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the “ state Bank,” and to be located in the city of Philadel phia, and to consist of a Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fifty Dollars each, with the privi lege of increasing the same to myamountnot amending in all One Million of ‘Dollnrs. jam-dour)" for gal: 85 an Kent. FOR BEN T—FROM THE FIRST DAY or Ann. next—A Commodivua Two—Story DWELLING HOUSE, En Second street, below Ping)‘ with wide Hull, large Baa Building, Marble Mantels in Parlors, Gas in six rooms, all the room just pupal-ed and painted. The second story: divided into seven rooms. one of which is a Bath. This, in connection with the fact that the house llu just been placed in the most thorough repair, makes It one of the ulost desirable houses in the city. Enqulxe 0f ' E. M. POLLODK, Market Square, Harrisburg. Also, several SMALL HOUSES for rent. 118154! f FOB. RENT—From , the first of Aprll next, the STORE ROOM now occupied by Samuel‘E. Zollinger, No. 65 Market street. For term apply to. dell dlm ‘ JOHN B. THOMPSON ._ ‘ OR S ALE—A Light. Spring One- Horse WAGON. Apply at_l’a.ttarson’s Store, Broad street, ‘West Harrisburg. _ ”31.“: NOTICE TO SPEOULATORS I VALUABIIE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! A number of large size IBUILDING LOTS, adjoining the Round House and Work Shops of the Pennsylvania. Railroad Company, will be sold low and on reasonable terms. Apply to 31129416111 J OHN W . HALL. MESSBS. GHIOKERING & 00. HHE AGAIN OBTA'INED THE GOLD NI'EDAL! AT THE MECHANIGS’ FAIR, Bos'MSN, mm: m mnemnmo WEEK. 0 VER SIXTY GOMPETITORS! bzzgriz°3mxga°fiis“mHAW-“W“ 0c23-tf w. moon’s MUSIC STORE. STEWART & M’ABEE,‘ RECTIFIING DISTIL’LERS;2 WHfOIaE‘S'VALIr'DEAV-LERS I.“ ‘ BRA‘NDIES; GINS; WIRES. ‘ 'ogvgg Imam-013F313 AND ao‘vhsofi ’0 ’ W ins KY 3, NO, gp‘S'MAnKll swnn‘nr. 1,12] ggz‘nn‘lasznnfl. PA. (am; CRANBEREIEfi-m‘l very Subérior It at - [6%.] EV. “woman; £OO5. filigtellanmng. Tm: Asumms'non or Lmausess.—'lhere is .gmwing tendency in this age to appropriate the most expressive words or other languages, and NIB: 3. while tn incorporate them into om- own ; thus the word Cephalic, which is [mm the Greek, signifying “for the head,” is now behem ing popularized m cfnnection with Mr. Spaiding’s great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a mom gen. erel way, and the word Gephali: will become as commen as Electrotype and nanny others whose distinction as for. eign words has been worn away by comnqon usage until they seem “name a to the manor born.” ’ardly Realized. Hi ’ad ’n ’crrible ’eaducho this hafternoon, hand I stepped into _the hnpothecariea hand says hi to the man, I ‘Oan you hem me of an ’eadache 1'” “Does it hache ’ard, ’1 says ’a. “Hexcoedingly,” say- hi, hand upon that ’8 gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’1»): mo ’onur it cured me 89 quick that I 'ndly realized 1 ’ad ’afl an ’eadasche. fiflnimcns is _the favorite sign by [which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late 10 be reme died; and its indications should never be neglectr d. Head aches may be classified under two names, viz: Symptoma tic sod Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and Is the precursor of a great variety ot‘ diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic of disess'e'of the stomach constituting sic]; headache, of he patic disease constituting bilious headache, oi worms, constipation uni otherdieorders of the bushels, as Well as renal and uterine emotions. Diseases of the heart are very frequently attended with Hesdaches; Anaemia nudfilethoro are also sfl‘ections which frequently occasion Michelle;— Idiopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the same of swoon: headache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a State of apparently sound health and proszrsting at once the mental and physical energies, and in other instances it comes on slowly; herslded by de— pression of spirits or mrbity of temper. In most instan . see the pain is in the front or the head, over one or both eyes, “(sometimes provoking vomiting ; under this class may also he named Neuralgsa. . For the trestment of either class of Headache the Ge phsiic Pills have been found‘ a sure and ssfe remedy, relie ving the most acute pains in few minutes; and byim subtle power eredicsting the diseases of which Headache is the warring index. Barnum- —-Miuul rants you to lendher a box of Dep— ha'iio Glue, no, a. bottle of Prepatei; Bills—but. I’d: think ing thit’i not just it neither ; but per‘h'apa ye'll lie either knuwiizg whet it is. Ye see ehe’e nigh (lead and gone with the Sick Heethe, end wants some more of that name Is mama her before. , . .V W —Yoll. must moan gin-Minis Cephalic Pills. Bridget—Och ! m‘re now am! you've sad it. here’s the q‘ltirtherand giv me this Pills‘and dom: be all day about it u or . Constipation o‘r C’ostivehess. No one of the "msnv ills flesh is heir to” isso prevalent, so little understood, and so lunch neglected as Omtiveness. Often originating in carelessness or sedentary habits; it is regarded” n slight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it is the precursor and companion of many of the mostl‘stal and dengeruns dis eases, and unless esrly endleeted it will bring the snfl‘ercr to an untimely grave. Among the lighter evils ofyhieh costiveness is the usual attendant Ire Hesdsehe,,collc, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of l-ke nature. while 1 long ire": of 1': ghti‘uldiseuses such as Malignant Foyer-s, Abusses, Dysentery, Diarrhoea Dyspepeis, Apo plexy, Epilepsy Paralysis, Hysteria, hypochondrissis, Melsnch‘oly end fnssnity, first indicate, their presenee in the system by this alarming symptom. _Not unlreqnently the diseases mined originate in Constipation, but take on an independent existence unless the sense is eradicated in an early stage, Irom all these considerations it follows that the disorder shouln receive immediate attention when ever it occurs, and no person should neglect to get a box of Cephalic Pills on the first appearance of the complaint, as their timely use will expel the insidious approaches of disease and destroy this dangerous foe to‘hnmnn life. A Real Blessing. Physiaiuw—Well, Mrs. Jones. how is that headache ? Mrs Jones— Boner! Doctor. all gone! Ihe pill you Sent cured me in just twenty minutes. aml I wish yo A would send more so that I can have them handy. ‘ Physician.—You can get them at any Druggists. 09.11 for Cephalic Pills, I find they never fail, and. I rccommend them in all cases of Hemnche. > ' 'l'.n.ra'_lons shall son for a box directly, and aha tell all my sufiaring friends, for they are a. real blessing. Twas“ Muuons or DOLLARS swam—Mr. Bpalrling has sold two millions of bottles of his celebrated Prepared Glue anrl it is estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dolls." worth of broken furniture, thus making an aggre gate of manly millions of dollars reclaimed from WM 1053 by this valuable invention. Having made his Glue a household word, he now proposes to do the world still grater service by curing all the aching how?! with his Cephalic Pills. and if they are as good as his Glue, Head aches will soon vanish away like snow in July. i]? OVER EIOITEIIEN'I'. am the mental care and anxiety incident to the close attention to business or study, are among the numerous causes of Nervous Headache. The disordered state of mind and body incident to thisdit-trese ing‘cnmplaint is a fatal blow to all energy and smtntione— Suiierers by this dxsorder em always obtain speedy relief from these distressing uttaeks by using one of the Cephalic Pills wnenever the symptoms appear. It quiets the over t'ssked brain, and soothes the strained and jlrring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach which always ac companies and aggravates the disordered condition of the brain. FAG? woxta mowmo.—Spalding’s Cephalic Pills are a curtain cure for Sick Hmdmhe, Bums Headache; NGE‘VO'M Heahche, Goativeness and General Debility. Gnu D!SOOVKRY.—AInong the most important of all the great mndic-nl d-saoveriee of things) may be considered the evetam of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the Cephalic Bill for relief of Headache, end the use of Quinine for the prevention of Favors. either of which is a sure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by enf fering humanity long after their discoverer: are forgotten . film) you ever have the flick Headache! Do you remember the throbbing temples, the fevered brow, the loathing and disgust at the High! of food? How totally unfit you were for pleasure conversation or null]. One of the Cephalic Pills would hive relieved you from all tbs aufl‘ering which you than experienced For this and other purposes you should elways have a. box of them on hand to use As amnion requires. $9l 93?% C 239 cu R 3069 Ngrvousfleadache ' ' ‘CURE <, * fill-Inn as 0" flaaflagheg By the use of these mm the periodic attack: of Nor. cons or Sic]: Headache may be prevented; and if taken at the epmmeneement of an attack immediate relief fmm pin and hickneee will be obtained. They seldom fail in removing the Name and Head. ache to which femnleli fire In subject. They not gently upon the howele,— removing c 0351”. nus. | For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, um all persons of sedentary habits, they are vnlnabla u a Lax-Mine, improving the appetite, giving tom “,1 “-3", tothe digestive organs, and ushering the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The OEPBALIO PILLS are the result of long mum getion and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many yeufe, duringwhich time they have prevented and relieved a rut «agent of pain and suffering {tram Headache, whether originating in the nervous 5,35}, or from 1. defined mu of‘the stomach. They are elitir'ely vegetable in th " our co' - - ' a!” be gran u; .n times with perfect 3:10,:le fitfion’ “a hug may change of diet, and flu abacus: of an a? ma gnum- tuna and": it easy to admtm‘: y dua owdun. m ‘M'f‘ ‘b j 8 BIWARI or consuming: hn, . . ghszfino Ive v 0 llgnztntaa of Henry 0. Spulding on 53:1“;an m I.” 5""?! Mom A Box w“! 5; «guy mifl mm o. .mé‘fim . yam]! mynNTYirrvnchMs All drain-n ul‘flild 159 dam-ed ’9‘ ‘ ' 2 ; BEER? c. “SPALDmg, ~nhlm‘:';'¢:g:mm mg!!!» m 2633. Ems Glniltt. THE ONLY DISCOVERY WORTHY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOB . B. E ST 0 R. I N G THE BALD AND GRAY. Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted m”; °nl¥ to Imitate his restorative, but pro fess to have discovered something that would produce results identmal; but they have all come and gone, be ing carried away. by the wonderful results of Professor Wood’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to its resxstless sway. Read the following : Bun, Maine, April 18,1859. Pnor. 0. J- WOOD at? 00.: Gents :——'l‘he letter I wrote you in 1956 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative, and which you have published in this vicinity end else where, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts In the case. The enquiries are, first, is it a fact of my habitation and name, as stated in the com- 1 munication; second, is it true of all therein contained; : third, does my hair still continue to be in good order and I of natural color? To all I can and do answer invariably ; yes, My hau‘ is even better than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored; the same 15 true of my whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by frequent ablution of the face, when if care were . used by Wiping the face in close connection with the whiskers, the same result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New England, asking me if my hair still continues to be good ; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt, been basely imitated, and been used, not only without any good ell‘ect, but to absolute injury. I have not used any of your Restorative of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my face; and to prove this fact, I send you a lock of my hair taken elf the past week. I received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it; many were skeptical until after trial, and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will ask as a favor, that you send me a test by which I can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without authority from you. A pure article will insure success, and I believe where good effects do not a follow, the failure is causedby the impure article, which ‘ curses the inventor of the good. I deem it my duty, as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued reflect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire of me of my un shaken opinion of its valuable results. I remain, dear sirs, yours,. A. O. RAYMOND. AARDN’S Rim, Ky., Nov. 30, 1858. Poor. 0. J. Woon: Dear Sir .'.—l would certainly be doing you a. great injustice not to make known to the world, the wonderful as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from using on bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using every kind of Restoratives extent, but without success and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was finally induced to try a bottle of your Hair Restorative. New, candor andjustlce oomfiol me to announce to whoever may read this, that I n w possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the original was. I yvill therefore take occasion to recommend this'in valuable remedy to ALL who mayfeel the necessity of it. Respectful]! yours, REV .S. ALLEN BROOK. I’. s —This sstimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is unsolicited; but if you think it worthy of a place among the rest, insert if you wish; if not destroy and say nothing. Yours, Jno., Ray. 5. A. B. Do 01: 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through. out the world. . 0. J . WOOD it 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. nol'i-dachm lIANiSOME WOMEN TO THE LADIES HUNT’S “BLOOM 0F ROSES ” a. rich and delicate color for the cheeks and lips, WILL NOT WASH 08. BUB OFF, and when once applied remains durable for years, mailed free in bottles for $l.OO. HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDER,” imparts a. dazzling whiteness to the complexion, and is unlike any thing also used for this purpose, mailed free for 50 cents. HUNT’S “BRITISH BALM,” removes ten freckles, sunburn and all eruptions of the skin, mailed free for 50 cents. ' HUNT’S “IMPERIAL POMADE," for the hair, strengthens and improve- its growth, keeps it from full ing off, and warranted TO MAKE THE HAIR CURL, mailed free for $l.OO. _ . , . . ' HUNT’S “ PEARL BEAUTIFIEB, ” for the teeth and gums, cleanses and whitens the teeth hardens the gums, purifies the breath effectually, 1’ his 8E RV EB, THE :‘El’lflgo AN D PREVENTS TOOTH-KORE, mailed free or . . - HUNT’S “ BRIDAL WEEATH PERFUME,” a double fitggat of orange blossoms and colegne, mailed free for This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRIIgGESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND on her marriage. ME _SRS. HUNT & 00. presented the rnmcess with an elegant case of Perfumery, (in which all of the above articles were included) in handsome cut glass with gold stoppers, valued at $l6OO, particulars of which appeared in the public prints. All the above articles sent FREE by 9:— press for $5.00. Gash c‘An either accompany the order or be paid to the express agent on delivery of goods. _ HUNT & 00., Perfume” tuthe Queen, Baum” STREET, Loxnox, AND 707 SANsou Smear, The Trade supplied. PHILADELPHIA. sep4—dly @u fljmwzkecpcw. / 1' ‘ ' /"‘ 332.38%. - -/ ¢%//rs_lrne a??? N igsconomvs C 23» Q 63% ‘Dfipwwfln? 76% ~ 3‘l Save the Pieces! 9». AI aoat'dmk will happen even {it well-refimdfamci Has, it is yerydesirable to inure some cheap Ind con-re. nient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, crockery, Jae. ' SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can Iflord to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stick lng point. There is no longer 5‘ necessity for limping chairs, splintered [sneer-s, headless dolls, and broken cradles. It is just the article for cone, shell, and other ornlmentll work, so popular with ladies of refinement end taste. V. This admirable prepmtioh is used coldf being chem: “1.111 held in solution, and possessing 3.1 the vslunhle qu files or the beat cabinewgazeys’ 61:19, It may be used in the place or ordinary musings, being vastly more tdhesive. “USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE ” N. 13.—A Brush'ncco‘mpshhs each bootle. Price,” cents. onnsum niror, No. 48 Gun 513 nm, an You HENRY 0. SPALDING a: 00., Box No. 3,600. New York Address , Put up for Dealers in Oasés containing Four, Eight find Tielve Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic Show-Cari ummpnnying each footage. , iffA single ho tle of SPALDING’B PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually to every household _P} Sold by n 1 prominent Stationers, Dmgglsts, Hardware‘ Ind Furniturq Dealers, Grocers, Ind Honey stores. , v Country merchants should make I. note of SPAM)— ING’B PREPARED GLUE, when making up their list. It will shod my cums“ . {ohm-dimly ‘ N 0 T I G E .—The undermgned havmg L opened an Englilh and Classical School for Boys in the Lecture Room of wlmt was formerly called. the " United Brethren Ohnmh,” on Front, between Walnut and Loon-t streets, {I prepared to receive pupil: nnd {unmet them in the branches nanny taught in schools of that character. The number of pupils in limited to twenty-five. ,_ ror information with regard fo toms, am. apply to Rev. Mr. 3031x301: and Rev; Mr. (hung. at personally to [om-rut] . 1.41 mi 3. Imm- 00.0 PE, R’s GELATINEE—Ihe yes; 18:52:]; _ln tho whet? jut nyfigdn7§ggxkufim KELLEWS DRUG STORE is the‘ plain ‘ ‘0 ‘ll, m 0 Idldltl: - ' MtZtiral. As aperient and Stomachle Pmpafltitm 0? IRON Puri fied of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorftles,lbolh in Europe and the United States, and prescribed In their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves thnt no, Dm psration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities.“ the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and other-Wise sickly complexions, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. _ Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, It has proved absolutely curative in each of the foilowmg complaints, viz : Is Dsnrnrrr. Nsnvous Arreorxoss, Imam-nos, Dvs rsrsufionsrlrmos, Dunnnm,,lirsnnmr, Isoxrmsr Consmrlos, Sonorunous TUBERCULOSIS, arm Rustin, Mlsnnssrs usrxon,Wnrrss, anaosis, LIVER Cour Lsm'rs, Genome Hssmcnss, Rnsmrisu, Israkulrrssrl'avns, PIIIPLES on rm: Face, no. In cases of Guarani. DBIILI'I'Y, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no descripi ion or written attestation would render credible . Invalids so long bed-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, have suddenly re-appeared inn-re busy world as if just returned from protracted travel 1n a distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attested of female Sufi‘erers, emaciated victims of apparent numerous sunguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nervous Arrsorioss or all kinds and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike _the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic", without being-exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly sperieut, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness, without ever being I. gastric Eur-gative, or inflicting s disagreeable sensation. _ It is his litter property among others, which makes it so remarkably efl‘cctual and permanent a remedyfor Piles, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct and specific action. by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Drsrsrsu, innumerable as are itscauses, n single box of these Ohslybeste Pills has often sufllced for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Costimnsss. In unchecked Brannon, even when advanced to Drain! rear, confirmed, emaeinting, and apparently malignant theeil'ects have been equally decisive and astonishing. ,In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating cough, and remittent hectic, which generally indicate Ili olrisn'r Consumes-lon, this remedy has alloyed the alarm or friends and physicians, in sever-. 1 very gratifying sud interesting‘instances. , In Sonornnoos Tusnsounosrs, this medicated iron has had far more than the good efi'ect of the most cautiously balanced preparation of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities . The attention of females cannot be too conddentlyinvited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases peculiarly af fee‘Hn them. In EBIWA'HSI, both chronic and inflammatory—in the latter, however, more decidedly—ithas been invariably well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swel— lsngs and stifi'ness of the joints and muscles. In Isrsnxurssr Fsvsss it nznst necessarily he is great remedy and energetic restorative, and its progress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of high renown and usefulness. No remedyhss ever been discovered in the whole history of medicine,which exerts such prompt, happy, and fully restorative streets. Good appetite, comp eta digestion, 1 rapid acquisition of strength, with an unusual disposition for active and cheerful exercise, immediately follow its use. Put up in nest flat metal boxes containing 50 pills, price 60 cents per box; for sale by druggists and dealers. Will be sent free to any address on receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should he addressed to ' , B. B. LOGKE do 00., General Agents. my23—ddcwly 20 Cedar Street, New York. If 01w 3- Wflomggkfi- Cs33fis® J A SUPERLATIVE gammoluanlg, A! T‘ CE DYSPQE AND INVEWRATINE EHHDIAI. TO THE CITIZENS OF NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYL VANIA. APOTHEGARIES, DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND PRIVATE FA MILIES. WOLFE’S PURE COGNAC BRANDY. wwfill‘ll’s PURE MADEIRA, SHERRY AND PORT WOLFE’S PURE JAMAICA AND ST. CROIX RUM. WOLFE’S PURE SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKY. ALL IN BOTTLES; I beg leave to call the attention of the citizens of the Umted States to the above WINES and nations, im ported by UDOLPEO WOLFE, of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this country for the purity of his celebrated Scmmmx Scnerps. Mr. Women, in his letter to me, speaking of the purity at his Wu!“ and Lmuons, says: “I will stake my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty yeara’ resi dence in the City of New York, that all the BRANDY and WINES which I bottle are pure asimported, and of the ‘best quality, and can be relied upon by every gill-chaser." Every bottle has the proprietor’a name on t e wax, and a. fee aimile of his signature on the certificate. The public are magectfully invited to call and examine for themselves. or sale at RETAIL by all Apothecaries and Grocers in Philadelphia ' GEORGE E. ASHTON, No. 832 Market street, Philadelphia, Sale Agent for Philadelphia. Read the fpllowing from the New York Courier .- Exmmous Bummss ron ogqfinw 19m: Mgnqgfiuu We are happy to inform our fellow-eitizeus that there is one place in our city where the physician, spotheosry, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, as pure as imported, and of the best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant’s extensive business, although it will well re pay any stranger or citizen to visit Unonrno Wonnn’s extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and 22, Beaver street m 1 Nos. 17, 19 and 21, Marketfield street. His stock of. Fchnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Vintages of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, v Sherry and Port Wines, Scotch and Irish Whisky; Jamaica and st. Groix Rum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, m., in ossks, under Custom-House key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wous’s sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less’ than two years he may be equally successf with his Brundies and Wines. His business merits flue yahowuge of every lover of his species. Private families who wish pure Wines and Liquors for medical use should send their orders direct to Mr. WOLFE, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard thvoisonous stufl from their shelves, and replace it with OLFE’B pure WINES and motions. We “Meg-stand Mr: Wot", for the accommodation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases of Wines and Liquors. Such a man, and such a. merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United states, who sell nothing but imi tations, ruinous alike to human health and happiness. For sale by 0. K. KELLER, Dmggist, sole agent for Harrisburg. sepfi—danwflm M 00 OD: HOW LOST, HOWv-BEBTORE D. Just Published in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTURE 0N THfi NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF 'BPEBMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Weahless, Sexual nobility, Nervousneas and Involuntary Emissions, producing Impotency, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. B_Y ROB. J. OULVEBWELL, M. D . The important fact that the awful consequences of self abuse may be efi'ectually removed without internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustics, instruments, medicated bougies, and other empirical devices, is hex-e clearly demonstrated, and the entirely new and highly auceessml treatment, as adopted by the celebrated ant or, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least posaiole cost, there by (avoiding all the advertised nostrums or the day llhe Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps, by addressing Dr. CHAS. J. 0. KDINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Post Box was. apm-aamly HUMPHR E Y ’ S , , SPECIFIC HOME OPA TIU 0’ REMEDIES, for Mk fl KELLEB’B Ding Store, 11021 91 Mnrket Street HAVANA ORANGES ! I ! A prime lot just received by MW. 7 "WM. DOCK, In”, do Go DRIED PARED PEACHES, Dried . UNPARED PEACHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACKBERRIES, just received by . ; ‘octafi. ‘ WM. DOCK, 13.,0, TOY-13KB bf an, ,_ endless variety, for e the amusement Ind instruction of our little ono'l, I BOHEH'EB’B Boom". : . - SMOKE! smom H SMOKE! ! z.— ' nqt objgctiontblé when from I OIGAB puréhi'ud at lELLER’S DBJIG 512033. 91 Make: “reef. “pm LAYER Basmsmnm, Hum-and ‘ Qfia‘nfll maxim mind by: -- .1 ‘ ’_" ‘ ‘ no“ " w. DOOR, 13., as 00. „Mental. The attention of Invalid}, Physicinnp, C‘érgymeg, scientific men, and the public genei’ally, )5 respectfully solicited to the merits of fins chemical preparatimg con taining IRON, SULPHUR, ANI) 'I’HOQSPHOROU , and which is identical in its compqaltxon With the Hematir, Glabule, or red blood. In 3.11 disgaga accompanied with D E B I L I ’l‘ Y , a pale countenance and nervous derangement. analyses of the blood show a. deficiency of the red globules. Runny complexion and a. rosy tint of the 315 m, 15 _elwsys indies. five of health; while a. pale, wax-like slim and counte. nence,—which evinces a. deficiency of the red globules,\ accompanies ndisessed organism. Preparations of IRON have been given for the purl“)Be 0f supplying the red glo bules, but we contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR none, or. PHOSPHOBOUS alone, wilt not meet the deficiency in every case, but that a judlclous combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard , This point, never before attained, has been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the ‘ age. .Its efl‘ects in CONSUMPTION are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by restoring the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton fr_sme_wlth flesh. The BLOOD FOOD will be found a. 81190150 m 8.11 CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LJJNGS, such as Asthma, Bronchitis, Coughs, ace. _Pubhc speakers and singers will find it of great utihty m cleagmg end strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, szr Complaints, Drapsy, Epilepsy, Paralyszs, Sofgulu, firm-e], St, Vi tus’ Dance, Fever and Ague 6cm, 1 _eflicxency 1s marked and instantaneous. In no ciass of diseases, however, are the beneficial clients of this remedy so conspicuous as in those harrsssing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to. wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difllcult Men struation, Green Sickness, Whites, Jno., especially when. hese complaints are accompanied with paleness, a dingy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spirits, debility, palpitation want of appetite, and nervous prostration. We have the utmost confidence in recommending the BLOOD FOOD to all who may be conscious of a los'so! vitality or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated through over-use, either of the mind or body and we deem it our duty to say that in all cases of Weakness and Emaciatwn, and in all diseases of the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has I. claim upon the attention of sufi'erers which cannot be over estimated. A faithful trial will be found the most com vincing proof in regard to its eflicacy that could be asked for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have in its. favor, we bile! the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the afflicted, kunvrin‘ that it will be acknowledged as pre-emin eut over all other preparations, patent or oflicinal, in flint of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon it 'ch this remedy ll founded, also certificates of remarkable cures, will be sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD £001) to any part of the United States or Omadas upon receipt of price—sl per bottle $5 for six bottles. Be careful in all cases .to take none but that having our fac—simile sig nature upon the wrapper. None other is genume. Prepared only by CHURCH dc’DUPUN'r, ‘ No. 400 Broadway New York, And sold by them, and by all gougecyable brugiisu. For sale by G. A. BANNYABT, 0. K. KELLE end I). W. GROSS dc 00., Harrisburg. febfi-eowddcwly PURIFY THE BLOOD! MOE-Ara VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS AN D V PHOENIX- BITTERS. The high and envied celebrity which these pro-uni nent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable elli cecy in all the Diseases which they profess to cure, has rendered the usual practice of'pnfling not only unneces sary, but unworthy of them. ‘ IN ALL CASES . 01‘ Asthme, Acute and Chronic nhemnatism, All'eetions of the Bladder and Kidneys. BILIOUS REVERE AND LIVER. COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where thesedisesses prevail, they will be found invaluable, Planters, farmers and others who once use these Medicines, will never ulter werds he without them. BILIOUB CHOLIO BEROUB LOOSENESSJILES, 005 TIVENESS, COLDS AND GOUGHSé OHOLIO, CORRUPT RUMORS, DROP lES. . Drsrnrsu.—No person with this distressing disease, should delay using these Medicines immediately. Eruptions of the Skin, Erysipelss,‘ Fletuleney. FEVER AND Acne—For this scourge of the Western country these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system enh ject to a return of the disease; a. cure by these medi cines is permanent. ' Try them. Be satisfied. and be cured. FonLsts or Connexion— GENERAL DEBILITY GOUT, GIDDINEBS, , Gnn‘en, Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Infllmmatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Mancunun Diseases—him!” fails to eradicate en tirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of 2 Sarsepnrilla. NIGHT SWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, NERVOUS - COMPLAINTS OF ALL KINDS. ORGANIC AFFEGTIONS. Prue—The original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Pilesz of thirty-five years’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alone. PAINS in the Head, Bide, Beck, Limbs, Joints and Organs. . RHEUMATISM.—Those affected with this terrible dis ease, will he sure of relief by the Lite Medicines. Rush of Blood to the Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. Sonoruu, or Kme’s Evu. ,in its worst forms. Ulcer of every description. Worms of all kinds are efl'ectually ex elled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to anfinister them whmever their existence is suspected. 3636 f will 1” car a. . THE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIX BITTERS PURIFY THE BLOOD, And thus remove all dive from the system. rnsrsnnn A sonn )3? DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT. 385 Broadway coma! of Anthony street, New York" {Flor sale ’by all Druggists. jle-ddiwly %Dyeing. ALL WORK PROMISED IN ONE WEEK! DQMELMJSr 1 O 4: . ' PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYEING E STABLISHMENT, 104 MARKET STREET, p BETWEEN F 0 URTH AND FIFTH; HARRISBURG, PA., Where ovary description of Ladies? and Ganflemen’l Garments, Piece Goods, 65m, are Dyed, Oleanfied, and finished in the beat manner and at the shortest notice. noE-dkwly DODGE k 00.. Proprietors. I ma" ‘ ' 2w ‘ é“ FOUNDED 1852 L 0 0 A TE D OBNEB. 01' BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS: ‘ BALTIMORE,MD. The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, Ind Popnllr lommerclal College in the United States. Designed npressly for Young Men desiring to obtain n 1311030110! Pneonon Busmnss Enuouxou in the shortest poulbl. time and at the least expense. A.Large and Beautifully Omnmented Circular, con mmng upwards of SIX SQUARE FEET , with Brian!“ on anuxsuui, and a. Large Engraving gthe finest of the kind ever made in this country) repreaen ingthe Interior View of the College, with Catalogue stating turnpike-a will be sent to Every Young Man on application, 111 at Cannes. Write mmediately and you will receive the packfifl by return mail. Address, jam-41y] E. K. LOSIEB, BAL'I‘IIIOII, Mn. JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A vetty inggnionq attachment to any metalliofpfll. 5! which one (up or Ink is sufilclent to write 5 00,15“! page. For sale 3: SOHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE) 5W No. 18 Mum It BITUMINOUS BROADTOP COAL for Black'smitha’ use. A superior article for nl. “:1? gaff; 21:" 9' 12% cents per basilica. to o-‘ u . m" BWM by Pate-33mg} M. WHEELER. 1W 8 AND DRIED PEACHES for sale by - ,octl9 WM. DOCK, 33-, k 00. ELLEB’S DRUG STORE is the place ‘9 Dav Film of Thanund Flowetl- , ~ 7 , FINE COND‘IMENTS 1 I—E X 'l' B. A FRENCH MUST ' D., 3 choice uricty q! SALAD 0113818117038 And groans 0! "611 duodpfion. .__.wu.noox.J-..a00. KELIEES mule STORE is the plum ' ”Maythinxhfi. ”'o' ram; . EHAMEEED 18454