MI Tm: PARIS Ponce—The street police of Paris furnishes a model worthy of imitation. The Parisian policeman’s dress is peculiarly attractive. It consists of a. cooked hat with out feathers, but tastefully ornamented; a. dark blue cloth dress coat, with the prettiest cut swallow-tail imaginable; blue pants and a small sword. This ofiice is entirely filled by deserving soldiers, as a. reward of merit. Ihe Parisian policeman is a gentleman, he is never ofiicious, always pleased when he can be use ful in directing the inquirer or relieving the frequently entangled mass of carriages at the crossings of the vast thoroughxares; One To marks how few policeman there are, 'and yet how surely, when anything occurs there al ways seems to happen that one is just ’at‘éthe spot on the mansion; Our American cities might profit by sending committees to'zget-lthe hang of this variation from our characteris tics. .. ' Wherever there is to be agathering of the people, a competent posse of police is provided by government. The race course, the theatre, the public dancing saloons, the concert; find ,thvays, inside and outside, official vigilance, which never fails to preserve peace and deco rum. .. _ . . , Troopers arc-seen, also, at the outgoing from the operas, keeping order among theoarriags's. Infrery direction one sees the good efi'ects of this ugilnnoeu * Order reigns ; no rude or bois terous altereetions'are heard, but a quiet. good humor and universal politeness win your no ticeand,‘your cordial admiration. A driver of a cabriolet, 'ou‘ the Boulevards, was .apynrently so much elevated by wine as to make him an unsafe guide among the closely crowded carriages 'on those finest thorough- . fares of the world, though he was not what we should call intoxicated. The vigilantpolioe man quietly took the horses by the head,. and beckoned the coachmeu to descent-which he did without a word. He was placed in custody of another oflicer, whilethe first one, mgr; in quiry of the oompany‘ineide; mountedlthe‘box and drove them. to their destination.’ There i swos'n'o noise and no addib‘le‘ 'word‘sl'ioken :"no ‘ W 0 Persolitfemwedtogether.aai afiectat'ors ‘ ‘ A cabman, ‘ni making a'fil‘rn' into th'e'Bo'ule vardsstthe some time, had the misfortune 'to here‘liis horse hurt by slipping on the smooth not stone‘swhich formed the crossing. A po licemen, as usual, was on the spot in an; instant. He interrogated several bystanders, who certi fied-that the thing was: casualty not charge nhle‘to the driver, but" in a great measure to weak knees and over-worn horse shoes. After moving sided to get matters right, he handed the ooaohmnn his oard and a reference for'his eniploxer; ' Thissares him _from discharge, 'i' 'BO when a ’bus'is, harmony obstructions or eieussble cause of any kind, the policemsn’s cord is always given, and this settles themat ter with-Ihe owners. ‘ 'i’ " ' TH: Wucn 0F -GIN. Wuhmorom—We were shown y'éete'rdéy, "nys' the Louisville Jaunted, a-gold weigh of the. '9ldenttimg yhich is of great value a‘sanio'mefito of an‘imlSo'x-tant eventin American history. :The watch pril a prepent from Gen. ,Wgshin‘gton 'to ‘.Gen,‘ 'Lafaye étté, ind Abear's' thefqllov'vingjhscriptiou on' the back of the inner mam—‘- G. -Washin‘gto‘n to Gilbert Mattiersde Lafayette; ‘ Lord Cornwal— lis’a oapitulation, Yprkldv'm,’ Decem'bey' 17, 1781.” The watch is of London manufacture, and warmada' in 1769. It’ is' said that the watch was taken to -San' Francisco from‘Pm-is by a. Frenchman, who became embarragsed there, and sold it to the presefx‘at owfier' for the sum of. fifty dollars. ‘ a ' ‘ Garibaldi’s income, as a. farmer, is abou $3OO a year—not enough to find manypl} Amer ican .rum angsjtpbnuco.:fl 2“ ' 1r“ _, '-: IT‘WILEL 7 REA-D THIS . 511' WILL'PAY.YOU BBSERVE, WHAT I. SAY ! l IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT I'o HARRISBURG! ! ! '.IEO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK 0F VREADIMADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, ussmmms, magmas! AND GENTS’ FUENISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL ~KNOWN ARCADE, NO. 3 JONES ROW AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL qoons AT 10mm GENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAU‘M; P. S.—HAVING SECURED 41mg! gin]: CUTTER AND TAILOR, J‘IAHNDWBEADY TO MAKE ' ' CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE Mos-r FASHIONABEE STYLE. #2l WARRANT Jim on NO SALE oetls-4.4m BO 033 s ,JAfiKSON & 0.0. 9,in opened a. Boat and mm Store at Nor”); MAB 'nts'mgnn'r; (mg-net of Fourth, where they _hcep con .3ka ggqu‘a run and mm assortment of the 5.0335353! CI TY -M AD E 'S HO E S-. _Mbeen engaged in the 51103 UPPER BUSI -’r:\l¢‘f§s-‘m this’ city for more than gym, they are pre fifwh manu- KINDS 01‘- FANCY 5303 s to 'n’Qflé'lflfi‘ M'Epfieeféf thefieat materials, and wu ‘muacoszve-lafimti9n ever: wr- ' »-‘ :‘firléfia bill and examine my tssortmont before '..-m ,1: .-_ eluilrero’.‘ " QE-Regmnbu the place—9o}; Market street, sign 0 the [non-dam] GOLDEN BOOT. GUN AND BLASTING POWDER. ' QJAMES M. WHEELER, HARRISBURG,;PA;, ' " ‘A‘GENTIQR ALL P 0 W.D E""R“ In D FU s E ‘ Imam“) B! mwwgragmgagfi: » {D’thge‘snpplyulwafiofidnm Fbrgéléltmmuz Mummy-Im. Magmnoummnel baloirtm-. 1 . ‘ “War: received 1.1: ng'ofimig'ej "f”‘f 91917 , EaMOVAL sj aornnwoLovnn ..MERCHAJNT:IA'I;IIOB, "teammate 7* wkfinfim'fi-gxifi- , : . _mmggmyfiM%mmmmm; mm: NY TO TO 1 ) Busimsfi alums. DENTIS T R Y. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR OF DENTAL'SJJRGERY. Respecfisfully tenders his pmfegsioml services to the citizens of mutiny“; and vicinity. 01‘3“”;le STA'L'E STREET, OPPOSITE 2:15”; B n A p r HO USE. sepmkwfl B. H. 91mm; 1). n. s. k DR. 0. ~WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCUL Isr, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. H}! mm»! fully prepared to attend promptly to the dune. ofrprofesu'on in all its branches. - ». Alena!) um snaonssruz. xsnzou. “ruffle: Jufiflea him in promising full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with a. call, be the disease chronic or any other nature. 4 mlB-d&.wly W-W.HAYSI,_' A 1’" T 013;“: 1r -. Al’l‘h L A-_W. : o FFI GE, ~ , WALNU' STREET‘BETWEEN SECOND-J; THIRD, aps] . 34331531135, PA. , [dly THEO- F. SGHEEFEB, , BOOK, (MED A 1773 JOB PRINTER, janß _ No. 15 Market Street. Harrisburg. PARKHILL, _ , 800012303. 19 n. 3. Lara, ' PLUMBER _ 93.7.1.) _§&A§S__E9!JNDER, 108 MARKET 812, HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, ofevery (leacription, madeto order. American manufactured Load and Iron Pipe: of all sizes. Hydrant: ofevery descripfionmade and repaired. not and Cold Water Baths Showervßaths, Water Closets, Cistern Pumps, Lead Coflins>anfl Lead work of every description done at the shot-last nqtiee, on the moat ”mums terms. ngtoryu'zd‘ingine war): ii; gala-9.1.. All orders 111qu my méeived and puemapy attended to. ' The highest prioe'in cash gi'ven for old Copper. 33m: [and and. Spelt“. ' myIS-dtf , J G.‘_M.OLTZ,' 'o ' ‘ ENGINEER, MAORINIBT AND STEAM 1111:“, Mo. 6, North. Sixth st“. batman Walnut and Maria, - Harrisburg, ’Pa. ' limhinary of'-every deactiytion made and {split-9d. Bun floataof 111-inn, and . largo Imminent ofeulittings oomtnnfly on hurl. = V : All Iqu done: in this "tubliuhinelgt {rill be, Imde'r hi: on “perm “ ‘ "; hillv'iartantod'to' give in' flow , W _ A -‘ _ . :"rr » WM. 511. ."M I 'l‘. PER; 7." .ATEDQBNEY ATLAW. . Ofloe’nornar. otmnxm'ammmr and the scum, ‘ :(Wyathhd ”Goad floor'front. - ~ FMWWW “' 1 1121-1!!!" REL LG 10 US BEO OK .8 1:03.13, 1'34” IND SUNDAYfSUHOOL DEPOSITOR Y, _ _E. S. GTERMAN', ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ 27 SOUTH .flEOONDBIBEII‘, ABOVE .OHEBNUT, HABBIBBM, n. , Depot fox-the aloof-Stereos” eifitgnopggniqflwn, fluio and Munich! Instrumeng. 4116, subset! tiqnl Man for religious publications. _,7 ' 11538-4! FRANKLIN" HOU SE ,A.._ ' ’ nunnnpnn, up. =‘ This pleasant and commodiou Hotel has been the roughly ro-fitted mire-furnished. It» is: 1053311th situated on North-Welt-comer of Howard "1:13-3:1an streets, a few doorman ot_ the Nottflpm'ddnhnl Rail way Depot. Every stuntipn psidtovthenpmfdrt of his guests. w G. LEISENBING, Proprietor, V jflnfitfi «‘i " , (li-Eta of Selina Grove, Pa.) Mkflfijilimfiong. B A NLK N (WEI G Ei—Notme ls hereby glven,‘that‘the undersigned hsvfe‘ formed an'Al‘so ciation, anipmpared tint exe'cutéd a. Certificate, for the Impose of- establishing-3 I)an “21351119,1 Discounttmd fiepoafiwnnder th'e provisions of the act enfitled “An act to establishinfiyqtep 91f 111-ea Banking in Pennsyl yania, limit; seem-9 the p_l_:‘blic against loss from Insol vent Bulk? hpproved the _31517 d 3 of Much; :ng6o, said Bank bagualled TEE D 0 NINGIOWK'BA K, :to: be !ocated iuznpwningtown, to"goasiat o'f‘n‘ Capital smckjof Fifty Thousandpoum, in mm; of figural his backfwith' tfie ‘ privilege‘ of ‘inc‘tea'xflhg ithb'saméflto any. amputnot 9:66.69“: in Pullsreelinndresl Than sandDOllfl'fl. 5' " ““ ”‘ " "“J- ‘V ' charles‘fiDowning, . ’, :Jofili Webgtqtf; ' , :. WiiliumEdgtas." Bichud Dfngls‘ ' J.,P."Ba'.ugh, 9"“ ' Sppte'rdbér 3, 1850.?s'ep‘1' BA NK NOT-liflsfi-r—Nomce. 1% '.hereby _ giveli that aznAséogiafion has heén formednnd a .certiflqate prephged ‘fgrlthe purpose of estabfishing a Bank of Issue,vms'count and Depo'eiteqndmg theymvi eions of the get ehtitletl ‘fln hot to eetetgltah a: system of Fr_‘ee Banking in Pennsylyonig, and to‘ secure the pub lic agfiinét‘ loss from; Insolvent Banks, {’q. proved thealst day'of Maréh, 1860. The said Bank to fie called “ T-he _Bathlehem Bank,” end to be heated in the borough of Bethlehem 1n the county of Northampton, with a Gapi tal Smoke} Fifty Thousand Dollars, in‘eheras of Fifty Dollar's each, with the privilege of increasing .the sold Stock to Two Hundred.![‘ho_z_lmd Donn-s. -au2s-d6m BA NK N 0 TI 0 E ~—Notxce ls hereby given, that“: association has been formed and a certificate prepared, for the purpose; of establishing L Bank of issue, discount and depositynnder the pr‘o‘fihion‘s of the act,,entitled “An latte establish a system?“ free bankinginßannsylvnnigandtb secure the public against loss by insolvent banks," approval the thinty‘fifst' day of March, 1860. The said Bank to be called the “FREE BANK,” and :to-be‘ located in-the city ofiPhilndelphid, and. to consist' of” a capital stock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND :DOLLABS, in shares of fifty (lanai-s Easel); .with the pfivilege of increasing the mile to any men not exceeding in all one million of flout-rs; ' 'Jfl‘fifim EXTENSION ,OF BANKEGHARTER . Hot-ice “hereby given that.“ 'l‘lie'rimsrs’ And Moehanics’ Bunk of Benton,” g Bank bffiflcbunt and Deposits, located in the borough of Bantam’qu-thamp ton county, rennsylvaniahhglvifig a'ei'pital of-l'onzHun and Thqummdnona'rs, wi a'gfly to the nextL‘egislature of Pal‘ms‘ylva‘niw for a. ram»? of‘its chartsr' for fifteen years, from the expiration of its press'ht chaiter,‘ ‘wlth its present- capital stock, [mum'md gurlvlleges,‘ md without any almrstion in or increase of he gains. ' ‘ P. B. MIGHLEB, President. 391:. FORMAN, Cashier. jeao-dmn B ANK ‘ N OTI C E.—Notlce'ls hereby given that an Association has been formed Ind s Certificate prepareddo; thel pug-pose of estidjlishing a Bank of Issue; Discount and Deposite,'under the provi sions of the not entitled “An act to establish a. system of free bankingin Pennsylvania, and to'scenre the public against loss from insolvent banks,” approved the 31st day of March, 1860. The said' Bank to be called the “ state Bank," and to be located in the city of Philadel phia, and to consist of a Capital Stock o_f_liifty Thousand Dollar:z in shares of Fifty Dollars each,‘ with the privi lege of increasing the same to any amount not exceeding in all One Million of Dollars. , : -je29—d(im* 3 for 5:112 85 an 13ml. FOR RENT—FROM THE FIRST DAY 01" Ann. MIT—A Commodious Two-Story DWELLING HOUSE, gnfiecond street, below Pine,) with wide Hall, large Bu: Building, Marble Mantels in Parlors, Gas in six rooms, 311 the rooms just pupal-ad and painted. The second story divided 'into seven rooms. one of which is a. Bath. This, in connection with the fact that the house has just been placed in the most thorough repair, makes it one of the most desirable house: in the city. Enquire of E. M. POLLOOK, ‘ ' ‘ Market Square, Harrisburg. Also, several SMALL HOUSES for rent. delfi-dtf FOB. RENT—From the first of April . v noxt, the STORE ROOM now occupied banmuel E. ..Zollinger, No. 65_Mu.rket attest. 'Fol‘ terms apply to 31911411111 _ JOE-NB. THOMPSON. OILS A L-E‘a-A _JL’ight S‘p‘fihg‘ One . Horse-WAGON. ' Apply at_Patteraon’s Star -Broa.d attest, Wa Harrisburg. 0:514“ ' NOTICE TO SPECULATGBS-l = . ' YAiUABLE Bummuejors 303' SALE! A numbensot‘hmo iiu BUIDDING'LOIS, adjoining the Boimd-Hou'le and Work. Shops of the‘ Pennsylvania. Remand Go‘nip'ahyi-will be sold low and on renonable terms. Apply to gum-(mm ‘ JOHN w. HALL. MESSRS. c HIOKERING gun: AGAIN-DETAINED THE I G2O ,1: ID- MEJ) A 'L! ' u rm:- ‘ ‘ , ‘ MECHANICS‘ FAIR, BOSTON, V ' _n'lgnim gmficzpma “It; 0 KER SIX 2’ F 00 MBE'TIJTO‘E 48:! Wmmm for the cmoxnme Hubs; it Efi-rfu burg, at 92 Market attee 5' V 3 omtf w. hoonn’almfim STQBE- ' ST. ELW A 311! & ' .va AB E E_, - : REGflHING ..,stmmLEßs, 313739.333”! ipl’liblfls‘sf'lfi""’l a ;'S,,’.;B§RAN:D;IE‘S, .:GI:NS,‘:,W INESi ' Managua?!“ OLDQT‘BYE. AND pnimspw ~ Wll :1 3111152,. '.'. f {la-.393”, "I‘o3 ’l’: A n x l 1' 3:1, 15:1; 1., a‘oim '. ; ”fit, If B 1! 6‘- P.A.-. ._ “Luau F I r. ‘ rifl— S—Awe “Sn. might- Wflinwngu 'l' ..;}l‘m ."1 fsbnviißthg'l-E,‘ V “William: Bogus, v “J. E‘y’Eshell'mfiufi : Samuglfinwgwalt, St'sthfiAß Pickford ._.dfim .‘ .. filimllamouz. Tm: Ammonium ér Linamais.—There in 3 growing tondenoxin this age to Appmnriate the moat “mania words or other languages, and after I while to incorporata them inta our own,- thus the word Cephalic, firhlbh in from the Greek, signifymg “for the hold," is"now bboon‘i ing p'opuhrizedrin a .‘nnectiOn _ yith Mr. Spauing'g' great Headache remedy, by: it will soon he again a mag-i; g'eh oral my, and the word cephalis will béeqdaggsé' Enigma“ as Electrotype and many- bthera whim diatiixgéipfi 3', for eign words has been worn away by cbmon‘uuge until they mm “native a. to the manor born.” - ’ardly Realized. Hi ha ’ll whims ’eaduche this hafternoon, hand latepped into the hapothedhrféa hufid hays hi to’tpe min, no," you house no of an ’eadacfle 1*”. “Does it hache ’ird, 2: says ’6. “Hexeeedingly,” lays hi, hand upbflthat ’9 gave me a Oaphnlie Pill, hand ’pon me ’onor it'cugedhg’ae qty-ck that I 7911 in realized 1 ’ad ’ad an ’eadache. FHMDAOEH is the favbrite' Sign by which untrue makes known any deviation whatuver fromtlio natural state of the bruin, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as u safeguard intended to give notice or tissue which might otherwise encape attention, till 900 lath to be reme died; and its indications should ueyer be neglectcd. Hend acheu may be classified under‘two names, viz: Symptgma tic and Idibpnthic. .Symptouiafi'c fleadaelie in exzéodingly cummén and ll the precursor of a. great variety of diseiaes, aiming wliich m Apoplexy, Gout,‘ Rhézuuutisln dud ul_l fem-11¢ diseases. In its #l9?an “I'll! it" i! hymfiathetic of disease of the atbmacli constituting sick héadacha, of he patio queue constituting biting: hedda 115,1” worms, 'bq'nstipwonaniVulnerdinoifllei‘a of th'elbu 91:4; alien as rénal and uterine afl'ectioni. ' Dibéaéei bit}: bean: urn yer] millage]; attended yank-duck“; Amiga nun plethora hie 'al'éo' angina which" fréqubfiql'y ‘qccu‘sici‘u mama.— Idiép'athiu 'Héafluclie isulsgye-l'y commun'rfbeing usually disilnguiuhed by the nape of nervous hiadaihg, sometime! coming on suddenly in; in, State _ol‘ ap'p'ureptli sound health sud pmtrltfllgvgt qnqejhe mental and phy ionl enérgiea, an! in other instaugas it come: on slowly; 1411111211 by de pi'ea'niou of spirits or mthi‘ty'bf hit-"M“ '-' 7 '1: mm. m the paihin in" the frontvof mg m 2 bath eyes, and sometimenproyoklng vomh glass ,Inay alt-oleeiniweixyeflifilgm. ‘ ' I'm the 'trgeitiiiéhquf' 'eityhr clan; . Mo'fiufl have been‘ fou’ndfn aurg . !insflaqcilnét Mafia ini'gfe‘w 211 i 'lifivet'erfidiufiifié. $5O. “in“?! NW] ‘uneuing index. ‘ . Bumméam «! at my mm as». nettle at!» 394,1 in; star-mum “wither- ; 53m .mvring mt it is» ' Xeaeqithqf‘apii the 814:: Headache, Mimi! going ”Eva 11¢: Wore- ~ ' '.'D'niggiu #Yon _mhpt mogfiflmlding’n Cephalic Pills. - ; Fallen—Och! malnow’gnd yon’go Minion-9251.119 ssr§hq¥gnd 34v {up the Hills 9ch dong he Allah: about it Or. . a. ' , pogstzipguoi or Cqstilvenegs‘ . N 9 one. of'-tho S‘thV-flls flash is hair to” is so prevalent, sod litth mammoth M so _mgcp neglected “commune“. :anpfigins‘fingln wplessness orpedentsry;hsbits 3 it is _.gggggdgi 991-11311: disorder of.too little eoququence ‘to 9mm amatnwhfle. inn-gum! it is the mower and ggqmnsnion-of puny. oF the, nonfatal and dangerous din aa'ses, and unless ens-1:. unabated.“ will firing iho’ sufferer to 9!: untimely gave. . Among the lighter erl or which Immune” is tpg psul «madantmm fiends he, 'Oollo, 'Bheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and othersofl a mind. while a long tumor" fggghtfql disguises sgql; I.- [Malignant EmmAhcémS, 12mm, Dian-11.099 ”DI! .s!»pr Plath. ifipflm‘ ~ flaming Hysteria... hyper: onflriwis. “flefipshol‘x‘, Imam, mt'lqdiem‘thm p apex-9° in this ”@991 by thil‘ flaming gymtipm: Jot in! reqwmy immune: named'or'amteln£9mfimfi9mm take M Minimumaxistemunlesmtheam mm mm in an early stage. From 'all these conlid'oiations t {sllpw'a that the (liqulqr should renal” immsdiatq intent on when ever it o‘écnrs' and no person'shonlll siegl‘ecé to e]: a ‘box OPOBphgllc'Pill! on‘ thg: firsthppeuhnéeol’ fll‘e'c%mphlht, as their timely‘uee' will ’expelz thé’infifli’d‘qs npp'rbaches; of .du'ess'e and «pygmy this‘vlgngerpgs’l'oplopmi )ij"; ’ ' I A Real Blessing. . .Physiaiang-ngl,~Mrs.-,Jones, howia thatheadache ? ~qu Jamsfi Guns !, Doctor. all-gonad 1h: pill‘yonsent cured ms in just, twpntxf minutes; incl ,Igwiahuyou' ivo‘uld sendmomnolthul ninshnvo ihemhandy. 2 » : Bhygipian¢+foa.mnfggtthem-It any Dragging. -'onll for Cephalicgilla, Land they never fail, and} mmmend them mail oases oEJlßadiwm. . L .: .:. Mrs. Jones _.l mm 562:! for a box directly, and shall tell all my‘sufieringtfrienda, for they new. real blessing. Tum! Mmuoxs ’o'l ‘fib'nnlns Baum—Mr. Bpglding hu'sold two millions of homes of ml celebrated Plagued Glue and it is'eatimutefl that each bottle save”: at lesbttep doll“: worth of brok'u'n furnituregithuavmak-ng‘ an aggrd gate of=twenty millions of dollars reclaimed from to'al loan by thiswuluable inve‘ution. Having madelhln Glue a household? viord, he now-:lirqposes 'to -do the world still greater service byz-curiurafl the aching head: with his cephalic Pills. and if they are as goo‘du his Glue, Head aches will soon vanish away like but“? in July. ‘ - 33’0“: axon-nus“, an! the mental em and anxiety incident to the close attention to business or study,:sre among the : numerous causes ‘of, Nervous Headache- The disordered state of mind and body incident to this distress ing complaint is a. falulhlow teen-energy “dumbitionJ— Sud'esers by-this dlsorder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks .by using one of the Oephslie Pills Whenever the symptoms appear. It quiet: the-over tssked brain and soothes the stralnsd and jutting nerves, and relues éhe tension of the stomach which always so. gomptniea and aggrsvates the disordered condition of the samuJi-‘K ~ -' Illmr'wo‘nn xsow‘mo.—Spaldiug’s Cephalic Pills 111-3 .3 caihilijiure for Sick Handsets, Bilious Reunions, Nervous ’Hés'hche,‘co§:iv6ness and Ge nenl Debility; 1 ' 5 GL3!“ Disc_avznv.7-_Avnoqg.the' moat importsntjf all thegrqgt mgdicll dISJdV‘QIiBB' oithis aging" he oqnnidolrejd the Hammer va'wlmtion ‘fé‘qutqctlon from; 89,131! ‘P'ox, the Cephalic Pill fgrulioffiof E°§¢Wh°l. and 'the, use of Quinine for the ,prevantlp’p or Revers. aither of which in a. sure spacific, whoae'begeflts will be experienced by an!- foringvhumnnlty. 191:3 gfte: their digeoverers me forgotten . V.lf ‘ ' A fljfmn yonever have the Sick Headache? Do you remember. the thmbhing temples, the feyére‘d b‘rqw, ,tha loathing and disgust at the sight of food? Ho‘w totally unflt‘you w‘e’ré for plebgure, conversation or ‘qtudy. On‘u 9f ugh erhgliqriul qould luvs relieved you from 311th: fluttering which you they exppxjienced. Eor'thiu had other mienou shouldphmys have a. box or them onhand to use 33 ape-sign xeqnn-es. . . - : . 1%?!) NGPVflu‘sHefldache 411 mg? flaalflflmes , By that?” __og than. Pillpfiho periodic attack: of Nev"- vwee 9: w gHeérzéczzté. w be'prmnteas ma mm at the 'comenument of an atfaok immediate relief train pniq‘q'gdl ficheés will be obtained. = " Tliey‘a‘dldom fail in removing- the Nausea and Head am toswhich'gemfleu no no subject. ' ’ They let 191':in upon the bowels,— removing Conica vyusd .. 5‘ ‘ _.« ‘ . ‘ For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, said all person! of sedentary habits, they are Valuable as 1.. Laxative, improving the «gamma, giving tone and “-35, to the digestive orgine, and mmrjngthe Imm.“ elasticity and etrength of the whole system. The onrmmm 211.1,; a’rovth‘e result of long inventi. gucion and carefully conducts: pgwdments, having been in no man! yom,during which time they have preventoh and 16110qu 5‘ van 51:30am of pain and sufi'ering [train 1191499119. {th6“: 9t Srishfififlsin the nervous lyswm 0'! from I deranged ante of the stomach. ’ ”'1'“! Std dntinly y. . ''"’ ' ‘ “ ' ”hm" In their co t .'Hv , m . ’.M 9°“ “ ‘n “"19! Fith perfect snrétypisilfilion’ "a“ “£19339 0' flat! and {53 Mm.“ of “f ma:- ‘n ”a .“ renders it easy to ad _flng d 3“. churn; a ~m”"“" than; in ‘‘4 u l nwmn or OQFEEIEEFRHS ! . 1'” Bmm“ m" “" “Wfim °‘. Rani-i o. naming o‘n mil box. _ . .- ' . 5 Sold by Drgumwfl! 9&9: can». in mums. ' AW.MPM“"I“F min“ on romp: at m g v ‘ISJEEIGEEWENH‘FMFENTB. i ggifiiflégwflfifiwh -' ' . i' V, 1:1,!”ng Q-=§PALDIKG, :r 3%? ~ “'im’mgpgfic ; r THE ONLY Dis 0 0V ERY .WOBTHY 01' AN! CONFIDENCE FOR RESTO R ”I N G THE BALD AND GRAY. ' Many. since “19 great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his restorative but pro fess to 11“" discovered something that would produce results identical; but they have all .come and gone, be ,ing carried away by the wonderful results of Professor Wood’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to Its resiltless away. Read the following: . Bun, Maine,'April 18, 1859,. PROF- 0- 51- WOOD Bt. 00;: Gents :——The letter I wrote you. in 1858 concerning your valuable :Halr Restorative, and which you have published in this vicinity end else where, has given rise‘to numerous enquiries touching the facts In the'case. The enquiries are, first is it a fact of my habitation andname, as stated in the com— munication; second, is it true of all therein contained" third, does my hair still continue to be in good order and of natural 00101‘? To all I can and do answer invariably yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only cause why it'is not generally true, is that the substance is washed off by frequent ablation of the face, when if care were used by Wlplng the face in close connection with the whiskelS, the same result will follow as the hair. ' I hat-Ye been in the receipt of ass-eat number of letters from all parté of New England, asking me if my hair still continues to be good; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt, been basely imitated, and been used, not only without any good effect, both) absolute injury. I have not used any of your Restorative of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, as I am now 61 years old and not a. grab hair in my head orou my face; and to prove this fact, Iy send "you a. lock of my ,hair taken 05: the past week. ‘ I received your favorof two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try it; many were skeptical until after trial, and then purchased and used it with universal success. I will ask as a favor, that you send me a? test by whiCh I can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without authority from you; A pure article will insure success, and I believe where good efi'ects do not follow, the failure is caused_by the impure article, which curses the inventor of the good. I deem it my duty; as heretofore, to keep you afprised of the continuedefl‘ect on my hair, as I assure a 1‘ who enouire of me of my un sheken opinion of its valuable results. . I remain, dear sits, yours, A. ,0. RAYMOND. . ‘ ’ ' 'Asnos’e Ros, Ky;, Nov‘. 30, 1858. Paar. 0. J. Wool); lieutsir :-—I would certainly. be doing you a great injustice not to make known to the world, the Wonderful as well as the unexpected result I have experienced from using on: bottle of your Hair Restorative. ‘Atter using every kind of Restorative: extent, but without success and finding my head'nearly destitute of hair, I was finally induced to try a bottle of ‘ your Hair RestoratiVe. ' Now,'candor‘and justice compel me-to announceto whoever may read this, that I now possess a new. and beautiful growth of hair, which I v-prono‘unce richer and'handsomer than the original was. I‘vn'll therefor-cits” occasion to recommend this in valuable remedy to on. who to? feel ,the necessity of it. ' BelP°¢t€fll it yours; - Inn . sauna BROOK. P, S—Tlus testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (as yellow aware of) is unsolicited; but if you think it worthy of a place among the rest, insert 31' you wish; if not destroy and say nothing. 1.. meme .z 9 tans-s!”- -...1'9W&&n50 aieeflhroh «(in world. a y’ ’ - ‘ u‘ . v-o; LWOODt 00., proprietors, M'nmadu'my, New York 411.1114 mrketstreatrst.Louis,.hlo. : v ‘ Ina g‘old by 811‘ go'od Druggistn and Fancy Good: 116.1911. 5 ‘ ' " " ;.- “ =nol7td&wam HANDSOM .W o M M- '-’ ~ - ,:' :‘l'zo IHLE,L'A'Z’DIE»S. ‘ ‘ ,HUNI’S “931150011 01' ROSES ” a. rich find deflate dolor for ~th‘e’cheeks ma ups; WILL‘NOT"WASH-OB BUB OH, andzwhen onctwpliedxemaiu durable for you", maile'd £196 in bottles for ”.00. 7 r '-'HUN'I“B “COURT TOILET TOWDEBR” impart! a. damn? yhifiamqs to the ,complpxlqn; gnd. n unlike any thing e gained for this purpw, lilxailled {reflux-fie cents. 'fIH'UN 11's» “ BRITISH BIT. ,”‘l‘en'l‘dves-'tau' freckles, npzmg av‘nr‘llall pmgfionnpfijghe‘skin, :mailegi frgevforjfio cen . ' ' ’3‘3135’5‘ «my Emmi-imaging: mitt :hé- ling, urn 9 pm. 119 gang's ‘O. _ep 5,. tom 3 r ‘in'gmr, 31$?quranged’10 Miran magma CURL, mamlarie-rou:oo.. -: . HOMES ,fggEmu. BEAUTIEIIEB,” for the teeth gnd gfifiq-‘clennaea' and wmtgb’} the to eth‘,‘ hir'dena the'giuns yurifles the breath. efi'ectuqlly, P RE SE RY ES .THli Engamn \PREVENTB‘ii'OOTH-‘AGHE, mailed free 011- L .-;'I: 'H: :.-~ _ ,~- ~ 7 ‘ ~ - Hunts mun)“ wmsun REBI‘D’ME " adouble _gtézozct of 9:936 hlpqsomp 99¢ qolqgno, mailedfiea for ' - 1' _'lfhip' ex;gigfih'herfumé waq‘flrat rifled by the PRINCE SS BOYAL'K E. ENG-LAND “,on‘ h'er‘ m‘i’rrid'ge. 'MBQSRS. 11111ng 00; [#BB62lth theimmoaass with'an elegant cage, ,0; gauge” _(iyi‘vhiqhgfiuquitha above. azttcles ,wegg minded.) in fiamlsome cut ghauvith goldatoppers, value'dmfi QlGMRg'tflengl-a‘of which appeared in_l;he *p‘ublio' prime. "'~ ”be above article; q'ent' FREE by'ex— preamfonflfio. Cash onn‘reithar ncwmpany'the otgier '01: 3pc paid-to the expressingqnt' on deliybry of goodn.‘ - > ,7 . . . aunts; 00., ~. * . j . . .Re'rfumers 10, the Agnew. Emma- Emu-r, Lennon, "AND 7073811150)! mun, The-Trude supplied: " -' 'szLAfinLrnlLj aepuly '- " ' ' , As agcidupts will happen: was in well-regulatedfami lies, it Every depirable to inane some cheap and conve nient wn‘y for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crockery, 6:0. meets all such emergencies, snd no household can afield to be’ w‘ithont’it. It is'glw‘ayn ready and up to the stick ing point: There in no longer a necessity!“ limping chairs, splintered venom, handles; dolls, and, broken cradles. It is juat‘tho‘ article for com} ‘ shell, and other ornamenttl work, no popnhr‘withhdiel of refinement in taste. .. . - - - ‘ This ndmimble prepumtio‘n is used ebld being chemi: can! held in solution, bud guessing elf the vulunble qualities of the belt whine makerg’ Glue. It my be used in the place of ordinary mucilsge,’ being vastly more, adhesive. ' 4 ' ‘ ’ ‘ “USEFUL IN nvnmr HOUSE ” N. B.—-A‘Bru‘sh accompanies each booth. mm, 25 cents..__ ' , > -- » . - ‘ ‘ onuslml Dl2Ol, N 0.48 omm: sun-r, an You Addreße Put up foereaJers in Ones-containing Rom-511mm uni mam Dozen—a beautiful Lithographic show-emf ”nanompnuying‘aach Echy. -’ ’ ' " ‘ ' " ' {D’A- single-_to 10.0 .SPALDING’S.PREPA_EED GLUE will pave teatime; it‘agoogt manly to every housbhbl‘dg " ' " ‘ " f ‘ ‘Soldxbyn promlnant stntionarammggiumnudme _deumituro «Dealgrs; Grocery-snd Imm: starch ' : '* 1 Country merchants should may _3 no ,0 of SPAM)- mwsrmgrmn QLUELwhen gnu-king up. their list. It‘willatmd anycumte; "“' " '’2 ' ' - :;febl4—d&wl‘yf’ ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' N’ O {T_ I GEE .;-.—Th_e underalgneid hamg L opened tn English end Classical School £01301! in tlie .Leeture Room of whet wee. formerly. called the “ United Brethren.ohnrch,”eon Front, between Walnut Ind Looult Itreetl', !I prepared (torreoelve pupils and inltmot them in the‘bmehee unwell; hunt in Wheels 3: thet anteater. The number or yup“. ll united to enty- vO. ‘ -:e - . - -; - Rot-mozmntion with renal totem km, apply to Rev. Mr. Bonmsox and Rev. Mr. CAM-nu: or personally to- ; 10:254th - - n -;mé-n. xme. - GOQPEB’S .;Gil§RATl=lFz+-Th,e;qi um“ "Swfiiififlfififléaww 311) '7” .th KWnlgflnuasggglgsfi ephoo Ell): (toilet. fin fimggatem 5-2 m\ BPALDING’S PREPARED . GLUE 312 mm 0. SPALDiNG a, 00., ' - Box No.-8,600. New York Illiebical. fffii’éxffiEswqi‘ggj iflflfié‘éflw Au apenant and Stomachie preparation of IRON puri. fied (yr-Oxygen and Carbon by gombustmn in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest MOdICfl-l Authorities, both in Enugas and the United States, and prescribed in their PM as. The exDerience of thousands daily proves that up)". paralion of Iran can be compared with it. Impuutlesof ““3 “00d: depression of vital energy, pale and otherwxse sickly complexionfl, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. " ' _ Innoxlons in all maladies in which it has been tried, It has proved absolutely curative in each of the followmg complaints, viz: In Daniela-r, Nnnvons AFFECTIONB, masons-ton, DYS ‘ PIPBIA, (lemurs-nos, DIARBEM, Dress-run, [semen ‘ Oossomxon, Summons Tnnsxounonis. sam BREW, \ Misms'mns'flon,w nuns, DnLososls, LivanoMPuim, CHRONIC Humans, humanism, Innsam‘rrsnr Passes, Proteus on ma Faun, aw. ‘ In eases of GENERAL Denim", whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no descripiion or written attestation would render credible . Invalids so long bed»ridden’as to have become forgotten in their own neighborhoods, here suddenly re-sppeared in the busy world 'as if just returned from protracted travel in a. distant land. Some very signal instancesof this kind are attested of female Meters, emaciated victims of apparent meiasmus, sanguineous exhaustion, critical changes, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air and exercise for which the physician has no Mm!!- In Nnnvons Arnaldo” of all kinds and for reasons familiaf’to medical men, the operation of’ this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently,- regularly span-lent, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness, without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. ' It is this latter property among others, which makes it so remarkably effectual and permanenta remedy for Piles, npon'which it also appears'to exert a distinct and specific action. by dispersingthe local tendency which forms them. In Bumpers, innumerabless are itscauses, a single box of these dhaiyheste 'l’ills has often noticed for the most habitual cases, including the attendant Costicmzss. ‘ 1n unchecked Dummies, even when advanced to Dress "3!, confirmed, emaciating, and apparently malignant ‘ the eh‘ents have been equslly decisive and astonishing. In the local pains, loss of flesh and strength, debilitating fconghysnd remittent hectic, which generally indicate IN orpissr Consumes, this remedy has allayed the alarm cf trienrls and physicians, in several very gntifying and interesting instances. . In Sensuous Tusssonosrs, this medicated iron has had far more than the 'go‘od Tefi‘ect of the mostncania‘ousiy balanced preparations of iodine ; without any of their well known liabilities; ; ‘* I a - -- - l ' ' ' The attention of females cgnnqt b‘etoo confidently invited to this remedy 9nd restoration, Inthe oaseepequinrly af fecting them. . - ' r ' In Enema-ml; bothnhronic and inflammatory—in the latter; however, more decidedly—ithaabeen invariably well reported, both an Allevieting pain and reducing the swel lnnge and stiffness of the joints and muscles. .' ‘ln mangle-ran Finnsit must necessarily fie a great remedy and energetioqeetoratite and ite progress in the ine'w aettlen‘mnfi of the West, will ‘pmbnbly‘ be but (if high xenon endsnnefnlnesa. 7. . ‘ . - .‘» . . . ' No' remedjhas eéer been discovered in the whole history of medicine-,rwhieh exerts such prompt, he py, sud-Tully restorative efl’ects. Good appetite, Vcompfua. digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, vyith 'ui miuéual di'qumtion for active-mi cheerful exercise, immediately follow if: nae; jut up in nest flat metllvbpxea containing 503 mg, mice 50 c‘en’ts per box; 'fo'r nle by'dmggiete ma do are. Will beeent'free; fio- an! :ddrels' on‘rgceipt of the price. All gotten, _ordoys, 9%., should be addressed to . " ' ' ““‘B'.’B.‘LOCKE'& 00:, Gon‘éral‘gents. ~ my23—dkwly. ~Z‘ ,: > ~,_ :20 Cadet-Street, New York. “fimmgymr WWA?‘ W ggNIODIUBETI‘g "'..;Qx‘iirfilfifibo INVEUBATING‘ CDHDIAI. TO . THE. :CITLZENS OF NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA. " APOTHEOARIES,’DRUGGISTS, GROCERS AND -P-=RIVA.~T.E‘.F‘AMILIES. ' . WOLFE’S'PURE _COGNAC BRANDY. . , woman’s run “1,3333! AND 'Pon'l' WINE. ‘ , .2 ‘ , woman’s puma,- “mum AND ST. cnotx mm wonrms puma scomcnmn nuns WEISKY. , .ALL IN BOTTLES. ,- I: be leave to call the attention of the citizens a? the Umtegistetae to: the above Wine and Huang, im ported} by UDOLPHOVWOLVI'E of New York, whose name is familiar in every part of this ’ country for the purity of his ,celebmted chnmlzflmrrs. Mr. Wown, in his latte;- to me, speaking of the purity of his Wmse and quvons, says: “I fill'eteke my reputation as a man, my standing as e manhunt of thirty you-s’. resi dence in the City of New York, that ell the Buxnr‘md Wmns which” libbttle are pure ee‘lmliot‘ted;-uid of the best quality,.e.nd can be relied upon hygyery Enchant. ” Every bottle hale the prdpfietor’e 'name on t e wax, and 'a'l'ec‘simileof his signature onl the certificate. The public are respectfully invitegl to celllnnd engine for themselves. 'l‘o’r sale at Menu. by all Apotheéarlee and Grocersinl’hihdelphiiz ‘ ’ ‘ GEORGE E. ASHTON, N o. 832 Market street, Philadelphia, . 2: 4 ‘ - Sula Agentzé‘or. Philadelphia. Bend the following from the Neg. ark Courier .- Enonuous BUSINESS FOR ‘01“: flnw Yonx’Mnncnsnr.—- We are happy to informant fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country moi-chant, can go and purchnse pure Wines anfltLiquors, aspuress imported, and of the,best quality. We do not intend to give an elaborate description of this merchant’s extensive business, although itwill well re pay eny stronger or citizen to visit Unoan'Woms’s extensive warehouse, Nos. 18, 20 and fl, Beaver street and Nos 17, 19 and 21,.Marketfield-stroet.‘ En stock 01‘ Fchnapps on hand ready. for, shipment could not have been less than thirty thousand cases; the Brandy, some ten thousand oases—Winters” of 1836 to 1856; and ten thousand cases of Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, Scotch and IfishWhisky, Jamaica and St. Groix hum, some very old and equal to any in this country. He also had three large cellars, filledyvith Brandy, Wines, km, in oasks,»under oimtom-Houdd'key, ready for bottling.’ Mr. Woun’s sales ofchhnepps,‘ last year smountgd to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less than two years he may be equally success! with his Brandies and Wines. » "His business merits the patronage of every loves. of hisspecies. Private families whc wish pure Wines and Li nuts for medical use should send their orders direct to‘iflr. Wanna, until avory‘ Apothecary in the land make up their minds to discard the poisonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Woun’s pure Wlns and mavens. ' ‘ » ' We understand Mr. Won-s, for the accommodation of smell dealers in the county, puts up sssortedrcases of Wines and Liquors. Such a. man, and such a merchant, should be sustained against his tens of thousands of op ponents in the United States, who sell nothing but im cations, ruinous alike to‘hums‘n health ~and happiness., For Isle -b,y.o. K.-:KELLE!I,‘-Dmggist, solelagunt for Harrisburg. . sepS-dkwfim ' M ANHOOD, ' HOW LOST, HOW BESTORED. Jun Published in a Sealed Envelope ' A; LECTURE ON THE? NATURE, TBEATMEfiT AND RADICAL CURE 0F SPERMATORBHOEA, ox- Seminal Weakness, Semi nobility; nervousness rend Involuntary _ Emissions, producing Impeteney ,‘ Consumption uni Meninl ”and Physical Debility, " ‘ ' ' : DETROB. J‘. .OULVEEWELL. 'M. D . , The important fact that the awful consequences of eelt- K 'abue maybe efl‘ecmelly removed withoutinternal medicines or the dangeroue applications -of - unfiu, instrdmentn, medicated bongiea, and other empirical dances, Ia J 1"? clearly demonstrated; and the'en'tirely new and highly auoeesafnlueetment, as adopteduby'the celebrated authon, fully explained, by means of which every one is ambled to cure himself perfectly and at the‘least possible cost, there by avoidin all the sliver-tiled noetrume ofthe day The Lecture mfl prove a boon to thousands and thousands. 1 Sent under seal to any address, pbst paid, on the receipt of two Wfitfifie' stamps, by addressing BL CHAS. J. 0. KDINE‘, 480 int Avenue, New York, Post Box 4,588. I < uplnodlnwlyi - . » '- , _ HUM P H RE'YV’S ' ' SPEOIIIO ' HOMEOPATHIU REMEDIES, for sale at ' KILLERS Drug Store, 11021 ~ . 91 Mnrket Street HAVANA .ORANGES z u > . A prime lotjust waived by g' oc3o. hWM. DOCK, 13., 51; OQ. ; mg? '.BARED PEACHES, Dried BED PEACHES Died - ' BLACKBERBIEBfihit mum-Er APPLES, 35?“? hoaflo, ~ ‘ , WM.DOCK,JE.,&‘CQ’E ..OY-BOOKS ofan endless ‘ ' V. - .xfrh'oyfiygggmgmtmfim 99:11? ffififij’; SmoKEfi: ‘SamIgEU __SMOKE ! 1 1.5, gnfiafifmfia m. mgmwgsr. f ' m " taggxfif—“wna - 1; "i 910” ”M ”f- “ah Wé’DOOK.’L,’bOO.§ ; ,ftltbical. ELBODMFE The attention of Invalids, Physicians, Clergymen‘ scientific men, and the publlc generally, Is respectfully solicited to the merits of this 0 emical preparation, con. taining IRON, SULPHUR, AN!) I‘HOSPHOROUS, and which is identical in its compqsltlon with the Hflnatic Globule, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied with D E B I L I 'l‘ Y , M pale countenance and nervous derangement. analyses of the blood show a. deficiency of the red globules. Ruddy complexion and a rosy tint. of the Ile, is plWfl-ys ludieg. tive of health; while a. pale, warlike slim and counts. nance,-which evinces a deficiency of the red globules _ accompanies a diseased organism . Preparations of IRON have been given for the purpose of supplying the red glo bules, but we contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR alone or PHOSPHOBOUS alone, will not meet the deficiency in every case, but that a judicious combination oi‘ ail these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This oint, never before attained, has been reached in the 3300]) F 001), and its discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and important of the age. Its eh‘ects in OONSUM P T I O N are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrnting night sweats, increase the I physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by restoring ‘ the lacking red globules, increase the appetite, restore i the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. The \ BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT or LpNGS, such as Asthma Bronchitis, Coughs, 85¢}. _Pnblzc _speakers and singer-5 will find it of great utility In clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsm, Liver Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralyszs, Serofula, Grand, 5:. Vi. tus’ Dance Fever and Ague &c., its efliciency is marked, and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however are the beneficial ell‘ects of this remedy so conspicuous is in those harrassing FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler sex are liable, and which tend to. wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difiicult Men . stmaticm, Green Sickness, Whites, km, especially when hese complaints are accompanied with palenes a dingy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spiritsfdebllity, palpitation, want of appetite, and nervous prostration. We have the utmost confidence in recommending the BLOOD FOOD _to all who may be conscious of a loss of vitality or energy; and to those whose mental or bodily powers are prostrated through over: use, either of the mind or body and we deem it our duty to say that in sl] cases of Weakness and Emaciatton, and in all discus; of the Kidneys or Bladder, this preparation has a Claim upon the attention of sufi‘erers which cannot be over estimated. A faithful trial will he found the most can. vincing proof in regard to its eflicacy that could be askea for. With the above remarks, and with the numerous testimonials we have. in its favor, we otter the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of the afliicted, knowing that it will he acknowledged as pro-eminent overall other preparations, patent or oflicinal, in point of usefulness. Circulars giving the Theory upon which this remedy is founded, also‘ certificates, of remarkable cures, will be I sent free when desired. We forward the BLOOD FOOD to any put of the United States or Canaries upon receipt of price—sl per bottle $5 for six bottles. Be careful in all cases to take none” hut that having our facsimile sis. nature upon the wrapper. None other is genuine. Prepared only by _ CHURCH an DUPONT, . '‘ ‘ No. 409 Brosdway,-New York, And sold by them, and by all respectable. Bragg-Esta. For sale by 0.1. BANNVART, 0. K. KELLER and D. W’. GROSS 6; 00;, Harrisburg; L few-eowdk'ly PURIFY THE BLOOD! MOFFAT’S YBRBTABLE LIFE BILLS . .AND" _ vPHmNIX BITTERS. .Thehigh'nnd envied celebrity which these pro-em! nent Medicines have acquired for their invaluable em. one: in all the Diseases which they profelfi to sure: has rendered the “malpractice or pnfling not enly mecca. ssry, but unworthy of them. »‘INALLGASES 10f Asthma _Aoute and Chronic Bhemuetism, Affection! or the :31st and Kidneys. ' ' 81-LIOUB FEVERS ’AND LIVER COMPLAINTS, In the South and West, where these diseases prevail they will be ‘found invaluable. Planters farmers and o&9th once use these Medicines, "will _never sitar. 'iva‘rds ' 'withent them; i ' -' - ' .BILIOUSCHOL‘IC' SEROUS LOOBENESS PILEB, 008 ' TIVENE’SS, céws AND governsé dnomc, , ' , , CORRUPT RUMORS DROP lEB. DISPERSSLfi—Np per-gen with this distresein disease, should deley using these Medicines immediately. Eruptions ‘ofzflre Skin, Emlpela‘s, Fletuleney. ,anns.snn.._Aeun,—For this scpurge of the Weneru , countryjth‘ese Medicineswill he found a. safe, speedy and certain remedy. =‘ Other medicines leave the systemsnb ject to a. return of the disease; a cure by these medi. clues is permanent; Try them. Be satisfied, and be cured. » FOULNEBB or Gomrnsxmx— GENERAL DEBILITY; GOUT, GIDDINESS, . I, GRAVEL, , - Headaches of every kind, Inward Fever, Inflammatory Rheumatism, Impure Blood, Jaundice, Loss of Appetite. Msnoenur. Dressers—Never fails in eradicate er.- tirely all the effects of Mercury infinitely sooner than the most powerful preparation of, Bumper-ills”. NIGHT SWEATS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Minions - ' COMPLAINTS 01‘ 'ALL'KINDS. ORGANIC . - . . V AFFECTIONS. . ' ‘ Pure—The original proprietor of these Medicine was cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, by the the use of these Life Medicines alone.. , OPAINS in the Head,_fljde,. Back, Limbs, Joints and rgans. , , . . Rnuumsu.—Those afflicted with this terrible dis case; will be sure bf relief by the Lite Medicines. Bush-of ‘Blood to the- Head, Scurvy, Salt Rheum Swellings. . ' ... - . - _, . ‘ . suitors“, or _Kuee’s Even,“ its worst forms. Ulcer of every deseriftion. '. ' Worms of a 1 ‘ kinds are effectually expelled by these Medicines. Parents will do well to administer them ,wlgegiever their existence ls suspected. Belief will be cc :1; ' ' :TBE LIFE PILLS AND PHOENIX BITTERS _- P-UkIFI THE BLOOD, And thus remove all disease from the system. '. ~ . ‘ Pneunn "sun 80m er DR. WILLIAM B. MOFFAT,‘ 335 Broadway corner ofAnthony street, New York. . 313710: sale by all Druggists. jyl'l-ddcwly waning. ALL .WORK PROMISED IN ONE-WEEK! QQDQESDEMQUSE ' 111 / \\__/ ' 1° 4: . PENNSYLVANIA STEAM D‘YEENG ESTABLISHMENT, . 104 M BRET STREET, BETWEEN FOURTH AND FIFTH, ' HARRISBURG, PA., ' ' Where every description of Ladies’ and Gentlemen! Garments, Piece. Goods, 650., are Diem-010mm, and finished in the best manner and at t e shorted; notlce. noB-dkwly DODGE 8:. 00.. Proprietors. WW roUNnEn 1852 LOCATED onwnn or BALTIMOREAND caucus 3111 mm, BAL TIMORE, MD. The urgent, Most Elegantly Furnished, ma Poipnll' Jommereiel College in the United States. - Den fined ' Izpresely for Young Men desiring to obtain e T 110300“ lumen. Busuucse EDUOA'HoI in the shot-met was“!l° timelnd at the least expense. ~ ' A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circular, 603' taining upward: of SIX SQUARE FEET, with final!“ 0! anuuxsmr, 3nd a. Large Engraving QM anentof $ll9 kind ever made in this country) repreaan ngl;lmlntrel‘lor View of the College, with Catalogue stating terms ne., will be sent to Every Young Men on smalls-flunk!" or Canon; . ' . ‘ -' “' ‘- Write immediately and you will receive the pack“? by'return mail. Address jln2s-dly] n. K’. Losmn, BALl'llloF-la M”. JUST RECEIVE D! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN! A very ingenious attachmont to any metllliotpenx by which (:19 as?» in]: is hnfllcient to 35§§§Foflmsp e. on e ' ’ B P’Epg lat ' SOHEFI'EB BNO. 18 {lt BITUMINOUS BROADTOP COAL , (or Blgphmithgiuue. A ”(pedal utiola for In!“ ”I‘3 3%: "m “12% m: mam-..;. -'p n . non! .- Gum“ by “ 'umcs m., wnnnnnn. DRIED APPLES AND DIED :PEAOHES forfllo by "' ’. = ' octlg . WM. DOOR. 33,.05 GO- KELLEES DRUG. scromamne Place on: buy Ball.” Pf Thqmdllngon. - "F nnEngonyulgrmnNTg‘q‘lM' EXTRA >1", , ~ Mao «Mflyoflml’ s 5 tons autumn anti on -313,109: r~- "3' W - !wfifiséfisufi ' v 'EB’SJDR __W Kfioléfa Striking : ‘I ‘E’E‘Gébifi‘ngmfilgfiytge‘n‘; omrmn 1854