LOCAL NEWS. Tan DAILY Pnnmi- AND Umon may 11° hfld at Jack‘s Book Store, corner of Third and Market streets rumor All: Union—The DAILY Puma-r AND Imam can ho: had by Dauphin subscribers, every mornin, at the periodical store of J. S. FBAIM. Tm;- MAlLs.——Under thp change of scheduie on the difi'ekent railroads. the time of closing the maila at the Harrisburg Post 01509, December lat, 1860, is as follows : PENNSYLVANIA B. R. Eon—‘l‘ a. Inn—way mail, 1255 p. m., 5. p. m., 9 p m. Van—6.3o a; m.——wa.y mail, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. m. NORTHERN CENTRAL R- n. Souk—l2.ls p. m.—way mail, 9. p. m. North—l p. In. _ manna}! VALLEY R. n. 7.30 a. in. DAUPEI! A3O 8089. R. R. 1.30 p. In. cunnnnnu'n VALLEY n. 11. 7.30 a. m., 1 p. Inn—way mail. Br 8156!- 1 a. m., to Gettysburg. on Tuesday, Thursday “a Saturday. 7 at. m.,to J'ouestmzvn, on Agenda. Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lemsberry, on Saturday. . 11an Flo] Locs-uw.—A young woman in the employ of Henry Walsh, Esq., of York, died on Tuesday of last week, from the above cause, occa lioned by having a splinter run in her finger, some days previous. cumin: Guam—Jim Cameron Guard paraded on Saturdav afternoon, and mnda a. very creditable display, although they had but twenty musket: out. Thai: spirited determination not to die is com mondsble, and it. is to he hoped that the ranks will be [Jamar filled for elm inauguration. Kenn Am. Ewan—As a commime of the whole to compare bille,we report ourselves nearly right for to-motmw. We have the turkey—a. pre- Gent—awn know just anally when to 0311 to 503 the real Havana—and if a bag of oysters that we have been looking for reaches our domieil to-mor. row, who shall say than we will not be " in town .” A In" ADV-Briana Gasman—Spamming, the manned-glue man. has made a contract with the New York Tribune to insert his advertisement, occupying a column, in the daily, semi-weekly and weekly editions of that paper for one year, at: cost, of $31,000. Spauldiug has made a fortune by advertising. Omsiioß.—-In our report of the proceedings of the Union meeting, the nemoa of John H. Briggs, liq“ and G. M. Shell, Esq” who both took an an tin pm in the meeting, were omitted. At the time those gentlemen spoke, considerable confusion reigned, so that the omission of their names was entirely accidental, and not through any design . A Star or Goon Llvme.—-‘We noticed yesterday 9. very clever sized buck, with feur~pronged antlers, bulging in from of Herr’a Hotel. The inference is that Mr. Buford contemplates feeding his guests well during the holidays. Several deer were brought to this city on Friday evening by a. hunter from Lycoming county. 'l'th looked to he in admirable condition. SunnnDnum-In our paper tn-day the death of a little daughter of Col. Murray, formerly of" this place, is recorded. She died of Qiptheria, thst dreadful scourge before which scarlet fever itself fades into insignificance. .Mr. and Mrs. Mnrrsy have our warmest sympathies in their at. fiction, knowing, as they do, that Sallie was one of our little favorites. ~ Du-m or A REPOREEL—Mr. Lewis S. Briest, died on Saturday morning, at. his residence, on Harriett. street, below Sixth, Philadelphia. Mr- Brien was a printer by profession, and was well known in this city as a newsgaper reporter and correspondent, having spent several winters here. He has been attached to who press of‘ Philadelphia i'or some ten or fifteen years. The d‘eceased also served no a volunteer in the Mexican War. Helm: been snfl‘ering for some time past from consump fion, rhioh was the cause of his decease- A Known—One day last week a. man with a load of hoop-poles got on the commons, or open grounds, above North street, between Second and Third, and for a long time he was hnable to see his way clear. He was slightly inebriatod, and he worked fully an hom- with his team—“geeing” and «‘hawing," before he reached North street; which he had no sooner efi‘ected than he fell, and one of the wheels of the heavily-loaded wagon passed diag onally over him. On Saturday we heard that he wan lying in a critical condition from the efi'ects of the accident—the result of folly and impmdence. Dem; or A Vunnu.—-Oaptain J aeob Hummel died recently at his residence in Penna township, Snyder county, aged upwards of 8|) years. He was captain of a. company during the war with Great Britain, and at one time represented Union donnty in the Legislature—we believe in the year 1834. He will be remembered as 'one of the jolly old school, and need to be known “one here as the “Old Hunter.” He was immensely popular in Union county in his day—n type of the old-time, rough, hardy pioneers of Pennsylvania, who will live long in the memory of all who enjoyed his acquaintance nnd’friendship during lite. Molliter quiucanl been ! Aproxnrxnns n! ma Govakxom—William R. Soon, to be Notary Public for the count, of Cu“:— foia, to reside at Meadville. ' ‘ Absalom Dodge, to be Notary Public for the county of Greene, to reside at Woynesbnrg. Jacob Woidlc, to he Notary Public for the county of Lebanon, to reside at Lebanon. Janina B. Kaufman, to be Notary Public for the county of Lmeuter, to reside at Lanoutar. William Carpenter, to be Recorder for the city of Lancaster. William Kennedy, to be N nun-y Public for the county of Franklin, to reside at Chamberabnrg. John M'Gill, to be Auctioneer for the county of Mercer . Alumnus use Evanme.—There will be no lack of smusements this evening to usher in Christmas, and if every man, woman and child can not find entertainment, they will be hard to please! Psof. Anderson opens at Brent’s Hell. He comes here with such recommendations I! to leave no doubt about his skill and ability to entertain. Bis exhibitions will no doubt he peculiarly attractive to the juvenile portion of the’community. Those who are fond of indulging in the intricate “a giddy maze of the cotillion,as it is constructed on modern principlel. will find a. fair opportunity at the mine of Mr. Mather. at the Exchange. Those who are fond of musie—vooal and instru— mental, with the dance added-can be accommo dated by attending the annual soiree of the Ein tracht Singing Assoéiation, at Koenig’s.in Ches nnl street. This is one of their annual festivals, 7‘“ Opened ('0;- the purpose of making Elm-ney—bnt “_kly for the enjoyment of themselves and their ”fend“- Quite as much in value “fl“! 9"“ P 0“ ”“3 “6‘ by admissions will be given way in presents. In addition to m., the ghow windows win no doubt he attired in their most attractive garb, and in the "enmg the little folks must keep t sharp h“ 0‘“ fur Old Kriaa Kinglo, for n teiegraphio di‘Pamh my! tlm he in nuts to ho «Imm-~ “lanumNcm.”—The local editor of the Telegraph appears to glory in being instrumental in keeping the Democratic Convention of luscspr‘mg from this city, and seems to think that he “did the oily good service.” There were 5,000 people a; the Reading Conventionywho disbursed not less than $50,000! and if the mats of our people think that it. was better for Reading to hue \his amount. than Har l'iltllll'gr Why we have no tight to comvlline But the abuse which drives people from here the local claims an influence .' We should look upon it. as of akind akin to that which an armed high'waymnn could wield over his unarmed victim—of the compulsory order. He also talks of driving "my borers, blankmailom and gamblers. Very good—he would do the oom— mmnity an essential service if he succeeded in in doing so, but, unfortunately, although he boasts of his knowledges of the existence of such institu fions, he never speaks of lhem openly and manly, hut in remote insinuaniona which saves him the risk of a. taste of boon leather or an application of rawhide. V In the character of ascended—menses, his style of information is similar to that we find in the col umns of a “ Paul Pry,” or a “ Man About Town," and not half as honorable as that of the correspon dent of the Police Gazette, who generally makes his charges openly. But what influence, we ask, is exercised by vague assertion one day that e “gambling house exists under the very eyes ofthe Mayor”—the next, that a “sink of pollution exists in our midst, where married women are led from the path of reetitude”—-nnd on. the next, again, that an old gentleman, near the city, “ has two wins 2” The vagueness of them looks exceed ingly like an efi'ort to make the spondulicks come, '--aud this belief is strengthened by the fact that they are never heard of again . Here is a sample of the style of the local of' the Telegraph—that is, hisj'nfiucntial and telling style: “ On Saturday evening last. a gentleman who supposes himself to stand very high in this commu city, who writes a great deal on temperance and morality, and whose efi'orts to root out the unli censed groggeries in this city, and thereby arrest the spread of intemperance, went into a small Inger beer saloon kept by a Teuton in an alley in the rear of Kslker’s Hardware Store. Being considerably under the influence of tanglefoot, he ran his face for 48 cents worth of lager, and then refused to pay for it,declaring that the Dutchman had robbed him. The indignant Teuton put him out, and after he had staggered a. couple of squares,“ his way home. he discovered his money in another pocket, but, we regret to say, he was not honorable enough to go back, make an apology, and fork over. His next elucidation of the question how to prevent the spread of intemperance will be an onslaught on Dutch lager beer saloons.” Now, this we call vague ! nobody, of course. knows who is meant, or in fact whether such an occurrence took place at. all, and yet this is the style of influence wielded by the local of the Tale. graph—varied sometimes by an attoek upon those who are unable to defend themselves ! Buss-om: rel Mamm—Dnvid Davie and John Thomas are two Welsh miners, who are realizing, in its fullest extent, I taste of the good times that were to follow immediately nfter the election ,of Lincoln, when there was to be “ land for the land— less,” “homes for the homeless,” Ind good wages and plenty of work for the laboring man. Like hundreds of their deluded and humbngged fellow. countrymen, they no doubt voted to bring shout such a desirable state of efi'airs, while employed at. Denville. With hundreds of others, however, they hnve suddenly been thrown out of employment, Ind, without means, they are now strolling about the country seeking employment of any kind to keep them from starvation. Yesterday morning they came before the Mayor as temporary lodgers, and were duly discharged; ' John Harris and William Gibbs, who claim to boil from Bufl‘elo, New York. also out of money and in search of work, had taken lodgings in the look-up, and were permitted to travel. Two other wanderers applied for accommoda tions, but on a. survey of the internal arrangement! ¢£ the Gellendnr House, they concluded to bivoueo at Porter's Furnace for the night. Tn Inwaumrtox AND run Murmur—The presistent efi‘orts to inaugurate Governor Gui-tin by the Wide Awaken is accomplishingjuat what we expected it would. Up to this time but ON EOO M PANY from abroad has reported to head quarters —the National Aartilleriste, ofPottsville ; and from present appearances this one company, with two or three from our own county, is likely to form the entire military escort. Before this time in 1657, fifteen companies had reported themselves, and in 1854 nearly the same number had made their ar rangements to attend the inauguration of Gov ernor Yollook. The cause of this is palpably plain. On Saturday evening Capt. Williams asked the Capt. of a company in Bloomfield the reason why the military of Perry county had made no arrange ments to attend the inauguration of Gov. Curtin. The reply was that they heard the Wide Awaken were to turn out, on that occasion, and that the soldiers of Perry County would not min: with them ! The gentleman in question is the captain of a company numbering 125 privates, with one of the beat bratsbtuda in the State attached to it. Amman: Am “norm—Ge orge H. Hall, who left last spring to pursue the study of his art in Spain, has created afurore by an exhibition of two amallfruit-pieces at Seville. The Duke and Duchess of Montpelisier had requested to have them sent to the palace, and desired to purchase them, but they were not for sale. The newspaper-I contain long articl 2: upon them, holding them up as examples of their‘own artists. The Andaluu'an says 2 " It. is impossible to ask a greater approximation in the works _of man to the creations of nature. The transparency which permits us to see the fibres of the grapes, the happy efl’ect of the coloring, and the mastery with which the pictures are touched, reveal in the author a consummate artist.” Another editor says : ' “NotNet_ul-e herself is capable of producing two bunches of grapes more beautiful, more fresh, more golden, transparent and velvety, than these which have issued from the able pencil of this artist, of whose name we are ignorant, but of whom we im plore, in the name of all the lovers of the art. of Murillo and Raphael, that these be not the last pictures that he exposes to the view of a public which will only have applause for them.” Exrxeonmun Inu or Jusncx IN Gene—A Showman Made Responsible for a Bear'e Comm-dice. We read in the last Cuban fileqvenger which has come to hand , that amen in Matanzae, the proprie tor of the public hullring, advertised a grand fight between a bull and bear. Anxious for exciting entertainment, the public crowded the ring at the appointed time, paying an admission fee. But, when the animals were turned into the arena, Ursus showed considerable of the white feather, and only acted on the defensive,refusing to at~ tuck Taurue,bnt satisfying himself with boxing his ears and scratching his face, When the horned enemy attempted to gore him. and he was in such a. position that he could not run out of his difii. “W. This lack of pluck was detrimental to the quality of the sport promised, and the public and o‘s3“]? were diaguated. Forth-with , the proprietor was brought before the authorities, and In heavy 3119 “Vlad on him, becausehie beer was deficient iii'pluek, and much? made him I. ew‘indleni‘n depreciating. the quality of En. entertainment which the public paid to see. 011 no occasion,saya thn Springfield Republican. do people seem more prone to cummit ‘hlunders than at. a wedding. The following actually oc curred at a nnighboring town: “ In the “lid" ”f a. ‘ crowd of witnesses, the clergyman had just. com pleted the interesting ceremony whinh binds in the silver bonds of wedlock two willing hearts, “‘1 stretched {ortb his hands to implore the hlessinS of Heaven on the union. Anthis point [he grooms- Inan, seeing the open hands reached mu, suppmed it was the signal fur him tn surrender the wedding fee, which Was burning in his pocket. Accordinslh just as tho clergyman was clusing his eyes in prayer. he felt. the pressure of 'two smut}! half dollars upon his open palm. The good man bet-i -tatetla moment, appalled at the ludicrousuesl 9f his situatiun, but nuolly deposited the mum-y in his pocket and proceeded with his devoliun.” , Discmmanb Wounmu u! PHILADELHHIA.——The number of workmen now empl-ryvd in aixzymine leading munufucturing establishments in Philadel phia is 11.627. The same concerns have din charged 5,141 men since the-cummeum-ment of the financial pressure. The Inquirer, which gives these statistics in detail, adds a qualifying state ment. It says:_ . “From the large number of workmen recently dischargad. there must be at tlm present Lima con demrahle distress among thn laboring clans, and it is generally thought. um: thin wiutur wulhu une "I unprecedented lufi'criug. The number'or persons dxscharied may prubuhly be snug-armed. It. in also wall {0 ben- in mind that the number of work man emploved during the wiulsr in gen-rally loss than tho number in Ihe murmur.” HomlMY Pnnssms.—Pereons who contemplate purchasing articles for Christmas presents, or to decorate Christmas trees, will no We" to call at S. H. Ettla’u, in Secund street, near North. His stuck of toys. oosfectionaries aw! funny articles In Mm and cheaper than any in this city. Cal], see, and judge for yourselves. ‘ Cumulus VAGATION.—The juveniles, much ta their gratifimtion, no doubt, nre now euj-rying their holday vacation, which commended uu Satur day morning, and end: on the 14th proximo. It mightjua: as well have been continued over the inauguration—two days mure; as few, if any schn lan. hill miss fleeing the display and participating in the attendant excitement. Humane SocmTY.—The Harmonic Society will meet as usual this evening, at. 7% u'cloek, in the Leetul'a Room of the Baptist Church. The attend. ance of every active member is desired, as impur tent. business will be breught before the Society. DAVID Enumeri’resident. H. K. P 435035. Secretary. .__—*7...“ Hons: Snon Cum, A'rmunox.—The active and contributing members of the Hus-so Shoe Club of this city ate requested to meet in their hall this (Monday) evening. By order. 7 - The man whé will live above his present cir-. cumstanees, is in great danger of living in a little tine much beneath them. Go ahead is a good motto, look about is another. A Luna Im- or Goons received to-dey, suitable for presents, which will be sold 00‘ much below their real value. 60 dosen of Hem-stitched and Grass Linen Handkerchiefs, at 20, 25, 37 and {)0 cents a piece ; 100 Sets of Collars and Sleeves, di rect frem New lnrk auction, at very low prices; Gents’ Plain and Bordered Linen Handkerchiefs; beautiful lot of Lace Curtains; Chenille Searfs, at 12; and 25 cents; 10 pieces of Caesimere for pants; 10 pieces of Cloth, for Cloake; 25 pieces of all kinds of Flannel ; 2,000 yards of best brown Mus lin, for 10 cents,- Woollen Socks, 15, 20 cents; Undermine. Drawers, 50, 62, 75, and a great many other bargains. S. Lewr, Fun Tun HonineYs.—Persons in search of goods suitable for holiday presents will do well to give Bnowsonb (I; Sui, Wyalh’s building, opposite the Jones House, a. call. They have fine Cambrlo sous. Cloaks and Cloth for Cloaks, Shawls, Pearl Purses, Collars, Sleeves, Gloves, Hosiery, Silks, Silk and Woulan Goods, and Ladies' Dre's; Goods of all da scriptions. During the Holiday season they are determined not to be undereold, and they only ask the public to call, examine, and compare prices with any other establishment in the city 'or coun try. On many articles a reduction has been made, in order to carry out our determination to reduce our stock as much as possible during this week. ,- del'L'tlw. DIED. At Hollidayaburg, Pa . December 20th, of Diptharia, BALM-c Guy, daughter of William G. 3nd Elizabeth D. Murray, in the fourth year or her age. SPECIAL NOTICES. 113' WARRANTED IN ALL CASES‘QI DR. HARVEY'S CHRONO THERMAL FEMALE PILLS For the prevention and Cure of all those difficulties to which the female system is peculiarly liable arising from STOPPAGH OF NATURE, OR onsruvonon. These pun- hnu. new: new lnmwu to fan um n fiw .dtu nous have bum atrial; foumard, and they are perfectly M] :0 take by the most delicate. 'l‘o MARRIED LADIES thuy are particularly recom mended, as thvy prevent difliculcles and restore nature, no matter from what cause the obstructinn may miss. A few days in most cases wll produce the desired alt ct; and although no powerful, yet no injury will ever result from their use. But those who are pn‘gnant shoal! not use them as they have an rfi'ect contrary l 0 na'ure. Pamphlets detailing tile-r virtues, with numrrous certificates Emm Well imam: physicians and upothecuries, can be had on spplim tion to the "gem, whn will send the Pills, if desired, by mail, pout—paid, to any address, on receipt of the money 301.1 in boxes contiiuing sixty pills. by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYH'I‘T (c 00., Inflow!!! sganta, North Second slreet, Philwdelphie. nov2vecddkwly A NEW REMEDY Snperseding Camus, Cop“); , CAPSULES, or any compound that has ever been before the pa: play. It has been used by ONE HUNDBE D PHYSICIANS, In their prim-‘0 pract'ce, with entire emcee-5, in all men. BELL’S SPEQIFIG PILLS, For diseases of e prwate nature ; a rum isfnqucntly per formed in a Meat, and entire ennfldence may be placed in lhem. This remedy is e newly discovered specific, mom act-we and speedy in its afieetl than Gubehs or Gopmhd alone. The pills are be r the size ol‘ Dapsulea, and never nansrate the stomach, or impregnate the breath. Six dozen pills In a box—price one dollar. and will be sent by mail, pom-pain, by t..e agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by all the principal druggists and dealers, and by DYOT'I‘ it 00., wholesale ngenl’a, North Second street, Philadelphia. nev2-eodd&wly Mothers. read this. The following is an extract from a letter written by I pastor of the Baptist. Church to the Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that. world-renowned medicine-Mas. Wxxa Low' Sam-Ema Stun? rO3 0311.1)an Tumult}: " We see an advertisement in your columns of M". Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Naw we never said a word in fakor of I. patent mediums before in our life._ but we feel compelled to any to your readers, that this in n 0 humbug—wa HAVE mm» 11', AND Know ll' To an ALL 11' OLAIMs. It. is. probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because it. is one of the best. And those of your readers who hsvo babies can’t do better than to lay in a. supply. sepZO—dacwly MRS. WINSLOW, _ An “Marianna! nurse and female physician, hill 530th "IS Syrup for children teething, which greatly facahute “I 0 Process of teething by softening the gums, reducltlfi a: inflamnation—wiu allay an pain, and {a safe 1:? reg ate the bowels. Depend upon it mothers, it 1'!!! give rest'to yourselves, and relief and health to your: Infants. Per. ectly ufe in all cant-I. See advunipement In another so] . lunn. augl9,lB§9-dmrly 14mm the Independent, New YW": July 28: 1859~ GLUE.—Olfl' udvertising columns com-3m some teati monies to the value of a, new article known I‘3 “SPE-ld' ing’s prewed Glue,” useful to housekeepers fox-mending furniture. It in prom-ed with chemicals, by which it {- kept in the prop” condition for immrdiute use, the chemicals Gvflmrltinfl' as mm: as it in lpplied, leaping the glue to harden. We can'nasnre our waders that this nticlo In. the excellent phranologicd quilt: of “large Idheaivenesa.“ ' . > ‘ 1 For aaelby'o. A. Main", No. 2 Jonoa' Row Sh’Hhkwlm H *LMHOLD'S GENUINE PREPAK ATI“N Clues GM- Vfihflß a dur. Drumy, Kidno-y Afl‘actions -- _ . ___—”W H ELM. ”LDC—GA-Euma Pr. palatmn for Numb Inf DM‘ ”‘3'” ~ flufl'marl. H 1311" 3' L m Hunmne Prunmtinn tor LO5B 0" rfifip .__‘ L'm‘ m Mommy, , 7 # HEWhomra Genuine P epamtinn for Difficulty of ___Bmuh uu,GeumnlW|akms. ~ {—llth “3‘B Guinine P—r‘éiiration for WT“: Nerves, __fijrmr of Death Trembling;______~____“_ PIEI-“BWLB’S-G;nuinq l’r-n-‘ti'watiun for Night Swans, Cull! “nut, Dimllelfl 0! Vision HELL)“ HOL "tHh-nuiu Prupurauun in: LumunL Uni” ""1" Lns~i~ndr of the Muscular "fllvm I i mLMBOhDTF-G nuine PrupJaUOn lot I a lid Uuunw Ducts and Ernpnona. “a M ml DE 9‘3““... Preparation for Palm: in Me ""91: H»w.nche,Biak Hfoumch, W 5“: ndwrtim-nwnt lit-MM . "ELMBOLD’B EXTRACT BUCflU m Dumbo-re lumu. no!4-d&w3m Pump? YOUR IBLOOD —BRANDm;Tn’s PIN-8 Wmnm-rsn m Guns Faves AND Aaus —The effect of puruing with nmummn’s PILI» is to re store the health, no matter from whet cause it may be “filing. They mite out all impurities from “19 BVB. tem; and they have the same poww- of expulsion over minsm, POikonous vapor at decayed vegutables, or indeed ”1 Peisunnus exhslntions breathed by man whatever. In 5"”, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im— pure blood results in disease. BRANDRETH‘S PILLS, though innocent as bread. yet they are capable of purl. fying the blood and curing disease. Sn, they cure all kinds uf fevers, all asthma“, catnrrhs,‘ cost-veness and Painful affections of every kind. . 80m. prion 26 cents. at No. :94 Gannl street. New York, and b! all Druggistl. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, earner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg. and by all respectable dealers in medicines. de9-d&wlm SETTLE!) FOREVER! The important question of POISON 1N HAIR DYES! CRIST A DORO'S HA [R DYE Has been unnlyz- d and DEGLARED HARMLESS! BY Pnorssson ROBERT CHILTON, or NH? YORK, The first mmytvci Amer! a. EE~ct of the Bye almost Insmutanclmfl. Iluparts 0. .et black or any pahnda of brown. Colm- rich. mam-ml, and uniform. Munnfsc tux-ed No. I 3 Antnr Huuae. New York. Sold everywhere, Ind upplied by all Hair Dressers. deD-dkw'lm WE can the attention of our readers 170 an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It [a an entirely new discovery. and must not be confounded with any of the numvroua patent. medi. vines of the win} It is rum) won me noon, already prepsrc-d fur nhnorption; plenum to the taste and natu ral in action, and what one gains he retains Let all those, then. who are nuflering from poverty, impurity or defleiancy of blood, and con'aequently with some chronic diseun or ailment. take of this “Loan FOOD and no te stored a; health We notice tint our druggiats have received a supply of this article, Mid also of the world renowned Dr. E TOM’S [xv mm: Comm“, which every mother uhunld have. It contains no paragoricor opiate of any kiud whatever. and of course must be invaluable for ll" infnntile complaints. It will only all pain, and soften the gum! in process of teething, and at the some time regulate thvrboweli Let 9.11 mothers and nurses, who have endured anxious any: and sleepless nights, procure a sgply and be at once relieved. flj‘ See vertiaement. lul'l-dkwam THE Gn nu ENGLISH Eminent—Sn James Olnrke’s celebrated Female Pilla,‘ prepnr'ed from a preSch‘ lon of Sir I . Clarke, M. 1).. Physician Eltflomi' nary to the Queen. ‘ ’ Thin invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cuts of I“ than painful and dangezouu diaeuesto which the female constitution in subject. It deBI'I-tel all new and re move: all obstruction: and I. speedy cure may be relied on. N alum ED mums it is peculiarly suited. It will in 3 short time bring on the monthly period vith regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government Rump of Great Britainr to pravont counterfeit:- ‘l‘mzs: PILLS anon!) no! 11l um!!! I! lEIALIB Dunno m FIRST THREE MUNTHB or Panoauxar, A 8135! ml sun: To name on Mlaounuol, an a m on!“ ma ran an: an]. ' In all onsets or Nervous and Spinal ”actions, Pain in the Buck find Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, P°lpitafion of the Heart, Hyaterice and Whiteß, the“ Pills will rfieut I cure when all other means have failed, and although a pow erful remedy, do not contain ran, enamel, antimony, or withing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each wings, which should be carefully preserved. \ N. 3..—5.00 and B postage stamps enclosed to any an thopized Agent, will insure a bottle. containing over 50 pills, by return mail. ~For sale by 0. A. Barnum. Harrisburg. jy'l-dnwly IMPORT ANT 'I‘U FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAN’S PI! LS‘ The combination of ingredients in these Pills era the result of u. long and extensive practice. They ere mild in their operation, ma curtain in correcting all irregu luitien, painful menstruation removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold or otienn‘se, hem-she pain in the aide, pelgitetion of the heart, whites, 111 nor vous emotions, yeterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, £36., disturbed sleep, which Arise from interrup tion of unture. Rhands’ Corner. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS > was the commencement of I new era. in the treatment of those irregularities and obstruction: which have con aigned so many monsoon of the young, the beautiful, old the beloved to a. roman-nan GBAVI. No female can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever :n tipatmetion takes piece the general health beginl to so me. - _ua the most eflecmal remedy ever known for all com plaints peculiar to Formica. 'l'6 £ll GIMME "my train. valuable, inducmg, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them at different periods, throughout the country, having tho sanction of some of the most eminent Physicians in America. r Explicit directions, stating when, and when. they mould n: b; and, accompany each box—the .Pnns One Dollar each box, containingfmty Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to he had free, of the Agents. Pills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to the GenerllAgent. §old by druggiete generally. R. B. HUTOHINGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Harrisburg by 0. ’A. BANNVAET. _ , deal 759-d&wly - Dr. Bruuou’s Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT REVIVER. speedily "silicates all the evil elf-acts of SELLABUSE, a! Loss of Memory, Shortness of Breath, Giddincma, Palpitation of the Heart. Dimneen of Vision, or any constitutional demngements of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgenee of the passions. Acts alike on either net. Price One Dollar. ‘NO. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days, any case of GONORRIHEA, is without taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. , ~ No. 3. THE TEEEB will cure in the shortcut possible time. nnv case of GLE ET, even after all other Remediel have failed to produce the desired elfect. No taste or smell [Nee One Dollar. 7NO. .1 THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really curq strictures of the Urethra. No matter of how [3:5 utundmg or neglected the one may be. Price One at. . No. 5. THE SOLUTOB will cure any case of GBAVEL, permanently and speedily remove 11l amictionl or the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One noun. N 0.15 FOB PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. . No. 7 THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radic'elly, and in a. much ehnrter time than they can be removed by my other treatment. In fact, is the only remedy that will filly correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price One 0 “I'. No. 8. THE ORIENTAL PASTILS are Wfllill‘, “rem speed! in producing MENS'I‘RUA'I‘IDN, or wmum‘ng my Irregularities of the monthly p'eriods. Price Two Donuts. No 9. FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Bemed y sent free by mail on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get 1 Circular. Genet-5| Depot North—East corner of York Avenue and Gailowhill Street. Private (mice 401 York Avenue, emu»- dolphin, Pa For sale in Harrisburg only by O. A. BANNVART, 'where Gircn!ars containing valuable informat'en, with full de scription: of each use, will be delivered cutie. on appli eetlon. Addrees DR. FELIX BRUNON, myl-dly r. 0. Box 99. Philadelphia, Pa. BOOTS A-ND SHOES. . JAO K S 0 N b C 0 . Have opened a Boat and Shoe Store at No. 90% MAR KET STREET, corner of Fourth, where they Leép con stantly on hand a fun and varied assortment of the BEST CITY MADE SHOES. Having been engaged in the SHOE UPPER BUSI NESS in this city for more than a. year, they are pre pared to make ALL KINDS OF FANCY SHOES to order, at short notice, of the best. materials, and war— rented to give satisfaction every way. FPlease can and exemine my zssqrtment before purchasing elsewhere. 11? Remember the place—9ox Market street, sign 0 the [non-(13111] GOLDEN BOOT. GUN AND BLASTING POWDER. JABIES M. WHEELER: HARRISBURG, PA., AGENT FOR ALL POWDER AND FUSE ' IANIII'AB’I‘IIBED Br I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS &: 00., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. ILT" A large supply always on hand. For sale at manu facturer’s prices. Magazine two miles below town. W 096”! received at Warehouse. 7 11.017 RE.MO V A L . ‘ JOHN w. GLOVER, MERCHAENiT *vT'AI‘LOR, 11::qumnw‘war:¢fi . i 5-} . 337 -' VI 66 >MAR'KET’STREET, Where he will be pleased to see all hit friend ', oew-dtf ' DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS filmit‘ul. SANFORD’S LlVEfimLNnynLtspfieTvm 11' 3, compoundgd entirely hum Gun“, and h become an established fact, I Randal-r 1 Medicme.knovn and approved by all thlt m‘ 31!": usedit,andia nevi :0 sorted to with confidence in allthndisemsforwhich it in recommended. hD#m , It has cured thousand! who had given up all hopes E" unsolicited certificates in q The dose must be adapted . individual taking it, and m to Mtgently on the bowel!- Let the dictates of your 0 use of the LIVER [N- (I, will cure Liver Com- ._. tacks,” ygpepbin, SID-smel- use m-' > ry, r o s y., ou I' cOHi v apnea, Chol- z m Marlins, Cholera lance, Jaundicc, el, and my be used sne ry Family Medi al: A nAqu. (‘..: twenty uninvited, ! spnontull are taken: tack. H All wha use it are! in its favor. A 1 MIX WATER IN fiIE MOUTH WITH THE INYIG canon, AND awnnow BOTH TOGETHER I’rice One Dollar per Bottle. A ‘ —-—ALSO-— SANFORD=S IAMII-Y BATHARTIB PILLS, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass Gases, Air Tight, and will keep :11. any climfite. tic PILL is a. gentle but the proprietor hu used it twenty yen! ,inf domud from thou P 1.1.5, alga t_he satisfac- The Family Gullah} active Csthunic, which his practice more than The eonstuntly immu who have long used the‘ tion which all express in! induced me to place them The Profession well know; set on diEerent portions The FAMILY 0A! with due referenee to this 0 compounded from : varie~ Extractorwhich ect dike H mentmv canal and are 5" canoe «11 era 1 dathurtie in rangemenuofthe m Pain: In the Back nesl, Pain and 3011- 4 body from sudden cold, Ileana, end in I. long Appetite. a Creeping H 3 over the body, Rest nxanr m was Humid! 5" 5.5333, Woman in Chil finanagront PURIIIER d: diseaseno which flesh is mention inthie edvertiee- C Price Three The Liver Invigorator and Email, Cathartic I’m: no ”tail!!! by Drug Its zanenlly, md sold vhplaanie by the Txade u: all the e tom. 8. l‘. W SANFORD, M. IL, Manufacturer 3nd Pwpriotox, 208 Broadway, N. I'. jJT-dkwly ct MRS. WINSLoW, An experienced Nurse Ind Female Physician, presents to the nttention of mothers, her . SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. which greatly facilitates _tha process of teething, by softening the gums reducing all inflammation—will allly ALL PAIN uni spasmodic action, and in SUB-E 'l‘o REGULATE THE BOWELS. Defend upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, m BELIE!‘ AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. We have put up and sold this uticle for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to any of any other medi. cine—NEVER HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANOIE T 0 EFFECT A CURE, when timely usetl. Never diti we know an instance of dissatisfaction by in one who used it. On the contnry, all are delighted wag its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical efl‘ects and medical virtues. We speak in this matter “ WHAT WE DO KNOW,” after ten ymrs’ experience, AND PLEDGE OUR BEPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DE CLARE. In almost every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion. relief will he found in Sateen ox- twenty minutes after the syrup in adminis ere . This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has been used with NEVER FAIL ING SUCCESS m THOUSANDS OF GASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity 3 snd gives tone and energy to the whole system. It W 1“ :1 most instantly relieve " GRIPING IN THE BOWELS. AND WIND OOLIO, and overcome convulsions which, if not speedily reme died, and in death. We believe it the BEST and sumsr REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSEN TERY end DIARRHQM IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a. child sufi‘ering from any of the foregoing complaints—DO NOT LET YOUR PRE JUDIOES, NOR THE pnmumcns 0F OTHERS, stand between you and your snfiering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, if timely used. Full directions for using will accomfany each bottle. None genuine unless the acrsimile o CURTIS &. PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. . Sold by Dmggists throughout the world. anoxrsn Omen 13 Game Smear, New You. PRICE ONLY’ 25 cums run BOTTLE. sepZD-dkwly IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS. IT WILL PAY YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAY !! IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT T 0 HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTDIGS AND GENTS’ FURNISHIN G GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE,NO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF OF THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL I GOODS AT 10 PER CENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. p. 341:1va SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR. I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHION'ABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT. OR. NO SALE- oct64d4m KELLER’S DRUG SE is the place “9““ “)9, but Inertlnent at Port: MOBMIGI.« K 1111;41:151st. DRUG: STORE is the phage tn buy Pawn Mad“: in“. ‘ » Fm“! MUSTARD gr to KELLER’B DRUG STORE. within the luv. two you: of relief. as the numerous my possession show. to the tempanmentof tn. used in such quantities u jud out guide on in the VIEBRATOIL and it plain“. Bil“ us At. Chronic Diarrhoea, p l 9.1 nu, Dyleme. Slomach, H bitual ic, Cholera, Choln l ntunmm, F I an:- Female W ea knel cesafnlly as an Ordina cine. It will cure SIC! thousands can ratify.) in two at three '1‘“:- !at commencement of It H b giving their testimony regard to their use, bu vi hit: the reach of u] that difl’ennt Oahu-tie of the bowels. ‘rmmrw mm. m., we]! oerabfinhad fact, been ty of the purest Vegetable on every put of t e ali good and safe in 11] needed Inch us Be- Stomach. Sleepineu, and boil", Goathe neu over the whole which frequently if no coursoe of Fever, in)“ o! Sensation e I Co l d leuneu, Human, or INFLAMMATOB! DlB. ‘dren or Adults, Rheum:- of the BLOOD and man, heir, too numerous t 0 meat. Dose, Ito 3. Dimes. T 0 {tines of «Brunei. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROD WINTER {DIME TABLE Imm TRAINS DAILY T 0 5» mm mummm ON AND AFTER MONDAY, ‘NOVEMBER 26m, 1860. The Passenger Train of the Pennaylvahhnailroud con. puny will depart from and In!" at Harrisburg mud Philadelphia as follows : EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leuves Harrisburg .t 2.40 a. m , _and wives “West Philadelphia at 8.50:.m. FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.56 p. m., m arrives at West Philudélphin In 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5 25 p. m.,nnd a:— rives at West; Philadelphia at 10.20 p. In. These ’l'mixls make close connection at Philadelphia with the New York Lines. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN , No. 1; leave» Harrisburg at 7.30 l. m 7 puns via Mount Joy, and "lives It Walt Philadelphia. at 12.30 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION lane: Harrin bm-g at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphll It 6.40 p, m. ‘ ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leave! Harriabm at 5.35 p. m., ru‘ns via. Mount Joy, connecting at Dillar ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphib. WESTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philldelphil at 10.60 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m. nun. TRAIN lanes Philadelphia.» 8.00 m 111:, um urfiveut Harrisburg.“ 1.20 p. m. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pitlahurg at 7.00 n. In. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphiu 1.1; 12.00 noogx, and "I rive. 1.1: Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN [ulna Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and sums nt Hum-burg It 7.35 p. m. . ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave: Philadelphn fit 4.00 p. m., and arriyes at Harrisburg at 9.45 p tn. Attention is called to the fact, that puhengers 160.1 e Philadelphia at 4 p. In. owned; at Law“? with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive It Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m, SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. East. Div. Benn’a Railroad n023-dtf NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. glam lg NOTI O E . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY NOVEMBER 2611!, 1860, the Passenger Trains of- the fiorthern Central Built-y will leave Harrisburg u follow: : . G DING 80 UTE Accouuonumu 53mm will leave It. .axoo n. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at............7.40|. 11. MAIL TRAIN wi111envett..........'.... .. 1.00 pm. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leave £17.... ..-—« -- ... 1.40 p. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at. . . . .... .. ...8.15 p. In, The only Train levying Harrisburg on Buds! will In the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 8.00 s. m. For further information apply at the once, in Penn aylnnle Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL. Agent. Harrisburg, November 1860.—n02! NEW AIR légNE ROUTE NEW YORK. _ W '7‘" gL i» ‘ ‘I 7.3.3.: ' . “r , 35:31: wanti- Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO GITIES OF NEW YORK AN D HARRISBURG, V I A READING, ALLENTBWN AM) EASTGN MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at I a. m., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 p. m., any 6,1110 an between the two cities. ' MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon, end or] rives at Harrisburg at 8.15 p. In. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg it 8.00 s. m., urivinz at New York at 5.20 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leeves Hurle burg at 1.16 p. m., nrriving at New York at 9.45 p. 11:. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylv nin, Cumberland Valley and Northern Central Railroads All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts. ville and Philadelphia, and It Allentown for Mulch Chunk, Eastern, kc. _ No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York end Harrisburg, by the 6.00 a. in. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and ocean: modation, this Route presents superior inducements to the traveling public. Fare between New York and Harrisburg, FIVE DoLuu . For Tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, Harrisburg. dels PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD, WINTER ARRANG EMENT. ON AND AF'IfER DEC. 12, 1860, ' TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays exwphd,’ at 8.00 A. M., 1m! 1.15 P. m., for Philadelphia, ”living there “1.25 P. H., Ind 6.15 P. M. ‘ RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 AM, and 8.30 P. H., arriving at Harrisburg at 1 P. M. Ind 8.15 I" M- FARES:—To Philadelphin, No.l am, 33.26; No. 2, (in same train) $2.75. FABES :--’l'o Reading $1.60 and $1.80; M Bending, connect with train: for Panama, when. ville, Tnmnqu, Ontarians, Bw. lOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING FOB PHILADEL pnm DAILY, at aA. m., 10.45 A. m., 12.30 noon on: 3.43 P. M. ‘ LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING- nt 8 A. H., 1.00 'P. u.,3.30 2. m., and 5.00 P. u. FABES:—Banding w Philadelphia, 31.75 and $1.45. THE MORNING TRAIN PROM HARRISBURG OOH. NEGTS AT READING with In: train for WW Pittman and Scranton. loz- through ticks“ and other information npply to J. J. OLYDI, Genenl Agent; 7 W 5 dtf PHILADELPHIA READINGAyAILROAD. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER BABES, ON AND AFTER MONDAY, APIIIL 2, 1560 UDMMUTATION TICKETS, with 20 Con ons will be issued between my points desired, good {gr the holder and any member of HI family, in any Passenger train,end n my time—at 25 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the Road frequently on business or pleasure, will find the above amusement convenient and economical; es Four Passenger trun run dolly each way between Reading and Philadelphia; end Two Trains daily between Beading, Pottsville u: Harrisburg. On Sundays onlyone morning train Down and one afternoon train U’p, runs between Pow-ville Incl Philadelphia, and no Passenger trein on the Lebmon Valley Branch Railroad. For the above Tickets, or any information relating thereto, apply to 8. Bradford, Esq., Treasurer Phllulelo phi», to the respective Ticket A ente on the line, or to G. A. NICELLS, _G-enenl Snp’t. March 27, 1860.—mnr28-dtf ' H A T C H & C 0., S HIP AG ENTS - AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 138 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, DlALanm ' ' FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE. COTTON, WINES AND LIQUORB, TOBAG'C'O AND 010433. nova—dam v L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL Tum . um Rnnmnn op runes, MELODEONS. kc kc. Orders in futute must be left at WM. KNGGHE’B MUSIO STORE, 92 Market atreat, or at BUEHLEE’I HOTEL. All orders left st the abovernmed place: will meet with prompt attention. In." «has PIANOS for sale Uh I mi! BEEF—A n extra lotpf DRIED , BEEEjut received by -~> , - 1109, , 7 WM. DOCK, J.."& on. STORAGE! STORAGE” L. Storage received at warehouse of 1101? JAMES M _WHEELRR. PlBllll