@139 3515111"qu dc udumu. MONDAY MORNING, DEC. 24. 1860 O. BARRETT a: THOMAS (L MAUDOWELL. Pub lisher: um Proprietors. Commentiona will not be published in the P 413109 m Unto! unless aoaompanied with the name of the “that. . S. M. PETTENRILL I: (10., Advertising Agants, 119 Human street, New York, Ind 10 State street, Boston, are the Agents for the Printou- Alm Union, Ind the moat {nfluentiul und largest circu hting newspapers in the United Stntes and Canada. They an authorized m contract for us It our lowest run;- FOR SALE. A wound-hula Alums Passe, platen 39% by 26 inches, In good order; can be worked either by hand or stem ”var. Tex-ma moderate Inquire at this omen. TO THE FRIENDS OF THE PATRIOT AND UNION. we all the uttentionof our yen-1y club snhécriberato the bet (hat their subscription: will expire during Decem- her and Jana, ensuing. We should like very much if our amplign and yea-1y subscribers would renew the! nhrriptiona and use their influence to extund the cir annual: of the Warns PARmr an Uzuox. Isms It which we ofl’er it to clubs are as low a! any paper containing the nuke snow: of reading mutter published in the Union. ' In View of fin exintlng state of “him, there will be an exciting time at Washington, am it in not unlikely tint we shall hum t lively time at the Stste Capital.— At are former to 811111 have a reliable correspondent, and n the httu- competent reporters to gin the Legis htive new! and all other occurrences worthy of note. '9 than tlso give our usual compendium of foreign Ind domestic news, and SW9 no pain to make the Puma! m Uslou on!) of the but (as it is the cheapest) family journals in the State Raping nut om- friendn will make some exertions t 6 atom! the circulation of the paper, either by clubs 'or omm”, we call attention to the T E B 1|! 8. DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION. Single copy for one yen, in Manna... ......... .54 00 Single copy during the Immn of the Legislature" 1 00 WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, Plblislud ovary flursday Dinghy cnpyone year, in 1dvance.................82 00 Ton copies to one addre55.................."...110 00 subscriptions msy commence at my time. Pay at my: in advance. Any person sending n: 3 club of fifty lnblcfiben to the Weekly will be entitled to a copy fox hiu lax-vices. The mice is so low that. we cannot ofer [resul- inducements tlun this. Additions unybo made a. my time to a club of subscribers by. remitting $1 In: each additional name. It is no"; necessary to send u the was of 21.15:: aonntituting ; (dub, u we mnnot union-k 0 to address each paper to club subscribers ”Wkly. Specimen eopien of the Weekly will be sent to 111 Illa desire it. . 0. BARRETT k CO..Hlrriflmrg, Pu. The Senate Committee. The Vice President has shown great wisdom and discretion in the composition of the Senate Committee of Thirteen on the National Crisis. The fact that he has appointed both Mr. Carr uxnis and Mr. Douaus on that Committee is evidence that he divested himself of all personal partiality and prejudice. and looked solely to the good. of the country. The duty of consti tutingthe Committee so as to subserve the great ends for which it was designed was atask both dificult and embarrassing, as may be inferred from the remarks made by Mr. Buscxmnmos whenannounoing his selections, which we quote from the Congressional Globe .' mvrcn PRESIDENT The Senator from Mery lend will ellnw the Chair to announce the special com mittee directed to be railed to coneider that portion of the Pre- ident’l Message which reletes to the disturblnoes of the country, end. with the leave of the Senate, h:- will mote a. single remnk. The Chair has found surestdeal o! difficulty in fuming the Committee, but has tried to eonpoee it in the spirit which he believes actuated the Senate in ordering it: appointment. It will be observed an upon this Committee are two Senotore from one St‘e. This was unavoidable. Of course the author of the resolutions becomes the eneirmnn of the Committee; Ind I no sure the Senate will, for many neeonn, recog nise the feet tint it was proper that the émihéhl 365%? Sandor from Kentucky should also be a. member of tint Committee. The Secretely will read it. _ The Secretory reed the Committee, as follows : Mr. Penn. Mr. Human, Mr. Gnu-runner, Mr. Sewn“), Ir. TUOIBB, Mr. Douous. Mr COLLAIBB, Mr Inns. lir. WADE. Mr. Dunn, Mt. met, Mr. Booms-no, and It. Girlie. Mr. Jxrunsox DAVIS declined serving with out assigning publicly any reason therefor ; but it is said that his reason given to his friends was—“lt’s no use—it’s too late.” The members of the Committee are politically cloned, including Mr. DAVIS, as five Union Democrats, one Union man, (Mr. Cnlnxxnnnd two Secessionist-s, and fivfi Republicans. The refusal of Jnrnasox DAVIS to 'serve somewhat dampened the hopes of the Union men at Washington; but as Georgia is regarded as the key of the secession‘movement, the accep tance of Mr. Toouns contributed to counter balance the depression. , Pennsylvania is represented on the Commit tee by Mr. Brown, who has been unremitting in his exertions to effect such a compromise as will save the country from disruption, and who‘ will continue to labor for the restoration of peace and harmony. Since the above was written, we see that Senator DAVIS, yielding to the urgent appeal of Mr. Yuma, of Florida, has consented to serve upon the Committee of Thirteen. A Republican Answer to a Republican. When Wade’s course for years in stirring up strife is reeolleezed; when he has gone about the country preaching up a crusade against ala mry per se ,- when he has declared there was no real Union, and could be none with slavery in it; when he has done yeonmn service, in talk~ ping this into half a million of people, thus in citing the North against the South, is it. not a piece of shining brass for him now to stand up in the Senate and say to the South: It Now, flat do you compiain of! You are going to break up this Government. You are going to involve an in wu- and bleed out of amere suspicion that we Ihnu tun-com! that which we mud here to vindicate. How vault,“ be justified in “3° ayes of the civilized world 1,, 1.1;. u monstrous ; poution, Ind mediate it on a more suspicion?” Let‘ho less a Republican organ than the Albafiy Evening Journal, an out-and-out. Seward print, answer this question for the South. Let it he lememberad that this press is urging in: party tofpause, act in thespirit of coxcxmumx, and save the Union. 011 the very day that Wade made his war speech, the Journal 'thus talked: “Bu in this nonfirovlmj we Ire not wholly blemelau. If there “0 59““ “‘ 0‘“ “Siflhbor’e eyes there are motel in our on. Too llnyof In forgetthnt when this Union vel formed. Sheet-y W“ “13 “Ll—Freedom the BIO!!- nox. While eve—climate, Boil end interest, favoring and sending our sentiments and lympnthien—hnn been working out, other States, wnth adverse complication end element». h-vo worked ‘0” “”231; into Slavery.— Inwmq upon enemas. of my mung". nag,“ by tooling: to which we we nexther :nnenmhle nor inditfer. ant, with no surety to om“ l-t Mme: have deemed it their duty to deniend the linen?! Slavery elsewhere, forgetting, in their see], that It amt: 1n the Southern ltetee under the eon-titutiun, and with the con-ant of one “than, who bound themselves mg their descend. ”In to obey the: Constitution. 301:6th have been fo med, prrh‘ll n esbnlrln-hvu. tracts ‘li-‘lllllull‘fl. lulu rm insarh-s sent into the Slum Slates, teachin_ thfltslnvt‘ry is sinful and tho! ~luw9§uught to be emanciuued. These lessons. in harmony with ull 1h humnuiliva of civiliza tion. were easily learned. But in learning them we did not find wyriften on the same page. nor in tho Home chap ter, that In our effort: to abolish Slum-y we should pro vide in demnlty to the owuen When we refer on we on": do, ‘l‘mmphu-tly, to the exumplv of England, we Ire ”0' 9 .t‘! “"3” that! emancipaziannnd compensation VENPNV‘IIOM 0‘ the lame Act of Parliament.” Yes; and these Abolilion ennssurles no doubt went. among the slaves, and with bundles of the speeches of this Abolitioniat. Wade, de scribing, in his own words, “the b ighting curse 0f slavery,” and—how the only way to save the Union was “to divest it entirelyfrom all taint of slavery." What. does such language mean but emancipation? The very demagogue who preached through the North this doctrine, now has the assurance to stand up in the Senate and ask—“ What do you complain of ?” Was there ever such insult? Wade black gnnrds the chief magistrate by saying that the Southern mu-n own him its much as they do the slaves on their pluntatimns. It is notblackguard, but truth to say, than William Lloyd Gnrrilon, for years, has owned Wade, and made him do disuuion work. THE NATiDNAI CRISIS. The Minors or mu: onlgtkggssns T 0 run NORTH The New York Herald esumates the losses to both sections of the Union, by the present national troubles. as follows: 1.08523 A! THE SOUTH. 00tééa..............-........ ... Rice. tobacco ind naval mm. . . . . Railroad flutes, hands, flock: and other a5curitiea.............---..-............... curitiea.............---..-............... Deprecigtion in land: and nest-008.. .. . . . .. . Total LOSSES 11' THE NORTH l'lom- at tide-want, New ank.... .. ..... . . 31,000.000 Wheat at tide-water. No-w York... . . . .... . . 800.000 Conn at tide-water, New York" . . . . . . ... .. . 360,000 Flam-in the interior........ ............. 20,000.000 Wheat in he interior..." .. mum"... .. 10,000,000 Old and not com in the inn-riot. .. . . ...... 10,000,000 Park in the interior... . .................. 760,000 Im; orted amt! domestic “xiv-lea, iron, wool enui‘ &.c......- .......................... 20,000,000 Loss 0 mnnul‘ncturea by suspension, hall'- ‘rnrk, 'eis intarent on money. he. .. .. Decline in railroad shares and bonds. Stun. county and city bonds, bank clpital and nharea....... ....................-. Decline in woolm- - ...........: Loss on real sud personal entate in New York- 150,000,000 Lot on real and personal eatate in the inte rior free State: and cities.... . T0!51.....-.-...........-..H.<...__.. 47620,!)00 Grand total of losses in the North and 50uth......"-..........................5669,120.000 THE ADDRESS OF THE GONSERVATIVES 0F MAS SACHUSEJ‘TS. It was stated recently that thirty-five con servative and leading citizens of Massachu setts, of ditfereut political parties, had issued an address to the people of the State on the present crisis. This address, after speaking of the perilous condition of the Union, boldly de clares that the State of Massachusetts has vio l lated our great national compact. by laws-on her statute book which are in conflict with the Constitution and laws of the United States.— And it then proceeds to point out 'the objec tionable features of the “personal liberty”bill. In this connection the address says : "We hold it to be plain that a State’has not the constitutional power to subject 'to severe and ignominions punishment persons who. by mistake or facts, or misapprehension of law, and. without any corrupt or wicked intent, make a claim under the laws and before the authorities of the United States. If such a power existed, every law of the United States could be rendered inoperative by State legislav tion. For who would demand any right under a law of the United States, if the penalty of an innocent failure to prove his case. which may proceed from merely accidental causes, should subject him to a fine or five thousa d dollars, and imprisonment in the State prison for five years! Yet such is one of the laws now on our ‘ statute book. ‘1 "The volunteer militia are prohibited from acting in any manner in the rendition of a person aafiudged to he a fugitive from service. The Volunteer militia is the only arm on which the municipal magistrates of our cities and towns can rely, to quell organized and dangerous riots. Every one of its members is a member of the militia of the United States. and they are armed at the expense and under the autho rity of the United States, expressly conferred by the Constitution. Yet this law declares that the arms of the United States, in the hands of citizens of the United States, who are apart of the militia. of the United States, shall nut be used by them to.protecl; ofl'icers of the law of the United States from lawless violence in the streets. of a city, whose peace the common~ wealth is bound to preserve.” Duty to our common country, to the State, and to its citizens, it is argued, at some length, demand the early and unconditional repeal of the obnoxious law. ‘ UNION MEETING Al‘ CINCINNATI. ‘A very large and enthusiastic Union Meeting was held at Cincinnati on the evening of the 19th inat. The Engm'rgr says : Despite the lowering clouds, the frowning skies and the heavy, drenching rain which poured down unoeasingly all day, the meeting was in numbers asplendid success, a. fact which attests the great interest taken and the warm sympathy felt by the people in its objects. The meeting was imposing, not only in‘its numbers, but in the character of those who composed it. The solid, substantial men of the city—repre senting largely its commecialand industrial in terests—men who have it deep stake in its prosperity, and who have done much in the post for its advancement by their energy and industry—were present. It rejoiced us, much to see the large proportion of gray-haired vete~ rsns, who ha've retired from an active partici pation in political and business afl'nirs, but who on this occasion came up to lend their names and presence in aid of the grand object of Union and fraternal feeling between the States. The-danger to the integrity of our country has aroused'the patriotism and stirred the hearts of the masses of the people, both old and young, to an extraordinary degree, " The following, among other resolutions, were adopted : That we hold all State laws opposing the just execution of the fugitive slave law not only un constitutional and void, but misehievous in their influence on the feelings of the people, both North and South; and that all good citi zens will unite to effect the repeal of such laws. That the clause in the Constitution which guarantees the rendition of fugitive slaves was indispensable to the formation, and is indie pensable to the existence of the Union, right in itself and necessary to the South, and every good citizen will faithfully sustain the execu tion fit: the laws made in pursuance of that pronslon. That. we most earnestly disapprove of and condemn the uncandid and unjust denuncia tions in each section of the country. against the people of the other, which have for so many years been prevalent, and which, originating wit-h a. few. have at length fixed the prejudices. embittered the feelings and misguided the judgments of many, and we believe the uncan did discussion of the slavery question to be one chief cause of the political evils of the day, (yo—OPERATION EDITING IN GEORGIA. At Milledgeville, on December 14th, a large public meeting was held, and the following resolutions were passed unanimously: 1. That we repudiate the idea that either of the sluveholding States will, under any cir cumstancaa, pral’e untrue to 1191‘ own interests AND SOUTH 313,000 000 2,000,“ 10,500.000 150,000,000 ............‘ 180,500,000 10,000.000 .. . 1 000,000 0:*?,"r00,ooo -N .- 150,000,000 ant: [he luoerest 0] 1h 1' sinner DLul-rs,‘uuu the success of a common cause. 2. That We repudiate the delusive policy of secession first and co-operation aftermirds. Inn-rest, safe y and success, anti ordlnnry re spect to our sister sluveholtling Slat-es, require consultation with at least as many as will eon— sult, before secession; and then ”secession be deemed advisable, (to—operation in secession and co operation after secesuion. Whatever mode, manner or re :ress he adopted, the first step to its successful neeomplishment is to unite the cbunsels of those Who are equally aggrieved. and who are simultaneously demanding redress, or at least as many as will unite with their counsels. - 3. That in hasty, ill-advised. separate State secession. we can see nothing but. divisions among our people, confusion among the slave holding States, strife around our firesidos, and ultimate defeat to every movement for the effec tive redress of our grie want-es. 4. That. in theconsultmion and co-operation of the slaveholding States, We recognize the maintenance of our rights and equality, the preservation of our laws, the peace of our families, the security of our property. the her mony of our people, the peaceful division'of the public property, if disunion must ensue, and the success of whatever plan of redress may be agreed on and adopted. 5. Thut in selecting delegates to the op proaching Convention, we urge the people to see to it that. they do not cast. their votes for those who are in favor of immediate secession of Georgia alone; and to avoid doubt 'on this subject, so vital to our success and peace, we respecttully suggest. that the people require every candidate seeking their votes, to take distinct position against immediate separate secession, at least until a proper efi'ort for co— operation has failed. SOUTH CAROLINA CUIYENTION. CHARLESTON. Dec 21.—An earnest prayer was offered, invoking God’s blessing on the new-born Confederacy. Immediately after the reading of the journal, Mr. Adams moved to exclude the reporters and strangers. Mr. Hardee ofi'ered a. written substitute, ap pointing u committee to wait. on the Governor. so that the Cunventinn could advise with him in secret session relative to the present state of nfl‘airs. Laid aside. Mr. Adams Wanted the presence of the Post master. A motion to that efi‘ect was carried. Mr. Inglis moved to admit an oflioml reporter. Lost. Mr. Rhett reported from the Committee ap— pointed to pepnre an address :0 the Southern peopte. Mr. Rhett read the report at the re quest of the President. ‘ Mr. Pope moved that the address shauid not he reported until final action had been taken on it. ' Mr. Cal-n moved that it be printed, and its consideration made the special order of to morrow at 1 o’clock. A member desired that the address should be given to nine world in o' precise form, as the voice of the Convention, and not he liable to alterations int-sporting and telegraphing, and thus co'nvey wrong impressions when read to morrow throughout the country. Mr. Pope desired that it should not be pub lished in the journnls. The vol‘ovon the question that the report should be printed, but not in the public jour nals. was put, and there was but three nega tives. ' The question of making it the special order of to-morrow, at 1 o'clock, was carried unani mously. Mr. Wardlow, from the committee appointed to prepare the oath of oflice, submitted the fourth Article of the South Carolina Constitu tion, amended as follows: ' “ All persons who shall be elected or up pointod to any oflice of profit or trust, before entering upon the' execution thereof, shall take, besides the special oaths not repugnant to this Constitution as prescribed by the Gen eral Assembly, the following oath : “ I do solemnly swear (or-affirm) that I will be faithful and true in the allegiance I bear to South Carolina, so long as I may oontinue a citizen thereof, and that I am duly qualified, according to the Constitution of this State, to exercise the duties of the ofioo to which I have been appointed, and will, to the boat of my ability, discharge the duties of the ofioe, and preserve, protect‘aud defend the Constitution of this State—so help me God.” Mr. Wardlaw moved the adoption of this form of oath. - Adebate ensued on motions to insert the word “high” before “oifice,” and omitting at the end. "of this State." Mr. Withers said the clause that. “ every of ficer appointed lhall take the foliowing oath,” implied, according to some authorities, that no other oath shall be taken. The ordinance was adopted unanimously. On motion of tax-Governor Adams. the Con vention went into secret. sesston. CHARLESTON, Dec. 21.—The Convention are now balloting, for the second time, for three Commissioners to be sent to Washington. Mr. R. W. Barnwell was elected on the first ballot. Messrs. A. G. Magrath and J L. Orr stand the next chance for the other two. CHAnLnsrox,Deo. 21. Midnight—The second ballot for the two other Commissioners to Wash ington was unsuccessful. On the third ballot, tax-Governor J. H. Adams and «ex-Congressman J. L. Orr. were elected to act with Mr. Barn well, as Commissioners to treat with the United States. ~ - TONE 0} THE REPUBLICAN PRESS. The Intelligencer sees “light. in the North” from the article of Mr. Weed, in the Albany Journal. The N. Y. Express says; “The republican journals, generally, (excep tions there are,) stand fixed, fast, firm, Iby that negro !’ The Times even endorses end puffs Wade’s sectional tirade! The Washington cor respondent sPeaks of him as ‘the brave senator from Ohio.’ The Tribune is attackinglhe po cific plsn of the Albany Evening J- urnal. 0f the intimation that Weed has been consulting Sew ard, ‘we (Tribune) judge it to be malicious and nntrue.’ Nevertheless, others think that as Weed thinks, so thinks Seward. The editor is set down to be the ‘premonit-ory symptom’ of the senator. Wade of Ohio is quoted by the Tribune as against Weed and his pacifications.” THE SEGESSION OF SOUTH CAROLINA—RECEP TION OF THE INTELLIGENCE IN THE SOUTH—- SALUTES FIRED AND THE PIOPLE REJOIOING' _'roncnmsntr PROCESSION—ILLUMINATIONS. Gmnnns'ron, Dec. 21.—A grand procession of Minute Men is in progress tonight in honor of the secession of the State from the Federal Union. The procession embraces seV eral thousand “Minute Men,”-citizens, Stran gers, firemen and military; with music, ban ners and transparencies. The line is brilliantly illuminated with large locomotive reflectors. presenting quite an imposing display, The procession formed in front of Secession Hall, and proceeded to the Mills House, where the band serenaded Governor Pickeng, Sub sequently Mr. D. Porter. President of the 8911- ate, Gen. Simmons. Speaker of the House, Gen. Jamison, President of the Convention, Mayor Macheth and others received the same comp“- ment, and returned their thanks in appropriate remarks. _ The flug‘carried at, the head aion wafz that 9f Captain Berry, 3; $1: grocer;- Columbm, whzch was hoisted ofl‘ G Gamer Island, New York hay. Overnor s The city is alive with 1 _ P easurabl - _ 1111:3353 nugxber of pnvate residence:,?:fife s an news a a. t . illuminated. p p as üblmh'nemfi are MOBILE, Ala", Dec. 20th.—~The new, of the passage of the ordinance of secession by South Carolina. was received here with great. satisfac tion. A salute of 100 guns was fired by me military'amirl the cheering and other tokens of the rejoicing: of the people. MOBILE. Dec. 21.—The city: is illuminated, and ameeting is in progress 1n honor of me secession of South Carolina. The meeting is immense, andthe wildest enthusiasm prevails. ! Some oi the oldest. men are taking the most meat art. ”growls, Fla, Dec. 20—45 salute of one hundred guns was fired here on the reception of the news of the secession of South Carolina, and immense enthusiasm was manifested. Mon-rooms“, Ala, Dec. 20.-—Gov. Moore ordered a solute of one hundred guns to be fired at noon to-morrow, in honor of the seces sion of South Carolina. ' NosroLK, Va., Dec. 21.—A large meeting of citizens was held at Ashland Hall last night, and passed resolutions recommending a na tional and State convention; opposing coer cion; favoring the arming of the State. and agninfit opening the slave trade. Here and at Portsmouth a salute of fifty guns was fired in honor of South Carolina.— The Palmetto flag was also displayed here. WILMINGTON. N. 0.. Dec. 21.—A salute of one hundred guns was firedhere to-dny in honor of the secession of South Carolina. New Onnsans, Dec. 21.—There appears to he a general demonstration of joy here at the secession of South Carolina. A salute of 100 guns-was fired to-day, and the Pelican flog un furled. Impromptu secession speeches from some of our leading citizens have been deliv ered. The Marsellaise, polkas, etc, are the only airs played. . ' ‘ To-day a bust of Calhoun was'exhibited, decorated with a cockade. The news of the passage of the secession or dinance was announced last night from-the stage of the Varieties Theatre, and received with enthusiasm. CO-CPIRATION MOVEMENTS A! THE SOUTH. Naronnz, Miss., Dec. 20,—The election re turns for the city of Natchez show the vote in favor of co-operation to be 426, and for imme diate secession 179. Now Ours-Aids, Dec. 19.—Meetings are being held to-night. Several representative districts have nominated candidates to the convention. 1 There is intense excitement. The co-opera tionists are making a great struggle to defeat the secessionists in this city. ‘ MISSISSIPPI IN FAVOR OF SEPARATE STATE 81, , . CESSION. . WASHINGTON, Dec. 21.—A dispatch from the editor of the Mississz'ppian and State Gazette, published at Jackson, directed to the Missis sippi delegation in Congress, this evening states that the State of Mississippi has elected delegates to the Convention in favor of separate State secession, by a very large majority—say seventy in a. Convention of one hundred dele gates. and a popular majority of 80.000 votes. GREAT COMMOTION AMONG THE REPUBLICANS. ALBANI, N. Y., Dec. 20.—The recent mani festo of Thurlow Weed has created a perfect furore in the Republican camp throughout the interior of the State. There are many bitter denunciations of Weed’s course by the Greeley school of Republicans, who are preparing to unite in a. crusade against the veteran manager that will, in their opinion. crushhim out. THE FORTB A'l‘ CHARLESTON. The Charleston Mercury of Wednesday says: When the State is out of the Union; when the forts are demanded and refused to be delivered up to those in whom is vested the title of emi nent domain, and for whose protection and defence alone they wore ceded and built up; and when, the Federal Government showing a hostile purpose, it shall become necessary and proper for us to obtain possession, then it will be right for the world and Black Republicanism to expect that the State, by her authorities, will move in the premises. The people will obey the call for war, and take the forts. LINCOLN AND THURLOW WEED. Thurlow Weed arrived at. Springfield on the 19th, and was closeted with Mr. Lincoln seve~ ral hours. It is rumored that Mr. Lincoln did not entirely approve Wood's programme, but insisted on several important modifications, among which was that relative to the recogni tion of slavery in the Territories. He is also reported as repudiating geographical lines of division. The programme as modified will be taken to Washington by Wood and submitted to the Republican leaders. A NEW PHASE OF SEGESSION. A venerable and well-known citizen of Vir~ gmia, residing in the county or Ritche, has written to apprise us of a movement which, he says, is already set on foot in the Northwestern part of that State, for the purpose of calling a convention of the people to take into considera tion the expediency of separating from Virginia in case of her withdrawing from the Union to join in the formation of a Southern Confede racy. Our informant adds that the leaders in this revolutionary scheme contemplate 'the erection of a new State, embracing that portion of Virginia lying west of the Blue Ridge, and destined to include as many counties east of said line, along the upper Potomac and nearit. as may 'be induced by identity of interest to co-operate in the project. Considerations of an economical character, determined partly by ‘ the arrangements of the present constitution l of Virginia, (deemed by many in the Western part of the State to be unequal in respect to the rates and objects of taxation,) are repre sented to be at the bottom of this popular movement. which, in the opinion of our cor respondent, awaits only the opporiunity and the pretext to assume formidable proportions. ——Nutional lntclliyencer, Dec. 21. THE CO-OPERATION MOVEMENT IN GEORGIA—d LETTER FROM SENATOR TOOMBS. It was stated a. few days ago that Senator Toombs, of Georgia, like the Hon. Thos. R. R. Cobb, had written a letter urging that State to co-operste with her sister Southern States, and to defer secession for the present. The follow ing extracts from the letter of Mr. Toombs set forth his views : ’ The Legislature of Georgia have unanimously declared that the present crisis demands re sistance, and have unanimously voted to call a convention of the people to determine the mode and measure of redress. This is plain lan guage—it is easily understood. apropos“ to ream wrongs at the time and in the manner hm calculated to obtain Bahamas. The Legislature also unanimously voted a million of dollars to arm the people of Georgia, in order that they may repel by force whatever force may he brought to resist the measures of redress the people may adopt. Then. upon the questions that we have wrongs, and that we intend to redress them by and through the sovereignty of Georgia, the State is unanimous. What, then, is likely to divide us? It cannot be the mode of redress, for it seems all look to secession —separation from 7 the wrong-doers—as the ultimate remedy. The time when this remedy ought to be applied seems to be the most im-' portant, if not the only point of difl‘erence be tween us; we ought not to divide upon thiapaint. 7 Many persons think the remedy ought to be applied immediately, others at a day not to ex tend beyond the 4th of March next; others again, supposing that too short a time for the convenient action of the abolition States, would extend it only to what might be fairly deemed a. reasonable and convenient time within which our mango might be redreseed by the wrong-dom. I would strongly advise that there be no division ‘ among those who hold either of those opinions.—- l While I personally favor the position of those who are opposed to delaying longer than the 4th of March next. I cmm'nly would yield that point to correct and honest man who were will; we in the principle, but who are more hopeful of redress from the aggressors than I am, espe~ cially if any such active meaiores should be taken by the wrong-doors, as promised, to give us redress u'nthe Union. But to go beyond the 4th of March, we should require such prelimi nary measures to be taken before, as would, with reasonable certainty, lead to adequate re dress, and in the meantime we should take care that the delay gives no advantages to the ad versary and takes none from ourselves. llow is it possible to remedy these enormous evxls in the Union? There is but one mode, 9“ only i smothers are delusions and snares, 114°th to lull the people into false security, to steal fivny‘their rights, and with themihs power of redress. ' This mode is by amend- ments to the Constitution of the United States. In the Union the States cannot make contracts thh each other; all departments of the gov ernment would be compelled todisregsrtl them. To repeal laws hitherto passed by the abolition States would not be redress; they would re !"th them 11“!!- year. The amendments of the Constitution should be such as could neither be evaded or resisted by the abolition States. and should not rest for their eflicaoy upon the oaths of übolitionists—oo oaths can hind them. The Constitution provides two modes for its own amendments. Article 6th is as follows on the point before us: “The Congress, whenever twothirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary. shall propose 'amendments to this Constitution, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as pm of this Constitution, when ratifit-d by the Legis latures of three-ft urths of the States, 01' l'On ventions of three-fourths of the States. “8 the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by Congress,” Ste. . Thus you oerceive the mod is plain: it is easily tooled; you can here find a test. which ought to satisfy every honest resistance man in Georgia. Do this—ofi‘er in Congress such amendments of the Constituzion as will give you ful‘ and ample security for your wrongs; then if the Black Republican party will vote for the amendments, or even a majority of them. in good faith, they can be easily carried through Conzress; then [think it would be reaeomible and fair to postpone action until the Legisla tures of the Northern States could be conveni ently called together for definite action on the amendments. If they intend to stun this war on your rights and your property. they will adopt such amendments at once in Congresse If they will not do this, you ought not to delay an hour after the 4th of March to secede from the Union. This is a. constitutional and efl'ec~ tun] ultimatum, means somethinn. can he tested —-cs.n be tested at once. This will he putting planks where they are good for something. if they are the right kind ofplanks; but putting planks in your Georgia platform is putting them where our experience teaches us they are powerless for good, and only subject us to the jihes and jeers of our enemies—a cart load of new planks in the Georgia platform will not redress one wrong nor protect one right of the people of Georgia. Demand additional consti. tutional securities from your confederntps, and if they are refusedtconfederate with such of them as are willing to grant them, or defend them yourselves. . , LATEST BY TELEGRAPH FROM CHARLESTON. The Secession Celebration—Hurstiug of a Cannon—Tue Fons if Attackcd no be Surrendered to the South I aroflua Au thorities—The Slaver Bonita. The serenading procession. last night. was a grand affair, and was kept up' till after mid night. 4 A cannon burst at Camden. during the firing of a salute yesterday, and several persons were injured. A special Washington dispatch to the Courting states that Captain Anderson has been ordered to luv-render the forts to the constituted‘ an thorities of South Carolina in case the fort: are attached, but not to surrender to irrespon sible parties. . The slaver Bonita. was bound to Norfolk, but put in here in consequence of stress of'Weather and the exhausted condition of the crew. Cssnnnsrox. Dec. 22.—The Convention, yesterday, adopted a. resolution instructing the Military Committee to make provisions for feeding and transporting troops; also, for es tablishing telegrnph lines to exposed points of the State. and giving the Governor authority over all the telegraph lines in case of war or apprehended invasion. A resolution appointing a committee to make a searching inquiry into the business of the banks, with pom-rs to send for persons, exam ine bank books and transactions, etc., was made the special order of to-dey. The State Sovereignty Convention will pro- ‘ bably take a recess to-day till the 15th of Jan-' 1 nary. . The Supreme {Court—The kenmcky and Ohio Mandamus Case. WASHINGTON, Dec. 22. In the United States Supreme Court, the matter of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, by the Governor and Executive authority thereof. petitioner against the Governor of the State of Ohio, was taken up. Mr. Monroe having read the petition and exhibits, and having moved the Court for a writ of mandamus, or for n rule to show cause, pursuant to the terms of the said petition, it was ordered that the motion be set down for argument on'the 11th of Janu ary. and it was further ordered that the Clerk of the Court forthwith send a copy of this order, and of the petition and exhihits filed therein. to be served on His Excellency William Denni— 1 son, Governor of Ohio. The South Carolina Convention: CHARLESTON, Doc. 22. The Convention met at noon. Several reports were made from the Com mitlees. The Committee appointed in relation to the Revenue and Post Oflice lawn, reported in favor of adopting the United Stateshevenue laws with, perhaps, slight. modifications, the Collee tor to take oath as an officer of the State. Postal matters to remain unchanged, as at present. Melancholy Suicide. Mnxonmsmmn,_ N. H., Dec. 22 Mrs. llizabehh Fitch and her only daughter, three years old, were found dead this morning, having been poisoned by prussic acid admin~ istered by the mother. Mr. Fitch is in lawyer in good circumstances. The mother is sup posed to have been insane, caused by the death of an older daughter. Secession Demonstration. MEMPHIS, Tenn, Dec. 22. An enthusiastic meeting was held here last night, to ratify the secession of South Caro lina. A salute of fifteen guns was fired. and the Avalanche oflioe and other buildings were illuminated. The City of Manchester 011‘ Cape Race. Sr. Jonxa, Dec. 22. The steamship City of Manchester, from Liv erpool on the 12m, via. Queenstown on the 13th. passed of Cape Race this morning; ail ‘well. Her news has not yet. been receiVed. Another Slaver Captured. New Youx, Dec. 22. It is reported that the steamer Mohican has captured another slaver ofi‘ the coast. of Africa, with nine hundred Africans on board. Fastlng and Prayer In Massachusetts. Bos'rox, Dec. 22. The Governor has issued his proclamation for a day' of fasting and prayer on the 4th day of January, in conformity with the recommen dation of the President. Baih'oud Accident- Several cars were crushed last night on the Shore route train from New York. The bag gage master was badly hurt. Resignation of Commodore Kearney. wa YORK, Dec. 22. ' Commodort- Kearney has resigned his posi tion in the Navy. A WmnrALL.—lt is stated that- Geu. Hal-nay, by the decease of his wife recently in Paris, has come in posses-non. as the property»: him self and children, of $5,000,000. _He is a mug rising fifty years Old} andl by much service and much exposure, 13 somewhat broken in health. - ' He is the fourth in the list. bf oursrmy officers—Scott, Wool and Twiggs coming before him. Cnannusrox, Dec. 22 Bnarofl, Dec. 22. A blacksmith at Menu-mil. France. Mughi some timr ago. a. quantity or old iron to Wot]; up. Having selected from the 111-up n musket barrel. he put. it imo his forge to make inn-ed ho; in order to cut it imo pieces. As hn Was Pull ingit from the fire, a, loud explosiun was heard and, at the sun-e moment, he uttered a Piercing, cry and fell dead. The-barrel bud bven Ml: loaded. and the' ball, stnking him 9,50": the abdomen. passed through his lungs, came am just. below the shoulder, and lodged in a Wall at some distance. ARREST or A “ CONFIDENCE MafiqA confi. dence opvrabm‘, caning himsel' Cro~hy. “limit, is alleged, has be: u obtaining mfvm'y on false pretenses for a long while pus! Imm ’waers, editors. umlwl‘s uf Cungruss, army and a“, officers, clerpylm-n and "tho-!- persons in “the higher walks of lite." has been arrvsted in I%}, York, in which city alone. i! is said, his dupes can be counfed h, the hundred, While tho-re is reason to believe that he has victims in several other cities. Tun anca or Wuns.—The London eon-cg. pondvm of the New Orleans Delta say there is tulk'in England of put-mining _tho Prince, of Wales to break through the line bf blood royal martia‘p s, and aruk a lmly to share Ihe throne with him. wherever he lists. The match with Prussia is broken ufl‘, and the chances for an advantageous match With "‘33"? heing very few, the non bluod royal may have Ihepriv’ilege of furnishing a Queen for England. Who knows hut. that. a. Yankee girl may be the lucky fair one? Mr. Shaw, the inventor of percussion caps, died -at Bordentown, New Jersey. recently, having ntlainv-d the age of eighty-six years.‘ He was born in England.’ A few years ago mu government granted him quite a. large sum for his invention for loading. Srsrusstox.—The can! opnutors of Pitts hurg have recommended the suspension of operations in the mines until :1“- lat of Match, This will throw several thousand miners out of employment. Loss or LIFE ON THE LAKES.--Fi7B hundred and sixty persons mm their deaths on Lakes Erie, Michigan and Superior, between the 23d of March and the 25th of November. in period of eight mon'ha. ' The anniversary of the battle of Trenton will be celebrated by a sham battle on the 25th in~ 3mm, New fitmcrtisemmte. s nn POUNDS 411""" BAISINS. EUFRANTS. CITRONS. &e., are" together with OKANGrfi. LEMONS, DRIED FRl‘l'l'S. 0R ANBFRRII— S, and a variety of Articles auitable for the Halidnys. Just received by [6.320.] WM DOCK, 13., a 00. ' ‘ CHRIS'] MAS PRLSE NTS I CHILDREN ’3, LAme and GEN'I'S‘ alums ' and a mu “may of cum-m FURNITURE suitable for HOLIDAY GIFTS at 1'» ducal prices Also 3 nevllotof comma]; FURNITURE in sets. 1' by the single piece, n JAMES B._ BOYD &. SON, ' de2o-2wd. ~ 29 South Second Street. BRANT'S CITY HA LL ! MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY EVE’S, DECEMBER firth, 26:}; and 26:5. HOLIDAY ’l‘ll EAT! PROFESSOR J. H. ANDERSON. In . the wizard of the World, Colmopolimn Monarch of Mogicinnn, and Cyclogmfic Thnumaturgiut, in his elaborately GRAND ENTERTAINMENT . TWO PERFORMANCES 0N CHRISTMAS DAY, AFTERNOON AND EV ENING.. ALSO ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING . u mun AND nun-ran or mon-r o’ononx. Admission Twenty-five coma. ' Children Fifteen Cents. Do ~15 open It 7 o’clock. To commence at 5 quarter befora 8. 11620-6“ CHAMPAGNE WINES! DUO DE MONTEBELLO, HEIDSIEOK & 00.. CHARLES HEIDSIEOK, GIESLEB a; On . ANCHOR—SILLERY MOYYBBEUX, SPABKIANG \1 USCATEL, ’ MUMM a CO 'B, VERZENAV, CABINET. In store And for sale by . de2o CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! .s UITABLE FOR LADIES! nnnssmn runs, PORTFOLIOS, ‘ SATCH Ls. nnncuws, ' . COMPAN'IONS, POBTMONNAIES. - PUBSES, “ch FANS, Imm commas, cum owns. SEWING anns, TABLETS, Pun noxzs, rung. AND nabs! hummus in Rose Wood Cases CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! S UITABLE FOR GENTLEMEN.’ WALKING OANES, POCKET KNIVES. CIGAR CASES, VSEGAFS. ' POCKET BOOKS, FINE RAZOR SETS, FINE LATHER BRUSHES, &c.. km, lac. KELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, (1820 > 91 Market street. JUST RECEIVED! A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF BRANDIES, CONSISTING OF PINET, CASTILLIQN J; 00., BISQUET, TRICOCHE &. 00;, JAB. HENNESSY & 00., OTARD, DUPUY an 00:, J. & F. MARTELL FOR SALE BY JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 33 MABKIF'LSTBEET TAX-P A Y E B S 01’le declB FIRST AND SECOND WARDS! TAKE NOTICE»! That, if the CITY, SCHOOL AND WATER 143133 not pmd on or before the 29th inst, that the" Wlll 11" an addition of five per cent. added, and the watts: Shirt 03 without delay. Byprder of the Committee. 0. 0. ZIMMEBMAN, Collector. - Oflice No. 28 South Second street. Gels-flu! NOTICE.- Orncn or run inhuman}, Don-luau", um. 10! . AND Luzon-run Rummn 00.. . PHILADIDPHIA. Den, 8, 1860. A much] meeting of the Stockholder: of the B Kc RISBUPG, PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY AND LAN GASTER RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on Thurs day, the 27th inst, at 11 o’clock, a, 111.. at Salmon: Street Hull (Susan! street, betwean Sixth and Seventh ”1'99?” in the city of Philadelphia, for the purpofl of "I“ng or rejecting a contract for a. more permanent 9‘“ 0‘ their road to the Pennsylvania Rgillgwd Compmy, ' 0 By order of the Bond of Di'efimohan 1. Anna, Secretary. declO-dtdec2l' STEWART & M’ABEE, RECTIFYTNG DISTILLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS m BRANDIES. GINS, WINES, scamH, IRISH, OLD RYE AND BOURBON WH IS K Y S , ‘ 110.103 MARKET srnnnr, «121114. [can CRANBERRIES—‘éA very Superior lot ‘ at [99:26.] WM, 1309):, In. a 00’s JOHN H. ZIEGLEB, I'3 MAI-k 9! street JULES ROBIN 6; 00-: MARETI' 65 00.