T 0 AGRIC’UL’I'UIfiIS’I'S. FODDEB FOR Sauna—ln the choice of fodder much discriminalion may be used, and, proba bly, we cannot do our readers—not, alone sheep breoders. but. stack growers generally—better service than to give the. result of a series of experiments conducted by Vein, Professor of Agriculture in the Royal Institute of Bavaria. He remarks : I The straw of the usual layumirwusfruitx, and especially of lintels, vetches, and peas, is more nutritious than the! straw of seed- clover. _, The greonnr nu- fins are. the less it is lodged; the better it. can be dried and'hrought In, the more noun-mung it is. the line stalk vetcu straw is also very nutritious, 'behind which stands somewhat the pea. straw, with its thicker stalk. All straw of leguminous fruit is particularty o welcome -fodder to sheep, one which account, therefore, it is greatly prized. by many sheep~ owners, and considered equal to hay. l Out and hark-y straw is the straw for fodder of the cereal fruits. Ont. straw is most agree able and the must. nutritious, on account of its peculiar taste, For all species of cattle. because on the tips of the pauicles are usually found unripe grains. and onto are cut. before they are fully ripe. Barley straw has, on account of its moisture and short period of vegetation, a high value as fodder, and other things being equal, is as nutricious as oat straw, if it were not, as is the case, fully ripe before reaping. Yet it is more liable to injure athanoat straw, because it imbibes more moisture from the air and soil. Straw of summer wheat, summer speltz and summer rye, fo'r fodder, stands after oat and barley straw. The stalk of maize or Indian cor-n’contains much saccharine matter, and, therefore, is‘very nutritious, used fine, and agreeable lie all kinds of cattle. The cuts, after the son: has been taken elf, ground up, are likewise a very'nu'tri lions fodder, and the hard ' stalks may he chopped up for the purpose. Taking all these things into view, it. stands next to the straw of summer rye in value as fodder. - - Millet. straw has a hard stalk. but contains at least. as much nutriment as the winter straws. Buckwheat, on account of its quality on a -field of less fertilily, and if of fine stalk, in which its value as fodder, from its straw being rich with leaves, is enhanced, is as good as the straw of winter grain. . ' _ Bean straw, in case its leaves have not fallen of or decayed, and the ends of the stalks are green when it is cut, as many experiments have shown, !3 more valuable than generally sup posed. ; Whether water was a! necessity of the sheep during winter was a mooted point fornlong period, but it is now ranked aiming their wants. True, an animal will quench its thirsthy eating snow, and man will eatisl‘y nature’s cravings in the same manner if compelleJ ;- but where-a choice is given to both the tasteee'an he‘l-(‘gadily discovered. Sheep ‘will not over-Brink where constant access to water may be had, and the objection that the animal. is robbed of natural heat by these draughtszin cold »went-her,"i's’nul lified if proper shelter had been provided.— Rural New‘l’orkef. - j A. , - ‘ ‘ . Luzon Guava—Franklin Mor'g‘h‘n, «if 251 mg, has a. 400 acre farm, in which is 11.155 acre meat, dow, said to he the best inNévLEn'glandég‘é; With annual top-dressing and occasional plow-- ing, manuring and rc-secdiug. its average yield is 200 tons of hay. Some of .phe best, acres yield_five' tons. Mr. M.' keeps .150 cattle;”l3o of ‘ihich are cows and 90 are now in milk—g His pgiueiple market is the Manson State almsl heusa. adjoining the farm” Several scottaees on this Place accommodate the hired help—Asa, B.‘ 'Clossou, of Franklin, N. H., has ,measnred 200 bushels of souud‘corn, the produce of 3882 ‘ hills, grown on precisely 2002- reds of land, or ‘ at. the rate of 89 bushels per' acre. The soil ‘ was light, alluvial, Ihe variety of corn the large twelve-rowed Damon, and the rows 35' by 4 men—William Lewis, also of Franklin, N. H., has hushed out 52;} bushels of sound corn end 3% bushels refuse ears, uf__the White Flour va riety, from 954 hills. grown on’3Bl rays of land. or‘at- the rate of 117 bushels per acre. Major Lew’is says the corn is by itself, and the land to’ be' seen, and any man who will measure both am]- show‘ his statement to be incorreet. shall hive Qhé‘land and corn for his trouble—lnlhe to’wiislgip of Sec”. Canada, 52} bushels of wheat hine'heen raised per acre.‘—O. Bailey. of Liv~ ingston. N. Y.. reports 64-31 bushels of rye per asre.~H. E. Mosely, of this hity, reports 732 bushels of carrots per acre, and J osdph A. Smith, of lly'cst-Sprihg'firld, 788 bushels.— Sprinyfield (1514133.) Hepabliéan‘. ‘ A Suns, Fem-rs. 8.10.; or NEBRASKA.'——Editora l Country Gentleman :—‘l am collecting seeds of many grasses, shrnbs‘and flowers, which grow here'iu‘Neln-aska,’ that I believe are not. to he found in the East, even in thing-gosh oollec tions. These. did I wishF to sell-be speculate with, I would fidverlise in yonepnper; but. I" have another object: in view—the general intro duction of flowers, fruits, &c., among thefsrm-V era of Ihe country, from oéher sections where different. varieties grow. Here we find a flower (fife-name we do not know) growingnthree to fiv’e feet high; and late in the fall they are one mass of purple flowers from the roots to the top. Then Ihere are four or five splendid créej'aers ‘that rnake’ thirty feet in‘a Season, with, flowers'a’s‘various as all the colors of nature. These, wilh border plants, rosin plant. flowers. and some twenty-nine vai-i'e‘lieqlnf grasses. I will send gratuitously to all' who mly wish them. We have kinds of grhss here that will stand any drought or cold, 'and one or two that must, when tested side by side with bluevizrnste, take the lead’as a pasture kind; :13; 'O. Th‘orlip? son, Nebraska City, Nebraska ‘Tenitorxp- Country Gentlgmunl . _ ' THREE Vxnuon'r FAuEns.-‘—oue m‘ani «in Richmond has 900 acres ofjm'provetl land, and besideé annimering and whitening 19 horsen,'B§ cows, IZO-‘énher cattle and 55 sheep; bought in the spring of 1859, 120 head of came, pgsthrefl them through the season. sold them in 1.116 fall. andrecgziv‘e‘dfifioo net for pasturing. He ,had also one and}; half acres planted with French or Osier willow—cut from the same six tons as. green, equal to two tous peeled and driefl. (Inst of peeling and drying 2 cents-pa? pound—Worm in market from 5 to 7.} cents _per‘pounfi. _- An other man in Sheldon has 300 acres of‘-imnroyeder land, and besides wingeting'lQhoi‘ses, 21 cows, amen-:32 other cattle and 225 sheen; 361613139, Ben's.“ $650 ' who of horses, s6oo,,value Hf" cattle; ‘s4oo value of wool, $75 'valuré' of sheep. andfifio. value of hay and other. produce; 'A my! in. Edihburg has 330 acres imprév'éd'lan'd.‘ inmbegidqs wintering $1,090 vnlue of live atocli, do“ 1524500 value market cattle, raised n'pdn hig‘ffi‘i'mr4springfield Republican. ' " ijgxiir Bnoou Comm—The Indiana Farmer sny'gj-gj genql‘eman. near Indianapolis, is cultiva -I.3ng 151.3qu of broom corn that. grows only tfinqéorffour feet highwaud half of this length ig'ngvgggfior brush: of filie, elaslio quality... [Doubxless this “varlety” wag obt‘aipgd through“ the operation“ of-p'amiug for arena of years; seed of the previous growth‘ If. 13 so with okra; We have dwarf okra, som‘e two and a half feet. high, ohlained in I_hi's way: {i flhgn, we first. sowed the seed, some of it grew’ eight or nine feet in height; but sowinngrom tho same-heed year after year, we have the dwarf variety, Wiring if possible better than when it grew' three times higher—En. Hxinox ran Gum Bms...;'H,' thr;...of Bmoklyn. 1» 1;. 8915 in the flea: Engléhd 174'?- mgrmijit£flm pm! huillhf Hemlock? a‘ej pguifiwwvf 113811131; tPe depredation’b-ofs "Egg «dyinigéfl as 1129! "11l not gnu“: jgggm: th‘ouglit‘ m: on¢%.2l§!}t.;rlt°»:now iaiapo'sea, «3' doubt it. An oats ban. mule-ofthe- magnum. hemlock m be found, aflfi‘st‘ndin’x‘ upo): i’roif, Mimi»:- ftomzthp. myth! .'lgeengrepm-g edfj’e‘at’en through by ram.“ ._Hgflpng mon 53 mull], any timrriil in": pagan-15:1- dfo the" miscbigv [“1 “i 995 > ‘ q 3’: pk)“, lomc'litfifintssspg§hkg£h®+finq .- ' Bushman, Qlarhs. DEN TIS - TR Y. THE UNDERSIGNEDL DOGTO Rx OF-inmm AL SURGERY. Reapectfullg' tenders his professionsl services to the citizens of Hsrrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE. THE BRA D Y HOUSE. magnum ‘ B. M GILDEA, D. 11.8. DIL G. WEICHEL,. sinumon AND ocvnlsr, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. “He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to,tha duties of prb‘feasion in all its branches. V _ A Lona um van? snoozssrm. Mame“; qxnnmxal matinee him in promiaing full and ample satisfaction to all who may favor him with I call, be the disease Chronic or my 'other nature. ' ‘ . mIS-dfiqwly _..—._.... , “f w."H,AYS,' A '1" 'l‘ omm E Y - Arn- 1.15:7. - . - 0 FFI (7 E, ' . WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND 8c THIRD, aps] surname, in. ‘ ‘ [6ll THEO. F. SOHEFFER, BOOK, CARD AN!) JOB PRINTER, I . - _jfl'flr ~ No. 18 Market Stret, Harrisburg. Wm PARKHILL. V , SHOOISSOE TO I. 8. L‘UI‘Z, PLUMIQIEIE _ All) Jugss FOUNDER. 108 MARKET 31., HARRISBURG. BRASS CASTINGS, oferery descriptibn, made to order. _American manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all sizes. Hydrant; of every description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths Shower paths, warm Closets, (listen: Pumps, Lend coding and Land :‘work of 'efery descripmn done‘at the shin-lest notice! on the most reasonable term!- Factory and Engine work 11‘: general. All orders thank [1111; received end'plmetually attended :9. ' "Elle higheet price in cash given for old Copper, Bran, laps}! end Spelter. _ V W , 13,13de J ~c.MOLT,z, new“; mammr m STEAM, mum, No. 6, North Simian” barium Walnut and Marta, Harrisburg, Pa. ~ Whine” ‘ofevary depcription made Ind repaired. Brut (Jock: o_f all lint, and ‘9 large anortm'enl. of Gujittinga oomflronhmv i,‘ -* ‘ . . ' I’, . , . All maiden In, gm ambfinhmnnt 1111 be under NI, on glut-vision; and inflated to gin-satisfaction. , on .' -' " W‘M. HM I'LmL E R, V ATTORNEY AT LAW.- Ofleo comer of MARKET STREET and the SQUARI, ‘ ‘ (Wyath’u,) second £00: front. - > ID" Inmnm onM-rkat Sq, ufll-Iydkv RELIGIOUS B 00K STORE,- mucz' AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 03205110317, El SI. GERMAN? A 21 SOUTH SECOND STREET, 439 V! QHESNIM‘, , _ A Huntsman, n. Depot for the isle of stareb'ucopea,Steredloopiovlou, Music Ind Magical Instruments. Also, auchriptionl M9lOl- ralkiq‘iu pubufgtio'nl; ‘ #93047 FRANKLIN HOUSE‘, 2 BALTIMORE,_ MD. This pleasant and oomquiuu'notel _hu bqén tho roughly refitted and res-furnished, It-h-fleplnntly aitunted on North-West corner ofgnq'vu'd and. lfl'nklin “may. .“a {9'3lku Tat :if the‘.-§zrt:§m 0;??? 13;}; “1,. i‘ ,Mé Long 0 can oro guestiglfi ;: a; '4 ; : eqmafifinma, Proprietor, . jelZétff',‘§’;§ . 1 '(L‘ih‘rbf Selina Grove, Pa.) Baakxfiipplisafimfifl B A N K“ N O T I CE-L'Notlce gs hereby ‘ given, met the undersigned hgvof’ formed in) MIA-1 cietion: and prepfi'red _enq executed a certificate, for the purpose of establishing: a. Burk-of Reine; Dieco'unt end Depositq-uuder‘the provisioix'e ofthe ect. ehtitled ““An act to establish a. system of Prée» Banking 'in Pennsyl vauia, and to secure the‘public eguinet'losu .froqueol lent Beaks.” approved the fluidity of MerchyA. D 3860, mid Bunk lo M celled THE DOWNINGTUWN. BANK,‘ to be located in Downingfiown, to consist of a cum» Stock or, nirtyfrmsmum 01m, iflie'heree' of £s“.le breach, with the privilege 'o'f men-easing the same to snyamount not exceedihg' in an Three Enhdredfl‘houg nndDollere.- .. v- H- ' '»‘ Charla-Downing; ‘. .«. . David s’he‘lggirgg r-' V_: John Walnut-i r :er :‘leliam Bagel-n, ~‘" - ~v William Ed 6, ~- {'2 Iz-K. Eshelmep,‘ '_ ' mama nfimm > emu-ex Ringwnlt; ~~ - J. .P. “ugh, '- ~ . . {Stephen Blatchfqra,- ' Septembers, 1860.+nep1 «16m ' 1 ‘» 2" may: - BA NK‘ «N. O TEQEpsNomqe is hereby given thlt in Améisitlod ‘has’h'één formed‘hnd'qu certificate, ygepuea «rm- “,1“! ' irhrpéifi‘ 9: estiblishifii 3. Bmk'of Laue: Dl'nwugt' and Dépusiho ‘ under the‘ prov! aion‘s'nr Ihe net entitled: “mil-em establtsh a system of Brae Banking in Pennsglmniqz, and to securejhe pub lic'agniust lumi from Idshlvent‘liihkfi,”ugpmv‘ed ”193131; day-of unfit-ch. 1860.“ The said Bank to e called“‘.’l‘he- Bethlehem Bunk-”and to he 'lo‘e’t-‘tod in the boron h'pi Bethlehem, in the cognfiy of NgrthquMn, With a gapi tul Stock of ‘Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares 'of Fifty Dullam'each, with the privilege'of inqreasing the said Stock to *‘lWo'Hundre'd Thousand Dollars. “254 nm: BA N K N 01‘. I C E.7Kotgce whereby . given, that an usopiatio’xi hu'b‘een formedhnd a oartiflcaté..yr§plre’d,_ {of' the purpose of oatahlishing a Bank of iasué, dichupt find deposit, under-the provisions; ofthe act, entitled *fAn Act ta eétfibhnh a. system .offrse' banking‘xnpemflvnxfiayhndto secure the public mains} [o'3l by insolvent hanks, I apnroyed the thirty-first day of. ' Man-ch, 1860. The sum Bank to be called the “FREE BAXK,” find to 11611698. th in‘ the city of Philadelphia, and to cpnaist of 9 capitalgstock of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLA'RS, iiphurea of fifty dollymnch! with the privileggpf incl-gains thq lame to. my: fimoun not exceeding in an o_xie milljgnmtdollus. .jy‘bdfim EXTENbION OF BANK CHARTER Notice is hereby given that ‘.‘.Tho Furniefl"ond Mechanicl’ Bunker! Muffin Bank-of Discount-and Deposite,'loguted in the borough of Entangflorthamp ton county, Pennsylvania, having a capital of Four‘Hun— dred ThousannDollsrs, willspply to the nextbegialnturo of Pennsylvania. for a. renewal a; its charter for fifteen years, from the exyiwion ofita ipresent charter, with its present capital stock, power: and privileges, and without any alteration in or increase of the same. ’ P. S. :MICHLE-R, President. M’E. FORMAN, Cashier. je3o-d6m B AN K N HT 1 G 19.—Nance 18 hereby; ‘ gm]: that an Aesoeietion has beeniformed-nnd’ n" Certificate prepared for the purpose of establishing n Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits, under the provi sions of the act entitledh“ A_n not. to esteblieh & eyetem of free buqkifigip Pepfim‘ylvmia. end to secure the public against loin from insolvent banks,” approved the 3m day of March, 1860. The fluid Bank to be called the “ State Bank," and to be located in the city of Philadel phia, and to consist of a. 08-pin! Stock of Fifty Thoeeand nqllan, in shares or may Dollerglueh, (1:115:11; ppm»? lege of iecwag‘pg the sebafiednyjmonnt not exegeding? in $110“ Mil hn o'f Dollars.“ ‘ ‘ “ ‘je29—d6nfi" ‘ for Sale 85 Q‘Luficut. 0R RENT—.‘Bnom, man may DAY OF Arm. mar—A Cw‘tilm'udious‘l'w‘o-Story DWELLING HOUS E, sin Seco‘ngtregt, big’ow Ping) with wide; Hall, laigeinuc Butldfng, Maj-bro Mfintelfi ih _Pu'lu’ra, Guilt nix room‘s, um thé {oomu‘jgstjplp‘ktegi and painted; The, second story divided into Safer: rboml. due at which in '.. Bazth. This, in connection with the fact that. the house hu Just bempqued i 9 new)“ thaweghupnir’, MEI it one of the most dean-ante house: in lhepity'.‘ Enquire of V‘ 3‘. EM POLLOGK,‘,, - Market Square, 'Hm‘nsburg. ‘ Also, several! SMALL HOUSES!” rent. . deAE-dfl' FORE BlLN’Er—Frqn; ‘the ‘first of April nest; the‘srolm ROOM‘imw ogc‘iipied by Samuel E. Zoll-ngerklfip, 6.5 Mug-ken street. For warms applv to = dell t‘llln'L " -.-' ' JOHN'B. THOMPSON. F 1 I RES-AL E‘—-& Light '.‘Spi-ing One- Horse‘W'AGr‘QN, Apply at Patperqon’p Store, Broad stuet,-We’iz.lidrrisburg-. ‘v‘ ’ - ' ocsl-dtf NOTICE Te) sSPEOUL‘A'DORS‘ ! - ”mum BU'ILDING Lin-s ron‘ sun: A number at Inn-game BUILDIfiG,,I,OTS,-amoining the Round House and. Wbrk‘ Shop! of the' Pen’nnyln’nia Railroad Company, will be _lold.lpw,q.nd, on reasonable terms. Apply to - au29-dflni ~' » JOHN-W." HALL. P 110 LlB T'-E'B."'l'N"G". ' a F. VOLL'MEB. In preparegl to :19 all kind: 9! work in the. * ‘ Pan” 5:? 01L stat. Eu“ Im; 8 as nggngiNG “cum-a on out NGA 0 DOWN CARPE'ES. MAKlszfl‘ggl REPAIRING MAT TRASSES. REPAIRING FURNITUM'}. Mn 6:0. He 5:: gamut: £55111! tune: a! his residenuam the tear of . w- on: ' ‘ berry alleys , 8’ con-I,“ of prffi:;gfilg;;k MESSRS. QHIOKERINGr-fiflo. _ H 47; AQAIN osrmzen may; “G 0,11]! MB ,1) A L! . '~= " Ann!" ' _ Q ¥@CH,AK‘:ICS' FAIflMBDSTON, sé‘- “" " uh.» u: rnonnma wlzx, . ‘ '0 VEB SIXTY C‘QIIPEJ’II'OR'H?~ : ‘ « -»v-~sr.rei.'iéig&c inmiiiigybwgfi‘ Smwzhuw ..;BWB c-. 4 < ”:7 oat-rt EJI. -‘;_.;°“’ \ . Efim '1 ABCUBEDHAML f ”$93911 h. We .‘.! 4r r‘;w:m.wn:§"h‘ co ' .‘.:um) 11,-”RI :«’§-11‘,.?,};‘ 4:7 . mimllanmna. Tn: AHALGJMATION or LAnaaAm.—Theré is agro'vring tendency in this ago to appropriate the moat expressive yards of other lungmgen, and am: a while to incorporate them into our own; thus tho won! Cephalie, which is from the Greek, Signifying “I'M the head," is nowvbec'om ing popularized in cinnection with Mr. Spalding'a grout Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a xilom gen eral way, and the word 001 mm; will become as common as Electrotype and many otnezs whose distinction as for eign words his beexilworn away by commas: usage until they seem “native a. to menace: born." ’ardly Realized. H} ’ad ’n ’crrible’eadache this burial-noon, band I stepped into the hapothecaties hand says hi to the man, “Can you beans me or an ’eadache 2" “Down mane mm,» say! ’O3. “Bexce‘edingly,” say! hi, hmd‘llpon that ’0 gave me a Cephalic Pill, hand ’pen mel’onorit cured me 53 quick that I 'erdly realized 1 ’ad ’ad an ’eadnche. - , ID’Humclm is the favorite sign by [which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natuml state of the brain, and viawezl inthirlz‘ghtit maybe looked on as a safeguard intended to give notice of disenae which might otherwise escape attention, tilt too late to be reme died; and its indications should never be neglected. Head - aches may be clamified under fiq‘nn‘megj'yiz : Symptoma- tie and Idiopathic. smptomaudnemm is amendingly cemmonend isthe precursor of a great Variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it is sympathetic oi disease of the stomach eonetitntin'g hick headache, of he-‘ patio disease constituting biz-Em headache,“ of worms. constipation am] other disorders of the bowels, as [sell as renal and uterine imam. Diseases 0! the heart are very frequently attended with He sdsches; Anaemia uni pleth era} are also affections which fi-eq'ueqfly, occasion headac ha.— Idiopa’thic Headache is also iery'oommon, being usually distinguished by the name ofncwous headache, sometimes coming oneuddenly inj. state of apparently sound health and prostratmg at once the mental and physical energies, and in other menses it oasis: on slowly, ‘heialded 5130' pression of spirits or'aeerbity of tamper. In mos‘i inst-n; we the pain is in them-ant of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes‘provcking vomiting ; linden thiecj‘ufe may alro be named Nimalgm. 7 , . .V . _ , for the treatment of either class of Headlmlss the go. phelie Pills have been, found a sure and safe remedy, relic. ring lhe-mostecube psins in stew minim, andgbyglts subtle power eradicating the diseases of whlch' Benson. is Ithe Inez-ring index. - f'. :, .. :- mutant—Minni 'wnntn 103 th send. he; .3 !h‘xyas Oop hjslm am, no, .‘ bottle of Prepared HilHuwmhinx ing that's mt jut}: it Michal; binning! yum be when knowing what it in; It) nae lhp'ln‘nigh dopd uni-gone with. the Sick Headachq, 'M‘l’mpm'mma flora) .of flu: ism u rehivedherb'el‘org. ‘_' ~ ‘..}; " ' , Druggm +You mutual: Bpgdin‘glb Oepmic Pills. . B’ridgu.-‘-fio'ch_! mtg now gqquou’v’e leg! 'itgpmynm Eggwgae $54 giy me "1.” 2315' mama lag-ll damabonfnfl or. _, , H ‘Const‘inmon' br’ 'Chstivehegsa . No one cefllzhe‘ “msoy ills flesh in h‘e'is' m” is so prevalent, so little understand, and so much neglected I! 00 tivenesn; Often originsfing in Searelassleseior sedentary hsbits ; m is :rggasfledgee e alight disorder of goonlmlooenargenosato‘ quitegnxiety, while in realityijjje ileum-06mm: and Jeompanion of may of the moat fatal angle-nylons df‘l'... oases, ‘endnnlese gel-1: eradicatedfitmiu bring thunfle‘mr tolenhntimely agave.‘ Among thetlighteruevlll of which cqfii‘egesp is tug new attepdant gregneeduhe, Colic;- migmtism, Foulheuth, Pileeend otherlnf l telnetllre. while a. lung train of j‘eghtfulldim each NI Malignant rem-,- Amme. Dyaentem Dimhm Dyspepsia And plexy, Epilepsy, Paralysis,“ fiysterie, Hypoohondwiuis, Melepeholx end Infinity; 51'“ Lindimvthei' :pmnuxin :the' ”steals: this germingreymptpm. : a-Not unmeqiqntly the dxsegeee med loriginate {in Constipation, bnt‘uhe .on "an iedepqndeniexisfenee unless-the-uueegls medium in: at”; pal-1x stage. Erom all these mania-alien. 1c loilows thit the disorder should receive immediate an “alien lbw - v even: it mummyd no person allefldmegleet to get I box oicepbslic Pillage: tha first appearance of the complaint: as final; finely use will expel-the insidious approaches at disease and destroy this dugeromfoe tnr‘hnmsn lire; .. - o r .4 _Eé'al' filéééiiigL Physic tau—Wen, pm; mixes; h'mr {a tflaf'headfiéh§? Mrs? Jonas->6O“ v! lDodtor."o.ll “gun‘s ! 'fh‘a'p‘iflt yfixj sent cued I'n'e injust twenty minhwa.'a‘ml-I 'Wiah‘ yo; you“ pend mom :0 that I can [lave thqmwhandy.” ~‘ V j ' ' ‘Physicid’u.—You‘ (:51: get thpm'nt'any Dm‘ggists; Call for Qgphgslic 2i!ls,,l‘find gyeylhever fail, m 1 reqommepd than in :11er of Headache. " , ‘ , " Mrs.s.-Tnnas:-—’l shill len I. for a box directlv, and v shall tell an my, “listing friendn, for they are a real blessing: “mt mums or Baum BAYlD.—‘.\'l|f,‘sp'nld7hg bu sold two 'milljofls of bottles «11’ MI ée'lubratvd'Prepupd Glfie and it is elstim'atml'tlmt each buttlv any! stile vggten dollars 103 th of' broken *lhmituré, th‘us mpkg'gg'fln‘raggrg gate of twenty millipus’ o? ddllaaja tdclyaimml'l‘tbm'tn 31 log; by thigvvgmaMeJlnwnfiOm fining Inndnjlijl!"‘_(il:ge :3, household word, in? mm proposes to d 9 th’e‘fidild 'at-ll' greater Bennie-’1)! curing all the aching he ml with bus Cephalic Pills. and if they are üb'gdnd'na hill Glue, new)“ aches will soon vanishawny lika’uuow anuly; t ' , " 3 in‘Ovnn nxoxmush. an). tun-main!“ cm Ind anxinty ineideg; to the cloaegtten‘tion. to ‘ngxsiuesn Q". marinara among the uumatoufi cause: of Norman Headwh. . Tll6 disordered state of mind-and mayhem»; togmisdi-lreqs ing complyint is a fit-d blow to all e'nvufg'y an}! limb tit-n. - Safes-9r: by this dimmer can alwfya ohfaiu spud] rel of from these distressing attacks hy using one o: the' Uspunlic Pills wheneverjhe symptoms appear: “Quinn; the our: tasked brain, and sqp‘thsp thejtminepl and jlrrilig nerves, 3mg relax“ Qhejgensyiol‘: or tub gmmaoh which alw‘ay’n ”at:- companies and asst-antes the disarde red cénd'ilion or the brain. ~ _ _ ,fl mar wan-m xxowmm—Fpalding‘a Cephalic Pm- an a certain cure for Sick Headache, Bilumn “audacné, Roi-vans Headache, Continue“ mad Gaaenl ”ability. ' '-. ' Gnu!p:scdvzu‘.-Amoqg the most important of all the great madie;l_dis‘eovpl;}es of (”MI age _nav ha consider“ the "stem at Vaccinatio‘nfbr firotectio‘n tram small Pox, the Cephalic Pill for relief of Eta-(hello. and the use of Quin'me for the preygntjon of Raven. eithgr o; nhich 1'! a sure apo'ciflu; ivhqs‘e‘ befiqfip‘iill be'bxperienéel‘bv unr foring humanity long :fter mon-discoverer:ire-forgotten. F 1111) Jung's: hays film-Sick Headache? .Do you remembart'he throbbing temples, th— repel-ea htnw, the loathing Inddiagqpt {15.3119 light ‘0: food? ‘3'“: totally iinflt you wen; pnpleaurq, camel-nation or mud: v "n— -of the Cephalic Ping wont-,1 Inge, mugged mountain all tbs suffering which you than qxppflqucei Emmi“ and: - thfl' purposes you should always have a box ofttiim on hand to use as nonunion requires. 1 -. ,1"; . _ $111», Qéel’gmae‘: Nerybus‘fléadaChej HQ * flaming.» By the use of these Pills the 'p‘eriodiu attacks of No?- vous or Sick Heddacha any be prevented ; sad if take-2,! at 1,116 ieommencemont of 19:1an immédmo‘ iélia‘frt'mm painl’nd sickness will be'obtainbg.‘ _. “ ' ‘7‘ -‘ =‘ , ’ They mung fail in rémoiingthe 'Nhuua‘ iid'fluilil ache tb‘whiéh feliles'prolol Bil‘lject. A ' ’ 'Théy uét' £3l3th upoii thg' Boieldr-‘rem'oflxig‘ Costfiié =I For'Literarg Ming Students, Deficits Péma'les, um all-person: 'of uduuary habits, they as Valhalla u'i' Lam-Mics] improving m 6 gzijietiie, gum; in’}; find uigér to the digestive my”, old restoring the nah“! gliatiaity 3nd strength of the whple system. ' >‘ ' ' rhetonbgaup PILLS m the remiit or 155‘- mean; “tion ind cliofnlly conducted O‘Nfllhents,7having been in m mullmfluring «l‘fich time-a hey h'aye "unified and relieved I van lawn: or_ pain and “firing from: Hamlin, when: erlorjginntiugin the mica“ ”than or from a demgad mu ol' the itomgh, ’ v -. The! anionuroly 7630651611: their com 0; . , ‘ . . on! ; u and, may be than at nil flagea‘wlth'perlole't‘ n dotiiittlignzmfl lung's-:1 phase ._0! did}, and‘ flu Ebyn'u of any dun g,“ 0 mt: 7“qu .'l'flgasy ‘. ad . _ - ‘ childish v ‘ : .Ir ' :- _"fimmr Mi"! ‘0 ' > . BIWLRI'OI COUNTIBI‘IIm! ' n. gunning 11"! In ligfiutuhd ot'no'nr-y 0. éfifllaioi mutant. .-.L- .’. ~‘ '. I'. sold by Drinki- Ild I'll other deal 1 .3 A Box will be. an hymn pup-135333533; ’ 233103 FTWENW‘IIVE 0 NJ! . ' "‘T m-maA’mému-dmw :5 -_ -5 ’35,, ’ magice‘srumm ‘ ebe (low. THE ONLY DISCOVERY wommr'or ANY coxnmmcr. FOR _VRESTOHING , THE BALD ANI) GRAY. Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have ‘ attempted not; only to imitate his restorative, but pro . fess to have discnvered somtthing that would produce results identical; but they have all come and gone, be ing carried away by the wonderful results of Professor Wood’s preparation, and Have been fnrced to leuve the field to its resistlessswsy. ' Read the following: ’ Bs-rn, Maine. April 18. 1859. nor. 0. J. Woon d: f‘o. : Ginsu—The letter I wrote you in 1856 concerning your vulnmhle Hal r Restorut re, and which you have published in this vicinity end else where, has given rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts inl the case. The enquiries are, first Is st a.‘ fact of my habitation and name, as stated in the com municntiou; second, is it true or all therein contained; third, does my hair still gontinue to he in good 011101: on of natural color? To all I can and do answer-nvormljlf yes. My hair is even better than in any stage oi mv life for 40 years post, more soft, thrifty, and, better colored; the game is true of my whiskers, and the only cause Why itjs not generally .true, is thet'the substuuee is washed 03' by frequent ablation of the face, when-1" care were used bv \Vi ing the fave in close connection With the whiskers, the same result will: follow as the hall'- I have been in the receipt or agreet number of letters (rem all parts of New England, asking rue if my hair still continues-to be good; as there is sqmuch Iraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as Well as this it hes,3no doubt. been basely imitated, and been used: not only withoutluny good “Rent“ to absolute injury. I‘ho’ve not used any ofvynur ' es'to'ratlve of any mmgnc for somevmsntha, and yet my hon is as good as ever. and hundreds have examined it with surprise. 83] am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head. or on my face; and to prove-this fact, I send you a. lock of my heir t ken 03' the past week. I received your fuvoruf two [inert bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave-it to‘my friends and thereby induced them to try it; runny were, skeptical until after trial, “a then purchased and used it with universal soon as. I will suit sea lever, that you‘eend no a. test by which I can: discover fraud in the Bestnrati-ve,.sold by many, I fear, without authoriliy'from‘ you. A pure article will insure success, anal-believe where good efiects do not follow, the failure is caused_by‘the impure article, which curses the inventor‘of the-good; I deem itmy duty. as heretofore, to keep ygugaifnrised of the continued efl‘ect on my hair, as I assure a] who enquire of me or my on sheke’n opinion of invaluable results. ' " I remain, dear sire, yours, A. 0* RAYMOND. - Asnoxfs‘Res, Ky., Nov. 30,.1858._ Pros. 0. J . Woon: Deaf Sir :——l would oertsi-nl'y be doing you ngrent'injustice not to make known tethe world, the Wonderful as well: us the unexpected result I have experienecdfromhsingosl bottle of your Hal-r Restorative. After using every kind of Restorntires extent. but without success and finding mayhem nearly destitute of hair, I was finslly induced‘to try n bottle of . your Hair Restovtive. Now| qndor‘snd justice compel. _me to announce o whoever ring read this, that I not! possess}; new sud bountiful growth of,hs.ir, which I. pronounce richer and handsome: thsuthe original was. I will therefore tske occasion 'to recommend this in. vnlushle remedy to nu. who may feel the necessity of. it. ~ Respectfully yours, MW. 3. ALLEN BROOK ; P.» S.—-'l‘his testimonial of my spproostion for‘ynur , soluble medicine (as you _srs owns of)‘is unsolicited; Bari! you think it worthy of {pine among thelrest, i insert if you wish; it not destroy‘endrseyiuothinga Yours, deem 7 .. . Rn". 84 A 4. B. . , 'iDepot‘m Broadway; and sold by all dealers through oubthewnrid. -. E ~~ ..;: r 0. I. WOOD J: 00., Proprietors, 4.44 Brosdwsy, New York, and 114 Market Street, Shields; Mo. ' ' ‘ ‘ And sold by sll good Draggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. . ' .3“ .i - - w . .'; lnolT-dkflm H A, Npis'ffo“ 1s; E _.‘mpjmk u - 107.!!!1E‘L'A D I‘ll-B*. RUN” “mal! OF. B': 81313." [rich m.deligata color for MW ché'eh and ‘lipa, WILL ROT'W'ASE'OR RUB OFF...a.ld;!rhen_,qnee apgylied remain- dunb‘la for yum-I. mailed free in bottles o_r $l.OO. , J . . .mmwswcoum" TOILET ' PUWDBR,” impu'tl a” .duzlingmhitelm .toth oqmplexion, and is ,IlnliKolnr filling else purl? for this purpose, mailed free form mum 2 HUNTS- “. BRITISH BALM”: re'movetr tan freeing, gannfiurn and all‘ erupxionn of the skin, mailed free for“: {centL ' _ , v VKUNT’S- “IMPEIIAL‘ POMADE,” faiths hit; :ntrenzthppn and improyes it: growthgkeeps it from lull ing 03'. and warranted TO MAKE THE-HAIR CURL, mailed free for 81,00.’ , ‘ , . - : HUN-T7B “PEARL BEAUTIPIEB,” for the toafih‘cnd: gumsi. cleaner-and whibwnathe-teeth,‘hmdehs the swim? purifiertlxe breath efi'ectnally; Pnnsnnv-Es TIM: $111313) AND 33:37.31“ 25 TOOTH-11032, mlflodfm~ 'orw. . ‘.. ~ ’ "HUNT’S WERE)“; WREATEI PERFUME,” ‘adoubl‘e Egg-“act dfmrfin‘fih- bl‘bssgms and, col‘u'gne,’mailed fre'e' for ; ~ ‘ ”gay-n .‘I 4. ,- ~-:l.1n;v- ~ . , ' Thinexquinitevparfnmonnfirstm'edhy'theP-RI'NOBSS' )ROYAL,_ 01f . ENGLhN-D. . o'u her marriage.s ,MESSRSE :vHUhT‘GL 00' pre‘a‘entegl the PBINCESSyithpn elegant. 'ciae of Perfumery; (in which; n." 6f the above, articles were incl-dam) in Handsome cut gins": wi th'gol‘d stoippera, "glued at, slsooLplrtvicularay o'frwhlch appenred= h the public mints. All :thaabp‘ze-articles seanßEE Hy 93-» .preapJ'or $13.00;. 013 mm cipher‘ ,acsomplny the. order; orbé‘paid' to the eXprepa_agenn on deliver-10f 50min. _ ; ‘ .~.. “ "' ” _n'UNI&CO., . -. - .=' ":3 Perfumers to‘th‘a Queen;" ’ . lupus-I Sunni, Loxm,- nu) Horsnsox 31:31:13. 'i‘ha‘dee supplant. - ‘ v - :anmAnnmu; mmwrmpm gm -3rfpaz\_ . , ng/g‘, xl, fl? {gimmwomz 9mg 94.03" Dfigpaifmlhg , 7:. £- ' 3- {Save-fhe‘Pieces!’ _'3, - . As accidents will happen wens] well-regulatedfllmi lies, it i'a very desirable to in"; aging qheap and conva man way for repairing Furnitufe, Toys,” Crockery, he. -- _srgnnme's PREPARED 291111111 . . meet: m such emergencies, mid n‘o h'bueeh‘old 'een eflo'rd to ,bewwaout it. , It iB,llWlyl rendy. and upto the luck- ' ing point. There in no longeg a necessity for limping claim splintered veneers, lleedl‘eeydoll'e; end broken crqdlee It in just the article for none, shell, uni other od "3““ work," w popilhr'with 'lediea ofre'flnement "1 ”Fm... v I‘s; L.:',' ' - Thié‘ed'ml‘feble pteptpflion In need {mulli being chamll all] h'eldJn' eolntion,a.nd twinning": w'the v'nlu'nble qulnhtiee of the beat qabine‘ makers}! Glue- It me; he nixed [l‘fllo plece‘of cranky mncllege, being flatly more adhesive. . V .. = .-‘- ' - - , “USEFUL IN EVEREHQUW e” e ‘ NEBQ—A Mk neehmpshiul‘aflglll booth. firingfl ell“. . , . ' i v I ' ' ‘ Hunt-nu Dim, No; 48' CIDABV fins“, mm; You; Hmnr’c.‘srubme atfco" - ‘ ~: - Box:No.B,soo.N'eii_"Ym-k Address ’Pll’l'f‘u'fi for' Dealers In ding: conninin Four,_Elght “a Twflfg Dozen—J: beautiful mthugupiicfihomfllmi accompanying encupac'kngp. . , ,_, - :3“ _ [ll7' A single” bottle 0 SPALDING’S DRE-L’ARED GLUE. mm" ten times it: cost annually to‘ em, houuehold _P} . , - Sold h, a] prominent Stationers, Dmgglagoflndwua Ind Furniture Denim-g. Grocurs, and Func res. Country merchnuts ahduld make 3 Inigo of EPA“- [NG’S PBEPAEEDQLDE,whqn linking up -their'lilt. It will ltludlll] ulimlfl.’ V ‘ ,_ . , - 191114-118:wa -, 7' , ' . 7' WO 'l‘ I G E --—The undemgned havmg 1 - opaqed “khan-hand Clan-1m School for-3015,11: thé'Lec'tm-e‘ guano! filial. mu [ulnar], pulled-echo “ United 3:99.11er Chagall," on Front, Minoan Wulnut, Ind Lounht'itroen. In menu-ad t 9 receive puplll Ind instruct thep‘jn the branches nan-11, taught in school: of ch“ chihetor. The number of pupil: in limited to twenty-five. ( x, A ,» \‘ . V ‘ . lfor inrogrqltlnn w‘ifignguqu 19rd” &g.,:pply.to; Rev. Mr. Romano! “6.39.1; m.,cgfiinn..9r;poraonnlly. 'o‘ («mm -.._._qms‘n-.~me- 01° DEER-"B7lGEBHfiY‘EiiThé;beéi : am??? ‘"W‘*J""°°":‘u“a'ém“:" "EL'llEfi'fi" 'RUG‘Sr‘r‘ognggi K “Nimuifill’lfidwf ‘ .. H lafiflhjgg filthiml. 3; ‘4 \XrBEA-E E QM: ‘ (3159 RE§T9§>§DE§ IPILLSHRON Ax aparlent and stomach}: prepnratlon of IRON puri 3rd of 0x gen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctione'g by the high-It Mod! a! Authorities, bum in Human uni the United States, and prescmwed in their me e». p The experience of thousands daily proves that no pre paration of Iron can be computed with it. Impurities of the blood, dnprs-asion of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickiy complexion, indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable case. Innnxious in all maladies in which if has Men tried, it has proved atmlufely curative in each or the following complaima, viz: _. , . - , In Damn-u. Nnnvons Ari-Earlene, Emanuele, Dra nrsu, Communion, Dinnnuuu, brsmnnr,'lnolnnnr- Couswrrmn‘finnc Pawns Tnnnnmonis. SAL-r Rum, Misuxsmmnon’. WHITES,CEL'OI¢OSIS. LIVER COMPLAINTS, Gnome Humans, RHKWATIBI, Imnmrnxu‘ums, Plums Q 1! rm: Enos, &0. , In cues uf Gash“. Drum", whntner the result of acute diFe:l66.Ol‘of the continued diminution of norms and muscular cn- rgy Elam chronic con plainls. one trial of this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no deserip ion or written «mutation would render credible. Invalids so long bed ridden as to have in come forgotten-in their own neighbor bonds, have suddenly re-appearcd in the, busy world as i' just rrtnrned from protruded travel in at distant land. Song very, signal instances of this kind 9!? mum: of femulr- ufi‘ornn,‘ emaciated victims of apparent magaamus, sanguineons exhaustion, critical changes, Ind tint comyliceifinn oi. nervoualand dyspeptic aVersion hair nnd exercise for which the phypicinn tins in name. In Nrnvons ”normal; .of I“ kinda, 'aud for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily bé salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly Iperienl, even in the moat obi-tinutc cases mtiveiaeas. withgilt evertbeing a pit?! c pnrgnlzive ,ori ' ing'n isagreen enenge ion. It is this latter, propefl!’ !FEWI‘E others, whichmakgs it; so' remarkably efi’ectnal end permlnent a remady'for Piles, I”! which it also appeal-Ito our: a distinct end specific action. by dispersing the locnl‘te’ud‘oncy whichrfon‘na them. " In Msnnsujnnnmnmble’hll lie it! «um; i Sills}! 130! of. these Chalyheate Ellis-h» often snug-ed for the mom} habitual cases, including the, attendant flnsn‘nenexs. . 1n unchecked Bums, dvuwhen edvuneod to Dull rm, confirmed, ,emaqiutjng, and ,amrently nnnlignant . the meet: have been eqnally design": and astonishing. In the local pains, lon of flesh and strength, debilitating nongh, and remitient hectic, which generallyindicuan Ix-. omsm- 00331111511211; this remedy hujllnyed _the alarm 9! friends and ”UNDER, in m my gut-tying ml. interesting instances. . -, V -, , , In Enormous Tannonosis, this medium iron has had far morevthan ihe‘good elect of the most cautiously balancedpropentions or iodine, without guy of iheir well known liabilities. - > ' ' ' ' l‘he attention of femalucpnot be toooonfldnntlyinvitod tn thi'n mzmly mi mtomtm, in we use: peculiarly If fwfinfflmfl. ‘ ' ,--- - ~ ' ; ‘ In Mammal both chronic. rufi,§nhmmtory¢in the latter, however, more daddy—ilk: been invariably wall. reported .bolh an unwinding- pair-ad: mduoing‘th‘e Iwél langp anti stillness of the jo Manna muscles. . , . In lair-Imam- Finns It mast necessarily be a put round: and energetic restorativo, and it: program in the new settlement! of the Wen; will 11ml: be one of high menu-papa alumna-Irv ‘ »;. ‘-: , . . .2 . No romeo, hag gvar'beg-n disccvorgd In the sol9l:thqu of medicine, whirl! skins such prompt, hsfipy; and'fully restorative enact; g:(ioiod Jppthfl, cunpletp, «ligation; rapid requisition of strength, with 11l unusual disposition for active had cheerful exercise, Immediately follow it! Illa. lint: up in next flat Inch] boxeuwmnjw sQplillllfllrice mung. pprhoxj for me ,by (mung: am dpaleu,’ ..Wm be with” to my addreuflfn receipt of the prism, All '“maybxdarq,‘otc.,-uhbd'l-I-Mama w. . .-- * ‘.i'alhn. LOOKE it. 00.; 603331333”; ,- » .myflabdkwly , . finned“ Street; Now York-.- .. - WOO ° r .71ROALITIC A'SUPERLAT-‘M I'C Pt DIUR ETIC, DYartro' wumumnnnm To THE CITIZENS OF? NEW‘ JERSEY IND BERLIYASXLIANIA, , ‘ ~.~ APO'HIEOARIES. rmmcexsrrsi- (momma AND anrVATE'FIAM ,LIES.., H‘ woman’s wm‘coemc BRANDY; ~ _ wgcgmms-pum mmm‘m; SHERRY AND'POR'!‘ ‘ WpLDE’S PURE JAMAICA AND Sit-CROIX BUM. WOME’SIP‘URE SCQ’I‘CH A 131) IRISH‘IWHISKY.“ j 3’" ‘4l]. IN :B‘O‘T'TL ES .. g . I ”beg leave to cull'th‘e'nttentlon of‘thb'pitlz’ens'pf the UmtednfihWnto the Above .Wmls‘and 1419110th)“:- ported by Unouno Womn, of New York; arhoad name is familiar in every part of this county, for. the, purity. of his cel‘ebmted Scmxmn Bennie.“ Mr. Wommjn‘ hi‘e letter to me, speaking of the'puht: of his Winnie, endgbmuons, lays: “ I will afak‘e'mj-repnjaatinn .as a, men, my.nta.ndlsnqu-I. merchant of thirty yen-shell dence in the City ofNew York, thatall‘the Bunny-Yam! Wmns which I bottle are pure an imported, ahd of the best quality, and-mrbe relied _lJpon by .9verlguruhgsag.,” Every bottle has the proprietor’s name on t a wax, and a. me almlle of his signature vantha certificate. any. pnblieare neagectl'ully invited _to cell} and engine for themselves. oi-‘eale at 31:11“. bye Apothecn'lee and Grocery 1;: Philadelphia; ‘ e - \ 2 ’ . V ' ' . GEORGEIH. ASHTON, . ‘ ~.. 3 mean Market ntreeh‘Philqaelphia, - l _ ; ; Sold Agent {y’PMlgduphim Read the following from the New .011; Cumin: , _ . Marlene Brenda's rO3 axl‘N'xw Yon: mung”..— We unhappy In inform ourfellow-icitizena that there is one piece in our city where thigh-19191“, upothrcnry, and eonntry merchant, “cut go" a pnrchdee pure Wines; and Liq,uoga,,u pure 5.: immatedugnd of the beet,qheiity.- We do not'fntend to give an elaborate deeeription of this merchant’s extensive business,- hithongh it will in“ re ply any etrfinger or citizen, tfi,'i§ifi. Unapmo Woun’s extensive WurehonsejN‘os. 115, 20 and 22, Beaver etreet and Nos 11; 19 and 21', Marketfieid strait. m: stock of Schnapps onlhnnd ready; for ghigment could not here” been less thnu'thirty‘thonsend eases”; the Brandy, some. ten :I;ng _cuee—Ninmge‘epf 1836 1:018“; end-tour 'thunnnnd cases ,of Madeirn, Sherry and Port 'Winep, ; Switch nnd‘ Irish Whisky; Jamaica and St. Croix Rum,’ game very did and, equal to any in this country. He also had th‘i'ee large cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, dad, 'in mks, under Curtain-" House” key, ready for bottling. Mr. Wang's enles‘of Sghnepps last year emuntedito one hundred nnde‘g’ixtj’thnusnnd dozen, and we hope in less that“): yearn? 110;me be equally succeed v‘nth ma Brnndieu and Wine. ,~ . 4 3; . ». a . » .~. . [its business merits the patronage of every lover‘s! his special. JPrivutg femilies who wish p‘nre Wines and Liquor: for medical use shquid and . their orders direct .to Mr Woul, until e‘v‘e‘ry‘ Apotheénry in the land make up their minds to diec'nrd the poinououtstufiafmm their lilhelves, and replace it with Woun’s _pnre Wine and XQIJOIS. ‘ e L -. 1 We undult'and Mr. Won], for the secommodqtion of mm.“ denlqrs in _the «gantry, mm up mama _man of Wine: and Liquors. Such p. mgn, pnd such I merchant,- ahould be smitiined' nghlnut his telia oiTtHofiaanfla o_f op-_ ponant: in the United Stat», who sell nothingbufi imi - _tations, ruinous slika tq Influx health and happinesp. . i .Por sale by 0.1:. LEI; ' B, Dragging ’rolli‘agfint for flaming-L ‘. w; .- , . _; mpMkam . l - 5“ .5; 'ls‘ll.,kz'. . ' HOW 110,313.ng 318103! D.‘ . ‘sJ’wl Publi's'licd”.ifi'-‘it 506181 Ehoet'npc‘ ' A LEG-TUBE _ON THd'NATURQG, TREA'I‘MEfiTIAND RADICAL CURE or sunnAfrOanoaA, 9r Seminal Wank», Sunni Debility,.l\lurvnhdnnill’ and'lnvoluntal-y lamina ous, producing lmpoteuuy, Consumption “Micah! and Physical Devility. ; BY 1108. J. CULYERWELL. M. _D. ~ 2 The importint fact that the awful consequential"; of self gbuae maybe unequally removed witlgnutmtgrnalmedioinu or the dagger“: applications of cgiutics, infill-lumen”? medic-Atoll Lbou'gias,’ and othar elm-inn] devicpa,’ inflameL e'leuly demopfitrntad. sad the entirely new and high], gunman“ tfeatment, an adopted by the celqyratedjflmhor, m: I; lexp'lninod, by mom of whit-Ir every one-in enabled to cure himself pert'eqply and at lheleust pofaig-le cost, than. by avoiding all the afiverfiard uoptmmn orhthle day ,The Loctugu will'prove‘u boon to thousands 'and thadsandn ' ; Sent under seal to [any address, pus! paid, on‘phe rgceipt of two vantage stamps, by “greasing Dr. ,GHAS J. 0. KLINE, 480 First Avenue, New York, Pont'Bo‘x 4,586. :1 ‘ mum-dimly ' ~ ‘ HAVANA !‘uRAN’GEsm ‘ ~ - “A prime lotjust received by V . $0030..“ "i '.WM.DOGK,JR.,&'CO DfifiED PARED PEACHES, Driea ~ UNPAnEv' PEACHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACKBERBIES,.jnsh-eceived by-:‘« ' ' ace-23,. ~,, _ wn,inpcx,.n.,&co, ( '.{I‘UYFBOOK of an endless variety, r .1» the amusemenund instruction of our little onu, . quanunnmnooym. ~ r _. _. V, HUMPHBEI’S' . = * ‘ .. i- .251E311‘10 ' ..u ‘. ,j‘HQMEOFATH .U Hymns, . f?rfl?é"‘:‘=' - :"j ', x , .'é-‘vmkfigggsmt. SMEHE’E? SMOKE?!” SMOKET ! 131:, Ill) ' :12th '- 11.1.33}; ”'1- “31;.29‘3239’1HJ-spms: ; Lemma and J I 916“ “in nu"""‘,'~°§s¥%%bl 131'; 001 I" r’ ftieMcnL mon Fm The attention of Invalids, Physicians, Clergymes, scientific men, and the public generally, is respectfully solicited to the merits of this chemical prepsratio con. mining IRON; SULPHUR, AND PHOSPHOROIIflg, Ind. Which is identical in its composition with the Ramon]: Globula, or red blood. In all diseases accompl'nied Il’sh DEBI-LITY, V... pale countenance and nervous derangement. analyses of the blood show a deficiency of the red globules. Ruddy complexion and a. rosy tint of the skin, is always indica tive of health; while I. pale, wax-like skin and counte nance,—which evinces a. deficiency of the red globules,— accompanies n diseased organism . Preparations of IRON have been given for the purpose of supplying the red glo bules, but we contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR alone, or PHOSPHOROUS alone, will not meet the deficiency in every case, but thst a. judicious combination of all these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never- before attained, has been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery ranks as one of the most. scientific and- importnnt ol' the age. Its efi‘ects in . GONSUM P T I o N are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostretlng night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by tutoring the lacking red globules, increase the gamma“, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh. .'.l‘Eho BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in all CHRONIC DISEASES of the THROAT ”or LUNGS. such as Asthma. Bronchitis, Coughs, Joe. Public npeskers and singers will find it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Liner Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrofula. Gravel, St. Vi— “4s’ Dance, Fever andAguc m., its efliciencyis marked and instantaneous. In no class of diseases, however, are the beneficial efi'ecteof thin remedy so; conspicuous In in times harassing ‘ . FEMALE cementum” to which the gentler sex are liable, end which tend to wnrds Censumption, such-as suppressed or difficult Men struation. Green Sickness, Whine, Jno., especially when hese comgflnints e‘re nccompanied with peleneee, ndingy June or pad or of the skimdeprelsionrof spirits, debiligy, palpitation. want of eppetite, and nervous prostntlon. We have the utmost confidence in recommending the BLOOD FOOD to all who me} be conscious of a loan of vitality, or energy; and, to those whosenienm or bodily powmjs are prostrsterl through om use, either of the mind or’ib'ody and we’deem-it our duty to so: that“: all cases of Weakness and Emaciannn, end in all diseases of the Kidney: or Bladder, this preparation has 5 claim mph the nttention of nufl'erers which cannot be ever .estimeted.. A faithful trial Willie found the moat con vincing proof 'in regard to Its emmy that (‘2oth naked for. With the shove remnrhs, endi with the nnmerone 'testimoniels we have in its hvor, we ofier the “BLOOD FOOD” to the consideration of» the afliicted, knowing thefltwill be acknowledged as pie-eminent over all other preparations, patent ‘or elicits]; in point oil-usefulness. Circulars giving theil‘heoty nppn which this remedy is fOnndsd, nlso‘oér'tificntes of remnrknble crime, will be sent free'when du‘izresiieége gmercetho 31.009102»: to my ~r1: of the Hi . e ~a or “Wis-In, , ”gone 11 of priests! per bottle :5 {on ‘six Bottles; Issue-stem in :nllusee to use none hut thethedng onnfwfinanejsig netlu‘e upon the wrapper. None other is fiennin. Prepsred only by CHURCH & Ul’olfl‘, .4 210. 409 Bmadway New York, _ Midfield by them, enemy all respect-me smm, For sale By 0. s, namyhhi‘, c. 5,. RE], . , 94.1.11. W. GROSS a; 09., Harrisburg; 'fepß-eewdhwly P HELEY :T-H E- B L2OO IH,: VEGETABLE LIFE“ PILLS AND . , . . . -. H I.llm N 1;: .131 435:, 333,. . The ugh‘ond 'envled coléhflty'v‘vhieh these proaml mtiuuieinés uninspired for- their invaluable-em use, in all sin Disguses which the ducts”. ti?i We, his rendered tho'nsnnl’p‘nofl cc of p" 5 pat-only Inn-eon sl-‘rn but‘hnworfihy‘nf “16”.: -; - WW". 5' i , i IN ALLVOASES-J _.. _ ~ 0f lamina A'énto and Ohronié'nflomnfismymofionl of thOvßMdai-glndxidnpys. -:. . » ..w muons mucus ssn nlvsn coupnstfirs, Ilf‘the SoniliafidWVenf, when nasal-em pron“ they will be found ihvmlngbla.,,l?hn§en~;f‘qusss ml others who once use these medicines, will never after. wardsln,wifl_soutthem. . _ . , muons enomc annoys momma imam: - - .: nvsnnss, 061.93 Aunaouanagduom, ' ‘. CORRUPT RUMORS. DROP _ [l3lB. _i. . ~D!sfnrsxi.—‘—No‘ person'with- thi‘s'distrmlng‘diseaso, ‘shpuldlgleluy using these Medicingsjmmgqittqlri ‘ Eruptions of the. Skin, Erysipelss, Fistulency.‘ Flvur um Aunt—For this sc’mu-ge‘ ofthe Western country thqsejledicines willfie foam“- “I'o. ”091! IN o_eytaiti remedy. Other mudiuin'os leave the system Sub ject to ‘a freturn of the disuse; Veins hymen-mun. cines is psrmsueni; . .‘. . :; .‘, , , l , Try thém. Be satisfiéd. and he curbs.“ , FouLssss or 00391,”:on— ' GENERALDEBILITY;GOUT?, GIDDX‘Nmf , s ~. GRAVEL, , ,-, ~ 1, Hesdachen of every kind; Inward Fever, Infilmmstozg Rheumatismy‘impum Blood. Janindi co, Lasso! Appetite. Maggumsz. DISEA§IS.-,-NQVGI' fails-to Voro‘dicate en: timely all the efi‘ecm oi‘Mercury lnflnitely'so’onsr than the may. poweflul'pw'gmtiunpf Stumpy-ills. V HIGBT SWEATS, NF BVOUS _DEBIIQITX. NERVOUS am coMPbAIhTS 0F 111121118118. ORGANIC , - 7...: . , ~ AFFECTIONS,; ~ _ Puss-71‘1“: .orlginal pruprietog of (these Medicine in mired d 7 PH”! 1% chi rtrfifunyefim"stnMHg, by the the manor those _lg'ife Medicines IXDHB. ;- , . 0 Plums in‘ths field, Side', Bock. Limbs, Joints and rgaus. ,l , ,‘3 '=.'"_' ' :A Rascals-1'18)! ,—Those attached with ibis-iambic dis ease. will he sure. of teiief by the ’Lito Medicines. Rush of Blood’ to the. Head, Scurvy,' Salt Rheum Swellings. _lcwsgnh, or line’s 3713, in its volts; (grins. Ulcer of— even-[description ' ‘ ‘' ' ' AWomoinll/tinds 'lro elecmally expellodzhy those Metiioiqqs’. _zpucnts will dowel]. .tonodminisjer them vaginal-what ‘existenco‘is "suspedte'd'.’ "Rollo! will be .cc_ _m'. " . . ~. . ‘g u , THE LIFE PILLS AND PHCENIXIITTEBS ' ”runny- run 3110013.. '_ .‘; And-t thus remove nudism-affair: fixer-hymn. gunman up 89:42 at. L 4 ; DEL WILL [A M B. M QFFAT, s9s.3rm'ay cor‘ne’r of Anthony sheet, New In“. arm: gal-3.1;: nupmggim, . ‘ mwwm Popting, Ailva'AWQß‘K ‘ P'BOMI‘SED IN ON 13' ’W EiE K‘l- -__- -_-—.__. wv.v .-_-_ligmrk Th imge "I§"l&L?‘éMO§€, M h a? W" o) p': Q!" essay urns 3mm 0 Joninfercial C’quego n the. pnited- Stage” Doeisn‘d “pres“, for'Yéiin‘g Hen dean-mg to obtfiifx] [8030063 i’nwuo“.gnpsxnugsgnnuouxox ln “Ethan-lucid“. thus 'and M the lent expense. . . , A? Luge I‘m! Beautifully Omnmented'Clreullr, 00: mining upwndn of SIX SQL‘ ARE FEET; with Snail?" 9r Pinumsmy. mud a Large Eng-giving giro flnaatpf it“ kind ev‘ér'innde h: thiacount‘iy) rep’resan ugthe Inter Victor the_ College, wingggt _lqgne agafing “In“! a“: will be sent to Evgry Young .flun‘mn gpplioatmm 1" or CEAIOI.. ' : 6“ * . A- Wrte imiljediately 9m} ypn flu receive the pull? t73r'e'turn mail. 'Adfiré'sn; ' j . ‘ .in-dIyJ -. ' ; IE;.K_ILOSIEB, mmuon. Ml" . : - 2‘ J U9B T B-Efl-c- m I v E D I ‘_ ' INK: 'l'oufifliiv: 1 x romvmm: .- ‘. '9'! "nzeniona'atmchmenlgto any new!“ ’93: W Wth lg‘le‘dilliiofiink illiuflicie’n't to waixtg;ofillc” oxlael. - '8 BO m» ‘~ ' " WHEN“ .Isusrkee3t BITUMINOUS” BROADTOPi- COAL , fdl'Blaek'sml'ths' use. A iuperior utiqlg for sle l (4: 83 00 per ton or 12" cents *per buxhd. ' " ‘ All Gosl_deliverg¢ by Pntent Weigh Olrtlu non ~ ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ JAM)!» u. wan-man. 31 ED AP pl. ES AND DRIED MSW” ‘3‘.”l9’».wu. noon, 11.. a 00- KELLER‘S ansz'rom is the place " toll" ‘flflm‘n' ufini'li'd Flown-11. FINE “eONIDjMENTs '.v I—E x 1" B A as rumnmusflnw ‘1 how firm; of an.” OM~uUOlflimmrbnurs ' as am: «10-“ Pm" _ «$l.O , ~ ....._ - w. 13091213539; KELLE'Ri’s him STORE in the place to In! “min; in u. In, at I'M.