Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, December 22, 1860, Image 3

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    L 071! L A NEWS.
Tan Dun PATEOT’ Axn‘mnéx may be had qt
lack’s Book Stormoorncr of Third and Market
“reeks. ,
PAi-mor All! Enron—The DAILY PA'rmo'r um
Inlay can be had by Dauphin subscribers, every
morning, at the pcfiodiwilftote of J. S. mum
Tn: Mama—Under tho change of scheduxe 0n
the difi'asent railroads. the mm; of closing the
mails at the Harrisburg Post-omen, December Ist,
186th as‘follo ws - .
. rgsusvmugu n. R.
gag—7 a. many mail, 12.:5 p. m., 5. 15. mg,
9P» m- . . . s . ‘ ‘ ‘
Wale-6430 a. m.——wa.y mail; 3.50 p. m.,-9 p. m.
non-mum! CIHTRALHELBg I '
Salk—l 2 15 P- ill-‘4'” 9““!‘9' P!“-
Nortb.—-1 p.;m. V~, , _ ' ,
. A Lunuzox VALLEY n. n. . ‘
7.30 16 1114
mum: mnsnsq. n. n.
1.38.p.m. V 3 _
7.30 a. 111., 1'1). 113.—an mail.
> " firjjsuds.
7 9" m., to Gefil'shg’rg, on Tuesday, Thursday
and Rama”. ‘ 7‘a.ijl.j,'uo'!onestowa, 9n Monday,
Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lewisberry,
on Bambi-1.. -
Goipig-rrgbn.—The carriers of the PATRIOT ARI)
113191110; lean id say that they will, 5: usual.
collect théir dues this mornihg. ' - . -
Tn: Union Prayer Meeting Igill be held in‘ the
Yreshytnrian Church, on Market Square, this after
noon, at 4 o’clock, as usual. . . ' A
Continuum—Tho name of June: Kembie ap
peg-5:56:13 the Vic. Proficient; of thq Union
meeting in the published proceedings yestgrday.
It ahohld have been Gem-go S. Kamhle.” . V
'Tn‘fiks.—onr thanks are due to gunman; of
our. axolmnge pagan finilishedin'difieront- pgrts
of the! State for the; flattering notiqes“fiven 'ghg‘
Puma-min _Uumn. Wu .shgll “infirm-merit
a uplififiunuée of the high esfiflmfiot‘l i}! which all
appgug'tq Imm us, by renewed‘efi‘otu. ~ ' --' .'
'Cng‘infion 611 mm, Avignon—The members of
{hoxfiamei'on Guards aré-uéquasted to meet “their
meym two o'clock this’aftenioon, fully'equippad'
for finds- By order of the Captain, Members
of fly! gpfiap'gmy‘ who havg not. been prpyidednwith
a {uni-set of equipment: are requested to call it
the might, this morning; ' . 'f,‘ ‘
013 st poi: um Suscm—Mx-J .W. Boston has
open-d the Reehount'nnder the Brady Honse‘fér,
tho'aonson, nnd evinces a determination to conduct'
thinga‘iaoc‘or'ding to first piinciploe. Hie oyeml'or
are from Norfolk direct, and commend themselvui
mm; especiol attention of, £11030;th are fond. of.
M'Bl'v’sku‘. f ‘ l 5' ‘ ‘ ' ‘‘i
A_ s343oanl}. REQUiQT.—Theb. Grqltz, residing
in - Wiinu't attest; ukp 95 ~an :u'peeial 'fubrg- flint
the fiat-khan ,whb . puiloipé )fi‘s} Ptigjdg: Ail)
Uni“! {gain the dam; gnu-in :the morning, will
yleago rum it as_shjm In ha, ha; my! it, as Mr.
Grab like: go up}! £th page; biafore lg? legyfquiii
houéaiq‘tho-noining‘. ~ooiinihll3 “innit: not?“
nénshh‘filpnhl he qpmpfiedfwith . ‘ ‘ EV
17301199993 wallet—lla unblid willie“ in
mind ‘M'fin Iro'l‘l’djrenownedffl‘igh {ii-shat of.: the
Hui willfiponahis :Gihinhnil' Brian's? fly“, 9“
Mondtyfoiqiaing ’next.’ ”We think; {tom 9.“ w'e
unkind of An'dérson; that his performance are
fir “Mgr my thing of, the kiln! efer-eihibitgd
heuund mupt agar-i mo nmuument tol'hdth' old
and young during the Christmas Holidayiyy _' :
Tn Jens ileum—Col. 'Wells , Gavel-Iy, actu
ned by g laudable “terminating thu ._tho, Janey
Han mu he unend- so no hotel either in city
orbéinitry’, in just eofiplet‘ed 3: baths of improve
ment: «up will add gum-idly to the comfort of
mi gunk"... The phlonb,;llinin‘¢~ goon: and sitting
room: inve all been'ro-pqintgd and paperod in the
leggy]; of the nt',mdn'han has-hen fitted up
in the rem: of the reading roouj. With these and‘
other improvements yet to links, Col. vaorly can
we]! oh'i’qtha; 1!“? Jones Home is umnng'fihgbuivst
no‘ on}; {lithe-city!!!“ in menu. _ '
Trimaran—Yesterday merging the lock-up
lmod out three nthor genteel, able-Jbodiedi sober
loom; qanThomos Miner; of'l’hilofiol'phia;
Lorri: Smith and Fornando Gold ,of New York.
Then men‘ yero‘ou'; of money, (and in search of
work, within" of whioh tlioy found in this city,
when there aré many I gron'many _wigo are
aimihry situated; ,Thoy-Impmd-tho hoapitalitios
of tlie “home for the homolois,” afidquotergpy
morn ixig pursued their journey. Hoaren help those
who are so situated it the 1,617; :‘fig‘mnhgof the
winter. ‘ , , . 7 . r , .
I'3ost to DlAfl.—Mr: J oaeph Stray”, Sn, a
resident of Richlanflgmwnnhip.) Chnbria county,
WI! found Tueadfii aflorgoonrgbont half I. mile
from his residence, froxgn _to' floath; He had been
in Johnatown the Jay 'pr'evibu'a, linibeing, unfor
mnakl'lawctéé ‘5 2.129?» ifitfiiimhzfidfiom
it iéxgrsénééslififiefléififlmmm- fxiérrghgé
“1934' ulnmhhfigiw hm'flfifiiié!
a. hwéndfoufiauiifiwfiilomgglflemmn
h iififijlé'tfit’teionEfi'wafifiiflyfigfiifin;
pefigiigd“iqiing.~fih_ewnizhtn - Ho: In}? again . of
family} somé siktysfiu iemugg,;ana bore the
reputifion of a poad‘eibto"nfid‘hj‘otenaiva citizen,
Sun Gnu-u. Jinan—Let every one consider
it hisdnty t 9 Vexten'gi in. (naming 1191151 magenta”
home inatithgigng,-;by_ pugcliagfingp ticket!- for the
concorfi 9f: an an» Writsl,;nmd'.¢hk fevening.——
Th. hand Ittendul the Ethnic]: mailing’on Thurs.
dlj'lgciiizg._ll.fmt‘which .wq bug-1'69?“ in ma,-_
kidd‘édfiifiziepefl'of: thiproéudihyfiand player}
the nifiénil‘iin of bur quuntryr with? 5159;; wig-ft
uni its“; for which they'desorvo the “1;;th ind
mpporqytnll ivhizr Rrfivipatgflg :v'r’lietfii‘fpfi‘qua
m “flame Wfiimmflzni‘mem
will him, um thdvislifilic‘ééduld dqpfiéamg’ wfi;
Ink. thii lub~uinpesl§to éi‘ify’~-pgrsbn toxbii-zd
tiekeiihfifln‘pouihiy afford it. ‘ - “1‘"
.I‘. Puéficu'lniKPWQ notice by one of an?
outage papath‘hat not .lopg‘gipoq thy 3911:1in
“PPJiP. Salem: chin. m; it {tho fin-'5l him of:
Mgthsnleotion. ind votelffoi' I‘ PQIQ Magic}:
méqforpnw i! that. the léekyjqdiyidfiél in who
magma a“ m rest are ib‘q‘qqnt thyme)“:
ofl‘l. Ina?“ the m 6 170:: pop”; winner of aispbo‘
sing‘gfg 1036,11 question, am! we do notxue wh’j it
$6613 110'; be introduced here. It is true the‘itg'
aid-(um number of applicants, and it 1123614! id}
be 1.5391,,“ any of them com get a im‘jority,‘
but “iii! it my“ 2&6 renembared that. plmlifiei;
us just £5" pbpnlnr no: u Majoritiu. lines the"?
chnblic‘an‘géffflléf? fiijfcoln to be the cho'icorof
the peohléiifiii ifi-EQQMWM‘. a, minim dt‘ 1
vote: aggiliftflfliilhi-EMi-FMn befimt oné Pout ‘
lute: mating“: .1; and it; is at best but .;
hum, so mam}; fimgfifih mhfiéyi can!» savéd
b’ “b“i‘tinz‘to‘mfiiidéofiipw -’ .' '
' 011 mm «gt 1,“; 59124:“, €ls2:th Pruner;
. ‘8“. ‘0 ltnmi' (“rum 2‘ V . 0?“: ‘ 'l'." flue"
:2. «that uutliautéa ti} ‘éumf ting}; jig. ii]?
“:1? the Democrats havi'pfibdbiy as_ “plain?
miniie'é‘t" "' “3° 91:1???395211r95739hm”'
election. an: alnutpnuiefl" l 1?!“ "hit-Mg
fihiirs‘mfiu imww"?
hiwmmmm W‘M-seégwfi‘:
. < -.:. punt. mumsumtfml
1101’ 111. ‘ Min-1,111.3 of it “lii m . I'd > “..1
a W‘Hh‘fllfi'fir}: ~ .'.: 1. ;“IH'°s°‘lxf%':
f ‘ ' ..; ; Ix 52; —: l-Jfic? 4‘:
THE WAY u- Wonxs.—Fropi 32. private letter re
ceived from Lewietnwn,f'yeeierdny, we make the
following extraepE “ng _n_ meeting oE,.the Logan
Guards'ot‘ this place,held lest evening, the vote at
a former meeting resolviu'g'to attend the inaugu—
ration of Gov, Carlin, was ire-cuhoideredy snd: in
view of the pet-ennui insult to our company by “W
Harrisburg Telegi‘pph, it was resolved not to al
- ‘. ‘ ' '
We regret this, béeuuee the Logan Guards: it “4
eaidfie one of the finest and best drilled “”9“?“
in the interior of the State—but no other result
'could he expected when it isdenounaed by a. pub
lie newspaper as a "one horeey”. “dilapidated’fiom-
Ipany—and that, 100, by a person who never saw
the Logan‘Guarde.
‘ ’lt will be observed that the local editorof the
Telegraph is doing his utmost to keep thermilitu'ry
away from the inauguration. If he sueeeedé, there
will be few to attend it except Milne-holders, for it
is the military display. which brings the crowi—
He will then add anotheritem to the debt of gra
titude the people or nmiamg' owe him. His
questionable notices of men who come here oh pri—
vate business, merely beeeuse theydifl'er with him
in politics. heap people “my, and his personal
abuse of Democrats took the Convention of last
which to Reading, instead of being held in. this
city. What an excellent citizen, end how Inehly
he works for the benefit of Hall! . .'
Gnoss Missunuxur.—The Telegraph of yes
terday grossly perverts the remarks made ‘by
J edge Pearsen at the Union Meeting, and, putt len
guage in his mouth ,thnt he never gave ufiteralic'e
to. Nothing he said (mia “ho tortured} into anything
approximating tfie'eonstiueyion giien his ge-ayke
by file. Teleggiyph, am! we khan be I'imx'ch sxixiiirie'éjil
if the Judgepemiwhimself to be thusvmineprea
sehte’QL ;_' ‘ ' 4 - ~ 1'
'- quslly nnjnst does that paper deal with Gen;
WLH‘, Miller, placing him in a. false positioh he:
’forewhe‘ people. In illnetrating the fact that.
'nineh of the 'tfoublq in} caused by extreirlliggs'
‘in the Northvax‘id the Sonthgifien. M. naedohald
.flglu'o of.spaaoh—a,molaphorMbioh no one, unlésa
‘aotuate'd by. bitter lgolevoleneefionld look “p 93;
in a literal sense. ‘.lu the excitement oflpeeoh—
making m'en‘ fi‘dlihblo to draw plating-Veg. in hold;
relief, for which nll due allowance is wholly. mode,-
onpenially whgn QM fizplagstion follhylfp, Thain);
Eport is made out: to riglicule‘ Gan. Miller; but hege
-sit falls short of it's ohjeét.‘ In the local-column“
,the some paper; MLU’M‘iller is inyited'to go' 19
§Philadelphia in}! cut the throat of Henrderd:
member; 1:; Mi, Minn; was' pom him‘aelx" iip, as
géxecnlioner of all? iflio :gg'q responsible for mp";
fsentetape of ofi‘nitg' lie-might gqmme'nee ‘o'perngioys'
mom-of homey "- 1 ‘ e
_Enoupwm I! Hm'nvlnrs, Egann‘.—’£hg Map;
pinata:- (Enilini),7sslér.ém7os£i§é 24¢h.'recotds.v.u
fellows a: Ijg'q'qntjv’olroxigjn‘wfif “fob things ‘Ridfilsi
‘oéxotkshir'gfl : U 11.? 's' '1
7 The lidyfof whdm‘we mny he‘ellowed to alpha
m ~ 91:9 for. 1395139511. names.” nae-3119,3990“
Knight“ 'of e. yer-'1 ,weenhy: country gentlemen“
ékeepin‘g I largeeemehliehment 'in theEeet Riding.
inndfi’he'f lov’er nnd'belov'ed'iwns none other then the
valet in his employ. The 'e‘gepef'the fo‘rm'ef was
‘tpparenfly 20,annd= thez'latter"nho'|itr2§.._ During
the valet’e fei;h_fnl eel-rice of nearly five ye'nrnghe
éhml aueeeeded in gaining-the efiectiops of the wing
‘ lady, and the temporary absence pf her pgrenle
had often nfi'orded the tyre lawman opporg'uniby
of “ wenderinghy ,Inqonlighhslhne',”fen’d speaking
of coming‘evenur The-young la’dylwhbjb'y'ft‘he
way his a nice firbpefly in her own right, aging
the eavente‘ge of leap year, at last “ popped the
question,” and we need scarcely any the young page
was onerwhelmed with joy .31: her ‘eondueenl'ion,
for he feared to take such .a bold step. Plans were
'then devised for their marriage, and u it was well
knowfi-that her parentewould nee listen to such a.
Iproposieion they...hed- to errangej_for the eeremfifiy
‘. to be performed,ntn relnote plane. Her father had
occasion to go 39 and9h en hndneunndihh‘we
an exeellenhnfimnity for the’tvnrefieefing their
i purges». The; young. lady hold her pepn, arit
‘ weuhgl be lonely. for her to remain er. hom‘e‘ whilst
he was in town, she wished to vi‘eit 39,3 an Her
reqnés‘t. was homnlied‘wi'th. 'lngtead}: however; of
going to visit. heuhht; who. livaflin'elto'wn eigh
teen mike-diluent, shaman]: to a remote; littlevil-
Inge, where she remained a fortnight. and nfivthe
fexpireti'on‘df'th‘it‘periofi ehe wu‘iollolw‘ed by: 31:2:-
lover-{and “the 'pari‘e‘b‘ “clergyman performed ‘t e
marriese eetqeiény-T Elmi- .the§n Prooflfidedirnm
the‘villa'ge to Scarborough fromwhence’ il; is sup?
posed they haie‘gone to the Isle' of Wight. ' As to
,how her pnrehhl reéei‘ved rho new; of his adored.
dnhghget Beingm’gri-ied we are not enehled to any
“ When}. is done, however. eannotb'e undone,” there
éfore itwonld'beiyleasing to_knoy , that-he still ale--
knowledgeflzth‘e briiie'nn'd g‘rbonfij ‘ . ‘_' V f
A gogégfi'yqfi 4x:,'bLlvgn,-i-We uhrjoni'cle‘d‘
mum an-unnael Vioceunence in the summer-Athalt‘
_of a'. men suing; a :merjl'qu ébteinihg judgment
againsi hini foitlgg-qéeeytg,’ 0f hoarse, the whole
thing wea'fjpjie; Edith lilqiut-ifi' in: the ease re
lated with great ghsao‘yow. he had cast the derang
hnt iqtq_.t'.l‘aefl¢:§qgh; Smith. did he dreem'zhat he
himselfjwonld ev'erzbeefigie' thevietim 39f 9. similgp"
50k6+bli§gnjnkmhliradey.he.wae able to realize .911-
final: that fix; of and]; hfijljtihgxpding. (and pea emu;
the’sple‘ef'e. when theulan'g'hedms in ; ~ An other in
the city, 'wlm fqgmerllldggve ggeut, deqiehded' bf
bimethe‘htbseedcor deifiefirgat erase—lm am; of‘
ihrqefipsifox; haglipgfiejve'rnlv barren-omg ixpnn, a~
time. A "(deal renamedsgnd-‘suja was bgoqghté—g
The petition" :figpeeged. before ,a'n' Aldeimbnn on‘
Thursday; when the '39"! fdeteqdajgt: in} gate!
I‘).in 'at sth}. 'siiddeh a’p’peirafice his} long-mixed?
wign’eues‘,‘ summoned: b 1 the; ZplOeeoqtei-jjl'l’. it!
wlfgg; 'kyew qbq'uLul‘muuh bf fibehqflihg of film
barrels 913 film mfip‘ ipjhe moofi;., K‘Heeiingrvfies
hfid;lihd ‘ihe Alderiniingave‘ judgmentiinv-fevor; o_f
th‘aplhinwf tor.d§htia;§4‘;c§§§;-_-ih.ewax-smug}:
ink.” some-three ilfilldniimi cixyycem; ‘'i .~'
Sommmm OLD Humans» ran Grimm-Influx
The ladies of Sh-LawronceaChurch,'Gé§mauj 0'“:-
chbnci-immd‘ tequila“ Ihbjiflhs and. génlléifibn Lot
the city-ta give: them; s‘oallya‘fi pp _bu‘glfidfi‘t} of:
the chug-«Efyvhér'b £l»ijin fiiid mdoiightfn-l en‘-
torminmenh. They bum in preparation a‘l’nain-~
inomh Christmas tug, ornamented inatho when 3135,
box-ale style. Tableu‘londod with the delicaaiea 6f
the se’uoxi‘, together with music, irill form part of
the ‘ent‘eruinynopt; They viiifiopgh at} g’floek "
find‘eomiyga'opn mm“? on Christmas ave.- Ag.
inittanoo fin centu. ' " . ~ *
Armani-IQ—L, N. Oct; Racy, we are- sorry to
hear, feels agpiequ ativtho mgfinér iniwlfich 1m
3mm in the 'pmee'eaiug‘g‘gsr. aw mammoth;
published su-ghispapgr yqetegday, j n‘e s3l9} a}:
that}: in nki‘tfier h7gl! ”$23 nor an. Abolitionm.
A: it is not'our denim to do injuntigo. to {my 9':n_e,'_
we gin him. the benefit of the ddniul, and, rggret
having” widely mistaken the cause of'hig (earth--
grdinén,cqnduét at the: Union Meeting. ' 7 '
Gun GomnlQN’PA‘nfn-t.+’r'ho Harmony Dun—
ning Club will gin a gygnd going at thq Exchange
on Monday evgningéghich' premises to be»: guy
ififait. ,Thev mgqgegr', of pbrgmqhieg «Swill: 3’o. 1?, EB-
Mgtiiélr, ?féifqasbf '9l; {the ",‘lvirghtgffgfl‘p infliché” soi-
Qniéep Whv 3; lii}! 90469413“ "3619' Qfl‘éémuinto:
tho ehtir’e satisfidfion 3f those yho patronize thoip.
Tieketl‘u‘nly 50 smalli- -‘ . . It“ 1 7 > I
Autumn Con. Finalise—TM retort of ‘th’é
Gommicaionor of the (33an liuid bifiéé died;
‘l‘“ “’9 9691 mm: of the: Wifidfitptujcoygg :qfi;
*“"“"-°‘ "911 m"! tubuéémi- équns lama, m 1
9" ”3&1!" of '“pp‘yingileam power equal Qo‘flw
“h?” p): ~’ “9?! “‘I’?9S““!EPWPPtaDOPQyfim g!
2 ..L..,.. r ‘.‘. V..
“@1535“? ”‘2‘ —~—~——~ 47::
liefiflßfliué} wua-jaagelggg’f fin ‘.'Y'é' 931%?th
33.1%., §9P£€f342§é§§fifl~ ” ‘' ” a;
Mn. Emmi}: I bring you a oodple of loanisjo.
(my which my justly be termgd_puiganoos,becauae
to us v'vho ieaide in the Sixth ward they arm 00n
stant source of vexaticm. ‘ ’ ', '
Did you eveflon u rainy morning, when the mud
was ankle deep, have oceaeion before daylight to
go into the country foe a short distance on- £00”
If no, then, and only then, you can imagine What
we have to undergo, or .rnther go. through, every.
returning market morning. It is not enough that
we' must hurryzup end, ofl', in order tee-each the
shed: (for-houses they-ere-not even an excuse) bO
- daylight. in order to secure anything gOOdi
but.we must wade through’severel squares of Inirf‘!
end lnud before we coupoagibly get there; , ‘
Well; in order that you may fullyvsympathizo
with us we will take to-dny as n specimen, as the
weather is in one of its melting moods; and in-,
Vite you‘ out for a. walk lupl- Second street to F 1”
Fox Inn... You will :find pgettyi Jgoed Wilkins.
until a little above have Lane"; then suddenly
down you will. come on a carpet, softer than the
softest carpet ever woven, and-wade througfi it
you roost, for‘ there is no othei‘ remedy ; an‘d‘When
once you get into it there ie‘nothifi'g lento!- you
but to trump it through...‘ We often, no we pass
along, hear the bitter curse fall'heuviiyzqn our.
city dads because they give us-no decentwnilkm—l
This we eel] nuisnneo number one; nod number two
beginejust where,.number one ends, at the Foxy
Inn‘,'e.nd consists. of . all unnumbered quantitj ‘of
wogone‘,loarte andrehnrcoal wegone', «uttered-pro;
niigcnoualy ‘on the. sidewalk, rendering ,itlim-i
poeeible'for pedestrians to pursue the'eoon‘ tone?
of "‘.tlifir wiry, but puit‘etep alide-into‘thelniddle:
oi the otreetin chief to xiape‘jlonggl "went“ of
accidents happening to people coming along there;
“(lentil)” are {of} tnioigl'pheracter,‘ "on com.
plniote are made, but still-it“ I provoking _impes
giant-i! .i.. ' U' _, z.
j Now‘if Pale‘Gynthia mould eye‘r'ghifie forth ‘i‘nf
? golden. gleéms of cmqtgl. spleiidor‘ 67m:- thafio'mh
‘ than: we could pick qtir-waythgpdgl; in aqfety ;' if
3 16mm could ;979i'({:.1i,11.: 11:253.. Pfifhflsrm mu
‘ don’b'we think 1959!": is gregaiéééfiied ’ifivtfiéfigfi
digging, eispéciall'i Elihu“ I’m-w 5:; tie city,spd
‘ “$3,9155z #91311 WEI-1..: ‘oitx’.fé‘l.l駥 . ‘Gbmei 3km
; saj y'bil éiiy fiihéra-I’ ‘S‘hall'mé {have nice, goéd
finder Vynlksl‘f‘lqufyilnl ésk'i‘fq'i' ‘ljopg ‘bqttbx. .’.-Shall:
i in have .ouiy. .ide-wglka-‘freu and un'obstrficfad?
f Grant I}; the'aéxandgony petitions)“ willimlielyou
ihéii- most huniblg b'ow, . . ‘ "3D6ni;”,“'3 '
" December 21,1860; ‘ . ' 1» » ' ; ,-
‘ I So'mnms '0? mm WAR 0? 1812—Pm'h'om for
éPencfonq.+A petition to Qangtpaq, saying the PM:
lungs of 3'l9“} gl‘ifnfing p'epsib'is’to thekéufvivihug
anldieu of the warm! Lglgf‘gtftigfiijiows of sing}:
5 as_}ra'dggd Lip :inyilrgnl‘igfln‘iit"‘oifigfit’nfieh The.
ifdrml rill mm fog “guppyeffigisynijbg, Sig!
a p9£§o9s..int.etessesl. 31:03:14.: lain! Ith: Lime, 'copied.
aignodfind forwardéd'Fo @h9ii,ffiéfiif§§§ss¢iféfiTil?-
Ohyfirg‘éj a; earlytgsjmst-igifile. ;':Th‘é following is
Riot-memorial: ‘ -,- ‘"' "" "‘E ' "
‘To the: Honorable ths;Seu’ete and, House of Rep‘re
; sentstlw'e‘ of the‘UgitedVSgtes of‘ gm‘eriéii", in‘;
- contain- ess‘emble‘d:‘ '= ’ i '
The. sghseribers, residents ofthe; beauty of}, .': '
.Stete'pfig; ’ f 3 respectfullyxepreeent-a. a
y . mambo founder-"0MP!-Fevatemefituiiitsnflsei.
1 the defame ) n’ielu‘ly 'W-Ireit‘oa" the initial, 1,99!“ gag;
‘“2oll.lB!“amqflins-emieanwhkhas? .9“ all timis '
'9ls99slV°fi°§h§ll§93l9if,§W?! théiéfqrexeapmfinllp
a'n’d eiifiee'tly' ’ask; but in order to e'neourage the :
volunteeremndmilitia to‘ progpt'gud energetic; leg:
‘ tion it; 2fliture, sud aesfieotef justifie; te‘fihe :In-‘fi
vivférfll with? Viiéf’i‘filzntlw‘t; ’1! files sewed in
‘ said mudrflrm .éYQISéI-eellmzngngedlimettle,
and thejnrvlqiug widows ofi mywjm- here-died ‘or ’
,may hereafterudiejmayhe’ plee‘e'd’jou $.59 Pe'e’sjofu _‘
Roll ot'tliO-‘Uhitefifsmshitindw boinserwfleofi
forty/fiugfyehregiglge “the"tereiinntidn of said war; ‘
whilethg'e‘gldioiemhormved in the Revolutionary ‘
:quswith‘ renthritein wereiphqed: by congress 1
-on the Pensionfiitull in 1816, heing‘nfilyjthi‘ny-fiua ‘
yea" after pence was declared. Besides; it hp,“
‘ pears in the reeentreport of the Commissioners of ;
\ Pensions to the Secretary of the Interior, he states,
-“0f the 165 on the rolls'the 30th of June, 1859,
‘ hat 8? remeiued to enjoy these small tokens of
1 their country's gratitude throughout the «weed
} iug year. The number must, at the present time.
‘ be considerably less, Ind in a. brief period they will
i probably live only in the memory of a grateful
=eonntry.”' With this state of' facts, Congress con
not consistently refuse granting pension: to the
poor soldiers of the war of 1812 , or theinfirm and
aged ividows of such as are 39:65} . ,
1 December, 1860. '
Why is I. cow’s tail like the letter F ?-\ 'Beoauao
it. is at, thev and of the beef.
We copy the shots from :the- Junibta Reyiater,
manly In an illustration of the force of habit. The
editor tuned to beg-abutoher, and Maid-gag 1671i
dently S'illgqqon’ tiling“, . - 1;.',-j. I
. En jmnanyhé a”; filmy-he is invited cg bglp on
may turkey; “PM: 39° mums, “5131' MW
pation as a.._ reiulmhatlwul foubw,zqsys=heyml
ism 5o” fi.§b§§§§'xtfi§ék,s .f '‘l 1;. .;; 1 g
A Lgnqu' Loft qgtigiébsj ibpgiyedvto-day, auitablo
for pregame, filling {will he; gougingmh 1:913)?
their: real. [Elle-c: .: 6030 mm - of. Homet‘itfidd-gmfidz
(his: Lilian H’éndkgfrchfpfé, a} 20; 25‘,'3’:(;‘,ag§159‘
cénta a pieaé {104) S'q'tg‘vof qulprs and-Qlqeies,di’-'
root from Ng’wfqi-k‘apcyjigg,"é; very. lgiw; princes
:Genta' Plain and Box-dared Linen Handkerchiefs";
'beautfgful lot of Lace 991M119;;.Qb9n_ille§oarfg, an
121} a‘nd‘2s~ eéntls ; 1.0, piepqapf Gap-imam fog palm;
10 piééeg ‘of Cloth, f 0- {Cloaikh} 25 pieces 61‘ ill
kindagf Flannezl; 2&o9o'ygrgiavof he‘s]: known Mug
lin; {9,1,2 10193;: ;' ngbuen I Sdcks,.,ls,-1520: manta;
Hummus. mama .smzflfi; inn-" Iii: tridfiih-fi-a’
gothet' bargaibi., 1. ,7 ~. ':' : - 2 SirLi-vafoiif‘f
= .. . . . . ' nheadn’mbx‘iéh-
For: ms Bombs-rm—besons in fioiirohi V 611: goods
suitable for. holidsy press‘nth-vv‘lflfaoffiéll fié gm
Bnownonn & SAM, Wyeth's builflixigélgofifiosite the
Jones House, s-oall. They'luwo fine Cambrio'sett's,‘
planks 3nd Cloth for Cloak, fihnwls, Pearl Purses,
Dollars, Sleeves, Gloves, Hosiery, Silks, Silk and
Woolen Goods, sod _Ladlob' Dlzess Goods of all de
scriptions»; {hinting the Holly!“ season they are
hotel-mined not to" he noiirs’old, and they only ask
the public to, sll,lsexgmine, and campus prices
:with any.olhe‘rsstablfihment‘ih the city or soun-
Lry. On many. artiélésh’i-étygtioh 1m been made,
ln order to can} axiom flgtemlfialion to reduce
our stock as much. as_:possihlo_zdhriug this week.
1, - ' < ‘ _ dsl7-1-Iw.
i Mother-g. read this. .
; Th 6 fblléiing in on gxtnofi, from i. 169%! irrfltoh by
: pastor of the 351 mm: Ohm-oh to the Journal 91:91
Manager, Cincinnati, ‘Ohio, Ind. spam volumel: In
(“or of tint world-renamed medicine—Mus. Wfilfi
LOW’B 800-mm; ‘Snpr lon Diurnal: Tum":
- “We see In ul‘rertluemont In your columns. of Mn.
Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. N6l woi ‘never and a word
in favor of I patent medicine before in our life, but we
feel compelled to my to your tendon, that thin is no
humbug—Wl mu nun u, “to now I! so u an 1r
cunts. It in. probably, one of the most successful
medicines of the tiny, because it in one of the best. And
thou of your reader: who hon bpblel con’t do better
thou to by in a. supply. . “13294:;wa
- wmsnom aw“,
i mmmm‘mmwmflm
*hssmm°:::§£:§:;£;°§nzfis§ “gnaw, a
“33; - o 13‘M"TIII€"'l&“f '7'”? " ‘ 183‘
in W-fl"‘dofi“i&3 *é 4"“ in; - m '6l"
thafiéwhlllfimgffi}! a“? 331‘ 5 .355 .. 155
[km '‘* dl. fi'nglhaal. 5- ~. _ 5-... ..
£3“, m‘r‘m‘fimhmfi‘fifififis $4131 -
“Bi/“57.7.: l: L:“.-‘.‘.‘, ,i inn.“ ;,- .s— .ifléi’zfiz
A. 11?}
; epqeogndfiefigif’q; £3l 3mm; ,- 1:9}:- mendinx'
Miwh'fidwfif ‘Ltohoub a; “5...?!11...‘ .
i r-mwm W vim-mm was:
a-‘llfils‘prmmgw.mammal: yA, n‘
efl‘jd an Molnar: 96in? §=”‘>"E“"”m°l§u¢w
a], ‘ M29£Wfi?£lfiungndon ‘ .
figégflfiffighfifi WE’IWE I, {5,130.}; i 1:5 j
.4" v A;~' ~ J m: 3
mwg¥fiyuquhfigg “ ~ EM! ,5 J'-
I HELMBOLD'SJGENUINE pnnpmnmn Cum en.-
? velrflgidfl', Dr'opsy', Kidney Amctions.‘
. . . '~—”“"—"""—‘E
,HELM-«oflb’uelnurne Prcpmmn W "cm"?
‘ Debrilitabed Buffered. ’ ’
. Hnuuuunu'u uenuinu Preparati')! ‘o' I‘m“ ”m“
' , Lola of Memory. 7, , , 77 7,7
immcnny of
, __ Breath”, Gsneml~Weakness.
f HELMBELD’B Genuine Preparation for Weak Rel-vel,
- - norm" 0‘ Death. Trembling.
HELMBOLD’S Genuine pfi-p————‘"
991 d Feet, Dimuehg of Vision. '
H- vern! Lassitndé of the Muscular Mstem- _ .
mfihmfim'fl Genuine Prgpufauon'for mum buunm
““30 and Eruptions. ~ 777 W,, ,7
HELMBOLD'S Guanine Preparation for Pain: in me
“Mku'Hudqche, Sick staunch. ._
W 520 ad vertiaement headed
an another eclnmu; ‘ ' no 14-d&w3m
PILLS WAnman m (Jun Fave: All!) Laue: -‘-The
6mm of purging with BRANDEETH’S PILLS is to re
store the health, no matter from what cause it may be
fillflerlnz- They take out all impurities from the sys
tem; find they have'the same power of expulsion over
“Imam, Doisonofis vqeor of decayed vegetables, or indeed
any. Poiflonoua exhalation breathed by my; whatever.
In {“9” if the bloofld'lls poisoned, it is impure, and im-
PFI‘G bloqdusnlte in disease.
. . _ Bnhnnnmfl’s PILLS,
though innocent“ breed, yet they are capable of puri
fying the blood am: curing disease. So, they engage]
kinds 0f fevers, all asthma, 'cetnerhs, costiyeuess end
liainful efl'eetions {if every kind. . , . ,
' Sold, price 9.5 gents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York,
and by all nrhgggsts. Al9O, by GEO. H. BELL, comer
of Second and Chestnut atreetq, Esrrisbuyg, and by all
r'espegfiablq dellérn injnqdicineg. - deD-dkwlm _
- ‘ = Thv‘impvmnt question of ‘ ‘
.r 0 3:18 1‘ ADD]! 0'8" HA I R ‘DiY'E‘
~- . - ~Hnsrbezen annlyzednnd V » -'i
_. _.DVEL'ZLVA R 12911.4 =R,M_'L El 5 5:
' BrPnonssdx ROBERT CHILTON, on Navy 29“,“ .
Thdifirst analy‘tic inwAm‘ex-ici; ‘Efl'éct of the Dyb'almost
ggflkntfl-neqns. ,r Imparta s 'jet black or tiny. shade of
{O‘WI'IK 0.010;, rich, pagan-51, and;uni(om.‘,LMs9u£ne
timid No. 6 Autorflau‘ae. New‘ Yuk. Bold ggqrygnhurq,
and applied by all 11m Dresse'fl. " - . ’deo-‘dk'wln; '-
‘ . Wl}: call the: attentxon' of our 'readers to
l n uticle advertised in “other columnilulled BLOOD
FQOD._ It is an enfixely new. discovery, ,and gnnst not
be confound“! with in} of tile numei‘o‘ixe: ligtent unedi
cine! of the any. It is noon lon mun uofin,hliend§'
prepared for absorption; pleuont to the taste and natu
ral in action, and ylxet _ong gun! hexetglng. Lot fill
those, then, whb'yrq‘bsufi'ering from powettx, impurity a;
doflqmney'bf‘blfigdfind consequently with‘eopx'e‘chxjonie
? disses? 91', “new, take «if this. BWon loop; and Miran:
fa’tonesto Healing; We n‘otie‘e _tgatgan .dyifi'gélgtgflhpig
mama n’ mpplj‘ arm: mule. and #156129. ,me ”gut
renowned, Dr. ELIAS]; Pu! mugnponmigpgmioh over'y‘
2 mother should ha'vie'. 1 t 'wntains n 9 parlzvsiéor opim
‘ s of my kind wfigtjfv‘er ‘ ‘will. of @93l;qu mutate invaluable
} fo‘t ull'infnntile complaints. ‘lt‘wi'll Illay‘nll' pllili','pai;l
‘ soften the gum: in process of teething, and at the saihe’
.itime regulate the bowels; ~~Let ell mothers and nurses,
['who have endured anx‘ique days @qéglegples; nights,
: procure a enfifilf'i’x‘xfl‘be‘et fleeflutvw: - ‘ ‘
f W 896 gut-figment... --: e..lull;T-l_l&'3m£
June: Olerke’atuebmpd rem-1e Piuefirepereqhenr-‘gf
prolcxiption'ofzSififiOluke,’ M. D., Phflickn’wmfi :
memo tthnGjefis—w '-'~¢--'_ “,5' ’ €3ss”‘"‘_.‘ ”fis' ' ;
* -. mgu'invfluud ne'eqmn‘e'is unfefliafih‘tfitéflb‘mflu :
th'o'nd ps'innfl andang'emusY-dx‘a‘flnbepfio'WHiéh 11;;thqu f
'oonititufldnito’nfijdcfi., hit? were“: in} square fa! ref-1‘
momm‘pbhmpfioil unl‘h‘hfieéd’y c’u‘re‘ mylig. atop;
! : my“ my living!!!) 124151158? * fl f;
it is, cannery :dnmd: i7lt=wiufii’lsliortgtime‘mjnz’on ,
tbs-monthly panda with'i‘éfshlar’ljt’y‘r"? _ 7‘ f .
' .-»n-:Ir wtfls;hriba"oi§9} plug-wry (11,9 Everyman!
:S’dmpjofGrgn‘nimm-tqpnvehfi'eotnmtam.“ ’-'; ;
' Ins-’Plua‘an‘ofinni'i- Ira-Km if: {my'gjg'pkm‘
m 3133? Hannah’s-fir. filbxgic‘l‘,‘ 1; my u'u'
.sun nénnllar-dn'uxwmnn‘, narr- n {hangar-g:- rum
Harlan-:51": . :‘.:..":;: ..= .r -: in‘-fr -.,. i 13".,
5 in‘ all cases ‘or Nervoué ”and Spinal Afloatipnfil’im iii the’
‘Bui"lpd:Limb's§l'atigue‘=oi:alight exertion’ Pilpiytfim 9f
:tha Hem, nymucqmg Whites," them; Pifis‘wxu _efl'e’ét"a
inure when all othdrmaunaha’vwfdiled,’ and ukhfihgh s»wa
}erfnl remedy, do not cnntainmn, ulcmel, antimony, or
:mything hurtful to.thg cop-gitugipq. , _..
Full direction: ii: tlio" "pamphlet 'l'l'ou’fid each mange,
which ghouldba «reign ;pte§e,rvo,d.,;s 1 .. -.
N. 8.T51,00 uni 6 pofilge gtunpa engaged to any. an
thin-ind Agent, will mun? gnbottlg, mgmiging are: 50
pillafliyretnfnmail. ’ .; x . 34;. v ; -
~ 1h): up by 0. hflnxmmu-{Enrmghnrg V jy'l-dnwly
I 31'? on '1 A N 1" ‘T‘ib Th'fiM A? L‘E's
The. combustion of maternal“ in' “16581395115 no mo
:ostnfilt of n long-ml afiemtiu. t’fhezuu‘tm
n., 93,1191:anth any (:9; , ; (acme. as .
latitiqa,‘ niggg'jigpytrhnflgn xemoyipgigll :o'bstmo
“and. Im. .rh’s‘mflgfld 6: #3921199; munch rm
in the sidé, nifty 931'.qu finqzhgurt, Idling, 831 nor
vous hfeqfianh, gfinu, fnti no painjpvthg hymn“!
limbg,‘ kc,,“distur 'édjhop, wgici uigafgmg mun-up- .
tionot'hmyfipaj. . .- z
we,» the wmmencement of a new- stain the human:
of those inegulnitien nnd-ohntmctionswhich hue con
signed so many thousands of: the young, thé beautiful,
and the beloved t 9 3. rmnugun anus, “No (apply cap
enjoy goon health u'nlel‘s ghe‘ l’s' regular, and ’whene'ya‘r
an fimrnction taken plug the genial-album: begin“ to
60 no. in". Z? '1 .A ‘. '
'aro the mostjeflecml remedy eyer knowp' for 'pll com
fpmnts pq'gplisg pi) 'Faznaks. ‘To all clung! they step
vfllnsblwndwmg, zazth‘umwy. ”WWW "6?!me
.'l‘hey ye‘poyvn to: thousands; ,who h‘pyejnaed, hymn. at
dlfl'qrqnt periods; throughout . “1.9, ,cogntrx, _hagtipg the
infliction giant of the most nitin‘mt Physicians};
,Amsriéh. ‘_ . . ‘ .=.
' Explicit directions, stating when, and when they
should not be used, accompany each bot—the Price 01”
Dollar mull Imin, omminifixforty Pillar 1* ~‘- * '7»?!
; A “bible thfihlét, 4.6“» km! (Its, of tha‘lgunu.
gills sent by mail promptly, by enclosing price to‘the
L eneralAgent. gold by druggists gout-ally.
; V l . >R.BtflUTOKINGS,,Ge{J¢tfl.AB9n!r - l
3' ' f V l l', . . {4, Bgogdvgy {NowhYorL .
r; goldln Humbug-p, (34‘3”:31 fim.-_.., ‘,_ ‘
, daul.’s9-d&.1'11.—.-.; A , , .‘. .‘ “ .
i Dr-,..Bmlleu?s Concentrated Rename»
_No. 1. >133. GBEAT. REVIYEB. npepdily‘grldiutegall
the nvil éfl'ects of BELF’AEQSE, ll Lass of Memory,
Bhortnesg of Bgeafoh, Qiqdigell, Palpiyatiqn of’ 3,119 Hurt,
€Dimlleu or Vim-amt hfi'y'éohflfitjltiépfl' aefiggmqnuor
flu alphas; bmughflonjj‘y, figs“ umgui‘néd 1i ,' ”Jim“ yr
the' pmiauu '1 Acth‘aljko‘on‘aithei- ‘o9:}, *rfipegq noun-L
: No; _2. 4mm mnurwmimm 'fromfitytq‘tfifiighf‘dflfi'
jany cue. orqqmnymgm. i! yithunt tub «rimming,
requires no Initiation of‘m‘tion’él‘ dié'd. ‘ 'Fot-’gimqr4m;-
{Price 0965130113113 ~ =- f —" .‘ ' '" ’4
' No. 3. THE TEBEB will cure in the 61161“ th paella]!
.fime, any mo of GLE ET, even after all othar Remadion
bye fail“ to produce. the dogma amt. No tut: or smell
{Price One Dollar, "T ,5 x\ = “ _ V
, No. 4. THE pmmn i 2! manual, 361;;ng that will
really cute Strictyfizpt‘thg Bulky-p;- _ Kuhtfler of how
long 9“Wn&.9rn°xl°°t€d'.the cage mirfiqazzl’xlee o'l9
{Do 31'. ‘~.; ' _; j:2 ’- “a:
, - No. new! spwronjnn can: my one or GMWEL,
permanent] ~,!lld npeedilfgjemave all nfiligmn‘p gripe
gmmdmzw ”than. face Ouvbpllsrr 3...}. 35’ ._1
No. 3.1;! wwmfinssqmommgn t
NO. = ‘-. tum-wt rcmlheiwhi “dialing;
and in a mum-m: time than they cindqe" mommy
any other tmtn‘gent. In (gag; firth; only remdd .thng will
freally correct gun disonier. Plenum lo tun.‘sifio_g2ono
5301 M. ‘ " ‘3:
i W mmrwglgggrzfitgr mum
:3 :2 M. . * o.lmm. ', ill!
flrmgalflflfios or m monthlykgerlods. ham. rgoifiig’.
5 Either Rglgedy sent free grailhoy receipt of 131:9 price
unexod. 1111161030 postage) , ~m}: and get ; Oil-gaging ,
' 691:an Do'pfpt North-But edmorbf._Y.ox-E;Ago§(ie ind
galllgwmg 5.31991; lfnjvito Oflce 401 York Afimfl'hfla.
91)in 3 '~; ' -, " .‘ Lu"
v For me In Humbug-goal!” O,‘:A.fiANNVABT, whan
minim wntaining nlugme inmmm'xen, with Ml do
pcriptions of again“, will be gdoliveroidxgnfia. oil-”1:5,;
pafiqna- W” ' ‘ . ' 13.3.1331! ' 73311501! 1..? '2
5 ”.1.-41L; ;, ; no. no: on; run-ammaéra ;
B 0 O T S ' A N BUSH-”OE S .
Hue opgneyl I. Boat [ml Shoe Store.“ N0.90}; MAB
KET STREET, corner 01;,Foqtth, when theylaep cop
ita'nfly .0? 19““ 9 in“ an?! “lied «interment. 95 tbs!
BE s 'l' C I TY-.*M.A—.DE.~ S~H:O'E.=S‘“. »
7 Imm been ”med: magma airways:-
NESS in this nit! for more um: Lynn, th'ay am pm.
wed to‘make ALL nuns. .0!" 34501530155: u;
bum. it 5’99? mice. or .tyeheat mittens-ls, mum-r:
initial “3 Elwyzla-t‘ilfagcfign‘egery, sigh 1... _.._.3 , ‘. .
; U 119!!- Ffl! Bnd ,waifip..px mortmapfi.‘befoxo
purchiains elsewhere. . ‘ __‘,‘_, ; ... . £7 ,
flmewfium plus-. 9024; Mum-met; mic-.1.;-
the, _ . . ‘s[§°l7-d3m]:-.~, - ‘ «GOI‘gDJ'e‘KaBQW-L
_,:. _. H-. _J_.'l.' .'.v AS ”75.“ n
JAM-ES Msz'W-HE‘E‘IJER', * ‘
’ Nu; ~
_p Mo.,w_l>gn‘,a_ Amfi Ema E
g ‘ _ ... .'Axn'A. . _ y {-1. -_ vI!V.-"1. "
s 'Ii‘Eg'DUPONT 13mm mains. ¢ 6:01.“;
. 1 WILMING 0157;"DEL1‘4‘WARE. .
A Inge supply nlwnyn on hand. For sale atmanu-I
:Jfifimprmag Lawnmmmmmaown
= {Er-ord}, 59.0.9 th ttmrshsuspM . .- 41W"
RE 114 0 iv; AT *
agoim wTLonn: ~
; ERief r .3'2-{1 '.( :="
:! Blur-[runa‘gihfl Amgg‘: 315%?an 8“
‘é _ ‘éi Efig‘fipt. .7}, :T‘{' I
1 3.233153% [akin afieistffiefiifiggféfiwgum
no t ' ‘
Tis on onnded entirely Ironrflnms and m
I becofnqanpemmianearum smm Mediwimnau
- ' yhnie “aged it,andianow re
#3 iinallthadilemafomhinh
and approved by all shut
sorted to with confidence
it is recommended. ~ ;
It has cured thousands
who had given up all hopes
unsolicited cel‘tiflutea in
The dose m‘unt be adapted
individual taking it, and.
to mtgenfly on thebowels.
Let the dictates (If your
use of the LIVER IN
will cum Live! Cam
lacksJJ yspepll a,
S n m m e r C o m-l
ry,Dx-ops‘y, Sour
C o n i v enen, Chol
rn Morbngg. Cholera
lance, Junndicc,
es. and may be used um;-
ry, Fanfily Media
twenty minutes, !
spnonmls are taken
tack. }
All who use it are
inits favor.
Price one Dollar pe‘r Bottle
'.r—.“lS°_, _-,
Pure Vegetable Extracts, and put up in mm
Gases, Air fight, and will keg; mam/climate.
The Family Cathar- ' ltic PILL is Igentla but
satin cathartic, which :12. mg propnotorhuuedir
his practice mun than A timnty your: ;
The constantly increu- hf demand from those
who'h’nve lou'g‘ilsed the A P LBS, nail the “till”;
tion ‘which all oxpmuin. ‘ rd to their also; In!
induced me to plagejhem H‘ fin the reach of all
The Professionuellknoy‘ _ ‘, tug. Mum .cfihgrfiiu
not on dink-aubgarfiofil
Tha‘ FAMII: ‘O4-
within: reform” £3lm:
eompounded from a (aria!
Extracts, whiqh Set 31116
Attracts, wmuu ...- a,
mantuy anal, Ind are E'l
mus when: Oathgnig‘ia 1 E
rangem'ents‘of the M‘
Palm in, the 839 k .
neufl'ain and lore- 1
MI“, (mm Hidden 69H," J: .‘
11mm, and ill. J): ".19! i
‘l”.-4mm Cranium
over the body, Ben
wnmn magnum s'!
guns, ‘szmlgavlifi Clhil- 4
‘Mml-V. caduz. . .. .
gdifimggb'ifiieh’flglhfifi' ' p
mention in ‘mfi-“YWFG: ’Q
2 . ' - .Pfltsésniwé;
‘ The Liver Invigbfitfirinfli!
«swab: Dru: Int! serial-finial
Tim‘ihfll'the'awfifit‘ ,
" 5155'.“ SAH’EA
: Mannheim-arm Prop'riét'c
ifl-dkvrly': s a ‘ '
t.c.'“lo r 01-
mum »WENSI4O‘SW 4
An- expeiienmvxmermd'hulrl'hyaim, «puma.
,4. . .-: E? mamamwfirfikfifi Her)“: I'} A ‘
8.20 orHING » .3 NW?
._ 'FOE'GHILDREN; Emma; ,
which greatly facilitates 1.1 m: prownmf flat-hingth
summing] the lfinmfi; ‘roflnwlnig an: inflWon—win
nug‘yannrm Ell] ~smm‘vflivspcfibng-md is TW— '!i
snnmmw. :‘B naugummzmm nEm-ow‘nng ..
Defend mp9n.it'mnthen',-'itibvm give files {spin-chef,
an .‘i. ‘.J : J 1.531229 n.“ ngz'n‘v -‘ '- Ii s': ~,:..?»'v'~? '4 .
'RELIE!" AND mmnmo -¥omimmls.r
' Wehnve put, up and soldathis mm; mm!“ menus,
and on sun,- 1N OONHDENOE mfimn obit;
what five have never been able to any bfimy nth! m.,:
Hie—NEVEE,EABI m FAILED; Iflrfl Hangman:
STANCE m {EFFECI‘E‘Ax CUBE, whejmmmoly um:
fiever did frehov in humans of disutiofgdtlb-Wfi
‘ one who needing. 0n the contrgry, .11 no 115115th
its operations, And Win tin-ms of comniqndatwh 61'
its magical efi‘ectl and medicalwirtueml Whips-kill
this matte-I““WHAT WE DO KNOlW;""&ftervten_yqai-s’
experience, AND ~I‘LEDG-E 0032MPUTAT-lON FOR
0121113,; 112311th everyllwngogwnm no intuit in
“$91195 90m panama “hunting, emit)! Mm» found
in llama or twenty minutes men tile syrup, in Adminila E
9139. .- -.'.'x.im.:.=.‘:-.'l
Ifhis vfluh‘hle reputation is theip’xepcripfion of one of
the mobi‘EXPEgIENGED wd 815111143111: NURSEBJIA
Nemkmsland. And: 31» Men “599 Weir-153183 “fli-
ING SU 0253.“: ‘ ': awn» - -.a ..: V. :. :
rim-”. 11“ 01? 8. Ag» iafi'figrgzmpfifi’u fl ..
_no 9 re eves a n “my; . “u n
rat‘qq the , lamnchzggnd hows“; opgwgts; Acidity, I 811;
giveatone and energy to the whole-Asylum: It mll'al
most inatsntlyxelieygj ; F'ézj - fr , '
GRIPING IN THE‘BOWELS, Am) 15mm 001.10,: -.
andfovercome emulsions which, ifnot speedily renal"
died,endindea.th. We‘belleve‘itfihgfiilfi'l'find sums:
REMEDY IN THE WollLD,’i'n' aniline“ Qt DYSEN-‘
TBEI- ma mmmntm' IN canvass», ihetjseg' :11.
afises'from teethifigmr frolp'qpy‘ other «alga. ._We gqplq
.gay to qv'ar‘y nether-illO 'hasj child sufipringjmm-any
bf the for’efigingieomPMnfip—jbo HOT LET YOU]! PRE
between 101 i Fandjys‘mr sufl‘eriggbhil wttthezrelielj thgnt v
winbesuniiéien; ABSOLU LYS E+tdgoquth§j
ne‘e ofufid‘u‘lédiafiéj if‘fifihly.uled.‘ 11111 directing: for
using w‘lll decom‘p‘any 6165 battle, None génnihe unles’s
the _fac-ainfila ,0. 0031213 fig PBRKINB,»New;XoI-k, in;
on the outside mpp'er'. - J :i “ ' = ‘ ' ‘
B.olllll3}Dragging”throu'ghont-theworld. - ' I
Damon“. :01: no? 313 GnnAnflrnlnrr‘an Yon! .
, JBIGEIONL 26 fODN'I‘S P 33303331. -
saw-Many: :. r N" g =
Im WI LL P A]? 150. _U ; ,
jig-11.1.2. :‘l-.‘7.;:-.n'.-2- = -' '-
filfißffiEßEsfifisrmbs' AN‘D
GEMS" mynmsnmd GOODS
‘N'o'w fi§Pd§fiEkftfiHE WELL
omnimsnfifé, I 6133““
«jam 1o rm 1 Wm
' may}! szmqrxousms.
i». s.-_mwr;Na;§lgQUßmz
A'rmsr RATE .cnmm.mn “mon; ,
:x‘."lr'i"ili “1;: drag,
-'l‘ m now- nn-Aw To‘ M’Aim -‘ 4" ~ - =
ommofigmmghg .
‘itos‘fiflskmggm %m n. ' "
: Wfiéfiflfiifl' fit’dilf’lwb gym
.1,.! i {I {ELIGE'JBJ'X “:21" [Lind
‘43, V‘; A“. RV) \s ‘3‘ J'a .‘-
ogt6-4 ,
W «29.9.1396ng
withinthehn two you.
of gelief. an the numerous
my powuioh show.
to the gthmpqrqmqntof the
aged in such quantities on
jn ant ids on in the
vefimfil'og, find it
illiml, IHIH 9! A"
‘Cllronic Diarrhoea,
plai n u, Dyleme-
Stomach, fl hiunl
ic, Cholera, Choli-
Infanmm, F I an:-
Female W ea In: eo
cgsafully an an Indian
cine; It will cure SICK
thousands can testify.) In
two or three I‘s..-
at commencement of at
giving their teatimcny
ofthohowels..: - ;. ..
SHARE!!! fill-l.- h”:
waflugabliphad Int, bean
t, ,or mgpmt Veghblo‘.
‘on every Nut 91’ fledgli-
«a?! Pll- - w.”
good Ind latq "in .qu
"inasmuch in 1193'
Stomach. Sleepinen‘,
.nd‘ .laptngpfiestive
i6s3 dvernhe whole
whit“ ((Weltly;_if nif
oom-se‘ engraver, Lou .1
Seminar: ti 30‘. I’d
league”, Elmmn, on
dun or Adults, Rheum,
flit-9 9WQP.§P¢-maiu;
heir, mo numerous to
Input. page, mes.
Dues- 3‘- ;z .. ,
!‘g’fiilyicathufio‘ Pill! no
Ind 49.11 , x 3101??? 9142‘!
nnnge Di,
rt, 2089 Maw-nu. .1
113 mg of (travel.
Egg“ m
MONDAY, NOVEM BE|R 261'", 1860,
The Passenger Trains of the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany will depart from And. ”rive: at ,ngrisbmz 99‘
Philadelphia. as follow: : . ,
THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrirburg It
2-40 I. m., and ardveu ”West Philadelphia new 3.!!!
FAS'l‘ LXNE loaves Harrisburg at 12.55 p. m., ail
arrives at West Philadelphia In 5.00 p- m. . :
HAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5.25 p. m., and uh,
rivea It West Philadelphia. at 10.20 p. m.
These Trains make close connection at Philadelphia
with the New York Linea.
ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No, 1, leaveg- Hggzisbtlltg
nt 1.30 n. m., runs via. Mount Joy, ma arrives at 7791‘
Philhdelphia n 12.30 p. m.
burg M: 1.16 p. m.,- and arrives at West Philadelphh. sf
6.40 p. m.
3090141101)“on TRAIN, N 0.2, leaves nuxishuzg‘
at 5.35 p. rm, runs via. Mount Joy, connecting at mum;
Ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. ‘ ' I
1 v . wnsrwum. ‘ '
THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Phllulelphil. .1:
10.50 p. m., and swivel It Harrisburg mt. 3.10 n. m.
- MAIL mun: lavas Philadelphia; at 8.00 a. m., and
' “fives st Harrisburg at 1.20 p. In. ‘
LOCAL MAIL EBAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pltlabnrg
nt'LOOmm. . '1 - ‘ '
FAST LINE leaves Phflulelphh At 1109110011, and are
river. 1“ Berrilbnrg at 4.15 h. m.’ ' ' ,
Philmlelphia. n 2.00 1.. m, and “mu smut-13bit?“
wish-n: -,. x _-' . '
. Angnmomnon mum leaves pulmelpm at'
4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.45 p In, '
,Afitentiqn is called to thafnct, thntpaas‘engerllelfing
Philndelphia at A. p. m. eozmeet nt‘ Lunch-tar with:
14031“, pr ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, mam-main
gnrrlgh‘lil-E “E 9.45 9.11!
, . “Mum. n. YOUNG,
Supg..:Egst_. Din. Penn’s Railuad
NQISTHERN (319341131?All»,~ Emmy;
”3”,: l ,r. ’;*N 01-;3215 3‘ 1:: :a: “3.114;. ,
10;! AN]; 42m: HONDA!» NOVEMBER 26m,- mo;
the Pusan er ‘l‘an of. the .linrthqm_o9»§r‘pl,w!nlf
wm‘féi§6.fiéflshnrg I'l' flfllfiwa :' T ' . ~ J
~ :cxgomogfiflgi 3:131:13! leave at. .394: a. n.
_ _mnss ’ _, v n-...~.-...... . LII.
£5lll. g5g3.yip}gavpaxq..,....,...... .. 1.90 pm;
3;; i, -_ .i GOING NORTH. .n‘ ,
‘ ‘M‘A'ILIRAIN will leave at;'..’.....*.‘.~ ...‘ 1.40 p. in. 1
gymsa TRAIN_'wilL leave at._.=; .. .. .-.. 8451:; n'n‘
n’o‘ ‘oh'iy Trim lowing Hal-hiatus on‘ enmity 97m"???
the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. It 3.00 a. m: ‘ ’
For further informfionmpply “the on! co, in Penn
lylunil mxmmpgpot. . ; Jomujy. HALL, Aggy,
- nfiufirgLNovémpriaqsLnofi "
L‘ I. {:1 ‘ ‘ 1' T- 0 ' ’ "
.;; NEWgYflR K. .
8110thqu Distance “and Quickest in Tim
.. -vIA
: momma EXPRESB,W¢m,sleavea New York at a.
A.‘ m., trifling at Hurrisburg 1% 1_ p. m., onfy Bx hour-5
betwu‘un'thé t'wq qiti‘eL, 7 ‘ .‘ f‘ f _ V
.‘rWLfilfliule‘nvea New Yuri at' 1‘2.'00 noon, mu u]
rife; at‘nurrisfiiirg at 8.15 p. m. .
MORNING MAII.‘ LlNE,’Eust, leaves Harrisburg A:
3.09 5. ya , Ifrrivihfi at New York _at 5.20 p. m. -
4313311110151 magmas LINE, East, leaves Harm.
burg 512.16%»), arriving at New York at 9.45 p. m.
’ bunfidg‘tfifiuéflfe mndu‘ut Harrisburg at 1.001). In. W!“
th‘qf i’iuigfigqrjfnins in and]: direction on the Pennaflng
m,x}&mm‘uigi Valley and Northern Central Railroad!
”All iirfiiue gunneut, it neuding with Train: for Potti- ‘
uille ngmlafle‘iphh, 'and _st Allentown for Munch
ennui, Mn, ke,"_ . . _ _
No.‘ chqfiguyf‘ gauge:- Cm or Baggage betyéeulfiéy
York‘mdnumgfluf,§y the; 6.00 I. 111'. Line from Now
York ur the 115i‘flyfiom Harrisburg. .
1 For beauty of Icéfié’iy'und speed, comfort and accom
modation, this Route presents sujzerior inducement: to
the traveling public.
I'm-e between New York and Harrisburg. Fm Donn! .‘.
For Tickets‘ {lnd other infbmatian apply to '
' ' J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, .
(1015 ' Hurr aburg.
~ my AND AFTER DEC. 12, 1890, , -
TWO gmmgml films 11qu mm
mum; 18mg;- 92,9:de n 8.00 A.,M,, ml 1.15 1!.
“.319; Philideiphh, qrrixilig‘themal 1.25 P.M., And 5.15
P. H'. I I ~ ‘ H
; ”mug, L347]: mnmxnrnn at 3.00 A].
inq‘g‘iao r;M.,‘9n-Iving 9t pumbug u: 1 an. m 3.15
P. M.‘ i .j ‘ .
[AME—To Phihdelphil, No. 1 cm,;83.25; No. 2,:
(in Iqm‘ofi-ain) $2,315. - _ ‘
Image—To Raiding 51.00 mid $.30.
1330mm}, connect with trains for Panning mmn- ;
vino, rgmaqu, omm; an. , v,
mun mums mun name lon mmmnu
pmAhAlLY, mA, 11.“, 19.45 A. m.,;nso manna .
3.43 P; u. ' ' '
m.,}.qo r. m., {1.30 p. m., “a 5.00 P. u.
124.1155 ;-—R.9q4ipg to rhmalpmn, 51,15 and 51.45.
my. Home “.1111 non manna oou- ..
111919}! ,W'PVG ’wm. up train :9: Wino-Imo-
Pitgfiinmd Scranton. ~ ~. -
Ibritfimfgh. that; And nth" infomaflon apply to _
; ‘ ‘." ' ' J.J.GLYDI,
(Told-(lg! Y General mat. _
npuqnox = or manual]: ‘n’nns,
on AND' AFTER MOND4Y, APRIL ,9,186,0 ‘
‘= -'- EOMMWA'TION TICKETS) _ ‘ ‘ ' ,
with 20023301» ‘i‘tfllihfifiihfi bfiwm m pow“
dumqr‘opq a; thgvhqldver. and, a}? mambo 9t. 'f,
many, in my Innings; trainsand 3 In; that—gt. ,
percent. below-the result}- fares.” '_‘ ‘ ,' " ’
Pattie! inning osmiumtn use the Bond fioqubnfiyol'i
buiinenq 911119935”, willfinfi the nbpn’grrugmopg;
convenieht'pdd- o‘cbnmu'qql-‘r as Fugu- Pun-en ex . ,1
mn dlflymch‘u‘? hetiv'un nailing lad 'hh‘ifnpelp
1.91.110" 2:33» . lily between headingyrottnfiflo ‘
Harrisburg. 011 Sundayl onlyone momingtnin Mimi
and one sfternoon'trlln‘ U’p; 'runa betweq'q Pottlflllo
Phihdelphia and’ n‘oTu‘idngii- ti'nii oh the hubs”-
Wl9: Bra-mil, 1911 mm; ‘ ‘ ' ~
, F 9; ,the‘ show might: -or my mformtignvrolmnfi
thereto; :bfll’ytofl. flmfordmsqarmpnror flail-$l 9, ,
llll‘ilgm thy mpioflva ticket agent: on find me, or '3‘}
.A 4ve i»: ': ‘ ;f flit-NH? 11H, Gems-919“?"-
M3!Qh:21.13.8Q-—mms-dtf. . ' . -‘ ~ ' -
HA Ti'v Hi" & c o
z -: ', AND, , ~
; -, . DIALERSJHVJI’.‘;.;{-’q":} rim
F'lioun, mum, pupae-3,0053%”,
- WINES ANB‘~L‘l'Qn‘-Oksr;z.r: a ‘g
- _ TOBA 0' 0 O""3VITI7TE’HTAR s.
muons .: f‘_‘;’j “g "..
J: BaLfiOIJIIBxOIwDJ P 3301310“ Gig?!”
5“”? u xrplbmoafiummnm. é’i
c..-9n: .. = xerz.,c,w.n, mama»
910% grfl?{‘pg ’ _ t 3%
“'2 W - . ”um.“
T _mm—WWW ' i
. gawk 1: gamma? 9% 3?
mm m 19$?sz i=__tvzm¥.’liocx;im;x dog-4.»;
- (1' ,I-LR _r " ! girls.“ “G "‘v
x gsfiga'néfiérgalg‘éifléfimé'br ‘A ' :81",