@3131 $311111‘& Winn. SATURDAY Molifihfe, mad. 22, 1860. 0. 31mm a 130 mg 0. umnoylm. Pub lishers hidi’ropriotors. _' Oomnnicatiom'wm not be published in the rumor m 0110' unless teeompaniad with the nuns 0f the “or -. 2' ‘ A ~ ' ' S. M. PETTENGILL I: 00;, '4l. ":, Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street New lon-I', and mm Mtg'noafo’n, from“ Agenh‘firtidrlggior m Dixon, and the mostinfiuentnal and largest o_imu mg nonpupe‘ru lathe United Statestand Quid“. III! In authorizedto contact for u 1.1; our; twang“: FOR SALE. -, “1"" Alanna-hula Anus Pnssgplaten 89); by which”, in good order; can be workqd;_either by‘l‘nnd or stem power; Terms moderate 'ln‘quir‘e at thitofllcp. ‘ ' The Nullification Diflifmfiy of I.B33—fim‘v' ' it was ‘Settl‘egl‘.’ “ The politicians “I‘vlrlrbgafé‘vdpposeld to :1 com promise of our pies'ehtl‘secgionnl dillicfiltyfire constantly ljefertiligjg tilepn'gia of South Gigo lina nullification 35f: 1833, which, they tell us, was put flow; by fox-oi; by the Government; of Germ-'3l J ackiaon‘.‘ Withhut, in‘ 'the‘plfgseu‘t cougptieg,v'lr'eferripg t 9: the widelyzdifi‘eréfit state of .onxvl‘polilgicjal afiairs now from what they were .theh,eit is sufficient to say that that dificulty ins-fietfiéd, not by goercién, but. by a.‘ eompxjoniiiéé, ‘.'.S'o‘lil‘lth Gin-Olin!) figmtlliQétjl ,1} fr'fl‘. draw of gxie'unpés befihezrefiéil o: mndifica tion of the tarifi‘of .1323, which hpre-éhuvny. upon her industry; ‘ It'waé 6n - this i’séfiefihat she made" irrepqrdtiojnfg'jféii hgciasfififrmfi the "giant-In inéldzhi 7?? Jehe , Q‘ifimflm Mr, Clay introduced his yum .Cognm'omise: Bil], vpgehpbyima th’e' pbjéétfigs ot,s§ugli; (iam -13:: £39 9:3lch Tam" f 11823471»: bill mafia-9ndthgfixiéiéiéifiirertedi Imam titans-of muddy; mink" as 'Gen‘gralulackson and‘ Mrfi‘Clayfjre‘yéfffot scmprqlzgise filwé'eli :HééStitefm tho‘ '.’Général Govéréménfa-iyéi ihé‘m‘ptdfilise was inade. _ Our- tionble's now with“ to he settled in-the same‘ way; o_x not littlgdalzan. .‘ .L “5.": .' , ———l—- h" =VZ‘- j '-‘ ‘ ‘s’ ise'ceafion of South Caroling! .'f { .rliaéfspiw'entiién 'or.sénttjwarolinaififgis‘m'a “gimmick. Qififlfid fiidr‘fiinfiiwe fflfiqlmés that State no iongenza. manager ofthe Unionme Na! 3 single-voice was raisé'w in‘ ffioranfjdelafy fog cohaultaflgiii with (Mini Sbutheinfiifitéé‘, :86 mfiwshhfl :flééimbiih ,9; autumn» Wed. 01.? the mratugtion' I.lm- their; interest isnutiide of—the-il'nion; ‘ . 1 '-' = But the Convexitio’n‘ii'ndé sham: 359 mm ranging jam to ‘tl'viéil‘fifiéij uélqéé;hgqfié}}:§;be mgd-aanndeut-‘plenenrgra -.Ascaom:&a»,thzé ordinance of secession was paucdftheysecméfl to dinke to the aykv‘urflnesfi- lor £lieiyp§siif§ig 9:13 t 2 mm! #52? it 131.1.“ “Miriam” for a State to go out of the Union. 3119140 dispose of the Generalf’Go‘vemment 53111 {ion}- musing quesfionf-h‘fid hair to ip‘rofiqgg {of carrying Hm mils 1894*”? "to ignor‘e‘tlié «3'l;- iqfihéehfidauthorifififi-coflectom of tfifivoqé: toms; - The-Gonvehfiominplaco of actingtupon the wise motto, “'lookbgtog'p you:_leap,"h’av'e leaped} .béfore looking; : and then V‘éo‘mipg‘nced counting the Cost. ahdcohéeqhehcéidfihé’ flung actio‘fi. ’ ' ' ' Z 'As yet South Carolina. has conjmitceglgfiog overf- act against the General Goiernmentfind as long as she does not. attempt ‘to intérfiéie withthe collection of the revenue, pick-£25115.- _m'gsjon ofthe mails, or to take fioasesaion, of Government defences, hex-ordinance of seces 'aion amounts to nothing more than; 5 "protect igg'gaingt connection withfiheUpionL Of'coélrée ‘slielc'annot continue to remain for any greet length of time in this anomalouaposition‘, but. ‘while Bhe'does'there is reason to hope~thiit circumstances may induce her to gen-aha ihe yreoipitote and alarming step she has taken, - Watrust that this action of South Carolinuis the culmination of the secession movement, and that fi-om this time the re-aetion will progress withsoéelemted motiém. When adjoiningSo‘uth eriStatea'begin to realize ihatidificulties they moi—rush into byfdnowing South Carmina,- they will possibly pause and reflect. before re~ soiiing--themselves into a‘ State‘ of‘ (anarchy. Already the symptoms are favorable ‘thaLt Qeorgia~will stop to count- the gospel; spéés niche-11d the emphasis vote at Natchez; Kiss, in thin; of co-operatipn,.is; another hopeful sign of a favorable re-sotion. ‘ ‘ . - - - n : ‘ ’ NOl6 is the time‘for the North to sfieak but and allergfigthenjhe halidsio'flthe Union men of the. South, that they may he‘ enabled. 'to, re? stain the madness of; the .secessionists. The North has the powér and opportu’git’y of rally; ing the ohflsefiétiyes of ghesouth, tpgfie syénd— ard, of tho-Unionlby makihg pxgopgr notices; siou,‘ without which they must- bé utterly pews ulégsfiand at the mercy of those who see no olh’erirelnédy than iljlmediate secession. Thé {thegfttheéfln‘ion is hipgifig in tho-balance. Is “not worth an eifort' to pussy-icy V ' D_astgerons Firamess. There is «oilezman-in the nation‘who could am} ;the cfinnh-y fiiihx‘the‘tergihl‘e calamity ‘of iimioh. by mam; Vs kind, word. 4 to mm the South that the, Republican Party “G: “0" meditste- any assault. npéna their. rights, and an}. inn refuses to opén his mphth. Ho? pg?- gist: in maintaining s dog‘g'ed‘pil‘egcig.‘ . I“. 1158. ngti33hg- courage to encounter: met-hostility o! the anti-concession element of his - own party; supposing'that he isAhimself willing to coliée'de‘ gy‘uyjng‘fm- the sake of preserving the Union. mum; is ABRAHAM LINCOLN. of Ilfinhisg Preaidentolect of the United States. It seem like, hoping ngainsp hopgto expact anything; from chi; qualifier; The peculiar or gfis of; Mr. Luann liar Illinois—the Spring field Jam-Ml anduthq Chicagp Tribune—are full ofvfindicti'venesa {award the‘ South and those in'ilie'lfi'ddlo‘ and Northeg'n _Statesyho are striving toglhitgng abougjgxeqppgnmipn and (a an the [Uniom If either .of these pagers speak the sentiménts of Mr; meonx—an‘d his language is quoted by one of them for mis; 05.910“ Purpom—then the difficulty of agree ing-.llpqn-vtny plan rat'shnrmoniods aotiou in’ gfliily’ increased, if not. rendéred-impoésiylfié We 1W1; IRES-1.. that-the. visit 0:} Mrs-393%. uii'é'n' “limitation“. Mr. meomr ' elf,» wound hwmflré‘uefiw “hem? tgamiawat tfigfifigiiqufig' afiegflfifllfga'fibficflimsitisfigg 9W ffiiqiia'epkiafigexémmch the Republic 151 d; :ZButpifi yamyéads'frw themme. §;gngg.fiiel‘wi midgyfiguth'pedmg'nu 00" ' his finish 'flid'é'iéei' THé"iiiiferefic§ jg 3130 “ms: figkskwamm Mfg! going maintain Benublieon pasty {orbit Gnhipe§ 055mg:mungumuiyerthwwpgmvg‘gmfi ..it‘Jfil. ALI: 'J‘a’j’k‘ 5335;334." ii’fi "fl’ifliiiifiu? A .3.“- assurances that such would be the case. There is not. a Southern man, we apprehend. of any note, who will agree to sit. in council with Mr. meonx, with the understanding that the prin— ciples of the Black Republican parfy are to be carried out in all their sevgfij‘t-y’byjljm. Frfigfthii Sprngjl’fidgonrnalfii‘ {'Lgl‘ 3‘ sun Flu—g} tune—fig _fq‘glg ind?! nt, sfi'nc-L times, when we 52$r§tignid Ebnlfllésns Eguselin‘g'3‘;ni ..bnndonmgfig. nigger Repubngn ybéoél. minim asking for ifivthi‘n'g tho-E is not clearly sigh-’s’. We ‘fi'ln'e done nothing wrong—we have nothing to apologize for —nothing to take back, as a party. We have fought a herd. hotitle—we have come out of it Victorious, and flair new: c 811,»?! the levee: 91in: my: .avd... moi" ' ender 'an-‘thswe' have gnaw??? ‘ifevéii' ' I‘M ns‘stsndbfi'rm, as the'et'emal hills upon the Republican plstform, and “turn _fbhis government. buck into'the chm. nel in which the framers of the Constitlition. originally placed it.” Some there are who are counseling 111-.'Lin coln to take into his Cabinet two or thiee gentlemen viho do not agree with him politically.E They do not know the man. Onjihe 17th of' Jnn‘e,’lBsB‘, in a speech dellv- ' end“ this city, Mr. Lincoln said :. 3 " Our cause, then, must be entrusted to and conducted by its own undoubted friends—moss whose 1w ds are free, whose hearts are in the work—who do can for the result. Two yesrs ego the Republicans of the nation mustered ove'r thirteen hundred. thousand strong. We did this under .the singleimpnlse of resistance‘tos com. mon dsn'ger, with every'external circumstsnee against use Of strange,- dlscol‘dant. and even hes’tlle‘ elements we gstheredfrom the four winds, and formed audxoughi the battle through, nndertheyeonstent, ho; fire of anis— cipllned, proud hpdpampered enemy. Did m; brave all men to‘fiilte‘r how .’-.now, when :th's’t enemy is incl-inf, disseverad end belligerent! = The result ls hbt'dohbfl'u . We shell not foil—u .wn; STAKE ups, we shall notfuil. Wiae’ connsels' may eceelérhte, or mistakes delay it, but sooner or later- the victory is snié to-eome‘." ' The vi'etory‘hus' éo’meabrillia‘git', glorious, overwhelm. ilig. ‘ Mr. Lincoln,‘hfmsalfi led the triumphlnt‘ host. The people have eutmsted their cause to him, knowing "his hmds to lie fieef’Q-his'“ hem-t ii: Ithé work,” Ind thyt he “the: due in': ghe result." :Will' he entruafi ‘it new; 15in you, to mm mm; it's n 69“ it. hniloh'bfied friends I" Will he call arqund him} Boilile Cifiipét, and r'ewdrd hith’ ~omce uni Ednor' the vei-y fnei: whom fihé pédple hllvé 'rgpiidiaated ‘! ive glonht _qbéqk ’l3 6119: éldthed vim authority,'but-wé in 'ujiifieqjthaf ms 'will do no such thing. Abruh‘am; Lfii‘célné-‘iiéiv‘er bétréyed-h trmtqnqvqrviolatgdgpggmjao—mmr dgggjvefl'a't’riand was! 1m:- vbm 9 its? 33“! mix»: 99921913929 crowned him: with fine? highegtf tlggnm 9f gagtpuweldoznotxth’ink how"? 119.8% 35%;: "9*:- .. HP mykefiw out “.19; relic: 2‘ 3s?i3°fi?map*??¥rfi9§.PPeyP‘Y"? film?” of free: nied, ugmppgxglkthgt .'ptyty: sypnld gully , gnu-9111195 hilfl—g chess; any; mania him; _Lgt ghgge‘bq nogiyavgring, 99 {alt’eri‘ng‘nqw—no truchqigug cgqpsel—rpo 13589 ,§n;-;ep diet of prinCiple. Le! that Injustice, moderatiqqxprg acme. butnnfliqchinx min-aw. ,We 91:9"? “Mamie-l, hi the. Immsg'vf Mir-Jam!!! ‘-.‘:.t°=.t!rn. skis£9var3k mnibackinw '.the 91mm! in wbich thin. SWIM! $1.19 Qpnatimiwzosiamllx #399611??? 316691135195? m ‘F'Bh'e (Keystone; §Fflt¢s’;-’. _- Th 6 United‘fidte? Railzéad duckliningfiegi's ‘m, a 'jburnxil‘publihhéd*‘in Pliilad‘élphiaigi nigh partigqlgtfilx ducted-3 9;th :discp‘s‘giqn 15f filjéé tiofis 2afiécti'pgioiinjxulzlic ecohomiijn féfeifing to .thezconsemtivésahtiment"whiél§- preiailsin refinsymmwwes' fellow? tow iigébé sphlptwhhd WK: atom? ‘9l;- the _Fedenal. uel.-:1. : .- 1:: My .éu ~~ ~ _Pennsylvpnie is in the Unionyisabfa thetUniong'tlhd is 59: theynion, AThe eastemgbgunglnryhofi‘lfehneylnnis. Is'mn‘rked’by‘n river whl‘ch 'oniae‘bijfe the ’nsme'of ”the “South river,” and which flows south 'l3s? o‘ht'ete ind into Emmyrhiehhesrsiis ow‘n‘ nine; Belem: L :i’i . . The intexior fire: of Penns’lvggfia,,the._su_sgnehenns~ fed‘ by the Syhtsiis. and the” Lsefiwsnne, flhich‘fléw‘ dewn from the mountsi'ni in tli‘e’en'th’n'ecité' Obeliregion onth'e meme: "i"%‘“§é§”fl"§ ”Wk" ‘ “k" :. . tom. ‘9» ,e' ”50” .9 95 “1912??! #sn‘ietfif eo‘uth' intogl'nrylnin‘a‘,'wliér3 it éhpuesgstgfig Mmpefiermy;-and then‘ee pie'h'e's‘ifaiw‘ntfi-sknt‘ intb thence“, though the rupee: efNirglnin; mar. ' u The western river of Pennsylvania, the Ohio, from its baptismal font at Pittsburg, whete' “the Allegheily and the. Mmsssheh: mgmthersw 1","! down. to the southwest "betweenthe borders othio nnrlXil-gtnin, and slang-the houndsrle's of Indians. snail-Hindi: nn’d‘Ken husky, til}: it joigs and merges in. the 7._M:issiseippi.r end seeks the gulf ‘oh the bosom of the “Faflhefof Water‘s}? . .Thwgteat 1819!, too; Which iash the sharesiofl Minne sota, Wiseqnsinemd Michigan, as ‘well as the frontieys of Mutiny—lndium and Ohio; Sibel) past the’harhor of Erie,_ in Pennsylvania, ;.on their northeastexnjourney. .t 9 the ocenn, thiongh‘th'e Gulf of St.‘ Li’wr‘enoe‘. " :Sbmneh; for the whiter-ways off Pehueylyenie, which pass out into the see through the water-gates of the St. 1 anxenceithe Delaware, the Chesapeake end the Minis; i sippi; whilst the mein weten-shedpf Pennsylvanie, the ‘ Allegheny Mountain, stretches far “my to the south, I turning the waters of Western'Virginie, Kentucky. and ‘ Tennessee down into. the lap of .the Ohio Valley, to mine 1 gleiwith‘stresms which greet them from'sonmesin Penn sylvania, Ohio, Indium". and; Illinois: , - ‘ ‘ *-- “- 3‘-Pennsylunis,=~therefnre, in' common with the States in the. Ohio Volley, must have free pntlet, gig the His; sissipplx."snd ._in this vital sense she is ‘ e'Westezfn Stated Penney unis. n'mst enjoy the free nuigstion of the LIKES; in commonrith'New York, and in thiseense she is I. Northern State. . Bennsylvunia. must hive free an} [eerie the Ghesh'peske Bay, and in this sense she is I}, Sbnthem' State; {ennsylvanle has her ‘e'eiport' upon the Delaware,» end ship’s :thénoe‘her cosls to thenutpndixi this senseahe is an Eestem State. , Pennsylvania, eon; sequently;.hne‘ ties‘ e'nd interests intheSonth, the south: westfih'e West therNorthwestg-the-Nofih end'the East; bei- intexitgéouteileliend interlucked. into'the Union on gfismmngke I» ineregmql mitigation. !Pennexlvlq nix, if the worst swings to the worst, 911110th expelled mt dislodgé‘dfro'm nUn‘ion reaching at len'st fromthe Ghesa‘ epeaks he :to lake Eriefigsnd fljom the Delaware fire! to the' when: '‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ , _‘Memfimegl’en‘mnylvmh join'do her-{whole duty 29.51;: Enion, gnd act; a; if: she wage spa-r 1: of; couytyy'bggqggg a! thq-‘Atlmitic an'd'the Mfié Odehmh ’ltfl'tWO‘frOno‘ m = L“: _V._,R._.._ .g z‘ 2; “‘Pas‘safie-‘of fluid-256mb Railroad I3’il_'l"'.""?f The House of Repreééhtitifies‘, 6i Thurs'day,' by a_ vote of 3395£tbf795§a§§é¢Mr? -='C_u;_l_is’ Vlja ci‘fic-fiqilrfizad bill. ‘lt,’ pryz'nriflésf.mlimt~ I:;hd_;da,d inQIl .g'tfirtzfgom‘ thé, W63l3§nsofil§nqfi‘lfliisigfifi: iniweaternpbprgler of 193 m, .winh twojonvert sing line's_ beau-1p; westwardrhyite‘dwithin’two‘ huudpea mifeé fat ‘the Mifssp’u‘pi river, phenc'e‘ moc'egdinébjiisingb trunk I;;ie_hy‘.tli;§ neg; égt'apdebé‘atjqute,win. the vicinityjof Salt:l'mke,, to Si!!! Framing, or toilhe‘navigable wate‘rs‘ of thé‘Shci‘ajnengo. "It Val'st')‘ ptovides for‘.‘a'l:oa'd from the'wes'tern bottle! of LheiSrblithwestéfii: States, starting from firo points, namely, from Fort‘Smith and from'the yeétern. horde: of L‘quisiana, with 't‘w'o , cunvel-giji‘g lin‘ég help-mg wgstvarg. mflr‘mifihg nigh: thy'sé‘ulhém' Pi: gific Rdivhfnoivqhgfitgmd'by :Texas.‘ » - s ‘ Ax Inumsnztmy Sum—s3oo,o9o Invonvnn. We learned aiqw; days ,sincpjhm outlines at; £B. most “ stupendous” law edge, if} wp-mgy b 91311: lowed the. sinxnlar. expression. in; whimmy hnps. some may. ditferentpropeflz, holders in. the Immediatoneighlmthqod .ef .Mount3Washv 3118 mm; nail”= fmuist'his city. onaithe. North: at}! Genital -,.Railmiad. are interested, and. in pghjch about $300,000 ‘wqrth; of property is in: vplyed. 2 Thailand .in dispute ,is'thglpiesent. village: of Mgugt Washington. As is -_ usual in 3:15;}; gangs,theipgobabflilxjsihm it willirnol; bé trigfl, _fqrpgyhgps yoga-s to some; but the pm: coding: gangland: filmed . considerable ex— éi't'gm‘ent amqng- thgrégidents of the neighbor.- hoo_d_ in: disputegn The imfitovemgnts on the pioperty‘nre all valuablenlmd in._man.y cam! invoke the all, ii! 1': P 99911133 pqintofyieyv, 0f the owners. Thy; impmxgnigntp pppn the entire propertynrp variously e‘stj’mntédint frpmzs2oog 000 m s4oo,ooo.—Bal_.timor¢ Resublicanfilßth iii-BL. , ; __ my”, 25: ——7‘:'~—‘Tn—,‘.+J - ’ '. ‘ ‘ " The Lehigh Valley milmad,_.9omq&ny are erecting a new irbn bridge :qvgr.tb,¢4l‘}itl92l‘:°? high Ring. The estimated... wgig‘htl9l’dflirefi trusses of eich spin; isfi-‘Caa'lg, iggp...jz96.i900 pounds ;' wrought; ir'on'u osmgo‘pbunds :4 @9991» 104,000 pounds, éxc}qsife of beams @llslng why, equal'l toj tirozthirds or may; yéggmpginz root, _T_he bxgage'is'propgrQign‘éd‘ ,tvijhfirxy, In addition to its’q‘g’vn wpig'ht, 3,000 padid’s‘totuq _fgpf. onzdach trapk. man“ this maa‘a’préan muggihthfi same=timé..no'ttlo Btrfiifi th'e'it‘éu'" It #011,111}? uofliég £rusé¢gil§ :m'g'rq magi)? Ponfiisvnéfifiquflfl‘: :iueh’ of gépfidn,'. or; ! 'ih _ .'il‘lfq @3019 15"39t 39-139!" £539. :13”? Pqunds 05: éfihar’eia'éhuw WNW“? !thée “F'éxlimfi aaéthiiip‘g.hese—owe???“ min of '10.?00'0 gatingqugsqga‘rs 1936,1339 til-999*? trhssefsiansi There mus}. ‘be so 1‘ thin Wroufihithéa a~ minigtfati‘fin’b'fi‘h‘ejfgg _ofii'ci 531.15%“, gm grammar! h tbxfip’di-tfi‘tfiifi‘ifi'fii-e‘ififfizg Lhaaracié‘rit‘é ““fithfaff‘ro bellegifid id‘gfige Page“ .9: 5151:; turnfailmbora'! ‘11:! ”3qu ”m.,! 7‘3?“ i=l »:! .-‘! 21m: ‘.L-‘nw 3m :3. figpmzug 335153 A GRAND SmeLE.-—-Ncarly 0m: Hyzg‘dyjed‘r Thousand Dollars Involved—Theiy‘ew' d‘fleafig. Delta relates the following: ' £l5 ft“. “Much exlcitement prevailed ill‘carouaefet; street yestetfdsféowing to certain revelgtions; the psgtisul’nggfjvhereof we hails haQ'uqdér' 09 Visifi'fim fré‘ébm days, aszdsaltfninha‘ié'fiiei gnaw. Essay: figmedtylgfiommm .. Capt-gs; ‘ i 41.6: came to thisigjsgfisréisi=aw shlpfiomri with a smmmof swat: ‘This ‘ibll'acdés‘ffiiis inspectedgfidgsfifiéfifififiaédé good, first. class. ‘ 5553.536: 1‘: if"? f ...: “Then. this Captain is repl'esellt‘e‘dfi'fiiml‘ili‘sé' purchased, or to haye had, some hogsheadg of worthless or waste? tobacco on‘ board; his: ship; ~At each; end of these hogshaadsgof‘ worthless stufi‘ he'had'plec'ed, so it is said. postions ofthe mat-“glass tohucw,‘ .und‘wlth gothyr'poniofis of it gs'sdmp}p§,-sprqc_eed to make aisale of $7113.; he represented to be ‘a prime lot of' tobacco'.’ “A number of gentlemen, merehnnrg and brokers-on Car'ondelet street, joint-lyrbought the prime lot. on samples and representations, in spector’s certificate,;&og,; and mad said Captain Cox th‘e nedt‘ ‘llule ‘ s‘u‘m' of's6oyooo’,' Which he pocketed, andthen made off to ”will his “ship for Havre about the 26th .of. October last. IL had‘been gonelfrom this city=but a few weeks, wbentthe tobacco was about 30139 sold .by. the above purchasers. and on Investigation. the worthless stufi' and the fraud were discovered. “Preparations are being made to send police officeran search _of-ithis Captain -—-,- if it is notnow too late. . . = - . . “He has also made drafts in this city, and had them discounted, togthe amount of $25,000 over andabov‘e‘the $60,000 on this grand to bacco swindle.’f', :- ' 1...: v Bmm: .Panmmmur AN omm HoußEv Several weeks ago.:Lhe,_comnzlunil.y of Dayton, Ohio; wfis.'st.axtl}ed by. £1.19 running; away Aot‘lhe wife 6f 'a gentleman of that. “gauze.,wiulgi.= man hailipg,,froms .Qincinzngpi, ; I”; (learned. blis bwd KénQEhJQiWihPPfiswMfl; oné 'evefins espied M; $1.19 .ngga 1.11.0989, bis; hymn}. wife and he? nulls! Mlfljiant; ',He.._-.qpolly_ mapped up, to where slid gas. @thit;g',i‘an§l-;-_tappibigxhér-_ sn. the shouldél: badeaheil,‘ followhimgfirqmfilhe then: We; thé 153.5?» ,°b¢i7¢dsh~9: Qfléntsubufizsdfiwély stood 3113th the, 9.15119 hefqge. ,herfim 911 mm, was fit; hes3§fiqk.; [sll9 .husbanfl,iifigefi§ed diet zthe MHMM 911,99; pr;s9m»299.¢b9moné he 1199 ‘L élrsaéa'dsfliflesli flesh!- almut a‘m‘L hit tksl‘fejlhm Vin-theimow-h film“; 39mm- 7éfi=twr~ ins 'ts'méi flo'orn t 9; £3109 , Jar: in? gsirzahllis‘auraiatir .‘.iwqgéwlfiéasi @199! Elk?»:l>at§',tka.t he; 90m"? in, 5531.1; gvdigqmm; with. mg husbansi’slfiat- T. .ze'rpelipeyhm istéerxsmed..hn§=-Pm fisif Ehe hymns; £l99l'.Mtséxélfim;lirizéhécfiamménfl #99:! )Wiop 3mm: $13.9. Axifesmzybé; 9m; 'mfiéofi‘atakibg; mam;'9t;;c.hs.;lmbmi§;:;«s l'erivé‘the theWeiin.cpmwyswm'x'fiébiother. 26?!!d35nflfiifirm- ;: .r..;‘ s33.':;':‘.nil.'f = ..;”! ' 'An'il’ns‘r 0'1: Eib'n'i' Wnsrnhri‘cgufigimlgiu'fgfis. Eight .sounl._°¥€ei!er§ megséurefiedipy ,thp,.l4th ins-t» '9t~.G&i.l:9ulllin9iS-f, a $116: ware; § «spam 5% ind".haxe'fls’ki-fieififlflgest mthbosns niofiéi- 11am “I°“an ..cfilia swastika-1&3 pmiaedaga T 418: fieemtjemretiqna 95:}éiézsang was? aggrigésmq.,al..9nsntls9:fies erg-Ebszmneis Central Ram-cad, in 'tfig.,,9_gggg.jggflo‘£ ,I’glgigki @yéeflaiwméhm. Q?;;'lfif§§l‘-9LAfifigpfiflber 31.191532??st..;eosbolé'im-éh'sfir‘pbémtiopa-jmt 99me,af33§9;pifiz9£§:9§ ikasé'soqafisafevndit gvseamz!9;sésk§°mgimnectiqn» #1911959: fonézzimllaé non; sgficmfl'fiayfim :‘Qiicmqpi'to NiSiMhéinl. , - Tflhimtfiher; magezhipafirxapzemghzs @2ll3.agéh'ifiqcce‘esigd.Eilniétfiminsfill ntheiimpbr: _taixt"fai‘cts c'o'nnecied'with’ their budinés;.,,, 1.113 selecmdsfrmhie Sum 10111.; S angel-. 29. trusty M 8,111.91!!! #fiiésrgvléqhdqfawisgfiyza 1311:! fink? 3929? s99k. erimlryx as!“ him !th imam 11.6.1331. of 3th: Wilkins» imtht: Acapmifix J 79? .‘.“ ned'dlér-,-; Spgfim- inmtiiited :him’aeifl in .4113 @1919!» the: sens'andzlemed 9%!!! fuels 0%: fishlega with $11.63!: v 'nefatimsgpmytiéuL ‘.7 :Hse putéfiézsssm ,irlmhv gigging. of; !hgna;vzhich hard been-.é.t9l¢;i. muiqfish- infbxmfipwhuq gob: tainési: 15°. warms gfl'éctcd: =, ' 'Exifiéo'npi‘mfiyfinfiyjqiqng' Tammi? :8 Log; DON-+9.“, Shildjly, 'e'vbpilig. ,D'me'mher 2.5 a meet: ing 'o’. 9.1.3 es§faordin¢ry thfiihtfiii WES-11.61.41, in Eietér :Hall'. London; { fltihnfl ‘bée’nu mm ondc'ed by means of _adverlisenjeptgand placérgis; that. Exetér Hall would bgppe'ned 'Vfoy'fl'servide,‘ to he ('zdnluith'c:field;3 ,hy; thg-ee' layinen,’ Mr. Reginald Rédclifi‘e; Mt-‘.'l;ibhm;weajv.er; (whO'waS'for: m'é'rly a' prize fi'glfler,)‘ afudmr. Willisgml'Cfn-ztgp In less than ”a quarts; 6f gap} haur_'t-hé.§pat_:_ipus building N 798 '.dens‘ely fiapk‘éd.‘ ‘ The pijqcegdingq whiz? dpgigégl by ‘pm‘yé‘r, in the 'énhrqg 10f. [which thé'iAlmiéhlty.‘ wag.iqlpl9f6d ts? Hold'dbwii. his; arm ‘from 'h‘etiv’en' to co'n'ivex-t Lo'ndon.‘ 'V'Mr; Wench the,,.ex~.prize fighter. followed..§ntifs§hg a‘ harm-uh .thgimfi own; “‘Ki'ng :of‘ the Cfin'ni; hail Isiimflsl” land ‘ the ‘audigiiqé 19:39:}. .In: jihé ch‘or'ua? 'The spéalier theh‘fflqbvk: ._fég‘ Mug: “. Heaven: is; Love.” em, ”fffim'fity; Jqfiufi’tyii' “fated it iisllch an OHLfiSfifiS fiififiifih‘!‘ Mill??? “1;? ’fhndienqe‘ Liaihtiédh Hill; géne'rgl.’ tunxultensued smaufsf- mm Mu 11169331». _rPn'rfi'éiss'nélLl Three "_’ bi‘s‘t’er’s', ill 5 'f‘qu't',” ' rec'enxtl'y "'s'ét ' ' up- a. gmbli‘ngmouse-ifi gtfl’eip‘rsaugg, Rdbs‘ih; mg being pretty and clje'v‘éff-amfifsgfl ifiiichfifibfi’efyf dn"d-murri‘ed"me'n'of pdsiti‘on-i S-Grbwiqy-‘wgai‘y, andihavih‘g} olimined'afl' they degirédmfuthejr c‘onnubial pdfln‘érb’bffih‘éifinfifimézfia‘t rélfifibfi"; the‘yicm'fiiked’by B'ec'i'et ekqi-gefi‘ agai'xgst Eh'eir‘ liegg lords t 5) 'nigkéit‘fliyp‘gar ”phat my 'l7ng plol‘tiu'k against-11163 Gian“ 3Tb! husbfip'fls'i’v'ere se‘nt-L‘o 'saagfiggud the wives mnpag'ed to mind a. goéd porting-of‘-Etheir'fismteg; j *Th'e'y wait [’6 thdOn,"_-as'sumidg'ftq 'b‘e‘ Rusisian" "priir‘ige‘s’e's‘; and are nowflthqr’e,‘ ifitlfig'uifiy'in p'dliticé,“gfid makings sensation by thaii'".;beauty"r'nilB A‘thjeir admitmblefcb'q’fietjlfy.‘ ‘ They gamble'extensi'v‘lbly, an'd- vrihéfgibul‘éus' iiuméi.6!’~'gu‘llant‘ ‘genflé’m‘éu‘ in high position; 'i‘r‘h‘c‘r’ beéb’me fasqiqme‘d by 'itheir éhnrnisv‘ V,J _. ‘, -:=' V. :_,-4 - ;._..'l.'. .1! - A’-..’lloxsgn‘un «iTnounLnL-+llnenix-fdur .bum hers em! hairdressers ofiNem Orleansrecenl-Iy leagued together in an agreement to raise .zthe prime, at Etiehjhey wouldepuraue «their; goal ling.g :Theig hugtomerpgrebelled, and; eithet fihulglé vthemsetvessprment: with; full: agenda and . “owing leeks. .t 'fllfinhflir ~ dressers-1 were dniven, to operate 090. th othgr’s headtthroug-h pate ennui ;-.th,i.a making .spfiimentrymemumra 815116.19: BFPPOILIKG» same pint-he nonapimton began to tumtraitoxa enitogixeaplnndestine slings, at oldjpxiceg. rThe bataunqhnne’fl heard qtnhg gperfidy sand: smkediflths ; ah'ops 101?; the magenta. .3361: which. the. mavement stopped; and= flatly-shaving it; snow. done: ,at meshing-ble prim hit-119:: Crescent City. For at, time; though. this intestine broil seemed likelygatfl tut-IA the thpughtsguf men' :fmm. coekadea; ind dianniom;.. , {s' '2 € -- w Sfitrb‘cm'ox iii-" 264131451. drovigp; named Gag; dén‘, V 5.0 =hld\'9'l‘ri?¢§ Ft, “'9 :Clflli‘enidgn‘fiouae,’ from‘fiigftgn.‘ Ya.” on. Manda! evening, gm: 0. lér'ze aim 'éf money in 11,19, possession, when re: til-11575 to beg: for safety’p gaigthclgedflhis $1991.; and aubhe'qtteizitlyhlemoyt $1.19 1593., but: with; oufififippivi: if of; , sTlfic next. manning theieg. “WWSZEE Esanetieéd. abyyé the: house, gm ted: is: {lief @931 'Of' fificfirgvfirgg but. - when m; doorww‘dbenielsi the next mmhg he wanna: ‘6 bé quite“ seafiele'aél Khimngttsndydgpyfifi; Cr“...whosé'fisr’a'rindicioys.trgaampqz has, Img. pilf sncée'eg‘gdid bdpgjug him-bag]; “9m HAB. v‘ery‘jiiv‘vs' ‘éf the giavé. The patfi‘ept .Will 139;. com. but. it mug? i 139. some >9im, .befqnmg h‘eflfli fifll‘be‘ quilt; gcstoqu? _ "3 13632439 TAylfioxn Haggai-During ‘a. lébtfire" of gayarg Taqur‘jp. Enoqlglg,9._99l‘ue.3¢ay évea hing, lié'hnder‘t‘ook' to ;gx;;g;cgéetjthe;aogdq¢t :0! “.1983th f?" 41mm 'liiezeingsi Gédr'smi glamrxgqm‘g‘qlmmslmxabyhmnylssturmn yfim‘éemhiga; mi; @1395; midéés? fianflifipgge ‘ 11135;;‘13,’gsqné‘qf$5Br$’°§‘{°?¥599h99:£91!9w§§ lliéfie‘fimfifilfisfig 5539114951: flaming: ’ ggtégié‘e: @22sl?th “flaw; 49%29992! £5 ggg;'-agg‘a~tm, but; 1‘12?- mafip, {hazm'sém kequgg, 91:91! ‘ afgfiggogmfifia. 3526) agfiacfiis gkherw'h 9.35% “a: 1’ V . 'ifyg V 'zgfie..y:§.99' figfigfim ‘.fiifitaifififlflfifiwz‘x fisni'immfl diggquygnggwmfih rarmfii Amman: 1m ,9; 5w 3d a: mnhuns Mil-Ink 203 an In} LATESI BY TELEGRAPH 'f‘7"xxxvltlfqoumss - mum; SESSIflN. ‘ ””55.‘ M— la. . . ' ‘ W ’ygma'rox, Dec. 2:1." .Sgqu.-—The'report (3%», Secggmry ofl-he Intgribr WEB received. it: onflk‘e4nblefifigtz, 3!; E ,;;M_l‘,fsP9!3-’l_lh,(Ky.) mov "3th fithfigres gut 50f thfifieégfiqkhave author s, to fl tljg'gva ’jcy .‘Onz"l3¢‘i‘éfififi’ifl:l'iommiltewficcuiibnéifi h s’iMr- ~ Duii§7;l§gg_l_gnjg§ipn. Agr‘fm to. as« (7:__,'On;"yi§l&lo"fl "(if Mr. Kennedy (Md.) the bill (0 allow the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to cross the Potomac at. Long Bridge was _taken up. w A memorialsfromatho citizensxoff'Waahingtonu and Georgetown was read. a _ A message was receivedfrom the House au— nouncing the passage 'of the Pacific "Railroad bill. ' 7‘23 ’i§'- Mr. Gwin (081.) moved- to take up the bill as reported, ‘andlthat it be 'made the special order of 11ng Wednesday wcek, Janunry 2, Mr. Brag’g (N.'C.)s’moved to refer it to a special committee. ‘ Disagreed ‘ to. Mr. Gwin’s motion-mas men carried. . The Housaia no_t_ in _sesgicg. ‘ Damaged by Fire. ' RALEIGH; N. 0., Dec. 21. The Lawrence H9§el,¢rpge_ntly purchased by the Government. for _a post office and court. house, vma damaged by fire this morning, origi nating‘acbideniallyf ‘f-Rbbt'n‘s in"the building were temporarily; occupied-byxlhe Legislaqn'e The 1039. will probably-r-bq, fmm "$4,000 to $550011 . Hon. Edward Bates. The Democrat of this marrying annouigces by authority, .thqt. Mr. Lincoln his'pfiére‘d ~lllml Edwér‘d‘Bfles a Seat iuzhis mbmentna mm the latter will‘ accept: the pbsitidn. 3 fie préb‘ii bly will be;Seoretary.:o£.the Interior._ 4 - Fire and Loss :01“ time E‘N'EW’HAVBN; Dec. 21; At 3 o’clock this morning a tenement'hd‘use, occupied by twentygsixé familieg, wins gamed. An entire family, cbhgi‘sting of Michael élberg his :wife- and. {our childrsn; 2 Vista burned; t'o déath. _‘ ~ ~ : r . “,3 ,2: z :2 5; ‘FromLJWashlngtdu.jr» '«5 ‘ 3', ‘: ._ c ; .\ . ”‘Wumquqrijec. 21. _Arrangeménfs‘ afg ' making 5!. the ‘Treasury: Défia‘flmeht“ for‘ paiy‘iing «he iheé’ré'st ‘-: 61'1” the pnfilic‘dubt, due athe‘first" oft? Judaafiymextfin 90,111: 2 23"”: vJ, 'r" 2 .1; »' .. xx: 15:. ‘-- 3 'l‘ .‘.:113 =P‘ar’dou «confluent-2: ‘ , ‘ .:; .le--03L:Ams,-Dee;:§2l.-.> - The. 11011.3 an .GQV9r9nagnt. was. spasdsuxed Col. Rndler, who was captured uloggmmitfh Walker. _ A . "WW Twelve:Bullfiiuzg-Jiu-tnztln ' , ADAMS. smequ 7.21.. A firg broke‘ out in this to'wu‘3s6:lt.("e‘xf'(_lil"y_r de stroying twelveibuildings.’ L6§a7s2s3oWr The‘lflerketsfi «V ~ W‘Pmtlinxipnugilie 21 -_- .31an; sppflrfinauold Mflifi: ”1:59:99: 3595525,. 9x911 family‘and ftncy at $5 25 Ind 55.373.650.‘ Rye Floiu sB 63);, dids’flém M3ll $25751 3Wfi'elfi;.‘l'edisl,l6uiflo, sugary” filazfilglfifi, 3331.9 761:. Corn old yellow 640., on dry newdo.§§n§7o..,opta 32.8310: .Olovetaogd: $35.31}; peerbs. Wab’lfllfixb'. ‘ V ‘- - "“""‘ ’l' "" ' ~”,.' i ; . le.Yonx.pgc.2l.;, Flour unsettled; files of 5.000?be3‘5; holdori denimjd an advance of 10c ;. State: 34.1534.85; Ohio $5 303.5140; ”“3?"3‘5‘5‘33513’153 ““I"?b°mpérd"‘?°“3fidi*§£§" !Enw “@9114... ..“aun ....r-=.V° H» ' 55:55:55“: .555... 0:: $5515”... ~ 3.5:: ”9,. . ~ 1"”.“92 '35;- :-. .. ... dfia; quot-txflnoliiml, “Inky-35,5345 .'Er-r qr! “"5; ni- s':-~': :w! ~r:' Phi-'l.!!!9flyina9-31-‘s --;erlo_11r fictive. and firmer :53.»qu 51:98.13 56.: ‘.Gityimfill $4 75. 0.11109 E 52252 Wheytzain-rflvp :Qflfl‘h‘!s°fl R“ 312:10912295Whfl9'31195d-L4l? :Norfimnm ‘3??? . d 1211“ wmfihbfioontq» -;.E;ov,isiona ate-. 5115 Mae-. 1 3%: Lard 10 cents. ofl‘ee dull at 12%I13uogutipg-Wghufl “1.121911359911185 .‘. My: :5; :-.-.-'. 5- cw..- '2 1:5 ‘ a'k'kikit:i.,;:r:***,:,- , ,:. anksumha "1);“ git} Enema-alien: Mr. “Men”. itfi? .Aiilét‘icfiln,‘ filiiiiéteim Eetliii, QEru’s sis, :observed Cl‘.hursday,No‘vem-her 29, as thanke giving 41”,:qu invited a. <‘ lairg'e‘ -company'=of Americe'h'é énd'fo‘téiéiiersgto his; house Ledige. Speeches were made berQWxight,‘ ML. :de; song 'Mr'. K'n‘ox; (33pm Sii’xié, 11. S. 'Nfiv'yfilfirlog. Raymond, Hammett-Americana.Mll bil'fihron Von Holzelidgiff 5951." Dr; EVbn‘Telkhm‘lif,“ oflhe Prussian Heuse‘of: Lords.- All :thefspeakgrs expressed themselves warmly in favorof the perpetuity of the American Union. 0111; Coux'rlmn'lAu,‘CApir- MAURI—CapL M. E'Mm ff‘qlifli'éseed a crowded, meetiqgsp‘f fthe mefie‘aggapmm Sociem 1a Jamie»; 32.1.: Elleézflbiglifliénoékbn the Maia!!! swim .éf Ehé:4ntuxfi¢;réii9nB- He waflz-stgetgfifiifi 5!. Ibiifiliééétfleesvfion. and himddxesg warm éeivficila with. much attentions» .. aim: we elm; Admijml'nEil-zwy warmly eulogizedaafluptain Manny’s exértipli'e {in prgmo’tixig; a _kuowledge of Ihe physical ;g:eo'g‘_l;'apyy,iquj {hi-Jana. The meeting thpresided exer.:hy.Lor Ashbur (on. Lin ii ‘.'.-I I“ -" 27.; :. Appnmiizfikioiifiné sdiimmxhotm mes~ “TURF-""413? FREE”??? Ebbfiswfihfl‘imllill’! Mid Jflffii‘fi‘wit Ithfilil ~ 9:.- bné‘ If 1113:0193? crdtfifgélééiiiga;sin:Episadixgl.fégei-g‘yéndn’ii-cana 115$ fall-2.; -3'l"h°?‘i?s§s 3%???“ P51§§13§9912w9 omflvhiduéq ataqemnm “‘Milc‘uvayifirorat 'Mahatma"éob-meépéé repeats it laudlyfwith':bhi‘ee the“! flaps of. his stnfi‘, and @92l;thfipeékpf‘hmiglfgfclothed in a rich bluemgzgyinévnpbe, marches flip the aisle to his seat. ~ The last ‘férei'gn, .héjsfinndlAnCes the sudden death. thy, apopkexy,a‘of theGmmt. ofoyra'cuse. mm: we 3n:‘-§?¥‘¢l§}§f théé'yuimrg QII-Ki'b’z'b mm; mm: 11:93:14 fa: lirdtherléf them: King;- ‘ Hisiueme :wss LeopoldsßenjgmimJoé lét’hs'faM hem: Withirfiéwéf mama? ciS‘l-i "He #39qu; Ing 32g; 1813."afid 'w‘a‘a married in 1837;: to .2the-I.=;Brinoess Marie, of Savoie-CarigqtgqgfWfioffajlltfilteg‘j'him without heirs' 1- .1? , fl :[II ‘ Common 13 Ema-dn-‘spilgéfof 5 the dull timel full two @hb‘géghgihfilgs‘ pf 994-51111 hfiviqbeen sold in this gjijfidnriné. the...’pb.st week: @553 looks like something :wnsquiny Iraq; whey;- :we ‘take into coneid'eliationi thifi‘iflmafi W‘fifl 00,000 bushels'd‘f‘bbi‘n hfiifi'bégnfibl’d'in'ihé fist eight. days} we: may: ‘ congrfnpulatez : ourwlm ‘ Omaha ‘8“ ‘ll:“(“l7.s,ss{‘i‘fil’iflhmfiiidéifisii—QYQEOM ”“1'139914-538411" in}: '. = 11;; w Tnthlgmronxu;mfilf.—ngringjo§t_ober§322 depgsit‘aiéx’g‘bld;bglliion. avmkidsfiérfiéfinkfi xmirth i'n h11'5409,507.-84»,.nnd 5-18 purchases of siker: bullion, xw'qigbihg £866.“ bufiqefi-iififid, worth sl3,Bos.3gg‘figr'e-lkfifidg'jifi th‘e sah'flan: ciggov. mint; $510..er mute coined,‘ ‘ofiyhich $440,000 werejn dnglq, egg]qu $9,300!) in 1181 f: easlea, s_29.oWiihlmltd§llm. mummy, dim3{3:,.. ..;“ ijz‘2. 13.25., 5,; ' :‘i :02; =. . -=-'-'» I .221. "i: ._.: Over a yegr . sinpqi '9." Mn; _Drinkwfiie’r; 'ol' N orth:.YAxmot.ith, Mass» “Blend?!“ EPWOII - .byhrbeing: 311.90]:ng 'dcynfihy. :fin‘ 034...:‘Hi‘s horsé hit‘fieek’fhflhg M 13993 fiTiP-‘lliir Mallin ning a'wh’i ’irith 113111,:libhisz-efl'ortsgvté. 'ci'y “whoa,” hisl vocal; pdwemérethmédfi Edd; his attempt t 2 .stszp, H 8 ; h‘qss'gqlgsfimfi; £1515»: woice, anighfi iéfiz'hrhicfiiflhé W 9". 31* rri. :- fioi Dab-shahzaér‘rf'hiia’mfiééeé;thae'iw ex-Senatbi-‘fidl‘fi Orééqn;:‘Doqunz,.Smuh,g ie not dead. but. sth ‘lhg repgg‘t' of: fiig‘figqgns’o-orifii. “29¢ in.@ll3;:¢¢éla?§ti§?iqfé#énpflzmmakhe m“ pelirxgqnyi am :xhe :fnendsseofawhn-mxa Senator 17ml: mtgrmifiedto liafijithit thqilj grid was premiiw’refi 9%%299.;-§M¥hm¥ ‘live‘ ‘to make a figur‘e'i‘n thé'wofld'ygtth "52‘ ,h“ 1,3,5»; Cannot» Wuouwswin'iggj‘fig’is bfiégégli’thpg Mama vzflgqqqgamrpecedgd $50.94: at; .anor'gé’a‘ Church; in N e'w York, gaggingggggggaifi-mfg ’“Tfifii’fiiitWTifi‘ 'O5 ~e 1% 01!; 3:531; fifittunéfliiézimxépfi Ef'lgs‘n-ilhnéigfi'éficl‘eh} than MW clamfiwrr . Ina Q 9 r "in lgoffitéritvgfiigfiaa’g fiqulcjllu‘vho "L .5. :5 L: L‘: .'. The population of Connectiqug is 46} gag:- This entitles them to threqfigfifijfiggmfi’imflue of Representativea,-,gndlflfimm max-gm of 83.838. ‘r;:.:§:_+u_ws-..z'£'ra: . M" Hanfifigfiéiaahesident elect, will, it in stateshiomdw his resigyntion' as, ’Sfif‘mto‘? t-o ‘%9§°%.°§&Ha wrmaw Sm. Longs, Dem 21 LYNCH LAW IN MISSISSIPPI.—A few days ago, a. man named Richard Lisson was tarred and feathered and ridden on a. rail in the town of Handshoro’, Mississippi. by the vigilance commitlgee there. who have , already hung a sus pected aplitionist namggi Mahintoéh, and have 1 ; in __'ail§§nplhege suspecged: nhqlifionist named bfid ”a ‘neg; ,‘l‘hg cqmiiximggéém Lisson to Eggho 3:118. 14¢ b 9. §hi2p§d Ndiifli'.‘ P: e rtfgfl Z’ifitesiiuygzthpfi,oolt’s pistol ifiéol‘hff ~11}??? 3111.370“ thaifli full ‘eapacity.—— Three undre pis’tols are tux-he'd our. daily, finished and complete. Sharpe’sgifle factory is also full of business, and hard at- work to meet. large orders. . ' _. '2 3 ' whefiggytleCpmmissipgezs;.i‘nsMassaohusetls have iésued a cirbular, in whleh _they express the belief g‘th-ab ‘the disease ’j-qahlgfi “ Pleuro pneum99.ia”.is exte'rminated,rand-'~rl-°‘i°mm9“d the manage ‘Offi Jaw. by Congest! ”Eu—WW the importation of cattle. , ' '{hOIL IN THE ROCK! Monxr.uxs.——The £OO.lO Mononin News says that rock oil has been’fljar 69Ver.ed :inzthe mountaina, about five miles fmm Gannonzcityn gThe spring is- supposed..to.s be inexhaustible, and the oil‘jis'said to line-fully as, pure :13 91.1359 found in reggsylgauia, '_ " A scientifi'o' gegtleriyap iinJa'maica, W,:1., after-gears ;of A study 'an'd research, claims“ to have diseovered= some new arrangements .by which," lay-action anti _reacpiom fa‘opdensed airia enabled to keepa piston»: other body in per petflalifiotion' without‘e‘xt’ranehus aid. “ GnooND‘n-ns’s Rfifiona.=—Th‘e‘ Washington State: is informed, on reliable authority, that theruniore copied into the paper‘s of atrocities and acts of barbarism occurrid‘g at=Friar?el’_pint, Miss; are entirely groundlefieusyind have no {gfindfi‘fiéfi infact. ‘ Pruning my. TEE Birgit—Rey. James}. MfFarlénd; Gathcylifi BiShQP Qicwhactiéut and Rhode Ireland, has issued; -a :eimonlar: letter, ur ‘tinlz :earnee'fi- ptmtimithq ptesiet'iziritibn brim ”Uh 611-" The Epiéhéfifl‘fiéfiyfiéoi';.C¢li,fié6&i§iit has inueda similublettarw raj. : :52» ; 5-4.1; .U- Inmoygm finxunawaymgladieipmfiidégb araaoaengpgbdnt Mr, eßun’ohglonmccoulilt (pf-£ll9 aim ‘ditor'cé=a=c¢§93ltl§btft§§*pbzliizéfifiiiiéfkie‘sn “1191.911?upgsi‘éégfi'séfiifihito p’rev‘ént ‘9 t'hreat eneii felinhine mg}; fgomlynqhing hgim',‘ ~_ Liéizt:sJsfin£P. Hafimbfi, for Sam cal-61m, Mfifl9na§l§ihikt§i¥Bffl§fi9¥iitblihfli smiv‘xnier E'“'lfi‘2is‘:~‘iiow‘aséertaizil'ed“?l*§ffiwmlidofiii‘fififi: ‘bficfizli’h‘s nhtiéfiiitéfllfifi 119, iflfifldéd 1&1???“ his commissionnnzz-the U. S. Navy. 4 Nemsiéihhnéflizfiiitmg. G R rim 5' N 27?. D’.~=. “Woe A'L'A‘ENpg mafimjmn NT 'A L C O N C, ._ E B” -T"-! " 3‘ ' $1313: walnut-mate API TAL BAND V ' t'-_WH?L.;G¥FE§ * ;' GRAND VOGAL ANDJfiflfingflzwz o 0 N 3:0. E: R 1‘7"“ * 2 as T 4 321 m waters: H 4”,; L.,_ _V 1 ON SAT URDAY nvnNlNQ,;pn.o;ngpg‘ng22. In addition to theJVpex-qurgggcgl nfl'flnmwd, which Wiilmsiat: om,.cheicafllgtaipmpfznew and popular pieces. a. number of talented Manama—llllmm their aid Professors fins and Knoqmrkfi ‘prciictqnfithe Piano, assisted bysrmfwg-Mnggflyiplinist. For pal-ticflggaeexgrpmwmbqomopen at 6); o’clock; Conant-39‘- qgggmcgmt 7. Tickets 25 cents, to be had at the Book and :Mugicfltqgesfi or of; any of the members of the 33nd. ' ' ' . , Tummy!“ -4L 2 500 P 0 UND S 1’ e «23”: .~ =3 U ’ -..l . . . , _ Mlsmshcynngms;canons, Jno., Jno.. ~ 3936 mm; WitwoRANG-EB, LEMONS, DRIED > .-‘s .3?!) mums, GRANBEREIES, angi yvnriretxof ‘- 'Aflisjijajinitlbld‘lb'titho‘mfllflafl}"lii“? % -' remindgiy' 4‘ amp ‘~‘jWMS’DOGK,‘JB;§-Efi00; BQAEIIfNGLMhéfgggm , " {iniiiééiié't -~ ;=;st‘reét= imitrhikd‘iijke‘i avtpiicf" "nioas‘ta humbéi- of ’g’gmnmg ig‘thq'jgfi Vh‘xfingg'ifigdifi'ta; «enable prim» , 7 .. WWW“ CHRISTMASIPfikIgENTS 2 - - CHILD}! x’s; LADIES! and GENTS’ CHAIRS, .and a. great urigt‘y of CABINET FURNITURE sfiithble‘ fbr ‘HOLIDAY GIFTS at reduced prices. Algo a. new lotéf COTTAGE FURNITURE in sets. or bythe thigh fiiece, at 1.19 'g'i a 3': flMEfiE. BOYD 41.803, j.‘ (1920—2wd.z 3 :2.»: ! :,129_Sclltt‘h .Se‘cond Street. BEAMS: 701212! iHéAELIE—f Is 1+ wit :2 1}: :»~,z-~ ~ ...-_._-_{;,.. . ._ a. ‘ , , MONDAY, TUESDAY'SLMEDNESDAY EVE’S, ‘ . DEW-1331!"23%.35'h—94436th: ~ .» ll 0 L LID-2A.}? ‘ ml! E A 'l‘ 2 PROFESSORJJ; ifiii’LNDEKSON; 11.4 15118 Wizll'll of the World, cosmopolitan Monarch-otthlpgicians, and Cyclogeoti-e Thiumuthrglat, in his "elab'oi-Itoly GRAND EN'MIRI‘AINMBNI'. :? at A H r; «1.- a. 2! 1;; v:2 TWOJ’ERFORMANCES O N ’ C H R-V'l'Séfi’uMz-‘A S DA Y , A. I". T. 133%}? 0,0 111—£3}? EJYJEEJI’Nfin-r ALSO ONWWEDNESDAY A-F’I—ERI'IOON Alf!) EVIgNING 'A "1 Tl 3 miéiz“iib‘ Q'vni‘t‘i': ‘Ei‘iiofii‘_'d’§fi6§t.ff ‘. liifiissionfl'wentyfiie Cents. . “if“:lt’“ f‘ ‘ Childrgn Fifteelg'csntat :V; m: 1: g ,3 ‘5 ; Donrh o’p’en‘at 1‘ o’cfock; To commonco'at'h quartpr before 8. dam-aw 6' GHAMPAGNE W:I_NEHSL ;., {'2 w-"~‘-l' «1"‘3232'2 37:31-52 *"bUO‘DE‘MONTfiBEI;IS¢"‘ " 2.2.2., HEIDSIEGKfiflOE.’ 122.3,“. . 011431433 summon, . . :-:GI-1csnnn&.noa;» ~ , ~ -:. . ANCHOR—SILLERY moussmpx, , SPARKLING museums,- 2,’ -j-‘..' ”’7'; ‘ '-'. 9,‘.’ZC'¢;'§’:‘.Z£S’.HUMM&CO.’S 2 . 9, 2 VVERZENAY, . ' ' " ' CABINET. IF t«fin-re Inc! for snlq by . .1 _ r . ;A, ' ' ’ '~ JOHN tr. 213 mm,? -; de2o _ 73 Magket stre‘et; C H R‘I‘S'T‘MAS, ' BEETS E’NT s 1 S ULI-1531'. E ITO?!“ L 24 £11311? 8! DRESSINGGABEBf ,;.~ 3.12:.“ PORTFOLIOS, _ snow-139:» - , . v ‘ :a 'FREIIICHEEBr. .2 ~ : ; . . CQMPfiNIONS, _, ."rI-‘we Naomums, ' 24,; am ‘ :BU?EEB§:’£X&S ,:‘ - . .. ' " ‘ 4%?! 1301;603:195, "~ ' 013.11:va ‘ .1 ‘ ‘l' “gum ’ . u . .- ._ -.1.! : UFF ISOXES, PEARL AND EBONY POMINOES in;o_n,e,Wood Cues C HBISTMASPR E SEN T s ! sl.l?éifi'ifisl‘9l? GENTLEME'M golfiwa 4" "i -i . is '2 9194305315? ~ , =flG-kns,’z - ‘ ‘ -' 'M'zIODK'E! BODKS,- 1: *- uw mm-nmonsmsflu . --_ .-‘- -.E “5 in‘-VPIN‘EILATEER‘ERUSHE. . . - ' 't-t-Q} .‘m; '::=lév&h.p:&°;‘&¢-r ‘ " .. u : EELLEB’B mum mnnuomi'anpu 'I, $1029; .; r I ‘v 4. a': ' = --:‘..v9lifllriflmfl°tm-i J ' 53W“ 933719;“ awn? STOCK onumms ’ coN s 1 sn‘NeaF ~15”- 9mm, CASTlLLiéijkco, ‘ 5 Bisgqfififfiiéééfifi a; 00., JAs‘n’mnxgssrtco, . I. QTAFDJPPUY'flco-r , / hiliftfiéti6l‘3m& 00., .-~. 5%: z .3 .y M; g ronuunr “mm” ' A, IJOHNn-Hfl ZIEGLER, 6991?.132‘33? ‘l‘ij '_ .‘frd‘iyflm . ..'. _ __—— .4 , Y—wa-u ‘f'iw I A 1395 3" PS. .iéfifi 3. 1' 93.35% 5:1 2f: 12mg:- Mnfl MAI pggmmsfir 19‘5"”. _a'! 'l'. 115‘ -"‘ 3': an I:4} its: 2i fifimaamfigzfifiamlfi” 5:??? Ex} . gunman ”5'35- Inn man gotlydd-di ordinal: mam iii-Imm ,W a llama] of in at «amniflgmmwfin unmealgrfgrordcr‘o wflflmuv i , ungrmia ad: as also; ‘r. .;.- «mm :r 0 co No.hfloumkugg3m§..~mfifl .4‘ 'Eiemiiififi’iluthines. GROV-ER & BAKER’S CELEBRATED NOISELESS FAMILY AND _MANUFAGTURINU SEWING M ACHINES: . $4O AND UPWARD'S. PRICES ESTABLISHED FOR SEVEN YEAS THE GEROVER & BAKER S E .W I 3N G. ~.M .A, C -H I N E Makes the only seam fol-mail by 3 Sewing Machine, in which each stitch in indepeisdently [opted Ind with»: depemience upbn tha. “batsmen“ for..atrength, and Q“ 031! {Bun that willvadmfit oithuthreuq being cut u "9!? length stitch withontjhjury to the mm in wear. THE GROVEB. & BAKER SEWING MACHINE I: adapted to all varieties of fabricsa sewing equally well thefinest Swing muslln‘ or the heuiest‘jploth or lésth'er, find- ‘g‘eqniring n 6 adjustment for my, kind or lowing other tmvthe ulsptxtion of needle: Silk} fluteuL THE GROVER 8; BAKER " s E WIN-we M A C H I N E Sew: fromlbi'dinary hpodls without rewinding, and fagten. its own seams, thereby sawing- thne‘ and tin-end. If win sew (gunman spool cotmmjsilkf‘und linen thread, with equal !aéility. L '1 ’I3‘HE'GROVER & BAKER 3 EW I-NZ',.G,,. M A c H I NYE I! 'so simple that-fix; iiiielllgent child of ten year‘s ”chin readily learn to span-$0.19,. ,It islmoro easily_kept'in o'rd'dr thin my ofihg§=mq¢lilnp,‘sld nud'not bag-(Ike: apatto'liebiled'f.‘ ~I‘. - -. “THE GROVEB Sc BAKERY, SEWING MACHINE Makeg the only stitch that cynnot be injured by washing and ironing, and the only stitch thst forms an elastic Indrgugpblel seam. Fabrics put together by this stitch, mnfwéai-bflt ind droirt‘o‘ pie'oes horn origins] kennels or hard usage, but come spurt or give away at the sesms 3115533911“; jibe} vim-1115.151 t‘og'gthpr sfheniho 011 ml 91- calico around them hangs in rags or utters. M _, CHATdNE'Y'E WAl'JTER,‘Gei.e'nugenm, 13 Fifth ““95 REEEPEESn z ,_ - - - - Mr. JAMES n. KEMB'LE, Fourth and Muke‘t Streets, Agent for Haggigpgtg,ifiygrgiglgoungghfigel may at all times be seen'in operation. “” ' ’ 3LT ELENA 1‘01! 4 01190. FLAR .fli “pinyin ‘ ‘s‘ ' ' = " = 4/6"aii• ;- 3} l I N I T-EEaD STA TRE S; AHD TE L 1 " 13311.“ fifi36i§£§ull32;39l:l3ng silllygia‘t KDJOINFNG sT‘HE!‘ PENNSYLVANIA V'B'AlL £_,-ru huh-Na. 3;; MBQAD DEPOI z-i . ~..,.' ‘ ‘Pfliz'. Anni-W? Th‘id‘d'fie'i'inidfinTétf‘fi- "i'ii‘lvw‘ 1i ....333'92..." 9:l3;..ajq‘mfl; £99.: “ rflmggfifififiam; hob-t 4 :91; , ;m .149!!! .. :jhxmsfig‘fi- 3‘5 “ ;. " ‘ The'Rébma are apycloua and commogxonn, Ind lag-{lined .ggfgxggenymcumnwm9ll9ll999s3 9 .1!" .x§é-“fifii§sb.éflgns’2 is .mmmmxogafiéa‘r'mm oonvauiéficé‘ot t'riveléri‘, being fih'dér th'e Mi‘rpotlfiith {figfiflmfiagfimfinepog magma a_ Marga Inn ' 1' - . = “I '1 spsréd to fendéfihe“ fiefimfiumfi‘géwgmm agreeable regdgnoe 1304:]ij mpy‘fnyorj with it 'pgtr'on‘, e. ~ hugeu;m_ arms, '3 ”1" , V " ' WWI? ‘ = i’WJ’KAXAGAXBhMMrL -" MTA'Z'RKB-Sl‘ s QUIAR E , ‘- ~ aminml‘sßLUllm, IA.; , GEO. ~J. BOLTON, Pnornlx’ron. ‘ -. u», ~ .zc Ail-i; '. (#3.? H i.) . 17119313970 yellfknq’v'ri; ififlflohél giubfiphed;notex'is now findargping Q. thorodghienovfitidfi, dud béing in : amt 4931'? 9.5!? (Edi-I‘M, if“!!! #lO tiriirietmhip or Mzéétifimgqffik’zmx‘; who!» Mfiifii’fiifiate 0: @9355)de ygi-gghe*;jq‘pthrég figh,’udjin fil'hoin to itpzufltl} '.‘. . . H"" T" ”_H”. , - wand» t 6- zt'hc mgr-. 1 wrong. 'whioi: um en iPlPsll2°P9°fiWZ “REWM-ME- .391“? E? F!“ PW“ iii?!“ J “1&3?! E. WILHAM'BUEELIB. Murmur INS .U' R‘fi‘mfic‘ EAGE N: Ic. :Y . - . 1 ' 1-'-I;:he‘.iv.s‘- -‘---' 4 I‘, "- {I‘HEQDEL'AWARE' MUTUAL JSKEETY INSURANCE COMPANY, A INC ORP'AO RA'TE'D' "I'B 35. : , 04mm finuig's‘snms. .-- ;;‘;1r.:.1-1.;.1._ _ . $904,901.51. ETHEffisURANGggI COMBANMT 9011171903331; AMERICA, iii-,3 '..1; ' 91.1", “HEW-1’1““ .‘ '. 1‘ A IN CORPORARTE Dl..- 13'94. A GAE;?A.F‘AANP;K§SEE§I€ -'. . . . . . . . . . . .31.219,475.19. ‘l"Tmlié'fiiidbz‘siénefli’is"Agont'fox-"the above' we“ knot: Companies, ggyggjgkéglqgggéfige'agaiw l_pu or dunngo by—flrerelther ”Mantrggwyrog. prayed; in either towii of’bouhéryz' 1- 1' -A A A 3‘.“ 1 . If. ' Mating 911%;an Tma’ggrhhgnnnlg? alga taken'. L APPLY pergggallygorwby il’etluarfiol ’. . 5 , . .. ._ 91711115119111 311 mm- ; aéc‘ma'my 1 ‘l‘ 5-. : Hiffiaburg, PI. 1) 13102-01. AMATlONé—fiWhemfififi the Ir:KonohbleJoMJußumm-Prepidpnt g: .. lo!!! '2‘ 3mm?“ i:*h*&’%£:“m a‘ ”s%maw llln o e u r 9.e gngm‘ .l-l} nm 0 Hon. 5. 0. Exmrgfiagfia Kori". Flux" Nissn’kr’Assoei nte Judges in Dnmpilrihx iountyg‘huing issued timir pro. cept, hearing qnwthgloth _duyof peek-thenl‘mfto me directed, for holdiirg a. omm 61' Gym" d'Tei-minm' Ind Genhru‘l-‘JILH Delivery ind! Qurfiorio'a‘lloxmofi’the‘l'em thwsbmnfomhe county at. Mullins: It!!! 397991-1- amen-i? thefidfilfimdafiig chfimgeiwl 199 m“ or. «yawn .‘ ~ In, can no ,_ .9190 s.. gages i:tfiereforoyhek‘e'bfgiven‘td-‘the Gardner; Jua tines of the Peacefmufin‘ohjmdficomtnbles of the said county dauphin,- fl!“ thrbwfifiqfiml, finch their proger persons; at 10 o’clock in the forenoon 6f bid (by, wit their records, inquiégflenggexgminnfionn,und their own remembrmces to ‘do those things which te their omen nppertsina to ’ha dope, {adhthose who are bound in recognizance: tq pronecute nggin‘ut‘th'e pr‘ia‘oners that are or shall be in the Jail: of Dauphi'n’countge, be then M thfitd‘fi ivto'nbut‘a' Ignina'tthem as she“ just. Given Imam-. 1111 hand at Kunming the 15th day 02 Diecem‘perfi in theatre; 0: 3m- Lord, “gourd 6:13;; a. “' '.Jhird -9‘_l,"°.’ ’9 VEMR 959 W? ° . ‘ 8.3%th :: II; - I} . ":x. E’D'mfli‘fimfl' Bllllll'l’fl Onion, ;’" ' ‘ -~ .., ;Hani|huravénenemb°¥- 151 18,59- v, 4018418:th ' N 0 '.l‘ 1,101.3”; U .7 - _ :, ":41 . » Oman or nn-Htlluamo, Ponnlolml; m. 10! -» AND Lung-gig RAILROAD 00., ,--- ._ ,_ _H . ‘ _7 -S~P-m!;xn)nu'm.lnoc;,-EB;1860.-u: ; Ajg‘Jebia‘limgefii-g of the Stockholders of the 111 R msn :0; pontsmomn;~uoum JOY m 1). my- ULSTER R-QLBQADCOHPAN‘!" will 15,9 honouring; dly theiz'hh int, 1’: 11 Muck,» In.) in S‘jmxi 3mm F‘tlliaalfimnf galehbfptfimfifiigh andsevagh street?) 11 ee yo e. 49,0: “-92% Vng onrojnefiggmcontmtufon a more permafienflm‘ of thelrro to the Penn: hmnmflloaplcmyuy Byprdertofsfihdflmfigmifectom ' ' -~' ‘ GEORGE gamut, degledefl'l- 5-1;: "‘:’:“f3 magi-41;: ' éérhiu’y. SiWWVA:WZIJ§9Wivf" ..BEWIWEW‘JEMMmums, , :3": -, “3915133919: mummifi‘r; ‘ (1,33 Man-ES;-Ae-msq,-.WI-N»Ezs'ir = scoTOH izizaififkipfitfirfi mm???” ’ .' WZH::II.;'B’?-K;?Y,S) 1» 3559-? .. '1: .o .'f“‘l'b’B??§itji_fh 1131‘ ..s z B E. 1”" a 99121:; .£.4xlfil§%l£B .'I-B 96”” ”‘3” ~ KQML O I !—Alétrpi:mo finer 01$?“ ’: awry-gm #2119 in qnmlg‘itiéggiupfit’fiip 1 11.0, 016: "m 5 ‘ii’fin‘ ’gfimi 'sii infidw .m.MAW¢Ti'-ru ‘=' 'I" "‘v' ‘-~' -'-: Mil. Eflgixggzgwgmfigi!—so',£Ja@ll;,~qiz.e§ m an p our j r,:’ ii 49%,...4? q:-';i;“3‘:ai’L"‘vv%3’soux.arm—mgr"- Wamg Emmfilfififfiwcm ME