L 0 UAL' N'E WS- 7 V at Tan DAILY Puma? AND 11mm: may right Jack’s Book Store, tion-nor of Thu-d an streets. - # Pumor AND Untam—l‘he Dun Fume-r Ann gluon can be had by Dauphin subscribers, ‘evuy morning, at the periodical store of J . S. FEAIH. ~ a. 4., Tn! Baum—Under m. change of schedule on the Mutant railroads; the flaw of closing the mm, 3; in. Harrisburg Post Oflioe, December 151;, 1860,}: as follows: ‘ PENNSYLVANIA R. R. a. m.——way mail, 12.25 p. m., 5. p. m., 9 p. m. , WuL—6.3o a. m.—w‘a.y mail, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. In. non-rang“ cum-ran. n. n. South—l2.ls p. 13.—way mail, 9. p. In. North—l p. m. LEBANON VALLEY R. R. 7.30 a. m. DAUPEIN AND SUSQ. E. R. 1.30 p. m- cuunnnnun VALLEY R. n. 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m,—way mail. 3! STAGE. 7 a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 7a. m.,to' Jonestowu, on Monday! Wednesday'and Friday. Ip. m., to Lewxsbefly,’ on sauna”. . . - I’me .-The Cameron Guard, we are told, will parade ofi‘Sntnl-day afternoon, at 2 o’clock. In Tow‘u.—Our jolly, good-natured friend, Sena tor Shindel, of the Lehigh district, was in this city yesterday, looking unusually hale. Hé eipeets t 6 be back in eight or ten days to take his seat as ene of the immortal six Democratic Senators in the Senate of Pennsylvania in 1861. Fauna. or A human—The Paxton Hose Conips'ny, with their real draped in mourning, pass led'on‘r' ofl'lce yesterday typhoon the reu’m‘ihi of one of their fellow-members named Rich, to the railroad depot, from whence. they were forwarded to Lancaster. > ' Axel-nu Wm) Cu Snow—A few days ago a wild at was shot in the upper end of Cumberland county, by a party of hunten. It mount-ea ever three feet in length. These “val-mints” seem to be unhinilly plenty the present season. Three or four; Enterbean shot in that region lately. v Miszxxm—The Telegraph of last eveliibg was mistaken, in stating that-Hicks, who stole a coat and pockegbook from Mr. Straw, of this city, was still at largo. Ho was arrested by oflicer Fleck on Wednesday, at. Stumpstown, Lebanon county, who arrived in this city with his charge at 1 o’clock p m., yesterday. ' - Sumac. Lawn—The New York Journal qf Gom meree‘ltste! that the Now York Central .Railroad Conpa‘ni has adopted the “ Smith” light for 'ge'n-‘ oral use upon the locomotive: of their road. “By aid ofthis light,” 3338 the journal, “ the print-of a newspapér oa'n'ho read 2,400 feet distant. Nearly half 's'l. niile ! ‘ Arrommm- nt‘flln Gannon—Gov. Packet has appointed Samuel 11. Reynolds, Esq., one got the notifies liniblié for Linkatét'gityfifi {bdpliae of Oprp'onteg M’Clury, Esq; whose; term'of ofieo expires on mason: inst. ' ‘ . " Th 6 govéi'ilor yén‘ordpy appointgd Conrad Shin del, Natal-j Public for Timuqua; Schuylkill noun ty- Flam—Yesterday afternoon a fire occurred in I small house oo'eupied by ‘aGér’man family; in River 1110,, below Wtshington avenne. It appears that tholblnay' manufacture matches on s mull scale, and bed stored a quantity under a. bed occupied by a. sick women. A dog by some means or other got under the bed, and probably tread upon some of the matches, and in a few moment: all were on 1120,1110 lick woman was noafly ,ohokcd to death, nnd the slum of in raised. Beyond the loan of the notches there was i“? damage done. I I)an 0p Aux. M’Kmnr, Ram—Alexander H’Kinhey, Esq, died suddenly at his residence in Greeneburg, on Sunday 1351, aged 38 years. Mr. M’Kinney was I member ofthe Bar of Weetmore lsnd county, an excellenr lawyer, and e noble, generous hearted and chivelrous gentlemun He us one of our personal friends, for whom we en tertained ihe highest esteem. No man was more devoted to his frienda, hesitatiug at no sacrifice to aerve'them. He'wee for a longtime the law part ner of Edgar (lowan, Esq., and as a prominent Democratic politician was known to nearly every Democrat in the Stole. Union Bnnvonmu' Swarm—We are requested to state that. although arrangements had beenper tially made for a eoneefl. to aid the Union Benen olent Soeieey in its charitable mission, it has been decided that no public entertainment. of the kind will be given, for private reasons that hnve been: made satisfactory to all interested. In the mean time, all who feel interested, and are disposed to aid the usoehfion, can hand their donations to any of the ladyeolleotou, 3nd thus obey the Scrip tural injunction in dispensing their charity. On the whole this will be more eatiefectory to a. ma? jorit‘yliho: are'qilling to lend 'to the Lord. ' Benji! Hdone.+-sKe=ll‘or’e.drng utere, in'Markeg etreet,’fieu manning! gnppliedjwith an :ex eellenr'stoek of ueeful as well :3 ornamenhl goods, selected in the east byvllr; Keller himself, expressly for the Holidfi'e; -An inspection of his good: justifies 111 in sayingfihafi no better or more appro priate present: can be found any where . For ladies use, he his fine English dressing eases, with toil“ articles complete, compressed him the mael lest possible spice—purses (if every deleription, «has, traveling begs,,istehell, and work-bags of all the htese styles introduced this aeuonL—perfn noggin entlle‘u feriety, and cutlery of the fine-at quality—together with bisque figures , magenta. and‘ e‘oimefioa of all kinda. 'Fer gentlemen, am sing capes, portuble writing mahogiaquéhegfimen, (laminae-kennel;- eight," _méhfin’fii‘eig‘ere 6f the figegg‘niyfprsg ""Alaq,’rpiébesund'fine aaéfaaeoym; So Mrfik'oller’é sdvértibémné interns um 30 we find his stock on person! inspection—and we can onlj advise :11 who wish to make purchases togive‘ him ”5.11; - .'_ ' :' ' Cm Ponies—Michael Human, Mileeien, end Jacobi Zimmerman, Teuton, both winding their way from the interior to Philadelphia, peeeed Wflglnefll-y night. in Den Callender’e City Hotel, andwere turned out natal-day morning to "Q" on.‘ 180 it goes. One night We or_three lodgers,‘ one of .money, declare themselves on their way eeefip !euch of employment, in‘ consequence of ; eh. heed times in the weat,and next night lodgers 3 from the 'eeet, seeking Omploymonc in the weet.— } The question naturally arisen whether there is any ‘ one unit!!! fit}!!! 0011““! better the enamel-just 1 at mere-onetime, for those who are seeking enf- i ploy-unif- r ‘ 1 wgfiadleoerraaiing an anecdote which elated 5 that, 9:13;! “POP gzfigg; Militia end of a horse race I in Algiau; ’wiSOlitUtNl‘r‘ Meow 3 “"1811 who ‘ he been “eleanl'ofiogt?flked in old sporting ififlgo to xm'ni'w hilt-‘ulo lhf- , u mm dy’e‘wengt,’lvi§ll'r§£l"§i“qnir°d the judge. "Wk! to go GEE >tho rivet-505 oom‘ivmil; 150: rough. "' 5 1% ,5 .. . “And what in thunder difi'ereiee does? it Elke: which eide of \he rivet" You 316%.}, if isn't-6f gfi' Whimsy?" ~-.-': .; 5: E: 5* I 5! 8.! iii iri- if; '6‘“? u about the fiflW‘" fie?! “fidfiflfik 3%: It dorm, gyé‘filéf «Imm... ‘ ' _ . .' s'" that". 199;.“ lfiiiffi’fi ; ’ -'- ’4l: 3,.‘ J ‘ 3" i ”J l 0 money-12V! .».r?;-.,£11ue bu? mf I UNION MEETING. Agreenbly to notiee,a large and very enlhnsiastie meeting of the friends of the Unien , was held in the Court room, in Brent’s Ball, last evening. At 7 o’clock the meeting was called to order by Gen. W. H. Miller, who reported, from the com mittee of thirty—three, the following oflicers : PRESIDENT. Hon. JOHN J. PEARSON: Viol PRESIDENTS. F Hon. Val. Hummel. Sn, John J. Osler, ESQ-2 Hon. William book, A. B. Warford, Esq., James M’Cormick. Eeq., J. J. Greennwalhgw's A. L. Roumfort, Esq" John Haldeman, sq., D. W. Gross, Esq., Samuel D. Young, Esq., Wm. Colder, Sn, Esq., J. L. Speel, Esq», J_ W. Weir, Esq., James Kemble, Esq., J. M. Kreiter, Esq-y Dr: 19'1“ Orlh, . B. Hartshorne, Esq” William 20-. Ernest, Esq, H. C. Fahnestock, Esq., William Garrett. EBq., Hamilton Alrilflis, Esq» 319115!“ Hogan. Esq-y J_ J. Shoemaker, Esq., William Buehler, Esq, J. R. Eby, Esq., David Haynes, Eeq., John Brady, Esq" Dr. 0. Seller, _ R, F. Kelker, Esq, Thomas J. Jordan, Esq, Philip Dough-fly, Esq., Charles L. Bailey, Esq. J as. Williams, Esq., . SECRETARIES. Jan. D. Daugherty, 13:11., 'l‘. D. Greenawalt, Esq., William H. Eckles, Esq.,Dr. Charlton, George A. c. Seiler, Esq» . Judge Pearson as'éended the platform amid up please. _ We are in the midst of a. revolution, said Judge P., bloodless as yet, but no human foresight. can predict how long it may remain so. We do not know how soon the clung of arms may he heard in the midst of out peaceful country. No one, unless gifted with prophecy, can foretell where present. events will end. Either-to people hove been in the habit of looking to Gavel-omen: for protection, but it would seem thetday has gone by. One uter, by reports current to-day, has already gone out, and no one can tell when others will follow. The time has arrived when party lines meet ~be obliterated, end we sheet 1601: to the good of the whole Union. (Applause) The men who fought the bottles of our country framed ous Constitution and handed it down to us, but madness and infatuation have over come a portion of our people, who appear deter ininecl to throw of the protection hitherto had, un der it. Under such circumstances people have not together for the purpose of peaceful counselling, and to pour oil upon the troubled waters; In this emergency it 'is proper and behooves people; in cities, towns and counties to meet and do their utmost to allay the excitement now existing.— Peonle looked in vain to’ Congress to do some.- th ing, but Congress oppgored to be at a deed-lock, nod maintained a masterly inactivity. ' ‘ ' _ If people inrprinia'ry'lmeetings, continued Judge P., can do anything to nllayeuitemhnt, it is their duty to do it. Pennsylvania has always done her duty to the Union. It hes been suid‘thet Pennsyl; _vanio has lows conflicting with the Constitution—.- if so, I for one any, letfiheni‘ 'be“ wiped: out." : (Ap- Plnnae-l ‘ ‘ ' ' ’.'. Judge Beersou then. went on to explain theilnws heretofore in existent-a in relation to-the" rendition - of fugitive slaies,,and‘gave it its his opinion dint nil the‘laws at present interns in this‘Stote' are without cause of coudemnatiou.- He depreeeted the calamity that would follow -. civil'wu, end concluded by calling upon.- the committee to report. Mr. Lgunbenon, from the committee, repoi-ted the following:. 7 ‘ ‘ N ' WHEELS, ‘A crisis of slimming magnitude now exists in the political history of our country, seriously threat ening to sender the political bonds which have hitherto bound us together as one people in ecommon destiny, ‘to produce anarchy and confusion in all our social and business relations, and for a. time, if not forever, to de stroy the prosperity, happiness and fraternal feeling Phi ch have charact’eriz us as a united people; there are ‘ Resolved by the citizens of Harrisburg, That we on tertuin an abiding attachment to the Constitution of the United States in 11l its parts and with all its com~ promises; ind we will cheerfully, and without evasion 01' duplicity, renderpbediance to all. Raft-«wishing, Id hering to it u the commgn bond of our edenl Union, the clutter at our deucitpoliticnl rights. and binding ggungly upon the North, the South, the, East Ind the» es . t 2. We aflirm our entire willingness to submit to, and abide by an the de‘cia‘ions of the Supreme Court of the United States, eshblishing the true construction of the constitution, and thé laws passed by Congress in geop gfox-mity therewith. And whén 3. «Instruction thus has “been given, it is the imperntive duty, as it 511011191 he the grunge, of our: good citizen to' give impli'citlobgdienee t are . ‘ ', z 3. We respectfullyrecommendto our State Legislature a. careful revision of our statute book, and if there be any law thereon motile,“ mfiprou'sion of the Constitution of the Uoited States, oi- e‘alculuted _to obstmct the en ioreement of any law of Congress providing for.the ren dition of fugitives from labor, that the'same be repealed. ' 4. We deeply deplore the thieutening espect of pub— lic efl'airs in some of our Southern‘ State:i end _we egrneetly invoke on their part {orbesrence en medal-a tion, to the end thst the peeeo'end welfare of the whole country may .be eontinu‘ed end promoted. . ,V . ‘ 5- We utterly Vi'epudilte the, doctrine that free States and slave States cannoteoqexist ins. colhmon confederacy. 5- ‘ln our judgment the right ote’eeesgion, as elaimedbx Some of the States“, hesno exiltenee in the constitution, end we regard it as a. feerful‘remedy for anyeweongwhich the South huenetained." We believe, with the Southern border Stet”, jthat' every gfieunce complained of can be redressed within the Union. 'I. The recent politieal action of Pennsylvania ehouid not be construed as_ expressive of any desire to impen eny constitutional right possessed jay theVSeuth. ' Afe'er thee-ceding of the resolutions, Hon. John 0. Kunkel delivered 2. powerful address in favor of the Union, and measures of conciliation and cop ceasien. ’ Loud. calls were 'now made for'R.A. Laifiberton. Mt. Lambgtcon moved the adoption 6f- the reso lutions. ‘ ' ' . Mr. Hineline _ofi‘erod two additional resolution: —one‘enlogizing Senntor Johnaonmf Tennessee, for the stand taken by him in the Senat'é in fiver 'of the Unionfind the other Nigel-1y nensu'n‘ingr President Buchanan for not manning the foffi of South Ontoliua. . ' ’ ' " , Mr. Lander-oth next arose, amid considerable noise and 'confnlion, and declared that'he' bid -a set of resoluciéng to iotrar',»wninfi amino: ébnfliota with than already oEere’d. (Loud cries of"qu'§ri—, tion ! question !)- Mr. Om, finally, after order via. restored, "mi his resolutions; at. Elie oongluaibn of which than-6 were loud cailuvfor' Lhmbérioh. ' Mr. Lamberton' hold the vast auilieuce‘ spell— bound while he spoke; His eloquent appeals in behalf of the Union were most touching, and his patriotio and enthusiastic outbursts were teceivod‘ with decided lnartsvof approbation by she people. At. the conclusion of Mr. Lobberton’s remarkl, Mr. Ott again rose, and spoke in favor of the reso-. lotions ofi’ered by himr He was frequently‘inter rupted by cries of “ question,” until lie-made some allusion to slavery, after which all lii-attempts to speak were fruitless. ’ ’ Judge Pemjson put-the motion on tha repart of the cbmmine'e ; which was adopted Wm]: much. am thusiasm, and with only tira'flissgnting vbic'ea. ' Gen; W. H. Miller next; spoke oh the great issue! reviewing calmly’the ground upon ' which is ”and. ' Mr. Hineline next obtained thé floor, and unite with mud]: energy in' support 0f the resolutions éfi’ered by him. A reading of the resolution! was “nod for. Mr. Daugherty, Secretary, read them. Mr. Till moved thnpiha' rasplutio’n‘s b'e’ ufl‘érqd separately. ’ ’ - Mr. H. C. Allemun spoke in favor of the resolu tion, 3nd moved their adoption. - : : ‘ Hmiuon Alrieka,"lilég.," npposed the resolutions. Hr. Hi'n'eliné'éfeféd to withdraw the 1m reso lution, but finally rifused to withdraw either; : Ths Pyegidehf put, the inertial: on the first reso— lution. pending which . :I , e 7 ' Mr. Fleming was called up“ and EN“ 9: few very excellent and patriotic ‘Lumu'kssr’hopinz that for tho sake of humbh'y'fliat the reaolutions’woulsl not_'ho pdopged. ' . r é .41 Petieixifoi-djoj-ga .'....ffiVa£l3.=',.~.i,§i;s,lej'afi:3234;.= : MEifie‘linfiingain. ghuggamfiamguug ' M 'l‘?"chair;systsyquyifimfpaug‘am A Tgufi‘fidfiii“;€‘l€¥ifiitfigni géa'ih'a’wthth-i =l),er leadinzfloflom W man. The question to adjourn Wu: pucpnd carried. Cries of “resolutions” were uowtraised, and the question was put on Mr. Hinol'inlo’s first‘resolution, eulogizing Senator J obnson, of Tennessee, rind“. declared lost. ‘ The question on the s'econd resolution; censuring Mr. Buchanan for not manning the forts 'of 50“?” Carolina, was then put, and also declared 1089‘ whereupon the meeting adjourned. . - Everything passed 011' with great harmony “‘1 good feeling, nntil Ott, who appears to be a half erazj Abolitionist, disturbed' the meeting by 3"- tempting to three his sentiments upon it. Although repeatedly hissed, booted and voted 'down, be per severed with a mulishnoss that. would have done credit to a first class Massachusetts fanatic. anownomnr Umronns.—-The ' December number of the Historical -Magazine contains 3 vol nahle paper by Mr. Thompson 'Westcott, of Phil adelphia, correcting erroneous notions which are prevalent reletire to the colors end-materials of, the uniforms of the continental troops‘during the revolutionary war. The popular notion is that the regular colors were blue and bufi‘. Soeh undoubt edly were the colors of the Commander-invochief and his stefi‘; but the rank and file rarely were these colors. The prevailing colors, says Mr. Westcott; were brown, mixed up with ' red or white, and green with like trimmings. We have in our Atlantic cities certain companies of volun teers called “Continental Companies,” which, through ignorance of this subject, have adopted uhiforms such as the private soldier ofthe, Revolu— tionar'y-wor could never heve'yorn; and, indeed:. in these modern companies, each member appear!» with» blue cod-hufi‘ coat, hun‘b'reeches, and usually tap home, cooked hat not rumor} shirt, snehoe Washington and'the majorsgene‘rcls usually wore upon'grand porsde days; This is very absurd to the historical student. Mr. 'Weetco‘ttz'g'ivep de eeriptions ofthe uniforms of many of , the oompes nies‘which served in :the revolution, bud “Conti nentallere” would‘do'wellto look them over. » ~ ; demuon or flu BurmLo.--'Bhere is a feature in- the migrative éhgmcté'r 9f the bnfi‘alo not gen-_ orally known, except' to hunters, and-15M; ial't-h‘at‘ ,the vast body pf. ‘th'o herd; is_'név.or :found in-iho seine district‘of tho‘eoun‘try‘ Ewo eeaaonein succes eion.’ The‘bufl’alo (if Ndrth-EAmei-ice fotm anim lilenle ntmyfmarching in 'one éontimjou‘e egr'cuit, ‘bnt'pe’rhaps' three-fourthe oi the entire: nnm-ber‘of “which are found within a range of fr’gmjtyr'd to three ‘ hundred miles. V Thus, Inhere‘bnfi‘aloes are: abundant one year, they are fewer the next, until the great body, having completed in circuit, again makes its eppeera‘uce. This circuit icicompletedjg about forty you-e. ,Ita ‘westerin' limie is the eastérfi {hue of the Boek'y‘iMoiuirteins, ied- its eastern is hounded by iimuigi'pnl-‘imlihe df‘o'ivilil'nion, Vex tendih'g frog [the srifiefi¢eepflemenfl~ o_q'the fphtfl: ‘ttj Notthem-‘lil‘dxii‘féni the. ‘aéuth’. i The. :ringe V ,of élutimde’travereed‘ =hu formany‘yee‘rs been ebout :23 degrees. #1109319: tion: flab" Crbésflfimheuqof fTeiee to the tyihufieriu of Leko'Wiupepeggn‘fihe :noflh.’ The bundi‘fi'fiel douihiv'ni'dgbli thee-stern - line ,4nd horihw'nd' ion ’thé- infidel-n“; hevei-i org",- 'ing.tl;e noehyMounteinl. ' rT-heeoniperative pr‘é‘x— imiqof then find: heitfg afi'eiinié‘poj'hfa not this: fire, hu‘ndi-e'd milei, “count: "for the p'l'elefid'p :of 'bufl‘aloee in nompsratively emell‘numbers thpeu'ghe font tfie‘entiie urea embracetl-lithil the‘élinesfof have). , j A " . .. 73.: , ; .Hmc you noticed tbs three gin him. ii. iii:- kel; “to“, near the depict? If you have, thdtfis the phoe Where ybil can" pawn join- :iiteh99,j°W-- elry, midfithar vsludbi'néLnnd gar the-mohoy for them; wiih' the privilege»ofradeeming-them ggsin , It. a little' id’viixc'é. Call and see the watches; jewelry, 4km, that are for gale- there 40r~i$qu whim. 1 a .-. : v' ' I=l A LA‘nan Lo'r or Géons received Ito-day, suitable for presents, which will be sold 011‘ much below‘ .their real value. 60dozen of Hem-stitched and Grass Linen Handkerchiefs, at 20, 25, 37 and 50 cents a piece ; 100 Sets of Callers and Sleevoa,di ‘rect frem New York luetion, at very low prices ; Gents’ Plain and Borden-ed Linen Handkerchiefs; beautiful lot; of Lace Curtains; Chenille Surfs,“ €l2i-und'2s cents ;' 10 pieces of Oasslmere for pants; 310» pieces of.Cloth,.for Clash; 25 pieces-of all Ekinds of Flannel; 2,000 yards of best. brown Mus lin, for Events; Woollen Socks, 15, ~20" cents; iUndershirts. Drawers, 50, 62, 75, and is. great many Enthu- barg‘einsf. .. - S. LEVY, ’ ‘ ' Rhoade' Corner. Fog mu Honlnn's.-—Persous jh.B6£tcll lot" goods suitable foi- ‘boliday presents will do well to give :Bnownonn «I But; Wyezb’a building," opposite the finnés‘fibnsb,’ 11, e 311," Ibex .ha've flue Gambiie setts, mom ind=ololh fdr Q!oaks;Shawl§,‘Fehranl-se'g, icaum, R‘lcev‘eésfildv'es‘, Hosiery, -Silks,~suk and fiWobleli .Go'odaiand Lsdiea’ Dreasfioods ot‘ill‘ ,de- Eeel-imitate. During. . the. Holiday season rtheyi-nre gdemn-minim.nt‘njlm be underbél'd, andjhey only ask _phe public to eel],'entnine,.'and oouipare pi-ioen Ewith any other establishment in the ei‘tygbr‘ c‘ol‘ln; 1.11. Qn many articles a reduction has been made, 'in order to carry out our determination to reduce ionr stock as much.» possible during this weeks - ~ . : . delfl-‘flw. SREOML NOTICES. 11? WARRANTED IN .ALL GASESJE ' ‘DR. H'ARVEY'S , O H‘RO‘NVO THERMAL I'EMALE P111]; 8 For the prevention and ano‘ot‘: all_th9§qdifllonltjgs to, which the fsmnle system is p‘eqnllaplylinhlg origingjl‘nm ,_ 7 _ srprmm or NATURE ononamucnon. ‘ The“ PM; haminwlf‘bégnlnlqwg, {a fflglzwbfi" Ill! mm‘uom' [min bite» strictly follqwédffifid _'lh‘gu All .pslléfsctly safe to who by the most dalichu. __ ‘ . O MARRIED LADIES th‘eyunr‘o porticularly Mom: amended; us they prevent diflcnlfiéiiand‘fistore nature, no mutter from what «use the obstruction may arise. A few days in most cases wlll ploduoa the _desiwl amour; and jsllhough so powerful, yet' no injury will ever result from ‘thair use. But those .who .are pregmnt should not use :them, as they had an'ell'ect contrary to nature. Pamphlets detailing their, virtues, wi th numerous certificates from well horn phypicians and upothmfied mbe had on applies jtlon to the lgent', who will :nna the Pills, if desired, by :mni], postnin, tojnny address; on ,reosipt of the money. Sold in bones containing six}; pills, by 111 the principal druggistu Inhalers,» and by DYOTT'A: 00., wholesale "gents, North Eeoonll afiet,’l?hihllolphia. ' nov2-eoddacwly '1 1, . y - . . A N'EW’JIEMEDY Suponeding (Janna; Gown, Ohm“, or in} wmponnd Flint hlB aye: been before fiapoople. B In! boon used by 3 ONE Hunnn‘nnmnysmuxs, In their privsls pmt’ce, with entire success, In all cases. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS, no: diseases of s plants mturo ; a run “fr-quench: per formed in a. an“, uni entire confidence any h: pinned in lhem. This remedy is I. newly discovered spsoiflc, more sctive and speedy in its shell than Oubebs or Oophbs done. The pills sre III” the site of Ospsnlss, and never minute the stomach, orimpregnste the truth. Six dozen pills in a box—price one, dollar, and will be sent 1?! "nil, Plump-aid, by the agent, on receipt of the money. ’ Sold by all the principal dmggists Ind dealers, sud by 3101'! la 00., wholesale agents, [North 80wa street, Pbflldelphig, . novz-eoddapwly Mothers. read this. Thafollowing in an axtnct from a letter written by a pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal argd Messenger Cincinnati, Ohio, Ind speaks volumes m (“or of tint worldaenowned medicine—Mas. Wnla Law’s lfioq'rama 81mm to: campus .1338!!!" =3: ' ' “We use an 'fliorfiwfiiéntéid rom- wluhfl‘of Mrs; Winnlwh Soothing snap; s «on w ageing-yin :twoni infamy-p! 9 Infant medidncbaformin mm 1133' but! we fobmpeuedyto .uyrtu ynunkondémvtflt" Him} lamb-18+!!! autumn",- may now!” In“. xix-- “A 11”... .It is. prohiblyy one-xof~:fl|e=2mitundchllflil medistnuntthe-aq‘i mmjk-in one o - tum: :vm‘ 2110!! or Your retd‘eu who have liable! can’t dump")!!- ,h.ap-tn,l.&y,inuumlyw ' "'""’ "“Jfia‘l‘WllF‘ '- ‘. , ~ . .q .‘S ...n !t w '.':l":’,.“L‘.a .‘.! .'l in: ”.331; 'mm'. Infifizfifl’fi'h’efi‘fim ‘ ‘ “lumnmgmmmgiwmgmm ‘ u mmtsummy :11 pain, and is m. tomb ‘ “Mummirgmmw u‘“ ’*“ I'll! silo-nu. cgggwxfiéam THEM: How’s Gmmn pnnuuumx cum Gn- JEWHLJ‘W- - . ‘ ”_______ HELMuOLD’a Genuine Prepsntion for Nervous and ’ Dabilimtm Summits. _ ' HELMBUL mu Genuine Preparation ‘o’ Load of Power : Loss of' Memory. _ , , 7 » HLMBOLD’S 'Genfiihe Pcepnmtion for Difficulty of . Breathing, General Wcaness. 7 , HTLMBWL D'§ Gen—nine m, Horror of Death, Trembling. 7 , .__—.__—————— HELMBDLD’B Genuine Propntnion for Night Swell“, (101 d Fm, Din-anon of Vision. , H‘Ef‘l‘m ”OLIVE Genuin: Pmparatien for Lansuor, ni— -4‘25’.“ LaSSitude'of the Muscular System. , HEBfiEOLDva Gefiuine Pgepflfl‘m“ to" 1' “ma “out" mace and Eruptions. __ HELMROLD‘S Genuine Premmtiou for Pains in fine “wk. madame, Sick Stomach. 11? the advertisement headed ' HELMEOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU in “other column. ' 1101411.!“ 3:11 PURIFY yous. BLoon.—BRANDRETH’S Plus WARRANTED 'ro Cums FEVER mn Ammo—The 93°“ of purging with Bmxmzmms PILLS is to re- Smrertheheslth. no matter from what cause it may be “firing. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; and they have the same power of expulsion over miusm, Poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any. Poisonous exhalation!) breethed by man whateven 1" 5““. if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, and im pure blood results in disease. - . BRANDRETH’S PILLS, ' though innocent as bread'gyet they are capable of puri fying the blood and curing disgust So, they enre all kinds of fevers, All uthmas, eaten-ha, costiveness and painful afl'ections of every kind. V Sold, price 25 cents, at N 0.29; Canal street. Newxork, find by 1111 Draggists. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, In}! by ell reSDFCteble denier: in medicine‘s. deQ-dkwlm SETTLE!) FOREVER! ' The importdnt‘question of ' POISON IN HAIR DYES! CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE Has been analyzed and DEGLA BED HARgMLESS-lv Br Pnonssqn ROBERT QHLLTQN, or NIKYonx, The first analytlc‘in America. Effect of the Dye almost lutnntaneous. Impsrtsr a. jet Mac): or any shade of brown. Color ricthatm-al, sludnuaifimnN .Manuflo tured HQ. 8 Astor House. N'ey Yoxk. 591 d everywhere, and apphed by all Hair Dressers. deD-dhw‘lm WE call the attentlon of our readers to an article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with any of the numerous patent medi-_ omen of the day. It is soon son I'll! nnoon, 111-end] prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste Ind natu ral m aetlon, end what one gains .he retelns. not :11 these, then, who use suflering from povertx, impurity or deficiency o_f blood, and consequently with some .ohxonio diseese or allment, take of tbs Bnoon Foo» endings— stored'to health. ‘ We notice that our difngjrists.,h_tve resolved a supply of this nrtidle, undelso of the world-_ renowned Dr. Enron’s IN! Aural Conmnfirwhich every mother‘shonld havg. It contains no penguin or'opiete of any kind whatever and of eonrse must be invelnnhle for an infantile chmpiainca. It will may all pain, end soften the gums in process of teething, and at the some time regulate the bowels.- »‘Lert all mothers and nnfses, who have endured ‘emlnions, days lend), sleepless nights, procure e supply end“ he at once'r‘elieve’d. Wfiee advertisement, . - - ~.: _. e-onl'f-dkwam’ THE ‘GREAT ; ENGLISH- Emlyn—Sm Jnmes‘Olu-ke’s 0019th 291:1ng ‘_Pills',‘p'r.épa§e‘fl frail; ;' preqcliptidn 6E 511:5 .’ Clarke, M; D;,’Phl§iqh#lfimordi .mr'ytdthe‘Qham'uw ,- . :1H ._~ {a -:- I‘:".‘-.W,I'VI‘:V'A - Thiflnvhluabla medicinq'h'ufgilingjin‘ttge‘ might. in thog'o'wfinml ind :dmgejonsv dime; to which fié’fe'yngl'e constitutiogfiu subject. ”It mgdenfis fall gxcagss ‘md‘ RH nova m'pmmtiom- (lid in' ’gedi can my». rolled on’. M x {no figuring mums: -' -, it in pecunmnqifiaw ‘l}? “Mn in‘ i ”align time-mm; _o_n the monthly pox-164 151 th fighmy.=~ -" ‘1 2; .3 ' v' ' Each bottle; pfl Wong-‘- :I!“;Wftho"6ovefpmen§ Stamp of'G’l-‘o‘atlßfitflimg prhvent‘countptfqihg ' ~ Inn mns'nowfinmwfifim if:jjé‘n§hfl'wgguq m HIST TKBEE'MONTEB'd; Paimmgévflsipn Ag! sun-10‘ I'm ‘ ol'flxicnnu‘un, mu! unrmnjmn' “urn-sin.” = t -' -' 1 '4‘ “3"" g ‘ln’ aill‘oasen‘or Nomui’m‘smn‘hmom,=mu in the .1!»ka Limbs, hpigue on‘lljght exogtion, Bflpfloupf the Heart, Hysteria aid White's; thong Pins’ ‘ ‘VI'OEQQF'VI cure what: all other mountain failed; Ind'nlthongh a‘pow'i errul remedy, do not mntaimwn, colonel, antimony, or mything hurtful to'thq qopugizutjon. . » Full dzroctiona in the pnmhhlet around each pluhge, » which should be canton: mound.» . . N. 13.—81,00 and a postage stamps enclosed to my on ‘tliorjzgd Agent, will insure a. bottle, managing over-5.0 ' pills, by return mail. : -' ; ~ For file by 0. A. Barnum. R-maburg. 21:74:11.7 IMP’O 1:1 ANT 'l,‘_o FE MALES DR. . cHEESEMAN's PlLus. Ihe-combinationrof‘ingredieuts in the" Pill: m the. tom“: of I. long Md extensivapncfiee. They as mild {within-operation, uni curtain in’ correctinzlll irregu ligifleu,pg.inful menstruation ramming .111 obstruc qog,‘ Vbefilgqr from (wild :01: Mien-wise, hexane!“ pdn 59;. , fa“. fidemalfiufion. of flu: hurt, whiten, 111 nob qua wopfidxia, ’ 1:33:53, fatigue pain in the helm 1111515}qu _dlpfiu‘r 9d 9109 p, whiul’l arise from int-Imp floptdf ammo. _ a . 1 I : ‘ DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS - wu thexommeneement of I new era. in the treatment of the“ inegulnfltieluld obstructions whichhnve eon signed so many {hounds of the young, the beautiful, ind _thefisloved to u I’m-auras: GBLVI. No femllo all enjoy: health unless she is re'gnlernnd, whenever an (an motion‘tlk‘eu plus the general health begin! to decna."“"‘ .’ -' ' ' " - = . DR; CHEESEMAN’S PILLS Ire the mqafi‘oflectual remedygver know I’9: In con plaint: manna; to'Femans. TO3ll ciapuelthoy are in. valublq, indup’mg, with certainty, periodical regulqn‘ty. They no knoynfto thopsands, who have used them gt diflaren‘t pbri‘bds, throughout the country, having tha isqctlyn‘pt some of the post anti-nan; Physieiqm , in mama. ' '- - Explicit directing, stating when, and when they should 1w: be mad, accomphny each box—tho Price 09" Dollar each box, containing forty Pins. T 1 ' ’ ' : Awalunble an’phlet, to be had free, of the Agents. Pills sent by mail spromptly, by enclosing price to thd General Agent. gold by druggists. generally. - ,3. B. HUTOEINGs; Gong“! Agent, 2 ' . , . .14; Brogdwgy Neonx-k sou'in‘ngmsbupg by a. A. nmnvgir. decIJEO-dhjwlL 1 . q ‘ ‘ Dr, Brmi‘oln’s Cpuéenti-at'ed‘ Remedies; No, I. .THE GREAT BEVIV EB..Bpoodill stadiums “I the evil afl'ecta of SELF—ABUSE an Loss of Memory, Shortneqs o_f Bgegth, Gigdiga'sa,’ Pafpitation of tha Hgngg, magnets of 'V'iniou, oi’ahy‘oopatim‘tiaqnl doi‘a'zi‘gelfienu ‘of ’tho‘ ayamm ,- b’mu‘ght on' by'flhé' uflmtmii‘uli Indulganeq _ot :thé'pils'ions.‘ um. alikß o’n’ oitkdr‘sai, . Price Out Dollar. ‘. Hafiz. I‘3! BALM 'l'vill- cure-‘inifrowtwo tonight as”; zany use at 6915033331!“ in withoutétufio or lm'all,’ ”111' required no restriction ”of action or ’diei,‘ To! althoi‘ I'ex; Prieo‘On'aDolla'l-s ~ 4 " ' '-'3 5""‘1‘1 NO. 3. THE TEREB will cure in the lhortm possible film, any case of GM! ET, even Lita: all oth!!! Benedict have tailed to produce the desired ofl‘ect. No taste or Small Prico One Doflnr. ' . . . » ' No. 4. THE 17mm“ is the,‘ only Bemedy..tlnt will really cure Stfigturelni the Urethn. nammr of- how 1;;an ataqdingpg neglmt‘ed t_he page my‘ban _Egice One 0 u. v“I 3* . . . ‘ ..u'r ‘ll . No. MT!!! SODUTOK’viII cure any one of onkvnn, -pemnontly, and Ipoedily remove all diction; {grams Bladder ud‘Kidneyl. . Price One noun. 1 j No. 6 FOR EARTIOULARB any CIRCULAR. ' No. 7 ;I‘EE- star, 208 shimmy, N. X TO TO ‘flimz of Gravel. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE Em m FIVE TRAINS DAILY To .5: FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER - MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26m, 1860, The Passenger 'l' rains of the ngnuylvania Railroad Coil pan) will depart from Hiram-ive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia. as follow: : _ ‘ EASTWABD TEROUGEEXPREBB TRAIN MING! Harrisburg: 2-40 I. in. , and arrive: “West Philadelphi. :t 6.50 8. m. FAST LINE leave: Harrisburg at 12.65 p. m.,:uml arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. In. ' “ ‘ _MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg “5.25 p. m., and It nves at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. 11;. These Trains make close connection at-Philadelpfll with the New York Lines. . ACCOMMODATION mum, No: 1. 103 th Ha‘msburg‘ at 7.30 a. m., runs via Mount Joy, and arriieis it qut Philadelphia :1: 12.30 p. m. . ‘ " ‘7 ' mmsnvne ACCOMMODATION leniei Rafa-'s‘ Img nun p. m., and arrives at West Philmolphii’“ 6.40 p. In. ' ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Humbug at 6.35 p. ,m., runs via Mount Joy, connecting pf mum ville with-MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. - .0 HA N01}? 01‘ use H'E'Dimf. E": f“- WINT E R. ARRANGEMENT? ON AND' Arum MONDAY, NOVEMBBB‘ZGEQ, 1'39, the Passenger Trains of the ‘Northern Oahu“ MI"! 'wilno‘ave Huriabu'rg as folldwa' : ' GOING 80 (7TH. .: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave n. .3.00 1.. n. , EXPRESS Imm will leave at......-.....~.1-:4o:. nr. MAI‘L-TBAIE wi1110uent.......... ...1. .t 1.001).“ ' ‘ GOING NORTH. .. -‘ MAIL TRAIN will leave at..:. ...;..'_.. ; 1.401). in. ' EXPRESS TBAIN‘WHI have st... “nu—B:ls 15. 111, The onlyJ'ujx; lasing Hun-[Huh on. Suuy‘flfl-bo flu; ACCOMMggATIgy IBAII'N Bragg; g‘Bflgigl.’ 9; gm _. or am‘ an n 1) ml _,B. 0 ”ohm! 9W ‘l' Emmy: n: ,c; onN ...HAm. .. . _f.,,; .. gnawhwrkmnvei’ffexaimflmfl‘3: {. Sflfim’nfi in‘-Elsthnce {film ;.=Qmekest.-Inumm . .BETWFEH Tags: gwg'ommsor figgfgq' ZNEWTTYOR‘K A'N'g AHARRIS BUBG, READING, ABLENTBWN AND EASTBN ‘ ' MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at C t. m., mixing “Harrisburg at 1 p. m., only 63‘ hou between the two clties. MAIL LINE lenves New Yoi-k it 12.00 noon. and ll] flies at'Hnrtlnbux-g' it 8.15 p. In. ‘ F ‘ MORNING mun LINE, East, leaves nnmsbnig ”as: 8.66 n. 'l'n‘ql'rrl’leig It New York at 5.20 p. m. " ‘ Ari-mumps n‘xrnnss LINE, East, leaves nerd hu'rg at 1.15 115111., arriving it New York It 5.45 p."m. ' connections Ire made at Han-isbm-g 3171.001» 11:. Skin the Passenger Tram in each direction on the Penny!"- nia,-cdm’be_rlnud Valley and Northern Centre! Railroad m min; connect at Reading with Train: for rotu ville uni Philadelphia, and 5t Allentown for Mano] Chunk, Benton, kc. No change of Passenger am or Baggage between New York gnu Hemsburg, by the 6.00 a. m. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. m. from Harrisburg. For beauty of Manny and speed, comfort and moon. _modntion, this Rpute presents supe'ripr ingueemenh‘tn the traveling public; ' V ‘ ' FuebetweenNew York‘qnd Harrisburg, van Donnm. For !l‘i ckete and othei- infogyntion upply to ‘ ' .Ing. onnm, General Agent; Hat-tuba“. de]s PHILADEEJHIA ‘ ; READING RAILROAD, 9W_IJ,YTER AREAN G-EMENT. 1‘ .. 0N Ayn AFTER DEC. 12, 1860, TWO rmmenn‘i'mfis mam: gunman mm, (sandy- exam,“ at 3.60 A. H., and 1.1”; H., tgzl’hihdelphfi‘, srrivingther'o‘ It 1.25 P. H., Ind 011‘ r. M. I: ‘ . RETURNING, Lmvn 2mAanrm s: 8.00 A4l. m: 3.30 2.1 m, Irriving s; Harrisbni-g nu P. u. and 8,15 r. M. ' ‘ ' ? - FABIBr—TO‘ Phihdolphis‘, mm am, 38.25; No. a, (h hinge fining) 52.76. ‘ ' unis :Jno Bedding gum and $1.30. ' V At Bending, connect with tum for Bomb. MlMl villo,r'.l'smqu, mum, to! ' roan TWB'LIA‘YI‘VBIADING lon runny pnn'nnim, n a“. H., 10.45 A. m., 18.80 mm smrgu.” ~ .. . ... mu 14111.anva I'OB READING a”: A. 11,, mg n. m., 3.30 2.11., an no P. It. 151 mg Enemy}... Phflidelphin, am an 11.0; m Momnenm 130 M Wanna cox-J name “.31“an with up train for WW .Pighgpflghdfiérinwy’.‘ ' ' - ' _ '-‘ lotthroughflt'zken did other {moi-mama apply to ‘- ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 1. 1.11“»), G’E’Ll‘jfifig (1915 an P'HI'I LA D E L'P‘H IA READ-ING‘EAILBOAD, summon or mammal}; will. ' . ER MONDAY APRIL 9 1350-; ‘a" ”D figfiuyuflow rbeEzs, >'. With .95 can on: will be-inmed between my punt. dannd, good fit tine holder sud any‘miemh‘er-ot-fll funny, in my passenger train,_snd it say that 3 per cent. below the regal.» M 199, . J Parties Inning gummy: to 11:0th haul hauntingly: bulimia- or plenum; 10311 M 4 ‘the‘tbdie‘u‘n'lig'efifi€ con’enient: amt :w'ggqipigl; 1;: lop”?ulen'for tutu mnzlailyfiipli “I gtwpep‘gmty and PM. :1, ‘ mv'ranugyn my pamen magma ram, ‘ , fimbm ‘n'smm 911110-19 mornim . ‘ m‘d 03:9 . ”l-Ixyiyo‘n tg-galxfi‘dpgtm bqtfieg‘nroman‘, . rmwghénhdtngz ummnmongm PM may: .5113“!er ;.: -. .. V, ..1.. ~ . *l'bi'fie‘ywn‘l'tohta of»: woman anti: tummy-91y go's”. and): j, m., Tram-9r 1’... , .13 , pins, for: éi-oxpoctivbli‘ckot‘; .ita on nudge“ 530 1 T ."i G. A;‘Nlos§.LB,Gonrfl sum. ' Much 21,1860;—‘mai28-dtl . .- 9‘ H . A T C C 0 . SHIP AGENTS :COMM‘I‘SSION'IMERCHAKIS, : J ‘ 313.3837”??? SQB’EFT. PfilWmfiwm' . . '. Tillman; 7! :77} :- .-.-, FLogR,,G.BAIN, fighfipfiinuwmn Jfififiiflimrammb; ’ nova-doini”3i _‘: 9 4.7%?) 0150455, ‘ 1123 i“ ‘l'i‘iri’iii‘nn’ ’bglg’moe ’kin%nfidfi'B‘ 93' u {iggm'a‘n muting-tho 1.1:. It wu. KN ’3 :Miz.flsmw:a::mammm% gneehgflhprom t. ' dn‘s‘v‘” ... I. .. ~ ":3 _ : Vim owirzhosrazme. 71°33'31“ ; R_IED BEEF-Elfin éxtra 'lofifibf D''i L» (Blfljiitmk'b'y' -. I ":’.‘.‘-‘_“:"l 145111.“. . lEOQ_ ‘ ~ , ‘ WMADOOK. J‘sggflgoln ‘ll‘flvmffliflrl isffl'fiifiid‘rfifipiy - D lawns; rgh‘ofiba‘iiwfirihoun “Pain; 4.: I non JAMES 31.371133“; Ell