MISUELLANY. Bmm CHICKENs—A Goad One—We, were dining. the other day, at one of our leading restaurants, when our attention was directed to a neighboring box, by the peculiar order of the gentleman who occupied it. “Bring me a spring chicken,” said he.— “Mark you, a. spring chicken. I want some thing tender and delicate, and a. spring chicken isjust the thing.” The order was fulfilled, and the gentleman siezed knife and fork, and made an assault upon the dish. He tugged away desperately for some minutes, and at. last called the waiter again. > ‘_ ‘ “I say,” said he, somewhat peltishly, “didn’t. I order you to bring me a spring chicken ‘2’? "Yes, sir, and I did so.” “Do you mean to any {his is a spring chicken ?” pointing contemptuously to the dish. ‘ "Yes, sir.” ‘ ' “Well, then, air, will you be‘ kind and obli ging enough to inform me what wring that infer: nal. tough fowl was batched in .9” This interrogatory was too taught?» the waiter. As he chuldn’t. tell the age of the fowl, he removed it, and returned with one more tender. ’ ' 'tiFunen” M’Gnmn, ofPitteburg, was, many years ago. very popular, both in his private and ministerial life, with all classes and denomina tions. He was a. genial, warm-hearted old highman, fond of a. joke, and the following wee one of' several good ones on himself,'whioh he relished veranueh in telling: He was riding out on the Butler road one hot. suggmer’s day, when he stopped at a. house by the wayside. to get a drink of water and rest awhile. While in conversation with the woman of the house, he picked up a Bible and asked her if she read it often. ‘ .. _ - “Yes,” she replied, “I have read it through oftm" , “And do you understand all you read in it, my good woman 1’” said his reverence. “Yes, I do,” said she. “Well," said he, “I have been reading and studying it all my lifeyand I find a ggeatg deal in it which I cannot understand.” ' e . “Well,” said she. "if you aré a' fbo‘l, is that a'nyyreason that I should be 2”_ :' ‘ .-. f . . Sure enough, What c'budeilher M’Guire'say' to that. ‘3 7 A Bonus Pumas or inns—The Prince by his detention at sea. missed seéing the Bel-kin Wei-heck style of individinl who‘ tried' to as sume his titles end ptesogetiges during his ahsejnée‘; Eor,on:the:llthl¢iéjniher s. young gentleman‘of respectableveppesmnoe and ad dress presented himself at the, gate on.oastle Hill. » The sentinels stopped! him, telling him; it is! theEen‘ti-ance o'uly- for the foy‘sl' family; on .yhichh the stranger said.“ I am; the Trims etf Wales.” The sentinels, .think'ing Itofijfis gentlemanly manners, that _this F 415 the truth, presented arms and vin‘e'rqgi'tteil .hinktm pass. .1!) this fly he passed seyefal sentinels‘ :2 but inone ofthe interior passages ‘bf ~the' «issue 1161’ res met by one of the. seryant‘shyho inquired his business. "I an; the Ethane.“ Wales}? ghe Heidi," ~slid am going 'to .see my m‘other the Queen.” The set-vent saith hev‘wopldfiiocom: psiy him, and @l393?qu sub‘erint'endeht', they dissented the strangerjeto be. an insengyohth of some twenty yesr's‘Zof‘v ngeimaiin‘e'd Herding; who had been recently' ‘dis'eharg’ed from a pri vate lunatic asylum :aslcnf’ed...- ’ v Ewing‘matbimg. GR’OVER.&.B.AK ER’S CELEBRATED NOISELESS FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING SEWING. MACHINES! $4O AND UPWARDS PRICES ESTABLISHED FOB SEVEN YEAS . THE GROVER '& BAKER. SEWING MAG‘HINE Makes the only seam formed by 3 Sewing Malchiue, in which ml: stitch is independently locked and without depgmlence upauyhe other stitches for strength, and tho_ only seam that will admit of the thread being cut at everx fourth atitch Without injury to’ thé seem in wear. THE GROVER 8: BAKER. SEWING MACHINE Ia ndnpted to all varieties. of fabrics, sewing equally well the angst Swiss mnslil; or the heaviest cloth or loathe}, and requiring an. adjwtment [6: any kind of ”yin; ofihe; than thé‘adaptgtiop 9f paedlel and thread. THE GROVER 3:. BAKER SEWING MACHINE flown fiamordinnj spools without rewinding, and fasten: its own seams, thereby saving time and thread. It will new common spool cotton, silk and ”linen thread, with equal facility. 7 .‘ THE GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE II no simple that m intelligent child of ten years mm mail! )eam to opergte it, It is more easily kept in ordér .flm'n any othexj machine, and need not be 'thken qua-tic ‘be oiled. ‘ ' I lEEuGROVER 8: BAKER SEWLING MACHINE lake: the only stitch that cgnnot be injured by washing and ironing, and the only stitch that forms an elastic uni durable sesm. Fabrics put together by this stitch, may wen; but and drop to pieces (tomoriglnal weakness or hit-{l usage, but came apart or give guy at the seems they pennpt; they will hold together' when the cloth 0,1- difoih’ronnfl them hangs in rags 0}: fitters. V _. , GHATONEY A: WALTER, General Agantl, 18 Fifth strut. Duisburg. ‘ .. . 11:. {Aug}. KEMBL‘E, Fourth and market streets, Agefitirfihéfgisburg, where thelunchinegmay 3t p.ll times He pix-$1: ija'iypgrafion. _A n , ‘ fi’s‘ENDTbR A CIRCULARJE lap2B-dky}!_ __ . . ‘ ' 4otris. UNITED STATES HOTEL, mm um noun 9; 111! 431) mu!- "nuns ”1°11?“ EEE PW‘IARM EEIE RDAD DDD'or'gc' E’EILADEfiPHIA- mmdmigned would respectfully inform the Public tint Inc has Men the ' above Hotel, formerly known us “ TEE M 35108 HOUSE,” which helm: refined and no? maligned tthughout. ‘ . ~ x v 1- GMQsprqunciou and ootnmodioufindfumishodv fitfiggg'gonvenienco to be foundinthb beat Hotels in “O {l73' .l " ‘ ; . _ l . - 1'8: FITED'ST’ATES" in admimblylocated for the conga do of travelers, being under the same roof with the éhgijln'gig. Railroad Depot, and 9““ gnvingbmh mum um! plumage of luggage. M paws will be qua-mm randy: filo ‘f UNIIBD STATES" a. plenum and Mm‘fiame‘gee to glltho my favor it with. their p. ‘." Chargél moderate, mil! '_. . ’ H. W. KANAGA. Preprletor. BJL‘LHL E B 11:0 U sE, MAB'KBT SQUARE, HABBISBUBQI: PA, ; 63051.80 TON,Ploruno; CARD. 1110 than won ham iid‘hng mbfiihed Hotel in now madam ‘ thorough‘ mow-tion, and being in n Winston newly furnishedfllnder’ tho propri owl-ship of [gag-9|,“ J. Boner, who)” Fun‘ In mama 6! tb hem for _the last than yum, guy! is wall'khm in [flM.,._ 1‘ f ‘ ‘ '. ‘ , ’ , W m- the Imm finfioingo'which it u- on- WM“, common! In. Bolton to the pull!“ w y. :1‘ 7.4!"! d. H W Bbmlu. Em. 33%9351 1:9? all-sizes ufiw?“ «’3 WWW“; 11:, too; ‘ BURLINGTON HEREINGLL : .. 2:); oak-1‘: 89999.”. - hfl‘LWAQu a; co ‘ [.5 H:- Ti: :73 i w; ‘.l Buzinws (llama. DEN TIS TR Y. '7 THE‘UNDEBSIGNED, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg yud’ vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE sTREET, opposrn: THE BRAD y HOUSE. sep2s-dBcwtf B. M. GILDEA, 1). n. s. DR. 0. WEIGHEL, SURGEON AND‘OCUL 151', RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He 15 now fully prepared to attend promptly to the dime! 01' profession in all its branches. _ Again an nu suaoxssrm. MEDIUM. Hummus: Juatlfiu him in promising full and mangle satisfaction to all who mayfnvor hjmwith a. call, be t a diaeuechronio or any other nature. Inls-dkwly w . HAYS, W . A TT 0 [KN 13153;}1e L A W. a F WALNU STREET, BETWEEN 'smcom) a; THIRD, W5l mnfilflfie- [our THEO. F. SCHEFFER} BOOK, UAE'D 21:76) JOB PRINTER, jails No. 18 Market Strut, Harrisburg. PARKHILL, Palll . . euacnsson I'o x. 3. mm, PLUMBEE . A!!! Jnffi§s FOUNDER, _owmmm an, HABRIBBURG BRASS CASTINGS, of every description, madoto order. 'Ameriean manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes or :11 sizes. Hydrant: ofevery description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water BathS, Shower Baths, Water Closets, Gistern Pumps, Lead Goflins and Lead work 0r ' every descriytion done at the shortest notice: on the most reasonable terms. ractoryagd Engine work 121 genem.‘ All orders thank runi renewed and punctumy “tended to. 1' 6 highest price in cash given for old Copper, Brass, Landfill Spelter. ' mylS-dtf J ‘c. M 0 L T z, iNGINEEB,MAOHINIST AND STEAM BITTER, No. I, North Sim]. 3t.,.bé¢w«n deu and Mark“, Harrisburg, Pa. Mining ofavory deucxipfionmlda and repaired: Bran! Cock-of alm,uul~’s largo mmntot Gul'ittings constantly on hand. - * ' ' All work (lane in thin «manhunt will be under m. ‘an arm-ion. and warranted to give utiafmtion, _ on . - V = ' = ' WM. ’11.“ 'M‘ I L—‘ ' ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0&0? mum: oawi 51%;; girl. Baum, =whfi-Sev.’¢uzm "m“ "an-mu" RELIGIO us B 001': STORE, rub:- AND s'mu swam. 93203110117, ’ “ _E. ‘S. GERMAN, ~ 21 sown ,snooxn 3mm, non: onmwr, 3D: ‘t iotthosdioltw‘f'éztlcw “ham kYSo'II lingo-ad mum: mM'mo, "mm-i Futon for religion pnbnm’d: ‘ ‘ :7 Mandy, FRANKLIN --Ho.usl«: ," »'n‘AL-I'ln?torii:, Hi). This pleasant and oommodino Hotel has been tho roughly tea-fitted __|n_d re-furnhhed. . It is may titrated on North-Went corner 01' Howard: and. thklin itmta, - few doors west ofthe Northern 64mm 3.11- ”: Depot. Every othnflomp-il h: thammfo-t 1:! his guests. G. LEIWG,=P2OW, _ jun-ti v, (My)! Selim Gm", h.)- f3l*.- p-01#cttions. B ANK NOTI C E.—Notlcg ls hereby given, 11119!th ugfiurglggipo) haw formed an Asso— ciation, md'prepared‘aind executod a. Certificate, for the pin-pone of mubllihing in'-Bug 01' lan ._Diacount and! Deposit»; under the pfovis'ions-oi'the‘ angentflled “An dot to estnblish 3‘ system of‘l'red Banking in Pennsylm unis» and-to secure the public againstxlusg from’lnsoh vent flanks.” upprawq the Maidayof March, A. D. 1860, midßmk to be callpd THE‘ DOWNINGTUWN BANK, to bejloc‘ated in Downingtown, tpwcofiaist of a. Capital: stock‘of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in shares of Fiftydiolr lara _oach, withjhe privilegg of increasing thesamezto any amount not exceégiing‘ in all !hreefiundredlhou and Dollars. OharlesDowmqg, -- '1 . | David Bhelmire; '-r John Webster, ‘ William Rogers, William Edge, V Laxgnnhelman, Richar‘d D.’ Wells, Samuel: Bingwalt, I: P: Btugh, Stephanßlstchfqrd leptemheral‘o‘BO.—aepl 416 m _ _:m “- .' BAN K N OTI C E.—Nouce ls hereby . given that an Association has been formedvand :1. anti cute prepared for the pnryose of establishing} Bank of Issue, Discount and Deposits under the prov'p sinus of the not entitled ”Am not to establish a system of Free Bfinkigg inrennsylvanifl, and. tosecure the grub licagainst loss from Insolvent Banks,”&pproved the 31:»: day of March,- 1860. The and Bank to. be «called “ The Bethlehem Bank,” and to be located in the borough of Bethlehem, in the county of Northampton, with a. Gapi talsbock of Fifty Thousand Dollars, in ohm-es 6f Fifty Dollars each, with the grivilego of gaming the Skid; Stock to _Two Hundred housaind Dollsrs. 31125-116151 - AN K N 0101 C E.—Notlce ls hereby given,»that apassociation has been fog-med 39d 8 cgrtificato prepared, for the purpose of establishing 1,. Bnnk of’-issue, discount and. deposit, “depths! provisions of thg act. entitled f‘An Act to establish B._a'ystem‘offiqe, hgnhng invenpaylvauigsndto aggurejthg publi'e'agaimt Ida: by insolvent bunks,” a‘pprovedthejzhirty-fim day'of March;lB6o.‘ The-said Bnhklto be.csl;ed,,the “Inna lawman-d toting heated-in the city of Phihdglphiq, and to count-of‘ a;- eagaim stock of ONE Immngrm 1331005 an DOIJLAR , in shares of fifty fitjllhrfi 'eachz with the-Priflggo o'f in'cteasingflie Lame t'o shy amen not axe‘neding in all-‘on‘e million of dullnm'. jyzdfim‘ XTENSION OF BANK CHARTER .v ' 'flofioeje hereby men fthnt “ The lumen! and Mechanics" Bnn‘k‘of'lastOn,” than); of Discount and Dep'qaite loqgted in shebqrbugh' of Elston, Northamp ton ‘couni'y, Pennsylvafiinfil‘afing h'upittl of Ion: Hun dred Thousand Dollars, wi apply to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania. fer-j. renewal dint-chum; ifin: fifteen yms, froni the ,B‘x‘xlution; of it; presentehngterivflh it's presentl up“: ' (hick, powers and privileges, and without any duration in ‘or increase of the same. " P. S. MICELEB, President. M’E. FORMAN,.OIshiet. 3 5930-1161:: BA N K N 0 T I C E.—Notlee is hereby _ given that an Association has been formed uni A Certificate prepared for the pu'rpose of establishing a Bank of Issue; Discount and Deposite, under the provi‘ sinus of the not entitled“ An act to establish a system of- free bankingin Pennsylvania, and to aucurejhe publio against loss from insolvent banks,” approved the 3131: day of March, 13?. The said Bank to be called the 5‘ State Bank," an to be loeated in the city of PhiledeL £13313, end to consist of a. Capital Itgck‘of Fift' Thousand 11ers, in shame“ Fifty Dollars Each, witfi the privi lege of increasing the same to any emountnot exceeding inlall One Million of Dollars; je29-d6m* 15:55: 86% 1112111 FOR BEN T—FROM THE FIRST DAY 01? : Lynn. nzx'r—A Commodious Two-Story DWELLING HOUSE, g 1: Second street, below Pine,) with wide Hal], large Bee Building, Marble Mantels in Parlors, Gas in six rooms, all the rooms just papered and painted. The second atvry divided into Haven rooms. one of which is 8 Esth- Thifi, it! connection with the fact that the house has jut been placed in the most thorough tepgir", makes it one of the most desirable Home: in the city. Enquire 01' j I ' » E. M. POLLOGK, , ’ Market Square, Harrisburg. Also, several SMALL HOUSES for rent.. . dels-dtf OR RENT—Eton; the first of Apnl next, the STORE ROOM now occupied by Samuel E. Zollinger, No'. 65 Market street. For terms apply to dell dlm ' JOHN B. THOMPSON. FOR: S A L E—A Light Spring One . Home WAGON. Apply st_l’n.tteraon7a,store, Broad street, West Harrmhurg. “31.“: NOTICE ITO SPECULATGRS ! . VALUAfiLE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE! ‘- A number of large ‘size BUILDING LOTS, mfioinlng the Round Home and War]: Shops of the Pennsylvania -Bnilroad Campauy, will be 5013. low and on reasonable terms. Apply a; mafia... JOHN W. HALL. UPHOLSTERING’. c'. F; 170 L L'ME R' I: prepared to do all kinds of work in the UP HOLSTERING B USINESS. Pays figment“- Attention to MAKING AND PUTTING DOW CARPETS, MAKING AND REPAIRING MAT TRASSES, nnullgmq maximum, km; m. Re a: 3% {12:11: That-11113111199 at his residence, in the fear of hairy Illeyl. use, corner of upberfigzdolggk MESSRS. CHICKr. r HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE ' ' GOLD .MEDA‘L! \ ' AT THE 1 MECHANIG'S’ 1411:, BOSTON, ’ HELD TE! PRIDIDIKG WIIX, 0 n”; 5112!? V gunman TORSI : , . gimme]: {6r fl“ 0310 an 3111105,!“ 31:11:. "”3313?!” mm. 'Wknoonms Imam swank; :ExmA , SUGAROUREDS . ginofiutgoulyqfitng-‘ FEW JIJW t _ . I 1; 7.» I u'i 'H‘J m I‘m?! .‘ filifirtllanmua. m Aluminum: or LANGUAozs.—There is ngrpving tandenoy in this age to approprinto the most expensive "mg or other langmgen, and after I while to incorporate them into our own; thus the word Cephalic, irhicli is from the Greek, signifying “for the bend," in. now becom ing popularized in ofnnection with Mr. Bpnlding’s great Headache remedy, but it will soon be used in a‘ .more gen eral way, and the word Cophnli: will baoomo as com man as Elechotype and many other: whomdintinetion as for eign words has been worn away by common usage until they seem “native : to the manor born.” ’ardly Realized Hi ’11:! ‘n ’crrlble ’eadache this haftcrnoon , hand I stepped into 1116 hapothecsries hand says hi to the man, ‘ 'Osn you hoses me of an ’eadache?” “Does it hnche ’ard," says ’9. “Hexceedingly,” says hi, hand upon that ’e gave me a Cephalic Pill, hind ’pan ms’ouor it cured me as quick that I ’min realized 1 ’ad ’sd an ’eadache. ifi‘flssnsonn is the favorite sign by iwhich nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural state of, the brain , and viewed in this light it may he looked on as s safeguard intended to give notice of disease which might otherwise escape attention, till too late to be some. died; and itsindications should never be neglected. Read. aches may he clusified undervtwo names, viz : Symptom;- tic sud Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous lbrm it is . sympathetic of disease of the stomach constituting.sick headache, of he patic disease constituting (minus headache, of woi-ms, constipation and other- disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine emotions. . Diseases of the heart are very fregnently attended with Headaches; Anemia and plethora are also affections which frequently occasion headae he.— Idiopathio Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name ofncroom Madac he, sometimes coming on suddenly in a State of apparently sound health and priests-sting at once the mental and physical energies, and in other installed!!! it lOOIPQIPQ singly, Ihenhlded by 49. pvession of spirits or' acerbityf of»,tepaper.; In most instan: cos the pain is in the front of. the head, over one or both eyes, sud sometimes provoking vomiting ; under this class mayValso hemmed Hermann. _ ,_; _. .7 I In: the treatment at either class of launch the Ge phnlic Pills have heanlolnd a sure andsal'e "medyllrelie- Vinyl!» mat with admin “minimum and by its aubtlo ”is": endloating- gamma-ea or which. Headache is- the mining index. ~ - . _ - meam‘—Miuus wants yqntn non! ha! a box or Dep— lnlic Glue, no, a bottle‘of Proxparedßillk-bnt I’m think ing thaw nét just It mith’e‘r i, hagpgrhgps ’6’“ he “the: knowing what'ij: in, ' 19, 599 3113.73 nigh dud uni gone with the flierngndmh’o, Ind want: gone, mime Vof~ that “my“ relaivhdl;agb¢fnr’e., .._ j A .:_ » -'. ‘z 5‘ _ _ Drunk: —‘-;an m’ust inshn‘sfialdinz’a Oeplnlie Pins. 'Bfidg‘tw—och ! mine now Mgr; WWW? suit. here’s the qptannpr nudgiv me the gin! mama! N. and” about it u u. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ' . > - ‘ Constipation on.- Cootiveness. No one at the “any ill: fluhin Imm” lnno prev-lent, nelitflevnndentoodi Ind no much neglected mood-Mme". OM3 brigiuefi'u‘ in cuelensuew or nedenhry babitn; it in . ‘xegarded an a. alight disorder of too little consequence to ' excite nnxipthwmlein renlily- it in the precursor and compunién-oi'. mnny‘of the _mcnt fitnl nud'dnn‘gerunn din eugn‘,‘ _n'nd nnlenp early erudicnlediit will bring the nulerer to un untimely grave. Among the ligMer eviin of which ‘ costivenenn in the Inn! nttendnt us Hendmhe, Colic, Bhenuntinm, Foul Brenna Pilen and (Mien of) to mine. while I. long Rein of fr'ghfil‘ul gigmnjueh se malignant Peters, Abneugn, Dynentery, Diagnhmhbynpepnh, Apo plexy,‘ llpilgpny Pmlynig, Erin-in', yponhondrinnin, Mghunhol; unq,innnnity,.flm ‘ ndinul’n theinyrnneneo in theznyltellfi' 1?! thin sin-min; symptom, .Not In'lreq'lien'tly the illnennen named _qriginute in ,Oounfipution; but take on an independent existence unless the cause in irradiated: in an ml] alga. ,nvom nlllihene .annnidomronn It follows that the dimmer should receive immodieto attention when ever,“ oéonrn,and no person nhoula‘neglect‘te-get n box of cephalic Pilln'on the first appear-nee ersthe comm-int, an then-timely use will egpel the innidioun apprmhen of dké'un’é' and destroy thin dangerous toe to-humeu‘ife. ; A Real Blessing. Phyaician—Well, Mrs. Jones; how is that headache 2' Mrs. qus— Gone _! Doctor, all gqna! ma pill you sent cued mo in just twenty‘minutes; sad I wish :04 would animate so that “I can'hgiy‘bj‘lh‘ehhnndy. . _ V..= ~ Physician.—Yol can get fihqm at any Dmggilta. can for Oeyhalic Hill, 12hr]. Wernewrfiil, Ihd I ruwmmcngl mammal] canes ofnelunnhe - - ~ - ' ' a - »- . Mix. Janet-71 shall uni for a bondinctly, and- 11111 tell a}! my «inflating friends, I'm-they are 3 real blasaing.’ I'me» Minions 'ov Do’ums Sunn..—Mr. Sphlding‘ has sold two million: of bottles of his celebrated szpi'red Glimmnd'it is estimated that esch'b‘ottle saves.“ lent ten dollar- worth,“ broken furniture, thus‘m’aklng an aggre7 gate or tmmty millions of dollars reclaimed from to a! loss by this ultimo = inwntiun.’ 'anlng' mods his lilac a. household word, he now proposes» to 'do- the world still grater servlcs by curing all the ‘aching hoa'fs withxhis cephalic Pills.-snd if they are as-good as his Glue, Bend aches will soon vanish sway like Lsnow in July. 313-0“; IXOHBIIBN‘P. uni the mental care and anxiety incident to the close attention to basinele or study, are among the numerous causes or Nervous Heedache.‘ The disordered slate of mini und’body incident to thiedir-trele ing complaint is a. fatal blow to all energy and ambition—,- Snneren by this dleotder can always obtain speedy relief from these distressing attacks byusing one of the Cephalie Pills whenever the symptoms appear. It quite“ the “jet-l tested basin, end gnomes the stained nnd juring marvel, and relaxes the tension or the stomach which always ae companies and aggnvates the disordered condition of the brain. ' . ha:- wmn'a uowmu.—Sy'alding's Cephalic Pills are a certain cure for Sick Handnhe, Biliou Hudaqho, Nervous Headache, Continuess'nd Ge mal Debiflty.‘= Gnu-r stcovxnt.—Among the most important of all the great medial clls :oveties of this age may' he considered the “stem of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the Gephallrl’ill for relief of Eulmehe, and the used Quinine tenths rpi-evantion‘of Revers. either “which is A pure specific, whose benefits will be experienced by enr faring Immunity long after main diecoverers ere forgotten; ifi'nm'yon ever have the Sick Headache? Do you remember the throbbing temples, the fevered Draw, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food 1?» new totally unfit you were for pleasure conversation or study. One of the Cephnltc Pills wont-1 ’hwe relieved you from ell tbs misting which you. then experienced. For this and Lther panes” yen shank! almyw have a be: ofthem on hand In use as occasion requires. V_ . #595 i ~ ea; - m NervousHeadach e fillflas 0‘; Heaiamla By then“ or these Pill: the periodic attacks of Nar vnus ”Sick Headache Ins, be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of Instant immadmo relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. gl'hef lgldpm mlfin removing the Nausea and Head ache in which females are no subject. ‘ . They net gently. upon the bowels,- removing Couive ”£B5. . , . . For Literary Men, Studenh, bulimia Females, ma angpemnu of udenmry habits, they are vnluable u a Lazan‘uo, improving the uppm‘ta, giving 3m and m'gor toghe digestive organs, and restoringthe natural elasticity am; strength of tho whole system. ' gm carneuc PILLS are the result or long investi gufion Ind naturally conducted expeflmenta, having been in in many yam, during which time they have prevented end relieved I vut.amount of pin and enlisting {from Head-she, whether oxiginetingin the aroma system or {win Agog-aged mt: or the stomach. They an entirely 7e getnblo in tha‘ - :3: :hken at 911 times with prtaqélg;:?:non’ “‘1 “:54”: m!“ of ‘.‘.“, CM “4 ”s9an of «1‘ out ml.- gr. “.39, and": u.auay In adm ‘i V 1111;4- cluldmlo ‘ . mam "um 10 BIWABII or cofifirnnuxu g ‘ The. genuine Inn in sign-turn! of Henry 0‘ 3!,“th on uehhox. . :1 .. son by 111-mm- and an other denier: in mam“... Lino! filth but by mail prep!!! on my“ 9" the ‘ PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. ‘ ' , mofimghofl'yomndab. .1, V- 2. » " , _mRYC.-:~SFALDING, S . .. ..mmuwn ,5 ’.‘.:57'1'13'3-‘l‘3l‘3'A‘. -—~;.~! :‘w'v‘l lii-i .41.: 6H): Guild. THE ONLY DISCOVERY ' WOBTEY OF ANY CONFIDENCE FOB REBTOR I N G- 7 THE BALD AND GRA]. Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not. only to mutate his restorative, but pro fess to have discovered something that would produce results identical; but they have all come and gone, be ing carried as"); by the wonderful results of Professor Wood ’s preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to its resistless sway. Read the following: BATH, Maine. April 18, 1859. Poor. 0. J. Woon a 00.: Gavan—The letter I wrote you in 1355 concerning your valuable Hair Restorative, and. which you have'publlshed in this vicinity and else where, he? Elven rise to numerous enquiries touching the facts in the case. The enquiries are, firsti‘is-it a fact of my habitation and name, as stated in t 6 com munication; second, is it true of all therein contained third, does my hair still continue to be in good order and ‘ of natural color? To all I can and do answerinvarialgly yes. My hair is even better than in any stage of my life for 40 years past, more soft, thrifty, and better colored; the same is trhe of my whiskers, and the only cause why it is not generally true, is that the substance is washed on‘ by frequent ablation of the face, when if care were used by Wiping the face in close connection with thfl whiskers, 'the _same result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt of a great number of letters from all parts of New England, asking me if my hair still continues to be good; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt, been basely imitated, and been used, not only without any good effect, but to absolute injury. I have not used any of your Restorative of any account for some months, and yet my hair is as good as ever, and hundreds have examined it with surprise, as] am now 61 years old and not a gray hair in my head or on my face; and to prove this fact, I send you a look of my hair taken off the past week. I received your favor of two quart bottles last summer, for which I am very grateful: I gave it to my friends and thereby induced them to try-it; many were skeptical until after trial, and then purChssed and used it with universal success. I 'will ask as a favor, that you send me a. test by which I i can discover fraud in the Restorative, sold by many, I fear, without authority from you. A pure article will insure success, and I believe where good effects do not follow, the failure is causedhby the impure article, which curses the inventor of the good. I deem it my duty, as heretofore, to keep you apprised of the continued eifect on my hair, as I assure all who enquire of me of my un— shakon opinion of its valuable results. I remain, dear sirs, yours A. 0 . RAYMOND. Aaron’s hmxyq Nov. 30, 1858. Poor. 0. J. Woon: Dear Sir :—I would'certalnly be doing you a great injustice not to make known _to the world, the Wonderful as well as the unexpected result ‘I have experienced from using on: bottle of your Hair Restorative. After using every kind of Restorativee extant. but without success and finding my head nearly destitute of hair, I was finally induced-t 0 try a bottle of your Hair Restornltivel Now,'cander andjus’tice compel me to announce to whoever may read this, that I now possess a. new and beautiful growth of hair,rwhich I pronounce richer and handsomer than the original was. I will therefore take occasion to recommend this in valuable lerf to on. winning feel the necessity of it. Respectful y yours, ' REV.'S. ALLEN BROOK. P. 8 —me testimonial of my approbation fo'r'your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is unsolicited; but if you‘ think it worthy of a place among the rest, insert if you- lush; if not destroy and say nothing. ’ ' Your-s, Jno., . Riv. S. A. B. Dart 444 Broadway, and sold by sill dealers'throngh out t e world. - , _ . ‘ 0. .7. WOOD' & 00., Proprietors, 444 Broadway, New York, and .114 Morkct Street, St. Louis, Mo. ‘ And. sold by nil, goo. Druggilts; and. Fancy Goods Dealers. ' ' ' ' ' ' 110174185th , HANDSOME WOMEN 1"0 THE LADIES‘ HUNT’S “WM 03‘ ROSES 2’ a. niobium! delicate color for the cheeks Ipd .lips, flan-41:01} “(431101! BUB OFF, and whé‘n once spplied rez’n‘uii‘as din-able for years. mailed {no in bottles:for,sl.oo. - . ‘ HUNT’S “COURT TOILET POWDBR’ERRMH a. danllnfi whiteness to the complexion, India. _ amy thing 8 as uséd fox-this purpose, mailed freq formal)”. HUNT’S “ BRITISH BALM,” remov‘e} tui‘ freckle'l, gunlmrn and all eruptions of thqskip, nailed £ll9 for“ can a. - ‘ ' ' ' , HUNT’B. “IMPERIAL POMADE." forth huh, strengthens 9nd improves its growth, I: s infirm fall ing_off, find warranted TO MAKE THEM CURL, mulled free {or $1.00.. _.‘ ; ~ - ‘ " HUNT’S “ PEA‘RL BEAUTIFIER,” for the teeth and. gums, cleanse! anwwhitans the'teeth, harden: the gums, purifies the bran}! efi'ectually,_ PRES'EVBVIIS THE 3:313ng A‘ND PBEVENTS TOOTH7AGEE, moi-led nee 0r..~ ;. "--4“' MES “BRIDAL WRE§TH PERFUME " “on“! gmafi'of orange blossom {lnd 0010ng, mgim.fyge to; This exquisite perfume was first used by the PRINCESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND, 'on her'jnarriage. HESSRS. HUNT is 00. presented the PRINCESS withmii stepm cflse of Perfumery, (in which all of the abuse articles; were included.) in handsome cut glazes withgaldstoppers, valued.” $l6OO, particulars ofxwhichiepgmed in the public prints. Allithe shove articles sent pm» me. press for $5.00. Cash can eifher‘uec‘emfiae'y the order or be paid to, the express sgseti on delivery of goods; ‘ ‘ ' ' _HUN'B & 00., - ‘ ‘ .- v ' Perfume'rs to'the gee”; Rims-r Brain, Lennon, an 7.0,? Susan me, The Trade supplied. ‘ PEIDMLPKIA. 7 aepd—dly - ‘ ' ‘ W ' fifimlmem. 1 '/,./’v ‘ - ' - . 4;? Elf-Par . «gnnexx I‘9 . 05% WWW “3% 3‘: Save the Pieces! 9': A: accidents um happen wen in welhegulatedfami- Has, it in “admin-gm? ii) in.” name than and conve nient My for reflux-his Furniture, @Ol3, _Ggopkegy, he. SPALDING’S ‘ PREPARED GLUE ‘,. meets all such emergencies, end no household can nflord to be without it. It}: always ready and upto theptlgk in; point, Theme in no'l'enger n-no‘céuity for lluiplns chairs, splintered veneers, headless ”done, 9nd broken undies. It is jut the article for cone, shell, and other Dwailm work, so popular with Edie-of refinement on as e. ,_ , . , - = l ,Thlu hdmi‘rabla prepardtien is nied” Golgi, hein’g’éhemi: at? held in whtion,_lnd {owning the nimble qu itiea of the bent cabine -malern’.Glue. It any be used in the place of ordin‘nry'mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. 5 ~ ; _ :: . » ’ «warm. m 'nvxn‘i Hanan ” N. B's-A Btu-h 11:me each bootle. Prue, 25 cents. . . ~ 1 . g' ‘ Yunnan.- DIM,NO. 48 03m: sn‘zhn, Nzw You: Address 7 I HENRY c; HARDING an ('lO., ‘ Box No. 8,600; New York. Put up {or Dealers in easel contaminated; Ei ht and Twelve Dozen—a beautiful Lithogrnp 'c Show-gani accompanying each Regina. 1]? A single be le of SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE will save ten timel its' cost Annually to every household 9 , ' ' ' Sold by}: pennant Stationers, Dmgglaug Hurdm Ind Furniture Dealers, Grocery, and Inc] States. Country merchants should make I note of SPAM)- ING’S PREPARED GLUE, when muting up their list. It. will stand my elimste. _' ' . . tent-dandy ’ V 0 .T I G E .—The undersigned having 1 i opened In Salish ”5 Cwefil 5939911“ Boy-in thegLectm-e Boom 0111.1“ Wfl'fllmlfly called the uUuiteq Brethren Ohmrch,"my J's-out,- bgtwgp Walnut ud- Loeuatgtmta; iI pump!!- ta mom pupil: mar instructthem'ili‘the bung]!!! null! taught immunol of that chanotpx. Ith number 01. nupfl- mummm twenty-flu. ‘. ‘. ‘. v .:i -,»x ‘::"i" n Fofinfil‘rmntloh “Ehn'mfi Ema; 850-. upplfio BY. ‘. OBINBDHMI . 9V5, -. ~ . u '.OXJIOI'IOIIUJ to ",j, Mali-fin A, 1..; .uunémtxmam C 0 o P E R’s‘GELAmelT'flé‘bém mm?‘““°~fi%z*e£%rz~a°~%&"sm&'¥;f”_ Km'snnuasmwms 21m ; 1 “WM-loam- $11,: (:2:; Altbical. Wagon I: ginESWfi‘VEJ WEBB?“ As spenent snd Stomachic preparation of IRON puri. fled of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydrogen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authoritieshhothin Europe and the United States, and prescribed 11l ‘iheu practice. . V The experience of thousands daily proves that no PW psration of Iron can be compared with it. Impurities "7 the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and other'lse sickly completions. indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable ease. ' J- ' - , Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, It has proved absolutely curative in each of the followrng complaints, viz: In DBBILITY, Nnnvous Assoc-nose, Emcurxox, DYS rsrsu, Cossrlrmos, Dmmnou, Drssnrsnv', marries! Gossuumon. Scncru'nous Tussncumsxs. SAL-r .'linllnl, Mlsms'rnumou,Walrus,GnLosoBls, leanournerrs, Gnome Hormones, Rnsm'rxqunrnum-rrssrlsvns, Pursue on was Foes, an. _ _ g In cases of Gannon. Denim-n, whether the result of acute disease, or of the continued diminution of nervous and muscular energy from chronic complaints, one trial a: this restorative has proved successful to an extent which no descripl ion or written attestation would render credible . ; Invalids so long had-ridden as to have become forgotten in their own'neighborhoods, have suddenly re-sp'penred in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in u 1 distant land. Some very signal instances of this kind are \ sttested of female admirers, emaciated victims of apparent 1 maxesmus sanguineous exhaustion, critics! clan-ages, and that complication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion, to air end exercise for which the physician has no name. In Nnvons Arrncrrons or all kinds, and for reasons familiar to medical men, the operation of this preparation of iron must necessarily be salutary, for, unlike the old oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without being exciting and overheating; and gently, regal-Lily nperient, even in the most obstinate cases of costiveness, without ever being a gastric purgniive, or inflictinga disagreeable sensation. . a It is his letter property, among others, which makes it so remerknbly eflectusl nndlpemsnent sremedyfer Piles, - npon which it also sppenrs to exert n distinct and specific ,_ notion. by dispersing the local tendency which forms them. In Drsrlrsn, innumerable as use its causes, I. single box of these, Chalybente Pills has often sniliced for the most, ‘ hibitnsl cues, including the sttendnnt Costioeness._ - 1n unchecked Dumas, even when ndvnneed to Dress nit, confirmed, emscisting, and nppsrentiy malignant ‘ the ed‘ecis have been equslly decisive and nst‘onishing.’ " . In the local pins, loss officeh “dimength, debilitating cough, and remnant hectic, which gencrslly indicete is. omssr'oossunmon, this'ieuiedy nu sluyeu' the sin-m or friendsnnd physieisns, in._soven.l very gratifying-sud interesting'lnsts‘nces. " ' _A _ , In Eonorotonbmcnluounosrs, this medicatsdEh-on hos 'had far more thanhe good effect of themost emotionallyl bolsnoed prepnr‘ntions of iodine, without any of their we ginown linbilities. ‘. '- .~ : , ‘ s , ‘ . 1 " __lhe attention 0! females emot be too confidently inviwi _to this fertiedy end restorative, in the cues peculisrlynf :fectingthem., ; , ; . _ ' .; . .., -. V ,'. g In Begonia-Isl, both chronic snd mimicry—m the lstt'érflowever, more decidedly—Rhee been invariably well Eimported,‘botli neuilevipting pain Indlfoduoing the rival-e !lsn‘gs’ and stillness oi the joints and muscles. _ y _ g In lmnulnnm Plvsse it must necesn'nrlly'he n greet “ii“; #54999W5. ”9‘9““?! #944! PM" in the new settlements ofthe West, will probsbly he one of high. jrenosvn ind usefulness." ~ ' ' ‘1 ’ 5 ‘ ' " ‘f Np remedy has evenbeen discoveredin the whole history of medicxne’,‘which eneris' such prompt, happy, sud fully restorativejefl'ecis.‘ Good. appetite;- coinp ere digestion, rapid acquisition of strength, with In: unusual disposition for neflvo nndche'enhl eiez’éiso, immediately follojw its use. . Putiup in nest lief mehl boxesconuining ”pills, price 60 centsper _box ;_ for sale by druggists end dealers, 1 Will be sent flee to snynddrehs ‘on're’celpt'bf‘th‘e price. All ietters,;orders,,eie.,ghould bendarusedtm :i l- : ‘ I; -. = . R, D.,].QO‘KE chQi,.,General Agents. ‘ _ my23-‘ddzwly' ' 'v ‘ '- *~ -20 cedarfltreet, New York. «mm < 5323“ ’W T 1552?" _. <—,~ a“ $3 "-36%“? :A‘ISUPEIMTWE gomaPl-Rfifzfifigf : mwwmmm-HDIAL .x , ,‘ ....‘.. ~,-v-:"'l ~.-A-- ' To ’THE'EITIZENS" or 'NEW JERSEY .AND - . ‘ 'PEA’NSELVANJA.‘ '« - : ' - Apommcmms, DRUGstTsj GBOCEBS AND. PR‘IVA‘TE FA‘M' LIES.’ ' wowms PURE OOGNAC BRANDY. -V ‘ ' ngcgmms 12111115 ygpnmysnnnny AND, PORT = wonnn's 12mm. JAMAICA AND. ST. 01101:: mm. WOLFE'S PIIBE SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKY. , 7V, ALL IN BOTTLES. '- I :29; leave to "can the atjgntion o_f .the citizens of the- Um ‘ 'smes‘m'the ’above‘Wm'ls and LIQUoga, im portedtby Uponr’xo'Wonll,’ of NawlYorh‘vs-hose name it familiar. ill evegy pm; qt" this cpuntryjbxj the .pux-ity of 'his~celébrat‘ed' Sonmmx Saunas. 'M’r. Wpushin hlnv lettegz t 9 mgr, speaking of thehpurity of hi 6 WINBB' and LlQU'tms7 hays; ilirl‘zwu‘l qt‘gke mz' ,repntintgonru a. man, my'gtlndifig' as I; merchnlfi; of bitty ye'm’ reli -den_ce,ln the Citynoflflgw: Yoxzk,-tha.t alltho Burn)! and Wums which I Bottle are placing: imported, and of_ the» b'gst-gnflity; and can he relied'qpon by évery Eureka“. ” ENE"! bo’gtle has the promigtqr’l name. on; glwu, n'ml a:fs‘c*aizhilb of his: sign‘nfiure on the .ceptificatp. The public gteir'edpeotfullyiipfited'h' can and examine for tllxemsélveq. For 59.19 a]: ”151;. by 911_Ap9tb9oadnmd Qrdcers in‘Philadolphis. "j ’ _ . V _ . g, 7 , ~ t a GEORGE H.‘ ASHTON, _ ' ' ‘ No. 832 Market pfireehl’hihdglphil, ' g - ‘ ' 8019' Agent £O7 Philadelphia. _ > :Read the following from .the New: ork Gm‘n'er : .. Enormous BUSINESS son on New YouMntaAnm— .We are happy to inform our fellomeitlzens that there in one place in our city where the physician, apothecary, and country merchnnt, mnrgonnd pnrchuoilmre When and Liquors, ole pure as imported, and of the beet quality. We do not intend to 'giveon’elnhornte description of- this m'prchent’s extensive business, although it will well re-‘ pey‘enf stranger or 'citizen to visit ’Unouno Wonn’s 'extenq ve warehouse, Nos. 18,-'2O and 22, Bénver street and 803.117, 19 and 21, Mnrketfield. street.‘ His atoek oi s2l!!!pr on 'hand ready for shipment could not. have been less than thirty thousand men: the Brandy, some ten thousand cases—Winteges of 1836 to_lBs6;,and,ten‘ thousand ca’see of Madeira,‘ Sherry and Port Wines, Septeh end .Irish Whisky, Jnmnicnjnd st. Croix Rum, some very old and equal to anyin this country, He also had three’lnrge cellars, filled with Brandy, Wines, Jno., in; caska, under Custom-House key, ready-for bottling. ML'WOLFWS sales of Schnapps last year amounted to one hundred and eighty thousand dozen, and we hope in less then two years he may be equn‘lly inceeest' with his Brandies and Wines. V _ _ ms business merits the pafronug'e’of every lover of his species. Privatefamilies whmwish pure. Wines and Liipors for medics] use ‘ahould send their Orders direct to Mr, Woun, until every 'Apotheéury lithe him make up‘ their minds to discard the poisonqun, stuff from their ihelvos, and replace it with Woun’s pure Wine and Iquggs. ‘ ,1 :.~ . , ‘c Wé'iuiderstend Mr. Wou's, for the accommodation of 3mm dealers in the country, puts 'u'p ss’aorted cases of Wines antmquors, Such a men, and such a met-chain; shimld‘bé unstained. againstvhis len-(ofthpusmds 0:19p. patients in the United Statesfiwho sell nb‘thing 511% but £sl.lan, ruinous alikertohnmsn health find happiness. For sale b'y 0. K. KELLER, Druggist, sole agent to: Harrisburg. sepMszGm ' X A. N H 0 0 D .’ i HOW LoBl‘,_ HOW RESTORE 1), ‘ Jim Rubi-irked, in ad smm Envelope; A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRHOEA, or Seminal Week-gene; Sexual nobility, Nervoneness and- Involuntary Emismone, prpdncing Impoteucy, Consumption and Mental and Physical Debility. ‘ . iB_Y"BOB. J. OULVERWELL, M. D . The important fact that the Awful eomqueneol of Aali— almeenjey be efisctually removed withoutinternul medicines or the dangerous applications of caution, instruments, medicated bougies, and other empirical devices, is here elem-l; demonstrated,'nnd the entirely new and highly anceeesful treatment, an adopted by the celebrated author, fully explained, by means of which every _one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least poseinle cost, there by avoiding all the advertised noelruml. of the day The Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thouuands. isentunder sell to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two nostalgia stamps, by, addressing Dr. CHAS. J. 0. KLINE, 480 'ret Avenue, New York, Post Box 1,586. ' - aisle-dawn ‘ _ ~- ' H AVANA' CHANGES! I! . A prime lot just received by 01:30. QWM. DOKC, 33., g: 00 RIED PARED, PEACHES, Dned UNPABED PEA’CHES, Dried APPLES, Dried BLACKBEBRlES,justreceived by: » . : 01MB. ' WM. DOCK, .18., a; CO, ’LKOY‘BUOS‘of an endless Variety, for, tho' ’lmlilalnont Ind instruction of qu- litth gnu, a s‘ l'l'Eß’Sßoohton. : 2 - s * ‘ .U-M-P-H—REst g . ~ i {it BPIOII'IO".‘ _ OMEQPATHZG REMEDIES, ‘ flat-lint ’ 2 f sWFQfmsm; . 3,.» , - ‘ A - A9l» "##3##. SMO‘ SMOKEfiLV'Sgim-l-g "SLI" ’ufiziahfiéfi-‘gw‘fifi‘fi'i 91mm?“ 33“" .‘1 .; AYER BAISINS—WHOLE I V" " v.: ‘.i ‘.~ qugwmmemlmm A???” “a {PM} rm afig'lV-te-«ilhsg‘3l3(::x::aME.W‘-h§. ‘00: 1M533 ,fiteDical. V BLOOD 17W The attention of Invalid}, Physicians, Clergymenfi scientific men, and therpublgc fuel-ally, 1s respectfully solicited to the merits of this c emical preparations con. taining IRON, SULPHUR, AN!) 'l’HOelPI-lOBOU , and which is identical in its compofiltlon With the Emma: Globule, or red blood. In all diseases accompanied. with . D E B 1.11 I T Y , - pale _eouutenence and nervous derangement. mum. of the blood show a deficiency of the red globules. Buddy complexion and a rosy tint of the skin, I! .always indica tive of health; while a pale, wax—like ekm and counte. nance,—which evinees adeflciency of the regl globule - accompanies adiseased organism. Preparations ounlbu have been given for the purpose of supplying the red. glo bules, but we contend that IRON alone, SULPHUR alone, or PHOSPHOBOUS alone, will not meet the deficiency in every case, but that a judicious combination of all ‘ these elements is necessary to restore the blood to its normal standard. This point, never before attained, has been reached in the BLOOD FOOD, and its discovery ranks as one of the most scientific and importsnt of the age. Its efi‘ects in 7 - 'OONSUM P 1' I O N are to soften the cough, brace the nerves, strengthen the system, allay the prostrating night sweats, increase the physical and mental energy, enrich the blood by restoring the locking red globules, increase the appetite, restore the color, and clothe the skeleton frame with flesh; The BLOOD FOOD will be found a specific in 311.0H80N10 DISEASES of the '.FHROAT or LUNGS, such u Asthma, Branthitis, Coughs, Jno. Public speakers and. singers will find it of great utility in clearing and strengthening the vocal organs. In Dyspepsia, Lwer Complaints, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Paralysis, Scrafula, Gravel, sc; Vi tus’ Dance, Fever and Agile Jno., its efliciency is Inn-kw and instantaneous. In no glass of diseases, however, are the beneficial effects of this remedy so conspicuous as in those harassing V ' FEMALE COMPLAINTS to which the gentler. sex ere liable,.-snd which tend to. wards Consumption, such as suppressed or difliqult Men smuztim, Green Sickness, Whins,‘acc., especially when hese complaints are accompanied with polesessasdingy hue or pallor of the skin, depression of spirits, ability, pelpitntion went of appetite, and nervous ipro‘strnth-I. We have the utmost confidence in recommendingfhe BLODDFOOD to all who maybe conscious of trio s oi vitality or energy; and to thosewhose mental or built powers 'are pros’trsted through over-use, either of the mind or body and we deem it our duty to soy flat in all - icases of Weaimzes and Emacianan, and in all diseases of the Kidney: or Bladder, this preparation has I. claim upon the attention of sufl‘erers which cannot in over estimated. A faithful trial will bevfound the molt eon. vinoing {roof in regard to _its eflioncythnt couldhepsheoi , for. Wth the above remarks, and irith the numerous 1 testimonials we have in its»favor,-we alter the. “BLOOD FOOD" to the consideration of the afflicted, knowing that itwill be acknowledged as pre-eminent over oil other prepanfiongmntent or oßicinnl‘, in int of. usefulness. circulars givingkthe .’l‘heory upon wliiioh this remedy is founded, also certificates of remarkable cures win he sent free when desired. We forward'th‘e-BLDDE) FOOD to any part of the United Statesor Canadss upon receipt of price—sl per bottlefiso for six bottles.; Be careful in all cases to take none ut thathaving our foc-simile sig. nature upon the mpper.: Noneotheris genuine. yrepued only by 4. ; . 0111.11qu “DIIQQNT, ~ ‘ ’ ’ ‘ ' No. ‘O9 Biondwfif‘flevj York, Andsold'by them, and by all respectable bmfiim' For sale by C. A, BAJSNVABT,O.,K,KELL _ _nnd D. W. GROSS & 00.,‘Rarrisburgj: ' ' fend-eowukwly PURIFY ‘TQE 3.15091)! fiVfiimits ” YEQEIMLE bums: PILLS " * PHE'N'IYXHBEFTTIER SE A , Thehigh land envied: eelebtity'v'vhleh ’th'eee‘ pro-cm! bent Medlciqee‘ heve-eoquirea for sllqu lnvnlnhle.em my ii: an the'biee'ueé’which the firofwi hjéiito, 1,“ registered the melpmtioe of filling not ammunition lary, bu}: unwdrthyefithem, , i _ . .. , r , ' ’ --‘ IN’AISIE OAS!!! ' ' " ’ 0! Asthma Antenna Chimingkhemuetilm, Afletionl or the Bladder and Kldne‘ylwx. muons. Inseam,» rmynn COMPLuxflgs, In the South Ind Went, where these dxleuel prev!!! tltxgyjlllhbe. {bum}; igzflnagigai .Plantelfii fer-1m g o era 1! o'onceuae “ape! cine; w . ”ye ;) L wards herald": tli'emi” ’ 7’ ‘' W _ BILIOUS 0391.10 BEROUSLOOSENEBS EILEEN“ nvnnmss cenps AND opuensédnogc, .V . 00:13an nvmons Inna? ms. ‘ DISPEPE}§.e-:-.-Nq penupgyith his {lief-reusingflme, should delay Ising these Medicine; immediate I! -V K Emptié'fls of the Sléin, mined“,- mitifleiley.‘ ‘ Inn}; AEDIAGUI.7_FO!.:thI§ mean. of. .tlwam countiy these Medicines will be fqund a, pie, Igeedysnd certain remedy; " Other niefliclné: lenire‘ the-untenab ject to a return of the disease; a. cure 311,311,010; Medl cines is permanent. _ . ,- Try,the_m._ Be afilaflefl, mdbe curedsv . . Fouwnss or Go uxlon— ‘"' ' ‘ ‘ -. GEHEBAL DEBIIJTY,;GOUT - GIDDINBSB’,‘ . . r_ z GRAVE!» . , 4'5" Headaches of every kind; Inward Fever,“lnflimml‘tory Rheumatism, Impnre.Bloo&, Jenndice, Lou's o'pryetite. : Mesoiniui. menses—Never; fails hp‘sgsdloste ,on' tirely'etl the efl‘eets‘of Mel-duty infinitely sooner than the most powerful preysntion of. Serupmllen 7 3.211 NIGHT BWEATS, NERVOUS DEBILITI. NERVOUS V , COMPLAINTS OI‘ALL KINDS. ORGANIC" ..AFI‘EOIIONB.‘ :4, :3 Pliny-JIM: original proprietor of these Medicine wss,cured of Piles, of thirty-five years’ standing, bythe the use of these Life Medieinesrslone. ;. v » o; PAlNB'in' the Heed; Side}. Bs‘ék,’l.imbs, Joints end r ans. ' finnensnsx.—Thoas efiected with thin 391111919 dis use, #111,1‘95‘119 as relief 1.37 the??? Meshes”. ;Rush of Blood 'to‘ the Head, .Sclujvy, William: Swellin'gi.;.:.i "§= -‘. Hones-nu, or Kxxu’s EYIL, in its Worst forms. U 108! of every description; , z . T Wo’mts of‘-l .kin'ds sie‘efl‘eetuslly expelled by then Medicineeu 24:91:38 ,willldo well to sdminister them whenever their existence is suspected. Religiyill-M certain; ‘. *. : , ~ - . v . THE: LIFE [PILLS ANDJHQNIX muses V fPURIFYfTHENBLDOD,- . ‘ And thus remove ellidiseese'from‘the system. ‘. , ,legnsphun sonnet :1 v-z: DR; WILLIAM B_.‘ Mpnrsm, . 335 Br‘oadwaf conie: of Anthony street, New York. 117'!qu iv. Ilflpxessssts...» - .djll'lw'dfiwly maxim. ALL"WOI§_K ’P'B, :MISED SIN ONE‘WEEK! m .. Law-81w 104:; PENNSYLVANIA STEAM DYnmq‘EsuBLIsHMENL - >lO4 MARKET smnnnr, T BETWEEN F 0 UR TH AND FIFZ'H. “ HARRISBURG, PA., "I Where every description of Ladies’ and Gsntlsmen’s flag-manta, Piece Goods, Jno., as_!)yed, Claimed, and finished in the best manner at the shortest notice. noß—dlcwly {5% cé/ lOUNDED 1862. __ WW ,L7W.7LOWUATED ' OBNEB-GF BALTIMORE AND CHARLES STREETS, BALJ'IMORE, MDI.‘ '~-' “ The Largest, Most Elegantly Furnished, Ind Pupil". .lommerehL College in the United Staten. Dullgnfll nzpregsly for YouuglMen design; tv pb’mln I. Tnonouou Imam-10A» Buexnss Enuouloufin theshortent peedblo time and at- thg least expense. ' "-‘ A Large and Beautifully Ornamented Circulu, eon tulning upward: of SIX SQUARE FEET, with anon“! on Penumsmr, and 5 Large Engraving {the flnentof the kind ever made in this country) repreaen ingthe Ihterio: View of the College, with Catalogue otfitingfififl'fll $O.. mll bejent to Every Young mm on Appueiflgnfifli n!031k0l.; v- ' ' Write immediately and you will receive the pack!” by. return mail. Address, :an2s-dly] ~ 11. x, LOIIEE. BAL'HIOBI, MD- J‘U-S T RE Gag 1v E] p! INK FOUNTAIN 1 nix mummy: A very ingenious attachment to any metnuiofpen, by which one dipfiof ink in sumcient vto writé a. when 119-se- For sale. It SOHEFFEB’S BOOKSTORE, V‘P9 ~ '1: "‘1 "' ' NoJBMu-ketat w BITUMINOUS BROADTOE COAL =foi' Bfuklhitha’ nto. A guperior uncle for It}. Mg°mwg4 Wm. > a o . "n6l? “fed _.y Pm’fiu‘ifiu. wanna. _.DEI E 1). AP PLE 3 AND‘ 13141.13}? ~betl§EAgus-éf°'~“lf 1" int. DOOKJIZ, i; no " KELflER's DRUG STORE is the-plains : v to hu‘v Imm ‘n‘r Tugmndrlquy. 5.111 .‘.: A ; '.i : *FiNfiéfiOPIMENT‘SJ "if? 33' . 11. . USTAEDH¢O°O , o's " 9lafixzfi-M‘ewfwarnsafiazw ‘ Ems ‘ - GSTOREE‘E’W'_ DODGE do 00.1'opritoe'rs CHARTERED 1854‘.