iooAL NEWS. Tn: 13m! Puma! m Umon may be had at Jack's Book Store, corner of Third and Market Pu-moz up Umox.-—The Dun? Punxor Am) 111 m oan be had by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical score of J. S. Fum. “h’ ‘... «- Tn Mum—Under the change of schedule on fine difi'erent railroads, the time of closing the mails at the Harrisburg Post Office, December lat, 1360, is as follows : PENNSYLVANIA R. B. Egg—7 a. m.——way mail, 12.15 p. m., 5. p. m., 9 p. m. Weak—6.3o a. m.—way mail, 3.50 p. m., 9 p. m. NORTHERN canrnAL_n. n. South—l2v” p. m.——way mm], 9. I). In. North—l p. m. . 1.33.1503 VALLEY R. R. 1.30 a. in. DAUPHIN AND SUSQ- B. R. 1.30 p. m cunnxnmm) VALLEY R. B. 7.30 a. m., 1 p. m.—-wa.y mail. BY STAGE. 7 a. m., to Gettysburg, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7a. m., to Jonestown, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 1 p. m., to Lewxsberry, on Saturday. _Ohristmaa is coming—who say: turkey ?—-Hun “nylon Globe. We (lo—send him along. (Inna—ln Indiana county beef is selling at three unis, park at four, and butter It lwave snd 3. half cents a pound. Pity we could not have In diam county annexed for the winter. Knun at All Leanna—George W. Rnpp, while “tempting to get upon a passenger railway car in Philadelphia, on Monday evening, missed his footing, fell under the ears and was killed. He was the son of I. Daniel Rnpp, and‘formerly re. aided in this city. KILLER—A man by the name of Thomas Ma.— loy, an employee of the Pennsylvania. Railroad Company, was killed at Altoona on Friday mor ning. He was engaged about the track, when an engine ran over him, cutting 1111:: almost in two . He wan unmarried. Anna-lon, PAI‘I‘ON Hosea—Tho members of the Company and the Fire Department generally, are requested to attend the funeral of our late fellow member, W. Bren. this morning It 10 o’claolr.~— Unavoidnble circumstances are the cause of the short notice. By order of the President. . Conasxom—Qn Monday last one stock min nn into another at Tyrone, by which several care and In engine were damaged. As an evidence of the strength a small eitenmetnnce like the above call on on its knell, we‘mey mention the; there was a report nun-ant in thil oily yesterday that one hun dred and fifty cattle had been killed by the Above collision, when it so happened that the neck trains were going west, and entirely empty ! Ulloll’ Mums nus Ennxe.——Agreéably to previous arrangement, tha friends of the Union will hold A meeting at the Court Room, in Brant’l Hillfihil availing. Addressea will In delivered by able speakers,nnd we presume relolnlionl adopted in moidnnce with the spirit which dictated the call. There is every prospect of a large tum-out of man iho nre willing to lay uide party politics and gin in their “human to our country at this trying moment. gunman—Yesterday the righteous as well as the “righteous stood and walked upon slippery places. The rain that drizzled down during the day, congealedas soon as it touched the pavements, ind made then: almost as smooth as the surface of; mirror. Pedestrians were forced to take the middk of the street, an a general thing, and among those who did not. many wished they had. We noticed some few feats in ground and lofty tum bling, andadeeidad fall in orinoline in Market street. \ , CITY Panel—Charles Boyer was before the Mayor yesterday morning charged with the ofi‘enoe of being drunk and disorderly, end having no money to pay his fine. For the hut ofi'ence he would here been jogged for a. few days—end had hi- Christmas turkey at the expense of the county, but the jail in. full, and :0 Charles was discharged. William Kane, an erotic explorer for work, and John Thompson, 3 seeker after the some, took lodgings'on the city feather bed, and were let out yeaterdayporning refreshed and re-invigorated,to pursue their journey. Fun Ann Muslim—hot. J'. H. Anderson, Jn, said to be the most finished Professor of diabletrie and the black art, purposes amusing both old and young of our city during the holidays. His pro gramme promises a. series of mysterious; and sur prising feels which must be seen to be properly sp preciated. All the performances of Prof. Ander son are entirely new, and he brings with him snob recommendations and endorsements as to lenve no doubt in reps-d to his slinky to give the most un limited «memos. . Dunn or A Pnonnmxr (imam—Enos Benuer, Bush I well known citizen of Montgomery county, died at his residenee in Sumneytown, on Saturday the Bth inst, in the 636 year of his age. Mr. Banner was for many years editor and publisher of the Bum». Freund, (German,) having retired from the conductor-ship of thlt paper only a. few years since. He we: a prominent Democrat, and took an active part in the politics of “Old Montgomery” for a long period. He represented the county in the Legislature for one yen. Hie disease was consumption. Starts or 'I'IIE Tnms.—A lurga,vuhowy sign, with the words “Pa-mm: Ann Umon OFFICE" on it, in yellow latter: not qnito 3 foot long, was placed on the front of the UIIOII' building yesterday morning, under the supine: of Profound-hater b Ben-ing or. Poopio who have any buaineu to tunnel: at this establishment «not well miss the plan.— Thoae who hue don-tion: to nuke in the shape of turkeys, etc., during the holidays, will set down head- em, and take up went. Ofiee henna from 8 in the morning until Bin tho owning. Main on trance next door to the alley. A SHARP Down—Caleb 0. Woodbury , the post muter at White Pigeon, Mich ~ arrested some months time for robbing the mail, and suppnsed M luv. died of a self—aiministered aces of nil-yob— nino, 1'" bmm Been in Chicago, and his grave be ing opened i 8 found ‘0 contain only a stick. After hi: arrest he tot the oficor to go home with him, whcn he retired for amount to his own room and present“ » “19 “Human"e 0? a corpse when the «he» came to look for him. The oflicer went away, and Woodbui'! thereupon came to life and want “my too , his family “trying out the swindle by mourning him i 9 find. Damn Bnmoum' Swath—We are informed um the Ladiee' Union Benevolent Society, of this ‘i‘yslmrpoae giving n grand vocal end inltruman. m lumen at Bmt’e Hall, on the evening of the am ofJnlnuy. The fund- raked by use Concert are to be devoted to the relief of the entrain; pogr, 3° [but no one an object to pnfeli‘ie'in'g .' "_’tinkgt, Aerie from the humble object 'nlintexnbietfdfl.’ eh'e‘ °fn°m me“ Will be worth 511 the price of admis n'n' ‘ll the available nine inletglentrof 1.15. sit]: rill “him“: Ind we thinking“ one-ghee!“ If an ”man“ Promise a. fire tree: to those who 'm Ethoniu the concert. Tan Wins: Amine—The “ Telegraph” insists that. the Wide Awake: are to be here in “large numbers" (l) to assist in insugnreting Gov. Carlin. Here is the concluding paragraph of the article in the " Telegraph :" ‘ ‘ " The Wide Awekes elected Gov. Curtin,and in_- tend to assist. in inaugurating him. Their partici— pntion in the procession will render the pageant much more imposing and Attractive than any adm ber of dilapidated ‘one horse’ military compflmes: like the ‘ Logan Gnuds,’ headed by 5 corps or ‘paper Generale’ who never set. a squadron 1n the field, and are much better fitted for ornament than service.” i The idea. of the Wide Awake: making the pageant \ imposing find attractive is simp‘)’ ridiculous, and ‘ will be likely to provoke a horse-laugh even from Republicans who are fond of ejokor Such huf foonery is all very good in its place, but it has had its a”, The military of Pennsylvania will note the insult offered them by this fellow. As the «Telegraph”is the organ of Gov. Curtin, we should ‘ like to know whether he holds such sentiments, and whether it is his wish to he inaugurated by the Wide Awaken. If so, nobody, we presume, will interfere. If we were a soldier, we should march in no procession with Wide Awakes, especially if the company we belonged to was to he stigmatized as “ one horse” and‘“ dilapidated ." The whole object of a. few of the Wide Awakes here—for we doubt whether any from ' ehroad will he here, ap. pears to he a determination on their part that the ‘entire inauguration shall be under the control of the Wide Awaken, hence their insults to the mili; tary are evidently intended to Keep them away. Gov. Packer has already expressed his determina tion not to accept of a Wide Awake escort, and if the, Commander-ln-Ghief takes this view of the case, and the Wide Awaken persist in supplanting the military, we con only advise thoee who are Democrats to take no part in the ceremonies. Dnun or Onn Fernsns.—Within a. few weeks pant death has removed from earth two of our old and intimate friends—Col. George G. Babb and Col. Frederick E. Park. Both of theee gentlemen were at difl'erent times in the service of the State as clerk on the Portage Railroad, and it wns while there we made their acquaintance. Col. Babb was in the prime of life, and Col. Park had barely reached the age of 33 years. And, what may be regarded as a singular coincidence, both were ruddy, healthy looking men, who bid fair to live to a. good old age. Col. Babb died in Philadel phia about a. month ago, and Col. Park quite re cently at the residence of his father in Franklin, Veuango county. A Ph iladelphiu‘ correspondent of the West Branch Democrat, thus speaks of the death of Col. George G. Babb: “ The recent death 6: Col. George 0. Babb, of this city, and formerly of Jersey Shore, P 3,, has filled the hearts of a. large circle of friends and relatives with deep sorrow. We saw and con vereed with him a. short time before his death, and he was then apparently in the full vigor of life Ind rosy health; but, alas! he has been stricken down in the pride of his early years. He leaves an amiable wife and two children to mourn his early departure from them. He wns a gentleman of in telligenee and noble bearing, Ind possessed a kind and generous heart. In the eoeiel end husineee relations of life he was courteous end honorable. and was highly esteemed by all who came within the circle of his acquaintsnce. But he is no more ! He sleeps nnheedt‘nl of the night-wind’e moaning sigh 3 Peace to his names 1” Sans Guns Suntan—Will Santa, Claus sus pend this year? Has be enforced from the tight ness in the money market, and is he experiencing a. pressure ? Will lie-he obliged to wind up and sell his effects for the benefit of his oreaditors? These are questions that may very naturally agitate the community, for should old Saint Nicholas “sus pend,” there would be a “panic” indeed among the young folks. And it may be doubted whether they would prove very lenient creditors. They would scarcely listen to any proposal for “extension,” and any assignment of effects would only promote greater indignation. They are absolute little monerehs, these prnttling knee-climbers, end are not to be deceived by the diplomacy which “crisis" usually originate. But the merry Saint, it may be safely said, is not a financier. His twinkling eyes, rosy cheeks, cherry nose,his charity and plump little body were never made for stock gambling. and the only financial term he could understand would be “exnansion’L—the expansion of hie gen erous desire to bestow. We may: safely assure our young readers that Santa Glaus is solvent, and so their Christmas stockings will prove. Let them make ready to reeeive what the “eighth tiny rein deer” will bring them. Caarsrsus.~The near approach of Chrismas was very apparent. in market. yesterday morning . There was a terrible commotion among the poultry , and ducks, geese and turkeys went ofi‘ at a slight. ad vance over previous quotations. The batter sli ding-scale was pull in practise too, and it smoothly slid from 18 cents to 25. the pound. Nearly every. thing else was slightly elevated over the rates that have ruled for some time past. This was to be ex pected, and it is reasonable to suppose that from henceforth prices will remain a shade higher, for the winter crowd will soon be upon us. We are gratified to learn, however, that some of our hotel keepers, anticipating-a rise in the price of provi sions if the crowd proves large on the opening of the Legislature, have made arrangements to get supplies from up the conntry,whero they can be had at reasonable rates. This will have a great tendency to cheek extortion, and» leave the poorer elnsses some chance to get articles that would be 'out of their reach if all the hotels were supplied from our market. Cuunanun Van-r R. R. (Em—From flue. an nual report of thig Company, just. published, we learn that in receipt: for to!!! for the past year were- From passenger: . - - - 870,177.40 From freight - . - - - 107,296.00 From mails - - - - 5,200.00 Total - - - - - 182.673.40 Increase oven-last year - . 13,547.00 Dividends of 8 1m- cent. on the preferred stock, sad 6 per eent. on the nnprefen-ed stock of the Ghmpuny, have been paid. The Company has this yen from its profitl u~ tired $33,896.66, which he been placed in the hands of trustees, to create a. Sinking Fund, which it is intended to increase annually, so that there will be a. fund to meet any contingencies which may occur and ultimately pay ofi’ the bond: of the Compnny Pbuucni. anomnox “ Down Bury—The re markable circumlhnoe flat the Hon. Inna Davis, In old and sterling Democrat, has been elected Mayor of Worcester—the hob-bed of Musnohngett. ultra Republicanism—is thus alluded to by the Transcript (Republican) of that cityz' A city that on the 6th of November one two thousand six hundred end forty-eight Republican votes to thirteen hundred and forty-eigbt for nll ogheu—jnap two toon’e—nn and eight of December. gives a majority of one hundred and seventy-three l min“! Pgmecrntic candidate, under the name of ' Ontnena ticket-1 Same omhe «use. for the change 31;? f" m 399*. other: are of n more doqblfyfl .Andagalnitnyg; U ~: ' It in «ft-in]: P ginning ehwmlhuodlhu in: gangmn 91th! 11'! . film ’commonlrnlth—onry on. "lint on giving I Repnlfliggq plunlity, all but two giving a Republican mJomy—tho Republic-m an only elect their municipal oficeu in three. Coicnnr or m: Snu- Onmx. Bum—W. note the (not, in order to keep it; before the public, that the State Capital Band is now engaged in re hearsal nightly for their concert on Saturday 0"- ning next. The string band will be under the di motion of Messrs. Weber and Barrett, and promises to be unusually attractive. MICHIGAN gave Lincoln 20,000 majority. Mich— igan has 4,000,000 bushels of wheat to selLWhiCb, before Lincoln’s election brought readily $1133 . It is now a. drug at. 80 cents.’ The loss on 4,000:- 000 at 28 cents per bushel, amounts to the snug little sum of one million one hundred and twelve thousand dollars. ’ RnAsoNs ran Wnsnmc ms: Musucau.—~A cu rious inquirer has been able to drawup a table of the dificrent reasons for wearing a mustache.— Having questioned not fewer than one thousand persons so adorned, their answers have helped him to the following result: To avoid shaving, 69; to avoid catching cold, 32; to hide their teeth, 5 ; 1° take away from a prominent nose, 2 ; to avoid be ing taken us an Englishman übroud, 7 ; because they are in the army, 6',- because they are riflG volunteers, 221; because Prince Albert does it, 2 ; because it is artistic, 29; because they were sing ers, 3; because they travel, 17 ; because they have lived on the continent, 1; because the wife likes it, 8 5 because they have weak lungs, 5; because it acts as a respirator. 29; because it is healthy, 'l' 7 ; because the young ladies admire it, 471; because it is considered "the thing,” 10; because his uncle did not, 1. ’ How ran Arromrunxr or Marianas on Gun ensss rs Mum—When the census of the United States is fully completed, it is the duty of the Se cretary of the Interior to divide the whole number o_fifree persons with three-fifths of the slave by two hundred and thirty-three, the present number of members, and the product shall he the ratio of one member. The Secretary of the Interior shall then proceed in the same manner to ascertain the repo resentetive population of each State by the ratio already determined by him as above shown, and the result of this last division shall be'the number of representatives appointed to each State. The loss in the number of members caused by the fractions remaining in the several States shall be compensated for by assigning to so many States having the largest fractious, an additional member each for the fraction, as may be neeeesrry to make the number of representatives two hun dred and thirty-three. The present ratio of representation is something over 93,000. As near as can be ascertained, the total population of the States and Territories, by the census of 1860, is 31,000,900, therefore the ratiofor‘ the next ten years will be about 133,000. Tn: Mr’s‘rnar air we: Kucanm—Why‘ should not n‘lndy be familiar with the mystery of the kitchen? Would the knowledge degrade her 2 A conspicuous divine recently recommended to the instructors of young ladies of: certain school, the formation of another department in their system of edueation, the “ department of cuisine.” Sun]: 3 prnetieal suggestion could hardly here been ex? peoted to come tram In srehbiehop, a man without family ties, end who can wver be supposed to halve enfl‘ered from thiék eall'ee or badly oooked steak: It is, however, none the less worth the serious eon sideretion of young ludiee in their educational in! stitntions besides that of St. Vincent. -Mneh of the happineae of our lives depends on the quality of our brand and butter, and no young women, however high her social position, is fit to become n wife until she is capable of judging oorreetly of all articles of food, and if neoeeeiry preparing than herself. ‘ A great dell ef matrimonial happiness hi" been Ihipwreeked at the breakfast .nnd dinner table; end, if there was no danger of'-this kind, it ought to be considered disgraceful for a. girl who think hereelf old eneugh to merry, to be ignorant of one of the chief domestic duties. Do any of our fash ionably educated young ladies ever reflect on the humiliating position they assume town-d: the man they marry, when unable to fulfil towards him the plenum. duty of a wife. In itnot simply accepting his protection and support, without the equivalent for making him a home, a. home which does; not consist alone of a part or the whole of abrown atone-house, elegantly furnished, but one in which, no matter how plain or limple,he can feel that his individual desires and tastes are respected—where inltead of the cook in the kitchen, the ruling spirit will he a ———“perfeet women, 110th planned, '.'l'o warn, to comfort, or command," and, if necessary, make her own puddings and bake her own corn bread? A LARGE Low or Goons received to-day, suitable for presents, which will be sold of much below their real value. 60 dozen of Hem-stitched and Grass Linen Handkerchiefs, at 20, 25, 37 and 50 cents a piece 5 100 Sets of Collars and Sleeves ,di— reel; from New York auction, at very low prices; Gents’ Plain and Bordered Linen Handkerchiefs; beautiful lot of Lace Curtains; Chenille Fonrfs, at 12} end 25 cents 5 10 pieces of Carsimore for pants; 10 pieces of Cloth, for Gloaks;.2s pieee‘e of all kinds of Flannel; 2,000 yards of best brown Mus lin, for 10 cents ; Woollen Socks, 15, 20 cents; Under-shirts. Drawers, 50, 62, 75, and a. great many other bargains. S. anv, Rhoads’ Corner. Fun my: Hoquvs.—Persons in search of goods suitable for holiday presents will do well. to give Bnownonn & Sm, Wyeth’a building, opposite the Jones House, a call. They have fine Cambric Bette, Cloak: and Cloth for Clooks, Shawls,Pearl Purses, Gallon, Sleeves, Gloves, Hosiery, Silks, Silk and Woolen Goods, and Ladies’ Dress Good: of all de scriptions. During the Holiday season they are determined not to ho underaold, and they only ask the public to cull, examine, Ind compare prices with any other establishment in the city or coun try. 0:: many articles a reduction has been made, in order to carry out our determination to reduce our stock as much as poéeible during this week. del7-1-Iw. SPEUIAL NOTICES. SETTLED FOREVER! The impel-tent question 9f POISON IN HAIR DYES! CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE Has been analyzed and DEGLARED HARMLESS! B! Pnonason ROBERT GHILTON, or law YORK, The Hut analytic in America. Efiect of the Dye almost manntueoun. Inputs I. jet black or guy 311 MB 0‘ brown. Color rich. natural, and uniform. Mmufac tured No. 6 Auto:- House, New York. Bold everywhfl": “'1 'Pplied by all Hair Dressers. den-damn WE call the attention of our readers to on article advertised in another column, called BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with may of the numerous patent med:- eines of the day. It is roon son I'll noon, already Pier?“ for Ibsorption; pleasant to the taste Ind untu rnl n action, and who: one goin- ho retains. Let all than, than, who on sum-lug from poverty, Impurity 01‘ deficiency of blood, and consequently with some chronic £33m or Aliment, take of tlns Bnoon 1'00” and I’o I'o - to health. We‘ notice thus our drugsim ham mound 3 supply at this Imam, .nq ago or the wag-1&7 renowned Dr. Esnoxis Ixnxuu Connorwlyich ovary mother should have. It contoins no puragorle or opiate of my Hod whatever and of course must be invaluable for .11 Infantile cgmpinintg, n will may :11 pain, sud Mite]! the zooms in process of teething, and ‘.t the some time regal»: the bowls: Let 01l motherl md nurses, who‘lnm endured anxious days and sleepless nights, procure :5 supply no he at once relieved. . in" seoiuvomumnt; , ' - “Tl-datum w I. I ‘.yWINSLOWs ah Indiana! 115:. snd (059,110 phlll'ci‘P; MII Sooth ing lmp fotchildr'Qn-fiflmfilt'hi‘h greatly mum-u “1' lim- or teething by ”Maya: them MW. u Inflammtian—wiu allay all min. mi i- m- to to the bunch. Depend upon it mother!) It '1“ ”'6 rent to you-lowa, and relic! gm! hulthfo your i u. Pub ocfly nut. in I“ «In. Sec “attainment in mother on]- mnn. mummy-m 1: HELMBOLD‘S GENUINE PREPARATION Omen en "la Bladder, Dropay, Kidney‘Afl’uctionß- ~ . nd Haw Debilitated Sufferers. ' ‘ “iower Wa . H LOIS of Memory. , 7A HELMBOLD’S ’Gennine Preparation for Difliculty 01' Bugging, Genenl Weakness. , # —_h..~ _ _ __W HELMBOL D‘s Genuine Preparation for Weak Nervefl, Romp: of Death, Tremblng. 7 , 7 HE"“’RULD’S Gennino Prepnntion for Night Sweats, Gold Feet, Dimness of Vision. . HEIIITMBOLU’B Genuine Preparatifin fer buusuor, 1737- ”film?“ LaSaitude of the Muscuiar System. HELMBWmImMr—W: Dance and Eruptions. , HELMBULD‘S Genuine Preparation for Pmna in 12.13 Back. Headache, Sick Stomach ilj'See advertisement head ed . HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUOHU u: another column. noM-ddcvwsm PURIFY YOUR BLoon.—BRANDRETH’S PILLS Wsnnsx'rsn TD Guns Fsvsn AND Acme—The We“ of purging with annnnmn’s PILLS is to re— store the health, no matter from what cause it may be “Refine. They take out all impurities from the sys tem; find they have the same power of expulsion over mill-Bm, poisonous vapor of decayed vegetables, or indeed any poisonous exhalation! breathed by man whatever. In ‘3“, if the blood is poisoned, it is impure, sud im. pure blood results in disease. BBANDBETH’S PILLS, ”101181! innocent as bread, yet they are capable of puri tying the blood and curing disease. 80, they cure all kinds of fevers, all sathmss, cater-tbs, costiveness and painful sfl‘ections of every kind. . Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street. New York, and by all Dmggists. Also, by GEO. H. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrisburg, and by all respectable deelers in medicines. deg-datwlm Mothers, read Elli 8. The following is an extract from a letter written by a. pastor of the Baptist Church to the Journal and Messenger, Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor of that world-renowned medicine—Mus. WINS LOW’B 8001'!!le Sum: Eon CHILDREN Tux-rams : It We see on advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. New we never said a word in favor of a. patent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to any to your seeders, that this is no humbng—wx nus.- nun 11', um snow i - 10 as: ALL 11‘ 01.11113. It is, probably; one of the most successful medicine: of the day, because it is one of the best. And those of your renders who have babies can’t do better than to lay in a. supply. ‘ . eepmscwly - from the Independent, New York, July 28, 1859. GLUE—Our advertising columns contain some teeti monies to the vslue of a. new article known as “ Spald ing’e‘ Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeefirs formending furniture. It is prepared with chemice ,by which it is kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers thnt this article has the excellent phi-analogical quality of “large adhesivenese.” For sale by 0. A. BANHYAB'I‘, No. 2 Jones’ Bow auT-ddcwlm _ - THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.—-Sn‘ June: Clarke’s Celebrated Female 11mg, prepsred from u preucll'ption of Sir J . Clarke, M; D.,‘Ph‘ysicinn Extraordi mry to the Queen. ' ' This invaluable medicine in unfailing in' the cue of all those painful Ind dangerous dimes to which the female constitution is subject. It moderate: 11l excess and re moval: :11 obstruction: and I. spend: cure my be rolled on. To dummy LADIES itis peculhny suited. It will in a short time bflng on the monthly parlod with resign“; Each bottle, price One “urban the Government Stamp of Great Bfitnin. to prevent oounterfoitn. ‘ . Inns: PILLS snow-n nor a: um I! "my: mum m nnsr THREE KONTBS or human, A‘s mt 1n sun: 10 um ox msomnual, mm m- m mu mu !HIYAIISLI'I. . In :11 cases of Nervous Ind Spinal Afl'ectionl, Pain in the Book and Limbs, fatigue on alight exertion, Pdfihtion or the Heart, Hutu-lee and Whitel, the!» Pills vi lefi‘ect I. cure when all other moms have foiled, and “though a. pow erful remedy, do not contain iron, colonel, antimony, or mythingrmrtfnl to the oonetitution. Full di '01:: in the pnmphlet Hound each pickup, which should be carefully preached. N. 13.—51.00 Ind 6 p'onhge stumps enclosed to any au thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return until. For sale by c. A. than". narrxsbnrg. 5:7-dawly IMPORTANT T 0 FEMALES DR.‘ CHEESEMAN’S PILLS. The combination of ingredients in the“ rm. are the result of a long Ind extennhe pnetice. They us mild in their opantlon, and «min in" coin-acting 11l irregu larities, painful manntrmtion removing all obstruc tions, whether from cold or (Aim-wise, headset“! pain in the side, palpitatlon of the hem, whites, .11 nor vona Ifiections, hygterim, fnfigne, pain in the back Ind limbs, spa, diltur ed sleep, which Arise (minimal-mp tion of “turn. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS was the commencement of e new era. in the human! ofthone irregularities Ind obstructions which 1131. con ligned So many thousands of the young, the bountiful, and the beloved to e ruin-run unAvn. No female on enjoy an?! henlth unless she in regular, end whenever “lam ctlon takes place the general health begin! to de a; - - DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS ore the most eflectnnl remedy ever known for All com plaints peculiar to Females. To all classes they are in valuable, inducing, with certainty, periodical regularity. They are known to thousands, who have used them nt different periods, throughout the country, hazing the sanction of some or the most amine” Physicians in America. ' Explicit directions, stating when, and when they should not be used, accompany each box—the Price One Dollar each boar, containingfarty Pills. ' A valuable Pamphlet, to he‘ had free, of the Agents. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by enelnsing price to thn GenanlAgent. Sold‘by druggists generally. R. B. HUTCHINGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Harrisburg by 0. A. BANNVART, deal ’59-dluwly Dr. Brunon’s Concentrated Remedies. No. I. THE GREAT BIVIVEB, speedilj eradiutee all the evil silent» or SELF—ABUSE, :- Loss of Memory, Shortness of Drum, Giddineaa, Palpitltion of the Hurt. Dinners of Vision, or any constitution! derangement! of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the passions. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. No. 2. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight due any one or Gowonmmu. is without taste «men, and require! no raltriotion of notion or am. For either sex. Price One Dollar. ;_ ‘ No. 3. THE THREE will cure in the shortest 'pcbeeible timeteny case of GLEBT, even alter all other Remedie! have failed to produce the desired efl’eet. No tune or smell Price One Dollar. NO. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will finally cure Strict-urea of the Urethra. No matter of 1101! 11:11]? standing or neglected the me my be. Price One 0 Br. - No. 5. THE SOLUTOB will cure any can of GRAVE-L, permanently and speedily remove 11l nfliictiona o! the Bladder and Kidney». Price One Dollar. No. 6. I'o3 PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. No. 7, THE AMARIN will cure the White: radically, gnd in I much shorts: time thnn they an be removed by any other treatment. In fut, is the only remodyjhat will 33:11:” comet this disorder. Pleasant to take. Prion Ono ar. - No. B'. T 1501: s3lEg§§£rgfisg£lqm certainffletnd I In D u or com: All lmzlarifies of :hge monthly pariods. ,Price Tao 1131:5123. No 9; FO3 PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. Either Remedy sent free by mil on receipt of the price annexed. Enclose postage stamp and get u Circular. General Depot North-East corner of York Avenue snd callowhill Street. Private once 401 York Avenue, Phil» delphia, Pay For sale in Harrisburg only by 0. A. BANNVABT, where Circulars containing valuable informetien, with full do. wipfions of each use, will be delivered gratis. en apph'. cation. Address DR. DELI BBUNON lull-(ll! p. 0. Box 99. Phlladelphia. In. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAGKSON' & 00. Have opened a Boot and Shoe Store at No. 90;; MAR xn'l' STREET, corner of Fourth, where they leap con .mtly on hand a. Inn and varied unortment of the BEST CITY MADE SHOES. fining been engagea in the 530}: UPPER BUSI NESS in this city for more then lye-r, they no Pre pared to make ALL KINDS 01" FANCY SHOES to order, It short notice, bf the best materials, and war nnted to give satisfaction every wey. - WPleue call and examine my assortment before purchasing elsewhere. fij’flemember the plum—9o ,1.; Market street, sign 0 the [non-dam] GOLDEN BOOT. GUN AND BLASTIN G POWDER. JAMES M. WHEELER, HARRISBURG, PA., A GE NT FOR AL L ‘ POWDER AND FUSE V luxurufl'unln a! I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS & 00., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. 317-1 large supply dways on hand. For sale at mum {acturer’a prices. Magazine two miles below town. Winders reeeewahwii 1. 11017 REMO V A L . - JOHN W. GLOVER; MERCHAN‘T TAILOR, Hastemovedtq ' V 60 MARKET STREET; Where harm hi ple'u‘q‘d hfiaé‘o ill‘his friend : QoeM‘i‘ ::. ; * 1.1:: .s-z;i:‘ i: ‘5 ' " -'HIGKORY WOOD! !—-A summon LOT jut rewind, md {or Ille in quantitian to gulf. p". chug", by JAMES 1!. WHEELER. Also, QM! AND PIN]: coast-ml: on hand at the lowelt pnou. deco Mebtral: SANFO LIVER INV NEVER DEB? IT is compounded entire] become an established fact, a and approved by all thlt m‘ sorted to with oonfldenw it is recommended. 0 It has cured thonmdfl who had given up all hopes E" unsolicited certificate: in q The dose must be adapted individual taking it, and m to act gently on thebowala. Let the dictates of your 0 use of the LIVER IN- {5 will cure Liver Com- H tucked) yspepsia, Surfimer C o 111-lb ry, reply, Sour C o it! v eness, Chol- 2 ran Morbul, Cholera lance. Jaundiccy es, and may be used sne ry, Family Medi- H E A D A C H E, (in: twenty minutes, 1 51100111111: are taken tack. H All who use it are in its favor. ..1 MIX WATER IN THE MOUTH WITH THE INVIG ORATOB, AND EWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. H }> Price One Dollr per Bottle. - AIJI3O - SANFORD-S FAMILY BATHARTIC PILLS. COMPOUNDED FROM Purc Vegetable Extracts, and put up in Glass cases, Air Tight, and will Inga many climate. The Family Guthnr- ' Ilc PILL is I. gentle bu! active Olthanie, vhleh CD the preprietorhuneed'm his practice more than I; twenty yours. The constantly incl-ow inf demand from those who have long used the A P LLS, and the satisfac tion which all exprelliu regard to their m, In: induced me in place than H within the ranch or .11 The Profauionwellknow thnt Mel-eat (Isthmu not on different portions pi ofthe bowels. The FAMILY CA- THARTIC PILL h», with due reference to this 0 well established fact, been compounded from I varie- t, of the purest Vetgetahle thraola,whieh mtfiike H on part Q! As ali- ~..¢,which um .., mentuy canal uni no can! when n dathnrtie is ranlementlof the Pain: in the Back nest, Pain and Sere hody Rom sudden cold, gleeteé, end in a long Appetite, a Creeping over the body, nett wsmnr m m Hun, all mans, Worm: in Chil tinm, a. grant PUBIIIEB dinemnto which flesh in mention in thil advertise- Price Three 3:134:19; Invigontor :11? re ' y ' . neA Trade in all aha magma“. y’ S. 'l‘. W SANFORD, M. D., Mnnnruturannd Proprietor, 203 Broadway, N. Y 3,1.“wa ill-HELD“ RIBS. WINSIADW, An experienced Nurse and-Female Physician, presents ' to the “mention of mothers, her . SOOTHING SYRUP; FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, ‘ which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the game reducing all inflammation—will Illay ALL PAIN anti spasmodic action, and is ' SURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. Berna upon it mothers, it will give rest to yourselves, u: RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR, INFANTS. We have put “fl and sold this at! cle for over ten yem, an} CAN SAY, N CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what we have never been able to say of any other medi cine—NEVEß HAB IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANOE T 0 EFFECT A CUBE, when timely need. Never did we know en instance of dissatisfnction by any one who used it. On the contrary, all sre delighted with its opentlons and speak in terms of commendation of Its misled-often" nnd medical virtues. We speak in this matter “ WHAT W]; D 0 KNOW,” nfter ten enre’ “finishes AND pmnan om: nnrumuoxyron 'l‘ FULTILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE D]!- CLABB. In nlmost every instance where the infant is snfl‘ering from pain and exhaustion, relief will be found is sateen or twenty minutes after the syrup in “minis : . This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and IKIQLFUL NURSES in New Englmd, mud has been used will NEVER FAIL ING SUCCESS m THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from psin, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity! and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It Will a! most instantly relieve (421va IN THE BOWELB, AND WIND come, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily romeo died, end in death. We believe it the BEST and SUBEBT REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSDN TERY and DIARRHIEA IN CHILDREN, whether it erlses from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has n child suffering from any of the foregoing complaints—Do NOT LET YOUR- 1'1“?" J UDIGES, NOB. THE PBEJUDIOEB 0F OTHERS, stand between you and your sufl'ering child, and the relief than. will he SUEEJiyes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this in cine, if timely used. Tull directions for using will sccomtpeny each bottle. None genuine unless the easimlle o CURTIS & PERKINS, New .York, is on the outside wrapper. Sold by Dmgglsts throughout the world. mesmypuwe 1% 12111913199932!!!“- liiifdn'biifi’ 55 CENTS rm: I'3o!an sepZO-dacwly IT WILL PAY YOU READ THIS. IT WILL PAY YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAY H IT WILL PAY YOU FOR A VISIT T 0 HARRISBURG !. ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR. PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASHIONABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL KNOWN ARCADE,NO. 3 JONES ROW. AVAILING MYSELF 01‘ THE ADVANTAGES WHICH READY CASH PRESENTS, I OFFER ALL GOODS AT 10 PER GENT. CHEAPER THAN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. 5.41.;va SECURED _, A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING T 0 01mm m TEE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT OR NO SALE. oct6-64m KEléeEnis mnemonic the plum:- 'to find the but Incl-talent of Pom gland“. ' EL’ S DEW ORE is the place to In, Pahni Koala"- Tunis ENGLISH MUSTARD gr to 31mm DRUG aroma. RD'S EMT”! y from Gums, and ha standard Medicme, known have used it,and is new I! ‘ in 1.11 thadiaema forwhieh within the last two you" of relief, as the numerous my possession show. to the tempanmontar m. used in such quantities as judgment guide you in the Vice RATOB, and il plainu, Bill! 111 A!- Chronic Diarrhoea, plaintl, Dylente- Stomach, u bimal ic, Cholera, Chole- Infanlum,_F l nin- Femnlc W cakn el casafully as an Ordina cine. It will cure SICK thousands canlentity.) in two or three Tea at commencement of at giving their testimony an every ~, 7W, , good Ind late in ll] needed, Inc): an Dai Stomach. Sleepineu, and Loinl, Costin neu over the whole which frequently if no. course a! lever, Lo:- .1 Sensation o 1 Co l d leunen, Human, m INFLAMMATORY DIE. dren or Adults, Rheum.- of the BLOODand mun, heir; to: Inga-gun to won't, Done, Ito 8‘ Dimes. amily authentic Pm: are and sold whohaaio by the} TO .T 0 fines of 3mm]. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTER TIME TABLE gm“ m FIVE TRAINS DAILY T 0 85 FROM PHILADELPHIA. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26m, 1860, The Passenger Trains of the Pennlylvania Railroad Com pany will depart from Ind urive at Harrisburg and Philadelphia I: follows : ' EASTWABD , THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 3‘ 2-40 a. m., and Irriven at Went Philadelphia at 6.50 I. m- FAST LINE leaves Harrisburg at 12.55 p. m., and strives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at. 5.25 p. m., and Ir rives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. :11. These Trains make close connection at Philadelphi with the New York Lined. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leave: Harrisburg at 7-30 I. m-. runs via Mount Joy, and arrives at Wont Philadelphia at 1230 p. m. , . ‘ HABBISBURG ACCOMMODATION 'lefien Hun-In burg at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia It 6.40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves Harrisburg at 5.35 p. m., runs via Mount Joy, connecting Lt Billet ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadelphia. WESTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Philadelphlg gt 10.60 p. m., and arrival at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia nt 8.00 a. m., and urives at Harrisburg at_l.2o p. In. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. In. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. ' HARRISBURG AOCOMHODATION TRAIN In". Philadelphia at 2.00 p. m., and “rive: at Han-isms ‘l'. 7.35 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave: Phihdelphil. It 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburgai 9.45 p. m. Atcention is called to the fact, that pnaengers leaving Philadelphia at 4 p. m. connect at Lancaster with MOUN 1‘ JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisburg at 9.45 p. m. SAMUEL D. YOUNG, Supt. 30m. Div. Penn’a Ruilrnad n023-dtf NORTHERN CENTRV RAILWAY. , N o T I c E . . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER MONDAY NOVEMBER 261 K, 1300, the Passenger Train: of the Northern Central B|“er will leave Harrisburg as follows : G 011 V 0 SO UTE. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at. .3.” I. In. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave stun-......JA01. In. MAIL TRAIN wi111eeveut.......... .... .. 1.00 pJn. GOING NORTH. MAIL TRAIN will leeve 5t......-.—‘—. ... 1.40 p. In. EXPRESS TRAIN willleave It“. ”nu—B.lsll. In. The only rim leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will he the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South. at 3.00 I. In. For further information epply at the ofliee, in Penn sylvania Railroad Depot. JOHN W. HALL, Agent. Herrlsbnrg, November, ”08.11024 NEW AIR légNE ROUTE . N E W Y o n K . E .% a -- .- . _r: ' . Shortest in Distance and Quickest in Tim. BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES OF NEW YORK ANvIiAHARRISBURG, READING, ALLENTIIWN AND EASTIIN MORNING EXPRESS, West, leaves New York at 6 a. m., arriving at Harrisburg gt. 1 p. 111., only Bx ham between the two cities. - ' MAIL LINE leaves New York at 12.00 noon. and or) river at Harrisburg at 8.15 p. In. MORNING MAIL LINE, East, leaves Harrisburg It 8.00 a. m., orriving at New York at 5.20 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, Beat, leaves Emil bnrg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at New York at 9.45 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg $531.00» m. with the Passenger Trains in each direction on the Pennsylvao nie, Cumberland Valley and northern Control Railroad! All Twins connect at Reading with Train: for Poth villa and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Hench Chunk, Easton, kc. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 L. in. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. In. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfort and moon modofion, this Route presente superior inducement: to the traveling public. , Fare between New York and Harrisburg, I'l VF. Donut. For Tickets and other information apply to J. J’. CLYDE, General Agent, dam HarrisburgL PHILADEI§SHIA " A READING RAILROAD, WINTER ARRANGEMENT. ON AND AFTER DEC. 12, 1360. TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE nmmnm DAILY, (Sundays excepted,) at 8.00 A. 51., Mid 1.15 P. H., for Phil-dolphin, arrivingthere :4: 1.25 P. M. , “110.16 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA It 8.00 All. ud 8.80 P. H., arriving an Harrisburg at 1 P. M. Ind 8.15 P. M. PARIS :—'l‘o Phikdolphil, No. 1 Gun, 83.16; No. 2, (in lime train) $2.75. lAREB :—To Beading $1.60 and 81.30. , At Reading, connect with trains for romvilln, “Innu— villo, Tamnqns, Ontarians, kc. I‘OUB TRAINS LEAVE READING FOB PHILADE PHIA DAILY, It 6A. H., 10.45 A. H., 12.30 mound 3.43 P. M. V LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING It 8 A. m., 1.00 P. H., 3.30 P. m., and 5.00 P. u. Imus-Readingm‘l'hihdelphia, 81.75 Ind $1.45. THE MDRNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG OOH NIOTB AT READING with up train for WW Pithton uni Scranton . l‘or through tickatu Ind other intermaflon apply to J. J. CLYDE, Genet-ll Agent. 11015 111:! PHILADELPHIA BBADINGHRAILROA‘D. REDUCTION OF PASSENGER lms. on AND AFTER MONDAY, amen. a, 1m COMM UTATI 0N TICKETS, With 26 Coupons will be issued between any point. desired, good for tile holder and my member 0! his funny, in my Pueenget tnin,end At my time—ct 15 per cent. below the reader fares. Parties boring occasion to use the Reed frequentlyen business or pleunre, will find the shore encasement ,eonvenient Ind economical; no Four Pulenfer train run daily each way between Bending Ind Phi debug; end Two Trains daily between Reading, Potteville _ Harri-burg. On Sundays only one morningtrnin Dom and one of emoon train D’p, runs between Pottevme 7 ‘ Philedeiphio and no Fuselage: train‘ on the Lela-non Valley Broneii Blilroul. For the obove Tickets, or my information roll-tin; thereto, apply to 8. Bradford, an., Treunrer Phiiulel phio, to the respective Ticket A ents on the line, or to e. A. magma, Gena-11mm"- Mereh 27, 1860.—mnr28—dtf H A T 0 H & 0 0-» SHIP AGENTS . _ Ann COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' 138 WALNfiT STREET, Pmnumnrnn, DEALERS KN FLOUR, GRAIN, PRODUCE, COTTON; WINES AND LIQUORS, 103.1000 AND CIGARS. nova-dam _ L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL 155:. ' an Inn-nun oi 'PIANOS MELODEO II fl 'mmmmm “mm SI t. t r I figTEL. Higher- u‘?§3etl§iigv3.nmaa plum will meet with [l:oth it‘téhtlo‘n. first chum Pl NOS :6: {do DRIED‘BE‘EF—An extra lot:of DRIED ' BEEP jut received by nO9 7 WM. DOCK, ’3.) k 00. STORAGE! STORAGE“ Btongo received It warehouse of ' nail? JAMES M..WEEELEI. eepts.W '