@he fiatrint 62 Winn. THURSDAY MORNING, DEC- 20, 1860. 0. BARRETT Jr. THOMAS C. MLODOWELL. Pub lishers um rroprietora. ‘ Commimfionnwin not bu published in the PATRIOT .117 One: when “(:9de with the nuns of the lather. 8. M. PETTENGILL k 00., ‘ Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street New York, and )9 auto street, Boston, myths Agents §or the lug-mo, Alb Union, ad the most influential m 1 lamest chm. hting newspapers in the United States Ind omm. fiey are anthorizedto contact for us at our lowest um: FOR SALE. A second—hand Anus Pnnsgplaten 39% by 26inch“, In good and"; can be worked Either by hand or steam ”m. Toms modétfl‘lfl Inqulu It this ones- The Telegraph accidentally stumbled upon a truth when it stated yesterday, in the course of an article detailing certain fabulous outras ges committed upon Northern menat the South, that “ the South has much causefor complaint.” But the effect of this admission was entirely destroyedby the announcement made in the same column, that n so for as the Republicans of the “ North are concerned they have no concessions “to make.” No concessions by the North to allay just complaints on the part of the South is, therefore, the position of the Telegraph, supposing, for the sake of argument, that it is responsible for any position it takes. ' WI have repeatedly urged as an argument to induce the South to delay secession and await redress within the Union, that the “inept-«si— ble conflict" must soon break out between the ultra and the moderate wings of the Republican party. The debate in the Senate shows that that conflict has already commi'eneed.~ Mr. DIXON, Republican Senator from Connecticut, and. Mr. Wane, Republican Senator from Ohio, are as wide asunder its the polls. Dixon is willing to make concessions—Webs has no concessions to make. Dixon denominates the disciples of stsnn’s irrepressible conflict a small and insignificant faction. Wans evi dently regards this principle as the vital power of Republicanism, to be maintained at every heard. The issue isalready made up between the factions of the Republican party; Their lending men must soon show on which side of the widening chasm they "stand; and then out ofthe conflict may come the necessarycomj promises and concessions necessary to preserve the Union, if the South will. only forbenr for, a time'.. 4 Wade’s Speech. e Backbone is a very good thing when exer cised in behalf of the right; but a very bad thing when made to stiffen up wrong. The Ith ' speech of Mr. Wm: in the United States Sen-. ate, declaring his unalterable determination not to compromise or concede anything for the sake of, the Union, evince: the bed temper of the ultra Repnblieans. The Tribune calls it a “ch, luminous and authoritative statement of “ the principles and purposes of the Republi “on party.” What that authoritative state ment was, ma? be gathered from such expres sions as these—“l would sufi'er anything be “ fore I would compromise in my way. I “ deem it no case where we have aright to ex “ tend courtesy or generosity—l will yield to “ no compromise." . Nothing but compromise can save the Union. The choice is between compromise and disu nion. _When a man says he is opposedto com promise he is in favor of disunion, and in that position Mr. WADE and the party he represents stand to-day. They interpose their stubborn wills against any fraternal settlement of the diiiiculties distracting the country, and the only hope remaining is for the people to rise in their Strength and subdue the obduracy of this reckless and domineering sectionalism. The etfect of Wms’s speech is to dampen the hopes of a peaceful settlement of our dif ferences, and to encourage the Republican ‘party in maintaining a position of hostility to .the South. It is not thorspeech of a states ,M.fihose mind grasps, and whose affections embrace the whole country, but that of a party leader; 'who would maintain a destructive party organization at every cost and at all hazards. It does not evince any broad comprehension of the cause and character _of the Nation’s peril, hot 8. narrow, sectional spirit. incapable of ti :'sing;ahove the atmosphere of the stump. The Ohio Senator cannot understand why the South should be alarmed, because the Re publican party have as yet committed no act of which anybody can complain. He thinks it strange that they should act now upon fears of what may hereafter ensue. It strikes us that the alarm of the South is not so very strange and unaccountable, considering that the Re publican party have already succeeded in the infamous achievement of straying one section of the Union against the other in deadly hos tility; and considering furthermore that in the same speech Mr. WADE expresses his determi nation to exclude the South from participation in the benefits of the common territory of the Union. ifhe ever gets the opportunity. If the South is-now acting from mere apprehension of 'l‘” may happen to them in the future, have they ‘10?- good reason to fear} the hostility of Bid! men as WADE when they obtain control of the General Government? Parties and men do not wait for actual events in shaping their course. They uniformly act from apprehen demand, anticipation of what the future has in guy. forithem, and the South is no exception to this general rule. This truth might be ela borated, but its statement is suflicient for the present. - Another portion of this Ipeech is devoted to nominations of the South by reason of their alleged treatment of Northern men, as an 011'. set to the complaints made concerning the Personal Liberty acts of the Northern States. "We have no security in traveling nearly one “ half of this confederacyfi’ exclaims the Sen ator. Why are Northern men noteeeure in the South? It did not use to he so. We will an "or; this question. It is because the inteinpe: nu intermeddling of the Northern people with the shire of the South has goflded them to net: of‘gétlliatioltv Audition emissariee hove muahdlhesmlfllefll s,th under various pre teneee, ”2”“ of business,» schoolmasterg’ 3:9,; enticing away-the alivee or inciting thenito insurrection, until. the. 159339,?“ P°9ple _irnoy not ihojrtp' truet.‘ When they Mh- one of these‘jligpeiidinriee they defl‘dit’h‘hi'm 'snmmai fibrmdithep there is a unit'efiolhi’iyfl'eu along the Abolition ranks, as if the South‘si'he‘ guilty of some monstrous outrage in ‘not per mitting these itinerant stirrers-up of domestic treason to exercise their vocation. In such a state of general alarm it is not improbable that. some innocent finenvmay sufi‘er with the guilty; formen Whoseifipprehensions are excited cannot; be expected to discriminate justly in all cities; It is certainly a lamentable condition of society, but it. is entirely attributable to the intermed dling of the Abolitionists of the North with affairs that did not concern them in the least. As ~soon as they cease to send emissaries to the South to whisper treason into the ears of the slaves, that soon will the South cease to regard Northern men with suspicion, and no sooner. Mr. Wann complains of an evil of his own creating. The Southern people are in the habit of treating most Northern men kindly who mind their own business; and so sure are we of this fact that we would undertake’to start to-morrow and travel through every Southean State, including South Carolina, without ap prehension that we would be molested- Mr. WADE might not be secure if he attempted to proclaim freedom its the normal condition of all men from every street corner; but it would be his own fault if he was invited to proceed northward on pain of violent expulsion. There is just one other allegation of this speech that deserves notice, because it is dwelt upon frequently by the Republicans. It. is Said. that “ all this trouble is a matter of pre ‘fjudice, superinduced'by listening to the ene “ mies of the Republican party.” The charge is that the South has obtained exaggerated ideas of the principles and purposes of the Re publicanparty from misrepresentations of Dem ocrats. Now, the Democrats of the North have never brought any charge against the Repub¥ lican party which was not warranted by their platform antithe speeches of their leading man. Congress has been the focus of all political in telligence for years pastyand Southern men obtained their impressions of the Republican party _from intercourlse with its representative men and from hearing and reading their speeches, both in Congress and during the late canvass. If the Republican party has been misjudged its own leaders are accountable. ~ If they have been denominated John Brown men, Ethey deserve it for electing-Axons“, whose-id that John Brown was right, Governe'l‘i of ’ Mas sachusetts. If they have been called‘Abolié -tionists, they deserve it for applauding the speeches of Salmon, Gunning-s and Lov'roor. ‘They have no right to recognizel‘such men as :leaders and then repudiate responsibility for their teachings; and they are‘unjastified in charging the Democeats of the North with mis representation of ,the Republican party, when we have done nothing m'ore than to repeat and warn the people againstthe doctrines of their own' leaders. ‘ _ ',‘ ' ' ' Mr. .( ritten den’s Resoliltlon s. Mr, Cmn'nxnnx, of Kefitucky, addressed the Senate on Tuesday la‘st‘,‘and ofl'ered the following‘resolntiono as a settlement of the controversy between the Northern axed Southern States. In the course of hiespeeeh he ex pressed the settled conviction that unless some thing was done the Republic would be, Separa ted and divided by the people ‘in lelsthan six months : ‘ ‘ WHIBIAS, Alarming dimensions have arisen between the northern and southern States as to the rights to the common territory of the United States, it is eminently desirous and proper that such dissensions should be settled by the constitutional provisions which give equal justice to all sections, whereby to restore peace. Therefore, ' Resolved, By the Senate and House of Represents tives,’ that the following article be proposed and sub— mitted as an amendment to the Constitution, which shall be valid as a port of the Constitution when reti fied by conventions of three-fourths of the people of the States 1. In all the territories now or hereafter acquired north of lslitude 36 degrees 30 minutes, slaveryor in voluntary servitude, except punishment for crime, shall be prohibited; while south of that latitude, it shall remain; and in all territory south of that latitude, slavery is hereby recognized as existing. and not to be interfered with by Congress, but be protected as pra perty by all departments ofthe territorial government, during its continuance as a territory. When territory north or south of such line, within such” boundaries as Congress may prescribe, shall contain the population necessary for a member of Congress, with a republican form at government} it shall be ndmittedinto the Union on an equality with he original States, with or without slavery, as the Constitution of the State may prescribe. 2. Congress shall have no power to abolish slavery in plieces under its jurisdiction, or ‘ in states permitting s every. .' ~ 3. Congress shall have no power'to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia while it exists in Virgina or Maryland, or either. Nor Congress ”shall never, at any time, prohibit the officers of the government, or mem bersof Congress, whose duties require them to live. in the District of Columbia, and bringing slaves, from holding them as such. » 4. Congress shall have no power to hinder the trans portation of slaves from one State to another, whether by land, navigable rivers, or by sea“. . 5. Confiess shall have power lay-law to pay the owner who shall apply the fullvalue of the fugitive slave in all cases when the marshal is prevented from discharg ing his duty. by force or rescue, mode after the arrest. In all such cases the United States shall have power to sue the county in which such violence or rescue is made. and the county shall have the right to sue the individuals who committed the wrong in the same man ner as the owner could see. < . 6: Na uteur aemlmnts shun afiect the preceding uncles and Congress man never have power to inter {3l6 with slavery in the States yhere it is now permit- . Tn}: Washingéon. correspondent of the Balti more American, who wgites the most hopeful and encouraging !etlera to thatjournal that the clouds now lowering over the Republic maybe dissipated, comments as foliows upon the speech of Senator WADE, and reflects the opinions of moderate and conservative Southern men upon that incendiary production: _ -,' Senntor Wlde took ' cial order coming up:i;:go:;o;:mf1:3i::elyhon the ”8. speech was bitter end irritatin —a t'rado fours: The :itliii, gritneipally in reply to Segnator: Ivofrgoxfiiirtimlfi; n—u notulnmtoldb th ' - h' v y ose ooqnninted wlth the 3: 32:13::(13ge‘gdexgfi, as; extreme and ofi‘ensive us mt spanks! linking- np heis :nilitu i; 39: I“ In ‘ pies. preeslveneu lay volume of voice nudgurlizgmt’ nnd un ticulotion, a. loud clapping of his ha. (1 bn'me“ of gel emphnais. In matter the s cc): n a lung apoint of stump than the Senate Obfmbexynl??:: listed for the nor argumentative. nod so illy nrr-anged thngeltther able verbating‘gore thnn one-half would be found 11:01:03? 9 ' ' . fir tffiiéwmfia ii‘gflt’i‘ififi‘fiffii“ '“‘ 9‘”’°‘“‘°" this aspect it affirmed : deter-mi at °PPNE°W3- In means of compromise 1. bold easel-Ith: 5:15;?” or all can dogma. of no more’ Sieve States or T 't e Republi— ter arraignment of the South for it: 33:: gimme bit- Itlggn citizen): of the North, and !- definnt ngserigolltrglfi: _ Peneea e secession of a State wo id mitt Ed. The Senate 1 b ‘ n Mt be P"- gfin th r e and land in hio_perora.tion to Lugtonftifllgfii it; 517:; galleries by alluuons to Wash ‘ but the Spectators 'r , and the Star Spangled Banner, ‘ citation on the p on"? enough to respond to such ex to be ”on ed by his t 0 guy true Union man, were not The speech was lists“: eloquence. much up arent feelin “lid to at its opening without working gimnelf “ E. at u the speaker progressed him. Senntou on a. the audience grew excited with “a their WWW“ eSOutheru side consulted together felt. Senator Gr “Selfixpressed the indignu‘ion the; Northern Personfieg-s l"terll‘llfltion showing .how the benefit of the negm‘fi? “"3 were’pused only for the ’ oxihf‘llfiélzet to m., misty?” "" “‘° e nothing, and was signiuh PWVed nothing- established Heady sensitive and 2x2? irritating ”mild t° the 'l' himself no credit by thel of; Bmm” The Senator did by his IPPlant design tom’ 1"“ did much of Imm admit catechism; a one “a?““d- 89'1““ Powell’s out,nn¢l under the cross-fire of 9 131‘“ M" w‘“ entirely he floundered shout inn pitluble :tfizmgcky Opponent. dn-l not fully recover up to the end of flisrzgezgich he 1 The Hon. Lansing 510 m, Congressman elect, from Oregqq,_.i§ ,now about. to visit Untca, n, Y" his “QWEPIFW'QNA’ few I ears 930, he was a_ atag'é dri-V‘er."‘Ha yen; to Cal‘iforinig,‘gm. diedfla' Fsmr'me, _emig‘rute‘d to ’Oreéo’n,’ yam fbr Gnngresaéga'lnmpedx I" =flistfice‘ ‘eqt’nil‘ ziiii 'si‘z‘e to New York, uni comes!” in takmhiainln‘de ’amoug the lawgivcrs of the nation. LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. ' Correspondence of the Patriot and Unit": Wunmeron, Dec. 18, 1360. We hove had the strange spectacle“ in Congress yes terday of one branch passing a' resolution calling upon the Legislatures of the Northern States to repeal all their Personal Liberty bills newton their statute books; and all other laws that in any way conflict with the Constitution, and such men as Owen Lovejoy, of Illinois. voting for that resolu, tion, whilst in the Senate Mr. Wade,-of Ohio, was making an ultra. Abolition tirade against slavery.— I was Wofnlly disappointed on hearing Mr. Wade, who made a. hurengue which was much more suited to a congregation of hotthended, rampant. Aboli tionists, on the Western Reserve of Ohio, than the floor of the Unit-ed States Senate. Mr. Wade is not a. man of ability. I had given him credit for talents which he evidently does not possess. ~ His effort yesterday was full of stale, hit more denunciation of the institution of slavery, was ill-timed, out of place, and did not please anybody. Even Senator Wilson, of Massachusetts, was dis pleased, chagrined and disappointed. It, aboundod in the most common-place phrases, and as an at gnment is almost. beneath the dignity of contempt. No man in the Senate was pleased with Mr. Wade’s speech yesterday, except, perhaps, that other fan atic, Sumner, whose supercilioue smile now and then, at some harsh remark made by Wade, might be taken as an approval of the bitter tirade of the Senator from Ohio. , . When asked by Senator Powell, of Kentucky, whether he (Wade) approved of the conduct of Gov. Dennison, of Ohio, who hut a short time ago refused to deliver up a fugitive from justice, on n requisition of the Governor of Kentucky, he eve.- ded the question by a. species of special pleading unworthy ofa statesmen; and-when asked by the some Senator if he (Wade) was in favor of the ex ecution of the Fugitive Slave law,‘ he sknlked, by saying that he did recogniie the‘ right of the Son ator from Kentucky to interrogete him. Mr. Wade made‘ one declaration, however,,the.t wee significant of the determinntion of certain Re publicans like himself. and that was that “today for compromising between the North and the'scuth was gone; This, I ran, will he found lamentably toetrne; but the Republicans will find that when they are ready to make such c..-compromise as is needed to save the country, that the hour will have 'passed awayfiin which each a compromise could have been made; They will find that they have just addedthe ounce that broke the camel's back, and the reality of all their teachings will burst upon them' with fearful trutht'when the Gordinn knot that hound these happy States together for. more thsd three-quarters of u century” shall have been sundered, never. to re-unite‘agnin. , ‘ v To-morrow 6r ‘next day South Carolina will pass the ordinance of aeoeeelonyandjthue will be initi ated the‘firet‘aet'in the dreadfal drama that is dee tined to engulf this once glorious Union la oneeom we and lit-redeemable ruin. j I wee toldh circum 'etanee by a gentleman directly from , Charleston, that every single member of the South Carolina. Convention now in eeaeion ll? pledged to hit eon: etituen‘te,’ in writing, that if 'eee'eee‘ion doel' take place, that they shall oppe'se, 'ae long-as they live, and with all their power and influence, the idea of re-uniting with the North again; Thin. state of things I do get by any means approve; indeed, I do not approve of eeceasion as a remedy for-the ills of the body politic, because I believe “ t’were better to hear the ills we hiv‘e than ny to other: that we know not eff but: I hate it as an indign tionof the feeling, of desperation thatlrnuetr per vade the public mind in the South. that could drive inan to each apitéh of madnee'e as this; Attorney General ’1 . S. Black was eenfirmed as vSeeretary of State yesterday, in place of Sec retary Cass, resigned. Mr. Stanton, of this city, and fomerly of Ohio, will be appointed Attorney General, and, it is said, Caleb (Bushing will fill the vacancy on the Supreme Bench, These are times of mutations that are peenliar to the period we live in. Everything, both in and out of the State, seems to sa'y—rchange! Change l-Ohangeil ' The President and his ' Assailants. Having failed in‘the‘ir attempt to force the firesident into the adoption of the coercion policy, the leading Lincoln journals of the North assail the Exeeutive with amalignity never exceeded in partisan controversy. The Courier and Engiu'rer, the Times, the Tribune, and the Block Republican press generally, ex haust the vocabulary of abuse in animadver sione' upon- Mr. Buchenan’e capacity and mo tives; and th'eyj'eceive aid and eneonragenient from the mercenaries whoboast of their‘inde pendence, whilet ready to sacrifice their best friehd (an the altar of sensation journalism.— Only the atrocity of these attacks redeems them from contempt. Vit'uperation, and slander, and downright, unmitigated falsehood are juin bled together throngh whole columns of attack, witha pertinaoity which springs from baflied mischief and long-pent hate. The conduct of the Administration in the crisisis the pretext upon which Mr._ Buchan an’s assailants proceed. _ They rate him and his ad risers roundly on; the alleged ground oflfi‘im beeility,” “indecision,” “weakness," “-trea son ;” the Tribune reaching the climax of atro city by publishing statements impugning Mr. Buchanan’s sanity. and declaring its hope that theyeare true; and others attaining the. top most folly byxgravely calling upon him to re; sign his oflice into other hands! The cause of this disgraceful bitterness of spirit lies upon the surface. Mr. Buchanan has incurred the displeasure 'of the Lincoln party ,by his repudiation of the coercion theory and his firm refusal to permit a. resort to force as a means of preventing the secession of sove reign States Pretending, as some of the Black Republicans do,‘ so far to “hold the right of_ self-government sacred” as to object theoreti cally to State subjugation, it is plain that the whole party practically favor coercion, and are anxious that it shall be employed against the acceding commonwealth's. They would like to have Mr. Lincoln’s battle fought by Mr. Bu chamn. They would infinitely prefer that Mr. Buchanan should employ the resources of the Federal Government in subduing independent States, than that Mr; Lincoln should have the mortification of findlng him Self the chief ofli cor ot' a section, as distinguished from the Pre sident of the United States. Mr. Buchanan wisely declines to be the Block Republican cat’s-paw. He refuses to precipitate the coun try into civil war merely to serve the purposes of the opponents of slavery. He will have nothing to do with the tactics of those who, under the plea of preserving the Union, would convert the federal authority into an odious despotism, and wealthy, high-spirited commu— "nities into, theatres of. bloodshed and desolax tion. . : , Thut'My.‘ mean and in; mfiqfiqi gaps: m "mm that92¢‘fih‘,¢ii§l§9£‘i.¥§f 'sstvnefi: sunge'cgioig,.fiifififiéflfifinfi :«m’mqnflikt. thmughouythe southprmsm'es,:m:y be fairly inferred from the recorded utterances of recor’ nixed leaders, in Congress and the press. Such a course would be but the carrying out of their ultimate and unelterable schemes. But they are not, therefore, to be regarded as trustworthy commentators upon Mr.' Buchanan, or the line" of action which he has honorably followed._':He is not a coercionist. He is not an opponent of Staterights. He is not an anti-slavery emis -sm, whether of the Garrison or the Lincoln stripe. And having promulgated the reasons 'which lead him to accept the no-cocrcion view of State and Federal _relations, as understood by national statesmen, North and South, the only path of patriotic duty open to him is that to Which he quietly but steadily adheres. Rave and abuse and falsify as they may, Mr. Buchanan’s assailants will not succeed in per suading the country that he has acted in a man ner inimical to its interests. He has proceeded ‘ in the only .way that admits of the preservation ; of peace, the restoration of confidence, and the i reconstruction of the Union under happier auspices that are at present attainable. The consciousness of the fact that his motives have > been and are of the purest, and that his poliey ‘ commands the approval of all-but the supporters i of Mr. Lincoln, secret or ~ avowed, may well sustain Mr. Buchanan amidst assaults that have ’ more aflinity to herbal-ism than aught that has been known in modern political warfare.— l Washington Constitution. Lnrnosr m we Bum—The Loqllnsomenm of the Disease.—The}epers of the East are the most loathsome obj eete that meet the traveler’s eye. Here is a description of one, given in a letter from Jerusalem. by a correspondent of the Naming Star .' - Suddenly there starts up a human being at your" feet. ' Yen stop in horror. You turn away invdisgust at. the sight. But still sh'e throws herself iniyour path, and will not go. The hair~and eyebrows have fallen from 'the poor beggar. Through yawning sores that are festering and black protrude the cheek bones! The flesh is drawn away from the glistening teeth I What feet! They are distorted masses of sores—gaping wounds; The’hands' which she holds ‘up are evidently dropping away, joint by joint, as the disease grows. upon them. Nearer she moves. those ahrivelled ,arms..and legs, drawing their rags about them, andsmil ing at yan‘horror with a ghastly, sickening smile. She tries to speak, and with a'fa‘soin'a tion strangely peculiar to .whatever is perfectly lovely or awful,.you head, down, 19 hear - her- There is a hoarse gasping rattling in the throat, and the leper voice comes scarcely to'be under stood : “Howajii, Allah, Backhoe-oh.” “Trav eler, in the name of God, money!” ' - .I; -. By her _is a beautiful. little girl. . What has she, with her _flesh so soft tend white, to do with that hide‘ousbeing! _ How deep are those mock eyes! ‘her gentle voice is ‘full‘of music, as 'a' .lark at sunrise; and her lips are as fresh as_ ,a new-blown time. Her long hair falls with‘ the folds of her head-dress , halfway downéto her chubby bare feet, “and there is a lightness= in her step that fills you. with. admiration. Would you know who she is 9‘ That child is a leper. In a few years she‘is sure to: be just like, her mother, who just now begsqof you .a few hits of money. Poor thing, to be born to sueh'a fate, and no possible hope! There isa worm, at'the he“! ‘9l; that ,r'osehhdt Is not horroijge' ,more sad: than her parent's, though gently and sweetly ,she smiles as she says, f‘Allah,’ .Buqk- Beech. Howajiifi’ . \ . - V‘ ‘ ». ' . Do you see those wretched hovels just; 'west from the gate of J erusalem, clinging to the side of the wall? Dirt andfilth surround them.— Theirthatched roofs seem about to t'alL It is the ,leper’s quarter. The law forbids their toiiehing you or mingling with other men, so that none go to minister to them. But the law does not rebuke their .wants, and so they throw the’mselyes‘in your path. as their ancestors. the. lepers of Samaria, did boldly through hunger approach the Assyrian camp. They recognize no law among themselves, not even the form of marriage. Passion consumes the finer feel ings, and rules their souls just in. proportion to the leprosy which is ever increasing on the body. .. Their offspring inherit a curse-Ana joy—no hope, only a curse—cursed by the world and by their parents, they soon learn to enrsethemselves. - , ? The Puon or A Coxmmuu. Pun Daemon!) BY .WnumL—A happy couple in Paris recently inherited a fortune from and oldriincle, and immediately began to make a figure in society. A correspondent says: _ ‘ They bought a handsome mansion in one of the most. aristocratic quarters 'ofi Paria, and a valuable estate in the country. Adverse as the last season had been, they-we're among :1 every few who' spent. it at a fashionable German Spa, and it has only beensinoe the let of Sep-' tember they have ;taken up abode at their chateau. » ~ '» ' ' ' A few, their most intimate friends, were in: vited to spend the. autumn with them, the re cent death of their uncle, forbidding them, in the name of decency, from entertaining a. large company. But short as was this period of time, it has proved suflicient, under the operation of wealth, to produce a complete change in both of them. It has banished gaiety from them. It has damped their sprightliness. It has damped their conversation. ' ,_ . She has liecome full, with a marked tendency to obesity; she talks of nothing but millinery, msntua—mokin g and public securities; she (who used to be a. model .of delicate taste and aim pliclity) dresses in the most extravagant man ner, and overloads'herse’lf with jewels and dis.- monds, and she changes her attire three: times ads . f H: used to be a rosy,;heolthy’-looking fellow, full of flesh andrigor—Ahe is lean, pale, melan choly. He has become afraid of dying since he has grown rich, and spends'l’nost of his time over medical books or in conference with some doctor or other, for he has three or four phy sicians infee. The other day a child of one of his gnrdencrs fell “sick of the small-pox. he had himself vaccinated instantly, and wished to force all his friends to follow his exemple. Although he has been master of the estate only 3 few months, he is already for selling out; a poetical brook winds through the park, about a hundred yadrs from the house, and he has taken it into his head that it breeds rheu matism and chills. This'whiin has disgusted him with his country-house, and nothing will do now but it must be sold. These people, who were so happy in their mediocrity of wealth, have become miserable. _Every fall 'of funds, every piece of political news, drives sleep-from the wife’s eyes; shelooks forward to thel'uin of her estate as something imminent. Every change of the wind, every variation of the thermometer throws the husband into a fit of irreooverable desponden‘cy. 'Wenlth has do strayed their happiness. .1 Anna 1: Annex: Conn-n, Cannonnm.—Th'e digging: in the .‘_‘ bluffs,” in the immediate vi cinity of Lnnchu Plano, which have been opened very. feeentlyr'are'promising‘ to 'yield richly to their fortunate owners. It is, per haps, not generally known, that malformation of this peak consists Mostly of “ alum stone." at substanee (non; whieh‘ulum .of. these-elite“ purity is obtained. 1 It is also found, in- large quantities in Tolfu o'nd Piombino, in Italy, end is a great source. of wealthto its owners: - The ore is monufootered into alum‘ by ooleination; and subsequent exposure to the “air lon three months, the mineral being frequently _eprinkled with water in order that it may-he brought to .the state of a soft m‘n'e'egi " This“?! lixivioted, and the solution l‘ohkingdjéfietulized by evapora tion. ' lELRSE-‘oniii'ion. the manufacture ofululn ‘Lftom this ore intuit: [gm awoulawlsomssiga find Ye?! Munfifiti've t3' those who embarked in the enterprise—Lunch Plane Dispatch. Tans: Peeeons Exnevrnn ron Munnnn ._u‘ GEORGETOWN, DEL—On Friday last three negroes, Vlz:—-—Levi Jenkins, aged 35, under sentence of death for rape upon a negro girl; John Chennon. aged 18. under similar sentence for the murder of e lovely white girl of 14 summers, and a. colored woman of 18 years, for. the-murder of an innocent babe, of fourteen mo'nthq', suffered the penalty of the law, at Georgetown, Delaware. In the presence of about sixty persons, comprising the sherifi's jury, military guards, physicians, &e., in the jail-yard, (and hundreds without, crowding the trees, walls and house-tops,).at precisely one o’clock, the drop fell, and all three were launched into eternity—two 01' them dying in one minute, and the third only showing some muscular contractions for about ten Inmates- The Rev. Mr. Hough accompanied them fo the scaffold and ofl'ered up a prayer. This gentle man had previously visited them in their cells. Two of them seemed a good deal concerned, Whilst the murderer of the girl was apparently careless and indifi'erent. Neither of them had anything to say. Msavanous anrma Macnmn AT Beams. A correspondent of the London Daily Telegraph vouches for the following; A new and highly valuable invention has been put into practice here. It is a printing machine, dispensing with the use of all other assistance. save that of mechanical apparatus. No persons are required to feed it with paper. or to remove the printed sheets, both processes being accomplished through the instrumental ity of the machine itself. The paper for this purpose is supplied in rolls many hundred yards in length. The machine first euts'a sheet of the requisite size, then prints, and finally throws it of a newspaper ready for the reader, Allthat manual labor is required to do is to bring forward fresh rolls and take away the printed sheets. Thus, in the Vienna State printing-oflice, ten presses are attended to by one man onlyl - . ' The Capture of the London Times’ corres pondent; ‘ and'five other Englishmen, by the ChineeeLappears to here been efl’eeted-by' de liberate= acts of, treachery, which had in view the Seizureof the English and French emban sadors, nnd’ the surprisal of the whole army}— It he'd heenfiettle'd‘ that the Chineeerwe'r‘e to fall "hack, and a. small advance party under Col'qn‘el, Walks: ~I‘vere. sent forward, to. Shiny Chan to arrange for Lord ElginFe reception, and mark put; fe‘caixhp‘lon the; Allies. They observeinothing particular on the road, but it appears that, during the night, ebqut 20,000 Chinese tro'op‘e moved down and occupied the ground previously marked _ont by » Col. Walker for the Allied Camp; (Nothing remained but to cut their way through the army." This they did gallantly, but the} captured"perty had left their quarterly—in search of information, pro bably—aha: so iiere easily” bverpowered by their treacherous enemies. V ‘ r, ' Dmnor lumnrsnox moithnn‘ornw—We are gratified to hear that 001. P. J. Weaver, 61’ this place, has shipped dig-ectly. to, Liverpool "one thousandbflgs (it ..oetto‘n, which 'will be ex changed for manufactured geods -_to=bs" sold in' this market. Col, J‘YetwerE ‘i's‘ujrell‘. known throughoutthe Stategeszqne fothe largest mer chant’s and wealthiest planters of Alabama.— We are lnppy to summon thatin the present movement of Alabama, his sympathies hrs" deeply enlisted, and he is willing» to assist, in fair proportion to his millions, the cause of secession and separate independence. The step he‘ht'istuke‘n‘in shipping directly to Eu rope :and. importing: directly therefrom is an importantm,ove;—Selma,(Alabama) Iseue. ‘ ' Gremlin—lt is not generally known that the oyster is a species of food combining the most preciousalimentary qualities.» Through the quality peculiar to itself, it favors the intes tinal and gastric absorption; mixing easily 'with other food and assimilating with the juices of the stomach, it aids and favors the digestive functions, There is no alimentary substance, not even excepting bread, which ‘ does not pro duce indigestion undereertain giver. circum stances. Oysters never. This is a homage fine to them. They may be eaten to-day, to-morrow, forever in profusion,indigestion net to be feared, and we may be certain that no doctor was ever calledxin through their fault. We do not speak of cooked oysters; which are often made highly indigestible, but of oysters per-2 se; LAT-EST 5 "BY? ' TELEGRAPH XXXVIIII CONGRESS-‘- SEUUNB SESSION. Hanan—Mr. Washburne, '(Ill.,) ofi‘ered a. resolution declaring,,With the coneurrence'of the Senate, that when Congress adjourned» to-- mormw, it be to meet ‘On the 7th of January; Mr. Etheridge, (Tenn.,.) moved to lay the resolution on the table: Agreed to by 3 ma.- jority. . 1‘: - ‘ ‘ The consideration of Tetritdrial business was postponed. ' ’ ’ ’ Mr. Sherman, (ohio,‘) 'from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported a bill zmaking appropriations for Legislative, Exeeutive and ggdicial expenditures, for the year ending June. 62. ‘ Mr. xSherman also ofl'ered aresolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on‘ Public Lands‘to inquire Whether any oflicers connected with the Surveyor General’s offices can be dispensed with. - ~ ._ . The House then went into committee on the whole on the state of the Union on the defi ciency nppropfiation hill. . From Washington. ' ' . ' WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 Mr. Black, the new‘Secretary of State, was this morning -introduced;.to the clerks of the State Department by; Gen. Cass,,his predecessor, who expressed his regret in parting with the gentlemen who had materiallyassisted him in the performance 'of his oflicial duties, and with whom his intereouree had been of so pleasant a charaéter. 'He' had no doubt that this would be continued under the administration of his friend. Mr. Black. According to the natal etiquette, the foreign Ministers willbe informed of the latter’s appointment, The Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Tresoott,-has been our. charging the dutiestof that position up tagth’e present time, his resignation heing'prosxie'etive, and soon logo into efi‘eot. ~ ' . Accident to a Steamer. The steamer Commonwealth, of the Stoning ton line, met with an accident when of. Throg’e Neck this morning. Her starboard steam chim ney exploded. Seven passengers were scolded; four of whom were severely injured. Arrival of the Steiner Atlantic. The steamship Atlantic has arrived. Her dates are to the sth inst, and have been antici pated. Her afieci'e list amounts to $850,000, with large“ quantities of watches and jewelry, and 800 tons of French merchandize.. She brings sixty-three passengers. ' ‘ ‘ G R 1A- 'N ‘ D ' . VOCAL lAN-15 IfismBUMEH 1.29.1, _ C O N C. E R‘ T ! ' THE ~STA.TE CAPIiTAL BAND } . f .. WILL GIVE A " : mm; new 41m. WW WWI-'41:.- .‘C' O'N C ,E :R 'T, ; um: v 3 12 .4 N‘r ' 82_1{=4‘AL"!IJL 01' ifl'un'nfl 17:31”: ggdlunf 2‘21. = taxi. .eo ,1.: :“ .{g-sfiaaezffimm .z:::a.§::g:m ' piege'i'jJlllHl!" 0‘ “lent“! “yifimgmlrhndflhfira 5m . from-bu Hus 9nd Kloonl will from: st tho “‘1? mm M memrhwmg, 32124112.; . 1.3,“ gm nlm no Prognmm. $9119 5“,!“- 01019112, oficert to commence It 1. 1‘ ck'ohg'ne'ntl‘, to 110‘ hid st tho mind Malia Shun, or of any o! the member! at the Bull. dolls-d“ Wasmxa'rdx, ’Dec. 19 an Yonx, Dec. 19 an Yonx, Dec. 19. New abncrtigementfi. v V , , ' ' '7'“ 2 5m 1’ OUN D S ’ , usms. cunnmws. crmoxs kc. & ~ R ”gather with ommens, LEfiONs: pimp FRUITS, CRANBERRIES, and n variety of Articles suitable for the Holidays. Just received by [d62o.] WK, DOCK, 33., & CO. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! ILDREN’S, LADIES’ and GENTS’ CHAIRS, “d a. 01.51.: variety or CABINET FURNITURE suitable to, ngLIDAY GIFTS Lt réduood pricea. Also I. new 10“,- COTTAGE FURNITURE 1“ ‘9th "1' by the single piece a JAMES R. 30m .1; son, 1 deZO-Rwd. 29 South Second Street. BRANT’S CITY HALL ! MON DAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY EVE’ S DECEMBER 2421., 25m and 262 k. ' 133:! 13.01 DAY TB EAT. FES nJ. H. mums - ‘ ‘0“1122221%a gamma! nto-133% 33333312; 15.1 mm mum“ must. m his elaborately mum. TWO PERFORMANCES 0N CHRISTMAS DAY AFTERNOON AND EV ENING. , ALSO ON WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON; ANT) EVENING n mun um mun“: or 3mm,- O’cnocx. Admission Twenty-five Cents. Children Fifteen Cents, befifiggfpen at 7§lclock: To communes 3c $53333" BOARDING.——Mw Baum, 1n Locust street, below Third! is prepared to acco‘mmodu. . number of BOARDERS 1n the best msnner, and at r“. soluble prices. de2o-eodlm CHAMPAGNE WINE'SI DUO DE MONTEBELLO, HEIDSIEOK & 00., CHARLES HEIDSIECK, . - GIEBLER & 00.. ' . ANCHOHILLERY MOUBSEUX, SPARKLING MUSGATEL, MUMM 55 0033 vnnanAy, CABINET, In store and {or sale by JOHN H. ZIEGLER, 73 MI!!!“ street de2o CHRISTMAS, PRESENTS! s UITABLE FOR LADIES! nnnssme mans, , > PORTFOLIOS: ' SATUH ELF. nnrmunns, GOMPANIONS zonruoufims, runsms, - _ FANCY nus FINE confirms, ‘cAnn mans, SEWING 3mm, . u , TABLETS . run fioxns. PEARL AND EBONY nonmpns in Rose Wampum CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! S UITABLE FOR GENTLEMEN.’ WALKING- CANES,‘ . ‘ L . POCKET KNIVES. ' ' " CIGAR. GASES, . SEGARS, “ . POCKET 30035,, . FINE RAZOR SETS.-. . , , FIRE LATHE 331332335, .- 1., _ . j .; &c.,&0.,&0. KILLERS DRUG AND FANCY 81'0“, 91 Link“ l‘h‘OO‘t- de2o Jsm 111‘ 'E o E I v E D": " A Lug]: AND WELL uncut . STOCK 0F BRANDI‘ES, V COIIY‘SIISI'IIVVG or, , 1 PINETEASTILIJION ido., ' BISQUET, TRIGOCHE a: 00., ' ‘ JASQHEigfiESSY a; 00., ' 3 omm), DfipUY &- 00¢ ' J. &. iQ’MARTfiLL, ' mms ROBIN a; 00., ‘ MARETT & co. . :01: SALE BY ' ' _ ’ ‘ JOHN H. ZIEGLER, decls ' V 7 3 MARKET STREET. TAX-.PVAYE RS . - . op I'll]! ' V FIRST AND SECOND WARDS! , TAKE NOTICEI' mm if tyejoui, SCHOOL um wumn ux is not laid on or before the 29th inst” that than will In an addition of five . er cent. added, and. the water shut 01! without delay. gy order of the Committee. ‘ V g - s°. 0. zmummm, Oonector. 031649 No. 23.80nthV‘SQcond street. ' ' ’dels-‘dtd SimEWAB-T & M’ABEEr 'RECTIEYT‘INGL DISTILLERS,’ ~ wnpnnggg-L'n DEALERS m BRANDIES, GINB, WINES, SCOTCH, IRISIS'I,_ 101 D ' RYE IND BOURBON , -:W HIS-KYS, N 0.103 MARKET srnnn'r, ; «12] 1141231.}; UR G, PA. [dam N , O T I C E . —;- Omen or in! minimum, Ponmsuoum,,Mm. lo! ‘ Ann LAchsun Bullion! Coo, ' - PIIBLDIDIEIA,‘DSO.' 8, 1860. A age!“ meeting of the Stockholder; oi than - BISB BGVRORTSMOUTK, MOUNT 101 AND LAN CASTER RAILROAD COMPANY willlbe held on Thu‘rl day the 27th inch, at 11 o’clock, a. m., at Season: Street Bali (Benson: street, between Sixth and Seventh; streets) in the city of Philadelphia, for. the purpose of accepting or rejecting ”outrun for [more permanent lam or their road to the Pennsylvnme Rulroul Company. By order of the Bond of Directorsh GEO GE TABER, Secretary: deem-duets?! PR O 0 L-AMATION.-—Whereae, the Honorable Jenn J . Punseu, President of the Court of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial District, eon sieting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, ondthe Hon. A. 0. mes-rut end Hon. Flu: NIBSLI! Laud ate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pre. cept, hearing date the 10th day of December-,1860, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Tel-miner Ind General Jail Delivery and Quarter Session: of the Peace ct Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to com- Inence on the 3d Monday of January. being the 2152 day (2' January, 1861 end to continue two weeks. No 'ce is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Jee tlces of the Peace, Aldermen, end Constables of the said county of neuphm, that they be then end there in their pro er persons, :1; 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, exeminetione.lnd their on remembrance: to do those things which to their oflu e pertains to he done, end those who are bonndln recognfzmcel to prosecute against the prisoners that no or shall be in the Jsil of Dsnphin county, be then end there to prosecute egeinst them as shell be just. Given under my hand It Harrisburg the 15th day or December, in the year of our Lord, 1860, and in the eighty-third ye“ of the independence of the United Stotel. _ ; J. D. BOAS, Shel-ill. 7 Saturn’s Gums, § Hurriaburg, December 16, 1860. delS-dkwtl CBANBERBIES—A very Superior lot ‘ n mm.) wn. DOCK, 11. a 00’s. Juan‘mmt. INSURANCE AGENCY. , THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY IN SUBANCE COMPANY, . or PHILADELPHIA. INC onPonA-Tnn 1335. . .CAPITAL AND»A55m‘5..............5904,907.51, ' ‘ THE IMAM}: ' . OOMHNY‘ ‘OF NORTH AMERICA, ‘ : A - :fo'r PHILADELPHIA. V g - ‘ . mo onronAJ-‘ED "94-." == CAPITAL AND ASSETS”... ........$1.219,4?5.1§. i The wilndersigflflas 35‘ Am” the 'bonwawmn rflompnniu, will mute Influx-ace against loan or W 3:; :2., either 129 mm!“ “.m‘fiwwlmmm in» em" tow'n;9r ”“9111, ? ‘ 1 " came ...a Imm rim-joggution mm ._uo u... .‘QAppleP‘fl'éhéP’ f-‘r' ”flvfifiéfi" " "” 3"" ~ ''‘ ' ‘ " “WILL!“ bums, deal-dud: I nun-Mun, u.