Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, December 19, 1860, Image 2

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    fugitive slaves can be adjusted to the satisfac
tion of the injured property holder, and with
out dishonor to ourselves.
Fourth, That in relationjo the maintenance
of the rights we have, or those that. have been
defeated or impairedrnnd inwhntever concerns
the subjects of contumely and} insult we cam
plain of, there may lie n sufficient cause for
increased vigilance, for preparation, for alli
ance among the Southern States, for the de
mand of new guarantees, but not for disunion,
until there is a refusal of redress. In my
opinion, separate State action will result in the
discredit and defeat of every measure for repa
ration or security.
In conclusion, he says! . ' d '
I neea not state to you that. my connection
with {he Federal Government has continued
till-this time, rather. in, deference to the incli
nations of others, and upon public considera
tions, then from any desire on my part. to hold
my_ofi'me. My commission would not. be af
fected by the action of the State. Buhl de
termined many years agothat my obligation
was to follow the fortunes of_ her people. I
shall terminate my connection With the govern
ment as a consequence of her act.
A special committee of the South Carolina.
Legislature have mode a report éonceming the
postal system of the State after seiessidn. The
proposed hrrhngement with Adams and Co.’s
Express is declared to he inadequate to the
exigencies of the case, and therefore they sub
mit the following: _ ‘ I: 1
Resolved, [That to avert, ,asgfa'r as practicable,
the commercial embarrassments that would
result from an abrupt cessation of postal ar
rangements in and through this Sgete,rell the
persons engaged in_ the tronspoxtehon end dis
tribnitionof the mails in this State. be and they
are hereby authorizedland requested to, eqntiuue
in the performance of such services: to ' the
community untiléa postal tgeaty ehall have been
concluded betweenithie State and the govern
ment o_f_ the United States. f “ " ‘
rnocmaomos or House '3l:):an COMMITTEE.
Mr. Gorwin, the Chair-maxi of 'the Committée
of Thirty-three; has" reported a seriesiof i'eso
lu'tionfi, which; it is linderatooil, areintendéd‘ to
Jfié’e'ijfie crisis. It is said that“ they meet. the
‘appj'oyai (if a msjhrfiy of the Repuplicans Von.
the Committee. They are nearly ”follows : ‘
“ mare—Pledging the faith of Congress against
any attempt- to abolish slavery in the District
of Columbia. 7 ' '
‘ -Beoon‘d—sgaihst interfering with the inter:
sluednde between the States. » » ' "
Third—JPhe-abolition of slavery in‘ the dock
yaids and arsenal: in theishhrefimtea.E ' ' -
» Foorth—ln'. favor' of any amendments ren
dering the fdgitivo 'algve set efl'ectiye and satis
factory to the Southi.‘ ‘ v ‘ > 3 ' " '
‘ 'FifihL'Against anydiscr'imination by Con
gresp agoinst-slavevsmtes» asking admission; -
~=Sixlh-—-Protecting persons and property'in
ill 9 Territories till they have thirty thousand
inhabitants, when non-interventionby Con
grées shall-be thelgn'r. V o ' .~. '
It is rumored that“. is not improbable . that
the committee may be able to report by the
middle of thei’w'e‘eklu ; ‘
The congressional delegation from New York,
without regard to polities,.meton Sunday night
st the room of. John Cochrane _to .delibeljate
tip'o’n the course‘proper to pursue‘in the future,
Nearly all were present. Mr. Reynolds. elected
as" on Anti-Lecompton Democrat, o_fl‘ere‘d I
resolution affirming that the Union “must and
shell'be preserved,”_ and pledging New York to
its support. The proposition met with general
support, except on the part of Mr. Siekles, who
introduced an amendment, proposing a meeting
and consultation between the New York and
Virginia delegations upon the crisis of sfi'sirs,
for the purpose of securing a. union of action
between these two great States. He supported
his proposition in a strong speech, but the
pmposition of Mr. Reynolds is said to have
been almost unanimously adopted. . ' V‘
Me Efiairiht {E ‘éfimn
WEDNESDAY momma, map. 19, 1860.
; a _ links" and Proprietors.
“Wowonswfll not be published inthe Puma!
an Una: unless aecompnnied'vmmha name’ of the
lnthor. r . , . - . : ‘ V _ V
”5:, s. M; rmrnuamn}; $O.; " -
: ~llde Agents, 119 Human gtr'eet JN£I York, and
”WM“ Bomu,jnre‘th9 Ageing I'm-Mae 24:51:01
m 13mm; 5115 the moat; innings; um, lei-gent 'ei'rcu
-11th:! mewspsfi'gn‘ in the United 'Btntea and omm»,
!lnyue «max-x 5“ to uontractforna at our (mush-ans
1035 SALE.
z A second-ham Anus Pussplmn'aox by zoinchea,
In good ordex; can bplwpxkci either.” hand ,0: 339.8111
power. Tem‘ngodernfie Inquiry ptjhip once; , ‘ ‘
The Willpf the Majgrity.
. _-Thera is nothingrthat the Republicans harp \
more upon at this time, than the will‘of the ma
jdi-iiy'. " They agéuioe'thht Lurch“ was elected
lfgesident of the Uhitei States by the :‘najority‘
ofthepeople, and that therefore they owe no
concessions to a. factions and 't‘urbu'lent mi
;fitfijg as; thejv de‘li'ght ”to can the Southern peo
flaifili‘iéiirgthe faint is that the people of the
United States pronounced against limcom and’
«the abettinesof the’f‘ltepnhliean‘ patty,'by an
overfliéiihihg niajqirity, at __th'e late election."—
W§§§.;'9f haiiigitltéuehoié'e' of a majority 0E
{liéiifiei-ioanpeople, the popnlar vote shows a.
majority against Lmdom of nearly one million.
loathe}- wordg, a majority amounting to one
millioimf'tho when of theae‘United States
testified their abhorrence of the aggressive
yrineipies of' the 'Ré'piiblicans, find" their ap
liisheneion that the sncéess ofztliosé fpiiim‘iplés‘
would endanger' this Unioi§hy caigting' their
vote?! against Lawn. And this triumph of a
morit'yjcould not have been secnfed except
1y”; fesgi‘t to sectionalism, by which “fiedfig’ a;
Whole: majority was obtained in the Villorthern
Silks exclusively. Thisvicious sectionalism,
:6 ihfl‘ch dreaded by the Father of his COunt'i'y;
!asthe life. and. strength of the Republican
partylflfAny principle which would have nu;
.fionnlized it would have proved its immediate
gamma. ‘lta existence depended upon“ the
adxvocaoy of opinions which could by no poggi;
bimy town fawn in the fifteen Southern
Statics ofthe .Union} and hence it was neces
sarily both; flefiiqfifl apagéiggressive. 'Had it
notbe‘éi Efor' ‘tljiéfiéfihfifiethtd ‘o‘r "electing a
" 'Tfesitlent firésoi'ihed by. the} Constitution, and
Which: has ado'ptéd it :a‘ time When it'was‘not
gpticigitet‘l'glha‘t th’é Nadimgii'hiiifind 'could ' _évei'
b‘g figh’de‘bgyiched by übblitioflsin‘a‘ié ‘firfiticdny
t 6" ézidurd‘e thé‘ Séuthexfu Statgs Tll5lll halfticipak
fiéfiiiflhe twenimeni,‘ tH‘e sagas: arm-am
wpulsl hale bseni impossible: " mm diam:
bwfif’sen'iflfifififls: as “mm: fcon:
" "E 11663 ”ii-é, the ’éountrj mum gmfé‘mbg m.
. farifig:ifliff~f6fifl‘9o2339'qnenceé.’ ofnsectiona‘l
~ Wfi‘fwd‘mg‘mmmfikfiii m,
ffikfifififiéflki .zifilinzgadiangxwus m
thwirt the deslgns of iElle RePllbllcm..pal-tyj,
:beiflfep could iotécngl’hoin handfii‘we’re' ti'ed. é
With those facts in view, and when the ma
jarity of the people demand that proper con
cessions be made to quiet the apprehensions of
the South, it is the extreme of insolence for the
Republican minority to say that such assurances
shall not be given. If the popular voice is
heard and heeded the Southern States will not
be permitted to seek redress out of the Union,
but Will obtain what they require in the Union.
The only men who stand in» the way of a. per
manent pacificntion at this momentous crisis in
our natipnal history are the Republican leaders,
when more intent upon saving their misera
bieseotional organization than upon preserving
the. Union. They are the true secessionists ind
disunionists. Their stubborn arrogance must
be lashed out of them by public opinion. Then
the majority will govern, and the Union be pre
served. - ' .
Who hre the Disuuimiists ?
Manifestly those who have produced a. deep
seated apprehension in the Southern mind that.
their rights are not secure within the Union.
It will not do for the Republicans to profess
peculiar devotion to the Union, and claim that
they have done nothing to put it in peril, after
having done everything to produce the disnnion
excitement at the South. Fire will not burn
without fuel; There Would be 'no disunioniSta
at the South if there were no hostile Republi
cans at the North. Disnnion is the necessary
outg‘rthh- of- Republicanism. Northei‘n sec
tionalism is the canoe and disnnion the natural
and inbviteble reaction. Torture {gman’ on the
rack and Lew-ill cry out with pain. Suppose
that the torturer should reprove the s‘nfl’erer for
the 'disegre'enble noise he is making“; because
it‘ ' alarms I the neighborhood and lieep's 'qifiet
people awake at night. The, victim would
reply—" Cease your intolerable torture and -I
“ will not ofea't‘e thie'dis‘turbence. Theremedy
“is in yourown'hnnd?’ I' ' ,i" I‘ 1 '
The South has been dfix’ven t 6 desperation by
the; E'l‘ms'fility"of't7llesll\lc.-n-th, and bedause‘ they
fiith‘e in 'nn‘guislim'id threaten to r'ethliate,‘ the
aéfiiinant patty at the Noflh', like; the man who‘
stretches'his victim on the hack, rails- at. them
fdr creating a 4 disturbgmce. ‘rThe Southboldly
confronts: its accus‘er 'and‘ says that themofiqe'nt
thisfiggrgééion ceases, and _adeqmte "gqeixfitly
is afi'ordedflmt the system of insult and-injury
which has“been'sy§temati'cally puisued thréu'gh
a; long Series 'of years, “shall not: be? p’onfinfigd
in tlié future, thén, and not until,tlién§ iviH-sfié
consentto be quiet. The remedy (is imthe Bands
of theN'oi'thi; " 13 -’ ~ ' -'»'i"" '- ‘
The :Northe'f-n' people'feil’ to‘z‘lbjppte‘PianiE the
impressions produéxed: upon the sootheih'people
by the lavowed purposes 'of the Republicanperty;
They tako'”Mr.‘ “‘L‘m‘c‘duf ’ei'hie. woijd." They
believe that he , men's“ what the: Edit, The?
underetenti it"to'lié the .objiectgdf'theglfiefinhlican
party to circumeofihezthe limite of $11,979.31”! and
greduellyrto close in upon: it untilit shall be
ultimately : extirpated. . From- this fate the
South-is; determined _to- save-itself at any eoet;
and if we:b,elieved there ,was- any real. deluge;
that such a malign purpose could be executed
within the Union, we shduld any to’ the Southern
States retire at'once while you-ham;~ ‘stzfézi'gth
enougzhlleft to save yourselves ‘from‘the'fat'e of
ShDomingo.‘ But the South ie’wx‘ong in up ‘
prehending that the p'ufposes- of the-Republican
lealderl'oambe ‘clti'ried 'out.»"- It‘ is t'rue‘ that:
know haje iiecl'sLi‘e'd" thet the Union~ oinn'ot
tandem halfsleve and his“ free; that. swan
has announceti ui irrepressiblemonfliotfinot to
téffinhte-uhtil 'slhver'y is‘ abolished: thetflrm
fitfihis threhféned to ’pur'e'lfie the. South ‘fintil
it dies of, rage, like a poisoned rat in its» hole;
ahd‘ thet-Lmeom, Sewn.» and Summit. are
eeptain'e ofthe Republican party. But'not
withstanding the Republican leaderé are ae—
‘tarmi‘nedxy hostileto the South, the conserva
tives of the North can and will eubduo 'them,‘
and ‘at’aind like: afwall ‘o'f adamant between them
‘engvth’eii- pfifposee. ._"Yet mywe wonder that
the South is apprehensive that the designs of
these men, who seem to enjoy the ‘eonfidLnoe'of
the dominint party; my ultimately be carried
«nit; - 131;; surprising‘that sdmhjern‘mey‘tézke
them at their Sword, ahijudge' the:pafty they
represent in’ them? Andie jutigihg:thez3e
:publiehnr‘pei‘ty; {fife mutant of .u‘eton'jshtnefit
that deep: o_‘ppre‘he'nsion lfstir's 51m:- excitéa the
Southern men, and-they begin to consider how
they Shell a‘e‘ve themselves? = ? 1‘ , v- - ;
‘‘- Tfie‘i‘eil estimating-are the'iiixth'oi-s of this
faelifig or mitt which periadefithe' Smith; end
the'way to oheck disunion is to alloy the sp.
preheneione of the South, by shdwing.them
that LINCOLN," SEVABD, 'SUMNEB,”aIid' other
leade'rs'of’the Rephhlican party; are ’not the
true exponents of'Northerneentiment. ; .-
AT the last session. of Congress the Philn-l
delphia: Press’hed a c'onjespondent at Washing'-'
ton' named Eng-meningvm is nowvflii'f
'nishing' “ Congress‘ighaljflotee” til 'the Slit-lbs
'and 17m»; 111’ ere'cent communication to the
luht‘naniéd ‘pn'pér :Mr; Rlcmmns indulges ins
some speculating ‘cfonczfr‘ning the senator m'b'e
elected ft’qn‘: li‘e‘nngylé‘aniajn 'uié plies Mi Mi;
BIGLER, in which 'he furnishes the staitling in
formation that “JOHN W. :Fonnn has 'been
" spbkén p: ‘with some canfidet‘ia'ev 4% a candidate
for that seaponsiblé‘ and‘hon'ora‘ble bflibe. ‘ Not»:
as JOHN ,W. Faun! is the: only Imin in'- this
State who fvou‘ld be likely to epeak with ’co'nfi-l
dance of Joan W.‘ Fdnfini,_'it is fair t 6 prééunie
ihntghe inade this coxh'municet'ion in the'strict
est confidence to Eznx Bxcnnnns, with the
understanding that he would confide it‘ to the
world. This news that'Fonun’i‘ isu {candidate
for :Senate:- they take such men as M’ annn;
Ponnocx, Winner, and Comm 'by surprise;
but we'beg leave to- eék,’ ivhy- should Mr. Fon—
‘ian not be'e candidate for: the: U. S.jBenate?
Hits he notweu‘rned’ some, recognition at the
hands of the Republicans of Pennsylvania?
Has he' not laboi‘ed to'ibromote théir‘success
with untiring as‘siduitj mid zeal? He's he not
pursued every sound-Democrat in the State,
oonspicuc‘ms for fidelity 'tqftha partyv‘organig‘at
fiou‘, : with unrelenting uninioaiiy ? "Didjhe'n’ot
1‘91? ‘o' 91¢.“ CURTIS and ,Lfii’éonx'? .Wes. not
‘ all his m“ and Meme defotedfto scouring the
”9°95“ of ‘the Republican party? Neither
WILMST’ tor, V M’Mléni'llh, 'or Poindcké'jéén
shfelynflitmthat' they did more foii [thechqhe
433“} F 919'“: and if pramotion is _tpjéséerd
may??? merit! he will be $ll6 men: ‘l’ F 01“
«1'93“: modesty @115?“ def“ hiiiif'fi‘oni m‘g‘itig His
1 element! 'lgke...th§fil.l.be>litgy-O£lcnllin'giwfi’b'fic
,uttentmngtorthemv ..
' ‘Pndniwrofi’mn Emh" Guggmfié ”5- t
are ftozeg ,1}; yam Plain. bfimpfi. r‘t’ix’é‘r“: fr:
mqofiygmfl .99¥!:,-so;999}.Lfis§l§l3‘3f oats’
‘dn‘d'3‘,ooo’b‘fii-‘rbli 6f"nppléil“ Thbfé’nréi’is3£t;
at. other paints, but their numbers are not
The Popular Vote;
We are now enabled to present
completed returns of the votes for
the United States at the recent
follows: .
E 5 ! §- 5 :1
' STATES g- El E :" E.
' 1= :1 . - ,5 E F’
:a' : : 1
: on . l : - :
. 5° . : -
11131113 .M-l-I I-q 52,547 “3402' 29,503 2 008
N.Hampshire 37,519 2,112 25,881 ’lll III: I.' 3
Vermont... 33,888 1,809 ' 8.748 217 .......
§El:l:h:a,3' 1026,33: 0,105 3;,ggg 22,331 2,185
. n .... , ....... ........,. ‘
gonngctifint“ 33%;)?“ 16,493 17374 43,337 v 1,63%
ew. or ‘, ...... ......u 0
New Jersey“ 55.355 "um .vvv-'~-- -...,,, 3:13.301
Pennsylvania. 210,170 12,809 17,350 12.755 176,435
nelgmne.... 3,815 7,337 1,023 3,846 .._1...
llPry-laind.... 2,895 42,511 5,953, 41,785 .......
Vn'gmxaz.... 1,929 l 74,335 16,223 74,584 "......"
g.(§;:1illl::(lcj 33533 2,101 “”990
. .4....---... , Ann-vnu nuo-n "an.
68013111...." ......n. 52,131' 11,613 43,050 ._.....
Florlda.-.,...- .-..N... 8,543 367 ~ 6,487 .......
Alabgma.... 48,831 16,646 21,866 ....-.
msggsippiu 40,797 3,233 25,040
Loummna.... .....-... 22,681 7,525 20,204 ”._.”
Texas ....... ......... 41,356,......... *9,247 ......M.
Agkuusas.... ......... 26,176 11,863 3,923 .......
Mlssouri 17,028‘ 31,317 58,601; 58,372
Tennessee... ......m 65,059 107390 89,710 "n",
Keytncky.... 1,364 53,143 26,651 66,058 "......
0119.... 231,610 11,405 181.230 12,191
1111115133...." 1.3.9’0181 12,295 115,166 5,339 .......
1111n915...... 111,106 2,292 158,259: 4,851 .......
Mgclugayum 85,978 4,856 61,234 1,846 "n...
Wmconsm 86,110 888 65,021' 161
1qwn...%.... 70,403 1,035 55,075 1,749 "...“
gunfigesqa. .. 22,253 743 11,878 44 "u”,
0. 011118. 88,702: 34,041 38,060 » 8,794 ...."-
tegon 6,496 5,343 4,127 ~ 976
30:3. . . 1 . . 1,865,176 711,433.1,005,936!571,151 566,631
CF3I» “3.33111? 1.1a001n.... . . ............2,844,151
_ .........1...............”anyways
Masarity against Lincdln,.' ..
‘Thve votes'g‘iven for Lincoln in‘e nearly, but
not._quite, two-fifths of the whole. The votes
of the difierenn candidates are as follows:
Linc01n.._.............. «ma-1.”.........1,865,176
8re0kinyigige..p—.w...................... 711,433
8e11.....’..«.—'.—.V—.1-..-.................. 571,151
Iqaion (Breckimzidga am} Douglas)" ..u .. 555,631
Total vote in 1856
t It visa-remarkable ‘fact, thatwhile Douglas
r'é’cre‘ivéq‘a lhfg‘gr' populaf vjote than Breakin
ridgehfie hidibut‘llz ele’ctévfdl votes, whér‘éas
Breckinridge had 72. This resulted partly
frdm=th§ fact that; the votes ‘forßrébkinri'dge
refiese‘nte'd Hum Jargé’rj slaw population ;
whichilthpxigh ‘rmt, _'coumed numerically, add;
to the number, 9f:elebt_oié. . ..; a W J L
(c) Chosemby the Legislature, unnfimousli'REstiL
matedp‘opular'rotesv ~~ V E, . "
~ *This‘inclulelLtha Douglaavmte on a. Innion ticket.
Cone-spopde'néé qf (glaze: Pntnot mid Union
Waénififi'rézfi 12°91 717i'1899e
In tho-absence. oflQongr-‘eseionalx ii,ews,Vl hare '
heen'i'o'okingtahont the city for shah obje‘ots‘of-in—
terestas 'nre Senna 115537 utilitis season of thely‘enr,
iih’eii in; his" enhgreigato‘o the “grove, ‘the’ gay, .
thisniel‘yihhdjeier‘sgh _‘fAt gunmen point of in;
ma intensifies {mane 'iip‘rne‘nnum' tion
511 the oourts and drowned heads of the Old world,
in the shape of Ministers Plenipotentiary, Charge
d'é lfi'aires, Lei-as, Dukes, EarlsyMurqui'ses, and a
lengthen: ‘o'li'dignitariss, who; are special-meets
«heathen rag gen ’éueh _ie‘ nevi s-‘gssneam on
looking Illiioli ‘suéh‘oreaturesfifl’wnkhésb which; I
thank Heaven, I never hadgj whilst inthe theming
multitndel that throng theeityvduring the session
of Congress there are individual eases, whose his
titty, if writtéfifiwonldattra'ct“ a. ‘rnore lively inte
mt than u: sidig‘nit‘ari‘es' 'to‘ whom I ha'hfe ‘aued'ea.
For the person's ~who o‘eeiq‘iy the dignified positionse
of iiiplomatte representatives, at ' Washington, we'
can find a parallel, without the slightest difficulty,
in almost any community; because human nature
is susceptiile of producing just such men is we
haw-s had'infaliiages of_ the world, under a like
suite of‘ oiréhmitenee's ,-‘ moist-to this Ernie, which
seems 'tohe‘ taheu' for‘granted, there are some
marked exceptions; and it'isr‘to ouje'of th'e'so‘hi- l
caption. I propose to devotes. portion-of this letter i
—-e. task which I undertake with a degree of dread 1
andlri’lnetan'oe‘l never experienced in the whole 1
conr'se‘ot‘ mi’life’h‘efore. I fe'elia" consciousness or n
my’ offer inability to em the pictn're true‘e’no'u'gih
to give thelreader anything like an adeqhhte‘ id'e'a.
ofthe reality all have witnessed it, hut). will
nevertheless make the attempt. ;
There is 'now‘in this oity an' individual, in the
person -' are Blind . ntg‘rolbo‘y, of w’littie‘ less than
'éiev'en years of gafigfiwho is; "beyond ‘iiu‘estihn; the
j has: «tearful isr'odi'gy';no';’ brghifgi is her the
l word—_whe is aliying, hijeothingtlno‘ving miraoie.
Anative of the State of' Georgia, horn Vhlind-fof a
,Iphysiculeonfnrmation _so near shin-to the lowest
type of the Congo. negro that'he scareeljnrises to
the dignity of being classed among the list of Gail’s
intelligent creatures—whose craniolegieol‘derelop—
inent's give the lie direct to; all the theories'of Spnrz
hem; our," doonih.‘ had the lesser-'bhreziolég’ieil
lights of the hast and presentgenerhtion-Lh‘e'éan‘se
he is ph'ienologically deficient, tbtally' deficient; in‘
those organs, so far as external signs are concerned,
thatoonstitute him at once the wonder and admi
retion of the age. In person he is" aboat four and
than i‘eet in heightfwith long legs, Ehort hotly,
arms of an unusual length} a. Hand flifiering in its
conformation from that of any other humanilhe'ing' I
«attemfr'ongithe hot that his thumb is so placed as
to give to his; reeoh atleastone i'noh more Ellen-his
-_ hand‘ is expand’edthan any other person, whilst his
fingers are not only smallrh'ut tapering and-rather
shorter than ire t'ouu'tl in persons of his physical
pro’fiortion’s; His'heniliand fabe’hre of thin: 'shape
so psguiiar to the most 'inferibrifclas's‘ of Affioansj
that the finest" oritieal _ohse'rrer, ignorant of his
wonderful gifts, would fail to,i_iis_'o§r'n the slightest
tracesof' genius of‘-ny,‘kind.. ‘His faeeis almost
void of the slightest‘ray' bfiinteuigenoe, save ’when
his in the'a'ot' ofiroéit'atiori; Eithen it assumes an
en’pi‘hs‘éihn which is: :Hqth'filéatin‘g and bewildering}
hud’the heholderf'fo‘rgets’ for the" time being’hii
rprotrnding'mouth, thick linsfiht nose and i‘fdfiéljeml
villainous], low,“ with the upper and back partol'
his head running up to an unusnsl altitude, covered
with a thick crop of stifi‘ and matted wool, chame
teris‘tio of his moi” He is the nineteenth child of
his mother, who is‘ at preéent a field hand; pi the
plantation of his one, Mr: onm‘. His mini is
also a. field hand on the same plantation, ancl hoth
parents are said to he'speeimens of the moat sin;
pid type of the lowest soolrrof the Afrisan‘negrov
‘ _’,l'9W-‘th°fiamdiutd subject .of my notioe,at the
go of about ‘six yearsfwht discovered to possess a
sift that? is ”Mealtime“ to any of oedema:
truss; _eertaiuly in no}, instance, ‘hesidea Toni, iii
sneh bountiful meaiure and exquisite deg“. ; a gift
of alljothers: the most burely.Henvenly;_w“ 6f
'piodiioixig’the r‘s‘we’ete‘st melody that ever saluted
hum‘iijdrfiéniifiiffbn thi‘kfiys' of the piano tom
hill? 91°. Fét‘i'iér F“. fieléihiohi of perenni- hi
. aims , Tmfiistdwr‘i'ififi’ivdi‘iéhtnli metath- nh
amount of training could guhlify anyjmgmmf f,
-‘ ‘s‘xeeate- as Tom idoes; ' .Heaven,'in l'hOOmlpefhg‘e‘r'rfdl'
hiffl‘eprivittionjoi' ai‘glit, eohi‘eri-e‘d 'upo‘n “hyping,
: "€ls.ll?ifififiiii'f‘ifififiliexdfii'oim'en'tiiith'éir‘iorld
3 Itiiéit'ltElfinlfiéfi’sSilt Will'lvfi'i‘io’priiiie‘e
.' s333l.39.efesieptllieteeéit§°.moéttr'mspohngand
t euthanasia thattnwttet ethererliearh;j’i'."‘.l}., §
: ~ 9EI sin telleotiseomsiwtoi be; of: that ”mating
' ifiihh'i-‘icté't, thhtiheldanire-btotlnei any ugh-. 511 mueie
: Wei: 'é‘fiii‘lé’e whenennneoocheéntghna‘e«thaw,
and without education, for he does it by intuition,
and his brain seems to possess the peculiar power
very nearly
President of
eleclion, as
'..'...L....... 978,975
11:2:V:::....1....4709 327
.- . .1.1,...14:049;204
'to stereotyp‘e'not only music, but language, with
equal facility.
' I heard him at the Assembly Rooms on Thurs
day night last for the first time; and heard him play
some of the mast difficult pieces of Operatic music
with n. taste and accuracy that thrilled the large.
fashionable and critical audience'then and them
assembled, into an electrical shock,'and as he pro
neededlpsoduced an efl'eet that no pen can describe.
He commenced with “Love Not,” which he rendered
to perfection 5 then played pieces from the poems
of "Nol‘ihn," "Linda,” ‘mucrezia Borgia." “Tr,“"l'
torc,” “Semnomhula,” “La Fille du Regiment,”
450., &e.,and several pieces of his own composition,
such as polka: andcreels, that were exquisite. He
imimted'th'e drum and life, a Dutch"6rgBh grinder,
accompanying the piano with his voice in the most
accurate manner; played two pieces of music at
the some time—“ Yankee Doodle” with his left
hand, and "Fisher’s Hornpipe” with his right, and
keeping up at the same time a lively conversation
with his master ; then capped the climax by turn
ing his back to the piano andplaying a tune. I
felt such an interest in this wonderful creature that
I determined to visit him, which him this morning:
through the politeeees of his master, Mr. Oliver,
Who, by the way, is one of the most elegant speci
none of the gentiine souther'n’gen'tleman that can
be .found in a. day’s jou‘i'n‘e‘y: anywhere. 0n enter
ing the (room ethic-master seamstress, at the
h'aardinthouse,‘ we found Tom; who; on: b‘oin'g in
formed that two gentlemen (I was accompanied ‘b’y'
1. friend)‘ had called to see hiili, aunties-s in aloud
voice,with a. “How do you do,>='geiitle’inen';-‘Yery
gladto see you," whichi-he got outfitter the g’réit
est difieulty, owing to bid hibig’for he: is not only
blind, but he stammers'painfully‘iniconvershtien -,‘
but never does in singing or inir‘eciting a ‘piec’e'of
composition, which 'latter fact was fully? verified‘to
ne "daring“: visit, for he iecited “The""L‘érd’s
Maya-”fin Latin, two verses of {film 'Marseillis'e
Hymn," i.“ French, and apart of the song, entitled,
uWh‘en the SwailDWs"Homiwaca*Fly;” in German,
together with the Weintii'ul composition by Sir Wal
ter Scott, commencing with—9 I’. ‘ ' ’ ' ;
“Liven there a mn,-with any! no dead,
Who never to' hiiiaself hath snid— .
- M - Thu iajny'own'. my nitin‘land‘zfl‘" v;
aAIII which he rendered with wonderful accuracy?
and: distjnctnelg, . His motiong,t.gritgace_a, germ--
fllectionswand Voddi’tie‘a, whilst v. 9 were in the room,’
when let} to hinjself. and not engaged in conning-v
tion, wqgg sup}; as to induce-the E‘qlier—tihfit h'a-lis
mi idiot ; but fihéh 1011 00111616 talk‘with him, and
Witness his _cohexjgpg am] fgfiejligept aqgvygts'fip all
qlioétionéh_th'b'idiggjéf his iiiidj§y‘ynnisliép,vfiahd you
gaze 'ut liiiif, :23sz did“; if)" lini‘t‘ej’afiflf‘finasfia'fiéui‘éhJ
meat; gnd‘excxa‘im inwardly,"‘ "Hie aware“
are not our' waii”—Hia ’wondeffiif' fir'di‘kffigg‘a"’§re'
beyond our finifh-‘comfiéiiéhiibh‘f “Edi-E ‘i'fis‘ half
fu‘i‘e' gm'ewwnh a: 'diivifii-"endoiméht, 16711619505
oonsoiou's' of vitr'rpmseséioxif him-361T: v‘;Viil"i-13";flz‘ef
mania-lei of"flatiUnivetu-'»‘-‘bhbosca a=th'e swank?
thin'gl 'oflfliig foila’t-bf-‘eopfound the mightyg’ gndi
11°"? is gm mummylifi'ifi‘i’é'fiifinila=efiild;"+lifiit is;
a more eloquenfi gcymonihay ever- man «proachatb
But, an I said at the outfits”, I feel my'uttei' iii-g
Icapficity to‘ 511 v? _ai fail la§§cfii>ti§n "of : d'fis‘v mine] e§
in-tfiilj’mbmi vimh hhysimfl ‘wor‘ldg‘fi'afisj thin:
cramowhh no firmly; fifit’WO‘ifiiifit' no;
awn-{Endwhoaé wéidérful~r§perffirfifinéés'mn‘stfl- Be‘
fiitfi‘ééé‘ea',‘t§j‘§e Hpfii‘éé‘ia‘tégg;*ir=’igniin’ ch; suiijé'e-t,’
b‘e’y’ifidor'edigid‘ Infin’z'a’d by the bare uttempt'to.
cofiifiréhéfifl ffiii‘liuiha‘i'ézfi'g‘ifiiz"“j'hfif‘f‘ ‘ '
Therehi'g‘nht‘ioniof‘Geia'e’raigcaag; a; Secretory or
sate; Lét'iti‘zii‘e“ in‘; this firééeh'tgimi £6: to reap.-
ing with the old veteran’s ‘ehereetei‘fand he; idem—
oged him in the estinietion? ’of‘inany ’ot hie‘fold
*fiie‘n‘ds" harass“ it Will eleeyhe‘refi' Hefqifi‘ered'
withethe Presitie‘nt nsrto "t—helpoliey of refusing tO'
eehd inure troops to Fort Mooltrie'. ‘ The President
would not yield-,lnd the» G'eneraltin a moment of
bique qiiitted his post, at which itwouldhaveheen.
better for his rim hadhe remained till th'e’i'th or
Mofihiiéit.‘ The policy of the fflhi‘ef Meg‘lstizto
is undoestionably right; HisVobjeot ie-tQ‘prevenb‘
'ne long‘as it is possible, the shedding 'of'hnm'an
blood; a policy that cornmehds itself to every good}
‘citizet‘l. in this country, The determination ofthe Ad-f
ministration is to abstain from on: net thetwould
been!“ litté‘dj‘to irritate or aggravate the present iii-f
’hhépy ethic-hf things at Charlestonj’o'r elsewhere ;‘
and if on'oiert not is committed; it inust haem—
mittéd Ab'ywthe South, and then the-LSonth' widths
in the mung; and if blood, must be spilt, that mood
will be upon the 'ekirts :of the ‘peopleuo'f the Sonth,‘
who will beheldiaonfihtable for-it, n‘ot only by
our own p‘éo‘p‘lé} bizt" lhyiitlie'cisili'zed World. There
is a. sublime‘iigniliicanee in‘ iftli‘e position of Mr;-
Bllohanari'at-thie='tnon:ent,.n.nd his firm purpose to
'eihhqst‘ * osery"‘pérslii§ive meisure‘ to bring ‘the
people-’65” th'oF'Stiuih to reflect=ulion§fthe ruin-I that
must- fiildwlfisé‘céésigh; isf‘oifly ‘aneorér pm‘t thht
he look'eulion the questions involved hi the present
controversy hetyiee‘rithet'people’of‘the North and
those of the South with the eyeeof a. ’oansummate
statesman "and patriot, ‘siho deprecates domestic
strife as the worst of evils that can befall a. N 34
tion. ,7 H. i. :
~‘ “In paihful‘uontmstéto t'h‘p' Président willfibe ‘fqlind
seua‘t‘éi-‘nosigm‘, if‘nimbi 's‘pioaks i truly, ‘wha‘,‘igi‘ia
si»ill‘,_‘i‘lffendbfmakin‘g‘ a. snack. th‘is Wink itlvb’e'ni
lihéiépercionhf the S'outh.’ It“ suoli lalh‘b‘n'ld ,t‘ni-n
"dill-{'- toi‘b'e true',-Mr‘.‘D.' hall but ‘6l:} 'inor‘e' :Etep td
take, and that is in_t_o the ranks of the Black Re;
publicans, who'ui’q‘f in Effav'b'i' iii 1;” similar bloodj
policy. I trim; lioiveiver, that “lie rumor may be
false, for My, anglaa’s o_wn' saké as well as that
of the comm-yd. 1: . , ‘ " . é
Mapilriég'rle't’sjqré. éxprfiasdi hérg famous the
numerous fri'gxiaijafia _'pcquaintdnbea of the late 19i
mented‘Isiié‘G: ‘MpKi’inéiqu yofiféity; who died
lash'w’eek. ‘- He ‘wu réqpsctcd‘and bjéloved by those
who kfuiivi'hfm'm this my, foi- hisimaxiy'virtues;
Hi 9 plane will not; be 'fillod‘soon‘ili' flu; Itox'ni'n‘muityi
when? h'b Ina-a. "11117103. will be remand lamentea
for years to come. _ 2v ' '- * ‘ :
Dun-mm Tuning wug Eonorn.—The Norfolk
(Yr?) Ghamhor of’Qp'mpdeyc'e"reogmilygent Jphn
D. yrick it‘s its agent to Eui‘bpe _to inyeatigaté
theriaoilitivea 'for establishing direct trade; Thé
Norfolk: firgm‘, in aififlouncing His rottfi-n, sfljéi
Several firms 'of the highest repute in 'Livexf'pool;
Ham-e and Antwerp, have been‘lofl, to loo]: 't-b
Norfolkas, a. point from yhich dirgct toade’inay
he junta-raw; and. thezglnretple‘léefi to make
cash advances ongany ahipi‘nents that {our en-’
terprisingomerchahts may‘mokq. '. It} would; not
surprise‘ ”us if one or thaFrénch‘li'nes Which the
Emperor-1.183 taken u‘n‘der‘ 111$” liberal patronage
could bé'ifldoc'ed by éfi'oifa iii Yin‘giniw‘t‘o make
our portnitsfl western terminhg; Ml 5 ‘Myrick
has obtained many valuable-assurances on these
points, and we hopo ho ‘will' wane us to?!“-
piah to tho'blisih’esé éo’m'munitio'é 'of‘ our State
the data which-ihe has‘tnken so much pains to
secure. "”11“ i “ " .o
Govn'nflminri Orncn'ns.-Ther;e lam appre
geng about :60,009 5.9153“: in .thé'igift of“, the
General Goyemme’fit, fpr-which we may ‘esti
mix-$600,000 in‘p’pli’cants; showingf;‘t;hh‘liis;ljttlp
“under .ono-bhirtietthf the peopl§ iéfitheinfiited
58mm ,ayg igtfirgatefl “Qt ”mulch iflluwé 6"
the country as in mohaqge of the ’ 'mini‘s’fird-
J 39!“ de'eß’r n‘bb this .iis'mt'in axplaiz'iihg why 'a.
Pféside'hfli‘s n'evei' dbos‘en foi- two tefm‘s’ho’wdl
days? . . '51::
DnchE m wanvzhmkzpi;Sthiiis.—Robett;'
White, special'zgo'igfiissiémer, sold on Thursday_‘_-
lust, .%IPeg,l9£§iéif named Joe, aged about 3.5”
yegfijgfififijfibod blacksmith, for $BOO , J. M.‘
Harris pugqihager. Tm mbhthflea'go "MTWUM’?
£8315 :mukfl-tflfiom A likely negi'B‘ boy,
aged about 9 years, brought $400; Major Wm.
Hall pnrchaser.—Romney (I’m) Ar.
’SENng.—The Vice President nnnounced the
receptlon of p11}! report. of the proceedings of
the Parliament of Canada. Referred to the
Committee on Libraries.
Mr. Lane, (Oregon,) offered the following:
WHEREAS, In 1847 and 1848 the Northern
States adopted resolutions in favor of the Wil
mot Proviso, and the Southern States passed
counter resolutions declaring that they would
resist that meeéure; And whereas, In 1850
compromise measures were passed egreeiu g that
the ‘people of- a. Territory should decide the
question of slavery: Ami whereas, By the late
election the Northern States have reaffirmed
their former position that slavery be excluded :
An‘d'wlzereas, A number of Southern States re
gznfd'the nae action of the Ninth as destruc
tive 61" the equality of States and their right to
the common territory, and have indicated their
purpose to dissolve their political connection;
as ouch ,a. result would be disastrous tob'oth
sections,” and if- attended by civil war create
horrors never before recorded : And whereas, ' It
appears that. the present system ofour govern
ment is inadequate :to the exigency of. the
times: And whereas, In a similar difficulty our
fathers met to adopt a. new plan of government,
therefore be it '
Resolved, That the several States he requested
z_o send commissioners or delegdte‘s to consult
on the present times; that the Scuthern States
be‘requ'ested to meet. previously‘to decide on
the condipjopgngqeasary to their peace and
safety, and submit then} to the delegates from
the Northern States. - . ~ .‘. ,' ‘ v
" "WNW? Résélézed: ; T 318- fitf 13‘.Cbnlr§i'y:§d i2ll
- and the spirit of €56 .sgei'fsr’c‘he Governi
mént -to'riilt’erfere inéauyAway with any steps
the fitatesmax agree to adopt-"1' ‘1 . .' '
‘ Fur’tmfipiolued, ~That the ram] Govern
ment-w'vil-lfsbstaig frum'lh6 Employment of any
fdrlég'fig’g‘yééaiy‘e“ tov'mrd 816;? Suite ; “if th'ereibe
any’ ‘dan'g‘er’ora‘ dbllision between the F‘e'derizl
and State forces, the former be promptly with
drawn.l.-,.._.y..;_ "'2" ._ ~‘._
Bdrxs‘ias'eirhéfSpeawmia heroié: theLHtaufie
.a Aether; fromZ :Mr', :Wushhuifiié” jo‘f ‘Mfinfe'; jig
ifoi‘mill'gi‘ihinll‘ this: J he a hadflslaced in the-halide
ofithe Govie‘ifibfi (if that ESfimrhis" 're'fiig'ndfibn
“as‘durepfesehtaltiiv'e'frem- Maifie, ‘to ' take e‘fi'ect
on the lat ‘pzfiJanpgarrx. 1_ ,_ . 2;; 1.
Mr. Steven’s; (Wabhington 'Te'ri‘itoryJ intro
duced' a; feaqiytion authorizing a- ppecial-‘enact
meat, so asf'tb'ieilhble :the'Seqi'etal-y ofthe Ifite
xfior to decide on ‘the validity of film _quet
Saudi! Atriqfilpurdl depg‘xi‘y‘; 5.150 a r'eéo’l'ution
having in view"tlie 'am‘ployingpt of . a. war
steamer on the Columbia! liver.“ 'The former
was,referred;t6’thé Committee on Public Lands
an'd‘the lgttgr to‘ the Committee on Naval
afi‘airs." " ‘.
Mr. Otero, (New Mexicoflfii‘eioflt’gd gfgéso
lutipn.rgqqggiging ‘théjjc‘d-updmtion of the vol
untéérs‘with‘thd réguldf' fo’rces in that Terri
tory, and proposing an appropx‘iatiofi to pay
them. . “x
”Mi; M’Clerhilfd‘, ‘- (1.115;); 'i'jt'is'e:l to: lazpqreonel
explanation. Some friend'jligdi-féfiwilrdédlfim
the Illinois Jowf'izul _of':the'{l3théin‘st., published
atspfifigfimywflereMt. ‘liirfcoln and himself
reside. Thati fijier iis edited .by a false per
verted specimen of humanity named Baker, a.
nerhew of the President eloot._
Mr. Lovejoy, (Ill.,) raiSedtlie' p'oiht‘of order
that this was not. avpriiiliged question, and in
this he'r'wossiistmiuedzby the Speaker, who said
that it he‘d-been decided heretofore that news
paper articles did not come ,imd'er;that"h6ad.
M'r. Ely-,- (N: ‘Yl.‘,)='oifered a bill amendatory
of the‘ll’ucifipz {telegraph ect... ,R‘éfefi'efd to the
Committee on Post Offices endiPost Ronda,
Mr, Cguwford'oaliedfrup the Te'soluti'on' intro
ducedyestendsiy déolnrizfgflthhtthé Constitution
recognizes p'roperty in'slaies'; that Congress
has'passsd laws to aid slaveholders in recap:
turing' their slaves whenever they- escape and
make their way into the Free States; that the
Supreme Court has decided that 'negroe’s are
not included either in the'Deeler'ation ‘of Inde
pendence ,: or‘ iii' the" Constitution, _ except as
s‘lm‘res'i that‘theyhannotibe’come citizens, and
we; the members *0( the House” of Representa
tives, will sustain ‘axidf‘s'uppoi't the‘ construction
'of 'the' Constitution, theqlaws, and the said
decision of the Supreme Court.
Mr. Sherman, (Ohio.) moved to lay the sub
jeet on the :teble, with a. view; to proceed to
other business, gas it»; oonsideration would
probably consume the whole day." He was
liel‘t'e'c‘tly willing £01: ‘a. fair ‘vote’ thereon on
Monday. » ' _‘ . ‘
Burnifigofa‘ Steamer. " ‘
- .' an¥onK,-;Decg 18.
The steamship John P. King, ofthe Charles
ton ling, took firg at her dock early this: IFIOE‘D‘
3.“.ng The attempts to'extinguish the flames
being unsuccessful. she was haulqd out into th’e
stream in didér td brév‘ent'd'ail'ger to the ad
jacent shipping. and film is nqw buggingfrom
stemtoafiei'li."; '“i
The Burniug‘steamer‘, John P. King, is sur
reund'ed with ‘stenm tow boats, from which
steam and hand engines are throwing numerous
streams‘of water, She is still burning below
(16,05 z andjs almost completely destroyed. The
King is“ valued at $160,000, and is owned at
Charleston and this city. Her value is partly
insured. - .
Arrival of 1113: _Steqnfe‘r Etna}
_' , ff "NW _anx, Dec. 18.
The steamélfip’Euia heg'ai-tiv'ed from Liver
pool. ‘ Héfihdv'iéess’ have "b‘een ‘anticipated by
the Bohemian, which passed Cape Race on
Sunday: 7: i E-f ; . -
The steamship Etna. brings 70,000 pounds
sterlihg-irfispeaie. ' .' - “ . f "’ “ '
The Atlantic, *nn‘w hourly expected, has
199,000 pounds in specie»; ,
A fearful; explosion haeoceurred in the Resca
coal mine, near Newpgrt,7W_ales. , One hundred
and flung lives 3.226, 1.0% ~ e .
Henyyh léu‘e‘r‘, ef‘Mg'ii'éheater, England, in
the Leveli‘tL-tmdet has‘susfie'nd‘ed. His'liabili—
ties are large... '
- ~ . FromVWlashington. . t '* _
’ ;; . -. , T _"wwisumumox, D_e_c.4lB.;
'gmquec‘etw otfithp Tr'eafiy’héfiééiéflifld
for pnop'aail‘s untilathe' 28th; fo'r, the is'sné of
*fiYEZiniilfiéhssétiTrflquy mes, pur‘euant to
tltéfgsitillfisfipiflsedl ‘ t .
w}; nig ' reliably; ascertain‘edxthht' Secréljdry
TWfips‘ofiv’é Imisision‘ to North: 9 Carolina}; as the
‘nepresgntjltive pf‘Missisgippf,, is; td‘prbpui‘iéjh‘er
colop‘emtion with all the Southern Staté'ajn
'th'e‘éV‘entyof Lincoln’s administration so _acting
as to ‘dh'mage's'outhe‘m fightl, wihdte‘verhafbe
his individual opinion on the subject of _ae'oés
axon. ‘ ~ - ”
A stroqg‘;nddlQl§ to the people of Massachu
settg has bee’ygubfished, denouncing as uncon
‘etitfufibfieflhfll‘ 19:30:13.1 Liberty VBill,and recom
x‘nénding’ iw‘r‘epe’al: It is signed'by thirty-five
gentlemen, including (ex-Chief Justice Shaw,
B. B..Qprt;ie,'lafie Judge of_ phq United States
Supreme Court, ex-Gov’e’ Lifioolh, "Glifi‘afrd,
Washburne‘, Gaidner‘, and other eminent. c‘iti
gens, representing nearly every count-y in the
tateu“ ;3 1; ‘~'_ :-' '3 ,g.‘ x ‘. :._
The South Carolina Glow-3mm“-
,-, _r;-,» 32:11:634311351‘01‘! Dec' 18'
.Ezerythingis; _bging‘got in readiness for the
méetihgio'fi the-‘Stitezeouvemion, the_ delegates
crinigugwm*arriv'apnrtgtpdw: ”L‘flm‘iuot
Ifiiich‘fiibift‘e'meni. E'Thivreports‘ circulated: at
IGalyghias 49~,th_.e;:§fi§<zeushat; file.» In min-g
iigknessain 3 Charleston WMM'FITR' fifilmqu‘, Jaré
fiift’rfie?g’7_l'fi§ CHPWMW?‘ _'Vf'iHAmgeb'vat '4:o’r¢idck
fififi'fiflfifiéflaifi; $33" ‘3; ‘£;:§;,',;.;"§iif’ : T-T‘ 71’ ‘fi? ‘
‘L: “hi-‘s‘ 1 a $42 Aimed :1;i:’ .12, w. 5
Comaton of— _ me .- ..
‘ 53:41:; Mir} :5 swafitfinojfifififififfigg 133}
j The steamers Jafieb‘ixdgefimfid-itfinm ‘Ca‘y—
‘ ler from Charleston and Savannah, came :1:
collision this morning while coming into dock.
Wasnmurox, Dec. 18
BOSTON, Dec. 18
The former had her stern and middle 7 N ‘
8 carried
away and the latter was bad] dam
the bz‘ms. y aged about.
The Markets.
1 f Illlimiésgfitlépg‘fé Dec‘ 18'
-saeso sma osa. . a. for
mggogddghce brands sup‘erfine; ss.l2xas.3}7£}§ mg?!“
has, $5.59a6 for extra. famll y and $8.123gn650 [‘ol. funny
lots. Bmm] sales Rye Flour at $3.50n3.623fi . Com um
at $2.75 per bbl. Wheat; sues 2,000 bushels at 31-155
1.18 for Penna. and Western Red; $1123 Southern do
and 31.275137 for common and chance White. Out]
quiet; Com dull at 64c for yellow. Whisky firm 1755".
18540.; Drudge 17}; c. _
EAL-"you, DEC. 18
Flour dull‘ Howard Street and Ohio are held at «'5
4 87x: no mien. Wheat dull at 31 10:1 18 for M ‘r *'
$1 2m 40 for white Com steady; new white We“?
low at 49c.853c., old 55c.a60c. Provisions dull 3:3 '
nominal. Cofl'ee heavy and lower; sales at 12cu2l'Jn a
Whiskey steady at 18 xc. "'1
1 r 1350‘; {131“ D” 18'
Flour advanced sc. ' met! 0 , 8.. at $4.60“.
an for State, $516.25 for 01110, and 54.am.15 for South
ern. Wheat advanced 10.,- sales of 50,000 bushels, at
$1.14 for M-lwaukie Club, $1.20 for Red Western, and
$1.24 for White. Corn advanced ; sales pf 15,000 bush.
el 5, at 63543.6“. Pork dull and nommnl; Mess Im
changed,PrimeslOa.ll.7s. Lard. steady. Whisky lower,
at 1803.
New CMncrtistmeuts.
UDITOR’S N OTICE.—The Orphans’
Court of Dauphin county has appointed the sub.
seriber Auditor to make distribution of the balance in
the hands of Jacob Bufiington, Administrator, hé. of
John Daniel, lots of Lykens township, deceased, to tnd
among the creditors of said deceased and the Auditor
1‘35 appointed Tuesday, the Bth day ofl January next ac
his office in Harrisburg, at 10 o'clock in the foreman); of
said day, for the purpose of making said distribution,
when and where all persons havinz any claims will please
to present them. JNO. ROBERTS, Auditor.
December 18, 1860.—delg-datonw
- or Inn A
!l‘het if the CITY, SOHOOLJND WATER. TAX is
not paid on or before the 29th inst, that there will be
an addition of five per cent. added, and the water shut
ofl’ without delay. By order of the Committee.
0. 0. ZIMMERMAN, Collector.
Office No. 28 Eouth Second street. delS-dtd
mama. 131000313 & 00-.
n. 3,, HENJSESSY g; 09.,
OTARI), DUPUY & 00.,
J. ‘2 F. MAMELL,
' u 13 MARKET 31mm
‘ - ‘ ‘
NQHQE.—:I_O.. all; Eersonseilntzeueated m
éthe. _diatrlbntiop'pf the estate of Gehr'geifibpipger’
late effLykens .toynship,3D&uphin county, guessed.—
The Orphans’ Court of said county, on the application of
the heirl-of the late Catherine Faust, deceased, has re
famed bank to the «new: foggfurther‘ ppmi‘gation the
distribution of said estate likely made to said out, And
the Auditorium ..appointred EfiIDAJr-fl‘fil 4'13 BA! or
J ANUABY. N 311“, 8:15 Exam”; et ‘tfiq o’élock, P. H., of
mid day 2 to make said examinatiob; when and where all
muons mterested will plem‘ettend. . . ' ' ‘
- - . . - - 3NO. “ROBERTS, Auditor.
Deeenjheifi 10,’1.860.;-<1e11-c13t1a.w ' ,
A UDITDB’ SVNQTICEu—Nojnqe) 15 here-
By given that the undersigned Auditor. appointed
by-the;orphn.na’. Court of- VDauphin,.cou_ntyt_oi make dis
tributiqnfif the_ balancp in the hands ‘ofJOSEPH I’.
LYTEB,‘ Executor 'of the entnte'» of‘Jes'eph‘ Shoop. late
of 1 05611011 township ,‘ in mid cqnnty, dgceaged. to uni
among the grgditors of said deceased. willrmeet an parties
interested in said distribution at his onion, in Imm
burg, on Saturday, the fifth day of January. A v JD- 1961,
when and whare they are reqniged to attend. _
v - - ‘ - B. F. ETTER, Audxtor.
: Decembexf 11, 1860.—41912—d3t1ur
,f:'.l ' ‘ e
.“C O N’QE B T!
TH E smA TLE c kneel. BAND
= , * ‘WILI; GIVE-A A] '
--e_Q.N 0 E B. T,
.4 1' 3.1; .4 _ H .411} L’,
,Inedditiqq t 9 the performances of the Band, which
will'cqn'siet of a'choice selection of new and popular
;pieces, 4 numberiof talented Musicians will lend their
=aid7~ Professors Human! Kuoonn will preside at the
Dino, assisted by Prpfenor. WEB“, qulim‘nt. For
punicnlm‘s‘eqznrogmmma. .Doorgppen 9.15 fig io’elock;
concert 120- commence at 7. Tickets 25' tents, to be had
attthe Bnok and Music stores, or of my of the" 'niezhbers
of the Band. _ 4, ', V 1 eels-dot
«121: HARRIS}; UR G, 7P4. 7 “[63:11
N O T I C E A. —-
Gums or THE HAnnlsnußG, Pomsuovwn,MT. JOY
i, ‘ .‘xp L4uq4swln £111.30”) 00., , = '
. . I’mmnnrnu. Dec., ,8: 1860.
A special meeting ’ofxtho- stoekholdera of the H R
CASTER RAILROAD COMPANY will be held on Thurs
day the 27th inst" at 11 o’clock; a m.,-M: Sansom street
Hall (Benson) street, between Sixth and Seyepthgfireets,)
in the, city, o_f Philadelphia, for the purpose of ecceptiug
or rejecting a. contract .for a more permanent lease of
their mud to the Pennsylvania Bullmnyi pompuny.
By order of the Board of Directors, .4 . .
- ‘ ~- -» GEORGE TABER,
‘ Secretary.
P B. O 0 L ADIATION.+Whereas, the
Honorable Jon 3 . Plumes, President of the Court
of Common Pleas in the Twelfth Judicial Diatrict,‘ con
sisting of the counties of Lebanon and Dauphin, and the
Hon, A. 0. Hmsnn and Hon. Famx Nxasur. Associ
ate Judges in Dauphin county, having issued their pfe‘
cept, bearing date the 10th day of December, 1860, to ma
directed, forholding a Court of Oyer and Tex-miner and
General Jail Delivery and Quarter Sessions of the Peace
net-Harrisburg, for the county of Dauphin, and to 69W
mence on the 3d Monday of January, being the 2k:
dayvof January, 1851, and to continue tyre weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, J us
tices of the Peace, Aldermen, and Constables” of the said
county of Dauphin, that they)» then and. thereln their
pro 1- persons, at 10 o’clock 1n the retention of eaid day,
witrtheir records, inqujsitiona, examination, and their
own romembrences to do those things which to their
ofllce eppertains to 7be done, and those who are bound in
reoogmmncea to prosecute against the prisoners that are
or shall be in the Jail of Dauphin county, he then and
there to prosecute against them as shall he just.
Given under my hand at Harrisburg the 15th day of
December, in the year of our Lord, 1860, end in _tha
eighty-third year of the independence of the United
States.- -''" ‘ ~V . J. D. BOAB, Sheriff.
, . . . Ssanxnlsfluxcx, ~ - z- -i:.7 .. . 1.-.‘. .‘ . .
Harrieburg, December 15. 1860. delS-dtwfl
‘ INC 03“ on RATED 1835;
CAPITAL AND’ASSEIS;.;..._.... . .5904!907.51.
11. " Tim INSURANCE: :3 :
~ ..13 i =SOF pHILADELPam. «A ‘1 :
.~ , IN axoRPORATED 119-4'; =~
: cfimknlub A§§ET5HHH...,...§}.219'475.19.
’ his undersignéd. as. heat!“ “16 7 @399: veil known
Oompmielj will make Insurance Bgfimt ids: or during!
my”, eitherf pqr‘petuglly or 1:931:11], 9n propqrty In
“the; toynprgcot‘mtty: ‘.":,.’ 5.2;: 4 .: ~ ;
, Kuiflg Lnd:'§flmd,fi9up°rt’fi°“ Rinks duo taken.
£pplf§°ii°éfll¥°¥§fim°w° "” 5“”
. ' WILLIAM numnmz,
decl-dazwly Harrisburg, PM
JULES 3031 K a; 00.,