Qt $311301 if: ‘éflninn. SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 15. 1860 o. smut! & moans a: lishen and Proprxoton com-munitions wm n 3; be published. in the Puma-r 4n UIIOI unles- aeeompqnied with the nuns of the uthor. S. M. FETTENGILL & 00., - Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street New Yin-198ml 1. auto street, Boston, ere the Agents {or the tumor A!» Union, Ind the most influential and largest circu nting newspapers in the United States and Genuine. {hey no Authorised to eontmt torus at animus! mm FOR SALE. Lacuna-had Anus Puss, platen 89); by flflinehea, In good order; an be worked either by hand or “am power. Term: moderate Inquire I-t this am“; TO THE FRIENDS OF THE PATRIOT AND UNION. We edlthe attention of'onr yen-1y c_lub subscribcuto the fact um their subscription: will expire during Deeem. 3.1- and January ensuing. We should like very much if our campaign and yearly nbacfiben would renew their “bacriptions and use their influence to ex_tend the cir- gulation of the Wain! Puma-1- ‘1“) Union. The terms at which we one: it to clubs are as low as any paper confining tha same amount of reading mutter published in the Union. In View of fie existing state of main, there wil be an exdh‘ng time at Wuhington, end it_ is not unlikely the: we shell here I lively time at the state Capital.— A‘ the former we shell have n ramble correspondent, and 6 the letter competent reporters to give the Legis l-tive new: end All other occurrences worthy of note.— We ehnll also give our nan! compendium of foreign and. domestic news, mil spun no pain: to make the PARKO! An Unoxone o£ the beat (us it is the cheapest) family jenmhhthe Bake. Hoping tin} our friends will make some exertions to extend the cirmhtion of iho paper; either by clubs or otherwise, we all situation to the TERMS DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION Mammy- for one you, in “men... .........-34 00 aim. up] during the session of the Legislnture. . 1 oo WEEKLY PATRIOT AND UNION, Published every fiursday lingle copy one yen-,in advmee.........'..... ...;2 00 ran eopieatoone midi-cam“.....................10 00 lfibacflptione may commence at my time. Pay at. my: in advance. Any person lending us a. club of fifty subscribers-to the Weekly will be entitled to I. copy for til «Moon. The price in so low I.th we mot olfer grater Mudemente then this. Addition my be made st my time to a club of subscribers by remitting 81 far ouch ulditional me. It is not necessary to lend I: thus names of those mnstimtinga club, I: we cannot undertake to nddresn each paper to club subscribers Genuinely. Specimen copies of the Weeklywiu be sent 1o .11 who desire it. 0. BARRETT & 00.,Hnrrilbnrg; P. The speech of Judge Woonwsnn, delivered at the great Union Meeting in Philadelphia. on Thursday, which we publish in another column, will command attention and admiration as a :tmthfnl exposition of the causes of the exist ing perils of the Union. That Judge Woun wsnn has probed the wound to the very quick is apparent from the contortions of the North American, which characterizes his philosophi— cal and statesmanlike efi'ort as "ofi'ensive, par tisan, radical and intemperste.” It is not sur: prising that a. paper which has done more than -any single sheet— in Pennsylvania to plunge the country into danger, by lulling the public nind into false security at a. time when it might to have met the true issue involved in the Presidential contest with boldness and manliness, should iguobly shrink from the con sequences of its own treachery to Pennsylva nia interests; but until the people look at the real cause of the danger square in the face, as Judge Woonwnnn does, and determine to do all iu'theil‘ power to remove it, there is no manner of use in wasting their-breath in empty enlogiesnpon the Union. Hodente men, therefore—good men—men who have ’heretofore clung steadfastly to the Union. believe in its perpetuity and diseonntenanoe even a. thought of its dissolution, ore now forced. painfully, reluctnntly, with sorrow and anguish, to the conclusion that it is wholly impossible for the South timely to tolerate the present or indulge the slightest hope of an improvement in the htnre. They now see clearly that there are but two alternutiveu before the South. provided she is not in sensible to dishonor and disgrace—either a lino! separa tion from the section which has oppressed Ind aggrieved in]; or s new comm: under which her rights will be amply secured‘ The one may take place and stifl even t'lnlly prepare for the other.——N¢w Orleans Bee. One indication, remarks the Journal of Com merce, that the. opinion is rapidly gaining ground at the South, that a. withdrawal of the Southern States from the Union'is a necessity and must he speedily efi‘ected, is found in the fact that some of the most conservative papers of that section, which before and since the Presidential election, and until within a week past, have earnestly opposed secession, are now in favor of the movement. Of these the New Orleans Bee, quoted above, the New Orleans Picayune, Bulletin, Crescent, and True Delta ; the Mobile Register, Tribune, and Advertiser ,- the Liontgomery Confederation, the Augusta Gomtitutionalist, Augusta Chronicle, Savannah Republican, Memphis Enquirer, Memphis Ap peal, and the Macon Telegraph. ‘This is a. for midable array of talent and influence. It may be said that these are all “Union” papers ; “I.“ 'U. they would prefer a Union as it was designed by those who first formed the comgaet; a Union that would secure the rights of the South; but they are opposed to the Southern States remaining members of the Confederacy under the existing sentiment and purpose of o supposed majority of the Northern people, and despairing of a radii-8.1 change in that semi ment, or of securing etfectual guarantees under inc! compact, they can see no remedy except in secession. or two acknowledged evils, they choose what they suppose to be the least. A great many have believed that the seces sion excitement was gotten up for political ef-- feet; but the Scales are now beginning to fan from their eyeb, though we fear, too late to save the ship. a They are nwaking to a. sense 01 the dangers that impend, and see that strenu ous efforts must he made, or all is lost. Ample evidence. of this is afforded in various ways, and. ggpqeiaily in the results of the New En— gland aloetions, held since the 6th of November in the-fineipal cities of Massachusetts, nearly all «of whiteh‘have routed Republicanism. Yet' thiamankening is only partial. Many are still doubting-.hbgthetiég‘or madly stubborn. Nev. ertheleés; iimé’inift' ‘work (gut a complete reac-l tion;~ end imiggg'sjill 'with $1.13 conviction that the Constitution is nptstobe subservient to their “higher low,” [not thelaw of God,] and‘should he ohe3e-l in all its pnrts;——thnt the rights which il guarantees to the South equally with the North, should be acknowledged and pro tected. This is all the S nth have ever asked. It is all’ 111 ey would ask nor,- did .Uthey believe that, what they .‘hav‘p"!:-ao long fishedin vaiu, would now~bo gamed; .l ‘ " ~ ' MAcDOWEI-lu Pub- It. seemsme'nlanchoi'y that,. in the race of these hopeful and. cheering indications of a returning sense of justice due, and of wrong committed, dissolution should be precipitated “POll 115. Could the conservative South be induced to bear a. little longer, the great. end might be attained. and the deplorable calamity of dissolution averted. Do they not. already See [us Mr. Cobb of Alabama said in the House.) .“a pure gleam of‘light” struggling through the overshadowing gloom? ' . For the edifieatiou and consolation of that ‘ class of persons in Pennsylvania who supported meonx for the purpose of securing a protec tive tariff and good times, we re-pnblish, from 3 the New York Evening Post, edited by WILLIAM C. BRYANT, whose name headed the Republi can electoral ticket in New York, and who re- l ceived the highest vote, the following article \ on the Merrill Taritf bill; and we trust that it will command the serious and devout attention or all those persons who really belived that the 1 election of Lincomt would establish the pro- l tective tariff policy in the government. \ Perhaps by this time many of the protec- ‘ tionists begin to realize their folly in neglecting ‘ the greater issue in the Presidential contest, which involved the existence of the Union. to' gether with taritfe, homesteuds and every other more question of policy, to follow a delusion and snare. What would a tarifl‘ be worth to Pennsylvania without the Union 2. If a. South. ern confederacy should he formed and South ern ports opened to the commerce of the‘world, ‘ free of duty. where could > Pennsylvania look for protection to her interests? If dissolution begins there is no telling where it will end. .Each State might fall back upon its original sovereignty. and ultimately form such connec tions as‘would best promote its individual in terests. States and communities that buy more than they produce would not submit ‘to high duties. New York might become a free city, and open her ports to the commerce of the ‘ world without restriction—and where would Pennsylvania be in .the race? She would be compelled to bobble along without protection. A‘ gloomy prospect—but a prospect that might have been averted had the people of Pennsyl vaniu comprehended the real issue of the Bre sidential contest, and not lent willing ears to the delusive representations of. demagogues.- Those who have not. yet learned to bemoan their folly should read the following, from the leading Lincoln: elector ‘of the leading Repub lican .State: ' . Tn: 1103311.]. 311.]. Adam.—Some._of the protection ist journals are calling very earnestly for the revival of the Merrill hill in Congress, bywhic they mean a Very ichonsidered bill, proposing to establish a new tariff of duties, which last winter passed the House of Represen tativea, roosiderabl to the discredit of that body. It was a bill, as our readers may remember. designed espe cially to benefit certain classes of millmwners, under the pretext of raising a revenue. Whether it would add in dollar to our revenue, if enacted, is verydoubtful-thst it would furor certain classes of the community at the expense of others is very clear But aside from the question of protection, the bill was full of mistakes, blunders and inconsistencies, and would hvve h«en ex tremely inconvenient to execute if theScnate had passeli it and sent it to Mr. Buchanan, who was waiting allwin tor long to give it his signature. ‘. If we are to have an increase of duties, let it at least be an honest one. Let us have a scheme of taxation as .simple, as inYelligi le. as easy of execution as possible. The peopl- who pay these taxes have s. right to insist that. there shall be no tri ch in the statute imposing them —no masking of prohibition or discouragement of im portations under what ponds to be a plan for raising a. revenue. One of theo'bjccts of the Merrill bill was. in certain essential respects, to obstruct importatians. The present emptiness of the treasury is owing to the recent frugality of on' importations. Our dry-goods merchants have never been more prudent in this respect—not even under the pressure of an unfavorable crisis in themoney market—than they have been during the past year, wit the abundant pecuniary fecilitles which they had until within a few weeks past. Instead of owing bumps, Europe is our debtor—it is one of the great inconven iences 0" our financial condition that Europe owes us so much What we want, therefore. if we are to have a new tsrifl’, is one which will not diminish in the slight— est degree, or at least will diminish aslittle as possible, the indhcements to importation. If we binder in any manner the entrance of merchandise from abroad. we dry up the sources of revenue, which, as long as were. plenish our treasury by, indirect taxation, depend upon our dealings with foreign countries. Mr. Morrill understands very well how to draw up a revenue bill which will harrass the importers, but to draw up a fair, consistent scheme of revenue is beyond his skill. His fsrrago of blunders was moulded into rather more decent shape in the course of its passage ; through the House,.but it was afarrago of blunderastill . when it reached the Senate. It should he sent to the Limbo of Fools with all dispatch. and a fair, reasonable, honest bill should be introduced—,3. bill the efl'ect of ‘ which all can understand—s. bill which shall aim at nothing which it does not profess to 'aim at. in short, a pure and simple revenue measure. Anything difi‘erent' from this, any measure after the Mort-ill pattern, will assuredly prove a consent tuture controversies, and will inevitably have but a short existence. ‘ One of the causes of difl‘erence between the Northern States and the Southern has been the enforcement of the proteetive system through our revenue laws. It was was with the enactment of laws designed for that pur—, pose that the alienation between the afferent divisions of the Union began ‘We have now agrent controversy with the South on our hands—a. controversy exceeding in violence and asperity any thingknown in our history. Are we prepared to make it more violent by laws passed for the benefit of the Northern mill owners ? Shall we add to the causes of irritation,- shellwebringfresh sup plies of combustibles from new sources, and pile them on the flames which are raging with such fury? If we are ready for this, let us call up and pass the Mon-ill bin. Itiwefire not, let it be thrown under the table without ceremony. ' The present position of the Republican Party is an anomalous one. While grasping triumph —if triumph it be to Sunder brethren and strike down the material interests of the people—it is “well nigh unto death.” Whether secession occurs, or Whether the Union is maintained by compromises, afiti-slsvery agitation, in a po-- litical‘ sense. must give up the ghost. . First, if the slaveholding States secede, and the nonLSlnveholding States, with their varied interests, have cohesive power suflici'ent to hold together afterwards, obviously, “Otheilo’s oc cupation’s gone,” for, in avNorthern Confede racy—as our future anticipated State is chris tened by Greeley—there will be no occasion for an Anti-slavery party. V The bone of contention would not exist within the limits of Ihe new organization, and no party could hope for vitality in waging warfare on the policy and domestic economy of another nation: as the “Southern Confederacy" in ef fect. would he. . Secondly, it has became obvious, that ‘0 maintain the Union. so dear to the American people—3e” even to the masses of the RBPUb' lican party—constitutional concessions must be made. These concessions the majority of the people of the North would gladly make, and, we believe, they would hail with joy, in‘- rangements which would restore that peace and domestic trunquitity which it is the duty of a good government to provide. What concessions may ye required, in detail, time has 3.“. th aefieymine, but enough' has 'beexi' ’deieioPcd f" ’warrzint‘béllief, that. the South yin-demn!“ ghfimolitiml agitation of the slavery question must be relinquished h'ere- ‘ finer, and their consfitulional rights in slave Cold Comfort for Prutectionists. Accomplished Destiny. property settled and established beyond eon tingency of future controversy. Viewed in these aspects, it seems certain, that the Republican party, to perpetuate itself, must erect theories of political action other than slavery agitation. The leaders of that fierty hm the choice of either horn of the di.’ lemme, secession or concession; but which ever horn may be accepted by them, there is probability that the “irrepressible conflict" is about ended. The attempts, therefore, to galvanize, as some Republican journals seek to do, the al. ready torpid body of Republicanism by discus. sions of the “re-opening of the slave trade,” are useless. While the Union lasts. this trade cannot be re-opened, nor is there reason for very grave apprehensions that it would be in any event. Should it be attempted, and sub sequent to a dissolution of the States, there sponsibility will fall, and history will so record it, '01: the political leaders ’whose hasty ambi. tion for place and power led them to array sec tion against section, and ceased uO'. until they shattered the bonds which bound State to State and substituted anarchy, ruin and can. fusion, for peace, prosperity and UNION. LETTER FROM WASHING TON. Correspondence of the Mum: and Union. WAsnms-rou, Dec. 13, 1860. The proceedings of Congress yesterday were of I nutu‘re no trivial that. I did not deem is neces aary to send them, but preferred to wail: and see what would turn up tit-day that would be of in terest to the readers of the Puma! AND Union. In Senate, yesterday. Mr. Wigfsll, of Texas, made a lengthy argument in favor of the rightof I State to seeede from the Federal Union when ever she pleases, but especially the State of South Carolina ; which, according to the argument of the Senator from Texas, was a sogereign and inde pendent government, with a Genetitution and all the paraphernalia of a. separate and distinct sove reignty, as early as 1775—0ne year prior to the promulgation of the Declaration: of Independence. He proeeeded at greatelengtli’lo ‘establishghie‘ posi tion by a reference to the'Lcoiistitution‘ef South Carolina. the sConstitution off‘the United States, the Articles of Confederation, Jno., loaned finally gave way, at the in'etanee of the Senator from Flo; ride, (Mr.Ynlee,) at the hour of 4- o,oloek, to a. motion to go intolexecntive session. Mr.'Wigi‘ell will conclude to-morrew, perhaps; if not,- some day this week, it is to he hoped, when, in all probabil ity, the vote will be teken on the adoptionfoaijr." Powell’s resolution to‘appoint‘n committee of thir teen Senntor‘s to take into consideration the: part of the President’s message relative to ‘the present state ofthe country. I ; I- I , Mr. Bigier, of- Pennsylvania, by unanimous eon sent of the Senate, yesterday introduced a new tariti' bill, having satisfied himself that, the [Merrill hill,»whioh ynssed‘the House of Representatives last session, omnot pass thejSenate. This bill of Mr. Bigler’e'raiees the rates on all articles" inclu ded in the sehedules as they now‘etand, and charges specific, instead of ad valorem duties, on all other leading articles. It is an important «bill for the iron mannfaotnrers of Pennsylvania, as Well as all others interested in' any other species of mnnnfne tnring. .' ‘ . - .' I The appointment of the Hon. Philip Frank, Thomas to the Seerstaryship of the Treasury is well received here, He possesses rare administra tive u‘bilities, has ‘bad much experience, and is one of the most attentive and laborious public ofioers in Washington. He was, at one time, Governor, then Controller, of the State of Maryland, and un der the administration of President Pierce held the position of Collector of the Customs at the port of Baltimore. In private life he is a bland, elegnnt gentleman, of the most preposaessing and winning address. His nomination was confirmed yesterday by the Senate without a word of debate end without the usual reference to a. committee; n compliment alike to the President and the nomi nee. At the time of his appointment as Secretary of the Treasury he held the position of Commis done!" of Patents, the duties of which be dis charged with signal fidelity and promptitude. The Hon. John B. Weller, of California, former ly of Ohio, was confirmed as Minister to Mexico yesterday afternoon, in place of Minister M’Lane, resigned. Mr. Weller is a. gentlemen well known in public life, and'possesses, in an eminent degree, the necessary qualifications for s. successful Min ister at any court ,- the only difficulty, or at least one, of the greatest dificulties he will find, when he goes to Mexico, will be to find a Court to treat with. The distracted condition of the Mexican people at present, must make it anything but'a. desirable place to go; but, if anybody can affect any good in Mexico, John B. Weller is the right men to send there at this time. The secession movement is going' on with the some steady determination that has marked its progress ever since Congress assembled, and still the Republicans seem determined not to yielda feether’e weight in their course of wrong and out rage upon the rights of the Southern people, until the die is cast,‘and the last hopes of the country and the Union expire. The idea, eliminated in my letter a few days ago, of forming a Republic of the! outliers; States, the City of New York, and 'all ' e terfiory known as Southern New York, the Stat 'of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and the Gre "Estheving Northern New York to go to the ,1}? :ggleud States, and form a. Republic for thiems . ious-Ia gaining ground here rapidly. De ~po£ LPPII it, that if the people are goaded much _further‘y‘in » this. business, they will so regulate things" as to e'fl'ectnally punish the New England mesh: their ejerlasting harping on the nigger. ‘y will get enough of agitation before they are a 2 Qiith this husinesss. > ig'ifi ehonderitli‘e Republican wiseaores, new in ongress fromflthe Northern States, do not become .égrmedm rig-the signs of popular disapproval, es " {Jibited even in Boston and elsewhere in Massa ehulhf,‘ at the recent charter elections. They are very m ‘ é‘lgyrmed. and it takes the utmost efforts of dragooning by Wilson, Sumner, Wade, Seward and otherpfbminent Republican leaders, to keep the flock together. They are bound to'break soon, , however, and the Republican campfires will go out ; forever, amid the plaudits of the people. ; Mr. Wigfall has got through, and Mr. Wade, of l Ohio, will~have the floor on Monday next, to which i time the Senate stands adjourned . Mr. Wade is an able and fearless men, and will most probably muke one of the most ultra. s’peeehes that has yet been made by any man on the Republican side of the Chamber. He is an ont-and-out Abolitionist, but in his sentiments is perfectly sincere, which cannot be said of many of the men who prate about Abo lition these times. The Ear/ford. Times hears of large establish. mom's reducing work. In Bridgeport upwards of‘ lOQjemployes are out of work, and in New Hovefi‘2ool). Dunbar’s-hoop skirt factory, at Bristol, , has stopped Work. The Plantation Hoe’Company and the Southern Carriage Com pany, both of Wiuated, have had largo Southern orders c'ountermanded, -,. v‘ . V .-> ' ThelG'reat. Salt. Lake lies at ah 'elevntion of 4,200 feet above the level of them. and i 350. mile‘s'v'lohgi ’Wliqnjit‘s wagers e'v'upgxfnte, tliey' léave ii‘dep'osit‘of abodf two inches thick of saline hunter. SHALL IT BE DONE. I From the National Intelligent-. 92. V We have already udverted t 0 the fact that if i the approaching Conventions which are to be 1 held in Mississippi and Alabama. should pass \ ordinances of secession. declaring their re spective States no longer ‘members of - the Federal Union. they would in so doing trample on their own State Constitutions. . We find that the Convention of South Carolin o, in taking this step, would do similar violence to the Constitution of South Carolina. Article four of that instrument reads as follows : N All persons who shall be chosen or appointed to any oflice of profit or trust, before entering on the execution thereof, shall take the following 03th : ‘ I do swear (or affirm) that I am duly qualified, according to the Con stitution of this State, to exercise the oflice to which I have been appointed, and will, to the best of my abilities, discharge the duties thereof, and preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of this State and of the United States.” . In the article defining the duties of the Gov ernor of South Carolina is the following clause : " The Governor shall be commander-in-chief 0f the army and navy of this State and of the militia, except when they shalt be called into the actual service of the United States.” Now, we need not say that the secession of the State, it intended to be etfectuated by the ordinance declaring it. would have for its con sequence to operate an amendment of the State Constitution in these respects. But, by the terms of that instrument, 3 Convention is not competent, with out practicing a usurpation on the rights and liberties of the people of South Caroline, to insert any amend ment in the Constitution of the State. * Amend ments are to be procured in ccnformity with South Carolina’s organic law only in the following method: . “ No part of this constitution shall be altered unless a bill to alter the same shall have been read three times in the House of Representatives and three times in the Senate, and agreed toby two-thirds of both branches of ' the whole representation ;‘ neither shall any alteration take place until the bill, as agreed to, he pub lished three months previous to a new election for members to the House of Representatives; and if the alteration proposed by the Legisla ture shall be agreed to in the first session by two-thirds of the whole representation in'hoth branches of the Legislature, after the same _sholl haverbeen read three times, on "three several days, in each House, then. and not otherwise, thcsume shall become a pdrt of the: constitution.” . , ’ ‘ . So long as the organic law of South Carolina is obeyed, therefore, the Convention will be restricted from any action which shall havefor. its efl‘eet ,to __releaae the authorities ~of that State from the obligation “to protect, preserve, , and defend the Constitution of the State and pf the United States.” And it is in View of this‘ solemn obligation that a’ writer in the-Charlee ton Courier remarks as follows: “ There is no prospecc of any violationlof . the Constitution. Learned, judges, grave chancellore, reverend clergymen' will sit in that body. Men who, have at val-ions tiines’Swox-n to God f to'pre‘verve. protect, and defend the'Constitulio‘n’ "will' not ina'u‘gurateane‘w State with broken _oaths,”: ‘ A Tamara ron' run Consu'mrlon. —The triumphant, election, yesterday of Joseph'M, Wightman to the Mayoralty, is just ground for congratulatlon. Let its state the facts that give significance to‘this victory. ,- ' The Republicans, in the _flush of the Lincoln triumph, made a party nomination ; their can didate, Moses Kimball, in his letter of accept ance..put himself squarely on party grounds; and thus went into the contest. The Atlas and Bee (Republican) said yesterday of the Repub lican perty of this city—4‘ By the recent elec tion it has shown itself to be much» the largest: party in the city, and should claim and assume the control of the city affairs. The present will he as near a straight contest as there can be until all of the other parties are completely fused.” The Journal, yesterday, in its appeal to the citizens, said, “They must see, too, that any vascillation, any evidence of timidity, any deprecatory action at the present time, instead of calming the excited state of feeling at the South, will only make the secessionists more haughty and contemptuous, and aggravate existing evils;_” it expressed the 'belief that the party which gave so heavy it vote for Lin coln would not “give the city over to the gov ernment of the Breckinridge «Democracy ;” and it nvel‘l‘ed that afiepnblican triumph could not fail to be regarded as an evidence that Boston would sustain the administration of Lincoln. ‘ The Daily Advertiser claimed, and Well it might, that its candidaterwas “thor- Onghly identified with‘ the party.” Mr. Kim lmll is a root and branch Republican if there is one. Mr. Wightnmn received a regular nomination from the Breckinridge, Douglas,'and Bell or ganizations; and in accepting these nomina tions. heput himself fairly on national ground. As such he has been supported by national voters. The usual appeals of the Republicans to local passionsnnd prejndices, even the'Jour nal’: allegation that his success would turn the city over to the Breckinridge Democracy, lost their spell for once. .Mr. Wightmcn is tri umphantly elected. It is a sign that sober second thought has begun a needed-work in this oily at least. It is a fit sequel to the election of William Appleton. Both are Union victories—pioneers bf still greater victories; when the deceived people of the North shall turn upon the political leaders who have led it 'to violations of the public faith and thus im peril the Union. . This result is a proof of .a. turn here of the Abolition tide. It is a victory for the Union, the Constitution and the country. It is an earnest of what will be done throughout the State when _it shall he reanimated with the comprehensive patriotism of Hancock and Adams—Boston Past, Dec. 11. - A SHORT SronY WITH A Mensa—A gentle man in this city once desired to. hire a house of apartieular style, in a particular locality; but after a. search of several months, was still unable to find one that would suit. At last his perseverance was rewarded. He discovered the cabalistic words “ to let” up'on a building that. pleased his fancy in all respects. The bill directed him to inquire for particulars at a house opposite, and with a light step he re .peired thither, and ascending the staircase, rang the bell. The servant directed him to the floor below. Now it heppened that the (lash-ed house had long been vacant, andthe lessor had almost. despaired of renting it,'although he was most eager to do 80. Under these circumstances, it seemed certain that the' bargain would be read.- ily consummated. to the great satisfaction of. both parties. The applicant introduced himself to. the landlord with the following words : “ Sir: observing that yonder house was to let, and following directions, I inquired at this house, on the floor above ; but ‘e servant told me to apply to you, down in the kitchen here, and ___—n > “I beg pardon, sir, this is not a kitchen; it’s a. basement.” ' . “ How? I don’t wish to dispute you, sir, but .1' say it’s a kitchen.” _ “I say it’s a basement. - Haven’t I lived long enough to learn the difl'erencebetween a kitchen and a basement '1” f 1 “ It’s not a basement; it's a kitchen;” = .. I say, it’s a. basement.” . N It's a kitchen.” ' , “ It’s a basement.” ‘ ' = ‘ ' . “ “Confound you and'your basement; eir [— You may keep yqurfiq'u’se, eir. ; I’ll not hire it, sit. No, sir—not if there were up other house" inthecity.” 4 ‘ ’ ~ ' u: 1.1!“1 1, air, wwldlqtletlyou the-house at; any Fri???“ if you, Were 'Oi‘er-‘n‘i‘flt'uhlfi i“ value per hoitl‘i: “-G‘oo'd dfiyi airy“; 1?; Thus in quarreling over a mere ab'straélz‘bn} in which n'either gained their point, both gen tlemen not. only defeated the objects they had I“ heart. but-suffered serious loss. Perhaps the reader can discover some analegy between the foregoing and our present poliueul difiiculliesr—Journal of Commerce. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH- From California. New Yonx, Dec 14. The steamship North Star has arrived from Aspinwali, bringing the California mai‘s of the 21st ult., and $1,083,000 in gold. Her advi ees have been anticipated by the Pony ex— press. CHILL—The Chilian Congress has extended extraordinary powers to the President till Sep tember 30th'. and has also sanctioned the pro ‘ject of sending a Minister to Rome. The Araucanider Indians, to the number of two or three thousand, were advancing on the coast. The Government had sent troops ‘0 OP‘ pose them. PERU.——The Peruvian Congress had granted extraordinary growers to the President for the prosecution of the war on Bolivia. Castella would be able to raise 30.000 men. The gen eral impression, according to a letter from Lima, is that the Peruvians will be whipped. From Washington. Wannmu'rou, Dec. 14. There is good reason to believe that Gen. Cass intends resigning the position of See retary of State. Indeed it is reported that the President has been so informed, but will not dissuade him from his course. There is no doubt that'Assistant Secretary of State, Pres cott, has resigned. . ' - Neither house 'of Congress is in session to day, baring adjourned over till Monday. Sale of Slave Vcssel‘s. - an Yonx, Dec. 14 The condemned slavers, Storm King and Triton, were soldat auction to-day; The first. brought $3,500 'and'the Triton $2,025. The fiobile Cotton Market. , a v ‘ Monnn,‘De‘o. 14 Thercotton “Iconic-day amounted to 5,000 bales-"at 9} for middlinga. Thq market is “elicit”... Vj ‘ ‘,- i , . The Markets. - , '- .. - . ~ ‘ ..: .‘'. "' ‘ PmAnnmu. Dating": .l‘lour dull Lt 34.7555 for é'ujr'é'iflne, $5.'2}(a.6.25 aid $6.37)]; for axtra. And $660315.“ .for>,fli‘milv._nnd fancy. Eye 1" our“ 5033.62}; and Corn Meals3u33lx . Wheat (hall at 5120.123 for red, and for white. Bye 68a70c. and 15:17am Corn; old yellow 64mm. and new waffle. Oats 315.31); o. and We. ‘ Whisky #1943180. Bunions, Dec 14. Flour firm ;. Ohio and City Mills $4 75 5 Huwufd Streat $5. Wheat steady gt :1 10n51.20 for _red and $1.203. 31.42 for new whita. Corn active; new white. and ye!- low 408.486. ' old 589.600. meiiions-dnll and mom-nil. Whisky duli at 17xusc., ‘ » . 5: ‘ NEW-YORK, 11812.14 Flour dull-- sale: of. 6,500 hat-relapulue. Ohio and Sputhern machined. Wheatdull; quotupi nsnonnal; atlas of 6 anbnsheln 115$] 05 fox-Chicago Spring; 'Cor V quiet; sales of 26,000 bushel! M: 654:; for Yellow South ern. Lard firm It ”(:10)“. Whisky dull and nominal at 181181. ‘ - >-‘ - " _ Receipt: of Flour, 3,463 bbla.; Wheat, 49,390 his. 3 Corn, 24,995 bus. V - GE'NER'A 'l'; NE W 3. ; Mrs. Henriettadtobinson, the veiled mur deress, now‘ at SinglSing, is thus alluded to by one of the editors of' the Albany Courier, who has been visiting the State Prison : 'Eni tering the female department, the accustomed .eye at once detects the, ehsence of anything like prison discipline. Convicts were running about hither and thither, talking and chatting together in high glee and merry voice. The notabilities in this department are Mrs. Robin'- son, the “ veiled murderese;” who, by the way, was the only prisoner that did'not gaze at the visitors with an expression of mingled delight at seeing a strange face, or contemptuous bra zeness because they were looked at; and Mrs. Littles, of Rochester, who murdered her hus band. The former is instantly recognized by her greatbeauty’, and the possession of intensely red cheeks, which, .to a city belle, would be of priceless value; and the latter by a roguish eye and “irrepressible smile”. Tm: Tns‘r ‘ Cssia BETWEEN KENTUCKY AND Calm—The following is given as an explana tion of the case commenced in the Supreme Court of the United States,‘by the Governor of > Kentucky. {A test case is to be made of the" refusal of Governor Dennison, of Ohio, to de liver up the men Lego, charged with enticing slaves from Kentucky; ‘Some ,time ago a man named Lego was indic’t'ed‘in the Woddford Cir cuit Court for enticing a slave; to escape from his owner. Lego escaped 'and took refuge in Ohio. Governor _Magofiin made‘ a requisition npon’ Governor Dennison, of Ohio, for the ire turnof the fugitive from justice. Governor Dennison refused to issue his warrant for the arrest and surrender of Lego; upon the ground that, by the laws of Ohio, negroes are not property, and that he did not recognize tlie‘act 'committed by Lago as an ofi'ence. ' Tan Yourrmrm. MAIL ROBBER.I—The lad Hudson, arrested .B}, Chicago folj robbing the mails on the Burlington railroad of some $15,000, is the son of a worthy clergyman living near Detroit, and his true name is Camp bell. He robbed thebage .by affecting to be asleep on then}, while he was slyly at work crushing apart the packages inside, and by working the letters down to the mouth draw them out one by one. He, never opened a. bag', and yet once abstracted the entire contents, leaving nothing but the. wrapping paper and wine inside, to the great mystificatiou of the postofice clerks; He oohfesses his sing with tears and prayers, monepartieularly that. for the sake of his dear 0111' other his true name and fate may not. he 195%,}: known. MONEY Am) Pnonueg ”Accumumtrmo m Cm- Bnao.—We have stored in our warehouses enormous amounts of .prggluee, enough at; any time to keep exchang'efg; ing at g per cent. But. there is no produsa’iaw ed, no pork packed, and nothing done to lace it rrency circulating, because the farm‘ei'fi Mr in fact everybody else, are afraid o'ffl-the ‘w azard' nothing to say, there is now tguprst ..Su. us more currency here than four we'e'r'llm‘i‘l 33‘“ From the city and . - .mteds -. country money 18 Qggalike to as fast as n can be gathered. On thug. RE nt the banks keep their rate'of exchn' ejfizshigh, in orderto deter all outsiders as muffififsponsible from sending in any more—G’hicb‘fig-lflem. _ Browse or None» Mom—The death Of the Duke of Norfolk is anhou'hcéd by the last for eign arrival. The deceased _nobleman was the 14th Duke of Norfolk, fins born in 1815, and had succeeded to the dukodom only four years ago. He was a son—in-lfiyv of Lord Lyons. His son and heir, the Earl 0' Arundel and Surrey, is 9. boy only 13 years fid. Rev. Dr. Croly, the well-known author‘dnd preacher, fell dead in the street, in London'. on the 24th ult; - For 25 years previous to his death-he had been rec tor of St. Stephen’s. _ Walhrpok, London—a. living presented to him by Lord Brougham when Chancellor. He was the author of sev. eral works, and also edited the workslof Pope and Jeremy Taylor. : . When Warren Hostingifivas Governor-Gen. er'al of India, Major -Roebll'¢:‘k,-. milking an ex cavmion in the dist-rial; ofßenares, found :1 vault, and in. it movable typ'vea,*placed- is if for printing, evidently not of n'iedern origin, and from all the» Majnr oould b‘olleot.;it appeared probable that the place had‘rem‘nined in the state which-it was found for‘nt'lenst. one thou sand years. Paper. we know to have been manufactured in‘ the East. mefiy centuries before we‘ held any 'knowleage'lof3it’;'and we have runny reasons Qtoxhipk ambit-Pg Chinese he'd been ac‘qnainl'ed" Willi ”the .. mode of ' p‘fixiting theymowemploy- many centuries beforeanustr invented it 'inJEprppet” , , '- 'i arr-u } “§':‘:~..’lv'-:‘A". ‘ "'H‘HJ". “ ,TheenWflmin‘ton” N. 0.; ‘H‘Wl‘l’m‘ J _ ”1'? I.3mm, mega” 8.15.316 in Just-city on‘r'l‘yésttllmyfi f §y§nlhgg wasthe largest gathefifl‘gfof llie‘fiédfii‘e‘ "°.'°rs.mt.&¢§peslgsghare.-m....Strons: Ham womb-3r" atlofis were "adapted but faulting thaw-1136f." State Convention, and a Conventidh 'of ti g Southern States. a THE Communal: or Luann—The custom. house returns from Monrovia for the few 135 g glves the fo'lowing resultez—Expong. $190,~ 369 22; imports, $143,858; excess of export. over imporcs $46,511 22. The main article: of export are palm oil, eamwood. ivory, gun”, molasseß, palm kernels. and coffee. There n. five other ports of entry, Ihe returns from. which are not. before us. The production of the above named staples of export. is rapidly increasing. ' . BETTER AND Burrsn.—_—We learn from the Boston papers that in m oflthe seven m'uni. cipal elections held in Massachusmts on Mon day last, the Republicans were defenfed, In Cherlestown the anti-republican ticket. bed 628 plurality; in Roxhnry, 200; _in Worcester (aha lition hot-bed.) 176; Lynn, 250:' Newbnryport, 443. Total majorities in five cities 1.697. SHIP anmna.—The un’semed state of the times will check ship building, 'Jmugh there are a goodly number of new vessels on the, stqcks at. 'lhe East. The Bangor Union says ship carpenters in Maine, who last. winter re ceived $2.50 a. day, are now working for less than $l. The first efl'ect in England of ihe news of Lincoln’s election wah a. great. falling off in freight-s at Liverpool. New ’liimcrtisemenm. FOR RENT—FROM THE FIRST on or Ann. "XI—IA Gammndious Two-Story I~WELLING HOUSE, en Second street, bwow Pine ) with wide 8011, largo Bat: Build n 5, Marble Mantels, in Per- rs, G 3,. in six rooms, all the rooms just papal-ed and pfiuted. The second story divided into seven rooms on» of think is I. Both. This, in connection with the fsctthsfi the house has just been placed in the most thorough repoir, makes it one of the most desirable houses in 'he city. Enquire of E. 11. POLLOf‘K, Market Square, Harrisburg. ' Also, several SMALL HOUSES for rent. do 'Ldtf F R E s H ARRIVAL O_F NEW GOODS APPRORPIATE TO THE SEASON _ ,u' . W. L. TREWICK’S,‘ 7N0.172 unnxnr sqtunx, N,EXT TO FEL IX’SvC'ONFEGTIONER Y GROCEBIES: NEW 01:01» swam , mo cormé. manna. om) nu, SYRUP AND BAKING MULAEBES ‘ ' » PURE BPIOES, he. DRIED m UIT: NEW BAISINSV -. . . -. CURRAN'I'S, ‘ - ‘- CITKON. ' supremAqnn‘vgnnnx mus, _ ‘ DRIED APPLBSL' ' GRIN» N AND BY AOK TEAS. Alla, fresh invoiep; qf-GHINA AND GLASS WARE, with a. fine atmk of L] QUOBS. The, public are invited ,to call, see price: sud judge for themu’elven. ' dew-GS: ; G .R "A; :-N :12 . VOG-AL AND INSTRUMENT A‘L f -C O N C. EVER T 2 {PH-EHSTATE- CAPITAL “no ~ j_ WILL GIVE 14”: - ' ’= GRAND. VOCAL AND INST]: UMENTAL “c o N C‘E'R T., 1’ T. 33,1, N5l- "Sn?! 1 L ,5 ,é ‘ 0N outrun}! nvgxmmpncxunnnfiz. In addition to the performances of the Bundehich will consist of a. _cboice selection of new and popula pieces, 9 nu‘mber of talented .Mnsiciana will lendgthok; aid Professors Run Ind K soon: will preside it tho' Piano. For particulars see Proglomme. Doors open It 6}; o’clock; Foncertio _coinmence up 1‘” Ticket-. 25 cents, to be had at the Book and magic smwpr of any of the members of thallium]. flat ' STEWART & M"AREE, - RECTIFYTNG DISTILIJERS, . WHOLESALE DEALERS n: , BRANDIES. GIN’S. WINES.» SCOTCH; IRISH, 0L1) RYE 4ND BOURBON . W HIS KY S , , NO. 103 MARKET srnnnr',_ c1912] HARRISBURG. PA. {dam NO TIC E . -' Onxcn on THE 1113111531139, Ponrsloum, 111.,10! ’ ' nu) LAxcunn RAILROAD-00., 7 . Panamnrnu. Dec., 8. 1860. A special meeting of the Stockhnldera of the H n. RISBDXG, PORTSMOUTH. MOUNT JOY AND LAN CASTER RAILROAD COMPANY will he held on Thurs day, the 21th inst... at 11 o’clock, I m.. at Sims; 1:: Street Hull (Benson: street, between Sixth and seventh guests” in the city of Philadelphia, for the purpose of accepting or rejectingacontract for a more permanent lease of their road to the Pennsylvania Railroad Compgny. By order of the Board of Directors, ' 1 GEORGE TABER, Seeretary. decln-dtdec27 CA-BINE T WAREHOUSE. JAMES R. BOYD- &»S‘o-NI, 29 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ‘ 1 ‘ CABINET MAKERS AND UND'FRTAKERS‘. A large variety of TETE—ArTETE' SOFAS ABM AND PARL OR I'HAIRS, MA HBLE TOP TAbLES, BUREA Us, BEDSTEADS, WA SH-STANDS, HAT RACKS, Gun. Call and examine our stock and prices,“ we mi: 8211 ”low-as can he. bought in the State. . ~ no 41 m ' MESSRS.’ G'HICKERING & CO. HAVE AGAIN OBTAINED THE , G 011.” NIJEDAL! . AT‘TH'E ''_ MECHANICS’ FAIR, BOSTON, HELD TEE PBROEDIXE WEEK! 0 VER SIXTY ~OOMPETIT-ORSI Wueroom for the crimxnfime'runosm Han-is burg. at 92 Market street, ’ _ - 00234! k W. K 110031378 MUSIC’ STORE; EXTBAGT’S! EXTRACTSH WOODSWOBT'H a; BUNNEL'E SUPERIOR ‘FLAVO‘RIN'G Exrsacrs arm-1m ALMOND, .. V NECTARINE ' PINE Ai’PLE smuwimmw, ' nosn, LEMON um VANILLA, Just received and for sale by 1029 » WM. BOOK. 13.. t 00‘ NE W DB. UG _ .AND PRESCRIPTION STORE WILLIAM W. ARMSTRONG; Practical Druggist and chemist, would inform the cmzens of Harrisburg that he has leased the store room recently occupied by Dr. Kimbell, and is now prepared to furnish those who feel disposed to patronize him with pure and unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, such as you be relied upon. How-lug had several years experience 111 the Drug sud Preserip. tion business, he most respectfully solicits a share of Physicians’ Prescription business. He has also splurge ' and varied assortment of Perfumery, Stationery, kc.— Also, all of the most popular Patent Medicines of the day; also, Tobacco, Cigars, Snufl’, km, ofthe best brands; also, Alcohol, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, 008.1011, &c. In fact everything usually kept in a well-stocked drug: store. nolfi-dlm. EXTRA SUGAR CURED RAMS; Just received by ’ ‘ ' ' ’ 5"; 11016 _ ' MMWJDOCK, ank 00, . Enautaitrc. INSURANCE AGENCYL" THE‘ DELAWARE MUTUAL ' ' SAFETY INSURANCE COMPANY, « . or PHILADELPHIA. »' INC ORPO RATED. 1835.. CAPITAL AND ”spranuuxu..-...3904,007.51._, , THE INSURANCE ; COMPANY; OF NORTH ADIERIG+S2>§;.. 1 "3“- ~ , 01'! PfiIL‘ADELPHIAi794 . fl f; i . 1.1.“. conga-90.311 TED - ‘ .3 CAPITAL AN!) ASSETS....“.....nflflmfi'lfili: “I, ‘ "“1113 sigmgagaeéi "as Jam for mm“ “*1 hm J aOofipqdibh; will nigh In'm'zranée ugfinat loss or amigo u; I)! flrgLeither perpet’unlly orjlifiufllh 0" Pmfifiilfi'xi‘; f'éithu: téwnfil‘ country: . If, .._. , 1 V ~. ‘3_ f w filial-in; aim: 12:1in TWP“??? Wl3 333591" " '-“' :«apmiexagigfijx9slmm? " ’ ‘ ‘"'”',“ 2 ‘ .1 U '‘ ' WILLIAM Bunnmn, ' deal—«11ml! Harrisburg, Pt.