My: s3l2:th 62 Winn. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DEC. 12, 1860 0. BARRETT & THOMAS 0. MADDQWELL. Pub lisher: amt Proprietors. Oomnnimflonswill not be published in the P 413101 m Duo: unless ueompmied with the nnme of tho lather; 5. IV]. PETTENGILL I: 'OO., Adflrfising Agents, 119 Nam: street New York, and 10 State street, Boston, are-the Agents for the Puma! All! Ulla], sad the most influential and largest circu lating nowlpnperl in the United , state: and omm”, flu: Are authorized to contract forum: ontlowegmtu FOB SALE- A second-hand Anus Pals platen 39% bl: 26inch“, In good order; can be worked either by hand; or Item ”war. Terms moderate Inquire It this once. TO THE FRIENDS OF THE PATRIOT AND UNION." We ullthe attention of our yearly club subs cribs" to the fect that their lubscrlptionn will expire during Decem ber and January ensuing. We should like very much if our nuptial! and yet-fly submibm would renew they unbleripfionl and. use their influence to extend the alt- caution of the WEEKLY rumor um Oman. The terms at whiéh we 039: it to clubs are as low as my paper containing the same amount of reading mutter publilhal in the Union In View of the existing state of afinirs, there will be m exciting time at Washington, and it is not unlikely that we shall have a lively time * at the State Cumin.— At the former we shall have n reliable correspondent, and st the latter competent repprters to give the Legis lative new: and 111 other occurrences worthy of notme We shall also give our usual compendium of foreign Ind dome-tie news, and spare no pains to make the Pram-r AND Union one of the beat (as it is the' cheapest) fa'mily jonrmfls in the flute Hoping that our friends will make some exertions to extend the drumming of the ”per, either by club: or otherwisé, wg gall'attention to the m DAILY PATRIOT AND- UNION Single “by for one year, in advance. .. . .-.. .... . .34, 00 Single copy during the session of the Legislature” 1 00 WEEKLY rumor AND UNION, Published every flursday. Single copy one yen-fig: advance................. 52 00 Ten copies to. one Mamas"...-..‘................10 00 Subscriptions my commence at any time. Pay at wagc in advance._ Any pereon sending us ”a club of fifty “Maribel-i; to the Weekly will be entitled to a copy for his unites. Thel priqeu ye Img that we bannofofler mm: induwmenhfiiglg m., Addition: maybe made it my time to I. club (if Whoa! by remitting $1 for each additional nme.’ It'is' 7533 i“ necessag-y to send. us the nmés of those constituting a. club, as we enact uderhka 'to madman each paper to club subscribe”: ”pix-Italy. Specimen copies ofthe Weakly will besent to all who desire it 0. BARRETT a: 00.,Harrisbnrg, Pa Mr. Howem. Conn has resigned the allies of Secretary of the Treasary, and will depart from Washington on Thursday fo_r South Caroliue, with the intention of visiting the Secession. Convention, in that State, on the 17th inst.— It is rumored that the vacant Secreteryship has been ofl‘ei-ed to‘ Mr, Guthrie, of Kentucky, and that he has telegraphed his acceptance. IN the debatein the United States Senate on Monday last, Mr. DAVIS, of Mississippi, said that “ the remedy is in the patriotism and af “fection of the people if it exists at all.”— And again—“lf there is anything we can do, “it is to get evidence that such hostility “ (against the South) does not exist. I be “lieve it does not exist. If you can submit “ sdchevidenee, I feel that the bitterness will “cease.” At the very time Mr. DAVIS was using this hopeful language, the people of Bos ton were furnishing the required evi‘lence of a fraternal feeling towards the South, by elect ing a Democratic Mayor by a majority of over three thousand. Day seems to be dawning. Tm: discussion in the United States Senate on Monday last was marked by unexpected moderation on both sides. Even Mr. CHARLES Sums. managed to open his month without breathing insult and threats. The conciliatory tone Vof Mr. _ Jansnsox Davrs, heretofore regarded as a leading secessionist, the declara~ tion of Mr. Gasman, of Missouri, that his duty was in the Union, and the entire repudiation of the doctrine of the “irrepressible conflict" by Mr. DIXON, Republican Senator from Con necticut, are all hopeful indications. The fol lowing extract from the speech of the last named gentleman shows decided disapproval of the sentiments of Seward and Lincoln: There is a class of men, North, and perhaps South, of small numbers and influence, who assume that the pre sent controversy is a conflict, as they say, of two civili zations. That it cannot be reconciled—that freedom on slavery must now, perish. The great body of those whom I represent don’t thus believe. We believe there is no conflict in the systems of labor in the difl'erent States which is incompatible to themceful existence of our Union. We still believe that the slaveholding and non slavehclding States may revolve in harmonious spheres; that if the question of slavery downy the Union, lt‘will be not because, in the nature of things, it could not he rightfully adjusted, but because the statesmen of the country were incompetent to the task. The Betrayed and the Betrayers. Pennsylvania is naturally a conservative I state, and she would not have ranked herself with the States that precipitated the present difficulties upon the country, had it not been for the deception practiced by leading men 'in the interest of the Republican party. We are 1 satisfied that the I‘m-301'“? of the citizens of this State 5° deeply "ET“ that her electoral vote ; was given to Lincoln, that if a vote could be taken to-morrow the verdict of #1": 6th of November would be reversed by an immense majority. Pennsylvania was’misled. She did not believe that in voting for Lincoln she was purchasing Republican success at the fearful price of'dissolution. Instead of heeding the warnings of those who saw the coming tempest, she was beguiled by the flattering promises of the Winners; the M’MICEAELE, the POLLocxs, and other politicians of the mob species, who promised that the downfall of Democracy should be the elevation of laborand the inauguration of a blessed 'era of commercial activity and industrial prosperity. But ,i’ennsylvania at last sees the pit into which these blind guides have betrayed her; andif it was within her power: she would retrace her steps. It is, however, too Imm talk shoutthat.- The deed is done“ LINCOLN is elected by the vote of Pennsylvinis, and he may heiiuau‘gu'rated, _on; the fqiittfil'ibfgmxéh 1.19.”: Presisientef .what. remlnf magma-American Karmic: _But it iiuo ion-3min the pow}?! -9f the. Vintage; M’momis. ifi‘d. Pencefimeaessee—:s: in et'gestieiaaeraeticeé aeoa'rmsylym, to assure the people that there is no danger of a dissolution of the Union. The danger is so actual and immediate that even they are compelled to recognize it. Neither can they fail to appreciate the truth that they did not eomprehend the magnitude ofthe issue involved in the Presidential contest; or, if‘ they did, they purposely blinded the eyes of the people to its true nature. If they really erred blindly, and were blind leaders of the blind, it is their duty now to make all the reparation in their Power, by humbly acknowledging their error and foregoing all aspirations in the future as leaders, teachers or representatives of the people. After running the ship upon the sends it is time for them to abdicate the pesition of helmsmen ; and hereafter to devote the remnant of their influence to restoring this old State to the conservative position which she naturally should occupy. By adopting this course these leaders may save themselves from some portion of the execration of a deceived and betrayed people, and be permitted to retire to a. decent and peaceful obscurity. But if they insist upon braving just public indignation, they may be assured that retribution in some form will finally overtake them. Too Late. Even the most hopeful are constrained to express the conviction that all plans of com promising our diferences have come too late to prevent secession. The Washington Star fears that the time has passed when Congres sional action might have been efi'ective even to delay the secession of the cotton-producing States. But, as “_while there is life there is hope,” we can only pray that the appointment of this committee may result in some Congres sional action that will strengthen the purpose of conservative menat the South to induce Alabama, Mississippi and Georgia to pause for a season ere committing themselves to the measure of South Carolina. ‘ Seeing nothing ahead to assure us that they may accomplish that end, we can but hope that the diSahilities which both extreme sections drill, _feel from disunion accomplished, will speedily result in a reconstruction of the Gov ernment upon a more satisfactory and a safer basis. It 'will be the peculiar labor of the border States, slaveholding and noneslnvehold ing, to bring about that end. Three things are necessary to its accomplishment. ' Ist. That civil war shall 'not grow out of the withdrawal of the cotton-producing States of the" Union. : Else the border slaveholding States will all speedily follow them. v = 2d. That there he no' interference upon the part ot‘ Englanduand Ennce in our internal difiiculties whereby the extreme South may be. stimulated to hold to the position they are ap parently about to assume. _ : . 3d. :Thatithe effect of the secession upon the business interests of the North shall speedily teach her that she has lost far more than she has gained by anti-slavery ultraism. . - we" are hopeful with reference 'to the first and third of these propositions, though doubt ful as to second. The anti-slavery measures of England and France have from‘ first to last been directed to the end of dissevering this Government, in order to cripple the so. rapidly" progressing manufactures of our Northern States. That object having at length been accomplished, we fear they will leave no efi‘ort untried to make. it a fixed fact for all time to come, so soon as they may decently step for ward to influence the seceding States to refuse overtures for the reconstruction of the Union. LETTER FRO)! WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the Patriot md Union WAsmafrox, Dec. 9, 1860. ‘ The caucus of the Southern Senators, held at the Capitol yesterday, like all the other meetings that have taken place, resulted in a failure to de vise any means whereby to avert the threatened danger to the country; and thus .we are left to the same painful state of unfiety as to the future that we have all sufi‘ered during the past week. All that I can see in this state of afi'eire is the dread: ful certainty that there is no earthly hope that'the dissolution of the Union can be much longer pre vented. ' i The secession sentiment is no longer confined to the cotton or Gulf States,hut is spreading from the _Golondo to thesonthern line of our own State.— Texas is as rampant for disunion as South Carolina, and ere long Maryland and Delaware will he as fatally possessed as the most rabid disunion State ; in the South. It is matter of astonishment to find i the South so persistent in this secession movement, and can only be accounted for on one hypothesis, and that is that it is a question of resistance,“ humiliation with them, and they prefer to.go out of the Union, rather than remain in it and be hu miliated to s. state of inferiority, under the rule of men who have proclaimed their hostility to them in advance of their triumph. _ - Mr. Iver-son, of' Georgia, the _other day in the Senate said that it is the interest of the South to secede, but here I think is the ground on which the people of the Southern States are making a flute! mistake. Perhaps, if 3111’ the dreams. of Southern grandeur and magnificence that flit athwart the imaginations of our ardent Southern friends can he realized, or half that is conjectured, then it ‘ might be the interest of the South to secede. If, ‘ without. effort, they could teke in all Mexico and. Central America, and form out of those eonntfiee joined to the fifteen Southern States one, grand Southern Con federacy or Empire, then there might be some truth in Mr. Iverson’s declaration, that it is the interest of the South to secede. But if all this is to be accomplished—if it is ever to be oe complished—after a long series of years, amid toil and blood, and at the expense of a protracted war, then indeed it will be found: that‘those Southern philosophers who have persuaded the people of the South that it was their interest to sever their con nexion with this Union, will discover that they were false prophets, who came to the people with lying tongues to lure them to destruction. It is not in the nature of things that the South will he benefited by accession. No; the North and the South will both sufi'er, and it is hard to deter mine at this stage of the proceedings which section will suffer most. So far as more dollars and cents are coneerned,_l believe the North will be largely the loser, in the loss of her trade, in 'tho prostration of her manufacturies, and the depreciation of 'all kinds of stocks and real estate that must necessa rily follow dissolution. But the most lamentsble of all aspects ,to View this question of amnionf of dissolution in is‘the efl'oot it' will have in rotsrding the progress of 933"”! religious liberty, uogqully‘ on the continent ottoman-lea, but throughout the globe. 19°." the,.Ameriean Union be destroyed, and with it are destroyetl-thehopes of the world for freedom; Let $011M“!!! flig- _of_ those ,‘States maxim floslj st“ the nigh-mi 9.17 but momma, rin9.,99?1'7 i959}! 994 'rél’lA-‘F'll'filmill ; 9211991199; upoufaéjfiiyiuithe fights. «masthead: of the :oldnorld; ondwou’r‘ proud people will he’oome; liEet. the people of Mexico for the last quarter of a cen tury, nothing but a distracted family of military serfs. bound to the car of every haughty upstart who may have impudence and daring enough to place himself at the head of an army, to harrsss other petty State communities, until both their substance and themselves shall disappear from the 'face of the earth. This country once severed, it will he found when they come to re-eonstruct it that _the task will be one entirely too great for the small men of our day and generation. These States will spring up into as many petty Republics as there are States, or at least as there are sections. For instance—tho great State of New York, whose greatness has been brought about directly by the trade of the South and South-west, will set up for herself. She cannot go with New England, because the interests of New England as such and those of New York are diverse and an tagonistic. Pennsylvania, with ‘her vast mineral and manufacturing resources, must have a tarifi' for the protection of her iron interests, which New York nor New England cannot assent to, “ditto!!- sequently, Pennsylvania must set up for herself. The great West must set up for herself, and form a Western Republic out of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, dam, &e.— Then we will have the Southern _Bepuhlic, embra— cing all the States south ‘of Mason and Dixon’s line, except the Pacific States—California, Oregon, and Washington—that must form a separate gov. ernment. It requires no forecast to see how utterly weak and exposed to danger will all‘ these small sections be, even suppose that all this would be ac complished in an amicable and peaceful manner. The fable of the bundle of sticks is an illustration in point. When bound together they resisted the same power to break them that could easily do so when the ligature that bound them was broken, and each 'stick was subjected to the destroying process. Letru'szresist this thing called secession with all our power .as long-as we can, in order to save our country from certain destruction. . . It is said that a distinguished Southern Senator received a dispatch from Springfield, Illinois, from old Abe Lincoln, to the effect that in the course of a very few days a letter will appear, from under his own hand, in whichhe will. give the country such assurances as allvwill befsatisfied with. But we must wait and see what the nextp‘fow days may bring forth. If Old Abe can stay the present state of things, and give peace and ,tranquilitj to this country, and, above all, prevent the catastrophe of secession or disunion. ' I f'orone wouldhe disposed to toss up my cap with a hearty good will in honor of that man,l believe, with the reverendlchaplain of the House of Representatives,'in' his sermon to day on the present state of the country, that=it will require a higher power than the puny: arm‘ of man to restore our people totheir once happy “union of hearts and union of hands,” so that the machinery of govereinent may you as itwas-Vivont toAdo heretofore. God grant that‘Eefl‘m'sy. interfere in our hnhan}.and save our country from the conse quences of dissolution. . . , . . , For the Patriot uni Union. THE UNI ON—A 001 V VENTI ON, PE 0- POSED. That we are on the eve of one of the direst ea.— lamities that could possibly befall our beloved country every true patriot musthdmitg'hut how the evil may be. averted in work of wisdom that thould command the best minds of, the country. Who,_ then, of our leading men has the patriotism and sageoity to control the storm which has been gradually growing‘for yenrs to its present height, ready to; burst with its fury and to destroy the noble fabrie'of the Union, reared with so much blood, the which till within so recent a. period has had such a deep hold on the attentions of the people? But no singlemind can control the storm. The peo ple, the business and practical part ofthe people: must now rush to the rescue, and already theysare, beginning to speak in tones that are not misun dersood. , A great ehnngeg or rstherawakening up, of the masses is now taking place, and the pres sure of public opinion is becoming so great that those who are soon to occupy the places of power will be forced to repeal all. obnoxious laws and to give such guarantees for the future that our deeply wronged Southern brethren may feel that security may hereafter be depended upont that their. pro perty may not he ruthléssly torn from them, or their rights invaded. V . This is not a time for reoriminetions. All true patriots will see the error we have fallen into.— All will earnestly strive to avert the calamity._ Let the people meet in primary assemblies, and after freely expressing their sentiments on the ori- Bie and the means proposed for a. restoration of harmony between the distracted and threatened fragments of our oouniry, and then I wq‘lld P.”- pbse that delegates, irrespeoiive of party predilee-: tions, be appointed, to meet in convention on Bth of January next, for the purpose of deliberating and acting um: reference to the troubles that beset us. 'lt is hoped that. much of the bitterness and strife which was engendered by a hotly contested eleo tion may havepassed away, and that a union of sentiment niay prevail among the business and practical men of Pennsylvania, that- may‘unite them in all laudable eiforts to save the Union, and to‘ preserve for ages to come, in stability and firm mess, the noble Constitution which was the result of concession anti compromise—hut whose spirit all must admit, has been infringed upon by an: thinking parties in the North, who now see their error, and in a measure may 11an an opportunity to retract ind make repnrntion for. the past; as well In to give. “soreness ofiogrwillingness to act in good faith to {our brethren; in the South for all time to 'coiné. , . . . , . The preterit crisis is not thejreault of a momen tary frenzy, but the calm and deliberate aet of the Sonth,lwhiehhee been years in reaching the pre. sent fulminating point, which is ready to burst and out ruin-upon our ”common country. , {l‘hat a kind Providence they avert the dreadful evil ie the sincere and earnest prayer of every true patriot; end it is hoped that measures may be adopted that will avert the dread calamity. ‘ , Whe, then, will, sign the,ea_.ll f°." the convention of the people, to be held on the coming Bth of Janu ary, that it may strengthen the hands of the legisla tor: and executiveolfieere of this nndether States in all laudable efforts .to stay the blighting eurae that threatens to enielope that which should be dearer to every Anal-lean than life itself. . N. E.‘ , Bmmrsnunn, PA., Dec. 9, 1860. - _For the Patriot and Union 110 W WOULD THIS D 0? Mn. Eamon z—A frieml of mine in Philadelphia proposed the following plan lo me a. few da-yl ago, and it looks so reasonable that I offer it to the people through your paper-i V V Let the Governor antl Chief Justice of each of the thirty-three States select a. man of honor and idiacretion from amongst their own citizens re ’gspeetively. This would be three-front each State government! melting hi'rxetx-ni‘ne ”31.1, ell‘. _' Let “13.50.; ninety-nine meet, on why to_ be fixed,“ Indepee, dme‘ mu, m Philizdélpk‘id,‘ (a' «good old”- place). “and there cohsider the matters nevi agitating our _leountry to itgifonodgtio’nl; : :3; . :r; .-, It strikerlnieithat s'ueh .5 eoevention could not; M 1 to‘pro'llnfiégfi'uaglt‘lregfltfiyhi‘gfih’wogid prjoigjm; isfactory-lto in 1:11.; 5 ' ' Gun-L GENERAL NE WS. Tan Mom. on THE Boson Divonqn Gun.— The Springfield Republican, in closing areview of the Burch divorce trial, says: This case is a. very, very sad one, and wherever the chief blame rests, _there is certainly one lesson that every virtuous man and woman should learn from this domestic tragedy, which is, that‘the door of every house should b'e shut closely against known libertines. In the middle ranks of American society this is now the case, Pretty generally, but, unless we are not much mistaken, aim-gar license prevails in out: most fashionable society, and a, man of wealth, ed ucation or style to command access to such society, is not excluded by the niost notorious libertinism." THE KANSAS DlsrunnsNuns.—Letters and dispatches to the St. Louis Democrat, from the south-west expedition, announce that General Frost had been. to Fort Scott and had an inter. view with General Harney. who had undoubted knovdedge that Montgomery was entrenched at Mound City, three hundred strong, and deter mined to fight. ' Gen. Harney desired the sup port of Gen. Frost, and it was thought their combined forces would be sufficient to capture Montgomery. Lieut. Scott had been disabled by an accidental shot through the leg. Error AGAINST Lrsonmu.—The frequent lynchings in Savannah, Ga., 11an at last at tracted the attention of the mayor and common council of that place, who denounce such pro ceedings as lawless and subversive of good order and security, A reward of one hundred dollars is offered for the apprehension and con viction of parties implicated in suchoutrages. The Savannah Republican approves of the proclamation, and says that the oldest, wisest and best citizens of Savannah condemn the course of the vigilance committees. _ Mn. Bauer, the distinguished horse-tamer, of whose equine doings in .England, France, Arabia, and Russia we have read so much within three years past, arrived at New York by the Asia on Friday, and took quarters at the Fifth avenue Hotel, wherehe is nowrstopy ping. A number of personal friends called upon him on Saturday, to congratulate him upon his success abroad, and welcome him home. Mr. Rarey is soon to go to Ohio, where he will visit his friends near Columbus. NAVAL Rssrourroxs.——-Oommodore Shu briok, who has been fifty years in the navy, has prepared .his letter of resignation, to be tendered when South. Carolina shall secede.— It is said to be conceived in the most" tOuehing terms. Capt. Ingraham.'who has gone to the Mediterranean, is understood to have left his in view of the .same contingency. They. are esteemed among the best officers in the service. —N. Y. Tribune. . 7 Tm; Philadelphie Inguirer, a Black Republi can journal, seys‘gthat senator Hate “has, by some unaccountable freak of the‘ citizens of his State, got into, and kept in, a seat in the Senate of the United States, when his_ true, posjtion would be in the saw dustof a circus, crowned by the jester’e cup apd’ bells. He is the meuhtefi bank of the Senate, possessing neither dignity; grudenge, not: proper'appi'eciation» of his=high uties. _ Susrnnsron or PUBLIC Wong—On Saturday, the Hands employed on the United States Capi tol Extension "were discharged. The 'oause'o'f this is the want, of fundetofiontinue them in service. This deprives a. large number of work ingmenfiof meansxt'o :support their'families du ring‘ the approaching inclement. seasdn. -We trust the enspensibn may be veryvbri‘ef.— quh‘é ingtari 'Star. ’ . ‘ . Tm: SIDUOED on: JUDICIALLY EEBUKED;—— Two girls of Canandqigua,‘ N Y., went up to the college to flirt with the students,'and while there om; of ”they: _was seduced," according-10 her own' stdgfy, undg: promise of marriage.— She. prosecuted the student, but the judgeudisq Charged himJ telling the young woman that. it; was her. own fault. , A , , Tmininnn ArnnAy.—Three Men Killed.—On the'24th ult., a. desperate afi'my occurred in what is called “The Strip,” in Newton county, Mo., in which three men, Rev. J. J. Baxter, a Mr. Morris and a. Mr. Rogers were killed;— Tlhe efl‘ray grew out of a dispute about a land e um. . V . . FROM THE ARCTIC Romans—A letter to Henry Grinnell, Esq., of New York, from C. F. Hall, of the American expedition, now in, the Arctic seas, announces; the loss of one of his vessels, the schooner Rescue, and his eXPedi— tion boat, during a. violent gale. Capt.‘ ‘Hall. had discovered a bed of cool on Frobisher bay. ANOTHER. Annniosn Ss‘nvma. m Dunn—A son of Mr. Spencer, American Consul at Paris, has been serving during the last part of the campaign, under Garibaldi, as a. captain, ;al~ though not yet of agéfi He hopes to retain his rank in the Piedmont-est: reorganization. . A party of six-young men left. Rahway, N. l ‘J ~ in two sail boats, on the 29th ult., bound for Sandy Hook,‘on a. fishing excursion. with then-pressed intention of returning on the let instant. .They have not been heard of since: THE BURCH DIVORCE CASE —The. trial ofthe suit of Mr. Burch, of Chicago againsgtf iii: wife for divorce; was concluded on Monday, at, Na: peryille, Illinois. Thejury rendered a. verdict for Mrshßurch, the defendant. Syow A'l.‘ 1'31: Sou’rm—Snow to the depth of two inches fell‘in Anderson, South Carolina, .1: Monday of last week, and the ground at Au gust-a, Georgia, was robed in “wintef’s livery” on Thursday night. . The sixth annivenaary of the promulgation of the dogma. of the immaculate conception was celebrated in most of the Catholic churches, on Saturdayles't. ' . _ _ The :Paris ‘Presse states that M. Thiers has just sent tothe press the last sheet of the 18th volume of his “ History of the Consulate and the Empire,” to appear on the sth of December. Capt. Mafiitt, U. S. navy, so successful in capturing slayers, has received an autograph letter from the Emperor Napoleon, expressing his udgiration’fqnd thanks. A _ _ _ SPEGIE in! SMALL Sims—The Farmers‘ Bank" and theßank of'-Virginie. at Richmond! are bothp'aying out, small sums in specie to those: who do not: use it to speculate upon. - The Norwegians are raising money to build a college in lowa. Twenty thousand dollars have already been raised for this purpose. On Sunday lest the- steamer Huntsville brought book eighty-six passengers from Sa vannah, byorder'ot the authorities“ 1 It is nowrasoertoined that no less than ninety two lives were lest on the lakes during the late gale of November 24th. - Cardinal Antonelli’s: family have offered for sale all their estates situated in the Comarce of Rome. ‘ l Garibaldi’s Island'of Caprem lies near to .Elba. and Corsica; and contains 2,500 inhabi tants. . There are now on the Atlantic ocean no less than ten ocean mml steamers, on their way to New York, Bostonnnd Portland. , A Chinese Baptist church has been organized at. Sacramento California. The Mafk'ets. Eammnnrnu, Dec. 11. Flour sells only in a small way at $4 1555.12}; for com mon and good brands, 80.201153? for grants; $5.62Xafi.50, {or fancy. Wheat has declinedje.‘ sales 9f 1,500 bush. gt 31.161125 for red, and sl.3oal.sé for white. Com is" held firmly; 8,000 bushels old yellow sold at 658-666. Grolcéegies and provisions unchanged. Whisky dull at 181 . - ‘ , ‘ , ‘ ' - ' ,‘ , ' New-Yon, Dec 11. ' ' Recall”: of flour 7,713 barrels. thut [5,929 bushels. Corn 7:703 buShela. Flour quiet and' pr! eea'finchangad; 8,500 bbll. Bold ; State $4,35a4.50, OH?) $430115”, South em $45934 95. Whegt quie’g and nomlrguny'unchungod "" sales umplpnrtgnt: Com-steady; 10,000':hmhelsvsold;1:._ 67559}; ciLu-d uh'ehugéd‘;-'aa.les"atlo}’(3lo%. ' Whisky dullutllx; '-."- '>“ ' ‘- -‘ ; - BAnrménliDec.‘ll., Flour firmer; sales oflOhio at $4.62; an udnuic'e 0! 12360-3 Howard dull in’-the um’o‘pticav‘; QitjMil‘hv 54.60. What aflvancinf; quotation! 36-:higlifir'flfii. 51.05.13; whiteuzaa 7.45:."00m'has “yucca-3m; winger; :‘tfifigidfo; 31106: ;‘ filmed. {gagging ‘Pxojv'i: 'u 11 mm -.- omg." ' , fv o‘- '- Whisky study It “Xi-1U“. dull " .w 2 : I: ,3.“ . LATEST BY TELEGRAPH XXXYIth CONGRESS—SEOO“ SESSIIIN. WASHINGTON, Dec. 11. SENATE—The House bill. to provide for the paymentiof outstanding. Treasury notes, au thorising a loan, etc., was called up. Mr. Rice, (Minn.) objected to taking it up. ‘ Mr. Cameron, (Penn) was in favor of con sideringit. The bill was taken up by a vote of 89 yeas to 37 nays. The ten million treasury note bill was re ceived irom the House. Mr. Rice moved its reference to the Finance Committee. Agreed to. , - The resolution of Mr. Powell referring that part of the President’s Message relating to do. mestie afi'airs. to aselect commit-tee, was taken 11 . er. Hale, (SN. H.) ofl'ered a resolution in structing the ommittee on Military Affairs to inquire whether the expenses of that branch of v thepuhlie service cannot be reduced without detriment to the safety of the country; and if so, that they be instructed to report to what' extent and what particular branch or branches can be dispensed with or reduced. The reso— lution was adopted. Mr. Bigler, (Pat) then took the floor, having yielded it yesterday for an adjournment. He said he would go with the Senator from Illinois (Mr. Douglas) and. with the men of every party who will devote themselves to the great work of resistance to the impending danger. ' Mr. President—Through weal or woe, I am a Union man. lam for the Union as made by oUur fathers. lam for the Constitution and the DIOR. Hanan—Mr. Cobb, (A 192,) said he did not rise to make a. speech, but to exprese'hie, anxi ous desire that the Select Committee should commence business and present the result of its deliberations in some tangible form. Hisihope was. however, faint, as to any useful.result.=. -If anything- was to be done to save his State from seces'siou .it must be done at once. ' The election for delegates to the State Con vention takes place on the 24th inst, and the Convention meets on the 7th of January: What means these crowded galleries? His answer was the excitement which perrades the public mind, not-only here, butlhroughout the coun try. all looking to Congress to do ' something: He hopedthe: House would stop the debate, and do somethlng, if possible; to produce harmony among the people. ,There was a, pure gleam of light from Boston which may ultimately have a 'goodj'efi‘ect ‘on the. public mind. Let the North show a returning sense of justice, and the question which now agitates all, will be taken into the hands of the people for pro per adjustment. . . , , He trusted that the. Committee would do something to handonize the distracted public mind; He knew that Alabama would not remain in the confederaCy longer thanthe 15th of January, unless somethinghe speedily done. He was not a. Secessionist. , He desired peace predicated on the principles ofthe Constitution“ If we could have that you would-help :us; to remain in the Union" aslong 'as: the 2sun shall shine, and my prayer " shall "be sent forth for: the perpetuity of this Government.. - z . , - Mr. Davis (Miss) briefly'gave'the reasons :why he should ‘senegon' the Union Committee. _He might be blamed or.censured,'but in acting where his conscience approved, he defied the: opinion of the world. He stood here, not as the representative of his own preference, but of the interests of hiscon’stituents. He re gretted much that the resolution under which theqommittee’w‘as raisedcame from the dis;- tinguished-ason' .of Virginia. He had enter! tainedi the opinion that the ‘Southern members ‘shouldwithdraw-and leave _the Republicans to submit. a report. for consideration ;«.but this could not he done. The Constitution was suf ficientfor the pretection'off Southern rights, if executed in the letter and spirit. If our Gov ernment rests. for its continuance on public opinion, he could have no hope from that: source, nor that it could be preserved by com-' promises or the use of the. sword. ‘ . . The Republicans have destroyed the only bond which can bind the Union. The subject matter referred ‘to_the Committee did hotbe— long to this House, It grew out of principles and systems in the Northern States directly at war with the safety and material interests of the South. If any action is taken at all, it should originate from the Northern States. . The House then voted and refused to excuse Mr. Hawkins—yea; 95, nays_lol.. ‘ 9 Mr. Hawkins, (Floride.) - Lest silence should be construed into eo'nsent to serve on the com mittee, he wished to say with all deference and good-feeling for those who voted againlt his request, that. he would not serye. V . Mr, Boyce, (S. C.) asked to be excused from serving on the committee. ' ‘ From California. Fon'r KEARNEY, Dec. 10 The pony express from San Francisco passed _here at. 5 o’clock this morning, bearing'a pack age containing the following advices : The full election returns have been received from every county in the State, showing the total vote to ‘be 119,597, thus divided: For Linc01n......... .......38,702. For D0ug1a5......... ......... ......38,060. For Breokinridge......... .........34,041. For 8e11......... ..I. 8,794. Notwithstanding this heavy vote, it is stated that the new cenéus gives the State only about 400,000 population, showing conclusively that the census agents have not faithfully performed their work. v - The suit! of the United States 75. Beverly C. Sanders, and the. same vs. Augustria Haras sethy, the former charged with defalcation in 1852, while qpllectot of the port of‘ San Fran cisco, and the latter char'gegljwith’embézzling in 1857, in the refining dgpqrtmeflt ‘of the San Francisco Mint}. have. both heejn :disinissqd, the United States District Attorney‘entefing a nolle proseguz‘. Louisiana‘lzeglélatune. ; H BATON ROUGE, Dec. 10 The extra session of the Louisiana Legisla ture The Governor’s message ex.- horts calmness and deliberation, and says that the election-of Lincoln shone that the northern mind is poisoned against the "South; that the wise couneils of our fathers» are forgot-ton and‘ the fraternal remonstranCe‘s of the South {dis regarded“, a ~ :.,, ’, ... ; - He recommends aconvention, and says that Louisiana ought not to refuse to meet her sistex slave holding ,States‘in council, to demand from the Northzthe repeal of obnoxious legislation; and a guarantee against future similan mea-. sures. He says that these questions should he met before the inauguration oerinooln, beoause' the self respect and honor of the: State does not eomport with he: remaining under a black republican President. A resolution has been presented for the erection of a military board, and asks an appropriation of $500,000 for the purchase of‘arms'fOr the volunteer companies. From Washington. Wunma'rox, Dec. 11. The Democratic members of the North-West have had several Conferences relative to the present. condition of political affairs. They generally take the position set forth in Mr. M’Clerhand and Mr. Valledighamm speeches of - yesterday, namely :. Thattne :Union. cannot be peaceably dissolved; .thetAtheNorth-West, under no circumstances,;will consent. to be cut ofi‘ from‘thezGulfmeexicn and city oflfl'ew ereans :1 that theiGovei'n‘nientgfihatevermaybe: ‘its faults, is =cfinés'timable'yal'uel' Thelepqing idea is a' Central Govei'nm’ent embracing‘the Middle, Western tend-Horde», Slavezstetesrmt depending 'for its consummation ‘cn “future cine; Wméhiiicesigg"s2l3].:l " V: ,‘ '_ .;.:";‘ i 159, sL‘iémwt'i; Géiiéi'al seat kin" mifve' hfe’ié 'd‘mOlTOW's“: ‘ .- -_',l,j : ‘HS- 3.- " iLeopolagflgM’eyél-i'thé gre'a-t pidniét,ifiéifi~m Vienna, is and to have bécbfiie ‘putalyse‘dé’ :5. L DIED. cemher 10th at four o’clock mgzizglfitfioDG-e. M'gmmgiged fifty years “3111:: months. Will he finned this morning et 10 O’clock, Friends of the family are respectfully muted to nttemL This bereavement tells with a. heavy, crushing Weight on an interesting family, to whom the deceased Wu greatly endeared in the relations of a. husband and ill rent. On these we may not intrude, except to say thu; the entire community sympathizes with them in no ordi. nary degree. Few men will be more missed among 11. than Mr. M’Kinley. His life. spent in our midst—Bug. gesting, stimulating, co-opemting with end Sustaining meny of the enterprises which have largely Cuntributed to the increasing prosperity of our city—his desth is a public loss. We could specify many special acts of his connection with these enterprises, but they are too well known to require statement. For s. long time he held important connection with political movementhin s. more just am; liberal spirit than is usual in the strife of politics . Geniel in his social relations, and increasingly ‘ so in the last few years, his absence from the circles of his friendships will be greatly felt. The “great we» tien” which should interest an of us, received his as. liberate, sincere and thoughtful attention, and during his fingering illness its greet truths furnished comfort and hopeful trust, up to the last hour of his mortnl strife. Ne ‘Zthncrtiaemmta. STEWART & M’AREE, REGTIFYING DISTILLERS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN _ BRANDIES, GINS, WINES. SCOTCH, IRISH; OLD RYE AND BOURBON W H 1 s K Y s, NO. 103 MARKET STREET, del2j HARRISBURG, PA. [d3m ___—.x AUDITOR’S N OTIGE.—-—The Auditor appointed by the Orphans’ court of Dauphin county to distribute among the creditors the balance remaining in the hands of PETER HOOKER, Administrator of Henry C. Sponsler, late of the borough of Dauphin, in laid county, deceased. will meet the parties intereated at his mine, in the city of Harrisburg, on Tuesday. the Bth day or January next, at 10 o’clock, A. 111.. of which they no hereby notified. delZ-ltddcatw 11. M. GBAYDON. Auditor. UDITOR’S N OTICE.—-N once 15 here by given that the undersigned Auditor. appointed by the Orphans’ Court of Dan phin count] to make dis. tribution of the balance in the hands of JOSEPH P. LYTER, Executor of the estate of J useph Sheep, late of Jefferson township, in said county, deceased, to and among the (auditors of said deceased, will meet all parties interested in said distribution at his office, in Han-is hurg, on Saturday, the fifth day of Jamal-y, A D. 18611 when and where they are required to attend. V , B. F. ETIEB, Auditor December 11, 1860.—41912-d3tluw “ FOB. RENTgeFrom the first of April next, the STORE ROOM now occupied by Samuel E. Zollinger, No. 65 Market street. For terms apply to dell dlm , , ‘ JOHN B. THOMPSON. NOTICE.- Oman or THI Hnmszuna, Pomauoum, MT. JOl . _ . _an Luau”: BAILnOAD 00., . ' PainAppanlA. Dec, 8, 1860. A again! meeting of the Stockholders of the H - 3183 :9, PORTSMOUTH, MOUNT JOY AND LAN CASTER BAILIOAD COMPANY will be held 9;: Thurs day, the 27th inst, at'll h’clock, e m.. at Seneom Sheet Hell (Smnqm street, between sixth and Seventhetreets'g in the city of Philadelphia; fair the purpofie of. accepting or rejecting aemtreetforwmmbfl panama} he» of their road t 9 the,2’ehneylyenia Reilgqed Company. By order 93' 'the Bbsrd'pf Directors, _ . ' ' ' “ GEORGE TABER, ' . Secretary. T-H'E- -=L -I F E O F declO-dtdec‘l’l ANDREW JACKSflN, B 1’ JAMES BAR, TON, Author of “'Life of Aux-gin Burr," etc, Three Volumes, 636 to 734 Pageseach, with, Steel Ponmirs Onowx OCTAVO Emuox.——Cloth Binding.»ss; Sheep, . $6.16; nut cm, 59; Full cm, :12. Sunscmpms‘ _eqméy,}lgy_al ’oo?qu (Sggd bgvsyfbscrip- tion “@326th ‘sT'ziéoTShe'ei; :9; Half - 0.1!, $l2; Full half, 51%. Mr. Parton has been several years engaged in the pre psrstion of this work, and has bestowed upon it the most careful research and investigation. ,The first volume of the Subscribers’ Edition was issued s- year since; the second was published last spring, and the third and last is now completed. Of'tho first and second volumes, the press hove spoken in the warmest commendation. “The life of Andrew Jackson is indeed sn_ eventful one, and the events that we're crowded into his career, as a pioneer, in. genersl, and a. statesmen, are among the most important inthe history of our country."—-Taunmi Ga zette. “Almost all that relates to him is peculiar, ex traordinary and interesting.”—Ammia Times. “Those who have been‘rnoet familiar with the eareer of Jackson will be surprised at the mans _of new matter the author has collected.”—-Bosttm Journal. “It ex hausts the subject.”—Nav York Day Book. “It is mihonestbookthroughout.”——Nashuille Union. “It is equally free from the spirit of den-action, on the one kind, and of unmixed glorification on the other.— Fsilinga and virtues are alike faithfully delineated.— Weerem Ghrirn‘an Advocate. .7 “One of the most readable of all books. Every page is alive. It is as romantic as a mediaeval romance, and yet has the advantage of being truth—Home Joumal.- “Possesses a degree of interest which can scarcely be overstated.”—New York World. “A freshier, livelier account was never written of any hero, by any author." -— Advertiser. “No work of fiction could be bet ter fitted to hold the attention and bear the mind along with a sustained. enthusiasm, thanthis account of. the eel life of one.of.our own countrymen "—Baston '39-, carrier... “From finite last the work is intensely inte resting.?’—Pkiladelphia Item. “perfectly. fascinating. 7' —Ncw, York Day Book” {The narrative is,flowing,.and; charming. We confess having read the whole ,{fone vol ume) in two prolonged sittings.”—Harper’s eeklg.— "The most‘diflienlt task was where and how to part com pany with it.”-——New, York Crayon “0f intense and permanent interest.”—-—New York Observer. “The most interesting political and personal history ever written of any public man in this country.”—Pemisyloanian . “His style is fairly eloquent with vividness and fluency. His account of thedefence of New Orleans from its inception to its climax, interests more deeply than a tale of chiv alry, or anoriental mance.”—Amenia Times. “One of the most interesfig and lnstru ctive books we have ever 'resd.”—Russe Vs Magazine, (Charleston, 5. C.)— “A life indeed, and before which the conventional and. common-placer biographies of modern times sink into stupidity and insignificance.”—New York Journal of Commerce. v ALSO JUST PUBLISHED Tm: Lisa Ann Tums 0s PHILIP. Senormm. By Best— son J. Lessma. Vol.l. Crown Bvo., 429 pages. With Steel Portraits, Cloth, $1.50 . For the first time a genuine biography of Gem-Schuy ler is written. The character and services of this am cient lsboxjer for our country,,ss well as the established reputation of Mr. Lossing as a. writer on kindred topics, give to the _hook ne’ordinary interest and value. The workwillbe complete in two volumes. . ‘ ITALY; Knoll ms Esxussw anon 10 THE Possum-1' DAY. ~By Jon S. G. ABBOTT. . Crown 8170., 587 pages.- With Steel Porn-sit. Cloth, $1.50. This volume is one of the series of Mr. Abbott’s Hon archies 01} Continental Europe” of which Austfia and Russia. have previously sppesx-ed. The volumes on; of uniform style and price, but sock distinct in itself. Published by MASON BROTHERS, Nos. 5 and 7 .MercEr Street, New York. For Sale by Booksellers generally. declO-atddcltw. CABINET WAREHOUSE. JAMES R. BOYD & SON, 29'SO'UTH SECOND STREET, CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKERS. A large variety of TETE-A-TETE SOFAS, ARM AND PARLOR CHAIRS MARBLE TOP TABLES. BUREA vs, BEDSTEAiIS, WASII-STANDS, HAT, RACKS, Eco. Call and enmino our stock and prices, as we can sell a low as can be bought in the State. nalo-dlm . MESSRS- CHICKERING & co. HAVE AGAINIOBTAINED THE ' G 0 L D MigE B A I"! AT THE MECHANICS’ FAIR, BOSTON, : HELD: TE! PRICEDIRG WINK, > o YER SIXT Y COMPETJ T 0 RS! Water'oom'rar 'tilé Cn'mx’nnmc “Ms, at" Harrin burg, It _92_Mukét,. .. ; ' n 23.“ , .WgKNOOHn’SMUSIC aroma. EXT‘BrAcTSI'EXTRAcTsu 4w;oonswon,'r:n .2 BUNNEL’S SUPERIOR FLAVORING EXTRACTS BITTER ALMOND,‘ - unounmn, Pm]; APPLE - s'rmwinannY. ROSE, ‘ _ . . , LEMON AID _ VANILLA: 'thsehggecaind and for sale 17%, M. D 00K. ,3" k 00 ~o'o 0' P Ejßis GELATINE.——The best , ' _grfi-elo in the mix-ké'tgiuit received and for sale by 5 nun-t! , _ WM, _DPDK _JI. : Ln: 135159; QCALLEY NUT GOAT-J“ or o r wo‘non " - - 3 ”3'4?!Goaldalg'unadbggfg¥£§%‘WEfl?n§(/MRTS. grvdmaeméhang bati‘flasf'w “$5