LOCAL NEWS. ' Tummy! Puma:- um Uxmé may be had at Jack’a Book Store,curner of Third and Market “treats. rumor nu) UNIONr-The DAILY PJL'rnlor A“ 11310.1 can lye had by Dauphin subscribers, eYcry morning, at. the periodical store of J ; S. Plum. CoLucrxox.—'lhe carriers of the Rumor A5l! 111 mm bog leave to say that they will, as usual, collect their dues this morning. V Arum-rum nY um Gent-Jam—C. 0. Zim— mom”. of this city, has been appointed State Tonnage Agent. or course Mr. Z. is deserving, and well qualified to fill .28 office. DISPIRA‘I'ELY SAVAGE.—-An. Eastern ‘editor wnts his rage in the foliowing manner: “We would my to the rascal who stole our shirt. off the pole while we were in bed waiting for i‘: to dry, that we sincerely hope the collar may cut his throne 2” Serum—The regular monthiy meeting of the Barrisburg Printera’ Union, No. 14, will be held at the Citizen engine home this (Saturday) eve hing, at 7 o’clock. Punctunl attendance in re quested, an arrangement: will be made for an aim niversary supper. By order, V ' B.F. Woiix,‘ Sec’y. Tm: HEHPFIELD RAILROAD.——-A report is new current in Greensburg, that the Hempfield.R-.il road is about to be finished to that. place. It is said that the directors of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad m negotiating with those of the Hemp field Railroad far it‘s completion. If such be {be case, the work will hardly commence before spring. A . Bonn Gum—Two young nigger blackguerds named Jake Jones and Bill Greer were before A]. rierman Kline yesterday, ehlrged with disorderly conduct, obscenity and profanity, in South street. These fellows are ‘caudidatea for the colored House of Refuge, and there is no question about their election and calling being sure if they con tinue on their courae. One of them gave bail for his appearance at. Court, and the other is on parole to do the some thing this morning or go to quod. =ZEE Mnsomc Enncrlos.—The Garnd Lodge, A. Y. M. of Pennsylvania, have elected the following 051. cars for the ensuing year, commencing on St. J ohn’s day :—John Thomson, R.W. Grand Master; D.C_ Shane“, 28.. W. D. G. Master; L. 11. Scott, R. W_ S. G. Warden; J. L. Goddard, R. W.Junior Grand Warden; W. R. Adams, R. W. G. Secretary; Pe to: Williamson ,R.W. G. Treasurer. The Hon. fienry’M. Phillips declined being Its-elected R. W. Grand Master. I=l Tun Look—um—But one solitary lodger- was found in the lockup yesterday morning—a live Yankee mechanic from Fall ‘River, Massachusetts. lie arrived here in the evenipg train, in search of work, and out of money. He is a plumber by male. He might have got employment here a, few 3210211135 ago, when times were good, at carrying a. numb and attending Republican meotings,but that job is eodexl, and he is in the wrong shop now.— Parker ought. to go down to South Carolina, as we learn Massachuseus men are in great demand there just about this time. , Sums Honsxs most Bunxxss STABEES.—A fienespondent suggests the following plan for’ con. structing stables so that hone: could be easily in iuced to go out in case of firs. He says: " Let the sides or walls of the ground floor of stables, of whatever shape they may be built, con sist entirely of doors ~on rollers, on an iron track ;_ in upper floor, or hay-loft, being supported on brick, stone, or iron pillars. Let movable managers be axbehed to those pillars. In this way, the hcreee’ heads would be toward the doors. If a fire happened the doors could be rolleé aside, the man gers lifted up, or knocked down, and the horses liberated in a few minutes. Farmers, livery sta ble, and omnibus men, would find such a. mode of building their stables as cheap as any other. . Be sides, while such a plan would tend to save life, it would permit a more thorough ventiletion, and deansing than can be given to stables built in the “resent. style-" =I Excuse Posi- Ormcn .—The astonishing number of 523,000,000 letters were carried through the Bri tish post oflice last yenr , whieh was an increase of 19,000,000 over the previous year. In the year i 339, when the penny postage system was intro ducal, there was only 75,000,000. The increase, therefore, is seven-fold in twenty years. The English postage system is a model for all notions. I: is the eheapee t, the most comprehensiie, am! the best managed in the world. It il not possible for lettere to be carried so cheaply in America. as in England; because the ,routes are more extensive and the population so sparse in most of the Stetes; lint the British money-order system might be re adopted with great benefit to the people. We use the word re-adopled, for this system wee once con nected with our post ofioe, and then disconnected from it about thirteen years ago, on account of the peculatione which sprang up in the minor post of fieee, and which entailed great loss to the Govern ment. In England, during 1858, there were no less than the sum of $01,000,800 sent through the poet ofliee by money orders, most of which were in. email sums. I=l Tn: Les-r or run Dun Flutter—Some years ago Capt. G. Nelson Smith, then a member of the Legisltitnre, made a. present of a pair of fawn: to the State. The latter, as in duty bound, accepted them, and had a small pen built in the rear of the Capitol, and placed them in charge of the snperln tendent of the public grounds. They certainly were an ornamental appendage, although not a. useful one, and their antics and gnmhols served for a long lime to delight the juveniles. As they grew up, however, the buck began to minifest a terribly tyrannical disposition over the doc, to which she submitted with becoming meekness. By and bye the old fellow became a daddy, but instead of this little streak of domestic bliss mollifying him, and moulding him into a kind and gentle patient, he became more tyrannical than ever to the entire household. We are at a loss to conjecture what. metives actuated the old fellow in his base treat ment of his familyo-cettainly not jealousy, for never was harem more secure from the intrusion of other bucks, and to deny the paternity of the ofl‘spring would have placed him high upon the list 0‘ lnnaties. We must therefore conclude that he heetored. brouheated, bullied and tyrannized over his family like many twolegged monsters— merely because he could. He took offence at both afhx': first born, End gored them to death, and he did the some with the next two: ,Last spring two mare {owns came into the world, and he took an early opportunity to run his antlers through one of them. A seperate compartment was built for the fawnfitod Mmmfl Mrs- Buckle“ permitted to occupy their on side of the house. Some fire or six weeks age, 1'? one of his ungov ornnhle fits of anger, the buck made an attack upon the dot, and gored her so that she died eventually. After this last achievement he manifested some penitence. end under the impreeelon that he had reformed, the fawn was let into his side of the house to beat him eomptny. Yesterday morning he took another of his angry fits and gored the you; one to death. The powers thnt he immedi~ "'l’ W'f'i Judgment upon him, and at noon he 1'“ ‘l'“P‘N‘d by butcher Onsey. Ajnst retribu tron holly "Monk him, and me, his fate be e warning W other tyrannical hands of the household, I==l ‘ Inn WASHINGTON Hose Consist—Last evening we visited the new house of the Washington Hose " Company, end 'feund it a. very handsome ufinir throughout. The outside of the building makes a i very showy and attractive appearance in daylight: . hut doubly so when illuminated at night. The first story of the facade is of iron; Wm“ . fluted columns, caps and cornice, divided into a. main entrance for the hose carriage, and two side ‘ doors. The upper part is of pressed brick. In the rear of the carriage room there is afinely finished sitting room. The main hall of the build. iug up stairs 'is finished, but 110‘ 3““ furnished.— Its main attraction is the ornamental window, in four large page, surmounted by a. smell wheel window. These are finished in a high style of the art of Grecian painting—the emblem being a, head of Washington, the Goddess of Liberty, 3 fire plug and hose, and two fire trumpets. All these are enclosed in scrollwork and dragons, exhibiting all the colors of the rainbow, and blended to produce an effect which really reflects credit upon the ar tiste, Messrs. J. J; G. 0. Gibson, No. 125 South Eleventh street, Philadelphia. On the whole, ire doubt whether any house de voted to a. similar purpose can be found in the State better got up than this one. A meeting of the company was held last evening! when the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : ‘ Wnanms, The Washingtmi‘ Hose Company of Harrisburg, having received their beautifully de signed windows 'for the front. of hose house. from the establishment of J. 4!: G. C. Giblon, of Phila delphia ; therefore ' ‘ ' Resolved, That the thanks of the company be tendered to Messrs. J. k G. C. Gibson for the hand some and appropriate design, which they elabor ately and uniquely represented on stained glass, which is justly the admiration of the public, and an ornament to the city. Basaltcd, That the thanks of this company be tendered to Mr. S. D. McCalla, of Harrisburg, and to J. W. Van Houser, of Philadelphia, for the lively interest mnit‘ested in behalf of the company and for the discernment in the selection of an m:- tiet. ‘ Vnncenzzme Innu Roxanna AND Guru PBRCHA. —-An improved process. has been brought forwaed in London for vulcanizing India. rubber and gotta Percha, in which bathe of metallic alloys are used, having their fusing points graduated from two hun dred and three to three hundred degrees Fahren heit. An alloy of fifty parts bismuth, thirty-one of lead, and nineteen of tin, will fuse at. two hundred and three degrees, and into this the articles, whether of India rubber or gotta. perehe, and the sulphur are immersed in an open iron vessel, by which means the moisture is driven on. They are then transferred to a. second bath,contaimng more lead in proportion, and having a fusing tempera ture of about two hundred and fifty degrees, in which they may he continued for about two hours, when, for common goods, the process will be com: pleted. In the treatment of fine, soft goods, it is considered best to raise the temperature of the bath to two hundred and twenty-five degrees in the‘ first hour, and then, in the next four hours, gru duaily up to two hundred and seventy-live degrees.- Bnt coarse goods may be cured in two hours, by raising the heat of the bath to three hundred de— green, end goods which are intended to be cured at a. low temperature, may be vulcanized in the first bath, at two hundrld and three degrees, by remaining in it sufliciently long. The formation of the substanoe is facilitated by the increase of temperature, and is stated to be far more thor oughly and quickly accomplished by means of these baths of metallic alloys thnn it. could he by the ordinary methods. WHAT WE Am: Muir-z «an—Oliver Wendell Holmes tells what we are made of in the following complimentary style to human pride : “If the render of this paper lives another year his self—pride principle will have migrated from his present tenement to another; the raw materi als even of‘whioh: are not yet put together. A portion of that body is to be well ripened in the corn of next harvest. Another portion of his fu— ture person he will purchase, or others will pur chase for him, headed up in the form of certain barrels of potatoes. A third fraction is yet to be gathered in the southern rice field. The limbs with which he is then to walk will then be clad with flesh borrowed from the tenants of many stalls and pastures, and now unconscious of their doom. The very organs of speech with which he is to talk so wisely, plead so eloquently, or speak efi’eetively, must first serve his humble brethren to bloat, to bellow, and for all the varied utterances of bris tlexl or feathered barn-yard life. His bones them selves are to a great extent in pom: and not user-i A bag of phosphate of lime, which he has ordered from Prof. Mspes for his grounds, contains a. larger part of what is to be his skeleton. And more than all this, by far the greater part of his body is no thing ‘at all but water, the main substance of his scattered members is to be looked for in the reser— voir, in the running streams, It the bottom of the well, in the cloud: that float over his head, or dif fused among them all. NOVEL Mon: or Reconnuo A Msuauoa.—-Jus~ tieo Waite, of St. Louis, lately came into passes sion of a dollar bill, upon the hack of which the following had been written with a pen ; “ This dollar bill, together with a. miserably ex ecuted holf dollar, was all that Mr. George H. Cox, of Oshkosh, Wis., gave me for marrying him to Miss Celia Rice, on the 4th of October, 1859. The beautiful engraved certificate I gave them was worth fifty cents,and the recording of the marriage (according to low) cost twentyfive cents, leaving me but a quarter of a dollar with which to adver tise it, and as the papers charge fifty cents for such advertisements, which would bring metin debt, I chose this more economical method of advertising said marriage, and letting the world know that- Mr. George IL Cox and Miss Celia Rico are mur ried according to low. (Signed,) Benn? Boom, Pastor M. E. Church.” Dmrn on All GET—Figiu'rz—We were called upon yesterday to announce the death of Mr. Mut thew Atkinson, which took placo at six o’clock in the morning, at Olewine’s Island. Mr. Atkinson was in the 79th year of his age, and probably the oldest printer in the United States, having served his apprenticeship with Benjamin Meyer, pub lisher of the Morgenmelhe, a German paper, a file of which, published in 1793, Mr. Atkinson had preserved. It is thus evident that he labored amongdhe type, rule! and presses (for he was both a compositor and pressmen) for upwards of sixty years ! He continued working for John Bear & Son, in Lancaster, up till some time in J Lily last, when old age compelled h in: to succumb. What a change he lived to see in the art preservative of all arts! The funeral will take pied! from the resi dence of Mr. W. W. Boyer, this afternoon, at 1!; o’clock. - Normans Pumas—T]; rumor was current last evening, and also published by the Telegraph, that Gen- Geo. A. C. Sailor and Maj. John W. Brown had been _appointedh'atariea for this city. We are not prepared to say whether such appointments have or have not been made. We would say that they are very good, and will not fail to give satia— faflion, although we believe that few persons take any delight in transacting bmineas with a Notary, no matter how clever he may be. ==l: Assnrm Axn Tln:ATs.—-A Teuton peddler of almanacs, named Francis J . Gruber, had another of the same persuasion, but who follows the oc cupation of hulking corn, before Alderman K 530, for nsnult 3nd threatening to kill him, the aforesaid Grnber. At the Aldermln’a office the Mt” "1'1““. and agreed to drop the suit, provi din: BNWD, the ofl'nndor, would pay the costs.» Brown hacked, and went to jail. TIE Union Prayer Megfins W“, I). held in “I. Prasbyterinn Church, on Market Square, {hie after— noon, at 4 o’clock, as usual. RAILROAD ACCIDENT AT BALTIMORE.—Abou:t quarter past; seven o’clock, on‘ \Vednesday morn ing: 3 5111551141!) occurred on the Northern Centre! Railway, in Baltimore, which entailed a- loes 0f $2,500, and severely injured two pereonse A buil then train, consisting of between twenty and thirty care, was coming- from the Bonn depot. A lac?- motive. as umnl. was attaehed m the rem- of the ears and thus proceeded towards the Calvert street station. Just after passing the curve at. the Re?- ervoir, a coupling gave way, and fifteen cars which were in front and on which the brakes were main use, started down the grade. With every yard‘lhe velocity increased until they gained a. speed renflY frightful. A brakesmnn named M’lntyre attempt?“ to ‘apply a brake, blgt finding it would not work,"-t the lastmoment he jumped from the our, sprainiflg his ankle badly, but not reebiving any serious in— ]llry. u By the time the train reached the corner ofMQn ument street, the rate of speed was not lees then s. mile a minute. At this point the first two cars run from the main track upon the Monument street track. The third car leaped iron the track to the eoetwnrd, ran across the street and pavement, :9"- tered the marble yard of Mr. Hugh Sisson, mounted on the large blocks of marble, and thence to the roof of the one-story werkshop, striking the cor ner of the building and knocking the end out. The other cars followed this, one after another, until there was a pile of some ten of them. home of the cars ran into Monument street, while others Kept. down North street. Ten of them were tarnished, and all of them more or less damaged. ; The whole scene, says the Exchange, was a per feet wreck- Theiuoutents were scattered in erfcry direction. Butter, eggs, ohiokene, geese, flourgpo tatoes, barley, goods, wares and merchandisejlay mingled in one confused. mass. 0n the front ears were two young man, named Oliver Smith, whose parents live at Mount Vernon Factory, and William Thomas Menden, living on Bolton street, near 301- ton depot. The concussion, as the care leaped from the track, threw them from the plat-forms,and lhey were buried in the ruins; Another young Irma. named Bernard, of York, Pennsylvania, was in; one of the cars, asleep, and it was necessary to cut down the our door to get him out. i > Policemen Darling, Davidson and Carlie-la were soon on the spot, and, together with citizens, went to work to extricate the men. A few mindtea’ labor sulfieed to reach them, and one, who hid a leg broken, was sent to the Infirmary. In agfew minutes severe! hundred people of alleges, chines and sex had assembled. The “wrecker-s” went to work, and articles which were scattered about, were borne off by the thieves. Eggs, butter and fioul— try sufi’ered most. The police were busy in assist.- ing out the wounded, and could not wateh thefipro party, which suffered greatly in a few minutes, The loss of Mr. Hugh Sisson is considerable. 110 had n‘large quantity of finished work standing in the yard, and a. number of boxes had just been packed for shipment to the South. His workhhop is so much damaged that most of it will have to be ‘ rebuilt. - A lady who was about to caose the street 3 when the runaway oars came down na-rrowly' es caped injury. Fortunately none of Mr. Sistson’s 1 hands had commenced work when the accident 00- 1: curred. All day yesterday a number of men were ‘ employed in clearing away the wreck. LITTLE FAULTs.—Homes are more often dar kened by the continual recurrence of small faults, than by the actual presence of any decided fvice. These evils are apparently at" very dissimilar mag nitude; yet it is easier to grapple with one than the other. The eastern traveler can cvmbine his forces, and hunt down the tiger that prowls‘upon his path, but he finds it scarcely possible to escape the mnsquitoes that infest the air he breathes, or the fleas that. swarm in the sands he treads ; the drunkard has been known to renounce his darling vice; the slave of dress and extravagance, her besetting sin ,- but the waspish temper, the irrita— ting tone, rude dogmatic manner,and the huhdred nameless negligenecs that. spoil the beauty if as sociation , have rarely done other than praceierl till the actioa of disgust and gradual alienatiosn has turned all the currents of affection from; their course, leaving nothing but a barren traekj, over which the’mere skeleton of onmpanionship Etalks alone. ‘ ___.m _._..HH . A Fin Rnsnunhxr.—The restaurant under the Buehler House will be opened this evenin%. A glance at the arrangements satisfies us that it will be a first class establishment, such as we haie few of in this city. The rooms have been painted, painted, and fitted up ..with gas fixtures, so as to give everything a cheerful lack, and .we mic told that the cuisine will be under the immedi’ to em pervision of an eminent professor of the art a; cook ing. The intention of the proprietor is to serve up all kinds of game in season, to be had in the East ern or Western markets, and particular attention is to be paid to the oyster and ale departments.— The former will consist of the host of‘cor‘e and Morris River, and the latter will include 111% on tap made in the State that has a name and repetition. Mr. Bolton has evinced a commendable spirit of enterprise in fitting up this establishment, regard less ol‘ expense, and certainly merits a large share of public patronage. i , -—-—~-¢~« --—~ ‘ The Harrisburg “committee” must he more faith ful than the Williamsport Court House Cominittee. Ours immediately abandoned the Court House work when street-paving was commenced, and be took itself to a superintendence of the latter,until the season closed, when the committee disbanded. It is true that. the members, after street-paring was stopped, returned to overseeing ,the Court House, but there has been no organization since-- the members separately and irregularly perform their labors now behind th windows of neighbor ing stores, shops and hotelfi—Lycamiug Gazcuc. Singular coincidence l—just the way with our committee to a dot. They remind us of a; plucky Yankee whose wife hid him under the bell when shereoeived mole company. Ono day the unfor4 tunate Jeremiah hoard sounds he did not fancy, whereupon he stuck his head out from under the heii to take an observation. His better‘li‘alf saw him, and shook her fist at him angrily. MI will peck,” said he—“l will peek, if I die for in 2” Our committee will superintend, if they die for it! Slx Tsovsmu) DOLLARS Won‘m of néw goods from New York auction. The greatest jinn-gains offered yet. Having taken advantage ofi the de pression of the New York market, I hav‘h now a. lot of goods to offer which cannot- fnjl to $129,“ : 2,000 yards the best Delaines at 20 and 21 aka ; 4,000 yards of Calicos at 8 and 10 cts.; 500 “'ooan Hoods for 37 and 50 cts., very cheap; 500 pair of gentle man’s woolen Socks 31:12 and. 15 m.,: 560 1101911 Undorsbirts and Drawers at 50, 0.? nude 75 cm,- 1»000 pairs of ladies Stockings at 12 and 15 (35.; 10 pieces of Black Cloth for Clonks ; «Slarge 33- sortmeut of iadies' and gents’ Gloves, all;] a great many guods. To those who buy to sell! again a liberal discountwill be made, S. Lawna? Rhoad’: corner. } vie-71'— SPECIAL NofiaEs. Mothers, read tins. . The following in an extuct from a. letter lJu‘itten by n_pastor of the Baptist Church to “I! J mm! and Museum, Cincinnati, Ohio, nnd gpe-ka Volumes in favor of that world-renowned moaning—Mpg, Wm; Low’a Soonmo Srnur ronvmnnnx Tnnmxxa: " We see In advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup. Now we novel- said a. word in favor of a. pnent medicine before in our life, but we feel compelled to fly to your readers, that‘this in no halibut—w: nu min IT, up now It to. n AL]. n -01-“'- It in. prehbly, one of the most fuueemful medicine: of the day, because it is on! of the best. And those of your renden who In" babies can’t do better than to lay in a supply. “1129'ch wly HELMBOLD’B emufiififimmnon Glues Gm filfiflaflfig Dropsy, Kidney éfiuctzon». Ham: coma? Genuni‘fiepargmn‘ “d Dehilitated flulTerers. Wafiépmm foam of Powar, Loss of Mummy. 7 HELMBOLD’S genuine Preparation for Dimculty of Breathing, Gwen] ‘Vbaknefifi. 7 , HELMBOLD’S Genuine Preparation iafivEfi’Nerves, Horror of Death! Trembling. ,4 Wagner.“ m Night Sweats, 0014 F 691, Dimuess of Vision. ”M -... A J...“ ”T EIIII3!“BUL~S3B4GEEfifiéVEfiE§fi§n {or Lnnéuor, L-m- Versal Lasaitude of the Musqulgggtfin. ___ _#_ HELMBO‘EE i‘fiéfii‘dé‘fié‘fmfion for mum Donnie _fi3§3§2nd Eruption. HELfifilfi‘ Gremlin: preparatiéfi‘rfimffifi‘fié ”39k, Headache, Sick Stomach. iD‘Sea nimrliaement headed HF ’ EXTRACT BUCHU ‘ in another cognition) 5 - nnl4-1165W3m “v 1: call the attention of our readers to en ”tide advertised in another column, celled BLOOD FOOD. It is an entirely new discovery, and must not be confounded with‘nny of the numerous patent medi -011168 of the day. It is soon ms nu: noon, Ilremy prepared for absorption; pleasant to the taste end natu re! "1 action, and what one gains he retains. Let all those, they,‘ who are snflex‘ing from poverty, impurity or dfficiency of blood, and consequently with same chronic disease or ailment, take of this moon F 00» and be re- Stfll'fid to health. We notice that our druggists have received a supply of this article, and also of the world rennwned Dr. Knows INF ANTI?! Comma, willie]; o‘er! mot-her should have. It contains no paregonoor Oplate Of my kind whatever, and of course must be invelusble for all infantile complaints. It will allay all plan, and soften the gums in process of teething, and at the SWI9 time regulate the bowels. Let all mothers and unrses, who have endured anxious days And sleepless mghts, 1mm"??- 3. supply and be at once relieved. 313' See advertisement. nulT-dkwtlm __.__+,_.__ FEVER, AND AGUE, AND ALL Fm'nns U 9 cured by perseverance with mums-2111’s PILLS, which lnkns all poisons, of whatever nature they "my be, fry-m the circulation. 11:. 101151 Y. Knight, Supervisor of New Castle, Went eke-Slat county, New York, says, November. 1868: “_I was, two years ago, attacked with fever and agile, Which, notwithstanding the best medical advice, con tinued to sorely afflict me for six tedious months; I be— came yellow as saffron, and reduced to skin and bone. Medicine and physicians were abandoned in despnir. 41! an experiment, I concluded to try a. single dose of six of Brnndreth’s Universal Vegetable Pills, on an empty stomach, early in the morning. The first dose seemed to amuse all the latent energies of my exhausted frame. I feared the yorst—Joheir purgntivo effect was different from anything I had ever used or heard of. At length tlus efi‘ect ceased, and I seemed lighter and breathed freer. That evening I was indeed sensibly better and slept soundly all night. The next day I followed the same course, and continued to take the pills in this way about three weeks, when I found myself entirely cured. My health-has been surprisineg good ever since.” Sold, price 25 cents, at No. 294 Canal street, New York, and by all Drnggists. Also, by GEO. 11. BELL, corner of Second and Chestnut streets, Harrizlmrg, end by all respectable dealers in medicines. noS-ddmlm .__._-..____ THE JAPANESE, THE GREAT EASTERN, u. n. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES ' DE JOINVILLE, May come and go and be - FOGO T E N , Tim. the lustre, the ebony blackness, the rich browns, the 111 mm! appearancv, the sensation of pride and pleasure, produced by the application of that harmless preparation, ‘CRISTADORO'S EXCELSIUR HA I R DY E , Will unquestionably be gratefully REMEMB E R E I) By all who use it, inasmuch as ‘A THING OF BEAUTY IS .4 .noyFOREVEhj.“ Prepared No. 6 Astor House, New Yofk. Sold every— where, and applied by all Hair Dressers. nofi-dkwlm THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY.-Slr James oral-he’s Celebrated Female Pills, prapared from a prescription of Sir J . Clarke, M. D., Physician Extraardh nary to the Queen. This innluable medicine in unfailing in the cu-m of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. It modefites all excess and re moves all Obstruction“. n'nd a fill-3033’ cure may be relied on. T 0 MARRIED LADIES itis peculiarly suited. It will in a short time bring on the monthly period with resularity. Each bottle, price One ollar, bears the Govunment Stamp ot‘Great Britain. to prevent counterfeits. Tans: PILLS snoum sow ma “mm BY FEMALES 110 mm - THE FIRST THREE MONTHS or Pmaexmcy, As ms? nu: sauna To same as mscmuucn, BUT n my (mum 1m: THEY Am: SAFE. In all cases or Nervous and Spinal Alfections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight exertion, Pulpit-tion of the Heart, Hysterical and White», these Pills will elloct a cute when all other means have failed, and although a. pm?- erful remedy, do not contain Iron,,calomel, antimony, m anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. N. 13.—81,00 and 6 postage stamps enclosed to any Im thorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by return mail. For sale by 0. A. Bummm Harrlfilmrg. jy'i-dawly IMPORT ANT TU FEMALES DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS. The combination of ingredients in these Pills are the result of a Kong and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregu larities, painful menatruration. removing all obstruc tions, whether from com or otherwise, headache, pain in the side 7 paipitation of the heart, whites, all net vous affections. hvsterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, &c., distur‘bed sleep, which arise from interrup tion ofuature. DP... CHEESEMAN’S PILLS was the commencement of a new era. in the treatment of those irregularities and pbstructions which have con signed so many thousands of the young, the beautiful, and the beloved to a. tantrums muvx. Nofemale can enjoy good health unless she is regular, and whenever an (ibstructiun takes place the general health begins to ace ine. DR. CHEESEMAN’S PILLS are the most efl’ectual remedy ever known for all com plaints pegulian to Equal“. To all classes they Are in. 'nlunble, mducmg, mm certainty, periodical (egularity. They are known to thousands, who have med them at difl‘erent periods, throughout the country, hnving the sanction of name of the most eminent Physicians I‘ls Amzn'm. Ezpliw‘t (linctions, stating when, «and mlm; 111 ey should not be used, accompany eauhbox—the Price 0»: Dollar each boar, centu-in-ingfony Pills. A valuable Pamphlet, to be had free, of the Agents. Pills sent by mail pra‘mmly, by enclosinfilprico to thn General Agent. gold bydruggists gene}: y. 'B. B. BUTGHINGS, General Agent, 14 Broadway, New York. Sold in Harrishurg by c. A. BANNVART. decl ’59-dfizwly , MRS. \VINSLOW’, ‘ _ An experienced nurse end female physician, has a 800th. mg Syrup lor¥lildren teething, which greatly facilitate the proceee of eething by summing the gums, reducing a: inflammtlon—will allay all pain, magi is sure to regu ate the bowels. Depend upon it mother-e, it will give reel: to yourselves; and relief and health to your in te. Per ecfly safe in ell cases. See advertisement in another col umn . . au119,1859-d&ivly .fi_+. _. - ham the Indrpmrrmt, New York, July 28,1859, (hum—Our advertising columns contain some mt: monies to the value of a. new article known as “Spam iug’s Prepared Glue,” useful to housekeefifrs fox-mending furniture. It is prepared with chemica ,by which it is kept in the proper condition for immediate use, the chemicals evaporating as soon as it is applied, leaving the glue to harden. We can assure our readers that this urti cle has the excellent phrenological quality of "large ndhesiveness‘“ For 3519 G. A. Bmxum, No. 2 Jones’ Bow su‘i-débwlm _._,.4,_+4 '7.— Dr. 81-uuou’s Concentrated Remedies. No. 1. THE GREAT REVIVER. speedily ordinates all the evil efl'ecm of SELF—ABUSE, an Lon of Memory, shortness of Breath‘ Giddinems, Palpitatiou of the Heart, Dimnese of Vision, or any constitutional derangement: of the system, brought on by the unrestrained indulgence of the P 159101“. Acts alike on either sex. Price One Dollar. NO. 2.. THE BALM will cure in from two to eight days, any ease of GONORRBOE A , is wi thnut taste or smell, and requires no restriction of action or diet. For either sex. Price One Dollar. NO. 3. THE TERI-18 will cure in the shortelt possible time, lpy case of GLEET, even after all other Bemediu have 1111le to produce the desired effect. No taste or smell‘ Price One Damn-4 No. 4. THE PUNITER is the only Remedy that will really cure_ Strictures or the Urethra. No matter of how 19:15 standing or neglected the case may be. Price One D 0 211‘- ‘ No. 5. THE sonm'on will cure any case of GRAVEL, permanently and apeedjly mum e all afflictions or the Bladder and Kidneys. Price One Dollar. I‘lo. 9 FOR PARTICULARS SEE CIRCULAR. . ho. I. THE AMARIN will cure the Whites radically, and in a much shower time than they can he removed by any other treatment. In fact, is tha only remedy that will 3311111": correct this disorder. Pleasant to take. Price 0119 o a . NO. B_. THE ORIENTAL PASTXLE are certain, safe and speedy my'wducing MENSTRUATION , or correcting any Irregularmes of the monthly periods. Price Two Dollars. Xi? 9. FOR PARTICULARS BEE CIRCULAR. lather Remedy sent free by mail on receipt of the price annual Enclose postage stamp um get 3 Circular. Gena?! Depot North-Ins! comer of York Avenue Md Calloymu Street. Prints Ofico 401 York Avenue, Phila delphu, Par For sale in Harrisburg only by a. A. BANNVAR'I'a where Cigcu]us containing vulunhle inform-fen, with Ml do— scrgptlona of each case, will be delivered gulls. on appli catxon. Address DR. FELIX BRUNON, nyl-dl: r. 0, Box 99. Phil-dolphin. Pa. FEEENOGONMIIENTS 1 I—E X T 3;; Km: um); I: ' :1 t ‘ofS 011.5. swans mad 1:310:11???frgefyfie-crmflona myio . WM. BOOK. :2.. w‘. BURLINGTON HERRING ! -. nch‘m received by WM. DOCK, 13., a; CO CRANBERRIES-wA very Superior lot ' at mm.) WM. book, n. :3: 00's, 11:=E1=1 filehiml. UVEEZIEEXSEEENW T is com 01:11de entirely from Gms 3nd ha I become anp established fact, I Standard Mediage,known and a, royed b all that? I have uwlit and in now re Bonedp 1:0 with innfidence: m in dlthedigeaseafommch it i! recommended. 1 i _ It has cured thouuudsi O mum; the In» two mt. who had given up all hopes; ['l got what, at? the numaroqg unsolicited certificate! in: 4 {my pomnsnon show. The dose must be adapted} ‘to thg tempt-mom?! the individul taking it, nndl m Sued m such quantifies a; towtgent!xonthobowels.% O l'nd mant nido you in the “:2; 2312¥Ru§g £31”! a IJVI%iORAETOR, and a will cure Liver com-i H humus, Buy us At. tacks D s e si a - Chronic Dlnrrhoea, S u m’m Zr? (Jpn “11: > 51- “units, fiyfizne; ry Dropsy Sour .Stom‘ac, na 0 g’. ti 7 ens-1;, Chat-g 2 he, (11101911,! finale: In Morlms, Chaim-3% H 'lntulnu‘hrn', k: e:- :md'amzriggv =::s::m;m:%,dm. !.' I . rl, Fa mi 17 Medi-g N :chm. It “1116‘!!! SICK H EA D A L‘ H E, ("i a éthousanda can testify.) in twenty minutes, if It woortll 1- e 0. Tea- Ipoontuh are ‘akenf p gut commencement of It tack. ‘ . _ All who use it are; H _tglvin; thou- mtlmon’ ‘n its favor. 3q | _ . MIX WATER 1N run MOUTH WITH THE INVIG DBATOB, AND BWALLOW BOTH TOGETHER. Pricc One Dollar per Bottle. TALBO— SAN-FORD'S SAMILY DATHARTIB PILLS UOMPOUNDED FROM Pun Vegetable Edi-acts, and put up in Glass Gases, Air Tight, and will keep m any climate. The Family Cathnr-I 'Me PILL in a gentle but motive Oethn‘tic, '32:! m Ethe ptroprietor humdin ‘ ‘ a - rs. hn'i‘hgneggscganfigrfmmw' A I§§na§fla than those who have long need thel q WILLS, nights mism— tion .whieh :11 expreuini gregud to their use, ha! induced me to place them] .H in hin the touch of an . Therfeeeionwellknowg m {that different Cethartm a; on :‘mfifixwi‘fi $333", PILL h be A ' - ' In, with duedrgefrence to this: 0 {:rellfegebliahet: sct,tm: eompoun tom e uue- ;y o a pure! Extracts, which act Mikel H ion every part-pf ii: ali mentary anal. and _np- B and and late an 11] cases where a (lethal-:1: 1:: fnsee ded,hs uselhea en!) a zxaszmz‘eac: m lemme ”exam: ueu, Pain and Sore-l 4 guess over the “(hole 'l”";a"2‘:d”‘§2“°:‘ :23"! zo'fiszsrgzszf’i:§.":; irpetiite, a creepigi 31: Sensation 0’! Co l d "'Jn‘i'h'fifidfi’uf‘n‘fi? [- "immfmwgms' I i l - gene, Worma in 6mm mm or Adultefllhenmn tiem, ugreat gummy; 4 §of_the 31.901) and may diseases to wluch flesh xsx ..heu, too numerous to mention inthie ndver’cise-i o pnent. Dose, Ito 3. Prlce Three Dimes. 1‘1.» Liver Invigoratox- and Family Gathartic Pills are totalled by Drngglsta generally, and sold wholesale by the 'l‘wle in all the large towns. _ S. T. \" SANFORD, M. 1)., Manufacturer and Proprietor, 208 Broadway, N. Y ifl-dknrh‘ OINZI4 MRS. wmsnow, An 9xpuvienced Nurse nnd Female Physician, pl‘ea‘MdS ' to the attention of mothers, her SOOTIIG SYRUP, FOR. CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by mftmu'ng the gums, reducing an inflammation—will allay ALL I‘AIN and spasmodic action, and is SURE TO REGULA TE THE BOWELS. Degend upon it mothers, it will giro rest to yourselves, an , BELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR mums We have put up and sold this article for over ten years, and CAN SAY, IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of 3, what we have never been able to say of any other medi cine—~NEVEß HAS IT FAILED, IN A SINGLE IN STANCE, T 0 EFFECT A CURE, when timely used. Never (lid we know an instance of dissztisfaefion by any one who used it. On the contrary, all are delighted with its operations, and speak in terms of commendation of its magical effects aux-i medical virtues. We speak in this matter ‘~‘ WHAT WE DO K NOW,” after ten years’ experience, AND PLEDGE OUR. REPUTATION FOR THE FULFILLMENT 01“ WHAT WE HERE DE. CLARE. In almost. every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion. reuef will be found in fi‘flteen or twenty minutes after the syrup is adminis- EI'E . .. This valuable preparation i:- tho prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and SKILLFUL NURSES in New England, and has: been used with NEVER PAIL. ING SUCCESS in _ THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not only relieves the child from pain, but invigo rates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity. and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It will «1 most instantly relieve .. , GRIPING IN THE BOWED‘S, AND WIND 001210, and overcome convulsions, which, if not speedily reme— died, end in death. We believoit the BEST and SUEEST REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all cases of DYSENH I‘EBY and DIARRHQEA IN CHILDREN, whether it arises from teething, or from any other cause. We would say to every mother who has a child sufi'ering from any of the mugging complaints—Do NOT LETYOUR PIKE. JUDIGES, l on THE PREJUDIOES 0F OTHERS, stand between you and your aufl’ering child, and the relief that will be SURE—yes, ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the use of this medicine, il' timely used. Full directions for using will aocompuny each bottle. None genuine unless the fuc-simile of CURTIS 5: PERKINS, New York, is on the outside wrapper. &ld by Druggistn throughout the world. 'Pamcuul. orrxcn,l3 Gama sums-r, New Your. PRIDE ONE 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE. sepfl9-dkwly in??? {i}: 1?}; "1* 10h READ THIS. l'l‘ “TILL PAY 'YOU OBSERVE WHAT I SAY H IT WILL PA Y YOU FOR A VISIT T 0 HARRISBURG! ! ! TO SEE AND MAKE YOUR PURCHASES FROM THE LARGE, HANDSOME AND FASIIIONABLE STOCK 0F READY MADE CLOTHING, CLOTH, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS AND GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS NOW EXPOSED AT THE WELL \ IiXOWN ARCADE,NO. 3 JONES ROW. ADVANTAGES WHICH READY $ AV’AILING MYSELF OF THE CASH PRESENTS. I OFFER ALL goons .u' 10 pm CENT. CHEAPER rm AN ANY OTHER HOUSES. CHAS. S. SEGELBAUM. P. S.—-lIA\'ING SECURED A FIRST RATE CUTTER AND TAILOR, I AM NOW READY TO MAKE CLOTHING TO ORDER IN THE MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. I WARRANT A FIT on No SALE. octfi‘dtlm KELLER’S DRUG STORE ii the place to Ind flu but auortment a! Port. Mannie!- Kfiifififsmn the pl“. ~ 7, to n: Win“, FOR the giu’e’NGmsn MUSTARD 3: m KELLEB’B mum atom. UM T 0 fines cf Giraud. PENNSYLVANIA RAILM, WINTER TIME TABLE gm-- m F IVE TRAINS BAILY T 0 8; FEB]! PHILADELPHIA; ON AND AFTER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2611:, 1860, The Pusengsr Train: of the Pennsylvania human Com pany will depart from and arrive at Hattisburg and Philadelphia. as follows: V EASTWARD THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN leave-a Harrisburg at 2303. m., and arrive- atWest Philadelphia at 6.50 a. In. FAST LINE leave: Harrisburg at 12.55 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 5.00 p. m. _MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg at 5 .25 p. m., and ar rives at West Philadelphia at 10.20 p. m. These Trains make close connection a‘: Philadelphia with the New York Linen. AOOOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 1, leaves Harrisburg at 7.30 a. m., runs via Mcunt Joy: and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12.30 p. m, ' HARRISBURG Accommnurox leaves Harris— burg at 1.15 p. m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 0.40 p. m. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, No. 2, leaves ngburg at 5% p. 111., runs via Mount Joy, connecting at Dillar ville with MAIL TRAIN East for Philadeighia. WEETWARD. THROUGH EXPRESS TRAIN lea-res Philadelphia at 10.50 p. m., and arrive: at Harrisburg at 3.10 a. m. MAIL TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at. 8.00 a. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 1.20 p. 1:. LOCAL MAIL TRAIN leaves Harrisburg for Pittsburg at 7.00 a. m. FAST LINE leaves Philadelphia at 12.00 noon, and ar rives at Harrisburg at 4.15 p. m. ' . HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leave; Philadelphia at 200 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 7.35 p. m. ' ACCOMMODATION TIMI)Y leaves Philadelphia at 4.00 p. m., and arrives at Harrisburg at 9.46 p. m. Attention is called to the fact, that passengers leaving Philadelphia at 4 p. m. connect at Lancaster with MOUNT JOY ACCOMMODATION TRAIN, and arrive at Harrisbprg at 9.45 p. m. SAMUEL I). YOUNG, 11023—019? - Supt. East. Div. Penn’a Railrocui NORTHERN CENTRAL RAILWAY. Em-“ :-.:" ’:-.r' I-r’r“ NOTI C E . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. W INTER ARRANGEMENT. ' ON AND AFTER MONDAY NOVEMBER. 26m, 1860, the Passenger ‘l'minn of the Northern Central Railway will leave Harrisburg as follows : . G OING SO U TH. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will leave at. 3.00 a. m. EXPRESS TRAIN will leave at............ 7.403.. m. MAIL TRAIN wi111eaveat.;........ .. . . .. 1.00 pm. GOING NORTH. - MAIL I'll.th will leave nt.......---n .. . 1.10 p.lll. EXPREES TRAIN will leave at. . . . . . . u v ‘ —-3.15 3:. In; The only Train leaving Harrisburg on Sunday will be the ACCOMMODATION TRAIN South‘ at 3.00 I. m. , For further information apply at the oflice, in Penn sylvania. Railroad Depot; JOHN W. HALL, Agent. , Harrisburg, November 23, 1860.—1102.4: NEW 413 14(1)“) RO‘TE NEW YORK. - fifi—fi .. @457; -- -= =: fifi x "an" E _ 4- ;”.- . {Eng- Shortest in Distance and Quiekest in Time BETWEEN THE TWO CITIES 01' NEW YORK AN D HARE] E BL' RG, V I A READING, ALLEN’I‘WN ANII EASTOM MORSE" G EXPRESS, West, leaves Nt-w York at- 6 a. m., arriving at Harrisbugg at 12.45 30cm: only 63; hours between} the two cities.‘ MAIL 1.13]! leaves New York at 12.00 11401:, and at: rives at Harrisburg at. 8.30 p. m. ' MORNING MAIL LIN-3,llast, lenvea‘ Harrisburg at 3.00 a. m ,arriving at New York at 4.30 p. m. AFTERNOON EXPRESS LINE, East, leaves Harris. burg at 1.15 p. m., arriving at New York M. 9.00 p. m. Connections are made at Harrisburg at 1.00 p. m. with the Passenger Trains in can]: direction on :he Pennsylvar 11in, Cumberland Valley and Mayhem Central Railroad! All Trains connect at Reading with Trains for Potts,- ville and Philadelphia, and at Allentown for Mann): Chunk, Easton, &c. No change of Passenger Cars or Baggage between New York and Harrisburg, by the 6.00 n. m. Line from New York or the 1.15 p. In. from Harrisburg. For beauty of scenery and speed, comfor: and accom mddation, this Route presents superior indncamentl m the traveling public. Fare between New Yorknnd Harrisburg, Frvs Danna . For Tickets and other information apply to J. J. CLYDE, General Agent, 411..“ , . . A mum ___‘Eevimrsv PHILADELPHIA "' - AND READING RAILROAD, s HAL-HE 12 A RRANG EMENT. ON AND AFTER. MAY 28, 1360, TWO PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE HARRISBURG DAILY, (Sundays excopted,) at 2.00 A. M., and 1.“ P. M., for Philadelphia, arrivingthere at 1.25 9.31., “(13.16 P. M. RETURNING, LEAVE PHILADELPHIA at 8.00 AM. and 3.30 P. m., arriving at Hurrisbnrg It 12 65 noon And 8.30 P. M. lABES:~—-To Philadelphh, No. 1 om, $3.3; No. 2, (in June train) $2.70. lABEE z-To Reading $1.60 and $l.BO. At Beadingyconnec! with trains for Pomri'h, Miners— ville, rsmaqm, Ouuwissa, ace. ' FOUR TRAINS LEAVE READING I'o3 PHILADEL PHIA DAILY, at 6 A. 11., 10.45 A. LL, 12.30 noon and 3.43 P. M. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA FOR READING It .0 . M., 1.00 P. m., 3.30 P. m., and 5.00 P. M. lARES:—Reading to'Philadelphia, $51.75 And 81.45. THE MORNING TRAIN FROM HARRISBURG DON NEUTE AT READING with up train for Wilkeebln‘ Pittman and Scranton. For through tickets and other information Apply to J. J. CLYDE, GEnßfl! Agent. PHILA,DELPHIA Inj/it-dtf READINGL‘EAILROAD.‘ REDUCTION OF PASSENGER lARES, ON AND AFTER BIONDAY, APRIL 2, 1560 COMM UTATI ON TICKETS, With 26 Couponn, will be issued between my point! desired, good for the holder and any member of hi: family, in any Passenger train, and at any time—At 25 per cent. below the regular fares. Parties having occasion to use the. Roarlfroquenfly on business or pleasure, will find the above arrangemena convenient and economical; as Four Passenger trains mp daily each way between Reading and Philadelphia. and Two Trains daily between, Reading, Pottnilla and Harrisburg. On Sundays, only one morning train Dawn and one afternoon train Um runs between Pomnrille anti Philadelphia, and no Passenger train on the Lebanon Valley Branch Railroad. For the above Tickets, or any information renting thereto, apply to 3. Bradford, £541., Treasurer Philadel phia, to the respective Ticket Agents on the line, or to G. A. NICOLLS, General Snp’t. March 21, 1860.—mar28-lltf ATGH A': 00-, SHIP AGENTS ”"9 - COMMISSION MER CHANTS,' .138 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. DEALERS IN FLOUR, GRAIN,PRODUCE 0 . wunzs AND LIQ‘UO'RSOTTON’ r 01” 000 A ' nav64l6ll'l A7l) UIGARS' L. GODBOLD, PRACTICAL Tom 0 AND human or PIANOS MELODEONS kc c. Oman in future must be loff at WM. KN odnmfi MUSIC STORE, 92 Market street, or It BUEHLIB}! 110 an. All orders left at the above-named place: mu meet with prompt .fienfion . lint clus PIANOB for sale DRIED BEEF~An extm lotiof DRIED BEEF just ranked by 1109 7” WM. Door, 3]., k 00. STORAGE! STORAGE“ Storage roceiwd at warehouse of no)? JAMES M WHEELER. seplß-dly