Daily patriot and union. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1858-1868, December 08, 1860, Image 1
fififis F ADVERTISING- Fear lines or less commute half a squm.’ Tan 1130! mm: than four, constitute a square . ii fif'sq, ‘oaedayfl .... $0.25; One m., nae jg..."- $O.ll “ ' flEQ'BPK. ...” 1.00; “ one ”Eek”... 1.25 “ one month, . 2.90 i~ arm month. ._ 3.00 ‘3 flares months. 3.00 h three. months. 6.00 ~-' six months“ . 4.0:); i‘ six months... 8.00 * -" one yearn». . 5.905 “ one year...“ 10.00 1;? Bu‘meas notices insert-r 1 in the wt: 31. commit,“ refine marriages and deaths, 7: vs 055 m mm mm: fox-each inmrtion. I‘o memhsntsand others ndvenisingby they“; fibers! :53}, 1! wiilblge oxfered. 15’ , um rotinsertions must be 199‘. uatedon dverfiflmm. g the LC)” Manima and Deaths Will be inserted at thu 52m; ales an regular advertisements. ’!_________—— Mil $30159, Etut'wnzry, Ba. "1 GHOOL BOOKS—School Dlrectors, b When,_ Pmnm, Scholars, and others, in want or Echo-)1 Books, School Stationary, dam. will find a complete ”gunmen. at E. M. POLLOCK a: 508‘s BOOK STORE, stunt Bqnare, Humbug, comyrising in put the follow. uni- * READERB.—Mc9uflby’u, Parker’s, Cobb’s , Angell’a swung BOOKS.—McGnfl’ey’s, Cobb’s, Wesater’a, guru’s Byexly’a. Oombry’a. _ Imam Gnmmpmum’. Smith’s, Wood magmnmmimg, Tnthill’l, Hart’s, henna Hist-ema—Grimshgw’l, Duvnnport’a Frost’s, Wil mrs, wmmva, Goodrich’a, Pinnock’fl, éoldsmith’und Clark’s. ' mmuc’s.—Gmnleam,3toddm’l lqwmn‘la Pike’s Rose’s, Oolbm’s, Smith and Duke’fly blfle’l- , ALéEßßAS.—Gmenlenf’s, Davie'B, Dara, Ra! I. 35 ‘a. DIPSTIONAEYS.—WaIker7a School, Cobb’l, Waller, Wereeefar’l comprehensive, Woreeatar’a Primary, Wab ctefis Pginm-y, Webster’s ngh School, Webster’s quarto, Academe. NATURAL PKILOSOPHIES.—-Gemmck’s, Parker’s, Edna’s. The above with a great variety of others can at any tame be found at my store. Also, a complete assort ment of School Stationery, embracing in the win le 3 com— pL-sta outfit for school pnryoees. Any book not in the store. procured \1 one days notice. 1:? {Sentry Merchants supplied at wholesale rates. AimNAcS.—John Bast and Son’s Almanac lor sale Ii 1. u. POLLOOK an SON‘S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg. 11'? Wholesale and Imm. myl lEEEWRECEIVED A T SGBEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, A DAMAJV J'INE SLfl TBS OF VARIOUS SIZES ‘AND PRICES, Which, f 6: beauty and :36, cannot be excelled. BEMEMBEB THE PLACE, :TJIZ‘HEFFEB’S BOOKSTORE, NO. IS MARKET STREET. 1% "3700 K AUCTION. BEN F. FRENCH W3ll supply his old friends and customers with the following Books at Auction prices: Pacific Railroad, 10 vols” complete, 4 illustrations $24. Japen Expedition, 3 «519., complete, illustrated and illuminated, $l2. Emery’s Expedition, 2 vols., complete, illustrated illuminated, $lO. Congressional Globe, $1450 per volume. sterly Novels, complete, 12 17015., cloth, $lO. “ “ “ 27 vols.,hal£ca.lr,s34; &c., (km, Axe. __ .Lll of the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of charge. BEN F. FRENCH, 278 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. c. femtf NEW BOOKS! JUST RECEIVED “SEAL AND BAY,” by the author of “Wide, Wide World,” 5‘ Dollars and Cents,” ac. “ HISTORY OF METHODISM.” by A.Btevenn,LL.D. For sale it SOBEFFERS’ BOOKSTORE, 14:9 No. 13 marks at. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLENDI‘D ASSOBTMENT 0P RICHLY GILT AND ORNAMENTAL WINDOW CURTAINS, 'I‘APEB BLINDS, 0f various Designs and. Colors, for 8 cents, TISSUE PAPER AND OUT FLY PAPER, At , [12:39.4] SOHEFFEB‘S BOOKSTORE. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER :1 3113‘ received, our Spring Stock of WALL PAPER, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, dam, Bw. Itie thelnrgent and best selected assortment inthe city, ranging in price {mm six (6) cents up to one dollar and nqunrter 131.25.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to air-ll n as low rates, if not lower, than can be had else «here. If purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can pleeae them in respect to price sad quality. E. M POL-LOOK & SON, e 123 ~ Below Jones‘ House, Market Square. LE ’l‘ TE R, CAP, NOTE PAPERS, Penn, Holders, Pencils, Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of Ihe best quality, at. low prices, direct from the unnu -I'wsoriea, at max-30 SGEEFFER’S CHEAP BOOKSTORE .‘ LAW BOOKb E LAW BOOKS I l—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State Report: and Standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, gran: and rare, together with a large assortment of ae'contl-lmnd Law Books, at very low plazas, at the one pnce Bookstore of E. M. POL-LOOK & SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. CM fllimllaumua. AN ARRIVAL 0F NEW Goons aPPROPRIATE TO THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER rues: I”st FANS!!! ANOTHER AND SPLENDID LOT OF SPLIUED FISHING RODS! Trout Flies Gut and Hair Snoods, Grass Linea, Silk and Eair 191qu Lines, and a general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A GREAT mama-r or WALKING CAKES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapest! Silver Head Loaded Sword Hickory Fancy Games! Canes! Canes! Canes! Canes! KBLLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, so. 91 nun: smut, South side, one door east of Fourth street se!) B J. HAB.B. I s , n WORKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND METALLIC ROOFING, Second Street, below Chennai, . HARRISB URG, P 4. In prepared 170 ml orders for sny ugiule in his branch 01 17mm; and if not on hand, be I'll] make to order on short notice. METALLIC R 0 OFING, of Tin or Galvanized Iron, constantly on hand. - Also, Tin and Sheet-Iron Wan-e, Spouting, to. _ He hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his custo mers, to merit and receive a generous share of public pat range. {s' Every promise strictly fulfilled. . - B. I. HARRIS, ‘ sniff-fly] Bacon"! Street, below Chestnut. FIS H l 1 “GKEREL, (Nos. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (very superior.) am, (31253 and very 5113-) v ‘ HEERIR G, (extra large.) GOD FISH. ' SMOKED HERRING extra. Diub . were}! HERRING. ' ( ‘ °y ) SARDINES AND ANCHOVIES. of the above we have Mackerel in whole, half, quarter ma eight!) bbls. Herring in whole and half bbls. Th‘e entu'e lot new—muse! “on my nsnamas, and fill poll them at the lowest market rates. “214 WM. DOCK, FAMILY 131ng3, from 13 to $lO, andMndmmay ound printed on and a r wimsgggfit clear new mam“ 3‘ g ppe ’ 1 SGHEFFER’B Cheap Boohthe. ERANBERRIESL 2 !-—A smm LOT “jg? received by FOR a superior and cheap TABLE 0r EALAD OIL go to - Knnnnn’smme $133193. THE Fruit Growers’ Handbook—by WAR ._ h“ ‘ “mm me wholesale ug’gggé‘FEß’S Bookstore. SPE 113.—A large supply ‘ 335“; receiVEd by WM: DOGK‘ J 3. 8: CO. F 3°? are in want of a. Dentifi-ice go to mums, 91, Market at. FISH!!! & CO WM. DOCK. :2., at 00 . -151 I F: I -»- . :5‘ 'V‘ w? 1:: =1: 1%.: \‘JfiE‘ -3 ‘s’:=—‘.f: “-.IL , fig?“ . 1‘!” "iii-rm; "if: I.“ 33121: -; ,agv, I: = I - (up: in :3 4:12,: - I}. h z 3 5 ‘ "‘"5 ‘ 3:32.22 2; Jag-.._ 5,5545. s - ue."*422£5.5:~,i‘L:: ' ' 5.9%. F ~ ..I‘. ' :5 -__}? -;;r4fi:." 551...? :1- {3.23: ».; . I :3” .._:s- air—_aga‘fl —1..- , , I , ‘31:: . , 1 ' 3 . 'z- E "53 g3;;l:.=‘.’—.:‘.-:33’-":a:;:;jj{:fl.,v ‘1 » ‘. ; I 3 .:.f ' IL": 1 “'_ :I ; aflwl: I ’ 5“, "I“ :-j,«_',;l . .3, 7,‘ ' ' -" I’ “-«C‘ 35;; F, 1 ‘1; llFl 'i‘g\;'l".“fx : X 55 'FL'JFJ'E'E‘EHEFE? . j ‘ A 45 _ ' {l' - , 1,1 F ‘37; : I‘s an: :5”. 55,: 3 F 5; xxx-IJPL J_\- , . .: - .1} 331.: 3.2;. fl 52:1:‘14‘IL‘SJF -: gazing‘u-fiw =25»: “‘i.‘:~: ’ ‘ ' ' 1 ::-~ ‘ 1.. ->»::_;:vf» 142:6 gang .- 3 - n - Mam-3:2. rs‘ 's' \- =,-1_ - r ' 1- 11: €7.1-v';\rsmrfi@2-Tii d VOL. 3. 13mm) Stablm. CITY LIVERY STABLES, fl BLACKBERRY A LLEY, fl IN THE REAR 0F HERE’S HOTEL. The undersigned has re—commenced the L I VE R V BUSINESS in his} NEW AND SPACIOUS STABLES, located as above, wt): 3. large and varied flock of HORSES, CARRIAGES AND OMNIB USES, Which he will hire at. moderate rates. outla-dly P. K. SWARTZ. FRANK A. MU RRAY Successor to Wm. Parkhill, LIVERY & EXCHANGE STABLE THIRD STREET BELOW MARKET. \ fix ""' ' (4; ‘)’ \ ) EEi—"éfikf ‘ i '1 '75-'45" , ' I , ‘ HAVING pnrchssed the interest of J. Q. Adams 11 the establishment, and made large additions to the stock‘:, the undersigned is prepared. to accommodate the pnblic'with SUPERIOR HORSES for Saddle or anti purposes, sud with every uriety of VEHICLES of maniacs“ and moan I.pron styles on reasonable terms. ‘ PLEASURE i’ABTIES will be accommodsted with On nibusses at short notice . Carriages and Omnibneses, for funeral occasions, will be furnished, accompanied by careful and obliging drivers. He invites an inspection of his stock, satisfied tint it is fully equal to that of any other establishment of the kind in town. FRANK A. MURRAY . BRANCH STABLE The undersigned has opened a branch of his “Liverysnd lubenge Stable” in the buildings lately occupied by A. W. Barr, in Fourth street, opposifie the Bethe], where he is prepared to accommodate the pnblicwith Horses and Vehicles, at all times, on reasonable termS. His stock is urge and varied, and will recommend itself. sale-dirt FRANK A. MURRAY. filigtellaueuug. TA K E NOTI G E I That we have. recently added to our already full stock 0 F SEGA B. S LA NOBMATIS, KARI KARI, ‘ EL MORO, ‘ LA BANANA. OF BERFUMBRY Eon TEE HANanucmer: TURKISH ESSENCE, ODOR 01' MUSE, LUBIN’S ESSENCE BOUQUET. Fox rm: HAIR: EA‘U LUSTRALE CRYSTAiaIZED POMATUM, MYRTLE AND VIOLET I’OMATUM. Fox ran Com-mums : TALU 0F VENICE. ROSE LEAF POWDER, NEW MOWN HAY POWDER, ‘ BLANO DE PERLES. 0 F SOA P S BAzm’s FINEST ‘ MOSS ROSE, BENZOIN, - UPPER TEN, VIOLET, NEW MOWN KAY JOGKEY bLUB. Having the largest stock and heat assortment of Toilet Articles, we fancy that we are better able than our com petitors to get up a complete Toilet Set at any price de sired. Call and see. Always on hand, a. FRESH Stock of DR UGS, BLED!- GINES, CHEMICALS, to , consequent of our re ceiving almost daily addition: thereto. KELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, 91 Market Street, two doors East of Fourth Street, aep6 South side. PHOENIX» F 0 U-NDRY - —-r- J. .1. 031.23. ' w. 1?. OSLER. JOHN J. OSLER S: BROTHER, (succxssoas T 0 nuns a. an.) FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, Comer Pmnsylvania Railroad and State Stree‘t, HARRISBURG, PA. fiIILL HEARING, IRON FENCES, RAILROAD _ AND CANAL WORK, AND ALL nuscmnxoxs or IRGN CASTINGS 0N HAND OB MADE TO ORDER. mew}: WORK AND REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. . PATTERNS MADE TO ORDER. We have a large and complete assortment of Pattern to select from. .- I; 9.1122 JUST RECEIVED! A FULL ASSORTMENT 01‘ I HUMPHREY’S HOMEDPATHIC SPECIFICSH ‘ ro wman wz INVITE ma ‘ ATTENTION OF THE AFFLIGTED! For sale at . SGHEFFER‘S BOOKSTORE, np9 , a 7 ~ ~ ~ 7 LoMax-ket at. CUSTOMERS . A New Lot of {ADIES’ PURSES, 01‘ Beautiful Styles, substantially made A Splendid Assortment of ‘ GENTLE-MEN’S WALLETS - A New and Elegant Perfume, .. KNIGHTS TEMPLABS’ BOQUBT, Put up in Out Glass Engraved Bottles. A Complete Assortment of HANDKERCHIEF PERFUMES, 0f the best Manufacture. Avery Handsome Variety of POWDER-PUFF BOXES. KELLER’S DRUG STORE, - 91 Market street. 55"1 ESTABLISHED IN 1810. FANCY DYEING EST ABLISHMENT. J. 4: W. JONES,VNO. 43?. N. Front Street, above Cal lowhill, Philadelphia, dye SILKS, WOOLEN AND FANCY GOODS of every description. Their superior style of Dyeing Ladies’ and Gentlemen’a Garments is widely known. Grape and. Merino Shawls dyed the most brilliant or plain colors. Grape and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new—also, Gentlemen-’5 apparel. curtains, &:c., cleaned or L's-dyed. {ti—0:111 and look at our work before going else where. sepll-dam CHOICE SAUCES! WORCESTERSHIRE. LUCKNOW CHUTNY, . CONTINENTAL, sqvmvs SULTANA, ATHENZEUM, LONDON CLUB, SIR ROBERT PEEL, INDIA SOY, READING SAUCE, ENGLISH PEPPER SAUCE. WM. DOCK, .13., a: co. For sale by “L DYOTTVILL'E GLASS WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, ‘ mmuucwunu CARBOYS, DEMIJOHNS, WINE, PORTER, MINERAL WATER, PIGKLE AND PRESERVE BOTTLES 0F nvsmr pascmmxox. H. B. a G. W. BENNERs, new-c 113: 27 South Front steret, Philadelphia. INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. I’. W. WEBER, nephew and taught by the well re. mempered late F. W. Weber, of Harrisburg, is prepared to give lessons in music upon the PIANO, VIOLIN. C'ELLQ, VIOLIN and. FLUTE. He will giva lessens at 1““ ”amen“: corner of Locust street and Rivat alley or at the homes of pupils. 84125416111 ' SCHEFFER’S Bookstoe the place to buy Gold Yank—warranted ’ HARRISBURG-jig, SATURD‘AYEECJQMBE‘EET’IB6O. Loaf. TO THE PUBLICE JOHN TILi-s COALY A R M: SOUTH SECOND STREET, BELOW PRATT'S ROLLING EXILE: HABRISBURG,PA.. Where he has constantly on but} LYIUINS VALLEY BROKEN, EGG, STEVIE A 517 NUT COAL. ALSO, WILKESBARRE summon, BROKEN: smm AND NUT COAL, ALL 01-“ THE BEST QUALITY. It will be delivered to consumers clean, and fuli weight warranted. ’ 113' CONSUMERS GIVE ME A CALL FOR YOUR WIN TEE SUPPLY. {l3’ Oral-rs 131': at my house, in Wa'nmt street, near Fifth; or at Brnbaker’s, North street; J. L. Spears, Market. Square; Wm. Bostick’s, come: at Second. and South streets, and John Lingle’a, Second and Mulberry streets, will receive prompt attention. 5113-11011: «r ' JOHN TILL. COA‘LI COAL-5! ONLY'YART} IN TOWN TIIAT DELIVERS} ' COAL BYJ‘II}: P A TENT W EIGII CAR-TS! NOW IS THE TIME For every family to get in their supply of Coal for the winter—weighed at their door by the Patent Weigh Carts. The accuracy qf these Carts no one disputes, and they nave: get out of order, as is frequently the case of the Platform Scales; besides, the consumer has the satisfaction of proving {ha weight of his Coal at his own house I haw a large supply of Con]. on hand, «30“.:255‘ ug or S. M. 0035 LYKENS VALLEY COAL all sizes‘ LYKENS VALLEY WILKESBARRE do. * " BITUMINOUS BROAD TOP do. All Goal of the best quality mined, and delimrcd free from all impurities, at the lowest rates, by the boat or car load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, September 24. 1860.—591325 COAL! GOALZ! COAL!“ NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET CLEAN COAL! FULL WEIGHTAND NOTHING SHORT OF IT! Thankful to my friends and customers for their liberal patronage, I would inform them and the public generally, that I am fully prepared, on short notice, to supply them with all kinds of , SUPERIOR COAL OF ALL SIZES. FREE FROM SLATE, AND CAREFULLY SCREENED, AT AS new A FIGURE AS FAIR DEALING WILL AFFORD! Although my Coal is not weighed in Ser-Wsmnma GARTS, BM 13 wmonmb 0N SCALES Accuunn Tis'mn BY mm SEALER or Waxes-rs nu: MEASURES, and con- Burners may rest mam-ed that they will be fairly and honestly dealt with. I sell nothing but the very best article, and no mixing. Also, HICKORY, OAK end PINE WOOD always on hand. sew-dam 6-150. I’. WIESTLI’NG. U 12' T'O"'W N: ; PATENT WEIGHC’ARTS For the convenience of my numerous uptown custom ers, I have established, in connection with my old yard, 8. Branch Goal Yard opposite North street, in a. line with the Pennsylvania canal, having the ofliee formerly occu pied by Mr. R. Harris. where consumers of Coal in that vicinity and Verbeketown can receive their Goal by the . PATENT WEIGH CARTS, WITHO UT EXTRA CHARGE FOR HA ULING, And in any quantity they may desire, as low as can he purchased anywhere. FIVE THOUSAND TONS'COAL 0N HAND, 0! LYKENS VALLEY and WILKESBARKE, all sizes. {FWilling to maintain fair prices, but unwilling to be u‘n-dcrsold by any pun-us. {FAD Coal forked up and delitered clean and free from all impurities, and the best article mined. Orders received at either Yard will be promptly filled, nd all Goal delivered by the Patent Weigh Carts.‘ Coal sold by Boat, Gar load, single, half or third of tons, and by the bushel. v JAMES M. WHEELER. Harrisburg, October 13, 1860.—0ct15 ,ifiebital. HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S lIELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMBOLD’S HELMfiOLD’S HELMBOLD’s Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Exam: Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract But-Im, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Buchu, Extract Bach“, Extract Buc‘m, Extract Buchu, Extmt‘ Buchu, Extract Buohu, FOR SECRET AND DELIG'ATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. 1501! SECRET AND DELICATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELIC'ATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELIC'ATE DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELIOATE' DISORDERS. FOR SECRET AND DELIGATE DISORDERS. A Positive and Specific Remedy; . A Positive and Specific Remedy. ' A Positive Ind Specific Remedy- A Positive and Specific Remedy. - A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. A Positive and Specific Remedy. FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, GRAVE};= KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNEYS, DROPSY, BLADDER, GRAVEL, KIDNE YS, DROPSY, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ‘ ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, ORGANIC WEAKNESS, And all Diseases of Seluul Orgam, And all Diseases qf Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs. And all Diseaszs of Sexual Organs; And all Diseases (2] Sexual Organs, And all Diseases of Sexual Organs,‘ , ARISING FROM Excuses, Exposures, and Imprudenefes in' Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Impmdencies in Life. Excuses, Exposures, and Imprndencias in Life. Excesses, Exposures, and Imprudsncies in Life. EXcesses, Exposures, and Imptudencies in Life. Excuses, Expasures, and Imprudencies in Life. From whatever canse.o:igjaa§ig_,'s‘ng:hethet existing in MALE ”on FfflALE. Females, take no more Pills! They are of no avail for Complaint: incident to the sex. Use EXTRACT BUOHU. ‘ ‘ Helmhold’s Extract Buchn is 3 Medicine winch 18 per— fectly pleasant in it; , TASTE AND ODOR, _ But immediate in its action. giving Health and VZlgor to the Frame, Bloom to the Pallid Cheek, and restoring the patient to a. perfect state of ‘ HEALTH AND PURITY. _ Reimbuld’a Extract Buchu is prepared accordmg to PharmacLaqq .OPEmEEY-VJ undis— pieggribedA gqiugsed by THE _Mo'sr .EIII'IZVENT'PHYSICIA N 5“ Delay no bilge}.— FEJchefl—tue‘reh-ea;iflrt 0309‘ Price $1 per bottle, or six for $5. . D¢po3 104 Suuth Tenth street, Philadell‘hla- BEWARE OF UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS . Trying to palm 05 their own or other urtlflefl of BUCHL on the repufmion attained by , HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUGHD, The Ou'ginal and only Genuine. We desire to run on the , . ‘ MERIT OF OUR ARTICLE! Their’ais Wothlesi - ‘5301 at much less rates . . . » --. and ““5310“: comequently paying a much better profit. to? WE DEFY COHPETITION! Ask for - HELMBOLDiS EXTRACT BUCHU. Take no other. . Sold by JOHN WYETH, Druggtst, corner of Market and Second atrcets Harrisburg. AND AL}. DRUG 151's EVERYWHERE. 11014 damam. TH‘E 'GROVER S: BAKER SOISELESS ‘1 » - 1 11 AMILY SEWING MACHINE is tapidlysuperaeding all others for family lise. The DOUBLE Locx-Sna—cu formed by this Machine is found 10’ b 9 the 011121 one which suryivex the wash-tub on bias seams, and, therefore, the only one permanently valu able {ol‘ Family Sewing. READ THE FOLLOWIN G TESTIMONY: ‘ “Mrs. .l'nrrznsox DAVIS. presents her compliments to . Grow: d: Baker, and taken pleasure in buying that she ‘ has used one of their Machines for two years, and finds it still in good order, makes a beautiful stitch, and does 03533 _Work of any kind.=’——Washington, D. G. . “It 15 a. beautiful thing, and puts everybody Into an exoitomont of good humor. Were la. Catholic, I would insist upon Saints Grover &. Baker having an eternal hollgiu)’ in commemoration of their good deed: for hu manlt3-"—Ca.ssius M. may. ~ , “Q 1! wife has had one of Grover (c Baker’s Family Sewmg Machines for some time, and I am satisfied it is one of the. best labor-sawing machines that. has been in vented. I take much plensuru in recommending it to the publ.ic,”-—I. G. Harris, Governor of Tennessee. “0n the rocommenda‘tion of'a. friend, I procured, some months shim, one of your Family Sewing Moobinos. My family 'll‘t'i born most successful in its also, from the start, without any trouble or difficulty whatever in its manngeuwut. M y wife says it is a. ‘family blessing,’ and could not be induced to dispense with its use—in all of WbiC'l-l I lilo-“it heartily concur.”——Ja-mes Pollock, Ez- G our!" 07' 1y“ I’Lmzsyloan-m. ”the undersigned, Cnnncnms of 'various denominm tions: having purchased and used in our families GRO VER Br. BAKER’S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, take pleasure in recommending it as an in strument fully combining the essentials of a. good ma chine. Its beautiful simplicity, ease of management, and the; strength and elasticity of its stitch, unite to render it a machine unsurpassed by any in the market», and one which we feel confident will give satisfaction 1.0 all who muy purchase and use it.” Rev. W P. STRIOKLAND, New York} Rev.E. I’. RODGERS, D. D., Albany, N. Y. Rev. W. B. SPRAGUE, D. D., Albany, N. Y. Rev. JOHN GROSS, Baltimore, Md. Rev. JOHN M’CRON, D. D., Baltimore 7 Md. Rov. W A. CROCKER, Norfolk, Va. Rev. JOHN PARIS, Norfolk, Va Rev. 0. HANKEL, D. D., Charleston. S. 0, Rev. G. A. LOYAL, Charleston, 5. C. R 67. B. B. ROSS, Mobile, Ala. Rev. A. A. PORTER, Selma, Aln. Prof. W. D. WILSON, D. 1)., Geneva, N. I‘. Rev. W. H. CURRY, A. M,, Geneva, N Y. Rev. IfiTiIRNBIILL BACKUS, D. D., Schenectady. Rev. B. W. OHIDLAW, A. M., Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev. W. PERKINS, Cincinnati, Ohio. Prof. I. I. McELHENNY, 1). D., Crammer, Ohio. Rev. EINSTEIN MORBOUGH, Cambridge City, Ind. RevJOSEPH ELDRIDGE, Norfolk, Conn. Rev. OSMONDO. BAKER, Bishop of M. ~19. Church, Concord, N. H. do " 43'?) Broadway, New York; 18 Summer Street, Buston; 730 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia ,' 181 BultlmoreSttoet, Baltimore; 249 King Street, Charleston; 11 Camp Street, New Orleans; 124. North Fourth Street, St. Louis; 58 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati ; 171 Superior Street, Clei‘elmd; and all the principal cities and towns in the United States. 113’ SE ND F 0 1: .4 CIRCULAR .52 aep2B-d&wly DENTISTRY. THE UNDERSIGNED, DOCTOR 0F DENTAL SURGERY. Respectfully tenders his professional services 10 the citizens of Harrisburg and'vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, QPI’OSITE THE BRADY HOUSE. sep‘lfi-détwtf B. M. GILDEA, D. I). S. DR. 0. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OC'ULIS'I, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He in now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of protesition in an its branches. A LONG AND YEP-Y succsssrm. MEDICAL :xmntzxoz justifies him in promising full and umph: satisfaction to 8.11 who may favor him wifh a call, be the disease Chronic or any other nature. mlB-d&wly “I M. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE, (Wyeth’s,) second floor from. 113' Enteranc eret Square. n'zl-Iydaw W' W . HAY s , Ai‘TOR;NEY-AiT;-LAW. - o FFICE, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND k. THIRD, _arléL..m_m_§3lniw_fl_t-;M___EL THEO. F. SCHEFFER, BOOK, CARD AND JOB PRINTER, jans _ ,No 181131 th Street, Harrisburg. “TELLPARKHILL, 5170033503 I'o n. a. my", . PLUMBEIEH‘J? AHEA§§ ,FOUNDER, ’ 108 MARKET 81"., HARRISBURG. BRASE CASTING/8, of every description, made to order. Amarimn manufactured Lead and Iron Pipes of all aim. Hydranta ofevery description made and repaired. Hot and Cold Water Baths Shower Baths, Water Clo-eta, Oiatern Pumps, Lead Collins and Lead work of every description done at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. factor-yam} Engine work in- general. All orders than):- fully received and punctunfly attended to. . The highest price in cash given {or old Copper, Bram, Lead and Speaker. mylS-dtt‘ J c. MoL T z, ' , _ ENGINEER, MACHINIST AND STEAM. FITTEB, No. 6, North Sixth at, between Walnut and Mal-ha, Harrisburg, Pa. Machinery ofevery descriptionmade and repaired. Btu! (looks of all sizes, and 1. large assortment of Gas Fittings constantly on hand. All work‘dona in this establishment will be under his own salapermion, and warranted to give satisfaction. on . RELIGIOUS BOOK STORE, TRACT A'ND SUNDA Y SCHOOL DEPbSI TOR Y, E. S. GERMAN, 27 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE GHESNUT, HARRISBURG, u. Depot for the sale of Stereoscopes,StereoscopicVisws, Music and Musical Instruments. Also, subscriptions taken for religious publimm. ~ noSO-dy FRANKLIN HOUSE, This pleasant and commodious Hotel has been tho roughly re-fitted and L's-furnished. It is pleasant-Ry situated on North-West corner of Howard and Franklin streets, a few doors west- of the Northern Central Bail wuy Depot. Every attention paid to the comfort of his guy!“- G. LEISENRING, Proprietor, 5912-“ (Late of Selina Grove, Pa.) N E W D R U G WWW—M“ PRESCRIP’F‘3ON 52'0ch , WILLIAM W. ARMSTRONG, Practical Druggist and Chemist, would inform the citizens of Harrisburg that he has leased the store room recently occupied by Dl‘. Kimbel‘, and is now prepared to furnish those who feel disposal to patronize him with pure and unadulterated Drugs and Medicines, such as can be relied upon. Having had several years experience in the Drug and Prescrip tion jausiness, he most respectfully solicits a share of Physxcinns’ Prescription business. He has also a. large and varied assortment of Perfumery, Stationery, &c.—- Also, all of the most popular Patent Medicines of the day; also, Tobacco, Cigars, Small, 8.20., ofthe best brands; also, Alcohol, Turpentine, Burning Fluid, Goal Oil: (‘2O. In fact everything usually kept in a well-stocked drug stow. nOl6-dlm. Mm“ REMOVAL. JO KIN W. GLOVEB, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed to 60 MARKET STREETi ~ Where he wilt be pleased to see all his (new . . octS-dtf JUST RECEIVED! INK FOUNTAIN! INK FOUNTAIN: A V 917 ingenious attachment to any metallic pen, by which one clip of ink is sufficient to write a foolscap pa-ge. For sale at SCHEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, 3P9 NO. 18 Market St fieming filatbiuw. OFFICES Enginma Qlarha. BALTIMORE, MD @313 333 mm 63 713 mm. ,-_,_.m_¢r .__ SATURDAY MORNING, DEC. 8, 1860 THREE STA R TLING SITL'A TI ONS. W.__._ 7,-.- My existence, I am happy to say, has not been what. any conscientious “ gentleman con nected with the press” would feel himself jus tified in calling “checkered.” I did not begin life as the heir to a dukedom, find myself at twenty-one to have been illegitimate, and eventually in a. position to dictate to some pop ular author, from the sick ward of a. union Workhonse, the interesting raw materials for 'his novelette, the Falling Star. Neither did I begin life a lad in the knife-house, and, Creeping up from high to higher. Become on Fortune’s crowning slope The centre of a. Ward-‘3 desire, And [lt with Aldermen to cope. The prayer of my godfather for me was like Agur’s—that I should have neither riches nor poverty ; he left me that much-abused inheri tance—which, to every reasonable man is nevertheless the best in the world, since it en ables him to purchase all good objects ‘for their own sake—.“n moderate independence and I have kept it ever since. Hence, 0 reader, it is in min to expect from this comfortable quill either soaring flights into the Empyrean (with a large 19,) or down swoops into the Abyssms. I know. no more of palaces than I do of prisons; and yot'l have had my three “startling situations,” too. Most mortals who have grown to be men and women have had some experiences always afterwards observable to the. mind’s eye in the level road of their existences, even if they be but the being pitched out of s. merry-go-round at a. fair, or the having proposals of marriage tendered to them by a. black man; and why not I like the rest ‘2 First, then, [have had the privilege of hen holding a spiritual manifestation—three dis tinct, or at all events separate, ghosts at the same time. This happened on my way from Calais to Paris, in the winter of 1832. The boat, as it always does when l am in it—a proof of my honest assertion that there is nothing about me unlike what belongs to the majority of my fellow-creatures—had made an exceedingly bad passage, and I landed on the shores of France with a vacuum within me that I had yet no desire to replenish. Had it been otherwise, there was very little time to do it, for the diligence, unlike myself, quite full inside, was upon the point. of starting, and I climbed up, in a. miserable condition, beside the conductor. Howhe screamed, gesticulated, and cracked his prodigious whip like a demon driver, it is not necessary, and would be pain ful to me to describe. I fell asleep as soon as I could forget him, and the horses were going at their aim sweet will and pace, which matter is in France a very moderate one. I felt cold and hungry enough, and yet so faint as not to seem equal to the etfort of waking the driver, and urging him to push ena little faster to the next roadside inn; so faint, so drowsy, that no earthly thing, I think, short of an upset, could have roused me up or awakened my in terest. No earthly thing. perhaps; but what was that running along the hedge-4m the top of the hedge—upon the left hand: running along by the side of the diligence, and yet a little in advance, so as to turn back and look at it, and at me ? That woke me soon enough, and most thoroughly; What , business had Mary Rose, my little weed—mm had lately beeit3 left a, widow with two children, and whom I had hidden good bye to only a few days he fore—what business, I say, had she to he rnn~ ning atop of it roadside hedge between Calais and Paris at midnight, always keeping her head turned round, and her eyes fixed upon me? There was not the least doubt- of its be ing Mary, although I had never Seen her with that look of pain and entreaty on her face before. lam thankful to think that she never had to ask anything, either forherself or oth~ ers, twice from ‘me. She never looked _before her, but glided swiftly on along the hedge, and, when a gap or gate intervened, seemed to leap it without any spring or unusual exertion When her eyes were not on mine, they were fixed on one or other of the two fore wheels of the diligence; and, presently, I leaned over to see what was attracting her in the left-hand one. Georgy was there—Georgy Ross, her eldest son, revolving with the wheel, and upon its rim, disappearing and coming up again as though'he were bound to it, with his white fnée upward towards me and her, but with shut eyes. His brother Charles was on the other wheel, I knew, although, of course, I could not see him; and, presently, upon the great empty front seat, where there was room for four be side the driver, there lay stretched on either side of me those same two boys, in long white dresses, which—since they were dead, poor things, as it subsequently turned out—might have been shrouds. 1 had scarcely time to put. my hands out, right and left, and through each of these forms, to feel the bare cushion of the seat, when the driver, with a. burst of scores, woke, and lashed the horses, calling them pigs and demons. Then the children and their dear mother vanished from my sight forever. Being of a phlegmatic, or—as I prefer to call it-—-of a philosophical disposition, I simply entered in my note book, writing it there, as I sat in the rclear moonlight. -‘Curious illusion produced [December 14. 1832] by hunger and fatigue.” fiercrtheless, as I sat at. breakfast in Paris on the morning of the 19th, I received word by post that Mary Boss and her two children were all dead of typhus fever. “Mary,” the letter said, “kept asking for you, William, as though you could have saved her little ones, and even after theywrrre out of the reach of earthly aid. She herself did not survive them more than a, few hours. They all died on the 14th 2” My second “startling situation” was not a ghostly one, although the locality was for better adapted to such a phenonenon than the high road to Paris—u fine old manor-house in Stuf fordshire, that had been a. petty sfroflglmld. m the time of the civil wars. Rupert had salhed out of it at the head of his rnscally Bubeuters. and Cromwell had stormed it with his “OBSIdBS, smitin g A gag—that is to says {'33 “19" 9055955“? Sir Jasper Seton—hip and thigh. lie was cm. to pieces in the great lmll, whlt‘lt IS 1191? the music room, or was in theduys I knew 1t; and the clash 01 steel is still to be heard there in wild winter midnights, although I cannot say that 1' ever detected 1t myself for certain.— There were, however, the most- mysterious nightly sounds in that old house, whose furni tut-e, thougll good and costly, was throughout, from garrct to still-room, exceedingly ancient. I never was, undead, in any dwelling-house whore Antiquity had it so much her own way. It was full of unnecessary and unexpected flights of stairs, of tortuous'passages, of long, dark, slippery galleries, and especially full of linger-ing‘echoes, always dying out and never cloud. Nine-tenths ot‘ the mysterious noises come, Of course, frothese some echoes, but who made the other tenth, and set the 110139 S £50133, was a problem not so easily solved.— Who emptied sacks ofpotutoes every night down the wide, uncorpeled oak emit in the aforesaid music hall, was quite an open question;_ for everybody agreed, though there were no petu toes to be found there, that that was the ope ration which the disturbance most resembled. PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, swung Exempnm. BY 0. BARRETT 3c CO. I'lx DAILY anm'r nu Cw»: w' V _ _ _ . . . mm; as: . ~ sex-mars resldlxlng in file Bornugh wt 51: oaxwgpgntgzgi pay; a to t e carrier. Mail subsuribern F - nus Pam ANS'O'M. ’ on: ”UL TEE WEEKLY will b 8 published an heretofore, Hami laekly during the Hessian of the Legislaturefind'once a. week the remainder of the year, for two dollars in Id vance. or three dollars at: the cxph-utionof the year. Con'uected with this establishment, is an extensive JOB OFFICE, containing a. variety of Plain and fancy typeg unequalled by any establmhment m the interior of the state, for which the patronngs of the public in no licited. NO 84. Who went about, and seemed to listen-with list slippers on~at the chamber doors '! Who rang the drawing room bells when nothing was wanted, and everybody had gone to bed? My answer. on account of the philosophic character of my mum-e, was always Rats. The house so swarmed with them that it might be called Rat’s Castle. The arms in such of the chambers as were not in constant use was rat eaten. The weinscots were riddled by rats; and they were only kept away from the provisions of the household by :1 patent. safe that was the one modern contrivance in Burlby H all. N ever-the less. the old place was the very home of Christ— mas hospitality, and had for me, who did not; care for rats, only one source of annoyance; I dared not indulge in two of' my usual customs—- getting up early in the morning, and sleep. walking at night, for fear of being shot by Captain Seton—the eldest son of Sir Arthur—— who, enraged by the state of terror in which the female portion of the domestics Were plunged, pemmbulated the house at all hours with a. revolver,— wherewith he had pledged himself to put an end to all disturbers of the household pence. His sisters, being Setons, were, of course, afraid of nothing; but I con fess that, for my part, I did not. like the six‘ barrelled implement of the young dragoon at all. The nightly noises, however, Were no whit decreased by this amateur~watehmun ; and one December night, when a grim northeaster was trying doors and windows from without, and the rats were at work as usual with their potato-sacks and list-slippers within, he added considerably to the general tumult by ringing a huge hand alarm bell, which he had had placed in his bedroom in case of such an emer gency—and all the inmates of the mansion flocked to the summons as bees are gathered by the hivesmon. We found the captain in his dressing-gown, in the centre of the western gallery, standing by an ugly mark in the panel ing, which he had made with the muzzle of his pistol. " Here he is,” cried he; “the fellow went through here, I’ll take my oath ! I heard him listening at my door, and was out in n minute, taking a. snap-shot at him, but the thing missed fire.” “ Heard whom '.‘-—heard whom 1'” inquired Sir Arthur. - “ I don‘t know; how should I?” replied the young man. “Perhaps aghast; or, if not, somebody who was never so near being a ghost, I’ll warrant, as he was five minutes back. I’ll have this panel broken in. No: father, we'll not leay'e it .till to-morrow, if you please; that’s how those things go on—let’s do it at. once. There’s a. pickaxe in the stable-yard; go and fetch it, Thomas. So the pickaxe was brought, and-« Sir Arthur unwillingly assenting—we broke up the black oak paneling into a. hundred splinters, and then through a, thick stale well, without a. hinge or entrance, as it seemed, of any kind in it, into a. chamber, of the existence of which no person in the house had ever known. A modern cham— ber—e. small sitting room, barely furnished with chairs and table of a. date of construction later by at least two hundred years than any thing in the house, except the patent safe; but there were no windows to the room, nor any means of ingress that‘could he discovered, save that rery rough one of our own. I do not think that either ghost or burglar could have affected us more strangely than the sight of that untouuutea Run} unknown moaum season. It is still to be seen in the west galllery of Burlby Hall, the sole approach to it~for so the Setons will have it—yet lying open between the splintered planks and broken stonework, as when it was first found. The mystery‘oon cerning it end its occupants—if any—is still unsolved, and the rats make just as much noise ubout the grand old place as ever. My third remarkable adventure occurred-to me in broad daylight, when it is especially creditable to a'sitnntion to he “startling,” as mine undoubtedly was. I was in Chester, re— siding with my family, consisting of my wife onda grown-up son and daughter, in temporary lodgings, three stories high, but otherwise very convenient. It was ten o’clock in the morning, but, I am ashamed to any, we we were still at breakfast, for we were away from home on pleasure, and had fallen. into all sorts of idle habits. Our conversation happened to be upon an incivility my wife had met with in the town on the preceding day. Some coal-hearers were unc'orting coal upon the pavement, and. the roadway being very wet, she had asked them to desist from their occupation for a. mo ment, so that she might pass. They did so, but not without one of them observing, “And how do you think we should get our work done, misses, if we was to wait for every fool as goes by ?” We were expressing our hope that this gentleman’s remark was not an oxemplifioation of Chester manners, when the third window of our room—that farthest from the breakfast toble—was violently thrown open, and the head and unclothed shoulders of a. man thrust them» selves inwards. My son and I were so overcome with astonishment, and the ladies with terror, that it. must have been nearly a. full minute before I stooped down for the poker, during the whole of which interval he made the most hid eous grimoces it is possible to conceive. lu dependently of these, his natural ugliness was excessive, he being perfectly bold, and of n. bright scarlet color—such a complesion as I had never before seen on any man. As I ran at him, poker in hon-:1, he slammed down the. window, and before I could open it, was ont'ef sight. Wonderful as had been his appearance, his disappearance was for more so, and indeed inexplicable. The window which had been thrown up was a half-xvimiow—thot 15 to say, it was common to our room and the next to it, Which also belonged to the same house, but was at that time uninhabited and locked-upc—r Having satisfied ourselves by a thorough search that the apparition was not in this apartment, there was nothing left but the conclusion that he had made his way along a. narrow ledge of not more than four inches broad to some other house to the right of ours, and that with the most excessive quickness. The ledge was at least, forty feet perpendi cular above so crowded street, with no other resting-place between it and the ground, and 11: full View of all passers by, some of whom would have been surely attracted by the spec tacle of a. naked scarlet man balancing himself upon next to nothing over their heads. The matter indeed seemed inexplicable, but still I felt it my duty to persevere in my investiga tions, since the minds of both my wife and daughter had been greatly shaken by the oc currence, and, if] could only find some reason— able explanation, I knew that. halfthat mischief would be done away with. l spared, therefore, neither pains nor money lo this end. The pa. lice were set to work: a reward was offered for the discovery of the person who had com~ mined the outrage ; and all passengers through the street in question upon ”lat morning, be tween 10 and 10:15, Were exhorted to come forward and witness to any peculiar appear ance visible at that time and place. All, how ever, was in vain, until about. a- fortnight; afterwards. The sulgnject was by that time avoided by us as much as pastime while the ladies were present; bun one i'oreuoon, while my son and I were speaking of it as the maid. was laying the lunulmomeloth, he observed :—« 41 Do you know, father, I have been thinking‘ "a good deal about the odd appearance of that;