any 333111.31 a? Tfl'nimt. _ . _,+_ “‘4‘ FIL'flL'XY MGR-SING, DEC. 7, 1860 o. mum? .2- ruoxAs'bjmoDOWELL. Pub- fishers and Fraprietors nguuxtions will not he publishna inthe-P-u-mor an] US$65 unlees accOmPAnied with the name 0! the lather. . S. M. PETTENGILL I: (30., Advertising Agents, 119 Nassau street. New ‘York, Ind 19 State Street, Bostnn, are‘the Agents for thy Dumm ‘sn UNION, and (he. most influential and lwut circa. Isting newspapers in the suited States mil Gauss, They unauthorized to contnctfor us at ourlmustmtq; FOR SALE. V A newnd-lund ADA-l 8 Pulses, p'hten 39" by ”inches, in good order; can boa-worked anther by hind-u- “um power. Tux-ms moderexe Inquire gt this nice. T 0 i‘l-IE FRIENDS OF THE PATRIOT .IND U SION., We cumu- attention of‘our yearly cl uh subscu’ her: to the fact that their subscriptions‘win expire during Decom- bf! and January ensuing. “’e should like VH3 mun]: if our empaig'n and yearly subscribers would renew their .;bscriptions and i 152 theirinfluence to extend the cir- cal-tion of' the WEE“! I‘M-mo! AS!) Umox. The term: at which we offer it telclu'bs ue as low as my pgpe; containing She nme mount of reading mule? pnfiinhed in the Union In view 0? the existing state of main-s. there will be an exciting time at Wuhington, and his not unlikely that we shalt have s lively'fime at the State Capital.— A: the former we shall Inn: 3 reliable correspondent, nnd a: the Inner competent reporters to give the Legis lathe new ad an other occurrences worthy of note.— We shall also give our usual‘compendium of foreign-ml domestic news, and spare no pain: to make the anw'r um Usms one of the best (ax-At is the cheapest) family journals in the fitate. Hoping that. our hienils wit: make. 50pm exertions to extend the simulation of (hog-paper, ei 2km“ by chm-Is a: othewise‘ need! attention ta the TERMS DAILY PATRIOT H 1) UNICR Single mpy for one year, in min-nee" SingEe copy during the session at" the Legislature“ 1 00 WEEKLY PATRIOT L‘KD BRIDE. Publiahzd emery Thursday Singie cn;y one year, in Munch---” eg to one nAtir cm+ EEC Subscriptions may commence 2.: any time. :Pay al— any: in advance. Any person sealing us a clubof fifty subscribers to the Waekly will be entitled‘to a oopy for his services. The pfice is so low that we-canncrt. omn- greaterindueementg than this. Addition maybe made at my time $0 a club -ef subscribers by remitting $1 for each addifionnl name. It is not necessary-to send as the names of those constituting a club, as we cannot undertake to address each paper to club subscribers sepst;tely. Spat-Amen eagles of the Weekly will-be. sent m all who desire it G. BARREEI .2 60.,KL-fisbm7‘l’a. Republicanism against Union Without some eomyromise is speedily efi'ected between the Northern and the Southern States, or rather between. the anti-slaveryisin of the North and the rights and interests of the South, it is manifest that {his Union cannot be pre served. Without suehcomipromise is made, not only will Sam}: (fueling. and {lie eoiton States secede, batik will be impossible to hold the bor _.der States which do'uot desire dissolution, but, which would be forced to go with the extreme Soul]: rather than remain exposed to the incur—- aions .and subject to the aggressions of the North. flow, while patriotic men in all ports of the country are earnestly considering how the alarming difierences onioug thei-itotes may be amicably adjusted, it. is evident ihat nothing eanrbe expected from the Republican party in its organized capacity. “Ihe 100-ding men oi the: party show no diapoeition .to compose the troubles—they olfer no coneessious to assure 'the Southern States that they can remain in the Union vith safety. So with the principal or gone of that party, With the exception of the Albany Eneningl‘aurnal. the Republican news ;npero advise that no compromise be cheat! and .no concession mode. Rather let the Union go to pieces than reeede an inch from the position .horetnlore occupied by the party, in precticaily the advice {which the Republican press ofi‘ers to siMyfiMy- _ Ibis impossible to see rery far into the future. .of this controversy, but two points may be safely assumed. First, the Earth must yield .to the South 30 for as to convince them that no hostility is meditoted to their rights orinstitu. :tions, in order to preserve the Union. Second, :this concession must he efl‘ected without the concurrence of the Republican party as :1 po litical organization. Eliot that the Northern States can do anything looking towards har anony without the assistance of a large portion .of- those heretofore icting with the Republican party. Individuals who prefer their country to their party, and who fell into the Republican ranks more from the force of circumstances Mun from deliberate choice, would doubtless be ready and willing to co-opemtewith notional men of.other parties in tendering to the South m'n States expressions and not: denoting {rieml ship and good will. But there is nothing to hope from the Republican party. It. has de termined to stand orfoll in its present. position. If it stands, the Union must fall. If it. falls, the Union will stand. It. has come to this at 33-5": and the people may as well look at it straight in the face. The Union of those States and the continued existence of the Republican party upon its present anti—slnve‘ry basis are an utterly irreconcilable that either the Republican. party must be destroyed. or the Union dissolved- The two cannot exist together—and it‘ the Northern people have not sufficient patriotism left to discard and repudiate the Republican party, they my make up their minds to bid good-bye to the Union, and welcome. the era. of anarchy and confusion as the penalty of adhe— rence to s revolutionary and destructive party organization. The issue at the North is between the lie ”Publioan part.)- and line Euionc-van issue which mun speedily be determined. If the Northern peoer value the Union above 111 price, they will d 9 their utmost to preserve it; and in any gction‘ designed to concilihte the Southern we: they will encoumer the opposition of the Ropnbtic'fll P 3"! 0’83115294150‘“, which must. go uiuicl‘ iii’ the wife; f 0! if “19 people continue tofollloi theladvice of um Republican press, thbywilldeliberolely choose disunion with all in consequences. ’ ' Nothing ganja-e {be Repubfiq but I return :9 fine ’hgagiig'mat principles pr the Dgiylpcryic party; and such return must. dean-0y the sed tional principles of the Republican party. The peopic, we are persuaded. me already prepared to retrace fixeir steps; convinced, by a short experience‘ that Republicanism is pc-cnous to ““3 stability of the Union, and that, the on'Qy safety GOlfiists in close adherence to the Na tional doctrines espoused 1r y the li’emocrnfic party, Whifih have conducted the country up to this perilous epoch in peace and safety. THE OFFICIAL VOTE. The following table of the vote of Pennsylva nia; at. the Presidential election has been care— fully compared Wiih the oiiicinl returns in the Mice of the Seal-emu? of—t-he Commonwealth, and exhioits the number of votes received by the highest elect-anon each ticket. The tables heretofore published contained many errors. Lauboch, whose voic is given as the highest. on the Reading Elect-oral Ticket, was also on the Straight-Douglas Ticket, and therefore ran some 16,000 votes ahead of his associates, not, on both tickets. Ti‘he vote received by him represents nearly the whole combined vobe of the Reading and the Straight-Douglas Electors“ Tickets. The table showing the vote given to each elector on the several tickets will enable any person to separate those votes in the ag— gregate. The-voteof the State may be summed up time ; Linc01n.........................................267,242 BMJicketfiigheet uune not. onDouglns ticket.lBl,lsB Straight Dal-gins Ticket.--...............-..... 16,634 8e11and8verett................................12,813 Tohl. . . . . . Vote for Governor L 338 for President than Governor..." ‘ The aggregate vote for President is somewhat increased. by taking the highest name on each ticket coumxas. a l l Adams . .. . . . Ailegheny. . . Armatrung....-~-----~-‘ 8.355: 8eaver...........r......l 993241 8edf0rd........-.......' 1505! 8e:k5.....,.....-..-r..§ (5781 Ri5k...”..............' 3,050 8radf0rd........~.‘...) 7.091 BWKS...-.....n......-} 5343 ‘8ut1er.........‘....<-.. 8,646 irkaria.u-...H..-...l 2,218’ 1Cme:0n.................... ‘Cnrb0n..............._) ‘ Cenirc......... . w“. LGhestex-"unuwuu C15rinn.............. ‘C1e5rfie1d........... C1int0n............ C01umbia........-~ mex'0rd.........r- Cumber‘amlfl . - - . Dauphin........ Delaware. .. .. , . E!k........... Erie.-...... Fayette... Forest. $4OO _ ,2 00 10 00 Franklin Fulton... Greene ... _ . Huntingdon Indiana. .. . . Jeffemon.. Junintu . . . Lancaster. . . Lawrence Lebanon Lehlgh. Luzerne Lyeom lug. , ‘ _ M’Kem.. . . . . Marcela. . . . . . Mintin Monroe ... Montwamery , . Montgnr. - . . . - Northamptr-m . . . Northumbcfland Perry........... Philadelphia. . . . Pike.. ......... . P0tter...............-.: 1,545 :5chny1ki11.......-.....§ 7,568 5nyder.................: 1,678 80mer5et............‘....3 3,218: 5u11ivan.........‘.......! 429 fiuaquehanna. .. . ..... .. . 1 4:470 Ting: ....--........V..._§ 4,754 ff1ni0n.....,.............i 1.791 Wanuugo ..............,! 2,680 eren.................{ 2,283 \Waahington... . . ... ... .i 4,124 Way-ne.. ..........-.._ .. 2357‘ ‘Westmorelnnd ......NN 4,887 Wy0ming...............i 1:286. Y0rk.v.,.......'......,._..i 5,128 mom._E-261,242 *chnblican. ineading. IDonglus. §Bell svsxox m: numxc. George M . Keim. . . .117,009 Joseph Launch. . . .194,83-1 Richardvmx... ...192,§91}Isanc Beckhow. .. . ..194,822 Frederick A. Server-111,189. G eorge, D. Jackson..l9-§,580 “'11:. C. Pinter-son. . .I'o273ol‘John A. Ahl-- ».< . .178,240 ‘Joiepb. Greelmt. . . . 186,6001J061 B- Danna-- ~ . - ..19i,776 John G. Brenner. . . .131376 Jesse R.'meford. .'.19~i,813 George“ . imby. . .194,5'H;Hontio N. Lee. . . . {177,095 Charles Kelly ... . . .177,414;J0ahuu. B. Howell. . .194,4;11 Oliver I’. James. . . .17.7,433;N, P. Fettetman. . . .181,158 David SelmlL. . . .. . .180,435:Samuel Min-shall. . . .1943“: Joel L. Lightner. . . .117 ,3205W311inm Book. . . . . . .lfldrflés Samuel S. Ruben. .1805615’1531011 I). Hamlin. . .180,198 Thoma; 11. WulkerJßOJOQfGlylord Chlirch. . . . 194,834 3. 5. Winchester. . . .194375; . . I REPBILICAN. _‘ ' 1 James Puilock. . . . ..‘2557,188,1'. B. Penniman. . . . {361,234 Thomas 11. llowe. ”W ,‘22l;Ulysnes Mercur. . . . $267,221 Edwin-rd 0. Knight. M 25123? George Bresller. . . ..261,223 Robert I'. King. . . . 261,241! A. Brady Sharpe. . ..267,13-1 Henry Bumm. .. . . - £67,219; Daniel I). Geht. . . . "267,205 Robert. M. Faust. . . 367:2‘27 ; Samuel Calvin. . . . . .fli’flll Nathan Hi11ea......267.182 EdgurG0wan........267,238 John M. Broom’nlr. £67,169 WmJX'Kennan.. . . £267,141 JnmeuW. Fuller. .. £67,225 1. M. Kirkpatrick. £67,233 David E. Stout... . ..‘266,8M James Kerr. . . . .. .. 267,228 Francis W. Christ. 267,239 Richard P . R0bert5..267,280 Durid Manama, Jr. 367,235 Henry Souther. . . . ..267,2‘29 David ngart“ . . . 167,192 John Greer. . . . . . . . £67,167 Thomu u. 111111.. ..267,‘.’A‘3| lEI.L~IVII'.ITT. JflEpr ILIR emu} _ a v u, . Wm. M. mini 333;]: h.pcckmn..... 12,669 Peter Williamson“ 1316;05:12nt 'lj‘yleru ... . . 12,631 Eli H. Price... .. .. . .'* 13321:; " " “mm-~— 193.26 Stacy 0. Barcmft. . . I§=6n‘;‘°lulx.i:. Penn-e. . .. 12,647 Anthony], DrexeL 12:6;"J 11 omm. 12,635 Wm. H. sliuglufl' 12’63‘J053Ph A- 115 mm!" . 12,655 $llOB. M.Woodun'.ll 1216535 33:: 11:05:31” ' " 12’333,‘ ‘ 51:51: Jcter......_ I)! , ""H 2 Francig S. Bickley 3233!???” L. ngw‘u" 11:75“ David 11. Lem“. - 1336;? B efihen Marcela. .. . 12,620 John Roberts“ . 136;:le . . Henderson}. .. . 12,62; Wm. W. Mvgui‘én‘; 15:657-105. 11. Hartsmck. . 12,484 Lord mm”. _ ..1 13632! sane Webster". . N 12,606 notcms STRAIGHT-051‘. John Cessna. .... . u 16,534,;1uhn Black" .... . .. 16,440 John Alexander“ .. . 16,484,6801'59 Gross. ... . . v 14,1“ Frederick Stoever.. . 16,4241 Wm. L. Devan-t“ .. . 11,213 Godfrey Hetzgar.. . . 14,170;Wm. R. Gorgza.. . . . 16,355 Edward Wartmlu... 16,494i}‘rancia L1i1'd.....-. 14,945 Joseph Dominik . . . 16,483,10hu Gulch“. .. . . . . 14,145 Isaiah Jinn-5.-... . 16,9851umvs 3. Leonard... $4,161 Georgen.stiml.... 14,1a5l A Proposed statement. The Washington correspondent of the Tri~ bum, who is also “ Indopendem" of the Nbrlb American, repqus that -‘ {he more conservative ‘- wing of the Southern Dcmncmcy propose, as “ a basis of adjusmwm, the extension of the “ Missouri Compromise xo the’l‘acific: the re “ cognition of the right. to mfx-ry and hold -‘ slaves scmh ufit, wiLh prone-Hun, if necessary; “ unli! State governments be formed ; and the “declanuion‘ that the pom-r of Congress to “ regulum commerce sdmfl not- be construed to “ authorize the abolition of the slave-trade "hex-ween the States. They give assurances “ that Such a, Irompmmise would hold all [he “ Southern Slams but South Carolina, and her “ scecssiun would bu raconsidcnfl.” Mr. Bruuamx once proposed, in his cele brated Harvest Home letter In [he Democracy of Berks counly. [he settlement of the slavery question by the evasion of Line Missouri line [Q the Pacific, which Suggeslion was booted at by Que very same set. of men who afterwards bedewed the earth with their tears because of the rupee; of this same, Missouri Compromisg. After ten or twelve years of slavery ugimtion, which havebronght the country to the brink of disiupiion, it is no! surprising thet men ulmulti iook’ Hack with I?ng Hunt the principle O a W . In I: a ‘H‘ Mil MI WI -l 2.7% "! 16.725 226 1 239 9 437 5 .110 1,669‘ 2,450 1 5,263 1 2,079 1,337 3 1.319 2,454 ; 3,007 2,311 i 1.757; 3,0211 7,771‘ «11.833 1.702 ”i 1,736‘ .-. 1,873‘ 5,719 _.._; 3.593 ...“; 4‘531; “311 1.1, 407‘ 5.160‘ ..§ 3,454 107; 12,577 1 1,624 r 525 2.5.0 ‘ 8,808 ‘ 4,151 788 1,614 3,089 3,910 ‘ DM 1,194 13,351 13Ei FEU £l7O ,3qo _i 3,494 g 1,017 g 3,855 5,325 1,913 “E 3339 ..§ 2,422 ..: 2,370 ..g39,2~27 ...; 381 4.651 BEM £194,334! 16.664 of settlement, which gave peace to the country for thirty years was ever departed from, and seek its rwestablishment as the means of re storing peace and harmony to -a distracted nation. The record oi‘ the free-soil pariy upon the subject of the Misscuri line is singularly in consistent. lis enactment. was denounced by those having abolition proclivities. During its existence they sought to ignore and violato it by apblying the Wilmot Proviso south of the line. They ate-sailed it incessantly while it was regarded by the Southern States as a protection to their rights; but when it was thought. advisable to obliterate this line and establish the principle of popular sovereignty in its place, its former assailants became its m'ost devoted friends, and the Republican party dated its existence from the repeal of like Missouri Comyromise, with the avowed purpose of avenging that wrong and rcmedyin g the alleged evils itiuflicted upon the country. If we could expect consistency mm the He— publiem party we might naturally antiepate that as so much regret was expreSSezl at the repeal of the Missouriflompromise, its proposed restoration would be hailedwith infinite delight by the Republicans. But Republicanism is consistent only in its inconsistency. The Tri bune objects to the restoration and extension of the Missouri line because “one efl‘ect of’ “this will be to secure Arizona. to the slave “ power; another to stimulate fillibustering “raids on‘Mexieo and Central America, with “a. view to the expansion of the area of sla “ very." Opposition-to the “ expansion of the “ area of slavery” is the dominant idea. of the Republican party, and no settlement will sat isfy them which recognizes the right of the South to any part of the common territory.— The principle of the Missouri Compromise was well enough so long as it operated against the South, and because it did work against the South in its limited extent, its repeal was be wniled and denounced; but propose to restore the line and extend it to the Pacific, and it becomes odious to its former friends, merely because it might possibly give the Southern Stat-es a chance of expanding. Abolitionism is not to be appensed ; it must be subdued. 471,907 492,459 MEI E g E I.¢ «5n Llf TI’ER FR. 0M WASHINGTON. _._.~__,___ 21 16 190 ~ 7 24 Gormspondence of the Patriot and Union The aspect of things here to-da-y is even worse than it has heretofore been. The President’s Mes sage seems to have had the effect of pleasing neither party. Mr. Hale, of New Hampshire, made a. vio lent attack upon the inessago in the Sonata to-day —-denouueing it as neither one thing nor the other. He was succeeded by Mr. Irerson, of Georgia, who made a very decided secession speech. Among other-things, he said that five States would most undoubtedly go out before the 4th of March nexr. andrthat the rest of the Southern Stzttes would fol low :in due time. The truth is that there is no hope left- for an amicable odiustment of existing dilfieulties between the‘North and the South. If there had been any chance of an amicable ma rungement of things, such speeches as Mr. Hale made ill—day will afieetuully shut the door against all hope of reconciliation. Within the next thirty days we will have the humiliation of witnessing the disruption of this once gloriouseonfaderacy. It is now very apparent: to those who look at things as they really exist, that not only will the five States mentioned in my letter of Monday last, so out of the Union .; but, as Mr. Iverson saidmll the rest of the. Southern States will follow, and that soon. This state of things seems inevitable, from the present temper of those who have the control at present. It is an alvt'ul, a fearful eir oumstance, to contemplate, but come it must, and we had better he prepared forthe worst in time.— If it can only he done without shedding of blood, so much the better ;.hnt that, too, seems impossi ble. Already maybe heard in the streets in this city the deep muttering: of popular discontent, and the threat is often uttered, that before this Union shall be disrupted, there will be blood shed. 441 31 1.02 52 139 n 4 ...-9d" 12,878 In the House of Representatives, where the Black Republicans have the sway, there seems to he a desire to put aside the agitatiém, and they have actually passed several bills this morning, out of the usual order of things. There does not seem to be much dispoaition on part of the Senate to do business, and yet this re mark mey'do that body injustice, inasmuch as itis not usual for Congress to do anything thefirst week, except so-e preliminary and unimportant business to in up the time. ' > By next. Monday we will see whether there will be any legislation done at: ell by the Senate. It is more thanprohable that both brains-lies willadjonrn our Manon-ow till Monday or Tuesday next. Some of the Repuhiie'ane are angry about the en pointment of the committee of one from each State to take into consideration that portion of the Presi dent’s message relating to the present condition of _the eenntry. They seem to think that in is an evidence of cowardice an their part. How mis taken all such men are in their estimate of what. ought to be done at Such a critical juncture as the present. This is truly the age of small men, and, what is worse, a. goodly number of them have been sent to Congress. ‘ ' The nation has more to fear from this cause then any other 5 and if the Union is dissolved,“ will be because we have no men in Gangrene equal to the task of placing himself in the breach and putting a stop to the our of secession. New Unnennssxoxu. APPORTIONMENT.—The census of 1860 having been completed, it now remains lo make the new opportionments of Congressional districts according to that cell eus. 0n previous occasions ihis has been accomplished by a, special act of Congress as soon as the census had been taken, but. by an act of Congress passed May 23, 1860, it is pro vided “that from and often the 3d day of March, 1853, the House of Representatives shall he composed of 233 members," to be appointed according to the following arrangement: ’ As soon as the returns of the census have been made to the oflice of the Department of the Interior, it shall be the duty of the Becrtr tory of that Departmentto ascertain the aggro gete representative population of the United States, which is effected by the following means, viz: by adding to the whole number of free persons in the United States, “including those bound to service for a number of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three—fifihs of all other persons." which aggregate population the Secretary shall divide by the number 233, and the product of said division, rejecting my fr“- tion of a unit, shall he the ratio Ofupportjon. meat of Representatives among the vel-ious States. The Secretary of the Interior shali then proceed in the sumo manner to ascertain the representative population of each State by the ratio alrooily determined by him as above shown; and “18 result of illls lost division shall be the number of Representatiwg ap pointed to each State. _ The 19" in the number 01 members caused by the fractions remaining in the never-oi States shall be compensated for by nesxgning to so meny States having the ‘largestfnetiona an ad. ditional member,- each «for the fraction, 35 may be 1105.155 t to make the number of Represen tatives 233. . ‘ 1 . When it shfll‘ orJUlIl‘:"li19 :5, MW Hatewr WAsnmm-ox, Dec. 5, 1860. States shall be admitted into the Union the Representalin or Representatives assigned to such Stale or States shall be in addition to the number of Representatives limited as above, which exceßß over the regulated number shall only continue until the time of taking the next census, when a. new apportionment will be made. . When the Secretary (if the Interior shall have apportioned the Representatives as above he shall as soon as practicable make out and transmit, under the seal of his oflioe, to the House of Representatives, a certificate of the number of members apportioned to each State; and shall likewise make out and transmit, without delay, to the executive of each State a certificate under his smile! ofiice of the num ber ot'mtmber‘s appointed to each State.‘ Wash ington States. THE DEPARTMENTS. Abstract of the Report of the Secretary . of the Navy. ' This documentcommences with the report of aboard of officers appointed to examine into the expediency of converting the sailing ships of the Navy into efficient war steamers. The board. considered it inexpediont to introduce steam power into any except ships of the line, all of wlg‘eh it. is proposed to alter thus except the Delaware, now too defective to permit it. These ships are to be rezeed and converted into first class steam frigates. Steamers like the Minnesota cost $725,000 each, whereas the proposed alteration would cost but $383,000 for each. 01‘ the sailing frigates, the United States is not worth repairing. The Constitu tion Has been repaired, and the remaining six should be converted into sloops of war, and finally into storeships. The sloops of war built. prior to 1840, and the brigs Bainbridge, Perry and Dolphin, are not large enough for ,storeehips, and will soon have to be replaced with new vessels. or the six new first clasa steam sloops of war, five are at sea, and their performance have been satisfactory. The sixth, the Pensa‘coln, will soon be completed. The first class side wheel steamers Susque hanna, Saranac, and Powhatan may, by intro ducing screw propulsion, be made efl'ectusl and economical war steamers. The Secretary re— commends the gradual, substantial, and per mamunem lncrease of the navy, accompanied by Ihe universal introduction into :it: of steam as a motive power, as a policy essential to the protection of our coasts and commerce. He also advocates the resumption of the policy of appropriations for repairs, as well as main taining the navy yards in a state of efiiciency. He speaks of various reforms in the latter in the employment of operatives. That they were sadly needed the congressional exposures proved beyond the shadow of a doubt. The remainder of the report is interesting to the miscellaneous reader, but not. of general im— portance. Ahstmct of the Report of the Secretary of CM The rep-art of the War Department furnishes n. cursory view of the operations of the army during the year. The Secretary says, that whilst appropriations have been made to sus tain the army upon a peace footing, it has been obliged to prosecute active and songuinm‘y war from the thirty fifth to the forty-sixth parallel of north latitude, with very numerous tribes of handy and warlike Indians, in the wildest and most remote regions of our mountainous terl’i' tories. For these movements the sum of half a million of dollars was required, the necessity for which was not and could not be foreseen in the War Department. In view of this embnr-' rassment the Secretary again urges Congress to restore to the War Department the superin tendence.‘ and control of the Indians, as it is quite impossible to impress on these savages the idea. of obedience by any other means than military power. He urges, also, that a large annual Sum of money might be saved to the Treosury by using the officers of the army in discharging many of the duties now performed by civilians at high salaries. The opening of the military road from Fort Benton. on the head of the Missouri river, to Fort Walla Wells, on the Oregon river; is dwelt upon as a step which ought to be fol lowed up, as this line can be made available for moving large bodies of men from the At lantic to the Pacific, and will constitute the means by which we can defend our Pacific pos— sessions. 0 , - - The experiments with ordnance have greatly improved, if they have notperfected, the fabri cation of seacoasn andgarrison gun carriages of iron, the mo‘dels and mode of casting of heavy cannon, and the quality of metal-fqrthe same; the manufacture of cannon powder, xi fling of cannon, kc. ’ =ec:i Abstract of the Reportiof the Postmaster General. ll‘his prodigious document abounds so much in statistics, that it is exceedingly difficult to condense its substance into an abstract. 0n the 30th oi‘June last, there were in operation 8502 mail routes, estimated at 240,594 miles in length, of which miles 27,129 were by railroad, 14,976 by steamboat, 51,577 by coach, and 143,912 by inferior modes. The number of contractors was 7445. There has been a de. crease of 19,458 miles in the length of the mail routes,'but this is made up of a. reduction of 8,464 miles in the length of coe'chroutee, and 4233 in the steamboat routes,'w'hile'the length of railroad routes has increased 1119 miles.— There are in the service 40 Mail agents, 1,649 mail messengers, and GS railroad baggage-mar tern. The number of postmasters appointed during the year is 6,555, of which 1,140 were by the establishment of new postoflioes. Whole number of postofiices in the Union 28,552, . As usual, there is an enormous deficiency in this department, reaching $5,656,705.49 as the excess of expenditures over the revenue for 1860. and for the ensuing year a deficiency of $4,556,600 is figured out. by the Postmaster General, which, in all probability, will be for below the real feet. The revenues increase very gradually, while the expenditures go up much more rapidly. - . The Postmaster General has much to say about his experiments with the penny post, and he recommends therepeal oi‘ the provision of the act of lastsession, and that the Dephtment shall have authority to collect such postage on all letters delivered by ccrriers as shall be deemed ‘necossm‘y to compensate them for the service, provided that it shall not exceed two cents per letter. lie thinks the results of the experiment, under all the difficulties encoun tered, very gratifying, and advocates the sup port of the private expresses. 501' For. SALL—A subscriber residing in the State of North Cnroiinnwritea to us, under date of the 26th ultimo, that he has observed in one of the papers of the day a tumor to the effect that “Mr. Corwin; of Ohio, is negotia ting with the proprieters of the Nation; In~ lclligcnccr for the purchase of that venerable journal with the intention of converting it into the organ of Mr. Lincoln.” 0m- correspond— ent, apparently thinkingihe statement “impor tant if true,” desires to be authentically in‘ formed in tho premises, and further requests that we will “define our position." Protesting against the amenabilily to whiqh our correspondent Seems to hold us, in calling for any notice It our hands of the idle tumors daily written or telegraphed from this city to the “sensat-ion‘press” at the North to white a. momentary intcrcst mind then be fax-gotten, we beg to say, for his personal satisfaction, that the paragraph hevrefers to has in: foundation what ever.—~Na.t‘. Intel. ‘ ' \YoLvns ltmunmm ~lt is stated; as I aim gular that, that, for the first time ih twenty years, "1193 are now‘ showing themselves in the Aroostook region, Me. Previous to 840 they were very abundant there. It is a singu~ lat fact,_il_lso‘, that, for the first time “ within the-memory of_ man“ thq prairig ,fowl is' show-j in; “9011"“ ram-m points :in :Miohigan, {A._ m“ Wanna: have. beep .killefl the Prmrstz. season within twenty miles: of th'pifufi i LATEST BY TELEGRAPH Union Meeting I Philadelphia—Accident to the New York Water Works. PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 6—-If. M. Spec“l Dispatch to the Patriot and Union? - The City Councils passed 9. resolution this evening authorizing the Mayor to call a, grand Union meeting of citizens. , Dispatches from New York received here say that two water mains on Fifth avenue broke this morning. All the water is cut. 011‘. the fac tories were stopped, and the newapapers had to send to Brooklyn for water for their boilers. Policeman were stationed at. the hydrantl, and city water carts passed through the streets. The insurance companies are' in apanic. It will take three days ti) repair the disaster. Grefitgexcitement prevails in consequence. p. mum CONGRESS—SEEM]! SESSION. =II WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Sesame—The proceedings were opened with prayer by the Chaplain. .1 p _ The journal of yesterday’s proceedings was read. ‘ . Mr. Latham, (Cal.,) presented a memorial from the Chamber of Commerce of San Fran cisco, praying for the establishment of a daily overland mail. Laid over for the present. Mr. Hale,- (N.. H.,)'- moved that when the Senate adjourned to-day, it be until Monday. Carried. ' . Mr. Powell, (Ky.,) according to notice given yesterday, introduced a resolution that so much of the President’s Message as relates to the present agitated and distracted condition of the country, and the grievances of the slaveholding and non-slaveholding States, be referred to a special committee of thirteen members, and that said committee be instructed to inqure whether any additional legislation than already within the sphere of the Federal authority and duty, be necessary for the protection and security of the property of the United States; _and if so, report by bill; and that said Committee be in structed to consider and report whether it is deemed expedient to propose an amendment or amendments to the Constitution of the United States so as to insure prompt and full protec~ tion of the rights and property of the citizens of every State and Territory, and insure the equality of the States and equal rights of their citizens under the Federal- Constitution. Laid over for the present. At. quarter past twelve, M.. Mr. Bigler moved to adjourn. -. Agreed to. Adjourned till Monday. House—Mr. Morris, (111.,) said it would be remembered that on Monday he sought to in troduce a resolution concerning the perpetuity of the America-n Union. Since then he had been called upon by various members, and re qneetcd to again present it ; therefore he gave notice that he would do so on Monday next. Mr. Valiandi‘gham, (011kb,) from the special committee, appointed at the former session, on the Senate bill abolishing the freaking privi lege, made a. report thereon, and proposed cor» tnin amendments. ' _ Mr. Cobb. (A1a..,) from the Committee on l’nbljc Lands, reported a. bill to construe the meaning of the words minimum price of public land. ‘ Mr. Branch; (N. (_‘..,) had hoped that such bills would be withheld for the present. in order that Congress might consider measures of much more public importance. Mr. Cobb replied that, he would for that pm» pose withdraw what he had ofiered, and any thing he had ten in the shape 9: bills, but until some conciliatory measure was ofierrdhe would in other respects perform his duty. Mr. Branch. I made no rcflgction on the geo (lemon. ' ' ' _ Mr. Cobb. I did not. understand you. Mr. Cobb wished to know from Mr. Brunch what was the meaning of minimum. ' ~ Mr. John Cochrane, (N. Y.,) rose to :1 ques tion of order. ' Minimum is a latin word, and the business of Congress is required to be con ducted in the English language. [Laughton] After further proceedings the bill was passed. It provides that the word minimum shall be construed according to the land graduation act, so as to apply to alternate and reserved sections of lands granted for railroads or oth‘or internal improvements, and in favor of actual settlers, and not to mean $1.25 per aare as now oili cially construed. ——--—o-—~ awn _ , The Secession Movement in Virginia. ' Rlcnmoxv, Dec. 6. Secretary Floyd writes to the Inquirer, hold ing the right of secession, but sayingit should not be exercised until every means is employed to preserve the Union. lle favorsa State Con vention. At the banquet. to the Bell Elector-s last. night, strong speeches were made in favor of the Union, and _uConvention of the border States to provide for its preservation. John Minor Botts opposed the right of secession, and advocated the employment of force, if thelaws could not be upheld without it. This tiew ms approved by two other speakers. .l‘anncry' Dystrbyed by Fire. . anrmrnn, N. J., Dec. 6 The Belvidere‘ Tannery was destroyed by fire last. night, supposed to have originated in the engine room. The loss is $20,000. a E NE 7521" 75 7 V 7 WS . Jix'rnnoxmmnr Fncosln-n'.—~—The Heading (Pm) Adler of Tuesday last, sit-ates that a cow of Mr. Moses 8: Miller, of Windsor township, Berks count-y. on the proceeding Thursday, dropped four living calves, whose aggregate weight amounted to 200 lbs. Two lived only a short time, but the others appear to be vigorous and thriving, _.“old Berks”hns long been noted for its biped Democracy, and hence. the owner of this fecund animal insists upon it that she is o “genuine Democratic cow,” and defies me competition of all Black Republicanism. One of the most fatal visitations of yeilow faver on record occurred about. two months ago on the coast of Africa, and is described in the London Lam-ed of the 36 nit. in the Island of M'Carlhy on the Gambia. the malady suddenly broke nut, without. my traceable cause, and attacked 5.11 the inhabitants not one of whom recovered except Capt. Fry/Lev, a naval officer in command at the station. - RATHER PAn'ncumn.——A lady of Boston: Maw, writing to a friend, says : “ A ragged little urchin came to my door not. long since, asking for old clothes. I brought. him a. vest. and pain: of pants. which I thought. would be u comfortable lit. Young America took the gar ments and examined each, then, with a. discon nolntc look, said: -'l‘licrc ain’t no watch pocket !’ " Snomusu Acummmn-Ehe Taypahannpck Southerner says that Mr. Joseph B. Evans, of Kin g and Queen count-y, Ya.., met. with a. shock ing and fatal accident, while riding ins sulky, near Carleton’a store, last Thursday week.— l‘rom some unknown cause the horse took fright and P‘W' E. against a stomp, liter ally disemboweling him, and cousin; his death almost instantly. The French government has ' appointed a committee of literary men to read the romancess published in Parisian journals and report on their moraliiy. Some pppers have already re ceived unofficial warning; a number advertised as forthcoming, will not. be allom-d‘to appear; and many manuscripts have been returned 10 heir authors. ' _ ' The Chm-mama C’orérié'r: of “91'3“”, says = Within the P 315" fornight, four places of cab “ancelftom schoone‘lzß. N. Hawkingnnd 84 packages 91" ammunmon from schooner N. W. Smith, have been landed at Fort Moultrie.‘ ._The dearthyt'fil'é? and qomgor coina‘hss been 150 2‘39““ Menu; that may? itia'dqsped- Whitfiuw!°t9Blof‘i‘l!“¢\fol'itfwh'eutlJ my;mm»gfiytbqritiea‘Mé;il§9’.i:§‘€c}é‘r.§r‘ifehat éugb'zvpceedllgfi are mun-'3. MAKES; 3:} ; The Richmond CVI3.) Examiner states that A, man named Barber has been expelled from Cedar Point, in that State, for conspiring with two negroee belonging to a. man named my”. ner, to murder their master. The new, w Were to dig the grave and to about their 31.13. ler, while Barber and another accomplice we“ to bury him and share his funds. The gun. had been dug, but remorse caused a revelnaig. of the intended crime and the subsequcua i - nouement. - A Pucmm RECEIVES A‘FATAD BLOW—The St. John (N. B.) Glsbe of the 24th 11“., reg-4.14s the death of a noted colored pugilist at Hamp— ton, under the following oireumslances:~He and another party had a. "set-to” with film gloves, and becoming pretty ”tight,” his 613px:- nfnf- cleared his hands and dealt nova-I's- 3 ‘s‘!- rgous blow, which felled him on therapmt. Hr; hvetl but a short time after. ' The gfi‘ect of climate on the human system is shown m a striking manner by the inhabizants of Austgalia, who, in the course of two 0: shree gensmtx‘one loose the corpulence characteristic of Englxshmen, and become a tall, gaunt, ran“ gm? race, 111“: the inhabiiants of our 50:231ch 8. DEBTS or 'ms Nonmuns Ax» Suntan: Suns—The debts of the free States thiz side of the' Rocky Mountains, in 1857, amounted to about $210,000,000; Ind of the slaveStateg (cities included, of which Baltimore and his" Orleans owed $29,518,198,) to only about $116,000,000. 0 New lhnertigemmta. EMPTY BOTTLES ! ! 5. ‘ And descriptions, for sale low by . H 900“: J... .3: co HICKORY WOOD! I—A surnnzoz LOT jun! received, and for sale in quantum; to 535?. pur chasers, by JAMIE M. WHEELER. Also, OAK AND PINE constantly on hand a: the lowest prices. dccfi STATEMENT or Tm: , H .ARRISBURG BANK. DECEMBER 4., 133'). Ann‘s : Loans and .1)i5c0unt.5......... .........$766,3i:3 {)8 Stock of the Commonwealth.....,... 50,5013 Du Spcme 71.961293” United States Low 19.51%? ”(I Due hyother Banks.,.. $90,392 7-1 Notes ofot'herßanks... 44,983 00 Stocks (all present market value) BODdS we . :a I: . .. Real E5tate“........................ Liabilitiaa' Chculation...... Dep05it5......_......... Due to other Banks $762,971: 5-. The above statement is correct, to of my knowledge and belief. J. W. WEIR, Cm... Sworn and subscribed before me, decG-dflt DAVID HAmus, 1' GUN AND BLASTING POWDER. JAMES M. WHEELER. HARRISBURG, PA., ‘ Y AGENTFO R A L L _ V P 0“ DER AND' FL Sh nuannungn a! I. E. DUPONT DE NEMOURS £1 ’33., WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. {D'A large supplynlwnyson hand. Fox-ant: s‘, mam; facturer’s prices. Magazine two miles below :1: 1:1. women; received at Warehouse. no]? COTTAGE FURNITURE, 11] Chamber Suitsroontaining DRESSING BUREA 32'. BEIJ— STEAD, WASHSTAND, TABLE, FOUR CHAIRS, and a. ROCKING CHAIR from $23 to $4O a suit. , BUREAUS AND BEDSi‘EADS from $4.50 to slot-fro, and other articles at equally low figure at £53 Ware Room: of JAMES R. BOYsil & SON, hole-dlm 29 South Seconi atmet. CABINE 'J.‘ WAREHOTISE. - JAMES'R. BOYD k 803:". - 29 SOUTH sucoxn STREET, CABINET MAKERS AND UNDERTAKJSRS. A large variety of TETE—A~TETE SOFAS. AR.“ AND PARLOR CHAIRS MARBLE TOP TABLES, B UREA vs, BEDSTEAi)S, WASILSTANDS. HA 2' RACKS, kcA Call Ind enmina our stock and prices, u; n can lell I! low as can ba bought in the flute, nolG-lilm . v - BOOT S AN D S HO‘ES. ‘,'. ’1 'JACKSON & CO. Have opened a. Boot ‘and Show Store at No. 93;; MAR - KET STREET. corner of Fourth, when: they seep con— stantly on hand a full and varied assortment of the BEST CITY MADE SHOES.. Having been engaged in tha 81101-1 UPPER BUSI» NESS in thin city for more than a. year, they are pre pared to make ALL KINDS 01“ FANCY SHOES to order, It short noiice. of the heat matéi-lué. Mid n‘i-r. muted to give sutiafacti on ev'ury way. affluent! can and exun‘iue my assort'mgut‘ befam put-chain; elsewhere. {D'Bemumber the place—9o,; Market “rest, sign 0 the [non-dam] GOLDKK BOOT. qotets. UNITED STATES H‘OTEL, soul mm- coxxun or 111 m AND lunar srlsms ADJOINING THE PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD DEPOT. IPHILADEI-IPHIA- The undersigned would regretfully inform the Public this he has film: the thaw Hotel, formerly known :9 “ THE MANSION HOUSE,” which he has mama and. nawlyvfunilhed thronghout. _ . _ - .The Romano spawns and cammodmufi, and tarnished with every convenience :0 be found in the has: Hotels in. the cit . The gUNITED STATSS” is admirablylocazeé for the convenienca of t rnyelerp, being under the same roof with the Pennsylvania Rain-om! Depot, and thus saving both luck hire and porterago of baggage. No pains will be spared to render the .: UNITED STATES ” n pleasant Ind agreeable residence to 11l who mly favor it with their patronage. Chm-gel moderate. , uc‘z'Z-damwly H. W. KANAG A, l‘mpfierox. BVUEHLE‘I’. HOUSE; MARKET SQUARE. HARRISBURG. PA. 020. I. BOLTON, I'RL-?.?..’r:rux, 4; A it 11 . The move well known And long established Hotel is now undnrgoing i thorough renovation, and being in . pen degree nawly furnished, under the proprietorship of Mr. GIOIGE J. 1501.705,th bu been In inmate or the homo for the last three years, and in well known to m gueau. Thankful for the liberal patronage which 5: has en. joyed, I nheerfnlly commend'Mr. Bolton to the public favor. je‘l-dazwy WILLIAM BBEHLEBM hmwmuz. INSURANCE AGENQY. ‘ THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSURANCE COMPAN .Y. 0]? PHILADELPHIA. INC ORPORATED 188-1. CAPITAL AND A55ET5........ . . . .téng‘vaf. ft 112' INSURANCE _ COMPANY OF NORTH AMJ'IRILA, 0F PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 1794-. mmmn AND 5551915.”..........31.m,4.5.m. The undersigned, ..3 Agent for the Ibo" well know!» Oompuueg, will make Insurance Igsinst loss In: damn-g: by fire, either perpetmlly ur annually, on propel}: in either téwngor cumin“ 2 " ' Maine “a Inland Tungportation Risk: :1» nun. Mpl, personally or b! ”3“" to ‘ WILLIaM BUIKLEfl, docl 41871! unwilling, n. EXTRA. SUGAR CUBED; 11,4318 ‘ Instruct-ind” _- ll'no‘lfi.H-,H~- vv a;r.;,,_¢_co. ---Of all aim 135,37: :4 29,000 (m 5,604) m 14,500 00 $1,093. " ME $526-$133 00 190.575 72 51,995: S“ ~. tn~•