iiATEs' 0F ADVERTISING. Fun: lines or less constitute half a maare~ Ten 111 ml i -‘ more than four, constitute a. square. liaWSQdOuajay- N“ 50.25 ' One m., onednf»—~-so.s£ “ oneweex. .-.. 1.110 ’ t . oncweek..... 1.25 H 11:19 month” . 2.00. z “ onemonth. .. 3.00 ~‘ three months. 3.00 : u threemunths. 5.00 ~» six months” . 4,90% --’ six months,” 3.0:! ~ one yeah." . 6.00: N one year...“ 10.00 fag—'- Business notices inscrzrd in the 1.00.11. 001.17“, or hczfis'e marriages and deaths, F 1 712 CENTS PEP. LINE for each insertion. {a merehgntunvj vihvu advertising‘oy they“, Err-smite. 15 will be od‘ered. ' {s' The numberofiusertions must be Aesignatedon the zivattinement. 33' Marriages and Deaths will be inserted at tho sumo ates as regular advertisements. $0035, fitafiouerg, 83c. SGHOOL BOOKS—School Dn‘ectors, 1 Teachers, Parents, Scholars, and others, in want of School Books, School Stationery, dam, will and a eomyleto “magma: It E. M. POLLOOK a: sum; BOOK STORE, yarn; Square, Harrisburg, comprising in part the mug... “lg-E— -; MFERS-—Meemy’flg Parker‘s Cobb’s All 311’: SPELL-ma BOOKs.——Me(}nfiey's: 00131111, #gbgtaxrs, Town’n, Byerly-‘s. Gombry’a. , ' ENGLISH GRAMMABS.—Bullion’s, Smith‘s, Wood bridge’n, Monteith,s, Tuthill’s, Hart’s, Wells’. ‘ maTGßlES.—Grimshaw’n, Divenport-‘s, Froaf’fi: Wfl' aon’fi. Willard’s, Geodrich’a, mumps, Goldsnnth’fl and Clark’s. flamxnc’a.—Greenleam, Staddard’u, Emerson‘s, Piie‘n 3959’5, Colbun’a, Smith and Duke’s, D‘V‘B’l- AlléEßm.—emnl¢afia, nxfie’a, Darn, Ray’s, Bridfo’n. D OTIONARYS.—-Walker’s school, Cobb’s, Walker, Womemr'a Comprehensive, Worcester’a Prim“! Wab star’s Primary, Websm’s High School, Webster’s dun-tn, Academic. Imam“. PHILOSOPHIES.—Oomtock’I Puker’n, Swift’s. The above with a great variety ofotlzers cm at my films be found at my store. Also, a complete assort want of School Stationery, embracing in the rib! In I com plete wait for manual Inn-1.9595. Any book not in the store. pmzmred \t one days notice. ' {5" country Merchants supplied at wholenale rates. ALMANACS.-—John Baa: and 8011’: Almanac [or sale Bi 3 . an. POLLOCK 6c SON’S BOOK STORE, Harrisburg. fl?" Wholesale and Retail. . myl Tim"? RE CEIVED ELHEFFER‘S BOOKSTORE, 4. DAMANTDVE 31m: T5B OF VARIOUS SIZES AND PRICES, “Mich, far beauty and use, cannot be excelled REMEMBER THE PLACE :‘HEFFER’S BOOKSTORE, NO. 13 MARKET STREET E 776?" AUCTION. F. FRENCH BEN Will supply his: old friends and customers with the following Books at Auction prices: gar-fie Railroad, 10 vols, complete, 4 illustrations 5‘ . _ Japan Expedition, 3 vols., complete, illustrated and illuminated. $l2. Emery’s Expedition, 2 vols.,‘ complete, illustrated illuminated, $lO. Congressional Globe, $1.50 per volume. Waverly NovelS, complete, 12 vols., cloth, slO. “ “ “ 277019.,hnlfca1f.$“oij em, «Etc. 11.-,4. 51’} 9f the above Books I will deliver in Harrisburg free of charge. BEN F. FRENCH, bfi- 3:8 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D. 0. f 9 =3 N E W B 0 O K S ! J U s T R E O EIY E ‘D “SEAL AND SAY,” by the author of “Wide,Wide World," “ Dollars and Cents.” Bw. “ HISTORY OF METHODISM,”byA.Stevens, I.L.D. For Bale at SCHEFI-‘ERS’ BOOKSTORE, ap9 " No. 18 Mark.) st. JUST RECEIVED, A LARGE AND SPLESDID ASSORTMENT OF RICHL Y GILT AND OR NAMENTA L WENDOW CURTAINS, PAPER BLINDS, '8! various Designs and Colors, for 5 cents, TISSUE PAPER AND CUT FLY PAPER, A 1: ~ [mil-1] - SOEEFFER’S BOOKSTORE. $374141; PAPER! WALL PAPER :1 Just received, our Spring Stock of WALL Dunn, BORDERS, FIRE SCREENS, &.c., kc. Itia the largest and best selected assortment in the city, ranging in price from six (6) cents up to one dollar and nqunrter ($1.25.) As we purchase very low for cash, we are prepared to sell at as low rates, if not lowerl than can be had else where. H purchasers will call and examine, we feel confident that we can please them in respect to price and quality. E. M POLLOGK 5.: SON, spa Buluw Jonw’ Eouse, Market Square. LE TTE R, CAP, NOTE PAPERS, Pens. Holders, Pencils. Envelopes, Sealing Wax, of the best quality, at low prices, direct from the manu factories, at max-21) SGHEFFER‘S CHEAP BOOKSTORE LAW BOOKS I LAW BOOKS 1 l—A general assortment of LAW BOOKS, all the State aeporta and standard Elementary Works, with many of the old English Reports, scarce and rare, together with :5 large assortment of second-hand Law Books, at very low prices, a: the one price Bookstore of B. M. POLLOGK J: SON, Market Square, Harrisburg. rayS filigtzlluuenus. A N ARB I V A L 0 F N E W G 0 0 I) S APPROPRIATE T 6 THE SEASON! SILK LINEN PAPER FANS: ‘FANSH FANS!!! ANOTHER nu) spmxmn LOT or SPLICED FISHING.RODSI Tron! Flies, Gut and Hair Snouds, Grass Lines, Silk and. Hair Plaited Lines, and a general assortment of FISHING TACKLE! A GREAT TARIETY or WALKING CARES! Which we will sell as cheap as the cheapeSt! silver Head Loaded Sword~ , Hickory Fancy Canes! Canes! Canes! Canes! Canes! SELLER’S DRUG AND FANCY STORE, ' so. 91 mum STREET, South side, one door out of l‘omh streét je9; B J. H Ali 3. Is , ‘ ji WOBKER IN TIN, SHEET IRON, AND » METALLIC ROOFING, 859 cm! Street, below Chestnut, ~ HARRISBURG, PA. 1:1 prepared to 811 orders for any article in his branch of business; and if not on hand, he will make to order on short notice. -‘ METALLIC ROOFING, of 'l‘in or Galvanized hon, constantly on hand. Also, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, Spouting; am. He hopes, by strict attention to the wants of his custo mers, to merit 3nd receive a generous share of public pat xon e. % Every yxomine strictly fulfilled. B. J. HARRIS, Second Street; below Chestnut- jan‘J-dly} MIME MACKEREL, was. 1, 2 and 3.) SALMON, (very superior.) EM), (bless and very fine.) HERBING, (extra. large.) CG!) 5! 1511 SMOKED HERBING, (extr’n Digby.) 5501011 nmmme. ~7 ~ , ~7 > H BARDINES AND ANCHOVIES.. 01‘ gm abovewe have Mackerel in whole, half, quarter and fight!) bhls. Herring in whole and half bbls. The entu'e lot new—mum mom was “saunas, and will sell them at the lowest market rates. 561114 WM. DOCK, In, A: CD. AMELY BIBLES, from 13 to $lO, stung Bnd thdmwfly bound, printed on good paper, with elegant clear new type sold at nah-‘3l 303 i“ FER’S Cheap Boolutare. 017 ANBERRIES :x 1_ —, *— gas: received by A SPLENDID LOT 0v OR a su erior and chea ' FSALADKOIIPgo to P TABLE 0‘ V Emma's 810 nm. THE Fruit Grower! Handbook—by WARlNG—wholuulnndrehilat . m 1 sonnnm Bookstore. SIERM CANDLES—A large supply Just received by “913 wu. mox.,n,. a; co. _ IF you are in want of a Dntifiice $0 to KILLIB’B,9I,Muke It.- 1111 mars FISH!!! WM. book. 13., a; co - —;'3: ‘ : I!” ‘3‘ ~ . Agassiz-:- .\ . 2?»: 555-1 ~ :2: . :37. 4,3: , ‘ “- 42-95:, 7 1 5:: Q .:2-: 27:4. »:N '2“ a. -{. EA. 7 ( :¢;;——. ..:, . .‘-.:vt‘.:: r-:r-.' ~. L: 2.5:; ~21“;5""' F :m; ,; “a _ ‘ flag: .; >‘ '— .1531 ‘s'": M T.“ 5.3.": _ 313:: 12,; . r—?fir§§{» :2- ML] #31:?" 525 h .2 f . z??? 5»;- if: ‘- -f‘§:’_,~. 2,3" '3 ’ é"’7€g§f’鑧> . , 3.; 5-,». ”ch, 4 2 1;; £5: £f_l*~s‘§ u :zfla: , "xii::‘rv;-:a?sir::§*:sl‘i3“ @ ~ mg; .;.- fi : 31-; pm; .i-ri': «;.--.—_ V . 33;," £321! ! Llf ~ ‘l K war: :3 =zazigzz.v_gs_;;% - - I"; ,-‘ 5”; ‘2‘! WW ‘2‘: l. I: -1 . FT""“”"‘ f}:\::,::~::;:2:3{115: 32:9,“) - m., . :1: ;;.: 2 w 4;. , , . cag'grfifiiéfg! I laid—iv: WV" ”51$? _r IQ}! In»? ;, .u :5»: 5’ ... . _w a. -=_—=:_;,:_,-,-.:v: .v» 7; "h‘ "‘ I 7 ‘ “L" ‘ w 2} . :;:.;_. :3“. a? 5,5, E A : 1 .‘r . p?,é,i:-L w a": ' 1.3-7, by 23;." if?! :3 552.: .734; ,1 in?” if; *' *2" Ij u 9 all” 5;: :;-I_,E “f? W 525: ._.."‘},‘ "*’ ‘7'" r' ' a > IF ”1"- “I '1 ,2 Ea? F . “In "HR; 7, E hp} “LAB-5 «3.x;- :,=:2:‘ ‘ril 3;”! y 4%.: , . >f‘ I i” I '0" if: E; L2“V V “”35” .5. if; _.:" J 5: : :19. 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