LOCAL NEWS. TEE Dun PATRIOT ASD wax may he had at Jack’s Book S:ure,comcr of Third and Market) .1 areets PATRIOT 2.x» E:uox.——The DAILY PATRIOT A 231) U men can be bad by Dauphin subscribers, every morning, at the periodical store of J. S. Flinn. V - - No Rum: To-MonnmL—ln Oljder to give the «mire force of the establishment the hen efit. of an apportunity to give thanks to-day, wa shall issue. an paper Immorrow. ' . 1005?- Orncm—The Post Office win be npen this morning from 8 ti}! 9 o’clock, a. m., and from 3 to .1 .12'310ck, p. m.: and at no other timc during the day. {‘NE of the "oldest inhabitants,” with which the affinity abounds, assures an exchange that “the approaching winter, from the scarcity of beach and higkory nuts, will be a mild and open one 3" A Tunxn.-——We acknowledge the gift of an ex «aeeéiugly fat “gabulier” from a friend yes‘mrdsy morning, which will be likely to serve as Am .1 am he: to~day,a.lthough we wish it to be distincti)’ understood that we always yield ‘ preference ‘0 *venison over turkeys. I‘o Knar In: mm: Wxxnows.-—We find the [ol chiag directions to keep ice from “show “iii dows,”going the reunds : Take an ordinary paint brush or sponge, and run over the glass once or iwice a day a lit-ale alcohol, and it will keep the glass as free from ice as in the middle of summer, and i: will also giveps good a polish as can be gm in any other way. ' E-m‘pm: .n- Bnur’s 11A1.1..—-The ladies belung~ tag to St. Patrick’s Church will give a supper this evening, at 8 o’clock, at Brant’s Hall—the pro ceeds {a he devoted to the purchase of furniture for the parsonage recently erected by the congregm 130 K: . 1511 the delicacies of the season will be sexed up at the supper, and the State Capital Emmi will be present and pefform during the entire evening. A IKAXKsI-‘H’ISG Sl?!‘Pßß.—Dn\?is, of the Ex change Restaéunmt, gives a Thanksgiving supper fia-night, which promises 90 be a very captinfing :fil—fir in all its bearings. We noticed yesterday an army of fowls of all kinds strung up ready for the spit,and a. large number of sacks of prime «yr-:ers carried in. With these and the other good things that will only be visible) to the naked eye when the bell rings, all who am disposed to go in Vail"; be likely to win. ' in! suv \‘snnu-T.—-A case was tried in the Court oi Common Plans of Cumberland county, last week, which excited considerable interest. It was an action for slander brought by a Mrs. Campbell against a Mr. Garver. The ease was conducted, (3!: the part of the plaintiff, with great ability by Messrs. Henderson and Penrose, and Messrs. Watts .me Parker for the defence. The proof on the 1:33! was: that Garver had repeatedly asserted that; the pinintifi‘ was a lewd woman, and some evidence was introduced to prove that her character for chastity Was not.- good, but failed to coufin es the jury that such was the fact, who renderefi a ver— die? for the plaintiff of $1,700. Cuvus BACK Duuxs.—~Saumel lino): has just returned from a second successful gunning expedi Eon to Chssapeake Bay. and returns laden with Hpofls in the shape of waterfowl of the choicest kind. This office is the recipient of three pair of Canvass Back Ducts, and for the first time in our life, we aha}! test the merits of this much-vaunted Lad highly-valued bird. As a matter of course we are under uhligations tn our friend Knox for re— membering the press, and we are half inclined to 'heiieve that much of his luck is neutered in such furesight. What with the turkey, the ducks, five or six invitations to dinner and several to supper, there is a prospect- of us being able to put in the dizzy, ea far as tan feeding anters intq the amuse _uemz incident to the day we celebrate. THANKSGH'ING DAY.-—ThiB is the annual day set apart. by the Governor, according to modern cus— -lum, as a day of Thanksgiving—a sex-l: of an extra. holiday which of late in quite as much observed as say 59: dowu in the Almanac. Its principal fea~ acres are firstly, abstaining from employment— setondly, attendance at. church—and thirdly, dis using a dinner of turkey and accompaniments, and topping 'O5 with mince pies and other at wieras . According to custom, we presume that all man ne.‘ of business, except the business of eating and zlrinking, will be suépended, and the stores and workshops closed,while the churches will all be open for morning and evening service . We hope and trust that every one has a good Thanksgiving dinner, and we beg to remind such of our readers as are blessed with plenty and to spare, that to-day is a time peculiarly adapted to remember the poor. Cussos or PBHSSYI.S’I.\"IA.—The returns for the Western District. of Pennsylvania, says the Pitts hnrg Journal, are all in the hands of Marshal Campbell, except for Huntingdon. From that county they are now due. There are forty-four counties in the district. Allegheny county has 179,952 inhabitants, against 138,000 in 1860—~u very handsome increase. We do not print the table of returns in full, simply because the county above named is not in hand. We may say,however, that the. total will not he fnr from 1,340,000. The pop ulation of the eastern district is nirudy reckoned up. It Show: 1,558,153; an increase on 1850 of 138,100. These figures imiicnte a total for the State of 2,898,100. We 3113 ll fall a. little short of three millions, and we will have about unmtenth of the whole population of the Union. Pennsylvania has kept uy fully in the race of progress. We think for the two last censuses this Stnte has held about the same proportion of the whole population of the ei-untry which we think she hill Show now. Barons Tm: MM’on.—-Five zrarelers lodged in :‘Le lockqxp (in Tuesday night-gall guilty of the finding ofience—pm-crr‘r/ I Martin O’Bryan‘ was or: his way to Pottsville, and was permitted tn re name his journey. James Evans was traveling nowhere in parliclh lax—in 5831'“! of work. ' Wm- K 011", ditto, ditto. John Clark “as also in search of wurk, and out 0! “me" John kicked against the boarding of the eetablishmentmnd was highly indignant at not receiving 8 cup Of 110! c-‘nfl'ee—mgt he scorned to eat- dry bread, to. He deelana he “a! an Ameri can citizen, and not used to such fodder. [Dun will have a spring chicken, wamegmnd ‘ cup of nice coffee prepared for the Amerieln citizen when R next lodges in the lack-up.] Thomas Kelly, when asked where he "us go ;ng, replied, «the Lord oniy knows. I must get wnrk, steal or starve.” A5l these men were discharged, and aletprskaMy at» better off no-day than they were ~yum er 58.; Couldn’t the Wide Awakes, who promised bonito" the homeless before the election, attend ‘0 unfortunate fellows, who are" unable to get any “its at all to do. 8‘ mum. Kruu'r chcav—A free 'sauer hunt lunch will be served up this evening, commencing at 9 o’olwi. M file Runtaunnt of Brooks A: L'sh-icher, under Wyet‘n’e Han. Wad. in, all Jr. who are fond of variety. + MECO EMI {Communi cated .] kins. Mann’s THAXKstmc.-—Yon'l3 snap see henas she sails along to church, in all the giory of her new Winter wrappings. Her heavy cashmere skirt, freightec? almost with its gorgeous dyes, (rails through the mud and dirt. of our pavements: really to her discomfort and ann’oyance; but “‘9 Lady’s Hook says, "skirts still worn full and VOl7 long.” And what is cleanliness when append t" fashion? Her Arabcloak, with itslook of awkward } neglige, has supereeded that elegant. velvet mantle, : whiah last winter “:on her the envy 0f 50 many ; friends, and with its now umrc shape; is the 1053 0f ' very many donate ; the rich bonnet, with its bits ; 0f gilded tinsel gleaming through the waving Ms } genta father: the costly mufi‘, in whose silken 5 fold: a pair of the softest. whitest hands nestle } from the cold; the neat, compacts foot, in its pol } ished winter hour, are all i‘n perfect keeping with i the selficomplacency which stamps her every fea— { ture. Her heart is very light this morning. Pour ; hours since she awakened to the accustomed iux— uries Ufa summer atmosphere, and breakfa‘srs just to her taste. True, long before the stars were hid den in the streaks of dawn, the “hixefl girl” had creptfrom her cold attic chamber to thestili Colder cellar, :e-kindled the dying coals in the furnace, and~ shiverod over the tempting fumes of the fra grant cofl‘ee, which she dare not; taste before "the misthrcss" had broken her fast; but Mrs. More pays high wages, a dollar and a quarter a “:r'eek, “and,” as she tvld Mrs. Bennet, "any girl who cannot do all my work for that, don’t deserve so I good a home.” ~ g Norah has had her orders for the day. They ‘were given while Mrs. More was rummaging ' through a. mass of rumpled patterns and nam phleted novels, for her prayer-hook. “I expect to find everything in perfect neatness when I return, i Norah, and be careful that dinner is not over-done ' —set the table for eight, as Mr. More wili bring ‘ home some guests with him—and be sure you don’t. ‘ mortify me, by having the turkey burned, or the oyster prams tough. Don’t forget to keep an eye oéer that- oyster boy, and see that he gives good measure, for they’ll cheat if they can. Just 'give him this half-dollar and two ten-cent pieces for them ; .it- is enough when I take three quarts, and, Norah! while you are sweeping the parlor: and hail, bolt the kitchen door, or Lhare’ll be a string of cold victuais children around the stove before you know it.” “Can't you give them that cold veal pie for a Thanksgiving .7” “ thit nonsense—no. Let Carla bare it for his supper; but if there is any more ot‘ihm sour bread in the closet, you may give it w your --- for sifting the coal ashvfi yesterday.” And with a sigh at the taxation levied upon her benevolence, Mrs. More launches into the street, and moves with the crowd into the church, “Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise,” rings from the lips of the choir. “Be thankful unto .Him,and bless His name, for the Lord is good,” says a voice from the sacred desk, and thank God, from out the depths .of many true heal-is rises an earnest Amen. They thank Him for the bountiful harvest, which has made our cup of posperity overflow with fatness; for the world of beauty, which is not among the least, of his countless blessings; for the joys of home and the hope of heaven, and the; while around and among us, flit shadows of change and disorder, in Him is strength and entire repo.