1311 S 0 E .1; .i', A 2:": Eur Myra—lt. is lruz- \hn'. .57: {OH h .119sz but 1:62:11 is (Em: man wim ’ V roughly superior to his_clnlhiug.~ its influence; in whom. for instance, see iincse ofcostume produces no moml ittuniliutinn. ran-l consequently, through :1 lovez-c-l depression of the intellectual t‘ut:cti-_ms.——t’o‘x old Ben J ohnson’s adage suits must of 11:3 " (in: cfclothes out of countenance, out 01" counte» nunce outcf wit.” lt has M3Oll ivt‘Elt tun-is to appear that the studied guilt of great men is by no means without. significance. Vic Pare little doubt that it operates as Well:tsitirlie.:los _that. it. is often not merely :1 sign, blll 5 “E‘s—‘9' But- of clothes, the morale is far greater 2119.11 the intellectual expression ; forcing “11-31 f ’1 man, as it. were, (:1; extra, and “If” YQ')’ {3‘ tensely, the qualities, and {mumsHHS:~ mm W“! the character of those whose costume be purely profeseional or not. A whole €011.35 39_E{YIS to press upon a man. with all us“ (INKS, thn the combined weight of'all its indtv‘tdunls to stamp and assimilate him—to farce lum, as the term is. to be -4 worthy of the cloth” which he has adopted. Who will deny that some of our very best soldiers have owed the first: budding of their bravery WU" cOllfiidel'ttltly to their uni form—_that the actor acts with more spirit when he is dressed 13* his Part, than at a miserable repetition Without. costume? Take an indi viduul. consczcntious in his dealings, and sober in his fashions; invest that individual with a green cut—away coat rather the worse for wear, insist. upon his adopting an indifferently shabby white hat, planted ratherjuuntily askcw: this is enough; we leave the lower part of the in ’cgument to the fancy and the mercy of the reader; does the latterinmgine forone moment that, the moral qualities of the individual in quesdon would not undergo a gradual deterio ration? On the other hand, the scump, or the swell, to whom the green cutaway coat. origi nally belonged, but who has exchanged it. for our sober friend‘s suit of black, with the short gantuloons, the shoes. the grey worsted stock izlgs‘, andhat, the hinder rim of which gently reposes on the coat. collar, this transmitted scamp, we say. after a month’s uncomfortable experience of the new costume, feels himself gradually oppressed by a. compulsory gravity, feels less and less enjoyment. in his penny cigar, begins to think slang at. first questionable, then decidedly out of character, and, if still irre olaimable to the paths of virtue, at. any rate lays down the blackgnard and bully, and does homage by taking up the hypocrite. Our clothes, indeed, seem to bind us, in honor, to certain conformity of action; a man does not like to be infidelis ergo 1388(an scam : perhaps he feels some delicacy about disappointing the exnectaaions of his fellow creatures formed upon the promise of his outer man. We could imagine few people both more inconsistent and more unhappy, more shaken and wavering in their morale, than a being compelled every week to draw blindly a fresh suit from a secondhand clozhcs’ warehouse. His case would he differ:- cnt from that of the public performer, who de rives momentary aid indeed from the dress which he adopts, but does not. retain it long enough ata time to admit of its deeply influen cing his character. Let. us draw these general rays of luminous remark to 9. focus, and bring it briefly to bear upon the sul'vject of hats. No part of the Eu clishman‘s costume hush-92:1 so much dencunced 2:37 the Englishman himself, 11939 px'xc-uouncc-d m he '5O ugly, in-aliuzml. and in all respects so inconvenient. as the ordinary average English hat. Yet must there cxli-‘L in this kg: Same se cret propriety. some sperlzzl illness. fov, in spite . f leLquy. no pot-lion nI; :lze Englishman’s wizume lm's undergzmu $0 few me::u~.;o:‘;\llcses: we exam-pt imllxi‘lunl z-xtrux‘ugaucc in {his arti cle. the infallible erialence o: mac-ch, and in fallibly aggravating it; an abnormal but, nude .10 ordcr, )S zhe corollary of “111113": “ consum m :19 flower,” and the seeds lie at its base ; to :53 rule we never knew an excemion. There has been, it mus: be ainiittcd. a great innovation in the cam (xi'zhe wide awake, in an its ugly varieties; but newr‘imve Englishmen. except. when spewing. travelingror gardening. .3“; many scarcely even :heu, taken to it Emily. h is secretly fch. not IO he a. gcnlEeman‘s (us zume ; the most aristocratic general bearing. the most cum-drawn expression of face, zhe fiusipoiu! de vice puucxiiiousness in xhe rest of {he attire. wii'l nut, at any rule in the streets 91‘s. mwu, sulfice to support the wide. awnke's inherent blackgual‘dian and make ii tulemb‘m; larxher, in may be asserted, that the Wide awake, when persisted in, together with all those loose, arbitrary. ”cg/1:3” habilimema which so often accompany it, indicate, 13.3111 :15 prece «Zent and consequent. an ia-regufar impulsive will. anda sla'ckeneil self-discipline, The only person that can be excepted from (32953 remarks is the reader. Altman/Ls WARD ox “Pam's cf inteilcck has got his Eon. Danil Websfer‘s Furl. was to speecherfy in the Hauls of Kongrics B‘. make Dicksiuumries. Shakspeer rote gond plaze but he woodcut Lev bin wuth a pint of kold Sider as a. simmer grsifick Reportir. Wood hi‘: Hey? lie bet 2 dollars he woodcut. Hem-y Ward Bitcher wood make a good end man for the kork Opel-y minstrels, because he can cackle well. Old George Washington‘s Fort was to not hev any public man of the present day resem ble him to any alarming cxtcm I WhE-re bowls cw George’s ekal be i‘uuud? I ask, 5; haldly unser no whares, or any Wharcs else. Old man Towusiu‘s Eel-t was to maik Sassy rilier. “Gov to the warm: another life saivedf” (Coiashun {mm Tcwnsix’é adver- iiscmenf.) Cyrus Field's Port is to 1:1)? :2 sub-machine tenergmf under the boundin hiiler of the (Elma a: then hcv it Bust. Spa‘flin’s Form is to mail; Preyard Gino. which meuds everything. Wonder if it. will mend a Emmi-S winked waze. (Impromptoo goak.) Zoary‘s Furl. is to be a {email circus fei'taz‘ My Fame is the grate moral Show 1:22.115 “Lin 0110th famzly htemtoor for the noospa pers. That's what’s the mailer with 7:52. _&c., &c.. &c. So I mile go on to an indefi mt extent. - Twict. I’ve eudevered to do things which they wasn’t. my Fort. The fast, time was when I undertuck to lick a. oudashus cuss who cut a hole in my (em 8: krawld threw. 392 I, “my jentle Sir, go out. or I shallfaull onto you putty bevy." Sez he, “Wade in, old Wax figgers,” whereupon 1 went. for him, but he cam. me pOWert‘ul on the lied & knockt. we threw the ,tent into a cfnv pastur. He pursood the attack 3" flung me "110 a mud puddle. As I aroze Al: rung out. my drenclu. garments I koncludid fitin wasn’t my Fort. Ile now rise the kurtin upon Seen 2d: It is rarely seldom that I seek consolashun in the Flowin Bole. But in a. ser tin town in Injianny in the Faul of 18‘— my orgin grinder got sick of the fever anti died. I never felt so ashamed in my life, & I thawt Ide hist. in a. few swallers of suthin strengthenin. Konsequents was I histed in so Inch I dedent— zactly know whare bowts I was. I turned my livin wild beasts of Pray loose into the street. & opsot my wax wurks. I then Bet I could play boss- So I hamist myself to a Kanal hate, there bein two other horses hitched on likewise, 1 behind & another ahead of me. The driver hollered for us to git & we did.-—- But the bosses being onused to sick :1 arrange ment. begun to kick B*. squeal 85 rair up. Kon sequents was I was kicked vilently in the slum muck 8; back ti: presuntly I found myself in the Kanal with the other bosses, kickin 8: yellin like a. tribe of Cusscarorus savijis. I was rescued, & as I was hein carried to the tarvern on a hemlock BordA I Bed in a feeble voise, “Boy-,‘éplayin hoss isn‘t my Fort." 'MAnAun—Never don’t. do nothin which it isn’t your Fort, for cf 1’?“ do youll find your self splashing in round 1n the Kauai, figgem tively speaking. T“ TRAfiUGAR CUBE'DHA‘MS ”1?" "mm”! w. Doox. m., In co 1 m; Anauxzuurzox oz.- LANGUAGES—TiIer» is a growing Zen-«my in 1:124 3.19 to "lll’JFC‘L‘YirliL’ tip: most expressive Mania v: (-t‘u-r Luxuflgf“: hni after a while to inzor {brute $l.O 1: into our OW4; thus the Worl L‘l-plmlicf which is .‘mm the (in-ck. Fignifyln; “for the he 13:” is new becom i:x;;=o;=3l3l's£9u‘ 'll c'nue-ction with Mr. Spailéng’s great Eli-_RL-‘L'ue Hum-IY7 blit at will sax-n lie Its-:1 in a more gen cm! m?- Swl the ward Cephali: will beau me as common H“ Hit’GW-‘UPE and 111-my othe.s whose distinction as :‘or- I‘f!!! “'virds has been worn away-Ely .csnuxm :mge until 15"."5‘391“ “native a to the. manor born." ~VI'L' lilL‘T'ill l NEI E5l ’a'J. ‘n ’eribie-‘exdache Lhishuzteruoon: 113.211 1 s‘upppd into the humthecariua hand says Li to in: man; "Canyon hease me of :n ’eadacte?" “Bars it hache ’ard,” says ’e. “HESCchirglj’,” says hi. Imm won that ’8 gave me a Cephalic Pill, haul ’;on me *cmr it cured me 5»: quick that I ’zrdly realized 1 ’ad ’ad an ’eadtche. {Fummcmz is the favorite si;zz by which nature makes known any deviation whatever from the natural sum of the brain, and viewed in this light it maybe loohe‘l on as a sa’eguard intendel to give notice of disease which might r therwisc escape altenlion, till too late to be reme— died; and it: indications should never be neglectcd. Heal aclxes may be clamificd unier two names, viz : Symptoma tic and Idiopathi:. Symptomatic Hoaiacha is ex:eedingly commonand is the precnraor or a great variety of liiieases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheumatism and all febrile diseases. In its nervous form it in sympathetic of dist-as: of the stomach constituting sick headache, of he patic disuse constituting biliaus I'lgarlackc, of worms, constipation anl ozher disorders of the bowels, as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases or the heart are very frequently attended with Heafaches; Anmmia and plethora. are also affections grhich frequently occasion headac he.— liliopathic Headache is also very common, being usually distinguished by the name ofucn'ous handrails: sometimes coming on suddenly in a. State of apparently sound health an}. prosimtxng at once the menu: ani physical energies, antl in otlrr instmnms it comes on slowly, heralded by de pression of spirits or acerbity of temper. In most instan . ces the pain is in the front of the head. over one or both eyes, and sometimes prowking vomiting; under this class may also be name-i Neurflgn. For the tregtmeut of ekher class of Headache the Ca phalic Pills have been found a sure and safe remedy, relie ring {he most acute pains in a few minutes, and by its subtle power eralicating the diseases of which Headache is the unerring index. Bnlnaar.—3lissus wauzi you to send her a box of Cep— haiic Gina, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills—but I’m think ing that’s not just it n‘lithez; but perhaps ya’ll be afther knowing what it is. Ye see she’s nigh dead and gone with the Sic! Headache, an! wants sums more of that same as relaived her before. Brigggisz —You must mam: Spaliing’s Cephalic Pills. BrutaL—‘Ja‘u ‘. 81138 new and you’ve sezl it, here’s the quartherauj giv me the Bills anl dont be all day about it uni-19:. No one of the “many ills flesh in heir to” is so prevalent, so lime understand, and so much neglected as Castiveness. Often origiuaitin; in carelessness or sedentary habits; it is regard-3:1 as a siight disorder of too little consequence to excite anxiety, whiie in reality it is the precursor and companion of many 01" the most fatal and dangerous dis ezisesi and unless early eradicated it will bring :he nufi'erer to an untimeiy grave. Among the lighter evils of which costivenels is tue usual attendant are Headame, Colic, Rheumatism, Foul Breath, Piles and others of l he nature. while a long train of fr ghtfnl diseases such a: Malignant Fevers, “messes, D;sentery: Dina-hum: Dyspepsia, Apo plexy, Epilepsy. Paralysis, llflStßl‘lfl, Hyp Jchoudrinsis: Melancholy and Insanity, first indicate tbs-ix presence in the system by this alarming symptom. Not unmequently the diseases named originate in Constipation, but take on an independent existense unless the cause is eradicated in an early stage. From all zhese considerations it i’oilows that the fiisorisr shoulu receive immediate attention when ever it occurs. and no person shou‘id neglect to get a box 05 Cel‘haiiz: Pills on £3l . first appearance of the ccmoiuint. as their randy the will exp-:1 the insiifoui nppmnches (f disease 3111;185:175." this dangeruus foe to human lile. 1 t Y . ‘4 ‘3 l - ‘ .T l ..;'. I, .Lfi‘lluiflche ' 7 u-' ' "- V ”OTB. 110 :’ S '1 P; y Icl'ul , . .Mrs "Curr—'3o.“ Z Lia'siur. all gone: m- pii'. you sent cured m- injzm twenty minutes. 3:11 I wish yo I would senvl more 3%.! that I can have. them 11211-13". Physfici‘mr-You can get them at any Druzgists. 02311 for Cephalic Pixls, I find they awe: hil, 311-1 1 ncommend them in 3.21 6.1535 ul‘ Headache ' Mrs. L 1 vs —I small sen: for a box direct”, an} shun teu nil my suiering :‘rienis, for they are a real Waxing. 'lwmzn' Mum-alas 0? DOLLARS SHEA—3l:.Qpnuinz has soli 1w: mix-lona of bani-Is of E—zia celebraie-l Prepared Glue an.‘ i: ‘25 estimatei tun: each bottle ewes at least ten dollars worth of broken in :uitu'», mus mama; an aggre~ .gdte of iwamy millions of c. 0113." recmmxe‘l from to‘a'. loss by this nimble inventiou. lltYing Inn-i 9 his Glue a houseLvli ward. he nuw prams-gs 10 do the world still gleam: uprtice El}: curing all ma aching new: with his Cepha‘zic Pill; '11:} if they are as gond as his Glue, Head aches wi'i 53:21 vanishn'fiiy like snow in July. m—‘ivsi Exm‘rxxss‘r, an i the mental care and anxiety incident to the cl=).=e attemim: to business or study, are among the nutuevcu= mug-3i of flex-17mm 110341118319. The disordered stat»: of mini. and boiy incident to thisdirtrens in; cnnplaiut is a 11:51 him? In all energy audamhition.— Suflerers by tafis dzsxde: can always obtain speedy relief from these ii—ztrefiinz attacks byusing one of the Cephalic Pills Wain-ever tile symptoms appears. It quiets the over taskej brain. aul soothes the strained an-l ju‘riug nerves, and {SLIX’ES :19 tension of m: stomach which always ac gongpanies uni :1; ;I'sV,ltss tue disorder“ coalition of the ram. ‘ r. » 1n X 1 FACT wears mevxxv. —spaiding’s Cephalic Pills are a. certiin cure for flick Headache, Bilioua Headache: Nervous Heainche, Costivaness and General Debiiity. GREAT D:seovaav.—-Among the most important of all the great medical dxszoveriea oft‘nia age may be considered the a‘stzm of vaccination for protection from Small Pox, the Cephllic Pill for relief of Ileadlcha. and the use of Quinine for zine prevention of Fevera. either of which is a sure sg‘ecific. whoa; bandit; will he experienced by suf fering humanity 10:1; aft-2: their discover-em are forgotten. Fm» you. ever have the Sick Headache? Do you remember fas- thmbhiug temples 2 the fever-ed brow, the loathing and disgust at the sight of food? [law totally uufit you were for pleasure. conversxtion or study. One of the Cephalic Plus wou‘ii ‘uu'e relieved you from Jill ths suffering which you than experiencei For this and LthPr purposes you should 12w 13's have 3 mx 0:" them on ha nd to use a? ace-{530:1 requires. Qécgu maeég Nervousfieafia‘che 4;, r was K, 1111169 0 Elimgaheg ME By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of Ner vous or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness wiil be obtained. They suldom {iii in removing the Nausea. ani Head ache to which females are 30 subject. They act- gently upon the bowels:- removing Costive. ECM For Literary Men, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable as a Laxative: improving the appetite, giving zone and rigor to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole Iyitem. ‘ The CEPHALIC PILLS are the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments, having been in use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and Bufiering from Headache, whether oxiginating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. The] are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at all times with perfect ssfety without ma king any change of diet, and the absence of any gang. greeable taste renders it easy to admmister them to children. BEWARE or comrnmmrsz The genuine have five Sanatures of Henry C Spalflin 01‘ each 1301. ‘ 3 Sold by baggie“ and all other aealers in Med' ‘ A Box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipzlzlfmtal: PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. All orderlshwm be ““8““ t° Haunt C. SPALDIN , 48 CEDAR STREET NEW 3 mum:- ’ Y' 1“" filial-rilanmnfi. ’ardly Realized Constipation or Costivene’ss. A Real Blessing. filifiintsfi 631115. 13ENTISTRY. ' TILEL’NDERSIGNED, DUU'IU ii 01" DENTAL SURG ERY. Bespoctl’uliy tenders his professional services to the citizens of Harrisburg and vicinity. OFFICE IN STATE STREET, OPPOSITE THE BRAD Y HOUSE. 59232545;th B. M. GILDEA, D. D. s. R. O. WEICHEL, SURGEON AND OCULIST, RESIDENCE THIRD NEAR NORTH STREET. He is now fully prepared to attend promptly to the duties of profession in all its branches. A Lost; Asa van? swccsssrcn mama“. EXPERIENCE justifies him in promising full and mnple satisfaction to 1!.“ who may favor him with a. can, be thedisease Chronic or any other nature. mlB-d&wly “I W. HAYS, ' A'i‘TOR;NEY-A§T-LAW. O FF] CE, WALNU STREET, BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD: ~‘}Pfl__m 7 WWEAEEE‘E‘32 .95,”me ~[sl_l_¥~ THEO. F SCHEFFER, BOOK, CARD AAVD‘JOB PRILVTER, fans No. 13 Market Street} Harrisburg. W’M. H. MILLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice corner of MARKET STREET and the SQUARE (Wyeth’s,) second floor front. 1? Entrance on Market. 539$ “31:4 yd&w S P.AUCHMUTI, I ~ ATTORNEX AT LAW, MILLERSBURG, DAUPHix Comm-Y, PA. Will practice before the Dauphin, Northumberland and Perry County Courts. Prompt attention given to the collection of claims All kinds of conveyancing executed with dispatch. Land surveys made at shortest notice. dec2